Copertina Vol. 31

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RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana, è un periodico quadrimestrale della Società Geologica Italiana. ... Paolo CONTI, Domenico COSENTINO, Stefano DALLA, David GOVONI, .... Richard S. Barclay (a) & Scott L. Wing (a) ...
ISSN 2035-8008

RENDICONTI Online della

Società Geologica Italiana Volume24 31- -Febbraio Luglio 2014 Volume 2013

Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene 2014 CBEP 2014

Selected short notes and abstracts Ferrara, Italy, July 1-6 2014

edited by: G. R. Dickens & V. Luciani A cura di: Domenico Calcaterra & Silvia Fabbrocino


RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana, è un periodico quadrimestrale della Società Geologica Italiana. Esce nei mesi di Dicembre, Aprile ed Agosto. The RENDICONTI Online della Società Geologica Italiana is a journal of the Italian Geological Society. It is published every four months in December, April and August. Direttore responsabile e Redattore (Editor-in-Chief): Domenico CALCATERRA (Napoli). Responsabili editoriali (Editorial Managers): Alessandro ZUCCARI (SGI - Roma), Fabio Massimo PETTI (SGI - Roma). Comitato di redazione (Associate Editors): Alessandra ASCIONE (Napoli), Domenico COSENTINO (Roma TRE - Roma), Corrado CENCETTI (Perugia), Gianfranco CIANCETTI (Pavia), Massimo CIVITA (Torino), Piero FARABOLLINI (Camerino), Fabrizio GALLUZZO (ISPRA - Roma), Massimo MATTEI (Roma TRE - Roma), Carmelo MONACO (Catania), Paolo MOZZI (Padova), Mariano PARENTE (Napoli), Dario SLEJKO (OGS - Trieste), Iole SPALLA (Milano). La SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA fu fondata il 29 settembre 1881, eretta ad Ente Morale con Regio Decreto del 17 Ottobre 1885. La Segreteria è ospitata dal Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra della Sapienza, Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 00185 Roma, Italy. The SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA was founded in Bologna on September 29th, 1881. It was recognized as non-profit corporation with the Royal Decree of October 17th, 1885. The secretary office is hosted by the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra of the Sapienza University, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00185 Roma, Italy. Contatti (Contacts): Tel. +39-06-4959-390; Fax +39-06-4991-4154; e-mail: [email protected] Sito web (Society Web Site): Codice Fiscale (Income Tax Number): 80258790585; Conto corrente postale (Postal giro account): 350009. CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO 2014 (Council Members for 2014): Carlo DOGLIONI - President, Alessandro ZUCCARI - General Secretary, Marco PETITTA - Treasurer, Elisabetta ERBA, Domenico CALCATERRA (EiC of the ROL), Piero CASERO, Paolo CONTI, Domenico COSENTINO, Stefano DALLA, David GOVONI, Carmelo MONACO, Fabio Massimo PETTI, Sandro CONTICELLI (EiC of the IJG - BSGI). REVISORI DEI CONTI 2014 (Financial Auditors 2014): Luca ALDEGA, Eugenio CARMINATI, Fabio TRIPPETTA SEZIONI DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA (Italian Geological Society Sections): Marine Geology: Francesco CHIOCCI - Chair Planetary Geology: Gian Gabriele ORI - Chair Hydrogeology: Giovanni BARROCU - Chair Carbonate Geology: Gloria CIARAPICA, Antonio PRATURLON - Chairs Geo-informatics: Chiara D’AMBROGI - Chair Structural Geology: Giovanni CAPPONI - Chair Young Geologists: Ester TIGANO - Chair Environmental Geology: Leo ADAMOLI - Chair Himalayan Geology: Rodolfo CAROSI - Chair GeoSed: Simonetta CIRILLI - Chair History of Geosciences: Alessio ARGENTIERI, Marco PANTALONI - Chairs Geoethics and Geological Culture: Silvia PEPPOLONI - Chair La Società Geologica Italiana è affiliata alla European Geosciences Union (EGU). The Società Geologica Italiana is affiliated to the European Geosciences Union (EGU). QUOTA ASSOCIATIVA 2014 (Association Fees 2014): socio sostenitore (supporter fellow) € 100, socio ordinario (ordinary fellow) € 93; socio senior (senior fellow) € 68, socio junior (junior fellow) € 68; studente (student) € 36; Istituzioni (Institutions) € 300. Iscrizione alla pagina (Subscription at): or at La Società Geologica Italiana detiene il copyright degli articoli, dei dati, delle figure e di tutto il materiale pubblicato. Papers, data, figures, maps and any other material published are covered by the copyright own by the Società Geologica Italiana. DISCLAIMER: The Società Geologica Italiana, the Editors (Chief, Associates), and the Publisher are not responsible for the ideas, opinions, and contents of the papers published; the authors of each paper are responsible for the ideas, opinions and contents published. La Società Geologica Italiana, i curatori scientifici (Chief, Associates), e la Casa Editrice non sono responsabili delle opinioni espresse e delle affermazioni pubblicate negli articoli: l’autore/i è/sono il/i solo/i responsabile/i.

Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Vol. 31 (2014), pp. 23-24, 1 fig. (doi: 10.3301/ROL.2014.26) © Società Geologica Italiana, Roma 2014

Increasing atmospheric CO2 prior to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum inferred from stomata of Ginkgo adiantoides, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA Richard S. Barclay (a) & Scott L. Wing (a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Paleobiology Department, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution, Washington, D.C., 20560-0121, USA. E-mail: [email protected]

Document type: Short note. Manuscript history: received 15 May 2014; accepted 30 May 2014; editorial responsibility and handling by Gerald R. Dickens & Valeria Luciani. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

KEY WORDS: Bighorn Basin, carbon dioxide, climate-sensitivity, cuticle, deep-time climate change, paleobotany, stomatal index proxy.

