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adjunct Professor of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (emails: [email protected], .... information and the need to protect information is best illustrated in the following ..... “Information Technology in B2B E-Procurement: Open Vs.
The Food Industry Center University of Minnesota Printed Copy $25.50

The Empirics of Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Case of the Food Industry Hamid Mohtadi

Hamid Mohtadi Professor of Economics University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI 53201

Hamid Mohtadi is Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and adjunct Professor of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (emails: [email protected], [email protected]). The work was sponsored by The Food Industry Center, University of Minnesota, 317 Classroom Office Building, 1994 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 551086040, USA. The Food Industry Center is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Industry Study Center.

The Empirics of Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Case of Food Industry Hamid Mohtadi

Abstract Using the Supermarket Panel Data gathered by The Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota, the behavior of food retailers is examined in their adoption of Information Technologies that facilitate information exchange with suppliers. Using a theoretical framework developed by Mohtadi and Kinsey (MK) (2004) the predictions of that paper are examined. Logistic Regressions based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation support the hypothesis that food retailers with greater market power and numerous suppliers are more inclined to share, rather than to withhold, sales information. Stock-outs play a key role in the process as well. Finally, the structure of the market plays an interesting role in the type of information sharing platforms that the retailers adopt.

Thanks are extended to The Food Industry Center for making available to the author the Supermarket Panel Data. I also wish to thank Jean Kinsey at the University of Minnesota and Scott Adams at the University of Wisconsin for specific comments and feedback on the earlier drafts of this paper.

Keywords: food industry, information, strategic behavior, supply chains, IT strategy

Working Paper 05-02 The Food Industry Center University of Minnesota

The Empirics of Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Case of Food Industry Hamid Mohtadi

Copyright © 2005 by Hamid Mohtadi. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. The analyses and views reported in this paper are those of the authors. They are not necessarily endorsed by the Department of Applied Economics, by The Food Industry Center, or by the University of Minnesota. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. For information on other titles in this series, write The Food Industry Center, University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics, 1994 Buford Avenue, 317 Classroom Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55108-6040, USA; phone (612) 625-7019; or E-mail [email protected]. Also, for more information about the Center and for full text of working papers, check our World Wide Web site []. 1

The Empirics of Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Case of Food Industry





Analytical Empirical Models………………………….…………………………...……...7


Data and Measurements………….………….…………………………………...………12







TABLES Table 1………………………………………………………………………………………...…27 Table 2………..……………………………………………………..…………………………...28 Table 2a..…….………………………………………………...………………………………...29 Table 3………….…………………………………………………...…………………………...30 Table 3a……….………………………………………………………………..………………..31 Table 4………….……………………………………………………………...………………...32 Table 4a…...……………………………………………………………………………………..33 Table 5…………………………………………………………………………………………...34 Table 5a…………………………………………………...……………………………………..35


The Empirics of Information Sharing in Supply Chains: The Case of Food Industry

INTRODUCTION How do supermarkets, grocers, and other food outlets decide on the adoption of electronic commerce as a vehicle to share information with their supply chain partners and increase efficiency and predictability? What role does firm size and the structure of the supply chain play in this decision? This paper is aimed at answering these questions, based on econometric analysis of the 2003 Supermarket Panel data collected by The Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota. The adoption of digital and Internet technology (IT) is credited for an otherwise unexplained increases in U.S. productivity during the 1990's. Understanding the nature of the changes and their impact on firm behavior and industry structure is crucial for public policy and corporate strategy. This issue is particularly important for the food industry: first, the food industry has been a leader in the IT initiatives for more than 30 years beginning with the initiative to design the scannable bar code. Secondly, the industry's thin profit margins could render cost-savings from the adoption of electronic commerce significant at the margin. Thirdly, the ever-evolving structure of this industry, with ongoing mergers and acquisitions, can be better understood in light of cost and market advantages made possible through the adoption of IT.

