Characteristics of Surface Radiative Fluxes and Cloud ...

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ative for most of the year and only positive during midsummer in the Arctic. The global net .... the ice station of the Surface Heat Budget of the Arc- tic Ocean ...

第 22 卷 第 4 期 2 0 0 0 年 12 月


V ol. 22 N o. 4 Dec. , 2 0 0 0

Article ID: 1000-0240( 2000) 04-0384-07

Characteristics of Surface Radiative Fluxes and CloudRadiative Forcing with a Focus on the Arctic ( 北极地区地面辐射量和云辐射强迫特征) LIU Feng- jing( 刘凤景) 1, 2 , SU N Jun-ying( 孙俊英) 3 , ZHAN G T ing- jun( 张廷军) 4, CHENG Guo- dong( 程国栋) 2 ( 1. D ep ar t ment of G eography and Insti t ute of A rcti c and A lpi ne Research , Uni v ersi ty of Colorado, Bou lder , C O 80309, USA ; 2. St ate K ey L aboratory of Frozen Soil Engi neeri ng , CA REERI , CAS , L anz hou G ansu 730000, Chi na ; 3. L abor atory of I ce Core and Col d Regi ons E nv ir onmen t , CA REERI , CA S , L anz hou Gansu 730000, China ; 4. Cooper ati ve Insti t ute f or R esearch i n Env ir on me ntal S ciences, U niv ersity of Col orado, Bould er , CO 80309, USA )

Abstract: In this paper t he character istics o f sur face radiativ e flux es and cloud- radiative forcing are review ed w ith a focus o n the Arctic. T hree aspects are addressed, including ( i) changes in radiation flux over the global surface; ( ii) character istics of surface flux es in the A rct ic; and ( iii) character istics o f cloud-r adiative for cing in t he Arctic. T he clouds not only sig nificantly reduce the peak summer radiativ e heat ing of the surface but also r educe the wintertime radiativ e cooling at t he surface in higher latitudes. T he dow nw ard longw ave flux es dominates the incident radiativ e fluxes in the A rctic dur ing most of the y ear. I ncoming shortwave flux es are neglig ible during late fall, w inter and ear ly spring, and even during the midsummer the incoming shor twave fluxes are only slig htly greater than the downward lo ngw ave flux es. T he total net surface radiativ e flux is negative for most of the y ear and only positive during midsummer in the A rct ic. T he g lobal net cloud- radiative forcing is negative, but the cloud- radiative for cing is positive in the Arctic, showing a warming effect , ex cept for a short period in mid- summer. P ositive cloud- radiative forcing in the A rct ic is attributed to the presence of snow and ice with high albedo and the absence of solar r adiation dur ing the polar nig ht. Key words: surface radiative fluxes; cloud- r adiative forcing ; review; Arctic CLC number: P422. 3 Document code: A


- based Eart h [ LL ] Radiat ion Budget Ex periment ( ERBE ) show t hat t he annual mean albedo of t he

T he g lobal cloud distribution is recognized as

nort hern and sout hern hemispheres is nearly t he

forming a m ajor component of t he Earth s clim at e in it s influence on bot h t he energy and moist ure ex-

sam e . T his lack of hemispherical asymmetry in t he

changes in t he eart h - at mosphere system. Clouds

albedo reveals the dominant influence of clouds over

cover approx imately 50% of the surface area of the Earth, and account for about t wo- thirds of t he mean

surf ace ef fects in det ermining t he hemispherical mean albedo, since wit hout t he cloud ef fects the sig nificant

planetary albedo


. Observ at ions from t he sat ellit e


diff erences in t he surf ace feat ures bet ween the tw o hemispheres w ould have introduced large differences

Recei ved date: 1999- 12-27; Modi fied date: 2000-08- 14 Biography: LIU Feng-jing ( 1964~ ) , male, born in N angong of H ebei Province, graduat ed from Lanzhou U niversit y ( B. S . ) and Lanzhou Inst-i tut e of Glaciology and G eocryology ( M . S . ) , wit h research int erest s in w at er resources and hydrology. E - mail: Fengjing@ col orado. edu


