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Lisinlr the combination ol the tr,l'o. ','anaDle ioci iiescrihred hcre and the (]-iocus. :1. : .i I r'"c ale able to ciiscrirlinatc severai patrilines ol tlrc honelibc-c colonv.
Apidologie29 ( 1998)255 263 O lnra/DlB/AGIB/Elscvier. Paris


Original article

A simple,non-radioactiveDNA fingerprinting method for identifying patrilines in honeybeecolonies Martin Beyea*,PeterNeumanna, JanaSchmitzoväb, JaroslavKlaudinyb,St"funAlbertb,JozefSim.itht, MariusFelderc.Robin F.A. Moritza " l n s t i t u t l ' ü r M t r l e k u l l r e ( ) k o l r r - g i e .M u r t i n L u t h c r - U n i v e r s i t i i t H i r l l e . K r i i l l w i t z c r S t r . 4 , 1 .0 6 0 9 9 H a l l e . G e r r n a n v l ' l . a b o r a t c t r ro, f C e n e t i c E n g i n e e r i n - e .l u . s t i t L r t eo f C h e m i s t r y . S l o v a k A c a c l c r l y o f S c i c n c c s . D i r b r a v s k a c e s t a 9 . S K 8 , 1 23 8 B r a t i s l a v ä . S l o v a k i a ' L B G e n e t i k . U n i v c r s i t a c t K a i s e r s l a u t e r n .P o s t f a c h 3 0 . + 9 .D - 6 7 6 - 5 3K a i s c r s l a u t c n r .G e r m a n l

(Rcccivecl 6 October-1997:acceptecl I I Decernber1997)

Abstract Prinrcrswere derivedflanking a rniclosatcllite motil'of the clonedZ-locus.The PCR productof the Z-locLrswas variablcin sizeand up to four alleleswerefbund in a sarnple ol l I wurkerswithin onc colony. Using the corlbinationof thlee loci. the Z. the Q (both linkeclto thc sex locus)and a rcyal.jcllvproteingene(RJP57-l)we were ableto discrinrinate fivc patlilinesin the 1l worker sample.Using the '"vcllcstablishcd rniclosatcllite tcchuolo-rr1. howcvet.sevenand six patrilincscould be identitied.The techniquemay cnablclabolatories which iack an isotopefacilitl,and ccluippedwith onlv a PCIRthcr-rnocvclel and agarosegel apparatusto studv thc polvanclrous mating s1'stcmofthc honer'tree in rr rarietv o1'diflerent contexts.O Inra/DIB/AGlIl/Elsevier. Paris fingerprinting / patriline / rnating / honel'beeI Apis melliJbraI l?CR


T h c r r u l t i p l en r a t i n cs v s t L - nr er s u i t si n i i gcncticsubtarnilrstrurciure of r honevbee arr-siredhv thesanre T h c n u n r b e ro f m a t i n g so f h o n e v b e e colonr':super-sislers quecnsciln \rArvclranraticall,r l r , . l r ef a t h e r .i v h i l e h a l f - s i s t e r : tiorn six up h a p i o i cC 'fhis t o 2 8 i n n a t u l apl o p u l a t i o ni is0 " i 6 . i 8 l . irai,cilillerenfdronclitther:. llruscr.,


