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Examples of TCMs that ease activity constraints are flextime and telecommuting. The behavioral effects of these TCMs are highly complex; however, they should ...
Critique of Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ Capabilities for Modeling Transportation Control Measures in California

Robert A. Johnston Caroline J. Rodier

Reprint UCTCNo. 271

TheUniversity of California TransportationCenter Universityof California Berkeley, CA94720

The University Transportation

of California Center

The University of California Transportation Center (UCTC) is one of ten regional units mandated by Congress and established in Fall 1988 to support research, education, and training in surface transportation. The UCCenter serves federal RegionIX and is supported by matching grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the University. Based on the Berkeley Campus, UCTCdraws upon existing capabilities and resources of the Institutes of Transportation Studies at Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles; the Institute of Urban and Regional Development at Berkeley; and several academic departments at the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles campuses. Faculty and students on other University of California campusesmay participate in

Center activities. Researchers at other universities within the region also have opportunities to collaborate with UCfaculty on selected studies. UCTC’seducational and research programs are focused on strategic planning for improving metropolitan accessibility, with emphasis on the special conditions in RegionIX. Particular attention is directed to strategies for using transportation as an instrument of economic development, while also accommodatingto the region’s persistent expansion and while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life there. The Center distributes reports on its research in working papers, monographs, and in reprints of published articles. It also publishes Access, a magazine presenting summaries of selected studies. For a list of publications in print, write to the address below.

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Thecontentsof this report reflect the viewsof the authorwhois responsible for the facts andaccuracyof the data presentedherein. Thecontentsdo not necessarilyreflect the official viewsor policiesof the State of Californiaor the U.S.Department of Transportation.This report doesnot constitute a standard, specification,or regulation.

¯ ¯ Cmtique of Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ Capabilities for Modeling Transportation Control Measures in California

RobertA. Johnston CarolineJ. Rodier Institute of TransportationStudies Universityof California at Davis Davis, CA95616

Reprinted from Transportation Research Record Vol. 1452, pp. 18-26 (1994)

UCTCNo. 271 TheUniversity of California Transportation Center Universityof Califorrt~a at Berkeley

Critique of Metropolitan Planning Organizations’ Capabilities for Modeling Transportation Control Measures in California ROBERT A.





For each class of transportation control measures(TCMs),the relevant travel be.~aviorsexpectedto changeare identified and techniquesfor simulatingthe, e changesare listed. Then,the latest roundof analysisof TCMs in each of the four largest urbanregions in California is studied carefully to see whetherthe relevant behaviorsweremodeledin a credible fashion, on the basis of local data. In modelingTCMs that change travel time and costs or expandtransit options, modelswerefoundto lack automobileownershipsteps and accessibility variables in some steps. Intersection capacity anddelay shouldbe entered into the road networks,and the networksneed to be moredetailed. In addition, more cost data are needed.Household incomeshouldbe retained in final trip tables to allowfor equity evaluationsof changesin travel pattmxs.In simulating policies thai change land uses, walk and bicycle modes shouldbe explicit, and better land use damare neeM~.For analysis of clean vehicleincentive programs,vehicle typesshouldbe linked to trip purposes. Most agencies did a poor job evaluating TCMs;in some cases, they did not evenuse their travel demand modelsbut instead used spreadsheets with generalized default values. Manyimprovements are being madeto these models,and practice will be improved. The regiunal travel demandmodelsof metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)have been used in the past primarily for the undemanding task of projecting relative levels of traffic congestionor transit demandin urban corridors. The newfederal Clean Air AcL however,nowrequires modelsthat can project travel (and on-road mobile emissions) with absolute accuracy. Air quality plans in nonattainmentregions must include transportation control measures (TCMs)and, for example,must reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds according to certain schedules (by 15 percent in 6 years or 9 percent in 3 years). Furthermore, the TCMsto be evaluated include pricing and land use measures, policies not traditionally modeled by most MPOs. Because of the unevenquality of MPO modelsacross the United States, and because of the incompleteand fragmentedmodelingregulations that have comefrom the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA)to date, MPOshave developedtheir ownnational guidelines for goodmodelingpractice (1). Whereasthat report and papers commenting on its drafts (2) consider regional models in general, examination of specific MPO modelsin the major California urban regions (the San Francisco Bay Area. Sacramento,SouthernCalifornia, and San Diego)will help further understanding of howmodels need to be: improvedto simulate accurately the effects of TCMs on travel and emissions. Institute ofTransportation Studies, University ofCalifornia atDavis, Davis, Calif. 95616.

