Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer Based on Back ... - IEEE Xplore

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Abstract. Endometrial cancer is one of the most common cancers in women worldwide. Early stage and accurate diagnosis is indispensable for treatment of ...
2009 Sixth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery

Diagnosis of endometrial cancer based on back-propagation neural network and near-infrared spectroscopy of tissue

Yuhong Xiang, Jing Tian, and Zhuoyong Zhang *

Yinmei Dai

Department of Chemistry, Capital Normal University,

Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Affiliated to

Beijing 100048, P.R. China

Capital Medical University,

Corresponding E-mail address: [email protected]

Beijing 100006, P.R. China


comparing with the data of 6000 deaths in 1996 [2]. The

Endometrial cancer is one of the most common

new case is more common in women who are older, white,

cancers in women worldwide. Early stage and accurate

affluent, obese, and of low parity, and especially women

diagnosis is indispensable for treatment of endometrial

with postmenopausal bleeding should be screened for

cancer patient. In this study, near-infrared spectra of 18


normal, 30 hyperplasia and 29 malignant pathological

measurements of endometrial thickness and hysteroscopy

sections were collected. The original spectra were

have also been studied, biopsy sampling is currently the

pretreated by using smoothing, denoising, and data

most accurate and widely used screening technique [3]. But

compression methods, 6 principal components were

the diagnosis of biopsy sample has some limitations. For

extracted as the input of back propagation neural network

example, it is difficult to distinguish between the

(BPNN). The number of hidden neurons, learning rate,

endometrial cancer and atypical endometrial hyperplasia [3].

momentum, and learning epochs were optimized based on

Therefore, it is necessary to develop an accurate, fast,

the RMSE of leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV). The

convenient and inexpensive method to diagnose the

optimal model of BPNN built can successfully classify the

endometrial cancer at early stage.




samples into three groups. The results showed that BPNN

Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has been known as

coupling with NIR spectroscopy can provide an efficient

an accurate, fast and inexpensive method for pathology

method for the early diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

studies. NIR spectra (750–2500 nm) can be assigned mostly to overtones and combinations of the molecular vibrations

Keywords-endometrial cancer; near-infrared spectrum;

of C–H, N–H, and O–H groups. These groups are

back propagation neural network;

composition of all biological molecules (lipids, proteins,

1. Introduction

carbohydrates, and water) [4, 5]. Cancer tissues differ from their normal parts in their composition. Any alteration in the composition of the tissues can be detected and used for

Endometrial cancer is one of the most common

diagnostic purposes.

gynaecological cancers. The data of the National Cancer


Institute showed 40100 new cases and 7470 deaths from





endometrial cancer in United States in 2008 [1]. Deaths

applications in cancer diagnosis. Most of researches dealing

from endometrial cancer are prone to continue rising

with human tissue were on breast cancer [6-9]. Besides

978-0-7695-3735-1/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE DOI 10.1109/FSKD.2009.470


breast cancer, the diagnoses of prostate cancer [10, 11],

were supplied by Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology

pancreatic and colorectal cancer [4, 12] have also been

Hospital, Affiliated to Capital Medical University. The

reported. The method of cancer diagnoses above was to

mean age is 46 with the oldest 71 years and the youngest 19

quantify tissue chromophores or differentiate between the

years. All the endometrial tissues were fixed in 4%

absorption and scattering parameters. However, peaks in

formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin wax, section, xylol

many near-infrared spectra are overlapped, and in some

deparaffinization, dehydration with a series of increasing

cases, sloping baselines of spectra are observed. Therefore,

alcohol concentrations, adhibit, neural gum mounting. The

it is difficult to assign NIR absorbance bands. Computer

thickness of all the paraffin section was assumed to be 4

technology coupling with chemometrics can provide a

µm. The gold coated mirror onto the paraffin sections were

powerful tool for NIR applications [13-16]. Neural networks are mathematical models inspired by

placed on the integrating sphere. The NIR diffuse reflection

biological neurons. Back propagation neural networks

spectra were collected by the FT-NIR spectrometer

(BPNNs) are feed-forward network trained by propagation

controlled by Thermo Fisher Omnic software of version 7.3

of error back through the networks. Neural networks are a

with optical resolution of 4 cm− over the spectral range of

better method for pattern recognition and calibration than

4500 and 10000 cm− . A background spectrum was recorded

conventional statistical methods because of their advantages

using air reference at 25°. Five times was scanned for each







section on different positions, the mean was used. All the


NIR spectra of 77 paraffin sections were shown in Fig. 1.

unusual fault tolerance. In this work, NIR spectra of a total of 18 normal, 30 hyperplasia, and 29 malignant tissue slices were collected. The












correction (MSC). According to the standard deviation spectra of 77 pathological sections of endometrial tissues, the data of NIR spectra in the region of 4000-4600 cm-1 were selected as candidate input invariables. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to compress the spectral data. The first 6 principal components were employed as the input variables of BP neural network. In the process of building BPNN, the RMSE of leave-one-out

