Design Parameters Calculation of a Novel Driveline for ... - EVs24

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Parameters of the driveline such as power rates and size of the flywheel are obtained ... Keywords: Flywheel, Electric driveline, Regenerative braking, Simulation.
Page 0225

World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 3 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2009 AVERE

EVS24 Stavanger, Norway, May 13-16, 2009

Design Parameters Calculation of a Novel Driveline for Electric Vehicles )/%#*'%1!%-0) %) -$(..*) -..*) )  !-)$*"" 1

Division for Electricity, Dep. of Eng. Sciences, Uppsala University P.O. Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala, Sweden Email: [email protected] 2 Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Defence & Security, Systems and Technology SE-147 25 Tumba, Sweden

Abstract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eywords: Flywheel, Electric driveline, Regenerative braking, Simulation



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Page 0226

World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 3 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2009 AVERE

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Driveline Description

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System Parameters

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Page 0227

World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 3 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2009 AVERE

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Magnetic Bearings

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