Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1931 -

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fight on the baseball diamond last fall three boys escaped. All were re- captured. Reformatory officials ?-ii


Pershing Writes of Joffre and of First Division Going Into Line " —










Host of Men Long Missing

Youths Flee During Riot at Reform School


and NOW Le Mar's Offers a New Service the People of Bin

I i
e broken," and thoaa presant will retail that It was said with con•Merabla aatphaala IVtltive steps we're taken at once to eradicate such (lotion*, or atJeast Privent them - from being openly •




Pessimists Face Dismissal










man once had worked, on t h e boat Connecticut waa t h a t : of Captain as an officer and police theorized Mansell B. James, a British aviator Alfalfa Field Now that he had been released by for- who In May. 1JJ9. dropped from "Mother" of Midwest mer friends and that h e had been sight while on a flight from Boston removed in a trunk at San Fran- to Atlantic City. Months later a porcisco. Drowning theories al*« lA-xInglon, Neb., Jan. 28—(United were advance^, Hut the rolice still tion of an airplane wing drifted Prv»e>)—Little did the Arnold brothashore at Mllford. Conn. It was not nre looking for Tallman. ers, farmers near here, dream that, when they sowed a 30-acre flrfa rs ROM M. Houston. -5S. formerly Identified. "F. Lewis Clark, millionaire sports- alfalfa 20 years ago tney were aiding cashier of the state treasury. Oklahoma, disappeared Feb. I I , 1928. A man, land promoter, railroad builder farmers of all mld-weetern states. shortage was found In the treasury and eccentric of Spokane. Wash., The original' Arnold field Is tho funds. Last September newspapers disappeared from Santa Barbara. "mother" to most of t h e alfalfa Cal.f.. where h e had been spending carried announcement that 115,000 lands of Nebraska and many of the In state bonds and money had been the winter. In January. 1914. A few- tracts of other western states. The days later police made public a letter returned voluntarily by the former variety of alfalfa has proven t o be cashier, but the man himself still demanding $75,000 r a n . s o m ' for one of the most adaptable to severe Clark's return. This proved to be ;i is counted among the missing. winter conditions. It will not kill A skull and some bones were out. e Probably tl\s greatest mystery of hoax. found on the beach, but the coroner recent years was presented by therefused to say_ they were parts of dl-uppearaance of Ambrose J. Small, Clark's skeleton. In February. 1929. millionaire Toronto theatrical magtn Kin Krflnnate, on Dec. 1, 1919. Desplta a a-woman "mntfwA" wor.dwide search no trace of him clsco that she killed Olark for $S00. Can Not Embarrass wa-s found. Small, whose business paid to her by an "underworld charMo»t wearers of false teeth hare »ufacter," but later she repudiated tho career started a s a newsboy, hail confession. The mystery never has fervd real embarrassment because their teeth dropped or slipped i t Just the sold ogt his theatrical holdings for been solved. wrong time. Do not live la fear of this r«nvnr.-i| -«»HU-doJi»r* and o n - D * c - i happening to you. Jn»t sprlrftfr • VW« had received a deposit of one mil'ssleem Uon jour -plates. il»l ;es false GL'NN'TIM-.U FOirnrxlion, wha-h he banked. He foiled to teeth stay In place and feel comfortable. Mobllc, A b . (UP)—Convicted of a " ' ' " ; u «'« home after leaving the charge of carrying a concealed Bweetens breath. Oct Faateetb at Llg gttfg. Hamlln'a. Hewlt'a. W«b»ter's or weapon. Bert Ounn was sentenced to a n , '0u»er good drug store.—AdvertlieTho n ' ° ^ baffling disappearance In 90 days In Jail and lined fltO. ment.

