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'TDBdr orda, investigative procedures, col-' decld- lection, preservation and identlflca- nwors tlon evidence: „ crime w sne.__ searches, fIngeiTprlnt. Identification,.
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A Regional Newspaper serrlns Serving

O Z /lc U l Citr tn d Ottlelml 1 «w ip*i;ir C o u n ty N

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foi g ^D eci jcision Nears N tia Parley ■ I ntidochina d Talks St KoreanI T m K(

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Idaho Counties

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^ K a N O I , I n d o c hlina, i n a , (S u) (Sunday), May 2 (y!p)_Tens of tl th o u b f V i e t m i n h1 troo'pp t r o o ? $ csm ashed a t the defenders I ie n d e r s of D ^ n - F h u - S ^ t i t r d a yy nn iig g hh t in ii the third and m ightiest a a ttte te m p t ^ ^ K V e r w h e l m , a n d1 destroy d e s t r o y th e northw estern Indochina f o r T h e ^ e n c ch„high h „ h i g h command announced Sunday S u n d a y th e .

U J nle e Irrigated Irrig a lc i

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___ ^jG E N E V^r-M A rJUay-H ftH -iip)— t » r e r a “ aB?lRlvei5hTii


5, Secretary of State Dullea prepared to ll

" S j l w ithout having exct av in g exchanged a word with1 red China's Chin foreign minister Chou Enin «hs surrounding hh ills . ^ ^ P a J r o m t h e e nnemy e m y positions pof 9 R epresentatives 0 the big four, North m tatives of Sou Korea and red China m et f th and South W s S w S ^ fK ^ F m f s c re a m in g :, tth h ee aa ttta t a (ck e rs charged into the fort’s bi b arb - ?L fL S aturday afternoon afternoon on Korea, A ssistant huiMtlo": V ant U. S..1 S..Secretary of State W alter .S. .E * ed w ir e barricades. F iie r c e -------------^ ED IT O R IA L--------------- -— --------------- scribed th e discus 'p r l s fighting raged throughout th e » ' ______ '. .........— :— T f o r m a l 'e x c H a n g e ” night and early todayr as th e French Fr _ ™ union defenders f o u g h t b ac in |- | 0 1 *D decision! . x x C /X C I k added t h a t th e /-I ^ p t ' h an d -to-hand encounters. IX , An all-o u t assau lt by th e com( ' would m e e t ag a in o; , munlst-led rebels surrounding the Q S l1 /l/> n c a T h e sev en -n atio n i3 k j elded upon th is, m o n i r o s i O I I ' ^ French union fortresss had b e e t expected sa a V letm lnh bid for, for,vli ing of tb e 16 Jiatloni viotory -------------------------------------- hi Korea. T h e oonfe ay 11 (Jl—1 {JJ—R « - ^ G eneva conferenc in l ^ f c i ^ O T O N , M ay A fter a good many man; years of disappointm i t m eent n t for f o r o n e r e a s o n unable to r e a c h any ly aa ssw Indochina negotiations, here say v aarm n n of lunged o u r hhosplt o s p i t a l p r o b le m s u n lfl^ U o n o f K o rea fig h ters a n d V letm lnh first lu r, renewed hope th a t our ' 16 * s-nother, there Is Ir^V^Bgeie MIQ-16 Jet fig h ters a [ndochlna on atrdror aird ro m es **’* n o rth w este rn Ind o ch in a posi] m o d nout. n t. ^ ^ ■ S ^ are .polsed on alls . n t; are going to be ironed m ed o ^ t. . _ recognition- of-O houi fro m weeks ago th e y iia v e made t tbe In d o c h liuI border, border, fr I t still gives anyone anyc a headache to rrecall e c a l l the t h e d e p lo r a b le ence. in re m iia r i e m p tr t o o v e r' w lf tl y lf M a s two u n s u c c e s s fu l-a tte m p ts -ta c they can stab sw iftly If M ,a conditionsI th a t kep; kept our~oia, Inadequate i t e aand n d omv e r b u r d e n e d seated b e h in d jO h o a de rree dd O h ln a whelm Its garriso n by s h e e r 1 Peiping decide Ohl m an; William Hendrix, Boise, prealdeni-of 1 Falii, fiiate June dairy month ohalrman; Wll •“ Ignores h im . D u U ra : numbers. A t th e arae“ sameuS^e Ume te w 1 a turmoil for so many years, jf a ^ p o ld ’lntervene m o re5 actively. actively. on, an and on; committee com] members meeting t the H a™ th i RoTCrwn he F re n c h deBssoolation. d JJoBn Owens, Buhl, were among rom hh ig white vapor from lj hh--fly f - have w hittled aw ay the F re n c h to o k trying tr y i n g to p u t o v e r “ c e d to C h o u o : To thinkt of all the time and effort It took fune. (Staff phoio-engraving) an the program for dairy month In June. (SI e r a perim eter 8“‘nfd»y I® th e p r 15 ff aa rr down teen alm o st as down a s Senses u n til they cover a p e rin , ^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bond elections Jons and tthe like to get adequate u a t e hhospll o s p i t a l f a c i li tie s ' E n v o ja W ! across. * * * * th ee rn m end ■««. th a n one mile across, The ^ ^ B o n near th e so u th end o f ■ for th is community immunity !is a sickening recollection, _ .. l e c ti o n . ■ b illie s m e t 'with l thee red r S J ^ E e j ili u , suggests th red a i r French held a n areaI 4 by 6 miles al reco n n a lawhen th e b a ttle started. 00 M a g ic Valley M em - Mtalster Molotov on ' q W hen wee finally gi got our new, $1,800,000 Magic ^ I H S T l i m aUng aerial reconna rroim ded «comTh“ garrison Is suriD unded |^ ^ E g ts t= ta T g e ts - it- v o5Uld u ld a tta c k If C J .I O orlal hospital, ef. C O u r h o s p ita l ^ ital, we all all breathed a sigh off reU relief. pietely w ith no m eansI of esc’ escajie a iie.lnto 'p n -• Ke_ihimght, mai ■ _ _ . . trpubley-BB though were over for a, good good m a n y years J o peaceful jurposes^. l 0 -1 8 fig h tters the hills. Aid evacuation Is n o t num ber' of M IQ -IS have'‘b e e n Z ; ._. mes been . , , - ,: :oH ST raO h3neetIn^ ^ I H ^ t r a t e d on airdrom es along 1th e “l*>le since no planes have rder, Inclt Includ- to land a t th e D len S ^ le ie n P h u &lf "w-v rw%HB /r c b n t l n u e d n g h t 'u p t o a conanunliinriffl ^ ^ K i ^ I h d o c h l n a border, j C j n d S ' ' “- ° B f ii T H att w a T Snot o T lso. TO eTiadache continued was H y V ]l/l. d th lh a rd iiu r -^ strip, w hich h a a beeni -uunnddeerri^r a v y a rd a p p e a le d f o r p u b eek ago when th e bisspltal board appeal aortar ir e and J i • x • ire th a n 600 , enemy artillery a n d m ortar f ire ■ * Ly[y jjoim es, Wa ^ ^ H M ’'Tunways, is m o re 6 nes, Washington State college, ,ge, was w as 1the final S f i p o r ti nIn trying to win the whole-hearted le a r te d coc c o o p eratio n o f m ^ q w s ^ tta c l re tu rn in g from the f] a r 1» partly occupied by the aattackers. afternoon as the two-day s ta te coi een.appol appotated speaker Saturday afterni convention ^^3 lu lt S S atu: a tu rd a y Smith h as been, IQ ’s The m assive assault al profession, A m etican n o te lw d e ( :in td d ltlo p to5 th e M MI( le e d a h r of American Association ociation of University W omen cIos lull of several “ chalrn^an of the Ju n * be a n u m b e r night came a fte r a lull of »e\ iS H j^ i r e - b e l le v e d io numl c o n c e r n e d , I t a p p e a r s - tov atHihe-ilrali-ineell ter careful deliberation by all concerned Now, after round aci action. program, i t was 'bom bers, days In heavy ground “ gannou a S S ^ th ^ '^ - ^ h e o n a n m d bd ubusiness s : meeting a t thle e T u rf c |4M [-ll|lit, tw in-engined::jet< je( _ _ irlods dall^ d u rin g th th ee sthool Btho< redd .. .. They They nneed n o t be be e n te re ectors jagri jagreed crossroads one mile north and ' H tn i* police c o u rrtt oo nn aa cc*arge of t t t .......... ........ _______ The T w in F alls directors this precaution, claimiJ u tlo n ,clalm tag Uiat w hile j e r O in e IV C B " d r ; “r % h t . N . ^ d f q r sllminary of K lm berly;-Jnck-Teatcr.-18,-dr ------ fallure-to -y lel(l_ th e..rlg h t_ ( round‘ wiU help bush- — p | “— l “ T y r ~ jsal, accordto spearhead th e prelim inary or< To vote on th e proposal, accord mts -who-have team sror w ater-bn the gground^* ervancq as a th e car. his twin brother n t n i f f a a a pedestrian o n M ain av< berries, Wqssoma in jtrees r j I f t C T f t f l l< to council officials,, p aren ts oc r ganlzatlon of th e observance aj * le - f o r th e p a ra d e or cr«B» t o i e s , Wo* n r KKea " n S p U d l U l U l L C C a t Third s tr e e t- e a s t Tuesd ley nn oote 8-yenr-old K urtt '’a” and ir '™ from ~ _ _ _ -------- : n o t community service. They tedd the I iimians of children umder n d er 31, nc r horses to pull wagons. “ “the^ •» water' to r e - ' 'allls, esca escaped BOISE, May 1 Wl—Trhh ee U. U. S, p ic of T eater and Leanna Pallls, S. despeeding m the totopic fce«arll)f-ln—school, m u sst-ljttv t ljax e ’ celBhratlon' covertag th a t H ard er m c c e e d a .J grammed the N j«a, .and Lawren K ing, Onti E FOSTPONED “ahell," a proteoUve c nearby field. Ross diagrammed already ah e ad of la st year. P arm a, a, and Standlee was cited by S .and consfdei consrderable cold. m an, N am pa. Ufled the car Sterling E. Johnson, Parm 3, OOre.. re.. May 1 PORTLAND, May I m — can w ithstand accldcnt scene, and tesUfled trolm an E iicena HAgler. truuk's .lane ■TonHsefli-O ntnrlO r ^ a lanuol n u e l- NMclcon. e r a 1 was tw o-thirds m ui UmB ti iluku .1 S—ace— for rlear. m ill . 1 f-.lnln,y .fm |n n ^ ■ d e n ts having ta k en th e cours illen, Jerome; A clUzen told w in Pal I the Impact. Jerfime, an d B. H. C allen, Jen T Palls police poned Indetlnltelv a strlki atelv strike of eo.ftM wvlth ith UtUe tra ffic a t tbe time ot the Imp: !lttl» ior no whid. noon w as h eld fnr vai H v e had "80 per ce n t less accident !ss accidents a n d —Howard- Friday—e v e n in g —t h a t —aa— - poBJtUIff workers scheduled —tiHrt— iduled to b begin n e x f E ither clouds Ids or wind 'would have a [leers. ' H ie 105 who J i w r n l i i w ^ a n t hose av 16 w ho h havg_________ O __________ ______ _ drunken d riv er w as cm Sh Oorless, P au l: Winslow’ B. Whlteley, Whlt was Shoup ave- M onday In th thee Pacjflc northw est tendency to to save save the th r ' r ' , o „ . | , , v Radcllffe, Times-News reporter, reporter, who \ crop b u t conference h eld a bam -------- WASHINGTON, M ay 1 (Speoli Coiomi. »> Oakley, » n d J o h n R »m bojek, Burley. au n u e .-O fIlc e r» d ldI4jio iotlo tioccaatf til thftcar. and nqrU iern C aU fornla (Comiliud CaUforrila »»i »n P xmi i. I, caiimn SI nigjjf h ig h lig h ted by i [ r l c u K ain ----—The d e p a rtm e n t of agriculture t - ppflceK f i c e r f 1o r ~ — -------_ _ toaas^''8U pport ly O n . , lOM-crop d ry jjd ib le beans. T h e y j ; -based on th e . nn tlo n al' av(|r»ge - J' M - M I X B l S t m e a ' C H o % U -i ! S I l O y ^ ^ * 1!’^'' h u n d red w alg hil.an l.annnoouunnced c tl,. U. tr B (Edilor’i Notei The Tlme»-Ni Tlmes-Newt faels In th e m a tte r sh'buld ■ « v e n Tout, «-year-old son' of M i h'buld be re- In stitution—th# s u p p o rt of 0 publlo facilities of the le old hospital hospll a n d on hospital o r Bjannstions ^ n l is tlo n s and i Uie 8 . j j in Boise. - W llllat '^he new su p p o rt level Ilrit of M n. Raymond Hi'' T out, M 34!l 15 .Is i ! . so . " t * prew nta herew ith Uie (Irit ot a viewed In detail for th e public's In- opinion." w h at basis the ot p resent public healUi le size of our service, lUi se rv ic e ,, Idaho ^ l l s , wUl be I o s X llie d ‘h e Peb. IB,J 1054, on H» H ailp formation, ^ ■ d street HQUtli, was hh ospltalliei *u‘ r a t of the « ! ' ps arUclMI on I t WHS iigreed tUhia U many hospital wos determ ined aro ouesing a t th e sise of hospital j = r = = ^ beans. T he ^ ,n ,y M emorial hospital. il. It la Is hoi hoped "We hove decided to go rig right 1 two-lnoh foreheadS gash,late S ,‘ te ' ‘y p f " f'" ' lave been si s.ked many ^ h t back fu n d am en tal fa c tsB w h ich m m)|g h t have tlops which have required." Mrs. Olive fi.ii'in tr. '* doslgnod, th e d ep a rtm een t j|,at ih e (aotual Information ei m atlon eonto .the beginning," paidd Mrs. ^■ ^rd ay -aftern o o n a fte rr »a fall inti M rs. I: Irene a bearing on InXIusncjni In fluencing publle tknes. w s w c t ’s ® says, "to keep thli) year's oreek canyon, '“t* ac re a talned In Iheie artldlei will aid lha Oliver, ad m in istra to r of the hosI ipltal had 02 beds and "several Im p o rtan t f opinion, th o se p e rta r ta ln in ln in g tc to Uie InT h e old hospital In approxim ate bnlahce with nneeded eed pe„p|, i„ , understan(Utt* irstanAIni of pltal, "nob only to clear le n t up a n y ,,StltuUon Itself shho o u ld be~reviewed be~ vfts tqken Into oonsldoratloi 25‘ bnsslnots, b u t- th e building bul consideration-beyond lmf i < j Q lr --l? a £ ^ B v c itlffatln g officers said thi said th e production w ithout resort to acreage ac re a r t to ()„ h ospllal's problemsI and «thus doubts or m isunderstandings wl ndlngs which' first: filled to overflowing rflowlng mo: most of the m ediate needs. leds. Antlclp Anticipated growth UCCU ■ ! 8 " t e r (was playing bohlhd Uv allotm ents." bohlhd Uie loarted ilui p - may exist, b u t to bring w: encourage their w holehearted ,lon was Provision Judges Hugh A, Bak ig Uie whole The h o sp ltn l w as completed comp Uonta In the hallways In jSopulotlon w as ono. on wns In Ume, w ith paUonta ■ Ifn . 1 .'l' ' " “ yo'' “ all P' picture m ore sharply Into im $0.10 pper port of Uie Inatltutloii.l Ml “tthhO'* figure drops fiom lade for serv- Dockwlth aim ounced’6 Ito focus. I lOBI nt a to tal coast st ooff $1,01 fo r specialized spec $1,000,000. It and som e even1 tu rn e d away awa tor lack also wai^ made II (f" .!'“'f"'ay down o? w wai la st yoor yc --------"It should bo ap p a re n t to everyorie everj ylng hospital hospitals which thoy 'vlH be candidates to f was designed b y F lsh ls h o r aann d Fisher of room . I t was IS th is deplorable deploi con- loes to oUUylng H the bottom. Two bypassers 100 pounds of U. S. No.. I lost , to for G l o a t NorUierns herns In tltho ■ Now th a t the people< have bi been Uiat rumovs, suspicions, orlUoli is, orlUelsmi, of Denver, a n a tiolonally n a lly kno unable to support. >o'*“ “ „ ‘I’" »tockyords us (tnd an d ppooLoko,I, D lngliai Blngliani, effort to work out certain ain Ulfflo tllffloul- Ung us now here; th o t to-work oui ) w ork out nil proved list o f U19 A m erican Hospital and b e tte r hospital JnclllUi . nust be, large .Ron* Aug. fl.— ipltal ^nclllUos, anci they_ttiust larg enough to ■ ook him to the hospital, p u a i, Canyon, Caribou,, Cassia, Oassin, E El* tics wlilbli have handicapped ipped Maglo Ma our problems wo should Pfot luld pfoceod assoalntlon, ' ' Bccoinniodnttons dt prdvlde fo r fu tu re expar T h e else tn id d sccoinnioc future expansion: Adding Judge Beckwith- ^ f ^*;elo Valley MemoIley M emo- more, F ianklln, a o m , Oooding, J Joodlng, JeValley Memorial hospital lal since Its opon.mlndedly liorenftor ir w ith o; oplnThe capnolty o f Uio Ital followed o u t r io ; bods to space ace already available la Oov, Len J o rd a n 'iM t i tlio hospll hospital Is 187 tho new hospital ■ i # ' ' “ I'' tho h ooy'« y ', oondl. oondl- rome, Lincoln, M inidoka, ncld he hoipi hospital Ions nnd decisions bused ka, O nolda, dcdloatlon in lOOI, the ! 0d on ffnct. bods for a d u lh a nidd ^^hhlld o ril and 30 ommondaUonsI of lopttiof building Judge Kales lld rro o f tho U. B. publlo' one Uilng, but b u t Uie «ptt 10 would bo Owyhei, P ay ette an d Power, otl puDllo Then the people will bd In bettor belter po- nursery b n ssln eta flbr iwer. In o th - board, th o adm inistratorr snd p ut -1 Ing th a t aUdlilonal space Dak^r w ai ip M liliw jt 6 r now new -born ^n- h e a lth lervlce,, based on a natio n al an d lequlpplng add ?.* Biuidny fo r obsor- oi' Idaho countle* Uio drop li fro: es of tho sitlou to piny th n t p a r t; Vvhloli *hloli Is li 10 fnntfl. ' Irop ll from relations representatives I ' t Intervals to keep up upon tb« deam c^d q i , survey by th e Oonimlsslon Oonimlsslon on Hos* U freiiuont• B 4m in * om t* U Vtnat«l(f liie„ Rev, P a th e r I ^ •(■Uin , U»«. Mln. ftp, Flower. ‘C 'rancls_J-*O T 3(iiooil-ai lO -BTm r■“ held a t Pl( t e y * ----------- ----- i ? Jonday a t the Church of the Littii) ^ ^ I i_________ 27 ALL YOU CAN EAT 'lower. Concluding rites wUl be ^ ■■■■lit— liT J i BU RU m icid a t Pleaaant View cem etery. / ■ f i.f r L r r r r r l a ' !' Qid4n ^ held a t 3 Y BD LDS R LEY — runeral lervloei for ---------------------- i9 40 ward ' ^ ' J rj. Roae Hannah Howard wlU be ;S!'ft newi-t(iisojb styles—/ leld a t 3 p . m. Monday at) th e th h d yles— f rom our o W 'r e p la) i ' . J7.- - ■ ,-2 9 servlocfl wl E ach SATURDAY V and SUNDAY r e p l a r fine /ard LDS church with B llhop Bob.......!....... ao 18 M morlal gar< 5 p . m . to 1 0 pp.i.m . Btocfe— now REDUC B * l t U r O i t y ‘v ^ . .u . ., ., ..... M «i .ITrt . Ram aey ... otllclatlng, Cfcnoluding lEDUCED , . . some a s much V2 o ff! J‘«,mnei*6 ____

