A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications

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A typed, declarative client-server protocol for enterprise applications. The .... which transforms it into a HTTP message and sends it to the web server. The.
A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications Dirk Draheim1 , Peter Thiemann2 , and Gerald Weber3 1

Institute of Computer Science, Universit¨ at Mannheim [email protected] 2 Institute of Computer Science, Universit¨ at Freiburg [email protected] 3 Dept. of Computer Science, University of Auckland [email protected]

Abstract. There is an increasing gap between web services and web applications. While web services communicate via typed interfaces (e.g., using WSDL and SOAP), many web applications still rely on untyped, manually programmed forms in the restricted HTML widget set. These limitations cause developers to resort to HTML with client-side scripting, resulting in applications that can be hard to maintain. The goal of our work is to close the gap and ease maintenance by providing a browser technology that relies on declarative specifications and supports a fully typed interaction model. To this end, we have implemented Spreans, a type-aware spreadsheet that edits hierarchical data, supports a rich widget set, and includes browser functionality by implementing an interface to web services. The use of Spreans as a browser replaces the main uses of client-side scripting (calculations, constraint checking, and UI embellishment) by declarative specification, thus simplifying maintenance.



With the advent of web services, a new generation of web-enabled information systems is foreseeable. Compared to current interactive web applications, web services focus on content over presentation and there are standards that govern message formats (SOAP/XMLP), the type structure of messages (WSDL), the coaction of services (WSCDL), and so on. XML technologies like XPath, XSLT, and XQuery are available for further processing, transformation, and querying of the results. That is, web services inhabit a typed world with declarative specifications and transformations that enable straightforward interfacing with the application logic. Some of this interfacing can be (and has been) automated by generating code from the specifications. How can the development of end-user web applications, like enterprise applications, take advantage of the new developments? In this area, the so-called web architecture is well established and successful. Its user-interface layer consists of just the web browser, so it is an example of an ultra-thin-client architecture. However, enterprise applications often have a demand for advanced functionality that goes beyond the offerings of plain HTML forms as implemented in the current generation of web browsers. These browsers consider a form as a means for O. Etzion, T. Kuflik, and A. Motro (Eds.): NGITS 2006, LNCS 4032, pp. 274–286, 2006. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications


entering a list of strings associated with a static set of tags, which is predefined in the form. This consideration is limiting with respect to (i) type validation for forms and (ii) application-specific widget sets. Regarding type validation, the server’s validation of form submissions and their conversion to proper types must be implemented manually. Sometimes, another layer of client-side validation is provided using a scripting language like JavaScript. Client-side validation avoids additional communication overhead in case of type errors, but raises the additional problem of keeping the two validation procedures in sync. Regarding widgets, web browsers support the input widgets of HTML forms, which are generally perceived as limiting. As an example, consider entering tabular data in an enterprise system. A user would like to add/delete rows (rarely columns) as well as edit existing rows. HTML forms neither provide a suitable widget for this frequent task, nor do they do provide the required dynamic tag set. Hence, the developer has to resort either to server-side frameworks, like the user interface components of Jakarta Struts or JavaServer Faces, or to scripting technology on the client-side, with the same tradeoffs as for validation. To avoid the maintenance problems caused by heavy use of scripting and to also avoid the sometimes tricky development of scripts that have to run on every browser, our approach is to follow the lead of web services by creating a browser that works from declarative specifications of form types and messages, and that builds directly on a rich widget set. Furthermore, we base our browser on the spreadsheet paradigm so that client-side computations – like computing totals or taxes interactively during user input– can be specified declaratively by formulae and kept automatically up-to-date. Thus our browser eliminates the most frequent reasons for using client-side scripting from the start. Our browser furthermore enforces the separation of content and layout by moving from HTML to XML and web services. The reliance on XML has the usual advantages that simplify the development: XML Schema is the basis for the type structure and the XML tool chain (parsing, Schema validation, navigation, transformation) is readily available. Note that we are using XML in a datacentric way, the semistructured nature of XML is not of interest here. The contributions of this work are as follows. – A novel browser-enabled spreadsheet for form-based applications. The novelty is in the combination of the following aspects. • • • • •

Integration into a fully typed client-server interaction model. Spreadsheet editing of an underlying typed XML data structure. User interface with configurable widgets instead of the traditional grid. Functionality to submit forms through web services. Facility for web service browsing.

