application of demographic estimation models to ...

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The analysis was from data collected for the study of lactation and birth-spacing dynamics in the Igbo ..... Gross Reproduction Rate = 0.7039 x 5 = 3.5. General ...

Volume 27 Number 2, December 1998


Obafemi Awolowo University This study examines the current level of fertility in a Nigerian ethnic group, the Igbo in Eastern Nigeria, using various modern demographic estimation techniques. The aim is to control for the validity and reliability of estimates derived from these techniques with a view to arriving at more robust estimates. The analysis was from data collected for the study of lactation and birth-spacing dynamics in the Igbo area of Eastern Nigeria. About 1,000 women were selected for subsequent interviewing, out of which the responses of 816 were finally processed. The result of this analysis shows that completed family size in the Igbo area is 6.1. Application of various techniques show that Igbo fertility level remains high - higher than that of other ethnic groups in Nigeria. The estimated total fertility rate is between 6.8 and 704. Explanation for this obsewed level is sought within the cultural.milieu of the area. For instance, there are various names in the area that depict the cultural value placed on having children. That the Igbo still cherish high numbers of children is a strong impediment to the implementation of a successful family planning programme in the area. Efforts should be mounted to discourage high fertility in the area. For instance,in areas where people celebrate the high number of children they have had, they should be made to pay taxes to the government any time when they want to hold such a celebration. INTRODUCTION

The primary objective of this paper is to estimate the level of fertility among the Igbo of Eastern Nigeria using the most revised and sophisticated demographic techniques, and to assess the implications of this estimated fertility level for population growth and family planning programmes. The techniques used here for assessing fertility levels and patterns are based on survey questions concerning current and retrospective fertility. By current fertility, we mean the number of children born during a twelve-month period prior to the survey. Retrospective fertility refers to the total number of 'The author is grateful to the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CDESRIA) for graciously sponsoring the data collection from which this paper is extracted, and to Professors Alfred Adewuyi and Joshua Ebugbola of the same Department who supervised my Ph. D Dissertation. To them all I am grateful.



live births by each woman (Shryock and SiegeI1970). , Various techniques for the estimation of fertility levels have been developed, notably by Brass, Co ale and Trussell. Although these techniques are powerful, they are based upon shaky assumptions in con~ider~tio~ of developing societies in which accurate data are hard to ~cqUlre. It IS rIsky, therefore, to depend on the reliability of estimates derIved by a method without cross-checking the results with estimates from other ~ethods. The results of different methods should be compared in order to enhance the reliability of our estimates. : Igbo fertility has been estimated before (Coale and Page .1968;. U~ae~bu 1974; and Omideyi 1983). Apart from Omideyi(1983), there IS ~~ mdIc~hon of the methods by which these estimates were made. These St~~I~S eshma:ed Igbo fertility to be high and even the highest among NIgerIan ethmc groups. Apart from the fact that the methods of the es~imation and the~r assumptions were stated, these studies were conducted m the early 1970 s and 1980's. Since then, socioeconomic progress could be expected to have affected fertility levels in this area, as it has in other soci~ties pa.ssing through socioeconomic transformation. It therefore becomes ImperatIve to re-estimate Igbo fertility levels using the well-known Brass P IF method .and other techniques for comparative purposes. The results of the calcu~ations should be checked for consistency, strengthening the results. Th~ alms of this paper, therefore, are: . .. . 1. To estimate fertility level of the Igbo of Eastern NIgerIa usmg a varIety of modern estimation techniques 2. To compare the results from different techniques and different sources in order to note trends in the area's fertility levels. 3. To offer explanations of the estimated level of fertility among the Igbo 4. To examine the implications of the observed fertility level for popula. ./] tion growth and family planning programmes in Niger~a. The use of more refined and sophisticated techmques IS, mtendedto obtain a more robust and current level of fertility in the area,; representirl~ on improvement over previous estimates. . .; ':,', The Igbo cultural group is located in South-Eastern NlgerIa,between la~~,' tude 5 to 7 degrees North and longitude 6 to 8 ?egre~s .East. They occupy~ area of some 15,800 square miles. The Niger River dIvIdes ~he Igbo country into two unequal parts with the greater part lying in what IS ~alled. Easter:tl;' Nigeria while a smaller part, west of the Niger constitutes what IS call1:!~'' Delta Igbo. . . . ';'?; The territory of the Western Igbo is marked off from BmI and W~mClI}~l that of the Eastern Igbo stretches from the Niger Delta where the IJaw anql