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I easy, once you get u sed to comments. md has ^ H I Jo rd an ’s background b usy ■ ■ ■ ■ h e r a p t tratolng Ior tth h ee busy 1 i n th e ■ l e leads today. B om i n th e f -V— - " t K' ■ v h e a t growing area or ff e austt-fiv e ? ',S , I ^ f c s o n , sh e was one of ih th e five .............. ^ f c r J f i s m t n d - M n r J e ssse-E s e - E dg— dg- K a country doctor a n d h is ......... ' " B k e a c h e t^ - w l f e r - B h e— - s h a rree d ■ " ‘j. ~ ____ ^ ^ ^ H B t l v l t y p f a rural p hlyslclan’s y sician ’s 'er, O re., K school ta Hood B lver, rsity H l i m studies a t the U n iv eersity iKSBaBeL free lance writtogf follow H r a p i d su cce^ o n . •iting H c h tn g sh o rt story w ritin g at H n iv e r s lty of Oregon, s h e le f t ;o m a rry ■ h o t l ' s s ta f f In 1924 to ie, O re., ^ E c r d a n , a n Enterprise, ■ n ' o f W orld war I wvho ho h a d ■In a d e ^ ■ to the cam pus to o btain H j n buslnes adm inistration. H a llvtag n e a r. Enterprise fo r m s m ade three years, the Jordans canyons’; ^ p o v e "tow ards the ca n y o n s’; ren ts r e H b e g a n th e series of events > U s-e iiOrnc aiciow iiUiio ^juaii« ■ Jordon, employed by th e D ob■ n d H uflm an sheep com pany of v ^ nnow ow H t o n , moved the fam H ily, J ibe com ■ i n g two children, to th com B i aheep ra n c h near th eI T Immnnaah h aa ^ n a r t n ■ aJoU o w tag year, with a p a r tn ee rr, BR mllp.!’ H o rd a n s bo u g h t a ranch 8S m iles m , aa bb oo uu tt H s l c e river from Lewiston,

^ '



retsei llk i i ^ n y t ^ h « ( ^ < !oirt UH wm i rranci-proQ annT Ji commociity, o n d it 1$ v e'ry 'j> o » |b lt] o ir r COmmodi . - , |r ------- p'bur re s e npresent t pol Icles areoatM 5fidOti:H N A N D E R S O N . M o n a a w DjMinrA t b o s t B u i a r . - . BANK : : ; fjB O M -

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H |^ £ A : j L » J I H H H i l [ ^ l day In TvIn F a l l s Friday a n d Saturday aI buBjr ^ay recently-publlshed b o ok. "Home B « lo w Hella Ilow H ells autographing copies of h err recently-: A m erican 0 gruMi speftker al a lanflbeon of tl& e Ametlban Canyon," and appearing t s g u est spei Association of U niversity WWoimeh om en aa i Blae L a k ^ 'C o u n tiy laR-TH rs. Fowler, Twin F alls, m em ber of i (he T w in Falls c h a p tesrr of th e by isu i the ioT ernor's w lfra iito B nraphi ip h a h er er ^^aho W riter’s league, stannd d ss by ving) photo-engraving)

I -1 \ \

ay-s ynn^— and-colorful life—a n d -a -lm jin t_ B ut n o t too busy, i t seems, I,totospend spend -i -ssveral-hour»-iiuT w in.E alls-io 41s. ^-io4is. ro le -In j CUBS th e-unlverslty. w om an’s is_rple-ln the s ta te and com m unity, a n d to exchange ‘'shop ta lk " w ith em*! ­ < ih^mm^em bers of th e Twin Falls chapter, pter, IdaIdabrief lho W riter's league, d u rta g hh ee rr brief stay here. i ■r ----------r --------:-------------------------- ^—

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^ a n d J a L -----_____________ M lle sJro m .H ells If tr tr W4IT >■*For worltng houri— n — SI II gsugi, gaugi, ]0 dantir ” ir tr w w ^ K dftI ItiuHM —II — II giugi. giugi IIS daalK $ 1 .1 8 . n« w tr

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Thtra a r t arH u d iw ;(o n S iB f:_ .:.i

j - / ^ — - proporflonad'lanjlKT T ^ r # ’Wi pitfii / e»w iho^ivqra truly Mqulilla i la “— l««k look m 10 w wonderful



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S tM rm C tilira ii.

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Silk Strvlia.Walgkl, CaHea jlit, CaHoa

..$ 1 .7 $ .

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” W A B H IN aT O N -"W hat will happen,” asks T. O., ------




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tte-n»rM Trpfflnff

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-----------eren-at-ajlfrelow -ra rrr.’. — *lei**iitrbeeomifc3!Hl a t this ra te ' there < K** •• ■■ abo u t' 7110 y ^ . n llttl— — lly ln g -^ w h in tiM M ^tagle-ptlrl ■ r- * . w ith iiiiob-. potoni



-^ im W ^ g < a iK -T g W B y im t4 0 rtlmi r l lcar e Mle 'exoeptloh 'o f 'J o e M tC arthy I have called attention to the luUrr- thtbe bur aand n d lo r tb e sam e le n e r tl re iio n i. tlve political activities ot one A rthur ygm--------------T"*----•----•---------- --------------------- ^------- i s - P o t e n t i a t 4 f o r d e — TrCkUaTOlffiTW ho' ffilB ntilnl'B iys— ' of mamAn terious political oftlcei In tbe W alA e u t e m w om an w H V M J 9 ' -n teri luht to Joum ta* In L as V e g u a c c o m p tn l^ dor dort tower but muoKnttarMiim M 1“*rr-m “ n k U n - o n - -W i- p o U tlo iU iw>, Y tt, ilk n ee v e r 'm 'en tlo h i'K iiaf ^ ‘;>ap i Mk


