Divisional Abstracts: Argentine Division 1031

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Maxillofacial Pool-graduate Program of PUCRS. BRAZIL. M.BASTOS. Mestrado, O.S. COLETIVA. FOB-USP, BRAZIL. The objective of epidemiological research ...
Divisional Abstracts: Argentine Division 1031

J Dent Res 79 (5) 2000 Evaluation of Dental Plaque Removal due to Usual Toothbrushing in Children. 210 S. A. S. MOIMAZ, C. A. SALEBA, 0. SALIBA. (UNESP, School of Dentistry, Ara~~~~~~~~~atuba, Brazil).


WHO goals for the year 2000: dental caries in the mid-went of Sbo Paulo, Brazil N.E. TOMITAO, L. COSTA. W. MESTRINE&I A. PAVARrNI. E.SLOPES. Bauru School or Deotisten-

Marilia School ofrDentistrs-UNTIsIAR, Ribeirgo Preto School of Dentissrv-USP. Tel. 55-t4-235 ~~~~~~~USP. 0343. Fax-. 55-14-223 4679

This cross-sectional study was delineated aiming to evaluate the oral health conditions of children from the mid-west region of Sbo Paulo, Brazil, and compare it with the WHO goals for the year 2000. In 1990, an epidemiological survey was carried out in Slo Paulo State, according to the methodology proposed by WHIO (1997). In the ftrst phase of sampling the municipalities were selected at random according their sizes and the fluoridation of the water supplies, by region; in the second phase the sample unities (schools), and is the third phase, the sample elements (subjects) were selected. This paper reports the prevalence of caries (DMF1), at the age and 10 years, before and after the tooth brushing: I- Mean OHI - S: 1.07 and 1.20; 1.92 and of 12 years-old, for the municipalities of DIR-X-Bauru region. The mean DMFT values for the 1.20; 1.75 and 1.09; 1.03 and 1.15 respectively; 2 - Mean Tureskcy's: 3.70 and 2.65; 3.72 and big, medium and small cities with water fluoridation were 3.42, 7.15 and 3.44, in this order. For 2.63; 3.55 and 2.3 2;- 3.59 and 2.29 respectively; 3 - The mean P11 observed were 1.03 and 079; the cities without water fluoridation, mean DMFT values were 3.49, 6.31 and 5.46, in the same 1.09 and 0.02; 1.11 and 003; 1.16 and 0.03 respectively. The statistical analysis (p < 0,05) order. In spite of implementation of preventive procedures in oral health in SOo Paulo State, there showed that the difference observed between the before and after toothbrushing conditions was is a very high prevalence of dental caries in the medium-sized municipalities, regardless of water significant when measured by the three indexes. The evaluating capacity of the indexes was also fluoridation. This fact is a point of discussion about the importance of evaluating some statistically different; the P1l showed the poorest discriminating efficacy. No statistical difference socioeconomic factors, besides the vigilance of quality and regularity of water fluoridation. was observed between ages. The habitual toothbrushing perfomed by children, regardless of the Amone the big municipalities (with or'without fluorides) and the small one (with fluorides), as&e though- not removing the total amount of dental plaque, is efficient in its - control, The index to be used in different studies must be carefully chosen taking into account its properties adDMlFT values very close to the goals established by WHO can be observed. characteristics and the obiectives of the study to be ger-foincd

The eficacy of habitual toothbrushing made by children, on dental plaque removal was evaluated. One hundred and sixty children 7 to 10 years-old were equally balanced acooording to age and sex is four groups. For standard reasons commercial toothbrushes and toothepastes of the same brand and model were used by all the children. The dental plaque was disclosed and its amount evaluated through the following indexes: OHI - 5, Turesky 's, and Silmens & Loes's P1l, apllied by one trained examer only. The following resulted were observed in the ages of 7, g, 9

'ArlOgols for the year 2000: dental caries in the west of SSo Paulo, Brazil. L DIR XIV.


