A model-driven approach for promoting Cloud PaaS ...

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Jun 24, 2013 - ing developers to focus most of their efforts on ... App Engine (GAE) and Microsoft Azure plat- .... to hire a provider that supports a particular.
A model-driven approach for promoting Cloud PaaS Portability Elias Adriano Nogueira da Silva University of São Paulo(USP-ICMC), São Carlos, Brazil

eliasadriano2010.appspot.com/ Renata P. M. Fortes

University of São Paulo(USP-ICMC), São Carlos, Brazil

[email protected] Daniel Lucrédio

Federal University of São Carlos(UFSCar), São Carlos, Brazil

www.dc.ufscar.br/~daniel June 24, 2013



Cloud computing has become an important re-

The concept of cloud computing has gained re-

search subject in software engineering. Among

cent attention mainly because of the industry's

the many research gaps related to this new


computing model is the lack of portability be-

demic community started to look at these tech-

tween cloud platforms,

nologies more carefully.

which generates the


It was only recently that the acaAlthough still in the

Lock-In problem. The Lock-In is the diculty

stage of gaining maturity, the cloud quickly be-

in migrating data and applications from a cloud

came an important research subject in software

platform to another. Current attempts to ad-

engineering. Among the research opportunities

dress this problem revolve around standardiza-

related to software engineering for the cloud

tion of APIs and frameworks.

We propose a

[3] [28], the Data Lock-In problem stands out.

dierent path, using model-driven engineering

Data Lock-In is the diculty of extracting data

(MDE). We selected two cloud platforms and

and programs from one platform to use in an-

built a DSL and a set of automated transfor-

other, and is caused by the dierence between

mations that generate code for each platform,

platforms [3]. The lack of portability that gen-

based on a single portable model. We present

erates the Lock-In is hindering the cloud adop-

the results of two studies. In a rst study, sub-


jects were asked to use the two versions of the

of creating their systems using some specic

same application, each one generated for a dif-

technology and then start being charged unfair

ferent platform from a single model. The sub-

rates for its use, or even become stuck with a

jects did not notice any dierence between the

technology that may turn out to be inadequate

two versions in terms of functionality. In a sec-

and needs to be abandoned [3].

ond study, we observed that besides facilitating

The development community is afraid

Some eorts to address this problem can be

cloud portability, MDE can increase productiv-

found in the literature.

ity and reusability. These results indicate that

standards for developing cloud-related tech-

MDE may be an alternative to standardization,

nologies [28]. If enough cloud service providers

not only helping to solve portability problems

successfully adhere to the standards, applica-

but also leading to additional benets.

tions could then be more easily ported between

Most try to establish


In this work, however, we suggest the



use of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). With MDE, software engineers can work on a higher

Cloud Computing has the potential to revo-

abstraction level, in conceptual models that

lutionize the way systems are developed and

best capture the essence and logic of the appli-

marketed. Research related to developing ap-


Applications can be generated by au-

plications for the cloud is relatively new. Many

tomated transformations, thus freeing develop-

studies in the literature are results of research

ers from the complexity required for implemen-

eorts that propose an appropriate formal def-

tation on dierent platforms [11].

By allow-

inition for this technology [28]. However, there

ing developers to focus most of their eorts on

are still many inconsistencies on denitions and

platform-independent development, the Lock-

questions about the concepts and services of-

In problem can be eectively reduced, or even

fered by cloud providers, as well as its use [3].

avoided at all. The choice for MDE over stan-

In relation to service oers, several cloud

dardization is justied by the additional ben-

computing taxonomies were suggested.

ets brought by this approach. The promises

were conceived under a business perspective


of higher quality and productivity [15] could

[25] and include terms such as Haas (Hardware

leverage cloud adoption at the same time the

as a Service ), PaaS (Platform as a Service ),

Lock-In problem is addressed.

DaaS ([Development, Database, Desktop]


a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service ), This paper presents a simple textual domainspecic language (DSL) that allows the specication of applications at a high abstraction level.

We also present the results of a code

generation prototype, built to support Google's App Engine (GAE) and Microsoft Azure plat-


The prototype demonstrates that the

developed language, despite being simple, can be used as input to a full code generation process targeting a cloud platform. In the future, we expect to build generators for other platforms from the same language, thus helping to improve the portability for other ones.

Section 2 presents concepts re-

lated to cloud computing.

It also discusses

the Data Lock-In problem and some types of cloud portability identied in the literature; Section 3 presents the methodology followed to develop this work.

Section 4 presents the

development of the model-driven approach for promoting cloud PaaS portability and discusses some characteristics of the cloud providers selected for this research, as well as, the code generation process for each platform.


5 presents two studies performed for evaluate the developed approach. Section 6 presents related work.