Weset forth an exhaustive list of desired modelingcapabilities but believe that at least one MPO in the United States has realized them. Wewould not expect an MPO to develop all of these capabilities within the next few years, becauseof damlimitations. However, we wouldexpect MPOsto accelerate data collection for the next round of model developmentand at least attempt most of the recommendedimprovements. Under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, manycategories of funds for planning and model developmentare available including sometypes of project funds; thus, fundingshouldnot be a limitation in the future. Apparently, environmentalgroups are poised to sue someof the large MPOs,at least partly on the basis of their modelingmethods. Perhaps MPOsshould work toward making their models close to the state of the art instead of merelyacceptable according to EPA guidelines. Lawsuits caneasily cost morethana major program of model development. Each MPOwill have to weigh these matters considering its current modelsand data sets, and develop a model improvementworkplan that suits its local needs. Oar critique of existing modelsdoes not represent legal requirements; those are unique to each region. Our modelingreviews were drafted in more detail than appears here and were reviewed by the agencies. Weattempted to respond to staff members’concerns in every case but were often hampered becausetheir written and oral reviewsdiffered from the agencydocumentsor those of other staff members.Turnoverof staff also made it difficult to ensure the accuracyof somedetails, as did lack of documentation for some modeling exercises. In somecases, MPO reviews were antagonistic, because of past or threatened lawsuits. In all cases, we found agency staffs overworkedand had to ask repeatedlyfor their assistance in reviewingthe drafts. Wehavetried very hard to represent accurately the modelingpractices of the MPOso Webegin by categoriz/ng TCMsinto eight different classes and identifying the TCMs’likely behavioral effects and the modelcomponentsneededto capture those effects. Thecategories and criteria are based on a selective reviewof the literature on modelingtheory and practice (3) and on workby Harvey(4). Next, wediscuss issues related to the criteria set out, including the magnitudeof TCMs’ effects, forecasting variables, the feasibility of the proposed improvements,and synergistic effects of TCMs.Wethen examine the MPOs’analyses of TCMsin their most recent round of transportation and air quality plans and comparetheir TCM analyses with our criteria to identify shortcomings.Wealso discuss improvements under way on their models and recommendadditional improve° ments needed for better TCM modeling.


and Rodier

CATEGORIES OF TCMs AND CRITERIA FOR ACCURATE MODELING Categoriesdescribedin this section, their behavioraleffects, as welI as manymodelingcriteria, were informedby Harvey’sreport (4).

Change Travel Times TCMsthat alter travel times include high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)lanes, arterial operation improvements,preferential parking, and reduced transit wait times. These TC-~Is are designed to decrease travel times for high-occupancymodesor increase travel times for low-occupancymodes. The primary behavioral effect of these TCMsshould be modeshifts. But they mayalso result in reduced automobile ownership, fewer and shorter trips by automobile, and closer proximityof residential and worklocations. To capture the modeshift effects of these TCMs,a reliable mode choice model is needed, one that accurately represents congested and free-flow travel times, transit and automobile access times (e.g., walkand wait), and signal and intersection delays for all trip purposes. Currently, manymodelsrepresent access to transit only crudely (5). The representation of transit access times can be improved incorporating variables such as proximity of work and housing to transit, bicycle and pedestrian conditions, and the location of parkand-ride lots (5). Therepresentation of automobileaccess times can also be improved with increased sensitivity to parking capacity consnzints (5). Highwayand transit travel times and co~;ts or compositeLrnpedantes shouldbe represented in the trip distribution, trip generation, and automobile ownership steps (in additon to the modechoice step, as described above) to simulate chartges in trip lengths, the munberof trips made,and the numberof caxs ownedby households. It is important that an endogenousautomobile ownership step be included in the travel demandmodel because of the significant effect of automobileownership on trip ge aeratign. Therepresentation of accessibility in the automobile ownership step should include parking availability (5). All modelsteps should be fully iterated on impedances from assignment Ii.e., congested impedances for peak models and uncongested itapedances for nonpeak models). If these TCMs result in large changesin accessibiiities, evenjust for somesubareas, a land allocation modelthat is fully iterated with the travel demandmodel can be used to simulate changes in the location of new employmentand residential development.


reduced travel times resulting from modeshifts, reduced trip making, and time-of-day shifts mayinduce somesingle-occupant vehicles back onto facilities and thus offset someportion of the mode shift. Further, if pricing measures are imposedonly on certain roadways,route shifts instead of modeshifts mayoccur. A secondaryeffect of large changesin travel pricing maybe changesin employmentand residential locations for existing and newland uses. Finally, issues of equity also need to be considered when evaluating travel-pricing TCMs. The modeshift effects of these TCMscan be simulated with the use of a reliable modechoice modelthat accurately reflects changes in travel costs in compositeimpedances,as discussed above. Again, an endogenousautomobileownershipstep that is sensitive to travel costs (including parking costs) is needed to capture these TCMs’ effects on automobileownersldplevels and thus on trip generation. GeneraLizedtravel costs shouldalso be includedin the trip distribution and trip generation steps to better simulate changes in the number and length of trips madeas a result of these TCMs.A departure time choice modelthat is sensitive to direct travel costs as well as time costs is neededto represent time-of-dayshifts due to TCMsthat impose additional monetary costs on peak-period travel, such as congestionpricing. To simulate these TCMs’ effects on route choice, Harvey suggests that travel time componentsbe "supplemented by a network assignment model capable of capturing the ’equilibrium’ betweenprice and time effects" (4). All model steps should be fully iterated on composite impedances from assignment. Detailed pricing damin the base year data set must be available to properly specify the model’stravel cost variables. Replogfesuggests that the data should include information about "the share of employeesgetting free parking at individual sites or within compact zones, the cost of short and long term parking at individual sites or within compactzones, the cost of short and long term commercial parking, HOVpricing incentives and other commutersubsidies, as well as transit cost on an origin-destination basis (if appropriateby mode)"(5). A data base or modelthat links vehicle types to trip categories is neededto project the emissioneffects of TCMs that increase costs for high-emittingvehicles (4). -For equity evaluation of TCMs that alter travel costs, household incomeclasses shouldbe retained in the final trip tables. This makes information related to the number of people by income class affected by a particular pricing policy readily available. Again, if these TCMs result in large changesin accessibilities, a land allocation modelthat is fully iterated with the travel demand model can be used to simulate changes in the location of new employmenta~d residential development.

