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it has been observed that secondary school and university graduates are high in ratio and when the occupation is concerned, it has been seen that private sector .... Buna göre, hedonik tüketim cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim, aylık gelir, meslek ...... “Tüketim Toplumu”, (Çev) Hazal Deliçaylı-Ferda Keskin Sarmal Yayınları,. İstanbul, s.94.
Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic

Volume 10/15 Fall 2015, p. 681-696 DOI Number: ISSN: 1308-2140, ANKARA-TURKEY

DETERMINING THE FACTORS THAT AFFECT HEDONIC CONSUMPTION Ebru ONURLUBAŞ** ABSTRACT Consumers buy products under the effect of emotional motives. Hedonism, which is one of the current trends, describes the status in which consumption, pleasure and expectation of emotionality is of the first priority. Recently, it has been a significant subject in marketing field. In this research, a survey has been conducted on 400 people in order to determine the hedonic consumption habits of consumers who dwell in central district of Edirne and the factors that affect these habits. The absolute amount of survey participants do hedonic consumption. When the demographical features of the consumers according to hedonic consumption are concerned, it has been determined that 57.5% of the females and 21.5% of the males always behave hedonically. Demographical differences of the consumers according to their status of hedonic consumption have been examined with chi-square analysis. Whereas hedonic consumption statistically differs according to gender, age, educational status, monthly income and professional status, it does not differ according to marital status. Moreover, factor analysis has been done to the attendants about hedonic consumption based on the answers according to 5 point likert scale. According to the results of the factor analysis, consumers have been grouped under 5 main factors. The most significant factor has been determined as “hedonic consumption”. Reliability analysis and Kolmogorov Smirnov normal distribution test has been carried out to the sub-dimensions of hedonic consumption scale. As a consequence, it has been observed that the sub-dimensions of hedonic consumption scale do not distribute normally and MannWhitney U test of the non-parametric tests has been carried out. As a result of this test it has been determined that there are significant differences regarding the sub-dimensions of gender, hedonic consumption, socializing, trend tracking, discount tracking, buying gifts and happiness.

STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Consumers buy products under the effect of emotional motives. Hedonism, which is one of the current trends, describes the status in which consumption, pleasure and expectation of emotionalityis of the 

Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir. ** Assistant Professor Dr., Trakya University Department of International Trade, Keşan Yusuf Çapraz School of Applied Sciences, El-mek: [email protected]


Ebru ONURLUBAŞ first priority. Recently, it has been a significant subject in marketing field. The data that were gained from the surveys conducted during the months of June and July in 2013 to the consumers who dwell in central district of Edirne is the main material of the research. Sample size was determined according to the data of TUIK on population of the central district of Edirne. The sample size that are to be surveyed was determined within 95.0% confidence limits and 0.0489% error margin. As the result of the calculation, the sample size was determined as 400. In this study, the aim is to reveal the differences of hedonic consumption habits of the consumers who dwell in central district of Edirne with respect to demographical features and the behaviors and thoughts of hedonic consumers. In the survey, the factors on hedonic consumption have been grouped via statistical methods and the results have been interpreted accordingly. In the study, 43.2% of the attendants are male and 56.8% are female; 37.5% are married and 62.5% are single. When the age group is concerned, it has been determined that the highest percentage is in the group of ages 24-29 with 29.0%. It has also been determined that 17% of the attendants have a monthly income 1501-2000 and it is the highest percentage of income groups. When the educational status is concerned, it has been observed that secondary school and university graduates are high in ratio and when the occupation is concerned, it has been seen that private sector employees and workers are high in ratio. When the demographical features of the consumers according to hedonic consumption are concerned, it has been determined that 57.5% of the females and 21.5% of the males always behave hedonically; 34.6% of the females and 32.0% of the males sometimes behave hedonically and 7,9% of the females and 46.5% 0f the males seldom behave hedonically. In the study, the effect of hedonic consumption motive on consumers and the analysis of the factors that affect this have been conducted. Chi-square analysis has been carried out to determine the relationship between hedonic consumption and demographical features of consumers. According to the results of the analysis, it has been determined that there is a significant relation between the gender groups in terms of gender factors’ hedonic consumption. Female consumers do hedonic consumption more than males. While females are doing hedonic consumption, they reach to the saturation point in pleasure and joy and they feel themselves in a different world and this relieves females psychologically and emotionally. So they feel themselves at ease. It will be a wise choice if the marketing sectors target at females to a large extent. When the age range is considered, it has been observed that the young consume more hedonically than the elders. According to the Chisquare analysis, there is not a significant relation between age and hedonic consumption. When the marital status is considered, 41.7% of the married people and 42.2% of the singles always consume hedonically. According to the Chi-square analysis, there is not a significant relation between marital status and hedonic consumption. There is not a difference between the hedonic consumptions of the marrieds and the singles, either. When their monthly incomes are considered, it has been determined that the ones who always consume hedonically are the people who have a monthly income of between 3001-3500 TL (60%). According to the Chi-square analysis, it has been found that there is a significant Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015

