Controlling Multi Algorithms Using Round Robin for University Course ...

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University Course Timetabling Problem. Khalid Shaker and Salwani Abdullah. Data Mining and Optimisation Research Group (DMO),. Center for Artificial ...
Controlling Multi Algorithms Using Round Robin for University Course Timetabling Problem Khalid Shaker and Salwani Abdullah Data Mining and Optimisation Research Group (DMO), Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia {khalid,salwani}

Abstract. The university course timetabling problem (CTTP) involves assigning a given number of events into a limited number of timeslots and rooms under a given set of constraint. The objective is to satisfy the hard constraints (essential requirements) and minimise the violation of soft constraints (desirable requirements). In this study, we apply three algorithms to the CTTP problem: Great Deluge, Simulated Annealing and Hill Climbing. We use a Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm (RR) as a strategy to control the application of these three algorithms. The performance of our approach is tested over eleven benchmark datasets: one large, five medium and five small problems. Competitive results have been obtained when compared with other state-of-the-art techniques. Keywords: Timetabling, Simulated Annealing, Great Deluge, Hill Climbing, Round Robin.

1 Introduction and Problem Description In university course timetabling problem (CTTP), a set of courses are scheduled into a given number of rooms and timeslots across a period of time. This usually takes place within a week and the resultant timetable is replicated for as many weeks as the courses run. Also, students and teachers are assigned to courses so that the teaching delivery activities can take place. The course timetabling problem is subject to a variety of hard and soft constraints. Hard constraints need to be satisfied in order to produce a feasible solution. The hard and soft constraints introduced by Socha et al. [15] are as follows: The hard constraints: • • • •

No student can be assigned to more than one course at the same time. The room should satisfy the features required by the course. The number of students attending the course should be less than or equal to the capacity of the room. Not more than one course is allowed to be assigned to a timeslot in each room.

Y. Zhang et al. (Eds.): DTA/BSBT 2010, CCIS 118, pp. 47–55, 2010. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010


K. Shaker and S. Abdullah

The soft constraints: • • •

A student has a course scheduled in the last timeslot of the day. A student has more than 2 consecutive courses. A student has a single course on a day.

The problem has • • • • •

A set of N courses, e = {e1,…,eN}. 45 timeslots. A set of R rooms. A set of F room features. A set of M students.

In this paper we used the problem description as in Socha et al. [15] to test the efficiency of our proposed approach. Existing meta-heuristic optimisation algorithms designed to solve the CTTP can be categorised as single-solution and population-based approaches. Some examples of single-solution methods are dual simulated annealing [4]; variable neighbourhood search [2]; graph-based hyper heuristic [8]; and non-linear great deluge [9]; extended great deluge [11]. Population-based methods applied to CTTP include genetic algorithm [18]; ant algorithm [15]; artificial immune system [19] and harmony search [6]. Interested readers are referred to Lewis [13] for a comprehensive survey of the university timetabling approaches in recent years, and Ross and Corne [17] for a comparison between genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and stochastic hill climbing. In addition, other related papers on enrolment-based course time tabling problems can be found in McCollum [7], Lu and Hao [10], Qu et al. [12], and Schaerf [14].

2 The Proposed Algorithm The search algorithm consists of two processes. The first process is concerned with producing an initial solution where a complete feasible solution is found using a Least Saturation Degree Heuristic. The second process is to optimise the soft constraint violations using three heuristic algorithms: Great Deluge, Simulated Annealing and Hill Climbing. 2.1 Constructive Heuristic This approach starts with generating an initial solution that satisfies all the hard constraints. Least saturation degree is used to generate initial solutions that start with an empty timetable [11], which involves two phases. In phase I, those events with less rooms available and more difficult to be scheduled will be attempted first without taking into consideration the violation of any soft constraints, until the hard constraints are met. If a feasible solution is found, the algorithm stops. Otherwise, Phase II is executed with an attempt to move from an infeasible to feasible solution. In this phase, a neighbourhood moves (coded as N1 and N2) are applied. N1 is applied for a certain number of iterations. If a feasible solution is met, then the algorithm

