Assessment of groundwater potential zonation of

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Sep 8, 2017 - Colvin C, le Maitre D, Hughes S (2002) Assessing terrestrial groundwater dependent ecosystems in South Africa. WRC report no. 1090–2/2/03, ...
Assessment of groundwater potential zonation of Mahesh River basin Akola and Buldhana districts, Maharashtra, India using remote sensing and GIS techniques Chaitanya B. Pande, S. F. R. Khadri, Kanak N. Moharir & R. S. Patode

Sustainable Water Resources Management ISSN 2363-5037 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. DOI 10.1007/s40899-017-0193-5

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Author's personal copy Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. DOI 10.1007/s40899-017-0193-5


Assessment of groundwater potential zonation of Mahesh River basin Akola and Buldhana districts, Maharashtra, India using remote sensing and GIS techniques Chaitanya B. Pande1 • S. F. R. Khadri2 • Kanak N. Moharir2 • R. S. Patode1

Received: 28 June 2015 / Accepted: 8 September 2017 Ó Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract The identification of suitable groundwater potential zonation was prepared using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Drainage pattern map were generated from satellite images using Arc GIS software. This study area was demarcated the groundwater exploration sites and artificial recharges structure with help of groundwater potential zonation map. The assessment of groundwater potential zonation was generated by integrated data like Slope, Hydro-geomorphic, land use/land cover, digital elevation maps with the help of remote sensing, GIS techniques and field verification. The Geomorphology, Land use and Land cover maps were prepared from Linear Self Imagine Scanning Sensor (LISS-III) satellite images with 23.5 m resolution using Arc GIS 10.3 software. The different kinds of thematic maps were integrated for assessment of groundwater potential zonation in basaltic hard rock terrain. These thematic maps of classes assigned weight ages using overlay analysis method. The groundwater potential zonation map was prepared using thematic maps for groundwater development. These thematic maps were assign numerical values like 1–10 using Arc GIS software 10.3. The groundwater potential zone classes has been shown like poor, moderate, good and excellent, which can be utilized for new sites of groundwater exploration and artificial recharges structures. The artificial recharge map generated from groundwater potential zonation using remote sensing and GIS technology. The groundwater & Chaitanya B. Pande [email protected] 1

AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India


Department of Geology, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati, MS, India

potential zonation and artificial recharge maps may be useful for soil and water conservation project, watershed development programs and groundwater resources management in basaltic rock area. Keywords GIS  Remote sensing  Groundwater and hydrology

Introduction Groundwater is the main source of drinking water, irrigation and industry all over the world. The different perspectives of groundwater studies were done by many researchers based on their purpose; particularly researchers do their studies on physical and chemical properties of groundwater to find out the quality parameters (Ranjana et al. 2009; Shiklomanov 1993). The data of fluctuation studies of groundwater level has been found using temporal groundwater level (Vijay Kumar and Rema Devi 2006). The study of groundwater analysis of groundwater suitability zone using geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) techniques (Javed and Wani 2009). The same problem is faced by all countries related to groundwater demand. It has been increased due to fast growth of urbanization, industrialization and agricultural development (Choudhary et al. 1996; UNESCO 2006, Treidel et al. 2012; Majumder and Sivaramakrishnan 2014). Groundwater is one of the most vital natural resource and the largest available source of fresh water on earth (Sharma and Kujur 2012; Neelakantan and Yuvaraj 2012; Kumar 2013, Rokade et al. 2004; Kumar and Kumar 2011). Regardless of the appraisal technique employed and the valuation of groundwater recharge depends on the


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integration of groundwater and hydrology data like topography, precipitation, groundwater depth, geology and hydraulic characteristics (Alley et al. 1999; Carver 1991; Thomas et al. 1999). Geographic information system and remote sensing technology has been helpful for delineating the groundwater prospective zones. These thematic maps were used for suggesting activity of groundwater recharge and groundwater development. Geographic information system was recognized to be a comparatively new, powerful tool for excellent quantifying groundwater aquifer in basaltic hard rock terrain (Cherkauer 2004; Baker et al. 2003). Geographic modeling framework calculated by groundwater potential zones by integrating remote sensing and GIS technology (Corwin and Loague 1996; Minor et al. 2007; Murray et al. 2003). Groundwater model was developed and commonly useful tool for groundwater recharge of basaltic hard rocks to achieve various tasks regarding groundwater development and management with the help of MODFLOW software and GIS integration method. The rapid increase of computing power of PCs and availability of user friendly modeling systems has made it possible to simulate largescale regional groundwater systems (Khadri and Pande 2016). Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are mostly significant in determining the extent of limits that are essential to be located upon the abstraction of groundwater (Mu¨nch and Conrad 2007). The varying degrees of groundwater dependency are likely to increase aridity of the associated environment (Hatton and Evans 1998; Colvin et al. 2002). The study area was lead to increase in the demand of water supply which is mostly from exploitation of groundwater resources. It is, therefore, necessary to develop sustainable groundwater management plan to properly utilize vital resources, which is necessary for delineation of groundwater potential zones map using remote sensing data. The groundwater potential zones were divided into four classes like poor, moderate, good and excellent based on the groundwater availability in Mahesh River basin with the help of different thematic layers.

