April 2012

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Apr 12, 2012 ... both the Rock School and Mountaineering School and also served ...... Rock Climbing Anchors- A Comprehensive Guide, by Craig Luebben.
April 2012


EXPLORER A publication of the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh

Special Election: Review the Candidate Statements for TREASURER! Club Treasurer Toni Price has decided to stay in Colorado for the foreseeable future, and it will not be practical for her to carry out the requirements of her role. Please review the candidate statements below (in alphabetical order) and join us at the General Member Meeting this Thursday for a special election. -Ed.

CHRIS CIESA I was first introduced to the ECP about a year and a half ago. Since that time I have been a student in both the Rock School and Mountaineering School and also served as an instructor with the Backpacking School last year. I have not only thoroughly enjoyed myself but also truly appreciate everything the club has taught me so far. I plan to continue being involved and look forward to many great opportunities in the future. When the Treasurer position recently became available I thought it would be a great way for me to become more involved and give back to the club. I believe I would be a good fit for this position due to my ability to organize and track information efficiently. As a part of my full time job I spend a significant amount of time using Microsoft Excel and I feel as though this software experience would be quite useful. I hope to be given an opportunity to serve in the position of treasurer and to assist the ECP in any way that I can. Thank you for your consideration.

Absentee Ballots

KATHY DREHER Fellow ECPers and adrenaline junkies, My name is Kathy Dreher, and I am running for Treasurer of ECP. I currently work as a Grant Administrator at Pitt where I work with budgets professionally. In particular I manage four MultiMillion dollar grants or federal contracts. I am also very proficient in Excel and Access. I think I could help out the club since finance is my passion. I am also in the process of finishing up my MBA degree with a concentration in Finance I would love to use my skills learned at Katz Business School to help the Explorers Club. [1]

Send absentee ballots to the club Secretary, Phil Sidel: [email protected] 412 521 9570

Contents April ECP Meeting & Club Business 1 Constitutional Updates


Officer Reports




AGENDA ECP GENERAL MEETING APRIL 12, 2012, 7:30pm at The Union Project, 108 North Negley Avenue



President – Rush Howe (New Appointments-Mountaineering Committee) VP – Bill Baxter (Future Meeting Locations, Programs) Secretary – Phil Sidel READING OF MINUTES and ACTIONS TAKEN at March 12th BOG Meeting Discussion and approval of those minutes & actions taken Treasurer – Toni Price Activities Chairperson – Ron Edwards – New Coordinators Upcoming events and trips Equipment Chairperson – Paul Guarino – Results of Gear Inventory and Rental Price Review

New Website Committee Implementation Schedule Access Privileges Management Rock School Committee Student Enrollment First Meetings Policy and Safety Decisions 2011-2012 Mountaineering School Committee Final Gear Sharpening & Turn-in Event Anticipated Final Report 2012-2013 Mountaineering School Committee Plans


APPOINTEE REPORTS Advertising Chairperson Status of Brochures and other materials Places and events where we can advertise ECP Environmental Concerns Chairperson Cleanup Events Earth Day and other events Historian Librarian New items Suggested Reading or Viewing Membership Chairperson New membership candidates (16 approved by BOG) Election of New Candidates to Membership Webmaster Arrangements with Host for New Website

Constitution Amendments

1 – Decide whether to vote on them one-by-one, in subsets, or all at once. 2 – Motion(s) 3 – Discussion(s) 4 – Vote(s)

NEW BUSINESS Election of Treasurer to serve the rest of the year.after transition


SLIDE SHOW Tom George Slide Show on Trekking & Climbing in Nepal


AGENDA – APRIL 2012 BOG Meeting Thursday, April 19, 7:30PM Ron Edwards' House: 107 Greyfriar Drive, Pittsburgh, 15215 Note: All Members are welcome to attend and participate in discussion. Please notify host and/or VP if you intend to attend. By tradition, members and attendees often bring snacks or “dishes” or beverages to share pot-luck style Welcome New Treasurer Officer Reports – President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer(s), Activities, Editor, Equipment Appointee Reports Advertising, Environment, Historian, Librarian, Membership, Webmaster Committee Reports New Website Committee 2011-2012 Mountaineering Committee (Final? Report) 2012-2013 Mountaineering Committee (was to be appointed in Rock School Committee Old Business Location for May Meeting Locations for other Summer Meetings New Business Review of Applications and Vote whether to recommend new applicants for membership (if not already done in course of Membeship Chairperson's report) Consideration of a way for members to communicate to BOG as a unit (all six members at once). Review of “Annual Task Schedule” and consider revisions given current technology Consideration of what revisions of Constitution and Policy Statements to take up next. Location for May BOG Meeting


Constitutional Amendments This month we continue to publish proposed updates to the ECP Constitution. Article 4, Paragraphs 1, 7, and 9 Article 6, Paragraphs 1 and 6 Article 11, Paragraph 1a

Change Chairman to Chairperson

& anywhere else it occurs 1. (BOG changed to (BOG) Article 3 Paragraph 2a

2. approved and rejected changed to approved or rejected 3. all applicant changed to all applicants 4. the treasure issues changed to the treasurer issues

Article 3 Paragraph 3d Article 4 Paragraph 1 Article 4 Paragraph 2

the candidates qualifications changed to the candidate's qualifications add Treasurer to list of officers any debated unless changed to any debate unless The Treasurer shall keep account of all funds and monetary transactons and club equipment, ... changed to

Article 4 Paragraph 6

Article 4 Paragraph 7

Article 4 Paragraph 9

Article 5 Paragraph 3b Article 6 Paragraph 4

Article 6 Paragraph 5

The Treasurer shall keep account of all funds and monetary transactions, Drop: "The Treasurer shall be responsible for the distribution of membership cards and maintain a current membership list, applicant file, and provider both to the Editor." (alternatively: provider changed to provide) Drop: "The Activities Chairman shall maintain a list of who to notify in case of emergency for each member." (alternatively: who to notify changed to whom to notify) rental changes and procedures changed to rental charges and procedures to the Treasure and ... changed to ... to the Treasurer and ... (alternatively, change the Treasure to the BOG) committee or active members changed to committee of active members described in Article 3 Paragraph 3 changed to described in Article 3 Paragraph 2 described in Article 3 Paragraph 3b changed to described in Article 3 Paragraph 3d


Article 7 Paragraph 1b

present the nomination at changed to present the nominations at

Article 9 Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2 of the article changed to Paragraph 2 of this article

Article 10 Paragraph 1

... a majority of the active members present. changed to ... 10 people or 20% of the active membership, whichever is fewer.