The underlying conceptual basis for this empirical project stems from a recent paper by Mohtadi and Kinsey (2005) (from now on, MK) that analyzed the informational relationship among firms along the food industry's supply chain using game theory modeling. It is also related to a second paper by Kauffman and Mohtadi (2004a) that extended the analytical model of MK (2005) and


generalized it to other industries. These papers developed a number of hypotheses that will be presently tested. In this vein, the goal of this research is to empirically determine the causes and incentives that lead firms to adopt technologies that allow them to share information up the supply chains, rather than to explore the impact of technology adoption on productivity. There are several papers on the impact of IT on firm performance in the food industry (e.g., Dooley, Maud and King, 2004; and Kink and Park, 2002). But far fewer studies have focused on the causes and determinants of firms’ technology adoption practices. This paper is aimed at filling this gap. In doing so, it will also provide empirical examination of the papers by MK (2005) and Kauffman and Mohtadi (2004a) in this area.

The history of IT adoption among food retailers in the U.S. begins with Wal-Mart’s initiative to share daily sales data to reduce inventory and costs and develop inventory control strategies with key suppliers. In 1992, U.S. food retailers followed suit and developed an initiative known as Efficient Consumer Response (ECR). But this initiative faltered for two reasons; (a) the incompatibility of computer systems between retailers and suppliers, and (b) retailers' reluctance to share sales data directly with manufacturers. A later and similar initiative (1996), known as the Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) that involved retailers sharing sales data with the manufacturers (or wholesalers) in real time and often over the Internet (Kinsey, 2000), has helped to solve the first problem, i.e., the computer incompatibility problem, but has not resolved the second issue, i.e., the “trust” issue, arising from concern about supplier opportunism. In particular, some retailers fear that suppliers who learn of their inventory, sales, and ordering practices may somehow share this information with rivals or otherwise use it in ways that would diminish retailers' profitability (Kinsey and Ashman, 2000). This reluctance is


also reported in Clemons and Row (1993), Progressive Gorcer (1995) and Nakayama (2000) and is at the root of the analytical model of MK.

In fact, in the food industry, Nakayama (2000) shows that information exchange plays a role in the power relationship between supermarkets and their suppliers, impacting their mutual trust and the adoption of information technology among firms. For example, when the food retailer uses electronic data interchange (EDI) for inventory coordination, the supplier's knowledge of retailer's parameters and strategies could lead to greater monitoring of retailer's sales and the timing of invoices and payments. This reduces the retailer's incentive to share its point of sale (POS) data directly with his supplier(s). This is a classic application of the asset hold-up problem: the retailer's fear of ex-post supplier opportunism reduces the retailer's incentive to invest in specific information sharing assets.1

The trade-off between the need to share

information and the need to protect information is best illustrated in the following question that the retailer asks: “What is the minimum set of information to share with my supply chain partners without risking potential exploitation?” (Lee and Whang 2000). Gal-Or (1985) showed how information withholding may be a Nash equilibrium outcome despite its social inefficiency.

In general, intimate knowledge of the market conditions is often buyer's strategic asset. But because suppliers may use such information against buyers, this tempers buyers’ desire to adopt IT and risk losing competitive advantage in procurement (Whang, 1993). The result is that buyers have a diminished incentive to share information due to the risk of exposure (Laffont and Tirole, 1999), while still taking advantage of the strategic value of their private information


See for example (Schmalensee and Willig, 1989), chps. 2,3,4.


