DIES-Alumni call proposals 2013

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Mar 15, 2013 ... in Higher Education Management 2013-2014 ... Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama), Africa (Cameroon, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya,. Malawi ... DIES Training Courses such as International Deans' Course, Proposal Writing,.

Call for Proposals: DIES National Multiplication Trainings (NMT) in Higher Education Management 2013-2014 Background

Alumni from various DIES training courses have established regional networks in Central America and Mexico (GUCAL), East Africa (REAL), Indonesia (INDOSTAFF), and the Philippines (UNIFELD). Within this context many national DIES alumni chapters have been offering regionally tailored activities on higher education management in their home countries by making use of the experience and knowledge which they have gained through DIES Training courses provide by selected German higher education institutions (HEIs) and their partners. By 2012, structures in these networks have been consolidated, first training activities have been concluded and selective institutional reform/ innovation plans were implemented. Graduates of DIES Training Courses constitute a considerable potential for transformation processes in higher education in developing countries. It is in the shared interest of HEIs in our partner countries as well as of the DIES programme and the DIES alumni to jointly cooperate in utilizing this potential, the competencies and the capacities of the DIES alumni to further contribute to the advancement of higher education in their home countries. With this call for proposals, the DIES Programme (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the *HUPDQ 5HFWRUV¶ &RQIHUHQFH +5.  PDNHV DYDLODEOH UHVRXUFHV IRU WKH IXUWKHU multiplication of knowledge on higher education management, thereby not only contributing to the sustainability of DIES training courses but also responding to local and national needs of higher education in the DIES partner countries.


Groups of DIES alumni shall organise national (with reasonable justification also regional) training activities in higher education management for at least 20 university managers of their home countries (regions) who have not yet been participants in DIES training courses. Topics of these National Multiplication Trainings (NMT) are supposed to be in line with contents of DIES Training Courses, such as faculty management, proposal writing, quality assurance, curriculum development, research management etc.


Groups of DIES alumni in Latin America (Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama), Africa (Cameroon, Ghana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda), Middle East (Egypt) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) can hand in an application. Applications shall be submitted by a NMT Steering Committee composed of three persons. Of these three persons at least two need to be DIES alumni, i.e. graduates of DIES Training Courses suFK DV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 'HDQV¶ &RXUVH 3URSRVDO :ULWLQJ UNITRACE, UNISTAFF or trainees of DIES Projects on Quality Assurance. The application shall be submitted in collaboration with a DAAD Foreign Branch Office or a DAAD Information Center abroad. (If such an office exists - see list of contacts down below). The application should be send to the DIES section at headquarters in Bonn, Germany, via the DAAD representative on site.

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Target group of the training activities

DIES NMT activities shall be addressed to middle or higher university management staff. Participants should not yet have participated in a DIES training course. Previous participation in activities organised by GUCAL, REAL, INDOSTAFF or UNIFELD should not be a hurdle. Selection of participants needs to take a reasonable gender balance into account. Further definitions as to the specific target group are to be defined in the proposals.

Guidelines for drafting the proposal

The proposed training courses shall consist of at least eight days split up in at least two presence-phase workshops of around 3-5 days each that will begin in 2013 and shall be concluded either at the end of 2013 or in the first half of 2014 ± depending on the sequencing and number of workshops/ modules. Online-components before or in between the phases of presence will be considered an asset but are not mandatory. Since the envisaged training activities are supposed to multiply knowledge, experience and competences of DIES alumni, it is desired that DIES alumni from the region act as trainers in the NMT. Further expertise can be brought in by national, regional or German experts. In this context, please note that trainers/ experts from Germany can be invited for the presence phases. Applicants are responsible for establishing the contacts. It would be considered an asset if participation of a German trainer in not only one training activity, but possibly also in another training course in the same region could be realised (hence implying cooperation and coordination of two applying alumni groups). The submitted proposal should elaborate on a number of details making use of the course-template provided in Annex 1.


Through funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), funding for following expenses can generally by applied for: 1. Administrative staff supporting the preparation and implementation of the training 2. Expenses for experts and material cost a. Honorarium for trainers b. Travel expenses for trainers c. Accommodation and subsistence for trainers d. Expenses for organisation and consumables 3. Expenses for participants a. Travel expenses for organisers and participants b. Accommodation and subsistence expenses for organisers and participants For details with regards to what exactly can be funded up to what amount, please refer to Annex 2 - Guidelines for Funding. Please note that the Guidelines for Funding indicate the maximum of available DAAD-funding for the given positions, which can, but do not have to be fully utilized. Cost effectiveness and reasonable planning of resources will be an essential element when proposals are being assessed in the selection process. A draft financial plan is an essential part of the proposal. For drafting the financial plan, please refer to Annex 3 - Financial Plan Template. Before submission, the financial plan is to be checked back with the DAAD representative on site.

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Additional partners and complementary/ external funding

Participants and/or their home institutions and/ or third parties are requested to make a financial contribution of at least 25% of total costs of the event. The collaboration with relevant external partners - especially if this implies integration of complementary/ external funding (e.g. to fund participation of further participants/ invitation of further trainers) - is highly appreciated and will be considered an asset when the selection committee assesses the Proposals. Please integrate complementary/external funding into the budget handed in with your proposal (e.g. contribution of participants, universities, further donors etc.).

Programme Administration

For those countries where there is a DAAD Foreign Branch Office or a DAAD Information Centre, administration of funds as well as the administrative tasks of the NMT will be coordinated by staff at these offices (who will receive respective resources for hiring local staff). The DAAD representatives on site are hence key partners for all decisions that need to be taken and have to be included in all relevant discussions. In case that proposals will be submitted from groups of DIES alumni of countries where neither a DAAD Foreign Branch Office nor a DAAD Information Center is located, it is necessary to identify a national HEI as applicant and formal contact partner for reasons of appropriation of funds and organisation of the training. It is these partners (either DAAD offices or national HEI) who will be responsible for the accountability of funds and reporting to the DIES Programme.

Application Procedure

Applicants must hand in: 1. The filled out Project Proposal Template (Annex 1) 2. The filled out Financial Plan Template (Annex 3) th

Proposals should be submitted via email by March 15 , 2013 to the DAAD contact person of their country/ region given below and in copy to [email protected]. Please note: if a regional approach is pursued, the country where the training activity is supposed to be implemented is to be the determining factor on whom to approach. South East Asia Indonesia

Dr. Irene Jansen

[email protected]


Dr. Guido Schnieders

[email protected]


Ms. Janina Brill

[email protected]


Dr. Carolin Muelverstedt

[email protected]


Ms. Hannelore Bossmann

[email protected]


Ms. Katja Buchecker

[email protected]


Dr. Jana Zehle

[email protected]

East Africa

Ms. Margaret Kirai

[email protected]


(Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, South

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Sudan, Sudan, Uganda) Dr. Heike Edelmann-Okinda

[email protected]

Ms. Dorothee Winnen

[email protected]


Dr. Sven Werkmeister

[email protected]


Dr. Hanns Sylvester

[email protected]

Dr. Michael Harms and Ms. Mona Ayoub

[email protected]

Ghana Latin America Central America (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama)

Middle East Egypt

[email protected]

Proposals will be selected for funding by a joint committee of DAAD and DIES partners on a competitive basis. Please note that the Proposals will be assessed not only with regard to the overall conceptual framework (relevance of content, didactical approach, sustainability) but also on the basis of cost-effectiveness. Project co-ordinators will be informed by beginning of April, 2013 whether their proposal will receive funding. Annexes


Annex 1: Project Proposal Template


Annex 2: Guidelines for Funding


Annex 3: Financial Plan Template

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