Conservation of biological diversity - USDA Forest Service

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... Rachel Riemann, Brent Dickinson,. W. Keith Moser, B. Tyler Wilson, James D. Garner ...... In: Ralph, C.J.; Rich, T.D., eds. Bird conservation implementation.
Conservation of Biological Diversity Brian G. Tavernia, Mark D. Nelson, Rachel Riemann, Brent Dickinson, W. Keith Moser, B. Tyler Wilson, James D. Garner

Introduction EOPLE ENJOY A

variety of ecosystem services, or benefits, from forests, including water purification,

recreation, income from tourism, timber products, and the cultural and economic benefits from hunting, fishing, and gathering (Shvidenko et al. 2005). Across the Northern United States, growing human populations will place increased service demands on forests for the foreseeable future. The type, magnitude, and stability of future services from northern forests will depend in part on the level of biological diversity in those forests. Biodiversity and Climate

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is broadly defined as the variety of life, which encompasses diversity within species, diversity among species, and diversity among organisms. As defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (2010), forest biodiversity consists of the multiplicity

contributions of northern forests to biological diversity. Because of the links among biodiversity, ecosystem health and function, and ecosystem services, assessments of the potential effects of alternative futures on forest biodiversity are a useful source of information for policy makers and natural resource managers.

and genetic diversity of plants, animals, and

Because climate affects the spatial distribution

micro-organisms that inhabit forests. Biodiversity

and diversity of forest ecosystems and species

can be an important asset by itself, for instance

across the landscape, changing climate and

when an infusion of genetic material from wild

land-use patterns can be expected to affect

stocks increases crop productivity (Myers 1997).

levels of forest biodiversity during the coming

A high level of biodiversity in forests increases

decades and centuries (Iverson and Prasad

resiliency and helps ensure an uninterrupted flow

1998, Schwartz et al. 2006). As climate

of services, even when resources are subjected

changes, some forest ecosystems and forest-

to natural or human-caused disturbances that

associated species can shift their distributions

inevitably occur (Bengtsson et al. 2000, Tilman

to track the conditions that favor them, and

et al. 2006). Shifley et al. (2012) describe current

other species are able to adapt to their new

Chapter three


environment (Parmesan 2006). But if a species is unable to move or adapt, its geographic range may shrink or it may become extirpated from portions of its former range (Parmesan 2006).

Key Findings Present Day • Forests cover 174 million acres in the North, or 41 percent of the total land area. • Current tree species richness by State ranges from 49 species sampled in Rhode Island to 99 species sampled in West Virginia, with 160 tree species recorded regionwide. • Northern forests provide habitat for more than 363 terrestrial vertebrate species, with richness varying among habitat classes and wildlife taxa; the highest level of richness is associated with birds, and with forests of open-canopy structure and hardwood dominance. • With one exception—amphibians in closed-canopy hardwoods—most forest wildlife species also frequent one or more nonforest habitats. Projected 2010 to 2060 • Forest area is projected to decrease slightly across the North, with the rate ranging from 3.5 to 6.4 percent and with losses concentrated around existing urban and suburban areas. • Under all scenarios, area is projected to decrease for four forest-type groups (aspen-birch, elmash-cottonwood, oak-hickory, and spruce-fir) and increase for one group (maple-beech-birch); white-red-jack pine, which is projected to increase under current rates of biomass utilization, would decrease under high biomass-utilization scenarios.


• Under all scenarios, the forest area in the large diameter size class is projected to increase by 3.5 to 5.7 percent and the medium diameter size class is projected to decrease; the small diameter size class is projected to decrease under scenarios that assume no increase in biomass harvesting for energy, but increase or remain stable under high biomass utilization scenarios. • Closed-canopy habitat classes are projected to gain acreage whereas open-canopy habitat classes are projected to lose acreage; intensive biomass harvesting rates for bioenergy are projected to result in losses for closed-canopy classes and to a lesser degree for open-canopy classes. • Increasing fragmentation and parcellation are expected to reduce high-density core forests within large patches and the average size of family forest landholdings in every State; these changes would decrease the ecological services and socioeconomic benefits of core forests and diminish the ability to manage large patches of forest. • Overall tree species richness is projected to decline through 2060; projected reductions in early successional habitats such as oak-hickory could have a large effect on tree species richness in such ecosystems.

Human Impacts on Forests

Modeling Change

Within the large-scale patterns established by

The projections for changes in forest condition

climate, land-use decisions further modify the

used three greenhouse gas emissions storylines

extent and configuration of forests ecosystems,

developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on

ecosystem functioning, species diversity, and

Climate Change (IPCC 2007, Chapter 2): A1B

genetic diversity (Opdam and Wascher 2004).

assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions

Landscape patterns, landowner objectives, and the area, composition, and structure of forests all affect the amount and quality of habitat for wildlife. Conversion to urban or other uses reduces forest area and potentially fragments forest ecosystems; this increases the proximity and exposure of remaining forests to human influences. Public and private land management decisions affect forest structure and composition. Species and genetic diversity can be reduced by forest loss, fragmentation, and urbanization, or can be increased by forest management strategies (Battles et al. 2001, Pimm and Askins 1995).

