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They ihlnir If o man docx ii thins s r. In-ordcr'to-jfct-inoncy-he'Jhotilil 'Cr/ ... inont of the.food you cat and lhe clothes you wear if nobody could make a lirufil by ...

IM t, U K A IN U tlb T



Dir. Frank r

c o x :]m 1 3 ^

H a m m e r ’s - E s la y o n S o u p p n

S d i y s - g ; ® "J THE MORAL ASPECT OF THE _ .._ _ W A C E _ S tS T E M : __________j

^age 4 .

It’s a

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;V o i c c o f d a h o ’s *a p e ra tiv e


- O f g ; in i^tlo 7 iV .“

^^IC n o ck o u t

Uiuatt}' tho money-RiiikinK in­ O M M U N IT Y P A P E R O F dividual set« a very blnck oyo --------------------------------from moat hl«h>brow Writers They ihlnir If o man docx ii thins s r In-ordcr'to-jfct-inoncy-he'Jhotilil 'C r/ bc nomewhnt nMmmeU uf It. ^ “~ M E 8 MTY, ID A H O , FR ID A Y ’, 'JA N U A R Y 27, 1928. N u m b e r 60 ' l winh to w y a Boud wonl for the dcslto to mnke moaey. tl r r xcrini to RIO ll is nboui thu iiioiii I T H E R E I I K S I T S '- ..... .. ■Ilbrrl f . llfiil N e t V ............... % ■ wholcnopic deairc In the humnn bo»om. W hsl would wc do unlcM pro|ilc eoiild mnke motii-y? The cut ' Wu burn In tlie houxv would rc4uaia-iA-llii>-«0BUr-U>0r(uwrrr-rK>----Iirofiti In (iikinK ll uul und ]iip> Ine ll li> Ihc ren^ence. You could nol hnvc cli-ctriclly iinlejs ll pnid nomebody lo brlnjr Q j ird e n Beaiv C om p an ies —A sso ciated ) , U to your house. . J 2 ^ \ S o u th e rn Idaho Beet G ro w e rs A sso ciation You wciuld linve to du without S eed G ro w ers, Inc. Eaich L o sin g Id en tity W e n t to B a t in S a tisfac to ry St}’Je u'itli inont of the.food you cat and lhe A f te r 75 Y ears m th e Bi tsincss T h ro u g h o u t clothes you wear if nobody could / : Amiilg, an ia tc d S u g ar C o m p an y w ith Spirit make a lirufil by gupplylnj; yuii tlie U n ited S ta te s. I o f C o o i ^('ration P revailing. wilh Ihrm . Wc should bc very Klad lo kIvc 'nsod llie nitni)..'! O f iliip o f tn iil lo fiil iii lf i’irsl is th e a n n o ttiii'c in e n t t h a t > II l.inb,. Ilri'l Crott. .llicre Middlemen numoliilntf-for . callle broaviit it. 1 i.iui lh,' Aiaal.-a'‘''“"I' Ihelr brnina. W ithout their h t - I '" '' e e o ld o.stabliiihL'il s e e d K row ini ir f ir m s h a v e . i e d d e d to _____ Ih'rl ,'.,in|i:iiiy inv. f” '' f-'vdin;; Ihi IS addin;: miuth.T vlecH life woulil.be burrcn Indeed. pu( ll th o i r in liT c.it.s atui in th e f u t u r e n s d iii' eo m .'dii of Die ruKar — — ii;id Ih.'ir arm CivinK iii'oplu waRts or jiay 1> (iur ly. w liic lj w ill l)c Iciiown a s Ihu A s s o c ia t e d S e e d U ro w w-.vy wu inducc peii))le lo iilenl; Kiwjil ____ Wilhuut .tbis .ysleiu of pi.yliiK « llowliihdM, Vic- pr>-Hi,l,.nl; I T V Jicople for thclr labor there vvoulil . ' for 'm iu '.'rn 'rliabu, fr..m b,.(ii t)„ ! •rick M. Clark, vio.- pr.'.U a I be nunc of il nnd .Merritt Clnrii, n e ^o . SBSst 1'" '“' I Kepri'.' le. „ P '' f 'announcem ent h.lntes thnt noeicly renls upon It. fl'27 coninili menll will in- • five cnrs o l polnn e n t a m i H a r d w a r e ConEvery mnn or womnn ' nhould ^ ' j Tiie I.Tiiis „ f III,- ni'W .■ontrael. dinchnrKed by eneh of iho 'u l'n shipprd in lini nut only be busy bul shuuld be t e rn l i n t e r T w in K alis ,compnnies. It «iii. tiiere.'I'U tile Mi,-m- .'".a- i;„i,,.,i s i.,1,". I n'.t Wi'ek. ..ne car busy nbuul Komelhinir thai the C «rnu- of f.O yenr nuo. The only slnle |o cx■fit. nt 1•witt>-nlls nnd Huhl by the rein mldition l.> lh. ceed Idaho in \ olume wns Mninr, i.lo rr of Allan Compnny f M o o ti i The waKc nyslcm Is n lent ly eonl. jm rchasers, the' 'Mountnin pnv.'',''lli ■ivi.le.l tbe (;r...'.-.r. whicli mnvi-d u o.ui Ifid car... per • J.din II. Allnn Sei-d eom- D K which you know ihnt vour work is Slat cs Implement company. Hi.-ii''d u|. a n linlmmti of ;.,onn ,|;iv, ^ll.les Ihc wri-kiv p'.itnto upprceinlcd. The slore here will occupy the ' » lirise by" Joim II. Allnn In . Tht- jc n r lh, ii„..K.'l r.'view is.u.'d by Wendell Nu mun should be nshBmed'of nsme lueatlun a s did the Reyni.bis ‘ '‘' ‘■i' nt I'iciun, C m . .Mr. Allnn |“J7'^1 conimiitir- l.f- ihi.ipctr.lii >.toekn ir Ihe nlnlo th-nned ime experiments IbrouKhout . Cl ticel Ci.iw irs « '-lu p mu'cli furlie : th n n usunl. 'U ',. ............... ................ -.-X He Mounlnjn C 'E n d ..................................... ........— ................................-i! «te'i ">Se''•. Utah, nnd the Hufton Im;. Anibony, Idnho. j f a farmer al Uuhl usetl larj'e ( lu a n t ilic s o f h ui'ley h. nent company of Ok'dea, Utnh, 'M l nf .Me.M.irli'y p a i t . r d i s l r i e t. Tht;. »ii:, f„l|.,.,.llilis di.t.- IKO y will Kliiddett the lieurtn uf diver, rlv'i 11: of itr,i«i-r-. a: .... lli.iUKh th rre m ly be between 10,. 1,'niiiy niKl is i,einvun..-''l I'.'' ‘i ""'.'til , revv no(hiti)' but oat« und ano h e r f a r m e r a t M an. .,riiv.-liri':id. iil of Ihr movrment of whenl, four ncren corn, 10 neres **'“■le o f Ileynolds Urothers com- V' ,, )’ of Idnho. i ' " '’ m a n i. it 4laiisen and thc man at llai s e n b nuK lil Iii.