Study area The Mahesh River basin is located between 76°460 1100 E and longitude 20°400 3600 N latitude at Akola and Buldhana districts in Maharashtra, India, The study area was covered by survey of India toposheets no. 55D/9, 55D/7, 55D/11, 55D/13, 55D/14 and 55 D/15 (Fig. 1). The Mahesh River basin is a major tributary of the Mun River that lies towards the western and southern part at Akola and Buldhana districts. The total area calculated was 328.25 km2. This study


area was occupied by alluvium zone and basalts hard rocks area. The Ajanta hill ranges were surrounded in the Buldhana district and to river slope towards western region of Akola district. The starting part of Akola district is storage zone for groundwater development, whereas western part was covered by undulating topography, this area is very high to the runoff zone and recharge zone in the Mahesh River basin area. Therefore, three types of formations have been identified during rock sampling of study area and geological maps were collected from Geological Survey of India, Nagpur (GSI). The annual rainfall 800–1200 mm was observed by Dr. PDKV, Akola.

Materials and methods Thematic layers were prepared from Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-P6) with Linear Imagine Self Scanning Sensor (LISS-III) and satellite data (23.5 m). The satellite images were rectified by Arc GIS 10.3 software and these images converted to false color composite (FCC) using ERDAS imagine software. The survey of India topographical maps were referred for base, drainage, contour and terrain analysis maps with the help of remote sensing and GIS technology. The groundwater level data was collected using water-level indicator. Groundwater level maps were prepared using interpolation method. The artificial recharge and groundwater potential zonation maps were generated using thematic layers and GIS software. The geological map was prepared from satellite image and field verification using visual interpretation techniques.

Thematic layers These thematic layers were prepared for groundwater potential zonation sites of groundwater water development and management at basaltic hard area. The thematic maps were generated like land use and land cover, slope, hydrogeomorphology and digital elevation model maps using remote sensing and GIS technology. This study weighted overlay analysis method was compared with manual calculation for groundwater prospective zones mapping and suggesting artificial recharging structures in Mahesh River basin.

Results and discussion Geology Geology is more important factor for groundwater resources management and development. During image

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Fig. 1 Location map of study area (sources survey of India)

interpretation and field verification we observed alluvial deposit and hard rocks in northern side at Mahesh River basin. It shows graded pattern, older clay silt and coarse sand grading upward into fine sand silt, clay and the basaltic lava flows and younger alluvium part was identified using satellite image interpretation and ground verification. Therefore, eleven basaltic lava flows were identified during collection of rock sample and stratigraphic analysis. The alluvial deposits are basically derived from the disintegration and decomposition of the basaltic rocks. In this basin, some parts are covered by outcropped while in other places there is presence of underlain weathered formation as shown in lithology. It is weathered and fractured zone, which are favourable sites for groundwater zones in basaltic hard rocks. In this study, maximum area is covered by hard rock terrain. Three types of formations were observed like Atali, Lokhanda and Amdapur using correlation of rock sampling and stratigraphic analysis (Fig. 2). Stratigraphy of ‘Atali’ formation The ‘Atali’ formation is the second largest formation. This formation comprises six basaltic flows. The lowermost flow is aphyric to plagioclase microphyric basalt inbetween (CT2) which is overlain by fine-grained, aphyric, amygdaloidal basalt (CT2). This formation is observed in fine-grained