– A typed, declarative client-server protocol for enterprise applications. The protocol implements the ideas of form-oriented analysis [6] using XML.


D. Draheim, P. Thiemann, and G. Weber

– Separation of content and layout of a form. The central specifier of a form is its type. The data contents of the form and its layout are separate components that only depend on the type. – Specification of restrictions and client-side computation with constraints. Spreans is the prototype implementation of such a spreadsheet browser1. Spreans is available for download at http://spreans.formcharts.org/. The download package includes a worked out example application (a bookshop). Section 4 contains some excerpts from that example. Section 2 reviews the foundations of form-based interactive systems. Next, Section 3 explains the architecture of the spreadsheet browser in general terms before Section 4 delves into the specifics of the modeling of a response-page specification using various XML technologies with particular emphasis on the modeling of types and constraints. Section 5 gives an overview of the technical aspects of the implementation. Finally, Section 6 discusses related work and Section 7 concludes.


From Forms to Spreadsheets

Web applications are recent examples of form-based applications that interact with users through a sequence of HTML forms. Enterprise applications like ERP products, web portals, and traditional mainframe-terminal applications typically have form-based user interfaces, too. The submit-response interaction style [6] provides a technology independent characterization of this kind of interaction. A submit-response interaction has two stages. In the first, client-page stage, the user enters data through a form. This interaction is usually transient and nonmodal, i.e., a user may edit form elements in arbitrary order. The entry becomes effective through the second server-action stage of interaction, experienced as a page change. A page change is an atomic action that commits the input data by submitting a message to the application. This user message triggers a server action that produces another message, a response page. A form chart is a bipartite state machine for modeling submit-response interaction. The machine alternates between the two kinds of states corresponding to the client-page and server-action stages. The form chart also specifies types for all messages between client and server. This system view yields a precise model of form-based interaction that elides layout considerations and abstracts from platform specifics. Turning to implementing form-based system as web applications, the customary HTML forms have a number of shortcomings. They lack support for types, dynamically changing widgets, and for performing client-side computation and validation. Only low level scripting can be used to rectify these shortcomings. Furthermore, web applications that deliver HTML restrict themselves to endusers because they combine content and layout already on the server. With the present focus shift to a service-oriented architecture, the separation of content 1

Thanks to Matthias Bild for implementing the system as part of his Master’s thesis.

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications


and layout becomes a conditio sine qua non for ensuring system integration and reusability of services. Hence, the separation should be maintained as far down the pipeline as possible. The Spreans browser embeds form processing in a spreadsheet and provides liberal means for controlling its layout. It requires separate specifications for content and layout (i.e., model and view). This separation supports fully typed data and message models. Finally, the spreadsheet-style widgets are naturally dynamic and provide for computation and validation. We have chosen a spreadsheet because it is a proven end-user-oriented technology [10, 8]. However, we had to change the editing model from the traditional infinite grid of cells to a hierarchical (XML) data structure with grid coordinates replaced by XPath expressions, similarly to the XForms proposal [7].


The Spreadsheet Browser Software Architecture

This section explains the architecture of Spreans, our spreadsheet-based browser. One important point of the design is that it consequently avoids points which may require scripting in the standard-browser approach. These points are the extension of the widget set and the client-side validation of data. The main architectural components of a simple standard HTML web browser are a GUI, a rendering engine, a document manager, and a URL resolver. The purpose of the GUI and the rendering engine for HTML should be obvious. The URL resolver stands for the mapping from URL to document. It contains subcomponents for accessing URLs with various protocols and for caching of documents. The document manager has subcomponents for keeping track of history, bookmarks, and so on. It also keeps track of data entered into forms and is responsible for sending submitted data with a URL to the URL resolver which transforms it into a HTTP message and sends it to the web server. The core responsibility of the document manager is as follows. On the first navigation to a web page, the document manager receives a URL from the GUI, retrieves the corresponding document using the URL resolver, and hands it off to the rendering engine for display. A subsequent navigation by clicking a link is quite similar, whereas a navigation by clicking a submit button requires the document manager to first retrieve the data entered into the document’s form fields before passing the URL (with the data) to the URL resolver. The main novelty of a spreadsheet-based browser lies in its document manager. It comprises additional subcomponents for type validation, constraint validation, constraint evaluation, and query extraction. To understand the tasks of these subcomponents, we consider the processing of a query. When pointing Spreans to the URL of a service, it receives a response with five logical parts: the type of the content data, constraints on the content data, the initial content data of the page, a list of server-action bindings, and the layout of the page. The term “content data” comprises all the variable data computed by the server (the initial content data) and the data that a user may