Section 7 presents some conclud-

ing remarks and future work. Finally, section 8 presents our acknowledgements ans simplied biographies.

as a Service ) or even the generic XaaS (Everything as a Service ). The denitions behind

those terms are very wide and sometimes misunderstood [3], but there are three categories that seem to be more well established:

(i)Software-as-a-Service - SaaS: refers to applications that are delivered to customers in the form of services over the Internet [3, 18]. A SaaS normally operates over a cloud infrastructure, but this is not necessary. Examples of




SaaS include: Google Drive , Flickr , Picasa ,

4 SkyDrive , among others.

(ii)Platform-as-a-Service - PaaS:

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:

Baas (Business as a Service ), Faas (Framework


idea is to provide a full software development platform as a service, including an execution environment, frameworks and dierent useful integrable services [25, 18]. Normally, the service also includes hosting, testing and a distribution channel or market. Some examples are: Google App Engine

5 and Microsoft Azure6 ,

among others.

(iii)Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS: consists in delivering computational infrastructure as a service [25, 18].

The customer ac-

quires - and pays by demand - services for processing, storage and other fundamental com-

1 Google Drive: http://drive.google.com/ 2 Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/ 3 Picasa: http://picasa.google.com/ 4 SkyDrive: http://skydrive.live.com/ 5 GAE: http://code.google.com/appengine 6 Windows Azure: http://www.windowsazure.com/

puting resources,

making it possible to de-

ity and make applications more dicult to be

ploy and run any software, including operating

reused and/or ported.

systems and applications.

Some examples of

plications needs to be highly specialized with

IaaS include: Amazon , GoGrid , IBM Smart-

respect to a particular type of resource (hard-



9 Cloud , among others.

In practice, some ap-

ware, platform and/or set of services), yielding

Many technological requirements are needed

the problem of

Data Lock-In.

for these models to operate properly. Virtualization technologies, standards and interfaces allow shared access to virtual servers. In fact,


Data Lock-In

the concept of cloud did not arise as a new tech-

Data Lock-In is the diculty developers face

nology model, but as the integration of tech-

when having to extract their data and pro-

nologies from the past [6], which resulted in a

grams from one cloud platform to run on an-

new way to use and provide computing power

other [3].

as a service through the Internet.

The main

in the PaaS scenario: in order to take advan-

ideas behind this concept are:

Such problem can be seen mostly

to allow com-

tage of a very exible cloud architecture, the

panies to acquire computing resources by de-

applications have to be specically developed

mand; to enable payment according to the uti-

for the chosen platform.

lization volume; and to make it possible for a

der to oer great elasticity, Google App En-

company to completely ignore the knowledge

gine  a PaaS provider  imposes a specic pro-

about where these resources come from [3].

gramming style and has its own way to manage

For example, in or-

There is still no widely accepted academic

data, and thus an application developed for it

denition for cloud computing [32, 6]. Vaquero

may not be easily ported to a dierent PaaS

et al.

[30] made a thorough study on various

provider, nor can its data. Even if a developer

denitions found in the literature to achieve a

wanted to host such application in his/her own

more complete denition. Although it is still a

private cloud later, great eort would be nec-

proposal, their denition is consistent and com-

essary to rebuild the code, redeploy it and mi-

plete, and therefore is the one used in this work:

grate all the data.

Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and

This occurs because there is not a standard

accessible virtualized resources (such as hard-

technology for the development of software that

ware, development platforms and/or services).

is portable between dierent cloud providers.

These resources can be dynamically recong-

In other words, it is the lack of portability that

ured to adjust to a variable load (scale), allow-

causes the Lock-In.

ing also for an optimum resource utilization.

too complicated to reuse these applications.

For this reason it is still

This pool of resources is typically exploited by

It is not dicult to see why the Lock-In

a pay-per-use model in which guarantees are of-

problem is hindering the adoption of the cloud

fered by the Infrastructure Provider by means

model [24, 22].

of customized SLAs [30].

locked in on a particular platform, not being

The possibility of becoming

This denition, like others found in litera-

able to choose a dierent one later (customer

ture, cites resources in a generic way, as the

Lock-In), puts the developers in a dicult po-

elements that comprise the cloud infrastruc-

sition. They mostly fear being charged abusive


fees later, or having their applications unavail-

This is the important point regarding

this study, as it suggests a great heterogene-

able due to lack of service quality [3].

ity in these environments, in the sense that the resources used in the cloud can be of dierent types. The applications that use its technolo-


Types of Portability

gies must also be diverse and responsible for

The main problem caused by the lack of porta-

dierent details of how to use them. This het-

bility is that the work committed to platform-

erogeneity and diversity increase the complex-

specic tasks can not be reused in a dierent

7 Amazon:http://aws.amazon.com/pt/ec2/ 8 GoGrid: http://www.gogrid.com/ 9 http://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/

platform. Ideally, software development should be more conceptual and less focused on repetitive tasks [17].

