CPN Based Modeling of Tourism Demand Forecasting

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Dec 28, 2016 - should inc. (2) Transfo unified dat. (3) Coordi ... cast tment. F d Management conceptual fram uding: avel agents, ho y demand fore data.
International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 12, No. 1; 2017 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

CPN Based Modeling of Tourism Demand Forecasting Hua Bai1 & Haoyuan Zhang1 1

Shenzhen Tourism College, Jinan University, China

Correspondence: Hua Bai, Shenzhen Tourism College, Jinan University, China. E-mail: [email protected] Received: September 9, 2016

Accepted: November 17, 2016

Online Published: December 28, 2016


URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ijbm.v12n1p28

Abstract The tourism demand has become more and more diversified and sensitive to traveling environment, resulting in the high volatility of tourism market. Travel agencies, scenic spots, hotels and other tourism businesses in the tourism supply chain (TSC) need a tight collaboration in order to minimize cost and improve responsiveness and service level. The existence of the bullwhip effect will cause the waste of resources and low efficiency, thus collaborative demand forecasting becomes a good practice to enhance sharing of information and resources, and as a result improving the efficiency and effectiveness of tourism demand forecasting. This paper proposes a collaborative tourism demand forecasting framework based on Colored Petri Net (CPN), which can simulate and examine the effectiveness of tourism supply chain collaboration. Keywords: tourism supply chain (TSC), tourism demand forecasting, colored petri net (CPN), collaboration 1. Introduction 1.1 Tourism Supply Chain Over the last several decades, the tourism industry, especially in China, has increased and modernized considerably. It has become a business more than $1 trillion US Dollar a year now. The global informatization and fierce market competition are now impacting on all rather than individual member companies of a supply chain link . As a service industry, tourism is even more so regarding this impact. The competitive and volatile tourism industry environment has driven tourism companies to search for how to gain their competitive edges. One of the ways that tourism companies could go to enhance their competitiveness is tourism supply chain management (TSCM) (Zhang, Song, & Huang, 2009). A tourism supply chain (TSC), referring to other pioneer supply chains, can be thought as a special supply chain linking tourism companies with different activities consisting of the supply of tourism services and the marketing and delivery of tourism products at certain tourism destinations. SCM is the holistic and systematic management of a supply chain to optimize customer value and then accomplish a sustainable competitive edge. Even though attracting widespread academic interest and practical applications in the manufacturing industry, SCM has not been paid too much attention in the tourism industry. In contrast, the tourism industry fits well to the supply chain concept. It is the characteristics of tourism industry that matches supply chain management strategy, thus TSCM can be a strong methodology to solve the problem how a tourism supply chain (TSC) upgrades its competitiveness in a more sustainable and holistic manner, especially when the tourism demand volatility is much high. This is also a new and promising research opportunity as a blank field. Nowadays supply chain collaboration has been keeping as a hot topic. It is no doubt that the companies with effective collaboration across the integral supply chain can benefit from significant reductions in inventory and cost, together with lifting of service levels and customer satisfaction (Tapper & Font, 2004). Accordingly, the TSC collaboration will also be essential because all stakeholders in the tourism industry have to interact with each other to achieve their heterogeneous business objectives with different business scopes. 1.2 Collaborative Tourism Demand Forecasting Demand forecasting usually is the first step for many key decisions including product pricing, marketing, planning, and development of new products etc. For a supply chain, the demand cannot be accurately forecast by individual supply chain member companies on their own, and the close collaboration among supply chain partners is a must. Collaborative demand forecasting has been well applied in supply chain management beyond tourism industry, because it can achieve information sharing amongst the links in the chain and resilience (Dong, S., Zhang, Z., & Xi, B. 2010). The merit of collaborative forecasting is about the broad information exchange to 28


