Climate Change Communication Strategy In ...

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water, but the highest water in Bintaran Sayidan City Yogyakarta," said Head BPBD DIY. Gatot to detikcom, Thursday (23/4/2015) night. "The worst hit was in theĀ ...
Climate Change Communication Strategy In Developing Yogyakarta Community Awareness for Environmental Care Wildan Maulana Ashari 20150520236 Word conut : 3027 Internation Program of Government Affairs and Administration Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta [email protected] Climate change is a natural thing happening in the world even in Indonesia which has two dry and rainy seasons. But from climate change can adversely affect the environment even extreme climate change such as prolonged rain and public awareness of the importance of the environment is still less then it can impact flooding. With this human being demanded to care about the importance of maintaining the environment. The Yogyakarta government established Youth for Climate Change (YFCC) to make people aware of the importance of protecting the environment. In this study discussed the Yogyakarta Youth For Climate Change communication strategy in developing awareness of Yogyakarta people to care about the environment. The purpose of this research is to describe communication strategy of YFCC Yogyakarta in developing awareness of Yogyakarta society to care about environment whether it has succeed or not yet. This research method using descriptive qualitative by way of resarch library to get data such as through journal, book, research lecturer, and news. Background Climate change is one form of natural damage that will occur either through the natural factor itself or from the factors of living things. From the results research proves that currently estimated 40 percent of cities in the world experiencing climate change. Including urban areas of Yogyakarta. City Yogyakarta is a densely packed area. Temporary cover little vegetation. (, sleman accessed on 11 April 2017 hours 16:40 hrs). To cope with climate change, humans are required to be more care about the surrounding environment so that the impact of climate change can minimized. Climate change is more than global warming. The rise in average temperature is only one indicator of broader changes also translating into extreme temperatures, drought, flooding, storms, rising sea

levels, impacts on food production, and infectious diseases. Although the scientific community has been aware of the link between greenhouse gases (GHGs) and climate change for many years, world leaders have been slow to react and implementmeasures to mitigate the risks.


Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is one of the major cities in Indonesia are experiencing very rapid growth. This rapid growth will certainly have an impact on the city's environmental sector, high population density and community's lack of conservation of the environment become a problem that must be overcome by the local government, increasing the number of residents in the city of Yogyakarta every year increasing, the number of tourists who come and the number students are getting more and more each year, making people's purchasing power of goods in the city of Yogyakarta is increasing, resulting in an increase in the volume of waste in Yogyakarta. The fewer trees around the city of Yogyakarta and the many drivers who use fuel oil (BBM), making air pollution around the city of Yogyakarta to be less good. The Government and the Society must respond quickly to this environmental problem because the damage to the environment becomes a phenomenon whereby it will inevitably happen in the future and the impact of environmental damage will certainly be felt by the community itself.

The environment and human beings have the same relevance, every human treatment will have an impact on humans themselves such as littering, developing trees without repossessing, using excessive fossil fuels, and industrial pollution that will release CO2 (toxic substances). Regarding this environmental issue, people will receive the impact of climate change problems where climate change occurs because of changes in the environment that change slowly because of human actions. Impacts in the event of climate change are: a) Infrastructure (infrastructure) to be damaged, b) Widespread outbreaks of respiratory diseases, c) Drought and lack of water resources, d) The occurrence of natural disasters everywhere, e) Food prices become increasing (expensive), f) The air becomes increasingly



perubahan-iklim-pada-hidup-kita) What we need to do to safeguard climate change is to protect the environment. Environment is the most important thing for human beings. Because the environment has given everything to the existing living things on earth. Human awareness about the environment is still quite low, it proves that humans are still not understood the benefits of 1

Agust, 2015, Climate Change and Resource Sustainability An Overview for Actuaries, Canadian Institute of Actuaries

the environment, as revealed in on Monday, December 21, 2015 that Agus rate, the use of well water with better springs source of springs. Because the well water is prone to pollution in urban areas. "Well water has a higher chance of contamination, and water directly from the source is safer than pollution," he said. The water contamination of the wells caused by the absence of a special place after the disposal of water disposal. Whether it's in a residential or hospitality industry. For that, Agus urge the people of Yogyakarta who live on the banks of the river began to care about where he lived.


