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Names Index, 198-203 Adler, R., 68, 209, 215-223, 226, 229-230, 245 Adonis, A., 9 AI-Zaidi, M., 42-43, 71, 81 Bandura, A., 210 Barton, D., 37-38 Baumer, E., 145-147 Bawden, D., 22-24 Benkler, Y., 26 Berlind, D., 108 Black, R., 78-79, 116-117 Blogging Project Runway, 147-157 boyd, d., 143-144, 176-177, 182-183,253 Brown, J. Seely, 54, 68, 199,203,209-213, 215-223,226-230,245,253 Bruckman, A., 161-163 Bryant,S., 161-163

Castells, M., 180, 196 Cole, M., 10, 34-36, 39, 44, 46 Collins, A., 211-213 Cope, B., 19,58-59 Corbett,S., 253 Couros, A., 172-173 Cress, U., 163-165 Cross, ]., 229 Davies, ]., 160 Davison, L., 199,203,227-228,245 Denski, 5., 22 Dollard, ].,210 Duguid, P., 211-213 Ellison, N., 176-177, 182-183 Eng, L., 83, 85 Facebook, 46-50, 81, Ch 6, 186-198, 75-76, 88-92

Z1Z NAtHS INon Forte, A., 161-163 Freire, P., 4-6, 218 Gardner, H., 219 Gee,j., 13, 19-20,32,34,38-39,41, 43-44,68,79,218-220,223-225,228, 235,240,244,253 Gilster, P., 22-23 Google docs, 171-173, 70-71, 74, 81, 85, 237-238, 240 Graff, H., 10 Granovetter, M., 180, 185 Hagel, J., 54, 199-200,203,226-227,245 Hiigerstrand, T., 8 Halatchliyski, 1., 163-165 Hamilton, M., 37-38 Hayes, E., 223-225, 228, 235, 253 Heath, S., 11 Hirsch, E., D., 17 Hirst, P., 21 Hoggart, R., 11 IALS (International Adult Literacy Survey), 15 Ito, M., 43, 84-85 jacobson, E., 95, 105, 107 jenkins, H., 26, 80, 82-83, 86-88, 114,253 Kalantzis, M., 19,55 Kimmerle, J., 163-165, 166-170 Knobel, M., 232-245 Knowledge Producing Schools (KPS), 221-222 Kozol, j., 16 Kress, G., 41 Lankshear, C, 232-245. Lessig, L., 65-67, 97-100, 166,253 Lewis, M. (Maguma), 118-126 Literacy for All (Australia), 12 Martin, A., 22-24 Marton, E, 219 McDonald, 1., 113 Merchant, G., 160 Miller, N., 210

O'Reilly, T., 69-72, 113, 253 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), 8, 15, 17 Oxenham, J., 8 PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment),15-17 Plotz, D., 76 Q2L (Quest to Learn School), 246-253 Reckwitz, A., 33-34, 37,48, 57 Reed, M., 210 Reeves, K., 56 Rheingold, H., 25-27, 174, 186,204-206 Richardson, W., 158 Rotter, j., 210 Rufo-Tepper,R., 246, 250 Salen, K., 246, 250 Siiljo, R., 219 Schon, D., 220 Schrage, M., 186,216-217,221 Scollon, R., 11 Scollon, S., 11 Scribner, S., 10,34-36,39,44,46 Shapiro, A., 246, 250 Sholle, D., 22, 57 Sousa, J., 98-99 Stallman, R., 74 Street, B., 11 Sueyoshi, M., 145-147, 142-143, 77-78 Tomlinson, B., 145-147 Torres, R., 246, 250 Twitter, 57, Ch 6 Webb, R., 11 Wellman, B., 177-181, 73-74, 158-160 Wittgenstein, L., 218 Wolozin, L., 246, 250 YouTube, 57-58, 81, Ch 4

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English), 24-25 No Child Left Behind (US), 12

Zuckerberg, M., 46-50, 186 Zynga,48-49

Subject Index

affinity spaces, 68, 78, 82-83, 220, 241 agency, 33,49-50 appreciative system(s), 157, 220 blogs/blogging (weblogs), Ch 5, esp 141-157 as medium, 143-145 as practice, 143-145 Blogging Project Runway, 147-157 from the standpoint of readers, 145-147 collaboration, 24-26, 55, 68, 71, 76-86, 105, 107, 158, 160-161, 164-165, 170-172,204,222,225,232, 238,242,246,248 collaboration platforms, 55, 181,209,216 collective intelligence, 54, 68, 71, 73-74, 165,222 communities of practice, 68, 82, 162, 211-213,226,241,247,252 co-ordinations within Discourses, 43-45

cosplay, 124-125 critical media literacy, 22 cultural action, 5-6 transformative, 5 cultural literacy, 16-17 digital literacy, 22-24 digital remix, 65-67, Ch 4 as a new norm for writing, 99-101 anime music video, 118-124 fan anime, 117-126 fanfiction, 110-117 miscellaneous forms of digital remix (e.g., movie trailers, machinima, fanfiction short movies), 127-140 music remix, 96, 104-107 photos hopping, 102-104 serviceware mashups, 107-109 Discourses, 19-21,43-46,48,50,53, 144, 170,252 co-ordinations, 43-45