Controlling Multi Algorithms Using Round Robin


stops. Otherwise the algorithm continues by applying a N2 neighbourhood structure for a certain number of iterations. The details of neighbourhood structure are discussed in subsection 3.3. Across all instances tested, solutions are made feasible before the improvement algorithm is applied. 2.2 Improvement Algorithm During the optimisation process, the neighbourhood structures outlined in subsection 3.3 are applied in all three algorithms: Hill Climbing, Great Deluge and Simulated Annealing (see subsections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6). The hard constraints are never violated during the timetabling process. The general pseudo code of the improvement algorithm is given in Fig.1. Set the initial solution Sol by employing a constructive heuristic; Calculate initial cost function f(Sol); Set best solution Solbest ← Sol; Set quantum time, q_time; Set initial value to counter_qtime; do while (not termination criteria) Set a sequence algorithms in a queue which is ordered as ALGi where i ∈ {1,…,K} and K = 3; do while (q_time not met ) Select an algorithm ALGi in the queue where i ∈ {1,…,K} where K = 3; A: Apply ALGi on current solution, Sol to generate new solution, Sol*; if Sol* < Solbest update Solbest, Sol; repeat label A else reset ALGi parameters; insert ALGi into the queue; counter_qtime = q_time; end do end do

Fig. 1. The pseudo code for the improvement algorithm

The Round Robin Scheduling (RR) algorithm is employed to control the three algorithms, which are ordered in sequence. In this work, the algorithms are ordered as ALG1 (Hill Climbing), ALG2 (Great Deluge) and ALG3 (Simulated Annealing). A time quantum is assigned for each algorithm in equal portions and in a circular order. The algorithm is dispatched in a FIFO manner at a given quantum denoted as q_time which is set to 15 minutes. We did experiment with several time quantum, namely, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes. Finally we chose a fixed value (q_time =15 minutes) used for medium and large data sets and 10 seconds for small datasets (the details of the datasets are shown in Table 1). Note that in this paper, all parameters used are based on a number of preliminary experiments. After the completion of the time quantum of a current algorithm, the preemption is given to the next algorithm waiting in a queue which will start with the best solution


K. Shaker and S. Abdullah

(Solbest). The pre-empted algorithm is then placed at the back of the queue and reset as parameters. Note that the parameters involved in the Great Deluge algorithm are the estimated quality (coded as Optimalrate) and time to spend (coded as NumOfIteGD) as in Fig. 2. When the algorithm ALGi is unable to generate a better solution during the given quantum time, the algorithm will be added into the queue. In the next iteration (in Fig. 1), the first algorithm in the queue will be used to generate a new solution. 2.3 Neighbourhood Structures Two neighbourhood structures employed in this approach are as follows: N1: Choose a single course at random and move to a feasible timeslot that can generate the lowest penalty cost. N2: Select two courses at random from the same room (the room is randomly selected) and swap timeslots. 2.4 Hill Climbing Algorithm Hill Climbing algorithm is used in order to find the local optimum. Initially, the generated initial solution Sol is assigned as current solution (denoted SolHill) and best solution (denoted SolbestHill). A change in the assignment of the current solution SolHill in each iteration is proposed by applying two neighborhood structures on SolHill to generate new two solutions and select the best among them, called TempSolHill. The f(TempSolHill) is compared to the f(SolbestHil). The generated solution moves on TempSolHill will be accepted when it does not worsen the overall solution value (the weighted sum of violated soft constraints). The current and best solutions within the Hill Climbing algorithm operations are then updated (SolbestHill ← TempSolHill, SolHill ← TempSolHill). The process is repeated until the termination criterion is met, and then returns SolbestHill. 2.5 Great Deluge Algorithm Great Deluge algorithm [11] uses a bound level that is imposed on the overall value of the current solution that the algorithm is working with. The generated solution is only accepted when the value of the solution after applying the neighbourhood does not exceed the level. Fig. 2 shows the pseudo code for Great Deluge algorithm. Here SolGD and SolbestGD set to be Sol. The level starts at a value (level = f(SolGD)), where SolGD is the current solution of Great Deluge algorithm where SolbestGD is the overall value of the best solution so far. The level is decreased after each iteration (NumOfIteGD) by ΔB, which is calculated using ΔB = ((f(SolGD)–Optimalrate)/(NumOfIteGD), where Optimalrate is the estimated quality of the final solution that a user requires. Two of neighbourhoods are applied to SolGD to obtain TempSolGDi. The best solution among TempSolGDi is identified, called, SolGD*. The f(SolGD*) is compared to the f(SolbestGD). If it is better, then the current and best solutions are updated. Otherwise f(SolGD*) will be compared against the level. If the quality of SolGD* is less than the level, the current solution, SolGD will be updated as SolGD*. Otherwise, the level will be increased