plagioclase-mafic micro phyric basalt (CT2). The fourth flow of this formation is medium grained, compact, massive, mafic phyric (CT3). The fifth flow of this formation Medium grained massive, plagioclase phyric basalt. The top most flow of the formation is coarse grained, compact, massive, mafic phyric basalt (CT3). This flow acts as marker horizon with distinct physiographic break. The middle two flows are of compound nature and are sparsely porphyritic to moderately porphyritic and show presences of layered tuffs. The lowermost flow is a simple type of flow sparsely porphyritic in nature. The thickness of Atali Formation is up to 25 m. This Formation consists of six flows, which are characterized by the presence of fine grained, Plagioclase mafic phyric flow with highly porphyritic Giant phenocryst basalt (GPB) at top (Fig. 2). Stratigraphy of Lokhanda formation The Lokhanda formation comprise of second largest region in the study area well exposed in the south-western and north-western parts of the basin. The Lokhanda formation comprises various lava flows which can be grouped into various chemical types namely CT1, CT2 showing compound and simple nature. These flows are characterized by the presence of aphyric to moderately porphyritic in nature. These flows show pinching and swelling effects at places (Fig. 2).


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Stratigraphy of Amdapur formation The Amdapur formation is exposed in the western to south margin of the basin. The flows are characterized by the presence of fine-to-medium grained, massive lava flows with moderately prophyritic nature. These flows show well-developed fragmentary top, impersistent clinkary bottom and with rare columnar joints. The remaining flows show moderately prophyritic characters. This formation is characterized by the presence of two different lava flows which can be divided into different CTs such a CT1 and CT3. Drainage system Drainage pattern is one of the most important indicators of hydrogeological features. It has been controlled by underlying lithology and soil erosion. The drainage patterns and textures were shown from aerial photographs/satellite imageries in GIS domain. The indicators of different landform and bedrock types depend on the various suitable locations like soil and water characteristics and drainage condition. In addition, the stream pattern is a reflection of the rate at which precipitation infiltrates in comparison with the surface runoff. The infiltration/runoff relationship was controlled largely by

permeability, which is, in turn, a function of the type and fracturing of the underlying rock or surface bedrock. When comparing two terrain types, the one that contains the largest drainage density is usually less permeable. The drainage network map was generated from SRTM data with the reference to toposheets using Arc Hydro Tools. In this study, two types of dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage patterns were found by drainage network map and satellite images. Hydro-geomorphology The hydro-geomorphology landform denotes the structure, process and stage on the earth surface features. In such a broader sense, the knowledge of landforms provides the indications for the evaluation of groundwater potential zones map and artificial recharge structures. The basaltic rocks were observed and analysis for experiencing subtropical or tropical monsoon climate zones and dry spells. The storage capacity of the rock formations depends on the porosity of the basaltic rock for groundwater resource management. The occurrence of groundwater depends on the storage capacity in the good aquifer zones. The framework which groundwater occurs has varied for basaltic rock types like Vesicular basalt, Massive basalt and Compact basalt, their structural deformation and

Fig. 2 Geology cross (correlation) diagram of the different lava flows and formation exposed in the area


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Fig. 3 Hydro-geomorphic zone map from LISS-III satellite images

geomorphic history as complex as that of the balance among the lithological, structural and geomorphic parameters using field survey and satellite images. These integrated lithological, structural and geomorphic units were treated as homogenous areas with respect to the hydrogeological properties (Fig. 3). During the process of integration layers are made favourable zones by adjusting the boundaries (Table 1). Geomorphological and environmental changes were involved in a series of different stages like field-work, observation well data and digitizing features on the earth surface for groundwater development on the basis of satellite images (Indian Remote Sensing–Linear Imagine Self Scanning Sensor), topographic sheet (Survey of India scale 1:50,000) and geological map (Geological Survey of

India. scale: 1:2,50,000). Whole GIS database were developed and updated to derive from satellite images. The geomorphological landforms were observed from satellite images by visual interpretation element. The sand and gravel beds have been high degree of Porosity and Table 1 Hydro-geomorphology area classes and area covered Geomorphic Unit Moderate Moderately Dissected

Area (km2)






113.11 38.93

34.45 11.85




Total area



Slightly dissected Undissected


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Fig. 4 Geomorphology map from LISS-III satellite images

Permeability. The Mahesh River basin is the major waterbearing formation and it has found of patches along with nala cuttings. These geological formations have higher porosity, permeability and appreciable yield. The crop yield of dug wells in the alluvium soils depends upon the thickness of granular zone (which is near about 5–7 m) as well as sand/clay ratio, composition and nature of packing. The eastern part of the basin was older and younger alluvium. Therefore, five classes of hydro-geomorphology parameters was identified like alluvial plain, plateau top, upper plateau built-up land and water body with the help of remote sensing and GIS technology (Fig. 4).

