AnOverviewofDiseasesinCommercialFishesin Punjab,Pakistan - J-Stage

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weremoreprevalentthanI.multifiliis resultinginmicroscopiclesionsandmortalities. While .... Dryanddisinfectpond,restrictentryofwildfish. Ichthyophthirius.multifiliis.
魚病研究 Fi shPat hol ogy ,51( Speci al i ssue) ,S30–S35,2016

© 20 16TheJ apaneseSoci et yofFi shPat hol ogy

t h

Pr oceedi ngsof9 Sy mposi um onDi seasesi nAsi anAquacul t ur e

AnOver vi ew ofDi seasesi nCommer ci alFi shesi n Punj ab,Paki st an * Zaf arI qbal Fi s hDi s eas eandHeal t hManagementLabor at or y ,Depar t mentofZool ogy , Uni v er s i t yoft hePunj ab,Quai dEAz am Campus ,Lahor e,Pak i s t an

ABSTRACT—Thepr esentpaperi sabr i efaccountoft hedi seasesofcar psandor nament alf i sh obser v edi nPunj ab.  Si xspeci esofcul t ur edc ypr i ni dsnamel y ,Labeor ohi t a( r ohu) ,Cat l acat l a( cat l a) , Ci r r hi nusmr i gal a( mr i gal ) ,Hypopht hal mi cht hy smol i t r i x( si l v ercar p) ,Ct enophar yngodoni del l a( gr ass car p) ,Hypopht hal mi cht hysnobl i s( bi gheadcar p)andsi xor nament alf i shspeci esnamel y ,Car assi us aur at us( gol df i sh,comet ,shubunki n,or anda,bl ac kmoor ,f ant ai l ) ,Cypr i nuscar pi o( k oicar p) ,Poeci l i a r et i cul at a( guppy) ,Poeci l i asphenops( mol l y) ,Xi phophor usmacul at us( pl at y)andXi phophor ushel l er i ( s wor dt ai l )wer eex ami nedandwer ef oundt obearar angeofmi l dt os er i ouspar as i t i c ,f ungalandbac t er i ali nf ect i ons.  Par asi t i ci nf ect i onswer ecausedby:pr ot ozoans( i . e. ,I cht hyopht hi r i usmul t i f i l i i s, T r i chodi nasp. ,Chi l odonel l asp. ,I cht hyobodosp. ,Pi sci noodi ni um pi l l ul ar e,T et r ahymenasp. ,Epi st yl i s sp. ) ;monogeneans( i . e. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,D.v ast at or ,D.ext ensus;Gyr odact yl ussp. ,G.t ur nbul l i ) ;di geneans( i . e. ,Post hodi pl ost omum cut i cul a;Cr ypt ocot yl esp. ) ,nemat odes( i . e. ,Camal l anussp. ,Capi l l ar i a sp. ) ;cr ust aceans( Ler naeacypr i nacea,L.pol ymor pha,L.or yz ophi l a,L.ct enophar yngodoni s ,Ar gul us f ol i aceus) ,andwat ermol d/ f ungali nf ect i ons( i . e. ,Sapr ol egni asp. ,Achyl asp. ,Asper gi l l usspp. , Peni ci l l i um sp. ,Al t er nar i asp. ,Mucorsp. ,Rhi z opussp. ,Bl ast omycessp. ) .  Bact er i aldi seasessuchas t hoser esponsi bl ef ormot i l eaer omonadsept i caemi a,f i nr otandhemor r hagi cul cer sonski nar eal so r epor t edf r om somecar pandor nament alspeci es .  Ler naeasi swasmostpr ev al entdi seasei ncul t ur ed c ar p;wher east hepr ot oz oanandmonogeneani nf ec t i onswer epr ev al entonor nament alf i s h. Keywor ds:  Fi s hdi s eas es ,par as i t es ,f ungi ,bac t er i a,c ar ps ,or nament alf i s h

