Book of Abstracts

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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine. Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ukrainian Physical Society.
XXI Galyna Puchkovska International School-Seminar SPECTROSCOPY OF MOLECULES AND CRYSTALS

Book of Abstracts

Organizers: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukrainian Physical Society

September 22 – 29, 2013 Beregove, Crimea, Ukraine

UDK 531:535 (063) The Book contains abstracts of reports presented at XXIth Galyna Puchkovska International School-Seminar “Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals” (22-29 September, 2013, Beregove, Crimea, Ukraine). The abstracts cover recent advances in theoretical and experimental spectroscopy of crystalline and amorphous solids, liquids and gases, liquid crystals, polymers, nanosystems, thin films, surface and intermolecular interactions. Non-linear optical phenomena, computer simulation, as well as up-to-date spectroscopic methods and instrumentation are included. Abstracts are published as received from the authors. The Book of Abstracts is approved for publication by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Protocol No. 6 of 06.06.2013).

УДК 531:535 (063) В збірнику представлені тези доповідей ХХI Міжнародної Школисемінару імені Галини Пучковської “Спектроскопія молекул і кристалів” (22-29 вересня 2013 р., Берегове, Крим, Україна). В тезах викладено нові результати досліджень з основних напрямків сучасної теоретичної і експериментальної спектроскопії неметалічних кристалів, аморфних речовин, газів, рідин, рідких кристалів, полімерів, нанорозмірних систем, тонких плівок, поверхні і міжмолекулярної взаємодії. Також розглянуто такі напрямки як нелінійно-оптичні явища, комп‘ютерне моделювання, нові прилади та методи спектральних досліджень. Тези надруковано в авторському поданні. Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою Інституту фізики НАН України (Протокол № 6 від 06.06.2013).

COMMITTEES HONORARY CHAIRMEN Mykhailo Brodyn (Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine) Stanislav Dovhy (Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of NAS of Ukraine, Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE L. Yatsenko (Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine) – Co-Chairman S. Vyzhva (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) – Co-Chairman O. Lysovy (National Center “Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”) – Co-Chairman SECRETARY of XXIst ISSSMC N. Berezovska (Ukraine) INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE V. Pogorelov (Ukraine) – Chairman L. Bulavin (Ukraine), L. Babkov (Russia), V. Balevicius (Lithuania), M. Bondar (Ukraine), I. Dmitruk (Ukraine), N. Dmitruk (Ukraine), D. Dorohoi (Romania), V. Gorelik (Russia), A. Jumabaev (Uzbekistan), M. Lebovka (Ukraine), M. Makarets (Ukraine), M. Malomuzh (Ukraine), V. Mikhailenko (Ukraine), V. Moiseyenko (Ukraine), A. Naumenko (Ukraine), A. Negriyko (Ukraine), S. Nedilko (Ukraine), N. Nizomov (Uzbekistan), Sh. Otajonov (Uzbekistan), G. Pitsevich (Republic of Belarus), L. Poperenko (Ukraine), H. Ratajczak (Poland), O. Shishkin (Ukraine), O. Slobodyanyuk (Ukraine), M. Strzhemechny (Ukraine), F. Tukhvatullin (Uzbekistan), V. Yashchuk (Ukraine), S. Yezhov (Ukraine), O. Zhikol (Ukraine) LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: I. Doroshenko – Co-Chairperson T. Gavrilko – Co-Chairperson T. Bezrodna, Ye. Chernolevskaya, N. Davydova, O. Doroshenko, G. Dovbeshko, S. Golik, P. Golub, V. Kravchenko, Yu. Kurioz, V. Melnyk, Y. Myagchenko, V. Nesprava, V. Reznichenko, V. Scherbatskiy, V. Shymanovska, I. Vaskivskyi



RAMAN SCATTERING OF DNA IN CONFINED VOLUME OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL V.V. Boiko1*, G.I. Dovbeshko1, O.M. Fesenko1, A.V. Yevchik2, V.N. Moiseyenko2, V.S. Gorelik3 1

Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Prospect Nauki 46, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine 2 Dnipropetrovsk National University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine 3 P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospect, 53, Moscow, Russia. * Corresponding author: [email protected]

Active search for new materials with controllable optical properties has resulted in the invention of new class of optical materials called photonic crystals. These materials consist of periodically arranged dielectric globules or cavities with sizes comparable to the wavelength of light [1]. An infiltration of biological molecules in PC leads to a change of dielectric property of environmental medium between the structural elements of PC and the change in stop zone formation. On the other hand, the optical property of biological molecules, introduced in the confined volume of the photonic crystal air holes, could be changed also. DNA, being a unique molecule, has a size that is close to the spacing between structural elements in synthetic opal. That is why the goal of our study is to register Raman scattering (RS) modes of separated DNA molecules in confined volume. In our experiments we used the DNA water solution (1 mg/ml). RS spectra have been registered with Renishaw in Via Raman microscopy instrument in the 200-2000 cm-1. Nanodisperse silica globules were synthesized by the Stöber method[2]. Growth of the photonic crystals was achieved by subsequent natural sedimentation. The RS marker bands of DNA were drastically changed after its infiltration in the porous of opal. A structure of the DNA molecule in confined volume could be used as a model of DNA folding in the living cell. We thank Nanotwinning FP7 (project ID 294952) and Russian-Ukrainian project 60-02-12 from financial support. [1]. Sakoda K. Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals, Springer-Verlag (2005). [2]. W. Stober, A. Fink, E. Bohn. J. Coll. Interf. Sci., 26, 62, (1968).