destroy Itself but t obUvlon a n d 'tb e gn


' memben ^ t h e . clc Shnitown, Pa.. “If F ra n c e -re je c ts th e ElsenhowerBTittiw »»° poUtlcal poll ii pp «e ll *a .S1 u s s lin Invasion, if stro n g a e rm a n units ' 8 lit. A pair pair c» c tnn V/ w h y tben lin 't the ■ - ■. , BT H AIL-PATAaUI IN AOTAHOI OrPw giving only t b e i ^ H | H | n oa bottle ca n g e t 1 m an In tro u b le real1 givl B tttlrM *^^i>4-B >l ung. 100 Moh, M oh, -- Happily. Hi In biilldhii , H e -p a T k e d -b li-o a r-s e a r-th e cityf to t h t - f a c t - t b a t j ^ ^ ^ y ^ . £01^ f 'tlx month!' - ' ' - I - -------------------• - - • B.M mU ltsiy eiiperi. 'espMlaUy th o se In erraroH;6(Hnoro H H nore -n n m riflte n tla lr-th r y i t i 'm r • , , II ' .■ ■ ■ ■ ... .iiKAfl, iien I telephoned T hi hall win eom mand a t P aris. Insists th a t no, m U th e o th e r d ay and was gone to r w add to the the origorlg- ^gn) ^ept n jjjd ; Merel J about 4B m lnutea. When h e retu rn ed1,. to ask about h l s | w 8 | ® | F | l easl U j ^ ^ ^ H r e i l riisUtance to a red Invasion ‘ oou tl pthr. w h o (no, it) notlcM r*qtitr«d 'b7 Uw or hr v r it «f Mart Mnp«t«nt enough ot each; kin poUUcal s o c l e t l e s , * * ^ ’^ " - * ^ som r|itb generation; 3 plus 10,i03. plus SO shortages m an pltal and th a t's why he w aa aend-. his new -found frlin d . plus 60 —ev en one o l th e pe Ar- pall M cCarthy, a n d recently w as hidlctid t lu o s 360 plus 3.160 equals 3,803. r h er historic enemy. P'*®' letog p shor ospital, the blood bank and the way in which 1 A few m onths la ter, In th e d ark dire to th e vetertoary hoapltal equals plays W ashljfttoa snd London could n o t act Independ-, tag tag me n la d by the f e d e r ^ g r u id Jury on sntlya w itOth g e n e n tlo n : 3 plus 10 0plus 60 —e v an im portant ri le public may help to bring about a better, ot tth e moon, persons unknown and ad (or a Clydesdale treatm ent. of itly of F r in c i for leveral reasons. In th j first place, for ox- bcharge of.-o rh n ln il. Violation oflift." tbe p lu1 s 360 plus 3,160 plus 13,960 equals play; So tnhnala are ki n o t to o proud of thnur e ir poatal Ci law s I h hiclUng th e tssassln Anyhow. I gueas It cost m e lesa1 apparently^ app 11around understanding. it would mi m e in the im ashup of th e weetem alliance. Anj i- r a t , ofSoequlUbrlum excepi This cha) feat persuaded P resident-elect Elaicondly. d ^ supply arteries to O erm any—raUroads, tthhaatt 'way a n d I tM nk I g o t a little1 feat, lm . tlon of M cC arthy. 2 To cover all theie details, these dally ar- scoondi^, r bv '^th generation: 3 plus 10 mplusplus 60 genP of ^ man every so 0 er to algh a "testim onial" Olai relief. Besides, like he said. It'sI enhow enh iperhlghwayi. pipelines—croas F rance. There Is noI relief jleI would h e re Uke to n ail an ,Item 10 , plus gent applecart by supply! dlp lu s 360 plus. 3,160 plus 13.9S0 eles must be fairly long, but we urge Times- »up«rWghwt p raisin g G oldsm ith tor no knpwn to I r t auch things gol pral h e r m eans of access. “dangerous “"B* ila- reet p u t out by th e Associated Preashanlast 3 J® mice equala 93,312. jp p l or rabbits bettei ews subscribers to rea,d them In their enW heeiy rea< reaaon. R epresentatives Case an ters • • • uplua 77,760 auai/a fjeid,, „ d a oqi: ' wd M ay » q u o ttog a h an d o u t from The ®th generation: 3 plua 10 60 ^ [5 5 (Twhi Falla) scoi S cott, an d S h erm an Adams, asalst- orgi t ety, nevertheless — our suggestion being aebmani dEBMANB MAT ACT ON T H E IE OWN—I n my live letterhead la y o u t caUed th e Amerlm il. p lu s SBO 3,160 plus 12,060 plua ,77,760 from jjfaJ predators than ------- ------------------------------------a t L J)h e.aesld en t. W)i!)._wero__lmr . ann t:tO iIfiI6 n r i n i l * “ IM n o h T e fu sB -flB tly -in d -fin a lly to, — Il«. can Association for .th e J J h lte l JN of t- pPlu tlm e i-p u t—tuch-ts-^ lat-th s luccBM.ot Mftftic ‘V aiieyT iasesfisi ■opiaionrir" lu s «6,660 equals 6t9,873. ffO „ KITTENS FO B KIDS DEP»T. pUccated. aU told evsslve and con- I« ~ pU [ree, B ritain and th e U. 8 . wUl perm it th e preaent W of tlbns.^TSIs h an d o u t said "a cam - _ a»t h _ g e n e n tl o n ;J .p lu i Id p J u sJ P'JJ O, w timtter e fronts lo r rtts, lojpltsl Is well worth th e special Interest on Two k itte n s an d one a d u lt m ale> fU fUcIctlnit itories. 'Wel ihappy sltustloa to d rift along. I n th a t event, theI Tw( 3,709,360 Ing natural predaton palgn of m isrepresentation Is betag “ w pP‘U lu s 360 plus J.160 plus 13,960 plus wate ) . . . atat h ^a» w M ^T eryone. ________________ * tleu -aen n tn s-m ay -g o -ah ea d -« v en tu a llT ,.o n ;ttn lr.:’ “catt ia n i u o i l a b l e for f r e ^ T hey're ark dh-ecled'against the U.N. apparently » ixotlo specie! ' ® 77.760 plus 466,660 plus 3,709,360 ductag w " Bn yellow.^irou-csnTrfclc-them-up a t l i l i j j t e i y I s 'ch a ra cte rlstlo -o f e ll....— m r*s-H lti«r-dM -«fter-ho-flam » -to -p o w er,-A ad -th e. md backed by larg e southw est fortunes.” J“ U which of ^Sffl^EtaesJfesrglves-lte’readers-assuranee- -ownrm-ati equals 3.359 ^32 rabbltal ju dthelr-neoessaryjmrl j r crol QolBsmlth’s poUtnsr^^Id'^ny8tery^3— *■’ 6 f=ioiirn£\WHW stren g th en the^enemles o f S T j fJf l O T o n ..'stm Itters-ol T hen-rtbbit(,-m lce-« ,elr Conttoulng. th e Item eald; "This iEW FTO =im aJtff»pSi8t^ "ahs^ iilemfite.= l _ 'i. IW T h e -'common houae rat, which o l t i ilw 'ays * Challenge to a rep o rter an d weU name la W hlttalcer: ' ilwi janceUor Konrad AdenMier, w ho Is a m an of peace nsnie fm u c h take !l 5- charge w as contataed ta a letter by ''produc’e ' s 'frsm 'th re e to-slx-lllters-of Thei over until a "n a • • • to ]peoijle who le a m .that they a re reae ling but fa c ti In lubmlttlng all this Infftr- SJd^riend t th s W est. '" id friend of 1female a l“ Olark M. Elchelberger. executiveu dlI t n in e to lO T g e lry eK rrh aa-a-m u ch - |a takestobllshed. e b e l ^ worked u p o n by designing appi OW NERS SOUGHT belt iation.not only, for their benefit, but for the Thu m«it Thi| m oa t alarmlpg nrospect l l t h l t a desp e n te old la es ,wn rector of th e association, to its chap.lie r g re a te r potential. Stoce eachiths female . — ioul Folks -tsan—be re a l- th o u g h U u lrr iitr t na a g e n - f r o m - f tf a r . ------ — erm any, seeking ig a ln a place I n IH eT fam lly oJ— Fou elr-off(--------— 1 K i i -g m d ters th ro u g h o u t th e country. The “ eneflt of th s hc^ltal,'those doctors who a n oermuiy, • cap. breeds when sh e is four months old ) Itall T o em phsslre tb e mysterious qualt^ons. would enter Into an allian ce w ith th e Bus- especially In a n emergency. Some 1st- anci organisation . Is headed by WIU- ■P{“ = m ie-pahrT jf r a ts - a n d - tb eproduce lr - o tf - j — enwlentlou»-«nd-cobperat.lve,.and.out-comB. .Bfttlessi-M an^l' l^ls several - -p«w « d -lt-a t - th a t - a fiildBnti JtlL lay o u ti) le t m e a d d Ithat M a rtnt S- “lam T l Em erson, Boston, an d one of spring, theoretlcaUy, could produce -j-----^ForrDead'rOld-« n ear! e a rK h n b e r ly th e o th e r n lg lit.T h e yr layc ^ ' t • • . . ..................... Inea-pubUo-healthr - m - "ex( ltiinii!H5riry-pr«sldBnts--lB--Sihnner -« onal- *-*ota l-ot-mnrfi.th an 360.000.000 r a ts ___ [ Quigley, a publisher of movie m agJ ? e repeat, w« n w have an outrtandlng "who •Tffho ii l i ppiiy ln i for th e extra expense resulthig from yanked b lan k ets and quilts o u t o f 4 u l ure hss 5 ,HORSES, Welles, fo rm e r under-aecretarys iSf of w S i'i r aih iee a n d a C athoiie ot rath er p re the lth to th ree years I , « lywitrnBumv hftween S enator McCarthy an d the their cars to help w rsp vlcUms o f ssh; tentlo u a-asD ect._ iefu scd to d iscuss. Jfc-Ci Hide A nd rem em ber this creature haa H th iM C ld en t. ■ ten( m y t e O il Behlni M filr?'* togg r e T a r g : . BUsaheth. ................................. I hJjL his connection w ith o n e .o f th e worl personal'a h inow » n enormous appetite. I t ctn ea t aTT'l - ^ e r e - ^ ^ ,E ic h e ib e j:g e r _ « a I d'mjis,_ 'i. -o . _ 3iw - th lr d - o f- lta - w e ljh t- o v a ty - J i- J - p c rtnMimnlth fronta bv n h o m i_ an g _ris tt^- Jgav( - ii^ -n tu m e < l-e x flip U fdr- t wo 4 )ian k . £101 w eU -ftaanced-cam paIgn o t mlsrepr. doiuat, frim v iw w T ri O eo rg e_ .P M d in g Eliot, w f io a fmd i o '35® few P™ hours.'elnd usually waates wore. e ts a a it:o n * -“ q u llt;S T O ro I< l-^ v « f Oeo isSce aU s ( B g f e i s l o n r ™ ^ — — - « j^ a i a. p o n f J are reaentatlpn of th e United Nations. I t “ to tta e w j n with one layout. dare'dTneT tem] - i f i ; ==^hi=^!onttastj^ptohablyrttbft.,doiiMti; AN ligara and Cryii - ^In A erly . sava h e would lik e to r e - tta< ephant. | is tag ap pt aren tly Is ftasnced by Urger 3 ! B iW « r T T S v r h a a 'm w T Q ® f t Bbe p fffltte d — iSSiWwrT r 'to » 'beHbwlng voice, to c a ir h h n a ' s ta th e r inultlplytag m am m alIs--the. p en -. — ' turn Jtoem to th eir owners. Y ou ca n I n i a fo r tu n a te ly r ^ r o o s t- o f determ lnlng-w hether-M c-- -ffiS o rttw M tst ig. com- ^ --------N southw ealLf(gtw m i. It .seeks to.cap.^ r 'commuiilstl-when-I-caUed up-to-taUc- -funi lush- -lierous -Pschyderm, the elephant. I p a ^ i> i6 tw m -— ; --------------------- ' S irJt toMt t i i d t« m aki flehlne an officer, and wheUier drop “™Phim a card , phone h lin or s t ^ cow fefbapi!' 'f.' _ _ a lItallze on disappointm ent a n d I p o r —« tblngaQ*er.JLjlon.’t..lniow why h e to t rory T h e fem ale Is late in 'maturtag. com - ' by t h r Hove residence. th li I t n a y r t t u d e d hi?« as a hostage. wUl be financed ™ iral tend ance." an te d m e to call h im a communist, 1 In- “Pfi in g ta to parenthood wfieiTjsrhapii' • • • w ar th eSAmerican taxpayers. I t wUl be paid o u t of the I " DULLES' tiPLOM ACT l^''tS to S ••'T h li E lch elberger la a-pmfeaslonslII h a v e shown t h a t It Is a p a rt igof- "M eoutlve” o f political leaguesle n6t- witl ‘ — " PUPS F O E KIDS D E F T . imey 'w hich the senate has voted for the general I H Seldom has President Elsenhower spoken money whid O o ld im lth 's schem e to allp money This T h l pooch Is old enou*h In caee. pol; re - th e G oldsm ith pattern who h as made A I lhtb''itaites where relatively few votes p o r e feeU tte^ tfiim when, In h li speMh {o' eO arthy investigation• of •com•m unists In governm ent you're 11 n o t Interested J n ralsh ig a uss a r awiw o f-au ch atutf an d is now » u ^ Unerlaah publishers, he paid tribute to the 6 y ears old and n o t b o th -. wlU elect sen ato rs an d representsn M X 1.01 LOST—There Is a n ev en greater charge. I t pup. She's ( worktog w l S j l e a n o r jtoosgVJirTOT , tlve* w ho agree w ith him. H e Isthae on ered by m 'atom al problems. Y ou can it)slsta of (b t tlitae w hloh defense officials a n d th i t Uplomatlo sklUt of Secretery oif Btat* John «ot)iUU of 1 uat Unll gave h h n a n o d ta her p r MHe the N iw -Y orker w ith tw o aenators. Ives ll s l ito n m ust ip*nd a t day-lo n g hearings, lo pre- get. bbier fro m Bcott Btepbena a t Ho. "oster Dulle*. u t s«m W iaablniton Oourti. “an dd Lehm an, to represent hhn. biiie irlng 8 .000-word itate m en ts. In rw naeM ng th e ir U W r'ie m p T to 's w ln g S K t l o n s 'I n ^ t h e r mU he h a s th e effrontery to h o ra h ito wltli At Geneva, DuUm h prwently tn g n * d In r a ' s ta te a -b y - th e - u a e - o t- s e o r e t- a lu s h -oer es fo r.p irtln tn t docum ents a n d In m any o th e r ao^ o tljer states fo r th e plain purpose o f 'c a r tian Dram a presenting tl have .p i! ;rhat should be one of bl 4 toughest assign- ufjuei The aUt- -funda-lrom -uneeen sources.jjontrory ritles n o t eonnicted w ith th e discharge of their The m o th er of these six pupa la a fru s tra tta g the fran ch ise ot th e cit"» • and Drama answering m any othi reglatered G erm an ahorthair pointer. , very ip lr lt of th e reformongta - ta g A 55-minute Christian Itles or o r thi th s eonduct of governm ent, reglst nents. He m ust try to protect American In- dutiei ' Izens thereof. T o th a t purpose, hIne to " the i • • • The The fa f th e r la a stock dog. You can “ “ b y tb e d h w t eleotloh of le nto- — tu re of the Church hecy. and answei wrests In th e P adfle. try to iceep our foreign 1950 h e "supported'' George P ra n1st. k - ptended o» o f ators. h a s been directed from th e roound yoo Inform me a ftto whether or not the get eet th tl e. pup» a t th e fa rm of Ed lto. J r ..,v young N evada lawyer w ith tiw tortions of Bible prophecy. [rleBdshlip»-w«ntt;‘«nd tiy tlio to eonvlnce W aldorf to w er by eastern rath er Uted B tttis contributed to rebuilding of the port of Borts, Borts, ro u te 1,- Klmbe^y. H e Uvea a d ec en t war re c o il, agatast Pjcy a t sltlo PJlO.... . -H. . |^ (n re s 8 baek iiome th « t h« it not seUlng four e a s t of Five P o ln ta eaat. J , ; ,tj 5 th a n w estern fortunes, le r b o u n r iski I. 8 . K„ AIbuq.uerque, N. M. four mllea i : M cO arran an d b ro u g h t hhn on to dem f j ” Y ork for a little term of coachta - ohai T he Associated Press Item goes Answer;-Although no speclflq provlsldn for reluUd- then then one ( m ile n o rth and I t’a th e flra t' New pfliOUtJ^LOiSlCKi^U^ , Answer;-A place on th e n o rth alde 'oT th e road. I ( onOlto ch a rg e th a t opposition to the port and city was. inade. the'French did use pipee BIA s has .been WeU noted before, Dulles has ln»g the port ' tag s n d djacuaalon. He^^eay^ U nited N atio n s sm acki of "antiMiey and suppUes-ient-irom.. this. CQUnttx.-lflr„thiL- He ea the c M e r ^ bloo ^ U n e ^ ’ —M cC arran waa. dam ned ta thvea a t ,cbm gutr oacl semitlsm. an tl-raclal equaUty and ipos*. T h l miwer is “Ves." and whoever made It likely ' 'cam p aig n because h e h sd fought fo 1 ^ destined to be » bumbler In foreign afb«t bird dogs o u t of the five m ales, one f?® w ith aU th e overtones we have n i t h l bet. bird d I th e exclusion a n d deportation jto o f cont 235 ■ feaali T b e y 'n a m onth old and' com m unists h i tw o laws govem tag female. o f Nen learned to expect from hate-m ongffialh. Ii^ereudngly ha h u gained tlis eonfl!ltors-" ’’ h nm lg ratlo n a n d aecurity. F or th a t » • “ >«>• . . . tain menc? of frlen^y 'p>vemments u he has V T F \ in Not o n e word does th e AP offer lo p atrio tic service h e has been p u t to 'Tl worked with their diplomats In conference WILL TH E Y OEOW H E E E f prove th a t "large southw est forth e m oat Indecent ehuee, aU dliel- tocri -• iW A T riN Q THK VERDICT _ ^ 1th W e s " - a te dotag this o r that.opP o- . [after conference. . ■ jn-hhis'tJd] - ______ --r«,t -rected- fro m th e-ea stem -sea b o ard ,- Jient ta te-id d tess before tlie-American-flodety o^NewB- Dear P o t S h p ii: ^ t agrli sitlon to th e United N ations Is evlTha best ,w ay to solve o u r coffee t h a t a n y m an h a s suffered ta A merp«r 8 :0 0 p . m . — N o A d m is I But there Is still a feeling of hesitation to- p»p«r per EE • • ^mainland. ■■ it«eif.jaic«Lj stim u late business expansion. We could use the II Aiid- i&a secretary believes, too, th at his duige in proIf the theories are. as Mr. Hum phrey so m ulatlon ' {frequent blunt wordi'on Europe have served Th" sooner tcontends, correct.—S a lt Lake Tribune. afldently to curb R uishu prewuiei, for they have given J" \ 'L '^ R em em ber AND STATEHOOD the reds unmistakable evidence that we have stimulationPOLITICS 1 th e r» .li_ a^itron*_£ase_for statehood fo r. Hawaii, I drawn a flj;m line across the continent. They confidently c jo m e o n e lere Is a etrorg c u e for statehood for Alaaka. But , can have no Illusions about our response to I two cases tre n o t identical a n d ihould have been ( ^ any serious step over those bounds. _ssldered on^ their Individual m erits. As It Is, domesf ‘"R SJlstlo free w «ld diplomats have mstd#' T ^American f t s »»' politics haa w rapped the two together one bill, which ha« been paased by the eenate-and -• a partial adjustment to this new species per- thew two goes cuei to ^ 1 houae. sonified by DflUei. Perhaw , feeling the weight considered 01 r h i n Is also-t s tro n i ease for commoiJwealth sta tu s, S o fjo n g tradition on their shoulders, they -Nerlcan J iir th a n statehood for noncontiguous territories » Fcannot be fjpected to goTirthe way with his „J th 7 eo «U nited to’l SU tei. Logic would make thla apply laUy to Hawaii an d Alaska, pu ttin g them In the ^ «.]nnoyfttloits, Ther* U ali ne category as Puerto Rico. I n opposition It may / '( ' [' But'at le w t th iy should b* lufflcientiy toi- nthir arguedthui t h i t geographic dlatancfs are today less Im^ “■1 L erantJo be jrUJlPI to ]ud|* Dulles by the “>• rta n t unit* th a n euUural, economic, and Ideological con) r e n tlo n i. ”But 10 fa r n o n r of th eae eonelderatlena, F results ho obtaln»—not by hjs departures from w ith II Bame categoi or oUiirwlae. ip p e ars to weigh so heavily ^ old habits. be Jgnphlo argued thi Ih som i A merlcin legislators u the p artisan ad---------------portant utagesthan of domestic American polltlca. 8M0KB SCREEN slderatlont. ] rhe one course th a t aeems clearly wrong Is to con- 'Tm u I By severing dlplomatlo relations With Ausue to dn ?nothing i bo ut-the-present-unefttlelaetory•» tus of Hawaii a n d A lu k a. I t la being freely pre-