Bauru CSA.M.P.S. PELLI. N.E. TOMrTA. Marilia Schiool of Deitistry-tUNIMAR. 55-14433 IllS. Fax: 3-t4-42267157 E-nuit: School of Detistr-USP.Tt:

Maturity and elderly: oral health conditions and need of oral rehabilitation in the nsid-west of Slo Paulo, Brazil. N.E. TOMITA, R.A. PERNAMIBUCO*, J.R.P. LAURIS. ontOrhodonticsbancPublictHealB.aBasnScScholloffDDnniiryUUPP.TTel taDept.7ofmnPedoDept.tofsPeodontic 55-14-235 0343. Fax: 55-14-223 4679 212


Aiming to evaluate oral health conditions of children front thc wvest the State of SAOo Paulo The aim o-f this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the oral Itrat oniin fedrypol compare it with the WHO goals for the year 2000, shins cross-sectional study was outlined. from the mid-wvest region of Sbo Paulo, Brazil. In 1990, an epidcmiological survey was carried Using the WI[ 10 nietlsodology (1997), an epidemiological survey wvas carried out in state of Sbo out in Sbo Paulo State, aceording so methodology proposed by WVIlO (1997). In the first phase of Paulo, in 1990. In tIne first stage of sampling procedures, it was sorted the municipalities fluoridation of according wills its size and the fluoridation of the svater supplies, by regin ithseodtaesantpling the municipalities were selected at random according thcir sizes and theand in the tlhird the water supplies, by region; in the second phase the sample unities (institution), it was sorted the secundary sample procedures (sclsools), astd in the third stage the sample or use the necessity of This selected. sttidy reports phase, the sansple elenients (stubjects) were elements (subjects) were selected. This study reports the prevalence ofrdental caries (DMFT). dental prothesis in 580 subjects aged 35-44 years-old, and 300 subjects aged 65-74 years-old, frotn at the age of 12 years, for the municipalities of DIR-XIV-Marilia region. DMIFT values for the 0 ntunicipalities fo the region of DIR-X-Bauru. In the first group (35-44 years-old), 43.3001/u of the big, medium ansd small cities with water fluoridation were 3.38. 4.67 and 5.02, in this order. For sample use superior prothesis and 21.47% use inferior prothesis; the need of oral rehabilitation the medium and small cities without water fluoridation, DM%FT values wvere 5.95 and 6.10. wvus shiowed by 31 .600/n (superior) and 56.01% (inferior) of the subjects. In the older group (65-74 Sniall sized municipalities generally show searce of resouirces related to dcntal assistance, years-old), 57.76% of the sample use superior prothesis and 35.08% use inferior prothesis;, she specialty human resources. The medium sized group showed DMIFT values distant of the WHO As of oral rehabilitation was showed by 30.07% (superior) and 57.90% (inferior) of the subjects. those need to closed DMFT values the showed goats. sized while tise group big goats, The use and the need of oral rehabilitation increase with tlse oroctression of tile actes. municipality siecrw trend of dental caries orevalence reduction may be observed.

Coprsnbtenterahalhcdioisfasnpepputongd7to2 Franca-SP-Brazil. W. NIESTRINER. GC.


Evaluation of Two Toothbrushing Techniques Indicated so C.P.BAP1STA*, .C.B.BEERRA Unversidae de Brsilia -D.F. Brazil Thepupoaeof thisastudy waa evaluate two toethbrushiisg techniques usuaUy employed by children (horizonta scrubbing and the roll teelsic - Fones), concerning the Plaque remnoving effect on 3 to 10 years old children, as relatd to their hand finction abilitiea. 40 healthy children, with no advanced caries lesions or fixed oethodoetic appliaces wan seleeted in the stuY. TheY were eamdonsly assigned to two groups and divided in 4 nub-groups according to age (3-4, 5-6, 719, 9-10 yearn old). Prior to the exeinmetal procedurma, all children had their teeth professionaly clened with pumice, rubber cups and denal floes. They were told to neglect all oral hygiene measures fb

21 3

ears-old frosts RibeirAo Preto and Hi WVATANABE. S.U.PRAD0O. N.E. TONIITA. Riheisto Prelo schiool or Dccistry-USF. Bauru sciool of Dcnlistry-USP. Tel: 53-14-235 02-56. Fix: 55-14-223 4679)

