diversity and distribution of dragonflies (insecta

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Peninsular Malaysia including Singapore (Norma Rashid et al.). ... pulcherrima and Neurothemis fluctuans are the common species found in Malaysia (Norma ...
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 2006 Volume 1(2): 97-106


A. WAHIZATUL-AFZAN, J. JULIA, A. AMIRRUDIN Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia, Terengganu D. I. Malaysia

Abstract A rich collection of 593 individuals belonging to 44 species from 11 families of Odonata were successfully identified at Sekayu Recreational Forest, Terengganu from September until December 2005. Zygopterans (393 individuals) were found to be more abundant than anisopterans (200 individuals). However, Libellulidae (suborder Anisoptera) made up the most dominant family collected with 31.9% of total individuals recorded. Euphaea ochracea and Rhinocypha limbata were found to be the most abundant species recorded in this study. More individuals were collected from middle stream (MS) of Sungai Sekayu followed by lower stream (LS) and upper stream (US). However, ANOVA does not show significant difference among the individuals represented at each study sites as all the study areas consist of similar microhabitats. Keywords: Odonata, diversity, distribution, recreational forest

Introduction The order Odonata is one of the most popular insect groups. Nowadays, there are approximately 6500 species worldwide representing in about 600 genera (Vick, 2002). All of them have been described and they are distributed in the tropics, where the greatest numbers and diversity occur. Based on the latest finding by Orr et al. (2004), the Malaysian odonate fauna comprises about 342 species. They include 161 Zygopterans (10 families) and 181 Anisopterans (five families). About 239 species are reported from Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei and 226 species are listed from Peninsular Malaysia including Singapore (Norma Rashid et al.). Libellulidae is the most dominant family found in various ecosystems in Peninsular Malaysia. While Odonata such as Orchithemis pulcherrima and Neurothemis fluctuans are the common species found in Malaysia (Norma Rashid et al.). There are few papers on local status diversity and distribution of Odonata particularly in Peninsular Malaysia which can be obtained from various authors such as Lim & Furtado (1975), Norma Rashid (1995a, 1995b, 1998, 1999), Norma Rashid et al. (2001), Che Salmah (1996, 2001), Che Salmah & Wahizatul Afzan (2004), Che Salmah et al. (2002, 2005), Wahizatul Afzan (2004) and Wahizatul Afzan & Che Salmah (2005). Odonata occupy almost all kinds of habitats along the habitat permanent gradient ranging from permanent running waters and lakes to small temporary rain pools (Corbet, 1999). They show some preferences to specific habitats and their distribution are very much involved in various microhabitats (Sheldon & Walker, 1998). Interestingly, most Odonata preferred to perch at vegetations including riparian vegetation, overhanging vegetation, and forested section of the stream. Thus, it reveals that vegetation play a role in the regulation of faunal distribution and their assemblage is strongly dependent on the composition and structure of vegetation (Korkeamaki & Suhonen, 2002). Che Salmah et al. (2005) found that riverine ecosystem has the richest fauna of Odonata, followed by rice field, stream, freshwater swamp and peat swamp. Although odonates Correspondence: A. Wahizatul-Afzan Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kolej Universiti Sains dan Teknologi Malaysia, Terengganu D. I. Malaysia


A. Wahizatul Afzan et al.


occur in almost types of aquatic ecosystems, microhabitat with high heterogeneity of vegetation is believed to be the factor primarily responsible in determining their diversity and distribution (Watanabe et al., 2004). Many species of Odonata are restricted to specific habitats both during larval and adult life stages especially the stenotopic species (limited to a single habitat) (Orr, 2003; Watanabe et al., 2004). These species are highly sensitive to factors such as the amount of sunlight and water movement. Generally, the stenotopic species (Calopterygidae, Platystictidae, Platycnemididae and Protuneuridae) are very abundant in primary forest especially in mixed dipterocarp and freshwater swamp (Chovanec & Raab, 1997). Tropical rainforest provide optimum shade to the stenotopic species. Structural complexity of the forest and concomitant streams, rivers and other water sources provide more diverse microhabitats for many different odonates species (Vick, 2002). Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the composition and abundance of dragonfly community at Sekayu Recreational Forest as well as their microhabitat preferences. Various authors suggested that certain features of the vegetation play important role in the distribution and assemblage of Odonata (Chovanec & Raab, 1997; Hofmann & Mason, 2005), hence surrounding vegetations in Sekayu Recreational Forest were very important for odonates community. Materials and Methods Sampling sites