Determining The Factors That Affect Hedonic Consumption relation between monthly income and hedonic consumption. It has been determined that hedonic consumption is always done by the ones who has a postgraduate degree with the highest rate of 60.0%. According to the Chi-square analysis, the relation between educational status and hedonic consumption is meaningful. When the occupation groups are considered, it has been determined that hedonic consumption is always done by the ones who are self-employed with the highest rate of 61.1%. According to the Chi-square analysis, it has been found that there is a significant relation between occupation group and hedonic consumption. When the hedonically purchased product groups of consumers are examined, it has been determined that mostly clothing with the ratio of 62.5% is purchased. Following clothing, hedonically consumed products respectively are food products (55.0%), personal care products(45.8%), accessories (Watch, necklace, ring) (20.2%), home decoration (8.2%), electronic appliances (8.0%), computer, office, stationery (1.2%), and hardware and lawn tools (1.0%). The fact that accessories rank in the 4th place with 20.2% ratio and while hedonic consumers are buying accessories they have an intensive pleasure and great joy provides the organizations in this sector a great advantage and has importance for them. In the next stage, factor analysis has been conducted to the data of hedonic consumption scale. Within this framework, the factors have been named as: “Factor 1: Hedonic Consumption”, “Factor 2: Socializing”, “Factor 3: Trend Tracking”, “Factor 4: Discount Tracking” and “Factor 5: Buying Gifts and Happiness”. Reliability analyses have been carried out in relation to the sub-dimensions stated. It has been seen that Cronbach’s Alpha values in the reliability test are above 0.70 and in acceptable level. Following that, Kolmogorov Smirnov normal distribution test has been carried out. As the distribution is not normal, non-parametric tests have been carried out. Mann-Whitney U test has been done within this scope. Mann Whitney U test has been conducted in order to determine whether the sub-dimensions of the hedonic consumption scale differs according to gender or not. According to the results of the factor analysis, when the subdimensions are examined, it has been observed that the most important factor is hedonic consumption. It has especially been observed that females think that they feel themselves very happy, they escape from the problems and they relieve stress while shopping. Factor 2 has been determined as “socialization”. In hedonic consumption of factor 2, it has been determined that females consider meeting new people at stores, interacting with sales assistants and going shopping with friends as socialization. In factor 3 “trend tracking”, female consumers follow fashion and discover new products more than males do. Factor 4 has been named as “discount”. It has been found that females follow discounts on products more. Factor 5 has been named as “buying gifts and happiness”. It has been determined that especially females feel joy while buying gifts for the other people. Today, it is inevitable that competition is striking. Therefore, it is a known fact that sectors need to search the marketplace in their marketing field very well. This study will guide to the sectors and help them to create their own marketing policies. Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015



Ebru ONURLUBAŞ Key Words: Hedonic consumption, Consumer behaviors, factor analysis, Mann-Whitney U test, Edirne.