Explorers Club of Pittsburgh Constitution ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of this organization shall be "The Explorers Club of Pittsburgh". The name may be officially abbreviated "ECP".

ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE The ECP was organized in 1947 to promote exploratory science and adventure. The functions of the club shall be: a. To promote explorations at home and abroad. b. To educate interested persons in exploratory science.

ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP § 1: Members are those who now hold official membership cards § 2: Membership is open to all interested persons at least 18 years of age. A membership card may be obtained in the following ways: a. PERSONAL APPLICATION: An applicant for membership submits a completed application form, waiver, and the full dues for the current calendar year, to the treasurer or an officer or other member who will forward it to the treasurer. The treasurer will notify the editor who then initiates a newsletter subscription for the applicant. The application will be reviewed by the Board of Governors (BOG) at a BOG meeting and be approved and or rejected by them. All applicants whose interests and aims are consistent with those of the club shall be approved for membership. If rejected by the BOG, the reasons for rejection are written on the application and it is returned to the applicant along with the dues submitted, and the newsletter subscription is terminated. If approved, the application is presented to the membership of the club at a general meeting. The applicant formally becomes a member if accepted by a majority of members present, after which the treasure treasurer issues a membership card. If rejected, the applicant will be notified by the same procedure employed in a rejection by the BOG. b. INVITATION: Ten active members may petition the Board of Governors for the membership of an individual. The Secretary then writes the individual, his or her name is presented to the membership at any club meeting for ratification by a majority of the active members. If accepted, the invited individual then receives a membership upon

a payment of his or her dues.


§ 3: Types of Membership: a. The term "Active Member" shall apply to a member at least 18 years old who has paid his or her annual dues. b. Any active member may obtain active membership for their spouse and children of the same household (if 18 years of age or older) by paying family dues (to be determined by the membership). c. Life membership may be granted to Flag Members who have been active club members for a minimum of ten years and who have contributed to the club and its objectives in such a manner as to warrant the highest honor the club can bestow. Any member can present to the Board of Governors candidates for Life Membership. The nomination shall include a written description of the candidate's qualifications and worthiness for this highest honor. If approved, the nominee is presented to the club membership at the next general meeting for the ratification by a majority of the active members present. The qualifications of a new Life Member shall be published in the EXPLORER. d. To warrant the second highest honor the club can bestow, the person under consideration for Flag Membership must have made significant contributions towards achieving the club's goals of research, education, and adventure. Flag membership is a lifetime honor and may be extended to members who have been active for a minimum of five years, approved by the BOG and ratified by a majority of the active members present at the next club meeting. There shall be no more than two voting Flag Members at any time. Flag members shall retain a vote on the BOG for twelve months following their ratification by the membership. Each Flag Member shall receive a flag, bearing his or her number, at the club's expense. Any member can present to the BOG candidates for Flag Membership. The nomination shall include a written description of the candidate's qualifications and worthiness for this high honor. If ratified, the candidates candidate’s qualifications shall be published in the EXPLORER.

ARTICLE 4: OFFICERS §1: The ECP shall elect officers annually, or when a vacancy occurs. The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Chairperson, Editor, and Equipment Chairperson shall hold office for a period of one year. Said year shall run from the close of the December meeting to the end of the following December meeting. Each person is eligible for re-election. §2: The President shall be the presiding officer at club meetings. The President shall appoint a Librarian and Historian from among the active members. He shall in all matters seek to fulfill the wishes of the majority of the members and to advance the aims and objectives of the club. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie. The President shall not enter into any debateed unless the President shall have yielded the chair to the next office in line of succession. The President may suggest legislation to the BOG through a monthly letter to the Vice President or other acting head of the BOG. He shall, at each meeting, read the official minutes from the BOG meetings. If any portion of the club policy suggested by the BOG seems to find disfavor with the membership, the President shall seek to enact the club's wishes into law. §3: The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent and shall be responsible for the speaker and/or program for each meeting. §4: In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President the Vice President shall become President. The office of Vice President shall be filled by election.


§5: The Secretary shall prepare and publish notice, agenda, and minutes of both the BOG and regular club meetings. The Secretary shall maintain an up to date policy record book and perform other duties appropriate to the office. §6: The Treasurer shall keep account of all funds and monetary transactions and club equipment, reporting such when requested at any club meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the distribution of membership cards and maintain a current membership list, applicant file, and provider both to the Editor. §7: The Activities Chairperson shall be responsible for all official field trips. He shall collect pertinent information concerning potential field trips of interest to the membership. The Activities Chairperson shall maintain a list of who whom to notify in case of emergency for each member. §8: The Editor shall be responsible for publication of the EXPLORER, the official club monthly newsletter. §9: The Equipment Chairperson shall maintain control of all club equipment and rent that equipment to the active members at rates determined by the membership. The Equipment Chairperson shall recommend rental changes and procedures to the BOG and shall report inventory and condition to the Treasurer and General Membership at least twice a year.

ARTICLE 5: APPOINTEES §1 The Librarian shall maintain control of all books and files owned by the club, making them conveniently available to the active members. A list of all books and files must be published at least once each calendar year. §2: The Historian shall keep a record of all published club activities and achievement and maintain the club scrapbooks. §3: The Environmental Affairs Chairperson will: a. Coordinate the environmental and conservation activities of the club. b. Chair a voluntary committee or of active members interested in environmental affairs. c. Schedule monthly committee meetings. d. Present timely reports of current environmental issues both at club meetings and through the EXPLORER. §4: Presidential appointments must be confirmed by a majority of the active members present at the meeting immediately following their appointments.