The ISO 9126 standard [14], developed to identify




12 oers

ample, the Brazilian provider Locaweb


specic plans, and the users has the option to

portability in terms of how easy it is to migrate

buy only the package according to the tech-

software from one environment to another. It

nologies they need. If a user chooses to change

(i) Adaptabil-

the provider, he must check if the destination

ity: the software's ability to adapt to dierent

provider supports the same technologies sup-

environments without the need for additional

ported by the current.

has the following sub-attributes:

(ii) Capacity to be Installed:

(iii)Portability of PaaS applications:

identies the ease with which the system can be

users of the PaaS service model must follow a

actions (settings);

installed into a new environment;



specic programming style and make use of li-

tence: measures how easily a software can co-

braries and technologies oered by providers.

exists with other software installed in the same

The migration of applications between two



Ability to replace: the sys-

tem is easily replaced by another.

platforms often requires a total reengineering process [28]. The developer must know the de-

In the context of this research, portability is

tails of each platform and libraries, what makes

a key attribute for the improvement and dis-

migration dicult and costly. This is the sce-

semination of the cloud model.

nario where this paper ts in.

In this sense,

[5, 23, 24, 27], four main types of portability in

(iv)Data providers:

the cloud scenario:

there is not a standard for using traditional

(i)Portability of virtual machines between cloud providers: the IaaS model nor-

database management systems (DBMS) in the

we would like to highlight, from the literature

10 to provide mally uses server virtualization computing resources to customers.


the virtual machines are managed by the customers themselves.

Just migrating a virtual

machine from one provider to another causes little impact on the systems being virtualized, as all that is needed for them to run is a copy of the virtual disk. Format (OVF

The Open Virtualization

11 ) makes this task even easier,

by providing a standard format so that there is little eort to port a virtual machine from one provider to another, as long as both support this format.

(ii)Portability of applications in the context of IaaS: some providers oer, instead of virtual machines (VM), hosting plans that




similarly to the previous item,

cloud [3]. Therefore, data portability between providers is another item to consider.

In the

IaaS case, the user may choose to install his/her own instance of a DBMS, and use it in a single, virtual machine. If elasticity is necessary, the user is responsible for setting up multiple, interconnected servers and dene some kind of distribution scheme.

Another possibility is

to hire a provider that supports a particular DBMS. Thus, just as with the portability of applications, before signing a contract with the provider it is important to ensure that it supports the DBMS in question. Shirazi et al. [27] present a solution based on design standards to allow data portability among some cloud databases. However, the solution is still in the research phase and more studies are needed.

support only a specic technology. Many have plans for hosting Java, Ruby, PHP, among others. In this case, users have no control over the



VM, i.e., the provider manages the entire in-

In the introductory section of this paper, we


Once applications are deployed,

cited that the industry is seeking standardiza-

and depending on how much conguration is

tion as a possible solution for the Lock-In prob-

needed, a big eort is necessary to change the

lem. Armbrust et al. [3] have suggested stan-

provider, because each provider oers plans ac-

dardization path as a possible solution.

cording to dierent business goals.

problem with this path is that it requires wide

10 Server

For ex-

Virtualization is the technique of running one or more virtual servers on one physical server [7] 11 OVF: http://www.dmtf.org/standards/ovf



Some cloud providers may wish to

use specic technologies to create solutions that

12 Locaweb: http://www.locaweb.com.br

are aligned with their business requirements

included. Other platforms may be included in

and choose not to follow the standard. Thus,

future iterations.

until this initiative becomes concrete, it is important that we study alternative approaches, not only to explore a dierent path to portability, but to help improve the cloud model and facilitate its adoption. In this context, we propose the use of MDE as an element that removes the link between the application logic and platform details. This decision is justied by the fact that, in addition to presenting an alternative to solve the lockin problem, a model-driven approach can bring additional benets that would not be achieved simply by adopting standardization.


portability, MDE provides benets in terms of productivity, ease of communication and soft-

A textual concrete syntax was developed for the specication language, using Xtext

13 . We

initially restricted the language to the domain of CRUD operations (basic database access operations:




Delete ),

which are an important part of most applications.

Although it is a simple domain, it en-

compasses the various concepts needed to develop applications for PaaS. It also serves to exercise dierent ways of implementing the same conceptual model, as even for simple CRUD operations there are signicant dierences in the way GAE and Azure deal with persistence. The developed language is completely plat-

ware maintenance, allowing software engineers


to work in a higher abstraction level [17].

not need to include details about the PaaS

To meet this goal, we used the following methodology:







Details of the platform were auto-

matically introduced by the transformations,

1. Case studies were performed rst, to identify the main concepts of PaaS. These

which were developed using Xtend Fig.

14 .

1 summarizes this methodology, high-

studies involved the careful analysis of dif-

lighting its steps, the work already done and

ferent providers' documentation and the

the work yet to be performed.

development of sample applications for different platforms; 2. Next these concepts were used to prototype a specication language that captures the essence of PaaS applications. This language serves to support the creation of platform-independent models, which developers use to specify an application's structure and logic. This step involves the development of a domain metamodel and a concrete syntax; 3. Based on the case studies and on the specication language, transformations were built to automatically generate code for cloud platforms; and

Figure 1:

Methodology used to develop an

MDE approach to cloud portability. Numbers

4. Tests were performed to verify the conformance between the generated code and the

in rounded rectangles indicate the steps described in Section 3.

platform's requirements. The idea was to follow an incremental model, repeating these four steps for each dierent platform to be studied.