HEDONİK TÜKETİMİ ETKİLEYEN FAKTÖRLERİN BELİRLENMESİ ÖZET Tüketiciler ürünleri satın alırken duygusal motiflerin etkisi altında kalmaktadırlar. Günümüzün trendlerinden biri olan hedonizm tüketim, hazcılık ve duygusallık beklentisinin öncelikli olduğu durumu ifade etmektedir. Son yıllarda, pazarlama alanında üzerinde önemle durulan konulardan biridir. Bu araştırmada, Edirne merkez ilçede yaşayan tüketicilerin hedonik tüketim alışkanlıkları ve bunu etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya konulması için 400 kişiye anket yapılmıştır. Ankete katılan kişilerin tamamı hedonik tüketim yapmaktadır. Tüketicilerin hedonik tüketim durumlarına göre demografik özellikleri incelendiğinde, kadınların % 57.5’ inin, erkeklerin ise %21.5’ inin her zaman hedonik davrandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Tüketicilerin hedonik tüketim yapma durumuna göre demografik farklılıkları ki kare analizi ile incelenmiştir. Buna göre, hedonik tüketim cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim, aylık gelir, meslek durumuna göre istatistiki olarak farklılık gösterirken, medeni durum bakımından farklılık göstermemektedir. Ayrıca, hedonik tüketimle ilgili, araştırmaya katılanlara 5’li likert ölçeğine göre alınan cevaplar doğrultusunda faktör çözümlemesi yapılmıştır. Faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre ise, tüketiciler 5 ana faktör altında toplanmıştır. En önemli faktör ‘hazcı tüketim’ olarak belirlenmiştir. Hedonik tüketim ölçeği alt boyutlarına, Güvenirlik analizi ve Kolmogorov Smirnov normal dağılım testi uygulanmıştır. Bunun sonucu olarak hedonik tüketim ölçeğinin alt boyutlarının normal dağılmadığı görülmüştür ve non parametric testlerden Mann-Whitney U testi uygulanmıştır. Bunun sonucunda, cinsiyetle, hazcı tüketim, sosyalleşme, trend takibi, indirim takibi, hediye alma ve mutluluk alt boyutlarına ilişkin yargılarda anlamlı farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hedonik tüketim, tüketici davranışları, faktör analizi, Mann-Whitney U testi, Edirne.

1. Introduction Consumption means using up and destroying the substance of things. Human beings have lots of legitimate or illegitimate needs which are physiological, biological, social and cultural and using every material and sentimental values that are spent and spendable in order to satisfy these needs is also described as consumption (Torlak, 2000:17). Consumption is being reformed according to several variables such as changing needs in the changing world, popular concepts, status of market and consumer expectations (Hürmeriç and Baban, 2012). It is asserted that two motives take place on the base of consumption phenomenon as pragmatic and hedonic consumption (Doğrul, 2012: 324). As a philosophical term, the motive of hedonism, considers taking pleasure as the aim of life and continuously features the pleasure that can be gained from goods. In other words, this means “consumption in order to take pleasure, not to exist or satisfy the needs”. (Baudrillard, 2004:94). Epicurus, who is the father of hedonism, suggests Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015