To care

about maintaining cleanliness and health of the living environment. "Sorting garbage is also an important thing in garbage disposal. In order to cleaners can directly process waste in landfills



sampahs-embarangan ). The development of environmentally care to the pattern of human life becomes increasingly worrisome, the level of awareness of the environment is still quite low due to lack of education about the preservation of the environment should be accepted by the community. In just 3 years, it happened increased environmental pollution in DIY, up to over 250 percent, "said Head of Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) DIY Bambang Kristianto in Statistics Report Environment DIY Year 2016-2017, in Yogyakarta, Sunday (23/10).3 Youth for climate change (YFCC) Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is a volunteer organization or volunteering organization under the Ministry Environment (KLH) which focuses on Climate Change. YFCC was founded by the National Council on Climate Change (DNPI) during the reign of Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. But when the era of Mr Joko Widodo, DNPI merged become one with the Ministry of Environment and forestry (KLH), so that now under the auspices of KLH. Youth for climate change becomes one of the organizations in Yogyakarta who are concerned about Climate Change. organizationit is made up of youth (ages 17-30 years) and aims to raise awareness of the youth of the environment, especially aware of climate change. So that the younger generation can immediately take action to reduce the rapid pace of climate change that is happening. It is done for the sake of the survival of mankind in the future. Because of the earth we, where we live, are only one, so it is natural that we should preserve it. ( ) Youth for climate change Yogyakarta has four main programs: 1) Education, 2) Socialization, 3) Action, and 4) Advocacy. These four work programs have different ways of working with each other. Education that meaning education-oriented educational programs 2

Redaksi, 2015, Masyarakat Kurang Peduli Terhadap Lingkungan,, Yogyakarta Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 3

and discussion programs related to phenomena surrounding climate change and impacts, while Socialization which means is a social program that aims to foster community awareness through a sense of style living environmentally friendly, and hopefully with that, the impact of climate change can be minimized, while Action which means Youth for climate change is committed to moving in concrete action in the form of mitigation, reforestation and climate change impacts others, while Advocacy is a Youth for climate change assistance to the community or elements of the community concerned with climate change issues. ( ). This paper discusses how Education and Socialization conducted by Youth for climate change Yogyakarta in developing awareness of Yogyakarta people to care for the environment4 Problem Formulation How is the Climate Change Communication Strategy in Developing Yogyakarta Community Awareness for Environmental Care ? Theoretical Framework In communication strategy communication theories become things that must be understood by a communicator, because the theory is a knowledge based on real experience that has been tested the truth. One of them is the theory put forward by Harold D. Lasswell states that the best way to explain communication activities is to answer the question "Who, What Says, In Which Channel, To Whom, With What Effects?". To ensure communication strategy works well everything must be taken into account by using the components already made by Harold D. Laswell. Mulyana (2010: 147), namely: 1. Who (Communicator) 2. Says What (Message) 3. In Which Channel (Using what Media) 4. To Whom (To whom) 5. With What Effect (The effect is on) This Lasswell formula seems simple, but if we examine further, the question "What effect is expected", in general it contains other questions that need to be answered carefully. Effendy (1993: 302) The question is: a. When did it ?


Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

b. How to do it ? c. Why is it done ? The question in the communication strategy is very important, because the approach (approach) to the expected effects of a communication activity can be manifold, Effendy (1993: 302), namely: 1. Disseminate information 2. Conducting persuasion 3. Carry out instructions 5 Methodology The method used by the researcher in this research is using qualitative descriptive. In this research, researchers use research library techniques, where data collection through journals, news, and books.


Pratiwi, Adelisa, 2012, Strategi Komunikasi Direktorat Penyiaran Dalam Mengkomunikasikan Dan Kebijakan Proses Perizinan Penyiaran, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta

Discusion In the framework of sustainable development in Yogyakarta the government established Youth for climate change (YFCC) Special Region of Yogyakarta to give understanding to the public on the awareness of

preserving the environment.

