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Benjamin Jokisch, Hamburg. DE GRUYTER ... II to the principal madrasa or library have formed the seed of the collec- tion while others were ...... 27 ) See D. JAMEs, Qur'ans of the Mamlüks (London,Alexandria Press, 1988), p.l66. 28 ) For a ..... geography. R. ETTINGHAUSEN ,"Manuscript Illumination", in: A.U. POPE (ed.),.

ABSTRACTED/INDEXED in Arts and Humanities Citation Index; ATLA - Religion Database published by the American Theological Library Association; Current Contents Arts and Humanities; Dietrich'sIndex philosophicus; Index to the Study of Religions Online; BR- Intemationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Zeitschriftenliteratur 1 IBZ- lntemationale Bibliographie geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Zeitschriftenliteratur; Repertoire bibliographique de la philosophie

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Benjamin Jokisch, Hamburg


An Example of an Archetype Format of the Qur'an Design in the Early 14th Century N ET İC E


Eastern :Yiediterranean l'niversity/X orth Cyprus

BANu MAR İR - :Yiimar Sinan Fine Arts l'niversity/Turkey

Abstract The theme of this article is the design pat te m of the calligraphy and ilinmination of a 14'h cent ury Qur'an manuscript kept in the Xational Archi,,e of the Turkish Republic of X orthem Cyprus in Kyrenia (}Iev.T.85 / 1/[3]) that is unique in character with i ts decoration repertoire in a free manner. Thisisa rare copy of the Qur'an text , dated 717/ 1317. written on paper in rayMin script, by using black i nk for the text. red ink for the punctuation marks and gold for the titles of the suras which are in Kufic and mıı?ıaqqaq script. The manuscript has a ,-ariety of marginal illuminations. designed in a rather unu sual cha racter though not bearing high artistic design quality. apparently to gu ide the reader. Thus. it is the aiın of the a uth or s to b ring t his manuscript as one of the archetype styles to the attention of the scholars together with an attempt to draw out some them·etical aspects in view of the Qur'an ili uminati on manners of the concerned century in comparison to the ones produced in certain districts of the Islamic countries alongside the theories of al-Ghazali ( 1058-1111). the I slamic philosopher, regarding the amount of recitation and organising the Qur'an text into parts.Also. the paper atte mpts to put fonı·ard some ideas about its hist ory and by which means it found its way to Ömeriye }losque. Xi cosia (Cyprus) in 1019/ 1610- 11 with some remarks about the formation of the Islami c manuscript coll ection in Cypr us.

Introduction Cyprus is an isiand where a deep rooted legacy of the Islami c culture is revealed in all its architectural and material cultural heritage dating back to the Ottoman period. Among these, Islamic manuscripts calleetion takes an important part. The manuscripts in the calleetion of X orthem Cyprus are believed to have been formed during the Ottoman period of the isiand beginning in 1570 in view of the waqf records. The calleetion consists of mainly Persian, Arabic an d Ottoman Turkish Der I slam Bd. 87. S. 157- 184 © " 'al ter de Gru,\'ter 2012 ıssx oo21- I 8I8

DOI I O. l ö lö jislam·2011 ·002 7


X eti ce Yıldız und Banu }iahir

manuscripts which are assumed to have been imported from Anatolia and other Ottoman provinces. There are nearly 2500 manuscripts in the collection whi ch is currently preserved in the X atİonaJ Arehive of the Turkish Republic of X orthem Cyprus (TRXC) located in Kyrenia , a city on the X orthem coastal area. The majority of these are the productions of the l8th and ıgth centuries' calligraphers and the ones with artistic values are mainly the works of the Ottoman calligraphers and illuminators.1 :Yianuscripts bequeathed by Sultan Ylurad III and Sultan :Yiahmud II to the principal madrasa or library have formed the seed of the collection while others were the donations of the citizens to the I slami c institutions m ainly to the mosques, m admsas, tekkes or zawiyas. A Qur'an manuscript (:Yiev.T.85/ l /[3]}, which is the theme of this a rticle, currently kept in the X ational Arehive (TRXC), originally a pious foundation dedicated to Ömeriye :Yiosque in Xicosia ,2 designed and 1)