Change Travel Costs

ExpandTransit Options

TCMsthat alter travel costs include increased fuel taxes, pay-as-you-drive insurance, highwaypeak-period congestion fees, increased bridge toils, parking fees, subsidizedtransit, ridesharing incentives, and vehicle purchase fees. Thes,~ TCMsare designed to increase the monetarycost of traveling in single-occupancyvehicles and to de_creasethe cost of traveling in high occupancymodes° The prim~-y result of these TCMsshould be a shift in modefrom single-occupancy vehicles to HOVs.In addition, these TCMsmay result in fewer,shorter discretionarytr/ps and time-of-travel shifts, particularly in the ease of peak-periodcongestionpricing. However,

TCMsthat expand travel options include, for example, improved access to bus and rail transit. These TCMsare designed to expand travel options by serving areas with new modes. The primary behavioral effect of these TCMsshould be modeshifts; however, large changes in nansit service mayaffect automobile ownership levels, trip lengths, and trip generation. Heavyrail (subwayor commuter rail) mayalso alter newland developmentpatterns. To accurately capture the navel demandfor new modes, mode choice models ideally should incorporate unobservedattributes, such as comfortand retiability, as explicit variables in modechoice,


20 in addition to travel time and cost. However,Harveysuggests that such variables can be difficult to quantify, and thus "conventional studies g(~ aroundthe problemby using observedshares to create one-time set of adjustments"(4). Becausethese TCMs also affect transit travel times and costs, compositeimpedancesshould be included ha the modechoice, trip distribution, trip generation, and automobile ownershipsteps to represent changes in these behaviors. In addition, if TCMs result in large changesin accessibilities, a land allocation modelshould be used.

Change Land Uses Some TCMsencompass a range of land development policies aimed at encouraging a more compactpattern of urban development coordinated with transit services and with improvementsto walking and bicycling facilities. These TCMs mayresult in modeshifts, shorter trips, fewer automobile trips, and reduced automobile ownership. Genere.~ly,walk,bicycle, and transit accessibility variables (i.e., measures of the walk and bicycle environment and transit travel time and cost) are neededin the modechoice, trip distribution, trip generation, and automobileownershipsteps to simulate the effects of these TCMs (5). Morespecifically, the modechoice step should include explicit walk and bicycle modesas well as indices of zonal or discre~~, household-basedbicyete and pedestrian "friendliness" to simulate modeshifts due to these TCMs(5). Farther, to represent the diversion of short automobile trips to nonrnotofized modes,a person-~p-basedtrip generation step should be used in which central business district (CBD)and other locationai variables havebeen replaced with variables that represent normaotorizeziaccess to retail and pedeswian and bicycle friendliness (5). Detailed networks and zones can be used to improverepresentation of wall bicycle, and transit accessibility (5). Modelsteps should be fully iterated on zone-to-zone travel impedancesfrom assignment. To properly specify wall bicycle, and transit accessibility variables, Replogle suggests collecting "inventories of transportation supply, with information on road widths, numberof lanes, presence of mediaJls, intersection configurations, transit services including transit stop locations and service frequency,parking inventories including park-and-ride lots, location and character of sidewalks and bicycle paths and lanes, availability of secure bicycle parking spacesat transit stops, and other factors" (5). If TClVIsresult in large changesin accessibilities, a land allocation modelshould be used.

