Apr 21, 2015 ... When Honda last hosted the World Congress in 2009, clouds hung over the
world economy and the ... survival, Honda engineers sought to create an
atmosphere of dreams and opportunity. ... 125 Materials. 150 Propulsion/
Powertrain ...... Today Boomers (1946 – 1965) occupy 50% of the work force,
Event Guide Includes Final Program and Exhibit Directory
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Leading Mobility Innovation April 21-23, 2015 Cobo Center Detroit, Michigan, USA
Official Publication of:
DOWNLOAD the SAE Congress app NOW!
Executive Leadership provided by:
Tier One Strategic Partner:
Innovative Driver Assistance Systems – On the Road to Autonomous Driving The idea of self-driving vehicles offers great potential for innovation. But the development effort has to stay manageable despite the increasing complexity. And it can: With a well-coordinated tool chain for function development, virtual validation and hardware-in-the-loop simulation, in which perfectly matched tools interact smoothly throughout all the development steps. Whether you’re integrating environment sensors or V2X communication, modeling vehicles and traffic scenarios, or running
Visit dSPACE Booth #501
virtual test drives. Get your autonomous driving functions on the road – safely!
Welcome LETTER Welcome to the SAE 2015 World Congress! This is our 109th World Congress, and we are as excited about this year’s program as we ever have been. From technical presentations and discussions, to management programs and networking events, this event has been designed to deliver the knowledge needed for today’s automotive engineers to help advance themselves and their organizations. This year’s event features the Tech Hub, an innovative confluence of ideas and solutions done through short, impactful segments presented using nontraditional methods. The slate of keynote speakers includes some of the industry’s top leaders and thinkers, all of whom will offer their unique perspectives on topics and issues not only for today’s professionals, but tomorrow’s as well. The technical program, with more than 1400 technical papers, includes the most advanced thinking in the industry. The number of student competitions here at the SAE World Congress has increased. This year, you’ll have even more opportunities to see the outstanding work that elementary, high school and college students are doing in the STEMrelated fields. And, once again, the exhibit floor showcases companies that have accepted and met the “Innovators Only” challenge. You can be sure that the technology you see and experience is leading edge. Of course, these offer only a sampling of what’s available to you at the SAE 2015 World Congress. The full complement of sessions, presentations, events and activities can be easily accessed through the Congress Mobile App, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play. On behalf of SAE International, thank you for attending the SAE World Congress. I am confident that you will find the knowledge you gain here to be rewarding both professionally and personally. Please join me in thanking Honda for providing Executive Leadership, and Continental for serving as our Tier One Strategic Partner. Their support and guidance is greatly appreciated and is the reason for this year’s success. Enjoy the SAE 2015 World Congress! Sincerely, David L. Schutt, PhD Chief Executive Officer SAE International
SAE 2015 World Congress
Welcome LETTER The SAE 2015 World Congress is taking place at a critical juncture for our industry. The expectations of customers around the world have never been higher. Regulatory challenges have never been greater. The need for automotive engineers to develop fresh, new ideas that embody our theme of “Leading Mobility Innovation” is never more essential to the future. We are gathering in Cobo Center at a time of renewal and growth for our industry. When Honda last hosted the World Congress in 2009, clouds hung over the world economy and the auto industry. At a time when many were focused on corporate survival, Honda engineers sought to create an atmosphere of dreams and opportunity.
SAE World Congress Leadership Team SAE 2015 World Congress General Chairman Erik Berkman Executive Vice President Honda North America SAE 2015 World Congress Tier One Strategic Partner Jeff Klei President, NAFTA Automotive Divisions Continental SAE 2015 World Congress Executive Assistant to the General Chairman Jim Keller Honda R&D Americas, Inc. SAE 2016 World Congress General Chairman Seiya Nakao Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA, Inc.
Six years later, survival has been replaced by revival. Recovery has been achieved and our industry is on the move. Once again, Honda is very proud to be this year’s Host Company. I would like to thank Continental, our Tier One Strategic Partner, for the hard work of Jeff Klei and his team, as well as the members of the Industry Leadership Coalition for their support and insight. I also want to acknowledge Honda engineers in Detroit, Ohio, the Carolinas, California, as well as Europe and Japan, for their leadership, ideas and contributions, which played an invaluable role in bringing this event together. From the opening ceremonies to the banquet finale, the SAE 2015 World Congress will be a memorable three days of collaboration. Hundreds of technical papers will be shared with attendees, the buzz of networking will be everywhere, and the SAE’s work to help young engineers will be in evidence throughout each day. At this World Congress, we will be developing careers as well as cars. On behalf of everyone at Honda, and our partner Continental, I welcome you to the 2015 World Congress and the innovation, leadership and excitement for the future that awaits you. Sincerely, Erik Berkman General Chairman SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Executive Vice President Honda North America, Inc.
SAE 2016 World Congress Executive Assistant to the General Chairman Dave Baxter Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA, Inc. 2015 SAE Detroit Section Chair Jennifer Goforth General Motors Company SAE Staff Team Leader Gretchen Stokes SAE International
SAE 2015 World Congress
What’s Inside
General Information
Floor Plans
Special Events and Networking Opportunities
Ride and Drive
Management Programs
Tech Hub
Engage with the Experts
Technical Sessions 48 Body/Chassis/Safety/Structures 75 Electronics 94 Emissions/Environment 111
Integrated Design & Manufacturing
123 Management 125 Materials 150 Propulsion/Powertrain 199
Participant Index
Committee, Task Force and Board Meetings
Awards and Recognitions
220 Seminars 222 Call for Papers 223 Exhibit Directory 224 Exhibit Floor Plan 244 Sponsors 246 Ad Index
SAE 2015 World Congress
SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA TIME ROOM
AVL Technology FEV Innovation Leadership Forum / Grand Center / Grand Riverview Riverview Ballroom A Ballroom B
Session Rooms
AVL Technology FEV Innovation Leadership Forum / Grand Center / Grand Riverview Riverview Ballroom A Ballroom B
Exhibit Hall
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. 9:45 a.m.
Technical Sessions
Management Program
10:00 a.m.
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
SAE Career Fair
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
Management Management Program Program
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
SAE AwIM Motorized Toy Car Competition
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Management Program
Young Professionals Panel
11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Grand
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Exhibit Open Ride & Drive
Tech Hub
10:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. NEW!
10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Lunch In Exhibit
Sponsored by 11:30 a.m. – Nissan, P3, 1:00 p.m. Ricardo, Toyota, ZF
Sponsored by IAV
Management Technical Program Sessions
1:00 p.m.
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Management Technical Program Sessions
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m. Management
Speed Mentoring
2:00 p.m. 1:30 –
1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Management Program 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Sponsored by MEDC
2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
SAE Annual Business Meeting 3:30 – 4:15 p.m.
Engaging with the Experts
Engaging with the Experts
Sponsored by IAV
Sponsored by IAV
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Young Attendee Professionals Networking Conversation Reception and Cocktails 5:00 –
5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m.
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Awards & Recognitions Ceremony
5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
SAE Detroit Vehicle Event Social Hour 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored by Brembo
SAE Detroit Vehicle Event
6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Technical Program Industry Networking Management Program
Technical Program Industry Networking Management Program
REGISTRATION HOURS Special Events Exhibits Young Professionals
Special Events SAE 2015Exhibits World Congress Young Professionals
Monday, April 20 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 21 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 23 7:00HOURS a.m. – 6:30 p.m. REGISTRATION
Monday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Event-at-a-Glance Sponsored by:
on Rooms
AVL Technology FEV Innovation Leadership Forum / Grand Center / Grand Riverview Riverview Ballroom A Ballroom B
Exhibit Hall
SAE AwIM Jet Toy Career Competition Development 9:00 a.m. – Sessions 2:00 p.m.
Session Rooms
Technical Sessions 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Exhibit Hall
9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
SAE AwIM Fuel Cell Competition 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
9:30 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by MEDC
Management Management Program Program 9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
SAE Career Fair
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
Exhibit Open Ride & Drive
Tech Hub
10:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. NEW!
Exhibit Open
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Ride & Drive
Tech Hub
10:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. NEW!
Lunch In Exhibit
Sponsored by 11:30 a.m. – Nissan, P3, 1:00 p.m. Ricardo, Toyota, ZF Speed
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Lunch In Exhibit
Sponsored by 11:30 a.m. – Nissan, P3, 1:00 p.m. Ricardo, Toyota, ZF Speed
Mentoring 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Mentoring 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Technical Sessions 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sponsored by MEDC
Sponsored by MEDC
Management Program 1:30 3:30 p.m.
Engaging with the Experts 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Sponsored by IAV
Young Attendee Professionals Networking Conversation Reception and Cocktails 4:30 – 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Young Pre-Banquet Professionals Reception Conversation 4:30 – and Cocktails 6:00 p.m. 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Banquet 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Professional Development Seminars
Monday, April 20 Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Seminars will be held at Cobo Center, Level Thursday, April 23 100 and SAE TroyPROfESSIONAL Office DEVELOPmENT SEmINARS Friday, April 24
(Separate registration required)
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 20 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 SAE 2015 World Congress Seminars will be held at Cobo Center, Level 100 and SAE Thursday, April 23 Troy Office Friday, April 24
(Separate registration required)
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
General Information SAE International Officers – 2015 Richard W. Greaves, FREng President Daniel M. Hancock 2014 President Cuneyt L. Oge 2016 President Elect Robert Ireland Vice President – Aerospace
Hours Of Operation Registration Hall A/B Lobby
On-Site Registration hours: Monday, April 20 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 21 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Jeff Hemphill Vice President – Automotive
Wednesday, April 22 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Thomas Stover Vice President – Commercial Vehicle
Thursday, April 23 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Ronald G. Rath Treasurer
All registrants will receive a lanyard and a bag upon registration.
Robert Ireland Assistant Treasurer David L. Schutt, PhD Chief Executive Officer Gregory L. Bradley, Esq Secretary Daniel Basch Paul “Scooter” Brothers Alba Colon Alain P. Jablonowski Arun Kumar Jaura, PhD James R. Keller Louis Kratz Patrick Leteinturier Jay Meldrum Christopher Myers Todd Zarfos
Lanyards Sponsored by
On-Site Registration Fees SAE Classic Member (Package 1)
$336 / day
SAE Premium Member (Package 1)
$311 / day
SAE Elite Member (Package 1)
$286 / day
Non-Member (Package 1)
$736 / day
Technical Program Participants* *SAE Members (Package 1)
Free (3 days)
*Non Members (Package 1)
$336 / day
*Session Organizers, Authors, Co-authors, Speakers, Presenters, Panelists, Moderators, Sponsoring Committees, Technical Keynotes, Technical Paper Reviewers, Session Chairs
Student SAE Members (Package 2)
Free (3 days)
Student Non-Members** (Package 2)
Analyst*** (Package 2)
Public Relations*** (Package 1) Young Professionals (Package 2)
Bags Sponsored by
$25 (3 days)
Press*** (Package 4)
$336 / day $95 / day
(professionals under 35 years of age) (Includes one year of SAE professional membership for new members only, pending application.) Other Supporting Societies (Package 1)
Exhibitor / Sponsor Booth Personnel [Exhibitor ID required (Package 1)] Provided with booth/ sponsorship purchase Expo Only (Package 3)
**Full Time College ID Required ***Credentials Required Registration Packages Package 1: Exhibit, technical sessions, management sessions, receptions, and lunches
Consent to Use of Images Please note that photographs and video taken by or on behalf of SAE International of event activities and attendees shall be the property of SAE International. By registering for an SAE International event, you consent to the use by SAE International of any photograph or video in which you appear, including for promotional purposes, in print, digital, or other format, without notice or compensation to you.
exhibit hours Hall B/C Tuesday, April 21 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 23 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. See page 224 for floorplan and complete Exhibitor Listing.
Package 2: Exhibit, technical sessions, management sessions, and receptions (drinks and lunches not included) Package 3: Exhibit and receptions (drinks and lunches not included) Package 4: Exhibit, technical sessions, management sessions, receptions. (Note: No drink tickets and no lunch tickets; Lunch will be provided in the Media Center.) BANQUET TICKETS Single ticket Table of 10
SAE 2015 World Congress
$150 $1,500
Currency Exchange
Wednesday, April 22, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Theme: An International Affair
Charter One Campus Martius 777 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48226
Thursday, April 23, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Theme: Leading Mobility Innovation
+1.313.965.5808 Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Operations Office
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Monday – Thursday, April 20-23 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
$20 fee – no account needed Call ahead to confirm specific currency type is available for exchange.
Seminars – To register for seminars
Inside Hall C
Media Center
on-site, visit the SAE Seminar Desk at COBO Center COBO Center, 110 A Foyer, Level One
Monday – Friday, April 20-24 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Atwater Lounge – Level One Tuesday – Wednesday, April 21-22 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 23 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
SAE Fellows Reception and Dinner
Networking Receptions
Marriott Renaissance Center Ambassador Salon, Level Three
Halls B/C Tuesday, April 21, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Theme: Spotlight on Detroit
SAE International SAE Warrendale Office 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 USA Phone: 1-724-776-4841 Fax: 1-724-776-0790
Customer Service 1-877-606-7323 (toll free U.S. and Canada) 1-724-776-4970 www.sae.org
[email protected]
SAE Troy Office 755 W. Big Beaver Rd. Suite 1600 Troy, MI 48084 USA Phone: 1-248-273-2455 Fax: 1-248-273-2494
Monday, April 20 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Emergency Hotline
Fellow members and invited guests only
SAE 2015 Engineering Meetings Board (EMB) CHAIRPERSON Arnold A. Taube, PE Deere & Company VICE CHAIRPERSON Bob Welge Robert’s Engineering Development PAST CHAIRPERSON Dr. Pranab Saha, PE Kolano and Saha Engineers, Inc.
Mobility History Committee (MHC) Chair Jeremy Goddard IDIADA Automotive Technology Sustainable Development Program Committee (SDPC) Chair Richard Paul Environmental Management Consultants
Members-at-Large David Amirehteshami The Boeing Company Dr. Reuben M. Chandrasekharan Bombardier Learjet Weijian Han, Ph.D. Ford Motor Company Daniel (Brad) Keleher Deere & Company Kathleen E. Kedzior MAHLE Powertrain LLC Patrick Leteinturier Infineon Technologies AG
Service Technology Program Committee (STPC) Chair Jeffrey Minter Air and Space Group (ASG) Chair Automotive Research & Design, Gerald S. Shoemaker LLC Cessna Aircraft Company Technical Quality Response Team Land and Sea Group (LSG) Chair (TQRT) Chair Federico Millo Dr. Yung-Li Lee Dr. Jwo Pan Politecnico DiTorino FCA US LLC University of Michigan Dr. Matthew S. Newkirk Afton Chemical Corporation
SAE 2015 World Congress
June Ogawa The Boeing Company Dr. Cornelius N. Opris Caterpillar Inc. Mark Pope General Motors Company Nakia Simon FCA US LLC Scott Sluder Oak Ridge National Laboratory Prof. Richard K. Stobart Loughborough University Dr. Kamal Kishore C. Vora ARAI Academy SECRETARY Amanda Grech SAE International
General Information Location Cobo Conference/Exhibition Center (Main location, unless otherwise noted) One Washington Boulevard Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: +1.313.877.8777 Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center (Headquarters Hotel) Renaissance Center 400 Renaissance Drive Detroit, MI 48243 Phone: + 1.313.568.8000 Fax: + 1.313.568.8146
Emergency Hotline +1.800.581.9295 In the event of an emergency or a major disruption to the schedule of events at the SAE 2015 World Congress, attendees and exhibitors may call this number to receive further information about the resumption of this event. Updates will also be provided via the SAE website at www.sae.org.
On-Site Services (all located in Cobo Center)
Cobo Hospitality / Business Services Cobo Center Lobby
Concierge Club (by invitation only)
Room 140 A/B
Tuesday – Wednesday, April 21-22 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 18 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 23 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Monday, April 20 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sponsored by
Tuesday – Thursday, April 21-23 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Phone: +1.313.877.8290 Main: +1.313.877.8777 Fax: +1.313.877.7807 Services Available: Copying, faxing, shipping services, restaurant reservations, airport shuttles/transportation, complimentary wheelchairs, office supplies, etc.
Coat Check
Hall B Lobby (Level 2) and Hall D Lobby (Level 2) Tuesday, April 21 7:00 a.m. – 8:45 p.m. Wednesday – Thursday, April 22-23 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
First Aid Services Room D-1 (Inside Hall D) Tuesday, April 21 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 23 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Food Courts
Back of Hall B and C Tuesday – Thursday, April 21-23 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
SAE 2015 World Congress Industry Leadership Coalition 3M Automotive ABC Group Advanced Accessory Systems AGC Automotive Americas Company Agero Aisin World Corporation of America Akebono Brake Corporation Alcoa Electrical & Electronic Solutions Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers Inc. Alpine Electronics Alps Electric (USA) Inc. American Axle & Manufacturing Inc. American Mitsuba Corporation American Showa Aramco Research Center Arvin Innovation, Inc. Arvin Meritor ASI DataMyte Audi AG Autoliv Inc. Automobili Lamborghini Spa Autoneum AutoTech Technology Development Inc. AVL Powertrain Engineering, Inc. AVTOVAZ
BASF Corporation Behr Service America Inc. Benteler Automotive Corporation BMW AG BorgWarner Bridgestone Americas Inc. Brose North America Inc. Cadence Innovation LLC Canadian Consulate General China Automotive Technology and Research City of Detroit Clarion Corp. of America Consulting4Drive GmbH Continental Automotive Systems Cooper Standard Automotive Creative Product Specialties LLC Cummins Inc. Custom Sensors & Technologies (CST) Daimler Trucks North America LLC Dana Holding Corporation Dassault Systemes America Corp (DSAC) Deere & Company Dell Inc. Delphi Corporation DENSO International America Inc. Department of Defense Detroit Metro CVB DG Technologies
SAE 2015 World Congress
Donnelly Electronics Inc. Dow Automotive Systems dSPACE Inc. Dura Automotive Systems LLC Eaton Corporation Eberspaecher North America Inc. EcoMotors Edscha AG EI Dupont De Nemours & Co. EMITEC Gesellschaft Emitec Inc. ESG Automotive Inc. FACTON Faurecia Federal-Mogul Corp. FEV Inc. FCA US LLC FISITA Flex-N-Gate Corp. Foamex Automotive Products Group FOKUS Associates LLC Ford Motor Company GE Automotive GECOM Corp. General Electric Corporation General Motors Company Gentex Corp. Global Emergent Inc. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Grede Foundries Inc.
Grupo Antolin North America Guardian Automotive Harvard Industries Inc. Hella Electronics Corp. Henkel Corp. Henniges Automotive Hitachi Honda North America, Inc. Honeywell Intl Inc. Horiba Automotive Test Systems Corp. Hyundai Motor Company IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. Idemitsu Lubricants America Corp. IDIADA Automotive Technology IHS IMSA Inalfa BV Inergy Infineon Technologies Corp. Infor Global Solutions International Automotive Components International Motor Sports Association Jacobs Vehicle Systems Inc. Jatco USA Inc. JL French Corp. Johnson Controls Inc. JTEKT Corp.
Housing Changes?
If calling during regular business hours 9:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. EASTERN TIME please call +1.800.847.5810 toll free or +1.801.505.4138 International. If calling outside regular business hours please call +1.801.505.4609.
Exhibitor Services Left Side, Rear of Hall C
Mobility History: The Past is Prelude to the Future. While visiting the SAE World Congress, please visit the Mobility History Display located in booth 965. The particular significance of each of the four vehicles on display is addressed in the relevant MHC presentation, either in the MHC Session itself (CONG201), or in a Technical Keynote:
PARTICIPANTS Lounge (access limited to
1925 Detroit Electric Everything Old Is New Again – The Resurrection of the Electric Automobile Don Wood
Sponsored by
1944 KDF Type 166 Schwimmwagen Professor Porsche’s Wars Karl Ludvigsen
Participant registrants) Room 330 A/B
Tuesday, April 21 – Thursday, April 23 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
People Mover Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6:30 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
1952 Cummins Diesel Special Technical Progress during the Golden Age of the “Indy” Car Alfred D. Bosley 1960 Chevrolet Corvette Zora Arkus-Duntov - The Legend behind Corvette Jerry Burton
People Mover Passes can be obtained at each People Mover Station for a fee of $0.75 per ride.
Restaurant Services
See COBO Hospitality/Business Services to refer to link http://www.visitdetroit.com/metro-detroit-dining
Kautex Textron Keihin North America Inc. Key Plastics LLC Key Safety Systems Inc. Kongsberg Automotive A/S Kostal of America Inc. Koyo Bearings USA LLC KSPG Automotive Lear Corp. LG Chem Power Inc. Linamar Corp. Lubrizol Corp. Magna Intl Inc. Magneti Marelli MAHLE Behr Troy Inc. Mando Corp of America Mann + Hummel GmbH MarkIV Automotive MathWorks Inc. McGill University Mentor Graphics Corp. Metaldyne LLC Michelin North America Inc. Michigan Economic Development Corp. Millerschin Group Mitsubishi Electric Automotive America MOBIS Mollertech
Motor & Equipment Mfrs Association Motorola Auto & Ind Electronics Grp MSC Software Corp. Navistar Neaton Auto Products Manufacturing Inc. Nemak Mexico NHK International Corp. Nissan NSK America NTN Bearing Corp of America Ohio Module Mfg Co. LLC Omron Automotive Electronics Inc. Original Equipment Suppliers Association OSD Maintenance Oshkosh Corporation Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH P3 North America Inc. Panasonic Parker Hannifin Corp. Penske Corp. Pierburg Inc. Pioneer Automotive Electronics Pittsburgh Glass Works Plastic Omnium Auto Exterior LLC
PPG Kansai Automotive Finishes Preh Inc. PROMEXICO Remy International Inc. Revstone Ricardo Inc. Robert Bosch LLC Roush Industries Inc. Saint-Gobain Schaeffler Group USA Inc. Semcog Shape Corp. Shiloh Industries Inc. Siemens SirusXM SKD Automotive Group SKF Automotive Dev SM Automotive Consulting LLC SMR Automotive Systems USA Inc. Southwest Research Institute Specialty Equipment Market Association Stanley Electric US Co Inc. Stoneridge Inc. TACOM TAG Holdings LLC TARDEC Tata Technologies Telday Communications Tenneco Inc.
Tesla Motors Inc. TG Fluid Systems USA Corp. The Timken Company ThyssenKrupp Steel USA LLC TI Automotive TK Holdings Inc. Tower International Toyoda Gosei North America Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc. TRAM Inc. Trico Products Corp. TRW Automotive US LLC TS Tech North America Inc. UGN Inc. Univ. of Toledo University of Michigan US Army TARDEC US Environmental Protection Agency US Manufacturing Corp. USCAR Valeo Inc. Via Motors Volkswagen Group of America Inc. Volvo Auto Webasto-Edscha Cabrio USA Inc. Woodbridge Group Yazaki North America Inc. ZF
SAE 2015 World Congress
General Information Purchase Technical Papers from Congress: Need to purchase technical papers during World Congress? Stop by the SAE Booth, located near the main entrance to Hall B, where you can select, print, and pay for the papers you need. Did You Know? SAE technical papers can also be downloaded electronically and viewed right on your computer, tablet, or phone.
SAE International Booth Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Stop by the SAE booth, located near the main entrance to Hall B, to make the connections and discover the products and services that are critical to your success: • Purchase technical papers and Special Publications from the SAE 2015 World Congress • Take an electronic product solutions demo and receive a free gift • Browse the SAE Bookstore featuring musthave new, best-selling, and sale books • Learn about SAE membership, benefits, and volunteer opportunities • Check out SAE’s industry magazines, including Automotive Engineering • Preview Season 1 of SAE’s new Spotlight on Design Video Series ATTENTION SAE MEMBERS Don’t forget to stop by the exclusive Membership Lounge (Open same hours as Exhibit Hall; located in the lobby near Registration.) • Meet with the Membership Team and other special guests • Stop by for a refreshment during designated hours and network with fellow members • Enter contests to win prizes • Receive a free, personalized luggage tag • Learn more about SAE’s benefits and available volunteer opportunities • And more! Membership Lounge sponsored by
Not a Member? Stop by the lounge to fill out an application.
Front (Hall B Lobby – B2 and B3) Security is of continued importance. Your patience and understanding is appreciated as we do everything possible to secure the event.
No Cameras/ Video
Photography and audio video recordings are NOT permitted in Exhibit Halls.
No one under the age of 16 is permitted on the exhibition floor unless part of an SAE/ AWIM sponsored school tour planned and prearranged by SAE.
Shuttle Services
The shuttle will run a continuous loop at ten minute intervals from the Motor Lobby of the Marriott Renaissance Center to Cobo. Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23
6:00 a.m. – 8:45 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Guests staying at the Courtyard Marriott, Atheneum, and the Hilton Garden Inn may use the People Mover. Easy, Convenient Transportation Options Now Available! Do you need a ride to DTW Airport from Cobo Center on Thursday, April 23? Contact SKOOT Detroit. To make your shuttle reservation by phone, call toll-free 855.937.5668 or 313.230.2331 or visit SKOOT online at www. rideskoot.com. Skoot will have a table present in the lobby of Cobo Center during SAE 2015 World Congress. Walkups are available, however reservations are highly recommended. Cash and credit cards are accepted. Schedule and pricing are not determined by SAE International and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. From Downtown Detroit to Metro Airport (DTW) 4:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Departs every 90 minutes Ticket Prices: $20 to/from the airport per person Use coupon code SAEDET15 for $2.00 off your round-trip ticket. Subject to change at any time without prior notice.
SAE 2015 World Congress
riverwalk Guests attending SAE World Congress are encouraged to take the Detroit International Riverfront walkway to get to Cobo Center. Please note that the front entrance to Cobo Center is under construction and entrances are still open on Washington Blvd. However, we are encouraging attendees to utilize the Detroit International Riverfront RiverWalk as a preferred entrance to Cobo Center. This safe, scenic, unobtrusive, construction-free path to Cobo Center is a wonderful entrypoint into the newly renovated Cobo Center Atwater St. entrance. Guests will enter directly into the newly completed, soaring three-story atrium at Cobo Center. A magnificent view of Downtown Detroit, the Detroit River and Windsor, Canada await! Attractions along the east riverfront include parks, plazas, pavilions, pathways and open green space, all connected by the ever popular RiverWalk. The Marriott at the Renaissance Center and various public parking facilities are situated along the Detroit International Riverfront, a short 15 minute walk away from Cobo Center.
*Photo and map courtesy of http://detroitriverfront.org/
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drive innovation SAE 2015 World Congress
downtown detroit Parking
2 1 3 Grand Ballroom
parking facilities Listed below are recommended parking facilities for all exhibitors of the SAE 2015 World Congress. Parking will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. As long as spaces are available, attendees will be able to park and pay the current rate for the day. These rates do not include reserved parking. Please note that the parking facilities do not accommodate overnight parking.
Cobo Roof Parking
Cobo center parking
city of detroit municipal parking department facilities
1 Congress Street Garage 467 W Congress Detroit, MI 48226 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Saturday, Sunday, and holidays as needed Maximum rate: $20
Congress StreetGarage Garage Ford Underground 30 East Jefferson Detroit, MI 48226 Washington Garage 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.Blvd. Monday – Friday Saturday, Sunday, and holidays as needed Maximum rate: $15
2 Cobo Roof Parking Deck 625 W Congress Detroit, MI 48226 Maximum rate: $20 3 Washington Garage 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Saturday, Sunday, and holidays as needed Maximum rate: $20 12
SAE 2015 World Congress
Millennium Garage 432 West Congress Detroit, MI 48226 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Monday – Friday Saturday, Sunday, and holidays as needed Maximum rate: $10
Level 4 411ABC 412A - 415B 410B
Executive Lounge
420B 430B
Level 3 Motor 311A - 313B City Room
340 341
330 A/B
350 - 357
320A 320B Participants Lounge
331A - 333B
Boardroom Suite 359
Ride and Drive L
Tech Hub
SAE Booth
Exhibitor Services
Career Fair
Food Court
University Displays
Membership Street Level 2 Lounge Cityview Lounge (Food Court)
A World in Motion Events
FEV Innovation Forum 250 - 257 Grand Riverview Ballroom A
Shuttle Drop-off
Media Center
) 0 -1 ) (M 10 Y A (M W S AY S E W R S P S X E E PR
110A-116B AVL Technology Leadership Center Grand Riverview Ballroom B
LEVEL 1 140 A/B Concierge Club SAE 2015 World Congress
Opening Ceremonies & Keynote AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B 8:30 – 9:45 a.m.
David Schutt Chief Executive Officer SAE International
Helmut List
Chairman & CEO AVL List GmbH
Featured Keynote Speaker
Ray Kurzweil World-Renowned Inventor and Futurist
SAE 2015 World Congress
The Honorable Rick Snyder Governor of Michigan
Erik Berkman General Chairman SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Executive Vice President Honda North America, Inc.
Tuesday, April 21
SAE Annual Business Meeting FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
3:30 p.m. During the meeting, SAE President, Richard W. Greaves, will announce the 2015 Board of Directors, discuss his presidential focus areas, and the SAE Annual Report will be presented. Dr. David L. Schutt, SAE Chief Executive Officer, will share a 2014 year-end report.
SAE Awards & Recognitions Ceremony: Honoring Excellence FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Join SAE in honoring excellence in engineering as Richard Greaves, SAE President, recognizes more than 100 outstanding engineers and educators for their exceptional accomplishments and contributions to the mobility industry. We hope you will join us in honoring your peers by recognizing their accomplishments. Admission to the Awards & Recognitions Ceremony is provided to all conference attendees, award presenters, and guests of the award recipients.
Richard Greaves FREng SAE President Chief Technology Officer Emeritus Meggitt PLC
Admission to the Awards & Recognitions Ceremony is included for anyone whose badge is valid for Tuesday conference registration. For additional information about SAE’s awards, please visit www.sae.org/awards.
Exploring the future of mobility With over sixty years of sound exhaust gas analysis and powertrain testing experience, you trust us to understand your application needs and be your eyes and ears in a rapidly changing world of regulations and expectations. Nothing less should be expected from a global industry leader.
Free Seminar Tuesday, April 21st 1PM to 5PM Room #430A Cobo Hall
Join us for a series of interactive discussions on the future of sustainable transportation presented by the area’s top universities and research institutions.
Explore the future
SAE 2015 World Congress
Special Events: COMPETITIONS (AWIM / STEM) Tuesday, April 21
Additive Manufacturing Competition Sponsored by SAE International and Square One Education Network with support by P3 Group North America
Hall B, Booth 759
Sponsored by Hall D 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Middle School students (in Engineering Design Teams of three or four) compete in 15 degree ramp, 30 degree ramp, speed, and obstacle course events. SAE International will host the 4TH Annual International Motorized Toy Competition through the gracious sponsorship of Honeywell.
SAE Detroit Section Student Exhibit Competition Sponsored by Hall C, Aisle 100 SAE Detroit Section will host the annual Student Exhibit Competition during SAE 2015 World Congress. The exhibits showcase SAE collegiate chapter activities and projects. It’s a great opportunity for automotive manufacturers and suppliers, as well as alumni, to learn more about the innovative engineering efforts in which SAE collegiate chapters worldwide are engaged. Student Exhibits detail the novel design concepts, engineering analyses, and manufacturing methods employed to construct SAE collegiate design competition vehicles. Exhibits will be on display all week. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three schools. Come see for yourself the remarkable new technologies these enthusiastic and creative students have on display.
Tuesday - Thursday, April 21 - 23
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This Additive Manufacturing Competition will task high school student teams with two design competitions. The first is to design and print a universal cell phone holder for automotive use. Secondly, they will design and print a spontaneous object as part of a timed “Fast On Your Feet” challenge! SAE Congress attendees are encouraged to join in the excitement by casting their votes and awards will be presented each afternoon.
Wednesday, April 22
Hall D 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 500+ Elementary age students (in Engineering Design Teams of 4) compete in distance, accuracy, weight carrying, and timed events. SAE International will host this competition through the gracious sponsorship of Johnson Controls, Bosch, Kia, TRW, Henkel, Honda, and Pure Michigan.
Thursday, April 23
AWIM INTERNATIONAL FUEL CELL SAE Detroit Section High School Poster Competition COMPETITION (5TH ANNUAL) Sponsored by
Sponsored by Hall C, Aisle 100 Local high school students incorporated the SAE 2015 World Congress theme “Leading Mobility Innovation” into their posters. Judging is based on originality, artistic excellence, aesthetic effect, and relevance to the theme. The top ten posters will be on display all week. Scholarships were awarded to the top three winners.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Hall D 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Middle School students (in Engineering Design Teams of 3 or 4) compete in accuracy, endurance, endurance with weight, and speed events. SAE International hosts this competition through the gracious sponsorship of the General Motors Foundation.
Special Events: YOUNG PROFESSIONALS YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES The exciting programs and activities for Young Professionals at World Congress are designed to inform, encourage and motivate the leaders of tomorrow. This initiative will provide solid leadership principles that can carry throughout your career. These activities also provide a valuable opportunity to learn from and network with executives from major corporations. As technology continues to change and critical issues arise, these skills are more important now than ever. Lead your future. If you see yourself as a leader driving the decisions of tomorrow, you won’t want to miss this program. Benefits of Attending • successfully transition into & manage your career • learn the fundamentals of effective leadership • find out the traits employers are seeking in a leader • hear industry leadership’s perspective on young professionals • mentoring opportunities with executives peer-to-peer networking Activities include: • Young Professional Panel Discussion & Luncheon • Speed Mentoring • Career Development Sessions • Daily Networking in the YP Lounge Don’t Miss These Important Events At World Congress: • Renown keynote & banquet speakers, including: Ray Kurzweil, World-Renowned Inventor and Futurist Tahmid Mizan, ExxonMobil Helmut Matschi, Continental Frank Paluch, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL PANEL & LUNCHEON Working Together: Three Generations, One Workplace Sponsored by
Tuesday, April 21 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Room 260, Portside Ballroom Generational gaps are part of every workforce. From Baby Boomers to Generation X to the Millennials, each brings a unique set of attributes and attitudes to the office. The effects of these divergent generations can polarize the workplace; but should it? This panel will examine the perceptions of each generation, with a focus on the Millennial generation, and what it takes to engage collaboration across these very distinct sets of employees. Moderator: Dustin Walsh, Reporter, Crain’s Detroit Business Panelists: Marc Dinopoulos, Senior Manager, Talent Management Group, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Carla Bailo, Vice President, Mobility Research and Business Development, The Ohio State University Priscilla Trujillo, Business Development Product Engineer, Delphi Matt Heverly, Mechanical Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory J. Ofori Agboka, Director, Human Resources, U.S. Sales, Service & Marketing, General Motors Company Justin Goike, Associate Sales & Marketing Analyst, Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
• 1500+ technical presentations • New! Tech Hub located centrally on the Exhibit Floor • Daily networking lunches and receptions • Take the wheel at the Ride and Drive Exclusive Offer: Register for SAE 2015 World Congress as a Young Professional, and receive one year of professional SAE membership.* SAE membership will help you grow, both personally and professionally, through a number of available networking, leadership, and recognition opportunities. SAE members also enjoy a number of exclusive member benefits. Visit sae.org/ membership to learn more. * This offer applies only to new SAE members pending approval of application. Good for one year of SAE Professional Membership only.
SAE World Congress Young Professional Sub-Committee Jeremy Kearney (Chair), General Motors Co. Congress 2015 Team: Brian Bray, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Justin Goike, Continental Automotive Systems US Inc. Sarah Guza, Delphi Automotive Systems Alex Kwon, General Motors Co. Whitney Liftig, IAV Automotive Engineering, Inc. David Sherman, RGBSI-Ford Cammi Siu, General Motors Co.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Special Events: YOUNG PROFESSIONALS YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (continued) Speed Mentoring - “Executives Connecting with Future Leaders” Sponsored by Tuesday, April 21, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Wednesday - Thursday, April 22 - 23, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Hall B/C, Booth 565, YP Lounge Located on the exhibit floor within the YP Lounge, this activity is an opportunity for young professionals to engage with executives in an informal setting. Mentors will be stationed while small groups of the Young Professional participants rotate to different stations at set time intervals. The stations will consist only of chairs facing each other creating a comfortable, level atmosphere for communication. Don’t forget to sign up for these sessions when you register for Congress!
Young Professionals: How is your organization Leading Mobility Innovation? Share photos, videos, and stories showing how your organization is Leading Mobility Innovation on Twitter, Google+, or on the Facebook SAE 2015 World Congress event page. Tag your posts with #SAECongressYP and you’ll be entered for a chance to win an “NSX Experience”! Five young professionals will get a closer look into the design and development of the NSX supercar on Wednesday, April 23, at 2:30pm. Winners will be chosen by the SAE Young Professional’s Strategic Leadership Council, but likes, favorites, +1s, comments and shares will certainly influence the judges. Post by 4pm on Tuesday, April 21, with #SAECongressYP to be considered. Winners will receive complimentary admission to the SAE Detroit Vehicle Event scheduled on Wednesday, April 22nd from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. and the SAE 2015 Annual Banquet on Thursday, April 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Mentors as of March 31 Erik Berkman, Honda Executive Vice President, Honda North America Inc. Scott Brooks, Vice President for Japan/Korea Accounts, Continental Brian Burke, Vice President Sales, Marketing, Engineering, GECOM Corp. Chuck Dardas, President/COO, AlphaUSA Tejas Desai, Head of Interior Electronic Solutions, Continental Hajj Flemings, CEO/Founder of Brand Camp University, Brand Camp University Jim Fusco, Vice President, Honda R&D Americas Inc. Larry Geise, Vice President, Honda R&D Americas Inc. Dr. Samit Ghosh, President & CEO, P3 Group North America Inc. Jeremy Goddard, Director Client Management IDIADA Automotive Technology Mazen Hammoud, Chief Engineer Electrified Powertrain, Ford Motor Co. Mat Hargett, Vice President, Honda R&D Americas Inc. Gary L. Horvat, Vice President – Powertrain, DENSO International America Inc. Yung-Li Lee, Senior Technical Fellow, FCA US LLC Ryan Nagode, Design Chief of Ram/SRT/Fiat North America Interior Studios, FCA US LLC Frank Paluch, President, Honda R&D Americas Inc. Mark Pedrazzi, VP Engineering, BAE Systems Lyndon P. Schnieder, Managing Principal, Creative Product Specialties Enno Straten, Vice President for Continental Tire, Continental Mike Whitens, Director Research & Advanced Engingeering, Ford Motor Co. David Woessner, Senior Advisor, City of Detroit
Download 2015 World Congress Mobile App now! Sponsored by
Social Media Contest
SAE 2015 World Congress
We are looking for YP’s willing to volunteer at Congress for half a day. In appreciation for your volunteerism, a “free” day of access to Congress will be given to any individual who volunteers. For more information or to sign up, contact the YP Volunteer Leader David Sherman, at
[email protected]. Volunteers are needed to fill positions in the following areas: • Career Advice for Young Professionals • Executive Speed Mentoring Volunteer • Discussion and Networking Leaders at the Young Professional Lounge • Management Forum Volunteers • Technical Forum Volunteers • Poster Artists & Futurists • Tech Hub Volunteers • Engaging with the Experts Volunteer • Discover A World in Motion Volunteer • Ride and Drive Volunteers
NETWORKING in the YP LOUNGE YP Lounge Sponsored by
Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23
10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Join us in the YP Lounge each day with casual networking for young professionals, their peers, and industry leaders. The YP Lounge is located centrally near the NEW SAE Tech Hub on the Innovator’s Only Exhibit Floor (Hall B, Booth 565). Conclude your days with a dedicated “Conversations and Cocktails” hour of networking in the YP Lounge each evening during the general Networking Receptions: Tuesday, April 21 Wednesday, April 22 Thursday, April 23
5:00 - 6:30 p.m. 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Special Events: career development SAE Career Fair The Career Fair at the SAE 2015 World Congress will provide unique opportunities for engineers and professionals to explore available jobs, network with exhibiting companies and learn valuable career tips. Attendance to the Career Fair activities is free for engineering professionals.
Career Development Sessions Wednesday, April 22 Room 410 B Sponsored by Continental breakfast will be provided prior to the start of the first session.
Building a Brand to Grow Your Career 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Speaker: Hajj Flemings, CEO/Founder of Brand Camp University
Career Fair
Cobo Center, Hall C Tuesday, April 21 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 22 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. For a list of SAE Career Fair Exhibiting Companies see page 241.
Resume Critique Clinic
Today we live in a digital economy that forces people to disrupt and rethink everything that has worked historically. Come and learn strategies on how to effectively create your personal brand to help you compete in the evolving workplace. With virtually unlimited access to information – anytime, anywhere and the rise of the ubiquitous content delivery platform it is critical to understand how to cut through the clutter so that your message is heard and communicated effectively. Each participant will learn how to become a storyteller, brand ambassador and curator of a user experience and a relevant online profile that is career ready. You will learn how to ...
SAE Career Fair
- Create a Personal Brand with a Competitive Position
Wednesday, April 22 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
- Establish a Career Ready Digital Identity/Profile (Trans media – Channels and Platforms)
Have your resume critiqued by Fisker Automotive, GTA Professional Staffing or Intertek staff and receive tips on how to advertise your skills in the right format. Stop by the Career Fair to sign up for an appointment. Candidates can attend the Career Fair by registering as Expo Only. If you are not already registered to attend SAE 2015 World Congress, please proceed to Registration.
- Manage your reputation and Online Personal Branded Hub
Preparing Young Professionals for the Leadership Opportunities Ahead 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Speakers: John Calabrese, Retired VP Global Vehicle Engineering, General Motors Co. When today’s leaders retire, millennials will be expected to become the leaders of tomorrow. Today Boomers (1946 – 1965) occupy 50% of the work force, while Gen X (1966-1980) and Millennials (1981 – 1995) occupy 15% and 35% respectfully. Studies show that an average of 10,000 Boomers retire daily, extending an opportunity for Generation Xers and Millennials to replenish those leadership gaps. With the Gen X workforce being 2/3’s smaller than that of the Boomers, a large number of leadership positions will remain for Millennials to fill. Not only will Millennials be charged with entering these positions, but they will also be expected to do so at earlier points in their careers than has traditionally been required. To be considered for these leadership positions, candidates must be innovative, consistent, and flexible while possessing integrity, vision and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Join us as we discuss these and other relevant topics with John Calabrese, retired VP Global Vehicle Engineering, General Motors Co. During this session you will learn: - How to be a leader without the title - What you can do today to be prepared for tomorrow’s opportunities - What executives are expecting from future leaders
SAE 2015 World Congress
Special Events: Networking Opportunities IMechE Exchange Sponsored by
SAE Detroit Section Honda Vehicle Event: The AllNew Acura NSX AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
Wednesday, April 22 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Presentation/Q&A Located in the Tech Hub on the Exhibit Floor Innovation and Sustainability: The Inspiration for this Century Neville Jackson - Chief Technology & Innovation Officer, Ricardo plc This presentation will celebrate innovation and sustainability through the life and innovative characteristics of Sir Harry Ricardo and his company known today as Ricardo plc. Inspired engineering solutions from the last 100 years have delivered a positive impact on the world in which we live, and future innovations will require new skills for engineers to meet the challenges of the next century. Today, Ricardo plc continues with a vision to help solve key global challenges, such as greenhouse gas reduction, environmental sustainability and improved mobility. The lecture will conclude with a fascinating future vision for mobility, energy systems and sustainability in an increasingly environmentally responsible and connected world. IMECHE EXCHANGE attendees must be registered attendees of World Congress and pre-register for this function. Space is limited.
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Social Hour sponsored by Wednesday, April 22 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. – Social Hour 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. – Dinner 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. – Program Don’t miss the popular SAE Detroit Section Vehicle Event hosted this year by Honda, featuring the all-new Acura NSX. Ticket holders are encouraged to attend the social hour prior to dinner, providing the perfect opportunity to network with engineering professionals and peers from across the industry. SAE Detroit Section is the largest Section of SAE International with nearly 9,000 members from southeastern lower-Michigan, including Ann Arbor, Jackson, and Toledo, Ohio. The event is open to both the industry and SAE members. Note: This event is not included with your World Congress registration. Tickets must be purchased in advance by 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 17 through the SAE Detroit Section website at www. sae-detroit.org. Ticket prices are as follows: $55 SAE Member $75 Non-member $45 SAE Retired Member $20 SAE Student Member $750 Table Sponsor (reserved table of 10)
Networking Receptions Halls B/C Tuesday, April 21, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Theme: Spotlight on Detroit Wednesday, April 22, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Theme: An International Affair Thursday, April 23, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Theme: Leading Mobility Innovation
SAE 2015 World Congress
Special Events: Networking Opportunities Pre-Banquet Reception Thursday, April 23
Theme: Leading Mobility Innovation
Halls B/C 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Banquet Honored Guest Reception by invitation only Sponsored by
SAE 2015 Annual Banquet
AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B 6:00 p.m.
Join Master of Ceremonies Dave LewAllen as we honor this year’s top OEM and supplier executives. Dress is business attire. Each full table purchased includes one bottle of red and one bottle of white wine. Tickets are priced at $150 each or $1,500 per table. Check SAE Registration desk for availability.
Presentations by
Remarks by
Featured Speaker
SAE President Chief Technology Officer Emeritus Meggitt PLC
General Chairman SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition Executive Vice President Honda North America, Inc.
President Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
Richard W. Greaves, FREng
Erik Berkman
Frank Paluch
Sponsored by A long-established tradition each year at the SAE World Congress, the Annual Banquet is the largest and most prestigious gathering of automotive industry leaders from around the world. You’ll have the opportunity to network with the most influential people in the business during the pre-banquet reception on the exhibit floor. Join us at the industry’s premier gala as we celebrate our accomplishments and honor the top OEM and supplier executives.
Download 2015 Congress Mobile App now! Sponsored by
SAE 2015 World Congress
house ad
SAE 2015 World Congress
special events - atrium display Mobility Atrium
Mobility Atrium
Tuesday, April 21 - thursday, april 23 Sharing Honda’s Vision and Joy of Personal Mobility through Pinnacle Products and Advanced Robotics. Honda RC213V-S Prototype Motorcycle Developed by Honda Racing Corporation (HRC) and Honda Motor, the stunning RC213V-S is a road-going prototype of the awesome RC213V MotoGP machine which won consecutive championships in the world’s top motorcycle racing series in 2013 and 2014. Honda has always worked to produce motorcycles and scooters that inspire dreams and expand horizons. The RC213V-S Prototype is another example of a Honda dream come true and is set to become the ultimate street bike. HondaJet Fuselage The HondaJet is the world’s most advanced light business jet aircraft, with best-in-class advantages in performance, comfort, quality and efficiency while being the fastest, highest-flying, quietest, and most fuel-efficient jet in its class. The Over-The-Wing Engine Mount (OTWEM) configuration that dramatically improves performance and fuel efficiency by reducing aerodynamic drag while also reducing cabin sound, and allows for the roomiest cabin in its class, the largest baggage capacity, and a fully serviceable private aft lavatory. The HondaJet is Honda’s first commercial aircraft and lives up to the company’s reputation for superior performance, efficiency, quality and value. The Honda Mobility Atrium will showcase the HondaJet full size fuselage with interior. Honda Robotics: Honda proactively conducts research and development of next-generation mobility technologies, aiming always to offer more and more people the joy and fun that comes from freedom of movement. ASIMO Honda introduced the first version of ASIMO, the world’s most advanced, bi-pedal humanoid robot, in 2000, after 14 years of research on humanoid robotics. Honda created ASIMO to help people and society, to create a helpmate for humans requiring assistance with their daily lives, and is capable of walking, running, climbing and descending stairs, avoiding objects, and recognizing human faces, among other skills. The new version of ASIMO is 4’3’’ tall (130 cm), weighs 110 lbs (50 kg), and is made of magnesium alloy, plastic resin and other materials. ASIMO runs on a rechargeable lithium ion battery, with an approximate operating time of 40 minutes before recharging. 24
SAE 2015 World Congress
Sponsored by
special events - atrium display Walking Assist Honda began research and development of the Walking Assist in 1999. As with ASIMO, Walking Assist adopts cooperative control technology that was developed based on Honda ‘s cumulative study of human walking. The control computer activates motors based on information obtained from hip angle sensors while walking to improve the symmetry of the timing of each leg lifting from the ground and extending forward and backward, and to promote a longer stride for easier walking. The Honda Walking Assist Device is worn outside of clothing and consists of a stylish frame and battery-powered compact motors designed to assist people with reduced walking ability due to injury, illness or other causes. UNI-CUB UNI-CUB features Honda’s proprietary balance control technology and the world’s first omni-directional driving wheel system, allowing the rider to control speed, move in any direction, turn and stop, all simply by shifting his or her weight. UNI-CUB’s compact saddlestyle packaging makes it easy for the rider’s legs to reach the ground and maintains eye-level height with other pedestrians. The balance control technology of UNI-CUB is part of the Honda Robotics family of technologies, which originates with Honda’s research into humanoid robots, including the world-famous ASIMO. Next-Generation NSX Twenty-five years after the debut of the original, paradigm-shifting NSX supercar, the nextgeneration Acura NSX, is developed by a U.S. led team and will be produced in the U.S. Specifically created to bring a “new sports experience” to the supercar segment, the NSX challenges conventional beliefs about supercars. The approach is realized through an allnew power unit—a twin-turbocharged 75-degree DOHC V6 engine with a 9-speed dual clutch transmission and three-electric motor Sport Hybrid system—integrated with an ultra-rigid and lightweight multi-material body with world’s-first material applications and manufacturing processes. Developed under the concept of a “human-centered supercar,” - a car that puts the driver first in every aspect of its design - the nextgeneration NSX will leverage its state-of-the-art hybrid supercar power unit, body and chassis to deliver exceptionally intuitive and immediate response to driver inputs. The all-new NSX will be featured at the Detroit Section Vehicle Event on the evening of April 22, where further information, design challenges and solutions will be shared that will deepen the understanding of its key enabling technologies. Please check the Mobility Atrium entrance for a list of event times. You can also find the schedule on the SAE 2015 World Congress Mobile App.
SAE 2015 World Congress
2015 FORD
The 2015 Ford Explorer Sport is the high-performance, full-size large utility that gives customers great power through its 3.5-liter EcoBoost® V6 engine. With Ford SelectShift,® the driver can use paddle shifters to control the six-speed automatic transmission for enhanced performance feel. Intelligent 4WD with the Terrain Management System™ is able to adjust to different road surfaces.
Special Events And Networking Opportunities Ride and Drive
• Explorer Sport performance tuning includes stiffer chassis, sport-tuned electric power-assisted steering, heavy-duty brakes and six-speed SelectShift Automatic transmission with paddle shifters
Hall A
• Terrain Management System allows customer to select from five terrain management modes – normal, snow, sand, mud/ruts and hill descent
Tuesday - Thursday, April 21 - 23 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
• SYNC® with MyFord Touch®* features Wi-Fi® capability, text-to-voice, HD Radio™ Technology with iTunes® Tagging and optional voice-activated navigation • Monotone, leather-trimmed seats
This distinctive event has become a must attend event at the SAE World Congress. In 2014, 1,800 riders were eager to test the latest vehicle technologies.
2015 FORD
• Class-exclusive PowerFold third row The all-new Ford F-150 continues to lead and innovate. It is the toughest, smartest, most capable is standard** F-150 yet and is made with high-strength, military-grade, aluminum alloy. The 2015 F-150 shows Ford is again teaching the world how to build a new generation of truck. • Standard Trailer Tow Package Class III ®
You will have the opportunity to experience first-hand the latest features and technology presented by the automotive industry. By attending the SAE World Congress you are given the opportunity to learn about the latest technology developments. The Ride and Drive experience is integrated with the technical sessions and designed to give you a real world experience.
Learn more
Engine: 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6
Production location: Chicago Assembly Plant, Chicago MSRP: Starting at $43,100, plus $895 destination and delivery
The Terrain Management System combines powertrain and braking controls to provide appropriate traction for multiple driving conditions. The system can be activated via a knob mounted on the console, enabling 4WD through various conditions, including sand, snow, mud/ruts and hills.
Always wear your safety belt and secure children in the rear seat.
that even advanced technology cannot overcome the • Remember Available LED headlamps ††
laws of physics. It’s always possible to lose control of a vehicle due to inappropriate driver input for the conditions.
• Available BoxLink™ system provides unique way to secure ramps, storage bins and bed dividers
The Ride and Drive is a powerful learning tool and has become a popular attraction, so please plan your day to include this valuable highly interactive experiential program. Vehicles provided by multiple OEMs and suppliers will showcase innovative technologies such as advanced propulsion, recent launches, and specialty vehicles. Vehicles may be test driven by attendees on a 10 minute course. This is one aspect of the SAE World Congress that you won’t want to miss!
• All-new sophisticated design clearly inspired by 50 years of Mustang heritage evolved to attract a wider array of customers and expand global market availability
When properly equipped.
to do so. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear.
all features areall-new compatible with all phones. • Not Available 2.7-liter **Class is Large Utilities. EcoBoost® V6 engine †
The next chapter in the life of the iconic sports car begins as the 2015 model debuts with a INFLATABLE REAR sleek, modern design that is unmistakably Mustang. Loaded with innovative technologies, • Available tailgate remote SAFETY BELTS the all-new Ford Mustang is ready to take on the world. allows for locking, unlocking Available inflatable rear outboard safety and releasing with key fob belts offer protection for passengers in the second row. The system is designed to reduce head, neck and chest injuries to passengers of all ages.
Did you know? The 2015 Ford Explorer Sport can tow up to 5,000 pounds.‡ ‡
• Lighter frame and more high*Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control. Only use strength steel than before SYNC systems/other devices, even with voice commands, when it is safe
• AdvanceTrac® with Roll Stability Control™ • Safety Canopy® side-curtain airbags for the first and second rows† • SOS Post-Crash Alert System™ • Tire pressure monitoring system • Curve Control, which can slow the vehicle by up to 10 mph if it senses a curve is being taken too fast†† • MyKey® programmable vehicle key
Transmission: Six-speed SelectShift Automatic with paddle shifters
• High-strength, military-grade, aluminum alloy body construction
• Mustang is now available with three engines, offering broader power of choice
SAFETY Learn more For more information on the 2015 Ford Explorer Sport and other Ford Motor Company products and news, go to media.ford.com.
Engines: 2.7L EcoBoost 4x2; EPA-estimated rating of 19 city/26 hwy/22 combined mpg. Actual mileage will vary. Horsepower: 325; torque: 375 lb.-ft.; max. towing: 8,500 lbs.; max. payload: 2,250 lbs.
3.5L EcoBoost 4x2; EPA-estimated rating of 17 city/24 hwy/20 combined mpg. Actual mileage will vary. Horsepower: 365; torque: 420 lb.-ft.; max. towing: 12,200 lbs.; max. payload: 3,270 lbs.
3.5L V6 Ti-VCT 4x2; EPA-estimated rating of 18 city/25 hwy/20 combined mpg. Actual mileage will vary. Horsepower: 282; torque: 253 lb.-ft.; max. towing: 7,600 lbs.; max. payload: 1,910 lbs.
Transmissions: Electronic six-speed automatic with tow/haul mode, six-speed SelectShift® Automatic with progressive range select
5.0L V8 Ti-VCT 4x2; EPA-estimated rating of 15 city/22 hwy/18 combined mpg. Actual mileage will vary. Horsepower: 385; torque: 387 lb.-ft.; max. towing: 11,100 lbs.; max. payload: 3,300 lbs.
Production locations: Dearborn Truck Plant, Dearborn, Michigan; Kansas City Assembly Plant, Claycomo, Missouri
Trims: XL, XLT, Lariat, King Ranch, Platinum
• •AAdvanceTrac new fully independent sets ® electronicsuspension stability control new performance and dynamic benchmarks • Energy management system pretensioning for brand, with superb handling, more forthe height-adjustable front-row safety belts control and ride •precise LATCHsteering (Lower Anchors andenhanced Tether Anchors comfort for Children)
OEMs and suppliers participating as of March 15, 2015: • Ford – featuring the 2015 Explorer sport, 2015 F-150 and 2015 Mustang
• Safety-cage body construction • All-new interior features improved ergonomics and controls executed with upgraded materials and craftsmanship
• GM – featuring 2015 Chevy Colorado crew cab, 2015 Chevy Cruze diesel, 2015 Chevy Trax and 2015 Cadillac ATS coupe
Available inflatable rear outboard safety belts – a first for light-duty trucks.
• Honda
Learn more
Engines: 3.7-liter V6, 300 hp, 280 lb.-ft. torque; 2.3-liter EcoBoost,® 310 hp,* 320 lb.-ft. torque;* 5.0-liter V8, 435 hp,* 400 lb.-ft. torque*
A smart towing module displays the trailer hookup status in the information screen of the all-new Ford F-150, including if a taillight is burned out.
(Vehicles subject to change)
Transmissions: Six-speed SelectShift® Automatic, six-speed manual
• AdvanceTrac® electronic stability control
destination and delivery, and taxes
• Individual Tire Pressure Monitoring System
• Eight airbags (fastback models), including Body styles: Fastback, convertible industry-first passenger knee airbag system packaged inside the glove box door Assembly Rock Assembly Did you know? The 2015 Ford F-150 can do more work with smallerlocation: engines Flat because the truck weighs less, • MyKey® programmable vehicle key with Plant, Flat Rock, Michigan allowing the engine to pull more weight. support for up to four fobs MSRP: Starting at $23,600, plus $825
*Ride and Drive is open to all registered attendees of SAE 2015 World Congress. Participants must be 18 years of age, sign a participation waiver, and provide proof of a valid driver’s license.
• Adaptive collapsible steering column For more information on the 2015 Ford F-150 and other Ford Motor Company products and news, go to media.ford.com.
On a twisty back road or a weekend track day, the driver can tap the toggle switch on the console to quickly adjust steering effort, engine response, and transmission and electronic stability control settings, using the available selectable drive modes to create the perfect Mustang at any time.
The all-new fully independent front and rear suspension provides drivers with improved dynamic capabilities, feel and comfort over any road surface. The available performance packages for Mustang EcoBoost and GT add optimized summer tires for superior grip** and some of the most capable Mustang brakes ever for stopping power to match the upgraded engines.
Charging Stations Sponsored by
*Using 93-octane fuel. **Ford does not recommend using summer tires when temperatures drop to approximately 400 F or below (depending on tire wear and environmental conditions), or in snow/ice conditions. If the vehicle must be driven in these conditions, Ford recommends using all-season or snow tires.
For more information on the 2015 Ford Mustang and other Ford Motor Company products and news, go to media.ford.com.
SAE Registration and Acknowledgement I understand and agree that my registration enables participation in the SAE 2015 World Congress Ride and Drive and is a revocable license. SAE International has the right to terminate my participation in the Program at any time if, in the sole judgment and determination of SAE International or the program administration, such action is reasonably warranted by the circumstances including but not limited to lewd, drunken or illegal activity or misconduct. SAE International may take such action and request me to vacate the premises without reimbursement, exchange, refund or payment of any other costs incurred by me with regard to the Program. SAE International reserves the right to seek reimbursement for willful damage to and/or loss of property of SAE International. Please be aware that your badge will be scanned by the Ride and Drive participating companies. Your information will be shared with the companies in the same manner as if your badge was scanned in an exhibitor booth.
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs 29 - 33 Tuesday 34 - 77 Wednesday 38 - 40 Thursday
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs Cobo Floor Plan CONGRESS ST
252B 252A 251C 251B 251A
250C 250B 250A
FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
SAE 2015 World Congress
AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
management programs
Tuesday, April 21
Opening Ceremony 8:30 – 9:45 a.m.
AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
David Schutt Chief Executive Officer
The Honorable Rick Snyder
SAE International
Governor of Michigan
Helmut List
Erik Berkman
Chairman & CEO
General Chairman SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition
AVL List GmbH
Executive Vice President Honda North America, Inc.
Featured Keynote Speaker
Keynote Address: The Acceleration of Technology in the 21st Century: The Impact on Business, the Economy, and Society Ray Kurzweil World-Renowned Inventor and Futurist
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Tuesday, April 21
AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B 9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
The Autonomous Vehicle Race Active safety technologies and partially automated driving technologies are coming to market quickly. Automakers have plans set and target dates in mind for partially and fully autonomous vehicles - some say by 2018 or 2020. At the same time, the industry is being pressured by Google as it gathers media attention and continues to influence the industry with their creative AV programs. Clearly, the race to Autonomous Vehicles is on. However, are we as an industry clear about where we are heading to, what the endpoint is, or why we are going there? Several key questions need to be answered before we get too far down the AV path. What effect will AVs have on car ownership? What does the customer really want from an AV and where are the limits of customer comfort with this technology? What measures of vehicle performance will be valued when the owner or user doesn’t really drive the car? This panel will explore these and other important questions. Moderator Richard Wallace Director Transportation Systems Analysis Center for Automotive Research
Panelists Pat Bassett Vice President North American Research and Engineering Center DENSO International America, Inc.
Steffen Linkenbach Director Systems & Technology NAFTA Continental Automotive Systems US Inc.
Bryant Walker Smith Assistant Professor University of South Carolina
SAE 2015 World Congress
Toshio Yokoyama Senior Chief Engineer Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
management programs
Tuesday, April 21
FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Is Having More Knobs to Turn a Good Dilemma? The advancement and interconnections between the engine and transmission have created a development environment in which engineers have to make practical decisions about which side of the fence to approach a problem from. For example, as the number of transmission speeds and ratio spread increases, the net vehicle fuel economy benefit of engine technologies that broaden the size of the engine map high efficiency islands decreases. This session will examine the decision trees engineers face to quickly develop future powertrains and support aggressive fuel economy targets. Speakers will discuss the combinations or compromises that yield the best result for the end consumer. Moderator Dr. Andrew Brown Jr. Vice President & Chief Technologist Delphi Automotive
Panelists Andreas Schamel Director of Global Powertrain Research and Advanced Engineering
Jeff Hemphill Chief Technology Officer Schaeffler Group USA, Inc.
Ford Motor Company
Brady Ericson President and General Manager Emission Systems BorgWarner Inc.
Jeffrey P. Lux Vice President - Transmission Powertrain FCA US LLC
Oliver Miersch-Wiemers Director of Engineering Gasoline Systems North America Robert Bosch LLC
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Tuesday, April 21
AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
In-Car Experience - What does the Consumer Really Want? Instant access to information, anywhere and anytime, has permanently shifted user expectations in many areas. This is especially true when it comes to in-car devices, the HMI expectations, and the overall user experience. Many customers now want, and even expect, full access to as much information as possible while in the vehicle. They want information to be provided in an easy to understand, clean, and seamless manner in line with their out-of-car lifestyle. On the other hand, OEMs need to balance these expectations with the realities of providing a secure system that is safe and easy to use while operating a vehicle. Is there an ideal balance point to meet both needs? Will the NHTSA distraction guidelines have an effect on this balance or alter the in-car device design? Or, will the accessibility needs trump them and drive users to skip the in-car solutions and go straight to their hand-held devices? Are there examples of systems which strike a good balance on the market today? This panel will consider the topics from a customer’s viewpoint, which in-car solutions best meet their needs and which way does the industry need to move toward in the future. Moderator Frank Markus Technical Director Motor Trend Magazine
Panelists Charan Lota General Manager Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.
David Lyon Design Partner Pocketsquare Design
David Taylor Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer Aupeo! GmbH
Andrew Hart Director of Advanced Research SBD
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Tuesday, April 21
FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
The Glide Path Toward Autonomous Vehicles What are the technical drivers that are causing this? As personal mobility and smart connectivity are combined, driver assistance systems might eventually morph into fully autonomous vehicles that feature V2V and V2X connectivity. This session will examine the enabling technologies that will ultimately make such intelligent transport systems possible and assess the cost/benefit case for customer safety, simplicity, satisfaction and robustness, ahead of production. Moderator Stephan Tarnutzer Chief Executive Officer DGE Inc.
Panelists Myra Blanco Director/Research Scientist Virginia Tech. Transportation Institute
Derek Caveney Manager Integrated Vehicle Systems Toyota Technical Center
Gary Smyth Executive Director of R&D
Richard Bishop Principal
General Motors Company
Bishop Consulting
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Wednesday, April 22
9:00 – 9:45 a.m. AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
Keynote Speaker The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040
Tahmid Mizan Senior Technology Advisor, Corporate Strategic Planning ExxonMobil Corp.
9:45 – 11:45 a.m.
In the Balance - Fuel Implications, Government Regulations and Market demand FOR fuel efficiency With improving energy extraction technologies and increased oil production both in the US and abroad, the energy future looks very different than it did just a few years ago. The fuel efficiency of the new car fleet improves as OEMs continue to find new and innovative ways of getting more mileage out of every gallon of fuel. Even with the stringent Greenhouse CO2 standards globally, ultimately it will be the consumer who will decide the best powertrain solution for their situation. Looking forward, the industry needs to keep a close eye on the customer and their willingness to purchase premium technologies. If a gap develops between what customers are willing to pay for, and the fuel types available, automakers will need to address this and find new ways to market multiple fuel efficient technology solutions and spur customer demand for these products. This panel will explore the future trends in the oil sector and what impacts these could have on the auto industry. Moderator
Panelists Mike Hartrick Senior Regulation Planning Engineer FCA US LLC
Wolfgang Warnecke Chief Scientist for Mobility Shell
Guenter Fraidl Senior Vice President Powertrain System Passenger Cars AVL List GmbH
SAE 2015 World Congress
Michael Webber Deputy Director of the Energy Institute
Mustafa Mohatarem Chief Economist
University of Texas - Webber Energy Group
General Motors Company
management programs
Wednesday, April 22
9:45 – 11:45 a.m. FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
Light-Duty Diesel Market Shares are Increasing. What are the technical drivers that are causing this? Is the advent of the diesel passenger car upon us? Experts will assess the current market share status and forecast for light-duty diesel vehicles. A panel of experts will discuss the technology and market changes that are driving this increase and compare the development status of the light-duty diesel with its gasoline counterpart. Moderator Thomas Koerfer Vice President Passenger Car Diesel Engines FEV GmbH
Panelists Walter Riedl Vice President Powertrain Systems Business Customers
Brian Bolton Senior Manager Powertrain Nissan
BMW Group
Gary Arvan Chief Engineer Diesel Systems General Motors Company
Rick Renwick Chief Engineer Global Engine Engineering Ford Motor Company
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Wednesday, April 22
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
Innovation in Powertrain Technology to Achieve 2025 Requirements & Beyond With product development well underway to meet 2016 standards in the next product cycle, advanced engineering development is focused on achieving even more stringent CO2 standards by 2025. While achieving this will require significant vehicle level changes, the relentless pressure on powertrain efficiency will continue to increase. In the same timeframe, fleet average emissions will reduce to a level that only a small fraction of the current production fleet can meet. Which direction is the powertrain industry headed for 2025 and even beyond? Are evolutions of existing technologies sufficient to meet future requirements or are revolutionary technologies required? What are the potential game changers or disruptive technologies, and how will the auto industry meet these challenges and remain competitive and profitable in a global marketplace? Moderator Patrick B. Davis Director Vehicle Technologies Office Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy
Panelists Kregg Wiggins Senior Vice President Powertrain Division
Chris Cowland Director NAFTA Advanced Powertrain and SRT
Continental North America
Uwe Grebe Executive Vice President Global Business Development Sales & International Operations
Ayumu Matsuo Corporate Officer Automobile R&D Center
AVL List GmbH
Dean Guard Executive Director Global Engine Engineering GM Powertrain General Motors Co.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
management programs
Wednesday, April 22
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
Vehicle Complexity is Booming. But is it Safe? As electronics and control systems continue to permeate every vehicle subsystem, the functional safety challenge of reliably ensuring proper function of these devices and systems throughout their lifecycle is becoming a major challenge for engineers. The need for systematic evaluation of potential issues is greater than ever to avoid future warranty recalls. Subject matter experts will discuss how the industry will meet this need over the next five to ten years and identify key areas where functional safety development is necessary to avoid the industry’s next Achilles heel. Moderator Jay Joseph Assistant Vice President Product Regulatory Office American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Panelists Meg Novacek Director NAFTA Embedded Systems Quality Engineering
Joseph Miller Chief Engineer Systems Safety TRW Automotive
Dave Hartfelder Director of System Safety General Motors Company
Tom Tasky Manager Electronic Controls FEV North America Inc.
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Thursday, April 23
9:00 - 9:45 a.m. AVL Technology Leadership Center / Grand Riverview Ballroom B
Keynote Address: Always On for Future Mobility
Helmut Matschi Executive Board Member Continental
9:45 - 11:45 a.m.
The Future of Mobility Innovation Fuel efficiency, Profitability, CO2, Safety, Globalization, Regulations…. there are number of serious challenges/ opportunities in front of the auto industry today. The need for innovation has never been greater. Each company is pouring resources into these and other critical issues and working toward providing the best product for the customer. However, there is a limit on each of our resources. This panel will address the issues surrounding innovation today and in the future. What does the future of innovation look like in the auto industry? Will most of the new innovation come from within the industry or from the outside? Is there a limit on the cost the customer will pay for innovation? Can OEMs continue to pour money into innovative solutions on their own or should we focus on sharing resources or cooperate? Moderator
Panelists Swamy Kotagiri CTO Magna International Inc.
Steve Lietaert President
Seval Oz CEO
Hella Corporate Center USA Inc.
Continental Intelligent Transportation Systems, LLC and Executive Vice President Business Unit ITS
SAE 2015 World Congress
Samit Ghosh President and CEO P3 North America Inc.
Bernhard Sendhoff President Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH
management programs
Thursday, April 23
9:45 – 11:45 a.m. FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
Is Octane Number Important for Optimizing Well-to-Wheel Energy Use? The domestic OEM’s are launching a campaign to raise the octane number for “regular” US gasoline to 95 RON, similar to regular European gasoline. Speakers will discuss the technical reasons that this change would contribute to better fuel economy as well as an assessment of whether the global market is creating an incentive for a common octane standard that enables common powertrain technologies across borders. Moderator Dean Tomazic Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer FEV North America Inc.
Panelists Coleman Jones Fuel Technical Fellow General Motors Company
Stephen Gill Chief Engineer Engine Systems Ford Motor Company
Kristy Moore Vice President of Technical Services Renewable Fuels Association
Amir Maria Research Engineer Chevron Energy Technology Company
SAE 2015 World Congress
management programs
Thursday, April 23
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. FEV Innovation Forum / Grand Riverview Ballroom A
The Coming STEM Crisis Across North America, a storm is brewing. Companies are increasingly finding it difficult to fill positions requiring high-value skills that are common to STEM occupations, yet the number of graduates in STEM related fields is not growing. The scarcity of candidates to fill these positions is not only a cost driver, but also a sap on productivity as companies increasingly reach out further, geographically, to find qualified candidates and also increasingly fill positions by hiring employees away from customers and competitors. This issue is now becoming a national business imperative, yet there is little evidence of a nationally collaborative effort to solve it. The goal of this session will be to bring educators, legislators and corporate representatives together to discuss the problem and identify a potential solution framework that a broad spectrum of stakeholders can adapt to. Moderator Jeff Klei President NAFTA Automotive Divisions Continental
Douglas Patton Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Chris Ciuca Director of Pre-Professional Education
DENSO International America Inc. and President of DENSO Foundation
SAE International
Van Walling PE President
Ben Dollar Principal
Walling Consulting Services LLC
Deloitte Consulting LLP
SAE 2015 World Congress
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SAE 2015 World Congress
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special events and networking opportunities SAE World Congress Tech Hub
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Engage. Interact. Explore. Hall B, Booth 553
Theme: Influences on Future Design What is the Tech Hub? The Tech Hub, located on the Exhibit Floor, will enhance the knowledge, innovative thinking, and information sharing of mobility engineers worldwide. As we strive to increase the value of World Congress for all customers and stakeholders, we are presenting new experiences for returning and first time attendees. Featured experts from consumer, aerospace, motorsports, and other mobility industries will address innovations, technology advancements, and ideas via SAE TechTalks. The Tech Hub uses a series of interactive activities to provide concise, impactful exposure to truly innovative ideas and concepts all geared towards examining the influences on future designs.
What are SAE TechTalks?
The Business Case Considerations for Initial Structural Application of Resin Transfer Molding on Boeing Commercial Aircraft Jeffrey Marcoe, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Motorsports: Balancing the Lightweighting Ledger David Currier, Toyota Racing Development USA
FORMAT: Two (2) 20-minute presentations followed by Q&A and networking in Tech Hub Display area
11:30 a.m.
SAE TechTalks are short, informational presentations that strive to be transferable, thought provoking, and even disruptive. Meet Your SAE Tech Hub Emcee: Lisa Arrigo, SAE International Lisa Arrigo is SAE International’s Custom Electronic Products Editor. She has worked in the design engineering field for more than 25 years. Prior to joining SAE International in 2009, she served as editor-in-chief and editorial director of several engineering magazines for which she won awards for magazine excellence.
TUESDAY 10:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. TechTalk
TechTalk Lightweighting, Vehicle Teardown and Analysis BMW's I3 - Sandy Munro, Munro and Associates Nissan Murano - David Coakley, Nissan North America Inc. General Motors Co.’s, Canyon Colorado and CT6 - Paul Krajewski, General Motors Company Ford F-150 - Darrin Wagner, Bruce Ghastin, Vince Chimento and Colleen Hoffman, Ford Motor Company FORMAT: Four (4) 20-minute presentations followed by Q&A and networking with vehicles in Tech Hub Display area
1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.
TechTalk Chasing Reality? Engineering's Digital World Made Real Chuck Thomas, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
Tech Hub Advisory Work Group
2:30 – 2:45 p.m.
Jeffrey Nichols, American Axle & Mfg Inc. Jay Joseph / Jim R Keller, American Honda Motor Co. Ray Chalmers / Jerry Kleinhenz, AVL Marianne Morgan, BASF Guenther Raab / Dave Devine, Continental Automotive Denis Ulicny, Delphi Mahendra Muli, dSPACE Inc. Bob Last, FEV Jeremy L Kearney, General Motors Company Greg Ardisana, HATCI Chris Middlemass / Whitney Liftig, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp. Daniel Lockney, NASA Linda Bell, NASA TechBriefs Chris Gutierrez, Navistar John Combest / Danielle Ericks, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Samit Ghosh / Erol Gurocak / Andy McIndoo, P3 Group North America Inc. Karina Morley, Ricardo Inc. Andrew Smart, SAE International David Baxter, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.
2:45 p.m.
SAE 2015 World Congress
When a Car and a Plane Combine... Certain Restrictions Apply Kevin Colburn, Terrafugia, Inc.
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
3:30 p.m.
TechTalk The Best of TEDx Detroit
Charlie Wollborg, Curve, “The Virtue of Ticking People Off” Ann Marie Sastry, Sakti3, “Solid State Batteries - the Future of Storage” Jason Prater, Plex Systems Inc., “The Digital Plant Floor: What’s Next” Sam White, Shakespeare in D, “The Mechanics of Play Making” Brian Mulloy, Apigee “Presentation TBD” Greg Gage, BackyardBrains, “The Neuro-Revolution” Debbie Mielewski, Ford Motor Company, “Building the Bio-Based Automobile” Terry Bean, Motor City Connect, “Lead from Where You Are” Michael Mode, Big Lightbulb Inc., “Think Like A Magician” Jason Vazzano, Vectorform LLC, “Silicon Valley: Friend or Foe?” Veronika Scott, Empowerment Plan “Presentation TBD” Lex Kuhne, Quarton Pointe, “Left Brain v. Right Brain: The Struggle is Real” Jason Hall, Detroit Bike City, “Building Communities Two Wheels at a Time” Nate Aschenbach, David Arditti, GameStart, “The Gamified Classroom: Inspiring Consumers to Create” Andy Didorosi, Detroit Bus Company “Presentation TBD”
TECH HUB DISPLAYS TH1 & TH7: Ricardo Inc. TH2: Continental Automotive TH3: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. TH4: Ford Motor Co. TH5: TEDx Detroit TH6: Munro and Associates
WEDNESDAY 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Dual Interview
THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. TechTalk
What are the Future Needs of a Connected Consumer in a Multimodal World and What Can Automotive Do to Help?
From Designed to Driven: Putting the World's First 3D Printed Car on the Road
FORMAT: Q&A to be integrated by interviewer.
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
Interviewer - David Sedgwick, Automotive News Dave Acton, P3 North America Inc. Andreas Mai, Cisco Systems Inc.
Future Cities and Transportation: On the Road to Nowhere?
Justin Fishkin, Local Motors LLC
Using VR for Vehicle Design
Sujith Kollamthodi, Ricardo-AEA
Elizabeth Baron, Ford Motor Company
Austin, TX 2 to 2.5
Changing the Pace of Manufacturing: Building Airplanes in an Augmented Factory
Gordon Derr, Austin Texas Transportation Department
Paul Davies, Boeing R&T
Further than the Eye Can See
Bob Drury, Continental FORMAT: Two (2) 20-minute presentations followed by Q&A and networking in Tech Hub Display area
FORMAT: Three (3) 20-minute presentations followed by Q&A and networking in Tech Hub Display area
Driving on Mars
Intersection of Design
Matthew Heverly, NASA JPL
Jeevak Badve, SundbergFerar
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
Why the Safest Vehicles Will Ignore Talking Cars and Infrastructure
When is a Robot Not a Robot
Jack Weast, Intel Corp.
FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
Doug Moore, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc. FORMAT: Presentation followed by Q&A and networking
Cyber Security: Navigating the Roads Ahead
Expediting the Process: Getting Start-Up Companies In Front of Suppliers and OEMs with Product Solutions
Cybersecurity: Who Are You Playing Chess Against?
Presentations from the Winners of the Global Automotive Innovation Competition
Beau Woods, I Am the Calvary
SA David M. Martin, Federal Bureau of Investigations
Safe & Secure by Design: Systems Engineering Best Practices for Connected Vehicles Brett Hillhouse, IBM Rational Software FORMAT: Three (3) 20-minute presentations followed by Q&A and networking in Tech Hub Display area during Reception
FORMAT: Four (4) 10-minute presentations focused in: - Advanced Materials/Sensors/Manf. Process - Vehicle Electrification - Infotainment - New, High-Value, Disruptive Technology Innovations
SAE 2015 World Congress
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TECHNICAL EXPERT PANEL DISCUSSIONS As an extension of the Technical Program, each panel brings together 3-5 experts to discuss critical issues regarding the integration and application of Technologies relevant to the engineering community in a moderated format. The goal of the Technical Panels is to enhance the technical understanding of items critical to those participating in the audience via problem solving discussions and exchange of ideas. Each attendee is encouraged to pose questions, share experiences and explore practical solutions.
tuesday, April 21
wednesday, April 22
Future Valvetrain Technology and Trends 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. - Room 142 A Moderators - Thomas Howell, Jacobs Vehicle Systems Inc.; Timothy Kunz, Delphi Automotive Systems; James Westbrook III, FCA US LLC Panelists - Rob De Bruijn, FEV Alan Falkowski, FCA US LLC David Kehr, Schaeffler Group USA Inc. Prabjot Nanua, General Motors Company Paul Whitaker, AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc.