Ogoni are the Southern neighbors. The Igalas and the Tiv are the nei~ to the n?~th. Th?ugh separated by the Niger and thus falling into twc rate pohtIcal umts, the two Igbo units have retained their cultural an chic unity. The Igbo nation exhibits a wide variety of physical features. It has a ber of r~vers, the main one being River Niger. Igboland has a tropi( mate, WIth an average annual temperature of about 80°F. The rainy aT sea~ons are well marked. There are presently five Igbo states in Nig( ~bl~, Anambra, Imo, Enugu, Ebonyi States. There are some Igbo corn ties m the Delta and Rivers States of the country. This study w~s conducted in the Imo State, which has a populat 2,485,499 accordmg to the 1991 Census. In the area, marriage is uni and many traditional rites are involved in the consummation of mal Attitudes to issues are conservative. -


The data f?r t~is analysis were obtained from a survey in some pa [mo State, Nlgena. The study was conducted in the communities of 0' Jrlu and Awo-Idemili. The study was originally intended to examir dynamics of breast-feeding and birth-spacing in the area. The data used. for a doctoral dissertation. There were 1,000 eligible women wr mamed and -are of reproductive age group 15-49 and have had at lea~ live-birth. Of these, 819 women were finally interviewed and their res' e~ processed. A systema~ic random sampling method was used to se le: glble respondents. Questions were asked concerning all births in thl year period preceding the survey;. and addressed general individua ~ousehold characteristics, fertility, breast-feeding and the use of contr, Jives. "The ?a.sic source o.f information for fertility analysis, including the pr, ,analYSIS IS ~e questIOn on children ever born. Response to this questio often unreh~ble, due to the problem of memory lapse. In most cases, :\dr~n who dIed ~oon aft:r. birth are likely to be omitted, as are illegiti {~hildren and chIldren lIvmg outside the home. On the other hand, E 'respondents include their foster children, leading to an overcount. The, racy of reports of the number of children ever born tends to vary inve }:vith the age of the respondent (Shryock et al. 1971). . ;,'1n relation to African data, Brass and Coale (1968) observed that i~umber of children ev~r born is reported with good accuracy by yOUJ women. The events which the young women are asked to recall have J




pened recently: the total births to each are typically ~ot m~r~ than tw~ or three so that the difficulties of counting large number m an llhterilte sOClety do not arise; living children will often be present at the interviews and few will be omitted because they have grown up and left the househol~. The~; is also the problem of outright failure to report the number oLchlldren . Thus there is always the need to assess the data carefully. Various methods have been developed to assess the reliability of the responses to the questions concerning the number of children ever born. .' . The methods used are based on survey questions concernmg mformatlon on current and retrospective fertility, and include the Brass P IF technique, the Brass consistency check, the Brass Relational Model, and the Coale an~ Demeny techniques. The application of these techniques to the Igbo data IS discussed in the preceding sections. . ., .. Brass' method was developed as a device for companng hfe~nne fer~hty to cumulative fertility. The ratio of the two under certain logIcal ~~latlo~­ ships and assumptions is used as a correction facto: for fertl~lty es~­ mates. This rests on the assumption that there IS a logIcal relatlOnshlp between the two types of data used in its computation. As ~ cohort of women moves through life, the average parity at each exact ~ge equals t~e cumulative total of age-specific fertility rates to thatag.e, provl.ded ~e ~erhl­ ity of surviving women is equal to that of women dymg dunng tha~ ~ter. val. If the current fertility of the population is constant, the age-~peClflC fer· tility rate of each cohort will be th~ ~ame as. the current ones. ThIS holds .fal all ages. In real populations, if fertlhty declmes are not clear, thlf, theoretica result will not hold. . The Brass technique was developed on the basis of the above 10glCal rela tionships. It tries to estimate total fertility usi~g parts of. t~e two sets of date which are likely to be reliable. The followmg assumph.ans hold for th model :(1) fertility for the population under study remamed consta~tfo sometime in the past, (2) the reported number of children for women ill the, early ages is more or less accurately reported (3) ~he repor:ed number of births in the last year may suffer from errors resu.ltmg fr~m maccurate ~er­ ception by the respondents of the reference penod. ThIS last assu~ph~n means that the reported age-specific fertility rate base~ on data:on blf~S ID the twelve months prior to the survey may underestImate or overestunate .. . the fertility level, but their age structure is correctly reported.: Under the assumption of constant fertility, the cumulated c~rrent fertihty up to a certain age x (F x)' which is deduced from data o~ blrths lastyea~ should be equal to the lifetime fertility (mean number of chlldren e~er born) to the same age x. Any difference between the two can be attnbuted t9