ARTICLE 6: BOARD OF GOVERNORS §1: The members of the Board of Governors shall be the Vice President, Secretary (who shall also serve as the Secretary of the BOG), Treasurer, Activities Director, Editor, Equipment Chairperson and all Flag members in official capacity. §2: The Vice President shall preside at the BOG meetings. The Vice President shall set the dates, place and frequency of such meetings and publish them in the EXPLORER. §3: The Board of Governors shall suggest club policy to the membership through the minutes of its meetings. A majority of the active members present at any club meeting shall be required to amend any policy statements in the BOG minutes. Once the minutes have been presented and amended (if amended), the policy suggestions in the BOG minutes become the official policy of the club. [7]

§4: The BOG shall review applications for membership following the procedure described in Article 3, §32. §5: The BOG shall choose flag members as described in Article 3 §3 part b d. §6: The BOG may request reports from the Chairperson of any committee whenever it is deemed necessary.

ARTICLE 7: ELECTION OF OFFICERS §1: Nomination a. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the October meeting. b. The nominating committee shall present the nominations at the November meeting. c. Nominations from the floor may be made at the November meeting. d. There shall be at least two nominees for each office. §2: Election Procedure a. Elections shall be made by secret ballot at the December meeting, with all offices voted on at the same time. b. A majority of the active members present shall be required to elect an officer. c. The newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the December meeting. ARTICLE 8: COMMITTEES The ECP shall determine its committee structure and composition with the following stipulations: a. Any active member of the club may be appointed to any committee by the President, without membership approval. b. All committee members must be appointed by the President. ARTICLE 9: MEETINGS §1: Regular club meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, except as provided in § 2 of this article. §2: By a majority vote of the active members present at any club meeting the date for any subsequent meeting may be changed.

ARTICLE 10: QUORUM §1: A quorum for the transaction of business at any club meeting shall consist of 10 people or 20% of the active membership, whichever is fewer. §2: A quorum for the transaction of business at any BOG meetings shall be three elected officers of the club.

ARTICLE 11: OFFICIAL ACTIVITIES §1: Field trips shall be designated as official when:


a. The Activities Chairperson sanctions the trip and the trip is led by a trip leader who is an active member. The trip leader shall be appointed or recognized as such by the Activities Director. b. There shall be at least one official field trip per month. All field trips shall be announced in the EXPLORER in advance. §2: All activities other than field trips become official only if sanctioned by a majority of the active members present at any club meting.

ARTICLE 12: DUES §1: Any change in club dues shall be determined by ballot at a general meeting and requires approval by a majority of the active members present. The change in dues applies to the following calendar year and is in effect on all dues collected from the time the change is approved. §2: Dues for the following year must be paid by the start of the December meeting to retain full voting privileges at the December meeting. Those not paid by the December meeting will be dropped from the EXPLORER mailing list. §3: Dues collected will be placed in the general fund.

ARTICLE 13: EXPENDITURES §1: The President with the consent of one of the other officers of the club may spend no more than up to $50.00 in any given month without the consent of the membership. §2: Any expenditures, except as stated in § 1 of the article, must be approved by a majority of the active members present at any club meeting. §3: Monies: a. All money collected from equipment rentals shall be placed in an equipment fund. b. Money from the equipment fund shall not be used for any other purpose than to purchase, store, and properly maintain equipment.

ARTICLE 14: AMENDMENTS §1: Amendments to the Constitution may be adopted at any club meeting by a majority of the active members present, provided that the amendments shall have been presented to the active membership in writing in two consecutive editions of the EXPLORER. §2: Active members may cast absentee ballots with the Secretary prior to any meeting.

ARTICLE 15: CLUB DISSOLUTION §1: In the event of club dissolution all equipment and funds will be donated to a local nonprofit organization (the organization to be determined by the active membership at the time of dissolution) by a majority vote of the active members present at the last club meeting.


AT THE MOVIES: Kukuczka On March 27, a number of ECPers as well as many people from the Polish Cultural Council attended a fine documentary, Kukuczka, about the strong Polish mountaineer who summited all fourteen 8000 meter peaks in just 8 years. It was a fine film, as much about the serious mountaineering of the era - the styles, attitudes, and issues – as about Kukuczka himself. It was interesting to hear the commentary of the filmmaker, Jerzy Porebski (through a translator) and to hear the on-screen comments of great climbers of the era: Reinhold Messner, Kurt Diemberger, Carlos Corsolio, and others, as well as those of Jerzy Kukuczka. It was also interesting to once again see a number of ECPers whom I had not seen for quite a while -- especially to talk with Roger Zionchek who had the opportunity to meet Kukuczka's wife while he was in Poland studying medicine. After watching the documentary at filmmakers, I was inspired to do some research for more information about Kukuczka, and particularly what had happened to end his career and his life during his second climb on Lhotse in 1989. As a guy who trusts gear when others are ready to discard and replace it, I was particularly shocked to read that he died when "his rope snapped." But reading on in Wikipedia, I learned: "Kukuczka died ... Leading ... on a 6 mm secondhand rope he had picked up in a market in Kathmandu (according to Ryszard Pawowski, Kukuczka's climbing partner on the tragic day, the mainsingle rope used by the team was too jammed to be used and the climbers decided to use transport rope instead), the cord either was cut or snapped from a fall, plunging Kukuczka to his death." So it was not just a rope that most would discard but I might use. It was a high risk choice to use a "rope" that I would never choose – but then I would never be in that high risk situation to begin with. Cheers to all those grand adventurers who made that era so glorious. – Phil Sidel


OFFICER REPORTS: ECP Treasurer’s Report March 2012 Total ECP Account Balance as of March 31, 2012: $ 19,282.95. Balances in the various Club funds, as of March 31, are as follows: Bogel Fund: Mike Brown Fund: Equipment Fund: General Fund:

$ $ $ $

9,008.19 919.50 2,437.49 6,917.77

A more detailed breakdown of budget and finances is listed below. (see next page – Ed.) The BoG has decided to accept the Treasurer’s offer to resign given that she has relocated to Colorado. A new Treasurer will be elected at the April General Meeting. The current Treasurer will provide turnover of all files and records at the end of April and can be reached by phone and/or email with questions after that date. I want to thank the Club for the privilege of serving as Treasurer for the past 16 months. Respectfully submitted, Toni Price, Treasurer


2012 Budget ECP Bogel Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Interest Other Bogel Fund Income TOTAL ECP Bogel Fund Revenue


2012 YTD


$14.00 $120.00 $634.00

$195.00 $60.00 $135.00 $1.68 $25.00 $221.68

$12.32 $95.00 $412.32




Other Bogel Fund Expenses (donations) TOTAL ECP Bogel Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over

$200.00 $950.00 $8,786.51

$0.00 $0.00 $8,786.51

$200.00 $950.00





Mike Brown Memorial Fund Revenue Donations & Fundraisers Rock School Mountaineering School Total Mike Brown Fund Revenue

$0.00 $200.00 $260.00 $460.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $200.00 $260.00 $460.00

Mike Brown Memorial Fund Expenses Mike Brown Memorial Grants Total Mike Brown Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over

$0.00 $0.00 $919.50

$0.00 $0.00 $919.50

$0.00 $0.00




$250.00 $200.00 $200.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$250.00 $0.00 $200.00

$300.00 $950.00

$0.00 $0.00

$300.00 $750.00



$0.00 $234.40 $601.82 $836.22 $3,273.71 $2,437.49

$0.00 $565.60 $921.99 $1,487.59

ECP Bogel Fund Expenses Organizational Memberships

TOTAL Mike Brown Equipment Fund ECP Equip Fund Revenue Mountaineering School Backpacking School Rock School Other Equip Fund Income (rentals, etc.) TOTAL ECP Equip Fund Income ECP Equip Fund Expenses Mountaineering School Backpacking School Rock School Ropes Other Equip Fund Expenses TOTAL ECP Equip Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over TOTAL Equipment General Fund ECP General Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Donations and Raffles Events Sales Rock School Mountaineering School Other General Fund Income

$800.00 $1,523.81 $2,323.81 $3,273.71 $1,899.90


$100.00 $0.00 N/A N/A $500.00

$1,080.00 $315.00 $765.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $43.30




$100.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A $456.70

TOTAL ECP General Fund Revenue ECP General Fund Expenses Advertising BOG Supplies Library Meeting Location Roast, August Party Rock School Mountaineering School Web Hosting Membership Events Other General Fund Expenses




$100.00 $180.00 $200.00 $1,300.00 $700.00

$0.00 $83.90 $66.37 $0.00 $632.00 $0.00 $0.00 $114.22 $0.00 $50.00

$100.00 $96.10 $133.63 $1,300.00 $68.00 N/A N/A $185.78 $0.00 $350.00 $2,233.51

N/A N/A $300.00 $400.00

TOTAL ECP General Fund Expenses



Fiscal Year Carry Over



TOTAL General




Environmental Chair’s Report Explorers Club of Pittsburgh Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Mt. Washington Cleanup in Style Rain doesn’t stop our intrepid explorers. Not even overnight torrential downpours! Members of the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh came out in full force on Saturday, March 24, 2012 to safely remove litter from the hillside of Mt. Washington along Grandview Avenue. They were joined by volunteers from the Allegheny Mountain Rescue Group (AMRG) and the Pitt Explorers Club, which in total came to about 50 volunteers. Even Councilwoman Theresa Kail-Smith stopped by to thank everyone for their time and hard work. The ECP’s dedicated stewardship of this site is illustrative of the litter cleaned up. Much of the trash collected was relatively small in size, indicating that the site is no longer a dumping ground for larger items that marred the landscape as recent as ten years ago. The majority of volunteers focused on four zones around the overlooks. A team of AMRG folks targeted a fifth site, the area below the Point of View statue (near Monterey Bay restaurant), and a couple more volunteers even had time to venture towards a site at the far end of Grandview on Republic Street. Talk about efficient cleaners! All told, these wonderful volunteers picked up enough litter to fill 28 bags of trash and 11 bags of recycling! We found some rather interesting castaways during the morning cleanup. Doug Fulton found a big yellow stuffed animal with a Princeton sweatshirt. Other items found included a live shotgun shell, a random trekking pole, kids’ toys, an unopened can of Milwaukee’s Best with an old school pulltab and some old glass bottles. But some may argue the best of the day was still to come—in the way of prizes and incredibly delicious cake. To commemorate this twentieth anniversary cleanup, the club held a contest for Most Unusual Item found, Most Valuable, and Most Pittsburghese. The finders of these items won a bobble head of the infamous Litterbug character! These colorful little buggers are a perfect

decoration for the nightstand, dining room table, or coffee table – serving as an endless reminder to “not be a litterbug!” The lucky winners were: Barry Adams Most Unusual Item: False Teeth in a plastic waterlogged container Heidi Diaz Most Valuable: Vehicle Drive Shaft (was found way deep in the brush) Scott Ross Most Pittsburghese: Port Authority Bus Sign Congratulations, folks! Additional prizes were raffled off, including wicking t-shirts from REI, funky rubber belts with bottle caps, and eclectic purses. After the raffle, we tried out the incredible “hillside” cake. This cake was generously presented to the Explorers Club as a thank you for the club’s 20 year commitment to the Mt. Washington Community. It literally was a hillside made out of cake, complete with climbers on rappel!

photo courtesy of Phil Sidel

All volunteers received a commemorative sticker (below). Special thanks to Tara Powers for coordinating the design and production. Additional thanks go to the Mt. Washington Community Development Corporation, for its support and planning assistance; Nick and Scott Ross for the 2-way radios and East End Brewing bags; John Zolko for bringing an extra table and buckets; Rush Howe for the coffee cambro and moral support; Phil Breidenbach and Phil Sidel and everyone else who took photos to document the day; Pennsylvania Resources Council for donating raffle prizes and composting buckets; Allegheny CleanWays for cleanup supplies and a tent; REI for additional raffle prizes and a tent, and Snyder’s – Lance for donating chips and pretzels. Thanks also to AMRG and the Pitt Outdoors Club for their support as well as the Explorers Club of Pittsburgh for its commitment to the Mt. Washington Community. And of course, big kudos and thanks to my copartner on this cleanup, Karen Kirk. Most importantly; however, thank you to the volunteers who made this day a success. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have such a clean, beautiful hillside in our fair city. Press coverage included: Essential Public Radio (90.5 FM), WPXI-TV, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Photo courtesy of Karen Kirk See more photos from the cleanup: Phil Briedenbach’s blog: http://booksadventuresandlife.blogspot.com/2012/03/20-years-of-mt-washington-clean-ups.html