AY, M A Y : SU N D A Y , I .L 235-3rdAve. lOOF HALL .



^ E W S OF O T H E R S

Io Admission Charj










I trslla and taking other stem measures, some „n{,g^* f ted th a t t h i houie. disgruntled over the eenate'a ef them economic, the Soviet union Is not The one co iltlcal maneuver In lum ping th e Issues together, will wmsrely-reveallng-th^depth-of4hej(round_suf:- ^inua to dn 1 by killing the atatehood bill. T he adlot politically ftred when -Vladimir Petrov, MVD official, aj!tr»ofU pHa h i attltude_m »y .b e-d ec isiv e. We trust it •th e man -f a o l-lh 'a F H a v ^ l= « “norm iliy-ESiraw iciiH -----defected, and sought political asylum. , Mmioai 1 A lu k a normally Demooratlo m ay be lesa InnuenThe Russians are-trying ^mightily to sug- reaot politics I th a n conilderatlona of broad-gauged stateam an^e» t-th at AuatraUa.tt-fulltjLafjiQmB serlam. jnlDijtraUow p .- O b r lil lin Science Monltorv.



. W H A TS " THE MATTER W IT H OREENT i hWi pv e. -no ^ ^objection to color, w ith in reison. an d gcniiiy weloomi Ihi trend to brig h ten thingi up. But it to wonder what the poitofllce d ep irlm e n t hopea to w hspending at In . by a lot of m oney painting lie curbe m ill boxea ^ rcd-w hlte-ond-blue. The traditional len h id blemled hlccly wltli n atu re's favorite color. 1, to wonder

g«in by «p«r u n b effect. But a red-w hltc-and-blue box Is »w« man bo n i e lie . On [lig and bunting, such solors. are

soniobenu111. O n mill.boxet, ho. W ho'd w ont every corner In n j j ou,un,i, look Ilka there's a clrous o o m liig -o r was here J iJ ’I«in. .iJ LoiJ . w ' " ' ''" “ b tfu l any such deal thin* itM9" m iomii ^ «l«mp«, we'd s a r ,- C r e io n timi-


mwu Btatennan,


/ / "

T h e ^ S im p ltr




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In t h t J s w - p r l e » J l ( ^ ^

li* f'titirJuy''Lv0/j^ f l / / f J f l M V f 'f i t i f J

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•• tM n FUlUllNOTH lOX-OlpDII


^ FUlUlll


2 ! b .4 .S O



The modem trend In engim ^de higher compreulcn., That'i to-w r /a n gai. diovrolet gives you the any leading low-priced car. Com o demonstration. W e're sure you' out-perform* and out lf o u t - o f -

tht b(it H M caniy In tht uiorli .


al(;l heal heating swimming *» •il'e present, swlmni )uld cost cost too I’®’'* TOuld °l the present P’^e’ pools, A la r g e r pool would w ould 9?e«m < necessary, h e said. Dr. E. D. S a ra s pointed o u t the ted out orlne to > olty imall coet o f adding fluorine water to p re v e n t toothI decay d ec ay and Murphy called attention to th e need n for more bleachers for; t h e ro rodeo

_ *• --~-™ •w S lM s

B iI afI ^" \






V 1' ' ■ I '’

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'* U W I i = * ^ « .t4

Hor oo ff tUhl e Dennis Ambrose, left,, Installing (offlcer,'pres


L lC ty l S

®rOME, May 1—Newly !wly elecled elected Icera o{ tho. n o rth sideB chapter of STDrJeTorDeM oKrHSVrmsff in=SVrWiSfl in lied by Dennis Ambrose, past masie ,p astm iu coUDclIor. H e was assisted by

rry Uckley, Installing marshal, j jo e Prazler, senior 'coimcllw* councilor. ' n . L inJEai6{l~werBr0h8fle8; S Callcn, son ’nii«n nn^ Mrrand"Mrs. Oene Oallen, Vraasilvan?'sm“ f counollor; O ene Sullivan, seniorr imollgr; . OJen Suiter, _ Jm lor a r Ssenior ffr' imcllor; L a n ^ Halstead, eascon; Stuart Haines, Junior Junior ddealor steward|j;' rii-na Bhnlimn^ j^ n lr^ steward; stewardrl. Fulkerson, juniorr steward; aln; M erlin on^ Vandiver, chaplain; Merlin es Mecham u:llng,Jnar8hal; OharlM Mecham, noner; Bob sister; itandiM crlbe; Rodirer; Jack Prazler, scribe; etelnluSrsasurERLDijug. Brown, lO U g.Bro^, aBf ;"*TSm“ StoItz, ■sentinel; n tln e l;aand nd mniri Qlnar, Bob Bacon, Curtis rtholomew,'' Bill Walker, Earl a jr., Gregg Hoskins and Victor meli, preceptors.

HAILEY, May 1—Past masters ol A’’ “"d a m “ ‘■e m aking plans (or past ast m m aster: asters n ig h t at the Masonio temple May II. II ipic May banquet will be served ved aa tt 6:4! 6:45 p.m . hy womi»n nf i.hi. Fn»ti.rn tniriistera-S^ ta lo jg g fnj^tur Mason ason degrci degree „ u i i,j conferred a t ceremonlei ceremonies s ta rtin g a t 8 p.m.





F O M m


j W *E -C* A■ R R Y




^ t t



‘Y I T V D llilk lS fK

Don't let 1 taw t« 9 dry salary' sali keep you ^nd' chained toI - th e proverbial prove ‘tone. Apply ly yourself In I your spare ou'U soon have tim e for

■►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J* ------------------ -------------------


ERYTl m lEVEl T O l l J b j R ^ E A y ^ Q R nr CE E -^ S


:± rz J K O M -H E B

; i T>^OU>‘ ^


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[igh School Has 5" inquet Seniors’ Baiiquet ,






! t r =

' .... a u ty . la exquisitely trim* a e^d »> t bodta M l o e and hem wUhp eirm rm »a-^c - ^ ckk*i ^and acetate and jK rlon liwe. >Whlte. or P lnk-^—•— ses 32 -'40. / M akes a grand ' MotJier'a other’s V tp O lftl

5 ’ °

/ V X

ig h ,„ r | -k BUHL, May 1—T he Buhl hhigh liool senior b an q u e t was held WBesdsy n is h t -at- the-O dd P e lm hall. D o ro th y Bolton was CORDS sstmlstress. v> ead by Jo \ ^ The Invocation was read Jo­in Lee. Qeorge.I^lkeness, SIS, ssuperlnu p e rIn I p . j A " v + p rie S t o W i "stu­ s t u -------- ndent. gavB- a ^toastr-to-the sppnded for ■ , nts. Jan Bordewlck resppnded ophecy was M ^ e class. The class prophecy Bd by M erlin Hudson and 'th e ISS will by M arguerlt« Hall. The theme o f th e banquet “I'll le You Again" w aa sung“ by K Norma ™ ; 1 ancls and L o u ise Johnson. "They--------B hey m on.-T a -------* - , m ire accom panied by Shirley B obhlrley R M ^ te « . • vs ooW , ts. A reading- w as . given1 by W anda een. A q u artet, Ldulse !e Johnson, B S ooet^*^ ,y,.ng t ' * ‘ ^ i rry Davis, R a y Eggleston and irma, Francis, w aa accompanied mpanled by | H n po««* ilrley Roberts. ements [n charge o f arrangem ents for ina Morris, e banquet w ere Leona


trlc o t-^ p ', ■ ?BS,--TW»-nylon E S ,-T W » -n

■. _ * , C rtije ^

r O


e ct for Mother's.Day G ift

Glamorous — tACETRIMMED



^ Ijj^ s d s S S h jX

^ J l y l o n Slip






i m

lln hss been A p a st ch a p te r d a d ’s pin esented to O h arles Hancock, a its o f f aw ard to Mrs.1. Cleo A Ammoie and a p a s t m aster• councilor's D to Dennis Ambrose.

you set up a buslnes convenient io ydu ent occupation.

(For M all Orders Send S*o)

I jji^ J l

I B E S I l B s i H v S B n H B r M H 'm

- -OGNSUW -trSfcrW i


SHOSHONE, May 1 - J Je ea ann ESnn g ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B iH H I man, Shoshone, paid a blg, i*:;' lliOO t B i l l C u n n ln i|i« m 10:30 xsE E UUrrD o »Al l L I t k t S U ff rna B d a if l l j O 'N e f r o I f t l e t a Oko!» ‘ Ada county and Boise junior eolshow next. ■ ^ -M ■ r-Bit.the hospital, Including « beds In0 T h e term s of Mr. Hiatt, Ura. MUI- li:ii 11:1S S u n d a y M w ry rG o -IU a tid IUM LLoattta h wtfA no ^ 11:00 T o p T u n e Tima , * " “ 16 * L in k ie tU y slonal aervlce and Should support ffikhloh ha* a marked effect on any u o n al e ria ll IOUS ’ M o d ern Romancaa iW c le o D ia T rft« a lM 2:00 *R adlo S e ria ll tho h o sp ita l board In proper odmln>e Ern! E rnie 10:80 *M y T r u a Sto.7 im ioipltia'a to tal patient oenaua. ™ ho K lio o y e le K lam b aM 8:00 *T enneaaee B andaland l 6:66 •W h ia p e rin a S l r a ^ c M o rffa n B eatty J ;2 0 SpJnnJnff Band#} The fa c t th a t somo Twin PallsI, Istra tlo n of the Institution. Loyalty itiji Kid* 11:15 • C h e t HunU aj x S p o r ta R e rle w 6:00 CallinK AUl ll Kld< Implies good will and patronage, f.'Jj I6ot6r«” Have been taking th e ir pa-. 'mpliea R. Mi M u rro w 11:80 G r a n d C entral S ta tio n H aw s 6t46 ‘ E d w a rd R. m s 01’ J o . Kill >*«w» and tth lepts to o th e r hospitals al*o btsJ and n e hospital may rightfully ex-- ilii 12:00 'P a u l Harvay «iOO P a u l D ro uubay b ay S 6 p o rta A liS I d a h o Nawa >ii alentt S c o u ta __________________________________ __ 8:80 G odfrey TTalen latl It* effect. • pect it3 a ta fr members to utilize Its ilQO K id d U K arnlva!__________ ________________ available facilities.” 1 '^OiicB everyone te tware of the, avaiiac uljlandlne faonitl'es In Magle Val-- lih T hee medical council serve* as the _ BAND PARTICIPATEB | se^ven ' ly Memorial hospital and w e have e exeoutl executive committee of the medical I ’o F IL E R , May 1 - - Thirty - aeven n iD SOUTH FROM M A G IC olvei our various problem*.” Mrs. 1. staff o f the hosplUI. Ite duUes Inm em bers o( th e F iler high school Graveside fu n e ra l aervlces for | )llver explained. "I am -sure ourr elude VALLEY ON HIWAY 93 ^ N OW PI d u d e 'th e responsibility of investlb an d took p art In th e state m uaie SUN.-MON. Oeorge Arthur Oondle, Infant son ,festiv al Thursday an d Friday in • Oe( atlent c e t ^ ba entirely satis-'• gating any breaches of professional -The Story of sctijiy."-'' " - ' _ ethi g tt_ ia m b » rlT ., .& y Jtl

■ ii a ■ a H M M

P ostal Job Open

I T ’S

yi •k I M P A I R I N G j ^★ R E - T Y I N G ^ R E F IN IS H IN G A


m o xi




T he G reat South

■ ■








"N e v er W A V E


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FURN. EXCH. P h o n » ' 7 a ----------------





5R E T U R N T 0



P A R A D IS E "


Short Subject





^ Pabul( OUR NEW— gbuMyBEAUiJFUi^^v

I *

L^&vajelgEM eih'iiglyDIFFERENT! te (rlD iA^


^ _______

______________ ^


I ^S-Doo«=Open=ot



S tanlsy K ram er's Production of Sh

— — de Bergeraa,"iii^—



lod with your F u n ^ ^ ^ ^ Have Food» ...Visitf the tlie Snacl{ Bar

_ g 1 ^




A frA W A C " and

! Plans Completed



rH ie ^ L = :

i r r “J tA N tiiE cR A ttst— — :

f 'w a * M H f la a a B

• SU N . - MON.