A project for compiling a nd publishing a catal ogue of the illumin at ed I slamic m anuscripts in the X ational Arehive (TRXC) is in progress by the authors of this a rticle. This so-called MEKB Proj ect is pa rtially financed by the }!inistry of Turkish Education and Cultural Affairs of TRXC (:\lEKB) and Eastern "Nlediterranean l )niversity from a fund provided by the Xicosia Embassy of Turkish Republi c. We extend our acknowledgements t o all institutions for the fund a nd t o the direct or as well as t he st aff of the A rchive. 2 ) Ömeriye Cami'! (Turkish n a me; also locally cal! ed Ömerge Cami'i a nd H a zret -i Ömer Cami'! a ccording t o the d eed of pious foundation in this ma nuscript) is one of the waqf (pious foundation) m onuments regist ered in the awqiif of L a la Mustafa Pasha (d.l580). lt is located in the southern part of the divided city Ni cosia which is under the control of Cyprus R epublic. The mosque is also caUed Cami'i Cedid (Xew 'Mosque) in the 16'h century documents. It was rebuilt on th e ruins of St.Augustinian Church , which was p ar t of a monastery. According t o a legend, it was v isited by Caliph T ma r and also it was the place where L a la .Ylustafa P asha a nd his army had their first prayers upon ente ring into the city. R. C. JENNINGS, Christia ns a nd Jl1uslims in Ottoman Cypru s and J!f.editermnean World, 1570-1640 (New York: Xew York lJniversity Press, 1993) , pp. 48. 55. Jennings also refers to anathe r legend. Accordingly, L ala Ylust afa Pasha once ha d a visian of 'lJmar who recommended him t o conquer the isia nd called Cyprus for the sake of I sla m . \Vhen his dream came true, L ala :\Iustafa Pasha construct ed a m osqu e a ft er the na me of Caliph 'lJma r and est ablished a waqf to suppo rt this fin a ncially (lb id. , p p . 55- 56). Lit e r atuı·e is r ather ri ch for t he reason of having bui lt a m osque here. Anather legend is cited by Geor ge J effery who worked a s the Direct or of the Antiquities D epartment during the British Colonial period as follows: "Ca liph ' l) mar is said t o vis it Cyprus and resi d ed in a ruined church in X icosia on his t ra\-el fr om Da mascus to Egypt . \Vhen }lustafa , t he Turkish General , heard of t his legend in 1570, he proceeded to identify the


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An Exam pl e of an Archetype Format of the Qur' an Design


illuminated in a free manner, deserves a special attention as a unique piece of materi al culture becau se of i ts illumination style which could be assumed to refl ect an archetype format ofQur' an organisation. After closely examining this rare piece of the Qur'an, a search for similar copies in other collections within t he possibilities was made which resulted with no other identical one so far. Thus, with an instinct that this is a unique copy; although not of very high artisti c character in view of its illuminations though the calligraphy is the work of a skilled master, regarding the unusual design and scheme of the ma rginal illuminations, this manuscript is selected for a publi cation as an article so as to b ring it to the attention of the scholars.