Communication is one strategy. Middleton (1980) in Cangara (2017: 64) makes the definition by stating "communication strategy is the best combination of all communication elements ranging from communicators, messages, channels (media), recipients to influences (effects) designed to achieve communication goals the optimal ". Climate change is the subject of how weather patterns change over decades or longer. Climate change takes place due to natural and human influences. Since the Industrial Revolution (i.e., 1750), humans have contributed to climate change through the emissions of GHGs and aerosols, and through changes in land use, resulting in a rise in global temperatures.6 Climate and its variables ie temperature, precipitation and smoothness are an important part in the transmission of vector-based diseases. Infectious diseases that are sensitive to the climate will be needed by the women that occur. Climate change will make the temperature increase, rainfall increases and so does the humidity. Climate plants infectious disease patterns in terms of viruses, bacteria or parasites and vectors. Available from: ( A_PENYAKIT_MENULAR_SEBUAH_KAJIAN_LITERATUR) [accessed May 20 2018]. Climate change is already happening and becoming a global issue and its impact has begun to be felt by humans including in the health sector. There are two things that must be done to deal with climate change, namely adaptation and mitigation, but before these two things need to be done vulnerability assessment on climate change in the health sector. So that the formulation of both adaptation and mitigation is done in accordance with the actual and proper conditions that should be done sasarany yogyakarta government through approach. A_PENYAKIT_MENULAR_SEBUAH_KAJIAN_LITERATUR [accessed May 20 2018].


Agust, 2015, Climate Change and Resource Sustainability An Overview for Actuaries, Canadian Institute of Actuaries

The impact of drastic climate change in 2015 as heavy rain that flushed the Special Region of Yogyakarta resulted in lava floods and overflowing Code times.The worst flooding occurred in Sayidan area as high as 1.5 meters. "There are several points affected by the water, but the highest water in Bintaran Sayidan City Yogyakarta," said Head BPBD DIY Gatot to detikcom, Thursday (23/4/2015) night. "The worst hit was in the margin times up to 1.5 meters and the rest, the height of the puddle was only 0.5 meters," explained Gatot. The elevation of Kali Code water touches the barrier at 20.00 WIB. While the flood water began to enter the house residents occurred at around. (detiknews) Those policies should be supported by a sustainable institution in the form of collaborative governance when all stakeholders including government, private sectors, NGOs, and local communities work together to deal with the issue of climate change. This idea is called as collaborative climate change governance when those actors collaborate hand to hand to mitigate and adopt the impact of climate change. As the problem effects largely to environment and society, it cannot be solved by single actor of government (Emerson et al.,2012). This idea is adopted by many countries in the globe. For example, Indonesian government introduces the collaborative forest fires governance where pulp industries, palm oil companies, government in all levels, environmental NGOs, and communities work together to fight.7 Yogyakarta Government formed YFCC with communication strategy by YFCC Yogyakarta in developing awareness of Yogyakarta people to care about environment, and that will be conveyed is about education and socialization program that YFCC Yogyakarta do. Education YFCC Yogyakarta is doing is to provide knowledge to the community through social media and direct interaction on how to order that people want to keep the environment with little things we can do. For the socialization YFCC Yogyakarta is doing is by direct practice on how to safeguard the environment and exploit the environment from the damage that can be generated such as examples of activities that YFCC Yogyakarta is doing with YFCC Goes to school and YFCC Goes to Village.8 There are several stages of the process undertaken by YFCC Yogyakarta in conducting communication strategy Namely: 1) Introduction to Situation, 2) Determining Communicators, 3) Goal Setting, 4) Determining Message, 5) Selecting Media. 1. Situation Introduction


Ramdani, Rizal, 2018, Dealing With Climate Change And Its Impact to The Urban And Rural Areas, Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 8