-. k’reni ns indicnird _______ ' |a iieialinii. bnriey nnd the le rl of his lnnd l’»": nt.T w ln K u ik lh the nnlurnl itrowlh then fro m thU'fiian at liiihl, each of tliei n h a iiliit} ' th e K rain f 'Uirar lir.'l, in liir " ‘'"U'pnriso It with Innl reasnn will he In hay. T he officern nnd direcloru of , • * ^ busine:.'.. u.Ki th^ .U-iuc on h n v k B o r a h F r o w n s l ’^ ';;' iijul fivvU^ vicivv Vln; vm»i Iv, \vh;tv svm iui pei>. rutati.ui-pm iiroio-i— ,eon.paay_..re: S. S..^Eeele.,, While inlklnt: wllh Mr. Wnll, iL iu jim lL J u a J « illL r _ jm ii;t ,y - rw tr tH n ) H h e - i n e n l« K ii itii c } l r S h i p P r o g r a m . ....rr ami mnr .• •'Vid.'nl..';i,'h.yint ' The drmnnd n l Mnho shipplnir .tlio-fiel.l-nrrortn-ftrr-thp-lrtatnr*!’' ^ ; irade in itenerni on the one i.. , , , , vhole proeeedinjC would look r e n nnlrr MT.n'd','1,';,. -oinls hm. recc itly he(.n morr for Cltiien wnlked around' thn l.nrn rrei -hlent’; ll.'ll. j’u r l'iin -le e 'p r e ^ nnd the farni communiUei proirram ,'i i from ovrr -tlosi'H of |..ri'.ltali|.'lN'ii' l; K. n. Uennell, scerelnry. ‘ e olher, otiier wurehuuses nnd pnrl ly craded stock, Th,. aiit iiiiiistration lut nnd dineovered 12 milk cuws, !ker, to .say tho least, ■surer; L. T . , Dee, director; lOU InyhiK henn nnd 2S.h«Bi(. U built in n.ii.plemenl the »er, lelatively, lhal very thiuK is hi pperlin^r o n a l>i;r l->r enh.ririnir till, nnvni .Mr. a irit,. . ."i-, in parii cular o r ri-).iiii- |.,>.{and there has been n nliirht nnr;i IlrowninK, director; luui .M . ntnn:in i>rlw\en "r ih.- u .I. In 111., lune of ?M)ll..|im,.h ...1 any one faint ,r..|. iiijrl.wini; of lhe is eii’. y tu rbe.how Wnlf In JU'xsl om M iiiouri velley, I'""-' uwny ■y.produel liitl adds I-nnded cars ^ fU . 5. No. 1 lln:.. .« I ,« l, c r r . l . .n im , „,„1 ^try. Most of .thu lines of "“J!”,, ds o f bit: hu.slne.-s lb fertililj '• nnd n r i.ila rliu .lsrts buv.- mdd .'ii.b tr:„'l, „m^,W-----of the B rooklyn'navy yurd, that ....... . a fact. Tho, couniry the Uniled Slntca la aboul to en- Imp ........ "■ ....... .!» U, Ti: . larountl HOc. w itb n frw bi'il nl led by i.ome of lheir liuuses nn only a im all frn c '‘I 'U|>remney Is the motivi. b.linicrj "nTe eiiliun Tl "ii'u'ili.Mls :.u.'T 5n7rTimi-M,1iTv- :iniruTii'rdnmT"sii.--— t>resenl the com|intiy's hend,‘,',‘'^1” we cel Ml tieeply i-ncroii-1 , Ihb pork il contumei ' , ern are nl Milford. Conn., order lo maitilain commercial *iiu" ^or more ihnn n c wilh nn oi'ca-' , f ,,.,,, „n,j nn nilded prolit *iv ies completo line bf repairs president docs n o t feol that it i a t l»omo. ■ TWi Ulleresl.i alay be piiitccled. cur n l i Oc, w hilr coiiibinrinnn, S l. AnVl'iony, non oa winch we hnie would bo in keepinj: .with ,the nnfi nre brin u ln s Ihelr repMr serrnrm whicb i. r.-firc I linn j-rades rn need firi(/rtli)('-nnil — = r r = r f r r — ...... ^dded to ilm i »«_are_ihippin5_ e . . y _ J -----T T ■, A.Mo«, Tell,I,, ,i„ l F ll.r, " " J " mnrket-ndvnnlhtr.-s-.n-ouf 4 Jdncliil°-o^fao-«pa«oh-for-'hlm vleo-u p -,t« -tlK .-h i« h w l Mandnrd >roducli lo ..II el a f o r P re s id e n t K'^-from +he Jirescnce nf lie,•I,', in n few of best IS hik-h ns (if.e. In ; M F tld j; W ul,., cm! Sn- jT .,;. ' • to personally tnke coKni*ance of of '..fflclency. ' loM. Lnnd thnl IniK bron I l.'uckin'; the c Vnbinntion i-rad.'r, M il . n e n t In c re a s in g , of the Itoiky mountnlnn ,i„ j ntnlemenls of thia kind from ofproperly cullivnti'd|‘> cnnsldernblo number of hakrrs ................................... Hii t l K . . . . , C .m p .., ,v a vnst,-l'apldly-owltiB title npples. The neiiiliimodilies. True 111. I. operatioiv. •= . . ' II. Keeney & Sun wns inrnther lim n .try to force . n lor hn» IOC ncren devolcd moMly *1,*?;ico Oily lo iipend’ lh'u liollduyH T hr priees t< fluctuntc'd but wim .' '. '*5', I. be very , briirbi ln-|,|,„t i„ „ „uin ruesM'ti the proidrin I hcr 'fnmuH* aviator son, is •■ )f other kind:, on lo peojde , over hnn he..|i on ido of tbe continent, ,, in' public affaisc f:"'llireiy mnnufu leluri'.l Into .'..ticn- V. .S. No. 1 1.utwpl);hl over III" The pusl senson while prndueinit eeney nn president nnd K. inindliies? No. we wil I. Ills first public daiuonstruV,’ .,.in freiKbl all the way; com' ,7 ' : c o n .tru c iiy ihin*. in |ir„„.,| ,,rodu. II blRhly coIorcd crop wns disop:ls nl I,...... . TH . warehouse t.oi lers, or 7&f'HUe r W oodruff ii» Irensurcr nnd l'"J'"": look elsewhere f. Clyde Miller ure _ _ 7 3 ::.i.7r : r x = T r r r ? i rr. ' t - ’ • z : IP imronlji o f n buby icirl, Mr. nnd Mr:.. 0. W, lltirhc . n. >lr. and MrK. Miirloy lH:ieKhr:in ,, rlnincd ;nli(nit (even yoiiu».' In- »re llie (lai'onin of n liiii.y ijoruj ille« from C;inlloford wlili r;idio •''uti;iriii*y, Jiinnary I’l. .Mulhor! __________nnd iiuiiv uro doin? nieelv._______ I _ |Kiiinriluy *vvU livor i.. tV,i- '."iiifi rn nc-Ii which thoy uill rnrm fur rr. Uoviiiv nnd ron. I i. : pm J M j'*' 0 I'ominkT yt'iir. irdiiy iiiKht nnd .Sun.l..v »:;i; I H The l.uiirl* fnmily Imvc reuli-il livci. ill Twit, !'';:ll,s |8 [n, e Alible- rnnc'i fo.- the co.,iim: V.;i, (unsu'il l.vl J'*' ur. Thin of .Mr. nmi Mr.i, i ’r ii iM.I. .• ■nr by Mllnn DivilliiM.