Phil Sidel’s photos: https://picasaweb.google.com/101010631426792697481/March242012MtWashingtonCleanup?authkey=Gv 1sRgCIOG167jq5nB9wE&feat=email#

Earth Day 2012 Bicycle Parade for Clean Air! The Earth Day 2012 Bicycle Parade and Rally will launch a renewed commitment for Pittsburghers to get out of your car and get on your bike as often as possible. Transportation contributes 28% of the emissions responsible for greenhouse gasses. We are urging everyone to Put Mind in Gear before you turn the ignition: Walk if your destination is within a mile; Bike if it is within 5 miles; take public transportation if it is in range. www.twowheelsnotfour.com -Ginette Walker Vinski

Activities Chair Report Everyone is encouraged to attend this month’s club events: Rock School Kickoff Party, April 18 Spring Fling Bike Ride, April 22nd I am also seeking coordinators for new activities: Slacklining and Frisbee Golf for starters. – Ron Edwards When Apr 14 Sat 6:30, 7:30, 8:30AM

Apr 18 Wed 7pm11pm Apr 21 Sat 8:30 AM

Activity / Description WELCOME to the second running of the Glacier Ridge Trail (GRT) Ultramarathons and Trail Race! The GRT will offer three events to provide participants a choice of distances to match their experience, early-season fitness, and season-long goals – the 30K Trail Run and the 50K and 50 Mile Ultramarathons. Except for a short stretch at the start and near the end, the 30K and 50K events will be entirely on an exceptional single-track trail. In addition to the single-track, the 50 Mile course also includes a section of very runnable, yet very hilly, double-track/fire roads through beautiful hardwood forests. Registration:http://www.glacierridgetrailultra.com/htm l/registration.html Reduced registration fees until March 17th. Rock Climbing School Kickoff Partyhttp://www.pittecp.org/schools/rockclimbing/roc k_climbing.asp John Zolko's residence 3812 School Rd Murrysville, PA 15668 The 2012 Hyner View Challenge is now open for registration! Be a part of 1,000 contestants covering over 16 miles and 4226' in elevation gain. Last year, over 800 completed the course! Online registration:https://www.formstack.com/forms/?10999 95-CvQA1LVI7p If you're not interested in running but would like to volunteer: http://www.hikerun.com/33101.html

Contact, Info Source & Sponsoring Organization Contact: Bob Fargo Sponsor: Other

Contact: http://www.pittecp.org/s chools Sponsor: Contact: Craig Fleming, Race Director Phone: 814-321-8281 Email: [email protected] Sponsor: Other

Apr 21 - 22 Sat 9am

Apr 22 Sun 930am ???

Apr 28 - 29 Sat 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

May 17 - 20

Mid Atlantic Climbers is hosting Rockfest at Rocks State Park, MD, to help the park build and fix some trails on Saturday 4/21/12. In the evening there will be dinner, raffles and entertainment. Sunday is a day for volunteers to have fun and enjoy the park. For all the details: www.midatlanticclimbers.org/events/rockfest.h tml https://www.facebook.com/events/195940743841533/ ?ref=ts Hope you can join us! Sincerely, Chris Irwin President, Mid Atlantic Climbers MD Regional Coordinator, Access Fund Spring Fling road bike ride. The traditional annual kickoff to road riding season and great kick start to MS 150 training. Start from the Schneider's house, BBQ & hot tub to follow after the ride. Bring your bathing suit to wear and a dish to share. Send me an e-mail if interested and I will fill in the details. Venture Outdoors is pleased to host NOLS/WMI Wilderness First Aid on Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, April 29. Join us in the beautiful outdoor setting of Crooked Creek Environmental Learning Center for this internationally recognized course. There are just two spaces remaining and we're doing a final push to close out the class. Saturday, April 28, 2012 - Sunday, April 29, 2012 Wilderness First Aid This 16-hour course in Wilderness First Aid is taught by the Wilderness Medicine Institute of NOLS. The interactive course is designed to provide outdoor enthusiasts, guides and rangers with an introduction to First Aid and patient care in remote settings. Emphasis is placed on principles of treatment and decision-making, not the memorization of lists. All levels of training and experience are welcome. Camping is free. Dorm room lodging is available for $20 per evening. Everyone has access to bathrooms, showers and a full-service kitchen. Location: Crooked Creek Environmental Learning Center Difficulty: Easy Time: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Cost: $240.00 non-member / $220.00 member Dirtfest, Mountainbike Festival, at Raystown Lake, Pa. Motivation for this event is to promote the mountain bicycling community. Mountain bikers each have their own unique and various definitions which create cliques, groups, classes, and styles. While appreciating the intricacies that spawn from the esoteric nature of the sport, there are certain binding ties that are cause to celebrate. For the weekend the aim is to promote an environment of inclusion not based around ability or insanity, but rather hearty spirit for adventure, festivity, and camaraderie. Some great additions for next year: The camping options are being expanded to the 7 Points sites, with showers, electricity and playgrounds.

