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MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION. Volume 66, Number 218, ... is O(n) compared with that of the old, O(n5/3 log n). 1. Introduction. Both papers [1] and [2] have demonstrated the partitioning of integers into tetra- ... O(n5/3 logn) for 4-numbers.
MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION Volume 66, Number 218, April 1997, Pages 893–901 S 0025-5718(97)00818-1


Abstract. Based upon a computer search performed on a massively parallel supercomputer, we found that any integer n less than 40 billion (40B) but greater than 343, 867 can be written as a sum of four or fewer tetrahedral numbers. This result has established a new upper bound for a conjecture compared to an older one, 1B, obtained a year earlier. It also gives more accurate asymptotic forms for partitioning. All this improvement is a direct result of algorithmic advances in efficient memory and cpu utilizations. The heuristic complexity of the new algorithm is O(n) compared with that of the old, O(n5/3 log n).

1. Introduction Both papers [1] and [2] have demonstrated the partitioning of integers into tetrahedral numbers defined by (1)

T (m) = (m − 1)m(m + 1)/6, where m > 1,

by means of computation. We denote a number n as a k-number if n is a sum of k tetrahedral numbers and is not a sum of fewer than k tetrahedral numbers. It can be shown with an explicit form of the circle method that all sufficiently large integers may be expressed as the sum of at most seven tetrahedral numbers. In [1], Deng and Yang reported that any integer satisfying 343, 867 < n ≤ 1B can be written as a sum of four or fewer tetrahedral numbers based upon a search on a distributed-memory parallel computer. That paper also addressed the main issues in numerical study of the Waring problem dealing with the tetrahedral numbers. The algorithm in [1] costs O(n4/3 log n) for searching all 3-numbers and O(n5/3 log n) for 4-numbers. We have improved that algorithm; it is now perfectly load balanced and costs O(n) for all 3-numbers and 4-numbers. The main purpose of the present paper is to describe the fast search algorithm and the decomposition of 40 billion (40B) integers by four tetrahedral numbers. In §2, we report the decomposition results obtained on an Intel Paragon. In §3, we discuss the asymptotic distribution of the partition. In §4, we describe and analyze the algorithms in both sequential and parallel forms. The conclusion is given in §5. Received by the editor February 20, 1995 and, in revised form, May 22, 1995 and March 27, 1996. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11P05, 65Y05, 68Q25. Key words and phrases. Waring’s problem, parallel computing, asymptotic form. c

1997 American Mathematical Society




2. Partitioning Our main results concern Nk (n), defined as the number of k-numbers in the interval [1, n], and are tabulated in Table 1. They show that among all positive integers up to 40B, there are 241 that require five tetrahedral numbers to decompose while the rest of the integers require only four or fewer numbers. Summarizing the results, we obtain the following two theorems: Theorem 1. Any integer n4 , satisfying 343, 867 < n4 ≤ 40B can be written as a sum of four or fewer tetrahedral numbers. Proof. It is shown by the computer search results. Theorem 2. Any positive integer less than T (L) = 3, 771, 207, 667, 368, 141 can be written as a sum of at most five tetrahedral numbers, where L = 282, 842 is the largest integer for which T (L − 1) − T (L − 2) + 343, 867 < 40B. Proof. We notice that T (6, 214) < 40B. Thus we only need to show that all integers are sums of at most five tetrahedral numbers between T (6, 214) and T (282, 842). Between T (m) and T (m + 1) in the interval, we can divide all integers n into an upper group for which T (m) + 343, 867 < n ≤ T (m + 1), and a lower group for which T (m) < n ≤ T (m) + 343, 867. For an integer n in the upper group, n − T (m) satisfies 343, 867 < n − T (m) ≤ T (m + 1) − T (m) ≤ T (L) − T (L − 1) < 40B. By Theorem 1, n − T (m) is a sum of at most four tetrahedral numbers. Thus any upper group integer can be written as a sum of at most five tetrahedral numbers. For an integer n in the lower group, n satisfies 343, 867 < T (6, 214) − T (6, 213) ≤ T (m) − T (m − 1) < n − T (m − 1) ≤ T (m) − T (m − 1) + 343, 867 ≤ T (L − 1) − T (L − 2) + 343, 867 < 40B. Thus any lower group integer can be written as a sum of at most five tetrahedral numbers. Therefore n is expressible as a sum of at most five tetrahedral numbers.



