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i t ance of an order of Hon. Lockwood R. JL Doty, Surrogate of the County of Liv- ingston, and of the statute in such cane fjeade and provided, all persons having.

Lateat to S w i m Channel

Father Sa^e jyyji

yhertew Buic \s\\\znewS\y\

Some men say worse things than they mean, and some mean worse things t h a n they say.


The Cabriolet f Body by

*FOK SALE:?" 10< 0 cheptnut fence posts. A. G. Stockweather, Hunt. m, * £ S t i S l ~ S 44w4 • FOR SALE: Orderfc now for Bartlett and Flemish beauty pears. F. E. Boyd, Nunda. 44w2pd

More than handsomer-more than luxurious* •• a wonderful new type of motor car beauty • • a thrilling turning point in body design

11,500,000 has been expended in manufacturing the dies alone for the new Buick bodies; and the gracefully curving side panels which form one of their distinguish iog characteristics represent the most expensive steel paneling work employed on any automobile in the world!


New You Can Buy Ycurficntiac [quipped With

RATE: 10 cents a line per week, six words to a line.

It will be imitated, of eourte! The •ew, the fine and the beautiful always inspire emulation. But ao great \t the cost of building the mAgnifirent new Fisher bodies for the Silver Anniversary Buick that imiUtion will be possible only to much costlier cars, and even these will find difficulty in following where Buick leads!




But it is not in the matchless grace and beauty of exterior design alone that the Silver Anniversary Buick eclipses other cars. In fleet, powerful performance too, the world holds no equal for the Silver Anniversary Buick with Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher. And the motorpublic, buying in such tremendous volume as to force the great Buick factories to work day and night to supply the demand, is elevating it to the prominence of a vogue!

iToR SALE 8 room house all modern equipment. Inquire F. J. McCarthy. 43tf "FOR SALE: Pallor coal stove in Rood 4 condition. Price $20. Nellie Wilner, 30 Fair street. £44w3pd 2 FOR SALE: ^Or rent house, and lot in! Oakland known as the Simons place, barn, garden, fruit; possession at once. Inquire Mrs. B. W. Thompson, phone 24FU. 44w2pd

Miss Ivy Hawkes, twenty-one-yearold Brighton girl, who successfully swam the English channel, completing her swim at St Margaret's bay, near Dover. She was accompanied by tbe tug Alsace, which carried her trainers and witnesses.


WANTED: Roomersr also garage for rent. Mrs. I. |H. Smith, HAT IT COSTS Church St. 44w2pd TO QOVERN US | FORSRENT:!fRoom. P Inquire Mrs. Milo Goldthwait, Church St. B« PROF. M. H. HUNTER 44w2p o*p|. o/ Economic J. Univ. o/ lUinou

'aSmocmfulStx Vrru

To provide an even greater degree of Impressive smartness and dash, special wire wheel equipment has been made available on all Potv ttac Six closed and open models. This equip* ment—which costs but $95 extra—includes the important items that leading custom d o signers are employing; six wire wheels; two spare tires; front fenders with wells in which the spares are cradled alongside the hood; chrome-plated spare wheel clamps; and a Cold* ing trunk rack.

.> %

v% % i.


If you are in the market for an ultra-modish car of extremely low price, come in and see how Pontiac's low, rakish lines are enhanced by this new equipment which is available in no other six of comparable cost.



BUICK. W i t k slastcrpi««« Bodies By fisher


2-Door Sedan, $74ft Coupe, $?4*i Sport RomdMer, S74St S773i Cabriolet. $795 (Sport Equipment Extra* 4-Door Sedan. W i Sport Landau Sedan, $87*. Oakland AW American Six. $104* — $126$. All price* at factory. Check Oakland.Pontiacdelik>ered pricem ~-ihey include law ft handlrnm charmn General Motor* Time Pay rate. mt nl Pfan m i r n a H j at minimum

»m.i»ii»ii«n» i» i« i> it | n » «n« i»n» tn«M«ii« i«ii».i«n»i.«.

• FOR SALE: 8 room house with The Coat of the World War furnace, lights, water" and garage. AVE you ever heard that the Inqui'3 F. J. McCarthy. p 43tf World war cost $338,000,000,000? What does $338,000,000,000 mean to FOR SALE: New house, Buffyou, even If you have beard that was alo St., hall, living room dining the cost? room, and kitchen down; three Many Insurmountable difficulties, of bedrooms and bath up; splendid course, arise when one seeks to esti- celler, high and dry cement botmate the cost of any war, to say noth- tom. Nice porch and summer ing of such a holocaust as the World house; fine large lot; all latest imwar. The value of devastated lands and destroyed capital can only be es- provements in house, only $4,600. 33tf timated. There is no way of definitely Sanders Agency, phone 99.