(Chen, 1998; Gavirneni, et al., 1999). While the issue of information sharing horizontally, i.e., across firms, has been viewed in strategic settings for monopolistic, duopolistic, oligopolistic, and competitive structures (e.g., Gal-Or, 1985; Li, 1985 and 2002; Raith, 1996), the retailer reluctance to share information vertically along its supply chain, as opposed to horizontally, is tied to its concerns about supplier’s potential for opportunistic behavior.2 This is seen both from the above discussion of the evidence and the literature, but is also at the basis for the analytical model of MK. It occurs because the food retailer’s adoption of information technologies would enable it to increase its procurement efficiency via its supply chain partners. This would, however, force it to share strategic and often valuable information (e.g., its knowledge of market forecasts) with suppliers that exposes the retailer to the suppliers’ opportunistic behavior. But the MK paper also yields something new: That a large retailer facing a large number of suppliers is less concerned about opportunistic supplier behavior, as the tendency for opportunistic behavior is more limited due to increased supplier competition. This finding has an important implication which the present paper intends to examine. It predicts that such retailers are likely to be more willing to share information and thus adopt information sharing technologies with their suppliers than independent retailers facing a single or few large suppliers.

The next section discusses the analytical and the empirical framework. This is followed by a section on data and measurements issues. A subsequent section discusses the results, and the final section makes concluding remarks.


For a more detailed survey of the related literature in industrial organization and management science, see Kauffman and Mohtadi (2004a).



Analytical Model: Two key insights from the MK (2005) constitute the main hypotheses that are tested in this paper. The first is represented by an equation that relates the food retailer’s incentive to share information (and therefore adopt information sharing technologies), to the retailer’s gains from information sharing. Of importance is the fact that the retailer’s profits increase with the number of suppliers the retailer faces and the scale of demand (sales). Denoting net profits under information sharing arrangements by Γ1, MK (2005) find that: (1)

Γ1 =

′ 1 n 2 .( ) ( a − co − v) 2 − rF , 4b n + 1

where, n is the number of suppliers facing the retailer, a is the scale of demand, co is the operational cost associated with the product (documentation, transportation), v is the actual (manufacturing or processing) cost of the product, b is the slope of demand and rF represents the amortized (flow) cost of the fixed investments associated with information sharing IT adoption. It is cleat that, (1a)

∂Γ1 > 0 and ∂n

∂Γ1 >0 ∂a

The first result obtains because a large number of suppliers works to the advantage of the retailer by reducing supplier’s ability to act opportunistically based on information it gathers from the retailer’s market demand. Hence, large retailers facing numerous suppliers are more willing to adopt technologies and strategies that allow them to share information with their suppliers.


Notice that this is separate from the question of supplier size, a, which also exerts a positive influence on Γ1. Thus, we have:

Hypothesis 1: Retailers with large sales and those facing a large number of suppliers are more willing to share sensitive market data along the supply chain with their suppliers.

The second insight addresses the reverse question by exploring the retailer incentive in withholding information. The disincentive to share information arises from concern for supplier opportunism despite obvious efficiency loss, such as reduced coordination of retailer-supplier orders and deliveries, that information withholding entails.

Denoting such information

withholding gains by Γ2 , it is found that Γ2 depends on a number of firm and market characteristics. In particular,


Γ2 =

{ nn+1 [a(1 − 12 Ω u 0 − (co + v)] + 4b(1 − Ω u3 years=1

The variables were converted to binary variables, Q1dadopt… Q1l-adopt. for use in logistic regressions:

Scan-based trading (payment to vendor triggered by sale to consumer)

Used 1-2 years=2

Scanning data for automatic inventory refill (SDAIR) Vendor managed inventory (vendor generated non-DSD orders via store movement data) (VMI)

Plan to use next year=4

Used 1 yr=3

No plan to use=5 Do not know=6

Size Variables: Q4

Selling area


Total area

If Q1d…Q1l = 1, 2, or 3, then Q1d-adopt…Q1l-adopt =1, i.e., technology is adopted. If Q1d…Q1l = 4, 5, or 6, then Q1d-adopt…Q1l-adopt =0, i.e., technology is not adopted.