This stuidy aimed to evaluate tlse oral health conditions of chiildren aged 7 to 12 years-old from RibeirAo Preto-SP-13razil, whicts water stipplies fluoridation slsows railures since 1997, and Fraisca-SP-Drazil, whsichs ltisoridutiosi slsows reguilarity siiscc 1984. Additiossally, tlsis study aisns to conspare tlse results wills tise WHO goats for tIne year 2000. Using the WIHO methodology (1997). an epidemniological survey wan carried out its state of sio Pauilo, in 1990. In the first

Instoactiens consisted of vwnbal expanations of the technic and demonstration on big models. All itnvsretIsemu cnicipaltiesaccordin svfieditsesiecandarvs of plingpoeu es,byrgo iotesamr sloinge asotdtescnary furdtoofhewlrspis,brgoninIsscndtaet toothbrunsh the manner prescribed for 2 minutes and then one examinator meaured (subjects) were and ins the thrd stage the sasosple the buccal and the lingual plaque scores (0- no plaque, 1- thin plaque, 2-thick plaque) of all teath. values for cttildrens frosss RibeirAo Prcto aged 7 to 12 selected. Tine mean The data were analysed usiagtwo proedwcemiad crteri (technic and age), and to the correlation from Franca, mean DM'FT is this order, 0.75; 1.16; 1.40; 1.04; 1.94 and 2.16. For tIne l ofboh tchicxge, y h paqescre eaa,stnar dvatonan heTue orer 0.93 0.71; results showed that them were no statistical differences concerning the techniques and statisticel vales we aiesifro ote H ot o h rvfisrdtdoeshwdDF differences comparing the means of plaque scores of the 4 groupn of ages (p)FO0.0006) and analysing the correlatin technic x age (p>F=0t.0472). The grop 3-4 years old showed the highes ya 20 plaque sconre. Mlisi goubconcluden d thesh 3-10 vMMe old children's plague removal abilit bvth two tntlhahn elsqmeaoe.ieesxwith mge. and that this skil l isno sigssificantLY

were asked to

proceduires (sclsools),


215 The

Facial Fractures in Chsildren: an Epidemiologica Study I"2 - I". ES. CARDOSO* C.S. LORANDI, S.M. PRETfO. Oral an Maxillofacial Pool-graduate Program of PUCRS. BRAZIL.

objective of epidemiological research is understand the mechanism of illnesses

and to provide alternatives for prevention. Faclal fracture in childhood is pathoigcnesis a very rare condition. Differences between the girowing and the adult patient includes

time of healing, development stage of dentition and anatomic characteristics. The objective of shin research was to perform a retrospective study of the epidemiologic characteristics of facial fracture in children hospitalized for treatment. Data were collected from medical records and radiographic examns of patients under 12 years of age, from 1992 to 5997. Descriptive statistic was performed and 33 individuals were selected. T'he results showed 47 different facial fractures, The mandible was the site of maior orevalence wish 69.70 %:of those. Cranioe-ncefalic trauma was the most flreuen asscir;ated iniu.rw observed (33,3A ).1 T'he nanof nine yeatrs old was most commonlyv


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sam-ple elensents yearn-old wvas, clsitdren BohcteDiefuridthed 1.52wad2.0DnIsT samtes

P revention of Early Dental Adherence by iS.muta in Non Fluoridated Area. M.T.V. C ARDOSO*, R.A. PERNAMBUCO, S.L.C. FIGLIOLIA, RKS. BASTOS, J.R. de M.BASTOS. Mestrado, O.S. COLETIVA. FOB-USP, BRAZIL.

Scientific observations show that chihdren 0 - 2 years old with S,..mutana detectable will have dental caries prevalence significantly higher than the children which the teeth were colonized later. It means that when the MS are stablished early in the dental plaque of the deciduous teeth, the dental caries experience will be highest an is number as in severity. The aim of the present study was evaluahe the anticariogenic effect of the complex xylitol-fluoride, through the use of a pacifier, used before the baby sleep at night. After 24 months a total of 71 babies was in the study, 37 in the controh group and 34 in the xylitol-fluoride group. The findings showed the presence of MS in 29.45% of the babies belong the test group white in the control group the percent was 43.2%. The sample decreased about 40%/, possibly represented by babies who stopped the use of the pacifier during the tent period. The results suggest that the use of xylitol-fluoride by the babies 6 -30 months old- may help to prevent the early dental adherence of MS in deciduous tooth DUttine