Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network T o Detect ... - Cogprints

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School Of Biomedical Engineering, Institute Of Technology, Banaras Hindu University,. Varanasi (India) - 221005. E-mail: [email protected].
Publis hed Quar ter ly Mangalor e, S outh I ndia I S S N 0972- 5997 Volume 1; I s s ue 4; October - December 2002

S h or t Com m u n icat ion

B ackpr opagat ion Ar t if icial N eu r al N et w or k T o D et ect H yper t h er m ic S eiz u r es I n R at s R akes h K u m ar S i n h a S chool Of B iomedical Engineer ing, I ns titute Of T echnology, B anar as Hindu Univer s ity, Var anas i (I ndia) - 221005. E- mail: r ks inha_ r es @ r Cor r es pon din g Addr es s : Rak es h K umar S inha, C/O S r i D. P. S inha, S ector 5 ‘D’/2003, B okar o S teel City, Jhar khand (I ndia) – 827006.Email: r ks inha_ r es @ r Cit at ion : S inha RK , B ackpr opagation Ar tificial Neur al Networ k T o Detect Hyper ther mic S eiz ur es I n Rats . Online J Health Allied S cs . 2002; 4: 1 U R L : http: //www.oj has .or g/is s ue3/2002- 4- 1.htm Open Acces s Ar ch ive: http: //cogpr ints .ecs .s ubj ects /OJHAS .html Abs t r act A thr ee- layer ed feed- for war d back- pr opagation Ar tificial Neur al Networ k was us ed to clas s ify the s eizur e epis odes in r ats . S eizur e patter ns wer e induced by s ubj ecting anes thetized r ats to a B iological Ox ygen Demand incubator at 45- 47º C for 30 to 60 minutes . S elected fas t Four ier tr ans for m data of one s econd epochs of electr oencephalogr am wer e us ed to tr ain and tes t the networ k for the clas s ification of s eizur e and nor mal patter ns . T he r es ults indicate that the pr es ent networ k with the ar chitectur e of 40- 12- 1 (input- hidden- output nodes ) agr ees with manual s cor ing of s eizur e and nor mal patter ns with a high r ecognition r ate of 98.6% . K eyw or ds : Ar tificial Neur al Networ k, fas t Four ier tr ans for m, electr oencephalogr am, Hyper ther mic s eizur es I n t r odu ct ion Heat s tr oke or hyper ther mia is one of the mos t s er ious of the dis or der s that may caus e s eizur es . Liter atur es s ugges t that continuous ex pos ur e to high envir onmental heat as well as by hot water pour over the head gener ate s eizur es in both man and animals .(1,2) S ever al computer algor ithms and pr ogr ams for automatic detection of epileptic tr ans ients wer e developed but thes e methods wer e found unable to r ecognize the ex ceptions and minimize the number of fals e detections .

Alter natively, Ar tificial Neur al Networ k (ANN) has been s ucces s fully implemented for many patter n clas s ification pr oblems including detection of epileptic s eizur es .(3- 5) However , mos t of the pr evious ANN bas ed methods us e meas ur es of the electr oencephalogr am (EEG) s uch as amplitude, width, s lope and s har pnes s of s er ies of cons ecutive waves , meas ur es thought to r eflect in a gener al s ens e what ex per t clinicians attempt dur ing EEG inter pr etation. I n the pr es ent wor k, ins tead of us ing the phys ical char acter is tics of EEG s ignals , fas t Four ier tr ans for m (FFT ) has been us ed for the tr aining and tes ting of the ANN as it conveys mor e infor mation with r es pect to conventional analog EEG r ecor ds .(6) T he ex per iment was car r ied out on male Char les Fos ter r ats weighing 200- 250 gr ams . Rats wer e hous ed in the animal r oom that was ar tificially illuminated with a 12 light cycle (7.00 A.M. to 7.00 P. M.) and the ambient r oom temper atur e maintained at 24± 1º C. Rats wer e anaes thetized with Ur ethane anaes thes ia (1.6gm/kg, I .P.) and thr ee s tainles s s teel s cr ew electr odes wer e as eptically fix ed on the r at’s head under s ter eotax ic guidance. T wo electr odes wer e placed on bilater al fr onto- par ietal r egion and one gr ounding electr ode at the anter ior mos t r egion of the s kull to r ecor d the differ ential EEG patter ns . Anaes thetized r ats after electr ode implantation wer e s ubj ected to the ther mal envir onment in the B iological Ox ygen Demand (BOD) incubator with pr es et temper atur e at 45- 47º C.(1)