Martin Beye et al

largeintracolonialgeneticvariance,which is of substantialinterestfor both evolutionaryandbehavioralgenetics16,11,201. In recentyearsa wide rangeof different DNA techniqueshave beenestablished for honeybeesto identify the subfamily structureof coloniessuchas multilocus DNA fingerprinting[5, 15] and RAPD (randomamplified polymorphic) marker technologyI I , l2]. More recentlymicrosatellitetechnologyhas beendeveloped for honeybeesand provedto be a powerful tool for exactly determiningthe number of patrilinesand the intracolonialrelatedness[0]. However,this techniqueis time consumingandrequiressophisticated equipmentsuch as a radioactiveisotope laboratoryand largepolyacrylamidegels. Here we presenta very simpleand fast methodfor identifying patrilinesof the honeybee,which doesnot require radionucleotidelabelling.We usedsequence specificprimersof the Q-locus[13], the Z- locus [3, 4l and the locusof royaljelly proteinRJP57-l !, 141,which produce distinct and highly variableDNA products in the PCR reaction.The obtainedDNA fragmentshavesufficientsizedifferences to easily be distinguishedin agaroseor smallpolyacrylamidegel electrophoresis.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1.Bee samples workersweretakenfrom Adult honeybee theouterframesof two coloniesA andB (l I workersand7 droneseach)at theapiaryof the r i e n e n z u ct G h te r m a nt iyn B u y r i s c hLe. A .l - ü B J u n e1 9 9 5 .

2.2. DNA isolation fromsingleworDNA wasphenolextracted kersfbllowingroutineprotocols [2] withsome minorchanges: in insectringer l) workerswereincubated (121mM NaCl,1.5mM CaCl2, 5 mM solution

KCl, pH 7.4 with NaOH) fbr at room temperaturebeforeextraction; 2) worker thoraceswere homogenizedin 400 prl- of DNA extraction buff-er(100 mM N a C l , 1 0 0m M T r i s - H C l ( p H 8 . 0 ) , 1 0 m M NaCl.0. l7o SDS)I in 30 prl-ddH2O. 3) DNA was resuspended

2.3. Microsatellite fingerprinting W e u s e da s e t o f D N A - n - r i c r o s a t e l l i t e s which wasdevelopedby Estoupet al. [9]. Multiplex PCR was pertbrmedusing two pairs of loci (A43-B124,A16-A107)andthe standard protocolsofEstoupet al. [9, l0].

2.4. Non-radioactive fi ngerprinting: the Z, Q and RIP 57-1 locus The 1.7kb clonedZ-locus fragment[3, 4l was sequencedusing an automatedsequencer following the manufäctor'sinstructions.Primers(figure 1c) were designedwhich flanked an approximately 130 bp long microsatellite (TTTC)' motif in this fragment.The overall lengthof the resultingPCR productwas about 650 bp, which can be resolvedin an agarose gel. The primersfor PCR amplificationof the RJP 57-1 locusweredesignedfrom the cDNA of RJP 57-1 [1]. The primerswere sequence derived from region Rl (nucleotides1261 to 1 2 8 4 ) a n d R 2 ( n u c l e o t i d e s1 6 4 0 t o 1 6 6 6 ) (figure lb). The primers (figure lc) and the PCR conditionsfor the Q-locushavebeenpreviously describedI I 3]. PCR amplificationsof Z. Q and RJP57-| werecaniedout as described in tuble L

2.5. Electrophoresis and determination

of genotYPes

Non-radioactiveamplificationproducts were separatedon 3 7, agarosegels (Ultra Pure DNA grade,BioRad Laboratories)at 7 V/cm or on small 8 7o polyacrylamidegels for 2 h at 200 V with a 100 bp ladder as size standard. Each electrophoresiswas performedfollowing the routineprotocolsof Sambrooket al. [2 I l. Radioactiveamplification products were electrophorizedon 6 7opolyacrylamidesequen-

A simple,non-radioactiveDNA fingerprintingmethod


a. Z locus primers ZI




b. RJP 57-l locus primers RI




c. Q- locusprimers 5'-AGTC'CAGCCAGCTACTGAGAG-3' Ql Q2


Figure l. Primersusedin the non-radioactivefingerprintingdesignedfrom sequences of the Z, RPJ57-land Q-locus.