Fig. 1. The NIR spectra of 77 tissue sections

cross validation was used as the goal function to optimize the number of hidden neurons, learning rate, momentum

From the Fig. 1, it can be seen that it is difficult to

and learning epochs. The optimal BP neural network built

distinguish the difference of NIR spectra of normal,

can successfully classify the samples into three groups. The

hyperplasia, and malignant endometrial tissues.

results showed that the BP neural network coupling with

In this study, according to the standard deviation

NIR spectra of endometrial tissue can provide an efficient

spectra of 77 pathological sections, the NIR spectra in

method for the early diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

region of 4000-4600 cm


were selected for further

identification. NIR spectra of all the samples were firstly

2. Material and method

smoothed by the Savitzky-Golay (polynomial function order 3, smooth windows 5) method. Then, MSC was

Seventy seven paraffin sections of endometrial tissues

applied to correct spectra for spectral noise and background


effects which cause baseline shifting and tilting. Principal

input and output variables. However, if the number of

component analysis was employed to reduce the number of

hidden layer neuron is too large, the experimental error

input variables. The first 6 principal components accounting

(noise) will be introduced into the BPNN. In our work, the

for 99.97% original information of NIR spectra were

optimization process of neurons in hidden layer was shown

selected as the input variables of BP neural network. The

in Fig. 2.

transfer functions of neurons in hidden layer and out layer were ‘‘tansig’’ and ‘‘purelin’’, respectively. The samples were divided into two sets, training set and test set, by using Kennard-Stone method [17]. The training set including 58 samples was used to build the BP neural network model, and the 19 samples were used to evaluate the model. In the process of building BP neural network, leave-one-out cross validation was used to estimate the generalization properties of statistical models. Binary encoding, (1 0 0), (0 1 0) and (0 0 1), were used to express the diagnosis results for normal, hyperplasia, and malignant, respectively.

Fig. 2. Influence of the number of neurons in hidden layer on network

3. Results and Discussions

Note: the classification accuracy of leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) and test set were plotted with ○ and ●, and the

Traditionally, BPNN consists of three layers. In this

RMSE of LOOCV and test set were plotted with ▽ and ▼,

work, the traingdm function was used to train the network.

respectively (similarly hereinafter in below figures).

The optimal neural network model was obtained by

From the Fig. 2, it can be seen that the BPNN with 5

optimization of the number of neurons in hidden layer,

hidden neurons had the lowest root mean square error of

learning rate, momentum, and learning epochs. The goal

leave-one-out cross validation (RMSECV). And the

function RMSE of leave-one-out cross validation was used

classification accuracy (CA) rate for leave-one-out cross

to optimize the architecture and parameters of BPNN.

validation (LOOCV) and test set were 100% and 94.74%,

RMSE was calculated according to (1)


The influence of learning rate (1) The

Where, yci and yei are calculated and experimental values,







influencing the stability and training speed of the BPNN. If

respectively, and p is the number of samples.

learning rate is too small, the slow convergence and local minima may be happen. However, if learning rate is too

The influence of hidden neural neurons

large, the convergence speed increases but the performance of neural network can not work well because the network

The number of hidden layer neurons plays a crucial

may jump over the global minimum. The optimization

role on the generalization ability of BPNN. If the number of

process of learning rate was shown in Fig. 3.

hidden layer neuron is too small, neural network can not simulate the complicated function relationships between


Learning epochs also influence the accuracy of BPNN. If the number of learning epoch is too small, the desired convergence will not be reached. Whereas, overfitting will be happen. The optimization process of learning epochs was shown in Fig. 5, in which the learning epoch varied from 1000 to 10000. From the Fig. 5, it can be seen that 7000 epochs with the lowest RMSECV was considered as the optimal learning epochs. The CA rate of leave-one-out cross validation and the test set were 100% and 94.74%, respectively. Fig. 3. Influence of learning rate on network

From the Fig. 3, it can be seen that when the learning rate reaches 0.6, the lowest RMSECV was obtained. The CA rate for leave-one-out cross validation and test set are 100% and 94.74%, respectively.

The influence of momentum Adding a momentum term can help to escape a small local minimum in the error surface and speed up the convergence. But if momentum is too large the BPNN will

Fig. 5. Influence of learning epochs on network

lead to small oscillations rather than divergence. From the optimization process shown in Fig. 4, it can be seen that

There was a wrong classification sample with number

when the momentum is 0.5, the lowest RMSECV and the

index 48 in test set. Sample 48 belongs to hyperplasia class.

highest CA rate was obtained.

Malinowski Distances between sample 48 and the center of malignant and hyperplasia class were investigated. The results showed that sample 48 was further from the center of hyperplasia than that of malignant. Therefore, sample 48 maybe an outlier, although further proof is still needed.

4. Conclusion The BP neural network with 6 input, 5 hidden, and 3 out neurons was built to diagnose the endometrial cancer based on the NIR spectra of endometrial tissue section. The

Fig. 4. Influence of momentum on network







validation and test set were 100% and 94.7%, respectively.

The influence of learning epochs

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Z.Y. Zhang,