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cement activation was also a problem. Today, the true single step resin cement is (are) here. Embrace Resin. Cement (Pulpdent, Watertown, MA) and MonoCem ...
Chairside Solution George Freedman, DDS,FAACD, FACD

Howard S. G a z e tD D S FAG D

How to easilyond predictoblycementan indirectrestorationusingcomposite resin(adhesive)materials.Resincementshave been availableto the dental professionfor two decades,but the number of clinicalstepsinvolv€dandth€ir techniquesensitivity havemade resincementationlessthan popularOn the otherhand,the clinicaland physical properties of resincementsarefarsuperior to zinc oxyphosphate and polycarboxylate materials; the resinsbond to enamel,dentin, composite,ceramic, and metals,while the older cementsdo not. The earlier resin cementsrequired:etching,conditioning,and bonding of t h e t o o t h s u r f a c e as n d r o u g h e n i n gc, o n d i t i o n i n g a ,n d adhesionof the metaland ceramicsudaces, all th€whie maintaining the bondedtooth surfaces cleanand dryand uncontaminated w i t h o u t a r u b b e rd a m . C o m p l i c a t e d cement activationwas also a problem.Toda, the true single step resin cement is (are) here. EmbraceR€sin Cement(Pulpdent,Watertown,MA) and MonoCem(Shofu, MenloPark,CA) arethe firstin an innovative generation 0l simplifiedresincementsthat offer excellentand technique insensitive treatment.

fig. 1. Cemenling crawnsan thesecentrols usedto requiremonyrcchnique'iersitiye stepi. Todoy, theanlynecessory pte-cenentatian treotntentis to lightlydry ond leovethesurfoce\lightlytnai\l

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litl ) Autanlix(otltklqr\ quorcnteepeiacl 'J ,^ "J " 'J \( r.r!'.d o, lo th. .o/lr(lqr fhe li^t bit al .t,i)fnt tllot tlotls aul t)l lht tip ts dt\,.atded (tl1etnix niel n.l l)f petect).

Fig. L Thr fnbftre RestrtCcDr! i\ dLpensed dieclly firla lhc untteolecloo\\r 0x)trrhitl lLla\l b i).lal)t\,hich is lh.i t.alcd trnrtly anta lhe la.lh

fiq I The tnbrtut llt \itt a.,rerl ^ dlrr) diVensed di.clly itlo a prc-,,ilanoxl all (eron[ tn)\\,]t, r!/r(]l iJ lhe/r 5aot'al d n c a l 1 , , . t l . I t . t 't a a t ] .



li.t 5 Then)otltit)sotc h.thlturcd lat 1-2 se(at\L. o/)a/lta c\ae55aerre/rtr(rt 1)aqentll,leosedownl rr lt.(lt ely. The .|n)o ) )q ccnlentis allawed lo \ct t 6 ntirtt(!\ nt L t oxytt|| ittllibited envianno)l ptbt to lilol narqi)dl tblblmg. (PfM\ .ont\y L.n Lm, PtagentcD.ntol Lobarctory)

fig 6 shaht 5 Nlanocen) (snqlc sttp stll ./a/harre rerr, aeDr('/1)

+ fiq 8 l\,lalorond pranalot canse^lolively Pri,PoreoIa \t1l)fttqr1q^atnlorgitlt

fig 7\tl'\[tnbftt.eResn] Cernertairrql' rll'p rc/fodh€r\" /i \rr ( 11r{'rtl.

