A cost-effective automatic 3D reconstruction pipeline

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parameters and pose based on Structure from Motion(SFM); and (iv) ... 3D reconstruction based on multi-view images is also called Structure from Mo- tion (SFM) that ... Given a short baseline image/video sequence I with n frames taken by a turn- ... 28 - 105mm focal lens and a network camera with 50mm focal lens.
A cost-effective automatic 3D reconstruction pipeline for plants using multi-view images Lu Lou1,3 , Yonghuai Liu1 , Minglan Sheng3 , Jiwan Han2 and John H. Doonan2 1

Department of Computer Science; 2 NPPC, IBERS, Aberystwyth University, UK College of Information Science and Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China [email protected]


Abstract. Plant phenotyping involves the measurement, ideally objectively, of characteristics or traits. Traditionally, this is either limited to tedious and sparse manual measurements, often acquired destructively, or coarse image-based 2D measurements. 3D sensing technologies (3D laser scanning, structured light and digital photography) are increasingly incorporated into mass produced consumer goods and have the potential to automate the process, providing a cost-effective alternative to current commercial phenotyping platforms. We evaluate the performance, cost and practicability for plant phenotyping and present a 3D reconstruction method from multi-view images acquired with a domestic quality camera. This method consists of the following steps: (i) image acquisition using a digital camera and turntable; (ii) extraction of local invariant features and matching from overlapping image pairs; (iii) estimation of camera parameters and pose based on Structure from Motion(SFM); and (iv) employment of a patch based multi-view stereo technique to implement a dense 3D point cloud. We conclude that the proposed 3D reconstruction is a promising generalized technique for the non-destructive phenotyping of various plants during their whole growth cycles. Keywords: phenotyping, multi-view images, structure from motion, multiview stereo, 3D reconstruction



The phenotype of an organism emerges from the interaction of the genotype with its developmental history and its environment. This means that the range of phenotypes emerging even from a single genotype can be large [16]. The measurement of plant phenotypes, as they change in response to genetic mutation and environmental influences, can be a laborious and expensive process. Phenotyping, therefore, is emerging as the major bottleneck limiting the progress of genetic analysis and genomic prediction. Recently, several methods have been developed to measure the 3D structure of entire plants non-destructively and then built accurate 3D models for analysis. These methods include laser scanning, digital camera photographing, and structured light ranging. Stereovision was used to reconstruct the 3D surface of

maize for measurement and analysis [11]. Kaminumaet et al. [13] applied a laser range finder to reconstruct 3D models that represented the leaves and petioles as polygonal meshes and then quantified morphological traits from these models. Quan proposed a method to interactively create a 3D model of the foliage by combining clustering, image segmentation and polygonal models [19]. Biskup designed a stereo vision system with two cameras to build 3D models of soybean foliage and analyzed the angle of inclination of the leaves and its movement over time [2]. 3D plant analysis based on a mesh processing technique was presented in [17], where the authors created a 3D model of cotton from high-resolution images using a commercial 3D digitization product named 3DSOM. Thiago developed an image-based 3D digitizing method for plant architecture analysis and phenotyping [23], and showed that state of the art SFM and multi-view stereovision are able to produce accurate 3D models, albeit with a few limitations. The design of plant phenotyping systems means integrating and optimizing a measurement and phenotyping process with complementary processing and analyzing tools and makes it as efficient and controllable as possible. According to [4], the accuracy and precision of the treatment and measurement are fundamental concerns during any experimental procedure because accuracy is not only important when there is variation across individual genotypes during contrasting experiments, but is also critical when individual genotypes have multiple replicates that are evaluated across several batches. This paper presents a cost-effective automatic 3D reconstruction method of plants from multi-view images, which consists of the following steps: (i) image acquisition using an off-the-shelf digital camera and turn-table; (ii) extraction and matching of local invariant features from overlapping image pairs; (iii) estimation of camera parameters and pose based on SFM; and (iv) employment of a patch based multi-view stereovision technique to implement a dense 3D point cloud.


Related Work

3D reconstruction based on multi-view images is also called Structure from Motion (SFM) that computes the camera poses and 3D points from a sequence of images. SFM uses natural features in images to estimate the relative translation and rotation between the camera poses of different images [9]. For the SFM technique, the camera pose is unknown and needs to be estimated from a set of given images. The first step of SFM framework is to employ local invariant feature detection and matching to produce a set of corresponding image points. Features such as interest (key) points are found in all images. One of the most popular features is SIFT, as introduced by [14]. SIFT features are found by searching for maxima in scale-space, constructed with Derivative of Gaussian filters and then a unique SIFT descriptor is constructed to represent each key point based on a histogram of gradient directions of points nearby. SIFT features are scale and rotation invariant and partially intensity and contrast change invariant. Alternative features can be used too, as long as they can