Land use and land cover mapping The land use and land cover map was derived from satellite imagery using visual interpretation technique. This map has been used for groundwater development and


suitable site of groundwater exploration in basaltic rocks. The land use demarcation from polygons on the basis of color, tone, texture, patterns, etc. was used during land use and land cover mapping. The field-work phase was used for classification of land use and land cover types of polygons during field survey using GPS instrument. During field survey, land degradation processes and groundwater recharge activity of the basaltic hard rocks area was identified. These land use and land cover map was directed effect on observation and socio-environmental changes. It is one of the aspects affecting groundwater occurrence and availability of aquifer identification. These five classes like agriculture land, waste land, forest land, built-up land and water body were identified from satellite images using remote sensing and GIS technology. Land use and land cover map is an important component to understand global land use status for groundwater development in basaltic rocks. It shows the past status of the earth surface. Nowadays, land use analysis plays an important role

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Fig. 5 Land use/land cover map of Mahesh River basin

in the field of environmental impact and natural resource management. Land use/land cover (LULC) changes are major issues for global environment change and which effects on groundwater recharge. The mapped categories were varying from map sheet to map sheet depending on ground conditions. Figure 5 shows agricultural land and most of the land is under crop cultivation, the southern part of the basin is covered by reserved forest, north and eastern part of the basin was covered by waste land like open scrub, scrub land, fallow land and barrier land. Considering the above facts, overlay weighted values were assigned at land use and land cover classes (Table 2). The overall land use and land cover map is 72% accurate and Kappa accuracy is 70%.

Slope Slope analysis is important factor for groundwater potential zone mapping and watershed management. Slope map was generated from digital elevation model data with the help of Arc GIS 10.3 software. The slope having lowest and highest values ranges from 0–5 to 10%. Slope map plays a very important role for determining

Table 2 Show of land use/land cover classes and area covered Land use classes

Area (km2)

Area (%)









Forest Built-up land



Water body





Total area

infiltration viz. runoff relation to groundwater analysis (Fig. 6). Infiltration rate is inversely related to slope, i.e., gentler and higher is infiltration and less runoff and vice versa. Slope elements were controlled by the climate changes and morphogenic processes having the rock of varying resistance and geological formation. An understanding of slope distribution is essential as a slope map provides data for planning, settlement, mechanization of agriculture, deforestation, planning of engineering structures and conservation practices using GIS and remote sensing data. Slope values like 1–3, 10–15, 15–35, 3–5 and 5–10% were calculated from digital elevation model using Arc hydro tools in GIS environment.


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Fig. 6 Slope map of Mahesh River basin

Digital elevation model The Shuttle Radar Terrain Mission (SRTM) data is critical for performing geometric and radiometric corrections in the basaltic hard rock terrain analysis using remote sensing technology. This technology allows the contour lines and terrain models were prepared through digital elevation model. Geomorphic and morphotectonic units were measured of landscape different parameters like geological, geo-metrical, geomorphologic, structural lithological, climatic and environmental factors for groundwater potential zones and suitable artificial recharging maps. These landforms analysis was involved due to various geomorphic processes like erosion, deposition, faulting up liftment, tilting and peniplaination. The digital elevation model map


was prepared from SRTM data using spatial analysis tools in GIS system. It shows different elevations zones along with low-lying plains are depicted in Fig. 7.

Groundwater level analysis Groundwater level analysis is most important aspect for groundwater prospects and artificial recharge structures maps in Mahesh River basin. In this study area, observation wells were located using Arc GIS 10.3 software and GPS instrument. The groundwater level was monitored from observation wells during pre-post monsoon seasons for delineating groundwater potential zones and

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Fig. 7 Digital elevation model map of Mahesh River basin

suitable artificial recharge structures. In this operation different types of observation wells like open, dug and bore wells were used for domestic, agricultural, irrigation purposes and other sector. The groundwater level changes were measured from 35 observation wells using water level indicator. During field survey observation of wells, dimensions and depth of static water level data were collected (Table 3). The groundwater level map is most important factor for groundwater analysis using GIS software (Fig. 8). The point layer data was created for groundwater level mapping using interpolation method. The observation well level data including the assigned well numbers were stored with attribute data in the point layer. This groundwater level data has processed and generated for groundwater level changes maps using Arc GIS software 10.3. The groundwater level analysis was carried out using inverse distance weighted method (IDW). The groundwater level map may be useful analysis of groundwater changes in basaltic hard area. This

groundwater level map was observed lowest and highest values such as 6.1–17 m.