associated with moderate gains in population and large gains in income and energy consumption—but with a balanced renewable/ fossil fuel portfolio; A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions associated with large gains in population, high energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. General circulation models (climate models) provide estimates of temperature and precipitation changes by geographic area. The scenarios discussed in this chapter refer to combinations of storylines with general circulation models (climate change

Assessments of forest biodiversity under a

models) and assumptions about future forest

range of plausible climate and land-use change

harvest rate—either a continuation of harvest

scenarios can help answer questions about

rates observed in the recent past or greatly

current actions and future outcomes: How will

increased biomass harvesting for energy. See

the areas of forest ecosystem types change in

Chapter 2 for detailed descriptions of storylines,

the future? What are the potential consequences

climate models, and scenarios.

of climate and land-use changes for species in protected areas? What changes will occur in the area of forest habitats and how will changes affect at-risk wildlife? Answers to these questions will be valuable input for informing policy and management decisions that influence the trajectories of climate change and land-use patterns. Chapter Three



Forest Composition

Under the three scenarios that predict a

In 2010, forest area in the North was estimated

continuation of current harvesting levels, two

at 174 million acres, accounting for 41 percent

major groups—maple-beech-birch (Acer spp.–

of total land cover. Projections of future conditions

Fagus spp.–Betula spp.) and white-red-jack pine

suggest a decrease from 2010 to 2060 under

(Pinus strobus – P. resinosa – P. banksiana)—

all three storylines (Fig. 3.1), with the largest

are projected to increase from 2010 to 2060

decrease projected for A1B (-6.4 percent), the

and four others1 are projected to decrease

smallest decrease for B2 (-3.5 percent), and

(Fig. 3.2). Under scenarios of increased

an intermediate decrease for A2 (-5.4 percent)

harvesting to support high biomass utilization,

(Wear 2011).

similar trends are expected with the exception of white-red-jack pine, which is expected to decrease, albeit slightly (Fig. 3.2). The white-

175 FOREST LAND AREA (million acres)

red-jack pine group is projected to experience a large increase in harvesting rates under the high biomass utilization scenarios, which


suggests a potential explanation for its switch from increasing to decreasing forest area among the alternative scenarios, although


other processes and model uncertainty may

A1B A2 B2

also be at play. 1 spruce-fir (Picea spp.—Abies spp.); oak-hickory (Quercus spp.—


Carya spp.); elm-ash-cottonwood (Ulmus spp.–Fraxinus spp.–

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060

Populus spp.); and aspen-birch (Populus spp.—Betula spp.).

FIGURE 3.1 Forest land area estimates under baseline conditions (2010) and projections (2020 to 2060) under greenhouse gas emission storylines A1B, A2, and B2 (IPCC 2007) for the North (Wear 2011). Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption.



4 2

Maple-beech-birch White-red-jack pine Spruce-fir Oak-hickory Elm-ash-cottonwood Aspen-birch Unavailable

CHANGE (million acres)

0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 A1B-C






FIGURE 3.2 Projected change in northern forest area by forest-type group, 2010 to 2060, under six scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains in population, and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions, large gains in population and energy consumption, and moderate gains in income; and B2 assumes low greenhouse gas emissions with moderate gains in population, income, and energy consumption. Scenario projections assume harvest will continue at recently observed levels (labeled –C) or increase to reflect increased harvest for bioenergy production (labeled –BIO).


Tree diameter provides a reliable measure of

The forest area is projected to decrease for

forest stand structural stage, which in turn is

both the medium diameter class (≥5 inches d.b.h.

indicative of successional stage. Under the three

and smaller than the large diameter class)

scenarios that predict a continuation of current

and the small diameter class (41 houses per square mile, which represent

for 2060 and used to estimate the State-level

more urbanized areas. Assuming that this level

changes in the spatial integrity index discussed

of residential development contributes some

later in this chapter. Chapter Three


Areas with the highest level of spatial integrity

This analysis combined fragmentation estimates

are characterized by forests with (1) a patch

from 2009 and housing densities from 2000 to

size >1,544 acres; (2) a local forest density

demonstrate future challenges to maintaining

of >90 percent in the surrounding 1,213-acre

biodiversity. This was done for two reasons.

neighborhood; and (3) a housing density of 70-percent reduction in average size) is projected to occur far from city centers, most notably in northern Maine, New York, and Minnesota. However, a relatively low proportion of northeastern Minnesota forest acreage is in family forest ownership; in two counties 150 species in open-

nesting sites. For other species, primarily

canopy hardwoods, the greatest richness for any

migratory birds, northern forests make up

taxon-habitat combination. Amphibians were the

only part of their geographic range, either

least rich taxon in open-canopy habitats, and

as a seasonal destination as with Kirtland’s

reptiles were the least rich in closed-canopy

warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) and the northern

habitats. Species that limit their habitats to

shrike (Lanius excubitor), or as a stop along

forests (defined as specialists) were in the

a migratory route as with the gray-cheeked

minority across all habitats except closed-canopy

thrush (Catharus minimus). Northern forests

hardwoods, where amphibian specialists were

are also home to two known endemic species

more abundant than amphibian generalists.