Thereis a dangerthat the altered portionof the fleet will be used/na waythat is not representativeof the overall vehicleuse panem.Two clear examples cometo mind:(1) conversionof a dexiacatedfleet alcoholor electric propulsionmighthavea disproportionatelysmall effect on emissionsbecauseso muchof fleet VMT occursin the hot stabihzedQperatingregime;and(2) subsidtre,d or mandated retirement of the oldest personalvehiclesmighthavea disproportionately large effect on emissionsbecauseso muchof the VMT of the old vehicles occursin the coldandhot start modes.Stmpleadjustment of the fleet compositeemissionsfactors wouldnot accuratelyrepresenteither of these changes. Partial fleet changes should be evaluated with a modelor data base that links vehicle types to trip categories in addition to having revised emissionfactors (4)o tf vehicle or fuel costs rise uniformly, these changescan be simulated, as discussed earlier with respect to TCMs that change travel costs. Ease Activity Constraints These TCMsattempt to reduce the place and time resections of worktravel that force travelers to use limited transportation services. Examplesof TCMs that ease activity constraints are flextime and telecommuting. The behavioral effects of these TCMsare highly complex; however, they should affect modechoice, departure time choice, trip making,and possibly automobile ownership. Modelsof humanactivity scheduling behavior can capture effects of flextime and telecommuting,but as yet these modelserdst only in experimentalform (4). Withoutsuch models, the behavioral effects of these TCMs must be assessed by extrapolating from carefully interpreted case study data and manually adjusting mode choice projections (4), trip generation rates, and possibly automobile ownershiprates. However,a time*of-day choice step that is included in the travel demandmodel can help simulate changes in travelers’ choice of departuretime resulting from flextime policies. Promote Alternative Modes TCMsthat promote alternative modes are designed to educate travelers about their wave| options and thus help themmakemore rational travel decisions. Such promotion can be very effective wheremodal choices are substitutable. These TCMsshould result primarily in modeshifts. Currently, it is very difficult for travel demandmodelsto simulate the effects of promotional TCMs.Case studies, if carefully interpreted, can be used to manually adjust the modechoice projections (4). Limit Travel Options

Clean Vehicle Technology These TCMsinclude vehicle technologies designed to reduce emissions, for example,technologies that changethe internal combustion engine, electric vehicles, vehicle inspection and maintenance, newcar standards, clean fuels, or retirement of high-polluting vehicles. Such TCMsare designed to alter the vehicle rather than travel behavior. For TCMsthat affect the entire fleet in a uniformmanner,Harvey suggests that "’emissions improvementscan be calculated simply by substituting a revised set of compositeemissionfactors" (4). Harvey has pointed out the difficulties in evaluating emission reductions for TCMs that affect only a portiorr of the fleet (4):

These TCMsare intended to reduce modal options (i.e., use of automobiles)either temporarily or in the long term and include, for example, fuel rationing and exclusion of single*occupant automobiles from key facilities. In the short term, these TCMs mayresult in large modeshifts, reduced trip making, and shorter trips. If enacted frequently or in the long term, these TCMsmayresult in changes in automobile ownership, and changes in newand existing residential and employmentlocation might occur. To reflect reduced modalopthans on key facilities, Harveycites the needfor a detailed networkof freeways,arterials, and roads as welt as a "modechoice modelwith a ’choice set’ (i.e., range of alternatives) that can be adjustedto reflect limited availability" (4).


JohnstonandRodier BecauseTCMs that limit travel options wilt increase the time and cost of automobiletravel, compositeimpedartcesthat reflect these increases should be represented in the modechoice, trip dismbuo tion, trip generation, and automobile ownership steps. If TCMs result in large changesin accessibilities, a land allocation model should be used. TCM EFFECTS WARRANT MODEL IMPROVEMENTS Wachs,in a comprehensivereview of recent behavioral research in transportation demandmanagement,found that there is clear evidencethat travel time, out-of-pocket travel casts, and the comfort andreliability of travel modeshavea sigrtfic~mt effect on trip generation, modechoice, departure time choice, and route choice (6). Stopher summarizesthe literature on the eff.~cts of capacity constramts (e.g., congestion, whichincreases the time costs of travel) on travel behavior and concludes that such constraints result in changes in newdevelopment, automobile ownership, trip making, the length of trips, modechoice, departure time choice, and route choice (7). Bae, however, in an examination of transportation and land use measures included in Southern Califorrfia’s Air Quality Management Plan (particularly, alternative work schedules, modeshift strategies, and growth management),found that these measures were projected to have a relatively modestirapact on reducing air pollution (8). It should be noted that Bae’s e~mminationmadeuse of someweaksources. Bae suggests that clela~ vehicle technology and pricing TCMsare more effective alternatives. Cameron’sstudy of pricing policies in SouthernCaliforniafour, d that pricing policies would have a sigruficant effect on trip genera5on, VMT,and mode choice. The Transportation Incentive Planning System (TRIPS) travel demandmodel, which includes an endogenous automobile ownership step and composite travel costs throughout the model hierarchy, wasused for this study (9). In the end, however, transportation plannemmust use theh" own judgmentas to whetherthe effects of particular TCMs in a particular region will be large enoughto warrant the modelimprovements suggested here, particularly inclusion of compositeimpedancesin the trip generation and automobileownershipsteps and feedback to those steps and to a land allocation model.