S eizur e patter ns in EEG r ecor ding wer e obs er ved after 30 to 60 minutes on s tar t of incubation. S ingle channel analog EEG was r ecor ded with the s tandar d amplifier s etting.(7) S ignals wer e s imultaneous ly r ecor ded in the computer har d dis k following digitization of the tr aces at 256 Hz with help of an analog to digital conver ter (ADLiNK, 8112HG, NuDAQ, T aiwan) and its s uppor ting s oftwar e (VI S UAL LAB - M, Ver s ion 2.0c, B lue Pear l labor ator y, US A). T he digitized data wer e fr agmented in 1 s econd epochs (256 data points ) and s tor ed in s epar ate files . Each epoch was pr epr oces s ed for nois e r eduction befor e final FFT or power s pectr um analys is . At fir s t, the DC value was s ubtr acted fr om the data and then the bas e line movement was r educed. I n the final s tep of pr epr oces s ing, the data wer e band pas s filter ed with cutoff fr equencies of 0.25 and 30 Hz, as the max imum fr equency component of inter es t in anes thetized animal is les s than 25 Hz.(8) T hes e filter ed data epochs wer e pr oces s ed for FFT or power s pectr um calculation befor e being us ed as input for ANN. T hr ee layer ed feed- for war d back- pr opagation networ k was us ed for detecting the s eizur es . T he networ k was implemented via s oftwar e by us ing C+ + pr ogr amming language on a computer .(9) T he individual computational elements that make up mos t ar tificial neur al s ys tems models ar e mor e often r efer r ed to as pr oces s ing elements (PEs ). Like a neur on, a PE has many inputs but only s ingle output, which can fan out to many other PEs in the networ k. T he input ith r eceives fr om the j th PE is indicated as x j . Each connection to the ith PE has as s ociated with a quantity called weight or connection s tr ength. T he weight on the connection fr om the node j th to ith node is denoted as wij . Each PE deter mines a net input value bas ed on all it’s input connection .(10) T he net input is calculated by s umming the input values , gated (multiplied) by their cor r es ponding weights . I n other wor ds , the net input to the ith unit can be wr itten as :

net i =

x j wij

B ackpr opagat i on n et w or k: T he back- pr opagation lear ning involves pr opagation of the er r or backwar ds fr om the output layer to the hidden layer s in or der to deter mine the update for the weights leading to the units in a hidden layer . I t does not have feedback connections , but er r or s ar e back pr opagated dur ing tr aining by us ing leas t mean s quar e (LMS ) er r or . Er r or in the output deter mines meas ur es of hidden layer output er r or s , which ar e us ed as a bias for adj us tment of connection weights between the input and hidden layer s . Adj us ting the two s ets of weights between the pair of layer s and r ecalculating the outputs is an iter ative pr oces s that is car r ied on until the er r or falls below a toler ance level. Lear ning r ate par ameter s s cale the adj us tments to the weights . T he input of a par ticular element was calculated as the s um of the input values multiplied by connection s tr ength (s ynaptic weight).(11) ANN was tr ained by FFT data of s elected EEG data files . Dur ing tr aining, the networ k was pr ovided the inputs and the des ir ed outputs , and the weights wer e adj us ted accor dingly s o as to minimize the er r or between ex pected and des ir ed outputs . After the tr aining, the networ k was tes ted with unknown input patter ns that wer e not pr es ent in the tr aining s et. R es u l t s T he par ameter s of the ANN wer e s et to get optimized per for mance of the networ k pr ogr am over the entir e s et of EEG data. T he tr aining of the ANN was tr ied with var iable number of hidden neur ons as well as by as s igning differ ent lear ning r ates par ameter s between the r anges of 0.01 to 0.5. T he optimized per for mance of the ANN was found with s tr uctur es of 40- 12- 1 (nodes of input, hidden and output) and with the lear ning r ate of 0.1. T he s chematic diagr am of the neur al networ k us ed in the pr es ent s tudy is s hown in Fig.- 1.


Figur e- 1: S chematic diagr am of patter n r ecognition by ANN. For the pr es ent wor k, the er r or toler ance was as s igned as 0.001 to activate the networ k and the networ k was tr ained for 1 million of iter ations with differ ent tr aining s ets having var iable number of tr aining patter ns . T he ANN was tr ained with a tr aining data file containing 100 tr aining patter ns (s ame number of s eizur es and nor mal patter ns ) ar r anged r andomly. After tr aining, the networ k was tes ted for other files having patter ns which wer e not pr es ent dur ing tr aining s es s ion. T he per for mance of the networ k in detecting thes e events (nor mal and s eizur e) was calculated with help of following for mula. Per for mance of ANN(% ) =

Number of cor r ectly clas s ified patter ns T otal number of patter ns tes ted

X 100

T he r es ults of the s eizur e and nor mal events detected by the networ k compar ed with thos e detected manually ar e s ummar ized in the T able- 1. Manually detected events wer e taken as s tandar d and agr eement per centage r epr es ent the per centage of epochs in which ANN detected s eizur e or nor mal events agr eed with manually detected ones .


T abl e 1 : Per centage agr eement of the ANN in the r ecognition of s eizur e and nor mal patter ns in compar is on with manual s cor ing. F i l e N o. N o. of N u m ber of cor r ect ly det ect ed pat t er n s T es t pat t er n s S ei z u r e N or m al T ot al 1. 200 98 100 198 2. 200 98 99 197 3. 200 100 98 198 4. 200 99 98 197 5. 200 97 99 196 T otal patter ns 1000 492 494 986 tes ted (% agr eement = 98.6) D i s cu s s i on Ackn ow l edgem en t s I n the pr es ent wor k, an appr oach of detection of T he author is gr ateful to Dr . Amit Kumar Ray, hyper ther mia induced s eizur e and nor mal EEG Reader , S chool of B iomedical Engineer ing, I ns titute patter ns thr ough ANN has been s ucces s fully of technology, B anar as Hindu Univer s ity, Var anas i implemented and ex per imentally tes ted. 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