Controlling Multi Algorithms Using Round Robin


with a certain number (which is set in between 1 and 3 in this experiment) in order to allow some flexibility in accepting worse solutions. The process is repeated until the termination criterion is met. Initialization SolGD ← Sol; SolbestGD ← Sol; f(SolGD) ← f(Sol); f(SolbestGD)← f(Sol) Set optimal rate of final solution, Optimalrate; Set number of iterations, NumOfIteGD; Set initial level: level ← f(SolGD); Set decreasing rate ΔB = ((f(SolGD)–Optimalrate)/(NumOfIteGD); Set iteration ← 0; Set not_improving_counter ← 0, not_improving_ length_GDA; Improvement do while (not termination criteria) Apply neighbourhood structure Ni where i ∈ {1,2} on SolGD,TempSolGDi; Calculate cost function f(TempSolGDi); Find the best solution among TempSolGDi where i ∈ {1,2} call new solution SolGD*; if (f(SolGD*) < f(SolbestGD)) SolGD ← SolGD*; SolbestGD ← SolGD*; not_improving_counter ← 0; level = level - ΔB; else if (f(SolGD*)≤ level) SolGD ← SolGD*; not_improving_counter ← 0; else not_improving_counter++; if (not_improving_counter == not_improving_length_GDA) level= level + random(0,3); Increase iteration by 1; end do; return SolbestGD;

Fig. 2. The pseudo code for the Great Deluge

2.6 Simulated Annealing Algorithm The Simulated Annealing algorithm uses a temperature temp. Here, current solution (SolSA) and the best solution (SolbestSA) are set to be Sol. The same parameters as those employed in Abdullah et al. [4] are used where the initial temperature T0 is equal to 1000; the final temperature Tf is equal to 0.5. Two of neighbourhoods outlined in subsection 3.3 are applied to SolSA to obtain TempSolSAi and the best among TempSolSAi called, SolSA* is chosen. A generated solution is accepted when it


K. Shaker and S. Abdullah

does not worsen the overall value of the current solution or with the following probability [4] otherwise. Paccept= exp (-


f(SolSA) is the value of the current solution and f(SolSA*) is the value of the new solution after a number of non-improvements (worse solution). At every iteration, temp is decreased by α, defined as α = (log (T0) – log (Tf)/Iter_max). The process is repeated until the termination criterion is met. The pseudo code for the Simulated Annealing algorithm is shown in Fig. 3. SolSA ← Sol; SolbestSA ← Sol f(SolSA) ← f(Sol); f(SolbestSA)← f(Sol) Set initial temperature T0 Set final temperature Tf; Set decreasing rate α = (log (T0) - log (Tf)/Iter_max); Set not_improving_counter ← 0, not_improving_ length_SA; do while (not termination criteria) Define a neighbourhood Ni where i ∈ {1, 2} on SolSA to generate TempSolSAi; Calculate cost function f(TempSolSAi); Find the best solution among TempSolSAi where i ∈ {1, 2} call new solution SolSA*; if (f(SolSA*) < f(SolbestSA)) SolSA ← SolSA*; SolbestSA ← SolSA*; else not_improving_counter++; if (not_improving_counter == not_improving_length_SA) Generate a random number, RandNum in [0, 1]; Calculate the acceptance propability of SolSA*, Paccept(SolSA*) if (RandNum < Paccept(SolSA*)) // Paccept(SolSA*) is a function to calculate the acceptance // probability of SolSA* SolSA ← SolSA*; temp ← temp/(1+ α); end do; return SolbestSA;