ISO 26262 Revision 2 10:30 a.m. - Room 142 C Moderators - Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center Panelists - Mark Costin, Google Inc. Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC Rami Ismail Debouk, GM R&D Center Karl Greb, Texas Instruments Inc. Joseph D. Miller, TRW Automotive US LLC
Prognostics 1:30 p.m. -Room 413 B Moderators - Tim A. Cavanaugh, Delphi Corp. Panelists - Steven W. Holland, General Motors Company Bernie Porter, MAHLE Powertrain LLC Hjalmar G. Staaf, 8to8 Solutions AB Christopher Thompson, Raytheon Beyond 2025 Engine Development Initiatives 3:30 p.m. - Room 331 A/B/C Moderators - Lindsay Brooke, SAE International Panelists - Christopher Atkinson, ARPA-E Marc Sens, IAV GmbH Matti Vint, Valeo Robert Bienenfeld, Honda Motor Co. Tom Grissom, BorgWarner Turbo Systems Current Understanding of Particulate Matter from Low Temperature Combustion Modes 3:30 p.m. - Room 413 B Moderators - William F. Northrop, University of Minnesota Panelists - André Boehman, University of Michigan Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Company John M. Storey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory with connectivity, comes risks - cybersecurity and safety 3:30 p.m. - Room 142 C Moderators - Gloria Danna D’Anna, Tri-Kar Advanced Technology Group Panelists - Paul Bierdeman, Caterpillar Inc. Thomas Farmer, American Association of Rail James Huffaker, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Timothy J. Kilworth, Deere & Company David M. Martin, Federal Bureau of Investigation Andre Weimerskirch, University of Michigan
SAE 2015 World Congress
Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Projects 10:30 a.m. - Room 250 B Moderators - Timothy W. Skszek, Magna Intl. Inc. Panelists - Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International David Wagner, Ford Motor Company Matthew Zaluzec, Ford Motor Company Managing Complexity of Today’s Automotive Interiors 11:00 a.m. - Room 142 A Moderators - Stephen M. Pitrof, Inteva LLC Panelists - Ann Bennett, IHS Automotive Timothy Boundy, General Motors Company Ernest Minissale, FCA US LLC SAE’s J817 - Engineering Design Serviceability Guidelines 1:30 p.m. - Room 413 B Moderators - Mark N. Pope, General Motors Company Panelists - Joseph Barkai, Management Consultant Jeffrey Minter, Wisconsin Technical College System Daniel C. Morris, Caterpillar Inc. Peter Subke, Softing Automobile Electronics GmbH Arnold Taube, John Deere World Headquarters James E. Wagner, Caterpillar Inc. Windows Based Diagnostic Platforms Present Special Challenges for Automotive Technicians 3:00 p.m. - Room 413 B Moderators - Kurt Immekus, Volkswagen Group of America Inc. Panelists - Dave Bardelski, Ford Motor Company Louis Scott Bolt, Mahle Inc.
ENGAGE WITH EXPERTS Fuel/Engine Interactions 3:30 p.m. - Room 420 B Moderators - Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological University Panelists - John Farrell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Gautam Kalghatgi, Saudi Aramco Thomas Mccarthy, Ford Motor Company Arun Solomon, General Motors Company Measurement and Analysis of Forming Limit Diagrams using DIC - Update 3:30 p.m. - Room 312 B Moderators - John Carsley, General Motors Company Panelists - Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University Edmund W. Chu, Alcoa Inc. Gang Huang, ArcelorMittal USA Mark Iadicola, National Institute Standards & Tech. Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory Stephen James Makosey, Alcoa LLC Ming F. Shi, United States Steel Corp. John Tyson, Trilion Quality Systems Yuwei Wang, AK Steel Corporation Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University Danielle Zeng, Ford Research and Innovation Center
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Thursday, April 23 Global Trends in Technologies and Requirements for On-Road and In-Use Vehicle Emissions: Control, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Compliance 8:00 a.m. - Room 42O B Moderators - Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC Panelists - David Booker, Sensors Inc. Stefan Hausberger, Technical University of Graz David Sosnowski, US EPA Rainer Vogt, Ford Research & Advanced Engg Europe Michael P. Walsh, The Intl. Council on Clean Transportation Yat-Shing Yam, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Dept. Commercialization of Fuel Cell Vehicles and Hydrogen Infrastructure 11:00 a.m. - Room 410 B Organizers - Jesse Schneider, BMW Panelists - Robert Adler, Linde Byung Ki Ahn, Hyundai Motor Group Charles E. Freese, General Motors Company Aaron Harris, Air Liquide America Corp. Justin Ward, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.
Model-based Development - Controls and Calibration 3:30 p.m. - Room 331 A/B/C Moderators - Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. Panelists - Paul Chambon, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Steven Haines, Optecon Consultants LLC Guenther Raab, Continental Ron Toth, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc. Tara Vatcher, FCA US LLC
Mobility Issues for an Aging Population 2:30 p.m. - Room 312 B Moderators - Marilyn Vala, Retired Panelists - Cassandra Coravos, Northwestern Univ. Ambarish Goswami, Honda Research Institute USA Inc. Dee Kivett, Nextgen SCI Sameer Srivastava, Northwestern Univ.
Forming AHSS and Light Weight Sheet Materials: Latest Developments 4:30 p.m. - Room 312 B Moderators - ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors Company Panelists - Edmund W. Chu, Alcoa Inc. Changqing Du, FCA US LLC Jody N. Hall, Steel Market Development Institute Ching-Kuo Hsiung, General Motors Company Andrew Larimer, General Motors Company S. George Luckey, Ford Motor Company
Emissions and Efficiency Solutions 5-10 Years Out; Regulations, Solutions, Obstacles, Most-Likely Surprises, Etc. 3:30 p.m. - Room 360 Moderators - Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc. Panelists - Douglas Ball, Umicore Autocat USA Inc. William Charmley, US Environmental Protection Agency Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp. Thomas Reinhart, Southwest Research Institute Robert M. Wagner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Andrew P. Walker, Johnson Matthey Inc.
SAE 2015 World Congress
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CHAT WITH THE EXPERTS As an extension of the Technical Program, Chats with the Experts discussion groups create an informal environment between audience and expert to explore technical issues, pose questions of concern, and share lessons learned. The goal of these chat sessions is to enhance technical understanding and facilitate interactive problem solving. Each Chat begins with a 5 -10 minute introspective overview on what critical items on the subject to be addressed, given by the Expert. Then, each Expert will facilitate dialogue on concerns, issues or questions about the given subject with a group of up to 20 attendees. Each attendee is encouraged to pose questions, share experiences and explore practical solutions.
tuesday, April 21
Thursday, April 23
4:00 p.m. - Room 260 Portside Ballroom DIESEL AFTERTREATMENT Claus Dieter Vogt, NGK Europe GmbH; Thomas Harris, John Deere Product Engineering Center
3:00 p.m. - Room 258 CONNECTED VEHICLES PILOT CERTIFICATION TESTING Walton L. Fehr, US Dept. of Transportation; Andrew Donaldson, Danlaw Inc.; Michael Brown, Southwest Research Institute; Shubha P. Gopalakrishna, 7Layers
wednesday, April 22 4:00 p.m. - Room 260 Portside Ballroom MOTORSPORTS AERODYNAMIC TECHNOLOGY Raymond Leto, TotalSim LLC; H. Robert (Bob) Welge, Robert’s Engineering Development MOTORSPORTS POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGY Wiley R. McCoy, retired, McLaren Performance Technologies; Michael Royce, retired, Chrysler MOTORSPORTS VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY David A. Finch, Raetech Corp.; David T. Currier, Toyota Racing Development USA RECONSTRUCTING AND ANALYZING ROLLOVER COLLISIONS Jarrod Carter, Origin Engineering
SAE 2015 World Congress
3:30 p.m. - Room 331 A/B/C COMBUSTION EFFICIENCY & KNOCK MITIGATION Curtis Collie, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. MODEL BASED CONTROLS & DIAGNOSTICS Purvi Janani Limaye, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. VEHICLE2X Karthik Chinnivakkam Suresh, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. highly automated driving Lars Eggenstein, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. transmission technology Wayne Petzke, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. 4:00 p.m. - Room 260 DESIGN, SIMULATION, TESTING, PRODUCTION, AND PROCESS OPTIMIZATION: THE ROLE OF THE MATERIALS ENGINEER David Elijah Palmer, BRP US Inc.
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While onsite, visit the SAE International Booth for the latest Papers, Special Publications, and New Book releases from SAE 2015 World Congress and Exhibition!
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Room No.
Page No.
140 G
55, 56, 60, 61
4 -
4 -
312 A 336 412 A 260 Portside Ballroom 260 Portside Ballroom 260 Portside Ballroom
67, 68, 71, 72 49, 51, 52 59
Active Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Integrated Safety Countermeasures and Their Safety Performance (Part 1 & 2) (SS400) Body Engineering and Design (Part 1 & 2) (SS100) CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 1 - 2) (SS101) CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 3 of 3) (SS101)
4 -
4 -
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Aerodynamic Technology (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Vehicle Technology (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Reconstructing and Analyzing Rollover Collisions (CHAT)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 1 - 4) (SS103)
312 A
Design Tools and Digital Modeling (SS104) Driver Vision and Lighting Technology (SS300) Electric Vehicle Drivetrain Dynamics (SS901) Engineering Education (CONG101) Fire Safety (SS200) Glass Applications and Wiper Systems: Innovations and Issues (SS106) Human Factors in Driving and Automotive Telematics (Part 1 & 2) (SS302) Human Factors in Seating Comfort (SS303) Mobility Issues for an Aging Population (SS304)
4 -
4 -
4 4 -
4 -
4 -
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 1 - 3) (SS500)
Occupant Protection: Biomechanics (SS501) Occupant Protection: Event Data Recorders (EDR) (SS502) Occupant Protection: Occupant Restraints (Air Bags, Seat Belts, Knee Bolsters, Child Seats, etc.) (Part 1 & 2) (SS504) Occupant Protection: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (Part 1 & 2) (SS505) Occupant Protection: Rear Impact, Rollover, and Side Impact (SS506) Occupant Protection: Safety Test Methodology (SS508) Occupant Protection: Structural Crashworthiness and Occupant Safety (SS510) Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (Part 1 & 2) (SS600) Tire and Wheel Technology (Part 1 & 2) (SS700) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 1 of 7): Experimental Technologies & Correlation (Part 1 of 2) (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 2 of 7): Experimental Technologies & Correlation (Part 2 of 2) (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 3 of 7): Aeroacoustics & Rotating Flows (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 4 of 7): Aerodynamics Development (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 5 of 7): Unsteady Aerodynamics (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 6 of 7): Fundamental Aerodynamics (SS800) Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 7 of 7): CFD Methods Development (SS800)
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 1 - 3) (SS900)
64, 65 64, 65 66
4 4 -
4 -
414 B 331 A/B/C 357 411 A 411 A 414 B 353 331 A/B/C 312 B
4 4
312 B 354
49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 60, 61 64, 65 55, 56 49 69, 70 60, 61 60, 61 49, 51, 52 50 71, 72 51, 52, 55, 56, 62, 63 67, 68 67, 68
50, 53, 54
4 -
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4 4 -
4 -
313 B 354 357 357 415 B 415 B
57, 58, 62, 63 71, 72 71, 72 67, 68 69, 70, 73, 74 57, 58, 62, 63
53, 54
4 -
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4 -
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321 321 321 321 321
53, 54 57, 58 62, 63 69, 70 73, 74 53, 54, 57, 58, 64, 65
4 4 -
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. 48
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 1 of 3) (SS101)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 1 of 4) (SS103)
Electric Vehicle Drivetrain Dynamics (SS901)
Human Factors in Driving and Automotive Telematics (Part 1 of 2) (SS302)
This session publishes papers and presentations advancing the knowledge in product design, manufacturing processes, and engineering analysis using the state-ofthe-art computer technology. The scope includes such areas as CFD, manufacturing and assembly simulation, crash-worthiness, computational mechanics, mold flow, ride simulation, ergonomic design, NVH, reverse engineering, etc. Developments in numerical methods applicable to automotive engineering problems will also be considered.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
This session deals with the analytical and experimental studies of vehicle electric drive vehicles or any non-conventional vehicle concepts that stretch the vehicle dynamics/ mobility performance using intelligent technologies such as in-wheel motors, torque-vectoring controls, multi-wheel steerby-wire, etc.
As information and entertainment to and from the vehicle (Telematics) become more prolific it is critical to increase our understanding of how the driver understands and uses Telematics functions. Equally critical is how those functions impact the driver. This session will address those issues.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Andrej Ivanco, Clemson-ICAR; Amandeep Singh, US Army TARDEC; Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp; Dave Berels, Ricardo Inc
Organizers: James Foley, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.; Kristin Kolodge, JD Power And Associates; Daniel J. Selke, Mercedes-Benz USA LLC
Chairpersons: Vesna Savic, Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors 9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Vehicle Mid-Frequency Response Using the Superelement Component Dynamic Synthesis Technique
Technical Keynote: Optimization in Nonlinear Handling Delays in Stability Control of Dynamics with examples in Vehicle Design Electric Vehicles Using MPC and Manufacturing
Technical Keynote: Driver Distraction: Methods, Metrics, and Road Safety
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.
Nielen Stander, Anirban Basudhar, Livermore Software Technology Inc.
Milad Jalaliyazdi, Amir Khajepour, University Of Waterloo; Shih-Ken Chen, Bakhtiar Litkouhi, General Motors Co
Louis Tijerina, Ford Motor Co.
Elementary Body Structure Analysis
Differential Drive Assisted Steering Control for an In-wheel Motor Electric Vehicle
Shigetaka Kameyama, Shigeo Fujita, Shinichi Kaji, Honda
Bo Leng, Lu Xiong, Chi Jin, Jun Liu, Zhuoping Yu, Tongji University
The Predictive Simulation of Exhaust Pipe Narrow-band Noise
Application of Hybrid Optimization Algorithm to Automotive Design Problems and Performance Comparison with Other Standard Optimizers
A Control Allocation Strategy for Electric Vehicles with In-wheel Motors and Hydraulic Brake System
Safe Interaction for Drivers: A Review of Driver Distraction Guidelines and Design Implications
Katsutomo Kanai, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Hideki Katsuyama, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Adarsh Viji Elango, Apurva Gokhale, Sumeet Parashar, ESTECO North America
Tong Zou, Lu Xiong, Pengfei Yang, Chi Jin, Tongji University
Richard Young, Wayne State University; Jing Zhang, AutoSimpler
Development of Prediction Method for Dynamic Strain on Windshield during Passenger Airbag Deployment
Shape Optimization by an Adjoint Solver based on a near-wall Turbulence Model
Estimation of Road-Tire Friction with Unscented Kalman Filter and MSEWeighted Fusion based on a Modified Dugoff Tire Model
Bench-Marking Drivers’ Visual and Cognitive Demands: A Feasibility Study
Yoshiyuki Tosa, Hiroyuki Mae, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Matthias Rainer, AVL LIST GmbH; Gundolf Haase, Karl-Franzens-University Graz; Branislav Basara, Guenter Offner, AVL LIST GmbH
Long Chen, Mingyuan Bian, Yugong Luo, Keqiang Li, Tsinghua University
Yu Zhang, DENSO International America, Inc.; Linda Angell, Touchstone Evaluations, Inc.; Silviu Pala, DENSO International America, Inc.; Ifushi Shimonomoto, DENSO Corporation
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity; Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Dynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Human Factors Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00470, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
331 A/B/C
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Human Factors in Seating Comfort (SS303)
Occupant Protection: Occupant Restraints (Air Bags, Seat Belts, Knee Bolsters, Child Seats, etc.) (Part 1 of 2) (SS504)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 1 of 7): Experimental Technologies & Correlation (Part 1 of 2) (SS800)
Designing vehicles with good ergonomics is one of the many factors needed to achieve high customer satisfaction. A basic source for comfort (or discomfort) lies in the vehicles seats. To design for seat comfort requires knowledge of the size of the driver, the structure of the seat, the position of the seat in the vehicle and the trip duration. Papers offers in this session could include topics such as seat back angle, vehicle packaging and trip duration.
The Occupant Restraints Session invites papers that document new research on the restraint topics of airbags, seat belts, inflatable bolsters/seat belts, knee bolsters, Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and other related areas. These papers could include several of the following: technology description, occupant performance considerations, field data studies, development/ validation methodology / results, CAE/Finite Element methods/results, packaging, and implementation / performance challenges.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Jennifer M. Badgley, General Motors; Bonita J. Thomas, FCA US LLC; Marilyn Vala, Retired
Organizers: Aditya Belwadi, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Lisa Fallon, General Motors Co.; Michael Royce; Scott D. Thomas, General Motors; Chris A. Van Ee, Design Research Engineering
Organizers: Gregory Fadler, Navistar; H. Robert (Bob) Welge, Robert’s Engineering Development; Edward G. Duell, Jacobs Technology Inc.; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Driving Posture Measurement using 3D Scanning Measuring Technique
Lightweight Knee Bolster Assembly for Belted and Unbelted Occupant Restraint in a Frontal Crash
Practical Implementation of the Two-Measurement Correction Method in Automotive Wind Tunnels
Se Jin Park, Seung Nam Min, Murali Subramaniyam, Heeran Lee, Yu Kyung Shin, Korea Res. Inst. of Standards & Science; Chang Hee Jang, Soon Hyun Hwang, Daewon Kang Up Co., Ltd.
Mani Ayyakannu, Latha Subbiah, Mohammed Syed, INDUS Concepts & Engineering, LLC
Todd Lounsberry, FCA US LLC; Joel Walter, Jacobs
Driver-centered Comfort Improvement of the Head Restraint
Simplification of the Variable Vent Structure of the Passenger Airbag by Applying a Slit-Type Vent
New FKFS Technology at the Full-Scale Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel of University of Stuttgart
(Oral Only)
Sunwoong Kim, Hyundai Dymos Seat R&D Center; Younggeun OH, Hyundai Motor Co
Kenshi Torikai, Hitoshi Higuchi, Kazuhiro Seki, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Reinhard Blumrich, Nils Widdecke, Jochen Wiedemann, Armin Michelbach, Felix Wittmeier, Oliver Beland, FKFS
A Study of Rear Seat Convenience System for Large Premium Car
Improved Seat Belt Restraint Geometry for Frontal, Frontal Oblique and Rollover Incidents
Aerodynamic Interaction Effects and Surface Pressure Distribution during On-Road Driving Events
(Oral Only)
Misun Kwon, Sangdo Park, Chanho Jeong, Taehoon Lee, Sanghark LEE, Hoonbok Lee, Hyundai Motor Company; Jinho Seo, Hyundai Dymos INC.
John Patalak, Thomas Gideon, NASCAR; John W. Melvin, Tandelta; Mike Rains, TK Holdings Inc
Andreas Kremheller, Nissan Technical Centre Europe, Ltd.
Effects of Sinusoidal Whole Body Vibration Frequency on Drivers Muscle Responses
Development and Implementation of a Quasi-Static Test for Seat Integrated Seat Belt Restraint System Anchorages
Aerodynamics of Timber Trucks - a Wind Tunnel Investigation
Xiangjie Meng, Xin Tao, Wenjun Wang, Chaofei Zhang, Bo Cheng, Bo Wang, Tsinghua University; Chengpeng Zhou, Wayne State University; Xiaoping Jin, China Agricultural University; Chao Zeng, Shihezi University; John Cavanaugh, Chaoyang Chen, Wayne State University
John Patalak, Thomas Gideon, NASCAR
Matts Karlsson, Roland Gårdhagen, Petter Ekman, Linkoping University; David Söderblom, Scania CV AB; Claes Löfroth, Skogforsk
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00505, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Heated Seat Simulation Study for Thermal Seat Comfort Improvement (2015-01-1391) Scott Allen Ziolek, Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center Inc.; Joshua Pryor, Tony Schwenn, ThermoAnalytics Inc; Adam Steinman, Gentherm Comfort-Driven Design of Car Interiors: A Method to Trace Iso-Comfort Surfaces for P ositioning the Dashboard Commands (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1394) Alessandro Naddeo, Marco Apicella, Davide Galluzzi, Universita Degli Studi Di Salerno Planned by Human Factors Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 2 of 3) (SS101)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 2 of 4) (SS103)
Human Factors in Driving and Automotive Telematics (Part 2 of 2) (SS302)
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 1 of 3) (SS500)
This session publishes papers and presentations advancing the knowledge in product design, manufacturing processes, and engineering analysis using the state-ofthe-art computer technology. The scope includes such areas as CFD, manufacturing and assembly simulation, crash-worthiness, computational mechanics, mold flow, ride simulation, ergonomic design, NVH, reverse engineering, etc. Developments in numerical methods applicable to automotive engineering problems will also be considered.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
As information and entertainment to and from the vehicle (Telematics) become more prolific it is critical to increase our understanding of how the driver understands and uses Telematics functions. Equally critical is how those functions impact the driver. This session will address those issues.
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: James Foley, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.; Kristin Kolodge, JD Power And Associates; Daniel J. Selke, Mercedes-Benz USA LLC
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co. 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Automatic CAD Data Preparation for CAE
Development of Smart Design Process for Light Weight Body in White
A Surrogate Test for Cognitive Demand: Tactile Detection Response Task (TDRT)
Validation of Equations for Motorcycle and Rider Lean on a Curve
Martin Schifko, Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & Co. KG; Bernhard Kornberger, Geom e.U. Graz; Daniela Fellhofer, Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & Co. KG; Hans Steiner, Caelynx
Shohei Matsuyama, Hiroyuki Yamashita, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Li Hsieh, Sean Seaman, Richard Young, Wayne State University
Neal Carter, Nathan A. Rose, David Pentecost, Kineticorp LLC
Key Attributes for Virtually Simulating 2Nd Row Seat Hard Stop Mechanism as Per Seat Standard
BIW Mass Reduction through Optimization
Study of Reproducibility of Pedal Tracking and Detection Response Task to Assess Driver Distraction
Features of Fatal Cyclist Injuries in VehicleVersus-Cyclist Accidents in Japan
Shreyas Shingavi, Pankaj Bhirud, Abhishek Ranjan, Tata Technologies, Ltd.
Ashish Kumar Sahu, Abhijit Londhe, Suhas Kangde, Vishal Shitole, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd.
Tatsuya Iwasa, Toshihiro Hashimoto, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Yasuhiro Matsui, Shoko Oikawa, NTSEL
A Study into Compression Ring Dynamics using Response Surface Methodology
The Lightweight of Auto Body Based on Topology Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis
Revised Odds Ratio Estimates of Secondary Tasks: A Re-Analysis of the 100Car Naturalistic Driving Study Data
Influence of Age, Secondary Tasks and Other Factors on Drivers Swerving Responses before Crash or Near-Crash Events
Matthew W. Dickinson, Nathalie Renevier, John Calderbank, Univ. of Central Lancashire
Guan Zhou, Guangyao Li, Aiguo Cheng, Guochun Wang, ADMVB, Hunan University; Hongmin Zhang, AISN Auto R&D Co., Ltd.; Yi Liao, SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd.
Richard Young, Driving Safety Consulting, LLC
Jeffrey Muttart, Crash Safety Research Center, LLC
Optimizing the Geometry of Fan-shroud Assembly Using CFD
Creating a Two Sided Customer Loss Function
Open Source Computer Vision Solution for Head and Gaze Tracking in a Driving Simulator Environment
Quantifying Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance using a Retroreflectometer
Meisam Mehravaran, Yi Zhang, Ford Motor Co.
James A. Crowley, General Motors
Devin SJ Caplow-Munro, University of Pennsylvania; Helen Loeb, Venk Kandadai, Flaura Winston, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Jeffrey Aaron Suway, Judson Welcher, Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC
Evaluation Technique for Thermal Distortion of Automotive Outer Panels Using the Curvature
Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
Livemetrics: Providing Individualized Feedback on Driving Performance
Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance in Relation to Observation and Entrance Angle A Real World Study
Yoichi Toyooka, Kiyoshi Hasegawa, Honda R&D
Sami H. Karaki, Rabih Jabr, Riad Chedid, American University of Beirut; Ferdinand Panik, University of Applied Sciences Esslingen
Venk Kandadai, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Helen Loeb; Guyrandy JeanGilles, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Catherine McDonald, Univ of Pennsylvania; Andrew Winston, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Thomas Seacrist; Flaura Winston, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Univ of Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Aaron Suway, Judson Welcher, Biomechanical Research & Testing, LLC
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 2 of 3) (SS101)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 2 of 4) (SS103)
Human Factors in Driving and Automotive Telematics (Part 2 of 2) (SS302)
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 1 of 3) (SS500)
This session publishes papers and presentations advancing the knowledge in product design, manufacturing processes, and engineering analysis using the state-ofthe-art computer technology. The scope includes such areas as CFD, manufacturing and assembly simulation, crash-worthiness, computational mechanics, mold flow, ride simulation, ergonomic design, NVH, reverse engineering, etc. Developments in numerical methods applicable to automotive engineering problems will also be considered.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
As information and entertainment to and from the vehicle (Telematics) become more prolific it is critical to increase our understanding of how the driver understands and uses Telematics functions. Equally critical is how those functions impact the driver. This session will address those issues.
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: James Foley, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.; Kristin Kolodge, JD Power And Associates; Daniel J. Selke, Mercedes-Benz USA LLC
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co. 3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Development of Plastic Fracture Simulation Technology for Passenger Airbag Tear Line
Snowmobile Cornering and Acceleration Data From On-Snow Testing
Hisaki Sugaya, Yoshiyuki Tosa, Kazuo Imura, Hiroyuki Mae, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Mark H. Warner, Jon E. Bready, Collision Safety Engineering LC; Wyatt Y. Warner, Brigham Young University; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering
Modelling and Numerical Calculation of Snow Particles Entering the Air Intake of an Automobile (2015-01-1342) Christoph Huber, Bernhard Weigand, University of Stuttgart; Heinrich Reister, Thomas Binner, Daimler AG Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity; Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00470, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00472, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Human Factors Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00476, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Occupant Protection: Occupant Restraints (Air Bags, Seat Belts, Knee Bolsters, Child Seats, etc.) (Part 2 of 2) (SS504)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 2 of 7): Experimental Technologies & Correlation (Part 2 of 2) (SS800)
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 1 of 3) (SS900)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 3 of 7): Aeroacoustics & Rotating Flows (SS800)
The Occupant Restraints Session invites papers that document new research on the restraint topics of airbags, seat belts, inflatable bolsters/seat belts, knee bolsters, Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and other related areas. These papers could include several of the following: technology description, occupant performance considerations, field data studies, development/validation methodology / results, CAE/Finite Element methods/ results, packaging, and implementation / performance challenges.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Aditya Belwadi, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Lisa Fallon, General Motors Co.; Michael Royce; Scott D. Thomas, General Motors; Chris A. Van Ee, Design Research Engineering
Organizers: Gregory Fadler, Navistar; H. Robert (Bob) Welge, Robert’s Engineering Development; Edward G. Duell, Jacobs Technology Inc.; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Organizers: Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Thomas N. Ramsay, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Sivapalan Senthooran, Exa Corporation; Kurt Zielinski, Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Todd Lounsberry, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover
Injury Sources for Second Row Occupants in Frontal CrashesConsidering Age and Restraint Condition Influence.
Experimental and Numerical investigation of a Le Mans Prototype (LMP2) racing car
Rubber Bushing Model for Vehicle Dynamics Developmentthat Considers Amplitude and Frequency Dependency
(Oral Only)
Anand Sai Gudlur, Theresa Atkinson, Kettering University
Neil Ashton PhD, Alistair Revell PhD, University of Manchester
Jun Nakahara, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Koji Yamazaki, Honda R&D Americas Inc.; Yusuke Otaki, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Vertical Occupant Loading in Car Crashes; Test Methods and Countermeasures
The Thermal and Aerodynamic Development of a Cooling and Heat Resistance Package for a New Hybrid Sports Car
CAE-based Driving Comfort Optimization for Passenger Cars
Lotta Jakobsson, Magnus Björklund, Anders Axelson, Volvo Cars
Yasuyuki Onishi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Thomas Ramsay, Timothy Juan, James McKillen, Honda R & D Americas Inc
Timothy Drotar, Ford Motor Co. Research and Advanced Eng; Jacopo Palandri, Friedrich Wolf-Monheim, Paul Zandbergen, Ford Research Laboratory Aachen GmbH; Bjoern Reff, Ford Werke GmbH
Effects of Pretensioners and Load Limiters on 50th Male and 5th Female Seated in Rear Seat during a Frontal Collision
Vehicle Dynamics Associated with Pothole Encounters
Comparison of Computational Simulation of Automotive Spinning Wheel Flow Field with Full Width Moving Belt Wind Tunnel Results
Massoud Tavakoli, Janet Brelin-Fornari, Kettering University Crash Safety Center
L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing, LLC; J. Sneddon, Baker Sneddon Consulting
Mark E. Gleason, FCA US LLC; Bradley Duncan, Exa Corporation; Joel Walter, Jacobs; Arturo Guzman, FCA US LLC; Young-Chang Cho, Exa Corporation
Effects of Crash Pulse, Impact Angle, Occupant size, Front Seat Location, and Restraint System on Rear Seat Occupant Protection
Lateral Force Characteristics Under Realistic Further Investigations on the Flow Around Driving Conditions a Rotating, Isolated Wheel with Detailed Tread Pattern
(Oral Only)
Jingwen Hu, Univ. of Michigan; Kurt Fischer, Paul Lange, Angelo Adler, TRW Vehicle Safety Systems Inc.
Carsten Schroeder, Kai-Uwe Koehne, Burkhard Wies, Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH
Bastian Schnepf, Technische Universitaet Muenchen; Thomas Schütz, BMW Group; Thomas Indinger, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Installed Positions of Child Restraint Systems in Vehicle Second Rows
A Statistical Tire Model Concept Applications to Car Development
The Effects of Unsteady Flow Conditions on Vehicle in Cabin and External Noise Generation
Kathleen DeSantis Klinich, Kyle Boyle, Laura Malik, Miriam Manary, Jingwen Hu, University of Michigan
Kaoru Kusaka, Nobuyuki Nagayama, Honda Charalampos Kounenis, David SimsR&D Co., Ltd. Williams, Robert Dominy, Arganthaël Berson, Durham University; Nicholas Oettle, Claire Freeman, Jaguar Land Rover
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
3:30 p.m.
Occupant Protection: Occupant Restraints (Air Bags, Seat Belts, Knee Bolsters, Child Seats, etc.) (Part 2 of 2) (SS504)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 2 of 7): Experimental Technologies & Correlation (Part 2 of 2) (SS800)
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 1 of 3) (SS900)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 3 of 7): Aeroacoustics & Rotating Flows (SS800)
The Occupant Restraints Session invites papers that document new research on the restraint topics of airbags, seat belts, inflatable bolsters/seat belts, knee bolsters, Child Restraint Systems (CRS) and other related areas. These papers could include several of the following: technology description, occupant performance considerations, field data studies, development/validation methodology / results, CAE/Finite Element methods/ results, packaging, and implementation / performance challenges.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Aditya Belwadi, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Lisa Fallon, General Motors Co.; Michael Royce; Scott D. Thomas, General Motors; Chris A. Van Ee, Design Research Engineering
Organizers: Gregory Fadler, Navistar; H. Robert (Bob) Welge, Robert’s Engineering Development; Edward G. Duell, Jacobs Technology Inc.; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Organizers: Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Thomas N. Ramsay, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Sivapalan Senthooran, Exa Corporation; Kurt Zielinski, Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Todd Lounsberry, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover
Development of a Small Child Restraint System Virtual Surrogate to Evaluate CRSto-Vehicle Interaction and Fitment
Friction Estimation at Tyre-Ground Contact
A Computational Approach to Assess Broadband Noise Generated by a Vehicle Sunroof
Aditya Belwadi, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Richard Hanna, Drexel University; Audrey Eagle, FCA US LLC; Daniel Martinez, Drexel University; Julie Kleinert, General Motors Co.; Eric Dahle, Evenflo Co Inc.
Johannes Edelmann, Technische Universität Wien; Massimiliano Gobbi, Giampiero Mastinu, Politecnico di Milano; Manfred Ploechl, Technische Universität Wien; Giorgio Previati, Politecnico di Milano
Nicholas Oettle, Jaguar Land Rover; Mohammed Meskine, Sivapalan Senthooran, Andrew Bissell, Gana Balasubramanian, Robert Powell, Exa Corporation
4:00 p.m.
Parameter Identification of Tire Model Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (2015-01-1586) Guirong Zhuo, Jin Wang, Fengbo Zhang, Tongji Univ The Application of Hybrid III 5th percentile Dummy FE Model for Rear Row Occupant Simulation in Frontal Crash Test (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Automobile Wind Noise Speed Scaling Characteristics (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Jia Hu, SAIC Motor Corporation Limited
Hangsheng Hou, China FAW R&D Center
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Structures Activity Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Dynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00505, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00463, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
312 A
331 A/B/C
Active Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Integrated Safety Countermeasures and Their Safety Performance (Part 1 of 2) (SS400)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 3 of 4) (SS103)
Driver Vision and Lighting Technology (SS300)
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 2 of 3) (SS500)
This session will focus on how Active Safety and Driver assistance systems are gaining importance and yielded significant safety benefits that are possible from the deployment of those systems in the fleet. It will address deployment strategies and technologies used by the industry and the government as well as consumer acceptance and market demand for these systems. Lastly, discussion on information gained from the various onboard sensors and vision systems in active safety systems will occur.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
These papers highlight the interaction of driver visionwhich is itself characterized by complexity, flexibility, and high levels of performancewith ever more sophisticated vision technologies to support driver vision. In particular, LED technology continued to advance in the past year, leading to broader lighting applications. Topics covered include lighting design strategy, lighting thermal management, driver fields of view, and characteristics of camera/display systems.
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: H. Clay Gabler, Virginia Tech.; John F. Lenkeit, Dynamic Research Inc.; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Joseph Kanianthra; Kristofer D. Kusano, Virginia Tech
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors
Organizers: Jianzhong Jiao; Michael J. Flannagan, Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Chairpersons: Vesna Savic, Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Driver Reactions In A Vehicle With Collision Warning and Mitigation Technology
Full Vehicle Tailored Parts Optimization Light weighting
High-Design Exterior Light Lens Having Both Excellent Transparency and Homogenous Luminance
A Comparison of Bayesian Speed Estimates from Rollover and Critical Speed Methods
Caroline Crump, David Cades, Robert Rauschenberger, Emily Hildebrand, Jeremy Schwark, Brandon Barakat, Exponent Failure Analysis Associates; Douglas Young, Exponent Inc.
Velayudham Ganesan, Javier Rodriguez, Harjinder Singh, Avinash Mudalagi, Parveen Panchal, EDAG Inc.
Akira Yamada, Shunsuke Iwao, Honda R&D Co., Ltd
Gary A. Davis, Univ. of Minnesota
Driver Perceived Threat and Behaviour in Rear End Collision Avoidance Situations
A Novel Approach for Design and Optimization of Automotive Aluminum Cross-Car Beam Assemblies
Intelligent Warning Lights and Driving Safety
Reconstruction of Vehicle-Pedestrian Collisions Including an Unknown Point of Impact
Jitendra Shah, Mohamed Benmimoun, Ford Research Center Aachen GmbH
Mehran Ebrahimi, Kamran Behdinan, University of Toronto
John D. Bullough, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Raymond M. Brach, ESI, University of Notre Dame
Repeated Measures Testing of Driver Collision Warning
Multi-criteria Optimization of Foam Reinforced Thin-walled Tube Shape under Crashworthiness Requirements
Comparison amongst Emerging Markets in Regards to Headlamp Performance and the Challenges Ahead for Global Programs
Pedestrian throw Distance Impact Speed Contour Plots using Pc-Crash
Louis Tijerina, Michael Blommer, Reates Curry, Radhakrishnan Swaminathan, Dev Kochhar, Walter Talamonti, Ford Motor Company
Tao Wang, LIangmo Wang, Yuanlong Wang, Nanjing Univ. of Science & Technology; Xiaojun Zou, Fuxiang Guo, NAVECO Ltd.
Luciano Lukacs, Ford Asia-Pacific Inc.
Shane Richardson, Nikola Josevski, Andreas Sandvik, Tandy Pok, Tia Lange Orton, Blake Winter, Delta-V Experts; Xu Wang, RMIT University
Driver Lane Change Prediction using Physiological Measures
Park Pawl Dynamic System Engagement Speed Calculation Using Isight
Ultra Low Power LED Fog Lamp with Sharp cut-off optics for Electric Vehicle
Glass Debris Field Longevity for Rollover Accident Reconstruction
Yi lu Murphey, University of Michigan; Dev S. Kochhar, Ford Motor Co.; Paul Watta, Xipeng Wang, Tianyu Wang, University of Michigan
Charles Yuan, Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp.; Niat Mahmud Rahman, General Motors Co.
Alex Wang, Jung Hsien Yen, TQ Technology
Jay Przybyla, Focus Forensics; Jason Jupe, Rimkus; Thomas Rush, Rachel Keller, Focus Forensics
Driving Characteristics of Drivers in a State of Low Alertness When an Autonomous System Changes from Autonomous Driving to Manual Driving
Lightweight Optimal Design of a Rear Bumper System Based on Surrogate Models
Understanding the Safety Effects of Vehicle Lighting Through Naturalistic Driving Data
On the Directionality of Rollover Damage and Abrasions
Toshiya Hirose, Dai Kitabayashi, Shibaura Institute of Technology; Hidenobu Kubota, MLIT
Chao Li, Il Yong Kim, Queen’s University
John D. Bullough, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dennis Turriff, David J. King, James Bertoch, MEA Forensic Engineers & Scientists
Thin-Walled Compliant Mechanism Component Design Assisted by Machine Learning and Multiple Surrogates
An Optimal Camera Monitor System (OCMS) for Automotive
Accuracy of SUAS Photogrammetry for Use in Accident Scene Diagramming
Kai Liu, Purdue University; Andres Tovar, Indiana Univ Purdue Univ; Emily Nutwell, Duane Detwiler, Honda R & D Americas Inc
Miguel Hurtado, Amine Taleb-Bendiab, Valeo North America, Inc.; Julien Moizard, VALEO Driving Assistance Research; Patrice M. Reilhac, Valeo Schalter und Sensoren GmbH; Heinz Mattern, VALEO North America, Inc.
Drew A. Jurkofsky, Unmanned Experts
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
312 A
331 A/B/C
Active Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Integrated Safety Countermeasures and Their Safety Performance (Part 1 of 2) (SS400)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 3 of 4) (SS103)
Driver Vision and Lighting Technology (SS300)
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 2 of 3) (SS500)
This session will focus on how Active Safety and Driver assistance systems are gaining importance and yielded significant safety benefits that are possible from the deployment of those systems in the fleet. It will address deployment strategies and technologies used by the industry and the government as well as consumer acceptance and market demand for these systems. Lastly, discussion on information gained from the various onboard sensors and vision systems in active safety systems will occur.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
These papers highlight the interaction of driver visionwhich is itself characterized by complexity, flexibility, and high levels of performancewith ever more sophisticated vision technologies to support driver vision. In particular, LED technology continued to advance in the past year, leading to broader lighting applications. Topics covered include lighting design strategy, lighting thermal management, driver fields of view, and characteristics of camera/display systems.
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: H. Clay Gabler, Virginia Tech.; John F. Lenkeit, Dynamic Research Inc.; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Joseph Kanianthra; Kristofer D. Kusano, Virginia Tech
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors
Organizers: Jianzhong Jiao; Michael J. Flannagan, Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Methods of Glare Reduction from Oncoming Traffic During Driving
Assessment of the Accuracy of Google Earth Satellite Imagery for use as a Tool in Accident Reconstruction
Ravi Ranjan, Shivaswaroop Parameswaraiah, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Jeffrey Wirth, Enrique Bonugli, Mark Freund, Biodynamic Research Corp.
Chairpersons: Vesna Savic, Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 11:00 a.m.
Study on Vehicle Collision Predicting using Vehicle Acceleration and Angular Velocity of Brake Pedal (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Optimization of Vehicle Ride Comfort and Handling Stability Based on TOPSIS Method (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Clarity of View: An AHP Multi-Factor Evaluation Framework for Driver Awareness Systems in Heavy Vehicles (Written Only -No Oral Presentation)
Guanjun Zhang, Feng Yu, Zhigao OuYang, Hunan University; Huiqin Chen, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hunan University; Zhonghao Bai, Libo Cao, Hunan University
Rongchao Jiang, Dengfeng Wang, Jilin University
Dee Kivett, John Smith, Clemson University
Aerodynamic Drag and Noise Minimization of Rear End Parameters in a Simplified Car Model Utilizing Robust Parameter Design Method (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
An Investigation into the Disruption of Circadian Rhythms using Blue Light for Automotive Applications (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Sajjad Beigmoradi, R & D Center of SAIPA (AIRIC)
Sreegururaj Jayachander, Krishna Raj Nair M K, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd.
Planned by Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Human Factors Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00494, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00472, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00476, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
313 B
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
415 B
Occupant Protection: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (Part 1 of 2) (SS505)
Tire and Wheel Technology (Part 1 Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 4 of of 2) (SS700) 7): Aerodynamics Development (SS800)
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 2 of 3) (SS900)
The pedestrian and cyclist safety session focuses on research and development efforts aimed at protecting pedestrians and cyclists in the event of vehicle impact. Papers on injury biomechanics, vehicle design, dummy and impactor development, computational modeling, regulations and consumer assessment testing, active safety and collision avoidance are accepted for this session.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum to bring together researchers do discuss and disseminate the research on tire and wheel technology. Examples of topics to this symposium include (but are not limited to) nonlinear behavior of tires and wheels, static/dynamic stress analysis, nonlinear material modeling, contact stress, impact, noise, vibration, traction, hydroplaning, effect of tires on vehicle performance, rolling resistance, and durability. Session 1/2
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Carlos Arregui Dalmases; Jason R. Kerrigan, Univ. of Virginia
Organizers: David L. Howland, General Motors Co.; Jaehyung Ju, Univ. of North Texas; Neel K. Mani, Timothy A. Marantis, Bridgestone Americas Inc.; Rick S. Wallace, General Motors Co.; Peter Zmolek, Continental Tire North America Inc.
Organizers: Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Co.; Jeffrey Bordner, General Motors; Arturo Guzman, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Typical Pedestrian Accident Scenarios in China and Injury Mitigation by Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems
Technical Keynote: Tire/Vehicle/Road Interaction
A CFD Study of Drag Reduction Devices for a Full Size Production Pickup Truck
Improved Lane-keeping with Rear Axle Steer
(Oral Only)
Qiang Chen, Miao Lin, Bing Dai, Jiguang Chen, CATARC
Thomas Schulze, Burkhard Wies, Continental AG
Kuo-Huey Chen, Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Global R&D
Daniel E. Williams, TRW Commercial Steering Systems
Vehicle to Pedestrian Safety Communication System
Development of the Aerodynamics of the New Nissan Murano
Development of an Electric-Based Power Steering System
Radovan Miucic, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Xinzhou Wu, Qualcomm Research; Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; James Misener, Qualcomm Research
Masaaki Arai, Keitaro Tone, Keiichi Taniguchi, Mikako Murakami, Munehiko Oshima, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Scott Bradley Zagorski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Tomoya Ushimura, Honda; James Post, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Accident Characteristics and Influence Parameters of Severe Motorcycle Acciden
Tire Testing Using Scalable Vehicle Models
Application of Prediction Formulas to Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of Door Mirrors
Development of Handling Performance Control for SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD
Dietmar Otte, Medical University Hannover Research; Thorsten Facius, Birgit Wiese, Medical University Hannover
David Stalnaker, Ke-Jun Xie, Bridgestone Americas Operations; Terence Wei, Bridgestone Americas Inc
Kenichi Hirose, Rina Nakagawa, Yukitaka Ura, Hideyuki Kawamata, Hisashi Tanaka, Munehiko Oshima, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Tomokazu Honda, Honda R&D
Pedestrians Wrap Around Distance WAD and the Relevance as Influence Parameter for Head Injuries
An Adaptive Tire Model for Enhanced Vehicle Control Systems
Design the City Vehicle XAM using CFD Analysis
Development of Three-Motor Electric Vehicle EMIRAI 2 xEV
Dietmar Otte, Medical University Hannover Research
Kanwar Bharat Singh, Srikanth Sivaramakrishnan, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Massimiliana Carello, Serra Andrea, Andrea Giancarlo Airale, Alessandro Ferraris, Politecnico di Torino
Kazuto Yokoyama, Masahiro Iezawa, Hideyuki Tanaka, Keiichi Enoki, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Cycling Characteristics of Bicycles at an Intersection
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Tire Design Parameters on Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Performance
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction - from Conceptual Design on a Simplified Generic Model to Full-Scale Road Tests
Frequency Content Based Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Driver Braking Behavior
Sho Nikaido, Shota Wada, Shibaura Institute of Technology; Yasuhiro Matsui, Shoko Oikawa, NTSEL; Toshiya Hirose, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Srikanth Sivaramakrishnan, Kanwar Bharat Singh, Peter Lee, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
Petter Ekman, Roland Gårdhagen, Linkoping University; Torbjörn Virdung, ANSYS Sweden; Matts Karlsson, Linkoping University
Joshua L. Every, Dennis A. Guenther, Gary J. Heydinger, Ohio State University
Comparative Analysis of Tire Evaluation Methods for an indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System (iTPMS)
Flow Field Analysis in the Development of the 2013 Model Year Accord Hybrid
Antilock Brake Control System for FourWheel-Drive Electric Vehicle with Electrohydraulic Braking based on Precise Control of Hydraulic Braking Force
Robert Suender, Günther Prokop, Dresden University of Technology; Thomas Roscher, AUDI AG
Daisuke Nakamura, Yasuyuki Onishi, Yoshiyasu Takehara, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Guirong Zhuo, Hui Shen, Tongji Univ; Shenchen Wu, Yilin Ren, Shanghai Volkswagen Powertrain Co., Ltd.
A Study of Tire Characteristics and Vehicle Performance on Snow-covered Roads
Aerodynamic Development of the New Honda FIT/JAZZ
Takahiro Yokoyama, Koji Hiratsuka, Shinya Notomi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Kentaro Machida, Munetsugu Kaneko, Atsushi Ogawa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
313 B
415 B
Occupant Protection: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (Part 1 of 2) (SS505)
Tire and Wheel Technology (Part 1 Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 4 of of 2) (SS700) 7): Aerodynamics Development (SS800)
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 2 of 3) (SS900)
The pedestrian and cyclist safety session focuses on research and development efforts aimed at protecting pedestrians and cyclists in the event of vehicle impact. Papers on injury biomechanics, vehicle design, dummy and impactor development, computational modeling, regulations and consumer assessment testing, active safety and collision avoidance are accepted for this session.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum to bring together researchers do discuss and disseminate the research on tire and wheel technology. Examples of topics to this symposium include (but are not limited to) nonlinear behavior of tires and wheels, static/dynamic stress analysis, nonlinear material modeling, contact stress, impact, noise, vibration, traction, hydroplaning, effect of tires on vehicle performance, rolling resistance, and durability. Session 1/2
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Carlos Arregui Dalmases; Jason R. Kerrigan, Univ. of Virginia
Organizers: David L. Howland, General Motors Co.; Jaehyung Ju, Univ. of North Texas; Neel K. Mani, Timothy A. Marantis, Bridgestone Americas Inc.; Rick S. Wallace, General Motors Co.; Peter Zmolek, Continental Tire North America Inc.
Organizers: Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Co.; Jeffrey Bordner, General Motors; Arturo Guzman, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc. Optimization of the Customer Experience for Routine Handling Performance (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1588) Ibrahim A. Badiru, Michael W. Neal, General Motors Co. Tuning Dampers for Ride and Handling of Production Vehicles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1589) Michael W. Neal, Walter Cwycyshyn, Ibrahim Badiru, General Motors Co. Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation for An Integrated Braking System (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1582) Jiawang Yong, Feng Gao, Nenggen Ding, Wei Wang, Beihang University; Xianrong Hu, GAC Automotive Engineering Institute
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee Planned by Tire and Wheel Committee / / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Dynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00511, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00463, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00498, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A CAD/CAM/CAE Technology (Part 3 of 3) (SS101) This session publishes papers and presentations advancing the knowledge in product design, manufacturing processes, and engineering analysis using the state-of-the-art computer technology. The scope includes such areas as CFD, manufacturing and assembly simulation, crashworthiness, computational mechanics, mold flow, ride simulation, ergonomic design, NVH, reverse engineering, etc. Developments in numerical methods applicable to automotive engineering problems will also be considered. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co. 10:00 a.m.
Realistic Visualization of Crash Results
(Oral Only) Eric Dehoff, Honda R & D Americas Inc. 10:30 a.m.
Door Slam CAE Method Investigation (2015-01-1324) Guangtian Gavin Song, Chin-An Tan, Wayne State University
11:00 a.m.
Investigation of Stresses & Deflection in Multi Stage Leaf Spring of Heavy Duty Vehicle by FEM & Its Experimental Verification (2015-01-1345) Srinivas Kurna, Arpit Mathur, Sandeep Sharma, Volvo Group Influence of Linear and Parabolic Elements in Structural Rigidity of Converter Mounting Brackets (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1326) Sivanandi Rajadurai, Guru Prasad Mani, Kavin Raja, Sundaravadivelu Mohan, Sharda Motor Industries, Ltd. Research and Verification on Ideal Stiffness Characteristic Curve of Suspension Coil Springs (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1328) Da-Wei Gao, Xing-Xing Huang, Jun Xu, Song-Lin Zheng, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity; Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00470, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structure technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
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SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
312 A
411 A
414 B
Active Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Integrated Safety Countermeasures and Their Safety Performance (Part 2 of 2) (SS400)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 4 of 4) (SS103)
Fire Safety (SS200)
Glass Applications and Wiper Systems: Innovations and Issues (SS106)
This session will focus on how Active Safety and Driver assistance systems are gaining importance and yielded significant safety benefits that are possible from the deployment of those systems in the fleet. It will address deployment strategies and technologies used by the industry and the government as well as consumer acceptance and market demand for these systems. Lastly, discussion on information gained from the various onboard sensors and vision systems in active safety systems will occur.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
The fire safety session will focus on current developments in the fields of vehicle fire science, statistics, risks, assessment and mitigation. Papers addressing vehicle design, live-fire tests and fire investigation issues applicable to traditional, electric and alternatively fueled vehicles will be presented.
Together, the wiper system and windshield glass assure the driver’s forward visibility needed for safe operation of the vehicle. Design, analysis and experiments related to windshield wipers are discussed, including innovative ideas and findings in empirical studies and numerical simulations as well as fundamental advancements with tribology, mechanisms, fluid flow, and heat transfer. Further discussion on laminated glass, to meet an ever-expanding world-wide regulation will also occur.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Organizers: H. Clay Gabler, Virginia Tech.; John F. Lenkeit, Dynamic Research Inc.; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Joseph Kanianthra; Kristofer D. Kusano, Virginia Tech
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Mark William Arndt, Transportation Safety Tech. Inc.; Steven Hodges, Alion Science & Technology; Jeffrey Santrock, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Joseph E. Poley; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Collision Avoidance Systems Advancements and Efficiency
The Optimization of Intake Port Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network for Diesel Engines
Test Protocols for Motorcoach Fire Safety
Novel Lightweight Laminate Concept with Ultrathin Chemically Strengthened Glass for Automotive Windshields
Mikael Ljung Aust, Lotta Jakobsson, Magdalena Lindman, Erik Coelingh, Volvo Cars
Yanzhe Sun, Tianyou Wang, Zhen Lu, Lei Cui, Tianjin Univ.; Ming Jia, Dalian Univ. of Technology
Jason P. Huczek, Southwest Research Institute; R. Rhoads Stephenson, Friedman Research Corp
Thomas Leonhard, Thomas Cleary, Michael Moore, Shane Seyler, W Keith Fisher, Corning Inc
Test Scenarios, Equipment and Testing Process for LDW LDP Performance Evaluation
Multi-Objective Optimization of High-Speed Solenoid Valve Based on Response Surface and Genetic Algorithm
Fire in Electric Cars
Development of an Original Self-Oscillating Washer Nozzle
Arda Kurt, Güchan Özbilgin, Keith A. Redmill, Ohio State University; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Ümit Özgüner, Ohio State University
Peng Liu, Liyun Fan, De Xu, Xiuzhen Ma, Enzhe Song, Harbin Engineering University
Lisa Schei Blikeng; Siril Hegén Agerup
Hiroshi Yokoyama, Atsushi Otani, Naoyuki Shirota, Takao Umezawa, Mitsuba Corp.
Target Population for Intersection Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in the U.S.
Optimization of tip-in response character of Sports Utility Vehicle and verification with objective methodology
Basic Study on Thermal Runaway Propagation through Lithium Ion Cells
Improvement in Washing Efficiency in Front Windshield Washer System
Kristofer D. Kusano, Hampton C. Gabler, Virginia Tech
Harinarayanan Jayaraman, Navaneetha Rao, Saravanan Muthiah, Sreeekanth Mohan, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd.
Hideki Matsumura, Shinichiro Itoh, Kenichi Ando, National Traffic Safety & Enviro Lab
Takeshi Sasaki, Tatsuya Ohmaru, Taisuke Goto, Honda
Research on Variable-Speed Brake Control in Multiple-Collision Automatic Braking
Design optimization of scooter engine hanger for maximizing stiffness to weight ratio.
Full-scale Fire Tests of Electric Drive Vehicle Batteries
Shotaro Odate, Kazuhiro Daido, Yosuke Mizutani, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Anshul Koli, Ishan Chandel, Viswanathan Balasubramaniam, Mahindra 2 Wheelers Limited
Andrew Blum, Richard Thomas Long, Exponent Inc.
Chairpersons: Vesna Savic, Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors
The Simulation Strategy and Its Realization in the Development Process of Active Safety and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Flammability of Plastics in Today’s Automobiles
Pawel Skruch, Rafal Dlugosz, Krzysztof Kogut, Pawel Markiewicz, Dominik Sasin, Maciej Róewicz, Delphi Poland
Kumar Kumar, Albemarle Corporation
A new Algorithm to make future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems faster
Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Safety System and Method
(Oral Only)
Xuan Zhou, Walter Niewoehner, DEKRA Automobil GmbH
Daniel McNicholas, Controlled Natural Gas LLC
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
312 A
411 A
414 B
Active Safety, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, Integrated Safety Countermeasures and Their Safety Performance (Part 2 of 2) (SS400)
Design Optimization - Methods and Applications (Part 4 of 4) (SS103)
Fire Safety (SS200)
Glass Applications and Wiper Systems: Innovations and Issues (SS106)
This session will focus on how Active Safety and Driver assistance systems are gaining importance and yielded significant safety benefits that are possible from the deployment of those systems in the fleet. It will address deployment strategies and technologies used by the industry and the government as well as consumer acceptance and market demand for these systems. Lastly, discussion on information gained from the various onboard sensors and vision systems in active safety systems will occur.
Design Optimization Methods and Application session features papers on new and improved optimization techniques and on application of different optimization methods in component and vehicle design. Methods include deterministic and stochastic optimization techniques. Applications range from noise pressure optimization and vehicle dynamic response optimization to sub-system topology and shape and full vehicle gage and topology optimization.
The fire safety session will focus on current developments in the fields of vehicle fire science, statistics, risks, assessment and mitigation. Papers addressing vehicle design, live-fire tests and fire investigation issues applicable to traditional, electric and alternatively fueled vehicles will be presented.
Together, the wiper system and windshield glass assure the driver’s forward visibility needed for safe operation of the vehicle. Design, analysis and experiments related to windshield wipers are discussed, including innovative ideas and findings in empirical studies and numerical simulations as well as fundamental advancements with tribology, mechanisms, fluid flow, and heat transfer. Further discussion on laminated glass, to meet an ever-expanding world-wide regulation will also occur.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Organizers: H. Clay Gabler, Virginia Tech.; John F. Lenkeit, Dynamic Research Inc.; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Joseph Kanianthra; Kristofer D. Kusano, Virginia Tech
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; James De Clerck, Michigan Technological Univ.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Mark William Arndt, Transportation Safety Tech. Inc.; Steven Hodges, Alion Science & Technology; Jeffrey Santrock, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Joseph E. Poley; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Planned by Fire Safety Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Chairpersons: Vesna Savic, Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Chandan Mozumder, General Motors Design of an Aluminum Alloy Swingarm and its Weight and Cost minimization using Topology Optimization (2015-01-1356) Atishay Jain, Mahindra Two Wheelers, Ltd. Optimization of commercial vehicle cooling package for improvement of vehicle fuel economy (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1349) Sandip Phapale, Praveen Kommareddy, Pavan Sindgikar, Narayan Jadhav, Tata Motors Ltd.
Planned by Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00494, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00472, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
313 B
415 B
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 3 of 3) (SS500)
Occupant Protection: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (Part 2 of 2) (SS505)
Tire and Wheel Technology (Part 2 Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 5 of 2) (SS700) of 7): Unsteady Aerodynamics (SS800)
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
The pedestrian and cyclist safety session focuses on research and development efforts aimed at protecting pedestrians and cyclists in the event of vehicle impact. Papers on injury biomechanics, vehicle design, dummy and impactor development, computational modeling, regulations and consumer assessment testing, active safety and collision avoidance are accepted for this session.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum to bring together researchers do discuss and disseminate the research on tire and wheel technology. Examples of topics to this symposium include (but are not limited to) nonlinear behavior of tires and wheels, static/dynamic stress analysis, nonlinear material modeling, contact stress, impact, noise, vibration, traction, hydroplaning, effect of tires on vehicle performance, rolling resistance, and durability. Session 2/2
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the on-road environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Organizers: Carlos Arregui Dalmases; Jason R. Kerrigan, Univ. of Virginia
Organizers: David L. Howland, General Motors Co.; Jaehyung Ju, Univ. of North Texas; Neel K. Mani, Timothy A. Marantis, Bridgestone Americas Inc.; Rick S. Wallace, General Motors Co.; Peter Zmolek, Continental Tire North America Inc.
Organizers: David Sims-Williams, Durham Univ.; Mesbah Uddin, UNC Charlotte Motorsports Engineering; Gary M. Elfstrom, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Simulation of Vehicle Lateral Side Impacts With Poles to Estimate Crush and Impact Speed Characteristics
Effect Of Ble-Pedestrian Height Ratio on Injury Pattern of a Vehicle to Pedestrian Impact and Verification by Detailed Fe Human Body Model
Using Surface Texture Parameters to Relate Flat Belt Laboratory Traction Data to the Road
Improvement in Vehicle Motion Performance by Suppression of Aerodynamic Load Fluctuations
Shane Richardson, Delta-V Experts; Andreas Moser, DSD-Dr Steffan Datentechnik; Tia Lange Orton, Roger Zou, Delta-V Experts
Chinmoy Pal, Tomosaburo Okabe, Nissan; Kulothungan Vimalathithan, Jeyabharath Manoharan, RNTBCI; Munenori Shinada, Nissan
Anudeep K. Bhoopalam, Virginia Tech; Kevin Kefauver, National Tire Research Center
Mitsuyoshi Kawakami, Osamu Murata, Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.; Kazuhiro Maeda, Toyota Motor Corporation
Medium Duty North American Delivery Van Frontal Barrier Crash Test Data for Crash Reconstruction
Improvement of Neck Characteristics for Pedestrian Model Using Optimization Technique
Race Motorcycle Smart Wheel
Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations Applied to Automotive Aerodynamics
John C. Steiner, Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation; John Olsen, United Parcel Service, Inc.; Tom Walli, GEOTAB; Tyler Kress, BEST Engineering; Christopher Armstrong, Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation; Ralph Gallagher, United Parcel Service, Inc.; Stein Husher, KEVA Engineering; John Kyes, GEOTAB
Yan Wang, Tsinghua University; Taewung Kim, University of Virginia; Yibing Li, Tsinghua University; Jeff Crandall, University of Virginia
Massimiliano Gobbi, Giampiero Mastinu, Federico Ballo, Giorgio Previati, Politecnico di Milano
Sunil Patil, Robert Lietz, Sudesh Woodiga, Hojun Ahn, Levon Larson, Ronald Gin, Ford Motor Co; Michael Elmore, Alexander Simpson, CD-ADAPCO
Bollard Energy Dissipation in Moving Barrier and Passenger Vehicle Impacts
Influence of the Upper Body of Pedestrians on Lower Limb Injuries and Effectiveness of the Upper Body Compensation Method of the FlexPLI
Prediction of Component Failure using Progressive Damage and Failure Model and its Application in Automotive Wheel Design.
Wake and Unsteady Surface-Pressure Measurements on an SUV with Rear-End Extensions
Jeffrey Croteau, Charles L. Crosby, Micky Marine, Exponent Inc; Andrew Kwasniak, Lee Engineering
Takahiro Isshiki, Atsuhiro Konosu, Japan Automobile Research Institute; Yukou Takahashi, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Mohammed K Billal, Rizwan Basha, Anilkumar Nesarikar, Abdul Haiyum, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.; Thomas Oery, FCA US LLC
Lennert Sterken, Chalmers University of Technology; Simone Sebben, Volvo Car Corporation; Lennart Lofdahl, Chalmers University of Technology; Tim Walker, Volvo Car Corporation; Thies Wölken, Technical University of Berlin
Nonlinear Optimization in Vehicular Crash Reconstruction
Improvement and Validation of the Lower Limb and the Pelvis for a Pedestrian Dummy
Study of Parameter Affecting the Impact Performance of an Alloy Wheel and Noble Approach Followed to Improve the Impact Performance
Manipulation of the Aerodynamic Behavior of the DrivAer Model with Fluidic Oscillators
R. Matthew Brach, Engineering Systems Inc.; Raymond M. Brach, University of Notre Dame; Richard A. Mink, Engineering Systems Inc.
Hiroyuki Asanuma, Yukou Takahashi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Deepak Tiwari, Japveer Arora, Rakesh Khanger, Maruti Suzuki India, Ltd.
Dirk Wieser, Henning Lang, Christian Nayeri, Christian Paschereit, Technische Universität Berlin
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
3:00 p.m.
313 B
415 B
Occupant Protection: Accident Reconstruction (Part 3 of 3) (SS500)
Occupant Protection: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (Part 2 of 2) (SS505)
Tire and Wheel Technology (Part 2 Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 5 of 2) (SS700) of 7): Unsteady Aerodynamics (SS800)
This session focuses on the latest research related to methods and techniques for reconstructing vehicular crashes involving wheeled and tracked vehicles, pedestrians, and roadside features. Emphasis is placed on experimental data and theoretical methods that will enable reconstructionists to identify, interpret and analyze physical evidence from vehicular crashes.
The pedestrian and cyclist safety session focuses on research and development efforts aimed at protecting pedestrians and cyclists in the event of vehicle impact. Papers on injury biomechanics, vehicle design, dummy and impactor development, computational modeling, regulations and consumer assessment testing, active safety and collision avoidance are accepted for this session.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum to bring together researchers do discuss and disseminate the research on tire and wheel technology. Examples of topics to this symposium include (but are not limited to) nonlinear behavior of tires and wheels, static/dynamic stress analysis, nonlinear material modeling, contact stress, impact, noise, vibration, traction, hydroplaning, effect of tires on vehicle performance, rolling resistance, and durability. Session 2/2
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the on-road environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Christopher D. Armstrong, KEVA Engineering; Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Geoff Germane, Germane Engineering; Richard Frank Lambourn, Transport Research Laboratory, Ltd.; L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing; Nathan A. Rose, Kineticorp LLC
Organizers: Carlos Arregui Dalmases; Jason R. Kerrigan, Univ. of Virginia
Organizers: David L. Howland, General Motors Co.; Jaehyung Ju, Univ. of North Texas; Neel K. Mani, Timothy A. Marantis, Bridgestone Americas Inc.; Rick S. Wallace, General Motors Co.; Peter Zmolek, Continental Tire North America Inc.
Organizers: David Sims-Williams, Durham Univ.; Mesbah Uddin, UNC Charlotte Motorsports Engineering; Gary M. Elfstrom, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Technical Keynote: Connected Vehicles
Economical Pedestrian Safety Equipment Countermeasures
Deformation and Heat Generation in a Nonpneumatic Tire with Lattice Spokes
Application of Real-World Wind Conditions for Assessing Aerodynamic Drag for OnRoad Range Prediction
(Oral Only)
Radovan Miucic, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Seung Jun Yang, Hyundai Motor Group
Sairom Yoo, Korea Aerospace University; Md Salah Uddin, Hyeonu Heo, Jaehyung Ju, University of North Texas; Doo Man Kim, Korea Aerospace University; Seok-Ju Choi, Hankook Tire
Andrew D’Hooge, Luke Rebbeck, Robert Palin, Quinn Murphy, Tesla Motors Inc.; Joaquin Gargoloff, Bradley Duncan, Exa Corporation
Experimental Method to Identify the Tire Dynamic Characteristic Change by Rolling
Prediction of Flow-Induced Vibration of Vehicle Side-View Mirrors by CFD Simulation
Takahiro Uesaka, Honda Motor Co., Ltd.; Tatsuya Suma, ESTECH Co., Ltd.
Amir Kharazi, Edward Duell, Jacobs; Austin Kimbrell, Ann Boh, Honda R & D Americas Inc
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Optimization of a Nonpneumatic Tire with Hexagonal Cellular Spokes for Reducing Rolling Resistance (2015-01-1515) Kwangwon Kim, Korea Aerospace Univ.; Hyeonu Heo, Md Salah Uddin, Jaehyung Ju, Univ. of North Texas; Doo-Man Kim, Korea Aerospace Univ. The Development of a Non-Linear Pressure Model of the FMVSS 214D Moving Deformable Barrier for Use in HVE (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
On Finite Element Tyre Modal Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Brian Gilbert, Joseph McCarthy, Ron Jadischke, McCarthy Engineering Inc.
Emmanuel O. Bolarinwa, Federal Highway Administration; Oluremi Olatunbosun, Univ of Birmingham
Applying Camera Matching Methods to Laser Scanned Three Dimensional Scene Data with Comparisons to Other Methods (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Research on Tire Lateral Force Prediction under High-Load Condition (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Clay Coleman, Donald Tandy, Jason Colborn, Nicholas Ault, Tandy Engineering & Associates Inc
Ping Chen, Nan Xu, Konghui Guo, Rongsheng Liu, ASCL, Jilin University In-tyre Sensors Induced Benefits on Sideslip Angle and Friction Coefficient Estimation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1510) Edoardo Sabbioni, Davide Ivone, Francesco Braghin, Federico Cheli, Politecnico di Milano
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee Planned by Occupant Protection Committee Planned by Tire and Wheel Committee / / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity Structures Activity Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00476, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00511, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00498, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
414 B
260 Portside Ballroom
260 Portside Ballroom
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 3 of 3) (SS900)
Design Tools and Digital Modeling Chat with the Experts: (SS104) Motorsports Aerodynamic Technology (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Vehicle Technology (CHAT)
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
Researchers and engineers involved in development in simulation and digital modeling of manufacturing process. Studies in wear patterns, failure modes, extending life in modern tools, optimal layout of tools are also welcome. The session also focuses on the design of tools involved in manufacturing processes.
This Chat will cover technology development of the vehicle aerodynamic performance in the racing environment. Topics discussed will be the aerodynamic design, testing and performance for different sanctioning body racing applications.
This Chat will cover technology development of the vehicle in the racing environment. Topics discussed will be design, testing and setup for the chassis and development and promotion of the product for the OEM.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Virtual Tire Data Influence on Vehicle Level Handling Performance (2015-01-1570) Daniel Vilela, Rubens Pinati, Scott Larsen, General Motors; Erick Rodrigues, Renato Serrati, Pirelli Tyres
1:30 p.m.
Lateral Stability Analysis for Car-Trailer Combinations with Active Trailer Differential Braking Systems (2015-01-1574) Tao Sun, Yuping He, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology
2:00 p.m.
Integrated Chassis Control for Enhancement of High Speed Cornering Performance (2015-01-1568) Hyundong Heo, Eunhyek Joa, Kyongsu Yi, Seoul National Univ; Kilsoo Kim, Hyundai Motor Comapny
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
A Tire Slip-Angle based Speed Control Driver Model for Analysis of Vehicle-Driver Systems at Limit Handling
Suspension Mount Utilizing Robot Flexibility
Youngil Koh, Kyongsu Yi, Seoul National Univ; Kilsoo Kim, Hyundai Motor Company
Samuel T. Bartlett, Honda Engineering North America Inc
Study on Wheel Stiffness Considering Balance between Driving Stability and Weight
Study on Transient Oil-Filling Characteristics of Hydraulic Retarder based on Modular Modeling
Atsushi Hirano, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Yulong Lei, Hui Tang, Xingjun Hu, Jilin University ASCL; Ge Lin, China FAW Group Corpration; Bin Song, Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd
Analyzing Rollover Indices for Critical Truck Maneuvers
Functional Verification & Quantitative Simulation Using The Simplest Of Models
Kristoffer Lundahl, Chih Feng Lee, Erik Frisk, Lars Nielsen, Linkoping Univ.
James Price, Mentor Graphics Corp.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
414 B
260 Portside Ballroom
260 Portside Ballroom
Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and Control (Part 3 of 3) (SS900)
Design Tools and Digital Modeling Chat with the Experts: (SS104) Motorsports Aerodynamic Technology (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Vehicle Technology (CHAT)
This session is focused on vehicle dynamics and controls using modeling and simulation, and experimental analysis of passenger cars, heavy trucks, and wheeled military vehicles. This session addresses active and passive safety systems to mitigate rollover, yaw instability and braking issues; driving simulators and hardware-in-theloop systems; suspension kinematics and compliance, steering dynamics, advanced active suspension technologies; and tire force and moment mechanics.
Researchers and engineers involved in development in simulation and digital modeling of manufacturing process. Studies in wear patterns, failure modes, extending life in modern tools, optimal layout of tools are also welcome. The session also focuses on the design of tools involved in manufacturing processes.
This Chat will cover technology development of the vehicle aerodynamic performance in the racing environment. Topics discussed will be the aerodynamic design, testing and performance for different sanctioning body racing applications.
This Chat will cover technology development of the vehicle in the racing environment. Topics discussed will be design, testing and setup for the chassis and development and promotion of the product for the OEM.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: W. Riley Garrott, National Hwy Traffic Safety Admin; Paul Grygier; Mark Heitz; Gary J. Heydinger, SEA, Ltd.; David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern Univ.; Sughosh J. Rao, M. Kamel Salaani, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Organizers: Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Motorsports Aerodynamic Technology
Motorsports Vehicle Technology
(Oral Only) Raymond Leto, TotalSim LLC; H. Robert (Bob) Welge, Robert’s Engineering Development
(Oral Only)
Planned by Motorsporrts Engineering Activity
Planned by Motorsporrts Engineering Activity
4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
David A. Finch, Raetech Corp.; David T. Currier, Toyota Racing Development USA
The Definition and Measurement of Oversteer and Understeer (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1592) Donald F. Tandy, Jason Colborn, Jung C. Bae, Clay Coleman, Tandy Engineering & Associates Inc.; Robert Pascarella, Ford Motor Company Perceptible Roll (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1585) Zubin Trivedi, Vivek Lakhera, Tata Motors Ltd. Study on Vehicle Stability Control by using Model Predictive Controller and Tire-Road Force Robust Optimal Allocation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1580) He Dengbo, Lu Hui, Yu Fan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Study on Stability Control of Electrical Vehicle Based on Regenerative Braking System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1565) Qingzhang Chen, Changshu Institute of Technology Planned by Vehicle Dynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00463, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Wednesday, April 22 Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
260 Portside Ballroom Chat with the Experts: Reconstructing and Analyzing Rollover Collisions (CHAT) 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Reconstructing and Analyzing Rollover Collisions (Oral Only) Jarrod Carter, Origin Engineering
4:30 p.m. Planned by Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
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SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
312 B
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Body Engineering and Design (Part 1 of 2) (SS100)
Occupant Protection: Biomechanics (SS501)
Occupant Protection: Event Data Recorders (EDR) (SS502)
Occupant Protection: Structural Crashworthiness and Occupant Safety (SS510)
BE & D cover several important areas that are related to vehicle body, including its components such as instrument panel, steering column and wheel, seats, hood, decklid, transmission cross-member, hard mounted chassis, CRFM, etc. Topics included are: Novel concepts, Analysis, Design, Testing, Predictions of strength, stiffness, and fatigue life, welding methods, vehicle body quality, durability, reliability, safety, ride & handling, NVH, aerodynamics, mass reduction, as well as fuel economy.
The Biomechanics session presents new research on automotive occupant kinematics, human injury biomechanics, and human tolerance in an automotive environment. This includes new methodologies in the study of human injury, studies of human interaction with occupant protection systems, technological advances in physical and virtual anthropomorphic test devices, and other experimental, analytical and modeling studies on the biomechanics of human injury.
This session includes the latest research on Event Data Recorders (EDRs) equipped in passenger cars, light trucks, and commercial vehicles (heavy trucks and motorcoaches). Emphasis is placed on the application, interpretation and use of EDRs in the investigation of motor vehicle crashes.
Paper offers advancing the science of occupant safety in vehicle collisions are welcome.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Raghu Echempati, Kettering Univ.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Elizabeth M. Fievisohn, Virginia Tech.; Jacob L. Fisher, Exponent Inc.; Warren N. Hardy, Virginia Tech.
Organizers: David Plant, D P Plant & Associates; Heath Spivey, Delta V Forensic Engrg; John T. Sprague, General Motors Co.; John C. Steiner, Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation; Craig Wilkinson, MEA Forensic Engineers & Scientists
Organizers: Saeed Barbat, Jamel E. Belwafa, Ford Motor Co.
A Novel Rear-view Side Mirror to Improve Both Aerodynamic Resistance and Blind Spot
Field Assessments of Various AIS2+ Head Risk Curves for Frontal Impact
Analysis of Crash Data from a 2012 Kia Soul Event Data Recorder
Front Underride Protection Devices (FUPDs): Multi-Objective Optimization
(Oral Only)
Hyunbin Park, Jaekwang Cha, Minseob Sim, SIT & YICT, Yonsei University
Tony R. Laituri, Raed E. El-Jawahri, Scott Henry, Kaye Sullivan, Ford Motor Co.
Wesley Vandiver, Orange County District Attorney’s Office; Robert Anderson, Biomechanics Analysis; Isaac Ikram, Bryan Randles, Christopher Furbish, Biomechanical Research & Testing
Adam G. M. Cook, Moustafa El-Gindy, University of Ontario Institute of Techn; David Critchley, Volvo Trucks North America
Accounting for Thermal and Gravity Force Effects on Automotive Components Using 3d Simulation Software
Assessment of Similarity of a Set of Impact Response Time Histories
EDR Pulse Component Vector Analysis
Optimization of Front Bumper Beam for RCAR Performance using Design of Six Sigma and Finite Element Analysis
Donald Jasurda, DCS Inc.
Yibing Shi, Guy Nusholtz, FCA US LLC
Lee Carr, Robert Rucoba, Dan Barnes, Steven Kent, Aaron Osterhout, Carr Engineering Inc.
Vinay L. Virupaksha, General Motors Co.; Stuart Brown, GM R&D Center
The Study for Optimization of the PSD System Pulley
Precise Dummy Head Trajectories in Crash Tests based on Fusion of Optical and Electrical Data: Influence of Sensor Errors and Initial Values
Extracting Event Data from Memory Chips within a Detroit Diesel DDEC V
Small Overlap Impact Countermeasures for Automobiles
MyoungKwon Je, Hyundai Motor Company
Wolfgang Sinz, Jörg Moser, Christoph Klein, Robert Greimel, Graz University of Technology; Karsten Raguse, Class Middendorff, Volkswagen AG; Christina Steiner, Audi AG
Jeremy Daily, Andrew Kongs, James Johnson, Jose Corcega, University of Tulsa
Dinesh Munjurulimana, Dhanendra Nagwanshi, Matthew Marks, SABIC
A Study of Wheel Guards for Reduction of High Frequency Road-Noise
Investigation on an Injury Criterion Related to Traumatic Brain Injury Primarily Induced by Head Rotation
Survivability of Event Data Recorder Data in Exposure to High Temperature, Submersion, and Static Crush
Influence of Introduction of Oblique Moving Deformable Barrier Test on Collision Compatibility
Hyunggyung Kim, Hyundai Motor Company
Toshiyuki Yanaoka, Yasuhiro Dokko, Yukou Takahashi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Ada H. Tsoi, Virginia Tech; John Hinch; Michael Winterhalter, L-3 Communications Aviation Recorders; H. Gabler, Virginia Tech
Kazunobu Ogaki, Takayuki Kawabuchi, Satoshi Takizawa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 8:00 a.m.
Evaluation of Two Wheeled Vehicle Frame through Virtual Simulation and Testing
Analysis of Event Data Recorder Injury Distributions of Belted Drivers in Survivability in Crashes with Fire, Immersion, Various Types of Frontal Impact and High Delta-V
Rama Subbu, Baskar Anthonysamy, Piyush Mani Sharma, Prasanna Mahendiran, Hero MotoCorp Ltd
Ada H. Tsoi, Virginia Tech; John Hinch; H. Gabler, Virginia Tech
Tony R. Laituri, Scott Henry, Kaye Sullivan, Ford Motor Co.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
312 B
11:00 a.m.
Occupant Protection: Biomechanics (SS501)
Occupant Protection: Event Data Recorders (EDR) (SS502)
Occupant Protection: Structural Crashworthiness and Occupant Safety (SS510)
BE & D cover several important areas that are related to vehicle body, including its components such as instrument panel, steering column and wheel, seats, hood, decklid, transmission cross-member, hard mounted chassis, CRFM, etc. Topics included are: Novel concepts, Analysis, Design, Testing, Predictions of strength, stiffness, and fatigue life, welding methods, vehicle body quality, durability, reliability, safety, ride & handling, NVH, aerodynamics, mass reduction, as well as fuel economy.
The Biomechanics session presents new research on automotive occupant kinematics, human injury biomechanics, and human tolerance in an automotive environment. This includes new methodologies in the study of human injury, studies of human interaction with occupant protection systems, technological advances in physical and virtual anthropomorphic test devices, and other experimental, analytical and modeling studies on the biomechanics of human injury.
This session includes the latest research on Event Data Recorders (EDRs) equipped in passenger cars, light trucks, and commercial vehicles (heavy trucks and motorcoaches). Emphasis is placed on the application, interpretation and use of EDRs in the investigation of motor vehicle crashes.
Paper offers advancing the science of occupant safety in vehicle collisions are welcome.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Raghu Echempati, Kettering Univ.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Elizabeth M. Fievisohn, Virginia Tech.; Jacob L. Fisher, Exponent Inc.; Warren N. Hardy, Virginia Tech.
Organizers: David Plant, D P Plant & Associates; Heath Spivey, Delta V Forensic Engrg; John T. Sprague, General Motors Co.; John C. Steiner, Mecanica Scientific Services Corporation; Craig Wilkinson, MEA Forensic Engineers & Scientists
Organizers: Saeed Barbat, Jamel E. Belwafa, Ford Motor Co.