be matched uniquely between images, such as Harris [22], SURF [3] and ASIFT [15]. In the second step, the interest points are matched between images using their descriptors. The matching pairs between images allows for estimating the relative transformation from one camera to another by satisfying projective geometry constraints [18][9]. While various features can be used for image matching, We have mainly tested SIFT and SURF for their repeatability and accuracy. The best performing methods used for multi-view reconstruction of small objects are capable of challenging the accuracy of laser scanners. However, these approaches are generally not suitable for dealing with complex plant architecture. In particular, algorithms that partially rely on shape-from-silhouette techniques [10] [25], under the assumption that a single object is visible and can be segmented from the background, are not applicable to plant images due to unavailability of fully visible silhouettes - a result of occlusions. The patch based multi-view Stereo (PMVS) [8] algorithm proposed by Furukawa and Ponce is usually considered the state of the art amongst methods based on feature extraction and matching. It produces dense point clouds, and performs well for small objects as well as for urban scenes, and can recover significant geometry from such scenes. However, methods based on feature extraction and matching often show significant errors caused by severe occlusions, and areas of texture-less appearance.


The Proposed Method

3d sensing technologies provide the tremendous potential to accurately estimate morphological features and have been developed for non-destructive plant phenotyping based on laser scanners, structured light, multi-view stereo, etc.. But available 3D resolutions are currently focussed on specific a organ (e.g. leaves or roots) and usually tend to be qualitative rather than providing quantitative information and estimation of accuracy. Therefore, we have evaluated the existing methods and sought to build an efficient and automatic 3D reconstruction system that could cope with a diversity of plant form and size, while using equipment available to most biology labs. We exploited existing state of the art SFM and MVS methods and took account into both flexibility and practicability and propose a 3D reconstruction pipeline for plants using multi-view images. In the pipeline, we do not rely on the camera calibration to provide us with transformation, pose or distortion. Instead, we compute this information from the images themselves using computer vision techniques. We first detect feature points in each image, then match feature points between pairs of images, and finally run an incremental SFM procedure to recover the camera parameters. 3.1

Image Features Detection and Matching

The short baseline image sequences are captured by placing the plant on a turntable or slightly moving the camera around the plant as shown in Fig. 1(a). The

first step is to find feature points in each image. We firstly use the SIFT keypoint detector and descriptor, because of its invariance to image transformations. A typical image contains several thousand SIFT keypoints. Next,for each pair of images, we match keypoint descriptors between the pair using the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) [5] as shown in Fig. 1(b). We had also tried the ASIFT (Affine-SIFT) detector and descriptor as alternative, The authors in [15] argued that ASIFT was better than such popular feature algorithms as SIFT, MSER and Harris-Affine on various datasets. Although many more features can indeed be detected and matched, it did not improve our experimental results.

(a) multi-view images of a Clover

(b) Keypoints detection and matching

Fig. 1. Image acquisition (left), keypoints detection and matching (right).


Camera pose estimation using SFM

Given a short baseline image/video sequence I with n frames taken by a turntable or freely moving camera, we denote I = {It |t = 1, 2, ...n}, where It represents the color image captured at the frame t. The set of camera parameters for frame t in an image sequence is denoted as Ct = {Kt , Rt , Tt }, where Kt is the intrinsic matrix, Rt is the rotation matrix, and Tt is the translation vector. We robustly estimate a fundamental matrix for the image pair using Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) [6]. During each RANSAC iteration, we compute a candidate fundamental matrix using the five-point-algorithm [7] and remove matches that are outliers to the recovered fundamental matrix. We get Kt and the focal length estimated from the EXIF tags of the .JPG image and finally solve the Rt and Tt . We employ the SFM method of Snavely et al. [21] by the open source software Bundler. But we improve Bundler in a few key aspects: (i) We sort the images as an ordered sequence according to incremental image name, and thereby reduce the computational cost from O(n2 ) to O(n) in matching procedure ; (ii) We speed up the SIFT features detection based on GPU hardware, which is around 10 times faster than CPU; (iii) As alternative methods, we have also tried to use other feature detectors/descriptors to compare with SIFT in SFM, such as SURF [3], DAISY [24] and AKAZE [1].


Dense 3D point clouds generation

After estimating the cameras’ parameters, we employ a MVS algorithm (based on a open source software named PMVS [8]) to demonstrate that SFM and MVS can be used to produce accurate 3D point clouds of plants. PMVS is a multi-view stereo software that takes a set of images and camera parameters, then reconstructs 3D structure of an object or a scene visible in the images. The software takes the output from Bundler as input and produces a set of oriented points instead of a mesh model, where both the 3D coordinate and the surface normal are estimated at each oriented point. Compared with the other MVS software named CMPMVS [12], which takes the output of Bundler as input and produces a set of 3D meshes, PMVS excels in terms of computational cost and only uses one tenth/twentieth of the running time. However, we have also found that PMVS is inadequate for a complete, accurate and robust 3D reconstruction of typical plants, due to the thin, tiny or texture-less parts of plants.