C H A M P IO N K N O ( : k e r o f I d a h o ' rt»». of lK» Unleni VIby wero iinli'lly murrii-d lie

I '


Darry Adecjuate Stocl of I ' We Will C Maciiiiier^r and Repctirs in the fol- I lowing liiKes— r

— FA IR V I E W* '


Moline Plows & Tillage Spri) sp“lmplemeMs Milwaukd^]yi[o\w r& H a y Osbc Rakes 'I an Eme;rs 6 n-&aiiti ingliam Letz I fllA l I 'implements Vikitig Cream Separators Fpirk Olivei' Plows j a t u ie s |r" BlaSL-HaiyJk^S]pr-eaders— Idea! frund on no otherla. tt Superior Drills ■ Masse'i/'Ha^ris. ’Binders; i Gf The Herscl\el R.epair Line Bailor Bean H aryesters ’ Aijd

a g f i e l d 'S c h u t t l e

3r n


I ~ F r id n y a n d S a tu r d n y M jxlince a n d N ig ^ l





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' M o v ie f « n i a n d l c H lic* h a v e 1 tfro v fp e d K o n M a y n a r d k i n g ,o f - o u ( d o o V - d r a m « r — 1r h r r e l s - a - r e B 8o n — y o u 'l l ' k noW j il « f t e r y o u 'v e * e en •'“T h e R e d R n i d r r s " . ~ - h i s ' g r « « (e * tl -Tb'* fatneui A rabian horta. Ta|;rinE a 2 < lra tn « e r itille d " M a n C r a ie y "

rniri:.^! MX»r‘Wa> 8 — Vloin O ff ic e , 0 8 d c n ,.U t n h . , , I.


W H dlit

W IL L IA M R E E D , C e n t r a l Nl a n & g e r ''


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t i v a t o r

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CLA N D C O . ) 2d Ave. E nti • Pboaa 719 NSEN AUTO CO.. Hac«rnian,!rdAhi9! SOLOMON MOTOR CO.. Q.ikicr, rd*ho;v A. M. WIKER MOTcrform ancc, c n J i France n n d e c o n o m y ' bccansiT . . . P o n tin e a lo n e , anlo n B lo w .p r ic c d six e s -, • lias th e fam ouii G M K cy U n d c f hc.nd. N o n e o th e r so c o m p letely . rcU ev c j im o w n e r ro m rjtd im o r c ares— w in te r n iu l s u in i n u s - f o r (h e Ni:w S c ries F o n tiu c Six ' w»» liTst lo o lfc r th e cru!ii.fiow r a d ia to r w iih ih c rm o ita tic c o n tro l. A n d n o o th e r c a r sclUnK a t o r n e a r $ 7 45 c o n U iin cs uuch vxccp tio n n i f e a tu r e s a s fuel p u m p w ith ipn-ollnc filter, c arb u r e io r w-ith ac c e le ra tin u . p u m p , d u w H 'd m fi c ra n k cq ic veru ila tiu n , c o in c id e n ta l iB nitliin nni3 tra n s m issio n lo c k am d K asolino Kaii){c o n in s tru m e n t p a n e l—a ll itS adiiIition t o f o u r w h e e l b rak es! . . . H cvcalln i; Ruch m o d o m d e s ig n , otTcring m a n n ific c n t n c iy b o d ie s b y Fisl ler, a n d s e llin g n t n o in creave in p r ic c i— th e N e w Set ics P o h tin c S ix rep res c n is a n cw fita n d ard n K n in iit w h i c h n il lo w .p r ic e d sixes __n n i3ti]e ju d (!C iilC u m c .in yoursol f—n n d seel^----- ^----------------- -

From Ik* .lorjr •'Tha Whit* H an • T roop'/' by Mafloii Jaektbti




The All-American ^Western Star in a

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---------- J-----Dpama-for*A]!l“America!



M o w e r s i : „ ', ] B


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ii; roiijtlt- nro B/iondini: ;i loii- W