Determining The Factors That Affect Hedonic Consumption


to take advantage of pleasures prudently for the joy of human beings, that is to say that people should get attached to the pleasures which are natural and obligatory, they should tolerate to the pleasures which are natural but not obligatory, and should avoid from the pleasures which are not natural and obligatory (Fromm, 1991: 172). Hedonism has been defined in two different forms as traditional and modern. According to this definition, the basic difference which distinguishes modern hedonism from the traditional hedonism is that modern consumer behave more “excitement-oriented” (Penpece, 2006: 89). According to another definition, whereas traditional hedonism consists of pleasures which are gained via senses in relation to wealth and luxury, modern hedonism consists of sensations that accompany these pleasures (Campbell, 1987). In another definition, traditional hedonism is defined as pampering emotions (Yanıklar, 2006, s:102 ). Hedonism is generally defined together with self-interest, as well. In psychology, selfinterest, as is known, is defined as the individual’s concerning himself/herself primarily and seeking for the best for his/her own good. The association of self-interest and psychological hedonism focuses on the point that human nature seeks for the best and the pleasure for himself/herself (Odabaşı, 2006, s.110). Today, due to the fact that hedonism is very common, it has been observed that many people do hedonic consumption. Hedonic consumption is defined as consumer behaviors which are very sensuous and related to emotional and fanciful aspects (Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982:92), In another definition, it is defined as the form of consumption which is based on consumers’ image perception, fancy and emotional stimulations of the product (Okado, 2005: 44), and as enjoying the pleasure dimension of consumption (Hirschman & Holbrook, 1982: 92, Hopkinson & Pujari, 1999: 274, O’Shaughnessy & O’Shaughnessy, 2002: 526, Altunışık & Çallı, 2004: 235). The signs of hedonic consumption are desires, extended involvements, fantasies, and avoiding from the unpleasantness of reality. When examined in this respect, it is emphasized that hedonic expectations are not only subjective but also symbolic (Babin, Darden & Griffin, 1994: 646; Khan, Urminsky, 2004: 1). Hedonic consumption changes according to culture, economic growth of countries and situation and these factors affect individuals in different levels (Kaul,2006:2-8). Hedonic consumption forms social causes, as well. Social experiments, communicating, being influenced by the notables of the society, reference groups and contact can take part among the social causes of hedonic consumption (Antonides & Raaij, 1998: 420). “Social experiences, sharing common interests, appeals between individuals, ready status and competition enthusiasm” can be ranked as the general causes of hedonic consumption (Odabaşı, 1999: 79-92). Hedonic consumption has rapidly become widespread among people who want to satisfy themselves both emotionally and psychologically and consider shopping as a joy and pleasure. The research is significant due to the fact that sectors can form their marketing policies In this study, the aim is to reveal the differences of hedonic consumption habits of the consumers who dwell in central district of Edirne with respect to demographical features and the behaviors and thoughts of hedonic consumers. In the survey, the factors on hedonic consumption have been grouped via statistical methods and the results have been interpreted accordingly. 2. Methodology 2.1. Sample and Means of Measuring The data that were gained from the surveys conducted during the months of June and July in 2013 to the consumers who dwell in central district of Edirne is the main material of the research. Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015



Sample size was determined according to the data of TUIK on population of the central district of Edirne. The sample size has been determined with the help of the equation below( Bas, 2008).


N *t 2 * p * q d 2 * ( N  1)  t 2 * p * q

n; Number of the individuals that are to take part in the sample, N;150 260 (The population of 2013) (Tüik, 2014). p; Probability of occurrence (0.50), q; Probability of non-occurrence (0.50), t; Standard normal distribution value (1.96), d; Sampling error (0.0489) The sample size that are to be surveyed was determined within 95.0% confidence limits and 0.0489% error margin. As the result of the calculation, the sample size was determined as 400. The questions with 5-point likert scale which was developed by Arnold and Reynolds (2003) were put in order to determine the causes of hedonic consumption of the consumers in the central district of Edirne. Within this scope, the scoring was ranging from “Strongly Disagree=1”, “Disagree=2” “Undecided=3”, “Agree=4” and “Strongly Agree=5”. 2.2. Analysis of the Data SPSS 16 Statistics package software has been used in order to analyze the data. Within this scope, firstly frequency distribution in relation to demographical features of the 400 consumers attending the survey has been done. Chi-square analysis has been carried out to determine the relationship between hedonic consumption and demographical features. In the next stage, factor analysis has been conducted to the data of hedonic consumption scale. Within this framework, the factors have been named as: “Factor 1: Hedonic Consumption”, “Factor 2: Socializing”, “Factor 3: Trend Tracking”, “Factor 4: Discount Tracking” and “Factor 5: Buying Gifts and Happiness”. Reliability analyses have been carried out in relation to the sub-dimensions stated. It has been seen that Cronbach’s Alpha values in the reliability test are above 0.70 and in acceptable level. Following that, Kolmogorov Smirnov normal distribution test has been carried out. As the distribution is not normal, non-parametric tests have been carried out. Mann-Whitney U test has been done within this scope. Mann Whitney U test has been conducted in order to determine whether the sub-dimensions of the hedonic consumption scale differs according to gender or not. 3.The Research And The Findings Table 1. Frequency Values of Demographical Features of the Attendants Frequency 173

% 43.2










24-29 30-35

116 57

29.0 14.2

Male Gender


Educational status

Turkish Studies

Primary education Secondary education Junior college University graduate Master’s degree Total