Contact: Chris Irwin Email: cadaverchris@gmail. com

Sponsor: Other

Contact: Maggie Schneider Email:schneider_maggie@ya hoo.com

Sponsor: Contact: Lora Woodward Phone: 412-255-0564 Sponsor: VO

Contact: Dirt Rag Magazine Phone: (814) 643-7226 Sponsor: Other

May 25 - 28

Houseboat rentals.An expanded demo and exhibit area. A shuttle bus that will accommodate bikes will carry you up the hill or to the 7 Points camping area. Entry fees remain the same! Register for our 2012 Dirt Fest at BikeReg.com. Online Registration Closes on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 11:59 PM ET 16th Annual Outdoor Extravaganza 2012 Memorial Day Weekend It's almost time again for this great event. Sponsored by the Butler Outdoor Club, but members and non-members are welcome. People come from all over to gather together for this fun-filled weekend of activities. Base camp is Breakneck Campground but camping is optional, along with optional meal choices. (This is located near McConnells Mill State Park and Moraine State Park) Activities take place all over with a variety to pick from each day: trail, road and mt. biking, hikes of various levels, canoe and kayak trips on lakes and streams, float raft trip, horseback riding, sailing, nature walks, rock climbing and rappeling. We also have fun workshops such as: Build Your Own Sailboat, Make & Learn to Play a Banjo, Yoga, Birding, Nature Photography, Photo Hike, Wildflowers, Long Distance Hiking/Running and a canoe game called "Dead Fish Polo". We plan canoe & kayak classes. There will be excursions to historical places, bike ride through the railroad history with museum stops, demo with historic oil pump and hike, boat tour of Lake Arthur, and grist mill tours. Don't forget the children. (free registration) We have kids activities programs and family activities. There is something here for everyone! Come for the day or the whole weekend. Activities begin 9:00 AM each day. Leaders and Instructors meet you at the campground where trip signs are set up in the campground field. They will get your group together, set up car pools, if needed, and off you go for the day! There are also AM and PM activities, but everything leaves from the campground. A few activities may take place at the campground. Friday night is a Weiner/Roast picnic, followed by evening entertainment. Sat. night is a Pig Roast, followed by evening entertainment. (Sunday night dinner and entertainment as well.) There will also be a Gear Exchange Flea Market throughout the weekend, so you may want to clean out your attic to sale or trade something you find. If you know an outfitter or outdoor store that may want to get involved, let them know. Go to the Extravaganza website for details and to register. It's best to do this asap because activities may fill up, and you don't want to be disappointed! There is also a discount for Earlybird Registration before April 15. (Late fee after May 15.) www.outdoorextravaganza.org (Use Internet Explorer because Registration Form will not work with

Contact: Joyce Appel Phone: 724-526-5407 Email: joyceappel@windst ream.net Sponsor: BOC

May 26 - 28

other browsers.) Questions: Contact Joyce Appel 724526-5407 or [email protected] Gunks trip! Multi-pitch traditional rock climbing in one of the premier areas on the east coast. The Gunks are very beginner leader friendly with more moderate climbs than any other place in the country. Accessing the climbs is extremely easy and the town of New Paltz has some great after-climb pubs. We will be camping at Creekview Campsites which is in the town of Rosendale NY. Camping is $10/day. Climbing fee is $17/day or $90/12 months. Experience required.

Contact: Shane Shin Email: shanesikshin@gmail. com


Welcome New Members! The following new members will be voted in at the April General Member Meeting. I am unable to make it to the meeting this month, so I am counting on the members present to be extra welcoming to these enthusiastic applicants, many of whom have applied to ECP's Rock School! We have never had so many applicants for rock school, and unfortunately acceptance numbers are limited. This ensures both the best possible experience for the students and a manageable group size for the instructors and volunteers. Nevertheless, I encourage all new members to attend as many fun ECP activities as possible and take advantage of the benefits of being an ECP member. To those new members that were not accepted to the school, we look forward to your involvement in our community of outdoor enthusiasts this year and wish you all better luck next year! In the list below, new members are listed with '*' annotations for the new rock school students. Please join me in welcoming this group of new members!!

–Michelle Najera, Membership Chair Kristi Amundson** Michelle Brinsko* Krystal Clark* Courtney Ehrlichman* Robert Finkbeiner** Ed Gleeson Brian Hart Lindsay Hastings* Emily Kowalsky Megan Landfried** Kelly Merritt Subhodeep Moitra* Carissa Nolla** Christina O'Donnell Corey Rethage David Szwak** *new rock school student **waitlisted rock school applicant

Library News- April The ECP Library has gotten some new treasures for you to look at and to read. We had 2 books donated to us last month along with 3 new books and 3 new movies.

We’ll start with the books: Pecked to Death by Ducks, by Tim Cahill. A donated book, it takes us along with Tim from the wastes of Antarctica to the blazing oil fields of Kuwait, from an evening of demonic possession in Bali to a session on Guatemala’s Throne of Terror, this book is a grand tour of the earth’s remote, exotic and dismal places conducted with irresistible aplomb by a master of high (and low) adventure.

The Challenge of Rainier, by Dee Molenaar. (Donated by Nick Ross) This book explores the history of Mt. Rainier, the explorations, the ascents, the triumphs and the tragedies on the greatest mountain in the northwest. The author is a former summit guide and a Park Ranger in Mount Rainier National Park. He has been to Rainiers summit over 50 times, including 3 “firsts”. The book gives a complete documentation of the significant events in the climbing history of Mount Rainier, updated through 1979. If you’re thinking about a future trip there, have already been there or just interested in the mountain itself this will make a good book to browse through to get yourself pumped up again, possibly for your own trip to “The Mountain”. Vagabonding, by Rolf Potts This is an uncommon guide to the art of longterm world travel. Rolf says that vagabonding is all about taking time off from your normal life, from 6 weeks to four years, to discover and experience the world on your own terms. He shows how anyone armed with an independent spirit can achieve the dream of extended overseas travel. This book discusses how to finance your travel time, how to determine your destination, how to adjust to life on the road, what to do in emergencies, how to work or volunteer while you’re traveling and a real important concern, how to re-assimilate back into your ordinary life. If you’ve ever thought about hitting the road, on your own, take a glance at this book, who knows what might come out of it…. Rock Climbing Anchors- A Comprehensive Guide, by Craig Luebben. Over 300 photos show the proper ways to place gear and to rig anchors, learning exercises are included to help you learn key skills. Whether you are into top roping, rappelling, mountaineering, sport or trad climbing, this book can help you out. The author is a rock climbing guide and instructor, not to mention the author of several climbing books and a senior contributing editor for Climbing Magazine.