astlc over the prospects of this n«w •experience, and the real of us were grat'fied that at Wn we were to be represented on t h e front. Thirty days were allotted for this preliminary training, one battalion at a time of each regiment, occupying the line for a period of 10 days. The scc'or ha>l been Inactive and uneventful since the stormy days of 1114.' when General de Castelnau halted the German advance on tho Grande Couronne de Nancy. A few of the. French remained I n . their homes In advance of our support Unsolved Mysteries of Last French Marshal ' Inspects positions, while on the German side people continued to live near enough Decade or so Are Called Americans; a Missouri to the front lines to be seen going to church on Sundays. This preto Mind Mule Inspects Him sented to the men an odd contrast to the pictures .of war which they y « w Vorfc, Jan. t»—(Associated liad _ built~up"tn theft—tmagtnnttonsr "HE WARNS OF PESSIMISM Prows)—Justice Joseph Korco Crater Thursdny: Pershing visits French stepped off Into the blue last Augus. front and tells , bow Germans d e - 6 and his life became a closed book. But this mysterious disappearance Commander Denies Dispatch feated Italians so decisively at Cap- only called to mind the fact that oretto. men and woman have bean step) Quoting Him as Holding • Into vacua for years Just a s mysteriously and just as thoroughly. Germans Unbreakable News files of recent years are filled with repciltloqaof the ancient theme. (Continued From Face O H | The stories maxe^rst pages for a fewdays, then, as no developments come, pricked lip his ears, looked us over are relegated lnsldekeventually to be and decided to trot along with us. dropped as some nev\ mystery cornea One of my staff wagered that this to the front. wise animal knew what was going In some instances^the motlv on and would be present to see the love, financial difficulties, despondmarch past. 8ure enough, when we ency or knavery'—ar£' Indicated; In reached our position thin Missouri others there Is no cle The first splurge on thV Crater case product had preceded us. Cautiously had barely died down when, on Nov. approaohlng. he displayed the greatMitchell B. Kaufman, presiest curiosity In the guest of honor. Guards Powerless as Fifty 9,dent1930. of the Converse "Rubber ComAs all efforts to drive him away .Maiden, Mass., disappeared In , or More Battle; State - pany. seemed , futile, he hovered near as the big woods of Jackson, Me., while an interested spectator of the prohunting with a party of friends. Police Called ceedings, much to t h e ' amusement Ktght hundred Canadian and Ameriof the marshal. can woodsmen scoured a 400-squareI gave a luncheon at Neufchateau Annandale, X. J.. Jan. 28—(Asso- milo area of wild country for a for the marshal's party and my own ciated Press) — State police today month, fruitlessly. A mystery shot. and the senior officers of the First sought 11 boys who escaped from heard at the time Mr. Kaufman disDivision. After that w e saw the waa Investigated, without training conducted by the First the Annandalo- reformatory'during a appeared, result. Corps school and visited the Amerifree-for-all figtit In which 15 were Ray Sutton, New Mexico prohibican and French billets at the viltion agent, was last seen alive on Injured. lage of St. Blin. whero t h e 101st Between CO and 60 boys, ranging the afternoon of Aug. 28. 1930, Regiment, S6th Division and the In age "from 15 to 24 years engaged seate.d In h!»-«utomoblle near RaFrench 69th passed In review In exin tho fight Which occurred during ton, N. M. Tho same car. bloodcellent form. As wo returned t o the study hour last night in one of stained and hidden under brush ward Chaumont, other American the cottages jfknqwn aa the lower was found last November. 17 miles and French units were drawn up south of Raton. Airplanes of the camp. by the roadside In honor of the Guard aided The _ boys fought through t h e Colorado National marshal. btrtldln'g breaking fdoorw and win- hundreds of men In a hunt for the It w a s rather late when we missing agent, who had beeh acows, throwing briclts and chairs. started and darkness overtook us Four guards, who were unarmed, tive against dry" law violators, General Pershing and Marshal Joffre whllo prosing on foot through the | were helpless against the rioters and without .success. lines. The trumpets of each regi- stated, and I was"determined to reHutton Bellah, 32. former editor "Sector northeast of L*unevllle, under (sent for state police. A score re- of Altus. Okla., h a s been missing ment sounded as we approached, immediately any officer, with- the supervision of the French, for sponded. and y l t h the lights from our auto- lieve since Dec. 18, 15*9, when he left After th» fight the boys ran out regard to" rank, who should ex- actual trench experience. The divimobiles close behind Illuminating out press any such opinion. The fol- sion was under-officered and short of the cottage. All but 11 of thorn his family in Los Angeles, taking the trees that bordered the high- lowing letter was sent to the sevwere rounded up by tho state police. no personal belongings and leaving way and the faces that peered eral divisions and to other com- of horses, clothing and many other One of t h e . Injured suffered a no farewell" message. Bellah had things, , especially rolling kitchens, fracture of the wrist and another a gone to Los Angeles from Lebanon', through the shadows to catch a manders: of which a few had only recently fracture of the ankle. The othrrs Ind.. to go Into business. His wife glimpse, of the marshal the Bcene could assign no reason for his dissuggested some legendary painting. "1 —Americans recently visiting been received, and trucks, which were treated for cuts and bruises. X our training areas and com- were borrowed from tho French. The disturbance is the second appearance. Finally we halted and the troops, The most widely publicized disapincluding the Frendh 151st infantry, ing In contact with officers In My repeated cables, beginning in which has occurred at tho reformatory In recent months. During a pearance on the Pacific coast In which had made a remarkable rec- high command have received a July, for winter clothing, had renote of deep pessimism. Including fight on the baseball diamond last recent years was that of William ord at Verdun, marched past us. As ceived scant attention, and with the the regiments came out of the apprehension of undue hardships coming of colder weather the short- fall three boys escaped. All were re- L. Tallman, known as "Handsome captured. Reformatory officials ?-ii
Rumors Heard of Coup to Put Painleve Out




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Mow* In My general Impression of the situation at this tfme w a s set forth In a cable to Washington Oct. 21: "During the past week the water-soaked ground In Flanders and on t h e western front generally has prevented further development of offensive movements. Summing up wastage of German army In this year's rnmpaicn. a slncte offensive, such aa the. Anglo-French In Flanders In progress since July I I , Is Insufficient materially to weaken Germany's man power. Next year must see two offensives, continuously maintained throughout summer, If decisive result Is to be obtained. This can only b* secured through aid of effective United States army on this aide. . . . The troops on the western front have been reenforced by one German division from tho*RusMan front. . : ." A* th« training of the First D M slon had now progressed sufficiently It t i l put Into Una la t h s quiet

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