Dimensional Digital Signal Processing - IEEE Xplore

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ing the beautiful Lake Leman, were outstanding. One of the ... The three hour trip on Lake Geneva ... Mountain House, on Lake Mohonk above New Platz, New.
ideas and perspectives. A s p e c i a le f f o r tw i l l toencouragetheparticipationoftheindustrial community i n the workshop.

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The workshop will be organizedaroundthreemajor categories of research i n 2D signalprocessing-

EUSIPCO-80, the f i r s t European SignalProcessing Conference was h e l d i n t h e p i c t u r e s q u e c i t y o f Lausanne,fromSeptember16 t o1 9 . Organized by EURASIP. t h e Eurpoean AssociationforSiqnalProcessing, and cochaired by 1.1, K u n t and F. deCoulon, i t was attended by approximately 700 p a r t i c i p a n t s .I t aimed and to cover a l la s p e c t s of signalprocessingtheory p r a c t i c e including:

1.Algorithms f o r 2D DSP EstimationandDetection - SpectralEstimation - F i l t e r Design and Implementation



20 DSP

- Nave EquationMigration


Sigilalandnoisetheory F i 1 t e rng i SpectralAnalysis Image processing Specialpurposehardware and software developments Radar-Sonar s i g n a l s and systems Speech processing Applicationincommunication,biomedicine, pattern recognition, sei smol ogy , industrialprocesses,etc.


- Seismic Modelingand


- GeophysicalPatternRecognition 3.

Image ProcessingApplications

- Image Segmentation - Image Restoration


Ultrasonic Imaging

- Mu1 tidimensional Scence Analysis Each c a t e g o r y w i l l i n c l u d e j o i n t t u t o r i a1 sessions and parallelsessions o f a t r a d i t i o n a l workshop nature, organized t o encourageinformaldiscussion,

Twenty-nine regular sessions and f o u r p o s t e r sessions encompassed new researchresultsaswellas t u t o r i a lp a p e r s . The f a c i l i t i e sp r o v i d e d by theEcole , overlookPolytechnique(ofSwissFederalGovernment) ingthebeautiful Lake Leman, wereoutstanding.

Attendance a t t h e Workshop will be s o l i c i t e d both by i n v i t a t i o n andappl i c a t i o n . For informationconthe Registra cerningparticipation,pleasewriteto t i o n Chairman :

One of the highlights of the conference was t h e The t h r e eh o u rt r i p on Lake Geneva banquet on aboat. willundoubtedlyremaina memorable event i n the minds of the p a r t i c i p a n t s .

Thomas L. Marzetta Schlumberger-DollResearch Old Quarry Road Ridgefield, CT 06877

The conferencecommitteeandeveryoneconcerned deservecongratulations from theSignalProcessing Community and ElectricalEngineering community a t 1 arge.


Program Committee consists of

(General Chairman) Michael P . Ekstrorn Schlumberger- Doll Research Old Quarry Road Ridgefield, CT C6877

The nextconference, EUSPCO-83, will be h e l di n Nurenburg, Germany, hosted by the University of Erl angen.

James H . J u s t i c e MRO AssociatesInc. 730 17thStreet S u i t e 530 Denver, CO 80202

Vijay K. J a i n UniversityofSouthFlorida

(Geophysical Applications)

Azriel Rosenfeld (Image Processing Applications) Departmentof Computer Science University ofMaryland CollegePark, MD 20742

Preliminary Announcement Second ASSP Workshop on TwoDimensional Digital Signal Processing

John W . Woods (A1 gori thms) Departmentof Electrical and Systems Engi neeri nq Renssel aer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12181

The Second ASSP Workshopon Two-Uimensional OigitalSignalProcessingwillbeheld on October 5 and 6, 7981 a t t h e Mohonk Mountain House i n New P l a t z , New York. I t i s sponsored by t h e IEEE Acoustics, Speech,andSignalProcessingSociety.

The l o c a t i o n f o r t h e Workshop i s t h e Mohonk Mountain House, on Lake Mohonk above New P l a t z , New York. I t has been chosen f o r i t s combinationof comfort,sense of intimacy,andaccessibility,being aboutninetymilesfrom New York City.

As w i t h t h e f i r s t workshop i n t h i s s e r i e s , the o b j e c t i v e i s toprovidea forum forthediscussion of new theoreticaldevelopmentsin 2-D d i g i t a ls i g n a l processing and t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n s t o p r a c t i c a l problems. The i n t e n t i s t o a t t r a c t r e s e a r c h e r s from many d i v e r s ef i e l d s ,i n c l u d i n gd i g i t a lf i l t e r i n g , computer science,systems and c o n t r o l ,a r t i f i c i a li n t e l l e g e n c e , and estimation theory, for an open exchangeofresearch

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