A Mile in Her Boots- Women Who Work in the Wild, Edited by Jennifer Bov´e. Over 30 stories of women who are employed as pilots, park rangers, smokejumpers and field researchers. These are women who have proved their courage and stamina in tackling jobs that are outside the norm, proving to themselves and others that they have what it takes to do something that most people wouldn’t even think of. Some short, some long, some touching and some making a point, all seem to be good stories, see if you think so…

Now, for the movies: The Art of Travel, a fictional tale about a young man who when finding out his fiancé is cheating on him, dumps her at the altar and takes off on his honeymoon solo. Heading down into South America, he spends his first night cringing from the sounds of gunshots and is robbed of his money. Things get better as he continues on. He meets a friendly couple that is planning on crossing the Darian Gap, a 100 mile stretch of jungle that separates Panama and Columbia, hoping to break the existing time record. In the process, he finds a purpose for his life and gets a little more of an adventure than he anticipated.

A Map for Saturday is a documentary by Brook Silva-Braga, about backpacking around the world. On a trip around the world, every day feels like Saturday. A Map for Saturday reveals a world of long term, solo travel through the stories of trekkers in 20 countries on 4 continents. The documentary explains why Nepal’s guest houses are empty and why Brazil’s stoplights are ignored among other things. But at its core, it tracks the emotional arc of extreme long term travelers. It shows teenagers to senior citizens who wondered, “What would it be like to travel the world?” and then did it. A very good movie! And finally, last but not least, Vertical Limit, the fictional story of a brother who risks it all to save his sister who is trapped on K2 by both a storm AND a fall into a crevasse. We are treated to some great scenery, (It was filmed on Mt. Cook in New Zealand) avalanches, lots of falls, flying leaps across wide couloirs and a couple big explosions to top it all off. After watching this movie, I learnt to never take old nitro glycerin with me when I climb mountains! It is a fun movie to watch, just don’t expect to learn much about mountaineering.

All of these items are yours for the asking. A small deposit, returned when the book/DVD is returned is all that’s needed. As always, suggestions for additional purchases are always welcome, as are donations from your own collection. Give me a call or drop me an e-mail if you’d like to borrow something! Phil Breidenbach, Club Librarian (412) 486-1450 [email protected]

Meeting Minutes

– Phil & Irene Sidel

ECP GENERAL MEETING MARCH 8, 2012 @ The Union Project, 801 North Negley Avenue President Rush Howe opened the meeting ~ 7:45 PM Welcomed Members, Guests, Visitors and New Membership Candidates OFFICERS' REPORTS President, Rush Howe - reported that he was present. VP – Bill Baxter – Not present; No Report Secretary, Phil Sidel – Reported that he, with Irene's assistance, would prepare draft of minutes within a few days of each meeting. The draft is sent to the BOG list-serve for review, corrections, and comments. Any member wishing to review the draft minutes can request a copy by emailing Phil. His email address is posted on the website. Phil then read the minutes of the February BOG minutes; they were posted on the screen as he read them. Prior to reading the BOG minutes, Phil explained at length that they were read for members to consider, question, discuss, and approve of not approve the actions of the BOG. In Phil's reading of the BOG decision to poll the membership about organizational memberships and donations, Rush explained what those donations and memberships were and why ECP members' input was needed in deciding which organizations to support. At the conclusion of reading of the minutes, there was no further discussion of them. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the minutes be approved as read. Activities Chairman, Ron Edwards – reported Mt. Washington Cleanup - 20th Anniversary – March 24th. Due to weather, there was no family/beginner skiing session this season. He will schedule one for September Rock Climbing School will have Kickoff on April 16th. Tuesday classes will be held at the NY school in McKee's Rocks. Seneca climbing for women - “Chicks With Nuts” in June and 3rd Annual Seneca Summit. Red Rocks trip is planned for October Beginners' Sailing Clinic – Probably on Lake Moraine Kayaking classes of various kinds were mentioned; Contact Barry Adams about White-water classes, including an up coming outdoor “roll-class.” Rush - ~30mile Road Bike trip in North Park

Star Programs and Parties – Phil Breidenbach reported that there would be an extensive “star program” at Carnegie Science Center on March 24 and 25. There will also be the first spring/summer “Star Party” at Wagman Observatory near Deer Lake. Rush announced Regular Dances at the Edgewood Club – ECPers are frequent attendees, and there may be a special ECP night with something like half-price for ECP members to encourage ECP participation. Treasurer, Toni Price – Not Present – No Report Gear Chairperson, Paul Guarino – Not Present, but equipment issues were discussed. Rush reported that we have a lot of new static rope (including a large length donated by John Zolko) This raises the question of whether we should purchase more even though we have a standing “policy” to purchase 2 new ropes (a static and a dynamic) each year as replacements of ropes that become too old or worn. Sam Taggart move and Phil Sidel seconded that: The decision on rope purchases this year be left to the discretion of the Equipment Chairman. Motion Passed. A new slackline has been purchased. Rush explained what a slackline is. Michelle and Megan reported on the first use of the slackline at a slackline event in Schenley Plaza this past weekend. The club has three avalanche beacons. They never go out. The pros and cons of Avalanche Beacons vis-a-vis SPOTS (a subscription system) were discussed. No motions nor proposals were made. APPOINTEES REPORTS Environmental Chairperson – Ginette Vinski Reported on the planned 20th Annual Mt. Washington Cleanup March 24 There are to be prizes for certain kinds of trash recovery; there will also be a “Litter Bug” in costume – a candidate to wear the costume and cheer on the clean-up crews are needed. There may be another cheerleader costume to be worn and used. Commemorative gifts for participants are also planned. Ginette indicated the other organizations that would be participating with ECP on this. Ginette asked that those planning to participate RSVP to her to facilitate planning. She asked how many at the meeting would participate – There was a good showing of raised hands. On Saturday March 31 we are asked to help with another Pittsburgh cleanup – this one on Negley Run Blvd. and sponsored by the East Liberty Association. Contact Ginette if you will participate. Membership Chairperson Michelle Najera The Kotwicas were recommended for membership by the BOG. It was moved, seconded, and approved that they be accepted for membership in ECP. They were not present this evening. Mountaineering School Report – Dave Martin Phenomenal Year – Felix and Eric Kicked Butt – Lots of People helped out. Rock School Report Deadline for applications is March 31st. Rush raised the question of whether we should have insurance for our schools and other activities. (It had been suggested to him and he felt it would be good to have). Pros and Cons of Insurance were discussed: It is recommended by lawyers. It is officially required for the use of some facilities: Lack of insurance may be the reason we can no longer use Fox Chapel Gym for classes