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a geologically brief interval of intense global warming 56 million years ago. Multiple proxies suggest a temperature increase of 5-8 °C within ~20ka (Wing et al., 2005). It is arguably the best geologic analog for anthropogenic carbon emissions. The PETM is marked by a ~4-6‰ negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) and extensive marine carbonate dissolution (Zachos et al., 2005), which together are powerful evidence for a massive addition of isotopically light carbon to the oceans and atmosphere. In spite of broad agreement that the PETM reflects a large carbon cycle perturbation, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 (pCO2) during the event are not well constrained (Schubert & Jahren, 2013). In this study we reconstructed pCO2 across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary using the stomatal index proxy. Stomatal index is the number of gas-exchange pores (stomata) on a leaf divided by the number of epidermal cells, both counted in a standard area and expressed as a percentage. An inverse relationship between stomatal index and pCO2 is expected because plants lose water as well as gain CO2 through their stomata, a process regulated by a genetic mechanism that balances the cost and the benefit by adjusting stomatal index (Woodward, 1987). Terrestrial sections in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, contain macrofossil plants with cuticle immediately bracketing the PETM, as well as dispersed plant cuticle from within the body of the CIE (Wing & Currano, 2013). These fossils allow for the first stomatal-based reconstruction of pCO2 near the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. Cuticle-bearing fossils are used to determine both the relative timing of pCO2 changes and to estimate the magnitude of pCO2 shifts in relation to the CIE that defines the PETM. Several studies have measured the relationship between pCO2 and stomatal index in the living species Ginkgo biloba (Retallack, 2001; Royer et al., 2001; Royer, 2003). The largest and most widely cited calibration of stomatal index and pCO2

in Ginkgo biloba (Royer et al., 2001) shows a strongly linear decrease of stomatal index as pCO2 increases from 290 to 370 ppm, then a near asymptote as pCO2 increases to higher values. There are, however, significant problems with previous calibrations. Either the data are sparse and don’t include plants that grew in pCO2 conditions above 370 ppm (Retallack, 2001), or counts of stomata and epidermal cells were made using multiple techniques for preparing and imaging the leaf epidermis (Royer et al., 2001), which could lead to inconsistency. Therefore we have generated a new dataset examining the relationship of stomatal index vs. pCO2 in Ginkgo biloba (Fig. 1). Leaves were collected from herbarium sheets and living individuals from 1877 to 2013, macerated into lower and upper cuticles using hexavalent chromium. The internal view of the lower epidermis was imaged with an environmental SEM and seven intercostal areas were counted per leaf. This dataset covers a range of pCO2 from 290 to 429 ppm and shows the expected decline in stomatal index with increasing pCO2, but the slope is shallower than previously reported, with an r-squared value typical of biological datasets. Applying the newly constructed calibration curve from Ginkgo biloba to the fossils of the nearly identical species Ginkgo adiantoides from the late Paleocene and early Eocene suggests at least a doubling of pCO2 prior to the major CIE that defines the PETM. In the late Paleocene, reconstructed pCO2 levels were ~300 ppm, a concentration maintained for at least 200ka, and potentially for 1Ma prior to the PETM (Royer et al., 2001). During the 150ka interval immediately prior to the CIE, inferred pCO2 rose to as much as 700 ppm, and remained at least as high as 600 ppm following the rapid-recovery interval at the end of the CIE. All evidence collected to date suggests a long-term rise in both pCO2 and temperature, accompanied by drying of soils (Kraus et al., 2013) prior to the prominent CIE at the onset of the PETM. The pCO2 doubling coincides in part with a ~5°C temperature increase during the “pre-warming” interval prior to the CIE, documented from δ18O in mammalian tooth enamel (Secord et al., 2010) and from fossil leaves in the Bighorn Basin. The ~5°C temperature increase with an approximate




Stomatal Index (%)






r² = 0.674

error bars = 1s 6 275








CO2 (ppm) Fig.1 – Calibration dataset of extant Ginkgo biloba applied to fossil specimens of the nearly identical species Ginkgo adiantoides to estimate paleo-pCO2. Figure combines historical samples from 1877 to 2013 (290 to 395 ppm) with samples from individual trees living in elevated CO2 conditions of Washington D.C. (429 ppm). Seven stomatal index counts were made per leaf on SEM images, viewed from the interior of the lower epidermis after maceration using an aqueous solution of hexavalent chromium. Samples figured are mean values for each of 38 individual leaves, from 20 different years.

doubling of pCO2, is consistent with previous estimates of full Earth-system temperature sensitivity to pCO2 doublings. Presumably the source for CO2 released prior to the CIE did not significantly alter the isotopic value of atmospheric CO 2, and thus did not produce a significant isotope shift. This is explainable with submarine volcanism because CO2 produced from this reservoir is relatively enriched in 13C compared to other carbon sources. As suggested previously by multiple authors, warming prior to the CIE may have triggered the release of carbon from a source highly depleted in 13C at the onset of the PETM.

REFERENCES Kraus M.J., McInerney F.A., Wing S.L., Secord R., Baczynski A.A. & Bloch J.I. (2013) - Paleohydrologic response to continental warming during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 370, 196-208. Retallack G.J. (2001) - A 300-million year record of atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil plant cuticles. Nature, 411, 287-290. Royer D.L., (2003) - Estimating latest Cretaceous and Tertiary atmospheric CO2 from stomatal indices, in Wing, S. L., Gingerich, P. D., Schmitz, B., and Thomas, E., eds., Causes and consequences of globally warm climates in the Early

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