Table I. PCR conditionsof the Z, Q and RJP57-I primers. MgCl, pflmer

Z primers 1 . 5m M 400nM

Q primers 1 . 5m M 400nM

RJP57-lprimers 2.5mM 500nM

numberof cycles step I step2 step3 step4 step5

3 min 94'C 30s 94'C 45s49"C 1 min 72 "C l0 min72"C

41 3 min 94 "C I min94'C I min 55 'C 2 mrn72 "C l0 min72 "C

30 3 min94 "C 3 0s 9 4 ' C 3 0s 5 4 ' C I m i n7 2 ' C l 0 m i n7 2 ' C

cing gels for 5.5 h (A76lA107)or 5 h (443/8124) togetherwith M l3mp18 control DNA sequencingreactionsas sizestandardon the samegel. Alleles were scoredas fragment lengthsin basepairs.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The PCR fragmentof the Z-locus [4] provedto be polymorphicevenin the progeny of a single queen(Jigure2a). Four alleleswere detectedin a sampleof I I

workers of colony B, three DNA length polymorphismrangingfrom 610 up to 670 'null 'null alleles' bp and a allele'.These occur if PCR productsare lacking at the testedlocustl, l9l. The proteinof the cDNA cloneRIP57-1 on its C-terminus, a 100 [1, 14]possesses a m i n oa c i dr e s i d u el o n gr e p e t i t i v ree g i o n consistingof a 2O-foldrepeatedsequence motif XQNXX. Amplification of this r e g i o n r e v e a l e dl e n g t hp o l y m o r p h i s m (Albert et a1.,unpublisheddata).Four and


Martin Beycet al

A colony B

1521 18 3 19 r2M32 20 7 26 34 M130


B colony A

drones M4


6 7 9 t 2 1 3 2 0 2 7 3 2 3 9M 3 0 1 5 1 7 2 8

Figure 2'a. Polvacrvlarnide tel showin-ttheZ-locusPCRproductof I I uolkersandtu'o drones of'colonl'ts.The Z locusPC-'R productshorveda hi-shvaliabilitvwithin onecolony:threelerrgth polvnlorphrsrn anclone 'null allele'(seetext).The fragrnent sizeof thc allcleswere:670.6.10.610 'null bp and allcle'.The allclelen,sthrvls deternrined in cornpalison to a 100bp DNA laddclM as a sizcstandard(GIBCO BRL. a 6-50bp bancl(above7(X)bp bancl)is inclicated b1-an arrowl. b . A g a r - o s e - us ch lo u ' i n u t h e R J P 5l kTr c u s P C R p r o d u c t olfl u t x ' k e l s a n d f i r L r r c l r o n c s o l ' c o k r n y A. Thc RJP-57l locusPCRproductis hi-uhl1, r'ariableu'ithinonccokrnvancllbur dif'fbrent allclcs 5 .1 0 .+ ( 1 5h p r e , r u l dh e i t l e r t t i l i c dT.h e r L l l c l lee t t . r : u r - l ( r { -) . l . 1 + t hr r . J c t t ' r ' r r r i nier d 1ü , r n r p i r l i \ ot n {, a l(X) bp DNA laddelNl as a sizc standard(GIBCO BRL. the 600 bp bandis inclicatecl by an arrow).

two allclcswerc found in the I I worker p r o r c n i e so f ' c o l o n v A ( . t ' ' i g u r2eä ) a n c l colonyB. respectir'ely. rangingfiom -10-5 up to 460 bp in size.

patrilinesol tlrc honelibc-ccolonv. Aithough Q and Z are two iinkeclrnarkcrs(both linked to the ser locusl. this clclesnot necessariiv intluencc iite ,r,letection of pan'ilines. The characteristic corlbination of aileiesat L i s i n l rt h e c o m b i n a t i o no l t h e t r , l ' o irll three threc ioci iQ. ü.. RJP.i7-i . tthie ![ t ','anaDle ioci iiescrihred hcreandthe(]-iocus r.vasusedio deten"nineihc nurnbelol'tätfi:1. : .i I r'"cale ableto ciiscrirlinatc severai lines. Wc conrDüreci thc por"er oi' ihis tcch-

A simple,non-radioactiveDNA fingerprintingmethod

nique to the numberof patrilinesdetermined by four informative loci microsatellitefingerprinting [0] using fbur informativeloci (476, A107, Bl24 and 443'-tablesII and IItt.