刘凤景等: 北 极地区地面辐射量和云辐射强迫特征


in t he hem ispherical albedo. Overall, clouds appear to

tudes, w ith a sect ion describing the eff ect of clouds

cool t he earth - at mosphere syst em according to

on the surf ace radiat ion budget

ERBE observation. T he global mean cooling varied from 14 to 21 W m - 2 bet ween April 1985 and Jan-

recent st udies w ill be present ed here in order t o update Crane and Barry s review , including ( i) changes

uary 1986. Hemispherical, the long wave and short-

in radiat ion f lux over the global surface; ( ii) charac-

w ave cloud f orcing nearly cancel each ot her in the

terist ics of surface f luxes in t he Arct ic; and ( iii) char-

w int er hemisphere, w hile in the summer t he negative shortw ave cloud f orcing is significantly lower than the

acterist ics of cloud- radiat ive forcing in the Arct ic.

posit ive longw ave cloud forcing in magnitudes, pro-


ducing a strong cooling. T hus, clouds signif icantly reduce t he seasonal chang es in t he net radiative heating of the planet

3, 4


T he physical processes occurring in the Arctic climate system are in many ways unique compared w it h other regions of t he g lobe, part icularly due to the presence of t he highly reflecting snow and ice, the absence of solar radiat ion for a long port ion of the year, low temperatures and w ater vapor amount s, and presence of t emperat ure inversions 1 . Clouds di rectly af fect surface t em perature and surf ace albe5

do , and also indirectly affect t he st abilit y of t he atmospheric boundary layers and thus t he surface sensi


. M ajor results f rom

By using global observat ions of the propert ies of clouds, t he at mosphere and t he surf ace for m any years, Rossow and Zhang calculated global shortw ave and longwave fluxes at the t op of t he at mosphere and at t he surface at a resolut ion of 280 km and 3 hours for every t hird month f rom April 1985 to January 1989 15 . T he results show t hat t he annual mean net radiat ive balance at the surface is heating everyw here ex cept over t he high Antarctic Plateau ( F ig . 1) . T he ba-l ance results from a large shortw ave heating t hat isopposed by a small long wave cooling.

ble and latent flux es 6 . Calculat ions using a one- di mensional t hermodynamic model of sea ice suggest that t he pack ice could t otally melt during summert ime as a result of increasing cloud fraction 7 and al so by increasing the optical dept h of the wint ert ime 8

low er tropospheric ice cryst al clouds . In the Arct ic, t he cloud - radiation feedback is inext ricably linked w it h the snow

ice albedo feedback. It has

been hypot hesized that chang es in surface albedo associated w ith changes in snow and ice cover as a result of tem perature changes provides a signif icant positive feedback on climate change 9 . Over t he Arctic, accurate det ermination of the surface radiat ion fluxes is of part icular import ance due to t he sensit ivit y of snow and ice to the surface radiat ion fluxes

5, 6, 9, 10

net LW ( dashed) , and total net ( dashed- doted line) radiat ive flux es at the surface 15

. Impact of clouds on surface

fluxes and cloud- radiative forcing in t he Arctic have been st udied by many invest ig ators, for example, recent ones including Curry et al . 12

Fig . 1 A nnual, zonal mean values of net SW ( solid) ,



, Curry and E14

F ig. 2a shows t he annual, January and July zonal mean net radiat ion at surface 15 . T he large seasonal changes are caused almost ent irely by changing t he

bert , Zhang et al . , and T say et al . . Crane and Barry have exhaust ively review ed t he influ-

net shortw ave radiat ion associat ed wit h solar zenith angle variat ion. Not e t hat t he Arctic undergoes weak