Our W elc ome



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Mr, und M r^ Joe ileixlil^rer l-V,',,. iui ll fnmily returned home U'.iU ii„.i|■ liomo. n I. .... I .Mif. Itny I’;.liii(iliii K j ' "j'‘:’ilay from I’orlhtiul. Or wi:iil , lo » 0'|.,1- Momlny . il.lo. SB ru cv en i) wo.-ks. ,m ,.,'fru m thi- local trniiii-i-, lo a :, m (H-ik and 0:li> Ku. |,.|ni tiio r.tnlo ;rrani:e. B III!< lefl wilb 11 car Imid of pol.i.Mr. uml Mr.s, Ituy I’oltijcil.ii uml ^ |..» fur 1.0, An:roIc-. C;dif., d a ij rta., .w tto — iiund IV .I'miu-i' W • • 'i f w e c a n o n ly p u l it ov e r b e fo r e t h e h a y .ic c d n jr-- - , Howard l-dam | im.l .dr.., 'I'i:i»i = ■—fTcciii:^r:if’f rh iirh \v n v s _ is _ n r i^A tne r ir n n ~ i n ^ i r i n r l nl.Q, xi tloriit-ileDoncU-uml —duuublLr' i L l l njlii‘-''l‘:.^ii'.‘ii_l'-viienla.:.,I-liiLvi M __ i d ^oiviceH -.eiil 1,0 held in lIu' .'I. f fl Hi bel nnd Anna fr bnme c « y m 'S i x I Ihl- Iiliihii i;n>v»'r>‘. [ [II lotvu luH wooii. Mr. iinii Mr«. W. T. Sloven*; Tlt« Rulniul iln rd in t' rcsiJfiicu CO U PE I _ nntl iIiiiikrhKr Ilrlrn wito n i u i t r « t l o n a l y _ H — li--------- — f t |L — i— H j^ K n -------------------h e -y o n n m w n -lT O C t'tl-irm fH rirT iT '-r Ij \ S t r w a r t E cLvutnl W hits |>uz::led. jl'tiri.-l ,' ond W. W, .Mel)..... . Lhm “ I! have nunc for tbc moment, W, K. SwauM.n of .Mnrv-vil'.,-', t ' *■ Publi 1 'n t # r Scrvico , . .r "ull:.. ." all'i of I■oumn, but lIu' in’^ tant we ro Calif., lr. vi-ilitii: .Mr. nnil , M i - . - 1 '' Itown Jiu'k 1lui-d. [I"” ; '!•' ardinoi- Iiiiii'Ii.mI, ............... -!— —WhoVwh7ln-tln>-«l.iry i------------ fine!—O ct-th m -tn -tc n d ''n “ liI^:ll?S atul Mi>, ’i', .>di..uk hU hViul tn ate!" und .Mr’, A, S, l.aM niiti', i,. " ki>' doubtfully. Slinday at tbe home of .Mr, ■,|u,.iri.'l 1 i r li.Vr ll-.rlll.lll III C Dnveiiporl sauntcrcil rarcl.aslv ] lino tank.ll trnlccn. “ Nol tonlKht," be dcclilcd. “To­ r., lil ll (;!a:.-ltu:i-r nl l-'iler, | d 1,1 I, I, ,l..,;:i • Barton Grinialcnd, hi> ‘‘Kpciilcd" morrow." J. ■cr tu where Ciirdiiier xlnod. ..,„J irdincr drew himself up. Whon ' , dnushter, i« with him aRiiin»t her CrimMend fluahrd. ilhln band diftnme li(ivetipi>rl H 'le .Maron Woiann'.i eliib irnvc eran-' !ii.:.|iiti.l at ll.'i«.'.' ' " " " ' ili,.*'’r„i;l".Mi::r 11'.' I'riiiii II...r , I wil], I'Kpeclully fO u» fhe prrcvivcx " It would bu rmbiT a biird’blp c„ me lo a hnll. The iilen stared ‘'"'ii • n’limial o.vrtri' Mipper nnd I .\|r. Mid ,Mr:.. lierli (’.ilib a m t' Tin j h rr father'll ohjcct In Inainlin;; on I’n my d;iUKlitcr~" h'- bc^an and l-hailry .............. eh other iti tbc r j r , cliuu -o I'rlday cvrnini.'. Janiiiiry lill,' ........ j her.Bulnjr «n the trip 1> to tlirow Il.ivrniiciri hiUKhcd nlmid. he 1 . 1). (1 , K hell ftt l-'iler. Iw cir ■ liniier KUi'^lK al ihe I.. (I. i Si-iipim V I'.v .'l„i-. Ila'.'';' i'M.h, III’ j ; i m u . i l i n t . i i«i I '•You nre nol overly luillir," re* licr.Int?) Ihc company uf ■tlffly. clulv nivw'tvr? «i\«- vW» v». Cul>U S«mi»-iy, * , 'ni,ii ll. .;-i— V' , i IloM Giinllilcr, (IrimMcntrn . H - a . i G r o ’.v -'-i; he “ Ifx Eoini; to rain; and U'h ku- J" nrki-d Dnvenpori. "mid 1 doii’: linoienl eiu-h vcar f" r Iheir 1 .Mr, and Mr-. I.. II, llrmvn vi i- j luxly ea licve I like you an>-uay. liut j ''«econd in eonimnnil," n caimhle, ink- ti> rain hard! 1 probably 'onili alld fi.milicH, Mi>re;ileil i IC W. C, llm wii home nt.tcrM lly w ' ‘ ^ '.n ; L d h f l. ' l i a ' I '.ilh -, . (rood Inokini; ynune mnn. ,vnuldn'l muke Tecolulu, and you’d ' I ju^l lay you a little bet thut I two hi’ilidri'ci eiijoyi'd the O i'l il I'hi .^lUlilny, , Iiiiii Slmniin*, chnuffciir and houx.' dl he very wet nnd unrnmfnrl- . line* rain mid lh;it tbe redivoi.d ^’; ' . l u t ' ( l a y , J a i i u r . i ' y 2 8 , ? D 2 3 ii'i- mil! oibtT i:iir5ij< were in-] .^lI-. atid .Mr-, ,1, \ , lllaklev | and |.„ illder fnllr.." man. of Ruy.i>i>lritiB w rcjui-d bi- ihlf." I ill Inter fur the duneiiiu’, A Itril .Mr. nnd .Mr-. Ifcy .> iiiidav. .laniiarv L'l. I dlnnity, lie is i>enrnYtor,hel|i nni! pc.’n all dny," Crimatend pnlnlcd " ‘I'.er',1 lone, lie nnnle lii, d.eWon iilav iifti'rncion nt tbe hunie ' W ,. r . Hivlil i-i.i Mr.. I,. V,. I’ntiS ,-ailed : ijavenly nlzhl,^’ euntrihuted Bur- IhiI' bet.*’ WIU ilini'..'n’x I h&»A lizrd that if tl>l> “ Very well, Ihrn. Ten'thoujand briib .'-lo-lii- rceijveil ii In rac num- 1'iv I ill li'iiinr I.f her liirtliday, ' j. licl|), Ih c ro ' w o u ld h a v e b e e n n o ®ne. I Ihink il would lc heller rc| iriHicb. (Irlm-t.ad, wbo had 'l'lii>.- t' Iirrreni fr'o'Tii I'iler. I'oplar Th -< ............ » n i ' M r.'atid M r-,. " 1 e a r t h l y o b je c t In rf liin rf n ;- lo lh o f or me lo wail here imlil mnrninc bi-iI'M lir’tenlni; aiiiii!-....., ,:t:d Ml-, mill Mr-, ... . . . . . _ I Rwored Mr. GrlmMMd’s-retn n rk . ' asilcnlly,'-ihB t you cnn- tell ui - - .Tolin Kn»lcr,' SiniJkley,' II. > td r-' Hm,i mil i;iu-‘t, W. K, .';iviin, ■ “ Rut, xlr, nlthuui:h.^>ur tank ia J iiHt when it'x Bolnu li. rnin aiid "Thnnk you.’ .Mr. liriin-tend. pby, !-:, .1, liield. It-iy Huriini.-. i wci.' , iii-'t-. al a jiiirty ’ nl the . ' j,', I ruined, 1^ , it occurred to tiie Ihnt nw many Inches we will Imvc." hu t dnn’l holher." lliivenpurt cul Wv .'d. iMill.T, 11. IliMielicr. N. lb- hi'iur , ■f .Mr,_ai..l .Mi>, |.;, K, lliiid,, _ ‘ I by fillhjr llie-viicuum " - “ l~mlBhC,"-Toplled~PavVnpurt in'; ■ • T ir ta k e 'th a l iret. I'n 'juK i “ rT rir7 ii-rir\-r7 n -i “ 1---------- ;-'fri-r r H - : ! - r n r i o n o - t 5f - r Y h : r ^ c T » - K n ': i. 'm inf-in-hnlicT ------------ -----u :4 r a r i'n iir -.; A lberrijV n: : I-n.h> I Jinnd every few iiiilua we wouW “ nexpccledly. “ Wail a minute."’ , ^eit it down in «ritinir nml n rl ea:-!!'r . J. A, Cc-orci-. t" '; -Hrlni- [■ I- li . llM 'Vo"rrliir........ ..-Ii.il y .m u -.- .til, l .w i .; : b i t l c v I1..I y.n. h.^v,. He atood uprljiht and xtarni off yo u Ici wiine.'”' il. if y•' 1 huvc trntned ' ‘RnpacikllKin lo >’laincil to cnrry nsidfl the flood brinK me in onythinir jiranKo ho ■aterx; nt which Gardiner, unruns ncroas in Ihe wpods ns long l)le lo contain himxelf .furlber, na it Isn’t skunkx. D fit'b c nuithl Itcredi nn exclnmnlion ot Inipa- * ■ ■ ' . lo know n do? when lie smells itl" " ence. ••I licK your pnnlon?" snld Da- , * “ W e r . n i l f o r a n u i l i - c s l r i i - t '- d l l . n v o i . ' l i u - l i "Oh, shut uji!" thv younc mnn • nddresa?d him, nnd i cJffud tbe '''(.•nport. L 'n r e ; ^ l : - i i i ( - . I . I' p o w e r lh r n ii” h ih r n a tio n . “ I "aid nothinir." Gardiner told f atom nmiirtly. —