By the time of the

writing of this paper, only GAE's Java-based and Microsoft's Windows Azure platform were

13 Xtext: http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/ 14 Xtend: http://www.eclipse.org/Xtend/





proach for Cloud Applications Portability


Particularly, we wanted to know if

GAE/Azure could deal with the persistence of object-oriented entities, otherwise the DSL would have to be dierent than we initially conceived. Therefore we performed a study to

The approach is based on a common meta-

identify the main characteristics of GAE and

model that abstracts concepts of cloud plat-



This metamodel is the basis of a

domain-specic language (DSL), which is used to create platform-independent models (PIMs).


and Windows Azure

Portability, in this context, is made possible by the combination between the domain-specic language and automatic transformations. Together, they allow the same model to be used to generate an application for dierent platforms (Fig. 1). Next we discuss these two elements in more detail.

For practical reasons, we focused on the platforms' support for Java.

A DSL for CRUD Operations in Cloud PaaS

Based on the case

studies, to develop CRUD operations for GAE or Azure, there are three points that need special attention: 1.


Main Characteristics of GAE

Data Persistence: (i)GAE:

There are two options for data

storage in GAE plataform, App Engine

A DSL is a small, usually declarative, language, focused on a particular problem [8]. DSLs have existed for a long time. Mernik, Heering, and Sloane [19] cite examples of the APT language for numerical control, which dates from 195758, and the most famous BNF, or Backus-Naur Form, a language for specifying grammars, es-

tablished in 1959. Since then, several languages have been developed and used, and the literature in this area is very rich [8, 19]. A domain-





GAE's Java

Datastore allows the use of Java Data Objects - JDO

15 and Java Persistence API -

16 standards to specify entities stored JPA

in its database. These interfaces are implemented using the open source access platform Datanucleus

17 . The developer needs

to learn the syntax and restrictions imposed by the platform;

specic language can be textual (allowing to


specify programs) or visual (allowing to spec-

storage solutions

ify diagrams). To study the viability of the approach pre-


SQL (relational database).


Among the Windows Azure

18 we highlight:

Virtualized SQL Server :

it is the

sented in this paper, a DSL for the CRUD

SQL Server DBMS running on a vir-

domain was implemented.

tual machine in Windows Azure en-

As previously dis-


cussed, this domain was selected because it encompasses various concepts needed to develop


applications for the cloud and yet it is not exCRUD



dio and video; and DSL


have to support basic entities, with attributes and relationships.

storage through sets

of non-structured bytes, such as au-

cessively complex to implement. For

Blob Storage:


tion between types is also very common in conceptual modeling, so we decided to include it, as well as proper support for dierent attribute and relationship multiplicities. However, since the goal was to generate executable code, we had to nd out if these concepts can indeed be implemented in a cloud


Table Storage:

Tables oer NoSQL

capabilities for applications that require storage of large amount of unstructured data.

15 https://developers.google.com/appengine/ docs/java/datastore/jdo/

16 https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/jpa/ 17 Datanucleus: http://www.datanucleus.org/ 18 More information about Windows Azure Storage is

available on its website: www.windowsazure.com

Figure 2: DSL Metamodel.


For this study we selected the table stor-

is cheaper in terms of processing and it can be

age model. The tables are accessible from

managed by the platform itself. So for inten-

virtually anywhere via REST and client

sive processing and elasticity this is normally


the option of choice for most developers.

Controller Class:

Both GAE and Azure

support the Java Servlets technology. The environments work with the concept of request / response.

Therefore, the model

must be able to capture elements and generate an implementation considering such particularities of these platforms; and 3.

User interface:

Both GAE and Azure of-

Since GAE has support for JDO and JDA even for its NoSQL solution (App Engine Datastore), there is no problem in making the DSL an intuitive object-oriented language, with persistent entities and relationships, as we wanted. Other details are platform-specic implementation choices that could be left to the transformations. Azure's Table Storage, on the other hand, does not have such direct support for re-

fer support for Java server-generated pages


(JSP - Java Server Pages). Thus, support

intuitive as possible, we would have to build

for modeling and code generation on the

a layer to manage entity relationships over a

interface should follow this model.

simpler NoSQL database.

So, in order to keep the DSL as

After some discus-

For the interface, business logic and appli-

sions, we decided to follow this path, as shows

cation control, both platforms oer basic Java

the DSL metamodel that resulted from these

support, which is enough for implementing a

studies (Fig. 2).

typical web-based MVC application. persistence,

For the

we wanted to target a NoSQL

Basically, the metamodel in Fig.