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provide a basis of forecasting accuracy when the supply chain members do the job through joint knowledge of production promotions, pricing and marketing strategies, and full production information. Although there is a large body of literature focusing on collaborative supply chain forecasting for physical goods, it has not yet gained the same attention in such a service industry as tourism. Actually TSC is facing more dynamics and uncertainty, thus an accurate and adaptive demand forecasting becomes more important to business success (Zhou-Grundy, Y., & Turner, L. W., 2014). Collaborative demand forecasting for a TSC needs a variety of individuals from various echelons of the chain to work together (Zhang, X., & Song, H., 2012). In a highly collaborative and tightly integrated TSC, collaborative forecasting should guide all partner planning activities to get to accurate and timely forecasts with such features as affordability, flexibility, and simplicity as well. Information is the “lifeblood” for almost all industries, and no exception for tourism industry, especially under e-commerce environment. Collaborative forecasting channels the “island of information” and bridges TSC partners to share information and forecasting models for demand forecasting. Colored Petri Net (CPN) is utilized for the modelling and simulation of collaborative demand forecasting process in manufacturing industry (Zhang, Z., Xi, B., & Yan, H. 2009). CPN model is a computerized representation of a system including its states and the events or transitions that result in state change of the system. Simulations of a CPN model can be used to explore and examine the behaviors of a system under various scenarios. CPNs’ relatively small basic vocabulary can achieve great modeling flexibility for a variety of domains, such as data networks, communication protocols, distributed systems, and embedded systems. This paper proposes a collaborative TSC demand forecasting framework outlining the process and data flow, and CPN is employed to model and simulate the framework, and also examine and analyze its effectiveness with an illustrative case study. 2. TSC Collaborative Forecasting Framework 2.1 The Conceptual Framework In a TSC, travel agents is the core, but only have a weak control over other travel suppliers, such hotels and scene spots. Travel agents have a strong dependence on the upstream and downstream companies in the chain. In fact, the relationship among the TSC members is rather loose. Tourism demand information may be distorted along with the TSC without collaboration among the TSC members. The advent of e-commerce facilitates the collaboration of TSC members and brings incentives for the collaboration. TSC collaboration can take many forms, ranging from the direct business process integration to the contractual arrangements. A TSC is a dynamic system that keeps evolving over time. One well-known supply chain phenomenon is bullwhip effect referring to forecast amplification moving upstream along the supply chain. It is found that the lack of information sharing is the root cause. The dynamics of TSC is much severe not only due to the fast changing demand but also the evolution of TSC relationships. The collaborative tourism demand forecasting is conceptually depicted in Figure 1, centered on information sharing and collaborative forecasting.



Internnational Journall of Business andd Management

BOM Decomposition


Vol. 12, No. 1; 2017

Data Collectioon

Travel Ag gents Hotells

Feedbaack & Sharring

Scene Sp pots

Integration Data Processinng Demand

Airline es



Scene ... Spots


Param meter Adjusttment


Travel Aggents

F Forecast Workgrouup

Forecast Adjusttment

Demand F Forecast


Forecast Info Sharing


Figure 1. TSC C collaborativee forecasting cconceptual fram mework 2.2 TSC C Collaborative Forecasting F Prrocess TSC collabborative forecaasting is an onn-going iterativve process incluuding: (1) Collecction of all reelated informaation on the T TSC from traavel agents, hootels, scenic spots and airllines. Centralizaation of inform mation is the bbase of accuraate and timelyy demand forecasting. The rrelated information should incclude the studyy results of TSC C members besides the raw ddata. (2) Transfo formation of innformation to ccomputer data. Semantic webb technologiess can process thhe information n into unified datta format and store s into the ddemand forecaasting databasee. (3) Coordiination of foreecasting approaaches and resuults and emerggency plans. A workgroup shhould be formed to determine and adjust thhe forecasting models and aapproaches, too analyze the results, and tto response to o any emergenciies. (4) Guidannce of resource allocation baased on the deemand forecastt. It is ensuredd that the foreccasts will be sh hared by all TSC C members, and a decompossed to their ow wn demand fo forecasts. This paper proposses BOM ((Biill of Materials) based decompposition. It is aassumed that tthe demand forrecast of tourissm product A is FD composed of {D1, D2, ⋯, Dm}, and BOM list is {BD1, BD2, ⋯ ⋯, BDm }. Thee potential supppliers of the pproduct A are {S1 , S2 , ⋯, Snn } with the prooportion matrixx:

 PD1S 1 PD1Sn        PDmmS 1 PDmSn  Then the ddemand Di will be supplied bby

(5) Postmoortem and adjuustment. Afterr collecting thee actual demannd, the postmoortem and moddel adjustmentt will be the last step. 30