MANN BROS., Inc., Ht. Horris NUNDA GARAGE, Inc., Nunda ^



OTICE TO CRKDlTOR8.-ln pursuN ance of en order of Hon. Lockwood H. Doty, Surrogate of the County of Living-


ston, ani of the Statute in such case made provided, alt persons having claims In the matter of tbe Condemnation of Certain Real Estate for Highway inst the Estate of Michael.). Tracy, Purposes by of the T >wn of Nunda, in said county The County of Livingston, ised,ar< required to exhibit the same, with the von hers in support thereof, to the Plaintiff, suidersigned, Attorneys of the Adminisvs. trator of said deceased, at the office of said Martha Ebert Blow Wadsworth and Attorneys in the town of Nunda, in said Nathan C.Hhiverick.both individual, County, on or before the 15th day of Janly and as Executors and Trustees of uary, l&V. and under tbe last Will and TestaDated, July Oth, 1W8. ment of Herbert Wadsworth, decsased; James D. Anderson, Henry M. Harold Tracy, Administrator. W. Clements and Howard King, D. 8. « D. D. Hobinson, Attorn »y> for Defendents. jtdoulnistrator, Office & P. O. Address, Wanda, N Y . 87w2tt HJOT1CE TO CREDITORS.-In pursui t ance of an order of Hon. Lockwood R. JL Doty, Surrogate of the County of Livingston, and of the statute in such cane fjeade and provided, all persons having Ims against the estateof Mary Monaghan of the town of Nunda, in said county, deceased, are required to exhibit the same, with thi< vouchers in support thereof, to the undersigned, Attorneys of the Executes of sal I deceased, at the office of said Attorney •», in the town of Nunda, in said county, on or before the 15th day of January, iwy Dated, July 9, 1WS. Parker Corbett, Executor. D. H. 8. &, D. D. Robinson, in the town of ffnnda, in said county, on or before tbe Jet day of December. 1938. Dated, May Both, 1928. Charlotte Uoodale, Administratrix. D. 8. & D. D Robinson, Attorneys for Administratrix, Office and P. 0. Address, Please take further notice that a copy of Honda, N Y. Slw'Jo said petition, with a map of tbe said land OTICE TO CREDITORS.—lnuursuante so to t* acquired, is on file in tbe office of of an order of Hon. Lockwood R. the Clark of Livingston County. THE COUNTY OF LIVINGSTON, |)oty, Surrogate of the County of LivingPlaintiff, eton, and of the statute in such case made aia', provided, ali persons having claims By 8. Orant Flint, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. •gainst the estate of Adelia Feck, D. 8. & D. D. Robinson, Attorneys for late of cht> town of Nunda, in said county, deceased, are required to exhibit the same, the Plaintiff, Office & P. O. Address, Nunwith the vouchers in support thereof, to the da, N. Y. 44 w3 • nderslgn-'d, executor of the will of said deceased, at the office of said exector, at:>l Exchange Street in the city of Rochester, in said county, on or before the 1st day of December, ll>,'8. Dated, \pril pith, 1W8. Ernest C VV'hlthfck, Executor. 27wM



EGKERT 8 MG MASTER PORTAGEVILEE, N/.Y. Phone 52F13, Nunda. 25w22

MEAL FOB 3 8 C • For Both Men and Women





A total of 2,976 languages spoken throogho it the world U given by an expert from carefully compiled statistics from the various countries. Thil nana ber includes the many barbaric means of expression used in obscure corners of the enrth. Forty-eight of tbe 8flu distinctive languages existing today an; current In Europe, 163 in Apia, 42* In North and South America* and 117 in Oceania.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Herbert A. Heminway ATTORNEY AT LAW B Arcade Block 4 W. Market St. Corning, N. Y . | 9tf

WALTER A. STAMP Representing





Metropolitan Life Ins, Co. NUNDA. :N .:


C. S. Hawkins, Eye Specialist, At Residence oi MRS. J. H. HUUHES.j Nunda, N. T.

FIRST WEDNESDAY OP EACH MONTH Rochester Office. 675 Seneca Parkway. Phone, Glen wood 1010. ^ i

City Typewriter Exchange


Suits, Overcoats and Dresses

Dry Cleaned & Pressed Bring in all your winter clothing that needs dry cleaning and have it done now. Then you will be ready when the first cold snap comes.


160 Clinton Ave. South fc. _ Rochester, Phone Stone 3424

Tire Clearance SALE Goodyear Guaranteed Pathfindpr Tires at Reduced Prices. SSTit [HIGH PRESSURE CORDS SOxSh Clincher 30x3£ Clincher Oversize.. 31x4 Straight Side 32x4 i i 33x4 i i 32x44