Ther ear e193f r eshwat erf i shspeci esi nPaki st an, outofwhi ch30speci esar eofhi ghcommer ci alv al ue ( Raf i queandKhan,20 12) ,t hi sf i gur ei ncl udescul t ur ed c y pr i ni ds . Car pf ar mi ng i sgr owi ng r api dl yi nt he Punj ab pr ovi nce.  Asof20 14,i nt hepr i vat esect or ,t her ear e 8, 798f i shf ar msoccupyi nganar eaof57 4, 238acr es ( DGOFP,20 14) .  Thr eemaj orcar psandt woChi nese c ar ps pec i esar ewi del yc ul t ur edi near t henpondsunder semi i nt ensi v epol y cul t ur econdi t i onsi nPaki st an( I qbal etal . ,20 12a) .  I nt hewi l d,t hepat hogensnor mal l ydo nothar mt hei rhos torc aus ef i s hmor t al i t y .  Underi nt ensi veaquacul t ur econdi t i onsf i shof t engetst r essed ( Post ,1987;Rober t s,1989;Hor vat hetal . ,1992) ,and somepat hogensdoaf f ectt hef i shsev er el yandcause ser i ousef f ect swhi chr esul ti nt hedeat hoft hehost ( Schol z,1999) .  I nf ect i onscanhav eav ar i et yofdet r i ment alef f ect sr angi ngf r om poororsl ow gr owt h,l ow r epr oduct i v epot ent i al ,l ow f l eshqual i t y ,and,ev enhi gh l ev el sofmor t al i t y( Post ,1987;Hool eetal . ,200 1;Woo, 2006;I qbaletal . ,20 12b) . *Cor r espondi ngaut hor Emai l :zaf ar _i qbal . z ool @pu. edu. pk

Thet r ansmi ssi onofpar asi t eswi t hi mpor t edconsi gnment sofor nament alf i shi nt oanumberofcount r i es i s wel ldocument ed i ncl udi ng,f orexampl e Kor ea, Aust r al i a,Nor way,Br azi l ,Sr iLanka,Tur key and Pak i s t an( I qbalandHar oon,20 14) . Thedi seasescausedbybact er i a,f ungiandpar asi t esi nf i shcanr esul ti nt heheavyl ossofcar psi n ponds.  I qbaletal .( 2000) l i st ed sapr ol egni asi s, l er naeasi s,bact er i alhemor r hagi c sept i cemi a and anoxi aast hemostcommonheal t hcondi t i onsi npond r ear edf i s hi nt hePunj ab. Thepr esenceofvi r aldi seasesi ncar pcul t ur ei n t hePunj ab,however ,cannotber ul edout ,al t hough suchvi r aldi seaseshav enotbeenr epor t edy etandt hi s maybeduet ot hel ac kofsur v ei l l anceandexper t i sei n vi r aldi seasedi agnosi s.  Moni t or i ngandsur vei l l ance pr ogr amsi nPaki st anshoul df ocusonsomehi ghr i sk di seases l i ke Gr ass car p hemor r hagi c sept i cemi a ( HSC) ,spr i ngvi r aemi aofcar p( SVC)andf i shpox.   Theef f ect i vewayt ocont r olvi r aldi seasesi skeepi ng i nf ect edf i shawayf r om r ear i ngf aci l i t i es( Buckeand Fi nl ay ,1979;Har dr i c ketal . ,1990) . TheFi shDi seaseandHeal t hManagementLabor at or ywi t hi nt heDepar t mentofZool ogyatt heUni v er si t y

Di seasesi ncommer ci alf i shesi nPaki st an

oft hePunj abhavebeenst udyi ngdi seasesandt hei r c aus at i v eagent si nc ar psandor nament alf i s hi nPunj ab f orov ert hel astdecade.  A t ot al4, 419i ndi vi dualf i sh s ampl eshav ebeenex ami nedwhi c hi nc l udest hef ol l owi ngf r om cul t ur ef aci l i t i es( n=3, 399) :Labeor ohi t an= 2, 280;I ndi anmaj orcar pCat l acat l an=418;mr i galcar p Ci r r hi nusmr i gal an=190;gr as sc ar pCt enophy r ngodon i del l an=450;si l v ercar pHypopht hal mi cht hy smol i t r i x n=32;Hypopht hal mi cht hy snobi l i sn=3;and,common car pCypr i nuscar pi on=26.  Thef i shexami nedal so i ncl udes1, 020i mpor t edor nament alf i sh, :gol df i sh Car assi usaur at usn=455andi t svar i et i esi ncl udi ng comet sn=50,shubunki nsn=93,or andasn=30, bl ac kmoor sn=30,f ant ai l sn=30;andal sosout her n pl at yf i shXi phophor usmacul at esn=1 15,gr eens wor dt ai l s Xi phophor us hel l er in = 50;mol l i es Poeci l i a sphenopsn=100,guppi esPoeci l i ar et i cul at an=45; and,k oicar pCypr i nuscar pi on=22.  I nt hi spaper ,I descr i bet hepar asi t i c,f ungalandbact er i aldi seases t hatwer ef r equent l yencount er edi nPaki st an;al t houghI hav eal r eadydes c r i beds omeoft hes edi s eas esi npr ev i ousr epor t s ,whi char eci t edi nt hi spaper ,her eIpr ovi de anupdat es ummar i z i ngal lf i ndi ngst odat e. Mat er i al sandMet hods Amongt hef i shspeci esex ami ned,t hecommer ci al car ps wer e obt ai ned f r om t he Punj ab Uni ver si t y Resear chFi shFar m whi l et heor nament alf i shwer e obt ai nedf r om al ocali mpor t erandsuppl i eri nLahor e.  