Five patrilinesweredetectedin colony A using the non-radioactivefingerprint technique,but sevenpatrilineswere identified using the microsatellitetechnique (tobleIIa). Using the informationof both

Table II. Informativegenotypesof the threeloci Z Q RJP57-I of colony A and B. The genotype of the queenwas determinedby the haploid drone offspring. Only informative bands('father alleles') different to thoseof the queenare listed in the worker progeny.Some 'father alleles' cannot be unambiguouslydeterminedas they eitherbe identicalto one or two ofthe queen'salleles or representa 'null allele'. The resultingpatrilines(a-e) were comparedto the microsatellite technology(= ms technology)( I 7). Combining both data setsan overall numberof nine patrilineswas identified(I IX). (nd = missingvalue). (bp) Genotype (bp) Genotype (bp) Patrilines Patrilines Sample Genotype by Overallnumber RJP57-llocus Z-locus mstechnologyofpatrilines Q-locus a. Colony A Queengenotype4051460

Worker t) 7 27 12 l-)


435 420


nd 600 600

560/0 700 700 100 nd

4 600 20 -)z


700 435 420

600 600

I I 2 II 2 II III 3 IV 3 4 V 4 VI a 5 VII b 6 VIII IX c 1 ines 9 patrilines 5 patrilines 7 patril a a a b c d


b. Colony B

genotype 4051460 Queen Worker 3 2l l5 l8 26 32 l2 l9 34 7 20



680 680 nd

640 640 670 670

a a

l l

b b

2 2



670 670

b d

3 1



600 600

610 610 610

b 5 b 5 b 6 5 patrilines6 patrilines

I I II II III IV v VI VII VII VIII 8 patrilines

Martin Beye et al.


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A simple,non-radioactiveDNA fingerprintingmethod

techniques, nine patrilineswereidentified. In colony B the resolutionwas similar: five patrilines were detectedusing the s i n g l el o c u sd a t ao f Q , Z a n d R J P 5 7 I- , whereassix patrilineswere found in the microsatellitefingerprinting (table I I b). The resultingoverallnumberof patrilines usingthe informationof all loci waseight. The numberof patrilinesdetermined by the non-radioactive fingerprintingwas less than the number of patrilines found in microsatellitefingerprinting.The averagenumberof allelesper locuswas 3.3 (colony A) and 3 (colony B) in the nonradioactivefingerprintingwhile the average allele numberin the microsatellite f i n g e r p r i n t i n gw a s s l i g h t l y h i g h e r :4 . 7 allelesper locus in colony A and 3.7 in colony B. The highernumberof patrilines found in the microsatellitefingerprinting could be explainedby the higher number of allelesdetectedper locus and by using a 4th locus in the microsatellitefingerprinting approach.A higherresolutionof patrilineswas obtainedusingthe combined dataof both techniques.

tionalhighlyvariableloci (e.g.STSprimers(sequence-tagged site)derivedfrom RAPDmarkers) becomeavailable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was financially supportedby the DFC and the ScientificGrant Agency of Ministry of Educationof Slovak Republic and the SlovakAcademyof Sciences(2/1098/95)and the BMWB. We thank RosemarieHoffmann for technicalassistanceand Dieter Mautz for providing bee samples.

