Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle 1950 Grayscale -

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Braun's Goal Wins. For Knicks, 82-80, ... port, both expressed av Will" ..... fnTpfiumC3%Y-' def

2 Silver Skates Champs Whipped


Continued from Preceding Page



Haines, Marino 'SAYS N. D. SCHEDULES In Eight-Rounder OKLAHOMA GRID TEAM Forte Wins Star Billing at B'way

Sportscaster H a r r y Wispier Long Island City came h o m e Walter Haines, Bedford-Stuy- of t h e American Broadcast-, third. vesant welterweight, m e e t s ing Company said last night However, one Silver Skates tl- John Marino, borough rival that Notre Dame and Okla* tllst r a n true to form. B o b from East New York, in the fea- homa have reached a three* Strong of Flushing came up from behind to no^e out Dick ture eight-round bout at the year football agreement to Walton of Brooklyn' in the Ju-Eastern Parkway Rink tomor- begin no later t h a n 1951. venile Boys 660-yard handicap row night. Although neither coach Union Temple Five race. Nelson Bruckner of Long Haines scored an upset over Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma .Island City won third place. Overcomes B. J. C , 80—60 Walton led t h e field until t h e Joey (Red) D'Amato in his last nor F r a n k Leahy of Notice The Union Temple basketball final lap, when Strong t o o k appearance at the Rink, which Dame, who were on Wismer's program, confirmed the rc« team registered its fifth victory over. added to his impressive record -i-oa^lRH^i-t^iti Preceding Page:Continued, from Preceding Page tn—^tg^tt-st*tlttMf)y-i;eutir+g--the port, both expressed a v Will" —~Rv^ : yn-JRox£cJi_o.Liilendalejof 25 victories against three de captured the Girls Class B 330- feats in"l7"moh'tKa'of ca'fflpatgrcf-***tf»««M©-meet on thc-grid^ .that Dreyer had won the Met! at Tennessee, and Anareson, an Brooklyn Jewish Center, 80—60, yard race b u t was disqualified ing. He ran up a winning streak iron. A. A. U. title. (exchange student at Alfred, in a Jewish Welfare Board for pushing, and first place of 13 straight before losing a Admitting that he and T h e record-wrecking c o n - j g a m e l y hanging on in seventh Basketball League test on the Unued as the athletes moved to} and eighth places, respectively. winner's floor last night. T h e The New York Knickerbock- went to Sandra Fishman of close verdict to Mario Moreno. Leahy had conferred at ' t h e the Armory Sit night. HenryjBoth struggled desperately to Templars held a 37—24 half ers edged out the Boston Cel- Brooklyn. He then reversed that decision N. C. A. A. convention, WilSteven Reese of Brooklyn a week later. Marino h a s won kinson said, "I hope to get toI.askau _ "df" t W"e~Maccabr"A7--e4rmprove- their—positions,--but time-lead lowering t h e one-mile walkjthey just couldn't get up the Paul Malamed and Irwin A l tics7S2 to 8071 n a XatioriaTBas- overtook the field to take l o p l i s lairibliFTiMntlciliTg" _ ff"deci gether-for- a series of games terson hit for 17 points each for ketball Association contest last honors in the Midget Boys 410-kion over Freddie Monforte. with Notre Dame." mark to six minutes. 30 seconds!necessary steam, Bpmie Mahl night at rhp ftnih Rpffiinent;vard handicap event in the "ITVst linai., I I F — H u w e v e i , the—foreign V.UUT, Uuion Tpmpjp Robert gj— W r e d e ot TacTC^m—rfeights;tional t i t l e h o l d e r and aniput on strong finishing kick.^ registered 16 for Brooklyn Armory. • gained second, and Ronald; Olympian, erased the oldest j each moving up one notch and Jewish. Down by as much as 16 points J S , h e m o w o f Brooklyn, third. mark on the Met books—the, closing in on the leaaers near The lineup: Union Ttmpie I Broom. ™ J. c. \ the second half, the Knlcks The summaries: p n 6:31.8 which Willie Plant set up;the finish. Holmbeia; especialO Y 1 2 16 f n t i p h t h a c k - t o t h p n n i n t w h p i ' P Junior boys 880-y«jd hmd!c«.j>—Won by a 1 5iU»hl ly looked strong ^ s he crossed;i.«ner *in 1023. I O U I U IMLK l 0 i n e i 0 4' B uch»Ji«T 5 i u | » Point « n e i e j , AcmeIc«( 1P»l»oe 5 1%li%v, 2 . ci*m 3 . 0 4 Carl ' R r a i l n w x a h l p in t i p H lwHaoU o vulne r . D(Lns) Brooklyn (scrsvclO; 6;Orent)lck Lampert gained both the-the tape in fifth place. Andre-;w«j*„ 3 0 2 1 4 L . d T l r U d U I l \ \ a > a O i e 1 0 U e U i r r e d B r u c k n e r . N o r s e m e n 3 . C, T i m e . 1 : 3 4 . 1 3 lTIUvine 7 shotput record and the eham- son was seventh. -"*«!£h Juvenile boys 860-y»rd hu\dlc*p~-Won j 1 11 up at 80-all with a twisting one1 n: 2, 4 8 4 8! Heller pionship through the disquali-l Twomey found the pace set summer* Dick Walton, Norsemen S. O. ( 1 0 y»rds»; 0 4 handed just 75 seconds from the 1 0 3'Korm«n 3. Nelson Bruckner. Norsemen 8. C. ( 1 0 0 2 fication of his former N. Y. U.jby Gehrmann too much in the | ^ e f £ 2 0 4;L»vine end. Then, after the Celts' Bob yurds). Time. 1:17.5. 0 8; teammate, Berhie Mayer. Big,final lap and fell back. Wade, M»!»*I Mtdtet B o y » - 4 4 0 - y » r d h i n d i c t p — W o n by 3 0 6: Doll had foolishly taken and Steven Reeje. Olymplid 8. C. (sor»tch) ; 2. 1 1 3! Mayer, c o m p e t i n g for the!who had been following theJMtita»n Robert Wrede. unatt*ched ( 2 5 yards); 3 . missed a long set. the Knlcks Pioneers, was t h e original!three leaders doggedlv. churned Totals Ronald Chemow, Empire 8. C. (scratch). 25 10 6 0 35 10 80: T e u l i froze for the last 45 seconds to Time. 0:54.5. winner with a tremendous;around the track in the closing Mld»et boys (peanut clns»i 220-yard haninsure one last shot. heave of 55 feet. 5 inches. But:yards to pass the tiling Twodicap—Won by Paul Rlttmuller, unattached It looked like an overtime (30 yards*: 2, Levis Katcher. Paterson the Met A. A. I", registration mey and nosed out Tobey for C. (scratc). 3 . Oo» NeUon, Acme (20 when the Knicks waited too 3.yardJ). Time. 1:31.4 committee, meeting a few hours;second place. Tobe.v's thirdQlrls CIRAI A 660-yard handicap—Won long for the payoff shot. Dick Mater, declared Mayer ineligible'place finish was a few yards by Olorla Rattay. Queensbrook 8 . C. ( 1 0 McGuire and Ernie Vandeweghe yards); 2. Marian Tomllnson, Paterson for amateur competition be- ahead of Twomey. (scratch); 3 . Ter*s* Arrlfo, Paterson each passed up short sets with 8.8. C. C. (15-yards). Time. 1:17.3. cause of his job as a health ed-; l ontinued from Preceding Page a b O U t 1 0 S e c o n d l e f t b u t t h e OlrU C l u s B 330-yard handicap — Won tication instructor at Adelphij latter finallv gave the ball to«bsr 8Andr "A"*", unattached unatuched ( 2«5 y.rd.oMary * Bennett, yards): For the Senators, where most of ji B r a i m o n t h e r i g h t S i d e a n d ! 12, College and took his number ^Q^Q W , n g Drive 3 (3J - & , inches:; While N e w York's K d RloWSemlnoff plans for getting outj 4. Roben Cirty. Manhattan. 22 (eet. 7 . . . .. . , , , , club's _ _ . — ] 4 , 40th Precinct; 5, 48th Precinct.- Time. Inches. (New meet record: o'.d record.. 23 l U S k l W a s i l l t h e D O X , A b e l W a l - ahead of the Yankees this year! 31 20 82 Totals 30 20 8 0 | 0 : 3 1 1. Officials—Stun and Totf. : et 220-vard relay (110-pound cla.vsl —Won in .'i9474),"ehes' *'t b> l r ' 1 , u MondMheln lloped a 50-footer .with the sec-—and staying there. by 111th Precinct (Marcella Conner, Marlon 3S-*pound weight t h r o w — I , Henry Dreyer.' o n d period thl'ee-fOUl'thS gone. Boc*. Jean Alsen and Mae FMga); 2 . 2 8 t h ' At the same time General K Precinct; 3. 88th Precln:t: 4, Wjmn Center; &£™. Police ^:\*tZ:kG^.Then McNab tied the score at 5, 41st Precinct., 0:29.4, Manager Roy Harney ofif thecity College Fencers F*. Siephtn Dillon. St Francis. 51 feet, 91, ~]'> 440-yard relav (unlimited clasa)—Won by'. • Inches 4. John Ojle, Manhattan. 30 feet, i ' "', ,. Pirates reported a tou Wynn Center .(Harriet Norrls, Sandra Pender.' i 17a Inches. . ' i lllf lineup: Gladvs Farde and Bessie Barlleld); 2 . 7 9 t h ; Rout Princeton, 16—11 Pole v a u l t - 1. Richard Bastax. Army. 13J Detroit—Goal. Sawchuk: defense. Stewart. trouble with six players w h o Precinct; 3, 28th Precinct; 4, 62d PTecincl; i I fee', tie for second among J M M Harrtng- j Keilv; center. McP'adden; wing's. Pavelich. have returned their contracts 23d Precinct, Time, 0 5 3 . 1 . ten. Manhattan; Rirhard Lynn. N Y. V : jPeters Alternates, Martin. Relse. Lindsay, City College's fencing team, 5,BOYS EVENTS .Paul Paetow. Columbia. 12 f e n . (New meet < Gee, Howe. McNab. Aire'.. BRbando, Carveth. unsigned and will '"have to 880-vard relav (125-oound class)—Won by i 1 record; old record. 12 (eet. set bv Richard'Couture, Black Pogolin paced by Irwin Ackerman and 41st Precinct (Al Llndsey, Bill McCook. Jim Lynn in 1949.1 New" York—Goal. Rayner; defetue, Ed- prove their worth before they and Henry Mosley); 2, Wynn Center; hU rdl >r U . I K f , * i . ~ ' ' ^ * m " " ' i r J l i l * - v d o l l s . Kyle: center. -Raleigh: wings. Ittnd. Gene X a t a n b 1 u t, defeatedQual'.v 3. 30th Precinct; 4. 80th Precinct; 5, 79thj T m Qsrli d get any more.' ton. .™;..- \ , K ° i , h ° v. " ' P o " « siowlnskl: Alternates. Shero. O'Connor. Egan Time, 1:41. "We had a second-division Princeton yesterday. 16—11, at Precinct. rv°.i » u G o < x l r n a n - N - y- "•'• •*• T o m Stanley, I.aprade. Fisher. McLeod, U n c l t n 220-vard relay (80-pound class)—Won by> ln " " M a n h a t t a n . Time. . 0 : 0 9 . 3 . .Kaleta. Leswick Webster. club and those kids must battle C.'C. N.'Y. Natanblut and Acker- 79(h Precinct (Earl Lovell. Robert Fowler, j 60-jard d a s h — 1 . Ira Kaplan. N. Y. U.; 2 , Ben Patton and James Robinson); 2. 2 8 t h , their way out of it to prove they 1 3 . 40th Precinct; 4. 88th Precinct. fcegger. Columbia 4. Kenneth Hite, Army •New York — each won three s a b e r 15,Pf'clnct; are worth more." he said. "I just I 28th Precinct B Team. Time. 0 : 2 8 . 3 . Time, n o e . 6 . SCORING: P. A. L. 2 (lap relay) — 1 . Brooklyn East; First period—No scoring Penalties--Mc- got back from the West Coast p o u t s . Princeton started off b y l ^ ^ o - ^ ^ . , ^ ^ ^ ) Won by lacob Van (Louis Kyle. Harold Wolsky. Ronald Mitchell, I Nab. Lanclen. h i l t t h e i O s t e n . Gilbert Jackson and William Clark); iCurtia Mulllns); 2. Manhattan East; 3 . Man- j Second period—1—New York, Leswicic and noticed the contracts were|winning the foil, 5T ,, . ' 2 . Wynn Center; 3. 28th Precinct; 4. 114th 'hattan West; 4. Brooklyn West. Time. I (Laprade). 2 : 3 2 . 2—New York. Laprade 0:53.2. . ( L t s w i c k ) . 4 : 1 3 . 3—Detroit, McNab (Black. on my desk To tell you the'Beavers won six of the nine precinct! 5, 28th precinct. Time. 0:52.3. One-mile run (run In two sections, places!Kelly), 7 : 2 1 , 4—Detroit, Abel (McFadder.l. 1 can't remember whoiepee bouts and duplicated t h i s L / ^ ^ S ((P^;rpoUAnbeiarCde:slRonVa^ determined on time basis) — 1. Fred Wilt, 15:04. Penalties—Kyle. Fojo'.in, Howe, truth, N. Y. A. C : 2. Roscoe Browne. N. Y. P i o - ; Slowlnskl. were even, except thatjin the saber. •• , J ^ M ^ ^ I T i h M T u m ' m : ] heers; 3,- Joe Seebode, Manhattan: 4 , ' . Third period—5— Detroit. Martin (Lind- they Thomas Qulnn. N. Y. A. C. Time, 4 : 1 6 . 6 . 'say, Howe). 2:47. 6—Detroit, Howe (Lind- thev were vounger plavers. | Princeton s freshmen defeatedi clnct; 5, 8oth ppsinct. Time, 0:52.1. 1.000-yard r u n - - l . John Moran. M a n h a t - j * » v . Stewart). 4 : 3 4 . Penalties—Abel, Kyle, tan: 2. Frank Prince. N. Y. Pioneer: 3, Wll- EddoliS. Harney said he expected n o j t h e City Yearlings, 1 8 t p 9. | POINT SCORE