ira Son Owes S-jni of Monoy _




Stew art Edw^a rd W hite



ciuiHcn! '-





'ERS .


- M E E 1 1 r
mra In.", GeorRo N,„ Tucker, |_C Id,'hard caih can le mnde to Twin 1■•iilla couniy fair accrctnry. J

;O T I Z E N


RKMl.W EEltl.Y

A N ESSA Y O N SO U P lc m,.re. Scald -three cup. iif (Dy Ma Hummrr) n'ilIk wllh n |nble*|ioon of i;riilrd Inn [and ndd tha .apinach toLiifi.' GoodnlchU were coniinz Ttim BlodseU, manoiter: Oumenu 11. Sbkn,.p^w i, ed itor' :her with m il nnd pepper nnd iver for lu p n cr nnd Lnfc nnd tahlenpocin uf b u tte r nnd finur The liloho CltU tn h a i tho Excluij ve rish ti In th ii community to all JIndy Illd they wanted all the " '>bed to n pnile. A dd-a cii|. of NKWS. FEATURES AND ADVEP ITISINO SERVICE CIF T H E PUB- oild-faihioncd »oup they coiiUI oal i5Jw >m j kr. cook tog eth er ono tiibic- „,,|ni on o f A. I). l.>nch, dairy Idaho, who la grand m ailer of the i The Idaho CItiMn ii an autiori y leaf, a floi» nnd mln ihlj, Into tUt Btound i,„ ., lah, Mra. S. S, Stewart nnd led thut lhe diclntor’a great jn :ca»poonful o f black' pepper. L el me;at. Shapo inlu lll tle . . balla I , .*! • T h ere a rc form s o f acrvlces lhat\ciinhQt.',dirflctly':bQ.oom- ,■II tinimcr unlil the pciii nro nbciut Iho aixe of wnlnuta or a lit- ' ‘ I. Miiyfield. ' inlercti ■I in tfie theater corrc______ apnndc d to tho aulsIdi:od theater » pcnsnted fo r o r m easured by Tnonpy.’ • T h e so rt ijf service * :oar»e ileve or colandcr nnd p u l qur irta of lioillng w nter in a kclj . , „ th b kind lid man: ren d ers hu| w c havo in m ind ju a t now is )«ck on lhe alove. Add a cupful lie drop tho ment balla Into . lie, wna reelcctcd prcaident laR» to' AM Re-.oU— \ ! H — -mcmUy-when-he-furniBhes BOIn e commod,Ity th a t hiim npity ,>f whole mUk or lialf a cup o f Ihli».nndSimmer « Wniio Blnle thnmber of . gently fo r aboul - '■ • x s 'B T a n T - a 7 a r 3 r c - - p r a .: a - g y r K r t t z « t j r : « a i » B niunLsl revolt to dcalroy I |l needji. such n.H food, clothin ff, fu e l, tools, and th e like, >nllk nnd half n cup of crcam. Sea- thr ce-(]unrler* of nn hour and n,,., lerce In niinual i.ieclitig nt ! hifl week. ' •w h eth e r hu bc n p ro d u c e r or ' difltributor;; ’ Jwn If nscciwiry ntid thicken with io r v cwith n m eat bnll in ench diih 1 tallw poon of fluur mixed to n of aoup. If the m eat Lalla ,aro et uriff C harted — Kmrnltl H e n ry 'F o rd is th c w orli 1'b aupcr-oxam pic o f s u p p ly - j)BtlD with n tablcspuon of lu ttc r. mmlie and nllowed to atand nbout p»n. , ahcriff of Ada county lm ItiK th c w orld w ith a com m o d ity i .., :hl by I{. Jra Km..ry of New .or .a tyrn'nl jutil bccnuse he nlen M d n tin y Wade of liny lea!. Heat togfther for about 20 mlndoing. ........... Iitc i b u t do n o l boll. A t tho end W o nro h ead ed in th e r ig h t d irectio n an d g ra d u a lly ‘ )f this lime, thicken with a taU *. g a th o rin g m om entum , a n d a:i we. g e t f a r t h e r aw a y from | ipoon aach o f b tiller nnd fluur ubbed to ■ pnile. Cook gently will aialo. ,intll orcomy. S taio n wilh aall th e fin a n c ia l pain s of th c pn to give m oro atte n tio n to 'th i a f'u tijfb ’fcc'ause' of th e f a c t »ind pepper. 'T h e illcca>of onion ire r»moycdbefflro_thc.thickening | — -th a t w c d o n 't h av e to s it on-t he-itd''Tit^ie‘9o-’t lrfh t.- 1 a lidded. I'hls loup may bo 'p u t i i t hrouglva ileve or not, na deilred. 3ven toailed lo a it th a t la rjulte ■ th o ro ll irt c^lio d u p yq/id er," th e size o l a i ....mnn'B ro ll w ill n o t count f o r 8 0 m u c h ;-J r/i , I Iry nnd hard la very good with

Gov. II. C. Bnldriilge.

m-pi . .. '


Late model Oakland C' o a c h , a l l i n has four new balloon ti res. A real ' buy at V.............