ence of clouds on clim at e wit h a focus on high lati

net radiative heat ing at t he surf ace in summer but


22 卷

t hat the surface of t he Ant arct ic Plat eau st ill shows a small net radiat ive cooling even in summer. Comparing F igures 2a and 2b shows t hat clouds not only signif icantly reduce the peak summer radiat ive heat ing of t he surf ace but also shif t t he polew ard edge of t he peak heat ing zone equatorw ard by about 30 of lat itude. At t he same time, clouds reduce t he w intertime radiat ive cooling at t he surface at higher lat itudes and shift the equatorw ard edge of t he cooling zone t oward t he pole by about 10 of lat it ude. T he patt ern of zonal mean cloud flux chang e show s t he major cloud zones and their seasonal shift s more clearly ( Fig. 2c) . T he cloud change of net radiation is primarily a short w ave flux change result ing in a decrease of net radiation relat ive t o clear condit ions in summer, but t he w eak longw ave eff ect s play a more important role in the high lat it udes of the w inter hemisphere, causing an increase of net radiat ion relat ive to clear condit ions in w inter ( F ig . 2c) . Ramanat han et al . found t hat in April 1985 t he short wave radiation cloud f orcing peaked in midlat-i tudes, unlike the longw ave forcing w hich peaked over t he t ropics 16 . In t he t ropics, large negative values w ere observed in t he tropical monsoon and deep convect ive reg ions. T he shortw ave forcing was also large nort h of 30 N in t he Atlantic and P acif ic. In t hese regions, the reduct ion of absorbed solar radiat ion as a result of clouds exceeded 100 W m - 2 . T able 1 cont ains some global cloud forcing estimates f rom ERBE data. When clouds are present , t he at mospheric column radiat es less t herm al energy and reflects more solar radiat ive flux es int o space than it w ould clear .


t he


w ere

T he preliminary analyses of the dat a for f our

Table 1 Comparison of global cloud f orcing estimates using ERBE data ( W m - 2) A pril 1985

F ig. 2 Annual ( thin solid lines) , Januar y ( dashed lines) , and July ( thick solid lines) zonal mean v alues of ( a) fullsky net r adiative flux es, ( b) clear sky net fluxes, and ( c) cloud changes of net fluxes at the surface as a function of latitude 15

16, 17

July 1985 O ctober 1985 January 1986

Longw ave cloud f orcing

31. 3

30. 0

32. 0

30. 6

Short wave cloud f orcing

- 44. 5

- 46. 4

- 49. 4

- 51. 9

N et cloud f orcing

- 13. 2

- 16. 4

- 17. 4

- 21. 3


刘凤景等: 北 极地区地面辐射量和云辐射强迫特征


mont hs show n in T able 1 conf irm t hat clouds have a

short wave fluxes are only slightly g reat er than t he

net cooling ef fect on t he global climat e.

dow nw ard longw ave flux es. Net shortw ave and long-


w ave surf ace fluxes are g iven in F ig. 4. It is seen t hat t he t otal net radiat ive flux is negat ive for most of t he year and only posit ive during m idsummer.

T he most comprehensive in sit u measurem ent s of the surface radiat ion balance over t he Arct ic are the Russian measurements made f rom drif t ing ice st at ions 18~ 20 and t he most recent measurements from the ice st at ion of t he Surface Heat Budget of the Arct ic Ocean ( SH EBA)


. T he early observat ions f rom 22

Russia were assessed and int erpreted by F letcher . F let cher inf erred that values report ed by M ashunova


are the most com plete and reliable ( F ig. 3) .

F ig. 4

Annual cycle of modeled net shortw av e

and long wave flux es at the surface 12

T he modeled incoming shortw ave fluxes show ex cellent agreement w it h t he M ashunova values 18 , w it h t he modeled dow nw ard longw ave flux es not agreeing quite well w it h M ashunova s values ( Fig. 3) . T he discrepancies betw een t he model and Marshunova s w intertime longw ave v alues presumably ref lect Fig. 3

Annual cycle of the modeled inco ming shor twave

and downward longw ave fluxes at the surface


. Dots and

diamo nds corr espond to LW and SW v alues, r espectiv ely, as determined by M ashunova


. ( T he day starts on

Januar y 1; the follow ing figur es ar e the same as this one)

diff erences in the assumed phase of the condensate and the cont ribution of clear- sky ice crystal precip-i t at ion. T he summertime discrepancies in surf ace longw ave flux possibly ref lect dif ferences in cloud height , cloud- base temperature, and/ or cloud emissivit y. Com parison of t he sat ellit e

derived surf ace

By using available data on cloud f ract ion and

f lux es using ISCCP clouds w ith t he aforementioned

cloud microphysical propert ies, Curry and Ebert derived the annual cycles of surface temperature, sur-

Curry and Ebert analysis are show n in F ig. 5 and F ig. 6, w here t he surface radiat ive fluxes were deter-

f ace albedo, and cloud f ract ion and cloud opt ical prop-

mined follow ing Rossow and Zhang

erties, and furt her determined t he surf ace f luxes by

t here is agreement to w it hin 10 ~ 20 W m -

coupling the radiat ive calculations t o a one - dimensional t hermodynamic sea- ice model ( for 80 N) 12 .