Description of the Manuscript

The manuscript C:VIev. T.85fl / [3]), we are bringing to the atten tion of the researchers in this article, is a l4th century Qur'an whi ch h as three different styles of seripts and ink colour, a characteristic which co uld be seen in some contemporary \\'Orks, while its marginal decoration devices are revealing a bizarre characteristic as compa red \rith its contemporaries. This manuscript (size: 35 .5 x 21.5 cm and 419 folios) is dated 717/ 1317 a nd written on polisbed paper in rayl;,an script eleven lines t o the page, by u sing black ink for the t ext , red ink for the punctuation marks and gold for the titles of the suras which are in Kufic script and black i nk for the basmalas in mul;,aqqaq script. The vowel points are indicat ed in bla ck a nd the r ecitati on vowels in red i nk. The pages are not framed except fols. 2llb, 212a, 212b and 213a in which the text is reduced tonine lines per page a nd framed with a red rule (Fi gure 1 6 a- b). The physical condition of t he manuscript, in general sense, is rather d am aged. There are humidity stains a nd worm holes on several pages, whereas unskilful r estaration attempts by pasting strips of papers on the edges of sever al pages are observed. HO\rever, the manuscript is almost a complete copy of the Qur'an text a lthough t here are som e loose Augustinian Church 'rith i t s porch as t he lodging of ' Cmar. a nd the m osque t hen institutedon thi s spot was called the"Ömeriye" . G. JE FFERY. A Description of the Histo ric Monıınıents of Cyp rııs (Xi cosia . 1918 [rep rinted edition : L ondon : Zen o Publishe r, 1983]) , p. 39: G. JE FFE RY. The ;:J!Iosques of Nicosia: H istoricul andArchitectuml Bu.ildings, X e\r Illustrated Series: 7 (Xicosia : Cyprus Gore rnment Printer s Office. 1935). pp. 20-22.


~eti ce Yıldız

und Banu :Vlahir

pages due to the harm of the binding strings. The fir st five fo li os have a different character due to replacement of some missing pages during later times. There are also some marginal corrections in the manuscript although these are quite few. The date 1019/1610-ll with reference to the bequest of this m anuscript to the Ömeriye Mosque by a certain Ylul:ıarrem Pasha 3 is indicated on fo!. la, opposite to the doublure, which will be discussed in the part under the subtitle of Provenance.

The Binding of the Manuscript The binding of the manuscript is rather w·orn out and seems to have been a later addition during the Ottoman period , perhaps when the manuscript was somehow transferred into the possession of Ottomans probably in the 1 t" century. The outer front and back covers of the brown leather binding are stamped with compositions of ova! cent repiece with penda nt escutcheons. The centre-pieces on both sides are composed with knotted cloud motives symmetrically designed on two axis. Maroon coloured leather has been pasted carelessly onto the back of the binding encrusting over part of the cover, as a result of a n unsophisticated attempt in ord er to restore it. The flap of the binding is missing, probably torn out (Figure 1 ). There is a note pasted on t he doublure of the front cover whi ch isa record of layin g a waqf (pious foundation), a bequeath in t he form of a certain amount of money to Ömeriye Yiosque in Xicosia by I:Iusayn dede, a disciple of the mosque.

The Design of the Text and Illuminations in the Manuscript The Qur'an t ext b egins on fo!. l b 'vhich is rather d a maged a nd badly res to red. Here, so me p a rts of the first six lines of t he Surat al-Fati }pa can be perceived which h ad been rewritten later since the first fi ve folios were probably damaged or torn out, presumably due to its decorative character. The first lines of Surat al-Baqara are to be seen on fo!. 2a which continues in the following p ages. The ray}pan script on t hese first five folios is different from t he ray}pan script of t he manuscript in the Pasha (Paşa) is a wo rd usua lly indicating a high rank in the Ottoman administration . However, it isa word derived from Old Turkish ' beshe ' (b eşe) and is usually the title to denote the elder brother. (O.T.D. S: Osmanlıca Türkçe D erleme Söz lü ğü : see htt p :f fwww.osma /). (0 1.09 .2010) 3)

An E xa ınple of a n Archctype Format of the Qu r' iin Dc~ign

Fıg ure 1: Bin d iııg oflh ' Ömeriye .lfrwıııt Qıır'ii7ı, added lo the m aıııuır ripl d uring the Olloman puiod , c. 17th aıılııry. (Q Yı ld ı:



FigurP 2: One of / lı e fin t fiı·e f o/io., (jol..1a) ll'i tlı iiya. of .'ürat al-Baqa ra of /h, Ömeriy f' Qıı ran . ıdıere lh f' lex l in rayhan script hw. btf'n rf'l(:rillnı . probably du ring lhf' Ol/oma n period, c. J 7th cen tury. (Q Yı ldı: 2010)

rest of the following page . The text on the ·e fıvc folio;:; lack a ny pa u c ma rks indicating the e nd of üya. (ver es) (F i yu re 2). The original Qur' an t ext of the man u script bPgin · on fol. 6a in cribPd by a ma t e r calligrap her wi t h the original raylıün • cript which i mo re cur ive in appcaranc. lt is writtcn on lightly poli hcd papt>r and the üyas are indicatt>d by red coloured and black outlined pau ·e ma rks reca led depending on t he le ngth o f th E' title of the .~üra.