Study of Sliding Door Closing Velocity for Manually Operated Automobile Sliding Door
Injury Estimation in Frontal Collisions for Automobiles Equipped with Event Data Recorders (EDRs)
Finite-Element-Based Transfer Equations: Post-Mortem Human Subjects versus Hybrid III Test Dummy in Frontal Sled Impact
Mohammad Muneer, Yogesh Sharma, Maruti Suzuki India, Ltd.
Hirotoshi Ishikawa, Emergency Medical Network of Helicopter; Kunihiro Mashiko, Medical Foundation Eiseikai; Tetsuyuki Matsuda, Emergency Medical Network of Helicopter; Koichi Fujita, Asuka Sugano, Toru Kiuchi, Toyota Motor Corporation; Hirotsugu Tajima, Masaaki Yoshida, Isao Endou, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.
Raed E. El-jawahri, Tony R. Laituri, Agnes S. Kim, Stephen W. Rouhana, Para V. Weerappuli, Ford Motor Co.
Analysis and Optimization of All Terrain Wheelchair
Using NFPA Compliant Fire Apparatus Vehicle Data Recorders for Collision Investigation Weldon Type 6444
Shikhar Agarwal, Saumya Gautam, Krishna Institute of Engrg & Technology
Timothy P. Austin, Wisconsin State Patrol; David P. Plant, D P Plant & Associates; Joseph E. LeFevre, Fox Valley Technical College
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 10:30 a.m.
Body Engineering and Design (Part 1 of 2) (SS100)
Injury Mitigation Performance of a Head Protection Wear with Polyurethane Honeycomb (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1443) Morteza Seidi, Marzieh Hajiaghamemar, University of Maine; James Ferguson, AlbaTechnic, LLC; Vincent Caccese, University of Maine Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity; Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00510, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 B
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
411 A
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (Part 1 of 2) (SS600)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 6 of 7): Fundamental Aerodynamics (SS800)
Engineering Education (CONG101)
The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for presentations on steering and suspension related topics as it applies to ground vehicles. Papers for this session should address new approaches as well as advances in application of steering, suspension related technologies.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
There has never been a time when the demand for engineers has been greater. Against this backdrop of a skills shortage, employers are demanding a broader range of skills as well as a refined project and team capability. In this session we will consider the factors that are contributing to the skills shortage, and solutions that are emerging. We consider the whole experience from primary education through to early career, all of which is vital to secure an effective engineering workforce.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Robert Ackley, Ford Motor Co.; Prashant Patel, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Taeyoung Han, General Motors Co.; James T. McKillen, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Mark E. Gleason, retired, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: Michael Royce; Richard K. Stobart, Loughborough Univ.
Elastokinematic Characteristics of Torsion Beam Suspensions
Base Pressure and Flow-Field Measurements on a Generic SUV Model
Hideaki Shibue, Devesh Srivastava, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Andrew Wood, Martin Passmore, David Forbes, Daniel Wood, Loughborough Univ; Adrian Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover
Friction Behavior of Diamond-Like Carbon Coated Ball Joint: Approach to Improving Vehicle Handling and Ride-Comfort
Scaling Considerations for Fluidic Oscillator Flow Control on the Square-back Ahmed Vehicle Model
Kentaro Komori, Takahito Nagataki, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Matthew Metka, James Gregory, Ohio State University; Aaron Sassoon, James McKillen, Honda R & D Americas Inc
A Semi-Active Suspension System Using Ride Control Based on Bi-linear Optimal Control Theory and Handling Control Considering Roll Feeling.
Influence of Short Rear End tapers on the Base Pressure of a Simplified Vehicle.
Ryusuke Hirao, Kentaro Kasuya, Nobuyuki Ichimaru, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.
Anna-Kristina Perry, Martin Passmore, Ashley Finney, Loughborough Univ
Damping A Passenger Car With A Gyroscopic Damper System
Aerodynamic Drag of Passenger Cars at Yaw
Bastian Scheurich, Tilo Koch, AUDI AG; Michael Frey, Frank Gauterin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Jeff Howell, Loughborough University
Simulation based Evaluation of the Electro-Hydraulic Energy-Harvesting Suspension (EHEHS) for OffHighway Vehicles
Structures of Flow Separation on a Passenger Car
More Leaders and Fewer Initiatives: Key Ideas for the Future of Engineering
Quan Zhou, Hubei Key Lab of Adv. Auto.C Tech., Wuhan Univ. of Tech; Xuexun Guo, Lin Xu, Guoling Wang, Jibing Zhang, Wuhan University of Technology
Sabine Bonitz, Lars Larsson, Lennart Lofdahl, Chalmers University of Technology; Alexander Broniewicz, Volvo Car Corporation
Richard K. Stobart, Loughborough Univ.; W. Ethan Eagle, Sandia National Laboratories; Xunzhe Zhang, University of Nottingham
Open Grille DrivAer Model - First Results
Design of the University of Idaho Formula Hybrid Vehicle
Felix Wittmeier, Timo Kuthada, FKFS
Rory Lilley, University of Idaho; M. Sh. Asfoor, Egyptian Armed Forces; Michael Santora, Dan Cordon, Edwin Odom, Steven W. Beyerlein, University of Idaho
Experimental Investigation of Underbody Thermal and Aerodynamic Flow-Field Features
Partnership with Industry in Course Development a Case Study on Engine Calibration Methodologies
(Oral Only)
Rocky Khasow, Univ of Ontario Institute of Technology; Scott Best, Aiolos Engineering Corp; Martin Agelin-Chaab, John Komar, Gary Elfstrom, Univ of Ontario Institute of Technology
Anoma Malalasekera; Richard K. Stobart, Loughborough Univ.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Main Parameters Analysis of Ball Screw Shock Absorber on Suspension System Performance (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1504) WeiNing Bao, Jianghan University
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 B
411 A
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (Part 1 of 2) (SS600)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 6 of 7): Fundamental Aerodynamics (SS800)
Engineering Education (CONG101)
The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for presentations on steering and suspension related topics as it applies to ground vehicles. Papers for this session should address new approaches as well as advances in application of steering, suspension related technologies.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
There has never been a time when the demand for engineers has been greater. Against this backdrop of a skills shortage, employers are demanding a broader range of skills as well as a refined project and team capability. In this session we will consider the factors that are contributing to the skills shortage, and solutions that are emerging. We consider the whole experience from primary education through to early career, all of which is vital to secure an effective engineering workforce.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Robert Ackley, Ford Motor Co.; Prashant Patel, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Taeyoung Han, General Motors Co.; James T. McKillen, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Mark E. Gleason, retired, FCA US LLC; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Organizers: Michael Royce; Richard K. Stobart, Loughborough Univ.
Planned by Steering and Suspension Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Faculty Advisors Committee / Education Board; Automobile Body Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00492, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
STANDARDS MATTER. AND SO DO YOU. Standards are published documents that set out specifications and procedures to ensure products and systems are safe, reliable, and consistently perform the way they were intended. They serve to protect… support innovation…boost production and productivity… make businesses more competitive…link businesses to the world…complement regulation and make markets work better….and, reward individual participants personally and professionally. Standards matter—and so does the ongoing need for involvement from people like you to participate in the development of these technical documents with the organization that produces more aerospace and ground vehicle engineering standards than any other, SAE International. To learn more or to express interest in volunteering for the important work of standards, we urge you to contact us. Because standards matter and so do you. Ground Vehicle: + www.sae.org/standardsdev/callforexperts.htm
Embedded Software Standards J3068 EV Power Transfer System Battery Systems Connectors Capacitive Energy Storage Battery Driver Vision Active Safety Various committees in the area of Materials, Processes & Parts
Aerospace: +1.724.772.7161 www.sae.org/standardsdev/aeroexperts.htm P141184
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
312 B
Body Engineering and Design (Part 2 of 2) (SS100)
Mobility Issues for an Aging Population (SS304)
Occupant Protection: Rear Impact, Rollover, and Side Impact (SS506)
Occupant Protection: Safety Test Methodology (SS508)
BE & D cover several important areas that are related to vehicle body, including its components such as instrument panel, steering column and wheel, seats, hood, decklid, transmission cross-member, hard mounted chassis, CRFM, etc. Topics included are: Novel concepts, Analysis, Design, Testing, Predictions of strength, stiffness, and fatigue life, welding methods, vehicle body quality, durability, reliability, safety, ride & handling, NVH, aerodynamics, mass reduction, as well as fuel economy
Aging mobility is important to the automotive industry for the following reasons: 37% of the population is over age 50 52% of vehicles sold in 2012 were to > 55 years of age consumers. A 65 year old is 4x more likely to buy a new car than a 25 year old.This group will have unique issues associated with it that will need to be addressed by the automotive industry as they design vehicles for this ever growing population. Papers and presentations on these topics are welcome in this session.
This session presents papers related to advancing the science of occupant safety in vehicle rear, rollover and side impact collisions.
The Safety Test Methodology session in 2015 SAE Congress presents the following safety related topics: (1) A protection mechanism for rear occupant protection, (2) Analysis of load cell data from NHTSAresearch oblique test, (3) An apparatus for safety belt testing, (4) Component development in PU foam and GFRP, (5) Evaluation of airbag electronic sensing system performance, and 96) Study of brake burnishing effect on automatic emergency braking performance.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Raghu Echempati, Kettering Univ.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Marilyn Vala, Retired
Organizers: Jarrod Carter, Origin Engineering; Donald Parker, Exponent Failure Analysis; Jeffery W. Sankey, Transportation Research Center Inc.; Mukul K. Verma
Organizers: Clifford C. Chou; Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Jerry Le, Ford Motor Co.; P. Miller II, MGA Research Corp.
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
Chairpersons: Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Helen A. Kaleto, MGA Research Corp.; Robert W. McCoy, Ford Motor Co.
EPOSIL® for Automotive Suspension Components, Coil Springs and High Pressure Vessels
Improvement of Blind Spot Alert Detection by Elderly Drivers
CAE Based Development of an Ejection Mitigation (FMVSS 226) SABIC using Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Approach
A Study on the Rear Passengers Protection Mechanism of Wagon Vehicle
Max Sardou, Sardou Societe Anonyme; Patricia Djomseu, Qip Sarl
Dee Kivett, Victor Gallas Cervo, Aparna Mantha, John Smith, Clemson University
Kalu Uduma, FCA US LLC; Dipu Purushothaman, Darshan Subhash Pawargi, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.; Sukhbir Bilkhu, Mahindra North American Technical Center; Brian Beaudet, FCA US LLC
Seung Kwon Cha, Jong Heon Lee, Hyundai Motor Group; Un Ko, Hanil E-HWA Co Ltd; Tae Hoon Song, Hyundai Motor Group; HangChul Ko, Hanil E-HWA Co Ltd; YangGi Lee, Hyundai Motor Group
Manufacturing Technology for Hollow Structure Large Aluminum Parts Production by High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC)
Improved Mobility with a Neutral, MotionAmplifying Controller for an Experimental Exoskeleton
Maneuver-Induced Furrow Tripped Rollover Testing of a Pickup Truck and Passenger Car
Safety Belt Testing Apparatus
Eitaro Koya, Yukihide Fukuda, Shinya Kitagawa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Mitsunori Murakami, Atsushi Kawauchi, Sadanori Furue, Kyushu Yanagawa Seiki Co., Ltd.
Umashankar Nagarajan, Ambarish Goswami, Honda Research Institute USA Inc
Robert Larson, Jeffrey Croteau, Cleve Bare, John Zolock, Daniel Peterson, Jason Skiera, Exponent Inc.; Jason R. Kerrigan, Univ. of Virginia; Mark D. Clauser, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.
Jiri Kral, Theresa Kondel, Mark Morra, Stephen Cassatta, Peter Bidolli, Patrick Stebbins, General Motors Co.; Vikas Joshi, ETA Inc.
Design of a Composite Structural Panel for High Volume Production
Envisioning an Improved Seat Buckle: A guided Design for Elderly Drivers and Passengers
Further Development of a Method to Reproduce Highly Dynamic Force-Distance Based Intrusions of Vehicle Side Structure Components
Load Cell Wall Analysis in Oblique Tests
(Oral Only)
Leland Decker, James Truskin, FCA US LLC
Justin Hatfield, Cassandra Coravos, Martin Hewitt, Sameer Srivastava, Jenny Wang, Avery Fisher, Northwestern Univ.
Andreas Teibinger, Harald Marbler-Gores, Virtual Vehicle Research Center; Harald Schluder, Veit Conrad, AUDI AG; Hermann Steffan, Technische Univ of Graz; Josef Schmidauer, DSD
Adria Ferrer, Eduard Infantes, Applus + Idiada Spain
FEA Development of Spot Weld Modeling with Fracture Forming Limit Diagram (FFLD) Failure Criteria
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Mobility Issues for an Aging Population
Lightweight Seat Design and Crash Simulations
A Comparison of the Behaviors of Steel and GFRP Hat-Section Components under Axial Quasi-Static and Impact Loading
Roberto Arienti, Carlo Cantoni, Brembo Performance; Massimiliano Gobbi, Giampiero Mastinu, Mario Pennati, Giorgio Previati, Politecnico di Milano
Bisheshwar Haorongbam, Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Clifford Chou, Wayne State University
(2015-01-1316) Hwawon Lee, Parvath Police, Lisa Koch, Rajmouli Komarivelli, Brice Willis, General Motors Co.
Moderators: Marilyn Vala, Retired Panelists: Cassandra Coravos, Northwestern Univ. Ambarish Goswami, Honda Research Institute USA Inc. Dee Kivett, Nextgen SCI Sameer Srivastava, Northwestern Univ.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 A
312 B
Body Engineering and Design (Part 2 of 2) (SS100)
Mobility Issues for an Aging Population (SS304)
Occupant Protection: Rear Impact, Rollover, and Side Impact (SS506)
Occupant Protection: Safety Test Methodology (SS508)
BE & D cover several important areas that are related to vehicle body, including its components such as instrument panel, steering column and wheel, seats, hood, decklid, transmission cross-member, hard mounted chassis, CRFM, etc. Topics included are: Novel concepts, Analysis, Design, Testing, Predictions of strength, stiffness, and fatigue life, welding methods, vehicle body quality, durability, reliability, safety, ride & handling, NVH, aerodynamics, mass reduction, as well as fuel economy
Aging mobility is important to the automotive industry for the following reasons: 37% of the population is over age 50 52% of vehicles sold in 2012 were to > 55 years of age consumers. A 65 year old is 4x more likely to buy a new car than a 25 year old.This group will have unique issues associated with it that will need to be addressed by the automotive industry as they design vehicles for this ever growing population. Papers and presentations on these topics are welcome in this session.
This session presents papers related to advancing the science of occupant safety in vehicle rear, rollover and side impact collisions.
The Safety Test Methodology session in 2015 SAE Congress presents the following safety related topics: (1) A protection mechanism for rear occupant protection, (2) Analysis of load cell data from NHTSAresearch oblique test, (3) An apparatus for safety belt testing, (4) Component development in PU foam and GFRP, (5) Evaluation of airbag electronic sensing system performance, and 96) Study of brake burnishing effect on automatic emergency braking performance.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co.; Raghu Echempati, Kettering Univ.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.; Vesna Savic, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Marilyn Vala, Retired
Organizers: Jarrod Carter, Origin Engineering; Donald Parker, Exponent Failure Analysis; Jeffery W. Sankey, Transportation Research Center Inc.; Mukul K. Verma
Organizers: Clifford C. Chou; Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Jerry Le, Ford Motor Co.; P. Miller II, MGA Research Corp.
Is BIW Light-Weighting Really Lighter on Pocket?
Rollover Testing with an Instrumented Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)
An Alternative Approach for Formulation of a Crushable PU Foam Considering its Behavior under Compressive Loads
(Oral Only)
Rajiv Hiralal Pant, Tata Motors, Ltd.; Vyankatesh Govind Naidu, Tata Technologies
Alan F. Asay, Asay Engineering; Jarrod Carter, Origin Engineering; James Funk, University of Virginia; Gregory Stephens, Collision Research & Analysis
Anindya Deb, N Shivakumar, Indian Institute of Science; Clifford Chou, Wayne State University
Occupant Kinematics and Injury Response in Maneuver Induced Rollover Testing
Evaluation of Air Bag Electronic Sensing System Collision Performance through Laboratory Simulation
Michelle Heller, Sarah Sharpe, William Newberry, Alan Dibb, John Zolock, Jeffrey Croteau, Michael Carhart, Exponent Inc; Jason Kerrigan, University of Virginia; Mark Clauser, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc
Daniel E. Toomey, Eric S. Winkel, Design Research Engineering; Ram Krishnaswami, Ford Motor Co
Simplified Side Impact Finite Element Model (SSM)
Brake Burnishing Effect on AEB Performance
Craig A. Markusic, Ram Songade, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Myles Wilson, David Aylor, David Zuby, Joseph Nolan, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Chairpersons: Mallikarjuna Bennur, General Motors Co. 3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Chairpersons: Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Helen A. Kaleto, MGA Research Corp.; Robert W. McCoy, Ford Motor Co.
CAE Prediction and Test Correlation for Tractor Roll-over Protective Structure (ROPS) (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1476) P Selvakumar, Arun Mahajan, R Murasolimaran, C Elango, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Planned by Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity; Body Engineering Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Human Factors Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00510, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Occupant Protection Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (Part 2 of 2) (SS600)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 7 of 7): CFD Methods Development (SS800)
The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for presentations on steering and suspension related topics as it applies to ground vehicles. Papers for this session should address new approaches as well as advances in application of steering, suspension related technologies.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Robert Ackley, Ford Motor Co.; Prashant Patel, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Sandeep Sovani, ANSYS Inc.; Raymond Leto, TotalSim LLC; Kevin Golsch, Navistar; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
The Structure of an Advanced Independent Rear Toe-control System
Advances in Modelling A-Pillar Water Overflow
Tadatsugu Takada, Kazuki Tomioka, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Jonathan Jilesen, Exa Corporation; Iwo Spruss, FKFS; Adrian Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Timo Kuthada, Jochen Wiedemann, FKFS
Electric Power Assist Steering System Parameterization and Optimisation Employing Computer-Aided Engineering
Simulating DrivAer with Structured Finite Difference Overset Grids
Marcus Ljungberg, Volvo Car Corporation; Mikael Nybacka, Royal Institute of Technology; Gaspar Gil Gómez, Volvo Car Corporation; Diomidis Katzourakis, Volvo Car Group
Brett C. Peters, Mesbah Uddin, UNC Charlotte Motorsports Engineering; Jeremy Bain, Bain Aero LLC; Alex Curley, Maxwell Henry, UNC Charlotte Motorsports Engineering
Model Reference Adaptive Control for Active Trailer Steering of Articulated Heavy Vehicles
Comparison of RANS and DES Methods for the DrivAer Automotive Body
Qiushi Wang, Shenjin Zhu, Yuping He, Univ. of Ontario Institute of Technology
Neil Ashton, Alistair Revell, University of Manchester
Studies on Influencing Factors of Driver Steering Torque Feedback
Automated Aerodynamic Vehicle Shape Optimization Using Neural Networks and Evolutionary Optimization
Yuyao Jiang, Weiwen Deng, Sumin Zhang, Shanshan Wang, State Key Lab of ASCL Jilin University; Qingrong Zhao, Bakhtiar Litkouhi, General Motors R&D Center
Anton Lundberg, Per Hamlin, Davangere Shankar, ÅF Industry; Alexander Broniewicz, Tim Walker, Christoffer Landström, Volvo Car Corp.
An Energy Saving Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System for Heavy Duty Vehicles
CFD investigation of the effect of the salient flow features in the wake of a generic openwheel race car
Liangyao Yu, Wenwei Xuan, Liangxu Ma, Jian Song, Xianmin Zhu, Shuai Cheng, Tsinghua University
Joshua Newbon, Robert Dominy, David Sims-Williams, Durham University
3:30 p.m.
Flow Field Data Mining Based on a Compact Streamline Representation (2015-01-1550) Lars Graening, Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH; Thomas Ramsay, Honda R & D Americas Inc Assessment of the Capability of EPS to Improve Vehicle Robustness to Vehicle Pull and Lead (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) P141793
(2015-01-1505) Ibrahim A. Badiru, General Motors Co.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Body/Chassis/ Safety/Structure
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 B
Steering and Suspension Technology Symposium (Part 2 of 2) (SS600)
Vehicle Aerodynamics (Part 7 of 7): CFD Methods Development (SS800)
The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for presentations on steering and suspension related topics as it applies to ground vehicles. Papers for this session should address new approaches as well as advances in application of steering, suspension related technologies.
This 7 part session focuses on aerodynamic development, drag reduction and fuel economy, handling and stability, cooling flows, surface soiling and water management, vehicle internal environment, tire aerodynamics and modelling, aeroacoustics, structural response to aerodynamic loading, simulating the onroad environment, onset flow turbulence, unsteady aerodynamics, fundamental flow structures, new test methods and facilities, and new applications of computational fluid dynamics simulation
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Robert Ackley, Ford Motor Co.; Prashant Patel, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Sandeep Sovani, ANSYS Inc.; Raymond Leto, TotalSim LLC; Kevin Golsch, Navistar; Adrian P. Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover; Kurt Zielinski, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
The Development and Verification of Hardware-in-the-loop Test-bench of Electrically Controlled Steering System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1508) Lijiao Yu, Hongyu Zheng, ASCL, Jilin Univ. Small High-Efficiency Vane Pump Based on Vane Pump Theory (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1496) Yoshiharu Inaguma, Naohito Yoshida, JTEKT Corp. Planned by Steering and Suspension Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
Planned by Vehicle Aerodynamics Committee / Automobile Body, Chassis, Safety, and Structures Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00492, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00464, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Body/Chassis/Safety/Structure notepads sponsored by:
SAE 2015 World Congress
body/chassis/safety/ structure EXHIBITORs ACE-Durham Region................................953 ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Applus IDIADA...........................................733 Argent International Inc...........................812 Bruker........................................................ 1000 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 EDP Technical Services...........................339 Endurica LLC...............................................926 ESW...............................................................303 GAIO TECHNOLOGY Co., Lt..................934 Global Lighting Technologies Inc.........818 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Hong Kong Trade Development Council......................................................833 Intertek........................................................ 546 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JG&A Metrology Center...........................214 Jatco USA Inc............................................ 407 Jing-Jin Electric Technologies..............307 Lifebelt Pty Ltd......................................... 306 Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority.................................... 308 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Transportation Research Center Inc...827 Trensor LLC.................................................244
Technical Sessions TUE
Autonomous Systems (Part 1 & 2) (AE506)
Battery and Energy Storage Systems (AE305)
Chat with the Experts: Connected Vehicle (CHAT) Chat with the Experts: Connected Vehicles Pilot Certification Testing (CHAT)
Room No.
Page No.
140 G
76, 77, 79, 80
87, 88
260 Portside Ballroom
260 Portside Ballroom
Chat with the Experts: Highly Automated Driving (CHAT)
331 A/B/C
Chat with the Experts: New Trends in Automotive Software Architectural Design for the Challenges of Innovative Mobility Technologies (CHAT)
260 Portside Ballroom
Chat with the Experts: Vehicle2X (CHAT)
331 A/B/C
Chat with the Experts: ADAS Sensor Redundancy for Automated Driving (CHAT)
Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems (Part 1 & 2) (AE202)
142 C
76, 77, 79, 80
Design Optimization Techniques in Electronics (AE102)
412 B
79, 80
Driver Assistance Systems (AE401)
Drivetrain Electrification (AE304)
Electronic Vision Systems and Applications (AE205)
87, 88
Electronics Design Processes (AE107)
76, 77
Engine & Transmission Control (AE301)
412 B
76, 77
Infotainment Systems (AE206)
413 A
87, 88
Intelligent Transportation Systems (AE504)
415 A
87, 88
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (AE501)
415 A
Model-Based Controls and Software Development (Part 1 & 2) (AE103)
83, 84, 86
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 1 - 4) (AE403)
142 C
Sensors and Actuators (AE302)
78, 79
Smart-grid Technologies (Part 1 & 2) (AE505)
313 B
78, 79, 80
Software Design Engineering and Development (Part 1 & 2) (AE105)
412 B
89, 90, 92
Systems Diagnostics (Part 1 & 2) (AE203)
413 B
83, 84, 86
Systems Engineering (Part 1 - 3) (AE101)
414 B
78, 79, 81, 83, 84
Systems Prognostics (AE204)
413 B
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: With connectivity, comes risks cybersecurity and safety (AE299)
142 C
Vehicle Networks and Communication (AE201)
411 B
Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure (Part 1 & 2) (AE502)
415 A
85, 86
Verification and Validation of Embedded Software (AE104)
Wiring and Harnesses (AE303)
83, 84, 86, 89, 90, 91
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
142 C
412 B
Autonomous Systems (Part 1 of 2) (AE506)
Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems (Part 1 of 2) (AE202)
Electronics Design Processes (AE107)
Engine & Transmission Control (AE301)
With a mandate in Europe for Autonomous emergency braking systems, there is a development happening with radar and camera based systems to do collision mitigation. The challenges include robust object tracking, stationary object detection, reactions for false positives etc. The developments and challenges in the collision mitigation technology will be discussed in this session.
This session focuses on cybersecurity for cyber-physical vehicle systems. Topics include: design, development and implementation of security-critical cyberphysical vehicle systems, cybersecurity design, development, and implementation strategies, analysis methodologies, process and life-cycle management, comparisons of system safety and cybersecurity, etc. Application areas include: security-critical automotive systems as well as other security-critical ground vehicle and aviation systems.
Meeting Reliability, Design, quality and safety requirements for electrical/electronic systems becomes more challenging every year as E/E content, complexity, timeto-market and globalization pressures increase. This session focuses on intelligent practices for achieving high reliability. New approaches and techniques for integrating robust design and robustness validation into the mainstream global automotive electronics product development and manufacturing processes are discussed
Powertrain Electronics play a key role in meeting today’s complex emissions and performance requirements, on-board diagnostics, legislated regulations, and product flexibility. This session will explore the challenges and future prospects for powertrain controls. Papers are sought in the areas of on-board diagnostics, integration with transmissions, flash programming, service, software design and development, unit and system test, and electronics architecture today and in the future.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Nathan Crosty, Magna Electronics; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; David McNamara, MTS
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David McNamara, MTS; David Ward, MIRA, Ltd.
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity
Organizers: Riccardo Groppo, Ideas & Motion; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.; Brian A. Trimboli, IAV Automotive Inc.
Vehicle Perimeter Monitoring using Minimum Number of Sensors During Parking Maneuver
Overview and Status of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate Cyber Security Division (DHS S&T CSD)/DOT-Volpe Center Project on Pre-Competitive Automotive Cybersecurity Research
Implementing ISO 26262 Using A CMMI Based Quality Management System
Sliding Mode Observers to Detect and Isolate Faults in a Turbocharged Gasoline Engine
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Mayurika Chatterjee, Atchyuta Rao, Chaitanya Rajguru, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Daniel Massey, Dept Of Homeland Security (DHS) S&T CSD; Kevin Harnett, DOT/Volpe Center
Tom Tasky, FEV Inc.
Rasoul Salehi, Aria Alasty, Gholam-Reza Vossoughi, Sharif University of Technology
A Compressed Sensing and Sparsity Based Approach for Estimating an Equivalent NIR Image from a RGB Image
Overview of SAE J3061 Recommended Practice: Cybersecurity Guidebook for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems
Virtual Development in Upstream Design Phases of Automotive Electronic Products
The Development of an Advanced Vehicle Control Platform for Pure Electric Vehicles
(Oral Only)
R Danymol, Krishnan Kutty, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David Ward, MIRA Ltd; Lisa Boran, Ford Motor Co
Yukihide Niimi, Toshinori Matsui, Naoya Tsuchiya, DENSO Corp
Zhongwen Zhu, Xu Wang, Wei Huang, Jinfeng Gong, CATARC
Low Light Image Enhancement Using Color Transfer
Design Methodology for Safety and Security in Automotive
Vehicle-Level EMC Modeling for HEV/EV Applications
(Oral Only)
Jiji Gangadharan, Automotive Appliance; Shanmugaraj Mani; Krishnan Kutty, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Marc Born, ikv++ technologies ag; Mario Winkler, Ikv++ Technologies Ag
Hua Zeng, Isao Hoda, Hitachi America, Ltd.; William Ivan, Andrew Baker, Syed Kadry, General Motors; Hiroki Funato, Jia Li, Masayoshi Takahashi, Hitachi, Ltd.; Hideyuki Sakamoto, Ryuichi Saito, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.
Automated Driving Control in Safe Driving Envelope based on Probabilistic Prediction of Surrounding Vehicle Behaviors
Fault Tree Analysis and Attack Tree Analysis: Parallels and Differences
(Oral Only)
Junyung Lee, Beomjun Kim, Jongsang Seo, Kyongsu Yi, Seoul National Univ; Jihyun Yoon, Bongchul Ko, Hyundai Motors
Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David Ward, MIRA Ltd
Chairpersons: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc. 9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
142 C
412 B
Autonomous Systems (Part 1 of 2) (AE506)
Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Vehicle Systems (Part 1 of 2) (AE202)
Electronics Design Processes (AE107)
Engine & Transmission Control (AE301)
With a mandate in Europe for Autonomous emergency braking systems, there is a development happening with radar and camera based systems to do collision mitigation. The challenges include robust object tracking, stationary object detection, reactions for false positives etc. The developments and challenges in the collision mitigation technology will be discussed in this session.
This session focuses on cybersecurity for cyber-physical vehicle systems. Topics include: design, development and implementation of security-critical cyberphysical vehicle systems, cybersecurity design, development, and implementation strategies, analysis methodologies, process and life-cycle management, comparisons of system safety and cybersecurity, etc. Application areas include: security-critical automotive systems as well as other security-critical ground vehicle and aviation systems.
Meeting Reliability, Design, quality and safety requirements for electrical/electronic systems becomes more challenging every year as E/E content, complexity, timeto-market and globalization pressures increase. This session focuses on intelligent practices for achieving high reliability. New approaches and techniques for integrating robust design and robustness validation into the mainstream global automotive electronics product development and manufacturing processes are discussed
Powertrain Electronics play a key role in meeting today’s complex emissions and performance requirements, on-board diagnostics, legislated regulations, and product flexibility. This session will explore the challenges and future prospects for powertrain controls. Papers are sought in the areas of on-board diagnostics, integration with transmissions, flash programming, service, software design and development, unit and system test, and electronics architecture today and in the future.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Nathan Crosty, Magna Electronics; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; David McNamara, MTS
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David McNamara, MTS; David Ward, MIRA, Ltd.
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity
Organizers: Riccardo Groppo, Ideas & Motion; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.; Brian A. Trimboli, IAV Automotive Inc.
Thermal Electric Analysis of Bond Wires Used in Automotive Electronic Modules (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
A Low Cost System for Active Gear Shift and Clutch Control (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Satishchandra C. Wani, Delphi Automotive Systems
Francesco Braghin, Francesco Salis, Politecnico di Milano
Chairpersons: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Design and Optimization of Clutch Hydraulic Shift Control System in Automatic Transmissions with Failure Protection Function (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0230) Shuhan Tang, Yanfang Liu, Xiao Han, Beihang University Diesel Engine Torque Estimation Based on ENN (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0232) Yanwu Ge; Gang Li; Xiang Di Integrated Control Strategy in the Power-On Upshift Process of Automatic Transmission Based on Transmission Output Torque (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0231) Qingkai Wei, Yulong Lei, State Key Lab. of ASC, Jilin University; Xingzhong Li, Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.; Boqin Hu, Zhengwei Liu, State Key Lab. of ASC, Jilin University; Bin Song, Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd. Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00487, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Electronics in Powertrain Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, SUB-TP-00003, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
9:30 a.m.
313 B
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
414 B
Sensors and Actuators (AE302)
Smart-grid Technologies (Part 1 of 2) (AE505)
Systems Engineering (Part 1 of 3) (AE101)
Modern automotive customers need safer vehicles with little or no impact to the environment. The purpose of this session is to present the latest research and development on novel sensors, actuators, and circuits that are critical to deliver the function of today’s complex automotive systems.
This session will provide real world updates on consumer behavior who are part of the DOE awarded EV Project as well as other research using models and consumer data to analyze the affect on the grid during PEV charging. Also presented will be strategies for PEV charging and synergies for integrating PEV’s into the grid by way of existing infrastructure.
This session covers intelligent and efficient approaches to high level system design, analysis and integration as well as considerations for vehicle-level optimization of cost and energy. System definition includes components, sub-assemblies and complete integrated vehicle systems, including electronic systems and human machine interfaces.
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; ChenFang Chang, General Motors Co.; Sanjeev M. Naik, GM; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity
Organizers: Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp.; Matthew Nielsen, General Electric Co.
Organizers: Subramaniam Ganesan, Kanaparty Rao, Oakland University
Technical Keynote: Emissions Standards: A Key Driver for New Sensors Technologies in Industrial Applications
Real-world Charging Behavior of Battery Electric Vehicle Drivers with Access to Workplace Charging
Innovative Electrical Architectures for EV and HEV with Lithium Batteries
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Jean Milpied, TE Connectivity
John Smart, Idaho National Laboratory
Matthieu Desbois-Renaudin, CEA
Experimental Demonstration of Smart Charging and Demand Response for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Based on SAE Standards
The Six Sigma Champion Chasm Driving without the Steering Wheel
(Oral Only)
Takayuki Shimizu, Toyota InfoTechnology Center USA; Akihisa Yokoyama, Toyota Motor Corporation; Kazuma Sato, Toyota InfoTechnology Center USA; Kunihiko Kumita, Toyota Motor Corporation
Kevin R. Grayson, NC State Univ. - IES
System Design and Verification for a Safety Related Integrated Sensor
Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicles using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model and Price Prediction
A Dynamic Driving Course for Military Personnel -Curriculum and Assessment Results
Vincenzo Sacco, Mathieu Poezart, Gael F. Close, Melexis Technologies SA
Sagar Mody, Thomas Steffen, Loughborough University
Julio Rodriguez, Clemson Univ.; Ken Rogich, Richard Petty Driving Experience Inc; Philip Pidgeon, Kim Alexander, John R. Wagner, Clemson Univ.
Thin-Film Air Flow Sensors for Automotive using the MEMS Technologies
Deployment of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology and Related Issues
Systems Engineering in an Automotive E/E Design World
Takamoto Furuichi, Takashige Nagao, Hisanori Yokura, Ryuichirou Abe, Shigemitsu Fukatsu, DENSO Corp.
Satoru Shinzaki, Hakaru Sadano, Yutaka Maruyama, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Willett Kempton, University of Delaware
Nick Smith, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Digital Sensor interfaces requirements and opportunities for application specific sensor nodes in the future (Oral Only) Marco Wolf, TE Connectivity
12:00 p.m.
Performance Improvement of Automotive Acoustic Signal Devices using Electric PWM Control (2015-01-0235) Shiv Shankar Prasad, Hella India Automotive Pvt Ltd; Jahangir Mansoori, Infineon Technologies India Pvt Ltd; Jin Seo Park, Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Planned by Electronics in Powertrain Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
142 C
412 B
313 B
Autonomous Systems (Part 2 of 2) (AE506)
Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Design Optimization Techniques Vehicle Systems (Part 2 of 2) (AE202) in Electronics (AE102)
Smart-grid Technologies (Part 2 of 2) (AE505)
With a mandate in Europe for Autonomous emergency braking systems, there is a development happening with radar and camera based systems to do collision mitigation. The challenges include robust object tracking, stationary object detection, reactions for false positives etc. The developments and challenges in the collision mitigation technology will be discussed in this session.
This session focuses on cybersecurity for cyber-physical vehicle systems. Topics include: design, development and implementation of security-critical cyberphysical vehicle systems, cybersecurity design, development, and implementation strategies, analysis methodologies, process and life-cycle management, comparisons of system safety and cybersecurity, etc. Application areas include: security-critical automotive systems as well as other securitycritical ground vehicle and aviation systems.
This session aims at addressing optimization driven design by presenting the most novel approaches in this area aimed at ensuring a high degree of automation and integration of the different models, methods, tools, and design data used for an optimization driven design process in the presence of current and future uncertainties
This session will provide real world updates on consumer behavior who are part of the DOE awarded EV Project as well as other research using models and consumer data to analyze the affect on the grid during PEV charging. Also presented will be strategies for PEV charging and synergies for integrating PEV’s into the grid by way of existing infrastructure.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Nathan Crosty, Magna Electronics; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; David McNamara, MTS
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David McNamara, MTS; David Ward, MIRA, Ltd.
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Paolo Giusto, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp.; Matthew Nielsen, General Electric Co.
Speed Control of Parking Assist System for Electrified Vehicle
Smart-Phone and Vehicle Cyber-Security
How to Save $20 per Car by Optimization of the E/E System?
Harmonic Generation from Plug-In Electric Vehicles and Associated Impact to the Power Distribution System
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Kazuto Yokoyama, Masahiro Iezawa, Yohei Akashi, Toshihide Satake, Yukiyasu Akemi, Satoru Inoue, Ryotaro Suzuki, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hirofumi Onishi, Alpine Electronics of America Inc.
Reinhold Blank, Zuken GmbH
Matthew Nielsen, General Electric Co.
Robust Mode Predictive Control for Lane Change of Automated Driving Vehicles
Recognizing Manipulated Electronic Control Units
Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle Sizing using Ordinal Optimization
A Comparative Analysis of PEV Charging Impacts -An International Perspective
Jongsang Seo, Kyongsu Yi, Seoul National Univ
Armin Wasicek, University of California; Andre Weimerskirch, University of Michigan
Sami H. Karaki, Rafika Dinnawi, Rabih Jabr, Riad Chedid, American Univ. of Beirut; Ferdinand Panik, University of Applied Sciences Esslingen
Sven Bohn, Michael Agsten, Fraunhofer IOSB-AST; Anamika Dubey, Surya Santoso, University of Texas
A Novel Method for Day Time Pedestrian Detection
Assuring Performance, Quality, Reliability and Security of In-Vehicle Ethernet Networks
Automated Decomposition and Allocation of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels Using Exact Solvers
Quantifying the Flexibility for Electric Vehicles to Offer Demand Response to Reduce Grid Impacts without Compromising Individual Driver Mobility Needs
(Oral Only)
Reena Kumari Behera, Jiji Gangadharan, Krishnan Kutty, Smita Nair, Vinay Vaidya, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Thomas Schulze, SPIRENT Communications GmbH
Alexandr Murashkin, Univ. of Waterloo; Luis Silva Azevedo, Univ. of Hull; Jianmei Guo, Edward Zulkoski, Jia Hui Liang, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Univ. of Waterloo; David Parker, Univ. of Hull
Samveg Saxena, Jason MacDonald, Doug Black, Sila Kiliccote, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Driverless Vehicles and LIDAR: Evaluation of Possible Security Threats on the Open Road
Software Defined Radio and Security in the Automotive Domain
Design and Optimization of HardwareEfficient Filters for Active Safety Algorithms
MC-based Risk Analysis on the Capacity of Distribution Grids to Charge PEVs on 3-ph 0.4-kV Distribution Grids Considering Time and Location Uncertainties
Rodrigo Felix, John Economou, Kevin Knowles, Cranfield Defence & Security
Brian Anderson, Mark Brooks, Ryan Wilson, Purser K. Sturgeon II, Southwest Research Institute
Rafal Tomasz Dlugosz, Micha Szulc, Delphi Poland; Marta Kolasa, University Technology and Life Sciences; Pawel Skruch, Krzysztof Kogut, Pawe Markiewicz, Mateusz Orlowski, Maciej Róewicz, Anna Ryszka, Dominik Sasin, Delphi Poland; Tomasz Talaska, University Technology and Life Sciences
Sven Bohn, Robert Feustel, Michael Agsten, Fraunhofer IOSB-AST
Technical Keynote: Historical Look at Autonomous Vehicles
Vehicle Health Monitoring System using Secure Wireless Sensor Network
Efficient Design Space Exploration and Optimization for Electrical Architectures
(Oral Only)
Robert L Neff, Sales and Marketing Insight
Biswajit Panja, Lars Wolleschensky, Escrypt Inc.
Lei Rao, General Motors Research and Development
Chairpersons: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc. 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Automotive E/E Modeling, Design Exploration and Optimization: Power Window Case Study (Oral Only) Alexandr Murashkin, Zubair Akhtar, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Univ of Waterloo; Thomas Fuhrman, S Ramesh, General Motors Co Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Automated Lane Guidance of Full Driveby-Wire Vehicles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0321) Pan Song, Changfu Zong, Jilin Univ.; Masayoshi Tomizuka, Univ of California
SAE 2015 World Congress
continued on next page
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
142 C
412 B
313 B
Autonomous Systems (Part 2 of 2) (AE506)
Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical Design Optimization Techniques Vehicle Systems (Part 2 of 2) (AE202) in Electronics (AE102)
Smart-grid Technologies (Part 2 of 2) (AE505)
With a mandate in Europe for Autonomous emergency braking systems, there is a development happening with radar and camera based systems to do collision mitigation. The challenges include robust object tracking, stationary object detection, reactions for false positives etc. The developments and challenges in the collision mitigation technology will be discussed in this session.
This session focuses on cybersecurity for cyber-physical vehicle systems. Topics include: design, development and implementation of security-critical cyberphysical vehicle systems, cybersecurity design, development, and implementation strategies, analysis methodologies, process and life-cycle management, comparisons of system safety and cybersecurity, etc. Application areas include: security-critical automotive systems as well as other securitycritical ground vehicle and aviation systems.
This session aims at addressing optimization driven design by presenting the most novel approaches in this area aimed at ensuring a high degree of automation and integration of the different models, methods, tools, and design data used for an optimization driven design process in the presence of current and future uncertainties
This session will provide real world updates on consumer behavior who are part of the DOE awarded EV Project as well as other research using models and consumer data to analyze the affect on the grid during PEV charging. Also presented will be strategies for PEV charging and synergies for integrating PEV’s into the grid by way of existing infrastructure.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Nathan Crosty, Magna Electronics; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; David McNamara, MTS
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; David McNamara, MTS; David Ward, MIRA, Ltd.
Organizers: Amit Choudhury, ADVICS North America Inc.; Paolo Giusto, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp.; Matthew Nielsen, General Electric Co.
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Chairpersons: Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc. Optimization Based Trajectory Planning of Parallel Parking with Multiple Constraints (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0320) Dezhao Zhang, Shengbo Li, Tsinghua Univ.; Qiang Yang, Sichuan Univ.; Li Liu, Chengdu iTech Automotive Co., Ltd. Detection and Tracking Algorithm of Front Vehicle Based on Laser Radar (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0307) Hongfeng Wang, Lei He, Qianfei Liu, Changfu Zong, ASCL, Jilin University LTV MPC Vehicle Model for Autonomous Driving in Limit Conditions (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0315) Francesco Braghin, Andrea Fuso, Edoardo Sabbioni, Nicola De Val, Politecnico di Milano NLMPC for Real Time Path Following and Collision Avoidance (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0313) Ugo Rosolia, Francesco Braghin, Politecnico di Milano; Andrew Alleyne, Univ of Illinois; Edoardo Sabbioni, Politecnico di Milano Local Scene Depth Estimation using Rotating Monocular Camera (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0318) Sonu Thomas, Krishnan Kutty, KPIT Technologies Ltd.; Vinuchackravarthy Senthamilarasu, KPIT Cummins Infosystems Ltd. A Review on Day-Time Pedestrian Detection (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0311) Reecha Yadav, K.K.W.I.E.E.R; Vinuchackravarthy Senthamilarasu, Krishnan Kutty, Vinay Vaidya, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd.; Sunita Ugale, K.K.W.I.E.E.R A Robust Lane-Keeping Co-pilot System Using LBMPC Method (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0322) Jieyun Ding, Keqiang Li, Tsinghua Univ.; Karl Hedrick, University of California Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00487, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
414 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
Verification and Validation of Embedded Software (AE104)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: With Connectivity, comes Risks - Cybersecurity and Safety (AE299)
This session covers intelligent and efficient approaches to high level system design, analysis and integration as well as considerations for vehicle-level optimization of cost and energy. System definition includes components, sub-assemblies and complete integrated vehicle systems, including electronic systems and human machine interfaces.
Prognostics deals with the development, delivery and execution of health determination processes and procedures for vehicle systems. This session will explore new technologies, processes and trends in the area of vehicle health management. This also includes Vehicle Health Maintenance, Condition-based Maintenance, and Predictive Maintenance.
Developing embedded software for electronic controls is a complex undertaking. Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation, improvements in technology show promise for early verification of embedded software using a virtual environment for ECUs and test infrastructure. This session highlights advances in processes, tools, and technologies to reduce design and validation time and cost, and to improve the quality of embedded software and effectiveness of electronic testing tools and procedures.
Our world is becoming even more connected. And, with that connectivity, comes risks to our transportation infrastructure - automobiles, trucks, rail and airplanes - in moving people and freight. Do we know who we are playing chess against in this vibrant CyberSecurity world? This panel addresses the critical issues around CyberSecurity in our transportation on land, and in the air. Other topics include recent advances, standards, best practices and potential solutions.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Subramaniam Ganesan, Kanaparty Rao, Oakland University
Organizers: Tim A. Cavanaugh, Delphi Corp.
Organizers: John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Vivek Moudgal, dSPACE Inc.; Nitish Rao, ETAS Inc.; Peter Waeltermann, dSPACE GmbH
Organizers: Gloria Danna D’Anna, Tri-Kar Advanced Technology Group; Billy C. Jones, Untied Network Corporation; Mark N. Pope, General Motors Co.; Arnold Taube, John Deere World Headquarters
Design and Control of Vehicle Trailer with Onboard Power Supply
Gear Fault Diagnosis Based on Optimal Morlet Wavelet Filter and Autocorrelation Enhancement
Concept of Virtual Engine Control Module for High Quality and Time Efficient Verification and Testing of Powertrain Engine Control Module
Sibi Visht Sankara Narayanan, Diane Peters, Kettering University
Mohamed El Morsy, Czech Technical University & Helwan University; Gabriela Achtenova, Czech Technical University
Nikhil Bhadani, Delphi Automotive
Electronic Design of Compact BLDC Motor Control
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Prognostics
Standards Compliant HIL Bench Development for Dynamic Skip Fire Feature Validation
Bridging Automotive Design Domains with the Latest in Functional Design Technology (2015-01-0135) Thomas Heurung, Mentor Graphics Corp.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
142 C
Systems Prognostics (AE204)
Clark Kinnaird, Texas Instruments
2:30 p.m.
Systems Engineering (Part 2 of 3) (AE101)
2:00 p.m.
413 B
Moderators: Tim A. Cavanaugh, Delphi Corp. Panelists: Steven W. Holland, General Motors Co. Bernie Porter, MAHLE Powertrain LLC Hjalmar G. Staaf, 8to8 Solutions AB Christopher Thompson, Raytheon
(2015-01-0171) Paul Liu, Abhijit Bansal, James C. McKeever, Tula Technology Modeling Methodology for ECU Behavioral Verification in a Real Operation (2015-01-0172) Won Kyung Ham, Sangchul Park, JiMyoung Park, Ajou University; Minsuk Ko, Min-Ho Yoo, Hyundai Kefico
Artificial Intelligence approach for High Performance Image Classification
Addressing Engine ECU Testing Challenges with FPGA-Based Engine Simulation
(Oral Only)
Ravi Anand, Isoftwareworks
Stephen Barrett, National Instruments; Maximilien Bouchez, Valeo
Three Zone Permanent Magnetic Structures and Their Applications
Verification of Group Variables for Detecting Inconsistencies in Software
Viktor Sheshukov, South Ural State University; Sergey P. Gladyshev, MichiganDearborn University; Ruzaliia Naraeva, South Ural State University
Advaita Datar, Amey Zare, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Implementation of Design Thinking, to Improvise the Engine Stop/Start System for Enhanced Benefits in Real Time Driving Conditions in India
Moderators: Gloria Danna D’Anna, Tri-Kar Advanced Technology Group Panelists: Paul Bierdeman, Caterpillar Inc. Thomas Farmer, American Association of Rail James Huffaker, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Timothy J. Kilworth, Deere & Company Andre Weimerskirch, University of Michigan David M. Martin, Federal Bureau of Investigation
(2015-01-0142) Gopal Athani, Tata Technologies Limited; Srinivasa Raju Gavarraju, Shashi Kulkarni, Ramakrishna Koduru, Kapil Dongare, Prasad Rao Yerraguntla, Tata Motors Limited 4:30 p.m. Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automobile Electronics Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00482, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
260 Portside Ballroom
260 Portside Ballroom
Chat with the Experts: Connected Vehicle (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: New Trends in Automotive Software Architectural Design for the Challenges of Innovative Mobility Technologies (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: ADAS Sensor Redundancy for Automated Driving (CHAT)
The connected vehicle is a new frontier both for the industry and for the customer. Anything from insurance data to vehicle health reports to internet connectivity, the challenges are many. The balance between connecting to and retrieving data from a vehicle, and the privacy of the customer is very delicate. The methodologies for retrieving that data and the expectations regarding the data are also currently
Innovative technologies are continuously being developed for driving assistance and higher safety standards. Software architectural designs must handle new challenges and complexities like: ADAS, Active Safety, Autonomous and Connected Vehicles. Distributed automotive systems used to implement these systems, which have real-time constraints for several ECUs and communication bus(es). This chat will discuss the trends in the software architecture and design to overcome these challenges.
Various types of ADAS sensor technologies have been developed to enable automated driving scenarios. These driving scenarios can be classified within the SAE driving automation levels 0 through 5. The discussion will encompass the correlation of the sensor redundancy level with the ascending driving automation levels.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Connected Vehicle
New Trends in Automotive Software Architectural Design for the Challenges of Innovative Mobility Technologies
ADAS Sensor Redundancy for Automated Driving
(Oral Only) Robert Gruszczynski, Volkswagen of America
Planned by Automobile Electronics Activity
260 Portside Ballroom
(Oral Only) Mostafa Anwar Taie, ISAQB
(Oral Only) Amine Taleb-Bendiab, Valeo North America Inc.
Planned by Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automobile Electronics Activity
UNMATCHED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES Stay current on the latest technology, increase your knowledge, and positively affect your organization’s bottom line with: • • • •
Instructor-led programs taught by respected and expert professionals Networking and learning alongside industry peers Online courses that supply the technical content you expect without the expense of travel or time away from your office Customized onsite training designed for your organization’s specific needs
Build on your core knowledge with fundamentals courses or specialize with technology-specific training - find the solution that fits your needs at SAE.
Plan your 2015 Professional Development P141410
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
142 C
413 B
Model-Based Controls and Software Development (Part 1 of 2) (AE103)
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 1 of 4) (AE403)
Systems Diagnostics (Part 1 of 2) (AE203)
Systems Engineering (Part 3 of 3) (AE101)
Model-Based Design has become a well-accepted development style for embedded control and software. This session is designed to cover new processes, methods, and applications of new processes / methods to reduce development time and improve software quality. A particular emphasis will be placed on methods such as executable specification, design through simulation, early verification, automatic code generation, and model-in-the-loop testing.
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safetyrelevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
Vehicle diagnostics deals with the development, delivery and execution of diagnostic procedures for vehicle systems. This session will explore new technologies, processes and trends in the area of vehicle diagnostics.
This session covers intelligent and efficient approaches to high level system design, analysis and integration as well as considerations for vehicle-level optimization of cost and energy. System definition includes components, sub-assemblies and complete integrated vehicle systems, including electronic systems and human machine interfaces.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Vivek Jaikamal, ETAS Inc.; Wensi Jin, MathWorks Inc.; Mahendra Muli, dSPACE Inc.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, Chrysler Group LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Organizers: Robert Gruszczynski, Volkswagen of America; Kathleen E. Kedzior, MAHLE Powertrain LLC
Organizers: Subramaniam Ganesan, Kanaparty Rao, Oakland University
Control-Oriented Modeling Methodology for Turbocharged Engine Control Design and System Calibration
From Natural Language to Semi-Formal Notation Requirements for Automotive Safety
ADvanced Encryption STAndard (ADESTA) for Diagnostics over CAN
Bridging Automotive Design Domains with the Latest in Functional Design Technology (Presentation of SAE Paper 2015-01-0135)
(Oral Only)
Kunihiko Suzuki, Guang Yu, Hitachi Research & Development; Satoru Watanabe, Hitachi Automotive Systems Ltd.
Martin Krammer, Virtual Vehicle Research Center; Philip Stirgwolt, Infineon Technologies AG; Helmut Martin, Virtual Vehicle Research Center
Jihas Khan, Tata Elxsi, Ltd.
Thomas Heurung, Mentor Graphics Corp.
An Innovative Vehicle Behaviour Modeling Methodology for Model-Based Development
Model-based Engineering Workflow for Automotive Safety Concepts
Misfire Detection in a Dynamic Skip Fire Engine
EE-Architecture the Real Competence Field for Automotive OEMs
Marina Roche, Marco Mammetti, Applus + Idiada Spain
Helmut Martin, Martin Krammer, Bernhard Winkler, Christian Schwarzl, Virtual Vehicle Research Center
S Kevin Chen, Li-Chun Chien, Masaki Nagashima, Joel Van Ess, Sam Hashemi, Tula Technology Inc.
Reinhold Blank, Zuken GmbH
Resource-Aware Control - Model-Based Co-Engineering of Control Algorithms and Real-Time Systems
Technical Keynote: Case Study of Unintended Acceleration and Software Safety
Detection of Unintended Acceleration in Longitudinal Car Following
Analysis of Failure Modes of Bearing Outer Race Rotation
(Oral Only)
Steffen Lampke, Simon Schliecker, Symtavision GmbH; Dirk Ziegenbein, Arne Hamann, Robert Bosch GmbH
Philip Koopman, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Hongtao Yu; Reza Langari, Texas A&M Univ.
Salah Alhasia, Lawrence Technological Univ.; Sharif Gindy, Sensor Data Technologies, lnc.; Selin Arslan, Badih Jawad, Chris Riedel, Lawrence Technological Univ.
Feature Addition or Enhancement by using Model Based Design
OBD and ODX - ISO Compliant Components for OBD II
Adding Depth: Establishing 3D Display Fundamentals for Automotive Applications
(Oral Only)
Amrut A. Patki, Navistar Inc.
Andreas Hege, RA Consulting GMBH
Matthew J. Pitts, University of Warwick; Elvir Hasedi, Lee Skrypchuk, Jaguar Land Rover; Alex Attridge, Mark Williams, University of Warwick
10 Steps to ISO26262-compliant Modelbased Software Components
Using Fault Injection to Verify an AUTOSAR Application According to the ISO 26262
Combined Frequency Domain Analysis and Fuzzy Logic for Engine Misfire Diagnosis
Induction Mode Operation in the Electrical Machine with DC Stator Excitation
Ingo Stürmer, Elke Salecker, Model Engineering Solutions
Ludovic Pintard, Michel Leeman, Abdelillah Ymlahi-Ouazzani, VALEO; Jean-Charles Fabre, Karama Kanoun, Matthieu Roy, LAAS-CNRS
Xiping Ma, ZF lenksysteme(Shanghai) Management; Zhenchun Xia; Haotian Wu, Purdue Univ-West Lafayette; Xianan Huang, Univ of Michigan
Sergey P. Gladyshev, Michigan-Dearborn University; Irina Okrainskaya, South Ural State University; Pavel Gladyshev, University College Dublin
Automatic C to Simulink Model Converter (C2M) Tool
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: ISO 26262 Revision 2
New Technology to Speed Vehicle Electrical System Fault Rectification
Moderators: Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center
A Versatile Approach for an ISO26262 Compliant Hardware-Software Interface Definition with Model-Based Development
Steve Trythall, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Georg Macher, Harald Sporer, Graz University of Technology; Eric Armengaud, AVL LIST GmbH; Christian Kreiner, Graz University of Technology
Smitha Kizhakkae Palakkal, Priti Ranadive, Naveen Boggarapu, CREST, KPIT Technologies, Ltd.; Rakesh Rao, KPIT Technologies, Ltd.; Pallavi Kalyanasundaram, K.K.W.I.E.E.R, Nasik 11:00 a.m.
414 B
Automated Verification and Validation Methods for Transmission Control Software
Panelists: Mark Costin, Google Inc. Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC Rami Ismail Debouk, GM R&D Center Karl Greb, Texas Instruments Inc. Joseph D. Miller, TRW Automotive US LLC
Challenges for Inspection and Maintenance
(Oral Only)
Madhura Medikeri, Thomas Tasky, FEV North America, Inc.; Johannes Richenhagen, FEV GmbH
Robert Gruszczynski, Volkswagen of America
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 C
413 B
414 B
Model-Based Controls and Software Development (Part 1 of 2) (AE103)
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 1 of 4) (AE403)
Systems Diagnostics (Part 1 of 2) (AE203)
Systems Engineering (Part 3 of 3) (AE101)
Model-Based Design has become a well-accepted development style for embedded control and software. This session is designed to cover new processes, methods, and applications of new processes / methods to reduce development time and improve software quality. A particular emphasis will be placed on methods such as executable specification, design through simulation, early verification, automatic code generation, and model-in-the-loop testing.
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safetyrelevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
Vehicle diagnostics deals with the development, delivery and execution of diagnostic procedures for vehicle systems. This session will explore new technologies, processes and trends in the area of vehicle diagnostics.
This session covers intelligent and efficient approaches to high level system design, analysis and integration as well as considerations for vehicle-level optimization of cost and energy. System definition includes components, sub-assemblies and complete integrated vehicle systems, including electronic systems and human machine interfaces.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Vivek Jaikamal, ETAS Inc.; Wensi Jin, MathWorks Inc.; Mahendra Muli, dSPACE Inc.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, Chrysler Group LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Organizers: Robert Gruszczynski, Volkswagen of America; Kathleen E. Kedzior, MAHLE Powertrain LLC
Organizers: Subramaniam Ganesan, Kanaparty Rao, Oakland University
Air Compressor Duty Cycle Reduction in Passenger Bus Application (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0139) Harish Kumar Gangwar, Ankur Sharma, Dipak Dabhole, Tata Motors, Ltd.; Ambekar Prasad, Tata Technologies Ltd. Research on the Application of Triangular Fuzzy Number and AHP in Risk Evaluation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0137) Ying Fan, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Study of a new Analysis Method of Risk Priority Number Based on FMEA (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0136) Ying Fan, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Agility in Systems Engineering (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0144) Diljith Muthuvana, Renuka prasad, Delphi Automotive Systems, Ltd. The Energy Management for Solar Powered Vehicle Parking Ventilation System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0149) Can Wang, Gangfeng Tan, Xuexun Guo, Zhewen Tian, Zhanwei Tian, Jiafan Li, Wuhan University of Technology An Innovative Approach to Avoid Battery Drainage in Motorcycles with DC Lighting System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0134) Durga Madhab Mishra, Bimal Kant Gupta, Hero MotoCorp Limited Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Safety Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00493, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00477, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00482, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 A
Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure (Part 1 of 2) (AE502)
Wiring and Harnesses (AE303)
V2x communications technology for safety, mobility and environmental applications is a key component in the USDOT’s connected Vehicle program. V2x communications will significantly improve safety by addressing 82% of crash scenarios according to NHTSA and enable a new set of compelling mobility and green applications. The papers cover all aspects of V2x, the enabling wireless technologies, architectures, testing and resulting applications.
This session deals with the electrical distribution system (EDS), increasing content/complexity, and the optimization of the systems in vehicles. The EDS is the nerve system of the vehicle and is far reaching into all areas of the architecture. This session will review the associated components for the wiring systems: wiring/ cables, connectors, harnesses, fuse & relay boxes, etc., and will discuss new technologies that are emerging to address mega trends.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: David McNamara, MTS; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; J. Howard Evans, Bentley Motors, Ltd.; Kirk Rasmussen, Leoni Wiring Systems Inc.; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity Chairpersons: Kirk Rasmussen, Leoni Wiring Systems Inc.
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Performance Analysis of Existing 1609.2 Encodings v ASN.1
A Statistical Analysis of Electrical Power Requirements in Vehicles
Virendra Kumar, William Whyte, Security Innovation
Ludwig Brabetz, Tobias Kerner, Mohamed Ayeb, Universitaet Kassel
V2V Communication Quality Assessment in Field Measurement and Computer Simulation
Magnetic Pulse Crimping and High Power Solutions
(Oral Only)
Fumio Watanabe, Alps Electric (USA) Inc; Hirofumi Onishi, Alpine Electronics of America Inc
Adrien Laurino, Leoni Wiring Systems France
DSRC-VANET Simulation For Security Considerations using NS
Enhancing Automotive Wire Harness Manufacturing Through Digital Continuity
(Oral Only)
Nagabhushana Siddalingappa, B M S College of Engineering, India
Nick Smith, Mentor Graphics Corp.
V2V Communication - Analysis and Validation of Propagation Models in Real World Scenarios
Requirements and Protection within a 48V Automotive Wiring System
Yuan Chen, Bhavin Chamadiya, Ulrich Bueker, Hella KGaA Hueck & Co.
Matthias Lenhart-Rydzek, Markus Rau, Matthias Ebert, LEONI Wiring Systems GmbH
DSRC Rebroadcasting
Future E/E-Architecture Stimulated by Using Bionic Approaches
Radovan Miucic, David Weber, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Markus Ernst, Markus Heuermann, LEONI Wiring Systems GmbH
Over-The-Air Testing and Certification for Connected vehicles
Aluminum Technology - The Wiring Harness of the Future Next Generation Terminals for Aluminum Wire Application
Pascal Herve, CSA Group
Markus Gaertner, Delphi Deutschland GmbH
11:00 a.m.
2015 WORLD CONGRESS TECHNICAL PAPERS – ELECTRONICS The Electronics technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
[email protected]
Every Engineer can be a Quality Engineer (2015-01-0242) Nick Smith, Mentor Graphics Corp.
11:30 a.m.
Mixed Voltages and Aluminum Conductors: Assessing New Electrical Technologies (2015-01-0237) Nick Smith, Mentor Graphics Corp. Wireless Sensor Network in Vehicles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0241) Milind Potdar, Suyog Wani, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd. Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Powertrain Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 C
Model-Based Controls and Software Safety-Critical Systems (Part 2 of Development (Part 2 of 2) (AE103) 4) (AE403)
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
413 B
415 A
Systems Diagnostics (Part 2 of 2) (AE203)
Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure (Part 2 of 2) (AE502)
Model-Based Design has become a well-accepted development style for embedded control and software. This session is designed to cover new processes, methods, and applications of new processes / methods to reduce development time and improve software quality. A particular emphasis will be placed on methods such as executable specification, design through simulation, early verification, automatic code generation, and model-in-the-loop testing.
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safety-relevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
Vehicle diagnostics deals with the development, delivery and execution of diagnostic procedures for vehicle systems. This session will explore new technologies, processes and trends in the area of vehicle diagnostics.
V2x communications technology for safety, mobility and environmental applications is a key component in the USDOT’s connected Vehicle program. V2x communications will significantly improve safety by addressing 82% of crash scenarios according to NHTSA and enable a new set of compelling mobility and green applications. The papers cover all aspects of V2x, the enabling wireless technologies, architectures, testing and resulting applications.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Vivek Jaikamal, ETAS Inc.; Wensi Jin, MathWorks Inc.; Mahendra Muli, dSPACE Inc.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Organizers: Robert Gruszczynski, Volkswagen of America; Kathleen E. Kedzior, MAHLE Powertrain LLC
Organizers: David McNamara, MTS; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center
Reducing the Verification Effort for Interfaces of Automotive Infotainment Software
Challenges in Managing ISO 26262 Software Development Projects.
Co-Simulation of Cooperative Vehicle Safety Applications and Communication Networks
(2015-01-0166) Christian Drabek, Annette Paulic, Gereon Weiss, Fraunhofer ESK
(2015-01-0278) Ingo Stürmer, Heiko Doerr, Thomas End, Model Engineering Solutions GmbH
Implementing SAE J2892 - Graphics-Based Service Information and Enhancing the Standard (Oral Only) Arnold Taube, John Deere World Headquarters
Emerging Standards as Enablers for Virtual Validation in Model-based Development
Benefits of Functional Safety ReEngineering
Smooth Merging in Highways Using V2V Communication
(Oral Only) Joseph M. Fairchild, dSPACE, Inc.
(2015-01-0271) Fabian Joerg Uwe Koark, Christian Beul, INVENSITY
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: SAE’s J817 - Engineering Design Serviceability Guidelines
Model-Based Optimization for an AMT Clutch Control during the Vehicle Starting
Functional Safety Software Analysis at the System Level A Practical Application
(2015-01-0161) Hua Huang, Di Di, Yuqiang Chu, Clemens Guehmann, Technische Universität Berlin
(Oral Only) William Taylor, kVA; Jody Nelson, KVA; Doug Barnes, kVA
Eco-Driving System for Energy Efficient Driving of an Electric Bus
An Integrated Approach to Requirements Development and Hazard Analysis
(2015-01-0158) Jackeline Rios-Torres, Pablo Sauras-Perez, Ruben Alfaro, Joachim Taiber, Pierluigi Pisu, CU-ICAR Clemson University
(2015-01-0274) John Thomas, John Sgueglia, Dajiang Suo, Nancy Leveson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mark Vernacchia, Padma Sundaram, General Motors Company
Artist-Centric HMI Software Development Tool for Reconfigurable Instrument Clusters: Integration with Model-Based Development Tool (2015-01-0169) Kazuyuki Nakata, Maya Seki, Ryoichi Nishikawa, DENSO Corporation; Soju Matsumoto, 3D Incorporated; Shinichiro Murakami, Yukio Yoshino, CATS Co., Ltd.
Integration of Multiple Active Safety Systems using STPA
Development and Analysis of Adaptive Neural Network Control for a Cybernetic Intelligent iGDI Engine (2015-01-0157) M Abu Anas Shuvom, M Zahurul Haq, Bangladesh Univ of Engrg & Tech
Proposal of a updated approach for ‘Safety Concept’ description according to ISO 26262 framework (Oral Only) Shuhei Yamashita, DNV GL; Yoji Iwai, GAIO Technology Co., Ltd.; Kenji Hiranabe, Change Vision Inc.
(2015-01-0277) Seth Placke, John Thomas, Dajiang Suo, MIT
Construction and Industrial Machinery treats product maintenance in terms of 1940s through 1970s approaches. Today’s concepts of Condition Based Maintenance and Prognostics deserve to be included. Furthermore, service consists of maintenance, diagnosis and repair. J817 only addresses maintenance. Learn about a new project to update J817 to address these issues. It is an exciting opportunity to make long-lasting contributions to the design and manufacture of more productive and repairable products. Moderators - Mark N. Pope, General Motors Co. Panelists Joseph Barkai, Management Consultant Jeffrey Minter, Wisconsin Technical College System Daniel C. Morris, Caterpillar Inc. Peter Subke, Softing Automotive Electronics Gmbh Arnold Taube, John Deere World Headquarters James E. Wagner, Caterpillar Inc. Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Windows Based Diagnostic Platforms Present Special Challenges for Automotive Technicians This panel will cover the challenges and concerns of laptop based diagnostic platforms and how to avoid the common mistakes that limit functions and increase downtime.
Improving Motorcycle Safety through DSRC Motorcycle-to-Vehicle Communication (2015-01-0291) Radovan Miucic, Samer Rajab, Sue Bai, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; James Sayer, Dillon Funkhouser, University of Michigan System Architecture for Cooperative Vehicle-Pedestrian Safety Applications Using DSRC Communication (2015-01-0290) Amin Tahmasbi-Sarvestani, Hadi Kazemi, Yaser P. Fallah, West Virginia University; Mohammad Naserian, Allan Lewis, Hyundai America Technical Center
Technical Aspects of Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Recovering (Oral Only) Hirofumi Onishi, Alpine Electronics of America Inc.
A Case for Connected Vehicles in reducing Total Cost of Ownership in Indian CV Industry (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0293) Yaamini Devi Loganathan, Foton Motors
Planned by Electronics in Safety Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00493, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
(2015-01-0287) Javier Adolfo Alcazar, David Weber, Honda R&D Americas Inc.
Moderators - Kurt Immekus, Volkswagen Group of America Inc. Panelists Dave Bardelski, Ford Motor Company Louis Scott Bolt, Mahle Inc
Research and Simulation of ElectroHydraulic Braking System Based on Integrated Master Cylinder (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0159) Zhihui Tan, Zhenfu Chen, Xiaofei Pei, Wuhan University of Technology; Jie Zhang, Wanxiang Group Technical Center; Xuexun Guo, Zhejiang Wanxiang Systems Co., Ltd. Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
(2015-01-0285) Ehsan Moradi-Pari, S M Osman Gani, Yaser P. Fallah, West Virginia Univ; Mohammad Naserian, Allan Lewis, Hyundai America Technical Center
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00477, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
413 A
415 A
Battery and Energy Storage Systems (AE305)
Electronic Vision Systems and Applications (AE205)
Infotainment Systems (AE206)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (AE504)
Most advanced propulsion systems include high density electrical energy storage devices of varying chemistries. This session will present the latest developments in the applications of these devices, including cell and module management, state-of-charge/ health management and safety.
Camera and radar technologies have advanced so much finding applications in active safety systems, rear view monitoring, surround view systems, forensic imaging, vulnerable road user detection etc. The advancements in camera and radar technologies and its applications in commercial vehicles will be discussed in this session.
This session covers topics relating to vehicular entertainment and information systems. Specific subjects include multiband antennas, satellite radio reception, measuring and evaluating audio systems, navigation, displays, infotainment busses, audio amplifiers, and loudspeakers.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) includes smart vehicles, smart roads and infrastructure, and wired and wireless communications to link them together. This session will provide insights and progress reports on the latest ITS research, development, and deployment around the world. Time to collision estimations, embedded processor control, adaptive cruise control and image recognition along with discussion on the management of safety and safety systems.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Scott Phillips, TE Connectivity; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Stephen Buckley, FCA US LLC; Scott W. Piper, General Motors; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; Husein Dakroub, Visteon Electronic Systems Div.; Robert Klacza, Retired; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity
Organizers: Jan-Mou Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center Chairpersons: Jan-Mou Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mark Steffka, GM Powertrain
Technical Keynote Presentation
Noise Filtering in Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems with Sensor Fusions
Connected Car Nirvana: Its Time for a Reality Check
Technical Keynote: CVRIA A Potential Facilitator for the Design of Vehicle Interactions
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Prabhakar B. Patil, LG Chem Power Inc.
Ping-Min Hsu, Ming Hung Li, Kuo-Ching Chang, Automotive Research & Testing Center
Leon Hong, Airbiquity Inc.
Walton L. Fehr, US Dept. of Transportation
Model-Based Parameter Identification of Healthy and Aged Li-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicle Applications
Measurements of Deer with Radar and Lidar for Active Safety Systems
Enhancing Sound Quality in Bluetooth Audio Systems Using Kalman Filtering
Technical Aspects of Stolen Vehicle Tracking and Recovering
(Oral Only)
Ryan Ahmed, McMaster Univ.; Javier Gazzarri, MathWorks Inc.; Simona Onori, Clemson Univ.; Saeid Habibi, McMaster Univ.; Robyn Jackey, Kevin Rzemien, MathWorks Inc.; Jimi Tjong, Ford Motor Co.; Jonathan LeSage, MathWorks Inc.
William Buller, Michigan Technological University; Rini Sherony, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.; Brian Wilson, Michelle Wienert, Michigan Technological University
Mahdi N. Ali, Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center
Hirofumi Onishi, Alpine Electronics of America Inc.
Guide for the Focused Utilization of Aging Models for Lithium-Ion Batteries - An Automotive Perspective
Redundant Data Removal from Images
Using Active Noise Control to Improve Driving Experience and Safety
Short Term Prediction of a Vehicle’s Velocity Trajectory Using ITS
(Oral Only)
Claudia Meis, Stefan Mueller, Stephan Rohr, Matthias Kerler, Markus Lienkamp, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Reena Kumari Behera, Smita Nair, Vinay Vaidya, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Andrew Patterson, Mentor Graphics Corp
Dominik Moser, Harald Waschl, Roman Schmied, Hajrudin Efendic, Luigi del Re, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Development of Li-ion Battery Control Technology for HEV
HSV Space Based De-Hazing Technique for Vision Based Advanced Driver Assistance Applications
Addressing Challenges in Automotive Connectivity: Mobile Devices, Technologies, and the Connected Car
Feasibility Study to Improve Imprudent Driving Behaviors Using M2M Platform
(Oral Only)
Yoshikazu Nishida, Satoru Komoda, Naoki Maruno, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Vinuchackravarthy Senthamilarasu, Anusha Baskaran, Krishnan Kutty, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Patrick Shelly, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Takamasa Koshizen, Honda Automobile R&D Centre; Kazuhiko Yamakawa, MCI; Kazuhiro Kondo, Optima
Design and Thermal Analysis of a Passive Thermal Management System Using Composite Phase Change Material for Rectangular Power Batteries
Detection of Visual Saliency Region for ADAS Applications
Development of Tool for Evaluation of Automotive Conformity of FM Receivers Using Two-Stage Method
A Simplified Fuel Efficient Predictive Cruise Control Approach
Chunjing Lin, Sichuan Xu, Zhao Li, Guofeng Chang, Tongji University
Ramya Deshpande, KPIT Technologies Ltd; Krishnan Kutty, Shanmugaraj Mani, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd
Satoru Komatsu, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa, Kitami Institute of Technology
Roman Schmied, Harald Waschl, Luigi del Re, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Battery Heating System for Electric Vehicles
Vision Based Face Expression Recognition
Estimation of the Incoming Wave Characteristics by MUSIC Method Using Virtual Array Antenna
Traffic Congestion Mitigation Using Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) Combined with Lane Changes - Why Congestion Detection is So Needed?
Hiroyasu Baba, Koji Kawasaki, Nippon Soken, Inc.; Hideomi Kawachi, Denso Corporation
C Sreelakshmi, Krishnan Kutty, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Suguru Imai, Kenji Taguchi, Tatsuya Kashiwa, Kitami Institute of Technology; Satoru Komatsu, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Takamasa Koshizen, Honda Automobile R&D Centre; MAS Kamal, University of Tokyo; Hiroyuki Koike, Honda Automobile R&D Centre
Power-Balance and Wavelet-Transform Based Power Management of BatterySupercapacitor Hybrid System for Electric Vehicles
Automotive Ethernet AVB Landscape
Turning Standard Line (TSL) Based Path Planning algorithm for Narrow Parking Lots
Qiao Zhang, Weiwen Deng, Jian Wu, State Key Lab of ASCL Jilin University
Michael David Johas Teener, Broadcom Corp.
Wontaek Lim, Junsoo Kim, Kichun Jo, Yongwoo Jo, Myoungho Sunwoo, Hanyang University
SAE 2015 World Congress
continued on next page
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
413 A
415 A
Battery and Energy Storage Systems (AE305)
Electronic Vision Systems and Applications (AE205)
Infotainment Systems (AE206)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (AE504)
Most advanced propulsion systems include high density electrical energy storage devices of varying chemistries. This session will present the latest developments in the applications of these devices, including cell and module management, state-of-charge/ health management and safety.
Camera and radar technologies have advanced so much finding applications in active safety systems, rear view monitoring, surround view systems, forensic imaging, vulnerable road user detection etc. The advancements in camera and radar technologies and its applications in commercial vehicles will be discussed in this session.
This session covers topics relating to vehicular entertainment and information systems. Specific subjects include multiband antennas, satellite radio reception, measuring and evaluating audio systems, navigation, displays, infotainment busses, audio amplifiers, and loudspeakers.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) includes smart vehicles, smart roads and infrastructure, and wired and wireless communications to link them together. This session will provide insights and progress reports on the latest ITS research, development, and deployment around the world. Time to collision estimations, embedded processor control, adaptive cruise control and image recognition along with discussion on the management of safety and safety systems.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Scott Phillips, TE Connectivity; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Stephen Buckley, FCA US LLC; Scott W. Piper, General Motors; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Lyle Stanley Bryan, TE Connectivity; Husein Dakroub, Visteon Electronic Systems Div.; Robert Klacza, Retired; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center; Abraham Shocket, TE Connectivity
Organizers: Jan-Mou Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center
11:30 a.m.
Chairpersons: Jan-Mou Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mark Steffka, GM Powertrain Real-time Determination of Driver’s Driving Behavior during Car Following (2015-01-0297) Jianbo Lu, Dimitar Filev, Finn Tseng, Ford Motor Co.
Approach to Estimate Life of Li-Ion Power Battery for Mild Hybrid Application in India (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
A Supervisory Learning Based Two-Wheeler Drive Pattern (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Control of Vehicular Platoons using Nearest Neighbor Interactions (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Kannan Subramanian, Ganesh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Sindhuja Renganathan, Karthik Vssnt, Kumar Prasad Telikepalli, Aravapalli Sriniwas, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd.
Soham Banerjee, Anand Ganesan, Mahindra 2 Wheelers Ltd.; Sudharsan Sundaram, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.; Kiran Jasti, Mahindra 2 Wheelers Ltd.
Saurav Talukdar, University of Minnesota
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Research on Driving Range Estimation for Electric Vehicles Based on Corrected Battery Model (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0250) Yanjing Wang, Chao Feng, ChongQing Changan NewEnergyAuto Co. Ltd.; Guangming Liu, Tsinghua University; Hong Fu, Shan Xue, ChongQing Changan NewEnergyAuto Co. Ltd.; Languang Lu, Jianfeng Hua, Minggao Ouyang, Tsinghua University Planned by Electronics in Powertrain Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
142 C
412 B
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 3 of 4) (AE403)
Software Design Engineering and Development (Part 1 of 2) (AE105)
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safetyrelevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
This session concentrates on the development and implementation of embedded software architectures that reside in production vehicle electronic modules. Topics include implementation on multi-core processors, parallel computing environments, multi-processor and multiECU systems, and the deployment of AUTOSAR. Expert speakers from the embedded software community are encouraged to share their experiences and opinions.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Organizers: Larry Cramer, FCA US LLC; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Joe Fairchild, dSPACE Inc.; Robert Miller, Vector CANtech Inc.