‘" ‘H E R ™ ™ ’ -

ossa z a a a B ia G iia m s ic is D a io m Tl « Kiler Kiwunli club enjoyed a pie ainnt luncheon hour Tueadny.' One number of the.pryRrnm wasgive, I V tt delCBftlion {tom ti>8 Girl. lleaervea. A trio cumi>ftAod i of Virginln Snyd«r, Jnno Ennis nnd Vifglnitt L n lluo aang n comfc' ~ J " i WO GOOD t . L A C E S T O EA T * lO M E a n d

Overland Model 9 1 Ccla c h . at .......... >....•............ . Dodge Delivery Truck at .....................I...'.'....:..

f ir s t c la s s 9 h a p e a n d

$625 $375 ; ' $■ 90

Overland Blue Bird Tcl U r i n g a t ............................... :

. 1 ']


I N ' ■* N n o a k te d S a n d w lc h e i » M f l ei J ' lot T a m a le a t to . : ( off®*------- C o c o a, etc. -

Several other gtood buys in op en and ttdsedTcdri; arid atl~jnak




■ FBID A Y , J A m jA R Y .'Z T / tflZB - ...... ..



' Pleads for, the M^re Hog

in Cuba: ___ ...................



-- - - -T H E IP A H ' } C rn Z E N

' ,'

■ L-'

-------- ;