In this situation analysis, Yogyakarta Youth For Climate Change conducted a direct survey to the community to ask about the problems that exist in the community about the surrounding environment and find out about the issues that are warmly discussed by the surrounding community. After all information has been collected then YFCC Yogyakarta perform musyarawah system to determine an activity that will be done. Given this situation analysis it is expected that YFCC Yogyakarta's organization can easily identify what information will be presented to the targeted community. 2. Determining Communicators Communicator is one factor that plays an important role that must be owned by organizations or companies that will perform communication activities. The determinant of success within an organization is usually determined by a communicator. A communicator must be able to master the material to be submitted to the public so that people will accept the message that will communicator convey. The use of communicators in the Yogyakarta Youth For Climate Change is as a translator to the community about the purpose and purpose of what we will do in that place. 3. Goal Setting The general objective of Yogyakarta Youth For Climate Change is to develop awareness of Yogyakarta community to care about the environment by providing education and socialization about understanding how to care for the environment for the safety of our earth, in other words, the society must be able to protect the environment from the damage caused. 4. Determining the Message The message that we will convey is to convey the purpose of Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta is to develop public awareness to care about the environment. through the programs that have been made is expected so that people can receive messages to be delivered by YFCC Yogyakarta. such as the example of YFCC Yogyakarta to make use of organic waste from vegetable waste and fruits used as organic fertilizer and the message conveyed is the utilization of waste into fertilizer for organic waste can be useful.9


Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

5. Selecting Media In a program conducted by Yogyakarta Youth For Climate Change in conveying a message to the audience or communicant YFCC Yogyakarta has two messaging techniques namely: face to face and media. In the face to face activities YFCC Yogyakarta conducted by plunging directly to the public through activities that have been made such as YFCC Goes to village and YFCC Goes to school communicator in the event is a member of YFCC Yogyakarta. Media has become one of the decisive factors for disseminating information within the broader community. Utilization of media used by YFCC Yogyakarta is a social media commonly used by Indonesian people such as: Blogspot, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Utilizing social media is a place to share information about what is YFCC Yogyakarta and what activities YFCC Yogyakarta is doing.10


Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Conclusion With the occurrence of climate changes that sometimes extrim can adversely affect the environment. With such persoaaln and lack of awareness of how important it is to keep the environment for now even for future generations. Yogyakarta government established Youth for climate change (YFCC) to make yogyakarta aware of the importance of maintaining the environment. In implementing the program YFCC Yogyakarta do the planning before doing activities such as analyzing the situation, determine communicators, goal setting, determine the message and choose the media. And for its activities YFCC Yogyakarta relies on direct activities to the community through YFCC Goes To Village activities, YFCC Goes To School and Talkshow. The main target of YFCC begins with youth and even children. By supposedly immersing the conscious character of the importance of maintaining the environment. And the presence of YFCC and other communities can be seen as times of code that start clean and even youth peripheral times code make green area or green park.

Reference Agust, 2015, Climate Change and Resource Sustainability An Overview for Actuaries, Canadian Institute of Actuaries Arini, 2017, Global Climate Changeas Perceived by Elementary School Teachers in Yogyakarta, Indigenous Psychology Approach, Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada Cangara Hafied, 2012, Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. Cangara H, Hafied, 2017, Edisi Revisi Perencanaan dan Strategi Komunikasi, Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada.


Emas, Rachel, 2015, The Concept of Sustainable Development: Definition and Defining Principles, Florida: Florida International University Pratiwi, Adelisa, 2012, Strategi Komunikasi Direktorat Penyiaran Dalam Mengkomunikasikan Dan Kebijakan Proses Perizinan Penyiaran, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Ramdani, Rizal, 2018, Dealing With Climate Change And Its Impact to The Urban And Rural Areas, Yogyakarta: Universitas Muhammadiya Yogyakarta Redaksi, 2015, Masyarakat Kurang Peduli Terhadap Lingkungan, Sulistiyawati, 2015, Dampak Perubahan Iklim Pada Penyakit Menular, Yogyakarta: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Tukarana, Mohamad Wibowo, 2017, Strategi Komunikasi Youth For Climate Change Yogyakarta (YFCC) dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Yogyakarta untuk Peduli Lingkungan Tahun 2017, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta