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WTG Models – A Status Report. Working Group Joint Report – WECC Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation & IEEE Working.

Description and Technical Specifications for Generic WTG Models – A Status Report Working Group Joint Report – WECC Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation & IEEE Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation of the IEEE PES Power Stability Controls Subcommittee of the IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee* Abstract – This paper summarizes work performed by the WECC Wind Generation Modeling Group and the IEEE Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation regarding generic Wind Turbine Generator models, their development, and specifications. Key Words – Wind turbine generator, wind power, generic models.

I. INTRODUCTION This paper serves as a joint report of the work performed to-date by the Wind Generation Modeling Group (WGMG) of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) and the Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation under the IEEE Power System Dynamic Performance Committee on the development and specification of generic wind turbine generator (WTG) models. The work documented here is in response to the power system industry’s need for dynamic models of wind power plants and their components. Wind power plants represent a relatively new type of generation with unique characteristics, e.g., wind power plants are comprised of a large number of individual units, cover large geographical areas, and often make use of power electronic converters to perform different control functions. Of particular interest to the industry are positive-sequence dynamic models of the type routinely used for simulation of large-scale power system networks. These models are required for demonstrating compliance with power system reliability criteria and for planning system expansions. With increased installed capacity and larger nameplate ratings, it is imperative that wind power plants be properly represented in power system dynamic simulations. Historically, most dynamic models for WTGs have been developed by manufacturers and consultants as proprietary user-defined models. This type of modeling approach represents a major roadblock for efficiently performing planning studies since it essentially prevents the exchange of data and the validation of models by the different entities typically _______________________________________________ Corresponding author: Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca ([email protected]) * Authors, in alphabetical order: A. Ellis, Y. Kazachkov, E. Muljadi, P. Pourbeik, J.J. Sanchez-Gasca.

978-1-61284-788-7/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE

involved in a planning study, e.g., developers, manufacturers, technical consultants, and system operators. This is in sharp contrast with other commonly used power system equipment such as synchronous generators and excitation systems, for which widely accepted, easily accessible, and well documented models are available in the public domain [1], [2]. Furthermore, maintenance of numerous vendor-specific models is unmanageable for regional reliability organizations and grid operators in North America, Europe, and elsewhere, who are responsible for conducting system studies and/or maintaining a master dynamic data base for large electrical systems. The current situation is untenable and underlines the need to develop publicly available WTG generic models. Although vendor-specific models provide a more accurate representation of the actual equipment than generic models, they tend to be unavailable and are difficult to obtain. In principle, generic WTG models should exhibit the following characteristics: a) allow for an easy exchange of model data between interested parties, b) facilitate comparisons of system dynamic performance between different simulation programs, c) allow for the implementation of WTG models in different simulation programs, and d) provide a mechanism by which manufacturers can tune the model parameters to best represent their equipment, without having to reveal proprietary information. Recognizing the need for generic WTG models, WECC through its WGMG has led a comprehensive effort to develop generic positive-sequence WTG dynamic models suitable for grid planning studies [3]. This effort has led to the development of prototype generic WTG models for each of the four major WTG topologies: 1) Type 1: Induction generator; 2) Type 2: Induction generator with variable rotor resistance; 3) Type 3: Doubly fed asynchronous generator; 4) Type 4: Asynchronous or synchronous generator with full converter interface. These models have now been implemented and validated in at least two widely used commercial transient stability simulation programs, PSLF and PSS/E. In parallel with the work performed by the WECC WGMG, the IEEE Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation has also been active in promoting adequate WTG models for bulk power system simulations. One of the latest activities of this group involves drafting design specifications to facilitate the implementation of the generic WTG models in different simulation programs and

2 to guide further enhancements to existing models. This work is based on lessons learned and experiences encountered during the development of the four WTG models mentioned above. The objective of this paper is to summarize the work performed to-date regarding the development of generic WTGs and to provide model specification guidelines for generic WTGs for use in bulk-power system planning studies. It is acknowledged that the generic WTG models will (and should) be updated and/or superseded by more up-to-date models as additional information becomes available. With this in mind, the model description and specifications put forth in this paper are intended to shed some light in the rationale leading to the afore mentioned WTG models and to facilitate subsequent related work. It is not the purpose of the paper to provide a detailed description of each type of model, this information can be found elsewhere, e.g., Ref. [4], [5]. The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the overall structure of the four types of prototype generic WTG models developed to-date and the assumptions made in their development. The description is given in general terms with the intention of providing a higher-level perspective of the models’ functionality and the connectivity between their components. Section III provides model specifications suggested as for further developments with the expectation of providing guidelines leading to widely accepted generic transient stability models.

The dynamic performance of the generic and detailed models was compared using the test system shown in Figure 2 to ascertain the validity of the models (the test system is the benchmark system proposed by WECC’s WGMG). The wind turbine is rated at 100 MW; the machine connected at the infinite bus is modeled as a classical generator with infinite inertia. The cases studied included two different levels of generated power (100% and 50%), two system strengths (SCR 10 and SCR 20), and two wind speeds (100% and 125%). The network data and scenarios studied are given in Ref. [6].


P r o to ty p e G e n e r ic T r a n s ie n t S ta b ility M o d e ls

P S C A D - ty p e M o d e ls

D e ta ile d T r a n s ie n t S ta b ility M o d e ls

II.1 Background Figure 1 illustrates the overall process for developing the generic WTG models. The initial point is typically a sophisticated three-phase, PSCAD-type model, with detailed representation of the very fast dynamics associated with the electronic components. This type of model is needed by manufacturers for detailed analyses and design. These models often need to be proprietary and vendorspecific, and include features not required for bulk power system analyzes. From these PSCAD-type models, positive sequence detailed transient stability models are derived by manufacturers to perform dynamic analyses. These detailed models also contain features that are not needed for typical transient stability studies; furthermore, the availability of these models is also often restricted. In order to circumvent the limitations associated with the general accessibility of WTG models, four prototype generic WTG models were developed by simplifying a detailed transient stability model. For instance, GE’s WTG models were used as the basis to develop the generic Type 3 and Type 4 WTGs. To accomplish this, essential features likely to be common to different WTGs were retained, e.g., pitch controller, whereas others that are more proprietary in nature were simplified, e.g., the power coefficient curve.

S p e c ific a tio n s fo r G e n e r ic M o d e l D e v e lo p m e n t

G e n e r ic T r a n s ie n t S ta b ility M o d e ls

Figure 1. WTG Generic Model Development

Infinite Bus


230 kV Line 1 R1, X1, B1

230 kV Line 2 R2, X2, B2

34.4/230 kV Station Transf. Rt, Xt


34.5 kV Collector Equivalent System Re, Xe, Be


Figure 2. Test System

0.60/34.4 kV Equivalent GSU Transformer Rte, Xte



100 MW Equivalent WTG

3 Preceding their development, several overall design guidelines and modeling assumptions were established for the generic models. These include:

turbine governor model represents an attempt to simplify the computation of the aero-torque. Terminal Voltage

• •

The models are intended for the simulation of events in a time associated with typical transient stability simulations, i.e., ten to twenty seconds. It is assumed that in the simulation time frame the wind speed remains constant. The models are not designed for use in simulations that involve severe frequency excursions.

Shaft Speed

Wind Turbine Model

Mechanical Power

Pseudo Governor Model

Figure 3. WTG of Type 1 P gen Pmech

The main model components do not include protective functions. These functions are to be modeled externally.

In addition, for the generic WTG models of Types 1, 2 and 3, the dynamics associated with the turbine and generator inertias are included within the Wind Turbine Model. This was done to facilitate the per unit representation of a twomass inertial model and the computation of the shaft stiffness. This representation is in contrast with the transient stability models of synchronous generators which typically include the inertia of the machine.


. .



T acc

1 2H



1 s




ω D

Figure 4. Turbine Model - One-mass Model

ωt P mech

. .



T mech

1 2Ht




II.2 Generic WTG Type 1 Figure 3 shows the modules and connectivity of the generic WTG model of Type 1. The model consists of three components: generator, wind turbine and pseudo governor. The generator is a standard induction generator excluding its inertial equation. The turbine is simply the inertial model of the wind turbine-generator; this model can be used to represent one or two masses as shown in Figures 4 and 5. The inertia constant in the single mass representation, H, is equal to the sum of the inertia constants of the generator and the turbine (Hg + Ht). The stiffness constant, K, is a function of the first shaft torsional resonant frequency. This model is used for the Type 1, 2 and 3 generic WTG models. The mechanical power is generated by the pseudo governor model shown in Figure 6. This model was designed and developed following a thorough investigation of the aero-dynamic characteristics and pitch control of several vendor specific WTG models. The model uses two inputs: rotor speed deviation and generator electrical power. The output is the mechanical power on the rotor blade side. The pseudo governor model is used for the Type 1 and 2 generic WTG models. The

Pgen Qgen

The models allow for the use of a single mass (equivalent to the generator and turbine inertias) or two separate masses. The models are suitable for representing individual WTGs or the equivalent of a wind power plant [10].

Generator Model

Real Power

1 s

Δω tg

D shaft


. .

T elec


1 2H g


1 s

Δω tg


δ tg

1 s






+ +




Δω t







Figure 5. Turbine Model - Two-mass Model wref





Σ pgen

1 1 + sT pe



Kp +

Ki s

1 1 + sT 1

1 1 + sT2



Figure 6. Type 1 & 2 WTG Pseudo Governor Model


4 II.3 Generic WTG Type 2 Figure 7 shows the modules and connectivity of the generic WTG model of Type 2. This model consists of four components: generator, wind turbine, pseudo governor, and rotor resistance controller. The generator is an induction generator with provisions for adjusting its rotor resistance via the rotor resistance controller. This controller has as inputs the rotor speed and generator electrical power (Figure 8); the model calculates the portion of the available rotor resistance to be added to the rotor resistance included in the generator module.

Regulated Bus Voltage Terminal Voltage

Current Command, Ip

Converter Control Model

Power Order

Voltage Command, Eq

Generator / Converter Model

Real & Reactive Power

Speed Order

Shaft Speed

Pgen Qgen

Real Power

Terminal Voltage

Pitch Control Model Rotor Resistance Control Model

♦ Rotor Resistance

Generator Model

Real Power

Wind Turbine Model

Blade Pitch

Figure 9. WTG of Type 3

Pgen Qgen

Shaft Speed

Real Power


Pseudo Governor Model

Wind Turbine Model

“Aero” Torque

High Voltage


Reactive Current

LVPL & rrpwr IPcmd

1 1+ 0.02s


Low Voltage Active Current





Kp 1 + sTp

Lvplsw = 0




Kpp + Kip / s




Lvplsw = 1

1 1+ 0.02s


V zerox (0.50)

+ Δω



Figure 7. WTG of Type 2 Pgen

1 1+ 0.02s

brkpt (0.90)

Low Voltage Power Logic

Rmin Kw 1 + sT w P vs. slip curve

Figure 10. Type 3 WTG Generator/Converter Model

Figure 8. Type 2 WTG Rotor Resistance Controller II.4 Generic WTG Type 3 Figure 9 shows the modules and connectivity of the generic WTG model of Type 3. The model is based on the detailed GE’s wind turbine model [7], [8] and consists of four components: generator/converter, converter control, wind turbine, and pitch control. Several simplifications were made to the GE WTG model, for instance: the active power control and GE’s WindINERTIA control were excluded. In the generic Type 3 generator/converter model, the flux dynamics are eliminated to reflect the rapid response of the converter to the higher level commands from the electrical controls (Figure 10). The model also includes a Low Voltage Power Logic (which can be bypassed) used to limit the real current command during and immediately following sustained faults.

The converter control model, shown in Figures 11 and 12, consists of two components: the reactive and active power control modules. The converter control dictates the active and reactive power to be delivered to the system via the current and voltage commands to the generator, Ipcmd, and Eqcmd, respectively. The reactive power order, Qord, can either be held constant or be computed by a separate model, the Wind Plant Reactive Power Control Emulator, or the power factor regulator. The Wind Plant Reactive Power Control Emulation represents a simplified equivalent of the supervisory VAr controller portion of the entire wind farm management system. The active power order is derived from the generator power and speed. The speed reference, ωref, is obtained from a turbine speed setpoint vs. power output f(Pgen) curve. A typical curve for the model is shown in Figure 13.

5 Wind Plant Reactive Power Control Emulation Vrfq Vc

K iv / s


1 1+ sTr


K pv



1 1+ sTc

Q min

1+ sT v

PFA ref

The pitch controller is shown in Figure 15. In this model, the blade position actuators are rate limited and there is a time constant associated with the translation of blade angle to mechanical output. The pitch control consists of two PI controllers that act on the speed and power errors.

Q max

+ Σ

1/F n


varfl g Q max

1 Pgen

1 1+ sTp

Power Factor Regulator



Qord 0



Qref Q gen Qcmd


Kqi / s









Kpp + Kip / s


Pitch Control

V term

V max

Anti- windup on Pitch Limits


XI Qmax


V min

E q cmd


K qv / s




θ cmd


PI max

1 1 + sTPI


PI min

Anti- windup on Pitch Limits

0 Qmin

rate limit (PIrate )





Figure 11. Type 3 WTG Reactive Power Control Model

K pc+ K ic / s Pitch Compensation

Figure 15. Type 3 WTG Pitch Controller Model

ω (shaft speed) Anti-windup on Power Limits


f (Pgen )

1 1 + sT sp

ω ref

+ Σ

ω err

K ptrq+ K itrq / s

II.5 Generic WTG Type 4

Pmax & dPmax /dt X

1 1+ sTpc


I pmax . .

I p cmd

Pmin & -dPmax /dt Vterm

Figure 12. Type 3 WTG Active Power (Torque) Control Model

Figures 16 shows the modules and connectivity of the generic WTG model of Type 4. This model consists of three components: generator/converter, converter control, and wind turbine. The model is based on GE’s wind turbine model documented in [8]. The generator model is very similar to the Type 3 generator model shown in Figure 10. The main difference is that the model takes as inputs both reactive and active current commands.

1.2 1.0

Power (p.u.)


Vreg bus

0.6 0.4

V term

Ip Command

0.2 0.0 0.60








Converter Control Model

Figure 13. Type 3 WTG Power Versus Speed Curve A very simplified aerodynamic model is used in the Type 3 generic WTG model (Figure 14). This model does not require the representation of the power coefficient curve and is based on the results of the investigation reported in [6]. Blade Pitch







+ θο

Generator/ Converter Model

Pgen , Qgen

Turbine Speed Setpoint (p.u.)


Iq Command


Figure 14. Simplified Aerodynamic Model

Pgen , Qgen

Pgen Power Order Wind Turbine Model

Figure 16. WTG of Type 4 The converter control model shown in Figure 17 dictates the active and reactive power to be delivered to the system. The overall structure of the controller is somewhat similar to the Type 3 WTG reactive power control model in Figure 11 but it includes logic to determine the current limits.

6 The Type 4 generic WTG includes the simplified turbine model shown in Figure 19. Vrfq Vreg

1 1 + sTr

K iv /s

+ Σ


Q max

+ Σ

1/f N K pv 1 + sT v

Q wv




1 1 + sTc

Q min

P elec


WindCONTROL Emulator



PFA ref




1 1 + sTp



Q cmd


Kpp +



Kip s



P ord


Q min

sK f




Q max


1 1 + sTpw



1 + sTf


pf flag

Figure 19. Type 4 WTG Wind Turbine Model Qgen V max





I qmx Vref

Kqi / s




V min

V term

III.1 Background

Converter Current Limit


I pmx

. .


I qmn

P,Q Priority Flag

P ord

IQ cmd

Kvi / s

I Pcmd

V term

Figure 17. Type 4 WTG Converter Control Model The converter current limit is shown in Figure 18. The objective of this limit is to prevent the combination of the real and reactive currents from exceeding converter capability. Depending upon the value of a user-specified P, Q priority flag, either real or reactive power has priority. This flag is dependent upon the equipment features selected, and is normally dictated by the host system grid code.