portadon Commissionmodels (1978) are an example of a set regional travel demandmodelsthat have successfully incorporated compositeimpedancesin the modechoice, trip disafibution, trip generation, and automobile ownershipsteps. Land allocar.ion models that are sensitive to transportationsupplyare available (e.g., the DRAM/EMPAL model); however, their sensitivity is limited (7). Separate walk and bicycle modescan be added to modechoice modelsfairly easily. Thedifficulty arises in developingthe travel times for these modes.Greatly increased network detail is needed to estimate travel times for short walk and bicycle ttps (7). In the short term, however, rough approximations of walk and bicycle travel times can be derived from the roadwaynetwork. The integration of geographic information systems into travel demandmodels will assist in the developmentof the networkdetail neededfor improvedspecification of walk, bicycle, and transit accessibilities. In the short term, however, zonal and discrete household-based walk, bicycle, and transit accessibility indexes have been incorporated effectively into someregional travel demandmodels, for example, that of MontgomeryCounty, Maryland. Currently, time-of-day choice modesare not generally included in regional travel demandmodels. Stopher states that "someform of time-of-day modelingcan be developed to work within travelforecasting procedures" (7). Portland, Oregon, and Sacramento, California, are incorporating explicit time choice componentsin their updated travel demandmodels(1). Comfortand reliability variables are dff’ficult to tacorlmrate in regional travel demandmodels. However, academic models have successfuUyincorporated such variables (10). Wachssuggests the use of marketsegrnentation to help clarify the relationship between attitudes and wavel behavior (6). Finally, the additions and extensions suggested in this paper require damthat are not generally included in conventional data bases used to estimate and calibrate models. Conventional data bases should be expandedto obtain needed travel behavior data. Suchestimation and calibration of modelsteps and of overall system modelsis more time-consttrning than past practices. However, Poland has calibrated its socioeconomic/demographic models (i.e., worker, children, and automobile ownership models) and travel demandmodels(i.e., trip generation, destination choice, premodechoice, and modechoice models) to survey data and has calibrated its automobileassignmentand transit assignmentmodels to count data.

FORECASTING TCM VARIABLES SYNERGISM Mostof the variables at issue in this paper, ~i.e., accessibility and demographicvariables) are currently forecast in most regional travel demandmodels. Life-cycle stage variables, whichhave been shownto be significant in predicting travel demand,are less commonlyforecast in regional travel demandmodels° However,the Portland, Oregon, and MomgomeryCounty, Maryland, models have incorporated life-cycle variables (e.g., ages of household members).Forecasts of these variables are ILkely to be reasonable within a 20-year dine frame. Becauseland meforecasts are subject to local political pressures, we advocatesimulationof land use variables through land allocation models (i.e, developmentlocation choice models)to avoid political bias and irrLprove accuracy. FEASIBILITY


Travel time and travel cost variables can be included throughoutthe chain of travel demandmodels. The origim~l Metropolitan Trans~

TCMstend to be modeledseparately instead of together ~ a package. However,somecombinations of TCMscan increase or decrease the effectiveness of individual TCMs (11). The findings regarding potential synergistic effects were summarized as follows (11): In general,it wasfoundthat improvements in drivhngeon~tionswork counterto efforts to sbLftcommuters fromtheir owncars ontopublic n’~it or to participatein ridesharingprograms.Penaltiesassociated with driving, on the other hand,supportthese efforts, as well as attemptsto reduceovcr~travel by changingland uses andsubstituting communications for worktrips. ALlwansit improvementand incentive techniques are mutuallysupportive to a high degree. Carpooqng, whichin itself appearsto be a moderatelyeffective and inexper~ive approach, doesnotblend well w/th manyother approaches;efforts to reducewavetdemandby chz~n~gland use, to spreadpeakcommuting time, to providetransit al .teg~adves,or to improvetraffic flow throughimprovements to roadwaysallreducethe motivationfor participatingin prearrangedridesharmg.

22 Thus, TCMs should be modeledin various packages, not separately, to capture synergistic effects and thereby avoid overestimating or underestimating the effects of TCMs. PAST T(UM MODELINGPRACTICES IN FOUR REGIONS This section and the next are based on a study performed for the California Energy Commissionthat reviews the MPOs’regional Iravel demandmodels and their modeling of TCMs(3). Agency documentsand interviews were used to prepare these reports, and the repo~ were reviewedby the agencies for accuracy. San Francisco Bay Area The TRIPSmodel was the primary travel demandmodelused in the San Francisco Bay Area to evaluate TCMs.TRIPS was used to evaluate most TCMswithin the travel cost category and some TCMs within the navel time category. Local data, empirical studies reported in the literature, andinterviews with experts wereused for categories of TCMs involving expandedtravel options, travel time, land use changes,activity constraints, and promotionof alternative modes(12,13). TCMsinvolving walk and bicycle improvements w,~-Te modeledwith "a regional modechoice model developed by Deakinin the mid 1980’s with bicycle and walk as explicit modes"(12,13). Traffic operations models, such as TRANSYT and NETSI~[,were also used in the analysis (13). The TPdPSmodel was derived from models originally developed for the MetropolitanTransportation Commission in the mid- to late 1970s; it incorporates transit and highwaytravel times and costs in all of its modelsteps, includes an automobileownershipstep, and is fully iterated (14). TRIPSuses a sampleof householdsfrom the most recent Bay Area travel survey, whichpreserves the variation in the di,;tribution of population characteristics and thus produces moreaccurate travel demandpredictions (15). Householdtotals are expandedto represent the larger population and summed in regional categories (15). TRIPSlacks a detailed network representation and traffic assignment component.Instead, as an approximation, a simple routing for estimating changes in level of service has been incorporated in the model. Thus, TRIPS achieves great detail in representing demandat the expenseof detailed network representation (14). Sacramento Region As part of the regional mobility plan, the Sacramentoregion used its regional transportation demandmodelto evaluate parking pricing and newHOVlanes (16,17). Cumulativeestimates of VIvlT and emission reductions due to the other TCMsincluded in the plan were derived from the results of TCMs modeledby other regions in Califorrda, particularly the BayArea (17). Analysesof TCM effectiveness in the BayAreaand other areas cannot be transferred credibly to the Sacramentoregion, however, because of large differences in urban structure and transportation infrastructure, particularly modaloptions.

TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 1452 involving alternative work weeks, flextime, telecommuting, employer rideshare and transit incentives, parking management, vanpool purchase incentives, merchanttransportation incentives, automobile use restrictions~ new HOVfacilities, and transit improvements,as part of its regional mobility plan (18). These strategies were modeledprimarily through manualadjustments to the trip generation tables and modechoice model. In other words, each TCM was assumedto reduce single-occupant vehicle trips by a certain percentage, and trip generation rates and modechoice projections wereadjusted to reflect that reduction (18). That methodof modelingis not adequate because it begs the question of whether the TCMswill have their anticipated behavioral effects. Some strategies that involve pricing incentives were modeledcorrectly with sensitivity mns~whichresulted in changesin modechoice (3). The Southern California region modeledTCMsrelated to goods movement,traffic flow improvements, nonrecurrent congestion relief, airport groundaccess, and rail consolidationwith elasticities obtained from the regional travel demandmodeland from elasticities reported in the literature (3,18). Elasticities that are used to adjust VMTor trips without running these changes through the modelset will not represent the completeeffects of the TCMs,however. Also, point elasticities obtainedfromthe literature are valid only if they are used for the sameranges and starting points on the basis of whichthe elasticities werecalculate.eL San Diego Region The San Diego Region evaluated its TCMswith the use of TCM Tools (19), a spreadsheetthat aggregates the effects of TCMs at the regional level and uses input data obtained from expert judgment. The spreadsheet has default values for most outputs or uses point elasticities to produceoutputs. Thedefault values can be overridden with area-specific data obtained from a regional wansportation model.Thespreadsheet does not represent the effects of changesin congestion on travel. Most of the effects of land use changes and traffic flow improvementsmust be estimated apart from the spreadsheet. In general, the spreadsheetis primarily a screening tool and generally predicts the best, instead of the most likely, outcomesof TCMs(15,20)o The TCM Tools spreadsheet is acceptable as an accounting system for measuring the effects of TCMsonly if it is used in conjunction with a fully ran set of regional travel demandmodelsand its default values are overriddenwith area-specific values obtained from the regional travel demandmodel. Most default values were not overridden in the modeling of the San Diego region’s TCMs.Small adjustments were made for somedefault values for the HOVand park-and-fide TCMs.Because the elasticities wereso small and it wasthought that area-specific values would not be muchdifferent from the default values, no area-specific adjustments were deemednecessary. In general, the San Diego region lacks data with which to develop area-specific values (3). MPOs’ POTENTIAL ABILITIES ANALYZE TCMs


Southern Californla Region

Current Models

For its 19’92Air Quality Management Plan, the SouthernCalifornia region used its regional travel demandmodel to evaluate TCMs

As described above, not all TCMs in the regions that should have been were modeledwith regional travel demandmodels. However,


Johnston and Rodier

accurate evaluation of most TCMsrequires that analyses be performed by fully run travel demandmodels. Therefore, regional travel demandmodels’current abilities, if they were used to evaluate the categories of TCMs,were examinedto identify, needed model improvements. Categories of TCMs related to changesin travel time, changesin travel cost, and expanded transit options can only be evaluated adequatelywith TRIPS,particularly if it is used in conjunctionwith a network (assignment) model. That is primarily because TRIPSincorporates highwayand transit travel time ~nd cost in its mode choice, trip distribution, trip generation, and automobileownership steps and the modelis fully iterated. TheSacrzanentu,SouthernCalifornia, and San Diego regions incorporate highwayand transit travel time directly onty in the modechoice and trip distribution steps and incorporate travel cost directly only in the modechoice step. However,travel cost is includedindirectly in the SouthernCaliforcfia and San Diegoregions’ trip distribution steps throughfeedhack. None of these three regions has an ant,mobile ownership modelthat is endogenousand is affected by accessibility or by other variables that can be altered with policy. TI" e Sacramentoregion does not recycle assignedtravel impedancesba~kto trip distribution. To improvethe accuracy of travel times in the models, all MPOs should improvetheir representation of access to transit and automobile in the modechoice step. Further, only San Diego’s model represents signal and intersection delay sep~ttely from link capacity and delay. Noneof the models include explicit comfort and reliability variables to capture demandsfor expandedtravel options accurately. To simulate the effects of TCMsthat increase the monetary cost of peak-periodtravel (e.g., congestionpricing), all of the MPOsneed to develop time-of-day choice models. In addition, only TRIPSretains incomein all the trip tables, whicha11owsanalysis of the exlu/ty implications of pric/ng measures. All of the MPOs have pricing data related to automobileoperathag costs, tolls, transit fares and discounts, and someparking cost data. The BayArea region has dally and monthlyparking cost data. The San Diego region’s parking data are adequate except that more data are needed regarding the share of employeeswith free parldng. Sacramentohas parking cost data (monthlyzonal averages) only for the downtown area and none for suburbanor spec/al generator areas. Noneof the regions use travel demandmodelsthat can evaluate adequately TCMsthat improve walk, bicycle, and transit environmerits. Noneof the regions represent walk and bicycle modesseparately in the modechoice step except for the San Diegoregion, and its walk and bicycle modes are not policy sensitive (they are exogenous).In general, walk, bicycle, andtransit accessibility variables (for example,proximity of employment and housing to transit and services, and walk andbicycle characteristics of zones) are lacking in the modechoice, trip distribution, trip generation, and automobile ownership steps. The Bay Area and Sacramento regions are able to represent, to somedegree, the homogeneityand heterogeneity of land uses, because they include a vat/able for employment in the zone of residence. All MPOsshould replace CBDand other Iocational variables with variables thatrepresent regional accessibilityand improvethe detail of their networksto represent the proximity of employmentand housing to trmasit and services. The regions all use reasonably small zones in are~ of dense land use. All the regions lack sufficient transportation and land use supply data, particularly-related to zonal walkand bicycle characteristics. All have transportation supply data related to the transit and auramobiletravel times, roadwaylanes, park-and-ride 1o~, and transit stops. Only the San Diegoregion has damon intersection configu-