2 denes

persistent entities, their properties, relations

database, because its eciency, high scalabil-

and dierent attributes.

ity and lower operational costs[13]. Besides, it

application properties and a division in tabs,

It also denes basic

which group closely related entities together in the generated interface. We decided to make the DSL's concrete syntax textual, due to simplicity, ease of learning and exibility of tools used in its development. Code 1 presents the main elements of the DSL's EBNF grammar used as input to Xtext.

Code 1: Xtext DSL Grammar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

DomainModel : ( a p p l i c a t i o n=A p p l i c a t i o n ) ? e l e m e n t s += Type ∗ ; Application : ' a p p l i c a t i o n ' name=ID ' { ' ' v e r s i o n ' v e r s i o n = INT ' t i t l e ' t i t l e = STRING t a b s += Tab ∗ '} ' ; Type : En ti t y | SimpleType ; En ti t y : ' e n t i t y ' name = ID ( ' extends ' superType = [ E nt it y ] ) ? ' { ' key=Key p r o p e r t i e s+=Property ∗ '} ' ; Property : ( a n n o t a t i o n s+=Annotation ∗ ) ? ' property ' name=ID ' : ' type = [ Type ] (many ? = ' [ ] ' ) ? ( ' l i s t ' '= ' l i s t =BoolType ) ? ( ' input ' '= ' inputType=InputType v a l u e=STRING) ? ( ' t i t t l e ' '= ' t i t t l e =STRING) ? ;


Code Generation

Based on the DSL described in the previous section, transformations were built to produce the dierent software components related to the CRUD domain in the selected platforms, as listed next:

(i)GAE Transformations: 1. One JDO-annotated Java class is generated for each persistent entity, including its properties and relationships. Single inheritance is also supported; 2. As







annotated Java class is generated for each persistent entity, including its properties and relationships.

Single inheritance is

also supported; 3. One VRaptor-based class is generated for each







troller for responding to interface requests. VRaptor [12] is a MVC framework based on Java that facilitates the development of web applications. Each controller class then


the request

to a


generic, non-generated data-access object, which is responsible for the actual execution of CRUD commands; and 4. Two JSPs are generated for each persistent entity: one for insert/update operations, and one for listing all instances. The JSPs use JQuery

19 to provide quality re-

sponsiveness to the user.

(ii)Azure Transformations: 1. Since Azure does not implement JDO or

According to the grammar, a model denes

JPA, we built a layer to manage entity

an application and a set of persistent entities


(Type ).

An Application consists of the at-

tions produce components that sit on the

tributes: name, version, title and tabs. Name

top of this layer. One class for each persis-

and version are information used to generate

tent entity is generated, but using simple

basic platform congurations normally needed

attributes to serve as references to related

to deploy applications in the cloud. The gram-


mar also describes other elements needed for

ment layer we built resolves these refer-

the specication of persistent entities.

ences during CRUD operations;

This DSL is obviously platform-independent, so that developers can specify the application's logic (at least for the CRUD domain) without worrying about the platform. Next we describe how a set of transformations introduce most details needed for code generation to succeed.

Therefore, the transforma-

Then, the relationship manage-

2. As in the GAE platform, one VRaptorbased class is generated for each persistent entity to serve as controllers for the application; and

19 JQuery: http://jquery.com/

3. As in the GAE platform, two JSPs are gen-

code (represented between  and  quotes)

erated for each persistent entity, one for

together. Basically this code represents a meta-

insert/update operations, and one for list-


ing all instances. The JSPs here also use

from domain models are used to ll in the in-

JQuery to provide quality responsiveness

formation needed to generate a complete JDO-

to the user;

annotated class. With automated transforma-

When executed, elements that come

tions such as this, it is possible to free the deCode 2 shows a piece of a Xtend transforma-

velopers from repetitive tasks such as program-

tion that produces code for a JDO-annotated

ming an entity class and its setter/getter func-

Java class.


Code 2: GAE JDO Transformation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

... d e f compile ( E nt i ty e n t i t y ) ` ` ` package com . g a e a p p l i c a t i o n . model ; // i m p o r t i n g l i b r a r i e s FOR p r o p e r t y : e n t i t y . p r o p e r t i e s  compileImports ( p r o p e r t y . type )  ENDFOR @PersistenceCapable ( d e t a c h a b l e="t r u e ") // c l a s s name p u b l i c c l a s s  e n t i t y . name // i n h e r i t a n c e IF e n t i t y . superType != n u l l  extends  e n t i t y . superType . name ENDIF { // g e n e r a t i n g i d e n t i f i e r o f the c l a s s @PrimaryKey compileKey ( e n t i t y . key )  FOR p r o p e r t y : e n t i t y . p r o p e r t i e s  IF p r o p e r t y . many==true // g e n e r a t i n g p r o p e r t i e s with // l i s t o f o b j e c t s compileProperties ( property ) ELSE // g e n e r a t i n g s i m p l e p r o p e r t i e s compileProperty ( p r o p e r t y )  ENDIF ENDFOR // g e n e r a t i n g g e t s and s e t s compileKeyGetsAndSets ( e n t i t y . key )  FOR p r o p e r t y : e n t i t y . p r o p e r t i e s  IF p r o p e r t y . many==true // i f a p r o p e r t y r e t u r n s a l i s t // o f o b j e c t s compileGetList ( property ) compileSetList ( property ) ELSE // i f a p r o p e r t y r e t u r n s b a s i c // t y p e s or only one o b j e c t compileGets ( p r o p e r t y )  compileSets ( property ) ENDIF ENDFOR } ```