MURTAUOH, M ay 1 - Applica­ J, "tions “'J* f o r exam inations for niral rout* :™ “ o a j ^ e r , M urtau g h , are now be­ ing a«oepted a t th e postofflce. Closing data fo r appllcatloni la May ’ IS,




■---------- --- ■



____________ _________________ ---- *





--------------— ___

■ ------------






---------------- H M K t-'


K os^ FERREF J O silEMfAll

>avNra M iecU d 1 f r o m flow* >M >u£ Wd Kohl announced m eed the field I inc ormst, lun yallow. eora] rllow, eo ra] ppltn k . SEN D i r a t Caldwell station :ion fo r Mi May 13. f n o honey. P&y ppMtmtn o atm an on o n ly spaeU l ■ e field day at the , he U. S. sheep tntll-order prlc« pliu lui C.O.D. C.O.D. pp< o a ta c * . W t * lerlment station will bbee held he a t I pay poaUce on prepaid p«ld oorden. rd e n . E SatlafaeU on ' ............................................................... ........................ .1 |»lS'On May 18 an d th e grazing gr and § £uara»)te«J or.your moM aonerT back. b*cL ' KRVBB N U B S B R IEES. S . D»pL p » p t. I ; I I B lo o m ln rto n . IllinoU nagement tour a t; the sam samee loea, t .. i , RED REI-R E D 8PIR8A- ' I Bl R ED n on May 197 ----------------~ • - - T r t t o t FBEBI Beautiful liful bUzinff blazlnff R E D RED ! 8PIR EA . ---------I SP^REA EA efwan* » f v a n* » U o lu U ly I VHnt V « » a free with --------------------------w ith ordw o rd e r o f IX o r 1 l o c h o t i g e _ A Uai.^ _, ihfaa i S _ n| o w n ----------------- : i Bem !* fo r '— ■--■ ------pulatlon In in 1040 r a i i j f f i i a f A»lem*rBn«! m about 4,000 population more than 50,000 today. L — I ^ if ■ ■ I. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■_■ HL.li:^-n i e d ls tn ion on th tho. Wood In. of infornutlon rpUotdUlriot ajnd n d ibow o w t to o arriv e y . t i - i i f ncUoB to to foUow foUow out < th e ( proposals i- district work P « ® ^ w ere two mijor topic* pics diacm dlacusied * t ; m eeting of Wood S S S S K I S W super-


4 , S A tt A S CHEAT A

^ G ^ B AAYS a

LEFT! T ! ENDS S i i

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T„>«» bed da^ DAVENO

Leaders Pick(

i Wli


™ ;..AZa I eA Ikrgai


^ I f f l n g s ■ T jW w lH l M jB M B M S


Use Sears Easy


Payment P lan f
fiilL.i».> « ^ . ~

B t i f riif^ B n r


3 69*


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'ln o ^ /> e /: Wf o n dd ee H r fu l *»



N a w b » rry ry Buy




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ian o ttiil I l i a

10.00 O f f


- : ^ 2 - i w t y r i - '--------------------- - J 2^x




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REG. 2 3 9 .5 .5 0 , J OO D o w n ri;


Each __

U»In*t ro o m dav« davm pcrt ooBoetli fuSH ii b e d i n t t i e e u [ m attiees. Hlgld hardwood coMtrvietloni.

^ C C

*'*'“* “ “ * * " * •'



t» »I

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r « 1 17 / 4 - “ Reg. 184,90


I** 1 2


3-P C . SE SlillRET BED l U - r t l v m r f o o T --------------------- I T f V I DOUBtf-DRI iB tt-D R E S SE R -------- --— NTTE JTE STAI STAND J l-W W





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. #_ U REGUU R 3 4 .9 9 5 — 33, . ^ D o w n .................................. - ...................................... N Q W - ^ M m ---------- - —


d re sse ,

I 'B

FAMOUS MAKE 624 )2 ____ 4 CC C O IL C O M B IN A T IO N 1

i l k

K f f i K O V E R A l

__________ H.M Down. U.K Month gown, 12.W


IO-*'9EEgonJ^^ ;• c o m f o r t . - * ^ L Maonry \K 1 Cellophane leol- ■ PI A c o lo rs. 9 .1 5 ; 1 2 - 1 1 15; 1 2 - 1 8 .) , d for freihne... ■

S iierS 'A to n .


^ 8

Yours For ASong!

I B J f/


^ COTTONP'LlIS ISS SE E ^ U lT T IC O A l *1 v3





Reg. 39.95 3 ,5 0 D o w n ......... 3W 2A ’® *


WEATHER-RES1?TAI -RESISTANT C ED A R E-QFFEREPI........................... 2 .0 0 D ow n FJRSTTIML m

Handy sliding'door Jor easy e e ir Shoe rack In base. Sanded Saj SO-ltL weetem cabinet wood. Ji wide, r a -la high.

^ 3



SPiCIAW pRJAOlfl u n o M

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'4 -O o re. P a n «t ll'f* r (o tn«> s7 y " N y lo n • m b r o l d e r e d

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,., *A SIZE

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. ,( J

J.00 Down


^ T e e It'i a rockerl Your X j.-'i' choice of wool*or njlon ' covers. S tu r d y ,liB rd . wood throughout

Phone 2860 ....... .......... .......... ..........................— -------


ly j.n 3 2 .9 5 .... L ! R eg.

403Maln^W. X _______ ....


| a ^ — r-.-rH iG H=BA SE 3 - -





^ A R IM O O D ;!'

White Crib""^ l/iW

U L tl-S tR iP E


o w n , 5.00 M o n th .......................... — ..— . Now U ths time Ime to buy your outdoor Uvlng furniture. D ow n Lcinj I T __________REG. 5 5 .5 I I cedar In heavy 7 grade thx Btoct Sturdily conatmcted w ith b ra » I te ne l, frame itrlp M ootton dtUl o lag scnws. J ^ ooyf Tour your coutdoor eatingl niture. Iiingrlastlnf 5.00 D j^3"_frlnge.on^ o• w 5.00 w ith^ tittracUve i b l e canopy. Cotton ie a t pti w ith brass bolts and , t „ l fr« „ ,

NKIES j u S r m fv /


Vg i,C «

M P tH m e tl f

EpEC —




; '~'TO CEg-W )W S. T W I N


^ Times-Ni

iai !D Training S Man Faces T tiaL


’I Failure for

T m m m ' "f

U n w ary

:dflnts=*niiseeretarl( or ohlia? irthe'T U Jth-dlatric ® o » ’ 'T 1 l « 'h e i i i n r ^ r » r c ^ u e t ^ h w ^ : h « t ^ =ttm«!inS=^fieia-7(- . r:i» u b t~ th itm a n n u » lB « ,.e q « r tj Omberly- to da iT I n T o c ite llo ." iated aa changi of'vehus fromTCiinl>erlr iwlmmlng program ,can be opwted court.- - -------^ Sti^clul as It h as-b een 'Ih -th ii-p aitw11»w -- ^Justice ^ e “JcTPitneBei-for-the etate-wew a% -p^ l l t S l i r i d a o a n tf" ported ' S atilrday^lsr HW ^CNlW " a gfrl, J>w- roQfte^^ vwere-preientr-The ej i t t l e s ^ f N ^ o n s 1 B aker, Twin Falii R e d C rosi «rtcutc u - l^S[MMld 1) :------- H l 0.yiartld-glrr.--Defenie-UUtorn«L duoted-^by-Dlstrict-i -due they tlve-secretaiy.----------------' - tr tractors -with inore s s f e tr s f te r they tiv “ Editor,-Tlmes-Newa: ^ s ■ M lt()^ r'^ e8 -N ew D ^ ------- -------- gavfr gave -Is Isrsel-^the-Mclory; (Judgei , Oroia JAifred-M ay caUed P artojn-.to !T-ln-hl8 .ym .piud,-HaUw, a n d 1 ™ lU m e d how dangerous the j M 1 u r s of the recent; Red Orosa JIt hu been claim ed t]ut tht n n echapters h a p te r i 6 and 7). “Editor, Ji?' Tlmea-Newa , Why'^does the Jerome Safety, have ^ fll] Is i» own l ^ t j ^ p. |Stratford, P ocate T he activity of a> sflrvey Crew *■; a t council endorse driver tralntag for; famUy c a r Is to drive." iw drive to meet Its $18,000 goal fund w defense to deny th e a l egatlons. HHt-the Nation o l I s ra e l agtlnit other AU tl theae thtaii happened to K ^paty w m u n J. Ii»Pg» Lang- gov governor, and J . Edv B m U oiu ll p ro o f t h a t wan betnen IIsvra a ee l fo It r typea and were written n v e Polnta north makes m o wonder the Jerome h igh achool? There are! "We believe tbe Judgment they they the th< reason given b y Mrs. Baker.' D -------------g o v m o ^ n o m ta e er" develop from this training will Only o t J9.M8 h u been-oolloflted t^us- r « may be proper and hince a n d recorded re c dei lor the advice and U “ construction la anticipated on many, answers. poo ___ M orpliig-(ujd-^ft( Addison avenue eaat, H j h t t Christians sbould- Join with g u ld . m ean fewBr-.boys—a n d -g lrls-hhurt u rt -lar.------------fai --------------- ---------------- j" id a n c te of-falthful Ohrlstlana now A ^ sesalons wera-coniiii , --L ^ -It-works. Hundred* of -thou-^ With fa rm -machlneiy."--------------------- j J K l h tr iuUons-in-maldiif.var; . o n --ih itoe-^«e a rth rd OonnthlPaf lO ili). .- If “ s u c h cdnstruetloii Is anticip ated yj- jands-of-hlgh-sohooUtudenta-Jiftve----------Home aervlce oper a t i ons, requlr-TwouldHke-to-rorconilderatfon-glv-, , was admlnlstratloo N o n i o r OirKatlbw of '"C h risten «. la ed to maintain the c h a p te r s afflila■ t b B ' imonlQe .Xlndi no tupporf "Non^Tif iflilaE lE C m O N S I^ ^ ---;;--^ J . aU-eady ta k e n this training, « The cost for this training5 1« -en to th e construction of a pedes­ W u l i. tm«v>i I.. tliB a r.ili'iUirfT-'T^iR- dOW" e\ dofli’^ ever had any te rrito ry Otois, ■ w m jm .. May J-'T hB 'Htob ub City C l^ ^tlJ*m em BM F«rehj tio the Amerloaa Red Orois, n. Normally -the drivers from 1* to, ^about tjje cheapest safety insurance Uon-With trian underpais a t the inteiseoUon. Hi S eleS nrbrthe great-T heojK'iatloh ot I s ra e l w a s Tfdt orgaMiied ssIghedT ls n e d T io'thB i lopal »Rtpublian Women's olub wgl sleet. ^“ “ “ lunoheon featu WlU toke ^ o s t aU_-of the lofaL re 26 of age havo the highest ac-. wo can give our youngsters. T his would be a safety measure 26 years y i w ^ - ^ot hlM ri a f T - ^ U f f c k r l u nSi t te iom^^ J-“ldJn toahH iresldent ■ R il.w y political r u le r .orjUdtdtorot a n t, Jehovah, The to-eslled O hrli^ 7(ir~th'e’T w In T S lle school chlTdfTn n ^ funds, f5 leaving none t o r ’the iwlinfn 'CIden{TSfeSC~T3b you know howr '- • r' h e - t6 ta n ! a r p T r ''? u p in a ir oonly cldi Ivio clvlo olub olub college, as s p ^ e r . a tlo tJ mEiilnnr. T ltst was a o d ’i typical na- ttta t e nn m nw t n s hive' talien posscaalon laker. 1; 1:30 pjn, Tueaday a t the ml program, explains Mra. Baker. lean mlng re much safer it Is to ride with a n1 b^e shout $28. What does th a t mean and» certainly would b r in g more muc o f la to ^— Hlllon, formed a n d organlKd by tho Of l a na da 1by what they call " th e right lalled w rooms. Each member isked Is asked to j average 40 to 60-year-old driver: toto us as taxpayers? peace avci However lettera a re being mailed ■■ READ TIMEB-NEW o>f* discovery" or by purohaae 01; by P '““ o f mind to motorists. B ifaeat Theocrat fo r the purpow ot < dlacoi 1 will cost you leas than you will toto buslneaamen not ccmtacted during VIEGIL ALLEN ■ than' thal with these younger untrained1 It luring “ c oOn ^quuest e s t snd not by God’s will,, HKlclurlns the real Theocracy thet C drivers? spi spend taking your wife to the show, thi drive In a final 'e ff o rt to reach (Principal, drlv iiow, the “O la the a n tity p e of B||rihall rule the w orld by Ohr^ O hhrlstendon" rls thi >15W goal.. Waahlngton School) ItIt k alm ost 10 limes safer. YouI o r lesa th a n you will pay you.- baby “ >>y tho BHfi Jmel had n o m an-m ide lewi u d u n fa ith f u l Iirael which u nfaithful b sitte r for one svening. __ of the 4S age group can drive abopt » tj * * * * of tl p eo le Ilost the'whole land by Teii i n o polltlcBl p a rtie s and no relliloul S f ° Pp i5 One dented fender will cost mote . 10,(K 10,000,000 m iles without a latal ac' «on «o f th Jata school this year? A n y parent of ■ H^dTiteti ta .d lreo t th e political if . S™ ‘ e lt unlalthfMlness to Ood. w cldent. T h e untrained youngerr th a n tho entire year’s cost to train legal age, whose child Is under 31, "O hrlstendom ;” that li, the ao-called I .f li w | . t o . Thl« w as tr u e aa long ai tiut t one atudent. leg group wUl have a fatal accident ° ''' ^ illej can vote In thla eleotlon.' Will you? ^ U o n remained faithful to flod. C h ris tia n natlonj, are w ith o u t any How about It? Is It worth while? with about a tenth of that numberr ^ Al(' ^ C o d Choja th e e a rth ly location Jor a u th o rity whateoever from Ided ' LORAN W . CANADA y o u , help the safety minded ' of mllej. T h e statistics show.,thlB. WUl ^ m ig h ty Qod to engage In w a r arid r a j i l i typical- th e o c ra tlo aation. u .lt UT (Jerom e) ^ pairenti p u t giving training In O our w ith The records show In every city _ [ ® 's written: "A land which the lord S J ? , . H*is approval and blessing. whe students have taken this ■ en?ce, where ^ U y Ood careth fo r; the eyea o( the H ? /'} ? ' *th e wari between th e nations ^ to i Tlmes-Nows: trail training!-’th e accident rate has ■ n S lord they Ood are alwaji upiii it, 9o f, _t ^h e“ 'earth, even defensive w ra , zEditor, so u Soliciting members, of t h e Twin In droi dropped for th is age group. ■ Hltrom till bcglnnlnB o f the year even fin J S ;d “n o? aupport or Juitlflcatlon In th e w a rs that larael engaged In. . lU Is I Palls Beventh-day Adventist church j, * 3, Everyone drlvti. At one time H Jffiinto.the end o f t h o s«»r". (DwteT h e r e la nothing, therefore, that reach reached their 1BB4 Missions Appeal ^1 or or ,another almost every boy and H l T Z * z 3 * I -r w ould Justify the true C h ristian In goal ISaturday, reports P a a to r Pred ’d giri glrl In Jerom s will drive a car, the H ■TVhen the M ost High divided to oobeying; b eying the political and ‘ rellgloua hH.. Wi W a^ r7 mos most iliiniiiiiiiiiii |i!iii|i| ||| niiiililiiiii |i W W th e nations th e ir toherltanee, when ru ru le rs li le rs J n taltlnx up ^ r m ^ fo r aj- _ j n j -raadmi J h e T j r B r i t has ah-eady ■ n r a e leparstef the-H oiri oTAdanirHe- ■gyesslve gresslve war w J m J o i - r h i f ^ v r H Always easiei M fe% W o al,* ih e mlnSler a a ^ ^ m e m^ ^ killed more i>eople than all the wars ■ c B ^ t the bounds of t h e people socord- 1mnr nt now e a s I e r -1 ” ” r nT-nmr-ffimiv nation.against bors bers ccoUected 1188.08 last w e ek from the thp U. s. h a s engaged In. H Hflntf'tOvno iiUuuMr o i in® oniiarsr aa nn oo th w ith tw o sp< th ee rr worldly nation. friend fr ie n d and neighbora of t h e comit It has crippled and blinded more H y b f Israel." (Deut. 82:8) II ff th e natloM ot "Ohrlstendom" munit eroaa-over n B eginning M ay 11— — Ending M ay 7 munlty. peo| than all our wars. In Idaho H people H V Jehovah Ood, th e great Theocrat, go rr aa nn yy oother nations ot earth desire ^ IB lR y K tonecoiil “x h successful conclusion of our "The njon It h a s caused us mllUons of H ^ alone . . J ■ ■ ■ ____________ _ ^ r a j the ruler o f - t h i t typical-nation, to to ee nn gg aa ig t In wat and do so, t h a t Is appeal," «ppea i 'i l l ^ S E S B h e declared, "was m a d e posjou of losses. »- dollars ■ ■ttarail, and H is .w U Lthionly t o of th e ir a ffair f M |H |R V aound realism and It la the d u ty of gibie slble b y a community t h a t has ig “ Isn't It w orth while then, to train ■ n i ^ e nation. T h e la n d aiilgned to oQood’s d 's co covenant people to re m a in en- prove< proved Itself Interested In t h e wellourkids to handle with respeot and ■ >our irael waj h e ld Hi poiieulon pre.' tjrely n« tlrely neutral aa to such w ars. To being being o f Its fellowmen, regardless of gooi Judgment, this dangerous m s- H riouily by t b e O an u n ltei and w m E. Herbit, now check Prov. race, nationality or c reed ." He good Willla Ullam ohlr that they will run on our ■ •e chine, ithen vho w ei;e devoted to M - 33-4 38^4* Lolnte pointed out that the funds received jtre and highways? >d atreets ■ WJhlp, and w ho therefore were HENBY OraOBROW would b e used with, equal Indlscrlm ti Trained o r untrained, Uiey wUl H igalnit Jeh8v»h_aodr-Il»t-l«id.________ 2 1 -Inch Cherry-W oc Instlon-fop-the-betterm eBt-of-m an- -dflVe,-Lefs -jfiy ' ■ tra-IH-ajBt----}od had flv tn to Afartham u d to w i t h N o. a — Six Cyiindi Cylinder Chrysler Engina ■ Und. 3.3. Driver- training meana more ■ L ast year'a Appeal th ro u g h o u“t than tha, driving a cat down the road ■ North America brought In $3,715,000, with an Instructor beilde you. H ' The O in u a ltc f. w h o wire wilait . Pastor Wagner atated. T o thia -p atudents are taught how and ■ ■f The R r a . PRICE kd, retuied-^'tuiren iler powulon 1 .0 1 am ount members added f r o m their -Why-i-car-l»-dangerou»,-They-lesm-fB jjjiy -$ 3 0 0 0 ;-th lrW e e k T jn ly !n ::."......; own~p6CVSts $BCOO(i;000 to support'"firji n first aid. ’They develop Judgment, ■ - '• W S N D m T H a T K r a R S i t i n d o ? " ! o h W ^ a a well aa fnUslon, medical, courtesy, ooyj good manneri (or the road. ■ fr«t Ib w c ra t » n d thewlow they R oy R o st, both Wendell, have pur- S'®®" e l ^ d I M atrei of land In a m o re educational and welfare w o r k tn 197 ■1 _.®atlK S9m «L»j»J«tjueoii#cl9U i. - ■ g UUng th is training they have ■ n e ar Wayfleld, tlie s ta ta isnd u o n n trtw ^ e n a n n w id :------------------- Dafter “T be 8eventb-day A dventist d e p a rtm e n t announeed Saturday. >t jefu refund dates w ith "eni ann drlv- ■ m: r- ,era.--^-----m if>hovah~apa~w fad therefore-rt- T h e_ e -ajip a j u t» laed Tslue-of_the_lsnd ehureh wlshia ta take t)il» opporturtty-,'-Hir(an^Bluffa“fc o tb siiS ttB ti an d th e eelllng price was $4J27. '» They leam th a t they can’t "stop ■ idved croteetlon a n d deliverance at o Ttma»-N*w* and the people o f Twin ™ »‘dliae.’:--Ofl4-liuinielof i he .hand of c M ’ircSojoji lerviiit; ‘ 7™.* ' UBd U iB Md h r-^ -