D. Draheim, P. Thiemann, and G. Weber

later enter into the page. A server-action binding consists of a target URL and an XSLT stylesheet that extracts the query data from the content data. Compared to the standard browser, there are three major differences. First, all data is typed and the browser is aware of the types. The browser validates each message so that the server only receives well-typed messages. Second, all further parts—including the layout—depend only on the type of the data. Third, the layout is strictly separated from the content data. It contains pointers into the content data to enable the browser to transfer content data to and from the rendered page. These pointers are valid for all data values of the specified type. The choice of separating data and metadata in this way has a number of interesting implications. First, types, constraints, server-action bindings, and layouts may be represented by URLs (i.e., pointers) so that they can be loaded, cached, and shared separately from the actual content data. Second, if a page layout is not available, our implementation includes a generation tool that transforms the provided type specification to a standard layout. A distinguishing feature of a spreadsheet is its ability to compute dependent parts of the spreadsheet from independent ones. In Spreans, the type specification includes information as to which data item is to be computed from others. The actual value of a computed item is determined by a constraint formula, which can be evaluated once all its input prerequisites are available. Hence, one user modification to the content data may lead to many transitively dependent changes in the content data. These changes are also reflected in the display. Contrary to a standard spreadsheet, end users cannot enter their own formulae or modify existing ones because the evaluation constraints are part of the specification of the application. We call the responsible subcomponent “constraint evaluation” as opposed to “constraint validation” because it causes different effects (changing a dependent value as opposed to rejection of a modification) and also because it is implemented by different means. Finally, clicking a particular submit button on the page selects a server-action binding, that is, a target URL and a projection. The document manager extracts the query data from the current content data, sends the result to the target URL, and awaits a response page. The rendering engine is another issue. A spreadsheet-based browser requires a rendering engine that supports a more sophisticated set of widgets than an HTML rendering engine. For example, the basic widget of a spreadsheet is an editable table that supports operations for adding rows and columns. While such a widget could be created on top of HTML with some effort and a lot of scripting, it is less troublesome to rely on a rendering engine that supports a rich set of widgets from the start.


Types and Constraints

The key elements in the description of a page are the type of the content data and the constraints. The type provides a concise representation of a set of values.

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications


Constraints further restrict this set of values by stating dependencies and computation rules among parts of the values. Types and constraints are quite general concepts and this section explains exactly which types and constraints our implementation supports. An early design decision was to base both on XML to exploit existing standards and tools as much as possible. 4.1


The type structure underlying form-oriented analysis [6] comprises primitive types, entity (or record) types, and sequences thereof. Although it is simpler than UML’s type structure and simpler than XML Schema, it is still sufficient to model form-based applications. To enable the reuse of tools (in particular validators) for XML Schema, we have designed a subset suitable for form-oriented analysis. This subset can be characterized as XML without attributes, choices, and complicated primitive types. We include a number of primitive XML Schema types which have a straightforward mapping to common programming languages: string, integer, decimal, date, and dateTime. Restriction of primitive types is allowed because it amounts to adding constraints to a given type. Complex types model the contents of XML elements. Each XML element (type) corresponds to the description of an entity type in form-oriented analysis. Complex types must not include attribute specifications. Furthermore, choices must not be used because form-oriented analysis models them using optional entities of multiplicity 0..1 and constraints. All other means of definition (including extension and restriction) are allowed. 4.2