Table 1. This table shows the partitioning of integers in intervals of [1, 40B] into 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-numbers. The count for 5-numbers in the interval is always 241 n 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12B 13B 14B 15B 16B 17B 18B 19B 20B 21B 22B 23B 24B 25B 26B 27B 28B 29B 30B 31B 32B 33B 34B 35B 36B 37B 38B 39B 40B

N1 (n) 1816 2288 2619 2883 3106 3300 3475 3633 3778 3913 4040 4159 4271 4378 4480 4577 4671 4761 4847 4931 5012 5090 5166 5240 5312 5382 5450 5516 5581 5645 5707 5767 5827 5885 5942 5999 6054 6108 6161 6213

N2 (n) 1451433 2305850 3022708 3662773 4251139 4801163 5321470 5817556 6293201 6751629 7195117 7625308 8043637 8451444 8849600 9238954 9620463 9994496 10361548 10722454 11077314 11426471 11770443 12109499 12443900 12773820 13099528 13421136 13739108 14053525 14364339 14671671 14976174 15277361 15575632 15871123 16164040 16454234 16741875 17027016

N3 (n) 446186613 892371789 1338554381 1784740032 2230917514 2677128667 3123320579 3569522288 4015712155 4461907459 4908109379 5354324211 5800524169 6246745411 6692919707 7139115585 7585316341 8031509522 8477729794 8923960648 9370195643 9816423186 10262650165 10708861927 11155100736 11601314350 12047546214 12493762218 12939981218 13386220456 13832441607 14278651078 14724888917 15171100697 15617322681 16063531674 16509743411 16955977213 17402189913 17848425479

N4 (n) 552359897 1105319832 1658420051 2211594071 2764828000 3318066629 3871354235 4424656282 4977990625 5531336758 6084691223 6638046081 7191427682 7744798526 8298225972 8851640643 9405058284 9958490980 10511903570 11065311726 11618721790 12172145012 12725573985 13279023093 13832449811 14385906207 14939348567 15492810889 16046273852 16599720133 17153188106 17706671243 18260128841 18813615816 19367095504 19920590963 20474086254 21027562204 21581061810 22134541051

Using a similar argument, we can prove that any positive integer less than 1.09× 1023 can be expressed as a sum of at most six tetrahedral numbers, and so on. With these results and asymptotic analysis to be discussed in §3, we attempt to give the following



Conjecture 1. Any integer, greater than 343, 867, is expressible as the sum of at most four tetrahedral numbers. 3. Asymptotic form In this section we want to see how Nk (n) behaves as n → ∞, i.e., the asymptotic partitioning of integer n. Define the density of k-numbers by ρk (n) = Nk (n)/n. Figure 1 shows ρ3 (n) and ρ4 (n) as a function of integer n ≤ 40B, respectively. For k = 1, N1 (n) = m − 1 where m is the largest number with n ≥ (m − 1)m(m + 1)/6. For k = 2, we found that N2 (n), with 400 data points uniformly distributed in 0 < n ≤ 40B, can be fitted to a quadratic form N2 (n) ≈ b1.457936n2/3 − 10.388235n1/3 + 1169c. The error in this fit is ±64. The first coefficient is understood. From a more elaborate analysis [1] we found the first coefficient ought to be 1.458326. The earlier paper [1] reported a coefficient of 1.457195 with a relative error of about 0.08%. The new result has only a relative error of 0.03%. In fact, this number can be obtained exactly by the method of Hooley [3]. Similar fits to N3 (n) and N4 (n) give leading terms 0.446244 and 0.553752 respectively. We thus make the following Conjecture 2. There exist positive constants c2 , c3 , and c4 with c3 + c4 = 1 such that as n → ∞, N2 (n) ∼ c2 n2/3 , N3 (n) ∼ c3 n, N4 (n) ∼ c4 n. Our numerical experiments suggest that c2 ≈ 1.458326, c3 ≈ 0.446244, c4 = 0.553752. Obviously, c3 + c4 ≈ 1, which means N3 (n) and N4 (n) constitute almost all of the tetrahedral partitions up to n. As mentioned above, N2 (n) ∼ c2 n2/3 as n → ∞ can be shown using the method of [3].