Collections of Odonata were conducted in Sekayu Stream which is located in Sekayu Recreational Forest, south of Kuala Berang, Terengganu (N04° 57.85' E102° 56.71') from September to December 2005. This dipterocarp forest is located in the middle part of Terengganu state. There were 12 sampling occasions which took three times of samplings per month throughout of this study. The stream is approximately 15 km long and the sampling areas were divided into three stations which were lower stream (LS), middle stream (MS) and upper stream (US). The sampling sites were selected based on the presence of microhabitats preferred by the odonates and also specific hydrological characteristics such as current velocity and light intensity (Table 1). Other factors such as places for perching, mating, hovering, egg laying, tandem or oviposition were taken for consideration. Table 1: The descriptions of the each selected study sites in Sekayu Forest Recreational Study sites LS



Descriptions Shallow stream with sands and cobbles, water ran slowly and stagnant passing highly diversified habitats along river. Shrubs and grasses along the stream. Site totally exposed to the sunlight. Provided varieties of substrates which consist of stones, rocky, cobbles and sandy. Water surface partially covered by canopies of trees and shrubs. Slow and fast flowing water. Rich of substrates like stone and big rocky. Stream was too small with very fast flowing water, provided open site which is totally exposed to the sunlight, deep and very crystal clear water.

Sampling methods

Methods of sampling and preservation of Odonata were based on Orr (2003) and Borror & White (1970). Odonata were caught with light and strong insect net throughout the study areas from 1000 to 1700 on hot sunny days. The long handle net about 25 cm diameter with an open-mesh net with little air resistance so that it can be swung rapidly in order to catch the sample. This method Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106


requires a certain amount of speed and skill because the net should be swung at powerful flying of samples. The Odonata were grasped by its body and stunned by pinching the thorax after it was removed from the net. Then, the specimens caught were placed in the triangle envelope with the wings were folded together above the body until preservation. Data on collection and information such as locality, date, time and the collector’s name were written on the outside of the envelope. The microhabitats frequented by the odonates were recorded at every site where odonates were sampled. In general, only one specimen was kept in each envelope as they can damage each other. However, for pairs caught in tandem they were placed in the same envelope. Preserved samples were spread, pinned, dried and stored in dry boxes in General Biology Laboratory, KUSTEM. The collections were identified to the lowest possible taxa whenever possible. Samples were identified based on Fraser (1933, 1934, 1936), Hamaleinen & Pinratana (1999) and Orr (2003). Data analysis

The degree of species composition or species diversity (H’) for each site was determined by using the Shannon Wiener Index. This index indicates the degree of species composition per unit area. The higher value of H’, the greater the diversity and supposedly the cleaner the environment (Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988; Metcalfe, 1989). H’ = -∑ [ (ni / N ) ln (ni / N ) ] Where; H’ = Shannon –Wiener Index N = Total individuals of population sampled ni = Total individuals belonging to the i spesiec Richness Index that has been used was Margalef’s Index (R). This index indicates the number of species in a sample or the abundance of the species per unit area (Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988; Metcalfe, 1989). R = S – 1 / ln (N) Where; R1 = Margalef richness Index S = Total of species N = Total of individuals sampled Homogeneity or pattern of distribution of species in relation to other species in a sampled per unit area was calculated using Evenness Index (E) (Ludwig & Reynolds, 1988; Metcalfe, 1989). E = H’ / H’ max Where; E = Evenness Index H’ = Shannon –Wiener diversity Index H’max = Diversity index observed to a maximum diversity The distribution of odonate species and their population different among all study sites was calculated using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For this analysis, it was done using software of Statistical Package for Social Science version 11.0 (SPSS 11.0). While Cluster analysis was used to sort species of odonate community in LS, MS and US into groups to reveal the degree of associations of individuals and also the generic composition (Krebs, 1989; Kovacs, 1999). It was performed by pair wise analysis of similarity using Sorensen’s coefficient method. The dendrogram was produced by using unweighted pair group methods using arithemathic averages (UPGMA) using Multivariate Statistical Package (MVSP 3.1).

Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106

A. Wahizatul Afzan et al.


Results and Discussion A total of 593 individuals of 44 species representing 11 families of Odonata had been successfully collected during this study. Two hundreds Anisopterans (24 species; 3 families) and 393 Zygopterans (25 species; eight families) were recorded. Libellulidae (suborder Anisoptera) was the major component of odonates community in Sekayu Recreational Forest making up 31.9% of the total individuals collected. While Zygopterans Chlorocyphidae constituted 25.6%. Both of these families were represented by 17 and four species respectively. The third largest family recorded in this study was Euphaeidae (15.7%), while families Platystictidae and Megapodagrionidae each contributed only 0.3% of total species collected (Figure 1).

Chlorocyphidae 25.6%

Platystictidae 0.3%

Aeshnidae 1.0%

Libellulidae 31.9%

Coenagrionidae 3.9%

Protoneuridae 5.2% Calopterygidae 6.9%

Platycnemididae Megapodagrionidae 8.3% 0.3%

Gomphidae 0.8% Euphaeidae 15.7%

Figure 1: The composition of all odonates families in Sekayu Recreational Forest, Terengganu In this forest reserve, Libellulidae was found to be the most dominant family. As in many other studies, this family is also widely represented in surveys elsewhere locally and globally (Norma Rashid et al., 2001; Che Salmah, 1996; 2001, Che Salmah & Wahizatul Afzan, 2004). Some strong flying libellulids are the most common especially in sluggish areas where they dart about and spend much time perching in the sun. The most abundant libellulids in this study were Trithemis aurora, Neurothemis fluctuans and Orthetrum glaucum. Zygopterans, Chlorocyphidae and Euphaeidae could be considered as the most widespread families in this study because they were found at all stations in high numbers. In this study, species abundance were classified into three categories: (i) Abundant (> 50 individuals); (ii) Common (25-49 individuals) and (iii) Rare (< 24 individuals). Euphaea ochracea (Euphaeidae) was the most abundant species as they contributed 11.97% of the total individuals (78 individuals), followed by Rhinocypha biforata (71 individuals). While Trithemis aurora, Neurothemis fluctuans, Coelicia sp. (unidentified), Neurobasis chinensis and Rhinocypha sp. (unidentified) were very common and found at all sites. Other species with less than 25 individuals were considered as rare species. Table 2 shows the species composition of Odonata at LS, MS and US. The total abundance and composition of odonates demonstrated variations especially in species number at different study area. Only Gomphidae was strictly inhabitants of LS. Zygopterans were more abundant than the anisopterans at all study sites. The highest number of zygopterans were recorded at MS (166 individuals) followed by LS (107 individuals). The abundance of Zygoptera recorded in this study area was very high compared to other studies from other regions especially in rivers, rice fields, freshwater swamp, peat swamp and lake collections (Norma Rashid et al., 2001; Che Salmah, 1996; 2001, Che Salmah & Wahizatul Afzan, 2004). This might be due to the landscape of Sekayu Recreational Forest which supports a large variety of Zygoptera but unable to support suitable habitats for most Anisoptera.

Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106


Table 2: Composition and distribution of odonate for each study site in Sekayu Recreational Forest, Terengganu. Family 1.Libellulidae



4.Calopterygidae 5.Chlorocyphidae


7.Euphaeidae 8.Megapodagrionidae










1.Cratilla metallica





2.Crocothemis servilia 3.Neurothemis fluctuans 4.Neurothemis terminata 5.Onychothemis culminicola 6.Orthetrum chrysis 7.Orthetrum glaucum 8.Orthetrum sabina 9.Orthetrum testaceum 10.Pantala flavescens 11.Rhyothemis triangularis 12.Tetrathemis irregularis hyalina 13.Trithemis aurora 14.Trithemis festiva 15.Tyrobapta torrida 16.Zygonyx iris malayana 17.Zyxomma petiolatum 18.Gynacantha bayadera 19.Gynacantha dohrni 20.Heliaeschna crassa 21.Indaeschna grubaueri 22.Burmagomphus sp. (UI) 23.Ictinogomphus decoratus

0 16 9 6 3 5 4 2 0 0 0 26 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 17 13 19 6 7 0 0 2 2 10 0 7 0 0

2 16 5 4 0 9 2 3 1 1 6 11 3 1 7 3 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 23 0 0 26 42 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 51 0

0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 1 6 9 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 17 22 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 28 1

2 32 14 10 11 19 6 5 1 1 7 43 12 2 18 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 41 13 19 49 71 2 2 2 4 10 3 14 79 1

24.Microgomphus chelifer 25.Neurobasis chinensis 26.Libellago lineata 27.Libellago stigmatizans 28.Rhinocypha sp. (UI) 29.Rhinocypha biforata 30.Agriocnemis sp. (UI) 31.Archibasis sp. (UI) 32.Archibasis melanocyana 33.Onychargia atrocyana 34.Pericnemis sp. (UI) 35.Pseudagrion sp. (UI) 36.Dysphaea dimidiata 37.Euphaea ochracea 38.Podolestes sp.

Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106

A. Wahizatul Afzan et al.


Table 2 continues Family

9.Platycnemididae 10.Platystictidae 11.Protoneuridae

Species 39.Podolestes orientalis 2 40.Coeliccia sp. (UI) 41. Copera marginipes 42.Protosticta sp. (UI) 43.Prodasineura collaris 44.Prodasineura sp. (UI)

Lower Stream 0 0 6 0 3 15

Middle Stream 1 3 1 0 5 3

Upper Stream 0 31 8 2 0 5

Total Individuals 1 34 15 2 8 23





Total individuals

Notes: UI = Unidentified species Calculated biological indices indicated that the richness, of the species varied slightly among the three sites (Figure 2). MS demonstrated the highest value of richness index (R) which was 5.97 followed by LS (R = 4.59) and US (R = 4.14). The highest diversity was recorded in MS (H’ = 2.80) followed by LS (H’= 2.78) and US (H’ =2.64). US was the poorest among these three sites. However Evenness index for MS was the lowest compared other sites. 5.985

Scores of Biological Indices

6 5

4.593 4.143

4 2.775



3 2 0.793



1 0 Lower stream

Middle stream

Upper stream

Sites Richness



Figure 2: Species richness (R), diversity (H), and evenness (E) of odonate community for each study site in Sekayu Recreational Forest, Terengganu.

Based on Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), there was no significant different in the total abundance of the odonates community at all study sites (F 0.05,2,146 = 3.059). Therefore, there is not significant variability among the individuals represented at each site. Interestingly, most of the species found in LS were similar to those at MS. The similarity of species composition was proven by the highest value of Sorensen’s coefficient index matrix between both sites. This could probably due to microhabitats heterogeneity present at those areas such as overhanging vegetation, floating macrophytes, fallen logs, leaf packs and component of substrates (cobbles, pebbles and sands). LS-MS clustered together as they showed the highest similarity based on the occurrences of odonates species between sites (Figure 3). LS-MS give the highest similarity due to similar distribution of certain species such as Neurothemis fluctuans, N. terminata, Onychothemis culminicula, Orthetrum sabina, O. testaceum, Onychargia atrocyana, Dysphaea dimidiata and Prodasineura sp. The restricted distribution of many species at certain sites could be the reasoned of the lowest similarity observed in this study. There were seven species restricted to LS Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106


(Burmagomphus sp., Ictinogamphus decoratus, Microgamphus chelifer, Libellago lineata, L. stigmatizans, Archibasis melanocyana and Pericnemis sp.). Restricted species at US were Archibasis sp., Euphaea pahyapi, Podolestes sp., Coeliccia nigrohamata, Protosticta sp. and Prodasineura sp. Whereas, there were 10 species strictly found at MS which were Cratilla metallica, Crocothemis servilia, Pantala flavescens, Rhyothemis triangularis, Zyxomma petialatum, Gynacantha bayadera, G. dohmi, Indaeschna grubaueri, Ariocnemis sp. and Podolestes orientalis.

Notes I II III

species distributed at LS-MS-US species distributed at US-LS species distributed at MS-LS


restricted species at MS restricted species at LS


species distributed at US-MS restricted species at US

Figure 3: Dendrogram using Sorensen’s Coefficient method for clustering analysis of odonate species in Sekayu Recreational Forest. Conclusion The Sekayu Recreational Forest provided rich odonate fauna. Most of the species found in these habitats were adapted to clean environment. The presence of Megapodagrionidae, Calopterygidae, Platystictidae, Platycnemididae, Protoneuridae and Gomphidae reflected such condition. Most of Odonata preferred overhanging vegetation as vegetated surroundings provided various microsites for perching, as well as wide range of provision and concealment from their predators. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Terengganu Forestry Department for their permission to conduct the study in Sekayu Forest Reserve. Field trips and funds were supported by Faculty Science and Technology, KUSTEM. Special thanks to Raja and Afisah for their valuable helps during the field work.

Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106

A. Wahizatul Afzan et al.


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Journal of Sustain. Sci & Mngt., 2006 Vol. 1(2): 97-106