rations, parking inventories, and walk and bicycle distance. All need data related to the character of sidewalks, bicycle paths and lanes, availability of secure bicycle parking spacesat transit stops, and roadway medians. For TCMs related to clean vehicle technology, all regions can calculate emission improvementsfrom TCMs that affect the entire fleet in a uniformmannerby substituting a revised set of composite factobs. Nonehas the capacity yet to evaluate partial fleet changes with regional models. However,somedata are available on vehicles fi’om the California Departmentof MotorVehicles, whichcould be used in conjunction with the TRIPSmodel(and perhaps other models) to evaluate the effects of this TCM (4). For categories of TCMsrelated to promotion of alternative modesand to the easing of activity constraints (e.g., flextime and telecommudng), all regions can use carefully interpreted case studies to manuallyadjust theh" modechoice projections. All MPOs use case study data, but available documentationsuggests that none, except the SouthernCalifornia region, used themto manuallyadjust modechoice projections. Only the Southern California and Sacramento regions included TCMsintended to 1/m/t travel options. However,to model these TCMs,all the regions would need to improvethe derail of their networks (i.e., obtain a more detailed depiction of roadways/n restricted areas) and use aa adjustable choice set in their mode choice models. Toassess secondary effects of changes innewresidential and employment locations dueto TCMs,onlytheSouthern California region iterated thewavcl demand projections withlandallocation modelprojections. TheBayAreaandSanDiegoregions coulddo this, buttheydidnotdosofortheir TCManalyses. TheSacramento region currently doesnothavea land allocation model. Noneofthe regions used alternative land use projections as a TCM,although all ofthemhavedonesuchstudies inthepast. Planned Model Improvements TheSanFrancisco BayAreaplanstopursue thefollowing travel demandmodelimprovements, whichshould improve theirability toanalyze TCMs: (a)incorporate walkandbikeaccessibility (land use)variables inthetrip generation step; (b)develop a modeof cess torail, investigate land usedensity effects ontransit ridcrship, compare generic withmode-specific timeandcostparameters, and examine HOVtimesaving coefficients inthemodechoice step; (c) improve the forec~6ng methodfor projecting vehicle occupancy rams, especially for nonworktrips; and (d) develop time-of-day choice models(21)o These changes should be h~corporatedinto the TRIPSmodelif it is used for future TCM evaluations. The Sacramentoregion is currently undertaking a major update of its travel demandmodelsand plans to incorporate the following: (a) aa automobile ownership step that is sensitive to walk and bicycle accessibility (land use) variables andto transit access; (b) mpgenerationstep that is also sensitive to land use variables; (c) modechoice step in which walk and bicycle modesare represented andzonal indexes ofpedestrian andbicycle friendliness areincorporated; (d)travel cost variables inallmodel steps; (e)a time-ofday choiee,.modeI (22)i and 09 more data related to the pedes~an and bicycle environmentof zones (23). The Sacramentoregion is also consideringa land all,cation mod~land is gathering the needed land use data (23). TheSouthern California Association of Governments currently ispreparing itsstrategic plan forimpro, ring itsmodel, andthus


24 TABLE 1 ImprovementsNeeded




Travel DemandModelsTo Evaluate Transportation Control Measur~


1. ~mproveaccess to transit and auto 2. explicit comfort and reliability variables in modechoice 3. fully iterate with a land allocation model 4. signal and intersection capacity and delay separate from link 5. time-of-day choice


t. an auto ownershipstep 2. travel time and travel cost in all steps 3. recycle congested impedances back to auto ownership 4. explicit comfortand reliability variables 5° retain incomein final trip table-s 6. signal and inte~ection delay separate from link 7. time-of-day choice 8. more detailed pricing data 9. full iteration with a land allocation model