Frequency 50

% 12.5







35 400

8.8 100

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015

Determining The Factors That Affect Hedonic Consumption

Monthly incomes

36-41 42-47

48 34

12.0 8.5




54-59 Aged 60 and over Total



500 and below 501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2001-2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501 and over Total


Retired Civil servant Private Sector Employee Housewife Profession

27 57

6.8 14.2












Student Self-employment

55 18

13.8 4.5






60 66 68 66 55 30 9 400

15.0 16.5 17.0 16.5 13.8 7.5 2.2 100


100 37.5 62.5

Total Married Single Total

Marital status

150 250 400

It can be observed from Table 1 that 43.2% of the attendants are male and 56.8% are female; 37.5% are married and 62.5% are single. When the age group is concerned, it has been determined that the highest percentage is in the group of ages 24-29 with 29.0%. It has also been determined that 17.0% of the attendants have a monthly income 1501-2000 and it is the highest percentage of income groups. When the educational status is concerned, it has been observed that secondary school and university graduates are high in ratio and when the occupation is concerned, it has been seen that private sector employees and workers are high in ratio. Table 2. Demographical Features According to Hedonic Consumption Status Hedonic Consumption Always Sometimes Frequency Male Gender

Marital status








18-23 24-29 30-35 36-41 42-47 48-53 54-59 60 and over

38 52 24 32 10 8 3 1

42.2 44.8 42.1 66.7 29.4 24.2 17.6 20.0

35 45 23 9 6 12 2 2












Turkish Studies

The Results of Chi-Square % Frequency % Analysis χ2 =90.043 32.0 80 46.5 df=2 P = 0.00 34.6 18 7.9 p< 0.05 significant 38.9 17 18.9 38.8 19 16.4 χ2 = 61.445 , 40.4 10 17.5 df=14 18.8 7 14.6 P = 0.00 17.7 18 52.9 p< 0.05 36.4 13 39.4 significant 11.8 12 70.6 40.0 2 40.0 χ2 = 0.609 31.8 40 26.5 df=2 P = 0.73 p > 0.05 34.5 58 23.3 nonsignificant Seldom

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015



500 and below 501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 Monthly incomes 2001-2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501 and over Primary education Secondary education Educational Junior college status University graduate Master’s degree Retired Civil servant Private Sector Employee Profession Housewife Worker Student SelfEmployment Merchant







23 32 32 14 22 18

38.3 48.5 47.1 21.2 40.0 60.0

21 16 20 31 22 6

35.0 24.2 29.4 47.0 40.0 20.0

16 18 16 21 11 6

26.7 27.3 23.5 31.8 20.0 20.0























































19 54 20

46.3 60.7 36.4

17 18 21

41.5 20.2 38.2

5 17 14













χ2 = 23.869, df=14 P = 0.04 p< 0.05 significant

χ2 = 21.120, df= 8 P = 0.00 p< 0.05 significant

χ2=69.763 df= 16 P=0.000 12.2 p< 0.05 19.1 significant 25.5

In Table 2, When the demographical features of the consumers according to hedonic consumption are concerned, it has been determined that 57.5% of the females and 21.5% of the males always behave hedonically; 34.6% of the females and 32.0% of the males sometimes behave hedonically and 7.9% of the females and 46.5% 0f the males seldom behave hedonically. From this point of view, it has been concluded that females have more tendency to hedonic consumption, when compared to males. According to the statistical analysis, it has been determined that there is a significant relation between the gender groups in terms of gender factors’ hedonic consumption. In other words, females consume more hedonically than males. It has also been observed that the study corresponds to the other studies on the subject. In their study in 2008, Erkmen and Yüksel, similarly to the results above, concluded that hedonic consumption is generally done by females. Aydın (2010) also got the result that there is a significant relation between hedonic consumption and gender and females have the habit of hedonic consumption more, when compared to males (Aydın, 2010: 450). In the study of Babacan (2001), it was also determined that females have more hedonist attitude than males do. Özdemir and Yaman (2007: 89) similarly concluded that hedonic shopping behavior changes according to gender and female consumers do hedonic consumption more.

Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015

Determining The Factors That Affect Hedonic Consumption


When the age range is considered, it has been observed that the young consume more hedonically than the elders. According to the Chi-square analysis, there is not a significant relation between age and hedonic consumption. When the marital status is considered, 41.7% of the married people and 42.2% of the singles always consume hedonically. According to the Chi-square analysis, there is not a significant relation between marital status and hedonic consumption. There is not a difference between the hedonic consumptions of the marrieds and the singles, either. When their monthly incomes are considered, it has been determined that the ones who always consume hedonically are the people who have a monthly income of between 3001-3500 TL (60.0%). According to the Chi-square analysis, it has been found that there is a significant relation between monthly income and hedonic consumption. It has been determined that hedonic consumption is always done by the ones who has a postgraduate degree with the highest rate of 60.0%. According to the Chi-square analysis, the relation between educational status and hedonic consumption is meaningful. When the occupation groups are considered, it has been determined that hedonic consumption is always done by the ones who are self-employed with the highest rate of 61.1%. According to the Chi-square analysis, it has been found that there is a significant relation between occupation group and hedonic consumption. Table 3. Some Product Groups Purchased Hedonically

Electronic appliances Personal care products Clothing Accessories (Watch, necklace, ring) Food Products Hardware and lawn tools Home decoration Computer, office, stationery

Purchased Frequency 32 183 250 81 220 4 33 5

Unpurchased % 8.0 45.8 62.5 20.2 55.0 1.0 8.2 1.2

Frequency 368 217 150 319 180 396 364 395

% 92.0 54.2 37.5 79.8 45.0 99.0 91.0 98.8

When the hedonically purchased product groups of consumers are examined, it has been determined that mostly clothing with the ratio of 62.5% is purchased (Table 3). It has also been observed that the study corresponds to the other studies regarding the subject. There are various studies regarding the hedonic side of clothing (Hirschman & Holbrook, 1982: Chang, 2002: HaeSook, 2005: Michon et al., 2007). In these studies, as a product group which has a high hedonic value, clothing is a dimension which arouses various feelings in consumers, stirs them up and which has symbolic meanings. In Table 3, following clothing, hedonically consumed products respectively are food products (55.0%), personal care products(45.8%), accessories (Watch, necklace, ring) (20.2%), home decoration (8.2%), electronic appliances (8.0%), computer, office, stationery (1.2%), and hardware and lawn tools (1.0%). The fact that accessories rank in the 4th place with 20.2% ratio and while hedonic consumers are buying accessories they have an intensive pleasure and great joy provides the organizations in this sector a great advantage and has importance for them.

Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015



Table 4. The Results of Hedonic Consumption KMO and Barlett Kasiser Meyer Olkin (KMO) χ² (Chi-square ) Bartlett Sphericity Testi Df (Degrees of Freedom) P (Probability)

0.862 6.757 231 0.000*

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test is used to find out how appropriate explanatory variables that are subjects of factor analysis are. KMO sampling competence criterion is an index that is used to compare the size of the coefficient of the observed correlation and the size of the coefficient of the part correlation. KMO ratio needs to be over 0.50. As the ratio increases, conducting factor analysis becomes more appropriate ( Kalaycı, 2006; Sharma, 1996). In the study, factor analysis has been conducted to the data of hedonic consumption scale. Before this, KMO and Barlett’s test had been conducted in order to examine whether data set is appropriate for factor analysis or not. The value of Kaiser-MeyerOlkin (KMO) has been found 0.862 and this value shows that the data set is appropriate for factor analysis (Table 4). Table 5. Variance Explanation of Hedonic Consumption Attitude Scale Extraction Sums of Squared Rotation Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Loadings % of Cumulative % of Cumulative % of Cumulative Factor Total Variance % Total Variance % Total Variance % 1 9.197 41.804 41.804 9.197 41.804 41.804 4.222 19.189 19.189 2 2.227 10.123 51.928 2.227 10.123 51.928 3.336 15.164 34.354 3 2.001 9.096 61.024 2.001 9.096 61.024 3.244 14.746 49.100 4 1.427 6.488 67.512 1.427 6.488 67.512 2.955 13.432 62.532 5 1.376 6.253 73.765 1.376 6.253 73.765 2.471 11.234 73.765