If we properly register for classes we give at McConnell's we have to prove we are insured. If we have insurance, people are more likely to sue us. Insurers put limitations on what we can do under coverage Insurance is not cheap, and especially when we do “life-threatening” activities – Nothing 200 years to restore the bat population.

Minutes – BOG Meeting – March 12, 2012 Meeting held at Judith Scanlon's house – 1012 Morningside Ave. Attendees: Bill Baxter, Judith Scanlon, Ron Edwards, Phil Sidel Tony Vinski, Tina Costillo, Michelle Najera, Irene Sidel PART – 1 – Web Committee Report and Presentation – 7:45pm to ~8:30 New Website test setup links to everything on home page Members can log in, have read access to most pages BOG members will have write access to pages as needed There will be place for comments about certain areas. Sign-in procedures – Member can sign-in, get temporary passwords Each member can see & edit their own profile. BOG members can see all profiles. Profiles include emergency contacts. Committee is considering adding activity interests to profiles. GEAR and LIBRARY TABLES Will be searchable; some standard search classifications will be presented. Should these tables be open to members-only?? ACTIVITIES LISTINGS Only ECP sponsored events will be listed on home page, Pictures posted by approval. Activities calendar will be in calendar format. Members can submit events for inclusion, but Activities Chairperson will control what gets in. TRIP REPORTS There will be opportunity for posting trip reports, and members will be encouraged to do so. Website posting of Newsletter trip-reports was discussed. PayPal – Not currently included SCHOOLS – Will link to Mountaineering School's Website; Other School pages will be public. Content management by “BOG” group (including committee chairs & directors)

COSTS & IMPLEMENTATION Based on email from Tom George (costs of Current Site + LINUX GoDaddy Site is ~$7/mo for each), Consensus was to follow Tom's suggestions, authorizing him to set up the new site on the GoDaddy LINUX server as soon as possible, then run the two sites in parallel while the structure and content are being transferred and the first few months until we are confident the new site is running smoothly. Current webhosting balance ($186) would cover this. Tina and Tony reported that they could transfer to a GoDaddy LINUX site before the May General Meeting. PART – 2 – Other Business (opened at 9:00) OFFICERS' REPORTS VP - Bill Baxter – Next Slide Show (April) will be Tom George Slide show on Nepal Trip. May Meeting – Rush – Bike Maintenance Clinic ????? Activities - Ron Edwards – Upcoming Activities and Events Searching for Rock Climbing Coordinator Check on-line Activities Calendar for upcoming events Michelle reported on Slack-lining event last weekend. – relating to Pgh Slack-Line Grp. Treasurer - Toni Price Fund Balances are: Bogel Fund $8864 Mike Brown Fund $920 Equipment $2672 General $6226 “The Treasurer has decided to remain in Colorado for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the BoG is asked to consider whether this Treasurer should serve out her remaining term or whether the BoG would like to solicit candidate(s) to replace the Treasurer for the rest of 2012.” Moved, Seconded, Motion Passed that we look for a new treasurer to finish out the year. post a request on the listserv for volunteer candidates.

We will

Secretary - Phil Sidel – Asked to be notified of Agenda Topics – Blank agenda on Google Docs; Let people enter items Equipment Chairperson – Paul Guarino (Not Present) Discussion of pricing of AV beacons. Moved, Seconded, “that we abide by the decision of the committee (Paul, Brian, Ron – anyone else?) on pricing of gear items”. They should have a report ready for the next BOG meeting. Motion passed. APPOINTEE REPORTS Membership Chair – Michelle Najera We have 16 applications (one of which has not yet paid dues) Names of applicants listed below.

Moved, seconded and passed that we approve and recommend all 15 completed Amundson, Kristi Brinsko, Michelle Clark, Krystal, Guarino, Paul - Family Ehrlichman, Courtney Finkbeiner, Robert & Colin - Family Gleeson, Ed (Dues to be paid) Hart, Brian Hastings, Lindsay

Kowalsky, Emily Landfried, Megan Merritt, Kellie Moitra, Subhodeep Nolla, Carussa & Adam Rosenblum-Fam Odonnell, Christine Rethage, Corey Szwak, David

applications and the 16th pending payment and waiver signatures. Will contact Schenley Park about availability/suitability of meeting place for May General Meeting. NEW BUSINESS Membership cards – Bill Baxter recommended that new applicants and renewals be given cards when they apply/pay dues (not wait until they are formally elected). Applicants can include stamped addressed envelope if they mail in dues and don't get to meetings. Bill Baxter also recommended that Membership Chairperson should be an official BOG member. However, that would require a Constitutional amendment. April BOG meeting will be at Ron Edwards' house 107 Greyfriar Dr., Pittsburgh, PA, 15215 Meeting adjourned: 9:42 PM

ECP Officers President

Rush Howe

[email protected] 412 983-5256

Vice President

Bill Baxter

[email protected] 412 926-8261



[email protected]


Phil Sidel

[email protected] 412 521-9570


Ron Edwards

[email protected] 412 327-2084


Judith Scanlon

[email protected] 412 414-4372

Equipment chair

Paul Guarino

[email protected] 585 727-1258 Appointees


Ginette Walker Vinski

[email protected] 412 366-4925 [email protected] 412 521-9570


Phil Sidel


Phil Breidenbach

[email protected] 412 486-1450


Tom George


Michelle Najera

[email protected] 412 831-4711 [email protected] 619 813-3444