Thedi seasedf i shwer epost mor t emeddur i ngr out i ne di agnosi sandanypat hogenst hatwer eencount er ed wer ei sol at ed,i . e.par asi t es ,bact er i aandf ungi .  St andar dl abor at or ypr ocedur eswer eadopt edf ol l owi ngt he met hodol ogi es det ai l ed i n Kabat a( 1985) ,Bul l ock ( 1989) ,Fr er i c hs( 1993)andNoga( 20 10) . Resul t sandDi scussi on Par as i t i cdi s eas es( T abl e1) I nt hemaj orcypr i ni dscul t ur edi nt hePunj ab( i . e. , Labeor ohi t a,Cat l acat l aandCi r r hi nusmr i gal a)andi n t he Chi nese car ps ( Hypopht hal mi cht hys mol i t r i x, Ct enophar yngodoni del l a,Hypopht hal mi cht hysnobl i s) Dact yl ogyr usspp.i nf ect i onsont hegi l l swasv er ycommon,c aus i ngs er i ousorc ompl et edamaget ot hes ec ondar yl amel l ae ( Tabl e 1) .  The i nf ect i on ofvar i ous Ler naeaspp.andL.cypr i naceaont heski n,f i nsand gi l l sofcar pswer epat hol ogi cal l yv er yser i ousandev en r esul t edi nf i shmor t al i t y ,whi chcauseeconomi cl osses t of i shf ar mer s( Mi nhasetal . ,200 1a;I qbaletal . ,2006, 20 12d) .  Cat l acat l ai smor esuscept i bl et oLer naeasp. i nf ect i oncompar edt oot hercar pspeci pi o wasobser vedt obet hemostr esi st antt ol er naeasi s ( I qbaletal . ,2000,200 1,20 12a,d) .  Ar gul osi sorski n i nf ect i on byt he cr ust acean Ar gul usf ol i aceuswas al socommonl yencount er ed( Tabl e1) .  Thi si sal so a ser i ous di sease ofcar ps and or nament alf i sh, not abl ygol df i shandi t svar i et i es( I qbaletal . ,20 13a) .   Post hodi pl ost omum cut i col a,t hecausat i veagentof

Tabl e1 .  Oc cur r enceofpar asi t esi ncommer ci alcar psandor nament ali nPunj ab,Paki st an Fi shSpeci es Cul t ur edc ypr i ni ds Labeor ohi t a