errors that are normally present in the data on mean number of chi! ever bor~ ~nd births in the t,:elve-month period prior to the survey. ' any devlah?n ?f t~e P IF ratlO from unity for various age groups ca taken as an mdlCatIon of the presence of errors in the data. The tec.hniq,:e uses th~ age-structure of the fertility depicted by cu data on ~lfths m the prevIOus year (which are reliable according to our I assumptIon), and compares or adjusts it according to the data on n number of children ever born by age of young women. In other words most reliable pieces of information from the current and lifetime ferl data are combined to yield an adjusted current fertility estimate. B.rass, and .tater Coale and Trussell, developed a set of multipliers' whIch to denve comparable parity equivalents from current fertility 1 (U~ 1983). From the various multipliers, it is possible to obtain pc eqUlval~nts. of .current .f~rti1ity rates (F j ) for ages above 20, and to corn] them WIth hfehme ferhhty data (pj). The traditional P IF ratio recommen the use of the f1/f2 value for interpolation. This analYSis uses a differer because :h~ value obtained with fl/f2 is not within the range of value the multIphers table provided by Brass. The value of f2/f was used du the continued reliabil~ty of information from this group.3The f21 f3 is 0 and m == 29.8. The vanous fl values were used to multiply the mid-valUE the age group; summed and divided by the total of fl values. The results presented in Table 3. Coale an~ Trussell ~~so developed a method for adjusting fertility dat order :0 estlmate fertlhty rates. An essential component of the techniqu the adjustment of the age pattern of fertility, derived from information rec~~t b~rths .(births in the past year preceding the survey) and the leve fertihty lmphed by the average parity of women in age groups 20-24, 25 and 30-34. (Procedural steps not recorded) (UN 1983). Another method used in this estimation is the Brass relational GompE ~ode~. !he model was developed in the early 1960s to represent age-spe lC fertlhty rates (Kohl and Oman 1985). The model fits the data quite '" ~ver the c~~tral range. Bras.s (1977) modified the model by introducinl ~lXed empmca~ transformatIon of the age-scale. This modification grea lln~roves t~e fIt t~ ?bservations at early and late ages in the reproducti penod. ThIS modlfled model is called relational Gompertz model. Za (1981~ m~de an ad:~ncement by providing the methods for separating t exammatIon of ferhhty patterns from estimation levels. . ~c~ord~ng .to Zaba, the model provides a tool for adjusting and correctiJ •fe~hhty dlstnbutions derived from reports of births in the last year andl chIldren ever born. A key advantage of this method is its rigidity. The ferti




ty measures can be linearised, and errors and corrections can thus be assessed by convenient graphical procedures. The basic equation of the relational model is

Y(i) = -In[-ln P/F]


1 where F(x) is cumulative fertility by age X and F is the total fertility rate by the end of the reproductive life. A and B are constants and lie between zero and unity. The F values can be taken as cumulative fertility derived from age-specific rates or parity data. This reduces the above functibn to a linear function of age by taking logarithms twice, thus: : Y(x) =-In[-ln(F(x)fF)]