Ham Omeltchenko. C. C. N. Y : 4. Thomas I R*t« -Bill Chadwlck; line.smen--Mush .1 • ', L • ..!_• iT -t 1 T h p summaries28th Precinct. 26; 79th Precinct. 2 0 ; i n e Comerford, Manhattan. Time, 2:17 9. March and George Hiyg>_ t r o u b l e Wlttl h l S b i g bOV. Slug-! ^uulllldxle- ' Wynn Center. 1 5 : 30th precinct and 41st l.OSO-yatd medley relay—1. N. Y. Pioneers ger Ralph Kiner, the major4 r o |Ue4io c c ^ . v ^ (Stafford Thompson. William Williams. Thomas Brooks. Royal Chernocki; 2. Fordleague home r u n kinff. W l l K l K S . ? 4 ! f t , L , 5 r a . ' 8 4 l J 1 ! i n / S I S S S ^ A J ! : ! P r e c i n c t , 3r 114th Preclncl. r. 23d Precinct; Whom h e plaved golf i n C a l l - Heely Princeton . d e f e a t e d Goldsmith 5 — 4 , i ' ham: 3, Columbia; 4 . Police Sport*. Time. and 48th Precinct. 1. , . * . . . » , T-, i and Byrom. 5 - 4 ; Rlefstall. Ptlnceton. de 1:57.8. fornia and saw the Rose BowlNe*ted "aoid'smith. s--4; Byrom. C.O.N.Y..,, P. S. A. L. 1 ' , mile medley relay—1, Newtown (Rudy Caraxo. Roy Brennan. Harris „ a m p J defeated Reifstall. 5 - 2 : Ooldsmlth. C . C . | U C L A t O F O C B WlSCOnSin d m e Levy. Tom Coulter): 2. Bryant; 3. Boys; 4. N. Y„ defeated Sullivan, 5 — 4 . By winning six of the ten 6 Jackson. Time, 8:05.9 "We even talked contract a ET_ECTRICAI, EPEE Los Angeles, Jan.. 11 (U.R)—The • Three-mile r u n — 1 . Fred Wilt. N. Y. A C. 3. William Lucas. Manhattan; 3 . Richard Le bouts—five by falls-tine Polymttle," he said, "and--we're, j u s t l ^ n j j j , *£$^HiSte? W " ^ * U n i v e r s i t y of California at Los: Wandowskl. Army: 4. Robert Checola. Man Prep wrestling team defeated about agreed. Ralph's 1950 con- C.C.K.Y' defeated chruten 3-1. wo Angeles today signed to play al hattan. Time. 14:32 6. Catholic H l j h Schools two-mile relay— Peddie yesterday, 28 to IS, a t t r a c t will^be in the neighbor- 1 rea'tcT c h A . °3*--i! »nd° pnum 3.-1-| football game with Wisconsin! 1. De L» Salle (Oeorje Ebcrle, Ed Walsh. j P o l . V . C Y def< ,lt,lnthes; 2. Arnold Webb. Brooklyn, ; M u r p h v . P0lv Prep. Ilimed In ! ®* ' ; ! T f ^ , f i feet 2 Inches: tie for third between Joe „ „ „ „ / • ' . u (',„,„ , c^ii„ e * u ' fO • 1 I K l i a n a O o l IS after a hitch with the Pirates. McCarthy. St. John's, and William Vessie. O n e Of t h e f a s t e s t f a l l s Of t h e match. N. Y A. C at * feet.

' brief

1 o All-America Team

Durocher, dead-serious about By B l l - L GRAHAM netary-treasurer and Charles R, the Giants a hot con-j ' B r o o k i y n soccer was salutedlSoott", University of Pcnnsylo w t h a l h e h a s E d d i e ! yesterdav when the lntercollegvania, as assistant to Bnggs 1 12 1 1 s Ro b rt Ko tw , .t, . *^ ^' . ,f;" -« » fob. Stanky and A'lvln Dark from f"^o"!":'„"VocVMa^inA"''anrt"«'h pl The, „ Coaches Association Associatu 1 Robert wemer *ith a crosa body er , Braves r>' , • the , middle • , ,, o f,'iatp Association tne'named . . F ; T ,. _,.,, . i nhe e two \< most disnuted uispuien de. ne- , «»'•* ^ M< , 'jthe to knit ! N' ,a .n "oSoccer , , ' ? ' ' than a score of years secretary t Bow Against Rovers r that period. Jones has won 3.l|?;? lp, , r _ e . t l „ ' l U n i ? r *:*?£"!'••"' ^ ' association. Walter Giesis lthe U Vonnieda to Baltimore The high-scoring T o l e d o games in the past two seasons He presidentoof the 1'S.S.F.A.. " e , l;> ' ' hson " J of " IMhalfback .".U*', b er. r. president M a h r e r 1 < c a n e n r e W Mollne, 111.. Jan. 1,4 CU.P.)—The Buckeves will make their 1049- and was particularly effective . , ^ J ? l i : . r ? / ' 1 h , h r and Paul Men. on, a Haltimorc Trl-City Blackhawks today an- 50 Madison Square Garden de- late last season when he r e - ' o r | R , n a l H a k , o a h FC' o f X , e n n a newspaperman, , to h o n o r a r y nounced the sale of veteran but today when they face the turned to a starting role after a in 192R and membership,. At a luncheon at Brooklyn Stanley "W'hitey" Vonnieda, New York Rovers in an. East- [stretchdoing relief roles, College, where the meeting was! to Baltimore. Both teams are ern Amateur Hockey League! held, Dean of Administration j in the National B a s k e t b a l l contest. To Remodel Cubs' Park Thomas E. Coulton was the League. No sum was disclosed. Chicago. J a n . 11 (U,R>—The chief speaker. Bill Jeffrey, who BOWLING TONIGHT Play BalTMarch 10 Chicago Cubs announced today ha/? coached successful teams at Cincinnati. Ohio. Jan. 14 (U.PJ ^ « " c "AQWE .(hat Wriglev Field will be re Penn State for 24 years, was 1 •r, . ,. ,, . , -n \ B t a u Red at BurHai-.d Blue U * l e 7 Red at i i . , , named as the winner of the o -Baseball Commissioner A. B.!mat* BI «, BUU ooi« at u*>r mu*. e :«.modeled at a cost of nearly U U Chandler today approved March {£*-&U» X ^ ^ M o ^ \ ? b T ^ ^ » ^ . 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 before the first Na- Honor Award for having done 10 as the dale for the first 1050;Rh6r» v'»*. owdntr at Ben. jtional League home game with,most in promoting the sport. major league exhihi'.ion game*, CIAM A R«D tiAotn St. Louis, April 21. The box! T h e Intercollegiate A^-mia rieck H M U r « J 1 W ' W / i n w ! : ^ extending from left turn elected Oebrge Van Bibber 1 8uu C 1 M nn 1 i""R'e*Ct* ' ° *" ** » «. f"' field to the first base dugout of the University of Connecticut will be torn down and replaced I AS president and Ivan Oeiger of ;CI.4»* A R t C I I T A o r * Re»»nl at Alb*« m u * r # Kinr»»a» „ with a new deck of reinforced M.LT. as vice-pnesident. Law .OTinnon. farrarut a( Pearl. Collete » F««nw P1tc« »l I.T'rtr,i--> M. ooooooo^ ( t » t A « l . l » H t O OVIR 104 YIAK») 103-pound threw Jsmes

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