Par asi t esr ecover ed

Epi st yl i ssp. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,D.v ast at or . ,Ler naeacypr i nacea. ,L.pol ymor pha. ,L.or z ophl a. , Post hodi pl ost omi um cut i col a Cat l acat l a Epi st yl i ssp. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,L.cypr i nacea Ci r r hi nusmr i gal a Epi st yl i ssp. ,L.cypr i nace a Hypopht hal mi cht hy smol i t r i x Dact yl ogyr ussp.L.cypr i nacea Ct enophar yngodoni del l a Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,L.cypr i nacea. ,L. ct enophar yngodoni s Hypopht hal mi cht hy snobi l i s L.cypr i nacea Or nament alf i shes Car assi usaur at us T r i chodi nnasp. ,I cht hyopht hi r i usmul t i f i l l i s ,I cht hyobodosp. ,Gyr odact yl ussp. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. , D.ext ensus ,Ler naeacypr i nacea,Ar gul usf ol i aceus . ,Pi si col asp. C.aur at usor nda T r i chodi nnasp. ,I .mul t i f i l l i s. ,Gy r odact yl ussp. ,Dact yl ugyr ussp. C.aur at usshubunki n I .mul t i f i l l i s ,Gy r odact yl ussp. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,A.f ol i aceus C.aur at uscomet T r i chodi nnasp. ,I .mul t i f i l l i s. ,Gy r odact yl ussp. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,A.f ol i aceus C.aur at usf ant ai l sci noodi ni um pi l l uar e. ,Dact yl ogyr ussp. ,D.ext ensus. ,A. I .mul t i f i l l i s. ,T er ahymenasp. ,Pi f ol i aceus . ,Ler naeasp. C.aur at usbl ac kmoor A.f ol i aceus Cypr i nuscar pi ok oicar p A.f ol i aceus Poeci l i ar et i cul at e T r i chodi nasp. ,Chi l odonel l asp. ,D.ext ensus. ,G.t ur nbul l i . ,Cr ypt ocot yl esp. , Camal l anussp.andCapi l l ar i asp. P .sphenops T r i chodi nasp. ,D.ext ensus. ,G.t ur nbul l i . ,Cr ypt ocot yl esp. ,Camal l anussp.andCapi l l ar i asp. Xi phophor usmacul at us T r i chodi nasp. ,Epi st yl i ssp. ,D.ext ensus. ,G.t ur nbul l i . ,Cr ypt ocot yl essp. X.hel l er i T r i chodi nasp. ,T er ahymenasp. ,P . pi l l uar e. ,D.ext ensus. ,G.t ur nbul l i . ,Cr ypt ocot yl essp.


Z.I qbal

bl ac ks potdi s eas e,wasf oundi nL.r ohi t af r yi nPak i s t an f ort hef i r s tt i me( I qbaletal . ,20 14a) . Themostpr ev al entpar asi t i cdi seaser ecor dedf r om t heor nament alf i shwasdact yl ogyr osi s ,causedbyt he gi l lf l uk e,Dact yl ogyr us .  Anot hercommonmonogenean,Gy r odact y l us ,r es pons i bl ef ort hedi s eas egy r odac t y l osi s ,howev er ,wasal socommonl yencount er ed( I qbal andHussai n,20 13) .  Thesei nf ect i onscauseser i ous damaget ot hegi l lf i l ament sandt ot heski nandf aci l i t at esecondar yi nf ect i on( I qbalandRehman,20 14) .   Whi t espotdi sease,duet oI cht hyopht hi r i usmul t i f i l i i s i sanot herser i ouspr ot ozoandi seaseoff r eshwat er f i sh ( I qbaletal . ,20 13b;I qbaland Har oon,20 14) . I n gol df i sh and some ofi t svar i et i es,i nf ect i onsof T r i chodi nasp.wer emor epr eval entt hanI .mul t i f i l i i s r esul t i ngi nmi cr oscopi cl esi onsandmor t al i t i es .  Whi l e i nf ect i onsofT r i chodi nasp. ,G.t ur nbul l i ,D.ext ensus andCr ypt ocot yl esp.wer ecommononP .r et i cul at a,P . sphenops,X.macul at us and X.hel l er i( Tabl e 1) .   Al t hough i nf ect i onsofChi l odonel l a sp.have been r epor t edf r om P .r et i cul at a,andP .pi l l ul ar et hoseofT et r ahymenasp.hav ebeenf r om X.hel l er i ,C.aur at usf ant ai landt hoseof ,I cht hyobodosp.andPi si col asp.hav e beenf r om gol df i shi nPaki st an( I qbalandHar oon,20 14; I qbalandNor een,20 14) ,t heoccur r enceoft hesepar asi t eswer er ar ei nourexami nat i ons.  Addi t i onal l y ,t he par asi t i cnemat odes ,Camal l anussp.andCapi l l ar i asp. , wer ef ound i n speci mens ofP.r et i cul at a and P. s phenops . Fungaldi s eas es( T abl e2) Thecommonwat ermol d/ f ungali nf ect i onf oundi n cul t ur edcar pswasSapr ol egni asp.butAchyl asp.was al sof oundi nf ect i ngv ar i ousf r eshwat erf i sh.  I nf ect edL. r ohi t a, l aandC.i del l adev el opc l i ni c als i gnsoff ungali nf ec t i on,whi c hi nc l udeer odedf i ns ,s k i nl es i onsand i nf ect i onsoft heey esandt hehead.  Concur r enti nf ec -