f-S u o h -» w w e n rl*»l«7'

----------- e i > i t N - o ^ i

--------------— ---- ------- --------

________________When you ^ v e RuaaeU, Imacll Stover c a n d ie t . . . alwaya besh . . , always ilwaya dtllciou» . . , yoy’i# •urii il’i th e iiliett Motl It M other'i Dtjr gift.


1 /


M •' S p e c ia l far Mother's D a y


Hqv« y o u r w oolens cleoned e f o r putting them sd bbefore ■ owqy f o r t h o summer. It Is n addod ad Is aan protection, You c o n

. , »

2 Ibl. choco)ilei beautiiulljrJ wrapped in rich blue" foil . . .• u tin Hbbon . . . prelly p!(ik r«M.L

l ®

i m



i /

|] lb. he describes as “tremendously Sandy and children brough lis to PHONi mtlook. Also attending the sesaloi i city limits of Twin Falls to the thi portamt" to the defense outlook. t w i n f aa lLl Ss sesalona la Wllla Justice homo trom Rei >■ / ___________ M rs. Hayes will atop in Ohlcago Ohlca ' » Hansen bridge. Myrtle Austin cf Salt lit Lake Cll City. week-end. ^ ji ^ «,< Vj «, * 'V Ji


■ 2 0 0

nalm~vas wu rtdaice-oteoene f-scene o£^ jm m W H ^ e n t and « b o saidd the dog ;. __________________ Mid Peek ih o t h it dog withv lth - s. - ., f fhether or ,: ^ K ltln g to a3sertaln whether

^ :\X o tL

elne were i . ^ K e ^ e i calUd Dy Zejne^ vne \ Page. Dr. 7 I ' Ills it^ Zeine. > B d " s 4 r o f ‘t o m m e. T ' Olarenea 'Q e h rls and Mrs. Mra. J bone, and ■ Wernicke, aU ebosbone, Kyle, Jerome Rineher. “ ber. SH IH U rr MAE MtlHOT HOT called Ray Oyer. [• Oehrig. . . . daughter o f Mr. and Mr«, ^■^Sberlft Thomaa Conner inner and jr^ed MnUoy. HaUey. liaa haa been aw&rded a $500 scholanhip thee hip i t th ^ K r le and Fags testified that CoUece of Idaho. S h e is a member Ul6d th&t ■ they drove a truck to0 the state of the Ballejr h lc h aohool ool lenlor lenlsr ^■ray-gravel pile aouthtl ot or Sho- claas and will be graduated ated from the dog gtfw led a t them and th e hlfh aohool o n May y 20. She ■ vlcloua. They returned for jate team, 'iT?? jO *" Is a member of th e debate ^ ■ iQ ilih sJ iire e decided the Jd th e dog the declamation club. _§ro Snanlsh n !5 h _ M l III I I I II llll I UpKraa-atr II I -cW h—SM r^fie studentI council. counoU. of the 1 to aouth - (Staff enrtavins) g. ----------------------------------------------- K dog wore a rabies Inoculation IPORATE t o n enen" JAY-C-ETTES INCORPORATE ^ B u t Feck said It had“ been le Jerom e BOISE, May 1 UFi—The Jerome H [ d in the hair a t the dog’s neck Ja y -0 ‘Ettes were incorporated irated as a H r a s not visible. lue ot the n°n"P™flt organization Friday Friday by by ^ K u ih no m onetary value ot the trial the the seven Jerome women, H u established a t tbe! trial, proved it ~ and his witnesses ' H i valuable watchdog and stock


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mofherif 1 Dw - t


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l l l a


ICG ■ange in Place P'or Trial Denied enied



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;O V

\ H oDIKO, May 1—A change in verson, 15, v. ■ i t u e( trial of Joe Iverson, ^ptrgW ^oM «w d-^nd-lasclvloui-lasclvloui- — wu H u p o n a 13>year-old girl, waa )y District H i Friday ^ te rn o o n by

liMtM-nlad fuor i“ w

Mother Loves ...




-------------- for-M other► th e r — ----------------- -------------_____

L 'A I G L O N


....................' ---------------

• 4 u H *°BurTlring.*n.lii* TriaD W ^too^. MgetMirtd-BtambaUghrMr*r-K. Ed Biohard Kenneth W lshart,t, B io h a rd r" Lorenio Tracy, Malta, and L ater Crotheni, ^ • Murphy, Leon LltUefleW, M M argaret argaret ' RuaseU O. Besnti H Rupert; M\ iTracy, ude Cole, Cole, Uji wr. M r?^ Plorence H Bemlce Thompson, PrlnevUle. Ore., O q ,,u m n S s. V. Bl?ke, Olaude I4 « . G ranS -B udge,- J .- Lu ^Ogergw e r r , th» t o o rganist and' i H his mother, M r a . ..Kebe«a I Pastoof, Jr., 0. Q. StiuJeyi Mr*. John Pastoof, Jr.i pianist. -Burley; three brothers, --' ■ . .8 Seattle; WlUlam_^ « y . ^ ^ t lifnd _ ^ ; gHli !° h » ra -3 o tlm trrJo « a W'iUiamfloiif...... ilU a ^ ' A SAO ~TXMSS-7?z^ ^ te s . Jensen a n J-g -I!. ^ dIKrt8» U ^ J r’J^r .W V M ri Wmiam Y ato, ® 1) S E ^ ^ ^ mS S S S * ni^lt r.uVii n itV-i-MnlLeon-Olljifflt, Brigham Oity, Utah;' Mra. Evelyn * H ' em ith, Yost, * .Yost, Burley, and Mra. Ida Yoat, ^

f l r n f i k B

— B fflH ,-M i7-l—T w o -p e n o n rv eerere ' ■ injured. OM seriously. wh«n »-l85S ■“ ^ j j n ' . ^ u o n w «gon iMded w U ithh w en t cJf h ljrh 'w y js »t la ;3 0 d m. B ttu r« m OTOftumed In th» borrojjw w ,

I P S E iS iB iS b '’^'fiHriT


W m J-

^ Helen-Bardon. Kew York City, wvaa t» t w n to a Boise hoapltal Saturday >»y morning with i b to k e n back. J s c t =*«dw dm 7Iteo'^N er^Y O T k a ^ “ £■ is ■ ta c : -» -p » tlro t2 t.8 trJ ^ n e a jo t'« hospital;



a ta tlM ^ a g p ji,; M adeline TV»nnlrig. tig.: Hew Yrtik, \?nj uiUnJured. Ths «uIUYu -tom obllft-le-reR latered- by Deloyea HskereU, N e r york. : , DeiMts Sherltf Gordon Newbry, try, loa , Who Investljated, aald .the atation ver wajon.waa “smaahed," i t rolled over •' two .ftnd one^half tim es. He la con­ tinuing his investigation, x lNewbry also Inveatigated an accldwit ftt nooQ Friday five mllM w'e&t est of Eden on. highway 26. The 1054 954 Ford erlT fe by Mra. M innie Orlffith> ith> Hunt, w ent off the highway Into the DCJT0X7 pit. • Newbry aald Mrs. G riffith drove her car off the highway- when Carl “ SrAiJenr6ftlt-I>ak© City, atarted to pais 4 truck puUed 4nto Mra. Orifflth^a lane of traffic. fi Three youtha received minor In in -Juries a t 10 a. m. Saturday whenj a, jrfs, _ B ulck driven by Leon F. Lewis, W, EdenToIew a tire 13 miles east of “ Jwo® o„and'ffent o ff a curve into Se^ • n im g a tlo n canaL Injured &ua> w ere Raymond Lewis, Bobby Atwood and Deborah Atwood. The ~ a l « i i p WM lttVcstlga"te 'elation of University Women. The TABMEES TO M K T y. Pre'MnveBiloB aeilrlUet were 'held beld Pi 1in j at" the Torf eiob Satnrday. ' '' entraviflf) __BRQSHONE. Thnriaay n ifh i (Staff photo-engra ----- g Shoshone F a r m e r s 'U n i o n i d U m e e t , -----A * * ,♦ ........ — — jonvea a t *-.30 p,m. Thutsdas at tn® M -C tS Y fr tM ^

8-“ . 29-” ^ 1


brtaff to your home » • J rtrta r- i the unm lstakiblt e b u m nd Dslaie. All ad d ress s n d 27c for poslaie. All price* Include tai.

f /



* —UMu n w i l i a


■ V


riendlieit, newest, friendli( bly pri priced furniture-----m ost sensibly

S S S r i^ ^ ^ r K iffi @ 75/ / f'.'1

r \


A m lerica's e r i c a 's




I f

J li -----------------:------------ ^------------ 1__

s H

Vets Reminded on AddressThanges

pm en h :