0.446244 0.44622






0.44598 0.1B













0.5508 0.1B






Figure 1. These two figures show ρ3 (n) vs. n (top) and ρ4 (n) vs. n (bottom). Asymptotic values (n → ∞) for ρ3 and ρ4 are 0.446244 and 0.553752 respectively




4. The search algorithms We performed all of our decompositions on a 56-node distributed-memory MIMD supercomputer—Intel Paragon XP/S with a local memory of 32 megabytes per node (of which 25 megabytes is user-accessible). Due to the constraint of machine word length, all positive integers greater than two billion are represented by double floating points. 4.1. Sequential algorithm. This algorithm, naturally revised from [1], only works for n less than nmax = 3.3B due to memory limitation. Before searching, we construct three tables: a 1-number table J1[j1] that contains the sorted lists of all 1-numbers less than nmax (obviously, j1 is the running counter for the J1-table), a 2-number table J2[j2], and a 5-number table J5[j5c]. For the J5-table, we only tabulate the 241 5-numbers found in [1]. Algorithm 1 (1) Set j1 = j2 = 1. (2) If n = J1[j1], n is a 1-number and set j1 ⇐ j1 + 1. Otherwise, next step: (3) If n = J2[j2], n is a 2-number and set j2 ⇐ j2 + 1. Otherwise, next step: (4) For all p1 = J1[j1] < n, if n − p1 is a 2-number by binary search, n is 3-number. Otherwise, next step: (5) If n − 1 is a 3-number, but n is not, then n must be a 4-number. Otherwise, next step: (6) For all p2 = J2[j2] < n, if n − p2 is a 2-number by binary search, n is 4-number. Otherwise, next step: (7) Search n from the 5-number table. If no match, there are two possibilities: (1) the 5-number table is incomplete; or (2) the Conjecture 1 is false.

The cost for Steps 2 and 3 is O(1). It is comparatively negligible for the cost of searching all 1- and 2-numbers. For Step 4, the cost for searching in p1 is O(n1/3 ) and that in n−p1 is O(log n), leading to a cost of O(n1/3 log n) for checking whether n is a 3-number or not. Therefore, the total cost to check all k ∈ [1, n] is equal to the summation Z n n X 3 k 1/3 log k < q 1/3 log qdq = C(n4/3 log n − n4/3 ) ≈ Cn4/3 log n, 4 1 k=1

where C = 4 ln3 10 . Similarly, for Step 6, the cost for searching in p2 is O(n2/3 ) and that in n − p2 is log n, leading to a cost of O(n2/3 log n) for checking whether n is a 4-number or not. Therefore, the total cost to check all k ∈ [1, n] is less than the summation Z n n X 3 ρ4 k 2/3 log k < ρ4 q 2/3 log qdq = D(n5/3 log n − n5/3 ) ≈ Dn5/3 log n, 5 1 k=1

where D = ρ4 5 ln3 10 and ρ4 is the density asymptotic value of a 4-number.



4.2. Parallel algorithm for large numbers. Large numbers cause three types of problems: number representation, large memory requirements, and extensive search time. We are constructing a set of fast algorithms—including data distribution for saving space and search distribution for saving time—that will overcome these difficulties. The essence of our new algorithms lies in cutting a large number to smaller ones that need decomposition. The search for small numbers will employ some of the algorithms described in §4.1. Parallelization made storing large tables possible. The fact that the searching time is a priori unknown for a given number makes it difficult to balance loads on the processors. The parallel paradigm we are using is similar to the master-slave method except that the master also performs large-load calculation. When given an interval of integers, we first decompose the interval into an s sub-interval (“grain”) with equal number of integers in each. One processor (any one) in the system, we call it the “working master”, keeps a list of these grains. To start, every one of the p processors (including the master) is given a grain to work on. If a slave processor finishes its grain it will inform the master which marks the grain as “done”. At the same time, the master will issue another grain. This process is repeated by every processor until the last grain is processed. This algorithm has three properties that lead to an extremely high parallel efficiency. First, the number of grains can always be made much larger than the number of processors. Therefore, the load imbalance is invisible. Second, the communication cost to fetch a task (getting a grain from the master) is infinitesimal compared to the time needed to process the grain. There the communication costs are ignorable. As usual, the smaller the grain, the bigger the communication due to more frequent requests to the master for grains, but the smaller the load imbalance. On the other hand, the bigger the grain, the smaller the communication due to less frequent requests to the master for grains, but the bigger the load imbalance. Therefore, there is an optimal value (or a range) for the grain size to achieve maximum parallel efficiency—we choose a grain size of 5 million (5M). Third, the master also sends itself a grain while it is coordinating the slave processors for their grains. Now, we explain the scheme. Before searching we still construct three tables: a 1-number table J1[j1] that contains the sorted lists of all 1-numbers less than nmax (=40B for the present study), and a 5-number table J5[j5]. For the J5-table, we only tabulate the 241 5-numbers found in [1], [2]. During searching we construct two additional “dynamic” tables, a 2-number table K2[k2] in a variable interval in every processor, and a rough 3-number table K3[k3, p], allowing to contain 1- and 2-numbers, in a variable interval in each processor, due to having problem with storing the whole tables of 2-numbers and 3-numbers. Table K2[k2] consists of all 2-numbers in the next interval and we set it as [N, N +1B]. However table K3[k3, p] consists of a much shorter interval than table K2[k2] and there are several features that need explanation. This table depends on the processor where it resides and the number the table is used to decompose. In summary,