Vertical Structure: Q10

# of stores in the supply chain Relation of store to warehouse or supplier:

Categorical Variables:

Store uses a wholesaler


Store is part of self-distributing chain





Stock-out Problem: Cereal

Binary variables are created: Q14a-stkout=1 if Q14a=1,2 Q14a-stkout=0 if Q14a=3,4





Categorical Variables: large problem: Q14a=1 small problem: Q14a =2 No problem: Q14a =3 Not known; Q14a =4 Same for Q14b & Q14c.

Q27 = 1 if self is leader Q27=2-4 if others Q29 = 1 if self is leader Q29=2-4 if others

Q27-SL =1 if Q27=1 Q27-SL = 0 if Q27=2-4 Q29-PL =1 if Q27=1 Q29-PL = 0 if Q27=2-4


Binary variable Q11-Selfdis is created: Q11-Wohlesale=1 if Q11=1 Q11-Wohlesale=0 otherwise Q11-Selfdist=1 if Q11=2 Q11-Selfdist=0 otherwise

Same for Q14b and Q14c.

Horizontal Competition: Q25 Q27 (10) Q29

Distance from the main competitor Competitive sales rank of the four main competitors (1- 4: Leader=1) Price leadership of store & its 3 main competitors

* The codes are those actually used in the Supermarket Panel (2003) survey itself.


Table 2: Maximum Likelihood Logistic Estimates of the Effects of Store and Market Characteristics on the Probability of Adopting ETMD (Electronic Transmission of Movement Data to Head Quarters/Suppliers) (test of hypothesis 1) Pooled Sample Dependent Variable: Probability (ETMD adopt=1) A B C D E Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units)

1.030 (0.97) 1.024 (0.97)

1.031 (1.03) 1.013 (0.53)

1.055** (6.23)

1.043** (4.63)

1.05** (5.21)

1.040** (4.12)

1.008** (2.31)

1.004 (1.19) 3.020** (3.21)

1.009** (2.5)

1.004 (1.23) 3.430** (3.66)

1.008 (2.35)

1.004 (1.08) 3.538** (3.48)

0.970* (-1.66) 1.860* (1.67) 0.980 (-0.06) -193.3 0.19

0.979 (-1.39) 1.174 (1.38) 0.763 (-0.82) -186.8 0.22

Self-distributing Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2


-201.9 0.18

-196.4 0.21

-207.0 0.17

-199.8 0.20

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values * means significant at 10 percent or better ** means significant at 5 percent or better


Table 2a: Same as Table 2 but for Stratified Samples of Self-Distributing and Independent Stores (test of hypothesis 1) Dependent Variable: Probability (ETMD adopt=1) Columns A-C: Subsample of Self-Distrubuting Stores A B C Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units)

1.053 (1.14) 0.981 (-0.51)

1.029 (1.76)

1.023 (1.32)

0.978 (-0.51) 1.045 (1.25 )

1.026** (2.30)

1.026** (2.15)

1.002 (0.66)

1.002 (0.65)

1.002 (0.69)

1.588** ( 2.77)

1.584** (2.81)

1.574** (2.74)

Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2

Columns D-F: Subsample of Independent Stores D E F

-49.8 0.05

-50.5 0.05

1.008 (0.07) 4.09* (1.71) 0.642 (-0.76) -45.7 0.09

-39.3 0.05

-137.8 0.15

0.982 (-1.15) 1.389 (0.67) 0.667 (-0.92) -129.8 0.16

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values * indicates marginal significance at 10 percent or better ** means significant to 5 percent or better


Table 3: Maximum Likelihood Logistic Estimates of the Effects of Store and Market Characteristics on Probability of Adopting SDAIR ( Scanning Data for Automatic Inventory Refill) (test of hypothesis 1) Pooled Sample Dependent Variable: Probability (SDAIR adopt=1) A Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Q4/1000 Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Q5/1000 Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units) Q10/10





0.980 (-0.68) 1.045 (1.69)

0.980 (-0.58) 1.040 (1.45)

1.0298** (4.01)

1.0257** (3.38)

1.0259** (3.46)

1.0241** (3.15)

1.005** (2.69)