Data analysis Geo-spatial factors like land use/land cover, slope morphometry, Hydro-geomorphology, DEM and groundwater level maps has been prepared, and it played a significant roles for demarcating groundwater potential zones map and artificial recharge structures with the help of remote sensing and GIS technology (Kumar and Kumar 2011). Individual classes in each thematic map are analyzed so as to establish their relation in selecting suitable areas for groundwater regime and management. During weighted values were assigned for each class in such manner that less weightage values represents the least influence and more weightage having higher influence value. The


Author's personal copy Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Table 3 Showing depth of groundwater data in the Mahesh River basin Well no.

Village name


Nature of water-bearing horizon

Diameter (m)

Depth of groundwater level (m)














Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt




Hingna Umra

Deccan basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt




Deccan basalt

Vesicular basalt



7 8

Koregaon BK Hingna

Deccan Basalt Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt Fractured massive basalt

3 1.78

11.2 7.5



Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Jointed massive basalt





Deccan Basalt

Fractured massive basalt




Umra Atali

Deccan basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt





Deccan Basalt

Weathered jointed massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Spheroidal weathered massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Weathered jointed massive basalt




Deccan basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt





Deccan basalt

Massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt





Deccan basalt

Slightly jointed massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt



22 23

Kinhi Pimpri

Deccan basalt Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt Fractured massive basalt

6.85 4.58

12.4 8.7



Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Slightly jointed massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Weathered jointed massive basalt





Deccan Basalt

Weathered jointed massive basalt





Deccan Basalt

Weathered vesicular basalt





Deccan basalt

Spheroidal weathered vesicular basalt




Palshi Kh

Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt




Palsi Bk

Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Fractured massive basalt





Deccan basalt

Slightly jointed massive basalt



assignment of weightage values for the different categories within a parameter was done in accordance to their assumed or expected importance based on the a priori knowledge of the experts (Neelakantan and Yuvaraj 2012; Krishna Murthy and Renuka Prasad 2014). All the thematic layers were integrated in GIS system. To derive the groundwater potential map for groundwater resource development and management in the basaltic hard rock area. Groundwater mapping schemes of giving weightages for each class may be used for groundwater planning and demarcation of groundwater exploration for various





purposes, such as, irrigation, drinking and industrial development using GIS data (Table 4).

Groundwater potential zonation map The groundwater potential map was shown different classes like excellent, good, moderate and poor zones. This groundwater potential zonation map was demarcated using GIS data and overlay analysis method. It was based on the integrated data, which play major role in

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Fig. 8 Depth of water level map using inverse distance weighted (IDW-interpolation) method

occurrence and movement of groundwater management. All thematic class was assigned values using GIS approach. In this study, groundwater potential zone map was categorized on the basis of cumulative weightage values based on different features of thematic layers. The groundwater potential map thus deciphered could be useful for different purposes of sustainable development scheme for groundwater potential zonation in Mahesh River basin. The relative importance of different thematic layers and their corresponding classes were used for groundwater potential zone map (Fig. 9). This study demonstrates the application of remote sensing and GIS techniques for integrating surface and sub-surface information in a rapid and cost-effective manner, which may

assist in locating artificial sites for the development of groundwater fields in the future planning.

Excellent Excellent zone includes valley fill, flood, plains and lowlying areas. Besides, it includes the intersection of lineaments such as faults, fractures and joints. This zone usually comprises areas where unconsolidated sediments such as gravel, sand, silt and clayey sand have been deposited. These have a high potentiality of retaining groundwater since they allow maximum percolation due to their maximum pore spaces between the grains. This study area zone


Author's personal copy Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. Table 4 Ratings for thematic parameters on a scale of 1 to 10


Ranks (in %)



Land use and land cover

Geomorphology map

Elevation map

Depth of groundwater level

was spread over an area of about 3.0 km2 and forms 0.91% (Table 5). Good All the remaining geological structures were controlled areas fall under the good potential zone. Other low lying and gentle slopes areas were also included. Sandstones are generally capable of storing and transmitting water through their interstices and pore spaces present in between the grains are considered to be suitable aquifer. Hence, parts of areas where sandstones are exposed and also comes under this zone. This zone spreads over an area of about 34.53 km2 and forms 10.52% in hard rock regions (Table 5). Moderate This moderate zone mainly comprises areas where the recharge condition and the water-yielding capacity of the underlying materials were observed as neither suitable nor poor. Topographically, it covers gently sloping smooth surface of the hill. Although the lithology may comprise good water-bearing rock formation as sandstone, the potentiality was minimized by sloping nature where run-off