1. an attto ownershipstep 2. travel time and travel cost in all steps 3. recycle congested impethnces hack to auto ownership 4. explicit comfbrtand reliability variables 5. retain incomein final trip tables 6. signal and intersection capacity and delay separate from link 7. time-of-day choice


I. an auto ownership step 2. travel time andtravej cost in all s’telx~ 3. recycle congested impedance.,; back to auto ownership 4. explicit comfort and reliability variahl~ 5. retain incomein final trip table.,; 6. time-otZday choice 7. more detailed pricing data (continued on next page)

associat~ton was able to provide us only with information about its proposed modechoice model improvements.It is considering incorporating the following into its modechoice step: (a) expanded s’ubdivisions of modes,wherebytransit maybe subdividedinto bus, comrauterrail, and rail transit, for example(howeveLexplicit walk and bicycle modesare not being considered because variables that influence their use are difficult to quantify); (b) improvedrepresentation of highwayterminal times, automobile and walk access to transit, automobile parking cost, and automobileoperating costs; and (c) increased market segmentatio~ which may include expanded trip purposes, household income or automobile ownership, other householdcharacteristics (e.g., householdsize, numberof workers, and numberof children), parking pricing, and travel time of day(24). The San Diegoregion planned, by the end of 1992, to (a)consider incorporatingtrip-chaining and accessibility in the trip generation step; (b) include direct travel costs in impedancemeasures the trip distribution step; (c) improvefeedback mechanisms,where possible; (d) consider adding a light rail mode;(e) double modeled roadwaymileage and code separate HOVfacilities in the network; and (f) add simultaneous HOVtrip table assignment(25).

CONCLUSIONS REGARDING MPOs’ NEAR-TERM CAPABILITIES The Bay Area, using the TRIPS model and incorporating the modelchanges under way, will be the best equippedto capture the effects of TCMsinvolving changes in travel times and costs and expanded transit options, primarily because TRIPSincorporates Ixavel time and travel cost in all modelsteps and recycles assigned impedances back through automobile ownership and subsequent steps. Generally,the other regions incorporatetravel time andtravel cost only in their modechoice and trip distribution steps, and assigned impedancesare recycled, at best, only back through trip distribution. However,Sacramento and San Diego plan to expand their inclusion of travel time and cost in more modelsteps, as described above, whichwill improvetheir analyses of these TCMs. Both the Sacramento and Bay Area regions are taking steps to improvetheir models’ depictions of peak spreading. Sacramentois also planning to develop an automobiIeownershipmodel. Items in the "Change Travel Time, Change Travel Costs, and Expand Transit Options" box in Table 1 that the regions still need to add to their programsfor modelimprovementsare as follows: Bay Area,

Johnstonand Rodier



I. 2. 3. 4. 5.

fully represent walk and hike modes waJk, hike, and transit accessibility variables in all modelsteps more transportation and land use supply data regional accessibility variables, not CBD improve network detail



I. a modelor data ba.,;e that links vehicie types to trip categori~


i. when avaihble, use mode[of humanactivity scheduling


1. careful interpretation of ca.,;e studies to numuallyadjust modechoice prq.iections 2. whenavailable, use m~v.lel of humanactivity scheduling


!. careful interpretation of case studies to manuallyadjust n’K~ech~fice projections


1. improve network detaiE 2. use aa adiu.~tahle choice set

2, 4; Sacramento,4--6, 9; SouthernCalifornia, aLl; and San Diego, 1, 3,4-7. Curren~y,all the regions have a limited abifity to evaluate TCMs related to changes in land uses (i.e., improvedwalk, bicycte, and transit accessibility). In general, the MPOs can all improvetheir models’ abilities to evaluate these TCMs by representing walk and bicycle modesin the modechoice step; including walk, bicycle, and transit acc¢’ssibilJty variables in all modelsteps; and obtainingmore de’tailed land use and transportation supply data. Sacramentoplans to incorporate expandedland use variables k~ the automobiIeownership, trip generation, and modechoice steps, and ~e BayArea is considering incorporating moreland use variables in the mpgeneration and modechoice steps. Sacramentois adding wal~and bicycle

modes. The other regions should attempt this. Sacramentoshould acquire a land allocation model. To evaluate TCMsrelated to clean vehicle technology, all the MPOs wiLl have to develop a modelor use a data base that can link vehicle types to ~p categories. Available documentationsuggests that none of the MPOs has plans to developthat capability. Carefully interpreted case studies can be used to manuallyadjust modechoice projections in evaluating.TCMsthat promote the use of alternative modesor that imposeactiv/ty consw’aints. However, modelsof humanactivity ~heduling should be used as they becom~ available. Finally, all the MPOsshould be able to modelTCMs that limit maveIoptions by increasing their networkd~ail and using an adjustable choice set in the modechoice model.

26 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wethank the California Energy Commission for sponsoring this work and the Universi D, of California, Universitywide Energy Research Group, for its support. Helpful comments were received from Greig Harvey and Leigh Stamets.

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