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3. CPN Baased Modeling 3.1 CPN aand CPN Toolss CPN is a graphical langguage to modeel and validatte such system ms with the chharacteristics oof concurrency y and synchronizzation. CPN models m can faccilitate the sim mulation, statee space analyssis, behaviorall visualization, and simulationn-based perform mance analysiis. A Petri net is a kind of ddirected graph with nodes, pplaces, and arc cs, as shown in Figure 2. Thee nodes repreesent transitionns (denoted byy rectangles) and places reepresent condiitions (denoted bby circles). Thee directed arcss (denoted by aarrows) linking the nodes annd places depicct which place es are pre- and/oor post-conditiions for whichh transitions. The places m may contain a discrete numbber of tokens. The places, traansitions, and arcs can be innterpreted as ddifferent impliications depennding on the system. Places may represent operations or status, transittions may be the start/end of processes, and arcs coulld be data flow or resource m movement. Traansitions occurr at the start/ennd of processees. In the proceesses of simulations, activitiies or events cann be modeled by b transitions. Activities couuld be a kind of the processses or system llogics. When some events happpen at a time, the activitiess will cause a change in the state. Tokens are the certainn conditions which w must be m met to fire a trransition. The marking of a Petri net is thhe distributionn of tokens am mong places. In n the pictorial reepresentation, tokens are deepicted by blacck dots. To firre a transition,, its incoming and outgoing g arcs must provvide the numbber of tokens needed (labeled on the arccs by weights)). If the pre-pplace can mee et the incoming aarc weights, thhe transition iss thought as “eenabled”, and tthe transition m may be fired. O Once a transitiion is fired, the ttokens will be re-distributedd, reaching a neew round of m marking. Whenn the associateed transition firres, a certain num mber of tokens will be remooved from a pllace accordingg to its outgoinng arc value, annd at the mean ntime the incomiing arc value determines d the number of tokkens to add to the place.

Figuure 2. Petri net P net to addd differentiatioon on the tokenns. In a CPN m model, a tokenn can be assign ned a CPN is ann augment of Petri data valuee which can be b with a rich set of types ((color sets). A An arc inscripttion may not be a constant, and computablle expressions are allowed. IIn an ordinaryy Petri Net, tokkens are the saame and cannoot be distinguished, while in C CPN all tokens are assigned thheir own valuees. The token vvalues of are ddeclared as a ceertain type. However, the applicationn of CPN depeends on the exxistence of com mputer tools to accomplish thhe construction n and manipulatiion of models. CPN Tools iis such a softw ware package that the user ccan edit, simulate, and analy yze a CPN. CPN N Tools was orriginated from the CPN Grouup at Aarhus U University. CPN N Tools also feeatures increm mental code geneeration with syyntax checkingg, while a nett is being connstructed. Its ssimulator can efficiently han ndles untimed annd timed nets. Full and partiaal state spaces can be generaated and analyzzed. 3.2 CPN D Definitions forr the Collaborrative TSC Deemand Forecaast To define the CPN moddel, the first steep is the declaaration of color sets and variiables. In the C CPN, variables can be used in inscriptions which w can be ddifferent expresssions, but muust be with a ceertain color sett. The collaborrative TSC demaand forecast model can have the following declaration shhown in Figuree 3.



Internnational Journall of Business andd Management

Vol. 12, No. 1; 2017

Figure 33. CPN definittions for TSC ddemand forecaast 3.3 CPN M Model of TSC Demand D Foreccast The Createe toolbox in CPN C Tools is uused for creatioon and editingg of the basic C CPN componeents such as pllaces, transitionss, and arcs. CP PN Tools also pprovides otherr useful guidelline tools, for example, net sstructure alignment and compoonent cloning.. The initial m marking of the net is the inpput to a CPN simulation. Thhe input sets up u an individual state of the syystem, and the transition willl change the sttate and thus thhe whole state of the system. The states, or thhe final markinng of the CPN N, can be combbined as outputt. The inform mation sharingg and collaborration mechaniism among thee TSC membeers, such as traavel agents, ho otels, and scene spots, can be modelled in thhe CPN as shoown below (wiithout tokens).. The simulatioon of this CPN N can validate thhe mechanism m and give inssights to the m mechanism. Thhe intermediatte states or m markings give more details aboout the dynamiic process.

Figure 4. CPN modelling of TSC ddemand forecast CPN simuulation could bee in an automaatic mode or innteractive modde. The interactive mode alloows the user to pick a transitionn and bind a variable, whicch is often useed for model ddebugging. Thhe automatic m mode providess two sub-modess, play mode and fast forwaard mode. Thhe play mode rruns with variious markingss displayed at each execution step, whereass the fast forw ward mode onlly shows the final markinggs until the end of simulatio on. A simulationn run is finisheed by checkinng the stop critteria which m may be the clocck reaching a certain value, or a 32


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predefinedd number of steeps, or other coonditions speccified by breakkpoint monitor.. 4. Case stu udy 4.1 The Caase Descriptioon It is assum med there are three t tour packkages: A, B annd C. Packagee A provides siingle-person tw wo-day scenic spot tour; Packkage B providdes loving couuple two-day sscenic spot toour; Package C provides tw wo-student two o-day scenic spoot tour. Let B11 donate singlee bed, B2 douuble bed; T1 iis adult entrannce ticket, T2 is student entrrance ticket. We get table BOM M as follows: Table 1. Toour package BOM B Package

Bed Type

Bed Number

entrannce ticket

Ticket N Number
















There are ttwo hotels offeering B1 and B B2, and a sceniic spot offeringg T1 and T2: Table 2. Suuppliers’ proviision Supplier



Hotel 1



Hotel 2



Hotel 2



Hotel 2



Scenic spot



Scenic spot



It is assum med that the dem mand forecastt (based on thee historical dataa and TSC info formation) is: A A: 100, B: 400 0, and C: 200.