t i onsofLer naeaandSapr ol egni awer eal socommoni n t hesef i shspeci es( I qbaletal . ,20 12b) .  Di f f er entf ungal gener awer ei sol at edf r om v ar i ousspeci esofi mpor t ed or nament alf i sh( T abl e2) .  Commer ci alcar pssuchas: l a,H.mol i t r i xandL.r ohi t aal soshowedf ungal i nf ect i on( I qbaletal . ,20 12c ,20 14b;I qbalandSal eemi , 20 13) .  Gol df i sh,C.aur at us,andi t sv ar i et i esshowed ser i ousf ungali nf ect i ons( I qbalandMumt az,20 13) .   Asper gi l l usspp. ,Mucorsp. ,Peni ci l l i um sp. ,Rhi z opus sp. ,Al t er nar i asp.andBl ast omycessp.wer er ecor ded f r om gol df i shandi t sv ar i et i esandal sof r om pi o, X.macul at usandP .r et i cul at a( I qbalandSaj j ad,20 13; Har oon,etal . ,20 14) .  As per gi l l uss pp.wasal s oi s ol at ed f r om X.macul at usandP.r et i cul at a( Har oon,20 14) ( Tabl e2) .  Bl ast omycessp.andFusar i um sp.wer e f oundt ooccuronC.aur at us ,i ncl udi ngf ant ai l s ,butt hei r oc c ur r enc ewasr ar e( I qbalandNor een,20 15) . Bact er i aldi s eas es( T abl e3) Bact er i aldi seasesr esponsi bl ef ormot i l eaer omonadsept i caemi a,f i nr otandhaemor r agi cul cer sont he ski nwer eobser vedonC.i del l a, pi o,L.r ohi t a, andH.mol i t r i x.  Thesef i shshowedt ypi calcl i ni cal si gnsofbact er i ali nf ect i oni ncl udi ngs wol l enabdomens , r ai sedscal es ,damagedski n,er odedf i ns ,gi l li nf ect i ons and ski nl esi ons( I qbaletal . ,2000;Mi nhasetal . , 200 1b) .  I nt er nal l y ,t heki dney ,l i v er ,hear tandi nt est i ne wer ei nf ec t ed.  Fourbac t er i algener a,i . e. ,Ps eudomonas spp. ,Aer omonasspp. ,Baci l l usspp.andSt r ept ococcus spp.wer ei sol at edandi dent i f i edf r om L.r ohi t aandH. mol i t r i x.  Thegi l l shadhi ghcol onyf or mat i onr at es wher et hei nc i denc eofAer omonass pp.washi ghes t . Bact er i aldi seases wer e al so obser ved i n C. aur at us,k oicar p, pi oandshubunki nC.aur at us.   Thesef i shshowedt ypi calcl i ni calsi gnsofbact er i al i nf ect l l s ,ex opht hal musofei t heroneor i on:damagedgi bot heyes,andr eddi shnodul esi nt hei nt est i neofC.

Tabl e2.  Fungalspeci esi sol at edf r om commer ci alcar psandor nament alf i shesi nPunj ab Fi shSpeci es Cul t ur edc ypr i ni ds Labeor ohi t a Cat l acat l a Hypopht hal mi cht hysmol t r i x Ct enophar yngodoni del l a Or nament alf i shes Car assi usaur at us , C.aur at usbl ac kmoor C.aur at usFant ai l C.aur at usOr anda C.aur at usShubunki n Cypr i nuscar pi o Xi phophor usmacul at es Poecel i ar et i cul at e

t er nar i a Peni ci l l i m As per gi l l us Al sp. sp. sp.

Mucor sp.

Rhi z opus Fus ar i um Bl ast omyces sp. sp. sp.

Sapr ol egni a sp.

Achy l a sp.