1.004** (1.87) 1.967 (1.43)

1.005** (2.62)

1.004* (1.71) 2.161 (1.66)

1.005 (2.35)

1.004 (1.62) 1.781 (1.18)

0.911 (-1.38) 1.366 (0.64) 0.629 (-0.95) -91.8 0.18

0.918 (-1.25) 1.313 (0.57) 0.583 (-1.1) -91.1 0.19

Self-distributing Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2


-96.9 0.18

-95.9 0.19

-98.9 0.16

-97.5 0.18

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values *means significant at 10 percent or better **means significant to 5 percent or better


Table 3a: Same as Table 3 but for Stratified Samples of Self-Distributing and Independent Stores (test of hypothesis 1) Dependent Variable: Probability (ETMD adopt=1) Columns A-C: Subsample of Self-Distrubuting Stores A B C Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet)

0.99 1.028** 1.028** (-0.24) (3.07) (3.01) 1.03 (1.02)

Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units)

1.00 (1.60)

Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2

-56.0296 0.15

1.00 (1.46)

1.00 (1.42)

Columns D-F: Subsample of Independent Stores D E F 0.95 (-0.70) 1.06 (1.01 )

1.02 (0.90)

1.01 (0.49)

1.01 ( 1.36)

1.01 (1.52)

1.01 (1.21)

0.98 0.88 (-0.18) (-1.28) 1.18 1.31 (0.29) (0.30) 0.51 0.99 (-1.16) (-0.01) -56.952 -52.2752 -39.2822 -39.9132 -37.7619 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.04 0.08

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values ** means significant to 5 percent or better


Table 4: Maximum Likelihood Logistic Estimates of the Effects of Store and Market Characteristics on the Probability of Adopting VMI ( Vendor Managed Inventory) (test of hypothesis 1) Pooled Sample Dependent Variable: Probability (VMI adopt=1) A B C D E Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units) Self-distributing Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2


1.007 (0.30) 1.013 (0.61)

1.009 (0.37) 1.009 (0.42)

1.022** (3.58)

1.019** (3.01)

1.022** (3.26)

1.019** (2.88)

1.004** (2.14)

1.003 (1.51) 1.458 (1.16)

1.004** (2.16)

1.003 (1.52) 1.469 (1.21)

1.004** (2.35)

1.003 (1.59) 1.598 (1.35)

1.010 1.013 (0.90) (1.08) 1.145 1.085 (0.37) (0.23) 0.901 0.848 ( -0.28) (-0.48) -176.195 -175.529 -177.763 -177.044 -165.498 -164.594 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values ** means significant to 5 percent or better 32

Table 4a: Same as Table 4 but for Stratified Samples of Self-Distributing and Independent Stores (test of hypothesis 1) Dependent Variable: Probability (ETMD adopt=1) Columns A-C: Subsample Columns D-F: Subsample of of Self-Distrubuting Stores Independent Stores A B C D E F Size Variables Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Total Size (in 1000 sq feet) Vertical Supply Chain Structure Number of stores (in 10 store units) Horizontal Competition/Market Structure Distance to first competitor Sale-leader (self) Price-leader (self) Log likelihood Pseudo R2

1.01 1.018** 1.02** (0.43) (2.38) (2.42) 1.00 (0.15 )

1.00 (0.11) 1.01 (0.43 )

1.02* (1.81)

1.02 (1.56)

1.00 (1.37)

1.01 ( 0.72)

1.01 (0.79 )

1.01 (0.90)

1.00 (1.39)

1.00 (1.52)

1.08 1.01 (1.20) (0.92) 1.26 0.70 (0.49) (-0.56) 0.52 1.97 (-1.42) (1.39) -79.065 -80.014 -72.5 -96.3244 -96.9266 -89.0611 0.064 0.065 0.101 0.0245 0.0216 0.0322

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values. * indicates marginal significance at 10 percent or better **means significant to 5 percent or better 33