214 SUBJHT INDU distributed expertise, 54, 68, 71, 75-76, 85-86,222

powerful literacy, 13,20-21 practices, 35-39 three dimensional model of, 18

encoded texts, 40-41 fan art, 78, 84, 87, 101-102, 135, 175 fan practices, 109, 117-118, 125-126, 158, fanfiction, 70, 76-78, 83, 85, 87,101-102, 109-117,129,131,133-135,170 folksonomy, 75-76 game design as a basis for learning, 246-253 game mod ding, 63 grit (persistence plus passion), 223-226 identity, 34, 53, 81, 87, 95, 127, 129, 131-139,179,193,196,206, 214,219,222,224-225,251, illiteracy, 4-8, 12, 17 information, literacy, 21-23 learning to be, 218-220, 223, 226, 229, 232,234-235,247 see also social learning leverage, 48, 69-72, 80, 97, 128, 132, 166, 177,228, literacy, Ch 3-28, 32-49, 51, 55, 64, 66-67, 76,84,86-88,92,100,102,104, 106, 108, 116, 163, 165, 173-176,181,196,198,201-202, 204,213,221,233-234,242,249, 253, and accountability, 9-10 and Discourses, 19-21 and economic development, 7-9 and praxis, 6 and radical education movement, 5-6 and sociocultural theory, 10-11, 18-19 as an industry, 14-16 as literacies, 35-39, 50 as practice, 35-39 as 'radically multiple', 21-27 assessment of, 15-16 cultural literacy, 16-17 defined, 33 functional illiteracy, 6-7, 16 in educational language, 12-13 literacy crisis, 6-7 'new' literacies, 27-31

machinima, 61-63, 101, 127-129, 132,235, 240,251 manga,30,50, 79, 84,91, 101, 109-112, 118, 122-125, 135 meaning and texts, 41-43 and Discourse memberships, 43-46 and practice in, 46-50 memes, 41-43, 56 Iraqi shoe toss meme, 42-43 Virgin Mary toast meme, 41-42 microblogging, 57 modern/industrial paradigm, 53-55 network awareness, 174, 204-205 as a literacy practice, 204-206 networked individualism, 177-179, 181 'new ethos stuff', 28, 67-72, 76-86 and participation, 84-86 and collaboration, 84-86 competing configurations of, 79-86 'participatory' forms of, 82-86 'projective' forms of, 82 'proprietary' forms of, 81-82 'new' literacies, 27-31, Ch 3 and social learning, Ch 7, Ch 8 ontological sense, 28 new 'ethos stuff', 28, 67-72 new 'technical stuff', 28-29, 55-64 paradigmatic sense, 27 paradigm cases of, 86, 88-92 peripheral cases of, 86-88 'New Literacy Studies', 27-28, 32 'new technical stuff', 28-29,55-64 and copyright, 65-67 one click writing, 196-198 online collaborative writing practices, 170-173. See also entries for blogs, fanfiction, wikis online social networking, Ch 6, 198-204 strategic, 198-204 ways of participating in, 186-198 .

SUBJHT INotX online social networking services, 173, 177-178,181-185,196,198-200, 203,205-206 otaku, 84, 135 participation, 19,25-27,34,46,48,68, 70,73,76,79-86,115,141,153, 161-163,165-166,175-176, 213-215,218,220,222,225-226, 228,241-242,252 participatory culture, 74, 80, 82-87, 114, 125,163,209,223-224 photos haring, 88-92, 175, 177, 182,235 platform for collaborative learning, 236-238 podcast aggregators, 60 podcasting, 50, 59-61, 82,249 postmodern/postindustrial/knowledge society paradigm, 53-55 post-typographic texts, 28 practice theory, 33-35 'push' and 'pull' paradigms, 24, 43, 53, 54, 209,222-223,226-229,232 Read/Only (RO) culture, 97-99 ReadIWrite (RW) culture, 97-99 reading, 3, 5-7, 9-13, 15-18,25,28,32, 27,40-41,47,50,76-78,87,116, 145-147,151,163,168,170, 221, 234, 236, 245, remixing, 65-67, Ch 4 and copyright, 65-67 as necessary for culture, 97-99 as writing, 67 scenario planning, 29 search engines, 202 sindication (RSS), 60 social-historical paradigms, 53-55 and 'new' literacies, 53-55 social learning, Ch 7, Ch 8 collaborative learning (macro) deep learning, 212


empirical cases of, Ch 8 in a postgraduate context, 232-245 in Knowledge Producing Schools, 221-222 in middle school, 246-253 learning to be, 218 multiple versions of, 210-211 platforms for social learning, 229-230, Ch 8 social networks, 84, 117, 143, 175-177, 179,196,204-205,216,228 social network theory, 176-177, 180 social networking platforms, 177, 185 social networking practices, Ch 6. 174-17, 198 strong ties (in social networks), 179-180, 194 systems thinking/systems understanding, 214,249 'tagsonomy',75 taxonomies, 75-76 twenty-first century literacies, 24-27 weak ties (in social networks), 180, 185, 201,228 Web, 1.0, 68-76 and Web, 2.0, 68-72 Web, 2.0, 26, 68-76, 80-81, 84-85, 108, 216,221,223,230,236, and Web, 1.0, 68-72 as business model, 74 as platform for participatory culture, 74, 82-84 web logging (see blogs) wikis, 157-170 and collaboration, 161-166 common features of, 160 Kingdom of Loathing wiki, 166-170 and writing, 167-170 Wikipedia, 158-160 zines,87