Dense Information Flow for Neural Machine Translation

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Jun 3, 2018 - more parameters than our model. We expect. DenseNMT structure could help improve their performance as well. BLEU score. GNMT (Wu et al., ...
Dense Information Flow for Neural Machine Translation Yanyao Shen1 , Xu Tan2 , Di He3 , Tao Qin2 , and Tie-Yan Liu2 1

University of Texas at Austin 2 Microsoft Research, Asia 3 Key Laboratory of Machine Perception, MOE, School of EECS, Peking University [email protected], {xuta,taoqin,tie-yan.liu},di [email protected]

arXiv:1806.00722v1 [cs.CL] 3 Jun 2018

Abstract Recently, neural machine translation has achieved remarkable progress by introducing well-designed deep neural networks into its encoder-decoder framework. From the optimization perspective, residual connections are adopted to improve learning performance for both encoder and decoder in most of these deep architectures, and advanced attention connections are applied as well. Inspired by the success of the DenseNet model in computer vision problems, in this paper, we propose a densely connected NMT architecture (DenseNMT) that is able to train more efficiently for NMT. The proposed DenseNMT not only allows dense connection in creating new features for both encoder and decoder, but also uses the dense attention structure to improve attention quality. Our experiments on multiple datasets show that DenseNMT structure is more competitive and efficient.



Neural machine translation (NMT) is a challenging task that attracts lots of attention in recent years. Starting from the encoder-decoder framework (Cho et al., 2014), NMT starts to show promising results in many language pairs. The evolving structures of NMT models in recent years have made them achieve higher scores and become more favorable. The attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2015) added on top of encoder-decoder framework is shown to be very useful to automatically find alignment structure, and single-layer RNN-based structure has evolved into deeper models with more efficient transformation functions (Gehring et al., 2017; Kaiser

et al., 2017; Vaswani et al., 2017). One major challenge of NMT is that its models are hard to train in general due to the complexity of both the deep models and languages. From the optimization perspective, deeper models are hard to efficiently back-propagate the gradients, and this phenomenon as well as its solution is better explored in the computer vision society. Residual networks (ResNet) (He et al., 2016) achieve great performance in a wide range of tasks, including image classification and image segmentation. Residual connections allow features from previous layers to be accumulated to the next layer easily, and make the optimization of the model efficiently focus on refining upper layer features. NMT is considered as a challenging problem due to its sequence-to-sequence generation framework, and the goal of comprehension and reorganizing from one language to the other. Apart from the encoder block that works as a feature generator, the decoder network combining with the attention mechanism bring new challenges to the optimization of the models. While nowadays best-performing NMT systems use residual connections, we question whether this is the most efficient way to propagate information through deep models. In this paper, inspired by the idea of using dense connections for training computer vision tasks (Huang et al., 2016), we propose a densely connected NMT framework (DenseNMT) that efficiently propagates information from the encoder to the decoder through the attention component. Taking the CNN-based deep architecture as an example, we verify the efficiency of DenseNMT. Our contributions in this work include: (i) by comparing the loss curve, we show that DenseNMT allows the model to pass information more efficiently, and speeds up training; (ii) we show through ablation study that dense con-

nections in all three blocks altogether help improve the performance, while not increasing the number of parameters; (iii) DenseNMT allows the models to achieve similar performance with much smaller embedding size; (iv) DenseNMT on IWSLT14 German-English and Turkish-English translation tasks achieves new benchmark BLEU scores, and the result on WMT14 English-German task is more competitive than the residual connections based baseline model.


Related Work

ResNet and DenseNet. ResNet (He et al., 2016) proposes residual connections, which directly add representation from the previous layer to the next layer. Originally proposed for image classification tasks, the residual structure have proved its efficiency in model training across a wide range of tasks, and are widely adopted in recent advanced NMT models (Wu et al., 2016; Vaswani et al., 2017; Gehring et al., 2017). Following the idea of ResNet, DenseNet (Huang et al., 2016) further improves the structure and achieves state-ofthe-art results. It allows the transformations (e.g., CNN) to be directly calculated over all previous layers. The benefit of DenseNet is to encourage upper layers to create new representations instead of refining the previous ones. On other tasks such as segmentation, dense connections also achieve high performance (J´egou et al., 2017). Very recently, (Godin et al., 2017) shows that dense connections help improve language modeling as well. Our work is the first to explore dense connections for NMT tasks. Attention mechanisms in NMT. The attention block is proven to help improve inference quality due to existence of alignment information (Bahdanau et al., 2015). Traditional sequence-tosequence architectures (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013; Cho et al., 2014) pass the last hidden state from the encoder to the decoder; hence source sentences of different length are encoded into a fixed-size vector (i.e., the last hidden state), and the decoder should catch all the information from the vector. Later, early attention-based NMT architectures, including (Bahdanau et al., 2015), pass all the hidden states (instead of the last state) of the last encoder layer to the decoder. The decoder then uses an attention mechanism to selectively focus on those hidden states while generating each word in the target sentence. Latest ar-

chitecture (Gehring et al., 2017) uses multi-step attention, which allows each decoder layer to acquire separate attention representations, in order to maintain different levels of semantic meaning. They also enhance the performance by using embeddings of input sentences. In this work, we further allow every encoder layer to directly pass the information to the decoder side. Encoder/decoder networks. RNNs such as long short term memory (LSTM) are widely used in NMT due to their ability of modeling longterm dependencies. Recently, other more efficient structures have been proposed in substitution for RNN-based structures, which includes convolution (Gehring et al., 2017; Kaiser et al., 2017) and self-attention (Vaswani et al., 2017). More specifically, ConvS2S (Gehring et al., 2017) uses convolution filter with a gated linear unit, Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) uses self-attention function before a two-layer position-wise feedforward networks, and SliceNet (Kaiser et al., 2017) uses a combination of ReLU, depthwise separable convolution, and layer normalization. The advantage of these non-sequential transformations is the significant parallel speedup as well as more advanced performances, which is the reason we select CNN-based models for our experiments.



In this section, we introduce our DenseNMT architecture. In general, compared with residual connected NMT models, DenseNMT allows each layer to provide its information to all subsequent layers directly. Figure 1-3 show the design of our model structure by parts. We start with the formulation of a regular NMT model. Given a set of sentence pairs S = {(xi , y i )|i = 1,· · · ,N }, an NMT model learns parameter θ by maximizing the log-likelihood function: N X log P(y i |xi ; θ). (1) i=1

For every sentence pair (x, y) ∈ S, P(y|x; θ) is calculated based on the decomposition: P(y|x; θ) =

m Y

P(yj |y