April, the incoming shortw ave fluxes of t he ISCCP values in July are about 40 W m - 2 hig her than

As show n in F ig . 3, the dow nw ard longw ave f lux es

t hat f ound by Curry and Ebert , primarily because of

dominat es t he incident radiat ive f luxes in t he Arctic during most of t he year. Incoming shortw ave f lux es

t he much low er sum mert ime cloud cover in the ISC-


. Although 2


w inter and early

CP analysis ( F ig. 5) . How ever, t he higher surf ace albedo in the ISCCP analysis produces almost t he

spring, andeven during the midsummer the incoming

sam e net short w ave f luxes at t he surf ace as found by

are negli gible during late fall,


Curry and Ebert.

W m

22 卷

T he agreement of downw ard

long wave flux es at surf ace in July is w it hin about 1 0 - 2

despit e the larg e dif ferences in cloud cover

because t he clouds included in the ISCCP analysis, al t houg h they have hig her tops t han the clouds t hat are missed, have about the same base heig ht s in t hese

4 CHARACT ERIST ICS OF CLOUD- RADIAT IVE FORCING IN TH E ARCT IC Ramanat han et al . def ined t he cloud longw ave ( C LW ) and short w ave ( C SW ) radiat ive f orcing to be

calculations ( F ig . 6) . In wint ert ime, t he ISCCP

C LW = F ( A c ) - F( 0)

analysis overest imates t he downward longw ave f lux es relat ive to Curry and Ebert because the clouds have

C SW = Q ( A c) - Q( 0)

much higher optical thickness. How ever, in t he ISC-

Where A c is t he cloud fract ion and Q and F are t he short wave and longw ave flux es, respect ively ( note

CP analysis t he surf ace temperatures, w hich are w armer t han t hat of Curry and Ebert , produce larger

t hat here the radiat ive f luxes are defined to be posit ive

outgoing long wave fluxes so t hat t he net surface f luxes in bot h Curry and Ebert Z hang



agree t o w ithin 10 W m

and Rossow and - 2


dow nw ard) . T he values of cloud f orcing are negat ive for cooling and posit ive for w arming. T he net cloud forcing, C , is t he sum


C = C LW + C SW Using t he aforement ioned model of t he at mosphere and sea ice syst em, Curry and Ebert evaluat ed t he cloud radiat ive forcing at t he surf ace ( F ig. 12

7) . Strong seasonal variat ions w ere determined for surf ace C SW , w it h lit t le variation in C LW , resulting in a strong annual variation in C . Values of surface C are positive except for tw o weeks in midsummer. Over t he course of the y ear, clouds have a net w arming eff ect on t he surface in the Arct ic; this is in conFig . 5 A nnual cycle of incoming surface shortw ave r adiative flux for 80 N. Curry and Ebert Rosso w and Zhang



analysis ( heav y solid) .

analysis based on ISCCP for four

t rast to low er lat it udes, w here clouds have a net coo-l ing effect . T his difference arises due to absence of solar radiat ion during t he polar

months in 1985 ( thin solid) ; smoot hed annual cycle fit to the four- month ISCCP analysis ( dashed)

Fig. 7

Annual cycle of mo deled cloud forcing at the surface 12

Fig . 6 A nnual cycle of downward surface longw av e radiative flux for 80 N. Curry and Ebert Rossow and Zhang



analysis ( heav y solid) .

analysis basedon ISCCP fo r four

months in 1985 ( thin solid ) ; smoot hed annual cycle fit to the four- month ISCCP analysis ( dashed)

night and due to the hig h surface albedo of the sea ice. It is noted here t hat C SW and t hus C are strongly sensit ive to t he value of surf ace albedo. By using the data from the Arct ic Stratus Cloud