Automatic Detection of Incomplete and Inconsistent Safety Requirements
On Timing Requirements and a Critical Gap between Function Development and ECU Integration
Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Mario Trapp, Ashwin Venugopal, Fraunhofer IESE
Karsten Schmidt, Denny Marx, Audi AG; Kai Richter, Symtavision GmbH; Konrad Reif, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg; Andreas Schulze, Torsten Flämig, Volkswagen AG
Formal Verification in Model Based Development
A Model-Based Configuration Approach for Automotive Real-Time Operating Systems
Ashlie B. Hocking, John C. Knight, M. Anthony Aiello, Dependable Computing Inc.; Shin’ichi Shiraishi, Toyota Info Technology Center USA
Georg Macher, Graz University of Technology; Muesluem Atas, Eric Armengaud, AVL List GmbH; Christian Kreiner, Graz University of Technology
Formal Verification Method for Safety Diagnosis Software
Jump-Starting AUTOSAR ECU Development
Fumio Narisawa, Masahiro Matsubara, Masataka Nishi, Hitachi Ltd; Tomohito Ebina, Hitachi Automotive Systems
James Price, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Developing Functional Safety Requirements using Process Model Variables
The Study of AUTOSAR Communication for Automotive Requirement
Gokul Krithivasan, William Taylor, Jody Nelson, kVA
Younho Lee, YangNam Lim, Hyundai Autron; KokCheng Gui, Jin Seo Park, Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte; Pawan Reddy, Infineon Technologies India Pvt.Ltd.; Syed Arshad Kazmi, Infineon Technologies Korea Co Ltd
Implementing Mixed Criticality Software Integration on Multicore - A Cost Model and the Lessons Learned
Design Automation and its Challenges in AUTOSAR-Based Vehicle E/E Systems
Dominik Juergens, EFS GmbH; Dominik Reinhardt, BMW AG; Rolf Schneider, AUDI AG; Georg Hofstetter, EFS GmbH; Udo Dannebaum, Infineon Technologies AG; Andreas Graf, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
James Price, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Adapting Commercial Off-The-Shelf Multicore Processors for Safety-Related Automotive Systems Using Online Monitoring
Case Study: Knowledge based Design Criteria for Automotive Software
(Oral Only)
Falco K. Bapp, Oliver Sander, Timo Sandmann, Viet Vu Duy, Steffen Baehr, Juergen Becker, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Taewan Gu, Baegsu Joo, Hyundai Autron
AUTONOMOUS TECHNOLOGIES: APPLICATIONS THAT MATTER Edited By William C. Messner Autonomous and unmanned vehicles have been increasingly employed in many roles on land, in the water, and in the air. Some are quite familiar, such as the Roomba autonomous vacuum cleaner, while others, such as autonomous farm equipment, remain largely out of the public eye. Co-published by SAE International and AUVSI, this book will assist in SAE Member Price: $52.00* identifying profitable List Price: $65.00 opportunities and Product Code: JPF-AUV-004 avoiding costly ISBN: 978-0-7680-7718-6 misconceptions with Published: September 2014 civilian applications of autonomous vehicle *Discount based on Elite Member technologies for air, level. For more information on member levels, visit water, and ground www.sae.org/membership/benefits. vehicles.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/jpf-auv-004 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied P141122
SAVE ON SAE GROUND VEHICLE STANDARDS WITH JPAKS JPaks is a convenient subscription that gives you 24/7 access to SAE’s Ground Vehicle Standards while saving money on the individual download price. Buy or take a FREE two-week trial at: subs.sae.org/jpaks
continued on next page P150170
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
11:00 a.m.
142 C
412 B
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 3 of 4) (AE403)
Software Design Engineering and Development (Part 1 of 2) (AE105)
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safetyrelevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
This session concentrates on the development and implementation of embedded software architectures that reside in production vehicle electronic modules. Topics include implementation on multi-core processors, parallel computing environments, multi-processor and multiECU systems, and the deployment of AUTOSAR. Expert speakers from the embedded software community are encouraged to share their experiences and opinions.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Organizers: Larry Cramer, FCA US LLC; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Joe Fairchild, dSPACE Inc.; Robert Miller, Vector CANtech Inc.
Timing Verification of Real-Time Automotive Ethernet Networks: What can We Expect from Simulation?
Efficiency of the Automotive Software Design using the Spl Architecture Refinement Framework
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Nicolas Navet, University of Luxembourg; Jan Seyler, Daimler AG - Mercedes-Benz Cars; Jörn Migge, RealTime-At-Work
Takahiro Iida, Masahiro Matsubara, Fumio Narisawa, Hitachi Ltd; Hideyuki Kojima, Tohma Yamaguchi, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd
11:30 a.m.
Teaching Automotive Product Development Standards AUTOSAR (Oral Only) Nagabhushana Siddalingappa, Vishnu Swaroop, BMS College of Engineering Planned by Electronics in Safety Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00477, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00497, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Must-read, comprehensive book examines growing and pervasive issue
Counterfeit Electronic Parts and Their Impact on Supply Chains By Kirsten M. Koepsel This new book examines how counterfeit parts are negatively affecting the aviation, spacecraft, and defense sectors and what can be done about it.
As the inflow of counterfeit parts does not appear to be slowing down, the author investigates the possible solutions to combat the issue SAE Member Price: $79.20* and presents a highList Price: $99.00 level compilation of Product Code: T-130 supply chain best ISBN: 978-0-7680-7800-8 practices of electronic Published: October 2014 parts manufacturers *Discount based on Elite Member and government level. For more information on contractors. member levels, visit
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/t-130 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied P141564
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
415 A
142 C
Driver Assistance Systems (AE401)
Drivetrain Electrification (AE304)
Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (AE501)
Safety-Critical Systems (Part 4 of 4) (AE403)
Advanced Driver Assistance systems (ADAS) such as Lane Departure Warning, Drowsy Driver Warning, Forward Collision Warning, Autonomous Emergency Braking system, Sensor Fusion etc are gaining importance in both passenger and commercial vehicle segments. The effectiveness of these systems are evaluated and reported by NHTSA and FMCSA. This session will explore the recent developments in the advanced driver assistance systems for commercial vehicles using radar, lidar, camera etc.
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) are generating excitement and popularity. BEV and HEV production is now a major part of the automotive industry. All manufacturers are ramping up to meet the demand and fuel economy standards for the future, which will require this technology. This session covers electric motors, controls, EMC, diagnostics and other drivetrain requirements for BEV and HEV vehicles.
This session presents papers by leading experts in the field of Intelligent Vehicle Technologies, such as: vehicle communications and networks, driver drowsiness and driving pattern detection, sensors and GPS, vehicle and chassis control and autonomous vehicles, route prediction, head-up displays and power transmission for electric vehicles.
The focus of the session is on system safety analysis and design of safety-critical systems employing electronic controls. Topics include: implementation of safetyrelevant systems, fail-safe strategies, distributed fault tolerant systems and hazard analysis. Application areas include: automotive active safety and alternative energy systems as well as avionics and mission management. Finally, the session addresses application of new or revised safety standards such as ISO 26262 and DO-178C.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Scott Craig, Infineon Technologies North America Corp.; Sai S V Rajagopalan, General Motors Co.; Chris Semanson
Organizers: Eugene F. Saltzberg, GM; Mark Steffka, GM Powertrain
Organizers: Allan Lewis, Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center; Kenneth W. Webster, Transportation Research Center Inc.
Organizers: Barbara J. Czerny, FCA US LLC; Joseph G. D’Ambrosio, GM R&D Center; Brian T. Murray, United Technologies Research Center; Markus Plankensteiner, TTTech. Computertechnik AG
Integrating Infotainment and Safety-Critical Features in the Car
Technical Keynote: Everything Old Is New Again - The Resurrection of the Electric Automobile
Collaborative Vehicle Tracking in MixedTraffic Environments: Scaled-Down Tests Using SimVille
Enabling Functional Safety for Semiconductor Designs
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Grant Courville, QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
Donald L. Wood
Emrah Adamey, Guchan Ozbilgin, Umit Ozguner, Ohio State Univ
Lauri Ora, ARM, Ltd.
Parallelization and Porting of Multiple ADAS Applications on Embedded Multicore Platforms
Wireless Charging System Localization for Electric Vehicles Using RSSI
Diagnostic Coverage Evaluation Method for Analog Circuits to Comply with Functional Safety Standards
Venkatesh Kareti, Priti Ranadive, Vinay Vaidya, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Allan Lewis, Mohammad Naserian, Hyundai America Technical Center
Ryoichi Inada, Teppei Hirotsu, Hitachi, Ltd.; Yasushi Morita, Takahiro Hata, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.
Development and Evaluation of a Portable Driving Performance and Analysis System for Education Purposes
Development of Energy Management for Small Electric Buses
Non-Uniform Time Window Processing of In-Vehicle Signals for Maneuvers Recognition and Route Recovery
Automotive MOSFETs Operating in the Safe Operating Area
Tyler Zellmer, Julio Rodriguez, John R. Wagner, Kim Alexander, Philip Pidgeon, Clemson Univ.
Hisashi Higashi, Hino Motors, Ltd.
Yang Zheng, Amardeep Sathyanarayana, John Hansen, Univ of Texas
Marco Puerschel, Andreas Kiep, Infineon Technologies AG; Chris Spielman, Infineon Technologies North America Corp
Real-time Determination of Driver’s Handling Behavior
Advanced Electrical Design Tools Helping to Answer Tomorrows Demand for Fully Electric Vehicles
Technical Keynote: Autonomous Vehicles, their Legacy and Future
Understanding Short Circuit Events and Power Semiconductors
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Jianbo Lu, Dimitar Filev, Sanghyun Hong, Ford Motor Co.
James Price, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Robert Neff, Sales and Marketing Insight
Andreas Kiep, Marco Puerschel, Infineon Technologies AG; Chris Spielman, Infineon Technologies North America Corp
Driver Models for Virtual Testing of Automotive Run-Off-Road and Recovery Control Systems and Education Strategies
Identification Nomenclature for Electric Motors and Generators
Frequency of Accidental CO Deaths Due to Vehicle Exhaust in Enclosed Areas
Changbo Fu, Paul (Tim) Freeman, John R. Wagner, Clemson Univ.
Sonakshi Sharma, Shubhranshu Garg, Vipul Kumar, Vidya College of Engineering; Sudhir Kashinath Gupte, A D Patel Inst of Technology
Jeya Padmanaban, JP Research Inc
3:30 p.m.
Modeling and Simulation for Functional Safety (Oral Only) Charles Moore, Michael Frahm, Bosch Engineering; Christian Liebler, Christopher Irwin, Bosch Engineering GmbH Functional Safety Development of E-motor Drive System for PHEV (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0261) Shuai Li, Cheng Chang, Huichao Zhao, China FAW R&D Center An Approach to Support FMEA Specification in Automotive Systems (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0262) Aline Cristina Dos Santos Satvanyi, Continental Automotive; Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer IESE Planned by Electronics in Safety Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Powertrain Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Transportation / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Electronics in Safety Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00477, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
411 B
331 A/B/C
Software Design Engineering and Vehicle Networks and Development (Part 2 of 2) (AE105) Communication (AE201)
Chat with the Experts: Connected Chat with the Experts: Highly Vehicles Pilot Certification Testing Automated Driving (CHAT) (CHAT)
This session concentrates on the development and implementation of embedded software architectures that reside in production vehicle electronic modules. Topics include implementation on multi-core processors, parallel computing environments, multi-processor and multi-ECU systems, and the deployment of AUTOSAR. Expert speakers from the embedded software community are encouraged to share their experiences and opinions.
Vehicle networks and communication protocols play a key role in meeting today’s complex system requirements and product flexibility. This session will explore the challenges and future prospects for vehicle communication networks and protocols. Papers are sought in the areas of network design, protocol design, network-enabled vehicle functions, network integration, network and protocol testing, network bus technology, CAN, CAN-FD, J1939, Ethernet, FlexRay.
This session will introduce the approach and concepts for Certification Testing, to qualify a device for the Test Bed, that are being developed in a cooperative agreement between USDOT, OSC, 7Layers, and Danlaw. Come learn what is happening, chat with the leading experts in the certification field, and find out how to prepare for Connected Vehicle Pilot Certification Testing.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Larry Cramer, FCA US LLC; John Day, John Day’s Automotive Electronics; Joe Fairchild, dSPACE Inc.; Robert Miller, Vector CANtech Inc.
Organizers: Christopher Lupini, Delphi Corp.; Mark Zachos, DG Technologies
Non-Intrusive Tracing at First Instruction
(R)evolution of E/E Architectures
Karsten Schmidt, Audi Electronics Venture GmbH; Denny Marx, Audi AG; Jens Harnisch, Albrecht Mayer, Udo Dannebaum, Infineon Technologies AG; Herbert Christlbauer, Audi AG
Varun M. Navale, Kyle Williams, Robert Bosch LLC; Athanassios Lagospiris, Michael Schaffert, Markus-Alexander Schweiker, Robert Bosch GmbH
Reducing Defects in Automotive Software Using Static Analysis
Gradient and Mass Estimation from CAN Based Data for a Light Passenger Car
Priti R. Ranadive, CREST, KPIT Technologies Ltd.; Vinay Vaidya, Chaitanya Rajguru, KPIT Technologies Ltd.
Robert Wragge-Morley, Guido Herrmann, University of Bristol; Phil Barber, Jaguar Cars; Stuart Burgess, University of Bristol
Methods for Prediction, Simulation and Verification of Real-Time Software Architectural Design based on Machine Learning Algorithms
A Novel Distortion Cancelling Technique Enabling 50-Mbps High Speed Data Transmission for Bus Connected ECUs
Mostafa Anwar Taie, Ibrahim El-Faramawy, Mohamed Elmawazini, Valeo
Hironobu Akita, Nobuaki Matsudaira, Chao Chen, Takasuke Ito, Shigeki Ohtsuka, DENSO Corp.
Improved ECU End of Line Testing using Multicore Microcontroller
Insights on the Configuration and Performances of SOME/IP Service Discovery
Syed Arshad Kazmi, Infineon Technologies Korea Co., Ltd.; Jin Seo Park, Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte; Jens Harnisch, Infineon Technologies AG
Jan Seyler, Daimler AG - MercedesBenz Cars; Nicolas Navet, University of Luxembourg; Loïc Fejoz, RealTime-At-Work (RTaW)
Software Parallelization in Automotive MultiCore Systems
Real Time Ethernet and Synchronizing with Inhomogeneous Physical Layers: CAT5 and Unshielded Twisted Single Pair Cabling
Connected Vehicles Pilot Certification Testing
(Oral Only)
Rolf Schneider, AUDI AG; Dominik Juergens, Elektronische Fahrwerksysteme GmbH; Andre Kohn, Audi Electronics Venture GmbH
Stefan Fuchs, Hans-Peter Schmidt, East Bavarian Technical University (OTH)
AUTOSAR Based Multicore Software Implementation for Powertrain Applications
GBit Ethernet - The Solution for Future InVehicle Network Requirements?
Walton L. Fehr, US Dept. of Transportation; Andrew Donaldson, Danlaw Inc.; Michael Brown, Southwest Research Institute; Shubha P. Gopalakrishna, 7Layers
(Oral Only)
Ralph Mader, Armin Graf, Gerd Winkler, Continental Automotive GmbH
Karsten Schmidt, Audi Electronics Venture GmbH; Udo Dannebaum, Harald Zweck, Infineon Technologies AG
Lars Eggenstein, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
On Designing Software Architectures for Next-Generation Multi-Core ECUs (2015-01-0177) Thomas Fuhrman, Shige Wang, General Motors LLC; Marek Jersak, Kai Richter, Symtavision Gmbh
4:30 p.m.
Planned by Automotive Embedded Software and Electronics Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
Planned by Advanced Electronics Functions Committee / Automobile Electronics Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00497 and SUB-TP-00002, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Highly Automated Driving
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
331 A/B/C Chat with the Experts: Vehicle2X (CHAT) 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
Vehicle2X (Oral Only)
4:00 p.m.
Karthik Chinnivakkam Suresh, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
4:30 p.m.
ElectrONICS EXHIBITORs Advanced Cooling Technologies..........719 ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Applus IDIADA...........................................733 Argent International Inc...........................812 Bourns Inc....................................................432 Cosworth.......................................................713 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Eltek SpA..................................................... 908 EngineLab....................................................229 Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Global Lighting Technologies Inc.........818 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Hong Kong Trade Development Council......................................................833 IAV Automotive Engineering................. 753 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JG&A Metrology Center...........................214 KCI..................................................................853 Neuman Aluminium..................................328 Origin Electric America Co Ltd........... 1027 Plexim Inc................................................... 454 PlotlyTechnologies Inc.............................938 Quanergy Systems................................... 620 Shanghai Auto Parts T&C.......................238 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 Spirent........................................................1002 Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Trensor LLC.................................................244 Tru Vue...................................................... 1008 Ubisense..................................................... 1052
Electronics notepads sponsored by:
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability TUE
Room No.
Page No.
140 F
99, 100, 103
411 C
108, 109
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 1 - 3) (PFL424)
Advances in Particulate Filter Substrates (Part 1 & 2) (PFL423)
140 F
105, 106, 108, 109
Climate Control (Part 1 - 3) (HX104)
411 A
95, 96, 99, 100
Emission Control Modeling (Part 1 - 3) (PFL430)
140 E
Advanced Emission Components and Systems for Gasoline Vehicles (Part 1 & 2) (PFL422) Advances in Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable Development in the Transportation Sector (SDP110)
99, 100, 103, 105, 106
99, 100, 103, 105, 106
Emissions Measurement and Testing (Part 1 & 2) (PFL440)
414 B
105, 106, 108, 109
Energy Efficiency of Thermal Systems (HX103)
411 C
101, 102
Exhaust Emission Control System Integration & Durability (PFL421)
251 C
Exhaust Emissions Control - New Developments (Part 1 & 2) (PFL410)
95, 96
LCA, Sustainability and End-of-Life (SDP113)
140 F
On Board Measurement and Control (PFL425)
414 A
Particle Emissions from Combustion Sources (Part 1 & 2) (PFL450)
251 C
101, 102, 103
Sustainable Materials and Components (SDP111)
140 F
97, 98
Sustainable and Energy Efficient Manufacturing (SDP109)
140 F
97, 98
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Current Understanding of Particulate Matter from Low Temperature Combustion Modes (PFL499)
413 B
97, 98
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Emissions And Efficiency Solutions 5-10 Years Out; Regulations, Solutions, Obstacles, Most-Likely Surprises, Etc. (PFL4)
108, 109
Thermal System Components (HX101)
411 B
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 1 of 3): Airflow Analysis (HX102)
411 B
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 2 of 3): Waster Heat Recovery and Thermoelectric Generators / Simulation and Modeling: Emerging Technologies - Climate Control & Cabin Comfort (HX102)
411 B
97, 98
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 3 of 3): Power Train and Engines (HX102)
411 B
101, 102
Thermal Systems for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HX105)
251 A
Vehicle Electrification Strategies for Sustainability (SDP117)
260 Portside Ballroom
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 A
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
140 F
411 B
Climate Control (Part 1 of 3) (HX104)
Exhaust Emissions Control New Developments (Part 1 of 2) (PFL410)
LCA, Sustainability and End-ofLife (SDP113)
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 1 of 3): Airflow Analysis (HX102)
Climate control is a defining vehicle attribute and is associated with brand image. Thermal performance and quality of climate control are both critical to customer satisfaction. The system has strong design interaction with other vehicle systems, while its primary objective is to deliver thermal comfort and occupant safety with low energy consumption. Localized Comfort, Secondary Fluids, Air Quality, Controls, System Sizing and HVAC consumer interface are just a few of the recent advances.
Papers are invited on technology developments and the integration of these technologies into new emission control systems. Topics include the integration of various diesel particulate matter (PM) and diesel Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) reduction technologies plus analogous technologies for the growing population of direct injection gasoline engines. Novel developments in sensors and control systems will also be considered.
This session reviews life cycle assessments on materials, technologies, and processes, as well as reviews vehicle end-of-life issues including, parts reuse, parts remanufacturing, parts/materials recycling, and the technologies and processes associated with these activities. Other topics included in this session are updates on the development of life cycle analysis databases for use by the national and international community.
The Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation session focusses on state of the art simulation technologies for modeling thermal systems and their application in the development and optimization of vehicle thermal management and fuel economy. The papers in the session will range from empirical, 1D modeling methods to three dimensional CFD models as well as coupled methods.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Bashar AbdulNour, General Dynamics Land Systems; Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Tao Zhan, California Air Resources Board
Organizers: Homayoun Ahari, FCA US LLC; Kenneth S. Price, Umicore Autocat USA Inc.; Ron Silver, Caterpillar Inc.; Roger A. Van Sickle, FEV North America, Inc.
Organizers: Susan Sawyer-Beaulieu, Katie Soulliere, Univ. of Windsor
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Jason Aaron Lustbader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Kumar Srinivasan, FCA US LLC; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Effect of Pressure Drop in the Header on Refrigerant Distribution in an Outdoor Reversible Microchannel Heat Exchanger
Technical Keynote: Review of Vehicular Emissions Trends (SAE Paper 2015-010993)
Technical Keynote: The Role of a Professional Auto Recycler and What Really Happens to End-of-Life Vehicles in North America
Analytical Study of Thermal Management: A Case Study of Underhood Configurations
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Yang Zou, Creative Thermal Solutions; Pega Hrnjak, Univ of Illinois
Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc.
Andrew MacDonald, Automotive Recyclers Association Inc.
Sandeep Makam, Christopher Dubbs, Yeliana Roosien, Feng Lin, William Resh, FCA US LLC
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Microchannel Evaporator Design on the Performance of Two-Phase Ejector Automotive Air Conditioning Cycles
Numerical Simulation of Airflow Distribution on the Automobile Windshield in Defrost Mode
Neal Lawrence, Stefan Elbel, University of Illinois
Iman Goldasteh, Shi-Ing Chang, Salamah Maaita, Gursaran Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America, Inc.
An Infrared Thermography Based Method for Quantification of Liquid Refrigerant Distribution in Parallel Flow Microchannel Heat Exchanger
Development of Emission Control Systems to Enable High NOx Conversion on Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
A Second Life for Electric Vehicle Batteries: Answering Questions on Battery Degradation and Value
A 1D Method for Transient Simulations of Cooling Systems with Non-Uniform Temperature and Flow Boundaries Extracted from a 3D CFD Solution
Huize Li, Predrag Hrnjak, Univ of Illinois
Mojghan Naseri, Ceren Aydin, Shadab Mulla, Raymond Conway, Sougato Chatterjee, Johnson Matthey Inc.
Jeremy S. Neubauer, Eric Wood, Ahmad Pesaran, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Blago B. Minovski, Lennart Lofdahl, Chalmers University of Technology; Peter Gullberg, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
A Discussion on Vehicle AC System TXV Optimization
Enhanced Low-Temperature NOx Conversion by High-Frequency Hydrocarbon Pulsing on a Dual Layer LNTSCR Catalyst
Well-to-Wheel Analysis of Direct and Indirect Use of Natural Gas in Passenger Vehicles
Automotive Cabin Infotainment System Thermal Management
(Oral Only)
Yinhua Zheng, Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp.
Yang Zheng, Mengmeng Li, Michael Harold, Dan Luss, Univ. of Houston
Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Joe Amodeo, Exa Corporation; Sam Wakelam, Exa UK Ltd; Kamalesh Bhambare, Exa Corporation
Planned by Sustainable Development Program Committee / Engineering Meetings Board
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
Review of Vehicular Emissions Trends (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0993) Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc. Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00481, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00474, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
251 C
414 A
Climate Control (Part 2 of 3) (HX104)
Exhaust Emission Control System Integration & Durability (PFL421)
Exhaust Emissions Control - New On Board Measurement and Developments (Part 2 of 2) (PFL410) Control (PFL425)
Climate control is a defining vehicle attribute and is associated with brand image. Thermal performance and quality of climate control are both critical to customer satisfaction. The system has strong design interaction with other vehicle systems, while its primary objective is to deliver thermal comfort and occupant safety with low energy consumption. Localized Comfort, Secondary Fluids, Air Quality, Controls, System Sizing and HVAC consumer interface are just a few of the recent advances.
This session will cover various aspects of system durability and system integration pertaining to Diesel Exhaust Emissions Control. It includes publications contributing to the understanding of durability of exhaust catalysts and particulate filters, mechanisms of their performance degradation and possible mitigation strategies, data from the field tests, analysis of the aged catalysts, laboratory and accelerated on-engine aging studies, along with relevant experimental tools and methodology.
Papers are invited on technology developments and the integration of these technologies into new emission control systems. Topics include the integration of various diesel particulate matter (PM) and diesel Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) reduction technologies plus analogous technologies for the growing population of direct injection gasoline engines. Novel developments in sensors and control systems will also be considered.
This technical session will focus on internal combustion engine emissions on board measurement and control. Papers and presentations will cover topics that discuss varying methods of emissions data collection and control during operation of vehicles and engines. Topics will also include various advanced analysis techniques to determine emissions levels and reduce emissions under in-use operations.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Organizers: Bashar AbdulNour, General Dynamics Land Systems; Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Tao Zhan, California Air Resources Board
Organizers: Eric Corrigan, Corning Inc.; Cary Henry, Southwest Research Institute; Pradeep Prasad, Aleksey Yezerets, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Homayoun Ahari, FCA US LLC; Kenneth S. Price, Umicore Autocat USA Inc.; Ron Silver, Caterpillar Inc.; Roger A. Van Sickle, FEV North America, Inc.
Organizers: Shouxian Ren, General Motors Co.; Hui Xu, Cummins Inc.
One-Dimensional Solar Heat Load Simulation Model for a Parked Car
Next Generation All in One Close-Coupled Urea-SCR System
Ammonia Loading Detection of Zeolite SCR Catalysts using a Radio Frequency based Method
OBD Diagnostic Strategies for LEVIII Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment Concepts
Aniket Patil, Manoj Radle, Biswadip Shome, Tata Technologies Ltd; Sankar Ramachandran, BITS Pilani
Hiroyuki Kojima, Honda R&D Co Ltd; Michael Fischer, Honda R&D Europe GmbH; Hisao Haga, Naoki Ohya, Kensuke Nishi, Takuya Mito, Naoko Fukushi, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Dieter Rauch, Univ. of Bayreuth; David Kubinski, Giovanni Cavataio, Devesh Upadhyay, Ford Research and Innovation Center; Ralf Moos, Univ. of Bayreuth
Harsha K. Nanjundaswamy, Joel Deussen, Roger Van Sickle, Dean Tomazic, Tamas Szailer, Michael Franke, FEV Inc.; Matthias Kotter, FEV GmbH; Thomas Koerfer, FEV Group Holding GmbH
Energy Efficiency Impact of Localized Cooling/Heating for Electric Vehicle
Advanced RF Particulate Filter Sensing and Controls for Efficient Aftertreatment Management and Reduced Fuel Consumption
Desulfation of Pd-based Oxidation Catalysts for Lean-burn Natural Gas and Dual-fuel Applications
Microwave-Based Catalyst State Diagnosis - State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Kuo-Huey Chen, General Motors Global R&D; Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Mingyu Wang, Debashis Ghosh, Edward Wolfe, Sourav Chowdhury, Delphi Automotive Systems
Harsha Nanjundaswamy, Vinay Nagaraju, Yue Wu, Erik Koehler, FEV Inc; Alexander Sappok, Paul Ragaller, Leslie Bromberg, Filter Sensing Technologies, Inc.
Nathan Ottinger, Rebecca Veele, Yuanzhou Xi, Z. Gerald Liu, Cummins Emission Solutions
Ralf Moos, Univ. of Bayreuth
Climate Control Load Reduction Strategies for Electric Drive Vehicles in Warm Weather
Heavy Duty Emission Control System Analysis and Optimization for Future Demands
Innovative Hybrid Rare Earth and Barium Materials with Enhanced properties for NOx Storage Applications
Fuel-Dithering Optimization of Efficiency of TWC on Natural Gas IC Engine
Matthew A. Jeffers, Larry Chaney, John P. Rugh, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jonas Jansson, Volvo Group Trucks Technology; Åsa Johansson, Hanna Sjovall, Mikael Larsson, Gudmund Smedler, Colin Newman, Jason Pless, Johnson Matthey ECT
Fabien Ocampo, Virginie Harle, Naotaka Ohtake, Renaud Rohe, Barry W.L. Southward, Solvay - Rare Earth Systems
Xian Shi, Reinhard Seiser, Jyh-Yuan Chen, Robert Dibble, Robert Cattolica, University of California
Sleeper Cab Climate Control Load Reduction for Long-Haul Truck Rest Period Idling
Robust Emission Management Strategy to Meet Real-World Emission Requirements for HD Diesel Engines
Wire Mesh Mixer Optimization for DEF Deposit Prevention
Jason A. Lustbader, Cory Kreutzer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Steven Adelman, Skip Yeakel, Volvo Group Trucks Technology; John Zehme, Aearo Technologies
Paul Mentink, Rob van den Nieuwenhof, Frank Kupper, Frank Willems, Dennis Kooijman, TNO Automotive
Steve Schiller, Mark Brandl, Bruce Hoppenstedt, Donaldson Company Inc; Korneel De Rudder, Donaldson Europe
Low Temperature Thermal Energy Storage (TES) System for Improving Automotive HVAC Effectiveness
Non-Thermal Active Particulate Filter Regeneration for Global Particulate Matter Reduction while Enabling High Sulfur Tolerant Low Temperature Urban Effective SCR Solutions
Kaushal Kumar Jha, Ravi Badathala, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Brett M. Bailey, Illinois Valley Holding Company, IVHCO
Solar Powered Vehicle Parking Ventilation System Pre-Cooling Analysis
Application of Pre-DPF Water Injection Technique for Pressure Drop Limitation
Zhiqiang Hu, Gangfeng Tan, Zhilei Li, Wuhan University of Technology; Haobo Xu, Heli Specal Auto Manufacture Co.,Ltd; Wenhui Huang, Yifan Ye, Wuhan University of Technology
José Ramón Serrano, Vicente Bermudez, Pedro Piqueras, Emanuele Angiolini, Universitat Politècnica de València, CMT
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00481, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 F
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
411 B
140 F
413 B
Sustainable and Energy Efficient Manufacturing (SDP109)
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 2 of 3): Waster Heat Recovery and Thermoelectric Generators / Simulation and Modeling: Emerging Technologies - Climate Control & Cabin Comfort (HX102)
Sustainable Materials and Components (SDP111)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Current Understanding of Particulate Matter from Low Temperature Combustion Modes (PFL499)
The goal of this session is to address developments in energy efficient manufacturing relevant to the automotive industry. Specifically, it will focus on examining emerging energy efficient manufacturing technologies, as well as, best practices for established manufacturing methods. Additionally, the session examines innovative design and modeling techniques relevant to energy systems employed in automotive manufacturing.
The Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation session focusses on state of the art simulation technologies for modeling thermal systems and their application in the development and optimization of vehicle thermal management and fuel economy. The papers in the session will range from empirical, 1D modeling methods to three dimensional CFD models as well as coupled methods.
This session delves into various areas surrounding topics that relate to a material or components ability to be considered sustainable. These topics include but are not limited to advance material recycling technologies, remanufacturing and serviceability, materials or components reuse, as well as reduction and/or elimination of substances of concern and volatile organic compound.
Discussion of Low Temperature Combustion Particulate Matter
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, West Virginia Univ.; Deepak Gupta, Wichita State University
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Jason Aaron Lustbader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Kumar Srinivasan, FCA US LLC; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Organizers: Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, West Virginia Univ.; Deepak Gupta, Wichita State University; Susan Sawyer-Beaulieu, Univ. of Windsor
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; John M. Storey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Automotive Paint Removal Shift: Sustainable In-House Stripping Alternatives
Fundamental Study of Waste Heat Recovery in the High Boosted 6-cylinder Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
(Oral Only)
Christopher Ringholz, Atotech
Takuya Yamaguchi, Kurume Institute of Technology; Yuzo Aoyagi, Noboru Uchida, Akira Fukunaga, Masayuki Kobayashi, Takayuki Adachi, Munemasa Hashimoto, New Ace Inst Co Ltd
Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Sal Seed Oil (Shorea Robusta) using Response Surface Methodology
Simulation of Organic Rankine Cycle Power Generation with Exhaust Heat Recovery from a 15 liter Diesel Engine
Harveer Singh Pali, Naveen Kumar, Yahaya Alhassan, Amar Deep, Delhi Technological Univ.
Aimon Allouache, Smith Leggett, Matthew J. Hall, University of Texas; Ming Tu, Wuhan University of Technology; Chad Baker, Ford Motor Co.; Haiyan Fateh, Cummins Inc.
Biodiesel (Mangifera Oil Methyl Ester) Derived from Triglycerides of Mangifera kernel seed and Leaves Oil by using Homogeneous Alkali Catalyst
Simulating Physiological Response with a Passive Sensor Manikin and an Adaptive Thermal Manikin to Predict Thermal Sensation and Comfort
Sangram Jadhav, Technological University India
Mark Hepokoski, Allen Curran, ThermoAnalytics Inc.; Richard Burke, Measurement Technology NW; John Rugh, Larry Chaney, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Clay Maranville, Ford Motor Company
Sustainable Manufacturing: Beyond Turning the Lights Off
Modelling the Electric Air Conditioning System in a Commercially Available Vehicle for Energy Management Optimisation
Rod Emery, RedViking Engineering
Sina Shojaei, WMG Centre Catapult, Warwick University; Simon Robinson, Chris Chatham, Jaguar Landrover; Andrew McGordon, James Marco, WMG Centre Catapult, Warwick University
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions
140 F
411 B
140 F
413 B
Sustainable and Energy Efficient Manufacturing (SDP109)
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 2 of 3): Waster Heat Recovery and Thermoelectric Generators / Simulation and Modeling: Emerging Technologies - Climate Control & Cabin Comfort (HX102)
Sustainable Materials and Components (SDP111)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Current Understanding of Particulate Matter from Low Temperature Combustion Modes (PFL499)
The goal of this session is to address developments in energy efficient manufacturing relevant to the automotive industry. Specifically, it will focus on examining emerging energy efficient manufacturing technologies, as well as, best practices for established manufacturing methods. Additionally, the session examines innovative design and modeling techniques relevant to energy systems employed in automotive manufacturing.
The Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation session focusses on state of the art simulation technologies for modeling thermal systems and their application in the development and optimization of vehicle thermal management and fuel economy. The papers in the session will range from empirical, 1D modeling methods to three dimensional CFD models as well as coupled methods.
This session delves into various areas surrounding topics that relate to a material or components ability to be considered sustainable. These topics include but are not limited to advance material recycling technologies, remanufacturing and serviceability, materials or components reuse, as well as reduction and/or elimination of substances of concern and volatile organic compound.
Discussion of Low Temperature Combustion Particulate Matter
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, West Virginia Univ.; Deepak Gupta, Wichita State University
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Jason Aaron Lustbader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Kumar Srinivasan, FCA US LLC; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Organizers: Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan, West Virginia Univ.; Deepak Gupta, Wichita State University; Susan Sawyer-Beaulieu, Univ. of Windsor
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; John M. Storey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
3:00 p.m.
Sustainable Products & Materials (Oral Only) Peter Zmolek, Continental Tire North America Inc.; Andreas Topp PhD, Burkhard Wies PhD, Continental AG
3:30 p.m.
Use of Composition Leather for Automotive Seat Applications
Current Understanding of Particulate Matter from Low Temperature Combustion Modes
(Oral Only) Chris Kardassilaris, Honda R & D Americas Inc. 4:00 p.m.
Moderators: William F. Northrop, Univ. of MinnesotaTwin Cities Panelists: André Boehman, University of Michigan Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Company John M. Storey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
4:30 p.m.
A Test Technology of a Vehicle Driveline Test Bench with Electric Drive Dynamometer for Dynamic Emulation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1303) Wenli Li, Xiao-Hui Shi, Dong Guo, Chongqing University of Technology; Peng Yi, Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology Eco-friendly Recycled PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Material for Automotive Canopy Strip Application (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1304) G Karthik, K V Balaji, Rao Venkateshwara, Bagul Rahul, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Planned by Sustainable Development Program Committee / Engineering Meetings Board
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00474, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Sustainable Development Program Committee / Engineering Meetings Board
Planned by Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
140 F
411 A
140 E
Advanced Emission Components and Systems for Gasoline Vehicles (Part 1 of 2) (PFL422)
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 1 of 3) (PFL424)
Climate Control (Part 3 of 3) (HX104)
Emission Control Modeling (Part 1 of 3) (PFL430)
Papers are invited for this session covering the systems engineering experience required to achieve ultra-low emission levels on light-duty vehicles. Emission system component topics for this session include the development of advanced threeway catalysts, the development of NOX control strategies for gasoline lean burn engines, the application of high cell density substrates to advanced emission systems, and the integration of these components into full vehicle emission systems.
These sessions will focus on Advances in NOx Reduction Technology. The topics covered will include: new materials for lean NOx traps (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR); system integration and durability; advances in NOx catalyst substrates, novel reductants and mixing designs.
Climate control is a defining vehicle attribute and is associated with brand image. Thermal performance and quality of climate control are both critical to customer satisfaction. The system has strong design interaction with other vehicle systems, while its primary objective is to deliver thermal comfort and occupant safety with low energy consumption. Localized Comfort, Secondary Fluids, Air Quality, Controls, System Sizing and HVAC consumer interface are just a few of the recent advances.
Papers cover exhaust aftertreatment system models, as well as their validation and application. Technologies encompassed include DOC, HC Trap, DPF, GPF, LNT, TWC, SCR, SCRF, ammonia oxidation catalysts, hybrid or combined catalysts, urea-water solution spray dynamics, and mixture non-uniformity. Modeling aspects range from fundamental, 3D models of individual components to system level simulation, optimization, variation, degradation, and control.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Joseph E. Kubsh, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Douglas Ball; Rasto Brezny, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Ronald Heck, RMH Consulting
Organizers: Brad Adelman, Navistar Inc.; Danan Dou, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Magdi K. Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.; Shyam Santhanam, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Bashar AbdulNour, General Dynamics Land Systems; Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Tao Zhan, California Air Resources Board
Organizers: Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas; Maruthi Devarakonda, General Electric Company; Thomas McKinley, Cummins Inc.; Vincenzo Mulone, Univ. Of Roma Tor Vergata; Achuth Munnannur, Cummins Inc.; Balaji Sukumar, Johnson Matthey ECT
Thermal and Chemical Deactivation of Three-Way Catalysts: Comparison of Road, Fuel-Cut and SAI- Aged Catalysts
Impact of Accelerated Hydrothermal Aging on Structure and Performance of CuSSZ-13 SCR Catalysts
A Rule-Based Control for Fuel-Efficient Automotive Air Conditioning Systems
The Effect of Pt:Pd Ratio on Light-Duty Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Performance: An Experimental and Modelling Study
Anna Fathali, Volvo Cars; Fredrik Wallin, Annika Kristoffersson, Mats Laurell, Volvo Car Corporation
Jinyong Luo, Hongmei An, Krishna Kamasamudram, Neal Currier, Aleksey Yezerets, Cummins Inc; Thomas Watkins, Larry Allard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cristian Rostiti, Stephanie Stockar, Marcello Canova, Ohio State University
Jonathan E. Etheridge, Timothy C. Watling, Johnson Matthey Technology Centre; Andrew J. Izzard, Michael A. J. Paterson, Johnson Matthey ECT
Development of Advanced Three-Way Catalyst with Improved NOx Conversion
SCR Architectures for Low N2O Emissions
Optimization of MAC Side Window Demister The Effect of Pt:Pd Ratio on Heavy-Duty Outlet by Parametric Modelling through Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Performance: An DFSS Approach Experimental and Modeling Study
Masahide Miura, Yuki Aoki, Nobusuke Kabashima, Takahiko Fujiwara, Toyota Motor Corp.; Toshitaka Tanabe, Akira Morikawa, Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.; Hirotaka Ori, Hiroki Nihashi, Suguru Matsui, Cataler Corp.
Ashok Kumar, Krishna Kamasamudram, Neal Currier, Aleksey Yezerets, Cummins Inc
Vasanth Balashunmuganathan, Ramakrishna Nukala, Sathishkumar Sampath Kumar, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.; Murali Govindarajalu, FCA US LLC
Bijesh M. Shakya, Balaji Sukumar, Yaritza M. López-De Jesús, Penelope Markatou, Johnson Matthey ECT
Novel Mixed Metal Oxide Structure for Next Generation Three-Way Catalysts
Impact of SCR Integration on N2O Emissions in Diesel Application
Numerical Investigation of Droplets Condensation on a Windshield: Prediction of Fogging Behavior
A Modeling Study of the Exhaust Flow Rate and Temperature Effects on the Particulate Matter Thermal Oxidation Occurring during the Active Regeneration of a Diesel Particulate Filter
Steve Golden, Zahra Nazarpoor, Maxime Launois, CDTi
Homayoun Ahari, Michael Smith, Michael Zammit, FCA US LLC; Kenneth Price, Jason Jacques, Thomas Pauly, Lin Wang, Umicore Autocat USA Inc
Maryline Leriche, ITLR - Universitat Stuttgart; Wolfgang Roessner, Heinrich Reister, Daimler AG; Bernhard Weigand, ITLR - Universitat Stuttgart
Kiran C. Premchand, Krishnan Raghavan, John H. Johnson, Michigan Technological Univ
Advanced TWC Technology to Cover Future Emission Legislations
Demonstration of SCR on a Diesel Particulate Filter System on a Heavy Duty Application
Exhaust Heat Powered Adsorption Air Conditioner for Automotive Applications
Modeling Study of Metal Fiber Diesel Particulate Filter Performance
Jan Schoenhaber, Joerg Michael Richter, Joel Despres, Marcus Schmidt, Stephanie Spiess, Martin Roesch, Umicore AG & Co. KG
Raymond Conway, Sougato Chatterjee, Mojghan Naseri, Ceren Aydin, Johnson Matthey Inc.
Praveen Balaj Balakrishnan, EASi Engineering Pvt. Ltd.; Xiaoyong Yu, Homag Machinery Co., Ltd.; Ka Chung Chan, Chi Yan Tso, Christopher Chao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yujun Wang, Rypos Inc; Carl Kamp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Amin Saeid, Chris Jackson, Jim Ernstmeyer, Bachir Kharraja, Rypos Inc; Alexander Sappok, Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Development of Pd-Only Catalyst for LEV III and SULEV30
Investigations of SDPF -Diesel Particle Filter with SCR Coating for HD-Applications
Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Odors Generating from Mobile AC Systems Equipped with Idling-time Reduction Systems
Combining the Classical and Lumped Diesel Particulate Filter Models
Tomohito Kakema, Yukio Suehiro, Yoshiaki Matsuzono, Takeshi Narishige, Masanori Hashimoto, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Jan Czerwinski, Yan Zimmerli, Univ. of Applied Sciences Biel-Bienne; Andreas Mayer, TTM; Jacques Lemaire, AEEDA; Daniel Zürcher, Giovanni D’Urbano, BAFU
Satoki Uematsu, Calsonic Kansei Tech. Ctr.; Toshiyuki Uehara, Calsonic Kansei Corp.; Toshiya Uchida, Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.
Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas
High Porosity Substrates for Fast-Light-Off Applications
The Application and Optimization of EGRLNT Synergetic Control System on Leanburn Gasoline Engine
Analysis of Microorganism Causing Odor in an Air-Conditioning System
Soot Oxidation Kinetics of Ceria-Based Nanostructured Particles
(Oral Only)
Cameron W. Tanner, Kenneth Twiggs, Tinghong Tao, David Bronfenbrenner, Corning Inc.; Yoshiaki Matsuzono, Shinichiro Otsuka, Yukio Suehiro, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Hiroshi Koyama, Honda
Lei Liu, Zhijun Li, Boxi Shen, Tianjin University
Ji Wan Kim, Tae Hee Lee, Hyundai Motor Company
Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos, CERTH/ CPERI
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions
11:00 a.m.
140 F
411 A
140 E
Advanced Emission Components and Systems for Gasoline Vehicles (Part 1 of 2) (PFL422)
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 1 of 3) (PFL424)
Climate Control (Part 3 of 3) (HX104)
Emission Control Modeling (Part 1 of 3) (PFL430)
Papers are invited for this session covering the systems engineering experience required to achieve ultra-low emission levels on light-duty vehicles. Emission system component topics for this session include the development of advanced threeway catalysts, the development of NOX control strategies for gasoline lean burn engines, the application of high cell density substrates to advanced emission systems, and the integration of these components into full vehicle emission systems.
These sessions will focus on Advances in NOx Reduction Technology. The topics covered will include: new materials for lean NOx traps (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR); system integration and durability; advances in NOx catalyst substrates, novel reductants and mixing designs.
Climate control is a defining vehicle attribute and is associated with brand image. Thermal performance and quality of climate control are both critical to customer satisfaction. The system has strong design interaction with other vehicle systems, while its primary objective is to deliver thermal comfort and occupant safety with low energy consumption. Localized Comfort, Secondary Fluids, Air Quality, Controls, System Sizing and HVAC consumer interface are just a few of the recent advances.
Papers cover exhaust aftertreatment system models, as well as their validation and application. Technologies encompassed include DOC, HC Trap, DPF, GPF, LNT, TWC, SCR, SCRF, ammonia oxidation catalysts, hybrid or combined catalysts, urea-water solution spray dynamics, and mixture non-uniformity. Modeling aspects range from fundamental, 3D models of individual components to system level simulation, optimization, variation, degradation, and control.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Joseph E. Kubsh, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Douglas Ball; Rasto Brezny, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Ronald Heck, RMH Consulting
Organizers: Brad Adelman, Navistar Inc.; Danan Dou, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Magdi K. Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.; Shyam Santhanam, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Bashar AbdulNour, General Dynamics Land Systems; Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Tao Zhan, California Air Resources Board
Organizers: Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas; Maruthi Devarakonda, General Electric Company; Thomas McKinley, Cummins Inc.; Vincenzo Mulone, Univ. Of Roma Tor Vergata; Achuth Munnannur, Cummins Inc.; Balaji Sukumar, Johnson Matthey ECT
Development of a Super-Light Substrate for LEV III/Tier3 Emission Regulation
Experimental Measurements of Stored Energy in Vehicles Cockpit Module at Cold Temperatures
Analytic Solution for the Flow Distribution and Pressure Drop of Ceramic PartiallyPlugged Wall Flow Diesel Particulate Filters
Shinichiro Otsuka, Yukio Suehiro, Hiroshi Koyama, Yoshiaki Matsuzono, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Cameron Tanner, David Bronfenbrenner, Tinghong Tao, Kenneth Twiggs, Corning Inc.
Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.
Sumit Basu, Neal Currier, Cummins Inc.
Fast and Efficient Detection of Shading of the Objects (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0371) Rupesh Sonu Kakade, Prashant Mer, General Motors Corporation Towards Improved Automotive HVAC Control through Internet Connectivity (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0370) Modar Horani, Osamah Rawashdeh, Oakland University Least-Enthalpy Based Control of Cabin Air Recirculation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0372) Rupesh Sonu Kakade, General Motors Corporation Cabin Air Humidity Model and its Application (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0369) Rupesh Sonu Kakade, General Motors Corporation Impact of Condenser Opening Area on A/C Performance of the Automotive HVAC System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0368) Janampally Sandeep Kumar Reddy, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd; Shailendra Deopa; Abhay Sharma; Piyush Aggarwal
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00506, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00480, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00481, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00486, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
251 C
411 B
Energy Efficiency of Thermal Systems (HX103) Particle Emissions from Combustion Sources (Part 1 of 2) (PFL450)
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 3 of 3): Power Train and Engines (HX102)
Proper thermal management can significantly contribute to overall system energy efficiency. This session highlights the latest developments in thermal management energy efficiency.
Papers are invited for this session on particle emissions from combustion engines, including measurement and testing methods, and the effects of changes in fuel composition. Papers are also invited on the topics of the environmental and health effects of elemental carbon and organic carbon that constitutes solid cored particles plus the environmental and health effects of secondary organic aerosol emissions. This includes particulate emissions from both gasoline and diesel engines.
The Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation session focusses on state of the art simulation technologies for modeling thermal systems and their application in the development and optimization of vehicle thermal management and fuel economy. The papers in the session will range from empirical, 1D modeling methods to three dimensional CFD models as well as coupled methods.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Ronald Semel, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University; Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Co.; Amanda Lea-Langton, Univ. of Leeds; Imad A. Khalek, Southwest Research Institute
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Jason Aaron Lustbader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Kumar Srinivasan, FCA US LLC; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Chairpersons: Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Company; Imad Khalek, Southwest Research Institute; Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
A Smart Engine Cooling System - Experimental Study of Integrated Actuator Transient Behavior
Modeling of In-Cylinder Soot Particle Size Evolution and Distribution in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine
Conjugate Heat Transfer and Thermo-Mechanical Heat Cycle Analysis of an Automotive Exhaust Muffler System
Tianwei (Thomas) Wang, John R. Wagner, Clemson Univ.
Muhammad Ahmar Zuber, Wan Mohd Faizal Wan Mahmood, Zambri Harun, Zulkhairi Zainol Abidin, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Antonino La Rocca, Paul Shayler, University of Nottingham; Fabrizio Bonatesta, Oxford Brookes University
Elizabeth M. Patterson, Iman Goldasteh, Salamah Maaita, CalsonicKansei North America, Inc.
New MAC Technologies: Fuel Efficiency Effect in Real Driving of the Air Intake Flap Management
Experiences from Nanoparticle Research on Four Gasoline Cars
Model Predictive Control for Engine Powertrain Thermal Management Applications
Roberto Monforte, Francesco Lovuolo, Matteo Rostagno, Riccardo Seccardini, CRF Spca; Teron Matton, University of Windsor
Jan Czerwinski, Pierre Comte, Univ. of Applied Sciences Biel-Bienne; Adrian Wichser, EMPA; Andreas Mayer, TTM; Jacques Lemaire, AEEDA
Amey Karnik, Ford Motor Co; Daniel Pachner, Adrian M. Fuxman, David Germann, Honeywell Automotive Software; Mrdjan Jankovic, Ford Research and Innovation Center; Christopher House, Ford Motor Co
Development of the Waste Heat Management System
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Spray Cone Angle on Mixture Formation and CO/Soot Emissions in an Early Injection HCCI Diesel Engine
Simulated Real-World Energy Impacts of a Thermally Sensitive Powertrain considering Viscous Losses and Enrichment
Hee Sang Park, Hyundai Motor Co. & KIA Motors Corp.
Hanzhengnan Yu, State Key Lab. of Engines; Yong Guo, China Automobile Technology and Research; Donghai Li, Weichai Power Co., Ltd.; Shanghai R&D Center; Xingyu Liang, Ge-Qun Shu, Yuesen Wang, Xiangxiang Wang, Lihui Dong, State Key Lab. of Engines
Forrest Jehlik, Argonne National Laboratory; Eric Wood, Jeffrey Gonder, Sean Lopp, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Investigating the Potential of Waste Heat Recovery as a Pathway for Heavy-Duty Exhaust Aftertreatment Thermal Management
The Effect of Operating Parameters on Soot Emissions in GDI Engines
Challenges and Opportunities of Numerically Simulating the Idle Load Case for Vehicle Thermal Management
Saroj Pradhan, Arvind Thiruvengadam, Pragalath Thiruvengadam, Marc C. Besch, Daniel Carder, West Virginia University
Qi Jiao, Rolf D. Reitz, Univ. of Wisconsin
Jan Eller, IVK / FKFS University of Stuttgart; Thomas Binner, Heinrich Reister, Daimler AG; Nils Widdecke, Jochen Wiedemann, IVK / FKFS University of Stuttgart
Guidelines for Effectively Applying an ORC System to Rural Alaska Diesel Power Industry Based on Experimental Data
Fuel-Independent Particulate Emissions in an SIDI Engine
An Integrated Simulation Methodology of Thermal Management Systems for the CO2 Reduction after Engine Cold Start
Chuen-Sen Lin, Vamshi Avadhanula, Vamsi Mokkapati, Daisy Huang, Brent Sheets, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Axel Maier, Robert Bosch GmbH; Ulrike Klaus; Andreas Dreizler, TU-Darmstadt, Center of Smart Interfaces; Hermann Rottengruber, Otto-Von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Carlo N. Grimaldi, Claudio Poggiani, Alessandro Cimarello, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Matteo De Cesare, Giovanni Osbat, MAGNETI MARELLI SpA
Fabricating and Testing of a Thermoelectric Generator Based on Silicon Nanowires
Solid Particle Emissions from Vehicle Exhaust During Engine Start-Up
Synergetic 1D-3D-Coupling in Engine DevelopmentPart I: Verification of Concept
Ahmed A. Abdel-Rehim, Ahmed A. Hamouda, The British University in Egypt
Huzeifa Badshah, Imad A. Khalek, Southwest Research Institute
Georg Rauch, Johannes Lutz, Martin Werner, Sagar Gurwara, BMW AG; Peter Steinberg, TU-Cottbus (BTU)
Next Generation of Ceramic Wall Flow Gasoline Particulate Filter with Integrated Three Way Catalyst (2015-01-1073) Yoshitaka Ito, Takehide Shimoda, Takashi Aoki, Kazuya Yuuki, Hirofumi Sakamoto, NGK Insulators Ltd; Kyohei Kato, Dominic Thier, Philipp Kattouah, Etsuji Ohara, Claus Vogt, NGK Europe GmbH
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
251 C
411 B
Energy Efficiency of Thermal Systems (HX103) Particle Emissions from Combustion Sources (Part 1 of 2) (PFL450)
Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation (Part 3 of 3): Power Train and Engines (HX102)
Proper thermal management can significantly contribute to overall system energy efficiency. This session highlights the latest developments in thermal management energy efficiency.
Papers are invited for this session on particle emissions from combustion engines, including measurement and testing methods, and the effects of changes in fuel composition. Papers are also invited on the topics of the environmental and health effects of elemental carbon and organic carbon that constitutes solid cored particles plus the environmental and health effects of secondary organic aerosol emissions. This includes particulate emissions from both gasoline and diesel engines.
The Thermal Systems Modeling and Simulation session focusses on state of the art simulation technologies for modeling thermal systems and their application in the development and optimization of vehicle thermal management and fuel economy. The papers in the session will range from empirical, 1D modeling methods to three dimensional CFD models as well as coupled methods.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Jeffrey Bozeman, General Motors Co.; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Ronald Semel, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University; Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Co.; Amanda Lea-Langton, Univ. of Leeds; Imad A. Khalek, Southwest Research Institute
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Wilko Jansen, Jaguar & Land Rover; Jason Aaron Lustbader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Kumar Srinivasan, FCA US LLC; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Chairpersons: Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Company; Imad Khalek, Southwest Research Institute; Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University 12:00 p.m.
Very Low PM Mass Measurement (Oral Only) Jian Xue, Kent Johnson, Heejung Jung, Thomas Durbin, Wayne Miller, Robert Russell, Univ. of California-Riverside; Jacob Swanson, Minnesota State University-Mankato; David Kittelson, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities The Organic Medium Physical State Analysis for Engine Exhaust Thermal Recovery (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Optimization of a Vehicle Under Hood Airflow using 3D Cfd Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Xiaomeng Shen, Gangfeng Tan, Quan Zhou, Zhongjie Yang, Min Hua, Wuhan University of Technology
Suvankar Manna, Yogendra Singh Kushwah, Subros, Ltd.
Boiling Coolant Vapor Fraction Analysis for Cooling the Hydraulic Retarder (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Thermoelectric Module Temperature Stability Control for the Engine Exhaust Heat Recovery (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Wei Liu, Gangfeng Tan, Xuexun Guo, Jiafan Li, Yuanqi Gao, Wei Li, Wuhan University of Technology
Zhi Li, Gangfeng Tan, Jing Cai, Zhongjie Yang, YiRui Wang, Wuhan University of Technology; Haobo Xu, Heli Specal Auto Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Effects of an ORC Based Heat Recovery System on the Performances of a Diesel Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Analysis and Optimization of the thermal deformation in an Automotive Exhaust-based Thermoelectric Generator (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Davide Di Battista, Marco Mauriello, Roberto Cipollone, University of L’Aquila
Chuqi Su, Meng Xu, Wuhan University of Technology; Naiqiang Tong, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. Ltd; Yulian Chen, Wuhan University of Technology
Integrated Cooling Evaporation System for the Hydraulic Retarder (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Thermal Comfort Zone of an Agricultural Tractor Operator (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Wei Liu, Gangfeng Tan, Jiafan Li, Xin Li, Fuzhao Mou, Yongqiang Ge, Wuhan University of Technology
Logesh Shankar Somasundaram, S Sriraman, Rakesh Verma, Tractors & Farm Equipment, Ltd. The Research of Supercooled Boiling in Bridge Zone of Cylinder Head (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0346) Lei Dongxu, Minli Bai, Jizu Lv, Peng Wang, Chengzhi Hu, Yuyan Wang, Dalian University of Technology Cabin Thermal Comfort Simulation of Truck Based On CFD (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0344) Yingchao Zhang, Weijiang Meng, ASCL, Jilin University; Tao Chen, Yong Hao, FAW Jie Fang Automotive Company, Ltd.; Wei Ding, ASCL, Jilin University
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00512, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00496, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00474, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 F
Advanced Emission Components and Systems for Gasoline Vehicles (Part 2 of 2) (PFL422)
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 2 of 3) (PFL424)
Emission Control Modeling (Part 2 Particle Emissions from of 3) (PFL430) Combustion Sources (Part 2 of 2) (PFL450)
Papers are invited for this session covering the systems engineering experience required to achieve ultra-low emission levels on light-duty vehicles. Emission system component topics for this session include the development of advanced threeway catalysts, the development of NOX control strategies for gasoline lean burn engines, the application of high cell density substrates to advanced emission systems, and the integration of these components into full vehicle emission systems.
These sessions will focus on Advances in NOx Reduction Technology. The topics covered will include: new materials for lean NOx traps (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR); system integration and durability; advances in NOx catalyst substrates, novel reductants and mixing designs.
Papers cover exhaust aftertreatment system models, as well as their validation and application. Technologies encompassed include DOC, HC Trap, DPF, GPF, LNT, TWC, SCR, SCRF, ammonia oxidation catalysts, hybrid or combined catalysts, urea-water solution spray dynamics, and mixture non-uniformity. Modeling aspects range from fundamental, 3D models of individual components to system level simulation, optimization, variation, degradation, and control.
Papers are invited for this session on particle emissions from combustion engines, including measurement and testing methods, and the effects of changes in fuel composition. Papers are also invited on the topics of the environmental and health effects of elemental carbon and organic carbon that constitutes solid cored particles plus the environmental and health effects of secondary organic aerosol emissions. This includes particulate emissions from both gasoline and diesel engines.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Joseph E. Kubsh, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Douglas Ball; Rasto Brezny, Manufacturers of Emission Controls Assoc.; Ronald Heck, RMH Consulting
Organizers: Brad Adelman, Navistar Inc.; Danan Dou, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Magdi K. Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.; Shyam Santhanam, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas; Maruthi Devarakonda, General Electric Company; Thomas McKinley, Cummins Inc.; Vincenzo Mulone, Univ. Of Roma Tor Vergata; Achuth Munnannur, Cummins Inc.; Balaji Sukumar, Johnson Matthey ECT
Organizers: Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University; Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Co.; Amanda LeaLangton, Univ. of Leeds; Imad A. Khalek, Southwest Research Institute
Selective Catalytic Reduction of Oxides of Nitrogen with Ethanol/Gasoline Blends over a Silver/Alumina Catalyst in Lean Gasoline Engine Exhaust (2015-01-1008)
Optimized NH3 Storage Control for Next Generation Urea-SCR System
Modeling of the Soot Oxidation in Gasoline Particulate Filters
Experimental Study of B20 Combustion and Emission Characteristics under Several EGR Conditions
Vitaly Y. Prikhodko, Josh A. Pihl, Todd J. Toops, John F. Thomas, James E. Parks, Brian H. West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Hisao Haga, Hiroyuki Kojima, Naoko Fukushi, Naoki Ohya, Takuya Mito, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Per Nicolin, Dominik Rose, Florian Kunath, Thorsten Boger, Corning GmbH
Zhigang Chai, Fujun Zhang, Bolan Liu, Ying Huang, Xiaowei Ai, Beijing Institute of Technology
1:30 p.m.
TWC+LNT/SCR Systems for Satisfying Tier 2, Bin 2 Emission Standards on Lean-Burn Gasoline Engines (2015-01-1006) Joseph R. Theis, Jeong Kim, Giovanni Cavataio, Ford Motor Company
Low Temperature SCR Catalysts Optimized for Cold-Start and Low-Load Engine Exhaust Conditions (2015-01-1026) Padmanabha Reddy Ettireddy, Adam Kotrba, Tenneco Inc.; Thirupathi Boningari, Panagiotis Smirniotis, University of Cincinnati
Numerical Modeling Study of Catalyst Surface Reactivity and Gas Diffusivity with Lean NOx Catalyst (2015-01-1058) Osami Yamamoto, Tatsuya Okayama, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Zhiwei Zhang, John Tolsma, RES Group Inc.
Influence of Fuel PM Index and Ethanol Content on Particulate Emissions from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles (2015-01-1072) Aron D. Butler, Rafal A. Sobotowski, US Environmental Protection Agency; George J. Hoffman, Unified Business Solutions; Paul Machiele, US Environmental Protection Agency
2:00 p.m.
Passive TWC+SCR Systems for Satisfying Tier 2, Bin 2 Emission Standards on LeanBurn Gasoline Engines
The Study of Exhaust Heating to Improve SCR Cold Start Performance
Impact of Ester Structures on the Soot Characteristics and Soot Oxidative Reactivity of Biodiesel
(2015-01-1004) Joseph R. Theis, Jeong Kim, Giovanni Cavataio, Ford Motor Company
(2015-01-1027) David Culbertson, Watlow; Magdi Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Sanhong Zhang, Julian Tan, Jacob Spooler, Watlow
Extended Kalman Filter to Estimate NO, NO2, Hydrocarbon and Temperatures in a DOC during Active Regeneration and Under Steady State Conditions (2015-01-1059) Harsha Shankar Surenahalli, Gordon Parker, John H. Johnson, Michigan Technological Univ
NOx Trap Three Way Catalyst (N-TWC) Concept: TWC with NOx Adsorption Properties at Low Temperature for Cold Start Emission Control (2015-01-1002) Yuichiro Murata, Tomoko Morita, Katsuji Wada, Hiroshi Ohno, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Identifying Limiters to Low Temperature Catalyst Activity
Adaptive SCR Model for MPC Control Including Aging Effects
Soot Oxidation Behaviors Influenced by Different Oxidizing Environments: O2 only and O2-NO2 mixtures
(2015-01-1025) Gordon J. Bartley, Southwest Research Institute
(2015-01-1045) Stephan Stadlbauer, Harald Waschl, Luigi del Re, Johannes Kepler University Linz
(Oral Only) Heeje Seong, Seungmok Choi, Argonne National Laboratory
Analytical Investigation of Urea Deposits in SCR System
Sensitivity of SCR Control Strategies to Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality: A Simulation Study (2015-01-1051) Jean Milpied, TE Connectivity Sensor Solutions; Arnaud Frobert, Olivier Lepreux, IFP Energies Nouvelles
A Comparison of Black Carbon Measurements to Solid Particle Number Measurements Made over Steady State and Transient Cycles (2015-01-1074) Michael A. Robinson, Chris Cremeens, Z. Gerald Liu, Cummins Emission Solutions
1:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
(2015-01-1037) Colin L. Weeks, Dan R. Ibeling, Sonia Han, Lindsey Ludwig, University of Northern Iowa; Ponnaiyan Ayyappan, John Deere Power Systems
140 E
Advanced Close Coupled SCR Compact Mixer Architecture
3:30 p.m.
251 C
Chairpersons: Imad Khalek, Southwest Research Institute; Matti Maricq, Ford Motor Company; Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University
(2015-01-1080) Eduardo J. Barrientos, Czech Technical Univ.; Matti M. Maricq, Ford Motor Co.; Andre L. Boehman, University of Michigan; James E. Anderson, Ford Motor Co.
The Impace of Isobutanol and Ethanol on Gasoline Fuel Properties and Black Carbon Emissions from Two Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1076)
Tak W. Chan, Environment Canada
Joel Michelin, Philippe Nappez, Frederic Guilbaud, Christof Hinterberger, Eric Ottaviani, Faurecia Exhaust Systems Inc.; Catherine Gauthier, Philippe Maire, Thierry Couturier, RENAULT SAS Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00506, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00480, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00486, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00496, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Wednesday, April 22 Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 B Thermal System Components (HX101) Thermal Management represents one of the key aspects of the vehicle development. It ensures that the temperatures in the underhood and underbody areas are in desired ranges, that thermal systems operate as designed, and that no component operation is at risk due to excessive temperatures. This session covers the design of thermal components and systems and their vehicle integration. 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Organizers: Ronald Semel, General Motors Co.; Gursaran D. Mathur, CalsonicKansei North America Inc.; Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; Ramesh Goyal 1:00 p.m.
The Characterisation of a Centrifugal Separator for Engine Cooling Systems (2015-01-1693) Mark Allen, Graham Hargrave, Petros Efthymiou, Loughborough University; Viv Page, Jean-Yves Tillier, Chris Holt, Caterpillar
1:30 p.m.
Underhood Air Duct Design to Improve A/C System Performance by Minimizing Hot Air Recirculation (2015-01-1689) Xu Song, Ryan Fortier, Scott Sarnia, Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center Inc
2:00 p.m.
Phase Separation in Second Header of MAC Condenser (2015-01-1694) Jun Li, Predrag Hrnjak, Univ of Illinois
2:30 p.m.
Characterization of Different Types of Diesel (EGR Cooler) Soot Samples (2015-01-1690) Cristina Arnal, Yolanda Bravo, Carmen Larrosa, Valeo; Valentina Gargiulo, Michela Alfè, Anna Ciajolo, Istituto di Ricerche Sulla Combustione; María Ujué Alzueta, Ángela Millera, Rafael Bilbao, I3A-Universidad de Zaragoza
3:00 p.m.
Development of State of the Art Compact and Lightweight Thermoelectric Generator using Vacuum Space Structure (2015-01-1691) Manabu Matsumoto, Masayoshi Mori, Tomohide Haraguchi, Makoto Ohtani, Tomoya Kubo, Kanji Matsumoto, Hiroshi Matsuda, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
3:30 p.m.
Development of Mg2(SiSn) Thermoelectric Material for Automobile (2015-01-1695) Satoki Tada, Takahiro Nagai, Naoki Shioda, Hirofumi Fujiu, Shunji Kumagai, Hideaki Abe, Mitsuba Corp.; Yukihiro Isoda, Yoshikazu Shinohara, National Institute for Materials Science
4:00 p.m.
Single Layer Cooling Module for a-b Segment Vehicles
2015 WORLD CONGRESS TECHNICAL PAPERS – EMISSIONS/ ENVIRONMENT/ SUSTAINABILITY The Emissions, Environment, and Sustainability technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
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(2015-01-1692) Walter Ferraris, Fausto Di Sciullo, Carloandrea Malvicino, Francesco Vestrelli, Fabrizio Beltramelli, Giancarlo Gotta, CRF Spca Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
SAE 2015 World Congress
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
140 F
140 E
414 B
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 3 of 3) (PFL424)
Advances in Particulate Filter Substrates (Part 1 of 2) (PFL423)
Emission Control Modeling (Part 3 Emissions Measurement and of 3) (PFL430) Testing (Part 1 of 2) (PFL440)
These sessions will focus on Advances in NOx Reduction Technology. The topics covered will include: new materials for lean NOx traps (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR); system integration and durability; advances in NOx catalyst substrates, novel reductants and mixing designs.
This session covers the complete particulate filter system, from particle deposition, new cell geometries to DPF regeneration. There are also several presentations on ash deposition and how to measure the ash in the DPF.
Papers cover exhaust aftertreatment system models, as well as their validation and application. Technologies encompassed include DOC, HC Trap, DPF, GPF, LNT, TWC, SCR, SCRF, ammonia oxidation catalysts, hybrid or combined catalysts, urea-water solution spray dynamics, and mixture non-uniformity. Modeling aspects range from fundamental, 3D models of individual components to system level simulation, optimization, variation, degradation, and control.
Sub-sessions cover emissions measuring techniques and testing regimes. This includes new analysis techniques and the novel application of existing techniques, the comparison of existing and proposed testing regimes with real world experience, including modeling.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Brad Adelman, Navistar Inc.; Danan Dou, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Magdi K. Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.; Shyam Santhanam, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Kirby Baumgard, John Deere Power Systems; Thorsten Boger, Corning GmbH; Jong Lee, Aramco Services Co.; Julian Tan, Isuzu Mfg Services Of America
Organizers: Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas; Maruthi Devarakonda, General Electric Company; Thomas McKinley, Cummins Inc.; Vincenzo Mulone, Univ. Of Roma Tor Vergata; Achuth Munnannur, Cummins Inc.; Balaji Sukumar, Johnson Matthey ECT
Organizers: Mike Braisher, Jaguar & Land Rover; Praveen Chavannavar, NGK Automotive Ceramics USA Inc.; Scott Allen Drennan, Convergent Science Inc.; Allen B. Duncan, Environmental Protection; Leslie Hill, Horiba, Ltd.; Mahmoud K. Yassine, FCA US LLC
AUS-32 Injector Spray Imaging on Hot Air Flow Bench
Scanning Electron Microscopic Visualization of Transition from Surface Pore Filtration to Cake Filtration Inside Diesel Particulate Filter Walls
Advanced Spray Impingement Modelling for an Improved Prediction Accuracy of the Ammonia Homogenisation in SCR Systems
Synthetic Gas Bench (SGB) Tests Simulating Real and Dynamic Driving Conditions: A New and Cost Attractive Method for TWC Evaluation
Nic van Vuuren, Continental Automotive Systems; Gabriele Brizi, Giacomo Buitoni, Lucio Postrioti, Università degli Studi di Perugia; Carmine Ungaro, Loccioni Group
Ryoko Sanui, Katsunori Hanamura, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Henrik Smith, Markus Zöchbauer, Thomas Lauer, Vienna University of Technology
Frank Adam, Jan Schoenhaber, Armin Wagner, Umicore AG & Co. KG
Optical Investigation on the Ability of a Cordierite Substrate Mixing Device to Combat Deposits in SCR Dosing Systems
Pressure Drop Characteristics Through DPF with Various Inlet to Outlet Channel Width Ratios
Advanced SCR Flow Modeling with a Validated Large Eddy Simulation
Investigation of the Influencing Parameters Using Optimized Exhaust Emissions Measurement Systems with Different Modern Plug-in Hybrid Electrical Vehicles.
Thomas Lockyer, Benjamin Reid, Graham Hargrave, Paul Gaynor, Jonathan Wilson, Loughborough University
Changpu Zhao, Man Bai, Tianjin University; Junwei Yang, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.; Fang Shang, Gang Yu, Tianjin University
Markus Zöchbauer, Henrik Smith, Thomas Lauer, Vienna University of Technology
Philipp Baumann, Matthias Schroeder, Harald Kurz, Horiba Europe GmbH; Thomas Maier, Technische Universität München; Wolfgang Thiel, TRT Engineering GmbH; Udo Strehl, Horiba Europe GmbH
Detection of Injected Urea Quantity and Correction for SCR Urea Dosing Control
Further Experimental Study of Asymmetric Plugging Layout on DPFs: Effect of Wall Thickness on Pressure Drop and Soot Oxidation
Predictive Modeling of Impact of ANR NonUniformity on Transient SCR System DeNOx Performance
A Comparison of Carbon Dioxide Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Consumption for Vehicles Tested over the NEDC, FTP-75 and WLTC Chassis Dynamometer Test Cycles
Jinbiao Ning, Fengjun Yan, McMaster University
Hidemasa Iwata, Ibiden Co Ltd; Athanasios Konstandopoulos, CERTH/CPERI and Aristotle University; Kazuki Nakamura, Akihito Ogiso, Kazutake Ogyu, Toshiaki Shibata, Kazushige Ohno, Ibiden Co Ltd
Apoorv Kalyankar, Achuth Munnannur, Z. Gerald Liu, Cummins Emission Solutions
Piotr Bielaczyc, Joseph Woodburn, Andrzej Szczotka, Bosmal Automotive R & D Institute Ltd
An Experimental Investigation into DEF Dosing Strategies for Heavy Duty Vehicle Applications
Effect of Regeneration Strategy on the Ash Distribution and Packing Density Measured with Neutron and X-Ray Radiography
Application of Automatic Meshing to Urea-Water Injection Simulation for Engine Aftertreatment
Regulated and Unregulated Exhaust Emissions from CNG Fueled Vehicles in Light of Euro 6 Regulations and the New WLTP/GTR 15 Test Procedure
(Oral Only)
Paul Gaynor, Benjamin Reid, Graham Hargrave, Thomas Lockyer, Jonathan Wilson, Loughborough University
Todd Toops, Charles Finney, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Carl Kamp
Scott Drennan, Gaurav Kumar, Shaoping Quan, Mingjie Wang, Convergent Science, Inc.
Piotr Bielaczyc, Andrzej Szczotka, Joseph Woodburn, Bosmal Automotive R & D Institute
Study on a Versatile Liquid Dosing Device for IC Engine After-Treatment System
Ash Accumulation and Impact on Sintered Metal Fiber Diesel Particulate Filters
Model Based Study of DeNOx Characteristics for Integrated DPF/SCR System over Cu-Zeolite
Sampling System Investigation for the Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) Emissions From Engine Exhaust
Yanxiang Yang, Bingqian Tan, Changwen Liu, Tianjin Univ.; Ping Zhang, Zhejiang Univ.; Daguang Xi, Zhejiang FAI Electronics Co. Ltd.
Carl Justin Kamp, Paul Folino, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Yujun Wang, Rypos Inc; Alexander Sappok, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Jim Ernstmeyer, Amin Saeid, Rakesh Singh, Bachir Kharraja, Rypos Inc; Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yangdongfang Yang, Univ of Wisconsin; Gyubaek Cho, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials; Christopher Rutland, Univ of Wisconsin
E. Robert Fanick, Svitlana Kroll, Southwest Research Institute; Stefan Simescu, GE Oil & Gas
Mid-Channel Solid Ash Deposits in the Diesel Particulate Filter and Impact on Filter Performance
LightDuty Drive Cycle Simulations of Tailpipe Emissions from RCCIEnabled Vehicles
Experimental and modeling study of ash impact on DPF backpressure and regeneration behaviors
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Carl Justin Kamp, Nicholas Custer, Alexander Sappok, Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Zhiming Gao, David E. Smith, C Stuart Daw, Scott J. Curran, Robert M. Wagner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Yi Liu, Changsheng Su, James Clerc, Arvind Harinath, Cummins Emission Solutions; Leigh Rogoski, Cummins Inc
SAE 2015 World Congress
continued on next page
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 F
140 E
414 B
Advances in Nox Reduction Technology (Part 3 of 3) (PFL424)
Advances in Particulate Filter Substrates (Part 1 of 2) (PFL423)
Emission Control Modeling (Part 3 Emissions Measurement and of 3) (PFL430) Testing (Part 1 of 2) (PFL440)
These sessions will focus on Advances in NOx Reduction Technology. The topics covered will include: new materials for lean NOx traps (LNT) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR); system integration and durability; advances in NOx catalyst substrates, novel reductants and mixing designs.
This session covers the complete particulate filter system, from particle deposition, new cell geometries to DPF regeneration. There are also several presentations on ash deposition and how to measure the ash in the DPF.
Papers cover exhaust aftertreatment system models, as well as their validation and application. Technologies encompassed include DOC, HC Trap, DPF, GPF, LNT, TWC, SCR, SCRF, ammonia oxidation catalysts, hybrid or combined catalysts, urea-water solution spray dynamics, and mixture non-uniformity. Modeling aspects range from fundamental, 3D models of individual components to system level simulation, optimization, variation, degradation, and control.
Sub-sessions cover emissions measuring techniques and testing regimes. This includes new analysis techniques and the novel application of existing techniques, the comparison of existing and proposed testing regimes with real world experience, including modeling.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Brad Adelman, Navistar Inc.; Danan Dou, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Magdi K. Khair, Magdiesel Technologies; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.; Shyam Santhanam, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Kirby Baumgard, John Deere Power Systems; Thorsten Boger, Corning GmbH; Jong Lee, Aramco Services Co.; Julian Tan, Isuzu Mfg Services Of America
Organizers: Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas; Maruthi Devarakonda, General Electric Company; Thomas McKinley, Cummins Inc.; Vincenzo Mulone, Univ. Of Roma Tor Vergata; Achuth Munnannur, Cummins Inc.; Balaji Sukumar, Johnson Matthey ECT
Organizers: Mike Braisher, Jaguar & Land Rover; Praveen Chavannavar, NGK Automotive Ceramics USA Inc.; Scott Allen Drennan, Convergent Science Inc.; Allen B. Duncan, Environmental Protection; Leslie Hill, Horiba, Ltd.; Mahmoud K. Yassine, FCA US LLC
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Direct Injection into the Exhaust Stream of Gaseous Ammonia: Design and Efficiency of Injection and Mixing Hardware (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1021) Brad Adelman, Navtej Singh, Paul Charintranond, Greg Griffin, Shyam Santhanam, Ed Derybowski, Adam Lack, Navistar Inc Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00480, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE ENGINEERING ACADEMIES Immersive training covering core engineering topics. Cost-effective and time-efficient educational programs taught by industry experts dedicated to helping the industry. • • • • •
Engineering Management Diesel Engine Technology Vehicle Noise Control Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Automotive Composites Technology
SAE 2015 World Congress
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00486, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Thermal Systems for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (HX105)
Vehicle Electrification Strategies for Sustainability (SDP117)
The purpose of this session is to share experiences and lessons learned to advance the technology in the field of thermal management of electric and hybrid vehicle systems. This session presents papers covering both testing and simulation of hybrid and electric vehicle thermal systems.
In this session speakers will explore the issues and design strategies of bringing sustainable EV, PHEV and vehicle electrification technologies to market. Identifying the customer value of these sustainable technologies is key to their success and growth. The design models and systems presented in this session highlight ways to optimize customer value to make these technologies successful.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Ales Alajbegovic, Exa Corporation; Ramesh Goyal; John Rugh, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Sudhi Uppuluri, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Organizers: Richard T. Paul, Environmental Management Consultants; Nakia Simon, FCA US LLC
New Methods of Heating Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Quantifying the Effect of Fast Charger Deployments on Electric Vehicle Utility and Travel Patterns via Advanced Simulation
Christian Hainzlmaier, Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE; Alejandro S. Regueiro, Webasto Thermo & Comfort NA Inc.; Marvin Lappe, Webasto Thermo & Comfort SE
Eric Wood, Jeremy S. Neubauer, Evan Burton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Combined Fluid Loop Thermal Management for Electric Drive Vehicle Range Improvement
Measuring the Benefits of Public Chargers and Improving Infrastructure Deployments Using Advanced Simulation Tools
Daniel Leighton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Eric Wood, Jeremy S. Neubauer, Evan Burton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Modeling of an Electric Vehicle Thermal Management System in MATLAB/Simulink
Study of a Dynamic Charging System for Achievement of Unlimited Cruising Range in EV
Tibor Kiss, Jason Lustbader, Daniel Leighton, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Takamitsu Tajima, Wataru Noguchi, Tomohisa Aruga, Honda R & D Co., Ltd.
A Hybrid Electric Vehicle Thermal Management System - Nonlinear Controller Design
Electric Vehicles in the Gulf Region: Performance and Potential
Xinran Tao, Clemson Univ.; Kan Zhou, Universion of Michigan; Andrej Ivanco, John R. Wagner, Clemson Univ.; Heath Hofmann, University of Michigan; Zoran Filipi, Clemson-ICAR
Omar Abu Mohareb, Phan-Lam Huynh, FKFS; A. Al-Janabi, Sultan Qaboos University; Michael Grimm, Hans-Christian Reuss, FKFS
Impact of TEGs on the Fuel Economy of Conventional and Hybrid Vehicles
Mesoscopic Power Demand Modeling for Transportation Electrification in an Urban Environment
(Oral Only)
Ram Vijayagopal, Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory
Jan-Mou Li, Syndney Jenkins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Thermal Effectiveness of Multilayer Heat Shielding Automotive Components Influences of different layers on Heat Radiant and Convection Heat Measurements (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Concepts in Turbocharging for Improved Efficiency and Emissions Reduction By Mehrdad Zangeneh This book explores the many ways that turbocharging will deliver concrete results in meeting the new realities of sustainable, green transportation. It provides an assessment of several novel designs intended to improve fuel consumption and cap emissions, while maintaining torque at all speeds. Chapters include: • Two-Stage Turbocharging • Variable Geometry Compressors • Unconventional Compressor Configurations • Electrically Assisted Turbocharging
SAE Member Price: $79.99* List Price: $99.99 Product Code: PT-156 ISBN: 978-0-7680-7976-0 Published: September 2014
*Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/pt-156 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied P141568
SAE INTERNATIONAL LIGHTWEIGHTING RESOURCES Meet customer demands and government mandates. Let SAE International lead you to the right lightweighting solution with our industry-leading resources. VISIT: engineering.sae.org/lightweighting and download a FREE Technical Paper.