R6sum6 - Une m6thode d'analyse simple et non radioactive d'empreinte g6n6tique pour identifier les lign6es paternelles des colonies d'abeilles. La techniquedesmicrosatellites a 6t6 d6velopp6echez I'abeille(Apis mellferaL.) p o u r d d t e r m i n e rl e n o m b r e e x a c t d e lign6espaternelleset le degr6de parent6 entremembresde la mömecolonie.Nous a v o n sm i s a u p o i n t u n e t e c h n i q u eq u i , contrairementä celle desmicrosatellites, In many cases,the resolutionof the ne n6cessite pasI'utilisationde radioisonon-radioactivetechniquemight be suf- topeset avonscompar6les deux m6thodes ficient to resolvequestionsrelatedto the q u a n t ä l e u r p r 6 c i s i o n . D e s a m o r c e s matingfrequency.The procedurefor deter- (figure I a) ont 6t6 d6velopp6esä partir de mining patrilinesis a relativelysimple, r d g i o n ss i t u 6 e sd e p a r t e t d ' a u t r ed ' u n fast and cheapmethod comparedto the motif microsatellitedu locus Z et on a more labour-intensiveand complextech- trouv6par PCRjusqu'ä quatreallölesdifnique of microsatellitetechnologyusing fdrentsdansun 6chantillonde 11 ouvriöres radioactiveor fluorescentlabelledDNA provenantde la colonieB \[igure 2ul. A fragmentsand large sequencinggels. In l ' a i d e d ' u n f r a g m e n tR J P 5 7 - 1q, u i r e n our laboratorywe found that the analysis ferme un motif codantpour une prot6ine of the PCR fragmentswith just agarose de gel6eroyale,la PCR a permis de mettre g e l s w a s a b o u t t w i c e a s f a s t a s l a r g e en dvidencejusqu'ä quatreallölesdiff6PAGEs (which did not include the expo- rentsdansun 6chantillonde I I ouvriöres suretime of films) and reducesthe coststo de la colonieA (figure2b).En combinant two thirds.This techniquemay alsoenable les trois locusZ, Q et RJP57-I (tableautS, laboratories withjust an agarosegel appa- cinq lign6espatemellesont 6t6 misesen ratusand a PCR thermocyclerto study the 6videncedansla colonieA et cinq dans polyandrousmating systemof the honey- la colonie B (tableau 11,6chantillonsde beein a varietyof differentcontexts.This 11 individuspar colonie).Parla technique non-radioactivetechniquemay become d e s m i c r o s a t e l l i t e s( t a b l e a u I I I ) , o n a even more powerful, if primers of addi- trouv6un nombrede pöresl6görementplus


Martin Beye et al.

6lev6,'.7et 6 respectivement (tableau II). Cette techniquepourraitpermettreaux laboratoiresde petite taille, 6quip6sseulementd'un thermocycleurPCR et d'une cuve d'dlectrophorösepour gel d'agarose, d'6tudier le systömede reproductionpolyandrede l'abeille. O Inra/DIB/AGIB/Elsevier, Paris Apis mellifura / empreinte g6n6tique / lignde paternelle / PCR / accouplement

Zusammenfassung - Eine einfache, nicht-radioaktive DNA Fingerprintmethode zur Bestimmung der Patrilinienanzahl in Bienenvölkern. Es wurden Primer (Abb. 1a\ aus flankierenden BereicheneinesMicrosatellitenmotivsdes Z-Locus entwickelt und etabliert.Bis zu 4 Allele des Z-Fragmentswurden in einer Stichprobe von I I Arbeiterinnen einer Kolonie in der PCR (Polymerasen-Ketten-Reaktion)gefunden (Abb. 2a). Mit Hilfe des RJP57-l Fragments,das ein Motiv einesGel6e-RoyalProteinsenthält, konntenbis zu 4 Allele in der Stichprobe nachgewiesenwerden (Abb. 2b). Durch die Kombination der 3 Loci, Z, Q und RIP57-1) (Tabelle0 konnten 5 Patrilinien in einer Stichprobevon I I Individuen nachgewiesenwerden (Tabelle 1I). Die Anzahl, der durch die MikrosatellitenTechnologie(Tabelle 1fl nachgewiesenen Väter,war mit 6 und 7 (TabelleID in der gewähltenStichprobenur unwesentlich höher. Diese Technik könnte selbst kleinerenLaboratorienermöglichen,die nur mit einem PCR-Thermocyclerund einer Agarose-Gel-Kammerausgestattet sind, das polyandrischePaarungssystem der Honigbienezu studieren.O Inra/DIB/AGIB/Elsevier.Paris

Honigbiene / Begattung I Patrilinie / Fingerprint / PCR


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