= a + bX


where F(x) is fertility up to age X and F is the total fertility. This function gives a broad representation of the pattern of fertility with age but the shape is not quite right, thus requiring a more efficient method to improve. This is done by transforming the age scale. If Ys(x) represents a standard value, then the relational Gompertz Model, Y(x) = a + bYs(i)


where a and b are constants reflecting the fertility patterns of the population in question. The's' in Ys(x) denotes the transformation for a standard agespecific fertility schedule. Brass suggested two procedures for fitting the above equation. One is done by using parity data, whereas in the second, both ~ifetime and current fertility data are used. The estimation equations are defined thus: Z(i) = -In[-ln (P/Pi + 1) Z(x) = -In[-ln(FxIFx + 1)]

and i~ an .inverse m~asur~ of the width or spread of the age-specific fE ~ dlstnb.utlOn, and a IS an mdex of central location (Henin et al. 1982) a IS the estImated total fertility rate. The model is used to examine the age patterns of average parity. It is ~s~d to compare the observed and calculated mean parity predicted b, tIhty models. It operates .as follows: take the estimated total fertility' ~d exp~ess the mean panty each age group as a proportion of the tota ~hty estImate. Each proportion is transformed by taking its natural. nt~ and chan~ing the ~ign of the answer; taking the natural logar and changmg the sIgns once more. Equations 6 and 7 are utilizl this manner. Y(i~ is the transformed relative parity for age i and its Vi are compared wIth the model YS(i) ratio. Observed age-specific rates can also be compared with the m( Observe.d age-~~ecific fertility rates are cumulated upward to esti: cu~~latIve fertIhty to the upper limit of each age group. The cumul fert~l~ty to each limit is then expressed as a proportion of total cumul fertIhty over the whole range. The equation is the same but with only n changes:

The series Zi equal to -In[-ln(P/Pi+1)] is calculated and the Zi - ei compared with the gi' The values of e· an calculated from standard distributions, are used. 1 Column 4 of Tables 7 and 8 is obtained by the relation


where i = 1, 2, 3, ... 7 refers to the five age groups and x = 20, 25, .. . refers to the age. . ' ", The model shown by equation 2 holds if F(x) is replaced by Pi' where Pi is the mean parity of an age group of women. ' . Hence, Y(i) = a+ fiYs(i) and


"Columns 5 and 7 are standard values provided by Brass. For columns 8 . 9, ~e parameters a and b are. estimated when we plotted a graph of Z ~•. agamst ~(i) ~alues, and obtamed the intercept a = -0.3 and the slope :1.351. whIch IS equal to putting a line to Zi' Z2' Z3 and Z4 which repn ". the £1:st four age groups. The YS(i) values are taken from Brass schedl i The fItted Yj are computed accordingly. Column 10 is computed by the'




. (_y . )) while column 11 is computed by dividing. ~e tion Pi/F ~ .Exp (-EhXP SI) t d P IF ratios. The estimate of total ferhhty mean panties by t e eshma e 1 arities of resulting from fitting the relational Gompert~ mod~ tdo :;ean p . the the age range is 6.0, and IS ob tame y averagmg of men younger wo first four values in column 11. t column 2 is obtained

byT::~~~;fn;~~~r~:p~~~l~~~I~~:e~:~c:~d!b-~:ci-OfiC47:~!t~.~:~~:!: Th 1 f the parameters a an are .

~~eth:s:::;y~sti;:t: ~:)'oThe estdim~ted t~ta!::r!~z ~:~b~h;f t~~l~::~

mates are close to each other an c oser 0 b n for women aged 45-49. k even or f r estimates the Brass Consistency Chec , a T check the accuracy 0 o u ' .' d o l d b h'm to check for the accuracy of the estImate,ls use '. method deve ope y 1 . ' . The Brass consistency check of the TFR estimate IS gIven as CT: F n-m +~(m(n-m)-40)J W l n 2n


where _ 845 W == total number of women aged 15 - 44 _ '" CT = number of children ever born to women 1~ - 44 - 2350 - _ 17 M == mean age of period fertility distribution mmus Js~a)r:, (';d;~2~2Y x 0.0053) + (22 x 0.288) + (27 x 0.466) + (32 x . .• + (42 x 0.088) I _ 43.3241 = 43.3241 == 29.8 - 2. fi 1.452 .••. M - - -15 years =29.8 -15 =14.8 a;e:ge proportional change in the year in the number of women



aged 15-44, 2(W30 -45 - W 15 _30)/15W == 0.036 F =Total fertility rate n =30 year age range. Substituting, 2350 =F [30 -14.8 + 0.036 (14.8 (30 -14.8) - 40 J 845 30 60

