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nelle strategie di controllo e difesa integrata. Matteo Lorito. Università degli Studi ... •Melanzana, Peperone dolce e piccante,. Pomodoro. •Erbe, Spezie e Mente:.
Interazioni di Trichoderma nelle strategie di controllo e difesa integrata Matteo Lorito Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Trichoderma use and/or production world wide

Over 100 products containing Trichoderma on the market

A multiple-way A three-way interaction


Beneficial BCA Strain Consortium ?

Interaction proteome Metabolome

Interaction expressome Genome sequence

Function study, in vitro and in vivo, •reporter systems •targeted mutation etc.




Changes in the plant proteome The presence of Trichoderma : upregulates proteins involved in defense • induces a different set of plant proteins response, ROS scavenging, stress in comparison to the pathogens response, isoprenoid and ethylene •biosynthesis, strongly changes the expression pattern photosynthesis, amino acid of plant genes responding to pathogen and carbohydrate metabolism (Marra et al., attack. Shoresh et al., Segarra et al.)


The growth promotion response depends on the plant genotype

P1 T22







Problems with the “old” products on the market • Obtained by using “old” selection methods and criteria • Applied without an appropriate knowledge of the mechanisms of action • Problems with reliability, efficacy, formulation quality, which limit their use even if they have a large marketing potential

Selecting superior “elite” strains

How to select new strains to be tested in the field Mycoparasitic and lytic, cfu producer Increases plant systemic resitance to pathogens and abiotic stresses Promotes plant growth and root development Degrades pollutants in the soil

Produces specific factors (metabolites) affecting pathogen and plant Persists on the rhizosphere and eventually is endophytic

Is compatible with chemicals and other biocontrol agents

I nuovi ceppi Interagiscono direttamente con la pianta in diversi modi • Attivano la Resistenza Sistemica Indotta • Stimolano lo nutrizione, e aumentano sviluppo, crescita e resa, (piante più grandi, con più radici, con più clorofilla, ed in generale più sane e resistenti) • Rendono le piante più resistenti alle carenze di concimazione (che si può ridurre), carenze idriche, alte T e presenza di contaminanti chimici e tossine • Aiutano a sanare terreni poveri in sostanza organica e microflora

New or improved formulations and/or production methods

Nuove formulazioni ed ampia gamma di colture •Piante Ornamentali: •Anthurium, Azalea, Garofano, Crisantemo, Dianthus, Dieffenbachia, Dracena, Ficus, Gardenia, Gladiolo, Impatiens, Lilies, Marigold, Pansy, Petunia, Poinsettia, Pathos, Rhododendron, Rose, Schefflera, Sathiphyllum, Tulipano, Vinca ecc.

•Ortive: •Melanzana, Peperone dolce e piccante, Pomodoro

•Erbe, Spezie e Mente: •Salvia, Rosmarino, Timo, Menta

Colture idroponiche: •Cetriolo, Pomodoro, Lattuga, Erbe e Spezie

•Vegetali a foglia: •Cavolini di Bruxelles, Cavolo, Cavolfiore, Sedano, Indivia, Lattuga, Senape, Prezzemolo, Spinacio

•Colture arboree: •Alberi decidui (acero, quercia, ecc.), Vite, Citrus, Pino, Pero, alberi da noce (Pecans, Pistacchi, Mandorle, Noci)

Combination of filtrates and propagules Control

+Trichoderma CF

A synergistic combination of • Living, fresh and hyperactive mycelia of the fungus • Spores and clamidospores not dried and thus ready to germinate • Bioactive metabolites: • Enzymes that kill pathogens directly and stimulate plant defense response • Non-enzymatic protein elicitors that activate plant defense response and promote plant growth and development • Secondary metabolites that kill pathogens and promote plant growth and development

“Translation” to the field

Improved production of Honeydew melon

Europe Libya Egypt

Cuba Honduras Costa Rica Colombia



Peru Brasil


Several thousand ha in 15 Countries on 20 different crops

Different models for implementation of Trichoderma and other biocontrol agents • The chemical pesticide model: full registration and marketing (5-10 M $, 4-6 years)

• The inoculants, plant strengthening agents and biofertilizer model : no registration (1.5 - 0.1 M $, 1-2 years)

• The local industry model: widely used inexpensive as compared to pesticides

• Governmental monopolies and state supported production model: Venezuela, Cuba, USSR Harman, Obregón, Samuels and Lorito. Plant Disease in press