In Table 5, five factors in table 5 explain 73.765% of the total variance. Table 6. Factor Loads and Reliability Analysis of Hedonic Consumption Scale

Factor 1

Factor 2


Factor load values

S1.In my opinion shopping is an adventure. S2.Shopping has always been appealing to me S12.Shopping cheers me up a lot. S20.When I feel down. shopping helps me feel better. S21.In my opinion, shopping is the best way to reduce stress. S22.I forget all about my problems while I am shopping. S3.Shopping is a way of socializing for me. S16.I have pleasure when I interact with my family or friends during shopping. S17.I like interacting with other people when I go shopping. S18.In my opinion, shopping with the acquaintance is an opportunity to have fun together. S19. .In my opinion, shopping with the acquaintance is having new sharings.

.628 .612 .547

Turkish Studies


Cronbach’s Alpha


.870 ,863 .548 .632 .769


.787 .632

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015

Determining The Factors That Affect Hedonic Consumption

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 5

S4.I go shopping to see the new products. S13.I go shopping to learn the latest trends. S14.I go shopping to follow the latest fashion S15I go shopping to see .the latest products released. S5.I generally go shopping during the time of sale. S6.I like searching for the products on sale, when I go shopping. S7. While shopping, I like it when I find the products on sale earlier than the other people do. S8.I go shopping to take advantage of sale times. S9.I go shopping to buy things for the other people. S10.I feel myself better when I shop for the special people in my life. S11.I like shopping for my family and friends.


.541 .784 .761 .609


.827 .848


.742 .720 .571 .884



Number of observations need to be 120 or more so that 0.50 factor load is meaningful (Alpar, 2011: 283). For the reason that the sample size of the research is 400 people, attention has been paid to have 0.50 and more factor loads. All the factor loads in the study are above 0.50. Based on the principal components, factor analysis has been conducted to the hedonic consumption scale which consists of 22 specifications and 5 factors that affect the thoughts of consumers about hedonic consumption have been determined. It has been determined that Factor1 consists of 6 specifications and the factor load values of the specifications in this factorchange between 0.547 and 0.870; Factor 2 consists of 5 specifications and the factor load values change between 0.548 and 0.787; Factor 3 consists of 4 specifications and the factor load values change between 0.541 and 0.784; Factor 4 consists of 4 specifications and the factor load values change between 0.720 and 0.848; Factor 5 consists of 3 specifications and the factor load values change between 0.571 and 0.884 (Table 6). The first and the most significant factor of the attendants about hedonic consumption has been determined as “hedonic consumption”. This factor explains 19.189% of the variance. Factor 1 consists of the components S1, S2, S12, S20, S21, S22. In another study, hedonic shopping was defined as the expected pleasure after shopping activities (Hae-Sook, 2005:130). Factor 2 has been named as “socialization”. It explains 15.164 % of the variance and consists of the components S3, S16, S17, S18, S19. In their study, Fettahlıoğlu et al. (2014: 308) stated that shopping that is aiming to socialize is one of the important factors of hedonic consumption. Accordingly, their study corresponds to this study. Factor 3 has been named as “trend tracking” and it explains 14.746% of the variance. It consists of the components S4, S13,S14, S15. Factor 4 has been named as “discount” and it explains 13.432 % of the variance and consists of the attitudes S5, S6, S7, S8. In the studies of Kahn and Louie, 1990; Mittal, 1994; Wakefield and Inman, (1993) the effect of bargain-priced and promotional sales on consumers was researched and it was suggested that coınsumers attach importance to this marketing approach.

Turkish Studies

International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/15 Fall 2015



Factor 5 has been named as “buying gifts and happiness” and it explains 11.234 % of the variance. Factor 5 consists of the attitudes S9, S10, S11. Table 7. The Results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test N Normal Parametersa

Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5 400 400 400 400 400 Mean Std. Deviation

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)

20.8191 5.75595 2.995 .000

16.7950 4.64024 1.839 .002

13.5450 4.07117 1.985 .001

14.7050 3.66764 3.160 .000

10.8175 2.80872 2.818 .000

H0= Sub-dimensions of hedonic consumption scale show normal distribution. H1= Sub-dimensions of hedonic consumption scale do not show normal distribution. When table 7 is examined, since p