Distribution of terrestrial vertebrate


and mixed forest habitats across the North in 2010; note that species associated only with forest habitats are termed “specialists” and species associated with both forest and nonforest habitats are termed “generalists.”


species among closed- and open-canopy conifer, hardwood,

Amphibian generalist Amphibian specialist Bird generalist Bird specialist Mammal generalist Mammal specialist Reptile generalist Reptile specialist



120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Conifer








Chapter Three


Forest projection models were used to assess

acres for B2-C. Across all scenarios, closed-canopy

climate and land-use driven changes in forest

habitat classes would gain acreage but open-canopy

habitat classes under the assumption that current

classes would lose (Fig. 3.18, Table 3.1). We also

harvesting levels will continue without the influence

projected the potential influence of intensive

of increased bioenergy demands (scenarios A1B-C,

biomass harvesting rates for bioenergy (scenarios

A2-C, and B2-C). Results showed that total forest

A1B-BIO, A2-BIO, and B2-BIO) (Fig. 3.18); most

habitat area is expected to decrease from a 2010

open-canopy classes would lose some acreage

value of 173 million acres to 162 million acres for

and closed-canopy classes would lose even more

A1B-C, 164 million acres for A2-C, and 168 million

(Tavernia et al. 2013).


FIGURE 3.18 Projected change in closed- and

six scenarios, each representing a global greenhouse storyline (IPCC 2007) paired with a harvest regime. Storyline A1B assumes moderate greenhouse gas emissions, moderate gains

CHANGE IN AREA (percent)

the North, 2010 to 2060, for

in population, and large gains in

15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15

income and energy consumption


(but with a balanced renewable/ fossil fuel portfolio); A2 assumes high greenhouse gas emissions,

moderate gains in income; and

will continue at recently observed levels (scenarios labeled –C); panel B scenario projections assume increased harvest for bioenergy production (scenarios labeled –BIO).

CHANGE IN AREA (percent)

projections assume harvesting





5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -35

Hardwood Conifer







B2 assumes low greenhouse gas

consumption. Panel A scenario



energy consumption, and

population, income, and energy

Hardwood Conifer CLOSED CANOPY

large gains in population and

emissions with moderate gains in

A1B-C A2-C B2-C


open-canopy conifer, hardwood, and mixed forest habitats of






Table 3.1—Projected area, 2060, and percent change from the 2010 baseline of closed-canopy and opencanopy forest habitat classes (NatureServe 2011, Tavernia et al. 2013) across the Northern United States under three scenarios; note that changes were driven by projected climate and land-use changes, forest succession, and forest harvesting. Total habitat


Closed canopy forests Hardwood Conifer Mixed

Open canopy forests Hardwood Conifer Mixed

--------------------------------------------------Million acres (percent change in acreage)--------------------------------------------------

2010 A1B-Cb A2-C B2-C

173.4a 162.4 (-6) 164.1 (-5) 167.5 (-3)

70.4 73.1 (4) 74.3 (6) 74.9 (6)

4.3 5.2 (21) 5.0 (16) 5.0 (16)

10.8 11.4 (6) 11.6 (7) 12.1 (12)

59.5 48.5 (-19) 48.7 (-18) 50.6 (-15)

16.7 14.3 (-14) 14.5 (-13) 14.6 (-13)

11.7 9.9 (-15) 10.1 (-14) 10.2 (-13)


0.6 million acres of the total 174 million acres of forest area could not be associated with habitat classes (Tavernia et al. 2013).


Under the three scenarios, A1B-C assumes moderate levels of greenhouse gas emissions associated with moderate gains in population

growth and large gains in income and energy consumption (but with a balanced renewable/fossil fuel portfolio); A2-C assumes high levels of greenhouse gas emissions associated with large gains in population growth and energy consumption with moderate gains in income; and B2-C assumes low levels of greenhouse gas emissions associated moderate gains in population growth, income, and energy consumption.

Early successional forest habitats in the North

If so, a broad segment of the wildlife community

have experienced decades-long decreases in

would be affected. For example, many species that

acreage (Trani et al. 2001). Researchers attribute

typically inhabit mature, closed-canopy forests

these decreases to maturation of forests on

relocate to early successional habitat at certain

abandoned farmland, altered forest management

times of the year (Vitz and Rodewald 2006).

practices, forest ownership patterns that

Wildlife managers can use information about

discourage harvesting, fire suppression and other

historical habitat conditions and wildlife population

disruptions to natural disturbance regimes, and

dynamics to identify a mix of closed- and open-

land-use conversion (Askins 2001, Lorimer and

canopy habitats capable of supporting diverse

White 2003, Trani et al. 2001). Given that young

wildlife communities (Askins 2001, Litvaitis 2003,

forests characteristically have small diameter

Lorimer 2001, Thompson and DeGraaf 2001). As

trees and relatively open canopies, decreases

illustrated by the intensive harvesting scenarios,

can be expected to continue under

policy and management decisions can alter forest

all scenarios.

habitat conditions and, consequently, help achieve goals for habitat improvement.

Chapter Three


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