(2015-01-1713) Manfred Klaus Kirschning, Frank Reußwig, Zipper-Technik GmbH Planned by Thermal Management Activity / EMB Land and Sea Group
New book examines innovative resolutions for low torque
Planned by Sustainable Development Program Committee / Engineering Meetings Board
For more information, please contact us: (p) +1.888.875.3976 (e)
[email protected]
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
140 F
414 B
Advances in Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable Development in the Transportation Sector (SDP110)
Advances in Particulate Filter Substrates (Part 2 of 2) (PFL423)
Emissions Measurement and Testing (Part 2 of 2) (PFL440)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Emissions And Efficiency Solutions 5-10 Years Out; Regulations, Solutions, Obstacles, Most-Likely Surprises, Etc. (PFL4)
This session explores advances in the creation of sustainable energy sources and their usage in the transportation sector. Topics can include research and in-production technology used to produce renewable energy sources and materials. A discussion on lifecycle analysis of the energy sources is also highly recommended. The SDPC encourages usage of papers, presentations, and panels in this session to display leading edge technologies and practical tools for engineers.
This session investigates a new plasma ignited burner for DPF regeneration and a new DPF substrate for SCR on the filter plus one presentation on optimizing a DOC for DPF systems.
Sub-sessions cover emissions measuring techniques and testing regimes. This includes new analysis techniques and the novel application of existing techniques, the comparison of existing and proposed testing regimes with real world experience, including modeling.
The internal combustion engine is facing the most significant challenges in its history. Despite the significant improvements from millions of engineer-hours over the decades, the ICE is under regulation to drop emissions another 80-90%, and fuel consumption by 10-30% (HD, LD) by 2025. This expert panel is prepared to discuss how this will be accomplished in an open Q&A with the audience.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Rahul Jhavar, Caterpillar Inc.; Navtej Singh, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Kirby Baumgard, John Deere Power Systems; Thorsten Boger, Corning GmbH; Jong Lee, Aramco Services Co.; Julian Tan, Isuzu Mfg Services Of America
Organizers: Mike Braisher, Jaguar & Land Rover; Praveen Chavannavar, NGK Automotive Ceramics USA Inc.; Scott Allen Drennan, Convergent Science Inc.; Allen B. Duncan, Environmental Protection; Leslie Hill, Horiba, Ltd.; Mahmoud K. Yassine, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc.
Development of a Single Cylinder Dedicated CNG Engine for Small 4 Wheeler Commercial Vehicles
Development of New High Porosity Diesel Particulate Filter for Integrated SCR Technology/Catalyst
Evaluation of Field NOx Performance of Diesel Vehicles using ECM - Provided OBD/ SAEJ1979 Data
Girish Khairnar, Jagrit Shrivas, Sachin Pande, Rohit Londhe, Yaser Hussaini, Yogesh Ambekar, Greaves Cotton, Ltd.
Yuki Jin, Narimasa Shinoda, Yosuke Uesaka, Tatsuyuki Kuki, Masataka Yamashita, Hirofumi Sakamoto, NGK Insulators, Ltd.; Tasuku Matsumoto, Philipp Kattouah, Claus Dieter Vogt, NGK Europe GmbH
Kenneth S. Price, Lin Wang, Thomas Pauly, Umicore Autocat USA Inc.
A Study of Potential Fuel Economy Technologies to Achieve CAFE 2025 Regulations using Fleet Simulation Modeling Software
Combustion Efficiency of a Plasma-Ignited Diesel Burner for DPF Regeneration
The Potentials of Close Coupled SCR System and Novel PNA for Future Diesel Passenger Cars
(Oral Only)
Bernie Porter, Hugh Blaxill, Noor Jariri, MAHLE Powertrain LLC
Hongsuk Kim, Hoyeol Lee, Sunyoup Lee, Gyubaek Cho, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials
Nebojsa Milovanovic, Shant Hamalian, Charles-Francois Tumelaire, Mahle Powertrain, Ltd.; Kenneth Malmstroem Larsen, Magnus Lewander, Haldor Topsoe A/S
Optimization Analysis of injection angle and injector nozzle of an Advanced Compressed Air Engine Kit
Optimization of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) on Passenger Cars to Improve Emission Robustness
An Open Source Computer Program for Internal Combustion Engine Emissions Calculations and Uncertainty Analysis
(Oral Only)
Akshay Kumar, Naveen Kumar, Dhruv Gupta, Delhi Technological University; Vasu Kumar
Shankar Ramadas, Sunil Prasanth Suseelan, Thiyagarajan Paramadhayalan, Ambalavanan Annamalai, General Motors India Ltd.; Rahul Mital, General Motors Co.
Adam B. Dempsey, Jaal Ghandhi, Univ of Wisconsin Madison
Comparative Study of Emissions and Performance of Hydrogen Boosted SI engine Powered by Gasoline Methanol Blend and Gasoline Ethanol Blend.
Feasibility study on the filter design of Re-crystallized SiC GPF for TWC coating application
Amaya Kak, Naveen Kumar, Bharat Singh, Somendra Singh, Dhruv Gupta, Delhi Technological University
Kazutake Ogyu, Toyoki Ogasawara, Yuichi Nagatsu, Yuya Yamamoto, Tatsuhiro Higuchi, Kazushige Ohno, Ibiden Co Ltd
Biodiesel (Mangifera Oil Methyl Ester) Derived from Triglycerides of Mangifera kernel seed and Leaves Oil by using Heterogeneous Catalyst (2015-01-1682) Sangram D. Jadhav, Madhukar S Tandale, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
3:30 p.m.
140 F
414 B
Advances in Alternative Energy Sources for Sustainable Development in the Transportation Sector (SDP110)
Advances in Particulate Filter Substrates (Part 2 of 2) (PFL423)
Emissions Measurement and Testing (Part 2 of 2) (PFL440)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Emissions And Efficiency Solutions 5-10 Years Out; Regulations, Solutions, Obstacles, Most-Likely Surprises, Etc. (PFL4)
This session explores advances in the creation of sustainable energy sources and their usage in the transportation sector. Topics can include research and in-production technology used to produce renewable energy sources and materials. A discussion on lifecycle analysis of the energy sources is also highly recommended. The SDPC encourages usage of papers, presentations, and panels in this session to display leading edge technologies and practical tools for engineers.
This session investigates a new plasma ignited burner for DPF regeneration and a new DPF substrate for SCR on the filter plus one presentation on optimizing a DOC for DPF systems.
Sub-sessions cover emissions measuring techniques and testing regimes. This includes new analysis techniques and the novel application of existing techniques, the comparison of existing and proposed testing regimes with real world experience, including modeling.
The internal combustion engine is facing the most significant challenges in its history. Despite the significant improvements from millions of engineer-hours over the decades, the ICE is under regulation to drop emissions another 80-90%, and fuel consumption by 10-30% (HD, LD) by 2025. This expert panel is prepared to discuss how this will be accomplished in an open Q&A with the audience.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Rahul Jhavar, Caterpillar Inc.; Navtej Singh, Navistar Inc.
Organizers: Kirby Baumgard, John Deere Power Systems; Thorsten Boger, Corning GmbH; Jong Lee, Aramco Services Co.; Julian Tan, Isuzu Mfg Services Of America
Organizers: Mike Braisher, Jaguar & Land Rover; Praveen Chavannavar, NGK Automotive Ceramics USA Inc.; Scott Allen Drennan, Convergent Science Inc.; Allen B. Duncan, Environmental Protection; Leslie Hill, Horiba, Ltd.; Mahmoud K. Yassine, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc.
A Mechanical Regenerative Brake and Launch Assist using an Open Differential and Elastic Energy Storage
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Emissions And Efficiency Solutions 5-10 Years Out; Regulations, Solutions, Obstacles, Most-Likely Surprises, Etc. Moderators: Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc. Panelists: Douglas Ball, Umicore Autocat USA Inc. William Charmley, US Environmental Protection Agency Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp. Thomas Reinhart, Southwest Research Institute Robert M. Wagner, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Andrew P. Walker, Johnson Matthey Inc.
(2015-01-1680) David H. Myszka, Andrew Murray, Kevin Giaier, Vijay Krishna Jayaprakash, University of Dayton; Christoph Gillum, Stress Engineering Services Inc 4:00 p.m.
Commercial Viability Study for LPG as Alternative Mass Transportation Fuel (2015-01-1679) Lynn C. McLean, McLean Consulting & Associates Inc.; Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering Univ.
4:30 p.m.
Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of High Speed Spark Ignition Engine- An Experimental Study (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Evaluation of New 10.5 Substrates for Heavy Duty Diesel Applications (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Fuel Economy and Emissions of a 7L Common Rail Diesel Engine during Torque Rise Transient Process (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
KV Shivaprasad, PR Chitragar, GN Kumar, National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Guanyu Zheng, Jianhua Zhang, Fengshuang Wang, Kaihua Zhao, Weichai Power Emission Solutions Technology Inc.
Rong Yang, Diming Lou, Piqiang Tan, Zhiyuan Hu, Hongjuan Ren, Tongji University Cold Start SI Passenger Car Emissions from Real World Urban Congested Traffic (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1064) Ahmad Khalfan, Hu Li, Gordon Andrews, University of Leeds
Planned by Sustainable Development Program Committee / Engineering Meetings Board
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability
Emissions/Environment/ Sustainability EXHIBITORs ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 ArcelorMittal.............................................. 445 Beijing Aofu(Linyi) Fine Ceramics Co Ltd.........................................................521 cmcl innovations .................................... 712P Convergent Science Inc.......................... 745 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd ............ 906 EDAG Inc......................................................455 ElingerKlinger AG......................................839 Eltek SpA..................................................... 908 Gehring L.P................................................714P Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Indo-US MIM Tec Pvt Ltd......................1026 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JA-Gastechnology GmbH........................914 Kinrom Industries.................................... 1055 LaVision Inc................................................ 508 Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority.................................... 308 Neuman Aluminium..................................328 New York State Vehicle Composites Program................................................... 613P PlotlyTechnologies Inc.............................938 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 Sinocat Environmental Protection Co Ltd....................................................... 940 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Trensor LLC.................................................244 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Twintec Baumot Group.......................... 434
October 6-8, 2015 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center Rosemont, Illinois USA
www.sae.org/comvec Executive Leadership Provided By:
Emissions/Environment/Sustainability notepads sponsored by:
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
integrated design & manufacturing TUE
Room No.
Page No.
Additive (3D Printing) Manufacturing (IDM302)
420 A
118, 119
Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics (Part 1 & 2) (IDM110)
251 C
118, 119, 120, 121
Chat with the Experts: Design, Simulation, Testing, Production, and Process Optimization: The Role of the Materials Engineer (CHAT)
260 Portside Ballroom
120, 121
Chat with the Experts: Successful Predicting of Product Performance Interacted Components (reliability, durability, safety, quality, recalls, profit, life cycle cost, and other) (CHAT)
313 B
113, 114
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) (IDM109)
313 A
113, 114
Key Success Factors for DFSS and Lean Manufacturing (IDM400)
118, 119
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) (Part 1 & 2) (IDM111)
115 B
115, 116, 117
251 B
118, 119, 120, 121
413 A
120, 121
116, 117
312 B
112, 113, 114
410 B
116, 117
313 B
113, 114
112 B
115, 116, 117
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Decision Under Uncertainty/Uncertainty Modeling (IDM104) Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Model Validation and Verification (Part 1 & 2) (IDM106) Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Accelerated Testing (IDM103) Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Aero-Thermal and Fluid Systems (IDM105) Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: ReliabilityBased Design Optimization and Robustness (Part 1 & 2) (IDM102) Treating Uncertainty in Engineering Modeling and Data Acquisition (IDM113) Trends in Development of Accelerated Reliability and Durability Testing Technology (IDM300) Virtual Design and Engineering (Part 1 & 2) (IDM301)
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
integrated design & manufacturing
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 B Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability-Based Design Optimization and Robustness (Part 1 of 2) (IDM102) This session will address theoretical developments and automotive applications in RBDO and Robust Design. Topics include: computational algorithms for efficient estimation of reliability, Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian reliability, Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory, and MultiDisciplinary Optimization, among others. 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Organizers: Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo 9:30 a.m.
Bootstrapping and Separable Monte Carlo Simulation Methods Tailored for Efficient Assessment of Probability of Failure of Structural Systems (2015-01-0420) Musarrat Jehan, Efstratios Nikolaidis, University of Toledo
10:00 a.m.
Decision-Based Universal Design - Using Copulas to Model Disability (2015-01-0418) Vijitashwa Pandey, Megan Conrad, Oakland Univ.
10:30 a.m.
Combined Approximation for Efficient Reliability Analysis of Linear Dynamic Systems (2015-01-0424)
11:00 a.m.
2015 WORLD CONGRESS TECHNICAL PAPERS – INTEGRATED DESIGN & MANUFACTURING The Integrated Design & Manufacturing technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers
Mahdi Norouzi, Frostburg State University; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University of Toledo; Zachary Crawford, Frostburg State University
• Collection by Technology - online download only
An Efficient Method to Calculate the Failure Rate of Dynamic Systems with Random Parameters Using the Total Probability Theorem
• TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price
(2015-01-0425) Monica Majcher, Zissimos P. Mourelatos, Vasileios Geroulas, Igor Baseski, Oakland University; Amandeep Singh, US Army TARDEC A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm with design of experiment technique and a perturbation process (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0422) Zhao Liu, Ping Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.; Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ; Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00515, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
[email protected]
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
313 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
312 B
313 B
313 B
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) (IDM109)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability-Based Design Optimization and Robustness (Part 2 of 2) (IDM102)
Trends in Development of Accelerated Reliability and Durability Testing Technology (IDM300)
Chat with the Experts: Successful Predicting of Product Performance Interacted Components (reliability, durability, safety, quality, recalls, profit, life cycle cost, and other) (CHAT)
ICME is an emerging discipline to address foundational engineering problems with the integration of predictive tools and methods that model and simulate materials & product design, manufacturing processes, local materials properties and component performance. This session will address new developments and practical applications of ICME for metallic, polymeric and composite material systems in automotive industry.
This session will address theoretical developments and automotive applications in RBDO and Robust Design. Topics include: computational algorithms for efficient estimation of reliability, Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian reliability, DempsterShafer Evidence Theory, and MultiDisciplinary Optimization, among others.
This session presents the theory, practices and technology used in development of trends in reliability and durability testing (ART/ADT) technology and accurate physical simulation for successful performance predicting. The purpose is covering a new ideas and unique approaches to simulation interaction of full field inputs, safety, and human factors, improvement the ART/ADT stepscomponents, implementation that leads to development dependability, reduce recalls, life cycle cost, time, etc.
Professionals involved in research, design, manufacturing, marketing, finance, selling, management need successful prediction in their professional activity. Considerations consist of Methodology of predicting and Obtaining accurate initial information and update this during service life. This Chat covers prediction ideas technologies with emphasis on field condition influences, safety problems, and human factors as well as performance during integration design and manufacturing.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Mei Li, Ford Motor Co.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Qigui Wang, General Motors Co.; Z. Cedric Xia, Ford Motor Co.; Hongyi Xu
Organizers: Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Mohammad Hijawi, Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Bryan Dodson, SKF; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Lev Klyatis, Sohar Inc.
Application of ICME in Virtual Casting Component Development
An Enhanced Input Uncertainty Representation Method for Response Surface Models in Automotive Weight Reduction Applications
(Oral Only)
Dale A. Gerard, Qigui Wang, Peggy E. Jones, Yucong Wang, General Motors Company
Bo Liu, Changan Auto & Vehicle Mfg Tech; Junqi Yang, Zhenfei Zhan, Ling Zheng, Chongqing University; Bo Lu, Ke Wang, Zhentao Zhu, Zhongcai Qiu, Changan Auto & Vehicle Mfg Tech
Integrated Computational Materials An Efficient First-Order Reliability Method Engineering (ICME) for Third Generation for Time-Dependent Problems Using a Advanced High-Strength Steel Development Composite Limit State (2015-01-0459)
(Oral Only)
Vesna Savic, Louis Hector, Hesham Ezzat, Anil Sachdev, James Quinn, General Motors Co.; Ronald Krupitzer, Steel Market Development Institute; Xin Sun, Pacific Northwest National Labs
Monica Majcher, Zissimos Mourelatos, Igor Baseski, Oakland University
ICME Guided Development of Advanced Cast Aluminum Alloys for Automotive Engine Applications
A Decision Theoretic Framework for Product Commonality and Flexibility
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
M. Li, M. Xie, L.A. Godlewski, J. W. Zindel, Ford Motor Co.
Vijitashwa Pandey, Oakland University
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) Development of Carbon Fiber Composites for Lightweight Vehicles
Analysis of Field-Stressed Power Inverter Modules from Electrified Vehicles
(Oral Only)
Z. Cedric Xia, Ford Motor Co.
Hye Seong Heo, Infineon Technologies Korea Co., Ltd.; Christoph Pannemann, Infineon Technologies AG; Yun Kyu Choi, Achim Strass, Infineon Technologies Korea Co., Ltd.
Predicting Ductility of Thin Walled High Pressure Die Casting Magnesium with an ICME Approach
Improving Complex System Design Reliability and Robustness
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Xin Sun, Kyoo Sil Choi, Erin Barker, Pacific Northwest National Labs; Mei Li, Joy Adair Forsmark, Ford Motor Co.; John E. Allison, Erin Deda, Univ. of Michigan
Michael Jensen, Mentor Graphics Corp.
Analysis of the Subsurface Slip Activity during Plastic Deformation Using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method with Realistic 3D Microstructure
Extending the Role of Interface Analysis within a Systems Engineering Approach to the Design of Robust and Reliable Automotive Product
Introduction to Successful Predicting of Product Performance (Reliability, Durability, Safety, Quality, Recalls, Profit, Life Cycle Cost, and Others)
(Oral Only)
Chen Zhang, Philip Eisenlohr, Thomas R. Bieler, Martin A. Crimp, Carl J. Boehlert, Michigan State University
Ed Henshall, IsyD Consulting; Brian Rutter, David Souch, Ford Motor Co of Europe Inc
Lev Klyatis, Sohar Inc.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
313 A
4:00 p.m.
312 B
313 B
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) (IDM109)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability-Based Design Optimization and Robustness (Part 2 of 2) (IDM102)
Trends in Development of Accelerated Reliability and Durability Testing Technology (IDM300)
Chat with the Experts: Successful Predicting of Product Performance Interacted Components (reliability, durability, safety, quality, recalls, profit, life cycle cost, and other) (CHAT)
ICME is an emerging discipline to address foundational engineering problems with the integration of predictive tools and methods that model and simulate materials & product design, manufacturing processes, local materials properties and component performance. This session will address new developments and practical applications of ICME for metallic, polymeric and composite material systems in automotive industry.
This session will address theoretical developments and automotive applications in RBDO and Robust Design. Topics include: computational algorithms for efficient estimation of reliability, Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian reliability, DempsterShafer Evidence Theory, and MultiDisciplinary Optimization, among others.
This session presents the theory, practices and technology used in development of trends in reliability and durability testing (ART/ADT) technology and accurate physical simulation for successful performance predicting. The purpose is covering a new ideas and unique approaches to simulation interaction of full field inputs, safety, and human factors, improvement the ART/ADT stepscomponents, implementation that leads to development dependability, reduce recalls, life cycle cost, time, etc.
Professionals involved in research, design, manufacturing, marketing, finance, selling, management need successful prediction in their professional activity. Considerations consist of Methodology of predicting and Obtaining accurate initial information and update this during service life. This Chat covers prediction ideas technologies with emphasis on field condition influences, safety problems, and human factors as well as performance during integration design and manufacturing.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Mei Li, Ford Motor Co.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Qigui Wang, General Motors Co.; Z. Cedric Xia, Ford Motor Co.; Hongyi Xu
Organizers: Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Mohammad Hijawi, Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Bryan Dodson, SKF; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Lev Klyatis, Sohar Inc.
The Effect of Intensification Pressure on Porosity
Successful Predicting of Product Performance Interacted Components (reliability, durability, safety, quality, recalls, profit, life cycle cost, and other) (CHAT)
(Oral Only) L.A. Godlewski, M. Nannapuraju, J.W. Zindel, E. Prabu, M. Li, Ford Motor Co. 4:30 p.m.
313 B
Lev Klyatis, Sohar Inc.; Bryan Dodson, SKF
Orbital Forming Analysis of Automotive Hub Bearing using Axisymmetric Model (Oral Only) Chung An lee, Kangwon National University; Seungpyo Lee, Hyun Gyu An, Wang Yeol Lee, ILJIN Global Common Design of Jet Pump for Gasoline and Diesel Based Vehicles (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0458) Subrata Sarkar, Eaton; Sudarshan Kumar, IIT Bombay; Atul Singhal, Eaton; Surbhi Kohli, Eaton Aerospace; Kailash Golecha, Engineering & Design; Jubin George, Eaton Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00515, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
115 B
112 B
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) (Part 1 of 2) (IDM111)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Decision Under Uncertainty/ Uncertainty Modeling (IDM104)
Virtual Design and Engineering (Part 1 of 2) (IDM301)
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) focuses on optimizing the performances of complex systems that involve multiple interacting disciplines. It may encompasses design synthesis, sensitivity analysis, approximation concepts, optimization methods and strategies, artificial intelligence, and rule-based design - all in the context of integrated design dealing with multiple disciplines and interacting subsystems or systems of systems.
Methods for modeling uncertainty and decision making under uncertainty are presented in this session. Both theoretical developments and practical applications from the automotive industry are covered.
This technical session will showcase the creation and application of various tools that will allow for the design and manufacture of parts, equipment, facilities and tests that eliminate the need for physical part prototyping early in a program. The ability to model various aspects of design, test and manufacturing allows for more accurate, cost effective and faster development and product delivery to market.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Ching-Hung Chuang, Ford Motor Co.; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Simon Xu, General Motors Co.; RenJye Yang, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo
Organizers: David Palmer, Bombardier Recreational Product Inc.; G. Michael Smith, Magna Powertrain USA Inc.; Paul Zalucha, Ford Motor Co.
An Iterative Application of Multi-Disciplinary Optimization for Vehicle Body Weight Reduction Based on 2015 Mustang Product Development (2015-01-0470) Joanna Rakowska, Amir Chator, Bruno Barthelemy, Michael Lee, Shawn Morgans, Jeffrey Laya, Gregory Zinn, ChingHung Chuang, Sreekanth Reddy Gondipalle, Ford Motor Co.
Comparing Uncertainty Quantification with Polynomial Chaos and Metamodel-Based Strategies for Computationally Expensive CAE Simulations and Optimization Applications (2015-01-0437) Zhendan Xue, ESTECO North America; Mariapia Marchi, ESTECO Spa; Sumeet Parashar, ESTECO North America; Guosong Li, Ford Motor Co
Stochastic Real-World Drive Cycle Generation Based on a Two Stage Markov Chain Approach
Enterprise Multidisciplinary Design Optimization System Development and Application
A Parallel Approach for the Computation of Expected Value of Gathering Information
Camera Modeling for Vision-Based ADAS
(Oral Only) Yan Fu, Ching-Hung Chuang, Jian Fang, Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
(2015-01-0436) Edgar Galvan, Chuck Hsiao, Sean Vermillion, Richard Malak, Texas A&M University
(2015-01-0493) Ying Wang, Ye Wang, State Key Lab. of ASCL Jilin University; You Qu, CCST, Jilin University; Sumin Zhang, Weiwen Deng, State Key Lab. of ASCL Jilin University
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Automotive Design Systems
Multilevel Decoupled Optimization of Wind Turbine Structures
Fast Uncertainty Quantification for Simulation and Beyond
(2015-01-0474) Henric Pettersson; Maria Rodiouchkina; Gerald Micklow, Hamid Hefazi, Florida Institute of Technology
(2015-01-0434) Jin Woo Lee, Efstratios Nikolaidis, Vijay Devabhaktuni, University of Toledo
(Oral Only) Peter Qian, SmartUQ
A Study on New Approach of Optimization for the Automotive Plastic Interior Parts
Recursive Estimation of Vehicle Inertial Parameters Using Polynomial ChaosTheory via Vehicle Handling Model
Influence of the Design Parameters of Electric Vehicles in the Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Urban Routes
(2015-01-0476) Hyunkwon Jo, Youngseung Kim, Hyunchul Lee, Hyunmin Park, Suckin Song, Hanil E-Hwa Co., Ltd.
(2015-01-0433) Zeyu Ma, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; James Yang, Texas Tech Univ; Ming Jiang, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co, Ltd; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech
(2015-01-0500) Emilio Larrodé, Alberto Torne, Alberto Fraile, University of Zaragoza
Weight Optimization Process for Automotive Wheel Bearing
Value of Information in Monte Carlo Simulation when Reliabilities are Dependent
Virtual Automotive Maintenance and Service Confirmation
(Oral Only) Seungpyo Lee, Jungho An, Inha Lee, Minwoo Song, Iljin Global
(Oral Only) Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo
(2015-01-0498) Matt Gynn, Jamie Steele, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Optimization for Driveline Parameters of Self-Dumping Truck Based on Particle Swarm Algorithm (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0472) Rongchao Jiang, Dengfeng Wang, Jilin University
Suspension Kinematic/Compliance Uncertain Optimization using Chebyshev Polynomial Approach
Development of Real-Time Simulation Tool for Styling Appearance Evaluation
(2015-01-0432) Xingxing Feng, Jinglai Wu, Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; Ming Jiang, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Tech Ctr
(2015-01-0490) Ryosuke Saito, Daisuke Ide, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Chairpersons: Ching-Hung Chuang, Ford Motor Co.; Sumeet Parashar, ESTECO North America 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(2015-01-0488) Andreea Elena Balau, Dennis Kooijman, TNO Automotive; Ignacio Vazquez Rodarte, TUE; Norbert Ligterink, TNO Automotive
Microwave-Steam Based Road Deicing Vehicle Focused on Thin Ice Layers
11:00 a.m.
(2015-01-0502) Zhicheng Xu, Gangfeng Tan, Xingzhi Sun, Yongqiang Ge, Min Hua, Wuhan University of Technology; Haobo Xu, Heli Special Auto Manufacture Co., Ltd. The Benefit of Co-Developing Vehicle Electrical & Electronic Architecture between OEM and Supplier (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0475) Truong Nguyen, John Bell, Yazaki North America Inc.
Error Reduction in Spatial Robots Based on the Statistical Uncertainty Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0435) S. Khodaygan, Sharif University of Technology; M. Hafezipour, K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Analysis of Vehicle Dimension Definition and Proportion of Coordination in Chinese Market (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0477) Sun Qi, Zhang Wen, Wan Liangyu, Wang Xiaochuan, Dongfeng Motor Corp. The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00501, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00473, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
115 B
410 B
112 B
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) (Part 2 of 2) (IDM111)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Aero-Thermal and Fluid Systems (IDM105)
Treating Uncertainty in Engineering Modeling and Data Acquisition (IDM113)
Virtual Design and Engineering (Part 2 of 2) (IDM301)
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) focuses on optimizing the performances of complex systems that involve multiple interacting disciplines. It may encompasses design synthesis, sensitivity analysis, approximation concepts, optimization methods and strategies, artificial intelligence, and rule-based design - all in the context of integrated design dealing with multiple disciplines and interacting subsystems or systems of systems.
The purpose of this session is to bring awareness among the automotive aerodynamics, thermal and hydraulic systems development community to address the need of reliability analysis and robust design to improve the overall product quality. This session also introduces CAE based optimization of aero-thermal and fluid systems to improve automotive fuel economy. This session presents papers covering both testing and simulation.
Developments of experimental and theoretical schemes in engineering disciplines are growing in complexity. Complexity can be attributed to extensive acquisition of measured data as well as higher order levels of computational analysis. Uncertainty is inherent in both experimental and analytical engineering schemes. This session is a collection of current methods and new directions in treating the presence of uncertainty in: 1) data acquisition and analysis and 2) in the mechanical systems.
This technical session will showcase the creation and application of various tools that will allow for the design and manufacture of parts, equipment, facilities and tests that eliminate the need for physical part prototyping early in a program. The ability to model various aspects of design, test and manufacturing allows for more accurate, cost effective and faster development and product delivery to market.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Ching-Hung Chuang, Ford Motor Co.; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Simon Xu, General Motors Co.; Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; David A. Lamb, US Army TARDEC; Sadek S. Rahman, Richard L. Sun, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Mehdi Modares, Illinois Institute of Technology; Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University
Organizers: David Palmer, Bombardier Recreational Product Inc.; G. Michael Smith, Magna Powertrain USA Inc.; Paul Zalucha, Ford Motor Co.
A New Variable Screening Method for Design Optimization of Large-scale Problems
Advantages of Simulation Based Reliability Growth Planning
Managing System Performance Data Acquisition Process for Duration and Quality Assurance of Input Data
New Theoretical Approach for Weight Reduction on Cylinder Head
Kai Zheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.; RenJye Yang, Ford Motor Co; Jie Hu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Daniel B. Kosinski, US Army TARDEC
Jamshid Mohammadi, Mehdi Modares, Illinois Institute of Technology
Shohei Mikami, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Georgi Chakmakov, Dassault Systemes
An Algorithm for Identification of Locally Optimal Basins in Large Dimensions on a Multi-Model Response Surface
Application of the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST) to Analyze Thermal Performance of Vehicle Underbody Components
Uncertainty Analysis of Static Plane Problems by Intervals
Use of Truncated Finite Element Modeling for Efficient Design Optimization of an Automotive Front End Structure
Santosh Tiwari, Don Jones, Simon Xu, General Motors Co.
Ashley Lehman, Vesselin Stoilov, Andrzej Sobiesiak, Univ of Windsor
Naijia Xiao, Rafi L. Muhanna, Francesco Fedele, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Mullen, Univ. of South Carolina
Anindya Deb, Ranga Srinivas Gunti, Indian Institute of Science; Clifford Chou, Wayne State University; Utpal Dutta, Univ of Detroit Mercy
A Data Mining-based Strategy for Direct Multidisciplinary Optimization
Fatigue Life Calculation under Thermal Multiaxial Stresses in EGR Coolers
Interval Finite Element Analysis of Structural Dynamic Problems
Investigation and Optimization of Front Suspension and Steering Geometrical Compatibility
Hongyi Xu, Ching-Hung Chuang, Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
Julio Carrera, BorgWarner Emissions Systems; Alfredo Navarro, University of Seville; Concepcion Paz, University of Vigo; Alvaro Sanchez, BorgWarner Emissions Systems; Jacobo Porteiro, University of Vigo
Naijia Xiao, Rafi L. Muhanna, Francesco Fedele, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Mullen, Univ. of South Carolina
Gaurav Paliwal, Naveen Sukumar, Umashanker Gupta, Ashutosh Dubey, Nitin Chopra, VE Commercial Vehicles, Ltd.
Comparing Robust Design Optimization and Reliability Based Optimization Formulations for Practical Aspects of Industry Problems
Sensitivity Analysis of Key Engine and Vehicle Parameters in Engine Coolant Temperature Predictions
The Quantification of Errors in the Measurement of Nonlinear Ultrasonics
Virtual Tool to Predict Trunk Spring Movement Including Tolerance Variation
Apurva Gokhale, Sumeet Parashar, ESTECO North America; Saket Kansara, ESTECO Software India
Sudhi Uppuluri, Ajay Naiknaware, Computational Sciences Experts Group
Zeynab Abbasi, Mary Cunningham, Didem Ozevin, Univ. of Illinois
Jason Rogers, Honda of Canada Manufacturing
The Finite Element Analysis and Optimization on a Special Vehicle
Full Vehicle Thermal Prediction by Identification Approach from Test Results
Bayesian Large Model Calibration Using Simulation and Measured Data for Improved Predictions
Kinematic Analysis of a 6DOF Gantry Machine
YiRui Wang, Gangfeng Tan, Bo Yang, Can Wang, Wuhan University of Technology
Takashi Takiguchi, Yusuke Yano, Yasuhiro Takii, Nobuyuki Ohta, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Joshua Bergerson, Ralph Muehleisen, Argonne National Laboratory
Monika Filiposka, University of Windsor; Ana M. Djuric, WSU SSIM; Waguih ElMaraghy, University of Windsor
Chairpersons: Hongyi Xu, Ford Motor Co.; Simon Xu, General Motors Co. 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Buckling Analysis of Uncertain Structures Using Imprecise Probability (2015-01-0485) Mehdi Modares, Illinois Institute of Technology; Joshua Bergerson, Argonne National Laboratory
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
115 B
410 B
112 B
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) (Part 2 of 2) (IDM111)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Aero-Thermal and Fluid Systems (IDM105)
Treating Uncertainty in Engineering Modeling and Data Acquisition (IDM113)
Virtual Design and Engineering (Part 2 of 2) (IDM301)
Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) focuses on optimizing the performances of complex systems that involve multiple interacting disciplines. It may encompasses design synthesis, sensitivity analysis, approximation concepts, optimization methods and strategies, artificial intelligence, and rule-based design - all in the context of integrated design dealing with multiple disciplines and interacting subsystems or systems of systems.
The purpose of this session is to bring awareness among the automotive aerodynamics, thermal and hydraulic systems development community to address the need of reliability analysis and robust design to improve the overall product quality. This session also introduces CAE based optimization of aero-thermal and fluid systems to improve automotive fuel economy. This session presents papers covering both testing and simulation.
Developments of experimental and theoretical schemes in engineering disciplines are growing in complexity. Complexity can be attributed to extensive acquisition of measured data as well as higher order levels of computational analysis. Uncertainty is inherent in both experimental and analytical engineering schemes. This session is a collection of current methods and new directions in treating the presence of uncertainty in: 1) data acquisition and analysis and 2) in the mechanical systems.
This technical session will showcase the creation and application of various tools that will allow for the design and manufacture of parts, equipment, facilities and tests that eliminate the need for physical part prototyping early in a program. The ability to model various aspects of design, test and manufacturing allows for more accurate, cost effective and faster development and product delivery to market.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Ching-Hung Chuang, Ford Motor Co.; Efstratios Nikolaidis, University Of Toledo; Simon Xu, General Motors Co.; Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Alaa El-Sharkawy, FCA US LLC; David A. Lamb, US Army TARDEC; Sadek S. Rahman, Richard L. Sun, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Mehdi Modares, Illinois Institute of Technology; Zissimos Mourelatos, Oakland University
Organizers: David Palmer, Bombardier Recreational Product Inc.; G. Michael Smith, Magna Powertrain USA Inc.; Paul Zalucha, Ford Motor Co.
Chairpersons: Hongyi Xu, Ford Motor Co.; Simon Xu, General Motors Co. Optimization Matching of Powertrain System for Self-Dumping Truck Based on Grey Relational Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0501) Dengfeng Wang, Rongchao Jiang, Jilin University Sweeping Vehicle Vacuum Dust Control System Research (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0503) Hefeng Zhan, Gangfeng Tan, Wuhan Univ. of Tech.; Haobo Xu, Heli Specal Auto Manufacture Co., Ltd.; Xin Li, Zhaohua Wang, Can Wang, Wuhan Univ. of Tech. Compliant Mechanisms - Integration of Micro Gripping Device with Positioner Using Topological Optimization (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0499) Nagarjun Jawahar, Sangamitra Manoharan, Harish Chandran, National Institute of Technology, Trichy A Study of a Bearing Endurance Life Prediction Method Considering Dynamic Characteristics (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0494) Sulki Seong, Wangoo Kim, VirtualMotion; Daesung Bae, Hanyang University; Seungpyo Lee, Younggeol Cho, Iljin Global; Kyeongdeok Yang, Haneol Solution Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00501, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00473, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
251 C
251 B
Additive (3D Printing) Manufacturing (IDM302)
Key Success Factors for Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics (Part DFSS and Lean Manufacturing (IDM400) 1 of 2) (IDM110)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Model Validation and Verification (Part 1 of 2) (IDM106)
This session deals with the manufacture of detail parts through laser sintering, stereo lithography, fused deposition modeling, and other emerging technologies. The session will explore technologies and methods for producing net or near net parts in various resins, plastics and metals directly from a CAD model that could employ design architectures that couldn’t be achieved by other manufacturing methods.
Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics are key enablers for the next wave of innovation and growth across most industries and will address complex issues and systems that involve multiple objective, many alternatives, trade-offs between competing effects, large amounts of data and situations involving uncertainty or risk. This session will address new technical advances in these areas and provide valuable insights through the applications of real-world case studies.
This technical session deals with research and development efforts addressing the advancement and applications of Lean methodologies and Quality improvement in the mobility Industry. Papers presented in this session will portray the latest developments in the principles, practices, tools, processes, and applications of Lean and Quality improvement methodologies.
Model Validation and Verification invite papers that deal with the theoretical and/ or applied aspects of one or more of the following representative topics: model development, model correlation/calibration, model verification, model validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty propagation, validation metrics, predictive capability assessment, etc.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering Univ.; Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Michael Cavaretta, Ford Motor Co.; Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Ford Motor Co.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.
Organizers: Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering Univ.
Organizers: Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University
Improving Heat Transfer and Reducing Mass in a Gasoline Piston Using Additive Manufacturing
Project Timing Analsysis using Monte Carlo Simulation
Innovative Production System Based on Auto-Assembly Cells
New Trivial Principal Component Method: System Modeling
(Oral Only)
Miguel Angel Reyes Belmonte, Colin D. Copeland, University of Bath; Drummond Hislop, George Hopkins, Adrian Schmieder, HiETA Technologies Ltd; Scott Bredda, GE Precision; Sam Akehurst, University of Bath
Banu Sinanoglu Turan, Member of Project Management Institute
Toshiyuki Kondo, Shinichiro Watanabe, Nobuhiro Nanba, Honda Engineering Co., Ltd.
Balakrishna Chinta, General Motors Powertrain
America Makes - the National Accelerator for Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing
21st Century INORA Math Engine for Big Data Analysis
The Development of High Efficient Machining and Transfer Process for Cylinder Head/Block Machining Line
An Adaptive Copula-Based Approach for Model Bias Characterization
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Kevin D. Creehan, National Center for Defense Manufacturin
Prakash T. Sathe
Taro Nakamura, Honda Engineering Co., Ltd.
Hao Pan; Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan; Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
Additive Manufacturing Solutions in Automotive
Effective Decision Making and Data Visualization Using Partitive Clustering and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for High Dimensional Pareto Frontier Data
How to make flow in Manufacturing. Pacemaker and Product Grouping. Paradigm Shift. Case Study
Uncertainty Reduction and Validation of Vehicle Crash Simulation Models
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
John Dobstetter, Stratasys
Saket Kansara, ESTECO Software India Pvt. Ltd.; Sumeet Parashar, Zhendan Xue, ESTECO North America Inc
Patrick Garcia, Javier Medrano Camacho, Adolfo Laconcha, Tenneco Inc.
Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
Eco friendly, Rapid Prototyping, & Mass Custom Additive Manufacturing Engineering Trades in Automotive & Aerospace Applications where “Complexity is Free”.
Potential Natural Gas Impact on Cost Efficient Capacity Planning for Automakers and Electricity Generators in a Carbon Constrained World
Lean Product Development. Reflection after a 3 years Implementation.
Advanced Model Validation and UQ Procedures applied toThermal-Mechanical Response and Weld Failure in Heated Pressurized Canisters
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Joe Razum, 3D Systems Inc.; Sandeep Rana, 3D Systems
Boxiao Chen, University of Michigan; Yan Fu, Margaret Strumolo, Ford Motor Company; Xiuli Chao, University of Michigan; Michael Tamor, Ford Motor Company
Patrick Garcia, Jacek Bosek, Artur Krol, Tenneco Inc.
Vicente Romero, Amalia Black, Nicole Breivik, George Orient, Amanda Dodd, Jill Suo-Anttila, Bonnie Antoun, Sandia National Laboratories
BAAM and Beyond - Applications and Advancements in Large Scale Additive Manufacturing
The Analysis of Vehicle Telediagnostic Parametric Data
Research on Validation Metrics for Multiple Dynamic Response Comparison under Uncertainty
(Oral Only)
Brian K. Post, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dennis Craggs, FCA US LLC
Zhenfei Zhan, Junqi Yang, Chongqing University; Yan Fu, Ren-Jye Yang, Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Co; Ling Zheng, Chongqing University
A Case Study of Development of Multiple Pieces in One Mold using MDSE for Autobody Closure Panels (Oral Only) Jiangqi Zhou, Auto & Vehicle Manufacturing Technology
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 A
251 C
251 B
Additive (3D Printing) Manufacturing (IDM302)
Key Success Factors for Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics (Part DFSS and Lean Manufacturing (IDM400) 1 of 2) (IDM110)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Model Validation and Verification (Part 1 of 2) (IDM106)
This session deals with the manufacture of detail parts through laser sintering, stereo lithography, fused deposition modeling, and other emerging technologies. The session will explore technologies and methods for producing net or near net parts in various resins, plastics and metals directly from a CAD model that could employ design architectures that couldn’t be achieved by other manufacturing methods.
Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics are key enablers for the next wave of innovation and growth across most industries and will address complex issues and systems that involve multiple objective, many alternatives, trade-offs between competing effects, large amounts of data and situations involving uncertainty or risk. This session will address new technical advances in these areas and provide valuable insights through the applications of real-world case studies.
This technical session deals with research and development efforts addressing the advancement and applications of Lean methodologies and Quality improvement in the mobility Industry. Papers presented in this session will portray the latest developments in the principles, practices, tools, processes, and applications of Lean and Quality improvement methodologies.
Model Validation and Verification invite papers that deal with the theoretical and/ or applied aspects of one or more of the following representative topics: model development, model correlation/calibration, model verification, model validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty propagation, validation metrics, predictive capability assessment, etc.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering Univ.; Randy Gu, Oakland University; Jared Song, General Motors Co.; Yu J. Teng; Qichao Zheng, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Michael Cavaretta, Ford Motor Co.; Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Ford Motor Co.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.
Organizers: Mohamed El-Sayed, Kettering Univ.
Organizers: Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University
Planned by Lean - Six Sigma Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
11:00 a.m.
Process-Integrated Measurements of Products and Parts - Innovation Management for Applied Photography and Photogrammetry (2015-01-0464) Christian-Andreas Schumann, Eric Forkel, Thomas Klein, University of Zwickau; Dieter Gerlach, Dimensional Technology International Inc; Egon Mueller, Chemnitz University of Technology Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00504, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 C
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
251 B
413 A
260 Portside Ballroom
Reliability and Robust Design in Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics (Part Automotive Engineering: Model Validation and Verification (Part 2 2 of 2) (IDM110) of 2) (IDM106)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Accelerated Testing (IDM103)
Chat with the Experts: Design, Simulation, Testing, Production, and Process Optimization: The Role of the Materials Engineer (CHAT)
Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics are key enablers for the next wave of innovation and growth across most industries and will address complex issues and systems that involve multiple objective, many alternatives, trade-offs between competing effects, large amounts of data and situations involving uncertainty or risk. This session will address new technical advances in these areas and provide valuable insights through the applications of real-world case studies.
Model Validation and Verification invite papers that deal with the theoretical and/ or applied aspects of one or more of the following representative topics: model development, model correlation/calibration, model verification, model validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty propagation, validation metrics, predictive capability assessment, etc.
This session presents methods and automotive applications on how to assess reliability and robustness in product development. Topics include among others, system reliability target allocation, interval analysis in robust design and imprecise reliability assessment. It also addresses new developments and applications in the area of accelerated testing.
What is the best material for an application and how can designers know which material properties to use in simulation, how can processing influence a material’s performance and can failure analysis provide insights for better designs? Material engineers impact product development cycle decision-making to support their organizations. This Chat details how materials engineering can provide a supporting role in design and analysis, simulation, testing, production, and process optimization.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Michael Cavaretta, Ford Motor Co.; Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Ford Motor Co.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.
Organizers: Organizers: Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Paul Lubinski, Thermo King Corp.; Yung-Li Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University Lee, FCA US LLC; Mark A. Pompetzki, HBM-nCode
An Empirical Approach Applied in Assessing the Software Product Quality through VPRS Analysis
The Business Case for Model-Based Software Development
A New Approach for Durability, Reliability and Uncertainty Assessment of Engineering Systems
(Oral Only)
Kasiraja Thangapandian, Immanuel Rajkumar, Visteon Technical and Services Centre
Ronald Lannan, LHP Software LLC
Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.; Shengbin Lin, Litang Gao, Tenneco Inc
Analyzing and Predicting Heterogeneous Customer Preferences in China’s Auto Market Using Choice Modeling and Network Analysis
Development of a Comprehensive Validation Method for Dynamic Systems and Its Application on Vehicle Design
Fatigue Design Curve Construction for Test Data with Linear/Linearized and Universal Slope Characteristics
Mingxian Wang, Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Yong Yang, Ford Motor Co.
Junqi Yang, Zhenfei Zhan, Chong Chen, Yajing Shu, Ling Zheng, Chongqing University; Ren-Jye Yang, Yan Fu, Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Co
Zhigang Wei, Limin Luo, Shengbin Lin, Tenneco Inc.
Industry 4.0: Long Term Aspiration or Inevitable Next Step?
Validation Metric for Dynamic System Responses under Uncertainty
Obtaining a Swept Sine on Random Vibration Profile for Powertrain Mounted Component Qualification
(Oral Only)
Adrian Jennings, Ubisense Inc.
Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan; Hao Pan; Yan Fu, Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
Frédéric Kihm, Andrew Halfpenny, HBMnCode; Benoît Beaum, PSA Peugeot Citroën
Product Cost Management
Simulation Based Process Reliability Design
Warranty Data Analysis Method using Life Table and Its Practical Application
(Oral Only)
Edward E. Mabley, Siemens Industry Software
Venkatesh Agaram, Julian Venegas, PTC Inc.
KI Woo Sung, Hyundai Motor Co. & KIA Motors Corp.; Jong Gurl Kim, Sungkyunkwan University; Dae-Un Sung, Hyundai Motor Co. & KIA Motors Corp.; Hye Mi Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
Reliable Design with Problematic Models: Uncertainties, Interdependent and Coupled Uncertainties, Suggestions and Case Studies
A test method for the turbocharger fatigue life based on the self-circulation
(Oral Only)
Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan Dearborn; Ren-Jye Yang, Ford Motor Co
Na Xu, Chaochen Ma, Jianbing Gao, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xunzhi Qu, Beijing Institute of Technology
A Simplified Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Serpentine Belt and its Application into a Belt Driving System
Development of a Nonlinear, Hysteretic and Frequency Dependent Bushing Model
Hao Zhu, Yumei Hu, Xi Tan, Biwen Zhou, Chongqing University
Sida Li, Xiaowu Yang, Bruce Minaker, Univ of Windsor; Xiaojin (Shine) Lan, FCA Canada Inc.; Mark Villaire, FCA US LLC
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
integrated design & manufacturing
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 C
251 B
413 A
260 Portside Ballroom
Reliability and Robust Design in Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics (Part Automotive Engineering: Model Validation and Verification (Part 2 2 of 2) (IDM110) of 2) (IDM106)
Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering: Reliability and Accelerated Testing (IDM103)
Chat with the Experts: Design, Simulation, Testing, Production, and Process Optimization: The Role of the Materials Engineer (CHAT)
Business Modeling/Operation Research/Big Data Analytics are key enablers for the next wave of innovation and growth across most industries and will address complex issues and systems that involve multiple objective, many alternatives, trade-offs between competing effects, large amounts of data and situations involving uncertainty or risk. This session will address new technical advances in these areas and provide valuable insights through the applications of real-world case studies.
Model Validation and Verification invite papers that deal with the theoretical and/ or applied aspects of one or more of the following representative topics: model development, model correlation/calibration, model verification, model validation, uncertainty quantification, uncertainty propagation, validation metrics, predictive capability assessment, etc.
This session presents methods and automotive applications on how to assess reliability and robustness in product development. Topics include among others, system reliability target allocation, interval analysis in robust design and imprecise reliability assessment. It also addresses new developments and applications in the area of accelerated testing.
What is the best material for an application and how can designers know which material properties to use in simulation, how can processing influence a material’s performance and can failure analysis provide insights for better designs? Material engineers impact product development cycle decision-making to support their organizations. This Chat details how materials engineering can provide a supporting role in design and analysis, simulation, testing, production, and process optimization.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Michael Cavaretta, Ford Motor Co.; Wei Chen, Northwestern Univ.; Yan Fu, Ford Motor Co.; Ramakrishna Koganti, Ramk Inc.
Organizers: Organizers: Zhimin Xi, University of Michigan - Dearborn; Paul Lubinski, Thermo King Corp.; Yung-Li Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University Lee, FCA US LLC; Mark A. Pompetzki, HBM-nCode
4:00 p.m.
A Virtual Shaker Table for Predicting Loads in Automotive Powertrain Mounts (Oral Only) Xiaowu Yang, Sida Li, Univ of Windsor; Xiaojin (Shine) Lan, FCA Canada; Bruce Minaker, Univ of Windsor; Mark Villaire, FCA US
Design, Simulation, Testing, Production, and Process Optimization: The Role of the Materials Engineer David Elijah Palmer, BRP US Inc.
4:30 p.m.
City Readiness System Assessment of Electric Vehicle Adoption in China* (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Prediction Considering Multi-Model and Model Form Uncertainty in the Parameter Space (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Ning Wang; Yafei Liu
Xueqian Chen, Zhanpeng Shen, Qinshu He, Institute of Systems Engineering, CAEP Study on Area Metric Based upon Multiple Correlated System Response Quantities (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0454) Zhanpeng Shen, Engineering & Design; Xueqian Chen; Qinshu He; Chao Ping Zang Improvement and Validation of Hybrid III Dummy Knee Finite Element Model (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0449) Libo Cao, Kai Zhang, Xin Lv, Lingbo Yan, Hunan University
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Quality, Reliability and Robust Design Committee / Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
Planned by Integrated Design and Manufacturing Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00504, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Integrated Design & Manufacturing EXHIBITORs
integrated design & manufacturing Unique book compiles successful use of CAE
ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Asia Forging Supply Co Ltd....................819 BAND-IT.......................................................702 Caelynx: ALSIM/MERGE.........................907 Cambustion..................................................519 CD-adapco...................................................701 Chiastek........................................................709 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc...............................................................427 Convergent Science Inc.......................... 745 CTP............................................................... 844 Dimensional Control Systems Inc....... 903 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721 Dynacast International........................... 406 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Endurica LLC...............................................926 Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Greatenergy Inc.........................................952 HZF / Zhejiang ZhaoFeng Mechanical & Electric............................918 KCI..................................................................853 Nachi America Inc......................................618 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.......................... 613P Ning Bo Qiao Shi Rubber & Plastics Co Ltd.........................................................915 Phillips Screw Company...........................341 Plotly Technologies Inc...........................938 Rema Tip Top / North America Inc.... 240 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Sekisui S-Lec...............................................333 Stratasys Inc.............................................. 806 Synergeering Group LLC........................453 The Lee Company.....................................326 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Ubisense..................................................... 1052
CAE Design and Failure Analysis of Automotive Composites By Charles Lu and Srikanth Pilla This book focuses on the latest use of CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) methods in design and failure analysis of composite materials and structures. It includes a brief introduction on the subject and presents recent, innovative CAE design examples of composite structures by engineers from major CAE developers and automobile OEMs and suppliers. SAE Member Price: $92.00* List Price: $115.00 Product Code: PT-166
ISBN: 978-0-7680-8162-6 Published: December 2014 *Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/pt-166 Email:
[email protected]
Actual shipping charges will be applied.
Concise book provides a technical, economic and social perspective
The Evolution of Automotive Technology: A Handbook By Gijs Mom
This book covers one and a quarter century of the automobile, conceived as a cultural history of technology. It examines the impact of technology development and the influence of the past upon the present. SAE Member Price: $63.96* List Price: $79.95 Product Code: R-435
Integrated Design and Manufacturing notepads sponsored by:
ISBN: 978-0-7680-8027-8 Published: November 2014 *Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/r-435 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied. P141273
SAE 2015 World Congress
management & marketplace
Technical Sessions TUE
Mobility History: The Past is Prelude to the Future (Part 1 & 2) (CONG201) SAE/MIT Innovation Competition Finals: Global Automotive Innovation Challenge (IDM800)
Room No.
Page No.
410 B
260 Portside Ballroom
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
2015 WORLD CONGRESS TECHNICAL PAPERS – MANAGEMENT & MARKETPLACE The Management & Marketplace technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here! Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: Visit engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
[email protected] P150159
SAE 2015 World Congress
management & marketplace
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
410 B
9:30 a.m.
410 B
Mobility History: The Past is Prelude to the Future (Part 1 of 2) (CONG201)
Mobility History: The Past is Prelude to the Future (Part 2 of 2) (CONG201)
The SAE Mobility History Committee will present a series of talks relating to several areas of current technological activity. The series will include talks on the history of lightweighting as it relates to improved fuel economy and the history of the transition of guided vehicles from guided highways to fully autonomous vehicles. The talks will also include a presentation on the history of the Indianapolis 500, the British rochdale automobile, Porsche during WWII, and Zora arkus-Dontov.
The SAE Mobility History Committee will present a series of talks relating to several areas of current technological activity. The series will include talks on the history of lightweighting as it relates to improved fuel economy and the history of the transition of guided vehicles from guided highways to fully autonomous vehicles. The talks will also include a presentation on the history of the Indianapolis 500, the British rochdale automobile, Porsche during WWII, and Zora arkus-Dontov.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jeremy Goddard, IDIADA Automotive Technology; Jonathan Martin Rowell; Donald L. Wood
Organizers: Jeremy Goddard, IDIADA Automotive Technology; Jonathan Martin Rowell; Donald L. Wood
Chairpersons: Donald L. Wood
Chairpersons: Donald L. Wood
Rochdale: Sportscar Pioneers - The Cars of Rochdale Motor Panels and Engineering, 1950 to 1973
1:00 p.m.
(Oral Only)
Robert L Neff, Sales and Marketing InsightJerry Burton
Howard Evans, Rochdale Owners Club 10:30 a.m.
Historical Look at Autonomous Vehicles
2:00 p.m.
Professor Porsche’s Wars
Zora Arkus-Duntov - The Legend behind Corvette (Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Jerry Burton
Karl Ludvigsen, MSAE CIMechE 3:00 p.m.
Rise of the Machine: the Development and Use of FiniteElement-Based Structural Optimization Tools in Automotive Lightweight Design (Oral Only) Donald Baskin, Ogin Inc.
4:00 p.m.
Technical Progress during the Golden Age of the Indy Cars: a look at the cars, components, systems, and the people and decision process that built them (Oral Only) Alfred D. Bosley
management & marketplace exhibitors
Tuesday, April 21 - afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
AluMag Automotive LLC.....................................763 KOTRA & AIN Global..........................................1045
260 Portside Ballroom SAE/MIT Innovation Competition Finals: Global Automotive Innovation Challenge (IDM800) Hear finalists compete for a chance to win more than $200,000 in business acceleration services at the 6th Annual Innovation Accelerator Competition. The collaborative event between SAE International, NextEnergy and MIT Enterprise Forum of the Great Lakes (MITEF) seeks to find innovative companies with promising ideas to solve problems within todays automotive industry. Judges will be senior executives from the automotive industry, with winners presenting on Thursday of SAE World Congress in the Tech Hub. 1:15 - 3:45 p.m. Organizers: David Stout, David B Stout Associates LLC; Dennis Nash, MIT Enterprise Forum Great Lakes Region
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions TUE
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Materials, Restraints, and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 1 - 3) (M202) Advances in Instrument Panels, Seats, and Interiors (M301) Advances in Lightweight Materials (Part 1 & 2) (M102) Applications of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Press Hardening for Automotive Structures (Part 1 & 2) (M104) Automotive Composites Structures (Part 1 & 2) (M302) Automotive Engineering Testing and Test Methods (M203) Automotive Polymeric, Plastic Components and Composites (Part 1 & 2) (M300) Automotive Tribology (Part 1 & 2) (M214) Chat with the Experts: Considerations for Effective Aluminum Extrusion Design (CHAT) Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 1 - 4) (M200) Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Handling and Dynamics (Part 1 & 2) (M210) Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Multi-body Dynamics (Part 1 & 2) (M209) Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Nonlinear Components/Systems (M206) Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Ride Comfort (Part 1 & 2) (M207) Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Tire and Terrain (M208) Materials and Residual Stress Test Development (M205) Modeling and Simulation Technology for Composite Materials (Part 1 & 2) (M215) Multi-Discipline Interaction CAE Applications (M213) NVH CAE Analysis & Testing Correlations (Part 1 & 2) (M211) Optical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Automotive Engineering (Part 1 & 2) (M204) Painting and Coatings (Part 1 & 2) (M400) Powertrain Materials and Special Applications (Part 1 & 2) (M103) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Forming AHSS and Light Weight Sheet Materials: Latest Developments (M199) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Measurement and Analysis of Forming Limit Diagrams using DIC - Update (M199) The Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Project (Part 1 - 3) (M101) Welding and Joining and Fastening (M216)
Room No.
Page No.
138, 139, 143, 144, 146, 147
4 4
142 A 332
133, 134 133, 134, 138, 139
133, 134, 138, 139
4 -
4 -
356 142 A
143, 144, 146, 147 130, 131
310 B
133, 134, 138, 139
140, 141, 143, 144
411 C 260 Portside Ballroom
250 A
126, 127, 130, 131, 135, 136, 140, 141
140 G
143, 144, 146, 147
415 B
126, 127, 130, 131
413 B
126, 127
126, 127, 130, 131
4 4
251 C 354
128 128
415 A
128, 132
4 -
411 A 112 D
145 135, 136, 140, 141
312 B
135, 136, 140, 141
4 -
4 -
413 A 250 B
128, 132 145, 146, 147
312 B
312 B
4 -
4 -
4 4
250 B 413 A
129, 132, 135, 136 137
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 A
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
415 B
413 B
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 1 of 4) (M200)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Multi-body Dynamics (Part 1 of 2) (M209)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Nonlinear Components/Systems (M206)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Ride Comfort (Part 1 of 2) (M207)
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
Multibody system modeling and simulation, rigid and flexible body modeling, loads predictions for vehicle body, frame/subframe, exhaust system, driveline, and powertrain, modeling of vehicle dynamics simulation and durability loads simulation, process considering vehicle dynamics and durability loads, data processing and analysis, loads sensitivity analyses for model parameters, design load minimization, prediction of loads effects, robust design methods, driver modeling, and system modeling.
Focusing on new theory, formulation and modeling of amplitude-, frequencyand temperature-dependent nonlinear components/systems such as mounts or bushings, shock absorbers, and joint friction/damping; dynamic characterization through lab and field testing; Linearization methodology; Model validation, application, and sensitivity analysis in vehicle system/ subsystem simulations; Nonlinear system identification, modeling, and application in testing accuracy improvement, etc.
Focusing on studies of driver behavior modeling, driving simulator techniques, vehicle ride comfort evaluation and enhancement, test/simulation correlation analysis, vehicle elastomeric component modeling, passive, semi-active and active suspension systems, suspension seat analysis and modeling techniques, the effect and control of beaming, shaking, impact harshness, brake judder and any other phenomena affecting ride comfort of driver, passengers, goods, etc
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Organizers: Paramsothy Jayakumar; Jesper Slattengren, Guangqiang Wu, Tongji Univ.; Peijun Xu, Pratt & Miller Engineering; Peijun Xu, Ebco Ebco Inc.; Fulun Yang, Tenneco Inc. Inc.; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Organizers: Mike Ma, Nanjing Automobile Research Institute; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; James Yang, Texas Tech. Univ.
Technical Keynote: Recent Advances in Structural Fatigue Life Simulation Method for Seam and Spot Welds
Discrete Element Methods for Off-Road Vehicle Mobility Studies with the Chrono Multibody Dynamics Library
Application of QFD and KANO Model in Vehicle Technical Characteristics Setup
A Comparison of the Performance and Power Requirements for Various Active Suspensions with Gain Scheduling Strategies
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Pingsha Dong, University of Michigan
Radu Serban, Daniel Melanz, Justin Madsen, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Paramsothy Jayakumar, US Army TARDEC; Dan Negrut, University of Wisconsin Madison
Jiaquan Chen, Min Qin, Lingge Jin, Liu Tao, Yongfeng Jiang, Wei Wang, FAW R&D Center; Yin-Ping Chang, Oakland University
Aref M.A. Soliman, South Valley University
Estimation of Elastic-Plastic Behavior at Notches under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading
Influence of Structural Flexibility on the Dynamic Precision of a HMMWV-VehicleMounted Laser Weapon System
Studies of Air Spring Mathematical Model and its Performance in Cab Suspension System of Commercial Vehicle
Triple-Control-Mode for Semi-Active Suspension System
(Oral Only)
Rafaa Esmaael, Vernon Fernandez, Lawrence Technological University
Paramsothy Jayakumar, Dave Mechergui, Ronald J. Renke, US Army TARDEC; Mike Lent, Eric Wheater, US Navy Surface Warfare Center
Gang Tang, Hefei University of Technology; Hengjia Zhu, Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.; Ying Sun, C&C Trucks Co., Ltd
Mina M.S. Kaldas, Kemal Çalkan, Roman Henze, Ferit Küçükay, IAE, TU Braunschweig
A Fatigue Life Prediction Method of Laser Assisted Self-Piercing Rivet Joint for Magnesium Alloys
Tyre Load Analysis of Hydro-Pneumatic Interconnected Suspension with Zero Warp Suspension Stiffness
Powertrain Mounting System with Uncertainty Using Chebyshev Interval Method
Active Brake Judder Compensation Using an Electro-Hydraulic Brake System
Hong Tae Kang, University of Michigan; Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; Xuming Su, Ford Motor Co.; Yung-Li Lee, Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Chonghua Jiang, AET Integration Inc.; Zhen Li, University of Michigan
Guangzhong Xu, Nong Zhang, Holger Roser, Jiageng Ruan, Univ of Technology Sydney
Yan Xie; Weiguo Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.; Xingxing Feng; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Chih Feng Lee, Linköping Univ; Dzmitry Savitski, Ilmenau Technical Univ; Chris Manzie, Univ of Melbourne; Valentin Ivanov, Ilmenau Technical Univ
Fatigue Evaluation Procedure Development for Aluminum Alloy Spot Welds Using the Battelle Structural Stress Method
Simulation and Analysis on a Self-energizing Synchronizer of Transmission
The Impact of Gear Meshing Nonlinearities on the Vehicle Launch Shudder
Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of the Twist Beam Suspension System
Jeong Kyun Hong, Battelle
Fan Luo, Jinning Li, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.; Xingxing Feng; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Guangqiang Wu, Wenbo Luan, Tongji University
Jiaquan Chen, Min Qin, Yongfeng Jiang, Lingge Jin, FAW R&D Center; Yin-Ping Chang, Oakland University
Verification and comparison of estimation methods for identifying physical parameters of road vehicles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Heat generation mechanism and failure analysis of shock absorber (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Yu Zhang, Hunan University; Lifu Wang, University of Technology; Bangji Zhang, Nong Zhang, Hunan University
Xincheng Liang, Jingshan Zhao, Tsinghua University
An Investigation on the Fatigue Behavior of Balanced and Unbalanced Epoxy-Aluminum Single Lap Joints (2015-01-0551) Qiuren Chen, Haiding Guo, Nanjing Univ. of Aero. & Astro.; John V. Lasecki, Ford Research and Innovation Center; John Hill, Xuming Su, John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 A
415 B
413 B
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 1 of 4) (M200)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Multi-body Dynamics (Part 1 of 2) (M209)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Nonlinear Components/Systems (M206)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Ride Comfort (Part 1 of 2) (M207)
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
Multibody system modeling and simulation, rigid and flexible body modeling, loads predictions for vehicle body, frame/subframe, exhaust system, driveline, and powertrain, modeling of vehicle dynamics simulation and durability loads simulation, process considering vehicle dynamics and durability loads, data processing and analysis, loads sensitivity analyses for model parameters, design load minimization, prediction of loads effects, robust design methods, driver modeling, and system modeling.
Focusing on new theory, formulation and modeling of amplitude-, frequencyand temperature-dependent nonlinear components/systems such as mounts or bushings, shock absorbers, and joint friction/damping; dynamic characterization through lab and field testing; Linearization methodology; Model validation, application, and sensitivity analysis in vehicle system/ subsystem simulations; Nonlinear system identification, modeling, and application in testing accuracy improvement, etc.
Focusing on studies of driver behavior modeling, driving simulator techniques, vehicle ride comfort evaluation and enhancement, test/simulation correlation analysis, vehicle elastomeric component modeling, passive, semi-active and active suspension systems, suspension seat analysis and modeling techniques, the effect and control of beaming, shaking, impact harshness, brake judder and any other phenomena affecting ride comfort of driver, passengers, goods, etc
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Organizers: Paramsothy Jayakumar; Jesper Slattengren, Guangqiang Wu, Tongji Univ.; Peijun Xu, Pratt & Miller Engineering; Peijun Xu, Ebco Ebco Inc.; Fulun Yang, Tenneco Inc. Inc.; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Design of Experiment of Dynamic Vibration Absorber for Drive Shaft (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Fatigue Life and Non-linear Strength Predictions for Heavy Stamping Steel Parts (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Cuiping Feng, Zhihong Dong, Yuliang Yang, Chaoxing Xie, Kai Wang, C&C Trucks Co., Ltd.
Guoyu Yang, Scott Kish, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Mike Ma, Nanjing Automobile Research Institute; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; James Yang, Texas Tech. Univ.
Analysis of design method for protection load bearing body (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0640) Song Huang, Jianpeng Shi, Chaoliang Shi, Dongfeng Motor Corporation Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00467, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00495, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00509, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 C
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
415 A
413 A
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Tire and Terrain (M208)
Materials and Residual Stress Test Development (M205)
Modeling and Simulation Technology for Composite Materials (Part 1 of 2) (M215)
Painting and Coatings (Part 1 of 2) (M400)
Focusing on tire and terrain mechanics modeling for load simulations, tire model development, parameters identification, and sensitivity analyses, tire test development, road profile characterization, effective road profile development, and interactions between tire, suspension/steering/brake systems, and different terrains, spindle loads/travel variation characteristics from deterministic and rough roads, terramechanics, tire noise, rolling resistance and correlation studies.
Key words: residual stress, retained austenite, x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, induction hardening, carburizing, shot peening, quench and template, residual stress simulation, residual stress test
This session focuses on advances and challenges in composite materials characterizations using advanced modeling and computational technologies including but not limited to: the notion of material models and their validation (especially for crash), paradigm shifts in modeling techniques (thinking out of the metallic box), composite materials design, virtual testing and parameter extraction, and the drive towards Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) concepts.
This series of sessions is looking for abstracts that specifically address application and research on coatings for exterior body and plastics (including polycarbonate) as well as vehicle interiors and underbody/underhood. Focus will be on the 3-10 year timeframe.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Emmanuel O. Bolarinwa, Federal Highway Administration; Jianfeng Ma, Saint Louis University; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; Xiaobo Yang, Oshkosh Corporation
Organizers: Gerald A. Shulke, FCA US LLC; Xichen Sun; Xin Zhang, F.Tech. R&D North America Inc.
Organizers: Khaled Shahwan, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Todd Fitz, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Jim Keller, United Paint; Daniel G. Wright, BASF Corp.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model Development for Ride Comfort & Braking/Driving Performance Analysis under Straight-line Driving Condition
Creep and Stress Relaxation Evaluation of Virgin and Thermally Aged GlassFilled Poly(butylene terephthalate) used in Automotive Electrical Connector Applications for Electrically-Powered Vehicles by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
Strength Analysis of CFRP Composite Material Considering Inter-Laminar Fractures
Use of Electrochemical Analysis Method in EG Steel Nubbing Investigation
Bin Li, Texas Tech University; Xiaobo Yang, Oshkosh Corporation; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; James Yang, Texas Tech University
Robert A. Smith, Mikel Petty, Delphi Corp.
Tadashi Naito, Yuta Urushiyama, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Matthew Dula, Heather Eich, Nicole VanBelle, Prasanth Mohankumar, Bryan D. Arnold, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc.
FE-based Tyre Loading Estimation for Developing Strain-based Intelligent Tyre System
Effects of Non-Associated Flow on Residual Stress Distributions in Crankshaft Sections Modeled as Pressure-Sensitive Materials under Fillet Rolling
Fiber Reinforced Plastic Durability: From Material Microstructure to Structural Part Life Predictions
Monitoring Technology for Automobile Corrosive Environments
(Oral Only)
Xiaoguang Yang, Oluremi Olatunbosun, University of Birmingham; Daniel GarciaPozuelo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Emmanuel Bolarinwa, Federal Highway Administration
Shin-Jang Sung, Jwo Pan, University of Michigan; Mohammed Yusuf Ali, Jagadish Sorab, Cagri Sever, Ford Motor Company
Benoit Bidaine, e-Xstream Engineering; Laurent Adam; Kurt Danielson, e-Xstream Engineering; Gilles Robert, Solvay Engineering Plastics; Olivier Moulinjeune, SOLVAY Engineering Plastics; Roger Assaker, MSC Software Corp
Yasuhiko Saijo, Mitsuhiko Ueki, Hirokazu Watanabe, Yoichiro Tejima, Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Cente
Rolling Resistance Effect of Tire Road Contact in Electric Vehicle Systems
Ferritic Nitrocarburizing of SAE 1010 Plain Carbon Steel Parts
Development and Characterization of a Rate-Dependent Three-Dimensional Macroscopic Plasticity Model Suitable for Use in Composite Impact Problems
Comparative Corrosion Assessment of Coated Alloys for Multi-Material Lightweight Vehicle Architectures
(Oral Only)
Mustafa Arat, Virginia State University; Emmanuel O. Bolarinwa, Federal Highway Administration
Madhavan Manivannan, Vesselin Stoilov, Derek O. Northwood, University of Windsor
Robert Goldberg, NASA Glenn Research Center; Kelly Carney, NASA Glenn Reserch Center; Paul DuBois, George Mason University; Canio Hoffarth, Joseph Harrington, Subramaniam Rajan, Arizona State University; Gunther Blankenhorn, Livermore Software Technology Corp.
Joseph R. Kish, Zach Cano, Alexandra Kobylecky, Joseph McDermid, McMaster University; Timothy Skszek, Magna International
Development of a Wide Base Rigid Ring Tire Model For Rigid Surfaces
Finite Element Analyses of Stress-Strain Relations of Cast Iron under Uniaxial Compression and Tension
Quantification of Interface Thermal Resistance and Prediction of Thermal Conductivity by Observation of Stereoscopic Filler Dispersion in Polymer Composites
Development of Fuel Filler Tube with Enhanced Adhesion Paint System on Ferrite Stainless Steel for LEV3
(Oral Only)
Adam C. Reid, Moustafa El-Gindy, UOIT; Fredrik Oijer, Volvo 3P; David Philipps, Volvo Group Trucks Technology
Mohammed Yusuf Ali, Ford Motor Company; Nikhil Kotasthane, Jwo Pan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Jagadish Sorab, Cagri Sever, Ford Motor Company
Osamu Arao, DENSO Corp.
Tsutomu Miyadera, Honda R&D Co.Ltd
From Road Excitation to Spindle Forces in Frequency Domain: Linearization of the Rolling Tire
Application of Local Mechanical Tensioning and Laser Processing to Modify the Residual Stress State and Microstructural Features of Multi-Pass HSLA Steel
Transient Dip Paint Simulation of entire Car Bodies within One Day
Manfred Baecker; Axel Gallrein, Michael Roller, Fraunhofer ITWM
Jibrin Sule, Supriyo Ganguly, Cranfield University
Martin Schifko, Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & Co. KG; Hans Steiner, Caelynx; Daniela Fellhofer, Xinghua Song, Kevin Verma, Engineering Center Steyr GmbH & Co. KG; Christoph Bauinger, Technical University Graz
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 B The Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Project (Part 1 of 3) (M101) The MMLV track includes a DOE Vehicle Technologies Office keynote presentation, papers specific to the MMLV subsystems, and full vehicle test results including safety, corrosion, durability and NVH. The Life Cycle Analysis results associated with a 23.5% (363kg) full vehicle mass reduction, engine downsizing and lightweight materials, indicates a 21% reduction in fuel usage (6 mpg), 16% reduction in Global Warming Potential (CO2) and 16% reduction in Total Primary Energy vs 2013 Ford Fusion. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Organizers: Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International; Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Co. 10:00 a.m.
DOE Focuses on Developing Materials to Improve Vehicle Efficiency (2015-01-0405) Carol Schutte, Department of Energy Vehicles Technology
10:30 a.m.
MMLV: Project Overview (2015-01-0407) Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International; Matthew Zaluzec, Ford Motor Company; Jeff Conklin, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Company
11:00 a.m.
MMLV: BIW Design and CAE (2015-01-0408) Jeff Conklin, Randy Beals, Zach Brown, Magna International
11:30 a.m.
MMLV: Door Design and Component Testing (2015-01-0409) Larry Plourde, Magna International; Michael Azzouz, Jeff Wallace, Ford Motor Co.; Mari Chellman, Magna International Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Online Journal
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Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
250 A
415 B
Automotive Engineering Testing and Test Methods (M203)
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 2 of 4) (M200)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Multi-body Dynamics (Part 2 of 2) (M209)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Ride Comfort (Part 2 of 2) (M207)
The focus of this session are the tests and test methods employed in the evaluation of the performance and durability of powertrain (engines, transmissions), driveline (4WD systems, driveshafts, axles), chassis (frame, suspensions, brakes, etc.) and body components, subsystems, and full vehicle systems.
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
Multibody system modeling and simulation, rigid and flexible body modeling, loads predictions for vehicle body, frame/subframe, exhaust system, driveline, and powertrain, modeling of vehicle dynamics simulation and durability loads simulation, process considering vehicle dynamics and durability loads, data processing and analysis, loads sensitivity analyses for model parameters, design load minimization, prediction of loads effects, robust design methods, driver modeling, and system modeling.
Focusing on studies of driver behavior modeling, driving simulator techniques, vehicle ride comfort evaluation and enhancement, test/simulation correlation analysis, vehicle elastomeric component modeling, passive, semi-active and active suspension systems, suspension seat analysis and modeling techniques, the effect and control of beaming, shaking, impact harshness, brake judder and any other phenomena affecting ride comfort of driver, passengers, goods, etc
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Paul Spiteri, Oshkosh Defense; Darryl Taylor; Mike Temkin, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Paramsothy Jayakumar; Jesper Slattengren, Pratt & Miller Engineering; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Organizers: Mike Ma, Nanjing Automobile Research Institute; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; James Yang, Texas Tech. Univ.
Defect Classification of Adhesively Bonded Joints using Pulse-Echo Ultrasound Testing in Automotive Industries
Comparative Assessment of ElastioViscoplastic Models for Thermal Stress Analysis of Automotive Powertrain Component
Comparative Analysis on a Rectilinear Independent Suspension with Traditional Ones
Experimental Vibration Simulation for Heavy Duty Vehicle Seat Suspension with a Multiple-DOF Motion Platform
Mehdi Hajian, University of Windsor
Jianghui Mao, Carlos Engler-Pinto, Xuming Su, Ford Motor Co
Xiang Liu; Jie Zhang; Jingshan Zhao
Donghong Ning, James Coyte, Hai Huang, Haiping Du, Weihua Li, Univ of Wollongong
Performance Measurement of Vehicle Antilock Braking Systems (ABS)
Effect of Temperature Cycle on Thermomechanical Fatigue Life of a High Silicon Molybdenum Ductile Cast Iron
Characterisation of the Effects of Vehicle Parameter Variations on Vehicle Road Load Data
An Improved Human Biodynamic Model Considering the Interaction between Feet and Ground
Karan R. Khanse, Eric Pierce, Virginia Tech; Michael Ng, University of Massachusetts; Saied Taheri, Virginia Tech
Katherine Avery, Jwo Pan, Univ. of Michigan; Carlos Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co
Adebola Ogunoiki, Oluremi Olatunbosun, University of Birmingham
Weiguo Zhang, Zeyu Ma, Ankang Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; James Yang, Texas Tech Univ; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech
Vehicle Component Benchmarking Using a Chassis Dynamometer
The Effect of Primary Carbide Morphology Artificial Road Load Data Generation using on the Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behavior Artificial Neural Networks of Cast Alloys for Exhaust Manifolds
Ride Comfort Performance Investigation for Compressed Natural Gas Fuelled Car
(Oral Only)
Andrew Moskalik, Paul Dekraker, John Kargul, Daniel Barba, US Environmental Protection Agency
Hailong Zhao, USTB & Ford Motor Company; Carlos Engler-Pinto, Jacob Zindel, Larry Godlewski, Ford Motor Company; Yinhui Zhang, Qiang Feng, USTB; Mei Li, Ford Motor Company
Adebola Ogunoiki, Oluremi Olatunbosun, University of Birmingham
Aref M. A. Soliman, South Valley University; Mina M.S. Kaldas, IAE, TU Braunschweig
Low Cost Obtainment of Vehicle Performance Curves and Values Experimentally by Means of the OBD2 Port
Development of a Thermal Fatigue Test Bench for Cylinder Head Materials
Simulation of Vehicle Pothole Test and Techniques Used
A Comparative Study of Lumped Parameter Models for Assessing the Performance of Vehicle Suspension Systems
(Oral Only)
Julian Mauricio Echeverry, Virgilio Vasquez, Jorge Aguirre, Diego Contreras, ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico
Wei-Jen Lai, Carlos Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co
Mohammed K Billal, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.; Guilherme Carneiro, FCA Fiat Chrysler Automóveis Brasil Ltda; Renan Ozelo, Pneus Pirelli Ltda; Makarand Kulkarni, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.
Manoj Mahala, Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Clifford Chou, Wayne State Univ
A Flexible Hardware-in-the-loop Testing System for Hybrid Powertrain
CAE Based Probabilistic Thermal-Fatigue Life Assessment and Materials Comparison
On the Modeling of Tires in Multibody Ground Vehicle Simulation
Vibration Control of MR-Damped Vehicle Suspension System Using PID COntroller Tuned by Particle Swarm Optimization
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Shugang Jiang, Dharshan Medonza, James Kitchen, A&D Technology Inc.
Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Hiroki Yamashita, Univ of Iowa; Paramsothy Jayakumar, US Army RDECOM TARDEC; Hiroyuki Sugiyama, Univ. of Iowa
H. Metered, A. Elsawaf, Czech Tech. Univ Prague and Helwan Univ.; T. Vampola, Z. Sika, Czech Technical University
Durability Test Mode Design for LED Adaptive Front Lightning System by Failure Mode Effect Analysis
Simulation of Thermomechanical Fatigue of Ductile Cast Iron and Lifetime Calculation
Modeling and Feasibility Study of Nonlinear Suspension Components in Multibody Systems using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation Based Beam Elements -Application to Stabilizer Bar
Study on the Ride Performance of a Semi-Active Air Suspension Vehicle under Complex Models Based on Co-Simulation
Dae-Un Sung, Young Hyun Ryu, Soon Cheol Park, Hyundai-Kia Motors
Xiaoyang Liu, Guangchun Quan, Wescast Industries Inc.; Xijia Wu, Zhong Zhang, National Research Council; Clayton Sloss, Wescast Industries Inc.
Per Hyldahl, Sebastian Andersen, Sebastian Mikkelsen, Ole Balling, Aarhus University
Ye Zhao, Liangmo Wang, Nanjing Univ of Science & Technology; Xiangli Yang, Liukai Yuan, Zunzhi Zhang, NAVECO Automobile Co., Ltd.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
250 A
415 B
Automotive Engineering Testing and Test Methods (M203)
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 2 of 4) (M200)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Multi-body Dynamics (Part 2 of 2) (M209)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Ride Comfort (Part 2 of 2) (M207)
The focus of this session are the tests and test methods employed in the evaluation of the performance and durability of powertrain (engines, transmissions), driveline (4WD systems, driveshafts, axles), chassis (frame, suspensions, brakes, etc.) and body components, subsystems, and full vehicle systems.
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
Multibody system modeling and simulation, rigid and flexible body modeling, loads predictions for vehicle body, frame/subframe, exhaust system, driveline, and powertrain, modeling of vehicle dynamics simulation and durability loads simulation, process considering vehicle dynamics and durability loads, data processing and analysis, loads sensitivity analyses for model parameters, design load minimization, prediction of loads effects, robust design methods, driver modeling, and system modeling.
Focusing on studies of driver behavior modeling, driving simulator techniques, vehicle ride comfort evaluation and enhancement, test/simulation correlation analysis, vehicle elastomeric component modeling, passive, semi-active and active suspension systems, suspension seat analysis and modeling techniques, the effect and control of beaming, shaking, impact harshness, brake judder and any other phenomena affecting ride comfort of driver, passengers, goods, etc
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Paul Spiteri, Oshkosh Defense; Darryl Taylor; Mike Temkin, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Paramsothy Jayakumar; Jesper Slattengren, Pratt & Miller Engineering; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Organizers: Mike Ma, Nanjing Automobile Research Institute; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.; James Yang, Texas Tech. Univ.
4:00 p.m.
Integration and Interaction of Powertrain and Chassis Dynamics in a Co-Simulation Environment (Oral Only) Paramsothy Jayakumar, Denise Rizzo, Dave Mechergui, US Army TARDEC; Jonathan Zeman, Gamma Technologies Inc; Periannan Kumaran, Pratt & Miller Engineering
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Structure Optimization Method for Heavy Truck propeller Shaft Bracket (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Structure Optimization For Installation Position of Side Impact Sensor Using Frequency Response Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Bo Tan, Yu Yang, Jun Huang, Wenhui Liu, Dongqing Zhang, C&C Trucks Co., Ltd.
Zhihong Dong, Ying Sun, Guitao Zhu, Shihu Wang, Jian Zeng, Yuliang Yang, C&C Trucks Co., Ltd.
Research on Roll Vibration Characteristics of a Truck’s Front Suspension (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Design and Dynamic Analysis of Bounce and Pitch Plane Hydraulically Interconnected Suspension for Mining Vehicle to Improve Ride Comfort and Pitching Stiffness (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Changxin Wang, Wenku Shi, Jilin University; Zhijun Guo, Henan University of Science and Tech; Meilan Liu, Shangshui County Secondary Vocational
Jie Zhang, Xiao Chen, Bangji Zhang, Hunan University; Lifu Wang, University of Technology; Shengzhao Chen, Nong Zhang, Hunan University
A Parametric Multi Body Approach to Find the Key Elements Influencing the Steering Torque Applied by Rider on a Motorcycle (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Comparative Analysis of Truck Ride Comfort of 4 Degree of Freedom Rigid-Elastic Model with 2 Degree of Freedom Rigid Model (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
R. Pradeepak, Mihir Bhambri, Automotive CAE; Shafeeq Rahman, Mahindra Two Wheelers Limited
Li Jie, Wang Wenzhu, Gao Xiong, Jilin University
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00467, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00495, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00509, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
415 A
413 A
250 B
260 Portside Ballroom
Modeling and Simulation Technology for Composite Materials (Part 2 of 2) (M215)
Painting and Coatings (Part 2 of 2) (M400)
The Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Project (Part 2 of 3) (M101)
Chat with the Experts: Considerations for Effective Aluminum Extrusion Design (CHAT)
This session focuses on advances and challenges in composite materials characterizations using advanced modeling and computational technologies including but not limited to: the notion of material models and their validation (especially for crash), paradigm shifts in modeling techniques (thinking out of the metallic box), composite materials design, virtual testing and parameter extraction, and the drive towards Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) concepts.
This series of sessions is looking for abstracts that specifically address application and research on coatings for exterior body and plastics (including polycarbonate) as well as vehicle interiors and underbody/underhood. Focus will be on the 3-10 year timeframe.
The MMLV track is comprised of a keynote presentation by the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office, highlighting the significance of lightweight materials and multimaterial passenger vehicle construction, enabling engine downsizing to achieve fuel reduction and future CAFE regulations. The track includes papers specific to the MMLV subsystems, as well as full vehicle test results including crash, corrosion. NVH and Life Cycle Analysis. A 23.5% full vehicle mass reduction of 363 kg was achieved.
Product designers and engineers seeking to incorporate aluminum extrusions as part of their lightweighting initiatives should benefit from this discussion that will link the physics and chemistry of the extrusion process to the realities of successful volume part production. A better understanding of extrusion alloys and the behavior of the metal through the extrusion process will help with alloy selection, the development of extrusion geometry and optimization of tolerances.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Khaled Shahwan, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Todd Fitz, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Jim Keller, United Paint; Daniel G. Wright, BASF Corp.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International; Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Co.
Collaborative Approaches in Automotive And Aerospace to Develop a Formal Structure for the Management And Analysis of Composite Modelling and Characterization Data (Oral Only) Dan Williams, Granta Design, Ltd.
Cr-VI-free Pre-treatment for the Decorative Plating on ABS-polymers
MMLV: Lightweight Interiors Systems Design
(Oral Only) Carl Christian Fels, Atotech Deutschland GmbH
(2015-01-1236) John Jaranson, Ford Motor Company; Meraj Ahmed, Eicher Engineering Solutions
Strength Analysis of CFRP Composite Material Considering Multiple Fracture Modes (2015-01-0693) Tadashi Naito, Yuta Urushiyama, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Michael Bruyneel, Samtech s.a., A Siemens Company
Surface Activation of Thermoplastic polyolefins (TPO) for Automotive Applications using Reactive Gas Technology(TM) (Oral Only) Prakash Iyer, Inhance Technologies LLC
MMLV: Chassis Design and Component Testing
Predictive Simulations of Damage Propagation in Laminated Composite Materials and Structures with LMS Samtech Samcef (2015-01-0697) Michael Bruyneel, Samtech s.a., A Siemens Company; Tadashi Naito, Yuta Urushiyama, Honda R&D Co Ltd; Scott McDougall, Siemens PLM Software Inc.
Improved Scratch Resistant Clear Coat for High Gloss Interior
MMLV: Lightweight Engine Design
(2015-01-0733) Nichole Verwys, Honda; Jesse Fritcher, Thomas DeMass, NBCoatings
(2015-01-1238) Cliff Maki, Kevin Byrd, Bryan McKeough, Ford Motor Co.; Robert G. Rentschler, Ford Casting Operations; Brian J. Nellenbach, Rick L. Williams, James M. Boileau, Ford Motor Co.
2:30 p.m.
Effects of Packing and RUC size on ICME of Carbon FRPCs (Oral Only) Royan J. D’Mello, Marianna Maiaru, University of Michigan; Folusho Oyerokun, GE Aviation; Matthew Hockemeyer, Li Zheng, GE Global Research; Anthony M. Waas, University of Michigan
Physical Properties of Leather-Feeling Coatings for Automotive Interior (2015-01-0735) Woo Jeong Oh, Hyundai Mobis; Se yoon Pang, Samwha Paint
MMLV: Carbon Fiber Composite Engine Parts (2015-01-1239) Neal J. Corey, Mark Madin, Rick L. Williams, Ford Motor Co.
3:00 p.m.
Modeling of Long Fiber Reinforced Plastics
Challenges in Achieving Class A Finish on Carbon Fiber Composites (Oral Only) Donald H. Campbell, BASF Corp.
MMLV: Automatic Transmission Lightweighting (2015-01-1240) James Kearns, Soon Park, Ford Motor Co.; John Sabo, Dusan Milacic, Magna International
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
(2015-01-0698) Danielle Zeng, Li Lu, Jin Zhou, Yang Li, Z. Xia, Paul Hoke, Ford Motor Co; Kurt Danielson, Dustin Souza, e-Xstream Engineering 3:30 p.m.
The Post-Failure Behavior’s Prediction of CFRP Parts under Dynamic Loads (2015-01-0692) Sylvain Calmels, Benoit Bidaine, Kurt Danielson, e-Xstream Engineering
4:00 p.m.
Numerical Simulation of a Coating Sprayer Capable of Producing Controllable Paint Droplets (2015-01-0737) Sadegh Poozesh, Nelson Akafuah, Kozo Saito, University of Kentucky
Automotive Composites Crash Box for Mass Production (Oral Only) Damien Guillon, Matthieu Kneveler, CETIM; Alain Leroy, Jean Philippe Sauvaget, Roman Hillermeier, Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
(2015-01-1237) Xiaoming Chen, Ford Motor Company; Jeff L. Conklin, Robert M. Carpenter, Magna International; Jeff Wallace, Cynthia Flanigan, David A. Wagner, Vijitha Kiridena, Ford Motor Company; Stephane Betrancourt, Sogefi Group; Jason Logsdon, NHK Spring Group
Chat with the Experts: Considerations for Effective Aluminum Extrusion Design (Oral Only) Henry Bertolini, Pennex Aluminum Company LLC Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Engineering Activity
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
310 B
Advances in Instrument Panels, Seats, and Interiors (M301)
Advances in Lightweight Materials (Part 1 of 2) (M102)
Applications of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Press Hardening for Automotive Structures (Part 1 of 2) (M104)
Automotive Polymeric, Plastic Components and Composites (Part 1 of 2) (M300)
This session will feature technical presentations that will discuss new technology and industry insights in automotive interiors. Focus areas include materials, perceived quality, environmental concerns, manufacturing, safety, and durability.
This session presents the latest developments in automotive applications of aluminum castings and wrought products. The papers cover a wide range of the technical aspects including alloy development, lightweight design, process development and simulation as well as performance optimization.
This symposium provides a forum for researchers and application engineers to disseminate the knowledge and information gained in the area of advanced high-strength and press-hardening steel development and applications in automotive structures, enabling light-weight and durable vehicles with improved safety.
These sessions are seeking abstracts that specifically address the development of polymeric and composite materials for automotive interiors and exteriors, powertrain components, as well as structural and non-structural applications. Focus is on design, processes, bonding and manufacturing technologies, as well as lightweighting strategies. Abstracts on the analysis of functional performance of these materials are encouraged.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Robert Egbers, Comusa; Lisa Fallon, General Motors Co.; Sreenivas Kuchibhatla, Ford Motor Co.; Stephen M. Pitrof, Inteva LLC; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC; Ravi Thyagarajan, US Army TARDEC
Organizers: Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson Univ.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Douglas Richman; Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory
Organizers: Constantin Chiriac, Ford Motor Co.; ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors; Jason Coryell, Jatinder Singh, General Motors Co; Thomas Oetjens, Magna Intl Inc; Xiaoming Chen
Organizers: Emile Homsi, DSM Engineering Plastics; Robert Randolph Maynard, Celanese Corp.; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
A Study on New Approach of Optimization for the Automotive Plastic Interior Parts
Technical Keynote: Rise of the Machine: the Development and Use of Finite-ElementBased Structural Optimization Tools in Automotive Lightweight Design
Technical Keynote: Next-Generation Steel Developments for Automotive Lightweighting
alloy of bioplastic (PP/PA11)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Hyunkwon Jo, Youngseung Kim, Hyunchul Lee, Hyunmin Park, Suckin Song, Hanil E-Hwa
Donald Baskin, Ogin Inc.
John G. Speer, David K. Matlock, Emmanuel De Moor, Kip Findley, Colorado School of Mines
Takako Kondo, Toyota Boshoku Corp.
Multi-Material, Lightweight Vehicle Interior Systems Design
Experimental Studies on Viscoelasticity of Film Materials in Laminated Glass Sheets
(Oral Only)
John Jaranson, Ford Motor Company; Meraj ahmed, Eicher Engineering Solutions
Xiaoqing Xu, Bohan Liu, Yibing Li, Tsinghua University
Performance of Lightweight Materials for Vehicle Interior Trim subject to Low Velocity Impact Perforation
An Investigation of the Effects of Cast Skin on the Mechanical Properties of an AM60 Die-Cast Magnesium Alloy
Developing Forming Limit Curves for Advanced High Strength Steel
The Use of Intumescent Coatings with Polymer Composites for High Temperature Automotive Applications
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Gude S. Venkatesh, Acharya Institute of Technology; Ashok Mache, Indian Institute of Science
Joy Hines Forsmark, Zachary Dowling, Kelsey Gibson, Caroline Mueller, Larry Godlewski, Jacob Zindel, James Boileau, Ford Motor Co.
Jun Hu, Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University (CU-ICAR); John Carsley, Louis Hector, General Motors, R&D Center
Helena Simmonds, Sophie Cox, WMG, University of Warwick; Steve Nicholls, Jaguar Land Rover; Geraint Williams, WMG, University of Warwick
Lightweight Knee Bolster Assembly for Belted and Unbelted Occupant Restraint in a Frontal Crash
Cast Body Nodes for 2016 Acura NSX
Deconstructing the Shear Affected Zone and its Influence on the Failure of an Ultra High Strength Steel During Sheared Edge Stretching
Development of non-flammable sound absorbing materials using meta-Aramid fiber
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Mani Ayyakannu, Latha Subbiah, Mohammed Syed, INDUS Concepts & Engineering, LLC
Anthony D. Prescenzi, Honda R & D Americas Inc.
Cliff Butcher, Luke ten Kortenaar, Michael Worswick, University Of Waterloo
Keun Young Kim, Hyundai Motor Company
Lightweight Seat Design and Crash Simulations
Effect of Strain Level on the Behavior of Intermetallics and Texture of Al-Si-Cu-Mg Alloy Modified with Transition Metals
Case Studies of Edge Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Stampings
Performance of Lightweight Materials for Vehicle Interior Trim Subject to Monotonic Loading and Low Velocity Impact
(Oral Only)
Roberto Arienti; Giorgio Previati, Politecnico di Milano; Carlo Maria Cantoni, Brembo Engineering Spa; Massimiliano Gobbi; Giampiero Mastinu, Politecnico di Milano
Sugrib K. Shaha, Ryerson University; Frank Czerwinski, Wojciech Kasprzak, CanmetMATERIALS, Natural Resources Canada; Jacob Friedman, Daolun Chen, Ryerson University
Jody N. Hall, Steel Market Development Institute; Jason Coryell, Bill Wendt, Donald Adamski, General Motors Co
Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; G S Venkatesh, Visvesvaraya Technological University; Ashok Mache, Indian Institute of Science
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
310 B
Advances in Instrument Panels, Seats, and Interiors (M301)
Advances in Lightweight Materials (Part 1 of 2) (M102)
Applications of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Press Hardening for Automotive Structures (Part 1 of 2) (M104)
Automotive Polymeric, Plastic Components and Composites (Part 1 of 2) (M300)
This session will feature technical presentations that will discuss new technology and industry insights in automotive interiors. Focus areas include materials, perceived quality, environmental concerns, manufacturing, safety, and durability.
This session presents the latest developments in automotive applications of aluminum castings and wrought products. The papers cover a wide range of the technical aspects including alloy development, lightweight design, process development and simulation as well as performance optimization.
This symposium provides a forum for researchers and application engineers to disseminate the knowledge and information gained in the area of advanced high-strength and press-hardening steel development and applications in automotive structures, enabling light-weight and durable vehicles with improved safety.
These sessions are seeking abstracts that specifically address the development of polymeric and composite materials for automotive interiors and exteriors, powertrain components, as well as structural and non-structural applications. Focus is on design, processes, bonding and manufacturing technologies, as well as lightweighting strategies. Abstracts on the analysis of functional performance of these materials are encouraged.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Robert Egbers, Comusa; Lisa Fallon, General Motors Co.; Sreenivas Kuchibhatla, Ford Motor Co.; Stephen M. Pitrof, Inteva LLC; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC; Ravi Thyagarajan, US Army TARDEC
Organizers: Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson Univ.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Douglas Richman; Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory
Organizers: Constantin Chiriac, Ford Motor Co.; ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors; Jason Coryell, Jatinder Singh, General Motors Co; Thomas Oetjens, Magna Intl Inc; Xiaoming Chen
Organizers: Emile Homsi, DSM Engineering Plastics; Robert Randolph Maynard, Celanese Corp.; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Managing Complexity of Todays Automotive Interiors The objective of this panel discussion is figure out how OEMs and suppliers work together in offering Interior Products that people desire for while working within the framework of this complexity. Complexity can arise due to (but not limited to) the following reasons: Customer Demand, Cost of Complexity, Dealership System, Design Complexity caused by the Proliferation of Interior Electronics and Packaging
Development of Al-Mn-Cu-Mg Brazing Sheet Core Alloys for Automotive Heat Exchanger Units for Service at High Temperatures
Experimental Study of Edge Stretching Limits of DP980IBF Steel in Multistage Forming Process
Study of Polylactic Acid-Areca Fiber Laminated Composites
(Oral Only)
Haiou Jin, Yimin Zeng, Jie Liang, M.S. Kozdras, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory
Constantin Chiriac, Ford Motor Co.; Ming F. Shi, United States Steel Corp.
Bopaiah Ittira Biddappa, CU-ICAR Clemson Univ Int’l Center For Au; Kelly Krumm
Technology to Enhance Deep-Drawability by Strain Dispersion Using Stress Relaxation Phenomenon (2015-01-0531) Hiroyuki Yamashita, Hiroaki Ueno, Hiroyuki Nakai, Takahiro Higaki, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Moderators: Stephen M. Pitrof, Inteva LLC Panelists: Ann Bennett, IHS Automotive Timothy Boundy, General Motors Co. Ernest Minissale, FCA US LLC Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
112 D
312 B
250 B
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 3 of 4) (M200)
NVH CAE Analysis & Testing Correlations (Part 1 of 2) (M211)
Optical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Automotive Engineering (Part 1 of 2) (M204)
The Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Project (Part 3 of 3) (M101)
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
This session covers the development and application of numerical methods along with test correlation and optimization for NVH issues of full vehicle and vehicle subsystems. All structural components, subsystems and complete systems found in automotive vehicles will be considered. Topics include structure NVH, vibroacoustics, wind noise and aeroacoustics, intake/exhaust and vehicle interior noise, sound quality etc.
Key words: optical techniques; digital correlation; holography; shearography; nondestructive testing
The MMLV track is comprised of a keynote presentation by the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office, highlighting the significance of lightweight materials and multimaterial passenger vehicle construction, enabling engine downsizing to achieve fuel reduction and future CAFE regulations. The track includes papers specific to the MMLV subsystems, as well as full vehicle test results including crash, corrosion. NVH and Life Cycle Analysis. A 23.5% full vehicle mass reduction of 363 kg was achieved.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Gavin Song, AM General LLC; Nammalwar Purushothaman, BAE Systems; Luohui Long, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Sheng Liu, General Motors Co.; Kah Wah Long, FCA US LLC; Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Organizers: Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International; Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Co.
Very High Cycle Fatigue of Cast Aluminum Alloys under Variable Humidity Levels
Technical Keynote: Experimental Requirements for CAE NVH Improvement
Technical Keynote: DIC in Automotive Applications - Potential and Trends
MMLV: Corrosion Design and Testing
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Wenkai Li, Haitao Cui, Weidong Wen, Nanjing Univ. of Aero. & Astro; Xuming Su, Carlos Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co
Robert Powell, Exa Corporation
Thorsten Siebert, Dantec Dynamics GmbH
Kevin Smith, Ying Zhang, Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International
Chairpersons: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Song, AM General LLC
Substructure Stiffness Condensation for Fatigue Analysis of full Vehicle
MMLV: Vehicle Durability Design, Simulation and Testing
Wenxin Qin, Fred Zweng, Xuefeng Zhang, FCA US LLC
Nikhil Bolar, Thomas Buchler, Magna International; Allen Li, Jeff Wallace, Ford Motor Co.
Effect of Water Absorption on Tensile and Fatigue Behaviors of Two Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
Multiphase Flow Simulations of Poppet Valve Noise and Vibration
Measurement of Aluminum Edge Stretching Limit Using 3D Digital Image Correlation
MMLV: Crash Safety Performance
Seyyedvahid Mortazavian, Ali Fatemi, University of Toledo; Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM
Chenguang Li, Fue-Sang Lien, Univ. of Waterloo; Eugene Yee, Defence R&D Canada; Mike Dong, Ford Motor Co.
Xin Xie, Oakland University; Changqing Du, FCA US LLC; Xiaona Li, Yi-Hsin Chen, Guobiao Yang, Oakland University; Yongjun Zhou, Dajun Zhou, FCA US LLC; Yaqian Zheng, Bernard Sia, Christina Phillips, Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Yijung Chen, Derek Board, Omar Faruque, Cortney Stancato, James Cheng, Ford Motor Company; Nikhil Bolar, Sreevidhya Anandavally, Magna International
A Two-Parameter Model for Mixed-Mode Fatigue Crack Growth and Multiaxial Fatigue
Establishment of Performance Design Process for Vehicle Sound-proof Packages based on SEA Method
A Comparison Between Different Digital Image Correlation Based Techniques for Determining the Forming Limits of Sheet Metals
MMLV: Vehicle NVH Testing
(Oral Only)
Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.; Pingsha Dong, University of Michigan
Hiroko Tada, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Jun Hu, Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University (CU-ICAR)
Yuksel Gur, Ford Motor Company; Jian Pan, Autoneum North America Inc; John Huber, Jeff Wallace, Ford Motor Company
Lightening of automotive suspension components with iron
A Practical Simulation Procedure using CFD to Predict Flow Induced Sound of a Turbocharger Compressor
The Research on Edge Tearing with Digital Image Correlation
MMLV: Life Cycle Analysis
(Oral Only)
Misael Flores Baez, Universidad Politécnica del Valle de Méx
Weiguo Zhang, Mac Lynch, FCA US LLC; Robert Reynolds, CD-adapco
Guobiao Yang, Oakland University, Tongji University; Changqing Du, Dajun Zhou, FCA US LLC; Xiaona Li, Oakland University; Yongjun Zhou, FCA US LLC; Biyu Ye, Xinfeng Shi, Yaqian Zheng, Junrui Li, Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Lindita Bushi, Life Cycle Assessment Consulting; Timothy Skszek, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Company
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 A
10:30 a.m.
112 D
312 B
250 B
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 3 of 4) (M200)
NVH CAE Analysis & Testing Correlations (Part 1 of 2) (M211)
Optical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Automotive Engineering (Part 1 of 2) (M204)
The Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Project (Part 3 of 3) (M101)
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
This session covers the development and application of numerical methods along with test correlation and optimization for NVH issues of full vehicle and vehicle subsystems. All structural components, subsystems and complete systems found in automotive vehicles will be considered. Topics include structure NVH, vibroacoustics, wind noise and aeroacoustics, intake/exhaust and vehicle interior noise, sound quality etc.
Key words: optical techniques; digital correlation; holography; shearography; nondestructive testing
The MMLV track is comprised of a keynote presentation by the DOE Vehicle Technologies Office, highlighting the significance of lightweight materials and multimaterial passenger vehicle construction, enabling engine downsizing to achieve fuel reduction and future CAFE regulations. The track includes papers specific to the MMLV subsystems, as well as full vehicle test results including crash, corrosion. NVH and Life Cycle Analysis. A 23.5% full vehicle mass reduction of 363 kg was achieved.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Gavin Song, AM General LLC; Nammalwar Purushothaman, BAE Systems; Luohui Long, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Sheng Liu, General Motors Co.; Kah Wah Long, FCA US LLC; Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Organizers: Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International; Timothy W. Skszek, Magna International; David Wagner, Ford Motor Co.
Fatigue Behavior of Cast Iron Including Mean Stress Effects
On the coupling stiffness in closed-loop coupling disc brake model through optimization
Controlling in line 100% of large series manufactured parts 3D conformity. with below µm accuracy
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) Projects
Nicholas Meyer, Ali Fatemi, University of Toledo; Steven McCutcheon, Eaton Spicer Clutch Div; Brian Havard, William Fairchilds, Eaton Corporation Aerospace Operations
Yongchang Du, Tsinghua University; Pu Gao, Yanshan University; Yujian Wang, Tsinghua University; Yingping Lv, Yanshan University
Marc Rosenbaum, Mesure-Systems3D
Research on Mechanism of Change in Suspension Transfer Force in Relation to Low-Frequency Road Noise
Measure of Forming Limit Strain on the Aluminum Sheets Passed Through DrawBead by Digital Image Correlation
Kei Ichikawa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Xiaona Li, Oakland University; Changqing Du, Yongjun Zhou, FCA US LLC; Xin Xie, Xu Chen, Yaqian Zheng, Thomas Ankofski, Rodrigue Narainen, Oakland University; Cedric Xia, Ford Motor Co; Thomas Stoughton, General Motors Co; Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
11:00 a.m.
Chairpersons: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Song, AM General LLC
11:30 a.m.
Moderators: Timothy W. Skszek, Magna Intl. Inc. Panelists: Jeff L. Conklin, Magna Cosma International David Wagner, Matthew Zaluzec, Ford Motor Co.
On the Use of Digital Image Correlation for Studying Deformation and Failure of Lightweight Materials at Various Temperatures and Rates (Oral Only) Jun Hu, Fadi Abu-Farha, Nan Zhang, Clemson University (CU-ICAR) Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00467, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
413 A Welding and Joining and Fastening (M216) We are seeking papers related to welding and joining of similar or dissimilar materials of plastics, composites, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and conventional and advanced high strength steels. Papers related to friction stir (spot) welding, ultrasonic welding, resistance welding, arc welding, laser welding, brazing or soldering, riveting and bolting, and adhesive joining are welcome. Papers related to strength, fracture and fatigue of welds, joints and fasteners are also welcome. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Organizers: Jwo Pan; Michael Santella; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co. 8:00 a.m.
Nondestructive Evaluation of Adhesively-Joined Aluminum Alloy Sheets Using an Ultrasonic Array (2015-01-0702) Bita Ghaffari, Jonathan Dekam, Kevin Haddix, Kimberly Lazarz, Ford Motor Company; Sergey Titov, Roman Maev, Inst. for Diagnostic Imaging Research
8:30 a.m.
Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Gas Metal Arc Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens (2015-01-0708) Catherine M. Amodeo, Johnson Controls; Jwo Pan, University of Michigan
9:00 a.m.
Resistance spot welding process with pulsed current pattern to improve joint strength of ultra high strength steel sheets. (2015-01-0705) Koichi Taniguchi, Hiroshi Matsuda, Rinsei Ikeda, Kenji Oi, JFE Steel Corporation
9:30 a.m.
Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Dissimilar Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens of Steel, Magnesium, Aluminum and Copper Sheets (2015-01-1754) Wei-Jen Lai, Jwo Pan, University of Michigan
10:00 a.m.
Impact Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6061 to Dual Phase 780 Steel Using Vaporizing Foil Actuator (2015-01-0701)
10:30 a.m.
The Materials technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download
Anupam Vivek, Bert Liu, Ohio State University; Daniel Sakkinen, Mark Harris, Johnson Controls Inc; Glenn Daehn, Ohio State University
• Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers
Failure Mode and Fatigue Behavior of Dissimilar Laser Welds in Lap-Shear Specimens of Low Carbon Steel and HSLA Steel Sheets
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(2015-01-0706) Zheng-Ming Su, Pai-Chen Lin, National Chung Cheng Univ.; Wei-Jen Lai, Jwo Pan, University of Michigan 11:00 a.m.
Failure Mode and Fatigue Behavior Flow Drill Screw Joints in Aluminum Sheets (Oral Only) Seung Hoon Hong, University of Michigan; Jwo Pan; Aindrea Campbell, Xuming Su, Ford Motor Co
11:30 a.m.
Using Adhesive to Advance Fuel Efficiency of Future Vehicle Body Structures (Oral Only) Benjamin J. Meaige, Honda R & D Americas Inc. Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
310 B
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Materials, Restraints, and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 1 of 3) (M202)
Advances in Lightweight Materials (Part 2 of 2) (M102)
Applications of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Press Hardening for Automotive Structures (Part 2 of 2) (M104)
Automotive Polymeric, Plastic Components and Composites (Part 2 of 2) (M300)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session presents the latest developments in automotive applications of aluminum castings and wrought products. The papers cover a wide range of the technical aspects including alloy development, lightweight design, process development and simulation as well as performance optimization.
This symposium provides a forum for researchers and application engineers to disseminate the knowledge and information gained in the area of advanced high-strength and press-hardening steel development and applications in automotive structures, enabling light-weight and durable vehicles with improved safety.
These sessions are seeking abstracts that specifically address the development of polymeric and composite materials for automotive interiors and exteriors, powertrain components, as well as structural and non-structural applications. Focus is on design, processes, bonding and manufacturing technologies, as well as lightweighting strategies. Abstracts on the analysis of functional performance of these materials are encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson Univ.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Douglas Richman; Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory
Organizers: Constantin Chiriac, Ford Motor Co.; ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors; Jason Coryell, Jatinder Singh, General Motors Co; Thomas Oetjens, Magna Intl Inc; Xiaoming Chen
Organizers: Emile Homsi, DSM Engineering Plastics; Robert Randolph Maynard, Celanese Corp.; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Simulations of Compressive Behavior of Representative Volume Element Specimens of Lithium-Ion Battery Modules
Strategies for Achieving Material Properties in High-volume Light Metal Production: The Case of Aluminum Warm Forming
Fatigue Properties of a New Martensitic Stainless Steel for Hot Stamped Chassis Parts
Expand Your Toolkit: New Silicone Adhesive Destroys the Boundaries of the Current Design Box
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Catherine M. Amodeo, Johnson Controls; Mohammed Yusuf Ali, Jwo Pan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Felix Roeckle, Tobias Meint, Axel Weiand, Eisenmann Anlagenbau
Pierre-Olivier Santacreu, Guillaume Badinier, Jean-Benoit Moreau, Jean-Marc Herbelin, APERAM R&D
Kate Johnson, Dow Corning Corporation
Development of Possible Failure Criteria for Battery Cells under Compression
Non-Isothermal Material Deformation during Hot Blank Cold Die (HB-CD) Stamping of Magnesium and Aluminium Alloy Sheets
Corrosion Aspects Regarding the Use of Martensitic Stainless Steels in Automotive Chassis Parts
Development of Net Shape Fiber Reinforced Plenum for Electronic Limited Slip Differential
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Shin-Jang Sung, Jwo Pan, Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Saeed Barbat, Ford Motor Co
Nan Zhang, Abdelrahim Khal, Fadi AbuFarha, Clemson University (CU-ICAR)
Fiona Ruel, APERAM R&D; Pierre-Olivier Santacreu, Saghi Saedlou, Aperam Arcelormittal; Guillaume Badinier, APERAM R&D; Jean Herbelin, APERAM
Daniel Frazier, Kelly Williams, Javed Mapkar, Eaton Corporation
Simulation and Design of an AluminumIntensive Body-on-Frame Vehicle for Improved Fuel Economy and Crashworthiness Front Impacts
Formability and Strength of AA7075 Aluminum: Effect of Strain-rate and Temper
Carbon and Manganese Effects on Quenching and Partitioning Response of CMnSi-Steels
Advances In Low Density SMC for Automotive Class A Applications
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Tau Tyan, Yu-Kan Hu, Dana Sun, Ford Motor Co.; Leonard Shaner, Ford Product Development; Matt Niesluchowski, Nand Kochhar, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, Ming Shi, United States Steel Corporation
Aashish Rohatgi, Richard Davies, Piyush Upadhyay, Elizabeth Stephens, David Catalini, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Nan Zhang, Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University
Mikko Joonas Kähkönen, Emmanuel De Moor, John Speer, Colorado School of Mines; Grant Thomas, AK Steel Corp
Jeffrey L. Klipstein, AOC LLC
Fracture Prediction for Automotive Bodies Using a Ductile Fracture Criterion and a Strain-Dependent Anisotropy Model
Forming High Strength 7075 Aluminium Alloy Sheets by Integrated Press Quenching / Bake Aging Approach
Fracture Characterization of Automotive Alloys in Shear Loading
Cavity Fill Balancing Technique for Rubber Injection Molding
(Oral Only)
Kenji Takada, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Kentaro Sato, JFE Steel Corp; Ninshu Ma, JSOL Corp
Nan Zhang, Zeren xu, Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University (CU-ICAR)
Armin Abedini, Cliff Butcher, David Anderson, Michael Worswick, University Of Waterloo; Timothy Skszek, Magna International
Terry Lynn Chapin, Delphi Automotive Systems; Van Thomas Walworth, Product Research & Design Specialties
An Experimental Study on Yielding locus of TRIP780 steel sheet with Cruciform Biaxial Tension
Breaking Load Method Evaluation of Sheet AA7075
Adiabatic Heating and its Effects on the Tensile Deformation of QP980
(Oral Only)
HaiYan Yu, JiaYi Shen, Tongji University; Gang He, Hohai University
Bradford Johnson, John Henshaw, University of Tulsa; Nia R. Harrison, S. George Luckey, Ford Motor Company
Jun Hu, Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson University (CU-ICAR); Louis Hector, General Motors, R&D; Jody Hall, Steel Market Development Institute
Zinc Coated Press-Hardening Steel Challenges and Solutions
Experimental Study of Stretchability of Sheared Edge of Aluminum Sheet 6111-T4
Next Generation of AHSS Sheet for Automotive Application
(Oral Only)
Thomas Kurz, Gerald Luckeneder, Thomas Manzenreiter, Harald Schwinghammer, voestalpine Stahl GmbH; Andreas Sommer, voestalpine Polynorm GmbH & Co. KG
Nan Wang, Sergey Golovashchenko, Oakland Univ.; Quochung Le, Exvoa. Materials Testing, Calibrating and Advising Co.
D.J. Branagan, Andrew Frerichs, Brian Meacham, S. Cheng, A.V Sergueeva, The NanoSteel Co.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
310 B
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Materials, Restraints, and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 1 of 3) (M202)
Advances in Lightweight Materials (Part 2 of 2) (M102)
Applications of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Press Hardening for Automotive Structures (Part 2 of 2) (M104)
Automotive Polymeric, Plastic Components and Composites (Part 2 of 2) (M300)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session presents the latest developments in automotive applications of aluminum castings and wrought products. The papers cover a wide range of the technical aspects including alloy development, lightweight design, process development and simulation as well as performance optimization.
This symposium provides a forum for researchers and application engineers to disseminate the knowledge and information gained in the area of advanced high-strength and press-hardening steel development and applications in automotive structures, enabling light-weight and durable vehicles with improved safety.
These sessions are seeking abstracts that specifically address the development of polymeric and composite materials for automotive interiors and exteriors, powertrain components, as well as structural and non-structural applications. Focus is on design, processes, bonding and manufacturing technologies, as well as lightweighting strategies. Abstracts on the analysis of functional performance of these materials are encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson Univ.; Alan Luo, Ohio State University; Douglas Richman; Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory
Organizers: Constantin Chiriac, Ford Motor Co.; ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors; Jason Coryell, Jatinder Singh, General Motors Co; Thomas Oetjens, Magna Intl Inc; Xiaoming Chen
Organizers: Emile Homsi, DSM Engineering Plastics; Robert Randolph Maynard, Celanese Corp.; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
InCar®plus - Innovative Steel Solutions for Automotive Body Structures
4:00 p.m.
(2015-01-0526) Timo Faath, Lay Knoerr, ThyssenKrupp Steel North America Inc. Vinyl Ester based SMC Material for Automotive Oil Sump Application (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0718) G Karthik, K V Balaji, Bathiry Sivaraman, Deshpande Samar, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00468, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
250 A Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 4 of 4) (M200)
NVH CAE Analysis & Testing Correlations (Part 2 of 2) (M211)
Optical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Automotive Engineering (Part 2 of 2) (M204)
This technical session focuses on fundamental and applied research that lowers frictional energy losses and enhances reliability and durability of automotive components. The topics include, but not limited to engine and drivetrain tribology, seals, bearing and gear lubrication, materials tribology, surface engineering, lubricants and additives, computer-aided tribology, tribotesting, as well as friction, wear and lubrication fundamentals.
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
This session covers the development and application of numerical methods along with test correlation and optimization for NVH issues of full vehicle and vehicle subsystems. All structural components, subsystems and complete systems found in automotive vehicles will be considered. Topics include structure NVH, vibroacoustics, wind noise and aeroacoustics, intake/exhaust and vehicle interior noise, sound quality etc.
Key words: optical techniques; digital correlation; holography; shearography; nondestructive testing
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co.; Qingmin Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp.; Qian Zou, Oakland University
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Gavin Song, AM General LLC; Nammalwar Purushothaman, BAE Systems; Luohui Long, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Sheng Liu, General Motors Co.; Kah Wah Long, FCA US LLC; Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Development of a Novel Ultrasonic Viscometer for Real Time and In-Situ Applications in Engines
A New Weight Reduction Lighting Holes Development Approach Based on Frame Durability Fatigue Performance
The Design Optimization of Vehicle Interior Noise through Structural Modification and Constrained Layer Damping Treatment
A Quantitative Comparison between Deformation Measurements with Different Digital Image Correlation Systems: Are we Reading the Same Strains?
(Oral Only)
Michele Maria Schirru, University of Sheffield; Mike Sutton, Lubrizol Ltd; Rob Dwyer-Joyce, University of Sheffield; Oliver Smith, Lubrizol Corp; Robin Mills, University of Sheffield
Shawn (Xianggang) Zhang, FCA US LLC; Taylor Sykes-Green, Howard University; Barry (Baizhong) Lin, FCA US LLC
Ling Zheng, Zhanpeng Fang, Zhongcai Tang, Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University; Jiang-hua Fu, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.
Fadi Abu-Farha, Jun Hu, Matthew Krugh, Clemson University (CU-ICAR); Junying Min, John Carsley, Louis Hector, General Motors, R&D Center; Steven Mates, William Luecke, National Institute of Standards and Tech; Ling Zhang, Tongji Univ
Development of Si-DLC Coated Tappet for Improved Wear Resistance
A Technique for Cargo Box Tailgate CAE Fatigue Life Predictions Loaded with Inertial Forces and Moments
Optimal Design of Vehicle Dash and Floor Sound Package Based on Statistical Energy Analysis
Fully-automatic Surface Inspection of O-ring Seals
Jeong Uk Ahn, Sung Moon Choi, Hyundai Motor Company
Mingchao Guo, Weidong Zhang, FCA US LLC; Dajun Zhang, FCA Canada Inc.; Ram Bhandarkar, FCA US LLC
Jianwang Shao, Xian Wu, Na Wei, Ding Wang, Guoming Deng, Ming Xu, Tongji University
Oliver Scholz, Nikolas Doerfler, Lars Seifert, Fraunhofer IIS/EZRT; Uwe Zöller, Miho Inspektionssysteme
Surface Effect of a PEO Coating on Friction at Different Sliding Velocities
Isothermal and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Automotive Components
Development of Feedback-Based Active Road Noise Control Technology for Noise in Multiple Narrow-Frequency Bands and Integration with Booming Noise Active Noise Control System
Nitric Oxide Measurements in the Core of Diesel Jets Using a Biofuel Blend
Guang Wang, Xueyuan Nie, Jimi Tjong, University of Windsor
Andrew Halfpenny, Robin Anderson, Xiaobin Lin, HBM-nCode
Kosuke Sakamoto, Toshio Inoue, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Christian Schulz, Tamara Ottenwaelder, Thomas Raffius, Thorsten Brands, Thomas Huelser, Gerd Grunefeld, Stefan Pischinger, RWTH Aachen Univ.
Wear Properties of Car Engine Shaft in Actual Engine Environment
Time vs Frequency Domain Analysis for Large Automotive Systems
Modal Based Rotating Disc Model for Disc Brake Squeal
The Depth Limits of Eddy Current Testing for Defects: A Computational Investigation and Smooth-Shaped Defect Synthesis from Finite Element Optimization
Kenji Matsumoto, Hideharu Koga, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Yuji Mihara, Tokyo City University
Neil Bishop, Paresh Murthy, CAEfatigue, Ltd.; Karl A. Sweitzer, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.; Stuart C. Kerr, CAEfatigue, Ltd.
Yongchang Du, Yujian Wang, Tsinghua University; Pu Gao; Yingping Lv
T. Mathialakan, V. U. Karthik, Michigan State University; Paramsothy Jayakumar, Ravi Thyagarajan, US Army Tank Automotive; S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole, Michigan State University
Moderators: Qingminn Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
312 B
Automotive Tribology (Part 1 of 2) (M214)
Chairpersons: Qian Zou, Oakland University
1:00 p.m.
112 D
Chairpersons: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Song, AM General LLC
Effect of Surface Irregularities of Piston Ring and Sleeve Materials in High-Speed Reciprocating Test
Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry for Flow Analysis in a Single Cylinder Optical Engine
Yuki Ono, Kenji Matsumoto, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Akhilendra Pratap Singh, Aditya Gupta, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
250 A
312 B
Automotive Tribology (Part 1 of 2) (M214)
Fatigue Modeling / Testing & CAE Durability Analysis (Part 4 of 4) (M200)
NVH CAE Analysis & Testing Correlations (Part 2 of 2) (M211)
Optical Measurement and Nondestructive Testing Techniques in Automotive Engineering (Part 2 of 2) (M204)
This technical session focuses on fundamental and applied research that lowers frictional energy losses and enhances reliability and durability of automotive components. The topics include, but not limited to engine and drivetrain tribology, seals, bearing and gear lubrication, materials tribology, surface engineering, lubricants and additives, computer-aided tribology, tribotesting, as well as friction, wear and lubrication fundamentals.
This series of sessions focuses on stateof-the-art fatigue theory and advanced development in fatigue testing, material behavior under cyclic loading, and fatigue analysis methodology & research in the ground vehicle industry. Studies and discussions on innovative and improved fatigue theory/methods in will be discussed along with and engineering applications of CAE durability analysis.
This session covers the development and application of numerical methods along with test correlation and optimization for NVH issues of full vehicle and vehicle subsystems. All structural components, subsystems and complete systems found in automotive vehicles will be considered. Topics include structure NVH, vibroacoustics, wind noise and aeroacoustics, intake/exhaust and vehicle interior noise, sound quality etc.
Key words: optical techniques; digital correlation; holography; shearography; nondestructive testing
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co.; Qingmin Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp.; Qian Zou, Oakland University
Organizers: Abolhassan Khosrovaneh, GM; John J. Bonnen, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Carlos Carvalho Engler-Pinto, Ford Motor Co.; Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC; Zhigang Wei, Tenneco Inc.
Organizers: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Gavin Song, AM General LLC; Nammalwar Purushothaman, BAE Systems; Luohui Long, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Sheng Liu, General Motors Co.; Kah Wah Long, FCA US LLC; Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University
Chairpersons: Qian Zou, Oakland University Moderators: Qingminn Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp 3:30 p.m.
112 D
Chairpersons: Weiguo Zhang, Kuang-Jen Liu, FCA US LLC; Guangtian Song, AM General LLC
Cryogenic Treatment of SG Iron for Disc Brake Application (2015-01-0689) R. Rajendran, G. Ramanjaneyulu, T R Tamilarasan, B S Abdur Rahman University; Vladimir I. Semenov, Ufa State Aviation Technical University Fatigue Life Estimation of Front Subframe of a Passenger Car Based on Modal Stress Recovery Method (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0547) Dengfeng Wang, Rongchao Jiang, Jilin University Thermal-Mechanical Fatigue Analysis of Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Based on Fluid-Structure Interaction (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0558) Xiaobei Cheng, Xin Wang, Yang Ming, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; Zhang Hongfei, Dong Feng Commercial Vehicle Company; Ran Gao, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Study the Relationship between CP Specimen Width and the Stress Intensity Factor Value around Nugget (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0553) Yu Zhang, Weiqin Tang, Dayong Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ; Xuming Su, Ford Motor Co; Shiyao Huang, Ford Asia-Pacific Inc; Yandong Shi, Ford Motor Research & Eng (Nanjing) Co; Yinghong Peng, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00488, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00467, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Technical Sessions Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
312 B
3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
312 B
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Measurement and Analysis of Forming Limit Diagrams using DIC - Update (M199)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Forming AHSS and Light Weight Sheet Materials: Latest Developments (M199)
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques improve strain measurement efficiency and accuracy for robust formability practices by OEM and supplier companies. DIC offers improved sheet metal forming limit curve measurements and maximum allowable stampings deformation limits and is used for product and manufacturing feasibility within industry test specifications and methods. This discussion tackles DIC technology advances and revising industry standards based on these measurement capabilities.
With low mass vehicles Application of AHSS and aluminum alloy sheet materials is increasing. For their relatively lower formability and high demanding at the surface contact, stamping industry is facing many challenges, such as irregular hardening and yielding behavior, limited formability, high springback, fracture at trimmed edge etc. Experts will give latest development introduction and critical issues discussions with auto industry colleagues.
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Organizers: John Carsley, General Motors Co.; Changqing Du, FCA US LLC; Thomas Stoughton, General Motors Co.
Organizers: ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors Co.
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Measurement and Analysis of Forming Limit Diagrams using DIC - Update Moderators: John Carsley, General Motors Co.; Changqing Du, FCA US LLC; Thomas Stoughton, General Motors Co.
Automotive Lightweighting Using Advanced High-Strength Steels By Paul E. Geck To support the latest automotive weight reduction challenges, this book lays out the opportunities for alternative material use in automobiles and offers the most up-to-date design guidance in efficient architectures that use advanced high-strength steels (AHSS). Chapters include: • Overview of AHSS technology • Impediments and enablers • Example applications • Comparisons with alternative materials • Future directions and recommendations
SAE Member Price: $95.96* List Price: $119.95 Product Code: R-431 ISBN: 978-0-7680-7978-4 Published: June 2014
*Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/r-431 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied
Panelists: Fadi Abu-Farha, Clemson Univ. Edmund W. Chu, Alcoa Inc. Gang Huang, ArcelorMittal USA Mark Iadicola, National Institute Standards & Tech. Jidong Kang, CanmetMATERIALS Technology Laboratory Stephen James Makosey, Alcoa LLC Ming F. Shi, United States Steel Corp. John Tyson, Trilion Quality Systems Yuwei Wang, AK Steel Corporation Lianxiang Yang, Oakland University Danielle Zeng, Ford Research and Innovation Center
4:30 p.m.
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Forming AHSS and Light Weight Sheet Materials: Latest Developments Moderators: ZiQiang Sheng, General Motors Co. Panelists: Edmund W. Chu, Alcoa Inc. Changqing Du, FCA US LLC Jody N. Hall, Steel Market Development Institute Ching-Kuo Hsiung, General Motors Co. Andrew Larimer, General Motors Co. S. George Luckey, Ford Motor Co. Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
New book provides straightforward overview of developing area
Design of Automotive Composites By Charles Lu and Srikanth Pilla The composite design examples presented throughout this book come from the major OEMs and top-tier suppliers and are most relevant to the automotive materials challenges currently faced by the industry. Topics include: • Body Structures • Powertrain Components • Suspension Components • Electrical and Alternative Vehicle Components
SAE Member Price: $92.00* List Price: $115.00 Product Code: PT-164 ISBN: 978-0-7680-8132-9 Published: August 2014
*Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/pt-164 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
140 G
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Automotive Composites Optimization of Materials, Restraints, Structures (Part 1 of 2) (M302) and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 2 of 3) (M202)
Automotive Tribology (Part 2 of 2) (M214)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Handling and Dynamics (Part 1 of 2) (M210)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session contains papers which describe the use of modern automotive composites in structural applications. Design, process, and analytical presentations are included, as well as papers presenting results of bonding strategies and techniques. Engineers involved in the design and use of advanced composites will find this session of particular value.
This technical session focuses on fundamental and applied research that lowers frictional energy losses and enhances reliability and durability of automotive components. The topics include, but not limited to engine and drivetrain tribology, seals, bearing and gear lubrication, materials tribology, surface engineering, lubricants and additives, computer-aided tribology, tribotesting, as well as friction, wear and lubrication fundamentals.
This session focuses on analysis and enhancement of vehicle dynamics performance including handling/ braking/ traction characteristics as well as robustness and active stability under the influence of loading, tire forces and intelligent tire technology for enhancing overall vehicle system dynamics and safety characteristics and robustness. Load variations and other uncertainties, impact of system hybridization and electrification on vehicle dynamics and controls will be discussed.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Somasekhar Bobba, SABIC Innovative Plastics; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Richard Dale Tonda, SEA, Ltd.; Y Charles Lu, Univ. of Kentucky; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co.; Qingmin Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp.; Qian Zou, Oakland University
Organizers: Dongpu Cao, Lancaster University; Nenggen Ding, Beihang University; Jianmin Gu, Volvo Car Corporation; Ken Kang, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.
Chairpersons: Qingminn Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp Moderators: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Estimating the Cost Impact of Lightweighting Automotive Closures
Cutting and Grinding Fluids for Ceramics and Composites
Boosting the Friction Performance of Amine Friction Modifiers with MoDTC
Car-in-the-Loop Complete Vehicle Test Rig
(Oral Only)
Luke Deptula, Center For Automotive Research; Alaa Noah
Mark Fretz, Hangsterfer’s Laboratories Inc.
Sarah M. Lundgren, Katja Eriksson, Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB; Brenda Rossenaar, AkzoNobel Chemicals BV
Rafael Fietzek, Stephan Rinderknecht, TU Darmstadt
Mass Benchmarking Using Statistical Methods Applied to Automotive Closures
Damage Initiation and Development in Composite Disk Springs
Methodology for Predictive Friction Modeling in Direct-Acting Mechanical Bucket Valvetrain System
Vehicle Handling Prediction with Hybrid Uncertainty Using a New Analysis Method
(Oral Only)
Donald E. Malen, Univ. of Michigan; Jason Hughes, A2Mac1 Automotive Benchmarking
Seyedmohammad Shams, Peng Yang, Rani Elhajjar, Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Marcin Marek Okarmus, Rifat Keribar, Gamma Technologies Inc.; Rob Zdrodowski, Arup Gangopadhyay, Ford Motor Company
Xingxing Feng, Jinglai Wu, Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; Ming Jiang, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Tech Ctr
Influence of Mass Distribution of Battery and Occupant on Crash Response of Small Lightweight Electric Vehicle
High Speed Reactive Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) Process Simulation for Mass Production of Automotive Structural Parts
Correlation of Ring on Liner Friction Test to Single Cylinder Engine Performance
Influence of the Tire Inflation Pressure Variation on Braking Efficiency and Driving Comfort of Full Electric Vehicle with Continuous Anti-Lock Braking System
(Oral Only)
SongAn Zhang, Qing Zhou, Yong Xia, Tsinghua University
Mathieu Imbert, ESI Group / ECN
Michael A. Baumbarger, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Todd Fitz, Ryosuke Kogure, Honda R & D Americas Inc
Dzmitry Savitski, Kristian Hoepping, Valentin Ivanov, Klaus Augsburg, Ilmenau University of Technology
Cost-Effectiveness of a Lightweight Design for 2020-2025: An Assessment of a LightDuty Pickup Truck
Processing and Characterization of Biobased Epoxy-Natural Fiber ThermosetComposites
Sustainable Reduction of CO2 and Friction through Highly Wear Resistant Engine Components
Assessment of Ride Comfort and Braking Performance Using Energy-harvesting Shock Absorber
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Cheryl Caffrey, Kevin Bolon, US EPA; Greg Kolwich, FEV North America, Inc.; Robert Johnston, EDAG, Inc.; Timothy Shaw, Munro & Associates, Inc.
Bopaiah Ittira Biddappa, Johannes Falb, Clemson University; Anup Mallikarjuna Shastry, CU-ICAR Clemson Univ Int’l Center For Au; Kimberly Ivey, Clemson University; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ
Dr. Nazlim Bagcivan, Dr. Yashar Musayev, Ladislaus Dobrenizki, Dr. Tim Hosenfeldt, Dr. Edgar Schulz, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Liangyao Yu, Shuhao Huo, WenWei Xuan, Tsinghua University; Lei Zuo, Virginia Tech
Holistic Approach for Improved Safety including a Proposal of New Virtual Test Conditions of Small Electric Vehicles
FRP Mold and Panel Manufacturing for FSAE Body Panel and Driver Seat
Wear Mechanism Analysis and Life Prediction on Shift Valve for Wet Shift Clutch
Allocation-based Control with Actuator Dynamics for Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles
Andreas Teibinger, Virtual Vehicle Research Center; Christian Mayer, Daimler AG; Ernö Dux, Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge-RWTH Aachen; Gian Antonio DAddetta, Robert Bosch GmbH; Peter Luttenberger, Graz University of Technology; Jac Wismans, Chalmers University of Technology; Rémy Willinger, Université de Strasbourg
Udayakumar Rajamanickam, Anshul Singhal, Miller Jothi, BITS Pilani Dubai Campus
Yong Liu, Biao Ma, Changsong Zheng, Beijing Institute of Technology
Yu Wang, Weiwen Deng, Bing Zhu, ASCL, Jilin University; Qingrong Zhao, Bakhtiar Litkouhi, General Motors R&D Center
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
140 G
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Automotive Composites Optimization of Materials, Restraints, Structures (Part 1 of 2) (M302) and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 2 of 3) (M202)
Automotive Tribology (Part 2 of 2) (M214)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Handling and Dynamics (Part 1 of 2) (M210)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session contains papers which describe the use of modern automotive composites in structural applications. Design, process, and analytical presentations are included, as well as papers presenting results of bonding strategies and techniques. Engineers involved in the design and use of advanced composites will find this session of particular value.
This technical session focuses on fundamental and applied research that lowers frictional energy losses and enhances reliability and durability of automotive components. The topics include, but not limited to engine and drivetrain tribology, seals, bearing and gear lubrication, materials tribology, surface engineering, lubricants and additives, computer-aided tribology, tribotesting, as well as friction, wear and lubrication fundamentals.
This session focuses on analysis and enhancement of vehicle dynamics performance including handling/ braking/ traction characteristics as well as robustness and active stability under the influence of loading, tire forces and intelligent tire technology for enhancing overall vehicle system dynamics and safety characteristics and robustness. Load variations and other uncertainties, impact of system hybridization and electrification on vehicle dynamics and controls will be discussed.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Somasekhar Bobba, SABIC Innovative Plastics; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Richard Dale Tonda, SEA, Ltd.; Y Charles Lu, Univ. of Kentucky; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co.; Qingmin Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp.; Qian Zou, Oakland University
Organizers: Dongpu Cao, Lancaster University; Nenggen Ding, Beihang University; Jianmin Gu, Volvo Car Corporation; Ken Kang, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.
Chairpersons: Qingminn Yang, Federal-Mogul Corp Moderators: Yucong Wang, General Motors Co
10:30 a.m.
Research on Three Main Lightweight Approaches for Automotive Body Engineering Considering Materials, Structural Performances and Costs
Thermal Residual Stresses in Functionally Graded Materials
Mechanical, Tribological Properties and Surface Characteristics of Developed Polymeric Materials Reinforced by CNTs
Accurate Speed Control of the DC Motor for Anti-lock Braking System
(Oral Only)
Fei Lei, Xin Chen, Xiao Ping Xie, Jing Zhu, Hunan University
Farag Khouja, Shuvra Das, Nassif E. Rayess, Univ of Detroit Mercy
Salah H. R. Ali, National Institute for Standards (NIS); Badr S. N. Azzam, Cairo Univ
Bing Zhu, Jiapeng Gong, Jian Zhao, Jian Wu, Weiwen Deng, State Key Lab of Automotive Simulation & Control, Jilin Univ
11:00 a.m.
Proposed Metrological Method for Identifying Automotive Brake Discs (2015-01-0691) Salah H. R. Ali, Sarwat Z. A. Zahwi, National Institute for Standards (NIS); Hassan H. Dadoura, Helwan Univ. A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis For Grooved Friction Clutches (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0688) Wassan Abd Al-Sahb; Oday Ibraheem Abdullah Scuffing Test Rig for Piston Wrist Pin and Pin Bore (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0680) Rong Zhang, Qian Zou, Gary Barber, Oakland University; Ben Zhou, Yucong Wang, General Motors Finite Element Analysis of Transient Thermoelastic Behavior in Multi-Disc Clutches (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0676) Oday Ibraheem Abdullah, Hamburg University of Technology; Wassan Abd Al-Sahb, University of Baghdad; Abdullah Al-Shabibi, Sultan Qaboos University Effect of Surface Roughness and Lubrication on Scuffing for Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0683) Jiman Han, Qian Zou, Gary Barber, Oakland University; Xichen Sun, FCA US LLC Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00468, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00488, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00490, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
250 B
Multi-Discipline Interaction CAE Applications (M213)
Powertrain Materials and Special Applications (Part 1 of 2) (M103)
Papers should concentrate on multidiscipline CAE applications in vehicle development involving multiple type of physical problems and their coupled interactions. The multi-discipline CAE methods may address couplings between fluid, structural, thermal, mechanical, electrical, control or other systems.
This session features the latest material developments in automotive powertrain, suspension and fuel system applications with a variety of manufacturing methods.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Fan Li, GM; Robert L. Geisler, General Motors Co.; Peiran Ding, ANSYS Inc.
Organizers: David W. Anderson, American Iron and Steel Institute; Brandon M. Hance, Novelis Inc.; Michael L. Shaw, FCA US LLC; S Luckey, Ford Motor Co
The Thermal Analysis of Key Electronic Components in Drive Circuit of High Speed On-Off Valve(HSV) based on Three Cosimulation
Analysis of Time-dependent Residual Strain Relief during Solution Heat Treatment of Al Engine Blocks using In-situ Neutron Diffraction
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Guirong Zhuo, Hai Li, Tongji Univ
Anthony Lombardi, Ryerson University; Dimitry Sediako, Canadian Neutron Beam Centre; Alan Machin, C. (Ravi) Ravindran, Ryerson University; Robert Mackay, Nemak USA/Canada
Failure Analysis of Injection Molded Parts using Multi-Physics Approach
Composite Piston Pin, A New Lightweight Design Concept
Nagarjun Jawahar, Saharash Khare, Hero MotoCorp Limited
Marco Maurizi, Mahle GmbH; Roland Lochmann
A Multi-Physics 3D Modeling Methodology for Multi-Cylinder Diesel Engine Thermal Management and Fatigue Life Prediction
Development of Materials for Gear with Superior Impact Wear Resistance
Saeed Jahangirian, Ashutosh Srivastava, Seyed Alireza Hosseini, ANSYS Inc; Steven Ballard, Naiqiang Wu, John Kiedaisch, Navistar Inc
Masaaki Kawahara, Noriaki Katori, Tatsuya Koyama, Hino Motors, Ltd.
Study of Fluid Structure Interaction due to Water Splashing on the Rear Fender of Motorcycles
Effects of Chemical Composition, Heat Treatment, and Microstructure in Splittable Forged Steel Connecting Rods
Rohit Ray, Nagarjun Jawahar, Hero MotoCorp Limited
Robert Cryderman, Danielle Rickert, Kelly Puzak, John Speer, David Matlock, Colorado School of Mines; Michael Burnett, TimkenSteel
10:00 a.m.
The Impact upon Applicability of Metal Fuel Tank Using Different Biodiesel (2015-01-0521) Yong-Yuan Ku, National Chung-Hsing Univ.; Ta-Wei Tang, Ko Wei Lin, Automotive Research & Testing Center; Steven Chan, LC Fuel Tank Manufacture Co. Complete Multi-Discipline Simulation for Sloshing Noise (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0672) Douglas Marriott, Takeshi Ohtomo, MSC Software Ltd.; Tohru Wako, Honda R&D Co. Ltd. Automobile R&D Center Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
140 G
250 B
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Materials, Restraints, and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 3 of 3) (M202)
Automotive Composites Structures (Part 2 of 2) (M302)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Handling and Dynamics (Part 2 of 2) (M210)
Powertrain Materials and Special Applications (Part 2 of 2) (M103)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session contains papers which describe the use of modern automotive composites in structural applications. Design, process, and analytical presentations are included, as well as papers presenting results of bonding strategies and techniques. Engineers involved in the design and use of advanced composites will find this session of particular value.
This session focuses on analysis and enhancement of vehicle dynamics performance including handling/ braking/ traction characteristics as well as robustness and active stability under the influence of loading, tire forces and intelligent tire technology for enhancing overall vehicle system dynamics and safety characteristics and robustness. Load variations and other uncertainties, impact of system hybridization and electrification on vehicle dynamics and controls will be discussed.
This session features the latest material developments in automotive powertrain, suspension and fuel system applications with a variety of manufacturing methods.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Somasekhar Bobba, SABIC Innovative Plastics; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Richard Dale Tonda, SEA, Ltd.; Y Charles Lu, Univ. of Kentucky; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Dongpu Cao, Lancaster University; Nenggen Ding, Beihang University; Jianmin Gu, Volvo Car Corporation; Ken Kang, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.
Organizers: David W. Anderson, American Iron and Steel Institute; Brandon M. Hance, Novelis Inc.; Michael L. Shaw, FCA US LLC; S Luckey, Ford Motor Co
CAD/CAE and Optimization of a Twist Beam Suspension System
Biobased Thermoset Composites from Epoxidized Pine Oil-Areca/Coir Fibers for Automotive Applications
Simulation Analysis and Optimization of Vehicle Transient Response Characteristics under Steering Angle Input
Development of Lead-Free Copper Alloy Bearing Material with Improved Conformability
(Oral Only)
Jiaquan Chen, Yongfeng Jiang, Min Qin, Wenquan Hao, FAW R&D Center China; Yin-Ping Chang, Oakland University; Lingge Jin, FAW R&D Center China
Anup Shastry, Bopaiah Ittira Biddappa, Clemson University; Kimberly Ivey, Clemson Univeristy; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson University
Jian Ou, Qing-lin Zhang, Yong Zhang, E-chuan Yang, Mei-zhi Liu, Chongqing University of Technology
Takaaki Kitahara, Takuo Imai, Osamu Ishigo, Miodrag Perovic, Daido Metal Co., Ltd.
Energy-Absorption Behaviors of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) Plates with Hemispherical/Corrugated Force-Multipliers
Development of a Composite Intensive Prototype Vehicle Structure
A Full Thermo-Mechanical Tire Model for Advanced Handling Applications
Development of Porous Free Combustion Chamber Prototype Cylinder Head Casting in Sand Casting
Lakshmanan Palanimuthu, Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Pankaj Mallick, Univ of Michigan
Sebastian Bender, Raymond Khoo, Christoph Große, Felix M. Wunner, Tum Create Centre for Electromobility; Heong Wah Ng, Nanyang Technological University; Markus Lienkamp, TU Muenchen
Francesco Calabrese, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft; Manfred Baecker; Carlos Galbally; Axel Gallrein
Maniraj Perumal, Baskar Anthonysamy, Ashokkumar Sundaramoorthy, Hero Motocorp Limited
Observation of the Lab-Scale Windeshield Impact Test and Simulation using the Time Dependent Dynamic Failure Criterion
A Study into the Mechanical Behavior of Adhesively-Bonded Jute Fiber-Reinforced Composite
Road Profile Estimation for Active Suspension Applications
Effect of Surface Heat Treatment on Corrosion-Related Failure of the Suspension Spring
Sung Wook Moon, Byunghyun Kang, Korea Univ; Jaeyoung Lim; Byoung-Ho Choi, Korea Univ
Anshul Mittal, Anindya Deb, Indian Institute of Science; Clifford Chou, Wayne State Univ
Mustafa Ali Arat, Delft University; Saied Taheri, Virginia Tech; Edward Holweg, Delft University
Hirokuni Fuchigami, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Simulation Fidelity Improvement of H350 Lower Tibia Indices
Design, Testing and Analysis of a Novel Multiple-Disc Magnetorheological Braking Applied in Vehicles
Integrated Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics Control with Tire/Road Friction Estimation
Development of -Fe4N Phase Control Technology and Low-Carbon Alloy Steel for High-Strength Nitrided Gear
Wei Li, Yi-Pen Cheng, Lisa Furton, General Motors Co.
Liangxu Ma, Liangyao Yu, Jian Song, WenWei Xuan, Xuhui Liu, Tsinghua University
Jian Zhao, Jin Zhang, Bing Zhu, Jilin Univ
Susumu Maeda, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Atsushi Kobayashi, Honda R&D Asia Pacific Co., Ltd.; Yuichiro Shimizu, Dowa Thermotech Co., Ltd.; Masao Kanayama, Dowa Thermo Engineering Co., Ltd.; Masato Yuya, Hideki Imataka, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp.
Simplified 3D Simulation Models to 2D Plane Problems in Automotive Structure
EPOSIL® for Automotive Suspension Components, Coil Springs and High Pressure Vessels
New Slip Control System Considering Actuator Dynamics
(Oral Only)
Wenxin Qin, Sandip Datta, Weidong Zhang, Fred Zweng, FCA US LLC
Max Sardou, Sardou Societe Anonyme; Patricia Djomseu, Qip Sarl
Amir Soltani, Cranfield Univ.; Francis Assadian, Univ. of California
Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) for Optimization of Stamping Simulation Parameters to Improve Springback Prediction (2015-01-0582) Deepak Ranjan Bhuyan, Sreekanth Netapalli, Sathya Dev, Soundarya Srinivasan, Chrysler India Automotive Pvt, Ltd.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 G
250 B
Advanced Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Materials, Restraints, and Structures for Enhanced Automotive Safety and Weight Reduction (Part 3 of 3) (M202)
Automotive Composites Structures (Part 2 of 2) (M302)
Load Simulation and Vehicle Performance: Handling and Dynamics (Part 2 of 2) (M210)
Powertrain Materials and Special Applications (Part 2 of 2) (M103)
Papers with an emphasis on, but not limited to, innovative ideas to enhance automotive safety with improved material constitutive modeling, analysis method developments, simulation and pre/post processing tools, optimization techniques, crash code developments, finite element model updating, model validation and verification techniques, dummies and occupants, restraint systems, passive safety as well as lightweight material applications and designs are highly encouraged.
This session contains papers which describe the use of modern automotive composites in structural applications. Design, process, and analytical presentations are included, as well as papers presenting results of bonding strategies and techniques. Engineers involved in the design and use of advanced composites will find this session of particular value.
This session focuses on analysis and enhancement of vehicle dynamics performance including handling/ braking/ traction characteristics as well as robustness and active stability under the influence of loading, tire forces and intelligent tire technology for enhancing overall vehicle system dynamics and safety characteristics and robustness. Load variations and other uncertainties, impact of system hybridization and electrification on vehicle dynamics and controls will be discussed.
This session features the latest material developments in automotive powertrain, suspension and fuel system applications with a variety of manufacturing methods.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Jwo Pan, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Tau Tyan, Ford Motor Co.; Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation; Wei Li, General Motors Co.; William J. Altenhof, Univ. of Windsor; Sheng-Dong Liu, Generalety LLC
Organizers: Somasekhar Bobba, SABIC Innovative Plastics; Srikanth Pilla, Clemson Univ.; Richard Dale Tonda, SEA, Ltd.; Y Charles Lu, Univ. of Kentucky; Jian Tao, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Dongpu Cao, Lancaster University; Nenggen Ding, Beihang University; Jianmin Gu, Volvo Car Corporation; Ken Kang, Honda R & D Americas Inc.; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc.
Organizers: David W. Anderson, American Iron and Steel Institute; Brandon M. Hance, Novelis Inc.; Michael L. Shaw, FCA US LLC; S Luckey, Ford Motor Co
Lightweight Potential of Ultra High Strength Steel Tubular Body Structures (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Effect of Interfacial Shear Stress on Flexural Properties of Wood Filled Steel Tube (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
An improvement on Optimal Preview Acceleration Driver Model on Urgent Cornering (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Horst Lanzerath, Ford Motor Co.; Markus Tuerk, LINDE + WIEMANN GmbH KG
Ravindra Rachappa Malagi, Bharatesh Adappa Danawade, Visvesvaraya Tech. University
Yan Bai, Xiao Ren, Rui Fu, School of Automobile, Chang’an University
Development and Characterization of a Composite Cylindrical Column with an Aluminum Foam Core (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Experimental Investigation of Interconnected Hydraulic Suspensions with Different Configurations to Soften Warp Mode for Improving Off-Road Vehicle Trafficability (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Mohamed Eghfaier, Nassif E. Rayess, Univ of Detroit Mercy
Min Zhou, Hunan University; Lifu Wang, University of Technology; Jie Zhang, Nong Zhang, Hunan University Implementation and Experimental Study of a Novel Air Spring Combined with Hydraulically Interconnected Suspension to Enhance Roll Stiffness on Buses (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0652) Hui Hua, Hunan University; Lifu Wang, University of Technology, Sydney; Hengmin Qi, Jie Zhang, Nong Zhang, Hunan University Methods of Test for Balanced Value and Control over Balance Continuity in Automobile ABS when =1 (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0657) Binglu Tu; Kai Shen, Inst of Sci & Tech Info of Zhejiang Prov
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00468, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Polymers and Coatings Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Materials Modeling and Testing Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
Planned by Metallic Materials Committee / Materials Engineering Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00490, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions Materials EXHIBITORs AdvanTech International.........................438 Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC)...207 ArcelorMittal.............................................. 445 Argent International Inc...........................812 Blanking Without Dies..............................814 Caelynx: ALSIM/MERGE.........................907 Daubert Chemical Co Inc.........................813 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd............. 906 Dow Corning Corporation......................507 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Granta Design Ltd.....................................220 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Liquidmetal Technologies Inc.............. 402 Nachi America Inc......................................618 NanoFocus Inc.......................................... 606 Neuman Aluminium..................................328 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.................................................. 613P Nippon Gohsei USA................................. 309 Omen Casting Group...............................927 Saati Americas Corp..............................1047 Sandvik..........................................................413 Sandvik Process Systems.......................928 Sekisui S-Lec...............................................333 Shanghai Auto Parts T&C.......................238 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P SSAB..............................................................932 Stratasys Inc.............................................. 806 Synergeering Group LLC........................453 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Transtek Magnetics Inc........................... 700 Ubisense..................................................... 1052 Yantal Shougang Magnetic Materials Inc........................................... 200 ZEUS............................................................. 820
Materials notepads sponsored by:
SAE 2015 World Congress
Did you know that SAE’s journals accept submissions year round? There’s no need to wait for a conference to submit your technical paper for potential journal publication! The journals accept and evaluate paper submissions throughout the year without regard to deadlines. For journal submissions: • Authors must upload the review-ready manuscript upon submission (the manuscript, not abstract, is evaluated to determine whether a paper is worthy of a journal peer review) • Editors can work with authors to revise for journal quality without regard to deadlines • No live presentation or travel required Papers that are deemed appropriate will undergo a comprehensive SAE peer review for potential journal publication.
Technical Sessions
propulsion/powertrain TUE
Room No.
Page No.
Abnormal SI Combustion (Knock) (Part 1 & 2) (PFL213)
251 B
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 1 - 4) (PFL730)
252 B
Advanced Fuel Cell Vehicle Applications (Part 1 & 2) (PFL720) Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains (Part 1 & 2) (PFL710) Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (Part 1 & 2) (PFL760) All Wheel Drive (PFL620) Alternative and Advanced Fuels (PFL330) Automotive Engine and Driveline Lubricants (PFL340) Basic SI Combustion Processes (PFL211) CI & SI Power Cylinder Systems (PFL530) Chat with the Expert: Combustion Efficiency & Knock Mitigation (CHAT)
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
164, 165, 173, 174 164, 165, 173, 174 183, 184, 193 191, 192, 193 155, 156, 164, 165 183, 184, 193 151 183, 184 151 155, 156 183, 184 197
Chat with the Experts - Diesel Aftertreatment (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Model Based Controls & Diagnostics (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Powertrain Technology (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Transmission Technology Cold Start and Transients (PFL290)
4 -
410 B 140 D 413 B 412 A 411 B 414 A 251 B 331 A/B/C 331 A/B/C 260 Portside Ballroom 331 A/B/C 260 Portside Ballroom 331 A/B/C 411 C
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 1 - 3) (PFL280)
166, 167, 185, 186
252 B
151, 155, 156
251 A
173, 174
142 A
414 A
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
4 -
140 C 140 E 142 A 412 A 412 A 412 B 412 A 252 A 140 D
175, 176 166, 167, 175, 176, 185, 186, 193 166, 167, 175, 176 152 185, 186 175, 176 157, 158 166, 167, 177 196 157, 158 177, 191, 192
Combustion in Compression-Ignition Engines: Efficiency and Emissions (PFL221) Combustion in Compression-Ignition Engines: Fuel/Additive Effects (Part 1 & 2) (PFL223) Combustion in Compression-Ignition Engines: In-Cylinder Processes (Part 1 & 2) (PFL222) Combustion in Gaseous-Fueled Engines (PFL270) Control System Design & Calibration (Part 1 - 4) (PFL130) Controls for Hybrids and Electric Powertrains (Part 1 & 2) (PFL750) Diagnostic Development (PFL150) Dilute SI Combustion (Stratified Charge, EGR) (PFL216) Driveline Components/Subsystems (PFL670) Driveline Controls (PFL640) Driveline Modeling (Part 1 & 2) (PFL680) Driveline NVH (PFL660) Dual Fuel Combustion Processes (PFL261) Electric Motor & Power Electronics (Part 1 & 2) (PFL740) Engine Block Structures, Oil & Water Pumps, Intake, and Exhaust Systems (PFL580) Engine Boosting Systems (Part 1 & 2) (PFL520) Fluid Flow Measurement & Analysis (PFL140)
4 4 -
4 4 -
163 197 182 197 151 155, 156, 164, 165, 173, 174
4 -
4 -
4 -
250 A
185, 186
4 -
4 4
420 B 413 A
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 1 - 6) (PFL320)
250 C
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 1 - 4) (PFL310)
Fuel/Additive Effects on SI Combustion Processes (PFL214)
412 A
168, 169, 177 177 152, 157, 158, 168, 169, 178, 179, 187, 188, 194, 195 152, 157, 158, 178, 179 187, 188
4 -
4 -
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
propulsion/powertrain TUE
Room No.
Page No.
General Thermodynamics & Fundamentals (PFL116) HCCI (Part 1 of 2): Simulation and Experimental Studies (PFL230) HCCI (Part 2 of 2): Experimental Studies (PFL230)
4 -
4 4
313 B 259 259
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 1 - 3) (PFL170)
420 A
194, 195 187, 188 194, 195 159, 160, 168, 169, 178, 179
420 B
152, 159, 160
4 -
4 -
4 -
412 A 412 A 313 B 251 A 140 E
410 A
170, 171 194, 195 187, 188 196 159, 160 153, 170, 171, 178, 179, 189, 190
411 C
4 4 4 4 4
142 B 140 C 411 C 414 A 251 A
161, 162 153, 161, 162 161, 162 163 153, 161, 162
116 B
170, 171
116 B
180, 181
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 1 - 3) (PFL262)
252 A
SI Combustion Ignition (PFL215) SI Direct Injection Technology (PFL212) Small Engine Technology (PFL540) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Beyond 2025 Engine Development Initiatives (PFL9) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Fuel/Engine Interactions (PFL399) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Global Trends in Technologies and Requirements for On-Road and In-Use Vehicle Emissions: Control, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Compliance (PFL399) Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Model-based Development - Controls and Calibration (PFL9) Technological Developments in China (Part 1 & 2) (PFL180) Transmission Systems/Drive Unit (PFL610) Valvetrain, including VVA (PFL570)
4 -
4 -
142 B 140 D 140 C
170, 171, 180, 181, 189, 190 196 153 189, 190
331 A/B/C
420 B
180, 181
420 B
189, 190
331 A/B/C
4 -
4 -
4 -
142 B 142 B 142 A
172, 180, 181 191, 192 154
Holistic Session on Fuel Consumption and Fuel Economy (Part 1 & 2) (PFL370) IVT / CVT (PFL630) Launch Devices (PFL650) Models for Air & Exhaust Management and Air-Borne Noise (PFL111) Models for CI Combustion and Emissions (PFL113) Models for SI Combustion and Emissions (PFL112) Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 1 - 5) (PFL120) Multi-domain Models for Mechanical, Fluid, and Thermal Engine Systems (PFL115) New CI & SI Engines and Components (PFL510) Partially Premixed Compression Ignition, PPCI (Part 1 & 2) (PFL250) Physical Plant Models for Controls (PFL114) Powertrain Actuators and Sensors (PFL560) Powertrain NVH (Part 1 & 2) (PFL550) Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 1 of 2): Combustion Chamber (PFL160) Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 2 of 2) Engine and Transmission Cooling (PFL160)
4 -
4 -
The purpose of these sessions is to provide an open exchange of ideas. Remarks made by participants or members of the audience cannot be quoted or attributed to the individual or their company unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company. Any record of remarks, discussion, or photographs may not be used unless express permission has been granted by the individual and their company.
SAE 2014 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A
414 A
411 C
252 B
All Wheel Drive (PFL620)
Automotive Engine and Driveline Lubricants (PFL340)
Cold Start and Transients (PFL290)
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: Fuel/Additive Effects (Part 1 of 2) (PFL223)
This Session includes papers on a high efficiency rear drive unit, an on demand dry sump rear drive module with PTU disconnect and power distribution models for a multi-wheeled vehicle.
The industry continues to work on understanding the interaction of lubricating fluids with engine hardware in order to improve vehicle efficiency, durability, and performance. The Engine Lubricants Session presents a variety of papers dealing with advances in engine oils and their relationship to improved hardware performance.
This session focuses on both SI and CI combustion and mixture preparation during cold start and transient engine operation. Example topics include engine performance, emissions, control strategies and calibrations for cold start and transient operation impact on NOx, PM, HC, CO, and CO2 emissions; also including the impact of variable valve timing, spark, and turbocharger controls.
Papers focusing on fuel and fuel additive effects on classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both experimental and simulation results focused on oxygenated or bio-derived fuels, alternative petroleum formulations, fuel blends, or any other fuelrelated factors affecting engine performance and emissions.
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: John C. Collins, John A. Frait, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Ewa Alice Bardasz, ZUAL Associates in Lubrication; Jason Bares, BorgWarner Automotive; Timothy P. Newcomb, Lubrizol Corp.; Choong Fong Tang, BorgWarner Inc.; Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC
Organizers: Eric W. Curtis, Ford Motor Co.; Ouafaé El Ganaoui-Mourlan, IFPEN; Peter Moilanen, Ford Motor Co.; Hamid Servati, Servotech Engineering Inc.