To facilitate the implementation of the generic WTG models in different simulation programs, the Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation has written a set of modeling specifications. In principle, with these specifications in place, the implementation of WTG models that are consistent in their functionality in different simulation programs is then possible. Furthermore, by defining specifications agreed upon by interested parties, a more open dialog is possible regarding upgrades to the models. The specifications are divided into two categories: Functional Specifications and Model Description. The former category defines the functional characteristics of the models; the latter category specifies the manner in which the models should be described.

P, Q Priority Flag

III.2 Functional Specifications 0

I qmn



I qmx

I qmx

The functional specifications they provide guidelines for achieving a desired dynamic performance; they are not intended to describe the connectivity between individual transfer functions.

I qmn

I qmxv

Q Priority

P Priority

1.6 qmax 1.0



I qmxv I qhl



The models must be non-proprietary and accessible to transmission planners and grid operators without the need for non-disclosure agreements.


The models are expected to provide a reasonably good representation of dynamic electrical performance of wind power plant at the point of interconnection with the utility grid, not inside the wind power plant.


Studies of interest to be performed using the generic models are electrical disturbances, not wind disturbances. Electrical disturbances of interest are primarily balanced transmission grid faults, not internal to the wind power plant,



I maxTD

I Qcmd


I maxTD2 - IPcmd2

I Pcmd

I maxTD2 - IQcmd2 Iphl Minimum

I pmx


I pmx

Figure 18. Type 4 WTG Converter Current Limit Model

7 typically of 3-6 cycle duration. Other transient events such as capacitor switching and loss of generation can also be simulated. -

The accuracy of generic models during unbalanced events needs further research and development. At the present time, there is no standard guidelines.


Manufacturers and model users (with guidance from the manufacturers) should have the ability to represent differences among generators with the same topology by selecting appropriate model parameters.


Simulations performed using these models typically cover a 20-30 second time frame, with a ¼ cycle integration time step. Wind speed is assumed to be constant.


The generic models are functional models suitable for the analysis and simulation of large-scale power systems. Their frequency range of validity is from dc to approximately 10 Hz.


A generic model should include the means for external modules to be connected to the model, e.g., protection functions.


The models will be initialized based on the powerflow power dispatch. For power less than rated, blade pitch will be set at minimum and wind speed at an appropriate (constant) value. For rated power, a user-specified wind speed (greater than or equal to rated speed) will be held constant and used to determine initial conditions.


For type 2 WTG, a look-up table of power versus slip should be provided.


For converter-based WTG (Type 3 and Type 4) appropriate limits for the converter power and current should be modeled.


Power level of interest is primarily 100% of rated power, with wind speed in the range of 100% to 130% of rated wind speed. However, performance should be correct, within a reasonable tolerance, for the variables of interest (current, active power, reactive power and power factor), within a range of 25% to 100% of rated power.


In addition to the overall machine inertia, the first shaft torsional mode characteristics should be user-specified in terms of frequency, turbine inertia, and damping factor, with calculations performed internally to determine appropriate torsional model parameters to match the modal frequency. The model should be able to represent one or two masses.


The models should be applicable to strong and weak systems with a short circuit ratio of 2 and higher at the point of interconnection. The models

should not behave erratically when the SCR is low. -

Aerodynamic characteristics will be represented with an approximate performance model that can simulate blade pitching, assuming constant wind speed, without the need for traditional CP curves.


Shunt capacitors and any other reactive support equipment will be modeled separately with existing standard models.

III. 3 Model Description The model description outlines the relationship among the modules, the sequence of execution, data initialization, and input requirements. -

The description of the models should include: a) connectivity diagrams showing the interface variables between the main components of the model, e.g., generator, turbine; b) block diagrams used to represent the main components; c) other pertinent information, e.g., non-standard limit implementation.


The manner in which initial conditions are computed must be part of the model description/specification.


The description of the models should be sufficient for program developers to implement the models in positive-sequence, large-scale, transient stability programs.


Connectivity variables to external modules should be clearly described.


Model parameters, test systems, and operating conditions used for model evaluation need to be provided.


Speed and voltage protection will be modeled separately. A description of the interconnection of the protection function and the model should be provided.