== F

tl~~6 + -O6~36

(224.97 - 40)]

== F (0.5054 + - 0.110982) 2.8902 == 0.394418F F = 2.8902/0.394418 == 7.05

The result is still very close to what is obtained using the other te niques. The various estimation techniques used here indicated that the Igbo fer ity level is high. It is also shown that childbearing peaks at age group 2, 29. This shows an early peaked pattern, indicating intensive childbearing the age group. A consistency check of the result indicated that the estimat total fertility rate in the Imo State is 7.05. Comparing this with earlier estimates for the same area from other sh.: ies, it is clear that the estimate of Ukaegbu (1976) for Ngwa-Igbo which w 7.68 and Omideyi (1983) which was 7.26, gives an indication of a stable pc ulation, though still the highest when compared with other Nigerian etru groups. Table 9 presents the summary estimates of Igbo fertility level, using da on mean parities and births in the twelve months prior to the survey dai The estimates are by various methods RESEARCH FINDINGS

Table 1 indicates that 33 percent of the respondents are less than 30 yea of age, while 86 percent are less than 40 years of age. Eight percent is age 40-44 and 4.8 percent aged 45 - 49.21.2 percent did not indicate their age The overall mean age is 32.1 years. 10.3 percent did not go to school whil 27.3 percent had primary level of education; 29.8 percent secondary and 32. percent tertiary education. The population is rural as 54% of the respor dents live in the rural areas, while 45.8 percent live in the urban area. Ther are three major religious groups in the survey area namely Romal Catholics, Protestants (Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists etc) and the tradi .tionalists. Table 1 also shows that 48.6 percent are working for pay (i.e full employ ment) while 51.4 percent have not worked since marriage. Among thosl working, 43.8 percent work away from home; 40.1 percent work near homE and 5.6 percent are work at home. A greater percentage of our respondenh 'are married as can be seen from the table. The mean age at marriage is 22.~ years indicating an increase from a me~n of 18.5 years obtained by Omidey





TABLE 1. PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS BY CURRENT AGE, IGBO, NIGERIA, 1997. Characteristics Current Age 15 -19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40-44 45 - 49 Mean Age


' Number

3 51 159 204 140 57 31 32.1-


Marital Status Married Widowed Divorced/Separated

0.4 7.9 24.7 31.6 21.7 8.8 4.8

Mean age at Marriage Mean Children ever born (age 45-49) Mean age at first birth


653 21 12


95.2 3.1 1.5

22.2 6.1 23.3

Note: Some of the totals may not add up to 100 because of rounding. Also, no response cat, were excluded.

Education Level No Education Primary Secondary Tertiary Adult Education

73 196 214 234 1

10.2 27.3 29.8 32.6 0.1

Place of Residence Rural Urban

444 375

54.2 45.8

Religion Catholics Protestants Pentecostal Traditional Religion

309 224 94 4

49.0 35.5 14.9 0.6

Work Status Working for Pay Not Working for pay

324 342

48.6 51.4

Employment Status Private Employee Government Employee Self-Employed Artisans/Trader

33 224 37 30

10.2 69.1 11.4 9.3

Place of Work Away from Home Nearer Home At Home

142 130 18

49.0 44.8 6.2

in 1983. The mean age at first birth in the survey area is 23.3 years. The mean number of children ever born reported here is comparat earlier studies. Omideyi (1983) reported the mean number of children born as 6.3 for the oldest cohort 45 - 49, and Odimegwu (1990) reporte for those aged 45 - 49, with an overall mean of 4.9. This indicates tha Igbo fertility may have remained stable over the years.