The approach developed in this work aims at making portability between cloud platforms easier by means of MDE. It also defends the idea that MDE can bring additional benets to cloud application development. This two fold objective led us to perform the evaluation in two parts: a case study, aiming at identifying the benets that MDE can bring to portability; and a controlled experiment, to test if portability can be achieved in a satisfactory way using our approach. These are described next.


Case Study

This Case Study empirical strategy is the technique where key factors which can aect the results of a proposed approach are identied and documented [34]. The case studies aim to observe a specic attribute or to stablish the relationship between dierent attributes. In our research, the goals of the case study were:

(i) to compare two applications gener-

ated from the same domain model; and (ii) to evaluate the benets of applying the MDE approach in cloud development. For both goals, code analysis was carried out to characterize the development process and determine the differences between the code generated for the two platforms. To illustrate how the transformations work, consider an application that should provide functionality for registering products in an ecommerce system.

A product has an id, a

name, description and price. Code 3 presents

an example of this entity described using the Code 2 mixes Java code (lines 3 and 11), JDO Annotations (lines 8 and 9) and Xtend

developed DSL.

Code 3: Product Domain Model.

1 2 3 4 5 6

e n t i t y Product { pk{ i d : Key ( s t r a t e g y=IDENTITY) } p r o p e r t y name : S t r i n g property d e s c r i p t i o n : String p r o p e r t y p r i c e : Double l i s t = f a l s e } Code 4 presents a JDO-based implementation class for the product. This class was completely generated by the developed transformations.

It contains information processed from

the model (Code 3) and additional platform details, such as the annotations in lines 1, 3 an 4. transformations process. To build transformations it is necessary knowledge about plat-

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

TableServiceEntity ; // Generated C l a s s p u b l i c c l a s s Product extends TableServiceEntity { // a t r i b u t e s p r i v a t e S t r i n g name ; private String description ; p r i v a t e Double p r i c e ; // c o n s t r u c t o r s p u b l i c Product ( ) { t h i s . p a r t i t i o n K e y = " Product " ; } ... }

// . . . g e t t e r s e s e t t e r s . . .

form and its set of library and technologies supported.

But, since the transformations was

built, the programming team only needs to know the DSL simplied syntax. Code 4:

presents a generated interface for creating and

Generated product entity class for


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

@PersistenceCapable ( d e t a c h a b l e=" true " ) public c l a s s Product { @PrimaryKey @Persistent ( valueStrategy = I d G e n e r a t o r S t r a t e g y . IDENTITY) private Key i d ; @Persistent private S t r i n g name ; @Persistent private S t r i n g d e s c r i p t i o n ; @Persistent private Double p r i c e ; }

Similarly, the transformations produce code for the other parts of the chosen domain. Fig. 3 updating products in the running e-commerce example.

The attributes come directly from

the model (Code 3).

. . . g e t t e r s and s e t t e r s . . . Figure 3: JSP for creating / updating a product From the same model it is also possible to Code 5

The important thing to highlight here is

presents a persistent class for the Windows

that the elements and semantics of the domain

Azure platform. It is easily possible to see the

model were sucient to generate functional ap-

dierences between implementations on each

plication for both Azure and GAE platforms.

platform, despite the fact that both applica-

The developer does not have to worry about de-

tions are implemented using the same language

tails about how GAE and Azure deal with per-

(in this case Java).

Theses dierences occurs

sistence, or how the controller works. The anal-

because of the specic technologies adopted by

ysis performed in the generated code for the

the platforms.

applications found that the applications are the

generate Windows Azure Java code.

Code 5:

Generated product entity class for

Windows Azure

1 2 3 4 5

package com . a z u r e a p p l i c a t i o n . model ; import j a v a . u t i l . ∗ ; import com . m i c r o s o f t . windowsazure . services . table . client .

same besides the dierent details of each platform. We made some complementary analyses by calculating the reason between the specication elements and the generated code(REC). That metric allows to determinate the relationship between the domain elements and the generated code. REC is calculated as follows:

With this in mind, the test planning involved



LOC(Gen. code)/


the following phases:

N EE(models) (1)

(i)Context Selection:

the experiment oc-

curred in the academic environment.