+ + – +

+ + – +

+ + + –

– – + –

– – + –

– – + –

– – + –

– – – –

– – – –

– – – – – – – –

– – – – – – – –

+ + + + + + + +

+ + + – – – + –

+ + – – – – – –

+ + + – + + + +

+ – + – + + + +

+ – + – – – – –

+ – + – – + – –

Di seasesi ncommer ci alf i shesi nPaki st an


Tabl e3.  Bact er i alspeci esi sol at edf r om commer ci alcar psandor nament alf i shesi nPunj ab Aer monas Pseudomonas Baci l l us St rept ococcus Ent er ococcus Aci net bact er Mor ax el l a Lact obaci l l us Staphyl ococcus Carnobacterium sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp.

Fi shSpeci es Cul t ur edc y pr i ni ds Labeor ohi t a Hy popht hal mi cht hy smol t r i x Or nament alf i sh Car assi us.  aur at us C.aur at us  shubunki n Cypr i nuscar pi o
























aur at us; ski nandoper cul um i nf ect i on,gi l ler upt i on, whi t egr anul esont hevi scer a,bl ac kf i nsandt ai lr oti n pi o;r ai sedscal es ,scal eser osi on;haemor r hages t ot heey esandatt hebas eoft hef i ns ;and,pat c hydar k s k i ni ns hubunk i nC.aur at us . Four bact er i al gener a -Pseudomonas spp. , Aer omonasspp. ,Baci l l usspp.andSt r ept ococcus spp.wer ei sol at edandi dent i f i edf r om t hegi l l s,hear t , ki dney,l i verand i nt est i nes f r om C.aur at us and pi o.  Bact er i ali sol at es bel ongi ng t o ei ght gener a wer ei sol at ed f r om t he gi l l s,ki dney ,hear t , i nt est i nesandl i v erofshubunki nC.aur at us.  Baci l l us, Aer omonas ,Aci net obact er ,Mor ax el l a,Lact obaci l l usand

St aphyl ococcuswer ei sol at edf r om al lf i vet i ssues.   Ent er ococcusandCar nobact er i um wer er ar el yi sol at ed f r om t hel i v erandt hegi l l sr espect i v el y .  Thesei sol at es wer eev al uat edbyant i bi ot i cs us c ept i bi l i t yt es t s . Ther api esandcont r olmeasur esagai nstf i shdi seases ( T abl es4,5) ThePunj abpr ovi ncei sal eaderi ncar pcul t ur e among t he pr ovi nces Si ndh,Bal uchi st an,Khyber Pakht oonKhawnandPunj abi nt hecount r y .  Ti l api a cul t ur ehasr ecent l ybeeni nt r oducedi nt hePunj aband f i shf ar mer sar eshowi ngani nt er esti nt i l api af ar mi ng duet ot hepot ent i alhi ghery i el ds.  Thecar psar ecul -

Tabl e4.  T r eat mentofcommer ci alcar psandor nament alf i shdi seases Pat hogens T r i chodi nnasp. Chi l odonel l asp. I cht hyobodosp. I cht hyopht hi r i us.mul t i f i l i i s. Epi st yl i ssp. Pi sci noodi ni um pi l l uar e. Dact yl ogyr usspp. Gy r odact yl usspp. Post hodi pl ost omum cut i col a Ler naeacypr i nacea Ar gul usf ol i aceus Pi ci col asp. Sapr ol egni asp. Achyl asp. Bact er i aldi seases

Dr ugt r eat mentandcont r ol For mal i n,Acet i caci dandsal tbat h For mal i n,Acet i caci dandsal tbat h Appl i cat i onoff or mal i n Dr yanddi si nf ectpond,r est r i ctent r yofwi l df i sh For mal i nandsal tbat h Sodi um chl or i deandcoppersul phat ebat h Par zi quent elandt r i chl or f ondr ai ni nganddi si nf ect i onofpond For mal i nandKMNO4bat h;di pt er ex Cont r olofsnai l sandf i sheat i ngbi r ds Or ganophosphat e:Thunder ,di pt er ex Or ganophosphat e:Thunder ,di pt er ex Sal tbat h Mal achi t egr een( notr ecommendedf oredi bl ef i sh) Mal achi t egr een( notr ecommendedf oredi bl ef i sh) Admi ni st r at i onofant i bi ot i cs

Tabl e5.  Ant i bi ot i csuscept i bi l i t yofbact er i ali sol at esf r om,Car assi usaur at usshubunki n Ant i bi ot i c Peni ci l l i nG Cl i ndamy ci n Er yt hr omy ci n T et r ac y cl i ne Ni t r of ur ant oi n Chl or ampheni col

Aer monas sp.

– + + + + +

Baci l l us St ax el l a Lact r ept ococcusEnt er ococcusAci net bact er Mor obaci l l usSt aphyl ococcusCar nobact er i um sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp. sp.

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

– + + + + +

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Z.I qbal

t ur edi nsemi i nt ensi v es y st ems .  I thasbeenobser v ed t hatt hei mpr ov edf i s hpondmanagementandt heus eof goodqual i t yi nput swi t hmoder at es t oc k i ngdens i t i esnor mal l yr esul t si nf ewerf i shheal t hi ssuesi nt hePunj ab.   So,byadopt i ngpr ev ent at i v emeasur es,t hei nci dence ofdi seaseout br eakscanbemi ni mi sed.  Theoccur r enceoff i shdi sease,howev er ,i snotuncommonand canbel i nk edt opoorpondmanagementandt oanumberofot herr el at edf act or s.  Atpr esent ,f i shdi sease di agnosi sandt r eat menthasat t r act edl i t t l eat t ent i on f r om t hoseconcer nedi nt hePunj ab.  Pr i v at edi agnos t i cl abor at or i esdonotexi standconsul t ancyont hi s i ssuei snoti npr act i ce.  Vet er i nar i ansar enoti nv ol v ed orar eengagedi nf i shdi seasedi agnosi sandt r eat ment ast heyar ei not hercount r i es.  Fi shheal t hi ssues andpr obl ems,whent heyar i se,ar et ackl ed,t osome ext ent ,byt hef i shf ar mer st hemsel v eswi t ht hehel pof Fi s her i esDepar t ments t af f . ThePunj abFi sher i esOr di nance,1961andThe Punj abFi sher i es( Amendment )Act1999i ssi l entwi t h r egar dt ot her egul at i onsonuseofdr ugsi nt het r eat mentoff i shdi sease.  Consequent i al l y ,t her ei sno r est r i ct i ont ot heuseofdr ugsorchemi cal sf ort het r eat mentoff i shdi sease.  Par asi t i c,f ungalandbact er i al di seases,however ,ar et r eat edaspert hemet hods av ai l abl ei nt hel i t er at ur eandbyt hosepr act i cedi ncar p cul t ur ei nSout hEastAsi a.  Someoft hedr ugsand chemi cal susedf ort r eat i ngf i shdi seasesar el i st edi n Tabl es4and5andt hesepr esentanout l i neoft he dr ugsusedi nt r eat ment .  Theex actdosesandmodes ofappl i cat i onofdr ugs,t hatar eneededf ort hecont r ol ofv ar i ouspat hogensv ar i esf r om c as et oc as eandeac h s i t uat i onmus tbec ar ef ul l yc ons i der ed,pr ef er abl yi nc onsul t at i onwi t havet er i nar i anorf i shdi seasespeci al i st ( seef orexampl eShi nnandBr on,20 12) .  Ther esul t s descr i bedi nt hecur r entst udymaybeconsi der edwi t h car easpar al l elf i shdi seasesst udi esmaybeunder way el sewher ei nt hecount r yandt hei rf i ndi ngsr egar di ng t hei nci denceandpr eval enceofdi f f er entpat hogens maydi f f ert ot hos epr es ent edher e. Di seasecancausesever econst r ai ntt oaquacul t ur epr oduct i on.  Fr equent l y ,i ti sdi f f i cul tt ocal cul at e t heexacteconomi cl ossesbyf i shmor t al i t i esandl ow y i el dsi nf i shf ar ms( Woot t en,1997;Shi nnetal . ,20 15a, b) .  Thef ol l owi ngst epsmaybet akeni nt oconsi der at i onwhi l epl anni ngt hest r at egi esf orcont r olandt r eat mentoff i shdi seasesi nPunj ab.  Pr ev ent i oni sbet t er t hancur eshoul dbet heai m.  Goodhusbandr yi sof pr i mei mpor t ancef orf i shheal t h.  I ti sbecauset r eat ment s ar e of t en expensi ve and may notbe ver y ef f ect i veandshoul dber egar dedast hel astchoi ce.   Chemot her apy ,ev enwhennecessar y ,mustbecar r i ed outwi t hcaut i on,especi al l ywhenf i shundert r eat ment ar er ear edf orhumanconsumpt i on.  Envi r onment al l y f r i endl ydr ugsonl yar er ecommendedf ort r eat ment .   Theant i bi ot i csmaynotbr eakdownr eadi l yi nnat ur e

andar epot ent i al l ybi oaccumul at i ve.  Theenvi r onment alef f ect sofmanychemi cal susedasei t herdi p and/ orbat ht r eat ment sorar eaddeddi r ect l yt ot hef eed ar enotf ul l yk nown. Quar ant i newhi chi sanef f ect i v est epi snotpr ac t i cedi nt hePunj ab,especi al l yf ori mpor t edor nament al f i sh.  Thei mpor tandi nt r oduct i onofi nf ect edf i shwi t houtquar ant i nemaycr eat emaj orpr obl emsi ni mpor t i ng count r i es .  St r i ctr egul at i onsont hei mpor tofl i v eor nament alf i shmustbei mposedt omi ni mi seandcont r ol t hespr eadandt r ansmi ssi onoff i shpat hogensi nt o Pak i s t an. Anef f ect i vewayt ocont r olf i shdi seasesi si nt he accur at e,r api dandr el i abl edi agnosi s ,par t i cul ar l yi nt he ear l yphaseofi nf ect i on.  Di agnosi sneedst obeas qui c kaspossi bl e.  Thi swi l lhel pt oadoptpr ophyl act i c measur esbef or eanydi seaseout br eak.  Di agnost i c met hodsal r eadypr act i cedwor l dwi demaybeadapt ed byconcer nedaut hor i t i est ohel pf i shf ar mer s.  A si mpl e,sensi t i veandl ow costf ar merl eveldet ect i ont est suchasmonocl onalant i body( MAb)basedf l ow t hr ough i mmunol ogi caldi agnost i cpr ocedur eseemst oof f eran ef f i ci entandef f ect i vemeans( Shankaretal . ,20 14) .   Dev el opmentofnew v acci nesandr esear chi ni mmuni t y maybever yef f ect i vei nt hecont r olofdi seases.  I n addi t i ont oal lt hese,knowl edger egar di ngt hebi ol ogy , t hel i f ecy cl eandepi demi ol ogyofpat hogensi sal soof pr i mei mpor t ancei nt hecont r oloff i shdi sease.  The f aci l i t i esav ai l abl ef orf i shdi seasedi agnosi si nPaki st an needf ur t heri mpr ov ementandadv ancementsucht hat t hey ar e on parwi t ht hose i n oper at i on i n ot her count r i es.  Thei ssueswhi cht heaut hor i t i esneedt o i mpr ov eandst r engt heni nt hi si mpor t antar eaofaquac ul t ur ear e:st andar di zat i onofchemot her apy/ t r eat ment r egi mesf oreachoft hecommonl yencount er edi nf ec t i onsi nl oc al l yr ear edf i s hs pec i es ;es t abl i s hmentofwel l equi ppedmoder nf i shdi seasedi agnost i cl abor at or i es; advanced pr of essi onalt r ai ni ng f ort he st af f ;and, i nc r eas edawar enes soff i s hdi s eas ebyf i s hf ar mer s . Acknowl edgement s Theaut horwoul dl i ket ot hankPr of .St ephanW. as,Weymout h,UK andDr .AndyShi nn, Fei stf r om Cef Seni orSci ent i stf r om FVGAL,Bangk okf ormaki ngv al uabl eandcr i t i calcomment sonear l i erver si onoft he manuscr i ptandedi t i ngi t .  Myt hanksar emadet omy r esear chst udent sf ort hei rsi gni f i cantcont r i but i oni nf i sh di seasedi agnosi s.  Thef i nanci alsuppor tt opr esent t h t hi swor katt he9 Symposi um onDi seasesi nAsi an t h Aquacul t ur e,24–28 Nov ember ,20 14atHoChiMi nh Ci t y, Vi et nam was gener ousl y pr ovi ded by t he Uni v er si t yoft hePunj ab,Lahor e,andt hi si sgr at ef ul l y ac k nowl edged.

Di seasesi ncommer ci alf i shesi nPaki st an

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