Xetice Yıldız und Banu Mahi r

Figtırl' 3: Th e bPginning of the original t ext of the Önıeriyl' Qur 'iin onfol.6a. (C Yıldı: iOIO)

Figurl' 4: • üra of Yu ııu f in Ömeriye Qur 'ün on fol. f(J.J b. (Q Yıldı:


omE' exarnples could be given here to how the ca c as foll ows: the heading o f the third chapter (fol. 37a) which con ist of two hundred iiya (verscs) i : ürat 'Al '[mriin mi'a i[niin iiya ..llakka"; the head ing of the fou rth chaptc r on fol. 56b whjch hru one h undred e\'Cnty. ix vpr c i ' ural al-X isii' mi'a sab"iin u:a-sitta; the heading of the tenth cha pter on fol. 146a which ha one hundrcd and nine iiya i ürat Yunus şallii lliih mi'a u·a-tis'a iiya; the heading of the twelfth chapter (fol.l64b ) which con i. t of one h undred eleven iiya i iirat Yu. uf , a 'd nıi 'a u:ail}dü. 'a$/ıar iiya Jlakka (Figure 4); the heading of the 'ixteenth chapter on fol. 1 5b which ha onE' hundrcd and twenty-eight iiya i , ürtt alNal;.l mi'a wa-'i hrun u·a-Jamiiniya (in thi ca. e .JJakka i added in rl'd Jette r o n the top of the title a. a. co rrection) ; head ing of the ninet centh chapt e r on fo l. 2 12b which ha ninety eight iiya i , ural JJaryam t is"iin u·a-tamiiniya (Figure I Gb) ; the heading of thy a re drawn djagonally o r vcrtically. For cxample, the 'a har ro ett e on ver e fo I. ll a: 90; fol. 23b: 200; fol. 3 ı a : 250 are po. itioned

Arı Example of an :\r('hf'typc Format of the Qur' iin ()e,ign



X eti· w'.\ shar"nudrılliun in margüt on fal .•1/a (detail). (Cl'ı/dı:




Fiyur~ (i: '".\

har"Jft•dallion and illumination iıırluding tlt~ ırord., "nişf and tis'a ırit/tin a rertaııgular frameoııfol .3 1a (2·'2 0). (C>'ıldı:. 2010)

vertically (Figure 5).'fhe mo t interc. ting ofthcc; words nişf and liH 'a i taking place on the left and right idC'. of the 'a har medallion. In this de ign, both the n>ctangle and script are framed with double black linC's fılled in with green ·hadE'. '' hercas rC'd hat dı ed lin es are fılling the i nner pacC' of the rectangle (Figure 6).Another imilar illumination on fol. 209b (oppositC' to 1 :7 1- 74) is in eribed horizontaUy from top to bottom in the vertically de ·ignC'd rectanbrular fraıne with the words .. n iş] al-Qur'iin ıra­ 4 nişi as .~ub'" (Figure 7). ,'ome of the e rectangular fonn dC'coration · are .~ajda marks. u ch a ajda (fo!. 237b),. ajda-u·ü lu (fol.216a). ajda ıriihid.; (fol. 255a); ome of the l$ajda marks are also intE>rrninglcd with the 'a har medallion in the middlc (fols. 237b. 255a. 24:0b6 ) (.Pigure ;Tablc 2). One of thE>. E' on foJ.l5;)a i a drop-shaped medallion (oppo it Qur 'an text in thi manuscript "hi eb ı ı. totally 41 folios. s) , 'ajda one. 6 1 ) 'Ashar ansi~n