Fertility Level

' ~: ": '::'iJ,' ,,}

The analysis of cumulative fertility shows that the average numb children ever born is 4.1 and the completed family size, indicated b~ mean number of children ever born for the oldest cohort (45-49), is 6.l. Though children ever born yields information on lifetime fertility, it not take into account the rate of the birth of the children. Thus to me" the current fertility, we used age-specific fertility rate for the twelve me preceding interview. A total of 219 births were reported by currently ried women as occurring during the twelve months preceding the su Among these, 106 were female births while 113 were male births, givi sex ratio at birth of 107. This is comparable with what obtains in ( developing societies (UN 1987; Shryock et al. 1971). Based on the information available, indices of current fertility were mated. Table 2 presents the estimate of fertility levels based on births ir 12 months prior to the survey. . Consider the pattern of age-specific fertility rate in Table 2. Igbo wo tend to have their children early in the reproductive period, having ha their children before age 30. An Igbo woman is more likely to have an a ;lge of about four daughters during her lifetime if she passed through





Age 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49



Children Births in ever born past year

Female Births

174 187 135 57 30

3 98 432 786 692 339 179

1 32 81 66 34 5

15 36 31 21 2

0.0055 0.1351 0.2068 0.1658 0.1558 0.0351







Mean Children Age specific ever Born fertility rate


0.0166 0.8830 2.4630 4.2030 5.1300 5.9500 6.1000

0.005 0.288 0.466 0.353 0.252 0.088


•Age-specific female fertility rate Sex Ratio = Female births/Male births x 100 = 113/106 x 100 = 107 Total fertility = ASF = 1452.3 TFR = 5 2:)=1 ASFR = 5 x 1.4523 = 7.26 Gross Reproduction Rate = 0.7039 x 5 = 3.5 General Fertility Rate = 219/875 x 1000 = 250.

Age 15-19 20-24 24-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49

2 3 4 5 6 7


0.017 0.883 2.483 4.203 5.130 5.950 6.000

0.005 0.288 0.466 0.353 0.252 0.088

Age Group

15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49

Mean Parity P j

Period Fertility fj

Cumulated Fertility OJ

Estimated Parity Fj

P/F Ratio







0.0166 0.8830 2.4830 4.2030 5.1300 5.9500 6.0000

0.0053 0.2880 0.4660 0.3530 0.2520 0.8800

0.0266 1.4670 3.7970 5.5620 6.8220 7.2620 7.2620

0.0233 0.7488 2.8760 4.8900 6.3900 7.1700 7.3000

0.712 1.180 0.863 0.859 0.802 0.829 0.822

0.987 0.987 0.987 0.987 0.987 0.987 0.987

K= MUltipli

Summation of ASFR is 1.4332 Adjusted Total fertility rate = 5 x 1.4332 = 7.2




Age Group





Adjusted ASFR

0.027 1.467 3.797 5.562 6.822 7.262

2.66 2.93 3.06 3.08 3.19 3.38 3.92

0.014 0.870 2.893 4.884 6.366. 7.119 7.262

1.18 1.02 0.86 0.86 .0.81 0.84 '0.82

0.005 0.294 0.475 0.360 0.257 0.090

Summation of the adjusted ASFR = 1.4814 Summation of the Adjusted TFR = 5 x ASFR= 5 x 1.4814 =7.4

Mean Parity

Parity as a Population of TFR*


Stand Transf( Relative I YS(i

15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49

0.0166 0.8830 2.4830 4.2030 5.1300 5.9500 6.0000

0.00231 0.12260 0.34200 0.58375 0.71250 0.82640 0.83330

-1.80 -0.74 0.06 0.62 L08 1.66 1.70

-1.07. -0.31 0.35: 1.05t 1.95:: 3.413 6.055

'Est~ated fertility rate of 7.2 was used. A comparative result willbe obtained if th B e ra of 7.4 IS used. •• Y(i) values are obtained by applying equation 8.

childbearing years conforming to the age-specific fertility rates of a given year (Gross Reproduction Rate is 3.5) The P IF values fall constantly with age. The P IF average for the 20-24 age-group is 1.02, implying that the fertility level based on retrospective reports is about 2 percent higher than that indicated by current fertility rates. The values for the 25-34 age group are static and decline thereafter. This may be a problem of memory lapse which occurs with increase in age. The observed and adjusted TFR are 7.26 and 7.4 respectively. The difference.