IjB Iii’M ay l-^ T W fliB t“ *annual “ V_ ■ r y club fatiher an d daughter ■ u sp fa a IK J u ffii. H e AmKlcaii Legion nail. ’ . ■ . j. Ii.iiyhtjir m « nresented esented aa ■ige, tnd p r lz u w u e aw arded to w B r o W e s t daugbter, J ^h .e. e .eldest ld e s t B h te r and to the Rotlu'lan J ia n hav■ a » iarieat^fiimiber ‘©f daugh- ducin'gthe apeakera. Program rf-daufi^)ram nu n u m - ered March 22 by Skinner, Henry

n eents n ts for mon. Iona A ppell gavo a vocal and ■ charge of arrangem an d had Rone to th e spring to check on FrobaMO, piano selection an d Olen1 Ross a any repair w o rk ot the aupply ■evening w ere Leonard Frobuco, ipply be-S o ro ■ n -lfom aolt-and-D u anlee-S renn - humorous read in g , . fore Irrigating season b e g ann in In m full ed by the Mrs. H enry H arkins, Ed !d Appell force. ■ l l i e dbm er wjis served tje, and M artin*W hitesell were apopinted ■ e n of ttie Buhl O range.___ ^ U la Upp a 4'-Tr"Club~tom m l^e to aa sist-th e -Q ne-hundred-and live feeL o l tlmK e prograni Included a , ^^lu uU bere had b e e n newlj p la c e d three __________ •hy .Tane t Q gens- B a tty Case, dUbfl. , 1 . VW ->i!Vr fttr~ a h . aiTe r m " c o s t- d t f c l- G e x r —M ariana—McEKMialdr ttfcD onaldr----------------------------------------------------- S2.500. The B u h l ConBtructlon comK e Erleksen, Slane E rb, Bonnie 1 ftn w orked lor two o r three K n s e r a n d Karen Oorman. O orm an. ^ days with h e a v y equipment to buU= f c r - 't a d e r a o n r DonnH- -Bonar, ■ s .“ tn C rP Q p o rtion ot ■llyn H unt, Janet P a:ris ^ ih^ Tand d t l l ^ C S the heavy rock s and e a r-th t h away ■ ly Monnln aleo entertained with lined with veterans who receive b e nn ee ff ii t from the spring, opening, , _ ^ f c numbers. T» I. I . checks, have claims pending or hold ig or hold Clark L eaoh was liked lo to do the ■argaret Noh, Dlan* "Roberts, 0 “™ ' OI Insurance are remindedd to to keep keep cribbing or replacing of tth h e eight lemary B arker and Machete M ^ o l e ti,j veterans administration advised by elght-lnoh timbers, In different in advised Hraeder iiresented a b a to n twirl* t th a t all that I PhjlllB-Denney w!Jh M rs, Doris buf mustiejleUvered-directly to the Mrs. ___ :z::; ■ i accompany ln g -a t-thhee-p -p ia n o r •aaaressee,' states Arnold Helwege, Cdals ar^-CPld: --------------------lan Im y Irin c ll' and Carol Lee Lee Pran- Twin Palls veteran administrator, Istrator. •fj. re av ailGRANGE TO M E E T l^iang, Mooniipanled by Norma Change of address forms aare avall■■'Uncoln fCDOTiini .SHO SHO N E, «*iaricoln . able.atany VA-offlcD^Fotrenortln# ance pur-. n iir^ county -Pom oiia 'O ra n g e-wvin ill meet — change 61 address lor insurance l o n v e n i e n x Thursday a t RlcWleld. III pows, the VA provides a convenienX ill form on the flap of the premium .. u i i j i prem ium | . ^ i i i i , ....................... ............ notice envelope. _ -J • ( ^



K S : Speakers, Films X Students of^Arear ns Spring Shaft Plays I T o Act for Plays rir Instruct Grange Repair Done

RIOHPniLD, May 1-W eed con'i i l l v ID A H O STATE COLLKGE, MB, PoP otrol, seed news, farm stores and daglt ValVal■D^ I. catello. M ay 1 — O ne Magic 5o„„ty uyj,tock to™ comcom HAOERMAN, May 1 —- Repair |gy s tu d e n t will 'direct and four wit dlourwlU RlcW leld 'has b e e n completed on theV >cl In o n e -a c t plays in “An mUsloh were explained to RlcWleld in Eveninj Evening ik ln g and opening of the s p rln^* whioh Grange members In a speaking vhloJi O rig in a l Theater" a t Idsho daho 8tat< State ed- »“ PpHm Irrig atin g water tto o mem- college. fUm-showlng session at the W Weditlng, 'bers ol .the Hagerman -Waateruserj nesday night Grange meeting. te m w s D a n ce a t Ybur Wedding.” b] sddlnj," by in a g er of association, according to Oharlei Everett Coone, new manager Oharles M lzer. will be directed bj com pany Bklnncr,. association secretary . Tht the livestock commission company ary. The p j^ n A v e re tt, Twin Falls, flue Anr ter,. EarL E arl approximate cost was $ 1 ,0OO00. a t Shoshone, . WM_RjpsAl(er^ Lookhoff, Twin Falls, wlU be doubleayer, aannT he^pring~ openlnifl5 slm D rffie r county weed sprayer, InBllsr-to larto cast In Ih F T ^ e T o fS u sa n and JacHi swetsd (luestlons following ^ a film fjim ^ cavtj ami IB located c a s t o f JHagJ j i : b a rte r,___ aw ney_M ...D aili,-.Tw ii ia h ag er crtaah-ogalnBfc-tfie-canyon^fim-b'oahowlng.-Robert-Ghaney;' nniahager - wm-bfl- jtLiigr w lllT)O rtray-Jane, and B «kj of the Chaney Farm store, Shoshone, Bhoshone, hind the V irgil Norwood r a nneh. c h . The Shw hone. will be Maiaie eponjored showlng-of-a-fUm-by R.. E. a . sljt. by eig h t, in c h treated ^ tlmbcB »-by R tijibers iji th e c a s t^ o r “Ketehum Jujtipe’ ni ;Ja>llEft". Mathews, Shoshone. used In th e ' cohstfilctlon*'of the vill b e Eugene LewtonV Buhl, tu of the -Mrs. C harles S lnolalfr-leoturerj leoturer, shaft had c a u g h t fire fro m\ an-iinan-nn- qub. in charge ot th e program, in tro im Jnta).--Jpnaw n-orlgln. TJie-blaze-wa«-UlBcovlA -d ^ v - T^eplaye-will-be-preaented-in-thi

in g jr a n iiiia y ,-'

~a«orw K n«B l*n(M n4 Joh „ ,-jiu im e n o f. the two M jrorUngnilCllllS^fiSlliitd: vuiung R o t u l i u 'i m i O aireiiS.‘T # I n *41117*^1 wall, Jetomf, a n d Joseph M Berwjm'ButKTIiftirj^wetS QWdtlcki tU HaUey. ' ' '

ilijk /J ii

S f4

ErquetlsH eld p o r Rotary Club

G u e s ts ;^ « ^

^ a mm iihta r e J 4 olaoiief* o6i


r ^ ^ v . ViCn^O] N lfe m X .

B F. E. Orosse waa elected lay K ' to attend the ann u al church ■ n n c e in Boise May 35-30. Oyer »-ao. uyer ■ lected. alternate. ■ [jl J C lU ^ 1 JL ' I^ IU D

ShoshoneiPi^ii fta m EntertainGi

^ DBOLO, May 1 -b e c lo hl»h ik rM ay _ tM w ,;.^d t9 5 t c o ^ rtM-S T T r a ln r - M r c r B f in - T A im - r ja — preaented ,lta. apringI concert fe Declo S rrei- m , . M l" M r.. John I au‘? m u J ' t i i ^ M t rs jp " pja. TbiOTday at the “ a B w t e r g iv e *"■» auy White White th tl ^ w e et president, tnd Nona 0 water lM & ^_ tlon b a ll. -Mr. and U n .I,.Jlmmy-MoOhte Jlmmy-McC . the prayer.-and g S r E ; ^ — D eo W ^lg h -so h o o)1l ehonitehonii" ^ U — N o f f i c e r s of if th tho^Soup o ^nouT wUr chU drerirlugenir Orcrvlil! John ta r OrcrvltlHia wor« thehr new choir Tuesdt Ilr gowna. gowna. Th» take over at the next meeting meetlni M ay McQhee and family amllyTue«l.T. ^ ■ robes were made by’ M rs. Wall Wtlmoth u . They tre Pred Id Johnion, preslMr, and Mra. T. May, May, Kugene, 1. 00.. T. _ T a n n e r. J io m e economics Ka io.mcs te.chu, j , n t . Mrs. Oitawa, r a , vice pres president, Ore., are visiting Mr, ahd a Itlng Mr, Mra. 8 ^ i and ■were purchaaeda by the glrli. ,n d M rt. Don Norton, by the rton, aecretar aecretary. LaVerae Oaipenter. enter. The gowna are a Ught Ight aqua color gS |P > with w hite collan. Tfa.« cHonia *t> dbreetad 9 L, 0. breetad Il» ^ 1 < ;B aIner an d thi teoompanlst Boompanlst « u ------- - / —# ' — — - ; V ^ ; MUa .D a tle n a Borlt K ^ i ^ — — The-band-m oAira-preaentM \ m oney to tha band ,fo r a co n io B 'w u n id f M r a “ -a ra a i- -Thi" iiniintiiloir~ w «ri ^ N O W H - W fT T>TT by M n . LOU Dewey t« Mr. Hi Rafnv, b u id Inatructor. (7 0 N K /N ) / N K i j f J f e * |.-the-«hft^l-f*the-Pir«t Pres— ------ --------------------------------------- brlgnam Young university and rgr .leaKue_wiU-be-honorod-*t-th6 «€«-30ias j -PI sponsoring the dn ind T Jerome; program department, ;— ^Following the 8;3G banquet a t the - Ann SHOSHONE Members of the ^ ir- Blon. byi byterlan church. The Rev. Donaldd B. B. ‘ne employed a t the agricu ltu ral stabilstabil- aa n d Mrs. L. L. Breckenrldge and se^^aSd I n i t i a t e s TT hh r e e ■ ^ I Ohrlatlan church the evening aea- ofAthmusical e crc- W om an’s Society of Christian Serv- tIMtlon a n d conservation office In program, reports of thee Blackstone Bh will perforni the cerc^ *» M rs. Ernest Taylor, both Twin Palls, alon b e g a n with sn organ medltabeiln meeting and an n u al reports pie's Jc Ice will hold a potluck supper' al \W l e y . H e r llance a tte n d e d Utah f. yg deanery mo a mony in the presence of Lhe couple's I t e ^ 'ooff WENDELL, May 1 -■WWeennddee llll i O f f i c l a l \ Utah fellowship department. Findings tlon by Mra. Albert Dickson. Mra. covere will ®‘30 gjJ of committee chairmen will be Infax . ^ . 1- families. An Informal reception will ® P-Hi. W ednesday at the home ^State A gricultural college, Logan, ater to No. 12 ot the Initernatlonal tern atio n al g ^ 8 “n, each group were reported later to yred^E ^on, WendeU.^eave the^open- eluded ward'a on the agenda. ra met A 4, foi Order of Jo b 's Daughtera m e t for follow a t the boone home. °of Mrs. Pftnilp Powell. and Is fa rm in g In the U n ity area. t] rea. the assemblage, ilness WedV JII I, of * * * . The chairmen are Mrs. E. N^ j ■e w ith Initiation “ " d regular business W edT h e co u p le plan an L D S temple Miss McFarland Is a graduate= of lemple a Joint communion service with I Oharles O e e and Mr. and Mrs. Har“Ion. 'J Sandberg, budget; Mra. A. P. Rut-" Stanford university in California.y Ava M arie Johnson circle of tht j KETCHUM, M ited b y nesday evening, tbt m arriage d u rin g the fall. tl e Presbytery was conduoted by th vay W ood. aang. A mCatholic action; Mra. Cecil . Bell, t ^ch- ^ C hristian church will ,.meet a t the ired queen, queen, ' imT-TueBdQy-at-thQ-Klm■?' ^ ■Mlaslonary-8ocletr~i)r~Tliy 'B'a'ptlstr ^-Ve m Lott-at-the-T neetlng-of—thehnri .new mejnbsr._ThQUght.Ior .the_day. .a ie_day. -then-stralshtcn your knees as you y o u Ilvlng-hi th e-T o d d -ap artm ments en ts foifo i- ttreaaurer. A tie for fUg b e rlj^ e n n ia courts. In case of bad J society th is week-at the Ult eiUy'.liope "for the hungry peoW lT >t- ctomunlty-ohuroh-were-elected a t a, XJTS-Rellef L® 11In “ waa BVen b y Mrs. R. 0 . Common 11 mmon lift. You’ll avoid strain this Ils w way ay lowhig their M arch 7 mlarrlage arriage In tretary b e tw een Ni w eather th e .d a n c a -wiU.be held c h u r c h . __________ _______ " w ld .'th o s e who hunger meeting p Wednesday evening at thee chu -and -will be-lesa likely-lo have— i v e - aa n “'E lk o .'M is ra o e v te s n ' W the"-form er iCarol Koldewey w; lhe"-former -the JClmbar4y-gymnaslum.-Ijlsle Pull®"!-and gjiesta-were-Sadle Poxlle, Seat- -ai —fo^m ore-thsn food.“— D 'holHe''6rHrs.'' Alla' SavaHa. ” - ’ Mra. j, Ofeamehr P r ln S conducliH m ^ er will call. Membei;8 are askedJ to tie, and M fs. A. Flnnly, a< a ching back." Gladys Baker. 1later election. ra. Mrs. ■ Wesley Carlson was named th e d th e meeting and Mrs. Marlon Pught I Ooncludlng, ahe told the delegatee H?.’ . brlng-a-aack lunch. ' president; Mra. R. E. B uttram , vicee m m ir ire continued the b o o k 'rep o rt‘on on if, )f, if, T hl e Tree of Liberty." , I “W a i ^ ^ M g e t t o M ake th It president, and Mta. R obert H.1. ""T Wright, aecretary-treosurer. Mrs.1^' N ext Tuesday afternoon Mra. J. ii, Ascension guild of the Church1 of I a w orliT of brothera In a warleaa meetln J ’ th e Ascension. Episcopal, will meet aeet J s, Pred Board, Mrs. Stanley Johnson .....................................................Tloffleant, snd M r-. Arthur Berry were mem-" W . Weech will be In charge of th e aatt the home of Mrs. H. R. Grant, theology lesson and the final visitThe closing prayer vai by Mra. bers Mrs. a it- g] Bjug Lajjgj boulevajd north, a t 2:30 of the jiomlnatlng committee. ' „ jr.rrank S a n d e rj, Twin ’Thursday. Mrs. C. H. Pryor f , presld« Mrs. Helen Seymour led the de- Ing j , , , teachers mesage, Mrs. O. O. p.m. ' rta&l eesslons began ftld ay with will assist and Mrs. Charles B. Bey,1 votlons and Mrs, Jamea Barr, re- Allred will conduct the meeting. ¥ ^ ¥ organ, m editation by Mrs. Albert m er will p resent the program. Q tiring prealdent, presented a report GROUP INVITED ' Dlokion a t 9 sjp . Mra. O. M. Fisher,' on the- activities of the society dur-[ ¥ « ^ Twin F a lls , led the devotions. D ur" e year, -Auxlliaw m m bera of Uie t^nion ^ Ing th -A md. . . . T c L mi H A N S E N -M ^ b e rs of thd-Prlend?“ 'T h e'-g » ^'^fi:p rep trtn irK H jw fW -P ac Inj the business aeasion conducted "'JJ ™ f-P acifio 'O ld 'T lfcerr elub have been sh jJ, ip club will hold the annual mal .. byMfa. O lark,, offIcera’ reports were J food an d clothing to aend theirr Invl invited to attend a luncheon to be m »>• M other's day m eeting Thursday aft“■ adopted family In Prance. I t waa re-- given giv( by the Ogden club, No. 8, Ml aay given by M ra. H. s . Davis, Oaldwell, y et ernoon a t th e G range hall. MememWesleyan senice guild; Mrs. 'W. 0. ported th at Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgee 11. 11, a t Ogden, "nie Invitation was waa ^ber a are askwl ^ c o n t a c t Mrs.. Ken.;en- . . _____ TT Cutler-donated a hot w a te r h o a tor exti : .Adama, N am pa, mlaalonary personextended during a cIuU *Wd auxlli nt *!!• n e th Naylor an d tell 'h er ho\^ inany any 1 ™ lo the church. ■la rj banquet in Burley. ^:;3Hi.-=3kflittuC-»g»lnvmBnUonBd. lary gi guests they are brir^ing. • th a 'Ju n e mlailonary sohool to be . held’afr t h e College of Idaho, CaldJ weU, ot w hloh Mrs. W. A. MacArthur. T w in Palla.‘tfUl be dean. The • • - /I • !I A ktreajurer'B report-by MraTlHaroTd Jl iJ:, -iShertier, N ampa, wss given duHng the Thuraday afternoon meeting. -----U n. B . I j. le w ii again addressed - a n J a le m t e s ualng aa her topic “And __ M f . . . O F 1 0 0 % y e 8hall Receive Power." U > 7I \j/^ T — ^inm m n n o n aervice was'cohducte'd 0 hy-the-Rev^Oeorge-BrAllen,-GoodIng, in d D r. P. W. Werts, Twin FalU. T he business session was conduoted by M ra. Clark and a commit­ ment service was conduoted by Mrs. Harold Shertaer. , ____ * * » . j ft le