Moderately dissected


Slightly dissected












Built-up land


Water bodies


Alluvial plain (younger/older)


Plateau top


Upper plateau




345 598

3 1

6.1–7.2 m


7.2–8 m


8–8.7 m


8.7–9.5 m


9.5–11 m


11–12 m


12–14 m


14–17 m


is very high in basaltic rock area. In general, the moderate zone falls within the poor water-bearing rock formations as silty shale that is turn, characterized by the presence of secondary structures. The Moderate zone is evenly distributed within the area and covers an area of 109.24 km2 and occupies 33.28% (Table 5). Poor This zone is mainly distributed in the elevated areas. In this study area shows the high relief and greater part of precipitation flows in surface run-off, which is a poor condition for infiltration below the ground surface. Hence, the groundwater level is not sufficient for irrigation purpose and less rainfall in last 5 years, which directly impacts on crop yield, was low day by day in Mahesh River basin. Unless the elevated areas were traversed by geological structures and possess high drainage density in suitable water-bearing rock formation, their groundwater yield is generally low. The Poor zone is mainly distributed along the ridges of study area. This zone is predominantly high in terms of aerial extend and covers majority. This zone occupies near about 181.37 km2 and 55.25% at Mahesh River basin (Table 5).

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Fig. 9 Ground water potential zone map of Mahesh River basin Table 5 Ground Water Potential area classes and area covered Ground water potential zone

Area (km2)

Percentage (%)









Good Excellent Total area

3.00 328.14

0.91 100%

Selection of artificial recharge zones This artificial recharge zone map were prepared by remote sensing and GIS technology and to suggest artificial recharge structures was used of groundwater development for drinking industrial and irrigation purpose at Mahesh River basin. The existing artificial recharge system has been analyzed with respect to hydro-geomorphology, topography and groundwater level. Based on these observations, a set of rainwater

harvesting activity were designed for most suitable zones and also to find out the exact sites for artificial recharge structures in basaltic hard rock and dry land condition area. The following thematic layers were used for the suitability analysis and weighted indexed overlay model has been applied: (a) geology, (b) geomorphology (d) slope on the basis of their relative contribution towards the output. The study area, thematic overlay method was used of delineating suitability zones map and artificial recharge sites for groundwater development and management (Fig. 10). These classes with higher values were indicated the most favourable zones for artificial recharge structures using Arc GIS 10.3 software. Artificial recharging structures may be implemented in basin area to improve the replenishment for groundwater resources development and management. In this study area various activity suggest like farm ponds, CCT and gully plug, percolation pits, recharge basins, recharge wells, ridges and furrows, check dams, gully


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Fig. 10 Artificial recharge sites based on groundwater potential zone map

control structures, contour bunding, trenching and land flooding are some of the artificial recharging methods, which can be employed in such endeavour (Central Ground Water Board-India 2007). Rainwater harvesting activity was suggested using groundwater potential zones.

Conclusion Groundwater is a precious resource of finite extent. Over the years, increasing population, urbanization and expansion in agriculture has directed to the unscientific exploitation of groundwater stress condition. During delineation of groundwater potential zones were conducted utilizing for groundwater development and agriculture sector. That provided an effective methodology in the context of time, labour and cost and lot of data generated


form satellite images and field verification like geology, Hydro-geomorphology, slope, Land use land cover, digital elevation model and groundwater level. These thematic layers were integrated for groundwater exploration and watershed management on a GIS platform. In this study, spatial technology was adopted and designed to any watershed development and planning at watershed scale. The results may expose a significant amount of artificial recharging capacity. Around 52% of river area has found the high to moderate capability of rainwater harvesting analysis. Such activities can be used to analyse the potential zones for artificial recharge sites in arid zones to ensure that the sustainable groundwater resources development and management. This study was used as a guideline for further research in such complex terrains all over the globe depending upon the climate and hydrogeology of the area. The results obtained may be helpful for sustainable management and

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water resource development. Concerned decision makers can be formulated an efficient groundwater utilization plan in basaltic rock area and so as to ensure long-term suitability. Remote sensing and GIS technology can be extensively applied in a basaltic hard rock and undulating topography for groundwater exploration and suitable rainwater harvesting sites. This result can be used for watershed development program and groundwater development. Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the Hon’ble ViceChancellor, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University for providing the Necessary research facilities.

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