Fig. 3. The pseudo code for the Simulated Annealing

3 Experimental Results 3.1 Problem Instances and Experimental Protocol The algorithm was implemented on a Pentium 4 Intel 2.33 GHz PC Machine using Matlab on a Windows XP Operating System. For each benchmark data set, the algorithm was run for 200,000 evaluations with 10 test-runs to obtain an average value.

Controlling Multi Algorithms Using Round Robin


We have evaluated our results on the instances taken from Socha et al. [15] which are available at They are divided into three categories: small, medium and large. We deal with 11 instances: 5 small, 5 medium and 1 large. Table 1. The parameter values for the course timetabling problem categories

Category Number of courses Number of rooms Number of features Number of students Maximum courses per student Maximum student per courses Approximation features per room Percentage feature use

Small 100 5 5 80 20 20 3 70

Medium 400 10 5 200 20 50 3 80

Large 400 10 10 400 20 100 5 90

3.2 Simulation Results The best results out of 10 runs obtained are presented. Table 2 shows the comparison of the approach in this paper with other available approaches in the literature. These include the genetic algorithm and local search by M1-Abdullah and Turabieh [5], the randomised iterative improvement algorithm by M2-Abdullah et al. [3], the graph hyper heuristic by M3-Burke et al. [8], the variable neighbourhood search with tabu by M4Abdullah et al. [2], the hybrid evolutionary approach by M5-Abdullah et al. [1], the extended great deluge by M6-McMullan[11], the non linear great deluge by M7-LandaSilva and Obit [9], the electromagnetism-like mechanism approach by M8-Turabieh et al. [16], the Dual simulated annealing by M9-Abdullah et al. [4], and M10- the Harmony search by Al-Betar et al. [6]. Note that the best results are presented in bold. It can be seen that our approach is able to produce competitive results. From Table 1 it can be seen our approach has competitive results and better results on medium3 and medium4. Table 2. Results comparison 'DWD 6HW  VPDOO VPDOO VPDOO VPDOO VPDOO PHGLXP PHGLXP PHGLXP PHGLXP PHGLXP ODUJH

























K. Shaker and S. Abdullah

Fig. 4 shows the box plots of the penalty cost when solving small, medium and large instances. The results for the large dataset are less dispersed compared to medium and small (where small instance shows a worse dispersed case in these experiments). We can see that the median is closer to the best in small and medium datasets; however the worst is closer to the median in large datasets. From these results, we believe that the size of the search space may not be dependent on the problem size due to the fact that the dispersion of solution points are significantly different from one to another, even though the problems are from the same group of datasets with the same parameter values. This shows that the algorithm behaves differently on various datasets, possibly due to the different complexities of the datasets and the nature of the solution space. We believe that the algorithm might be able to obtain better results on all the datasets by introducing a mechanism that can adaptively and intelligently employ different neighbourhood structures for different situations, based on the quality of the solution in hand.

Fig. 4. Box plots of the penalty costs for small, medium and large datasets

4 Conclusion and Future Work This paper presents Hill Climbing, Great Deluge and Simulated Annealing algorithms applied to the course timetabling problem. The Round-Robin algorithm is employed on these algorithms to control the selection of the algorithms, given a slice time or quantum. In order to test the performance of our approach, experiments are carried out based on course timetabling problems and compared with state-of-the-art methods from the literature. Preliminary comparisons indicate that our approach is competitive with other approaches in the literature and able to produce two best known solutions on medium3 and medium4 dataset. In future work, efforts will be made to establish and compare the approach in relation to previously reported literature. We believe that the proposed approach can be adapted to new problems, thus the ITC2007 datasets will be the subject of future work.

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