刘凤景等: 北 极地区地面辐射量和云辐射强迫特征


Table 2 Shortwave, longwave and net cloud forcing over dif ferent geotypes determined from AVHRR data ( W m

- 2



O cean/

O cean/

Lan d/





- 108. 5

- 35. 3

- 115. 6

- 80. 5

- 69. 1

19. 7

33. 1

9. 6

25. 3

12. 6

15. 2

- 100. 7

- 75. 4

- 25. 7

- 90. 3

- 67. 9

- 53. 9

O cean


SW cloud f orcing

- 120. 4

LW cloud forcing N et cloud f orcing

Ex periment collect ed on June 20 and 28 in 1980,

over land and ocean have the larg est mag nitudes, and

T say et al . provided tabulat ing results of fluxes for solar and near - inf rared radiat ion w it h various com-

over ice the mag nitude is the smallest. T he largest

ponents in the at mospheric profiles


. T he net

longw ave forcing is over land, w here temperatures are w armest , and t he sm allest forcing is over ice. T he

cloud- radiat ive forcing at surface, aft er recalculat ing, are 278 W m - 2 for June 20 and 373 W m - 2 for

net cloud forcing is neg at ive for all geot ypes and may

June 28, show ing a cooling effect . It is f urther in-

is based on midsummer data.

f erred t hat a clear sky condit ion results in more avail able dow nward f lux for snow m elt than does a cloudy


be explained for snow and ice because the calculat ion


sky condit ion in June. Zhang et al . investigated the impact of clouds on surface radiative fluxes and snowmelt in t he Arct ic and subarct ic f rom March to M ay and concluded t hat during t he period of

Globally, t he annual mean net radiat ive balance at the surface is heating everywhere ex cept over t he high Antarct ic plat eau. T he clouds not only signif-i

snowmelt in the Arct ic and subarct ic clouds t rend to

cant ly reduce the peak summer radiative heating of

at tenuate incoming short w ave radiat ion less t han clouds w hich enhance dow nw ard longw ave radiat ion,

t he surf ace but also reduce the w intertime radiat ive



w ard longw ave fluxes dominat e t he incident radiat ive

snowmelt . T he discrepancy betw een t hem arises ow ing to diff erence in surface albedo. T he albedo

f lux es in t he Arct ic during most of t he year. Incom-

used by Zhang et al . ( > 0. 8) is much higher t han

w inter and early spring, and even during the m id-

that used by T say et al . ( 0. 57) as the data of Zhang

summer the incoming short w ave f luxes are only

et al . is at least one and half months earlier t han the dat a of T say et al . Actually , both analyses are con-

slig ht ly greater t han t he downward longw ave f luxes. T he tot al net surface radiative flux is negat ive for



w arming

ef fect




sistent w it h Curry and Ebert


, w hose data shows

cooling at the surface at higher lat it udes. T he dow n-

ing shortw ave fluxes are negligible during lat e f all,

most of the year and only positive during midsummer

that over the course of the year the net cloud forcing at the surf ace is posit ive ex cept f or tw o weeks in mid-

in the Arct ic.

sum mer.

t ive forcing of bot h shortw ave and longw ave, w ith

T he net cloud- radiative forcing varies over diff erent geot ypes at t he surface because each geotype has

negative values f or shortw ave radiation and posit ive

it s unique albedo. L i et al . studied t he scene identifi

net cloud- radiat ive forcing is negative, the cloud-

cat ion and it s impact on cloud radiative forcing using

radiat ive forcing is posit ive in the Arctic, show ing a

AVHRR ( Advanced Very H igh Resolut ion Radiomet er) data 23 . T able 2 list s short wave, longw ave and

w arming effect , except for a short period in midsummer. Positive cloud- radiat ive forcing in the Arc-

net cloud radiat ive forcing over land, ocean, snow

t ic is att ributed t o t he presence of snow and ice w ith

andice for 4 days in July 1985 in the region nort h of 67. 5 N. As expect ed, shortw ave cloud forcing

high albedo and t he absence of solar radiat ion during

Clouds have a signif icant impact on surf ace radia-

values for long wave radiat ion. Alt hough the global

t he polar night .



冻 11

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