Figure 5. Demand foreccast Then the w workgroup willl fine-tune thee forecast by addjusting some parameters. F For example, thhe “index” value in Fig. 6: the probabilities of o package A, B and C are 1440%, 90% andd 70% respectiively.

Figure 6. Paarameter adjusstment With sufficient tokens, the t adjusted iddeal demand fo forecast is show wn in table 3 aand 4 with thee equations (1)) and (2): Item=aamount*ratio Item=amountt*ratio*box_am mount*ratio 33

(1) (2)


Internnational Journall of Business andd Management

Vol. 12, No. 1; 2017

Table 3. A Adjusted demannd forecast Demand foreecast

P Package A

Pacckage B

Packaage C




Table 4. Fiinal suppliers’ provisions B1


Hotel 1



Hotel 2



Scenic Spot





4.2 Simulaation of Collabborative Forecaasting The collabborative forecaasting is simulaated by adjustiing the tokens shown in Figuure 7.

Figure 7. Coollaborative foorecasting by aadjusting CPN tokens CPN simuulation of colllaborative foreecasting links all partners inn TSC througgh informationn sharing, which is warranted by the demaand forecastingg workgroup. Once a forecast is given by the workggroup, all rele evant partners, ssuch the travel agents, hotelss and scenic sppots will foreccast their own forecast accorrding to BOM lists. This CPN simulation deemonstrates thhe feasibility aand effectiveneess of collaboorative forecasting. Howeverr, the demand foorecasting appproach and proocess may be complex, which needs largee historical information, suiitable forecastingg models, and adaptive updaating and adjusstment. 5. Conclussion Demand fforecasting is a key functtion for all T TSC memberss. Every mem mber companyy has its diffferent informatioon and modelss for the foreccasting. Due tto the volatilitty of tourism market and ddemand sensitivity, individual member cannnot fully mastter the demandd information and suitable forecasting m models to obtaiin an accurate foorecast. Collabborative TSC demand forecasting emerges as a promisiing approach tto tackle this issue. i The collaaborative foreccasting of TS SC as a whoole will not only promotee the forecastting accuracy and effectiveneess, but also ennhance the TSC C resilience byy sharing inforrmation and feeedback amongg the partners. This paper proposes the framework of TSC collaaborative demaand forecastinng, and presennts the CPN based b simulationn and analysis. CPN based simulation constructs the datta flow and proocess flow, annd demonstrate es the 34


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feasibility of the information sharing and communication for the collaborative demand forecasting. In the simulation, the forecasting models and technics are not built due to their complexity and variety. And time variable is not included in the simulation, which may affect the collaborative forecasting process. Furthermore, a TSC is a relatively complex network compared with other supply chains. The member companies along TSC have their own market structures, and are loosely combined. Usually tourism organizations must consider the interactive effects between their market and those of other members. Further, one of significant phenomena in the tourism industry is the dynamics of supply chain structure, and the players may often adjust business partners to obtain higher profitability or to improve their competitiveness. All these make collaborative TSC demand forecasting a challenging task, because the close collaboration among the players from a variety of echelons in the TSC needs a trusting relationship and strong motivation and even binding mechanisms. Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by the Humanities and Social Science project of Ministry of Education of China (10YJC630001) and the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Education Ministry. References Dong, S., Zhang, Z., & Xi, B. (2010), Study on Mechanisms of collaborative demand forecast in supply chain, Operations research and management science, 19(5), 66-70. Tapper, R. & Font, X. (2004). Tourism supply chains: Report of a desk research project for the travel foundation. Retrieved from Leeds Metropolitan University, Environment Business & Development Group. Retrieved from http://www.lmu.ac.uk/lsif/the/Tourism-Supply-Chains.pdf Zhang, X., Song, H., & Huang, G. (2009). Tourism supply chain management: A new research agenda. Tourism management, 30(3), 345-358. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2008.12.010 Zhang, X., & Song, H. (2012). Developing a web-based collaborative forecasting platform to support tourism supply chain management. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 1414-1418. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IEEM.2012.6837979 Zhang, Z., Xi, B., & Yan, H. (2009). Petri Net-based modeling and analysis of collaborative demand forecasting process, Industrial engineering journal, 12(6), 47-51. Zhou-Grundy, Y., & Turner, L. W. (2014). The challenge of regional tourism demand forecasting: The Case of China. Journal of travel research, 53(6), 747-759. https:/dx.doi.org/10.1177/0047287513516197

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