Constraints in the sense of form-oriented analysis [6] encompass aspects which are often considered as part of the type. An example for such a constraint is multiplicity. We step back from that view a little bit and leave constraints, which are usually part of an XML Schema type specification, in their usual place. That concerns multiplicities, range restrictions imposed on primitive types, length restrictions, regular expressions, and so on. However, the constraints that XML Schema can impose are of a rather local nature. While such top-down dependencies are easy to specify, they are not sufficient for restrictions that relate different parts of a document. Spreans covers two kinds of such constraints, co-occurrence constraints and evaluation constraints. In applications using standard browsers, the checking of these constraints is often left to the business logic. This practice leads to cluttered business logic and it causes latency to the user interface caused by the additional input-verification traffic between client and server. An often used alternative implements constraints using client-side scripting sometimes without ever stating the constraints formally. Because this approach is quite brittle there have been efforts to automatically generate the scripting code from a specification [3]. We


D. Draheim, P. Thiemann, and G. Weber

Registration Validation The supplied passwords do not match. Fig. 1. Repeated password check using a Schematron assertion

take the similar view that such tests are better specified in terms of constraints on the data model. The spreadsheet-based browser presents an opportunity to enforce such constraints without having to resort to scripting. Co-occurrence Constraints. Many registration forms require a co-occurrence constraint. They contain one field for a user name and two fields for the user’s password. In a valid submission the entries for the password fields must be non-empty and contain the same password. While XML Schema can prescribe non-emptiness, it cannot prescribe the equality of two fields. Spreans captures this kind of constraint using rules from Schematron [9], another Schema definition language for XML. Essentially, Schematron facilitates the specification of assertions and restrictions on XML documents by using XPath expressions. More specifically, Schematron provides two elements, assert and report (for restrictions), that both take an XPath expression as their test attribute. While assert requires that the test expression evaluates to true, report requires that it evaluates to false for passing the test. There is also a pattern element to group assertions and a phase element to group and reuse patterns. Figure 1 contains an example specification for validating the correctly repeated entry of a password in a registration form.

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications


Quine: Word and Object 12.46 1 Wittgenstein: Tractatus 23.06 1 Fig. 2. Example: shopping cart

Fig. 3. Shopping cart evaluation constraints

Evaluation Constraints. The next kind of constraints concerns dependencies where one value functionally depends on other values. Such constraints occur frequently in forms for business applications, for example, to compute the sum of the positions in an invoice or an order, to compute taxes, rebates, etc. Such evaluation constraints have been used before in constraint-based spreadsheet technologies [12, 1]. Spreans specifies evaluation constraints with XPath because XPath provides the facilities to address the operands as well as the required operators and aggregate functions. In particular, Spreans provides functionality


D. Draheim, P. Thiemann, and G. Weber

quite similar to that in the latest XForms proposal [7]. The evaluation constraints are Spreans’ incarnation of the formulas in a spreadsheet and their calculation proceeds in the well-known dependency-driven manner. As an example, consider the content data of a shopping cart in Fig. 2. Here, the evaluation constraints should state that – the posTotal element in each order item is computed from the quantity and the price elements, – the subtotal element in the totals element contains the sum of all the posTotal elements, – the tax element contains the tax rate applied to the subtotal, and – the total element contains the sum of the subtotal and the tax elements. The specification in Fig. 3 enforces exactly these constraints. It enumerates all input fields on a shopping cart page and specifies constraints on those that are calculated automatically. Other features of the XForms proposal, like disabling fields or making parts of forms appear and disappear depending on entered values, are also supported by Spreans.



This section explains how our prototype implements the architecture outlined in Section 3. Figure 4 shows the overall processing of a response message in the browser. First, the browser retrieves all parts of the response message and parses them into DOM structures: the type of the content data, constraints on the content data, the initial content data of the page (Client Page DOM ), a list of server action bindings, and the layout of the page (View DOM ). The View DOM connects to the Client Page DOM via XPath expressions. The browser instantiates the layout with the data in the Client Page DOM by dereferencing