is probably a result of computation errors. Tables ~ ~nd 4 yield similar total fertility rates. The difference betv Total ~e~hhty Rate by Brass P IF ratio (7.4) and that by Coale-Trussel a neghgIble 0.2. The P IF r~tios for the age-group 15 -19 show erratic fluctuation compared WIth those of the middle age groups . Th' ); IS may be as a rl







15-19 20-24 30-34 35-39 40-44

Total Fertility Rate

Gross Reproduction Rate

6.3 7.2 7.0 7.3 7.4 7.0 6.0 6.2

3.5 5.1 4.9 5.1 5.1

56 54

4.2 4.4

47 47

Mean CEB (45-49) Coale-Trussell Method Coale-Deneny Method* ((P3)2/P 2) Brass-Rachad Method (P 2)4(P4/P3)4* Brass P IF Method Brass Consistency check Relational Gompertz Model (Mean Parities) Brass Relational Gompertz Model (Current Fertility)

0.7773 -D.0396 1.3901 2.4781 4.5256

1.389 0.050 1.592 2.772

0.0181 0.3863 0.8159 0.9394 1.0000

0.0265 1.4665 5.5615 6.8215 7.2815

0.0053 0.2880 0.3530 0.2520 0.0880

Method of Estimation

Transformed Standard Cumulative Fertility Ys(l)

Fertility Cumulated to the end of age interval F(x)

Fertility Rates

CrudE Rc


*Y(i) is calculated with the equation above. * History and detailed computatioal techniques not provided. TABLE 7. FITTING BRASS RELATIONAL GOMPERTZ MODEL TO MEAN PARITIES OF WOMEN, IGBO AREA, IMOSTATE, NIGERIA, 1997. Mean P/Pi + 1 Age group Parity 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49






Fitted Yi

1.7573 -2.6694 -1.7438 -1.0787 0.0166 0.0188 -1.3798 1.2897 -0.3119 -0.7214 -1.0157 -1.4591 1.4252 0.8830 0.3556 -D.0339 0.1780 -D.7306 -D.3355 0.3538 2.4830 0.5908 0.6419 1.3725 1.1279 1.0569 0.4391 0.4708 4.2030 0.8193 1.6129 1.1421 2.3390 1.9534 1.5120 1.2026 5.1300 0.8622 1.9087 0.7061 4.6110 4.5110 3.2105 3.4130 5.9500 0.9917 4.7873 0.2763 (1.4996) (1.1100) (5.6460) 6.0000

P 1 /F Estimated F =2/10 0.00304 0.12780 0.43303 0.72345 0.90808 0.99010 0.79990

5.40 6.90 5.73 5.81 5.65 6.01 7.50 a =0.30 b = 1.35

TABLE 8. FITTING BRASS RELATIONAL GOMPERTZ MODEL TO CURRENT FERTILITY DATA, IGBO, IMO STATE SURVEY, 1997. Fx Age Cumulative Fx+ 5 Group Fertility 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45--49

0.0267 1.4670 3.7990 5.5620 6.8220 7.2620 7.2620






Fitted Y(s) 3.20 7.63 7.05 ' 6$3'" '

1.4501 -D.7713 1.56565 0.00883 0.0182 -1.3879 1.3364 -2.7243 -D.7430 -D.0410 -D.49990 0.19234 0.3864 0.0504 1.4184 -1.3680 -D.0382 0.6290 0.47892 0.53824 0.6827 0.9631 1.2978 -D.3347 0.8356 1.3897 1.58896 0.81540 0.6217 0.8153 1.58887 0.9670 2.1649 2.4736 3.17146 0.95890 2.3215 0.9394 2.7724 0.4509 4.4564 4.4984 6.12767 0.99780 9.1641 0.9999 9.2104 0.0462 9.3416 13.19874 0.99990


t28,t· 7:i6~~i a



the small number of births in that age group and or of errors in the da lection itself. The total fertility rate estimated by the Coale-Demeny ill and Brass-Rachad methods have a difference of 0.27 births between but they are higher than the reported parity for the age group 45 - 49. It is worth mentioning that as far as these birth rates are concerned, may a possible over-estimation of the observed birth rates due to incJ of births in the previous twelve months, to errors in age reporting, at under-estimation of the childbearing women because of the inabil some of the respondents to fill out the household schedule. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION

The aim of this paper is to derive estimates of fertility levels for the area of Eastern Nigeria using different estimation techniques with the of arriving at the most accurate estimate of fertility in the area. The d graphic techniques used here are some of the most promising techni available for deriving valid fertility measures from census and survey Though these techniques are quite powerful, but they do not solve all c problems of demographic estimation. The reliability of the results: these methods has been checked by comparing their results against another using Brass Consistency Check (Table 9). Results show that the fertility rates of Igbo community in lmo S Nigeria, derived from different techniques, are very close. The reported fertility rate is 7.34 and the adjusted total fertility rate using Brass method is 7.4. The relational Gompertz model tendg to give lower vill



By and large, the total fertility falls in the range between the low of 6.0 and the high of 7.4. The crude birth rate lies between 48 and 56. A consistency check of the results indicates that the estimate of the total fertility rate in Imo State is 7.05. Clearly the estimates appear to be the same despite the fact that different models were used to estimate the fertility level. Th~ estimates derived from these several indirect techniques correspond closely. Considering the variety of assumptions in each method, the results of this comparison are reassuring. The total fertility rate from this estimation appears to be highe~ than those of other parts of the country. Explanations for the high fertility in this area can be located in the cultural milieu. The extended family system, the emphasis given to and pride taken in the number of children which one has, male-child preference, and family prospecting distribution are among the possible influences on high fertility observed in this state. In the state populated by the Igbo ethnic group, children are seen as valuable investments. The society values children so much so that infertility regarded with scorn and every effort is made to correct the problem. In most cases, infertility is blamed on the woman, although she may not be the cause. A common saying in the area is that, "a person who has children is far better than a wealthy man." The strong value placed on children is also reflected in the names which the Igbo bear. Such names include "Nwakaego", "children are better than wealth", "Nwabugwu", children are better than wealth, "Nwaamaka", chiF dren are sweet; "Nwabueze", children are king or children make one a king. If a couple has many female children without a male child, int~nsive efforts, will be made to have at least a male child who, the society l;>elieves will inherit the parents and continue the family lineage. It is not $urprising .to observe in Igboland a name like 'Ahamefule', meaning, "my name should not miss or disappear when I must have left this world." Such names and others depict the emphasis Igbos place on having children - paticularly sons. Because of the high value placed on children in this State, so~e Igbo co~~ munities honour women who have successfully borne ten or more childr~n.. The number of children a women has thus becomes a status symbol.Thj;!: effects of the present harsh economic conditions in the country on this inSIF nation to high fertility are not yet clear. This is an area for further research: . This paper has shown that Igbo fertility remains the highest in Nigei:\a( despite various campaigns to promote responsible parenthood and red~c~ tion of large family size. High fertility among the Igbo remain,s a conceI11. t~< demographers in Nigeria, despite the fact that the Igbo have long been·


exp.osed t~ Western education. There is a need to examine I bo ferti .g. els m relation to the value of children in l b ' od of ec~no~ic hardship. The propo~ed !u~;o~~~ ~~e~~;~ :~: and qualitative data collection methods As we w 't f h q h . aI or suc a stU( S :rnment h oUld. strengthen present family planning campaign prog] mong t e vanous ethnic groups in Nigeria A well d' g a f' f . . -coor matl r ~7e oh In ormatIo~, education and communication should be ope or t e Igbo et~~IC group, with the goal of drawin attentiOl dangers of la.rl?e famIlies, especially now that the extend~d famil and the provIsIOn of ~ocio-economic services by government are The effects of population growth on family welfare should be empha:


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CLIFFORD O. ODIMEGWU is currently on the faculty of the Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-1fe, Nigeria. He teaches in the Department of Demography and Social Statistics. He received his Ph. D. in Demography and Social Statistics from the Obafemi Awolowo University, lIe-lfe, Nigeria. His research focus is reproductive health and social demography. His E-mail [email protected].