IV. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS Work within the WECC Wind Generation Modeling Group is currently focused in three topics: model performance assessment under frequency deviation transients, addition of voltage protection module, and model verification against field measurements. The last topic, model verification, will be covered in a separate publication [9]. The first two are outlined below. As stated in Section II, the preliminary generic WTG models were not designed for use in simulations involving severe frequency excursions. As wind power becomes more widespread, it becomes increasingly important to be able to evaluate their dynamic performance under all types

8 of power system transients. Studies within the WECC WGMG have shown that the WTG generic models of types 2, 3, and 4 perform satisfactorily during transient events that involve frequency excursions. On-going efforts are focused on the analysis of the dynamic performance of the generic Type 1 WTG during events that involve a significant frequency deviation.

participation by all parties involved in the development of wind power. Particularly, WTG manufacturers need to be engaged as they alone posses an intimate knowledge of the dynamic models used to represent their WTGs. Only with their involvement and cooperation can generic models be developed. REFERENCES

The initial implementation of the generic WTG models does not include protection modules, e.g., Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) and Zero Voltage Ride Through (ZVRT). Although the generic models allow for the use of protection schemes coded as user-defined models, this approach, although feasible, departs from the overall philosophy of the generic models. To alleviate this situation, current work involves the implementation of Low/High Voltage WTG protection. This type of protection trips the generator when the terminal voltage exceeds user-defined thresholds. The thresholds for LVRT and ZVRT can be specified as a linear piece-wise function of the form depicted in Figure 20.


IEEE Guide for Synchronous Generator Modeling Practices in Stability Analyses, IEEE Std. 1110-1991.


IEEE Recommended Practice for Excitation System Models for Power System Stability Studies, IEEE Std 421.5TM – 2005 (Revision of IEEE Std 421.5-1992).


R. Piwko, et al, “A Whirl of Activity”, IEEE Power an Energy Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 2009, pp. 26-35.


CIGRE Technical Brochure on Modeling and Dynamic Performance of Wind Generation as it Relates to Power System Control and Dynamic Performance, Working Group 60 1, of Study Committee C4, August, 2007.


IEEE Tutorial on Wind Generation Modeling and Controls, IEEE PES PSCE, Seattle, WA, USA, March 2009.


W. W. Price, J.J. Sanchez-Gasca, “Simplified Wind Turbine Generator Aerodynamic Models for Transient Stability Studies”, Proc. IEEE PES 2006 Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE), Oct. 29Nov. 1, 2006, Atlanta, GA, pp. 986-992.


Nicholas W. Miller, Juan J. Sanchez-Gasca, William W. Price, Robert W. Delmerico, “Dynamic Modeling of GE 1.5 and 3.6 MW Wind Turbine-Generators for Stability Simulations”, Proc. Power Engineering Society General Meeting 2003. Toronto, Ontario. July 2003.


K. Clark, N. W. Miller, J. J. Sanchez-Gasca, Modeling of GE Wind Turbine-Generators for Grid Studies, Version 4.5, April 2010, General Electric International, Inc.


Adhoc Task Force on Wind Generation Model Validation, “Model Validation for Wind Turbine Generator Models”, submitted for publication to the PES Transactions on Power Systems.

V. CONCLUSSIONS AND LESSONS LEARNED Although a significant amount of effort has been invested in developing and implementing the prototype generic WTG models, the models are not in their final form, a significant amount of work remains to be done. Nevertheless, the evidence to-date indicates that relative simple models that exclude proprietary information can be used successfully in bulk power system analyses. 140

Voltage [ % ]

120 100 80

LVRT 60 40 20 0 -1.0











Time [sec]


Voltage [ % ]

120 100 80

10. Y. Kazachkov, S. Stapleton, "Does the Generic Dynamic Simulation Wind Turbine Model Exist?”, WindPower 2005, Denver, CO, May 2005.


60 40 20 0 -1.0


0.7 0.1 0.2









Time [sec]

Figure 20. Low/High Voltage Ride Through Generator Protection It needs to be emphasized that to further refine and expand the existing prototype models it is critical to have the active