Fiyurt i · 1'ht 'ashar meda/lion and includiny i ht' ,,.ord.ıı nişf al Qur 'iin wa nişf as-su b' on fol. 209b (18: U) (detail). (O Yıldı: 2010) illunıination


lllımıi1ıalion in lht' maryin lh t u·ord 'a.,har iıı tlıt' untralml'dallion and sajda wiihid mıfol . 2.5.5a (i-5: GO) (dt tail) . (C Yıldı: 2010)

Fiyurt' :


without inscription (Figure 9) . Thi. i. a w irlı>ly u. ed ornamcnt motif in 7 ·ome cont lail). (C Yıldız :2010).

tion which contain intertwining knot ·and flm\'er petals, one of which is on fol. 1 9a, u cd to mark the ajda po ition (16:49) (Figure ll) and two of them are in the ürat ,.ltaryam o n fol . 212b-213a oppo i te to 19:0 I and 19:05. Two ro ctte. compri. ing of roughly drawn intertwining knot motif: in red colour. interlocked in a black outlined circle on fol. 390b (67:30) and fo I. 392a (6 :50) are indi cating 'asar marks ( t>eTable l ). On , ome page. of the Qur'iin , therc are ome com po. ition · in calligraphic form in the margin which contain the word .. sajda ., in the vertical direction. , ome drawn in gold, ·ome in red outline , ·o a · to mark thP requisition of pro tration. 'T'bc e are again written in short Kufi c cript [ fol.l2.Jb (7:206) ; fol.17.1a ( I3:1G);fol.203b (17:10 );fol.315a(3 :24);fol. 332b (4 1:3 )] (Figure 12). ome of tht>m e\'en up ide do\\ n , white, ome of the e are intcrtwincd witb the 'ashar medallion (fols. 409a ( 4:22). 4l4b (96:20) (Figure 13) (aL o ·pe Tab le 2). On, ome page.• abo,•e and below the 'ashar medaJiion. , tht-rc are other device , ııome of tht>m beginning with



of an ArC'h'h]. 14 ) Tht> half ofthl.' ı:.b. th [1/2 of the 6'h]. ı;;) The one ofst>\·en of thE' t>\enth [ 1 7 oftht> i 1 bj 16 ) The halfoftlw six of"e'I"Cnth r ı 2 of the 6 7]. ı;) AccordinJ! to .\ .\ : DENFFER. the Qur'inic text i;. also dividoo into sen•n part · of approximately equal len,ı..,rth, caUed man:il. for ~itation 0\·er ı.e\·en da~'· inclicated in ı;onı c eopie · by the \\ord manzil and the respecti\'E' number in the margin.ThE> ends of the 'l"arious manii:il areording to Qat!da b. al -:\ u' ınan are 4.i6 . : :ı6 . l5:49. 23: ll , 34 54-.49. 1 and 114 6. H . MUHAMM.AD. Le Saint Coran. Traduction intl.'p-ale et no re (Paris: Cl u b Français du Lı ne. n.d .. X LI);A. JEFFERY JJatuiaL., for tlıe 1/üıtury uf lhf Tut of tlı e Qıır 'an (ine!. Kitiib al -nıa~QJ;if by lbn .\bi Dawüd (Lt'iden. 1937). p. ı 1 . Quoted from .\.\: DENFFER . 'l'lüm ai - Q~tr'iill (:\.n Introduction t- sub ' al thiilith n (the onf' of .m·nıtlt of the Hf'C'ond) on fol.l :l3a. (7:17fJ) (O Yıldı::: 2010)


Figurt 1/J: lllumination in the ınargin ırith t/ıe li'Ord.~ "a. - ı>ub'

al -riibi'" (the orıt of .~e u lll lı of i/ır fourth) (fo/ . 1 Ob) (1 J ·,"JG) . ( C >'ıldız :lO 1O)

Fi(Jttrf' 16 a b: lllımıina/ed lleading of, ürat ~laryam (l'irgin Jfary) o/lfol.212fr2/ ."Ja. (C Yıldı::: 2010) .

the ubdivision of th