Table 5: Maximum Likelihood Logistic Estimates of the Effects of Stockouts and number of Stores on the Probability of Adopting Different Technolgies (test of hypothesis 2) Pooled Sample Dependent Variables: Probability of Adopting the Technology ETMD ( Elect.Trans. of Movement Data… Size Sales area (in 1000 sq feet) Horizontal Competition Distance from the main competitor

Competitive sales rank of main competitor Price leadership of the store against its 3 main competitors

VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) (Non-SDS)

1.050** (5.26)

1.050** (5.25)

1.028** (3.82)

1.027** (3.75)

1.025** (3.76)

1.024** (3.72)

0.974* (-1.7)

0.973* (-1.77)

0.907 (-1.43)

0.905 (-1.44)

1.010 (0.80)

1.009 (0.74)

1.755 (1.50)

1.93* (1.72)

1.303 (0.55)

1.331 (0.59)

1.125 (0.32)

1.161 (0.41)

0.894 (-0.36)

0.848 (-0.52)

0.612 (-1.00)

0.588 (-0.89)

0.923 (-0.23)

0.891 (-0.34)

0.999 (-0.18) 5.802 (2.29) -193.1 0.194

0.405** (-2.31) 0.999 (-0.06) 8.772 2.820 -190.37898 2.820

1.004 (1.08) 1.712 (0.74) -92.3 0.176

0.515 (-0.89) 1.005 (1.13) 2.554 (1.07) -91.890 0.179

1.007* (1.84) 0.750 (-0.46) -166.1 0.078

0.563 (-1.19) 1.007** (1.90) 1.024 (0.03) -165.3 0.205

Stock-out Effects Average_Stockout Average_stockout X number of stores (in 10s) Average_stockout X self distribution

SDAIR ( Scanning Data for Auto. Inventory Refill)

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values * indicates marginal significance at 10 percent or better **means significant to 5 percent or better


Table 5a: Same as Table 5 but for Stratified Samples of Self-Distributing and Independent Stores (test of hypothesis 2) Dependent Variables: Probability of Adopting the Technology ETMD ( Elect.Trans. of Movement Data… subsample: subsample: self-dist. stores indep. stores Size Sale area (in 1000 sq feet)

SDAIR ( Scanning Data for Auto. Inventory Refill) subsample: subsample: self-dist. stores indep. stores

VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) (Non-SDS) subsample: subsample: self-dist. stores indep. stores

1.025 (1.42)

1.034** (2.76)

1.030** (3.28)

1.009 (0.48)

1.023 (2.74)

1.022* (1.84)

0.989 (-0.1)

0.982 (-1.19)

0.977 (-0.24)

0.878 (-1.28)

1.084 (1.13)

1.011 (0.83)

Competitive sales rank of main competitor

4.015* (1.69)

1.408 (0.67)

1.120 (0.20)

1.337 (0.32)

1.256 (0.48)

0.718 (-0.50)

Price leadership of the store against its 3 main competitors

0.609 (-0.85)

0.741 (-0.69)

0.503 (-1.17)

0.838 (-0.20)

0.521 (-1.40)

2.031 (1.43)

1.182 (0.18)

0.386** (-1.96)

1.034 (0.04)

0.887 (-0.12)

0.313 (-1.55)

1.11 (0.18)

Average_stockout X number of stores (in 10s)

0.999 (-0.17)

2.424** (2.02)

1.004 (1.04)

1.033 (1.14)

1.008** (2.04)

0.958 (-0.79)

Log likelihood Pseudo R2

-45.94 0.086

-132.12 0.141

-52.460 0.153

-37.817 0.075

-71.3 0.116

-88.91 0.034

Horizontal Competition Distance from the main competitor

Stock-out Effects Average_Stockout

Notes: Estimates are odds ratios Numbers in parenthesis are z values * indicates marginal significance at 10 percent or better ** means significant to 5 percent or better