Algorithm 2 (1) For each 1B, construct K2-table in every processor. Reset index k2 = 1. (2) For each 5M, assign a new grain in each processor. Construct K3-table. Reset index k3 = 1. Find the smallest j1 such that J1[j1] > n. (3) If n = J1[j1], n must be a 1-number and set j1 ⇐ j1 + 1: While n = K3[k3], k3 ⇐ k3 + 1. Otherwise, next step: (4) If n = K2[k2], n must be a 2-number and set k2 ⇐ k2 + 1: While n = K3[k3], k3 ⇐ k3 + 1. Otherwise, next step: (5) If n = K3[k3], n must be a 3-number and set k3 ⇐ k3 + 1. Otherwise, next step: (6) If n − 1 is a 3-number and n is not a 3-number, then n must be a 4-number. Otherwise, next step: (7) For r = 1, 2, · · · , 70, if n − J1[r] is a 3-number in K3-table, n must be a 4-number and stop. If all failsa , n would be a k-number where k > 4. a For

our search with n up to 40B, we have not seen this case.

Now, we estimate the complexity of this algorithm. It is obvious that the cost of searching all 3-numbers is reduced to O(n). However there exists a big constant for the complexity due to routine search for a 3-number of new grain. The cost of searching a 4-number consists of two parts: cutting and searching. First, the cost incurred during cutting is finite and small. Second, we show the cost in search per se is O(n). Suppose the integer n to be searched satisfies T (m) < n < T (m + 1). We then define a remainder ∆(r) = n−T (r). The job is to confirm at limited r that ∆(r) is a 3-number. Obviously, r = 1 is the best scenario—get the decomposition done at the first cut and the remainder is the smallest possible number required decomposition. If ∆(r = 1) fails to satisfy the conjecture, move to check ∆(r = 2), then move to check ∆(r = 3), until ∆(r = rmax ) when the conjecture is satisfied. According to the computation, we find that (a) rmax = 68, and (b) most of r is less than 30 to complete the search. In summary, the time to search for all 3-numbers up to n is O(n). The time necessary to check whether n is a 4-number when it is not a 3-number is at worst O(n1/3 ). Heuristically, it is nearly independent of n, i.e., O(1). Therefore, the time to decompose the numbers up to n, heuristically, is O(n). 5. Conclusions We have addressed three related points in this paper. First, we have for the first time decomposed integers up to 40B by tetrahedral numbers and found at most five tetrahedral numbers are necessary for such a decomposition. Second, we have obtained conjectural asymptotic forms for the decomposition. Third, a more efficient and parallel algorithm is derived. In addition, we make the conjecture



that any integer greater than 343, 867 is expressible as the sum of at most four tetrahedral numbers. Acknowledgements We would like to extend our appreciation to Professor C. N. Yang for encouragement and active discussion in many stages of the project. We thank the anonymous referee for his/her valuable comments. References [1] Y. Deng and C. N. Yang, Waring’s problem for pyramidal numbers, Science in China (Series A) 37(1994) 277–283. MR 95m:11109 [2] H. E. Salzer and N. Levine, Table of integers not exceeding 1000000 that are not expressible as the sum of four tetrahedral numbers, Mathematics Tables and Other Aids to Computation, 12 (1958) 141–144. MR 20:6194 [3] C. Hooley, On the representations of a number as the sum of two cubes, Math Z. 82 (1963) 259-266. MR 27:5742 Department of Mathematics, ChangHua 50058, Taiwan

National ChangHua University



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