It was

Where: LOC(Gen. Code) is the total of gener-

performed at the Software Engineering Labo-

ated code and NEE(Models) is the number of

ratory at Federal University of São Carlos;

(ii)Research Question:

model specication elements.

is it possible to

We performed the calculus on dierent ways:

port, with MDE, an application between cloud

on each generated functionality and on com-

platforms so that the nal users do not per-

plete application. We used two applications for

ceive any dierences between the original and

that calculus.

the ported applications?

We found that for each line of

code of the Textual DSL on average was generated 105 implementation lines of code.

(iii)Selection of subjects:

the subjects


were selected through convenience sampling i.e.

course this number can change for more or less

the nearest and most convenient people are se-

depending the size of the studied application.

lected as subjects[33]; and

However, from that observations is possible, at


Inspired by other reports from

least to see some benets on reducing repetitive

the literature [29], we dened a set of black

codication tasks.

box test cases to serve as a script for the subjects. The idea was to ensure they would use


Portability evaluation

both versions in a similar way, and also exercise all functions of the application. These are

In the case study described in the previous

conventional test cases, with a description, pre-

section, we observed that portability between

conditions, a set of steps to be performed, and

cloud providers can be achieved through MDE,

the expected results.A total of eleven test cases

at least for a specic domain and after an ini-

were dened.

tial eort of building a complete infrastructure, including a DSL and dierent transformations. We also observed that the gains in productivity are considerable, given the automation power



The tests were executed in 2 steps:

Step 1 -Preparation -

of MDE transformations. For this part of the evaluation, the goal was to determine if the results of the approach are

In this step the in-

strumentation elements were elaborated: a.


The material consisted of

satisfactory, in terms of funcionality as seen by

one document with the description of the tasks

the end user.

For portability to be satisfac-

and instructions the subject should follow and

tory, the user should not perceive any dier-

one document with the application description

ence when an application is moved from one

and support material.

platform to another.


Data Collection Instruments:


We followed the experimental phases sug-

collection was performed in two moments. The

gested by Wohlin et al. [33]. The idea was to

rst moment was during test case execution.

take advantage of the solid empirical elements

After each test case description in the task de-

from that methodology for executing ours tests.

scription document, there was a eld where

So the planning was carried out as follows:

subjects would respond if they considered the test case successful or not.


In a second mo-

ment, a questionnaire was given to each sub-


ject, where he would inform his/her perception

The main idea of the evaluation was to have

on portability. This questionnaire was based on

two versions of the same application: one run-

ISO standard 9126 [14], which denes porta-

ning on Google App Engine, and the other run-

bility as a set of attributes that bear on the

ning on Windows Azure.

ability of software to be transferred from one

Subjects were then

asked to use both versions, and tell if they could

environment to another.

perceive any dierence.

tributes, which are adaptability, installability,

Among its four at-

co-existence and replaceability, we decided to

From this evaluation, we can conclude that

focus on replaceability, as we believe that it is

it was possible to port, by means of an MDE

the most adequate to the goal of this research.

approach, and in the context of the chosen do-

Step 2 - Execution-

Initially, using the

main, an application between cloud platforms

MDE approach, we generated two version of

in such a way that the nal users do not per-

an application for the two platforms supported

ceive the dierences when using the two ver-

by the approach (GAE and Azure).

The ap-

sions. This is particularly interesting if we con-

plication used in this study was dierent from

sider that the underlying storage mechanisms

the one described in Section 5.1. Here we used

are dierent, as discussed in Section 4.2. This

the laboratory analysis domain. The subjects

eectively puts MDE as a viable alternative to

then executed the test cases.

port application between cloud providers.

This study had

ten participants. The execution took one day, including initial training and the lling of the questionnaire.


Data Analyses

All ten subjects were able to use both versions of the application and perform all test cases successfully. Regarding the questionnaire, the results of each question are discussed next.

Question 1 - Do you consider that in terms of functionality the two versions of the application are equivalent? For two applications A and B to be equivalent, the set of functions implemented in A must be equal to the set of functions implemented in B. In this question all subjects answered that the two versions of the application were equivalent in


Threats to validity

Low number of subjects: participated in the tests.

a small set of users

A larger number of

people using the system can lead to the discovery of more fails and dierences.

Simple domain:

the application built in

the case study is relatively small and represents a small problem domain. These elements may have facilitated the analysis, and it is possible that we did not test all situations.

Statistical treatment:

the collected data

did not allow a formal, complete statistical treatment, which would lead to much more solid results.

But we believe the qualitative

analysis has important insight into the approach.

terms of functionality.

Question 2 - Do you consider that in terms of interface the two versions of the application are equivalent? Two applica-


tions can be equivalent in terms of functionality

papers related to the portability of applica-

but have dierent interfaces. In this question

tions in cloud computing. Proposals for devel-

all subjects answered that the two versions of

oping applications for cloud basically revolve

the application were equivalent in terms of in-

around two approaches:


and MDE.