Organizers: Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Song-Charng Kong; Yongli Qi, Caterpillar Inc.; Rishikesh Venugopal, Achates Power Inc.; John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Chairpersons: Song-Charng Kong, Ryan Ogren, Iowa State University
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Development of High Efficiency NextGeneration SH-AWD Rear Drive Unit
Evaluation of Long Drain Gas Engine Oil on Heavy Duty Engine Using Hydrogen Blended CNG
Effects of Secondary Air on the Exhaust Oxidation of Particulate Matter
Combustion and Exhaust Gas Speciation Analysis of Diesel and Butanol Post Injection
Nor Hairuddin Mohd Zainal Abidin, Satoshi Imamori, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Aaron Alexander, Honda R & D Americas Inc
Sauhard Singh, Anil Bhardwaj, Reji Mathai, A K Sehgal, R Suresh, B P Das, Indian Oil Corporation Limited; Nishant Tyagi, Jaywant Mohite, N B Chougule, Tata Motors Limited
Joseph Pritchard, GM Powertrain; Wai K. Cheng, MIT
Marko Jefti, Jimi Tjong, Graham Reader, Meiping Wang, Ming Zheng, University of Windsor
Beyond Driveline Disconnect - The Ultimate On-Demand Dry Sump RDM System with PTU Disconnect
Impact of Fuel Injection on Dilution of Engine Crankcase Oil for Turbocharged Gasoline Direct-Injection Engines
Effect of Operation Strategy on First Cycle CO, HC, and PM/PN Emissions in a GDI Engine
Impact of Fuelling Techniques on Neat n-Butanol Combustion and Emissions in a Compression Ignition Engine
Thad Kopp, Larry A. Pritchard, BorgWarner TorqTransfer Systems
Tingjun Hu, Ho Teng, Xuwei Luo, Bin Chen, Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd.
J. Felipe Rodriguez, Wai K. Cheng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tadanori Yanai, Shouvik Dev, Xiaoye Han, Ming Zheng, Jimi Tjong, University of Windsor
Comparative Analysis of Methods of Power Distribution in Mechanical Transmissions and Evaluation of their Effectiveness
Improving Diesel Engine Fuel Economy and Wear through the Lubricant Additive Design
Development of a Third Generation Dynamic Intake Air Simulator for Single-Cylinder Test Engines
Performance of an IDI Engine Fueled with Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Formulated from Cotton Seeds Oils
(Oral Only)
Andrei Keller, Igor Murog, Sergei Aliukov, South Ural State University
Jun Cui, Sonia Oberoi, Isabella Goldmints, Stuart Briggs, Infineum USA LP
Mark B. Murphy, Sargent & Lundy; John J. Moskwa, Univ of Wisconsin
Valentin Soloiu, Spencer Harp, Channing Watson, Martin Muinos, Sherwin Davoud, Gustavo Molina, Brian Koehler, Julia Heimberger, Georgia Southern University; Marcis Jansons, Wayne State University; Christopher Butts, USDA, ARS, National Peanut Research Lab.
11:00 a.m.
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Functional Friction as a Future Perspective in Energy Efficiency
Comprehensive Assessment of Soot Particles from Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel and Diesel in a Compression Ignition Engine
(Oral Only)
Walter Holweger, Senior Key Expert Tribology
Joonsik Hwang, Yongjin Jung, Choongsik Bae, Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 E
250 C
420 B
Diagnostic Development (PFL150)
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 1 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 1 of 4) (PFL310)
Holistic Session on Fuel Consumption and Fuel Economy (Part 1 of 2) (PFL370)
This session focuses on engine combustion and flow diagnostic development and demonstration. Examples of diagnostics of interest include, but are not limited to: LIF, PLIF, absorption/emission spectroscopy, ion probes, pressure sensors, and extractive and exhaust gas composition sensors.
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session focuses on the important topic of deposit formation and control, with three presentations considering deposits in diesel fuel injection equipment.
The focus of this session is the performance of integrated vehicle systems and the influence of driving styles and drive cycles on fuel consumption/economy. This will include how integration of vehicle components such as the powertrain, parasitics, accessories, mass elements, aerodynamics, tires, brakes, and hubs affect the overall vehicle energy and energy conversion efficiency.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Oivind Andersson, Lund University; Matthew J. Hall, Univ. of Texas-Austin; Benjamin Petersen, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Gregory Pannone, ControlTec; Shean Huff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Heidi Schroeder, CONTROLTEC; John Thomas, Brian West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chairpersons: Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Chairpersons: Essam El-Hannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Wei Zeng, Sandia National Laboratories 9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Calibration of a TFG Sensor for Heat Flux Measurements in a S.I. Engine
GDI Spray-Wall Interaction with Numerical Characterization: Wall Temperature Influence
Linking the Physical Manifestation and Performance Effects of Injector Nozzle Deposits in Modern Diesel Engines
Drive Cycle Powertrain Efficiencies and Trends Derived from EPA Vehicle Dynamometer Results
(Oral Only)
Thomas De Cuyper, Gery Fossaert, Olivier Collet, Stijn Broekaert, Ghent University; Kam Chana, Univ of Oxford; Michel De Paepe, Sebastian Verhelst, Ghent University
Alessandro Montanaro, Michela Costa, Ugo Sorge, Luigi Allocca, Istituto Motori CNR
Alastair Smith, Rod Williams, Shell Global Solutions
John Thomas, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Using 2d Infrared Imaging for the Analysis of Non-Conventional Fuels Combustion in a Diesel Engine
The Effect of Non-Ideal Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium and Non-Ideal Liquid Diffusion on Multi-Component Droplet Evaporation for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines
A Low Ash and Highly Stable Formulated Fuel Borne Catalyst with Injection System Deposit Prevention Properties
FASTSim: A Model to Estimate Vehicle Efficiency, Cost and Performance
Ezio Mancaruso, Bianca Maria Vaglieco, Luigi Sequino, Istituto Motori CNR
Joseph Camm, Richard Stone, Martin Davy, University of Oxford; David Richardson, Jaguar Land Rover
Antoine Lacarriere, Thierry Seguelong, Virginie Harle, Solvay Rare Earth Systems; Clara Fabre, Lubrizol Limited
Aaron Brooker, Jeffrey Gonder, Lijuan Wang, Eric Wood, Sean Lopp, Laurie Ramroth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2D Residual Gas Visualization in an Optical Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engine with IR Laser Absorption
Prevention of Fuel Film Formation by Ultrasonic Activation of the Fuel Impingement Surface
Engine Testing of Popular Corrosion Inhibitors at Common Treat Rates
ADOPT: A Historically Validated Light Duty Vehicle Consumer Choice Model
(Oral Only)
Hendrik Golzke, Heiko Holler, Wolfgang Friedrich, Philippe Leick, Robert Bosch GmbH; Ulrich Schoenauer, HS Karlsruhe; Andreas Dreizler, TU Darmstadt
Leonid Tartakovsky, Ran Amiel, Vladimir Baibikov, Mark Veinblat, Technion Israel Inst. of Technology
Simon C. Mulqueen, Innospec, Ltd.; Richard Chapman, Innospec Fuel Specialties
Aaron Brooker, Jeffrey Gonder, Sean Lopp, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Jacob Ward, Department of Energy
Optical Characterization of the Quality of the Diesel Injection in the Exhaust Line for DPF Active Regeneration
Impingement Behavior of Fuel Droplets on Oil Film
Analytic Engine and Transmission Models for Vehicle Fuel Consumption Estimation
Matthieu Lecompte, Stephane Raux, Jerome Cherel, Vivien Delpech, IFPEN
Ryo Uchida, Daisuke Tanaka, Toru Noda, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.; Shinya Okamoto, Keiji Ozawa, Tsuneaki Ishima, Gumma University
Patrick Phlips, Ford Motor Company
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00516, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
410 A
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
140 C
251 A
140 D
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 1 of 5) (PFL120)
Partially Premixed Compression Ignition, PPCI (Part 1 of 2) (PFL250)
Powertrain NVH (Part 1 of 2) (PFL550)
SI Direct Injection Technology (PFL212)
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
Mixed mode with auto ignition but inhomogeneous charge. Injection-controlled but with EOI before SOC. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and PPC injection strategies are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This session sets out to reflect the recent advances on the research, development and practices of Powertrain NVH treatment. The technical papers are of interest to powertrain system designers, testing specialists, NVH experts, and other individuals who evaluate and develop technologies to control powertrain NVH. The coverage includes: engine, engine subsystem and components noise and vibration; powertrain systems noise measurement and instrumentation; powertrain systems noise analysis.
Focuses on SI combustion technologies that employ direct, in-cylinder fuel injection. Topics of particular interest include incylinder fuel injection and spray studies, flow/spray interaction and in-cylinder mixture formation studies, and combustion chamber shape optimization. Focus includes “stratified” operation or other modes enabled by DI hardware, DI-specific emissions issues such as particulates and smoke, and technologies enabled by DISI (such as downsizing).
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Organizers: Adam B. Dempsey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Bengt Johansson, Lund University; Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Organizers: Mikhail A. Ejakov, Ford Motor Co.; Gang Sheng Chen Sheng, Marshall University
Organizers: Jianwen Yi, Ford Motor Co.; James W G Turner, Jaguar Land Rover; Sudhakar Das, SwRI; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Combustion Model Selection for Split Injection Spray Combustion
Effects of Aftertreatment on Semi-Volatile Particulate Matter Emissions from Low Temperature Combustion in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine
Noise Reduction in Novel Transmissions with 3D Point Contact Gear System
High-Speed Photography of Stratified Combustion in an Optical GDI Engine for Different Triple Injection Strategies
Ahmed Abdul Moiz, Michigan Technological Univ.; Sibendu Som, Argonne National Laboratory; Luis Bravo, Army Research Laboratory; Seong-Young Lee, Michigan Technological Univ.
Glenn A. Lucachick, David Kittelson, William Northrop, Univ of Minnesota
Alexei P. Popov, Department Mechanics and Machine Design; George Nerubenko, Nermar Ltd
Petter Dahlander, Stina Hemdal, Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Combustion Modeling in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Using Detailed Chemistry and Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction
Use of Multiple Injection Strategies to Reduce Emission and Noise in Low Temperature Diesel Combustion
Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on Time Waveform Analysis
Fuel Pressure and Charge Motion Effects on GDi Engine Particulate Emissions
Gianluca D’Errico, Tommaso Lucchini, Politecnico di Milano; Gilles Hardy, FPT Motorenforschung AG; Ferry Tap, Giel Ramaekers, Dacolt International BV
Wonah Park, Youngchul Ra, Univ. of Wisconsin; Eric Kurtz, Ford Motor Co; Werner Willems, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH; Rolf D. Reitz, Univ. of Wisconsin
Mohamed El Morsy, Czech Technical University & Helwan University; Gabriela Achtenova, Czech Technical University
Walter F. Piock, Bizhan Befrui, Axel Berndorfer, Guy Hoffmann, Delphi Automotive
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flow and Combustion in a DI Diesel Engine with Different Piston Geometries
Effect of Injection Strategy on Low Temperature - Conventional Diesel Combustion Mode Transition
Frequency- Dependent Hydraulic Engine Mount with Five-Parameters Fractional Derivative model in Vehicle model
Research on the Effects of Spray Hole Layout and Injection Strategy on Gas Mixture Quality of Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Prasanna Yadav, C G Saravanan, James Gunasekaran Edward, Ramesh Perumal, Annamalai University
Behzad Rohani, Stephen Sungsan Park, Choongsik Bae, Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Tech
Can Tao; Hengjia Zhu; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech.
Aimin Du, Zhongpan Zhu, Chuanchuan Chu, Mengmeng Li, Tongji University
Numerical Simulation of an Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke Diesel Engine
Investigations into Multiple Premixed Compression Ignition Mode Fuelled with Different Mixtures of Gasoline and Diesel
Diesel Combustion Noise Reduction by Controlling Piston Vibration
Split Injection in a DISI Engine Fuelled with Butanol and Gasoline Analyzed through Integrated Methodologies
Zhaoyi Xie, ZhenFeng Zhao, Zhenyu Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Buyu Wang, Zhi Wang, Shi-Jin Shuai, JianXin Wang, Tsinghua Univ
Yasunori Kanda, Tsunehiro Mori, Mazda Motor Corp.
Simona Silvia Merola, Adrian Irimescu, Cinzia Tornatore, Luca Marchitto, Gerardo Valentino, Istituto Motori CNR
11:30 a.m.
Noise, Vibrations and Combustion Investigations of Preheated Jatropha Oil in Single Cylinder Genset Engine (2015-01-1668) Chetankumar Patel, Nachiketa Tiwari, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology Study on Effect of Engine Operating Parameters on Flame Characteristics (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0749) J. Sureshkumar, UCAL Fuel Systems, Ltd.; Ganesan Venkitachalam, J M Mallikarjuna, Indian Institute of Technology; R Elayaraja, UCAL Fuel Systems, Ltd. Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00466, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00503, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A Valvetrain, including VVA (PFL570) The design, development, and testing of Valve Train and Variable Valve Actuation mechanisms, devices, and systems; and the impact and control of such systems on thermodynamics, combustion, fuel economy, emissions, noise and vibration, and performance. 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Organizers: Thomas Howell, Jacobs Vehicle Systems Inc.; Timothy Kunz, Delphi Automotive Systems; James Westbrook III, FCA US LLC 9:30 a.m.
A Fully Variable Hydraulic Valve Train Concept with Continuous Measuring of the Valve Lift Movement (2015-01-0323) Jörn Getzlaff, Tobias Dost, Thomas Lambert, Erik Lenk, West Saxon University of Applied Science
9:30 a.m.
Camless Variable Valve Actuator with Two Discrete Lifts (2015-01-0324) Zheng David Lou, Shao Wen, Jianhua Qian, Huaiping Xu, Jiangsu Gongda Power Technologies Ltd.; Guoming Zhu, Michigan State University; Ming Sun, Jiangnan University
10:00 a.m.
Technical Expert Panel: Future Valvetrain Technology and Trends There are many different types of VVA automotive architecture which have been invented with a wide range of capabilities such as cam switching, continuously variable systems and fully variable camless systems. Which of these architectures has the most potential in the future? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types? How will VVA architecture change with future regulatory and customer requirements? This exciting technical session will provide the opportunity for industry technical panelists from OEMs, suppliers, and technical supply partners to directly answer several key questions that engineers and designers are challenged with as they develop valvetrains for our future powertrains. Moderators: Thomas Howell, Jacobs Vehicle Systems Inc.; Timothy Kunz, Delphi Automotive Systems; James Westbrook III, FCA US LLC Panelists: Rob De Bruijn, Program Manger, Gasoline Engine Development, FEV Alan Falkowski, Chief Engineer - Global Medium Engine, FCA US LLC David Kehr, Manager Valvetrain Systems, Schaeffler Group USA Inc. Prabjot Nanua, Director, Advanced and Racing Engines, General Motors Co. Paul Whitaker, Director of Product Technologies, AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc.
2015 WORLD CONGRESS TECHNICAL PAPERS – PROPULSION/ POWERTRAIN The Propulsion/Powertrain technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading. HOW TO BUY: • Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price WHERE TO BUY: • SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
[email protected]
Compressed Natural Gas and Hydrogen Fuelling of a Naturally Aspirated Four Stroke Engine with One Intake and One Exhaust Horizontal Rotary Valve per Cylinder and Central Direct Injection and Spark or Jet Ignition (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0325) Alberto Boretti Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 D
251 B
252 B
Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains (Part 1 of 2) (PFL710)
Basic SI Combustion Processes (PFL211)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 1 of 3) (PFL280)
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: Fuel/Additive Effects (Part 2 of 2) (PFL223)
This session covers new production and near-production hybrid powertrains, hybrid architecture, and testing.
This session focuses on basic SI combustion processes including studies of mixture formation, engine efficiency, flame propagation, and emissions formation. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
Papers focusing on fuel and fuel additive effects on classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both experimental and simulation results focused on oxygenated or bio-derived fuels, alternative petroleum formulations, fuel blends, or any other fuelrelated factors affecting engine performance and emissions.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Michael Duoba, Argonne National Laboratory; Matthew Fleming, Ford Motor Co.; Andrej Ivanco, Clemson-ICAR; Wiley R. McCoy, McLaren Performance Technologies; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg
Organizers: Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; Ronald James Herrin, General Motors - Retired; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Song-Charng Kong; Yongli Qi, Caterpillar Inc.; Rishikesh Venugopal, Achates Power Inc.; John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Chairpersons: Caroline Genzale, Georgia Institute of Technology; Feng Tao, Cummins Inc
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
The Next Generation Voltec Extended Range EV Propulsion System
Direct Measurement and Chemical Speciation of Top Ring Zone Liquid During Engine Operation
Determine Air-Fuel Ratio Imbalance Cylinder Identification with an Oxygen Sensor
Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Polyoxymethylene Dimethyl Ethers (PODE3-4)/ Wide Distillation Fuel (WDF) Blends in Premixed Low Temperature Combustion (LTC)
Brendan M. Conlon, Trevor Blohm, Michael Harpster, Alan Holmes, Margaret Palardy, Steven Tarnowsky, Leon Zhou, General Motors
Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Barry Burrows, University of Alabama; Sam Lewis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ningsheng Qiao, Chandrasekar Krishnamurthy, Nicholas Moore, Continental Automotive Systems US Inc
Hao-ye Liu, Zhi Wang, Jian-Xin Wang, Tsinghua Univ
Chevrolet Volt Electric Utilization
Experimental Investigation of Cyclic Variability on Combustion and Emissions of a High-Speed SI Engine
In-cylinder Oxygen Mass Fraction Estimation Method for Minimizing Cylinderto-Cylinder Variations
Ignition Quality Tester (IQT) Precision Improvements from Using the Totally Automated Laboratory Model (TALM) Technology: Technology Update, Part-2: Mini Inter-Laboratory Study Using the IQT-TALM
Aimee N. Duhon, Kris S. Sevel, Steven A. Tarnowsky, Peter J. Savagian, General Motors Co.
Apostolos Karvountzis-Kontakiotis, Leonidas Ntziachristos, Zissis Samaras, Athanasios Dimaratos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Mark Peckham, Cambustion Ltd
Mateos Kassa, Carrie Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology; Andrew Ickes, Thomas Wallner, Argonne National Laboratory
Omar Ramadan, Gary Webster, Luc Menard, Aaron Wilcox, Charlie Webster, Jim Larocque, Advanced Engine Technology, Ltd.
Fuel Consumption and Cost Potential of Different Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Architectures
Impact of Swirl Ratio on Combustion Performance of a Non-Pent Roof Combustion Chamber Engine
Model-Based Control-Oriented Combustion Phasing Feedback for Fast CA50 Estimation
Measuring and Comparing the Ignition Delay Times of Diesel, Ethanol Additive and Biodiesel using a Shock Tube
Namdoo Kim, Ayman Moawad, Neeraj Shidore, Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory
Michael Clifford Kocsis, Shinhyuk Joo, Thomas Briggs, Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute
Qilun Zhu, Clemson Univ.; Shu Wang, ICARClemson Univ.; Robert Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, Hussein Dourra, FCA US LLC
Claudio Marcio Santana, Jose Eduardo Mautone Barros, Matheus Guilherme França Carvalho, Helder Alves de Almeida, Jr., UFMG
High-Performance Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design Studies and Considerations
The Impact of Cooled EGR on Peak Cylinder Pressure in a Turbocharged, Spark Ignited Engine
Real Time Combustion Diagnosis Employing Ion Current Sensor in a Boosted PFI Engine
Development of Chemical Kinetic Mechanism for Dimethyl Ether (DME) with Comprehensive Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and NOx Chemistry
Justin Wilbanks, Georgia Institute of Technology; Fabrizio Favaretto, Franco Cimatti, Ferrari S.p.A.; Michael Leamy, Georgia Institute of Technology
Terrence Alger, Raphael Gukelberger, Jess Gingrich, Barrett Mangold, Southwest Research Institute
Sunyu Tong, Haimiao Li, Zhaohui Yang, Jun Deng, Zongjie Hu, Liguang Li, Tongji Univ.
Khanh Cung, Jaclyn Johnson, SeongYoung Lee, Michigan Technological Univ.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
140 D
251 B
252 B
Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains (Part 1 of 2) (PFL710)
Basic SI Combustion Processes (PFL211)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 1 of 3) (PFL280)
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: Fuel/Additive Effects (Part 2 of 2) (PFL223)
This session covers new production and near-production hybrid powertrains, hybrid architecture, and testing.
This session focuses on basic SI combustion processes including studies of mixture formation, engine efficiency, flame propagation, and emissions formation. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
Papers focusing on fuel and fuel additive effects on classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both experimental and simulation results focused on oxygenated or bio-derived fuels, alternative petroleum formulations, fuel blends, or any other fuelrelated factors affecting engine performance and emissions.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Michael Duoba, Argonne National Laboratory; Matthew Fleming, Ford Motor Co.; Andrej Ivanco, Clemson-ICAR; Wiley R. McCoy, McLaren Performance Technologies; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg
Organizers: Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; Ronald James Herrin, General Motors - Retired; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Song-Charng Kong; Yongli Qi, Caterpillar Inc.; Rishikesh Venugopal, Achates Power Inc.; John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Chairpersons: Caroline Genzale, Georgia Institute of Technology; Feng Tao, Cummins Inc
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Control Analysis and Thermal Model Development for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Extending the Dilution Limit of Sparkignited Combustion Through Local Oxygen Enrichment of the Flame Kernel
Effects of Dual Loop EGR on Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine
(Oral Only)
Namwook Kim, Argonne National Laboratory; Jongryeol Jeong, Seoul National University; Aymeric Rousseau, Henning Lohse-Busch, Argonne National Laboratory
Michael D. Kass, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Artem Temerev, University of Tennessee; Brian C. Kaul, Charles Daw, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Ke Nguyen, Univ of Tennessee
Bin Mao, Mingfa Yao, Zunqing Zheng, Yongzhi Li, Haifeng Liu, Bowen Yan, Tianjin Univ
A Systematic Study of Kinematics and Kinetics for New Compound Power-split Hybrid Transmission (2015-01-1149) Donghao Liu, Haisheng Yu, Jiangwu Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ Performance of Naphtha in Different Compression Ignition Combustion Modes under Various EGR Rates (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0804) Jinli Wang, Fuyuan Yang, Minggao Ouyang, Tsinghua Univ Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00484, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00483, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
252 A
250 C
Driveline Controls (PFL640)
Dual Fuel Combustion Processes (PFL261)
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 2 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 2 of 4) (PFL310)
This session covers transmission and driveline controls. Session will cover topics related to controls hardware, controls software, and controls integration.
Performances of various dual fuel combinations will be discussed for both SI and CI engine types.
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session focuses on the diesel fuels made from or suplemented by oxygenated compounds.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Gang Chen, Hussein Dourra, FCA US LLC; Craig Renneker, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
A New Clutch Actuation System for Dry DCT
Investigation of Dual Fuel PCCI (PFI of n-butanol and DI-ULSD) Compared with DI of Binary Mixtures of the Same Fuels in an Omnivorous Diesel Engine
Air Entrainment in Gaseous Fuel Jets Using Particle Image Velocimetry and High Speed Schlieren Photography in a Constant Volume Chamber
Start-up and Steady-State Performance of a New Renewable Alcohol-To-Jet (ATJ) Fuel in Multiple Diesel Engines
Fengyu Liu, Li Chen, Jian Yao, Jianlong Zhang, Chengliang Yin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Dongxu Li, Chunhao Lee, Ying Huang, General Motors LLC
Valentin Soloiu, Martin Muinos, Spencer Harp, Georgia Southern University
Prashanth Karra, Thomas Rogers, Petros Lappas, RMIT University
Terrence Dickerson, Andrew McDaniel, Sherry Williams, US Navy; Dianne LuningPrak, Len Hamilton, Eric Bermudez, Jim Cowart, US Naval Academy
Launch Performance Optimization of GTDIDCT Powertrain
A Comparative Study on the Effect Quantification of Shot-to-Shot Variation in of Alcohol Induction and Addition on Single Hole Diesel Injectors Performance Behavior of a CI Engine Fueled with Madhuca Indica as Fuel
Performance and Emissions of Lignin and Cellulose Based Oxygenated Fuels in a Compression-Ignition Engine
David Cho, Rohit Gupta, University of Michigan; Edward Dai, James McCallum, Gregory Pietron, Matthew Shelton, Ford Motor Company; Ilya V. Kolmanovsky, University of Michigan
Senthilkumar Masimalai, Arulselvan Subramanian, M.I.T., Anna University
Andrew Swantek, Alan Kastengren, Daniel Duke, Zak Tilocco, Nicolas Sovis, Christopher F. Powell, Argonne National Laboratory
Lei Zhou, Eindhoven University Of Technology; Benedikt Heuser, VKA, RWTH Aachen; Michael Boot, Eindhoven University Of Technology; Florian Kremer, Stefan Pischinger, VKA, RWTH Aachen
The Active Damping Control to Reduce Driveline Oscillations for Electric Vehicles Using Wheel Speeds
Efficiency and Emission Trade-Off in DieselEthanol Low Temperature Combustion Cycles
High-Speed Spray-to-Spray Collision Study on Two-Hole Impinging Jet Nozzles
Test of novel Biodiesels in light-duty highspeed road going engine
Jae Sung Bang, Aeromec; Young-Kwan Ko; Tae-Hee Jung
Prasad Divekar, Zhenyi Yang, David Ting, Xiang Chen, Ming Zheng, Jimi Tjong, Univ of Windsor
Le (Emma) Zhao, Ahmed Abdul Moiz, Jeffrey Naber, Seong-Young Lee, Michigan Technological Univ; Sam Barros, William Atkinson, Nostrum Energy LLC
Jacob Benjamin Jeppesen, Danish Technological Institute; Jean-Francois Devaux, Jean-Luc Dubois, Arkema
Optimization of DCT Power-On Upshift Control Strategy Based on PSO Algorithm
Experimental Characterization of an Ethanol DI - Gasoline PFI and Gasoline DI - Gasoline PFI Dual Fuel Small Displacement SI Engine
Fuel Spray Tip Penetration Model for Double Injection Strategy
Emissions from a HGV using Used Cooking Oil as a Fuel under Real World Driving Conditions
Yulong Lei, Ke Liu, Yao Fu, Jilin University ASCL; Ge Lin, China FAW Group Corporation R&D Center; Bin Song, Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.
Silvana Di Iorio, Paolo Sementa, Bianca Maria Vaglieco, Istituto Motori CNR
Pascal Tetrault, Etienne Plamondon, Matthieu Breuze, École de Technologie Supérieure; Camille Hespel, Christine Mounaïm-Rousselle, Université d’Orléans; Patrice Seers, École de Technologie Supérieure
Seyed Hadavi, Buland Dizayi, Hu Li, Alison Tomlin, University of Leeds
Application of Slope Sensor in Hill-Start to AMT (Automated Manual Transmission) Vehicles
An Experimental Study on the Effects of Split Injection in Stoichiometric Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition (SDCI) Combustion
Measurement of Liquid and Vapor Penetration of Diesel Sprays with a Variation in Spreading Angle
Unregulated and Regulated Emissions from Biodiesel Fuelled CRDI SUV Engine
Hongqing Chu, Jilin University; Yong Chen, Lishu Guo, Geely Automobile Research Institute; Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen, Jilin University
Xiao Ma; Haoye Liu, Yanfei Li, Zhi Wang, Tsinghua University; Hongming Xu, Tsinghua University, Univ. Birmingham; Jian-Xin Wang, Tsinghua University
Yongjin Jung, Korea Advanced Inst. of Science & Tech.; Julien Manin, Scott Skeen, Lyle M Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories
Jai Gopal Gupta, Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology
Chairpersons: Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University
Chairpersons: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Meghan J. Borz, Pennsylvania State Univ.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
252 A
250 C
Driveline Controls (PFL640)
Dual Fuel Combustion Processes (PFL261)
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 2 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 2 of 4) (PFL310)
This session covers transmission and driveline controls. Session will cover topics related to controls hardware, controls software, and controls integration.
Performances of various dual fuel combinations will be discussed for both SI and CI engine types.
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session focuses on the diesel fuels made from or suplemented by oxygenated compounds.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Gang Chen, Hussein Dourra, FCA US LLC; Craig Renneker, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Optimal Regenerative Braking Control for 4WD Electric Vehicles with Decoupled Electro-Hydraulic Brake System
Emissions Characterization from Different Technology Heavy-Duty Engines Retrofitted for CNG/Diesel Dual-Fuel Operation
Study on spray and atomization characteristics of di-n-butyl ether/biodiesel blends in a common rail fuel injection system
Experimental Investigation of n-Butanol Diesel Fuel Blends on a Passenger Car
(Oral Only)
Yang Liu, Zechang Sun, Tongji University
Marc C. Besch, Joshua Israel, Arvind Thiruvengadam, Hemanth Kappanna, Daniel Carder, West Virginia University
Li Guan, Zuohua Huang, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ
Neeraj Mittal, Pradeep Patanwal, M Sithananthan, M Subramanian, Ajay Kumar Sehgal, R Suresh, B P Das, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity; Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00471, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Chairpersons: Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University
Chairpersons: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Meghan J. Borz, Pennsylvania State Univ.
The Study on Co-simulation based Tracked Vehicle Tracking Control (2015-01-1114) Can Wang, Bo Yang, Gangfeng Tan, YiRui Wang, Li Zhou, Wuhan Univ of Technology An Acceleration Slip Regulation Strategy for Four-Wheel Independent Drive EV Based on Road Identification (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1106) Guoying Chen, Xingjian Gu, Lei He, ASCL, Jilin University Combined State Estimation and Active Fault Detection of Individual-Wheel-Drive Vehicles: an Adaptive Observer-Based Approach (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1107) Pan Song, Changfu Zong, Jilin Univ; Masayoshi Tomizuka, Univ of California Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
420 B
140 E
410 A
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 1 of 3) (PFL170)
Holistic Session on Fuel Consumption and Fuel Economy (Part 2 of 2) (PFL370)
Models for SI Combustion and Emissions (PFL112)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 2 of 5) (PFL120)
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
The focus of this session is the performance of integrated vehicle systems and the influence of driving styles and drive cycles on fuel consumption/economy. This will include how integration of vehicle components such as the powertrain, parasitics, accessories, mass elements, aerodynamics, tires, brakes, and hubs affect the overall vehicle energy and energy conversion efficiency.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines with respect to: engine SI combustion, knock and emissions.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Organizers: Gregory Pannone, ControlTec; Shean Huff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Heidi Schroeder, CONTROLTEC; John Thomas, Brian West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Michael Bybee, Gamma Technologies Inc.; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Angelo Onorati, Politecnico di Milano; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Thermal Efficiency Enhancement of a Gasoline Engine
SI Engine Trends: A Historical Analysis with Future Projections
Modeling of Trace Knock in a Modern SI Engine Fuelled by Ethanol/Gasoline Blends
A Novel CFD Approach for an Improved Prediction of Particulate Emissions in GDL Engines by Considering the Spray-Cooling on the Piston
Kenichiro Ikeya, Masanobu Takazawa, Taketo Yamada, Shinrak Park, Ryutaro Tagishi, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Alexander Pawlowski, Univ. of Tennessee; Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Hao Yuan, Tien Mun Foong, Zhongyuan Chen, Yi Yang, Michael Brear, University of Melbourne; Thomas Leone, James E. Anderson, Ford Motor Co.
Fabian Köpple, Paul Jochmann, Alexander Hettinger, Andreas Kufferath, Robert Bosch GmbH; Michael Bargende, IVK, University of Stuttgart
Assessment of Cooled Low Pressure EGR in a Turbocharged Direct Injection Gasoline Engine
Impact of Advanced Engine and Powertrain Technologies on Engine Operation and Fuel Consumption for Future Vehicles
Fuel Economy Improvement and Knock Tendency Reduction of a Downsized Turbocharged Engine at High Load Operations through a Low-Pressure EGR System
Effects of Fuel-Induced Piston-Cooling and Fuel Formulation On The Formation of Fuel Deposits and Mixture Stratification in a GDI Engine
Konstantinos Siokos, Rohit Koli, Robert Prucka, Clemson University; Jason Schwanke, Julia Miersch, Robert Bosch LLC
Lori Lemazurier, Ecole des Mines de Nantes; Neeraj Shidore, Namdoo Kim, Ayman Moawad, Aymeric Rousseau, Argonne National Laboratory; Phillip Bonkoski, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc; Jeremy Delhom, Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Luigi Teodosio, Vincenzo De Bellis, Univ Naples Federico II; Fabio Bozza, Univ Naples Federico II-Ist. Motori CNR
Nicola Giovannoni, Alessandro d’Adamo, Universita Degli Studi di Modena; Giuseppe Cicalese, R&D CFD SRL; Giuseppe Cantore, Universita Degli Studi di Modena
Combustion Development to Achieve Engine Thermal Efficiency of 40% for Hybrid Vehicles
Engine Operational Benefits with Cylinder Deactivation in Malaysian Urban Driving Conditions
A Model for Prediction of Knock in the Cycle Simulation by Detail Characterization of Fuel and Temperature Stratification
Experimental and Numerical Investigation in a Turbocharged GDI Engine Under Knock Condition by Means of Conventional and Non-Conventional Methods
Daishi Takahashi, Koichi Nakata, Yasushi Yoshihara, Yukinori Ohta, Hiroyuki Nishiura, Toyota Motor Corp.
Mohd Abas; Ricardo Martinez-Botas, Imperial College London
Darko Kozarac, Rudolf Tomic, Ivan Taritas, Univ of Zagreb; Jyh-Yuan Chen, Robert W. Dibble, Univ of California
Francesco Catapano, Michela Costa, Guido Marseglia, Paolo Sementa, Ugo Sorge, Bianca Maria Vaglieco, Istituto Motori CNR
Condensing LPL EGR Mixer with MidPressure Loo
Vehicle Level Parameter Sensitivity Studies for a 1.5L Diesel Engine Powered Passenger Car with Various Boosting Systems
0D/3D Simulations of Combustion in Gasoline Engines Operated with Multiple Spark Plug Technology
Achievement of Diesel Low Temperature Combustion through Higher Boost and EGR Control Coupled with Miller Cycle
David B. Roth, Iago Gonzalez Tabares, Anxo Sotelo Álvarez, BorgWarner Inc.
Brandon D. Biller, Philip Wetzel, Pavan Chandras, Sean Keidel, Eaton
Michal Pasternak, Loge GmbH; Fabian Mauss, BTU Cottbus; Fabio Xavier, Michael Rieß, Marc Sens, Andreas Benz, IAV GmbH
Changpu Zhao, Gang Yu, Tianjin University; Junwei Yang, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.; Man Bai, Fang Shang, Tianjin University
Evaluation of the potential benefits of an automotive, gasoline, 2-stroke engine
Conceptual Simulation for Plug-In HEV at Early Stage of Development
A Numerical Investigation on the Potentials of Water Injection as a Fuel Efficiency Enhancer in Highly Downsized GDI Engines
J. Javier Lopez, Ricardo Novella, Jorge Valero-Marco, CMT Motores Termicos UPV; Gilles Coma, Frederic Justet, RENAULT SAS
Katsuya Minami, Yasuhiro Yoshimi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Alessandro d’Adamo, Fabio Berni, Sebastiano Breda, Mattia Lugli, Stefano Fontanesi, Giuseppe Cantore, Universita Degli Studi Di Modena
Classification of Road Type and Driving Style using OBD Data (2015-01-0979) Chih Feng Lee, Per Öberg, Linköping Univ
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 A
420 B
140 E
410 A
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 1 of 3) (PFL170)
Holistic Session on Fuel Consumption and Fuel Economy (Part 2 of 2) (PFL370)
Models for SI Combustion and Emissions (PFL112)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 2 of 5) (PFL120)
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
The focus of this session is the performance of integrated vehicle systems and the influence of driving styles and drive cycles on fuel consumption/economy. This will include how integration of vehicle components such as the powertrain, parasitics, accessories, mass elements, aerodynamics, tires, brakes, and hubs affect the overall vehicle energy and energy conversion efficiency.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines with respect to: engine SI combustion, knock and emissions.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Organizers: Gregory Pannone, ControlTec; Shean Huff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Heidi Schroeder, CONTROLTEC; John Thomas, Brian West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Michael Bybee, Gamma Technologies Inc.; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Angelo Onorati, Politecnico di Milano; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
4:00 p.m.
Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Performance of a Class 8 Conventional and Hybrid Truck (2015-01-1083) Robert L. Russell, Kent Johnson, Thomas Durbin, Univ. of California; Patrick P. Chen; Jasna Tomic, Richard Parish, Calstart Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00485, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity; Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00516, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00466, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
140 C
411 C
251 A
New CI & SI Engines and Components (PFL510)
Partially Premixed Compression Ignition, PPCI (Part 2 of 2) (PFL250)
Physical Plant Models for Controls (PFL114)
Powertrain NVH (Part 2 of 2) (PFL550)
This session covers topics regarding new CI and SI engines and components. This includes analytical, experimental, and computational studies covering hardware development as well as design and analysis techniques.
Mixed mode with auto ignition but inhomogeneous charge. Injection-controlled but with EOI before SOC. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and PPC injection strategies are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines as a plant in engine controls
This session sets out to reflect the recent advances on the research, development and practices of Powertrain NVH treatment. The technical papers are of interest to powertrain system designers, testing specialists, NVH experts, and other individuals who evaluate and develop technologies to control powertrain NVH. The coverage includes: engine, engine subsystem and components noise and vibration; powertrain systems noise measurement and instrumentation; powertrain systems noise analysis.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Daniel K. Mather, Digital-Engines LLC; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological Univ.; Bryon Wasacz, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Adam B. Dempsey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Bengt Johansson, Lund University; Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Organizers: Norbert Meyer, dSPACE GmbH; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Thorsten Pueschl, dSPACE GmbH; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH; Per Tunestal, Lund University
Organizers: Mikhail A. Ejakov, Ford Motor Co.; Gang Sheng Chen Sheng, Marshall University
Synchronus Channel Fuel Pump
Investigation on Multiple Injection Strategies for Gasoline PPC Operation in a Newly Designed 2-Stroke HSDI Compression Ignition Engine
Plant Modeling for Closed Loop Combustion Control A Thermodynamic Consistent and Real-Time Capable Approach
Turbocharger Test Bench Extension for Acoustic Measurements at Cold Environment Conditions
Philip Anderson; Mohammed Aslam, Delphi Corp; Partab Jeswani, Jeswani Builders, Inc.
Jesus Benajes, Ricardo Novella, Daniela De Lima, Universitat Politècnica de València; Pascal Tribotte, Renault
Johann C. Wurzenberger, Christoph Poetsch, AVL LIST GmbH
Clemens Biet, Roland Baar, TU Berlin (Technical University)
A Model Based Design Analysis for Gasoline Direct Injection Pump
The Effects of Injection Pressure and Umbrella Angle on Gasoline Compression Ignition at Low-Load and Idling Conditions
Model Reduction of Diesel Mean Value Engine Models
Application of Near-field Acoustic Holography to Low Temperature Engine Start-up Noise Issue Resolution
(Oral Only)
Jae-Cheon Lee, Hao Liu, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Hyun Myung Shin, Keimyung Univ.; Yong Nam Shin, Myung Kweon Kang, Motonic Inc.
Janardhan Kodavasal, Christopher Kolodziej, Stephen Ciatti, Sibendu Som, Argonne National Laboratory
Timothy Broomhead, Chris Manzie, Michael Brear, The University of Melbourne; Peter Hield, DSTO
Lingzhi Li, Yimin Yang, Fengjun Zhao, Zhi Zhang, Hailong Cheng, Hangsheng Hou, China FAW Co., Ltd. R & D Center
Volumetric Efficiency Improvement of High Pressure Fuel Pump for Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Achieving Stable Engine Operation of Gasoline Compression Ignition Using 87 AKI Gasoline Down to Idle
Study on the Correlation between the Heat Release Rate and Vibrations from a Diesel Engine Block
Shunsuke Aritomi, Hiroyasu Kuniyoshi, Hitachi, Ltd.; Kenichirou Tokuo, Satoshi Usui, Atsuji Saito, Yuta Saso, Hitachi Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
Christopher Kolodziej, Janardhan Kodavasal, Stephen Ciatti, Sibendu Som, Neeraj Shidore, Jeremy Delhom, Argonne National Laboratory
Seunghyun Lee, Yoonwoo Lee, Sungmoon Lee, Han Ho Song, Kyoungdoug Min, Seoul National Univ; Hoimyung Choi, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Tech
The New Toyota 1.2-Liter ESTEC Turbocharged Direct Injection Gasoline Engine
GDCI Multi-Cylinder Engine for High Fuel Efficiency and Low Emissions
A Unified CAE Framework for Assessing an IC Engine Design
Tomohiro Shinagawa, Masahito Kudo, Wataru Matsubara, Takashi Kawai, Toyota Motor Corp.
Mark Sellnau, Wayne Moore, James Sinnamon, Kevin Hoyer, Matthew Foster, Harry Husted, Delphi Powertrain
Amardeep Singh, Anindya Deb, Amit Mohan Mensi, Ranga Srinivas Gunti, Indian Institute of Science
Development of the Combustion System for General Motors High-Efficiency Range Extender Ecotec Small Gas Engine
New Low Packaging Acoustic Solution for Air Intake Line
Jeffrey Jocsak, David White, Cedric Armand, Richard S. Davis, General Motors Company
Nicolas Arnault, Adrien Baudet, Nicolas Becker, SOGEFI Group
Demands on future timing drives Chain and Belt in Competition
Technique for Predicting Powertrain SelfExcited Vibration at Vehicle Start-Up
Wolfgang Johann Schoeffmann, Caroline Truffinet, Michael Howlett, Norbert Ausserhofer, Andreas Zurk, AVL LIST GmbH
Takashi Hoshi, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Piston Design Impact on the Scavenging and Combustion in an Opposed-Piston Opposed Cylinder (OPOC) Two-Stroke Engine (2015-01-1269) Ming Huo, Yuexin Huang, Peter Hofbauer, EcoMotors, Inc.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 B
4:30 p.m.
140 C
411 C
251 A
New CI & SI Engines and Components (PFL510)
Partially Premixed Compression Ignition, PPCI (Part 2 of 2) (PFL250)
Physical Plant Models for Controls (PFL114)
Powertrain NVH (Part 2 of 2) (PFL550)
This session covers topics regarding new CI and SI engines and components. This includes analytical, experimental, and computational studies covering hardware development as well as design and analysis techniques.
Mixed mode with auto ignition but inhomogeneous charge. Injection-controlled but with EOI before SOC. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and PPC injection strategies are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines as a plant in engine controls
This session sets out to reflect the recent advances on the research, development and practices of Powertrain NVH treatment. The technical papers are of interest to powertrain system designers, testing specialists, NVH experts, and other individuals who evaluate and develop technologies to control powertrain NVH. The coverage includes: engine, engine subsystem and components noise and vibration; powertrain systems noise measurement and instrumentation; powertrain systems noise analysis.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Daniel K. Mather, Digital-Engines LLC; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological Univ.; Bryon Wasacz, FCA US LLC
Organizers: Adam B. Dempsey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Bengt Johansson, Lund University; Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Organizers: Norbert Meyer, dSPACE GmbH; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Thorsten Pueschl, dSPACE GmbH; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH; Per Tunestal, Lund University
Organizers: Mikhail A. Ejakov, Ford Motor Co.; Gang Sheng Chen Sheng, Marshall University
Scheme Design and Performance Simulation of Opposed-Piston Two-Stroke Gasoline Direct Injection Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Cylinder by Cylinder Indicated Torque and Combustion Feature Estimation Based on Engine Instantaneous Speed and One Cylinder Pressure through Error Similarity Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Multi-objective Optimization of the PMS Based on Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Fukang Ma, Changlu Zhao, Shuanlu Zhang, Hao Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Jinli Wang, Fuyuan Yang, Minggao Ouyang, Tsinghua Univ
Yongfu Chen, Zhengfei Tang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Spark ignition Circuit Energy Characterization Based on a Simplified Model and Measurement Analysis (2015-01-1271) Qingyuan Tan, Shui Yu, Xiang Chen, Ming Zheng, Univ of Windsor
Design and Simulation of Opposed-piston Four-stroke Free-piston Linear Generator (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1277) Hao Yan, Dengqiang Wang, Zhaoping Xu, Nanjing Univ. of Sci. and Tech. Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00514, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00503, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Tuesday, April 21 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
411 C
414 A
331 A/B/C
260 Portside Ballroom
Multi-domain Models for Mechanical, Fluid, and Thermal Engine Systems (PFL115)
Powertrain Actuators and Sensors (PFL560)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Beyond 2025 Engine Development Initiatives (PFL9)
Chat with the Experts - Diesel Aftertreatment (CHAT)
This session focuses on modelling the performance of complex engine systems through consideration of mechanical, fluid, and thermal effects.
Topics cover actuator and sensor mechanisms, devices, and systems; and the impact and control of such actuation and sensing systems on Powertrain thermodynamics, combustion, fuel economy, emissions, and performance.
The automotive industry is deeply involved in extensive research and development effort to define technologies to meet the challenges set forth in the 2025 fuel economy standards. While most believe the technological challenge is achievable but that the solution will require the integration of multiple discrete technologies. As the industry advances through the development of each of these discrete technologies, one simple question has begun to surface - can it take us beyond 2025?
An overview of the diesel emission control technologies for the next generation of engines (5 10 years from start of production) will be presented. The discussion will cover the direction of the industry and regulatory trends and the impact of these on the emission control technologies that will be required.
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Diana Dascalescu, Ricardo Inc.; Bradford L. Lynch, Gamma Technologies Inc.; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Organizers: Steve Thomson, Delphi Corp.
Organizers: Chris Middlemass, Whitney Liftig, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
Organizers: Praveen Chavannavar, NGK Automotive Ceramics USA Inc.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Simulation Study of Hydraulic Differential Drive Free-piston Engine (2015-01-1300) Shuanlu Zhang, Changlu Zhao, ZhenFeng Zhao, Dong Yafei, Fukang Ma, Beijing Institute of Technology
2:30 p.m.
Method for Determining Thermal Resistances in Coupled Simulator for Electric Valve Timing Control System
Knock Sensor using Internal Glue Adhesive Technology
(Oral Only)
Naoki Yoneya, Masaru Yamasaki, Hitachi, Ltd.; Atsushi Yamanaka, Kentaro Mikawa, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.; Hidefumi Iwaki, Hitachi Car Engineering Co., Ltd.; Isao Doi, Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.
Jeroen Van Est, Continental Automotive France; Neil Carpenter, Continental Automotive Systems Co Ltd
3:00 p.m.
Towards an industrial Automotive Onboard Fuel Quality Sensor (2015-01-1293) Eric Hermitte, Alain Lunati, SP3H
3:30 p.m.
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Beyond 2025 Engine Development Initiatives Moderator: Lindsay Brooke, SAE International
4:00 p.m.
Panelists: Christopher Atkinson, ARPA-E Marc Sens, IAV GmbH Matti Vint, Valeo Robert Bienenfeld, Honda Motor Co. Tom Grissom, BorgWarner Turbo Systems
4:30 p.m.
Diesel Aftertreatment (Oral Only) Claus Dieter Vogt, NGK Europe GmbH; Thomas Harris, John Deere Product Engineering Center
Numerical Simulation of the Gas Flow Through the Piston Ring Pack of an Internal Combustion Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1302) Alexander Oliva, Stefan Held, Anatoli Herdt, Georg Wachtmeister, TU Muenchen Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 B
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
252 B
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Abnormal SI Combustion (Knock) (Part 1 of 2) (PFL213)
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 1 of 4) (PFL730)
Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains (Part 2 of 2) (PFL710)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 2 of 3) (PFL280)
This session focuses on abnormal SI combustion processes including spark knock and preignition. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation. Part 1 of 2: Knock
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/cost reduction, and system integration/optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
This session covers new production and near-production hybrid powertrains, hybrid architecture, and testing.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; John O. Waldman, General Motors Co.; Lurun Zhong, FCA US LLC
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Michael Duoba, Argonne National Laboratory; Matthew Fleming, Ford Motor Co.; Andrej Ivanco, Clemson-ICAR; Wiley R. McCoy, McLaren Performance Technologies; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Flame Contour Analysis through UV-Visible Imaging during Regular and Abnormal Combustion in a DISI Engine (2015-01-0754) Simona Silvia Merola, Adrian Irimescu, Luca Marchitto, Cinzia Tornatore, Gerardo Valentino, Istituto Motori CNR
Estimating the Power Limit of a Lithium Battery Pack by Considering Cell Variability
Potentials of a 48 Volt Belt-StarterGenerator in the Powertrain of an UltraLight Vehicle (2015-01-1155) Robert Steffan, Peter Hofmann, Bernhard Geringer, Vienna University of Technology
A Study of a Multistage Injection Mechanism for Improving the Combustion of Direct-Injection Gasoline Engines (2015-01-0883) Yoshihiro Imaoka, Kiyotaka Shouji, Takao Inoue, Toru Noda, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Development of Highly Durable Optical Probe for Combustion Measurement
Validation of Vibration Test for Lithium-ion Battery Pack in Electric Vehicles
Threshold Optimization and Performance Evaluation of a Classical Knock Controller
(2015-01-0759) Tetsuya Nagai, Ryoji Hiraoka, Nobuyuki Iwai, Shimadzu Corporation; Mitsuru Kowada, Isao Azumagakito, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
(2015-01-1195) Kiyotaka Maeda, Masashi Takahashi, Japan Automobile Research Institute
Development and Validation of A High Fidelity Distributed Loss Powersplit Transaxle Model (2015-01-1153) Kingsly Samuel, David Brigham, Mark Jennings, Ford Motor Company
Study of Knocking Damage Indexing Based on Optical Measurement
Model Development and Simulations of 12V Dual Batteries towards Design Optimization of Microhybrid Vehicles (2015-01-1199) Zhenli Zhang, Johnson Controls; Anthony Rick, Brian Sisk, Johnson Controls Power Solutions
Predictive Control of a Power-Split HEV with Fuel Consumption and SOC Estimation
A Model-Based Injection-Timing Strategy for Combustion-Timing Control
(2015-01-1161) Lei Feng, Ming Cheng, Bo Chen, Michigan Technological Univ.
(2015-01-0870) Gabriel Ingesson, Lianhao Yin, Rolf Johansson, Per Tunestal, Lund University
Experimental Investigation on Early and Late Intake Valve Closures for Knock Mitigation through Miller Cycle in a Downsized Turbocharged Engine (2015-01-0760) Sabino Luisi, Vittorio Doria, Andrea Stroppiana, CRF Spca; Federico Millo, Mohsen Mirzaeian, Politecnico di Torino
Effect of Current and SOC on RoundTrip Energy Efficiency of a Lithium-Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery Pack
A Simulation Based Analysis of 12V and 48V Microhybrid Systems Across Vehicle Segments and Drive Cycles
HRR and MFB50 Estimation in a Euro 6 Diesel Engine by means of Control-Oriented Predictive Models
(2015-01-1186) Michael Safoutin, Jeff Cherry, Joseph McDonald, SoDuk Lee, US Environmental Protection Agency
(2015-01-1151) Anthony Rick, Brian Sisk, Johnson Controls Power Solutions
(2015-01-0879) Roberto Finesso, Ezio Spessa, Yixin Yang, Politecnico di Torino; Vincenzo Alfieri, Giuseppe Conte, General Motors Powertrain Europe Srl
Validation of Turbulent Combustion and Knocking Simulation in Spark-Ignition Engines Used Reduced Chemical Kinetics
Integrating Thermal and Electrochemical Modeling of Lithium-ion Batteries to Optimize Requirements Compliance
Virtual Cylinder Pressure Sensor for Transient Operation in Heavy-Duty Engines
(2015-01-0750) Shinrak Park, Tetsuji Furukawa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
(2015-01-1185) Brian Sisk, Timur Aliyev, Zhenli Zhang, Zhihong Jin, Negin Salami, Kem Obasih, Anthony Rick, Johnson Controls Power Solutions
Using Finite-Element Analysis Results and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays to Accelerate Hybrid Powertrain Controller Validation (2015-01-1154) Benjamin Black, National Instruments; Tomohiro Morita, Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd.; Yusuke Minami, National Instruments Japan; David Farnia, JSOL Corporation
A Simple Method to Predict Knock Using Toluene, N-Heptane and Iso-Octane Blends (TPRF) as Gasoline Surrogates
How to Extend Automotive Battery Life with Hybrid Energy Storage Systems
Evaluating the Performance Improvement of Different Pneumatic Hybrid Boost Systems and Their Ability to Reduce Turbo-Lag
(2015-01-0757) Gautam Kalghatgi, Hassan Babiker, Jihad Badra, Saudi Aramco
(Oral Only) Thomas Puza, Maxwell Engineering
(2015-01-1159) Ran Bao, Richard Stobart, Loughborough Universtity
Input Adaptation for Control Oriented Physics-Based SI Engine Combustion Models Based on Cylinder Pressure Feedback (2015-01-0877) Shu Wang, ICAR-Clemson Univ.; Qilun Zhu, Clemson Univ.; Robert Prucka, ICARClemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, Hussein Dourra, FCA US LLC
(2015-01-0762) Mitsuru Kowada, Isao Azumagakito, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Tetsuya Nagai, Nobuyuki Iwai, Ryoji Hiraoka, Shimadzu Corporation 9:30 a.m.
140 D
(2015-01-1181) Zhihong Jin, Zhenli Zhang, Timur Aliyev, Anthony Rick, Brian Sisk, Johnson Controls Power Solutions
(2015-01-0871) James C. Peyton Jones, Jesse Frey, Villanova University
(2015-01-0872) Serkan Kulah, TNO Automotive; Tijs Donkers, Eindhoven University of Technology; Frank Willems, TNO Automotive
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 B
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
252 B
140 D
Abnormal SI Combustion (Knock) (Part 1 of 2) (PFL213)
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 1 of 4) (PFL730)
Advanced Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Powertrains (Part 2 of 2) (PFL710)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 2 of 3) (PFL280)
This session focuses on abnormal SI combustion processes including spark knock and preignition. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation. Part 1 of 2: Knock
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/cost reduction, and system integration/optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
This session covers new production and near-production hybrid powertrains, hybrid architecture, and testing.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; John O. Waldman, General Motors Co.; Lurun Zhong, FCA US LLC
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Michael Duoba, Argonne National Laboratory; Matthew Fleming, Ford Motor Co.; Andrej Ivanco, Clemson-ICAR; Wiley R. McCoy, McLaren Performance Technologies; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Fuel Consumption and Emissions Effects in Passenger Car Diesel Engines through the Use of a Belt Starter Generator
Feedforward Control Approach for Digital Combustion Rate Shaping Realizing Predefined Combustion Processes
(2015-01-1162) Frank Atzler, Michael Wegerer, Fabian Mehne, Stefan Rohrer, Continental Automotive; Christoph Rathgeber, Sebastian Fischer, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt
(2015-01-0876) Christian Jörg, VKA, RWTH University Aachen; Thorsten Schnorbus, FEV GmbH; Simon Jarvis, Ben Neaves, Kiran Bandila, Jaguar Land Rover; Daniel Neumann, VKA, RWTH University Aachen
Heat of Vaporization Measurements for Ethanol Blends Up To 50 Volume Percent in Several Hydrocarbon Blendstocks and Implications for Knock in SI Engines (2015-01-0763) Gina M. Chupka, Earl Christensen, Lisa Fouts, Teresa L. Alleman, Matthew A. Ratcliff, Robert L. McCormick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory The Effect of Ethanol Injection Strategy on Knock Suppression of the Gasoline/Ethanol Dual Fuel Combustion in a Spark-Ignited Engine (2015-01-0764) Seokwon Cho, Namho Kim, Jongwon Chung, Kyoungdoug Min, Seoul National Univ. A Lithium-Ion Battery Optimized Equivalent Circuit Model based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1191) Jiangong Zhu, Tongji University; Zechang Sun; Xuezhe Wei; Haifeng Dai
Experimental Test Campaign on a Battery Electric Vehicle: Laboratory Test Results (Part 1) (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1167) Michele De Gennaro, Elena Paffumi, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi, EC Joint Research Centre; Stefano Vianelli, EURINS srl; Fernando Ortenzi, Antonino Genovese, ENEA Experimental Test Campaign on a Battery Electric Vehicle: On-Road Test Results (Part 2) (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1166) Elena Paffumi, Michele De Gennaro, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi, EC Joint Research Centre; Stefano Vianelli, EURINS srl; Fernando Ortenzi, Antonino Genovese, ENEA Configuration Analysis and Performance Comparison of Drive Systems for Pure Electric Vehicle (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1165) Lipeng Zhang, Yanshan University; Liang Li, Tsinghua University; Bingnan Qi, Yanshan University; Jian Song, Tsinghua University Performance of Ancillary Systems of 2014+ Le Mans LMP1-H Vehicles and Optimization (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1163) Gabriel Elias, Stephen Samuel, Oxford Brookes University; Alessandro Picarelli, Claytex Services Limited
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00491, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00475, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00484, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00483, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 A
414 A
140 C
412 B
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: In-Cylinder Processes (Part 1 of 2) (PFL222)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 1 of 4) (PFL130)
Controls for Hybrids and Electric Driveline Modeling (Part 1 of 2) Powertrains (Part 1 of 2) (PFL750) (PFL680)
Papers focusing on in-cylinder processes of classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both simulation results and experimental work, including applications of optical diagnostics, with emphasis on in-cylinder spray, evaporation, mixing, pollutant formation/destruction, or any other incylinder phenomena.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session covers powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.
This session covers transmission and driveline modeling, including topics related to transmission hardware, software, and system integration.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Jose M Garcia-Oliver, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Song-Charng Kong; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Dohoy Jung, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn; Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Bin Wu, Mercedes Benz R&D North America
Organizers: Dongxu Li, Thomas Martin, General Motors Co.; David Popejoy, Ford Motor Co.
Injection Pressure Effects on the Flame Development in a Light-Duty Optical Diesel Engine
Control Oriented State Estimation and System Characterization for Spark-Ignition Low Pressure Cooled EGR Engine
The Investigation of Control Strategies of Switched Reluctance Motor to Reduce the Torque Ripple in Vehicle
Normally-Engaged Dual-Piston Clutch for Engine Stop-Start Application
Minh Khoi Le, Sanghoon Kook, The University of New South Wales
Feilong Liu, Jeffrey Pfeiffer, Delphi Corp.
Ling Zheng, Yue Ren, Qiran Huang, Yinong Li, Zhenfei Zhan, Chongqing University
Chengwu Duan, Farzad Samie, General Motors Co.; Kumaraswamy Hebbale, GM R&D Center; Dongxu Li, Chunhao Lee, General Motors Co.
Lift-Off Length in an Optical Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
An Investigation into the Use of the EGR Cooler Pressure Drop to Measure EGR Flow Rate
Synthesis of a Hybrid-Observer-Based Active Controller for Compensating Powetrain Backlash Nonlinearity of an Electric Vehicle during Regenerative Braking
Transmission Dynamic Modeling and Parametric NVH Analysis
Guillaume Lequien, Zheming Li, Oivind Andersson, Mattias Richter, Lund Univ.
Indranil Brahma, Odinmma Ofili, Matthew Campbell, Henrique Chiang, Vincent Giralo, Peter Stryker, Daniel Johnson, Aaron Clark, Bucknell Univ.
Chen Lv, Junzhi Zhang, Yutong Li, Ye Yuan, State Key Lab of ASE, Tsinghua Univ.
Dongxu Li, General Motors Co.
Ignition Quality Effects on Lift-Off Stabilization of Synthetic Fuels
A Study of Fuel Economy Improvement on US Fuel Economy Test Cycle by Model Based Cooled HP EGR System and Robust Logic through S-FMEA
Optimal Control Inputs for Fuel Economy and Emissions of a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Dry Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) Thermal Model
Guillaume Lequien, Lund Univ.; Scott Skeen, Julien Manin, Lyle M Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories; Oivind Andersson, Lund Univ.
SeungBum Kim, SeongMin Park, DongUk Han, Hyundai Motor Co.
Jamie Knapp, Loughborough University; Adam Chapman, Lotus Engineering; Sagar Mody, Thomas Steffen, Loughborough University
Kumaraswamy Hebbale, Farzad Samie, Jonathan Kish, General Motors Company
Visualization of Ignition Processes in HighPressure Sprays with Multiple Injections of n-Dodecane
Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Isentropic Pressure Observer Model
An Innovative Engine/Generator Control Algorithm for Minimizing Battery in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Series Architecture of Power Train
Estimation of Wet Clutch Friction Parameters in Automotive Transmissions
Scott Skeen, Julien Manin, Lyle M Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories
Brien Fulton, Ford Motor Co.; Simon Petrovic, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH; Michiel Van Nieuwstadt, Jon Dixon, Ford Motor Co.; Daniel Roettger, Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH; Andres Arevalo, Ford Motor Co.
Masood Shahverdi, Michael S. Mazzola, Mississippi State Univ.
Matthew Barr, Krishnaswamy Srinivasan, Ohio State University
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Close-Coupled Pilot Injections to Reduce Combustion Noise in a Small-Bore Diesel Engine
Estimation of the Engine Thermal State by in-Cylinder Pressure Measurement in Automotive Diesel Engines
Optimal Engine Starts of an Input-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Automatic Transmission Gear Ratio Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation of Fuel Consumption with Parasitic Loss Uncertainty
Stephen Busch, Kan Zha, Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Alok Warey, Francesco Pesce, Richard Peterson, Alberto Vassallo, General Motors Company
Ivan Arsie, Rocco Di Leo, Stefano Falco, Cesare Pianese, Università di Salerno; Matteo De Cesare, Magneti Marelli
Weichao Zhuang, Nanjing Univ of Science & Technology; Dongsuk Kum, Korea Advanced Inst of Science & Technology; Huei Peng, Univ of Michigan; LIangmo Wang, Nanjing Univ of Science & Technology; Daofei Li, Zhejiang Univ
Darrell Robinette, Daniel Wehrwein, General Motors Co.
Chairpersons: W. Eagle, Kan Zha, Sandia National Laboratories 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 A
414 A
140 C
412 B
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: In-Cylinder Processes (Part 1 of 2) (PFL222)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 1 of 4) (PFL130)
Controls for Hybrids and Electric Driveline Modeling (Part 1 of 2) Powertrains (Part 1 of 2) (PFL750) (PFL680)
Papers focusing on in-cylinder processes of classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both simulation results and experimental work, including applications of optical diagnostics, with emphasis on in-cylinder spray, evaporation, mixing, pollutant formation/destruction, or any other incylinder phenomena.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session covers powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.
This session covers transmission and driveline modeling, including topics related to transmission hardware, software, and system integration.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Jose M Garcia-Oliver, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Song-Charng Kong; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Dohoy Jung, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn; Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Bin Wu, Mercedes Benz R&D North America
Organizers: Dongxu Li, Thomas Martin, General Motors Co.; David Popejoy, Ford Motor Co.
Advanced CFD Diagnostics: Tracking Soot from Originating Fuel Sources through to EVO in a Cummins N14 Optical Engine Utilizing Post Injections
Continued Development of a High-Fidelity 1D Physics-Based Engine Simulation model in MATLAB/Simulink
Control Optimization of a Compound Power-Split Hybrid Transmission for Electric Drive
(Oral Only)
Randy Hessel, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Rolf Reitz; Zongyu Yue; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Bradley Thompson, Hwan-Sik Yoon, University of Alabama
Zhiguo Zhao, Tongji Univ.; Chen Wang, Tongji Univ.; Corun Hybrid Co., Ltd.; Tong Zhang, Corun Hybrid Co., Ltd.; Xianjun Dai, Xiyue Yuan, Tongji Univ.
CFD Study of Soot Reduction Mechanisms of Post-Injection in Spray Combustion
An Objective Evaluation of Characterisation Matrix for Two Wheeler Powertrain with Control Oriented Mathematical Model
PMP-based Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle Power Management Considering Battery Current Constraint and Battery Health Analysis
Zongyu Yue, Randy Hessel, Rolf D. Reitz, Univ of Wisconsin
Himadri Bushan Das, Imperial College & TVS Motor Company Ltd; Simos A Evangelou, Imperial College; Samraj Jabez Dhinagar, TVS Motor Company Ltd
Changhong Liu, Lin Liu, University of Kansas
Chairpersons: W. Eagle, Kan Zha, Sandia National Laboratories 10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Unified Backwards and Forwards Simulation of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle in the A-Segment using MATLAB Simscape (2015-01-1215) George Dixon, Richard Stobart, Thomas Steffen, Loughborough Univ. Detection of Stationary Operating States of Internal Combustion Engines (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1643) Benedikt von Imhoff, Johannes Zweck, Georg Wachtmeister, TU Muenchen Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00507, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00465, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00478, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00513, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 B
250 C
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
420 A
Engine Boosting Systems (Part 1 of 2) (PFL520)
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 3 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 3 of 4) (PFL310)
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 2 of 3) (PFL170)
This session will cover conceptual, modeling and experimental studies relating to advanced turbochargers/superchargers and advanced boosting systems to achieve increased power density, better fuel economy, and reduced emissions.
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session includes papers on oxygenated gasoline blending compounds and onboard gasoline reforming, plus papers on fundamental studies relating to diesel fuel oxygenates and a final paper on diesel fuel surrogates.
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Marcello Canova, Ohio State University; Eric Krivitzky, Concepts NREC; Arjun D. Tuteja
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Chairpersons: Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Essam El-Hannouny, Argonne National Laboratory 8:00 a.m.
Chairpersons: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Effects of Charging System Variability on the Performance and Fuel Economy of a Supercharged Spark-Ignition Engine
A New Euler/Lagrange Approach for Multiphase Simulations of a Multi-Hole GDI Injector
Comparative Study of High-Alcohol-Content Gasoline Blends in an SI Engine
Downsized Boosted Engine Benchmarking Method and Results
A. Meghani, J. Allen, Cosworth, Ltd.; J.W.G. Turner, A. Popplewell, D.J. Marshall, J.S. Hoyle, Jaguar Land Rover; S. McBroom, R. Urista, M. Bazyn, Fallbrook Technologies Inc
Mathis Bode, Tobias Falkenstein, RWTH Aachen University; Vincent Le Chenadec, University of Illinois; Seongwon Kang, Sogang University; Heinz Pitsch, RWTH Aachen University; Toshiyuki Arima, Hiroyoshi Taniguchi, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Jiaxiang Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ; Karthik Nithyanandan, Univ of Illinois; Yuqiang Li, Central South Univ; Chia-Fon Lee, Univ of Illinois; Zuohua Huang, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ
Mark Stuhldreher, Charles Schenk, Jessica Brakora, David Hawkins, Andrew Moskalik, Paul DeKraker, US Environmental Protection Agency
SuperGen on Ultraboost: Variable-Speed Centrifugal Supercharging as an Enabling Technology for Extreme Engine Downsizing
Internal and Near-Nozzle Flow in a MultiHole Gasoline Injector Under Flashing and Non-Flashing Conditions
Investigating the Impact of Acetone on the Performance and Emissions of AcetoneButanol-Ethanol (ABE) and Gasoline Blends in an SI Engine
Ultra-Downsizing of Internal Combustion Engines
J.W.G. Turner, A. Popplewell, D.J. Marshall, T.R. Johnson, Jaguar Land Rover; L. Barker, J. King, J. Martin, Integral Powertrain Ltd; A.G.J. Lewis, S. Akehurst, C.J. Brace, C.D. Copeland, University of Bath
Maryam Moulai, Univ. of Massachusetts; Ronald Grover, Scott Parrish, General Motors; David Schmidt, Univ. of Massachusetts
Karthik Nithyanandan, Univ of Illinois; Jiaxiang Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Li Yuqiang, Central South University; Han Wu, Chang’an University; Chia-Fon Lee, Univ of Illinois
Victor Gheorghiu, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Standardisation of the Requirements on Test Methods to Validate the Sustainable Reduction of the CO2 Emissions by using Turbo Chargers in Passenger Cars and Trucks.
A Novel Approach to Assess Diesel Spray Models using Joint Visible and X-Ray Liquid Extinction Measurements
Combustion and Emissions Performance of a Spark Ignition Engine Fueled with Water Containing Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol and Gasoline Blends
A Study of a Highly Boosted and Efficient Downsized Ethanol Direct Injection (Edi) Engine in Two Different Configurations for the Purpose of Replacing HighDisplacement Gasoline Engines
(Oral Only)
René Nast, Automotive Testing Laboratories Inc.
Gina M. Magnotti, Caroline L. Genzale, Georgia Institute of Technology
Yuqiang Li, Central South University; Karthik Nithyanandan, Univ of Illinois; Jiaxiang Zhang, Xian Jiaotong University; ChiaFon Lee, Univ of Illinois; Shengming Liao, Central South University
Michael Pontoppidan, Numidis Sarl; Jose G. C. Baeta, Federal University of Minas Gerais-UFMG
Turbocharger Matching Method for Reducing Residual Concentration in a Turbocharged Gasoline Engine
Coupled LES Jet Primary Breakup Lagrangian Spray Simulation of a GDi Multi-Hole Fuel Injector
Study of an On-board Fuel Reformer and Hydrogen-Added EGR Combustion in a Gasoline Engine
Synergy between Boost and Valve Timings in a Highly Boosted Direct Injection Gasoline Engine Operating with Miller Cycle
Muhammad Izzal Ismail, Aaron Costall, Ricardo Martinez-Botas, Imperial College London; Srithar Rajoo, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Bizhan Befrui, Mario D’Onofrio, Lee E. Markle, Peter Spiekermann, Delphi Automotive
Koichi Ashida, Hirofumi Maeda, Takashi Araki, Maki Hoshino, Koji Hiraya, Takao Izumi, Masayuki Yasuoka, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Yuanping Li, Hua Zhao, Brunel University London; Phil Stansfield, Paul Freeland, MAHLE Powertrain Ltd
Gasoline Engine Turbocharger Matching Based on Vehicle Performance Requirement
LES of Diesel and Gasoline Sprays with Validation against X-Ray Radiography Data
Experimental and Kinetic Study on Ignition Delay Times of Diethyl Ether
A New De-throttling Concept in a Twincharged Gasoline Engine System
Qiwei Wang, Jimin Ni, Xiuyong Shi, Yue Liu, Tongji University
Zihan Wang, Andrew Swantek, Riccardo Scarcelli, Daniel Duke, Alan Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, Sibendu Som, Argonne National Laboratory; Ronald Reese, Kevin Freeman, York Zhu, FCA US LLC
Zihang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Cheng Peng, Zuohua Huang, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ
Bo Hu, Colin Copeland, Pengfei Lu, Sam Akehurst, Chris Brace, Univ. of Bath; J.W.G Turner, Jaguar Land Rover; Alessandro Romagnoli, Nanyang Technological Univ.; Ricardo Martinez-Botas, Imperial College London
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
420 B
250 C
11:00 a.m.
420 A
Engine Boosting Systems (Part 1 of 2) (PFL520)
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 3 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 3 of 4) (PFL310)
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 2 of 3) (PFL170)
This session will cover conceptual, modeling and experimental studies relating to advanced turbochargers/superchargers and advanced boosting systems to achieve increased power density, better fuel economy, and reduced emissions.
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session includes papers on oxygenated gasoline blending compounds and onboard gasoline reforming, plus papers on fundamental studies relating to diesel fuel oxygenates and a final paper on diesel fuel surrogates.
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Marcello Canova, Ohio State University; Eric Krivitzky, Concepts NREC; Arjun D. Tuteja
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.; Mansour Masoudi, Emissol LLC; Siddiq Khan, ACEEE; Behnam Bahrami, Cummins Inc.; Rachel L. Muncrief, The International Council on Clean Transportation; Krishna Kamasamudram, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Chairpersons: Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Essam El-Hannouny, Argonne National Laboratory 10:30 a.m.
Chairpersons: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Exploring and Extending the Effectiveness of Turbo Compounding in a 2.0 Liter Gasoline Engine
Study of Gasoline-Ethanol Jet Behaviour using the Lattice Boltzmann
On the Potential of Oxygenated Fuels as an Additional Degree of Freedom in the Mixture Formation in Direct Injection Diesel Engines
Two Stage Compression Expansion Engine Concepts: a Path to High Efficiency
Pengfei Lu, Chris Brace, Bo Hu, University of Bath
Vikram Singh; Anshul Koli
Barbara Graziano, Florian Kremer, Stefan Pischinger, VKA RWTH Aachen University; Karl Alexander Heufer, PCFC RWTH Aachen University; Hans Rohs, FEV GmbH
Nhut Lam, Martin Tuner, Per Tunestal, Lund University; Arne Andersson, Staffan Lundgren, Volvo Group; Bengt Johansson, Lund University
A scalable modeling approach for the simulation and design optimization of automotive turbochargers
A Fuel Surrogate Validation Approach Using a JP-8 Fueled Optically Accessible Compression Ignition Engine
Charging Technologies for CO2-Reduction by Millerization
Marcello Canova, Massimo Naddeo, Yuxing Liu, Junqiang Zhou, Ohio State University; Yue-Yun Wang, General Motors Co
Xin Yu, Xi Luo, Marcis Jansons, Wayne State University; Doohyun Kim, Jason Martz, Angela Violi, Univ of Michigan
Nisar Al-Hasan, Johannes Beer, Jan Ehrhard, Continental Automotive GmbH; Thomas Lorenz, Ludwig Stump, FordWerke GmbH
11:30 a.m.
Regulated, Carbonyl Emissions and Particulate Matter from a Dual-Fuel Passenger Car Burning Neat Methanol and Gasoline (2015-01-1082) Xin Wang, Yunshan Ge, Linlin Liu, Huiming Gong, Beijing Institute of Technology Development of a Turbulence-induced Breakup Model for Gasoline Spray Simulation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0939) Daliang Jing, Tsinghua Univ.; Birmingham Univ.; Shi-Jin Shuai, Zhi Wang, Yanfei Li, Tsinghua Univ.; Hongming Xu, Tsinghua Univ.; Birmingham Univ. Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00500, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Exhaust Aftertreatment and Emissions Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity; Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00471, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00485, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
410 A
116 B
252 A
IVT / CVT (PFL630)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 3 of 5) (PFL120)
Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 1 of 2): Combustion Chamber (PFL160)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 1 of 3) (PFL262)
This Session includes papers on IVT/CVT systems and related topics.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
This session considers modeling (zero-D, 1D, 2D, 3D CFD) and experimental papers on: combustion chamber, systems (lubrication, cooling, fuel, EGR); components (oil pumps, coolant pump, fuel injectors, compressors, turbines, turbochargers, torque converters, gear box, fans, bearings, valves, ports, manifolds, turbine housing); heat exchangers (radiators, oil coolers); aftertreatment (SCR, DOC, DOF, exhaust gas cooling); battery cooling (HEV, EV, motor/generator) and controls (passive and active).
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Joel Gunderson, Farzad Samie, General Motors Co.; Robert A. Smithson, Dana Holding Corporation
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Organizers: Raj Ranganathan, Automotive Supplier; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Development of High Fatigue Strength Maraging Steel for CVT Belt
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Gasoline Intake Port Design
Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Energy Balance in a DI Diesel Engine
Technical Keynote: Perspective on the Development of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition
(Oral Only)
Katsuhiko Ohishi, Toshihiro Uehara, Ichirou Kishigami, Hitachi Metals, Ltd
Yongli Qi, Xinyu Ge, Caterpillar Inc.; Lichun Dong, Chongqing University
Francisco Payri, Jaime Martin, Antonio Garcia, Ricardo Carreño, Universitat Politècnica de València
Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin
Development of New Continuously Variable Transmission for 2.0-Liter Class Vehicles
The Effect of the Throttle Valve Rotational Direction on the Tumble Motion at Different Partial Load Conditions
Simultaneous In-Cylinder Surface Temperature Measurements with Thermocouple, Laser-induced Phosphorescence, and Dual Wavelength Infrared Diagnostic Techniques in an Optical Engine
Jun akamagi, Tetsuya Kono, Ryoji Habuchi, Naoki Nishimura, Masahiro Tawara, Naoki Tamura, Toyota Motor Corp.
Stefania Falfari, Gian Marco Bianchi, Giulio Cazzoli, Federico Brusiani, Claudio Forte, Cristian Catellani, University of Bologna
Xi Luo, Xin Yu, Marcis Jansons, Wayne State Univ.
Improvement of Transmission Efficiency in CVT Shifting Mechanism Using Metal Pushing V-Belt
Computational Study of a Turbulent Jet Ignition System for Lean Burn Operation in a Rapid Compression Machine
An Integrated Model of Energy Transport in a Reciprocating, Lean Burn, Spark Ignition Engine
Investigation of the Combustion InstabilityNOx Tradeoff in a Dual Fuel Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Engine
Taiki Ando, Tooru Yagasaki, Shuji Ichijo, Kyohei Sakagami, Soichiro Sumida, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Bryce Charles Thelen, Gerald Gentz, Elisa Toulson, Michigan State University
Peter A. Dennis, Michael J. Brear, Harry C. Watson, Pedro J. Orbaiz, Payman Abbasi Atibeh, University of Melbourne
David Klos, Daniel Janecek, Sage Kokjohn, University of Wisconsin
Progress in Demonstration Prototypes Using the Continously Variable Planetary Technology in a C-Class RWD Car and a Fork Lift Truck
3D Modeling of Particulate Matter from Spark Ignition Engines
Analysis of Engine Walls Thermal Insulation: Performance and Emissions.
Characterization of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) Using Premixed Gasoline and Direct-Injected Gasoline with a Cetane Improver on a MultiCylinder Engine
Patrick Sexton, Dana; Robert A. Smithson, Gordon McIndoe, Dana Holding Corp.
Yoshihiro Sukegawa, Kazuhiro Oryoji, Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Research Laboratory
Jose Ramon Serrano, Francisco Jose Arnau, Jaime Martin, Manuel Hernandez, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, CMT; Benoit Lombard, Volvo Powertrain France
Adam B. Dempsey, Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin
Large-Eddy Simulation Study on Unsteady Effects in a Statistically Stationary SI Engine Port Flow
An Area-Average Correlation of Oil-Jet Impingement Heat Transfer on IC Engine Pistons
Highway Fuel Economy Testing of an RCCI Series Hybrid Vehicle
(Oral Only)
Tobias Falkenstein, Mathis Bode, RWTH Aachen University; Seongwon Kang, Sogang University; Heinz Pitsch, RWTH Aachen University; Toshiyuki Arima, Hiroyoshi Taniguchi, Honda R&D Co Ltd
Yen-Chung Liu, Laila Guessous, Brian Sangeorzan, Alexandros Alkidas, Oakland University
Reed Hanson, Shawn Spannbauer, Christopher Gross, Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin; Scott Curran, John Storey, Shean Huff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Partially Stratified Charge Natural Gas Combustion: A LES Numerical Analysis
Study on the Cooling Method of Car Engine Pistons - Part 1, Basic Test for Achieving High Heat Transfer Coefficient
Direct Dual Fuel Stratification, a Path to Combine the Benefits of RCCI and PPC
Lorenzo Bartolucci, Stefano Cordiner, Vincenzo Mulone, Vittorio Rocco, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Edward Chan, The University of British Columbia
Kenji Matsumoto, Hironori Harada, Hiroyoshi Taniguchi, Naoki Ito, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Martin Wissink, Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 A
410 A
116 B
252 A
IVT / CVT (PFL630)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 3 of 5) (PFL120)
Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 1 of 2): Combustion Chamber (PFL160)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 1 of 3) (PFL262)
This Session includes papers on IVT/CVT systems and related topics.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
This session considers modeling (zero-D, 1D, 2D, 3D CFD) and experimental papers on: combustion chamber, systems (lubrication, cooling, fuel, EGR); components (oil pumps, coolant pump, fuel injectors, compressors, turbines, turbochargers, torque converters, gear box, fans, bearings, valves, ports, manifolds, turbine housing); heat exchangers (radiators, oil coolers); aftertreatment (SCR, DOC, DOF, exhaust gas cooling); battery cooling (HEV, EV, motor/generator) and controls (passive and active).