. P A G E FTVB ^


The Worst ls 'fet t:o Come: ^ U S ' I N E S & f l i miZEN WATOLAjPS SALE •- Fat h" of ih« l>jn.AmeriMn Conjroi. slnyed willi him nnd IntvlHson I l y _____________________________ Imndlcd him. T l ^ i g why ho l>on't forRet th at lho hljtiiosl • unnunl tnrm crops. Thvn iheru I callcd. nnd rlchtly no. "The Gr< |Milb:ln ,iind h'-n.i Sl a»d; L n n r n TS BROKERAGE CO. priced hind in bolh our countr; Ihe riTtlllty ll ■Amcrlcnn Mf Idaho in and for Twin N u ^ n e hare- will .|iie.ilun th.e itiK Imve been lho mu;il im.fiUible. S’V, 4ih avenue Juulh._ Phene rfalc tli -■ tian in maklni; his pinns. • W i r . . fnct Hint Wt) can und i' dviiiii'i' Uiiriiely eumpnny. ,hic 'Ids und Cabinet Work. Phon'e n Bliirl In pr;iclii-ully nny oil I " dono in l^e older pcttioiin. lluw • lion il iiiiirt viiniu ihrnu^h llic CATION J,imuiry IMlh, Ui -Jh, a w ril\if n l. Ml>.« l.oLi'n»:. DeFred M „ 400 Main Avc. Ea»l. Phone .vl.nco*, Q. C. I>., M, G. Bnllcy lo Oer$10 CO .ambs ..... ctn nte hlgtief (or Ihc TCMtn_1 , Jobn .M. Miixmi'II. >ueci'.t-,Ii". Kru ie H un;;erfurd, oC llullisnnd conidderaliun on lho part c5f rcctiiin, some unc miRht s e o . fit triide SI, Ciinlellu, $1, lol lr, wentern formers nre not produe lens, hcnvy, .llj puuml.", nnd i ± ______________________ RTefibiirs. Coohinvlmm, us ler. Idnl ' uny proBrennlve fnrmer. i f ll 10 lu p.-tnhlish 11 puekinj: planl one Woek 80, Twin Fnlls. P. G. JOttNRTON, o v e r ...... | 0( ~ onuuKb hoRi lo supply home iiU-alnt-^viih .ttw.wiU »nm:xShoe R epairing ' ‘•®.* livestock mnn cun buy your fvi;d ut these dnyn, but we imve kuI lo Q.- C, 11„ Twin .Fiviia coHWy to luns, uniP??M^ lbs. .'............. lie ReglMer. , miiads.-j.Th!!! wovsmtnV of V estul.- of Miirtin ii. De-< DAIIO SHOE REPAIR SHOP, '''• Ihe nnd by fccdins bf« livestock uml- lens, Leghoriii^..................... 11c Di'ctmseil, Myrile-M. While.! JlO-FlO , .(froni the e oit to our mnrket:* II profit, thu naiurol. cunclunkm huK,i and lots uf them ti> ojiernlu 10-17. 111 Nn, 1 broilers, up to 1! '1®*'I WnRner, Prop. SL’O Mnln No. ;,vu,i,iiib(trnUlx.„oi( Ihe eoU.lo o f . -----— JOTHER SUMMONS no now thing, it> been g o ln j * m ust he thnt you can feed yoijr n p:icklnK plnnl^Vlllia in 1„- While. Deceiised, th e ! , , ^ Idnho i» nol W. U., T . L lUlilnwiv ttv C. K, lb ........................................... ISc ^ roM from postoflice. \ for ilQ yvurj nt [tiisl. rt-n heir-i' und- devi»cen of In ihi; i Ustricl C ourt o f'th e Kiev, own feed to your o w n ' llvcsioi;k produciriK enuURh lo n tlru c l.n t- LIchty, ?l,:t7r., SV i SW SW NK Colored Sprln;'n, '2 lbs. and u]i l7c ifoY A L ^SIl'oB ^B E P A IIU N G , “v ||)|" m L. While,,Dvct'iiM'd, Ken-i vntli Judicini D istrlcl . of th.' Wilh our advnnlnites in incrc und moke n profil ulsu. teniihn n«w bui if wo ijhow prop­ SW 15-10-17. :oek» ................................... 6c p. ud produ,ctlon of feed cro ]i\ I of Idaho in and f.ir Twin er interest In the m utter nnd uxQ. C. D., Twin fiilU county u Jucks, No, 1 .......................... I2c p ., Mcyors, Prop. 130 2nd SU ,wth I.^!RlKi^t While, 11 minor, Jiiirol - In every jrruln field there Cuunty. te r iiasluccs, » lon«ur v"*' y j ’ i :p. Wl iiiu,-;Runnlliin of Ibe e.-.latui, '"‘j piiiid uur n;,'ricullure nlonc live- D. J. KoeniR, $24a. lot fi, block 1ecr:e. full feulhered ............ 13c „ jt. . I ,u is ulu-uys considerable Rood season nnd u bettor cllmntc, L ■urugu; of Kenneth Leltivhtj "■ .Vestfnll, Phiinllft, stuck proiiucllon lines wo will noon ID, Twin I'allsr lo t 1^, block f> . •,'0. 1 turkeys, liv e .................. lIL’c ' rW IN FALLS SIlOK liKPAIIl- “vhH,!.', a minor, and the unknown ,,,, . tl'® w inter nnd summer, wo ciin jiro. , Steel Compnny, n curpurproduce enuuk'li lu w urrnnl n renl South t’uck udd, liurvest, nt limes this lurn is ^0. 1 drejsccl T o m s.............. 4'Jc INnd I Mifs Julia Kiiiiki-I vi;:ilL-d ruin-: mown. It Is cspeeiiilly ihu young __ -------------------------------------------- • CounI y ..t Twtu Fulls, hy the '"'•■‘•'W ul ibln timo lo represent iire le ro liy ii.itified lliat n crops pmcllcnliy tu Iho excluijion nnmed plhinliff .;nil,>'m uro When you hnvo flomelhiu« lo comploto lo u with no wny to nt hun been fill’d nRniuft more too, on thu nvm R C, Ihnn In lives In Twin Fiills the la tte r p a rl| vlio seem tn lnke lo the Amerlenn of tfvoryfhlnK olae no any far m er y directed lo upjieur und ..|io In ,unt«, nnd they appear lo know „g] Ihe District Court .,f th'e I, ju st insert n smnll nd iu thu selliuK' nil casii crops nnd ilA iuifcr of the ii:i;;l week. ;ilKt w..s.iii-.j »“ >vnBc uny of iU These jhouid iUit. !eunipaiiied by her i.niuil iici.liew,; sslfivd depatlm enl nml wutci) ',20 ji ho hus been KvtlinR ‘f u r ci lira of Kuropean countries. f Idaho, in und tor Twin ; Lee IJean.-........ Ulld convcrlcd Inlo n profit I ru.iulls.' numrn over n term of ycnrs and lho * Minly, b>' the uliove nnmed it ted to hojM. We huvu n few Tax Com ni!ilee-.A- commlltev I Floyd Flora nnd fnmlly exi>ecl AUAS SUMMONS —--------------------- -----------------tified • penno of jfrowlriR them. Ii w r, nml you ure hereby diproKrosnivu fnrmer*. who are ot seven member* of the stulu lo become rvgldent.-i o f thu I£ ii|)liUnt within l-wcnty .Inys --------' ' tiff 'ViV'^tnkc 'jtidim ent* ui-uir'iU Stnlo of Idnho in und fu r th{ service of this suimu.ms: ce»h_crop#::tii.4 “ *‘« k - _____ _ynii:._.Hicw .m «n.rcport- thnt -- llils"courIly. will m u d in Doite, T . L V, U en rim ^ G . \v!^Cnrler ntWL'STllOUNU you a:s prnyed ill Hui.| coiiipiuirit. Count) uf Twin Fall* I’iitu (urllier notified Ihnl , . when these potntoes nre fed, early in - Ffebruury tu prcpnro u tended Ihu trnctor school conducThcrc seem*, to J e proviilcn Duo Th< ELLA M. W HITE, I’lnlnliff, No .‘OU nu u|i]ienr nnil plcad-lo in conncrtiDn W ith a smnll 'tcii In Twin Fnlls on Thursday ntaU'-u'lde Inx revision |)roRnim. 12ill! p. m, ubialr Ihls section on impression t vs. H3 mplnint within the time j (luunlity of cruin, the resulf BD.MUND R. Dttondnnl 16.C ■ ' ■ 3;3C p. I.n. dut! to tho fuel that wo cun .ppclfled, the plnintiff will Is thnt the r»taloe.i nro worth do produce very,hcnvy ylcldt " J fARuieiil nRaliist as......... ftbftut 40’ ctiit* p e r hundnid ity'O f T«i-ln:FdllK ncc.rdinc InRs to Edmund *11. WJiito, ihc x f ) WKLLS, MtJNUAY. WEDin snid complaint, . eush cropi, Dial .w e cnn not . T r a n s f e r {! : S t o r a g e C o . , I n c . ns foitl ut present Imic nur■.utfjchii.plal.lliae.ir on til.! ‘ V, 1, is nn action brouRlit' lo nl)ovc-nnmed dufcnilniit: NESyAY ANO FRIDAY : ford to keep much 'livestock : f'ri4 o f'ir,V ib u offiee of Ih.' '^'ou are hereby neliried thul n . ket. Only n very few u t our tiu VWthe pluiiitiff to eevnny kind. Thu man who cn i-'t- V"."unt y i-iiufiidi-'of -Twin Full.* i„i„ re :|| eilnle situated in Twin snmplalni has been filed nRuinsl •''*'■>' ■Divily Hcrvice to B urley, Rupert, Poculc\lo, Itlnho iwlnlo KTowm huvo njiy hugs tnlns thnt Idea sliould tvarrii p u in the Dlnirict Courl o t tin ly, lduh«;,A nd.lo f.irecloso Falls County. Slntu of Idahu, de­ nnd il wuuld »oum that in FallH, St. A n th o n j ’ amr OKtlcn, U tah . ’ • hin proccan of thinlfintr, for, ( KASTBOUND .^m ri ■xeludr 'V-->cb .it.lh e .letcnd-Lfribed ni follows, lo-wii: Klevenlh Judicial Ubilrict of ihi th at respecl they • are just m atter of fact, hc hnn been th , . Sti'tu o t Idaho, Iti and fot Twin IG’fled llml PARSONS, , Wiir ess my hand and Ibc Jeni consuiiio our vnsi nunnlilies thin country teaches us Ihnt 1live unless you no nvpcnr'und pteail l« ■ P h o tic '2 ia I’hono ao:i ■ Plisnc 1[.113 •V -v>.. Clork. of thr .aid D istrict Court, this Plh and cnijve'rl MAIL CLOSING • slock fnm lnB on the nverajjc, hnn snid complainl wilhin thu time . :Oy'ilu«H'(). Boone, Deiiuly. i|ny of January. 1'I2K, them Into n iroed cash return. herein specified, Ihe plaintiff wili Clerk. ------■ (SKA L) ■ IIABUY O. PARSONS, been moro profilnblo than ej I Thin same conJillon pruvulls taku judxment ncainic you nn WESTBOUND Jaiuci s R. Rotliwell nnd Cietk. sivo crop I'elllnK. Nearly nil .lil, most year* ia u- 'jtrofiler or prnyed In snlit' complaint. By HUGH 0 . BOONE. T rnin number «3, m»(l clusen nl W. -I f.«liapnl«r.' -ftttonieys for ilitt oilier seiHom, n fte r lo Thin la - an nction broiiuhl Jff, .tesldJpR-nt Twin FalU. Deimly. . «««'>'• •»>’« :in p. m„ m e sse n m lenviK nt; ou( ul selllnif crop*, wero obi In..^ ni;alnsl khe defundant to r n deeroc ‘ •• I20-J7.'f;i-Iu-17 HARR' I BKNOIT. lle r •'"’® ''•fco up? .iQ lurn 1(1 livestock for bo u( divorco unnn'Ihe Krounds ot> I Alio rney for Plnlnlltt, Bkiltd> U]> FcrtlUty T rnin number ir.n, mnll closes m m fntm TeVurnt nnJ in tlio intt liesirrllnn and n»n-support, nnd lin%' nl Twin Fulls, Idaho, The 'fundamental, reunon I for Ihe custody, care nnd cnnlrol at n :ir. p. m,'i na'sscnRcr leaves ■ uf safety und stability, W 1 _____ \Vt‘ Imvo th e bc.ll fiirm .'l cxp ludo insr llin products, tiieroby i;ren fly. • ntion cnll and aee u a / ' (SKAL) Clerk, 15: 2I> p. m., messencer Iciives pC. m; . I j i t t r u c t o r of. V iolin lh" ,, mrnsnnner lcnven-nl-12;2U.fuundnUutt (or liU opcrnl Ion*, nor m frequent,


