Body mass index in alpha thalassemias

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Mehmet Rami Helvacr, M'D' f,rl"Ji""f Faculty of the Mustafa Kemal University. 31100, SerinYol, Antakya, Hatay. SUMMARY. Body mass in alPha thalassemias.
Body mass index in alpha thalassemias Aydo$an***, Mustafa Cem Algtn****, Emin Mehmet Rami Helvact*, Mustafa Arl**, Akrn Maden***** Address of CorresPondence Mehmet Rami Helvacr, M'D' f,rl"Ji""f Faculty of the Mustafa Kemal University 31100, SerinYol, Antakya, Hatay

SUMMARY Body mass in alPha thalassemias are the second most common caAfter the iron deficiency anemia, thalassemias

usesofmicrocyticanemias.Wetriedtounderstandpossibleeffectsofalphatha-per(BMl) in the present study' The study was lassemias on the body mass index

formedintheHematologyPolycliniconroutinecontrolpatients.Patientswithdevastatingillnesseswereexcludedtoavoidtheirpossibleeffectsonweight'Alpha age and sex-matched contcases were collected into the first' and thalassemia

groups' ant they were compared accorrol cases were collected into the second

and BMI' Mann-Whitney U and lndepending to the mean body weight, height'

dent-SamplesTtestsWereusedasthemethodsofstatisticalanalyses.Thestudy included34alphathalassemia(23females)and66controlcases(45females)'to-


When we compared the alpha lassemia cases with a mean age ol 44'6years' arthough the significantly lower other, each rassemias and contror group" with

p= 0'000) and mean corpuscular volume mean hematocrit (30'5 versus 40'3%' p= 0'000) in the alpha thalassemia cases' the (MCV) values (62'5 versus 85'2 fL' were similar in both groups (p >0'05 for all)' mean body weight, height, and BMI in .14 cases (41 .1%) with additionar iron deficiency on the other hand, there were

thealphathalassemiagroup'Asaconclusion'althoughthesignificantlylower no sigalpha thalassemia cases, there is mean hematocrit and MLV values of the body weight' height or BMI' the on nificant effect of alpha thalassemias index mass words: Alpha thalassemias' body


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-MedicalFacultyoftheMustafaKemalUniversity'Antakya,AssociatedProfessor,oflnternalMedicine,M.D' of Psvchiatry M'D' University, n"t"Xir", Assistant Professor .. Medical Facutty .t ii frfr.i"t" iemal of General surgery' M'D' Professor Assistant ;;i;ki;; " University, ii rrrrr.i"t" Kemal Medicat Facutty of General surgery M D'

" Dumluptnar University, xtitanva, hlsociated Professor of the Medical Faculty "t Medicine, M.D. xonya, l"3i"iunt Professor of Pulmonary Medical Faculty of the Selguk University, citt