Fig. 4. Implementation of Spreans

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications


Fig. 5. Data organization in the implementation ofSpreans

the XPath pointers from the View DOM to the client page. After editing the page (which affects the View DOM and the Client Page DOM) the page is submitted to the server. At this point, the browser extracts a Server Action DOM from the Client Page DOM by applying an XSLT stylesheet to the content data. This stylesheet is part of the server action bindings. The resulting server action is validated with respect to the server action type and finally wrapped into a SOAP message and sent to the server. Figure 5 shows a more detailed view of the data organization in the implementation. It differentiates the different layers of Schema definitions and it shows that each client page may trigger different server actions. Further, each server action is associated with a stylesheet for extracting the user message from the client page and several Schematron schemas for validation prior to submission. A client page consists of its configuration and its layout specification Client Page XUL (the View DOM of Fig. 4). In principle, the Spreans technology can be directly integrated into existing web browsers, either as a plugin or with JavaScript. We did not pursue that approach because we estimated that a direct implementation was cheaper and more robust.


Related Work

XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) is an emerging technology for rich web clients. XAML augments and integrates features of the several client technologies found today on the web, i.e., HTML, SVG, PDF, WMF, and SWF. An essential part of the XAML effort targets the embellishment of web interfaces. Clearly, an embellished user interface can always be justified from a marketing point of view. While a rich web-client technology can bring a desktop metaphor to the web-application end user, the gain for users of enterprise applications is not clear because metaphors have to be learned just like the filling of a form. There are proposals for a tight integration of office automation into an overall enterprise application system. For example, Whang et al[14] already proposed


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to unify several typical office applications through the concept of example element, which comes along with a defined notion of processing by an integrated database management system. Nowadays, the XUL-based rich client technology RCPML (Rich Client Platform Markup Language) targets the integration of office automation into a surrounding system: the Lotus platform. Arie Segev [11] described the integration of applications into automatic business processes from an open, service-oriented viewpoint. Our approach is different in that we examine the spreadsheet as a single ubiquitous office automation application with respect to its capabilities as a general client. Powerforms [3] is part of the web programming platform BIGWIG and defines a declarative language for expressing form input field formats and interdependencies between form input fields. Powerforms is similar to our approach for types and submission-time constraints. However, it does not support evaluation constraints. There are other approaches that allow for a type-safe web programming, for example, [2, 13, 5]. XForms [7] is the W3C-endorsed successor to HTML forms. XForms offers tag support for gathering and submitting structured data as XML documents. It is possible to specify constraints on data gathered by a form. The XForms approach does not only allow constraints on type correctness and required data entry, but allows to specify arbitrary validations and calculations with respect to data entered by the user. An event model defines hooks for handling violations of the specified constraints. There are some essential differences to our approach. First, XForms is a stand-alone proposal that supports a typed channel from the web browser back to the application. In contrast, our proposed browser is integrated into the fully typed framework of form-oriented analysis, where all messages between client and server are typed including those from server to client. Second, while XForms presents a step forward in the separation of content and layout, it still mingles control aspects in the view by either delivering the content and the layout in the same message or by having pointers to content instances in the layout message. Again, we take a step further by fully separating model and view aspects from each other and from control. The driving force of our browser is the metamodel, that is, the type of the message and constraints imposed on the instances of the type. Because of these reasons our browser easily integrates into service oriented architectures by considering it a consumer of web services provided by an enterprise application server. Third, XForms can only return entire subtrees of a model whereas our browser extracts the submitted data with an XSLT transformation. Fourth, while XForms grafts ideas like automatic calculation from the spreadsheet world underneath the functionality of a web browser, our preferred view is the other way round. We regard the spreadsheet as an accepted end-user technology and generalize it from the traditional grid view towards more expressive, embellished widget sets and with facilities to contact and render web services. With respect to embellished widget sets Forms/3 [4] is a well-known system with similar features, but a different goal: end-user programming.

A Spreadsheet Client for Web Applications




We have presented a client technology for web-based services, Spreans, that fosters from the outset a separation of content and layout. Spreans extends a spreadsheet with browsing facilities. It offers strict typing, a constraint-based declarative programming model, and a default layout generation. It is based on XML and common patterns for XML schema design. Its firm foundation in spreadsheets does not have to influence the appearance. Spreans allows the construction of arbitrary GUIs based on XUL, hence the usability is identical to an implementation of the same XUL interface with other technologies. With the combination of a spreadsheet client paradigm with web services access, Spreans bridges the gap between web services and traditional web applications.

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