Question 3 - Do you consider that for the same input on each version of the application, the outputs were equal? This

some initiatives gathering eorts for addressing

question evaluates if the systems are equivalent

tributed Management Task Force), which em-

in terms of input and output. In this question

ploys eorts focused on standardizing interac-

all subjects answered that the two versions of

tions between cloud environments by develop-

the application were equivalent in terms of in-

ing specications that deliver architectural se-


mantics and implementation details to achieve

Question 4 - Do you consider that the Azure version can be replaced by the GAE version (and vice-versa)? In this

interoperable cloud management between ser-

question all subjects answered that the two ver-

the OCCI-WG (Open Cloud Computing Inter-

sions could be replaced by each other.

face Working Group), which is a protocol and

Related Work

In the literature it is possible to nd several

API standardization

In the path of standardization, there are the Lock-In problem, such as the DMTF (Dis-

vice providers and their consumers. Also proposing standardization, we can cite

API for all kinds of management tasks, and was

platform were responsible for other tasks nec-

created to develop a remote management API

essary for the correct functionality of system.

for IaaS-based services, allowing development

That is, the platforms would be in charge of

of interoperable tools for common tasks includ-

dealing with the distribution, deployment, ex-

ing deployment, autonomic scaling and moni-

ecution, monitoring, scalability, elasticity, etc.

toring. The current release of the Open Cloud Computing Interface is suitable to serve many other models in addition to IaaS, including e.g. PaaS and SaaS.

20 is responsible for developing

IEEE P2301

a standard that will enable portability.


achieve this goal, it will group the dierent options (interfaces, tile formats and operation conventions) of the cloud elements into logi-

21 also follows a simi-

cal proles. IEEE P2302

lar path, but to dene the topology, protocols, functionality and governance required to support cloud-to-cloud interoperability and federated (intercloud) operations [16, 31]. Sharma







driven approach for interoperability in SaaS. The authors dene the models at dierent abstraction





More research issues and approaches related to the development of systems to the cloud model can be found in Armbrust et al. and Silva and Lucrédio [28].


Cloud comput-

ing is still evolving, and research opportunities are still being identied. Even in this new scenario, is possible to identify a certain alignment between authors.

This work is in agreement

with most MDE-based proposals, which is focus on the PIM-PSM separation.

But in our

understanding, our research has contributions by proposing a practical approach focused on a commercial PaaS provider.

It also provides

a well-dened methodology for including other platforms as well, serving to guide future research.


concerns - Computation Independent Model (CIM),





Platform Specic Model (PSM) building on MDA

22 . Each level can be composed by one or

more models to specify structural, functional and behavioral system. For PIMs a formal def-


Concluding remarks and future work

inition of the operations oered by the service is used, which can be accessed through an in-

The lack of portability between cloud appli-

terface that must later be composed with other

cations raises the Lock-In problem.

services to build a complete system. Business

to solve this problem, this paper presented a

rules are specied through the declaration of

model-driven approach for cloud portability.

restrictions, pre-conditions and post-conditions

The cloud technologies and MDE, together, can

and invariants in Object Constraint Language

provide many benets to system developers,

(OCL). After some transformations the PIM is

such as productivity, improved maintenance

then converted to a WSDL PSM, which con-

and documentation, reuse and more.

In order

sists of a specic model description language for web services. The nal step is the transformation of the WSDL PSM into a WSDL. Other approaches: Esparza and Escoí [9] emphasize the importance of a broad, scalable modeling language, and indicates new lines of research for designing self-manageable cloud platforms.

The authors emphasize that the

We spent 3 months building the DSL and the transformations. Despite the high initial costs of such elements [17], they can be reused in the development of new projects and systems. But a quantitative study related to the costbenet of the approach is not on the scope of this research.

ideal would be the developer to capture aspects

The results of the evaluation have shown that

from the application through models and the

MDE can not only promote portability in a way

20 IEEE P2301: grouper.ieee.org/groups/2301/ 21 IEEE P2302: grouper.ieee.org/groups/2302/ 22 www.omg.org/mda/

that users do not perceive dierences between platforms, but also lead to additional benets, mainly productivity.





Author Biographies FAPESP processes number 2012/04549-4 and for





search. Elias Silva has high experience on developing web systems.

He got his bach.






Matei Zaharia. A view of cloud comput-

The authors would like to thank CAPES and 2012/24487-3

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science at State University of Southwest Bahia

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and his Masters at Federal University of São


Carlos. Now he is phd candidate at University

computing research and application. 2011.

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of São Paulo(USP). Renata P. de M. Fortes received the B.Sc. in

[7] Je Daniels.

Server virtualization archi-

Computer Science from the University of São

tecture and implementation.

Paulo, Brazil, in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree


in Computational Physics, from University of SãoPaulo,SãoCarlos, Brazil, in 1996.


serves on the Steering Committee of the ACM SIGDOC conference and is a member of the ACM and the Brazilian Computer Society. Daniel Lucrédio got his computer engineer (2002) and M.Sc. in Computer Science (2005) degrees at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil, and his PhD (2009) at Univer-


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