Jft»rIBHHjtB=Maya)f«iklMr of the real rear*esW ^board.'


Co tfnolic Women ^ Plan Installation Service Monday J


^ Officers Chosen By Organization

| ^

s for yoor• I s t l M O LS...lTBErS in Bg rcLL




si. ^ GIVE ffl( MOTHER ^

1 00 % NT-t^N

GIFTS th at are

y ““ justTi-bjt diffefer



c h

W ill B e g in



Here d rf a Yew suggest gestions ot

Ho-xhtriah ^ W o m e n ^ o n f a b — - -giii-iteini^e ifBureto~i ^ T h rM a y ^ e llb w sh lin n e e lln ro rth e g n M C ouncll of nhllrnh Wi'm»n ” ____tor many yeara to come . church J ______ . lu n j^ ^ ^ ^ a t ia.'M ^pji.,. i

jrF c d n


I of heavy eaat iron, b u t looks Just like potter pottery. Prying pans, bowls and casseroles In fo foiu r lovely eolora.




Bowla, door knockers, ash traya, candy dishes an d candle holders In beautiful engraved brass. ‘--------- ------------------------

\ _ Pour P o u r sm art new ahades and many styles atylea. A truly beautiful writing p ap er In exqulalte g ift boxes.

^ |

I I9

|» f e^ ? ‘— !Y't'^ ^

C a n iste r '

Sorriething D iffe re n t


'■ m cL * S j{ ^

painted m etal canisters to brighten her kitchen

She wlU love these e » o tlc ' (ragrances ot the Orient.

_______ —

NEW "BELLS OF SARNA" mind ^ h er o( your thought-

Nillmiric Card for har er

fulness. In ,tr|n g a ' and everyday brlli. The

^ M f A e / ^S^Day, .....

TCirtl.t!ypu'lt:flhd,».ard th li iM fn ii'to " h ave b « n c r e a to d { u i t . f o r y o u r •'m o lt)H r= -8 ^ jrd 'fh a i puti Inlo w o rd * #11 fh st'i In your heart on Wofhsr'i Wy. . !

'N i/t tKf Idaho Power


in sets a n d singles

A U T H E N T IC C O PIE S Fra rent*c!h "L o M o g u e" C h in a

Joseph O rig in a l



rmm ,nd , ___





E n g lish Peerage BR B RASS on d COPPER_________ ^ —I’lnililffi inqiies, i-iantere and Jardlnrrea

Scalloped ft M* irid Jnd (ront doalng give a softly feminine lo o k lo thii thia n y lo B print w ith the princess look. J iSites l S L yl i i i to 221^.




W ^


------------' t -I

Palntcdln gny colors.



O pp ee nn frid p o y Evenlngi T II 9 .OO


/.f J ®

(/ i f

/ \

// 'm m l m


to M ti.


/w ilw


Rhineslope buttons (tons cloi cloae th is nylon p rin t coaN dress wilh the banded, no tch ed nccklinc. Sizes 14K lo 2SU4 . . c . ‘ Nj'lon priiit’ willi'lleliai I'lM eliSiileljrpoi’nTed « J g n on ileeves and collarlc^ ;o l|a rlc ^ neckline. 3 iz e s 14 ^



L‘,»i i . '


- --------------------


' ‘w eE c Ca A T E R T O THOSE W H O CARE CARE" N oxf t o Idaho Power

T 'r

C ups, Soucers a n d Plates



' ''


!ad basket*,'flower h a sk o fe.jlc .^ The lovely'siund^ot theso ' JbaHtoU.-aotxlhj-baaketOi-shoD-- ' [vJ (nraourtcirnVlllHivaya r e . - ping'Sage g bags anti otficrs: ’

intf w « hive • ipetlil

—in-our-coliectlon-of new iH illm ark M othar'i Day








L | -jc



gift she will aadmire and ilndTnaify “uaeT



l r o n . _ ________

i t iwA M E L w Z i r

jKitlpnal h o u r and present special S muslo. ________ __________ ___ / r r ■^TtnfeHUl'cirwomen Tre Invited to M r a tte n d .'-T h e y iir s 's a ie iL lo Ih ^ -* . _ Ife : covered d is h and their own table

' : sp ecia l person

C a s t



M o th er is a very

' ------



- t l a r of offlcert. The Presbyterian -women w ill conduct a fomm to dls.« ta s J h e _!3mjitBeahlp-o( i3hrlstlan Women" a n d Baptist members will


' Triple tocka criss-tfOM is«-(»oM the rhineilone touched, •tiawl collared bodice of 0 thia nylon print. Siiei

’ ^ D

« i le p p in ill G L A M o r n A Sntfill Dciinsit I'm Hold //( Tour Selection 'ion aatt ......................:...


^ i



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iB d ~ :::: ;a rs ~ J



' f l M E S U Ng ^ E S^ r^W


I N FAl^LS, IDAHO >AHO f> lq n ? 1 ^ 6 ~ W e d -

D ^ d y ^ B ln q h a rH S R


■ jjH

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A r e

F e te d

A fte r

^ K e d vnonK the 38 M'isndiwho sn d i vha ^ K ^ e - b s n q u e t >n-th«-E -the-Blati^ l»U ; ^ ^ ^ jg -Q f-th e -O v y h e « -h o te l-ln - s-hotel-lnth«-coupl8, w e re -lt.-a n d ; i-Mr.-and b e rt ^ W . . . nh— Jult-A Oid d Jjlotpharfc ^ W » S i y " i n d “M r .'tn d MfJT ? Iim. Thu*' ■ , u pruented w ith •everal' leTertl' lge et ef t’“ * ‘*® )"» " “>e d iitr ie t I i s u p p o r t mission c o n r throughout the two s t s t e i . ' Paul Kreyling, missionary lough from Japan, w ill 'ipi log tha convention w h ic h held'^nder the them'e. "Tai Mine Hands," Mrs. WlUiam' l er, Portland, Ore., vica prei the International Lutherai M. CRES8V CRESSWELl 'n 'a Missionary league, a F R A N C ^1M. engravlni) rteng^ving, Bar. K. A. K o c h .,J • * *" *• ** Grace Lutheran ehureh. wil i i / i . /-* , r" I ventlon host. The 8:30 p. V jjr l lue't will be lo the B an n o W a s h in Q g T t oO nn G ' p ^^ ,. . . . . with Dr. Oarl Reideael,-Ida b n Q O Q ef iOd tTO O W e d college, aa main speaker. P , m counselor of the dlatrict ia W a ^ ^ u n J X '-Weatendorf. Rupert. . • ■i^Dele#ate^A'6DB'*"IiMBMUL

Mrs.-Velma. Allen, Shoahont tcco m p an U d by M rs..Robart A aaxophone trto, eompoaed o n e th X^uritxen Keith B uhli wm' '-.'V 'i ■M Boyd BhirtJ. accompanied 1 lene Keyman, all Hailey, play AUSTIN 8“^* ^ num bers. , g j , „ en rav in g ) on, Alice Oaf Caffel tn d Je a n e tte Johnson, in. accompar accompanied by ★ ^ * * J e a n e tte Sorensen, ^ S h aro n W ard, all lU R Riehfleld, iehfleld sang. Jo sep h Robertson. n. D ietrich, played W e d d i n g I sS JS 0e1 t ^ K ^ m d eecretajy ot the Grand ' . , a h arm onica solo. liey have ^ t i o O F of . Idaho. They T a k in g p a rt inn the " L e t’s f i Make B y J e a n1 AA uu s sI t i n U p ” from Dietrich : rich w ere Beverly ~"M rsrS!eT?S-AU8tlii,jaeaUle^ Jo h n so n , Em ma Meseryy, announces the e n gigem a g e ment e n t^ ^ Tlnhrrt 81 a n daughter. Jean Austin, In. Honolul H onolulu, to ^vard, J M l c T p I i t o r « S 5 n rU ''°LotSn rs, W a lter Mrs. LoweU T ay b r engagem ent ot th e ir d aujht Richard Day, son of M Mrs, w'i’n ‘' u t vUVerne L\ ' ^ ‘ B •ic e rs rn. . Ja c k w B. Lucille Thaete, M rj.;.Ine* .i director, and M rs. W.rH (n Ward In y^-l>ranr f-E k rp lin r^ o rfu tu re ' nrbetauss ■■*ndJUpper.-_ . ' D S 'c o n l d '^ p 'r iu m p ' ..... ...... • ‘ ^■* ^ K a y r-a v e n ltili—i K - tShbfr 'L -LBS' Carpenter, Henry WUlls,1, C 01aren( larence Striegel. activities. th e milk waa a good way.r down In You don't llvi by bread alone, Dudley »nd Al, Dougherty, and Id alone, served refresh ¥ ¥ * ■ ----------------F e t e d a t S h e * Mrs. Theo Bruah served ret . XJannett^ J h e crock, and bealdes, whloh rtiloh waa -you live bv-bread-and. The and ll R T E. W. Byington. - XJannelt^. *'fiwn rianfl^ dUtl- the knowl^ge,_ttie aklU, th lay 1—MM..Dale:H 01 :^ ; S S j K R M k p / / | B ^ ^ com- Mrs, C T T B S gard-and Mrj._Duai r i ll l K HANSEN, May 1 -M n .-I H elected vice president and Mrs.’ th e -Impartsnt point In tha dlfflth ee comr ^ s . Robert H o s f e s s=- "t ton C > lU ^ l U U kins, the former Shirley Penning- y - [ y -treasurerf culty, there wa* nothing mer Bhlrley B i Wheeler, aecfetary-treasurerf ilng firm mon sense, th e spirit ot love love and and H arrison. Dick Morgenthau au was aain ^ ^ B demonenough tor Froggle to leap from, tt«l.it.a_.btld»l.lliBiK r— _ _ 2 S H O S H O ro,"M ay 1 ^ M ^ ,eap kindly ilnd_er8tandtBg lhat1 th ra rjtfiMay 1— jton.-Jta4ioBM aA.j.t_a_btl! ■ ^ L u c la WUaon, home sh - nounced. ke to to’W H e n e e a e d 'a h ard strongg tounda- ’ing your 'way..up_tin-maturity_glvei Kaa hoatesa hoatesa to the er-T h u rad ay -evenlng. at y w dmah: E L D ---------------------"arirrB aim itn n —waa -evening, jat ■ lo n agent:. Boljff. epoke THir' --------- SHaWEE H ELD a chalrmi ch a irm an rity_ give i— M rs. Oeorge Walker waa rtlm e . ' tlon to bsie hls leoj) W I and the th e you. Friday HuWaid'' Hubbai'd HnW andK ^ h the T)Udgetlng'or time. n d ay a t dHSertr -Jurtl:— Mr»r~Huwai'd and Mrs. Earl Christensen, X co-chai co-chairc. KINO HILL, Mayy 1—Mra. 1—Mrs. Wea- ® R B ridge clubI F U be held milk, ot course, Just moved out were hosteasea,-----, nann, M rs. Ray SaMra. Preston BeU h( H t meeting May IS vlU I loved o u t Whenever you feel h ard[ p u t on, on, >nan for the dance. Mrs, John John P oott tte r ley Fink, Mrs. Bud AUen aann d M rs, M rs, D ean Baumann, gton. from under him. • ibbard’ gave aeveral ..... — H e home of Mrs. Byhigton. Harold SLpa were Arlene H ubbard* etesaea Tuesday raa a n d Mrs. Sip id g rin .' headea'lEeprogram and decoratioi decorations Jack Lisle were hostesses Tui „ think of tiha Wii4‘ Ftog a n d grin. • (!Qtilnr\ t ...... -----'Wha.t ''^miild he do? Hea couldn't danca-numbera-and M.n ..J lue iahow - g uests. ----------------oommitteesrShe-was-asslsted Mi ;t«d by Mm. afternoon a t a pink an d b lua ron by Mra, Floyd derson sang two solos, I,'being a OMUne* h 0 B« of tb* moat imperUni rtin Juet give up and drown,-beteg IraporUnl Sm ith, Mrs. John Turner, ire , Loula Priiiea. ■were won Mra m er. Ml Mra. e r in th e home of Mrs. Louie I»atty ; la n thrashlllg -t^whintt in efcilfi-tnlnlnfr Dr« P«w ^«s- James-Barleyr Mra.-SonluSi-Mta. - stu rd y nilnial-50lio-keptthrashlni ,- ■— B o « -fo r Mrtr