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We Will Close Our Liquor Dept. at 1 P. M.. A. MB. 100r* CALIFORNIA WINES ...... Photif Rtd Bunk fi-373n.M. ..... JUKI II, kitchen unttniils 5 cims each, glasses 10 ...


Carrying On " V U.IV. Reporter Speaks Tonight Canvass Until Next Wednesday At Trinity Hall $19,940 Reported Raised By Workers Up To Monday Night Worker* of the Community Y.M.CA.'i 1M8 general campaign took advantage of the clearing weather late la«t week and over the weekend and on Monday night were able to make the largest single report ever recorded by the "Y"—$6, ycfirs on the board, rellti• |iil.Hhrd his BP.it Monday night. John F. ("liblon, Jr., Charles B. Hr-mhling urul William E. Beaty, the thren board members elected last wr-rk, wore sworn Into office hy Paul Young, 'llstrlft^lnrk. They repln.ro .Mr. McKee, Jackson Murphy ;md Chnr'rfl Gallagher, Mr. BecUmnn waa elected preaiInnt In a ballot vote by a 5-to-l count, fie u-,'i.i nominated by Mr. Hoat}*. Kflinund J. Canzona, who 1 not attend the meeting, was nominated fnr president by Harry Heavilaml. Stanley Havlland waa i;i*himou.sly elected vice president. H:irry Klat.tlty u*n.s appointed school boarrl attorney to replace, Theoiloro IJ. Parsons. Mr. Klabiky was nominatiHl Sy Mr. HembllneT* -Mr. Heavlland nominated Mr. Parsons. By another ballot vote, Mr> Klalsky won by a 0-to-2 count. President licekman rc-appolnted Mr. Havlland to the teachers' salary committee. Fred Brown and William Hoaty were also appointed to this committee. Mr. Havlland was al.so appointed as ono of the> school board members to serve on tho athletic committee. Tho other member Is Georgo W. Bray. Tho board rn-named tho Second iVation.il bank and the Merchant* Trupt company as official depositories. Morris Portner was appointed auditor. Mr. Fortncr served as auditor last year to aid Herbert Hill. Meetings will bo held th* socond Tuostlny night of each month. Each of tho new board member* expressed a deslro to serve tha community well and requested a wider public interest In the affair* of the board. All board member* will meet Saturday afternoon at tho school for a guided inspection tour of all tho school buildings. George W. Uray, who was elected to the board lust year, asked tn* general public to attend all b o u t meetings and to tell the boarel members) their desires. Following adjournment, an executive session was called at whlchl timo Mr. Havlland explained tb* salary schedule system to the n*iv members. An a result of this ae#slon, the board lias called a special meeting for next Tuesday night. The salary question -was lba> chief topic Friday night at the final meeting of tho "old" board. Action on a teacher-salary schedule was postponed. It was pointed out by Mr. McKee that the new board could annul any action taken by tho old board. Mr. Brown, Mr. Beekman and Mr. Bray did not attend the meetIng Friday night but a quorum was formed by Charles Gallagher, Jackson Murphy, Stanley Havilanl and Harry Heavlland. Miss Elisabeth Kelly, represent" ing tho teachers, urged prompt action on the salary plan and reminded tho board that the plan hod been presented four times, Mr. Haviland said he was not prepared to recommend a salary schedule Friday night. This statement brought a sharp retort from Josciph Verdunc, history teacher and spokesman for the teachers* He eald that the board had been "passing the buck" for the past three months. Mr. Havlland said that the flgurea presented by tho teachers contained mathematical errors and errors in tho projection of salaries. Ho said the plan needed more etudy before a recommendation could be made. Tho new board was also given another problem! n the settlement of tho boundary line for pupili of tho Oakland and River street schools. Edward Murphy was appointed head janitor at tho high school to replace the late William CrispeU. Ralph Brown was appointed cuitod Ian of tho athletic field to replace Mr. Murphy. In his final message to the board Mr. McKee criticized people "who stand on street corners" and knock tho acts of tho board. He said any mistakes he had made on the board during his 15 years' service wew honest ones. Mr. Gallagher also made a parting talk. He said it had been a pleasure to serve on tho board and that ho had approached all problems with an open mind.

• The name of Trubln'g stationery etore at 39 Broad street, which was conducted many years by the late I. J. Trubln, waa changed this week to that of the new proprietor, Louis Furst. Mr. Furst, who Intends to settle in Red Bank as soon as he can locate a houeo or apartment for his family, is carrying on the business nlong the same lines an in tho past. He has mads many friends Public Auction. alnco taking over the business last Estate of M. L. Hollywood. Entire May. atook and fixtures of Hollywood Brus store, 19'J Monmouth street, Jted Bank* Stauffar System. February 23, at 10 a. ro. Inspection • Do the new styles natter or flutter n. in. olca Hollywood. a*ecutrll, B. G. your flauce'.' Want, to fr\ your ahg^i Conn, auctioneer.—Advertisement. bnck and enjoy that new look? Come Into the StHUlter Syatem at 14-16 llrnnil strttet f