Filt. 9 Thc Pfl\4dawns an lln'\lan. nladel 5 / r o r v i ) !l/r r r ) r i r / . e r )plo l . . / r r l r d l l / r , 9r19i|otnlotrJr)




rh ,kt. I a The prcn)oldttrctvt t]iatying tlh, ltotsluceut nugitol pot'((krit an the bu(al '-.., f a,. t'l)t t l,, bnLt1."

fig. I I tfu nalo ctotr't1rhorvr/r9 l/r(, lftr)r/ matg|t(l p.\.krn an lhe btr&l (5.n1i1,cooLt\ a l b y l r t . ,b . t l t ( u t b a t k I ) n r } ) )


fi9 12 fhe tan.|)t.lrd .rrr be offlr.d kr art)/r,l (/orfrt

Boylorcollegeond coseWestemReseyeand wosthe founding Minnesoto, Directorof the EstheticDentistryEducotionCentetot the Stote Associote lJniversityof New yotk ot Buftolo.Dr Freedmonis o Diplomoteof the on dental Dentistryond lecturesinternationolly AmericanBoordof Aesthetic ond photogrophy.A graduoteof McCill dentol technology, esthetics, mointoinsa ptivoteprocticelimitedto lJnive$ityin Montreol,Dr.Freedman EstheticDentistryin Toronto,Conoda.

rrso d ted

fiq. | 3 Morccem or EmbtuceResinCementis outo-mixedond dispensed diec.ttvintothe crownswhich ote then seotedonto the moistenedabutments. lallowinomoroinolliqht curinqlor | -2 Secondtthe eraesscementis teosed o*o,/inmidiotei lfter 5:6 minulesof tetting in on oxygen'inhibited environmentthe finol marginalpolishingis conpleted (PFM|couftesyLenLim, ProgenicDentalLoborotory)

the authors

GeorgeFreedmonis post presidentof the AmericanAcodemyof Dentistryond o founderof the ConodianAcodemyfot Esthetic He is the Choirmonof the Ainicol lnnovqtionsConfercnce lJnitedKinqdom)os well os the DentollnnovotionsForun is the outhoror a-outhot of 9 textbooktmore Dr. Freedmon 220 dmtol ottidet ond numerousCDs,videoond oudiotorysond is o He is o post diedor of CEprognms in Esthetk Memberof REAL|TY. Huido, UMKC, ot the lJnive\itiesof Colifornioot SonFroncisco,

of theAcademyof Genercl Dr,HowordGlozeris o Fellowond PostPrcsident in Dentisw ot the AIbeft Dentistryond formet AssistontClinicolProfessor EnsteinCotlegeot Medicine(Bronx,NY} He hosbeeno isiting dinicionot severolunive3itiesorwnd the countryincluding:SIJNY' Buffolo,Univ.of Univ,of Texos- Houston,Uniu lJniv.of Colifomio' SanFroncisco, Minnesoto, of Flotido- Cainesiltqand the lJniu of Missoui' KonsosAty. Addiilonolly, he is a Fetbwof the AmeiconCollegeof Dentists;lntema onol Collegeof the AmeiconAcodemyof AmetkanSocietytor DentolAesthetics, Dentists: Boardof Aesthetic American of the and a Diplomote Sciencu, Forensic Hospitol Dr. Glazeris an AttendingDentistat the Englewood Dentistry. (Englewood, ND.Additionoy Dr.Clozeris the DeputyAief ForenskDental Ary of Newyork Gnsultontto the officeof ChiefMedicolExaminer, Forthe past severalyeors,Dr. Glazethasbeennomedos one of the "LeodingCtinicionsin ContinuingEducotion"by DentistryIodoy.He lecturesthroughoutthe United Stotes,Latin Americo,Conado,Europe, dentistry'forcnsic tndia,and Koreo,on thesubiectsof cosmetic Scondinovio, dentistryond potient monogement,Dr. Clozer is o frequentouthor of dentoloticles ond hosbem publkhedthroughoutthe wortd Cuffentlyhe publisheso monthly columnin AGD IMPACTentitled "Whot's Hot ond Whot'sCettingHotte " Hemaintoinso generalprodicein FoftLee'NJ.


absoluteleaderin estheticsolutions

...from diagnoxicwax'uP to cust|mstaintng ...fom singletoothtofull rnouthrestoration alu ayspredi cub lz, ahuayssuccessful

Mark Przeclawski,R.D.T. ON L5M 2H4 5276 DrenkellyCour! Mississauga, rEr 905-821-7526 oR 4'l6-786-9977