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> ever conutructed for pic-i tho hlito rically famou* Indian tc r. urpojei___^\Vithln;-tt*x.fl(.n. rlu>e»-n i l d a n i m a l T n ^ J R COM M UNITY rr ■■ ~ ' = finei a re elKht houK t, th c -la rr. wa* pari Icipated In by UioutaniW D r H enriaiU SUtMtnB c tt of hccn ncelalinA n tp li-n «iiilim ; fr o m Lii?< A n . .■,„I ■.I'.' H.I' II. 1;, '; ; , '|i ’. (i.r Itn n n tlllii, J n n iiiiry liK, i- il tlii' hi «t vdiiili- tlmt thin |>ojni. •ce»ritly l»rfTT&llltU r ira n g c.__iUs:_ fiin iirn U , M r. .,n,l r »V») ‘‘ *'>!' T,. fSi.. rtr-«rnijr4 Mf*-rTrr-hnrtr-nnrt--wltJi- — . mnk.t t deep holes in thu fields and I - l i '. I '. . i , i |- .;i i i ii . n.I.'i! I rn ili,i-ii.ii n iii'lin i; o f th i' tlm r ii. ii M i'Xrc|itinnnl c.iHl. hraOtlful 'timcn -thc horse* ilr]) In ^ ^ iiifd^inim pl In our cc.n.mini-1 I l i r r o f I ..iiiiiuTi-'-- l.f til,- U n lli'il Jl hotoi-rai.hy aiul in-iny comcdy j, I nni writlriK nh'uul H tlio lia d .i‘nP»fI n-nil mUhl break n Jcr, o r it '' ','i i i! i " ., I'p o ii r . n 'i |i t o f iiclviri' I om-lui'. iliif ilrnina uf New Kuk- J , •, Thc hniJKcr I, about ^7 inchM ;y»“ H«t n f vncli vftT. mini ll.l,:r.'l i |i i i . h - i l i.y Iiliitiu lllin ,-y I'rm liic - | . rl n .ic 'iiy . cnlillcil ".SuKar Dad- I’r — »------------- EX PERrw iffKiaXNSHn. li,^ " 'a iiil r.jHcial niinilier.'t he- •''' i-h. They hulld their home' ! i :it th , ■ A* vwhtTe there b no water, us-’ Every step in iv e ry j o b Is th o r .1. I.. I’ >i.:i!.^iii lllllil'^. .,ir . Kliild • T h r , - ' ni:.,':.' i.f M iilto n ,iiii,:i| ' wccii reel-. AdiiiiKriion will bf ,1 . , ouKhl^insp_cclcd l„ I f , . t'iij , l., ;,ti:-, lu riii- h .'d hy CulI;.Ii:in (’n n - ' ,-| cenl* nnc! ,’I0 i'i'l)l:t. , ■____ .1 ..................... riic mnk- -hailgcr !x»* tiuko' ■ ■■ ■mcnling—biiildiri • liiif. v.>nii't>i-iy ,.£ f i i r i i r d 'A h -n c. .iy'iiii .ini'"lien t» wlticlTlie rec-; J.i.ii... ........ l.iM-'-ltii—Wf^k.—------- v .--r-i^ -ro rT im :r,~ -T riT f!n ri;o y ;ir' niual-bc-dnnn.rap )fH lly -« n d * n jrh t:----------------- --irly returns. The femnlc fan-j 11; i « :i ' ,\m i | h t i - 111.'; ^ AT M-ELWAIN SHOE STORE ,rice ill lti>.iin 11. I-‘ir;'t N’ul'.unol ^ ''1 lu ll' irr:,iii'i' ; i ' ,hli'ir!iL c ' l-AU-liMVi- nlV i'M llt.ni an d ini- liank lltiiliiink:, n ;! f '•• ili.n U'l. .'II Lii(tf T w in I'lill.^ \v ;i, »1.t r lliiru h l Hill... Kini .if M n . Jcti. l l ia lo o u r ad v a ntaK o'lo gl„. .. ........ . :iiul Ir 'I iI llii' : I'l'o iiil ijlin r* .-h' L. H ill'. Ilf Ihil. c ity u iiiliT u i-n t’ Vir follow -tliis iiolicy an d wc !i n iin i.r o j.iru liiiii T hurM lay. fro m i . , . J l . r l y i-..!if!’ i)t,'j 1 9 2 7 »locU n l r c d u c c d p r ic c s . . ■ , . S'.iilhrrll lil.-iriii ;iti,l (l.ui'.i’ ■•'i-iatMii, ill,- 'I.I'll f;,riu lU I A C n r lo n d o f M u n :s c n K a ls o m in e in b u lk li!>:il 11 iiiiurliT iiiilli,>:i tiiinl ( W o lo n n yt >u a b r u s h . f r e e ) ,L_.-_________ __'''K\vn''liIouJi'ih'u i- .,.v.-r;il ............ liu in - fir.li Ili.in lln- iinm lic r.i tik' i;.'' |.rtijicM- to Cll’.Ml' '■“I’-’icily Ilf Itll' liiii;cli-1 vr.v. \^r. Hilrtiiiiir ll;l^ llu' 11 ti r ii[. now willl Wllllnin Kt'll M5 ; . w E D O P i c i 'U R E F R A M I N d fi^li (oiiiiiil.'^liinrr.


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