Experimental Results and Discussion

Plant images were mainly captured using Canon digital cameras (Canon 600D) with 18 − 55mm focal lens, and Nikon digital cameras (D60 and D700) with 28 − 105mm focal lens and a network camera with 50mm focal lens. The images were stored in JPG format with 3184x2120 or 3696x2448 resolution. Videos were captured at 1920x1024 with AVI format. In order to keep even illumination and uniform background, two diffuse lighting rigs and a black backdrop were used. The method was run on an Intel i7 laptop (Dell Precision M6700 with 16G RAM and Nvidia graphics card). Fig. 2 shows sparse 3D point clouds (keypoints) produced by different feature algorithms in SFM. We found that (i) DAISY and AKAZE can produce many more 3D matching keypoints than SUFR/SIFT, but 3D keypoints produced by DAISY are mainly located in planar regions like leaves of plant or ruler (as reference), and 3D keypoints detected by AKAZE focused on the boundary or edges of plant or ruler ; (ii) DAISY and AKAZE can better estimate the camera’s pose than SURF/SIFT in both the case of wide baseline where the rotation angle is bigger (in other words, the number of captured images is small) and the case of texture-less plants. Table. 1 shows different output results when different features (DAISY, AKAZE, SURF and SIFTGPU) were used for keypoints detection and matching in 54 Brassica images, and dense 3D points produced by PMVS. In this experiment, we found that SIFT(SIFTGPU) has the best accuracy (minimal reprojection error) but the lowest inlier ratio, AKAZE has the best inlier ratio and better accuracy, and DAISY can produce the most keypoints and sparse 3D points but has the lowest accuracy. To evaluate the precision of the proposed method, we used the commercial 3D modeling software (Artec Eva, 3DSOM and Kinect) to rebuild the same plant. We found that the Artec Eva handheld structured light scanner and Kinect did




Fig. 2. Sparse 3D point clouds (keypoints) by different feature algorithms in SFM from 75 images of an Arabidopsis. (a) 16340 keypoints by SURF/SIFT. (b) 56784 keypoints by Akaze. (c) 33335 keypoints by DAISY.





Fig. 3. (a) Raw image of an plant (one of 54 Brassica images). (b)(c) Sparse 3D point cloud by DAISY and AKAZE respectively. (d) Dense 3D reconstruction point cloud by PMVS.

not work well on plants, especially complex or tiny plants. 3DSOM is able to produce 3D mesh model for the simple plants, but its shortcomings include: (i) the subject plant must be placed on to the centre of a pattern board for calibration; (ii) It needs to be adjusted for some parameters and foreground/background segmentation must be undertaken manually; (iii) It requires more run time than PMVS and (iv) tiny parts of the subject are often omitted in the resulting 3D model. Comparison of results using different methods are shown in Fig. 4. With the proposed method, no extra camera calibration or other strict environmental conditions are required, and data acquisition times are in the range 1-2 minutes per specimen, depending on plant complexity. We found that rotation steps of 3-6 degree increments are optimal and feature matching does not perform well with rotation steps of more than 9-10 degrees. The camera parameters, such as distance, pose, focus, lens, depth of field and time of exposure, etc., can be adapted widely to obtain high quality and clear images with an optimal resolution from a diverse set of plants. Only basic photography skills are required for effective capture and storage of data.






Number of features (mean)





Inlier ratio (mean)





Reprojection Error





Number of sparse 3D points





Number of dense 3D points





Table 1. Comparison of different features detection and matching





Fig. 4. 3D reconstruction of Arabidopsis and Maize. (a)(c) 3D Reconstruction by PMVS. (b)(d) 3D Reconstruction by 3DSOM and Kinect respectively.

Generally, the computational run time for 3D reconstruction was 5-30 minutes depending on the number of images. In the following case, the results showed the 3D model produced from 60 images was only slightly lower in quality than one produced from 180 images, the running time and the results of 3D construction were shown as Table. 2 and Fig. 5 respectively.


number of images

time on CPU(minute)

time on GPU(minute)










60 32 6 Table 2. A typical 3D reconstruction running time on CPU and GPU.

Fig. 5. 3D reconstruction results from different number of plant images. 71999 3D points were produced from 180 images (left); 68624 3D points were produced from 120 images (middle); 51675 3D points were produced from 60 images (right).



We describe an robust, economic and automatic 3D reconstruction pipeline based on multi-view images. Experimental results show that the proposed method is flexible, adaptable and inexpensive, and promising as an generalized groundwork for phenotyping various plant species. This advantage is significant for designing a cost-effective automatic 3D reconstruction framework and is equal to or better

than methods presented to date in the literature, where laser scanners, structured light sensors and cameras were specifically established with some strict parameters, or only suitable for a single kind of plant. We have also found the DAISY and AKAZE can be used alternative of SIFT in the keypoints detection and matching. Limitations of the current method include: (i) the camera pose estimation can fail if the plant leaves are smooth, texture-less or had self-similarity; (ii) computational cost is quite high and (iii) there are still some gaps, holes or noise in the final dense 3D point clouds. Therefore, future work will focus on improving existing methods, combining the other techniques, such as employing multiple cameras to reduce further the occlusions, or using apriori knowledge (leaf symmetry, etc.) to improve the robustness of camera estimation as well as accuracy and completeness of final 3D reconstruction.

Acknowledgements We acknowledge funding from the European Union FP7 Capacities Programme (Grant Agreement No. 284443: European Plant Phenotyping Network, an Integrating Activity Research Infrastructure project) and BBSRC NCG Grant Ref: BB/J004464/1.

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