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Joel Gunderson, Farzad Samie, General Motors Co.; Robert A. Smithson, Dana Holding Corporation
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Organizers: Raj Ranganathan, Automotive Supplier; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
A Scale Adaptive Filtering Technique for Turbulence Modeling of Unsteady Flows in IC Engines
Study on the Cooling Method of Car Engine Pistons - Part 2, Cooling Using Heat Pipes
Experimental Investigation of Natural GasDiesel Dual-Fuel RCCI in a Heavy-Duty Engine
Federico Piscaglia, Andrea Montorfano, Angelo Onorati, Politecnico di Milano
Kenji Matsumoto, Atsushi Takahashi, Tsutomu Inoue, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Zhiqin Jia, Ingemar Denbratt, Chalmers Univ of Technology
11:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Modeling Approach to Estimate EGR Cooler Thermal Fatigue Life (2015-01-1654) Billy G. Holland, Thomas L. McKinley, Bill R. Storkman, Cummins Inc. Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00466, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00489, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00469, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 B Technological Developments in China (Part 1 of 2) (PFL180) Technical review and presentation of the development activities focusing on China automotive market, including regulation review, product development and localization, technology evaluation etc, covering both conventional and alternative powertrain and other vehicular component and system aspects. 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Organizers: Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Liangjun Hu, Ford Motor Co.; Charlee Liu, Shouxian Ren, General Motors Co. 8:00 a.m.
SAE 2015 GASOLINE COMPRESSION IGNITION SYMPOSIUM September 17-18, 2015 Capri, Italy sae.org/events/gcie/
Welcome and Opening Remarks (Oral Only) Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Anli Wei, China International Combusion Engine Industry Association
8:30 a.m.
Emissions Opportunities and Challenges in the Chinese Vehicle Market (Oral Only) Timothy V. Johnson, Corning Inc.
9:00 a.m.
Lessons from the Emissions Reduction Journey in the Nonroad Industry (Oral Only) Xinqun Gui, Deere & Company
9:30 a.m.
EPA/NHTSA Update on Phase II GHG and Fuel Efficiency Rules for Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles (Oral Only) Houshun Zhang, EPA Office of Mobile Sources
10:00 a.m.
New legistlation requirements in China and the potential challenges to dieslel vehicles
(Oral Only) Paolo Di Martino, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. 10:30 a.m.
Transportation Fuels and Engine Technology Opportunities (Oral Only) David J. Cleary, Aramco Services Co. Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 B
252 B
251 A
Abnormal SI Combustion Advanced Battery Technologies (Preignition) (Part 2 of 2) (PFL213) (Part 2 of 4) (PFL730)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 3 of 3) (PFL280)
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: In-Cylinder Processes (Part 2 of 2) (PFL222)
This session focuses on abnormal SI combustion processes including spark knock and preignition. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation. Part 2 of 2: Low-Speed Preignition
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/ cost reduction, and system integration/ optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
Papers focusing on in-cylinder processes of classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both simulation results and experimental work, including applications of optical diagnostics, with emphasis on in-cylinder spray, evaporation, mixing, pollutant formation/destruction, or any other incylinder phenomena.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; John O. Waldman, General Motors Co.; Lurun Zhong, FCA US LLC
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Organizers: John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Jose M Garcia-Oliver, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Song-Charng Kong; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Chairpersons: Stephen Busch, Sandia National Laboratories; Alejandro Plazas, General Motors Co.
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Investigation of Low-Speed Pre-Ignition in Boosted Spark Ignition Engine
Will Your Battery Survive a World With Fast Chargers?
Computing Optimal Heat Release Rates in Combustion Engines
The Influence of Diesel End-of-Injection Rate Shape on Combustion Recession
Liwei Han, Tao Zhu, Haibo Qiao, Desheng Zhang, Dingyuan Fu, Jing Zhang, Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd.
Jeremy S. Neubauer, Eric Wood, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Lars Eriksson, Martin Sivertsson, Linkoping Univ.
Chad Koci, Glen Martin, Tim Bazyn, Wayne Morrison, Kenth Svensson, Christopher Gehrke, Caterpillar, Inc.
Experimental Study on Pre-Ignition and Super-Knock in Gasoline Engine Combustion with Carbon Particle at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Effects of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging on Battery Life and Vehicle Performance
Sensitivity Analysis of Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) for Control Purposes
Combustion Recession after End of Injection in Diesel Sprays
Zhi Wang, Yunliang Qi, Hui Liu, Yan Long, Jian-Xin Wang, Tsinghua Univ.
Matthew Shirk, Idaho National Laboratory; Jeffrey Wishart, Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc
Lianhao Yin, Gabriel Ingesson, Sam Shamun, Per Tunestal, Rolf Johansson, Bengt Johansson, Lund University
Benjamin W Knox, Caroline L Genzale, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lyle M Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories; Jose M Garcia-Oliver, Walter Vera-Tudela, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Experimental Studies on the Occurrence of Low-Speed Pre-Ignition in Turbocharged GDI Engines
Research on Charging Strategy of Lithiumion Battery
Fuel Saving Potential of Different TurboCompounding Systems Under Steady and Driving Cycles
Diesel Flame Imaging and Quantitative Analysis of In-Flame Soot Oxidation
(Oral Only)
Max Magar, Ulrich Spicher, MOT GmbH; Stefan Palaveev, Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH; Marcus Gohl, Gunther Müller, Christian Lensch-Franzen, Jens Hadler, APL Automobil-Prüftechnik Landau GmbH
Xudong Xu, Xuezhe Wei, Tongji University; Hong Gao, FAW Volkswagen; Jiangong Zhu, Jing Yang, Yaofeng Liu, Tongji University
Guanzhang He, Hui Xie, Tianjin University
Takeyuki Kamimoto
Numerical Simulation to Understand the Cause and Sequence of LSPI Phenomena and Suggestion of CaO Mechanism in Highly Boosted SI Combustion in Low Speed Range
A Novel ZSB-PAM Power Regulation Method Applied in Wireless Charging System for Vehicular Power Batteries
Investigations on In-cylinder Pressure Cycleto-Cycle Variations in a Diesel Engine by Recurrence Analysis
A Study of In-Cylinder Soot Oxidation by Laser Extinction Measurements During an EGR-Sweep in an Optical Diesel Engine
Yasuo Moriyoshi, Toshio Yamada, Daisuke Tsunoda, Mingzhao Xie, Tatsuya Kuboyama, Koji Morikawa, Chiba Univ.
Zhenshi Wang, Xuezhe Wei, Haifeng Dai, Tongji University
Shun-Liang Ding, Li-Ping Yang, En-Zhe Song, Xiu-Zhen Ma, Harbin Engineering University
Yann Gallo, Johan Simonsson, Ted Lind, Per-Erik Bengtsson, Henrik Bladh, Oivind Andersson, Lund University
Visualization and Analysis of LSPI Mechanism Caused by Oil Droplet, Particle and Deposit in Highly Boosted SI Combustion in Low Speed Range
Design Optimization of Alternator and Battery Systems with a Recuperation Control Algorithm for a Mid-Sized Sedan
Transient Control Technology of Spark Assisted HCC
The Visualization of Soot Late in the Diesel Combustion Process by Laser Induced Incandescence with a Vertical Laser Sheet
Tatsuya Kuboyama, Yasuo Moriyoshi, Koji Morikawa, Chiba Univ.
Seongjun Yun, SungJin Park, Hongik University; Daekwang Kim, Junyong Lee, Sejun Kim, Kwang-yeon Kim, Hyundai Motor Company
Masanobu Takazawa, Kiminori Komura, Toru Kitamura, Honda
Gregory K. Lilik, Charles J. Mueller, Cosmin E. Dumitrescu, Sandia National Laboratories; Christopher R. Gehrke, Caterpillar Inc.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 B
252 B
251 A
Abnormal SI Combustion Advanced Battery Technologies (Preignition) (Part 2 of 2) (PFL213) (Part 2 of 4) (PFL730)
Combustion Control and Optimization (Part 3 of 3) (PFL280)
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: In-Cylinder Processes (Part 2 of 2) (PFL222)
This session focuses on abnormal SI combustion processes including spark knock and preignition. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation. Part 2 of 2: Low-Speed Preignition
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/ cost reduction, and system integration/ optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
This session covers engine combustion control and optimization techniques. Topics include engine combustion diagnostics as specialized for control, control methodologies and algorithms, optimization, related combustion sensing, etc.
Papers focusing on in-cylinder processes of classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both simulation results and experimental work, including applications of optical diagnostics, with emphasis on in-cylinder spray, evaporation, mixing, pollutant formation/destruction, or any other incylinder phenomena.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute; John O. Waldman, General Motors Co.; Lurun Zhong, FCA US LLC
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Robert Gary Prucka, Clemson Univ.; Michael Prucka, John R. Bucknell, FCA US LLC
Organizers: John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Jose M Garcia-Oliver, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Song-Charng Kong; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Chairpersons: Stephen Busch, Sandia National Laboratories; Alejandro Plazas, General Motors Co.
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Investigation and Improvement of LSPI Phenomena and Study of Combustion Strategy in Highly Boosted SI Combustion in Low Speed Range
A Novel Method for Estimation of State of Charge of Lithium-ion Battery using Extended Kalman Filter
Cetane Number Determination by Advanced Fuel Ignition Delay Analysis in a New Constant Volume Combustion Chamber
Koji Morikawa, Yasuo Moriyoshi, Tatsuya Kuboyama, Yasuo Imai, Toshio Yamada, Chiba Univ.; Koichi Hatamura, Sustainable Engine Research Center
Padmanaban Dheenadhayalan, Anush Nair, Mithun Manalikandy, Anurag Reghu, Jacob John, V S Rani, Tata Elxsi, Ltd.
Philipp Seidenspinner, ASG Analytik-Service Gesellschaft mbH; Martin Härtl, Technische Universität München; Thomas Wilharm, ASG Analytik-Service Gesellschaft mbH; Georg Wachtmeister, Technische Universität München
An Experimental Investigation on Low Speed Pre-Ignition in a Highly Boosted Gasoline Direct Injection Engine (2015-01-0758) Xuwei Luo, Ho Teng, Tingjun Hu, Ruigang Miao, Liming Cao, JiangLing Motors Co., Ltd. Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00491, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00475, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00483, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00507, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
414 A
140 C
412 A
Combustion in Gaseous-Fueled Engines (PFL270)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 2 of 4) (PFL130)
Controls for Hybrids and Electric Driveline Components/ Powertrains (Part 2 of 2) (PFL750) Subsystems (PFL670)
This session focuses on fuel injection, combustion, controls, performance and emissions of SI engines fueled with gaseous fuels such as methane, natural gas (NG), biogas, producer gas, coke oven gas, hydrogen, or hydrogen-NG blends. Papers on Diesel-NG or diesel-hydrogen dualfuel engines will also be accepted in this session.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session covers powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.
This session includes papers on the full array of transmission and driveline related components
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Thomas Wallner, Riccardo Scarcelli, Argonne National Laboratory; Brad A. Boyer, Ford Motor Co.; Chris Hagen, Oregon State Univ.; Victor Salazar, GE Company
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Dohoy Jung, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn; Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Bin Wu, Mercedes Benz R&D North America
Organizers: Patrick Robert Darmstadt, Boeing Vertical Lift; Chunhao Lee, General Motors Co.; Brian Carl Schneidewind, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.
Effect of Pre-Chamber Volume and Nozzle Diameter on Pre-Chamber Ignition in Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engines
Generic Software Architecture for Cost Efficient Powertrain Electrification
Predictive On-Board Diagnosis for Hybrid Electric Vehicles with In-Vehicle Navigation Unit
Design and Testing of a Novel Multiple-Disc Magneto-Rheological Clutch Applied in Vehicles
Ashish Shah, Per Tunestal, Bengt Johansson, Lund University
Wolfgang Ebner, Michael Stolz, Markus Bachinger, Virtual Vehicle Research Center; Evgeny Korsunsky, AVL LIST GmbH
Ipek Sarac, Andreas Wagner, Uta Fischer, Rainer Schnurr, Robert Bosch GmbH
Liangxu Ma, Liangyao Yu, Jian Song, WenWei Xuan, Xuhui Liu, Tsinghua University
Improvement of Combustion and Emissions in a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine with Natural Gas as the Main Fuel
Design of Multitask Template for Diesel Engine Control Software Based on RealTime Operating System
GPS Based Energy Management Control for Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
Dynamics of Overrunning Clutches of Relay Type
Hideyuki Ogawa, Peilong Zhao, Taiki Kato, Gen Shibata, Hokkaido Univ.
Donghao Hao, Changlu Zhao, Ying Huang, Xiaoyan Dai, Jiawei Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology
Michael Bassett, Mahle Powertrain, Ltd.; Bruno Brods, Loughborough University; Jonathan Hall, Stephen Borman, Matthew Grove, Simon Reader, Mahle Powertrain, Ltd.
Sergei Aliukov, Andrei Keller, Alexander Alyukov, South Ural State University
Intake and Exhaust Valve Timing Control on a Heavy-Duty, Direct-Injection Natural Gas Engine
Engine-Out NOx Models for on-ECU Implementation: A Brief Overview
Quantification of Drive Cycle’s Rapid Speed Fluctuations Using Fourier Analysis
Driveline Optimization by Mini Crossmember
Bronson Patychuk, Ning Wu, Gordon McTaggart-Cowan, Philip Hill, Sandeep Munshi, Westport Innovations Inc
Dejan Kihas, Michael R. Uchanski, Honeywell Automotive Software
Zifan Liu, Andrej Ivanco, Zoran Filipi, Clemson-ICAR
Amrut A. Patki, Navistar Inc.
Direct Injection of Natural Gas at up to 600 Bar in a Pilot-Ignited Heavy-Duty Engine
Predicting the Nitrogen Oxides Emissions of a Diesel Engine using Neural Networks
A New Approach to an Adaptive and Predictive Operation Strategy for PHEVs
Transient Dynamic Analysis of Self-Locking Gears
Gordon McTaggart-Cowan, Ken Mann, Jian Huang, Ashish Singh, Bronson Patychuk, Zheng Xiong Zheng, Sandeep Munshi, Westport Innovations Inc
Qingning Zhang, Andrew Pennycott, Richard Burke, Sam Akehurst, Chris Brace, Univ. of Bath
Harald Kraus, Martin Ackerl, Paul Karoshi, Jürgen Fabian, Martin Hofstetter, Graz University of Technology
Jiaxing Zhan, Mohammad Fard, RMIT University
Port Injection of Water into a DI Hydrogen Engine
Pressure Based Virtual Sensing of Transient Particulate Matter of CI Engines
Control of PHEV and HEV Parallel Powertrains Using a Sequential Linearization Algorithm
Hydraulic Performance of Transmission Gerotor Pump
(Oral Only)
Matthew Younkins, Margaret S. Wooldridge, University of Michigan; Brad A. Boyer, Ford Motor Co.
Zhen Zhang, Stephan Stadlbauer, Harald Waschl, Richard Fuerhapter, Luigi del Re, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Jerome Meisel, Georgia Institute of Technology; Wassif Shabbir, Simos A Evangelou, Imperial College
Tony Asghari, Michael Miller, Continental Automotive
The Low Level Driver Design to Improve Dwell Timing of Engine Management System
Optimal Control based Calibration of RuleBased Energy Management for Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles
The Experimental Study and Performance Analysis of Air-Friction Reduction System for Hydraulic Retarder
Jin Seo Park, Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte; Sungsu Han, Infineon Technologies Korea Co Ltd; Deepak Kasaragod Purushotham, Infineon Technologies India; Alfredo Baratta, Infineon Technologies AG; Keum Cheol Jeong, Hyundai Kia Motor Company; Ilhong Suh, Hanyang Univ
Daniel Goerke, Michael Bargende, University of Stuttgart, IVK; Uwe Keller, Norbert Ruzicka, Stefan Schmiedler, Daimler AG
Wenbin Liu, Gangfeng Tan, Xiaoqing Tian, Zhiqiang Hu, Yuanqi Gao, Zhi Li, Junyi Yuan, Wei Liu, Wuhan University of Technology
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 A
414 A
412 A
Combustion in Gaseous-Fueled Engines (PFL270)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 2 of 4) (PFL130)
Controls for Hybrids and Electric Driveline Components/ Powertrains (Part 2 of 2) (PFL750) Subsystems (PFL670)
This session focuses on fuel injection, combustion, controls, performance and emissions of SI engines fueled with gaseous fuels such as methane, natural gas (NG), biogas, producer gas, coke oven gas, hydrogen, or hydrogen-NG blends. Papers on Diesel-NG or diesel-hydrogen dualfuel engines will also be accepted in this session.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session covers powertrain control processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands of hybrid and electric powertrains. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and supporting electromechanical subsystems related to energy management.
This session includes papers on the full array of transmission and driveline related components
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Thomas Wallner, Riccardo Scarcelli, Argonne National Laboratory; Brad A. Boyer, Ford Motor Co.; Chris Hagen, Oregon State Univ.; Victor Salazar, GE Company
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Dohoy Jung, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn; Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Bin Wu, Mercedes Benz R&D North America
Organizers: Patrick Robert Darmstadt, Boeing Vertical Lift; Chunhao Lee, General Motors Co.; Brian Carl Schneidewind, Toyota Technical Center USA Inc.
Development of a Push Button-Type Electrically Controlled Gear Selector
Discrete Grid Optimization of a Rule-Based Energy Management Strategy for a Formula Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Boost System with Auxiliary Gas Turbine used for Recovering Diesel Engine Power at Plateau Conditions
Toru Ishino, Shinichi Takai, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
M. Sh. Asfoor, Egyptian Armed Forces; Steven W. Beyerlein, Rory Lilley, Michael Santora, University of Idaho
Liu Yang; Chaochen Ma, Beijing Institute of Technology
Investigation of a Methane Scavenged Prechamber for Increased Efficiency of a Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engine for Automotive Applications (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Control Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Double Planetary Gear Sets (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Detent Profile Optimization to Improve Shift Quality of Manual Transmissions (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Laura Sophie Baumgartner, Sebastian Wohlgemuth, Sebastian Zirngibl, Georg Wachtmeister, TU Muenchen
Dafeng Song, Chang Zhang, Nannan Yang, Jilin University; Mingli Shang, Yutong Bus Co., Ltd; Yujun Peng, Jilin University
Karthik Bhargav Siriyapuraju, Viswasai Konduru, Prithiviraj Eswaramoorthy, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00465, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00478, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
4:00 p.m.
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
140 C
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
412 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
140 D
420 B
413 A
Driveline Modeling (Part 2 of 2) (PFL680)
Electric Motor & Power Electronics (Part 1 of 2) (PFL740)
Engine Boosting Systems (Part 2 of 2) (PFL520)
Fluid flow Measurement & Analysis (PFL140)
This session covers transmission and driveline modeling, including topics related to transmission hardware, software, and system integration.
Power electronics and electric motors are essential for improving vehicle efficiency through drivetrain electrification. Technologies that support high efficiency, high power density, and low cost motors and power modules are required for the success of vehicle electrification.
This session will cover conceptual, modeling and experimental studies relating to advanced turbochargers/superchargers and advanced boosting systems to achieve increased power density, better fuel economy, and reduced emissions.
The focus of this session is the measurement and analysis of in-cylinder and port flows in research and production engines. Topics may including PIV, PTV, LDV, and fluorescent tracer measurements of velocity and turbulence characteristics and modeling analysis of engine flows.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Dongxu Li, Thomas Martin, General Motors Co.; David Popejoy, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: John Czubay, General Motors Company; Sergey P. Gladyshev; Laura Marlino, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg; Serdar Yonak, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Marcello Canova, Ohio State University; Eric Krivitzky, Concepts NREC; Arjun D. Tuteja
Organizers: Oivind Andersson, Lund University; Matthew J. Hall, Univ. of Texas-Austin; Benjamin Petersen, Ford Motor Co.
Development and Testing of an Automatic Transmission Shift Schedule Algorithm for Vehicle Simulation
Optimization Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Regenerative (Magnetic) Braking Systems
Experimental Investigations of Variable Geometry Compressor for Highly Boosted Gasoline Engines
Principal Component Analysis and study of port-induced swirl structures in a light-duty optical diesel engine
Kevin Newman, John Kargul, Daniel Barba, US Environmental Protection Agency
Bharat Singh, Naveen Kumar, Amaya Kak, Satya Kaul, Delhi Technological University
Fabian Herbst, Peter Eilts, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Federico Perini, University of Wisconsin; Kan Zha, Stephen Busch, Paul Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin
Benchmarking and Modeling of a Conventional Mid-Size Car Using ALPHA
Vibration Reduction in Motors for the SPORT HYBRID SH-AWD
Two-Stroke Gasoline Engines for SmallMedium Passenger Cars
Characterization of Flow Asymmetry During the Compression Stroke Using Swirl-Plane PIV in a Light-Duty Optical Diesel Engine with the Re-entrant Piston Bowl Geometry
Kevin Newman, John Kargul, Daniel Barba, US Environmental Protection Agency
Manabu Yazaki, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Enrico Mattarelli, Carlo Alberto Rinaldini, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Kan Zha, Stephen Busch, Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Sameera Wijeyakulasuriya, Saurav Mitra, P. K. Senecal, Convergent Science, Inc.
Investigation of Black Box Modeling Approaches for Representation of Transient Gearshift Processes in Automotive Powertrains with Automatic Transmission
Second-Generation Chevrolet Volt Electric Motors; Design and Optimization for Performance and Rare-Earth Mitigation
Automotive Turbochargers Compressor Onset of Surge Prediction using Computational Fluid Dynamics
The Influence of Cylinder Head Geometry Variations on the Volumetric Intake Flow Captured by Magnetic Resonance Velocimetry
Ivan Rot, Daniel Fritz Plöger, Stephan Rinderknecht, TU Darmstadt
Sinisa Jurkovic, Khwaja Rahman, Nitin Patel, Peter Savagian, General Motors Co
Ahsanul Karim, Keith Miazgowicz, Brian Lizotte, Ford Motor Co.
Daniel Freudenhammer, TU Darmstadt; Brian Peterson, University of Edinburgh; Carl-Philipp Ding, Benjamin Boehm, Sven Grundmann, TU Darmstadt
Prediction of Friction Drive Limit of Metal V-Belt
A Novel Constant Torque Eddy-Current Brake for Automotive Applications
The Effect of Oil Debris in Turbocharger Journal Bearings on Subsynchronous NVH
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Tumble Motion on an Optical Single Cylinder Engine
Kyohei Sakagami, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Subhashree Rajagopal, Sebastien Desharnais, Balamurugan Rathinam, Upendra Naithani, Renault Nissan Tech & Bus Centre India
Dingfeng Deng, Fanghui Shi, Louis Begin, Isaac Du, General Motors Co
Balamurugan Rathinam, RNTBCI; Frederic Ravet, Renault; Cedric Servant, Renault Technocentre; Laurent Delahaye, RENAULT SAS; Upendra Naithani, RNTBCI
3:00 p.m.
Heat transfer effects on performance map of a turbocharger compressor for automotive application (2015-01-1287) Silvia Marelli, Giulio Marmorato, Massimo Capobianco, Università degli Studi di Genova; Andrea Rinaldi, CRITT M2A Analysis on Synchronizer of Manual Transmission using Finite Element Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Design and Control of a Light-Weight DriveIntegrated 48 V BLDC Motor for Radiator Fan in Hybrid Vehicle (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Xi Li; Weiguo Zhang, Jinning Li, Huazhong University of Science and Tech; Ming Jiang, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Tech Ctr; Yunqing Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Tech
Makarand Kane, Swanand Kulkarni, Shinto Antony, Rohit Kharat, Naga Chaithanya, Tata Motors, Ltd.
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00513, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00508, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00500, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
410 A
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 4 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 4 of 4) (PFL310)
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 3 of 3) (PFL170)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 4 of 5) (PFL120)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session contains papers considering the compatibility of current and potential oxygenated fuels with existing infrastructure materials, the emissions performance of renewable fuels with engine modification or the addition of additives and a paper on the understanding the behaviour of diesel cold flow additives.
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Chairpersons: Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia 1:00 p.m.
420 A
Chairpersons: Brian C. Kaul, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University
Recent Developments in X-ray Diagnostics for Cavitation
The Impact of Fuel Solvency on Middle Distillate Cold Flow Performance
Characterization of High Efficiency OctaneOn-Demand Fuels Requirement in a Modern Spark Ignition Engine with Dual Injection System
Validation of a Reduced Chemical Mechanism Coupled to CFD Model in a 2-Stroke HCCI Engine
Daniel Duke, Andrew Swantek, Alan Kastengren, Kamel Fezzaa, Christopher Powell, Argonne National Laboratory
Dhanesh G. C. Goberdhan, Robin Hunt, Infineum UK, Ltd.
Yoann Viollet, Marwan Abdullah, Abdullah Alhajhouje, Junseok Chang, Saudi Aramco
Mohammad Izadi Najafabadi, Bart Somers, Eindhoven University of Technology; Abdul Aziz Nuraini, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Assessment on Internal Nozzle Flow Initialization in Diesel Spray Simulations
Compatibility Assessment of Plastic Infrastructure Materials with Test Fuels Representing E10 and iBu16
Octane-On-Demand as an Enabler for Highly Efficient Spark Ignition Engines and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Improvement
Implementation of a Rotary Engine (Wankel Engine) in a CFD Simulation Tool with Special Emphasis on Combustion and Flow Phenomena
Raul Payri, Jaime Gimeno, Pedro MartiAldaravi, Marcos Carreres, Universitat Politècnica de València
Michael D. Kass, Chris Janke, Timothy Theiss, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; James Baustian, Leslie Wolf, Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC; Wolf Koch, Technology Resources International
Junseok Chang, Yoann Viollet, Abdullah Alzubail, Amir Faizal Naidu Abdul-Manan, Abdullah Al Arfaj, Saudi Aramco
Johann Spreitzer; Felix Zahradnik; Bernhard Geringer
Diesel Spray Modeling Under Off-Axis Needle Displacement
Compatibility Assessment of Plastic Infrastructure Materials with Off-Highway Diesel and a Diesel Blend Containing 20 Percent Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oil
Multi-cylinder Opposed Piston Transient and Exhaust Temperature Management Test Results
RANS Based Multidimensional Modeling of an Ultra-Lean Burn Pre-Chamber Combustion System with Auxiliary Liquid Gasoline Injection
Giancarlo Chiatti, Ornella Chiavola, Matteo Palazzoni, Fulvio Palmieri, Universita degli Studi Roma TRE
Michael D. Kass, Chris Janke, Raynella Connatser, Sam Lewis, James Keiser, Timothy Theiss, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Fabien Redon, Arunandan Sharma, John Headley, Achates Power Inc
Prasanna Chinnathambi, Michael Bunce, Luke Cruff, MAHLE Powertrain LLC
Study of Transient Effects in the Internal Flow of a Diesel Fuel Injector
Compatibility Assessment of Elastomeric Infrastructure Materials with Neat Diesel and a Diesel Blend Containing 20 Percent Fast Pyrolysis Bio-oil
A Study on Improving Fuel Consumption of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Specifically Designed for Long-Haul Trucks on Highway
A Hybrid Wall Heat Transfer Model for IC Engine Simulations
Mohamed Chouak, Alexandre Mousseau, Damien Reveillon, Louis Dufresne, Patrice Seers, École de Technologie Supérieure
Michael D. Kass, Chris Janke, Raynella Connatser, Sam Lewis, James Keiser, Timothy Theiss, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mori Ishii, Kiyohiro Shimokawa, Koichi Machida, Hiroshi Nakajima, Hino Motors Ltd
Sanjin Saric, Branislav Basara, Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL
Image-Based Correlation of Engine Operating Parameters with Occurrence and Duration of Diesel Fuel Injector Dribble
Investigation of the Effect of Compression Ratio on the Combustion Behavior and Emission Performance of HVO Blended Diesel Fuels in a Single-Cylinder Light-Duty Diesel Engine
Novel Crank Mechanism Increasing Engine Efficiency and Reducing CO2 Emissions
Automatic Mesh Generation for CFD Simulations of Direct-injection Engines
(Oral Only)
W. Ethan Eagle, Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories
Leonardo Pellegrini, ENI SpA; Carlo Beatrice, Gabriele Di Blasio, Istituto Motori CNR
Tapio Pohjalainen, Waulis Motors Ltd.; Martti Larmi, Aalto University
Tommaso Lucchini, Augusto Della Torre, Gianluca D’Errico, Gianluca Montenegro, Marco Fiocco, Amin Maghbouli, Politecnico di Milano
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
420 A
410 A
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 4 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel and Additive Effects on Engine Systems (Part 4 of 4) (PFL310)
High Efficiency IC Engines Concepts (Part 3 of 3) (PFL170)
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 4 of 5) (PFL120)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session contains papers considering the compatibility of current and potential oxygenated fuels with existing infrastructure materials, the emissions performance of renewable fuels with engine modification or the addition of additives and a paper on the understanding the behaviour of diesel cold flow additives.
This session focuses on technologies such as advanced and partially mixed combustion, cooled EGR boosting, ignition and direct injection technologies, pressure boosting, intelligent combustion, thermal efficiency, fully variable valvetrains, and other new and developing technologies. Papers focused on waste heat recovery technologies should be submitted to HX102/103.
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Barbara Goodrich, John Deere Product Engineering Center; Paul Richards; Corey Trobaugh, Cummins Inc.
Organizers: Vasudha Patri, Argonne National Laboratory; David B. Roth, BorgWarner Inc.; James P. Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Alok Warey, General Motors Global R & D
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Chairpersons: Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia 3:30 p.m.
Chairpersons: Brian C. Kaul, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University
Characterization of Alcohol Sprays from Multi-Hole Injector for DISI Engines through PIV Technique
Assessment Of Performance, Emission and Combustion Behavior of a WCO Based Diesel Engine using Oxygen Enrichment Technique
Performance of a High Temperature Diesel Engine
An extension of the dynamic mesh handling with topological changes for LES of ICE in OpenFOAM®
(Oral Only)
Luca Marchitto, Istituto Motori CNR; Gerardo Valentino, National Research Council of Italy; Simona Merola, Cinzia Tornatore, Istituto Motori CNR
Senthilkumar Masimalai, M.I.T., Anna University; Venkatesan Kuppusamy, S.K.P. Engineering College; Jaikumar Mayakrishnan, M.I.T., Anna University
Jonas Adler, Todd Bandhauer, Colorado State University
Andrea Montorfano, Federico Piscaglia, Angelo Onorati, Politecnico di Milano
4:00 p.m.
High Efficiency, Powerful, and Low Cost IC Engines by a Simple Piston Modification (Oral Only) Miin Yan, Yan Engines Inc. Preparation of Water-Biodiesel Emulsion Fuels with CNT & Alumina NanoAdditives and their Impact on the Diesel Engine Operation (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0904) J. Sadhik Basha, International Maritime College Oman Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00471, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00485, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00466, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
116 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
252 A
142 B
420 B
Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 2 of 2) Engine and Transmission Cooling (PFL160)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 2 of 3) (PFL262)
Technological Developments in China (Part 2 of 2) (PFL180)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Fuel/Engine Interactions (PFL399)
This session considers modeling (zero-D, 1D, 2D, 3D CFD) and experimental papers on: combustion chamber, systems (lubrication, cooling, fuel, EGR); components (oil pumps, coolant pump, fuel injectors, compressors, turbines, turbochargers, torque converters, gear box, fans, bearings, valves, ports, manifolds, turbine housing); heat exchangers (radiators, oil coolers); aftertreatment (SCR, DOC, DOF, exhaust gas cooling); battery cooling (HEV, EV, motor/generator) and controls (passive and active).
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations.
Technical review and presentation of the development activities focusing on China automotive market, including regulation review, product development and localization, technology evaluation etc, covering both conventional and alternative powertrain and other vehicular component and system aspects.
In light of the upcoming 2025 CAFE standards and LEV III/Tier III emissions standards, there is growing interest in how modifying fuel properties and/or more tightly regulating their variability could enable more efficient and cleaner engines. Panelists with expertise in SI and CI engine technologies as well as fuels will present introductory remarks on this topic followed by a moderated question and answer period.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Raj Ranganathan, Automotive Supplier; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Organizers: Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Liangjun Hu, Ford Motor Co.; Charlee Liu, Shouxian Ren, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological Univ.
Thermal Flow Analysis of Hybrid Transaxle Surface Using Newly-Developed Heat Flux Measurement Method
Combustion Simulation of Dual Fuel CNG Engine Using Direct Injection of Natural Gas and Diesel
Updating Automotive Emission Regulations in China - for Light-duty, Heavy-duty, Offroad and Marine Applications
(Oral Only)
Yukikatsu Ozaki, Nippon Soken Inc.; Keisuke Sekiya, Toyota Motor Corp.
Philip Zoldak, Andrzej Sobiesiak, University of Windsor; David Wickman, Michael Bergin, Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants
Reggie Zhan, Southwest Research Institute
Numerical computation of the air flow and the thermal behavior of a double dry clutch in automotive transmission.
Multi-Dimensional-Modeling-Based Development of a Novel 2-Zone Combustion Chamber Applied to Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion
Advanced Turbocharger Developments for the Chinese Market
(Oral Only)
Anthony Levillain, Pascale Brassart, Valeo Powertrain; Béatrice Patte-Rouland, Université de Rouen
Michael Bergin, David Wickman, Christopher Rutland, Rolf D. Reitz, Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants, LLC
Steven Arnold, Kangyue Technology Co. Ltd & ESI.; Hang Wang, Kangyue Technology Co. & KLTSMI
Computational Aero-Acoustics Simulation of Automotive Radiator Fan Noise
Load Limit Extension in Pre-Mixed Compression Ignition Using a 2-Zone Combustion System
Challenges for New SI Engine Technology Introduction in China due to Low Speed Pre-Ignition
(Oral Only)
Ahsanul Karim, Meisam Mehravaran, Brian Lizotte, Keith Miazgowicz, Yi Zhang, Ford Motor Co.
Michael Bergin, Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants, LLC; Adam Dempsey, Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Rolf D. Reitz, Christopher Rutland, Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants, LLC
Thomas E. Briggs, Southwest Research Institute
Experimental Determination of Coolant Evaporation Rate from Atmospheric Recovery Volume and Projected Loss Rate by Duty Cycle
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Diesel-Natural Gas RCCI Combustion in Heavy-Duty Engines
Advanced EGR Technology for Gasoline Engine A Study by Great Wall Motor
(Oral Only)
Rolf B. Karlsson, Tyler Pilgeram, Michael Dailey, General Motors Co.
Mufaddel Dahodwala, Satyum Joshi, Erik Koehler, Michael Franke, Dean Tomazic, FEV NA, Inc.
Dongxian Song, Great Wall Motor Company Limited
CFD Simulations of one Period of a Louvered Fin where the Airflow is Inclined Relative to the Heat Exchanger
Numerical Study of RCCI and HCCI Combustion Processes Using Gasoline, Diesel, iso-Butanol and DTBP Cetane Improver
BAIC Turbocharged Low Pressure Cooled EGR SI Engine A Pioneer Application in China Market
(Oral Only)
Lisa Henriksson, Chalmers Univ. of Technology; Peter Gullberg, Erik Dahl, Volvo Group Trucks Technology; Lennart Lofdahl, Chalmers Univ. of Technology
Hu Wang, Univ. of Wisconsin, Tianjin Univ.; Dan DelVescovo, Univ. of Wisconsin; Mingfa Yao, Tianjin Univ.; Rolf D. Reitz, Univ. of Wisconsin
Jianjun Zhang, Yongkui Tan, Jiaxin Gu, Beijing Automobile Industry Holding Co. LLC
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
116 B
3:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
252 A
142 B
420 B
Powertrain Thermal Management (Part 2 of 2) Engine and Transmission Cooling (PFL160)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 2 of 3) (PFL262)
Technological Developments in China (Part 2 of 2) (PFL180)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Fuel/Engine Interactions (PFL399)
This session considers modeling (zero-D, 1D, 2D, 3D CFD) and experimental papers on: combustion chamber, systems (lubrication, cooling, fuel, EGR); components (oil pumps, coolant pump, fuel injectors, compressors, turbines, turbochargers, torque converters, gear box, fans, bearings, valves, ports, manifolds, turbine housing); heat exchangers (radiators, oil coolers); aftertreatment (SCR, DOC, DOF, exhaust gas cooling); battery cooling (HEV, EV, motor/generator) and controls (passive and active).
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations.
Technical review and presentation of the development activities focusing on China automotive market, including regulation review, product development and localization, technology evaluation etc, covering both conventional and alternative powertrain and other vehicular component and system aspects.
In light of the upcoming 2025 CAFE standards and LEV III/Tier III emissions standards, there is growing interest in how modifying fuel properties and/or more tightly regulating their variability could enable more efficient and cleaner engines. Panelists with expertise in SI and CI engine technologies as well as fuels will present introductory remarks on this topic followed by a moderated question and answer period.
1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Raj Ranganathan, Automotive Supplier; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Organizers: Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Liangjun Hu, Ford Motor Co.; Charlee Liu, Shouxian Ren, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological Univ.
Testing and Development of an Enhanced and Cost Effective Engine Split Cooling Circuit
Dedicated EGR (D-EGR) for PFI Engine - An Effective Technology for China Market
Moderators: Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological Univ.
(Oral Only)
Azmi Osman, Mohd Asmu’i Hussin, Shaiful Fadzil Zainal Abidin, PROTON Malaysia
Terrence Alger, Southwest Research Institute
Panelists: John Farrell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Gautam Kalghatgi, Saudi Aramco Thomas Mccarthy, Ford Motor Company Arun Solomon, General Motors Co.
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Effect of Cylinder Tilt Angle on Cooling in Cylinders with Various Fin Pitches and Number of Fins in Air-Cooled Engines (Oral Only) Masao Yoshida, Aichi University of Technology; Kohei Nakashima, Masayuki Takahashi, Kai Ishiko, Meijo Univ. Numerical Simulation of Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) Between Cylinder Head and Coolant of Diesel Engines (Written Only -No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1662) Manjushri Mahadev Patil, Govt. College of Engineering, Karad.; Ashok Pise, Directorate of Technical Education, (MH); Nitin Gokhale, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd Improving Single Cylinder DI Engine Heat Rejection Through Optimization of Coolant Flow Distribution (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1663) Prafulla P Ghare, Hemant Khalane, Udaysingh Wakhure, Tushar Khobragade, Sandip Chaudhari, Atul Jahirabadkar, Greaves Cotton, Ltd. Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00489, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00469, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Wednesday, April 22 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
331 A/B/C
260 Portside Ballroom
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Modelbased Development - Controls and Calibration (PFL9)
Chat with the Experts: Motorsports Powertrain Technology (CHAT)
This technical expert panel will explore the challenges of developing the plant and control strategies for future technologies as well as the complexities of integrating these advanced development approaches into the legacy control systems. Topics will also include the demands for system reliability and robustness to all real world use cases and the need for standardized approaches to minimize development cost and timing.
This Chat will cover technology development of the engine and driveline in the racing environment. Topics discussed will be design, testing and performance of the engine for different sanctioning body racing applications.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Organizers: Chris Middlemass, Whitney Liftig, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. 3:30 p.m.
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Model-based Development - Controls and Calibration
Moderators: Jason McConnell, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc. Panelists: Paul Chambon, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Steven Haines, Optecon Consultants LLC 4:00 p.m.
Motorsports Powertrain Technology (Oral Only) Wiley R. McCoy, retired, McLaren Performance Technologies; Michael Royce, retired, Chrysler
4:30 p.m.
SAE 2015 ELECTRIC POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM 17 November 2015 MARITIM Hotel Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany sae.org/epts
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
252 B
413 B
411 B
331 A/B/C
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 3 of 4) (PFL730)
Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (Part 1 of 2) (PFL760)
Alternative and Advanced Fuels (PFL330)
CI & SI Power Cylinder Systems (PFL530)
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/ cost reduction, and system integration/ optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
The EcoCAR 3 student vehicle competition, sponsored by General Motors and the U.S. Department of Energy, tasks university teams with designing, implementing and refining advanced technology powertrains into a conventional Chevrolet Camaro. This session presents yearly results from teams in the competition, highlighting the entire EcoCAR vehicle development process and team accomplishments.
This session includes four papers related to spark-ignition engines and their fuels and five papers related to the processes of compression ignition combustion of different fuels.
This session covers the Power Cylinder: piston, piston rings, piston pins, and connecting rods. The papers include information on reducing friction and increasing fuel economy, improving durability by understanding wear, and decreasing oil consumption and blow-by.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Jesse Alley, Argonne National Laboratory; Trevor Crain, University of Washington
Organizers: Casey Maxwell Allen, Marquette Univ.; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; George Karavalakis, Univ. of California-Riverside; Paul Richards; Elisa Toulson, Michigan State University
Organizers: Yong-Ching Chen, Cummins Inc.; William D. McNulty, Cummins Engines Co.; Dan Richardson, Cummins Inc.
Chairpersons: George Karavalakis, Univ. of CaliforniaRiverside; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Electrochemically Powered Vehicles: Current Possibilities and Investigation of the Li-O2 Electrochemical Reaction on Catalyst Surfaces: Implications for a MetalAir Battery
Controls Development and Vehicle Refinement for a 99% Showroom Ready Parallel Through the Road Plug-In Hybrid Electric (SAE Paper 2014-01-2906)
Low Cost Wet Ethanol for Spark-Ignited Engines: Further Investigations
Overview of Newly Developed Three Dimensional Cylinder Bore Surface Finish for use in Minimizing Oil Consumption and Excessive Wear
(Oral Only)
Christopher J. Brooks, Eric Kreidler, Honda Research Institute USA Inc.
Trevor Crain, Michael Ryan Mallory, Megan Cawley, Brian Fabien, Per Reinhall, University of Washington
Mario Martins; Thompson Lanzanova; Rafael Sari
Harold Edward McCormick, John Crain, William Pisoni, C-K Engineering Inc.; Manas Lakshmipathy, Zygo Corporation
Degradation Analysis of Pouch Cell Using High-Energy Cathode Material for Advanced Lithium-ion Battery
Validation and Analysis of the Fuel Cell Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle Built by Colorado State University for the EcoCAR 2: Plugging into the Future Vehicle Competition (SAE Paper 2014-01-2910)
A Complete Assessment of the Emissions Performance of Ethanol Blends and IsoButanol Blends From a Fleet of Nine PFI and GDI Vehicles
Advancements in Powder Forged Connecting Rod Technology to Facilitate Downsizing of Direct Injection Turbocharged Engines
(Oral Only)
Hiroto Maeyama, Toru Sukigara, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Thomas Bradley, Benjamin Michael Geller, Jake D. Bucher, Shawn D. Salisbury, Colorado State Univ.
George Karavalakis, Daniel Short, Diep Vu, Robert Russell, Akua Asa-Awuku, Thomas Durbin, University of California
Edmond Ilia, Giorgio Lanni, Kevin Tutton, Doug Sinclair, Metaldyne Performance Group
Simulation of Lithium Ion HEV Battery Aging Using Electrochemical Battery Model under Different Ambient Temperature Conditions
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Reengineering of a Conventional Sedan for EcoCAR2
Lignin Derivatives as Potential Octane Boosters
Top Weld Steel Piston for High Speed Diesel Engines
Ming Cheng, Lei Feng, Bo Chen, Michigan Technological University
Kevin L. Snyder, Jerry Ku, Wayne State University
Miao Tian, Robin Van Haaren, Jos Reijnders, Michael Boot, Eindhoven University of Technology
Dieter Gabriel, Thomas Hettich, MAHLE
Employing Real Automotive Driving Data for Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy on Lithium-Ion Cells
NCSU Year Three Final Technical Report (SAE Paper 2014-01-2907)
Air-to-Fuel Ratio Calculation Methods for Oxygenated Fuels in Two-Stroke Engines
Modeling of Piston Ring/Cylinder Wall/ Piston Groove Interaction
(Oral Only)
Nils Lohmann, Peter Haussmann, Patrick Wesskamp, Joachim Melbert, Thomas Musch, Ruhr-University Bochum
Di Zhu, Ewan Pritchard, North Carolina State Univ.
James M. Sevik, Thomas Wallner, Argonne National Laboratory; Scott Miers, Michigan Technological Univ; Jeff Wasil, Bombardier Recreational Product Inc.
Chao Cheng, Ali Kharazmi, Harold Schock, Michigan State University
Three-Dimensional Electrochemical Analysis of a Graphite/LiFePO4 Li-Ion Cell to Improve Its Durability
Refinement of a Parallel-Series PHEV for Year 3 of the EcoCAR 2 Competition (SAE Paper 2014-01-2908)
Mixture-Formation Analysis by PLIF in an HSDI Diesel Engine Using C8-Oxygenates as the Fuel
Graded Freeform Machining of Cylinder Bores using Form Honing
(Oral Only)
Mehrdad Mastali Majdabadi Kohneh, Ehsan Samadani, University of Waterloo; Siamak Farhad, University of Akron; Roydon Fraser, Michael Fowler, University of Waterloo
Katherine Bovee, Eric Gallo, Jason Ward, Andrew Huster, Amanda Hyde, Matthew Joseph Organiscak, Margaret Yatsko, Matthew Yard, Giorgio Rizzoni, Shawn W. Midlam-Mohler, The Ohio State University
Thomas Huelser, Daniel Klein, Benedikt Heuser, Thorsten Brands, Christian Schulz, Gerd Grunefeld, Stefan Pischinger, RWTH Aachen Univ.
Gerhard Konrad Flores, Gehring
Modeling of Open Circuit Voltage Hysteresis for LiFePO4 Batteries
Design and Implementation of a Series Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle for the EcoCAR 2 Competition (SAE Paper 201401-2909)
Effects of Fuel Physical Properties on AutoIgnition Characteristics in a Heavy Duty Compression Ignition Engine
(Oral Only)
Letao Zhu, Zechang Sun, Haifeng Dai, Xuezhe Wei, Tongji University
Chris D. Monaco, Daniel C. Haworth, Chris Golecki, Jeffrey S. Mayer, Benjamin J. Sattler, Gary Neal, Pennsylvania State Univ.
Michael A. Groendyk, David Rothamer, Univ. of Wisconsin
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
propulsion/powertrain Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions
252 B
413 B
411 B
331 A/B/C
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 3 of 4) (PFL730)
Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (Part 1 of 2) (PFL760)
Alternative and Advanced Fuels (PFL330)
CI & SI Power Cylinder Systems (PFL530)
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/ cost reduction, and system integration/ optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
The EcoCAR 3 student vehicle competition, sponsored by General Motors and the U.S. Department of Energy, tasks university teams with designing, implementing and refining advanced technology powertrains into a conventional Chevrolet Camaro. This session presents yearly results from teams in the competition, highlighting the entire EcoCAR vehicle development process and team accomplishments.
This session includes four papers related to spark-ignition engines and their fuels and five papers related to the processes of compression ignition combustion of different fuels.
This session covers the Power Cylinder: piston, piston rings, piston pins, and connecting rods. The papers include information on reducing friction and increasing fuel economy, improving durability by understanding wear, and decreasing oil consumption and blow-by.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Jesse Alley, Argonne National Laboratory; Trevor Crain, University of Washington
Organizers: Casey Maxwell Allen, Marquette Univ.; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; George Karavalakis, Univ. of California-Riverside; Paul Richards; Elisa Toulson, Michigan State University
Organizers: Yong-Ching Chen, Cummins Inc.; William D. McNulty, Cummins Engines Co.; Dan Richardson, Cummins Inc.
Chairpersons: George Karavalakis, Univ. of CaliforniaRiverside; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University 11:00 a.m.
Experimental Characterization of the Thermodynamic Properties of Diesel Fuels Over a Wide Range of Pressures and Temperatures (2015-01-0951) JM Desantes, FJ Salvador, M Carreres, D Jaramillo, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
11:30 a.m.
Blending of Higher Alcohols with Vegetable Oil Based Fuels for Use in Compression Ignition Engine (2015-01-0958) Naveen Kumar, Delhi Technological University; Sidharth Bansal, Maharaja Agrasen Inst of Technology; Harveer Singh Pali, Noida Inst. of Engg.& Tech.
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00475, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Investigation of Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Soyate as a Biofuel (Written Only -No Oral Presentation)
Optimization of Piston Skirt Profile Design to Eliminate Scuffing and Seizure in a Water Cooled Gasoline Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Hejun Guo, Xi’an Research Institute of High Technology; Qining Xun, Shandong Institute of Nonmetal Materials; Shenghua Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ; Xuanjun Wang, Xi’an Research Institute of High Technology
Ajay Paul John, Vikas Kumar Agarwal, Mahindra & Mahindra, Ltd.
Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
414 A
142 A
250 A
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: Efficiency and Emissions (PFL221)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 3 of 4) (PFL130)
Dilute SI Combustion (Stratified Charge, EGR) (PFL216)
Engine Block Structures, Oil & Water Pumps, Intake, and Exhaust Systems (PFL580)
Papers focusing on efficiency and emissions for classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both experimental and simulation results focused on applications of piston bowl design, heat transfer, and fuel injection, or other factors affecting fuel efficiency and engine-out emissions.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session focuses on the dilute SI combustion processes including lean, stratified, and EGR operation. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation.
This session describes the design, modeling and performance validation of cylinder heads, lubrication pumps, intake manifolds, exhaust manifolds, and engine block structures.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Rishikesh Venugopal, Achates Power Inc.; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Christopher J. Chadwell, Southwest Research Institute; Mark C. Sellnau, Delphi Corp.; Ruonan Sun, US Environmental Protection Agency; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Dwight Doig, Gabriel Moreno, Cummins Inc.
Fuel Consumption Improvement of 2.4L ULPC Diesel Engine by Optimizing the Combustion System; Nozzle, Swirl Ratio and Piston Bowl Geometry
Toyota’s Integrated Drive Power Control System for Downsized Turbocharged Engine
LPL EGR and D-EGR® Engine Concept Comparison Part 1: Part Load Operation
Gerotor CFD Modeling & Test Correlation
(Oral Only)
Dockoon Yoo, Jihun Song, Yeongchu Kim, Wook Jung, Duksang Kim, Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd.
Asuka Takasaki, Takashi Inoue, Kazumitsu Sugano, Koji Nagata, Toyota Motor Corporation
Raphael Gukelberger, Jess Gingrich, Terrence Alger, Steven Almaraz, Bradley Denton, Southwest Research Institute
Tony A. Asghari, Continental Automotive; Sreedevi Krishnan, ANSYS Inc; Michael miller, Continental Automotive
Bowl Shape Design Optimization for Engine-Out PM Reduction in Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
Model Predictive Control as a solution for standardized controller synthesis and reduced development time. Application example to Diesel Particulate Filter temperature control.
LPL EGR and D-EGR® Engine Concept Comparison Part 2: High Load Operation
Sizing of Coolant Passages in an IC Engine Using a Design of Experiments Approach
Jongyoon Lee, Sangyul Lee, Jungho Kim, Duksang Kim, Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd.
Karim Bencherif, Dirk von Wissel, RENAULT SAS; Lukas Lansky, Dejan Kihas, Honeywell Automotive Software
Raphael Gukelberger, Jess Gingrich, Terrence Alger, Steven Almaraz, Southwest Research Institute
Pallavi Annabattula, Owais Iqbal, Manyam Sanka, Kunal Arora, FCA US LLC
A Study on Reduction of Heat Loss by Optimizing Combustion Chamber Shape
Development of a Target Sensitivity Function based A/F F/B Controller by Sensor Response Characteristics
Potential and Challenges for a Water-GasShift Catalyst as a Combustion Promoter on a D-EGR® Engine
Exhaust Manifold Durability Subject to Splash Quenching
Keita Arato, Teruyuki Takashima, ISUZU Advanced Engineering Center, Ltd.
Michinori Tani, Atsuhiro Miyauchi, Yoshiaki Matsuzono, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Raphael Gukelberger, Jess Gingrich, Terrence Alger, Steven Almaraz, Southwest Research Institute
Robert Wade, Jerry C. Hsieh, Ford Motor Company
Small Bore Diesel Engine Combustion Concept
Acoustic Emission Processing for Turbocharged GDI Engine Control Applications
The Role of Spray-Enhanced Swirl Flow for Combustion Stabilization in a StratifiedCharge DISI Engine
Heat Rejection and Skin Temperatures of an Externally Cooled Exhaust Manifold
(Oral Only)
Kentaro Nishida, Takashi Ogawa, Takeshi Hashizume, Shinobu Ishiyama, Ryo Hasegawa, Toyota Motor Corporation
Nicolo Cavina, Andrea Businaro, Giorgio Mancini, University of Bologna; Matteo De Cesare, Federico Covassin, Stefano Sgatti, Magneti Marelli
Wei Zeng, Magnus Sjoberg, Sandia National Laboratories; David Reuss, University of Michigan, Sandia Labs; Zongjie Hu, Tongji Univ
Justin Cartwright, Ahmet Selamet, Ohio State University; Robert Wade, Keith Miazgowicz, Ford Motor Co; Clayton Sloss, Wescast Industries Inc
Fuzzy-PID Speed Control of Diesel Engine Based on Load Estimation
Investigations on the Heat Transfer in a Single Cylinder Research SI Engine with Gasoline Direct Injection
Cumulated Microslip in Component Assembly of Engine and Gearbox
Xiang Di, Ying Huang, Yanwu Ge, Gang Li, Meiqi Hu, Beijing Institute of Technology
Philipp Huegel, Heiko Kubach, Thomas Koch, Amin Velji, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Jean-louis Ligier, Mathieu Benoit, Sylvain Damaz, Institut COMATEC
Chairperson: Yongli Qi, Caterpillar Inc; Ming Zheng, Univ of Windsor 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
414 A
142 A
250 A
Combustion in CompressionIgnition Engines: Efficiency and Emissions (PFL221)
Control System Design & Calibration (Part 3 of 4) (PFL130)
Dilute SI Combustion (Stratified Charge, EGR) (PFL216)
Engine Block Structures, Oil & Water Pumps, Intake, and Exhaust Systems (PFL580)
Papers focusing on efficiency and emissions for classical diesel engine combustion with relatively short ignition delay, including papers dealing with low CR and high EGR calibrations. Subject matter may include both experimental and simulation results focused on applications of piston bowl design, heat transfer, and fuel injection, or other factors affecting fuel efficiency and engine-out emissions.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
This session focuses on the dilute SI combustion processes including lean, stratified, and EGR operation. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation.
This session describes the design, modeling and performance validation of cylinder heads, lubrication pumps, intake manifolds, exhaust manifolds, and engine block structures.
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Organizers: Raul Payri, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia; Rishikesh Venugopal, Achates Power Inc.; Robert M. McDavid, Caterpillar Inc.; Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories; Dale R. Tree, Brigham Young Univ.; John F. Wright, Cummins Inc.; Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor; Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, VALEO
Organizers: Christopher J. Chadwell, Southwest Research Institute; Mark C. Sellnau, Delphi Corp.; Ruonan Sun, US Environmental Protection Agency; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Dwight Doig, Gabriel Moreno, Cummins Inc.
Chairperson: Yongli Qi, Caterpillar Inc; Ming Zheng, Univ of Windsor 10:30 a.m.
Individual Cylinder Control for Air-Fuel Ratio Cylinder Imbalance
Maximizing Volumetric Efficiency of IC Engine through Intake Manifold Tuning
Shinji Nakagawa, Hitachi, Ltd.; Akihito Numata, Toshio Hori, Hitachi Automotive Systems Ltd.
Dileep Namdeorao Malkhede, College of Engineering; Hemant Khalane, Greaves Cotton Ltd
11:00 a.m.
Simulation Driven Design of Engine Cylinder Head (2015-01-1739) Padmesh Mandloi, ANSYS Fluent India Pvt, Ltd.; Sourabh Shrivastava, Chetan Patil, ANSYS India; Santosh Kottalgi, ANSYS Inc.
11:30 a.m.
Gaskets for Extreme Exhaust Test Applications (2015-01-1740) Kelsie S. Richmond, SGS Commercial Aging Services LLC; Stephen Henry, Metal Tech Industries; Russell Richmond, SGS Commercial Aging Services LLC; David Belton, General Motors Co Ozone-Assisted Combustion: Experimental Assessment of the Influence of Ozone in a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Research on the Cylinder-by-cylinder Variations Detection and Control Algorithm of Diesel Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Sealing Prediction and Improvement at Cylinder Head & Block Interface under Thermo-Mechanical Loading involving Multi- Layer Gasket (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Michael Mangus, Christopher Depcik, University of Kansas; Colter Ragone, Honda R & D Americas Inc; Edward Peltier, University of Kansas
Huan Li, Ying Huang, Gang Li, Yongguang Yang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Tanmay Santra, Vikas Kumar Agarwal, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd
Prediction and Reduction of Cylinder Liner Bore Deformation for a Two Wheeler Single Cylinder Gasoline Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1742) Arnab Ganguly, Vikas Kumar Agarwal, Tanmay Santra, Mahindra Two Wheelers Ltd. Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00465, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
412 A
313 B
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 5 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel/Additive Effects on SI Combustion Processes (PFL214)
HCCI (Part 1 of 2): Simulation and Experimental Studies (PFL230)
Models for Air & Exhaust Management and Air-Borne Noise (PFL111)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session focuses on the impact of conventional and alternative fuels as well as fuel additives on the operation, performance and emissions of SI engines. Papers focus on the impact of bio-derived fuels (ethanol, butanol and others) on engine design and performance as well as gasoline properties and additives, and their impact.
Classical HCCI combustion with temperature controlling combustion onset and only a modest effect of fuel injection. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and mode change are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL 110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines with respect to: engine breathing, boosting, and EGR management.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; John O. Waldman, General Motors; Elana Chapman, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Scott Goldsborough, Argonne National Laboratory; Darko Kozarac, Univ. of Zagreb; Samveg Saxena, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Technological Univ.
Organizers: Fabio Bozza, Univ. of Naples; Michael L. Briggs; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Characterization of Partially Stratified Direct Injection of Natural Gas for Spark-Ignited Engines
Experimental Investigation of a DISI Production Engine Fuelled with Methanol, Ethanol, Butanol and ISO-Stoichiometric Alcohol Blends
Modeling HCCI Engine Combustion Coupling Cantera to KIVA 4
Modeling and Simulation of Airflow Dynamics in a Dynamic Skip Fire Engine
Philip Zoldak, Joel John Joseph, William Shelley, Advanced Green Innovations LLC; Jaclyn Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, Michigan Technological University
Louis Sileghem, Ghent University; Andrew Ickes, Thomas Wallner, Argonne National Laboratory; Sebastian Verhelst, Ghent University
Carlos Felipe Forigua Rodriguez, Juan Mantilla, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Li-Chun Chien, Matthew Younkins, Mark Wilcutts, Tula Technology Inc.
The Behavior of a Simplified Spray Model for Different Diesel and Bio-Diesel Surrogates
Effect of Ethanol Ratio on Ignition and Combustion of Ethanol-Gasoline Blend Spray in DISI Engine-Like Condition
Simulating a Complete Performance Map of an Ethanol-Fueled Boosted HCCI Engine
A Zero-Dimensional Intake Dilution Tracking Algorithm for Real-Time Feedback on Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Jonas Galle, Roel Verschaeren, Sebastian Verhelst, Ghent University
Run Chen, Ryoma Okazumi, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Univ of Hiroshima
Alvaro Pinheiro, David Vuilleumier, University of California; Darko Kozarac, University of Zagreb; Samveg Saxena, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Usman Asad, Jimi Tjong, University of Windsor
Investigation of the Impact of Impingement Distance on Momentum Flux Rate of Injection Measurements of a Diesel Injector
Effect of Octane on the Performance of Two Gasoline Direct Injection Passenger Cars
Model Predictive Control for Combustion Timing and Load Control in HCCI Engines
Incorporating Thermo- and Aerodynamic Losses into Compressor Models for RealTime Applications
Jaclyn Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, Meng Tang, Zachary Taylor, Kyle Yeakle, Michigan Technological University; Eric Kurtz, Nan Robarge, Ford Motor Co
Richard Stradling, Shell Global Solutions UK; David Rickeard, Heather Hamje, Concawe; John Williams, BP International Ltd; Peter Zemroch, Shell Global Solutions UK
Khashayar Ebrahimi, Charles Koch, Univ of Alberta
Farouq Meddahi, Robert Bosch GmbH; Alain Charlet, Yann Chamaillard, Universite D’Orleans; Christian Fleck, Robert Bosch GmbH
Understanding the Effects of Fuel Type and Injection Conditions on Spray Evaporation Using Optical Diagnostics
Effect of Variable Compression Ratio and Intake Charge Dilution on Fuel Efficiency and Emission for a Spark Ignition Engine
Optimization of Heat Release Shape and the Connecting Rod Crank Radius Ratio for Low Engine Noise and High Thermal Efficiency of Premixed Diesel Engine Combustion
Fitting Turbocharger Maps With Multidimensional Rational Functions
Tianyun Li, Min Xu, David Hung, Shengqi Wu, Siqi Cheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ
Ashish J. Chaudhari, Vinayak Kulkarni, Niranjan Sahoo, IIT Guwahati
Gen Shibata, Koki Ishi, Hokkaido Univ.; Hirooki Ushijima, Subaru Motors; Yushi Shibaike, Hideyuki Ogawa, Hokkaido Univ.; David E. Foster, University of Wisconsin
Daniel Pachner, Lukas Lansky, David Germann, Honeywell Automotive Software; Markus Eigenmann, Jaquet Technology Group AG
Pollutant Emission Reduction and Increased Efficiency for Compression Ignition Engines Utilizing Biodiesel through Optimization of the Fuel Injection Process
Effect of Compression Ratio on the Performance Characteristics of Spark Ignition Engine Fueled with Alternative Fuels: A Review
Investigation of Negative Valve Overlap Reforming Products Using Gas Sampling and Single-Zone Modeling
Physical Model of a Twin-scroll Turbine with Unsteady Flow
Ehsan Tootoonchi, Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology
Anshuman Goswami, Sagar Vashist, Ashish Nayyar, Swami Keshvanand Institute Of Technology
Brian Peterson, Sandia National Jan Macek, Zdenek Zak, Oldrich Vitek, Laboratories, University of Edinburgh; Isaac Czech Technical Univ. Ekoto, Sandia National Laboratories; William Northrop, Univ of Minnesota
Chairpersons: Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University; Kan Zha, Sandia National Laboratories 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
412 A
313 B
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 5 of 6) (PFL320)
Fuel/Additive Effects on SI Combustion Processes (PFL214)
HCCI (Part 1 of 2): Simulation and Experimental Studies (PFL230)
Models for Air & Exhaust Management and Air-Borne Noise (PFL111)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This session focuses on the impact of conventional and alternative fuels as well as fuel additives on the operation, performance and emissions of SI engines. Papers focus on the impact of bio-derived fuels (ethanol, butanol and others) on engine design and performance as well as gasoline properties and additives, and their impact.
Classical HCCI combustion with temperature controlling combustion onset and only a modest effect of fuel injection. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and mode change are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL 110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of SI and CI engines with respect to: engine breathing, boosting, and EGR management.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.; John O. Waldman, General Motors; Elana Chapman, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Scott Goldsborough, Argonne National Laboratory; Darko Kozarac, Univ. of Zagreb; Samveg Saxena, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Technological Univ.
Organizers: Fabio Bozza, Univ. of Naples; Michael L. Briggs; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Application of Fuel Momentum Measurement Device for Direct Injection Natural Gas Engines
Laminar Burning Velocity of Alcohol Reforming Products and Effects of Cellularity on Flame Propagation
Ignition Characteristics of Ethane and Its Roles in Natural Gas for HCCI Engine Operation
Experimental Investigation and 1D Simulation of a Turbocharger Compressor Close to Surge Operation
Ehsan Faghani, Patrick Kirchen, Steven N. Rogak, University of British Columbia
Ahmad Omari, Michael Shapiro, Leonid Tartakovsky, Technion Israel Inst. of Technology
Hiroki Tanaka, Kazunobu Kobayashi, Takahiro Sako, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.; Yasuyuki Sakai, University of Fukui; Masahiro Furutani, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Kazunari Kuwahara, Osaka Institute of Technology
Vincenzo De Bellis, Fabio Bozza, Univ of Naples; Silvia Marelli, Massimo Capobianco, Univ of Genoa
Characterization Spray and Combustion Processes of Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) in a Constant Volume Chamber
Specific Heat Ratio of High Methane Fraction Natural Gas/Air in Confined Vessel
Timothy H. Lee, Univ of Illinois; Yilu Lin, Tsinghua University; Han Wu, Chang’an University; Lei Meng, Wuhan University of Technology; Alan Hansen, Chia-Fon Lee, Univ of Illinois
Chenglong Tang, Zhanbo Si, Shuang Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Shiyi Pan, Jinhua Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Jing Gong
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Chairpersons: Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University; Kan Zha, Sandia National Laboratories 10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
A Numerical Investigation on a Spark Ignition Engine Fueled with the HydrogenMethane Blend Using a Quasi-Dimensional Method (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0770) Mehrdad Afshari, Jafar Hashemi Daryan, Seyed Ali Jazayeri, Reza Ebrahimi, K N Toosi Univ of Technology; Farshad Salimi Naneh Karan, University of Tennessee Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00502, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
410 A
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
252 A
140 C
420 B
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 5 of 5) (PFL120)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 3 of 3) (PFL262)
Small Engine Technology (PFL540)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Global Trends in Technologies and Requirements for On-Road and In-Use Vehicle Emissions: Control, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Compliance (PFL399)
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations
In this session, research and development of small engine technology, including twostroke cycle, will be covered. Topics include combustion, scavenging, emissions, fuel systems, control, and NVH.
Global trends towards closer real-world rules and enforcement and technology developments will be addressed. It is timely to discuss proper test protocols or metrics to ensure on-going compliance by in-use vehicles, in view of evolving expectations of emission levels and characteristics around the world. The Panel will share experience with regulatory trends and technologies of in-use emission monitoring and applications to enforcement or surveillance.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Organizers: Robert Kee, Queen’s University Belfast; David Masser, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC
A Reduced Chemical Kinetic Mechanism of Toluene Reference Fuel (toluene/n-heptane) for Diesel Engine Combustion Simulations
Comparison of Variable Valve Actuation, Cylinder Deactivation and Injection Strategies for Low-Load RCCI Operation of a Light Duty Engine
Effect of Automatic Choke Systems on Emission and Light off Characteristics of 4 Stroke Scooter Engine
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Global Trends in Technologies and Requirements for On-Road and In-Use Vehicle Emissions: Control, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Compliance
Zhengxin Xu, Zhichao Zhao, Juncheng Li, Hunan University; Mianzhi Wang, Univ of Illinois; Jingping Liu, Hunan University; ChiaFon Lee, Wayne Chang, Univ of Illinois; Jie Hou, Wuhan University of Technology
Anand Nageswaran Bharath, Yangdongfang Yang, Rolf D. Reitz, Christopher Rutland, University of Wisconsin
Sampoornananda Basrur, Pradeep Subramanian Srinivasan, Rahul Sharma, C Subramoniam, TVS Motor Company Ltd
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Soot Mechanism of Acetone-ButanolEthanol (ABE) with various oxygen concentrations
Isobutanol as Both Low Reactivity and High Reactivity Fuels with Addition of Di-Tert Butyl Peroxide (DTBP) in RCCI Combustion
Development of a Low Pressure Direct Injection system for a small 2S engine. Part I CFD analysis of the injection process
Moderators: Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC Panelists: Recent Advances in Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) for Meeting Regulatory-Driven Heavy-Duty and LightDuty On-vehicle Emission Measurements David Booker, Chief Technology Officer, Sensors Inc.
Zhichao Zhao, Zhengxin Xu, Jingping Liu, Hunan University; Mianzhi Wang, Chia-Fon Lee, Wayne Chang, Univ of Illinois; Jie Hou, Wuhan University of Technology
Dan DelVescovo, Hu Wang, Martin Wissink, Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin
Francesco Balduzzi, Giovanni Vichi, Luca Romani, Giovanni Ferrara, University of Florence; Paolo Trassi, Jacopo Fiaschi, Federico Tozzi, Betamotor S.p.A.
A representative interactive linear eddy model (RILEM) for non-premixed combustion
Active Injection Control for Enabling Clean Combustion in Ethanol-Diesel Dual-Fuel Mode
Investigation of Control Method for Starting of Linear Internal Combustion Engine-Linear Generator Integrated System
Tim Lackmann, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola; Alan Kerstein, Consultant; Michael Oevermann, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola
Xiaoye Han, Prasad Divekar, Graham Reader, Ming Zheng, Jimi Tjong, Univ of Windsor
Chenle Sun, Zhe Wang, Zhaolei Yin, Tong Zhang, Tongji University
Measurements on ignition delay times and kinetic modeling study of dimethoxy methane and dimethyl carbonate
Energy Efficiency Comparison between Butanol and Ethanol Combustion with Diesel Ignition
Development of a Low Pressure Direct Injection system for a small 2S engine. Part II Experimental analysis of the engine performance and pollutant emissions
(Oral Only)
Erjiang Hu, Xin Meng, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Tongyang Gao, Graham Reader, Jimi Tjong, Ming Zheng, Univ. of Windsor
Luca Romani, Giovanni Vichi, Giovanni Ferrara, Francesco Balduzzi, University of Florence; Paolo Trassi, Jacopo Fiaschi, Federico Tozzi, Betamotor S.p.A.
Modeling Diesel-Biodiesel Spray Combustion using Detailed Vaporization and Chemistry Models
An Experimental Investigation of Injection and Operating Strategies on Diesel Single Cylinder Engine under JP-8 and Dual-Fuel PCCI Combustion
Impact of Ethanol and Isobutanol Gasoline Blends on Emissions from a Closed-Loop Small Spark-Ignited Engine
(Oral Only)
Sujith Sukumaran, Iowa State Univ.; SongCharng Kong
Sanghyun Chu, Jeongwoo Lee, Jaehyuk Cha, Seoul National Univ; Hoimyung Choi, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Tech; Kyoungdoug Min, Seoul National Univ
Marie-Josee Poitras, Deborah Rosenblatt, Jeffery Goodman, Environment Canada
RDE Monitoring and Certification: How Remote Sensing, On-board Emission Tests and Test Benches Can Be Used Efficiently Stefan Hausberger, Professor, Technical University of Graz Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) in the United States: Its Past, Present and Future David Sosnowski, US EPA Investigation of Real-Driving Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles in Europe Rainer Vogt, Director - Environment & Health, Ford Research & Advanced Engg Europe The Global Focus on Actual In-Use Vehicle Emissions - A Work in Progress Michael P. Walsh, The Intl. Council on Clean Transportation Strengthened Control of Vehicle Emissions Using Remote-Sensing Equipment and Transient Dynamometer Emission Testing - The Experience in Hong Kong Yat-Shing Yam, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Dept.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
410 A
252 A
140 C
420 B
Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling (Part 5 of 5) (PFL120)
RCCI and Dual-Fuel Low Temperature Combustion (Part 3 of 3) (PFL262)
Small Engine Technology (PFL540)
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Global Trends in Technologies and Requirements for On-Road and In-Use Vehicle Emissions: Control, Diagnostics, Monitoring and Compliance (PFL399)
The session covers advances in the development and application of models and tools involved in multi-dimensional engine modeling: advances in chemical kinetics, combustion and spray modeling, turbulence, heat transfer, mesh generation, and approaches targeting improved computational efficiency. Papers employing multi-dimensional modeling to gain a deeper understanding of processes related to turbulent transport, transient phenomena, and chemically reacting, two-phase flows are also encouraged.
Computational modeling and analysis of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) combustion. Papers focus on analyzing and improving RCCI combustion using novel injection strategies, combustion chamber designs, and fueling combinations
In this session, research and development of small engine technology, including twostroke cycle, will be covered. Topics include combustion, scavenging, emissions, fuel systems, control, and NVH.
Global trends towards closer real-world rules and enforcement and technology developments will be addressed. It is timely to discuss proper test protocols or metrics to ensure on-going compliance by in-use vehicles, in view of evolving expectations of emission levels and characteristics around the world. The Panel will share experience with regulatory trends and technologies of in-use emission monitoring and applications to enforcement or surveillance.
8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Organizers: Hardo Barths, General Motors; Sarah Diakhaby, Computational Dynamics, Ltd.; Stefano Fontanesi, Universita degli Studi di Modena; Allen David Gosman, CD-adapco
Organizers: Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Andrew Ickes, Argonne National Laboratory; Sage Kokjohn, Univ. of Wisconsin Madison; Benjamin Lawler, Stony Brook Univ.; William F. Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Organizers: Robert Kee, Queen’s University Belfast; David Masser, Ford Motor Co.
Organizers: Victor W. Wong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC
An Investigation into the Operating Strategy for the Dual-fuel PCCI Combustion with Propane and Diesel under a High EGR Rate Condition
Pump-End Control Technology for Small Engine Management System
(See prior page)
Jeongwoo Lee, Sanghyun Chu, Jaehyuk Cha, Seoul National Univ; Hoimyung Choi, Advanced Institutes of Convergence Tech; Kyoungdoug Min, Seoul National Univ
Yanxiang Yang, Bingqian Tan, Changwen Liu, Tianjin University; Ping Zhang, Zhejiang University; Daguang Xi, Zhejiang FAI Electronics Co. Ltd.
10:30 a.m.
Modeling of Transport and Mixing Phenomena in Turbulent Flows in Closed Domains (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Gaseous Emissions from Gasoline-to-CNG/ LPG converted motorcycles (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Alexander Jaust, Bastian Morcinkowski, Stefan Pischinger, RWTH Aachen University; Jens Ewald, FEV GmbH
Michele De Gennaro, Elena Paffumi, Giorgio Martini, Urbano Manfredi, EC Joint Research Centre; Roberto Rossi, Paolo Massari, IPSIA Leon Battista Alberti; Roberto Roasio, Ecomotive Solutions S.r.l.
Numerical Investigation of Effect of Bowl Profiles on Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0402) P Brijesh, S Abhishek, S Sreedhara, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Experiment and Numerical Simulation in Partially Premixed Combustion on Diesel Engine (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0401) Bei Liu, Xiaobei Cheng, Liang Qiu, Shijun Dong, Xin Wang, Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech. Large Eddy Simulation of an n-Heptane Spray Flame with Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry under Different Oxygen Concentrations (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0400) Lei Zhou, Zhen Lu, Zhuyin Ren, Tsinghua University; Tianfeng Lu, Univ of Connecticut; K.H Luo, University College London Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00466, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00469, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by New Engines, Components, Actuators and Sensors / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 B
410 B
Transmission Systems/Drive Unit (PFL610)
Advanced Fuel Cell Vehicle Electric Motor & Power Applications (Part 1 of 2) (PFL720) Electronics (Part 2 of 2) (PFL740)
This session deals with the automotive transmissions of different types. It includes development of new transmission concepts, transmission enhancements and the advancement of the state of the art of transmission system design & integration with the objective of improving the transmission efficiency, NVH, durability and shift pleaseability.
This session covers fuel cell advances from vehicle manufacturers in the first stage of series production FCEVs. In addition, there are modeling studies and evaluation of components mainly in PEM fuel cell systems, hydrogen storage and hydrogen fueling. Directly following the technical paper session, there will be a panel of key industry members to discuss commercialization of fuel cell vehicles in PFL 799.
Power electronics and electric motors are essential for improving vehicle efficiency through drivetrain electrification. Technologies that support high efficiency, high power density, and low cost motors and power modules are required for the success of vehicle electrification.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Berthold Martin, FCA US LLC; Tejinder Singh, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Anita Chaudhari, Ford Motor Co.; Jesse Schneider, BMW
Organizers: John Czubay, General Motors Company; Sergey P. Gladyshev; Laura Marlino, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg; Serdar Yonak, Ford Motor Co.
Chairpersons: Jesse Schneider, BMW 8:00 a.m.
140 D
Performance Characterization of Automatic Transmission Upshifts with Reduced Shift Times (2015-01-1086) Darrell Robinette, Gabriel Gibson, David Szpara, Eugene Tehansky, General Motors Co.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Innovative Configuration of the Closed-Loop Test Stand
Parametric Analysis of Syn-Gas Fueled SOFC with Internal Reforming
Electric Vehicle Behavioral Modeling Methods for Motor Drive System EMI Design Optimization
Gabriela Achtenova, Ondrej Milacek, Czech Technical Univ.
Tushar Choudhary, Sanjay, Pilaka Murty, NIT
Ji Zhang, Zhi Liao, Zechang Sun, Tongji University
Analytical Mechanical Power Loss Model for Planetary Gearset
The Newly Developed Components for the Fuel Cell Vehicle, Mirai
Direct Coil Cooling of a High Performance Switched Reluctance Machine (SRM) for EV/HEV Applications
Sachin Bhide, FCA US LLC
Nobuhiko Nakagaki, Toyota Boshoku Corp.
Zhengyu Liu, Robert Bosch GmbH, German Aerospace Center; Thomas Winter, Robert Bosch GmbH; Michael Schier, German Aerospace Center DLR
Development of a Compact Ultra-Flat Torque Converter Equipped with a HighPerformance Damper
Performance Recovery of Fuel Cell Stack for FCEV
Investigation of Cost-effective SiC Based Hybrid Switch and Improved Inductor Design Procedure for Boost Converter in Electrical Vehicles Application
Tomohiko Usui, Tomoya Okaji, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Tatsuya Muramatsu, Yutaka Giken Co., Ltd.; Yoshiyuki Yamashita, F.C.C. Co., Ltd.
Hyun Suk Choo, Dae Kuen Chun, Jae Hyuk Lee, Hwan Soo Shin, Sung Kuen Lee, Yong Sun Park, Byung Ki Ahn, Hyundai Motor Group
Weimin Zhang, Saeed Anwar, Daniel J. Costinett, Fred Wang, University of Tennessee
Advanced Technology for Dry Multi-Plate Clutch in FWD HEV Transmission (JATCO CVT8 HYBRID)
Air Compressors for Fuel Cell Vehicles: An Systematic Review
Power Dense and Robust Traction Power Inverter for the Second-Generation Chevrolet Volt Extended-Range EV
Tsuyoshi Aoyagi, JATCO, Ltd.; Shigeru Ishii, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.; Hiroki Uehara, JATCO, Ltd.
Wan Yu, Xu Sichuan, Tongji Univ.; HuaiSheng Ni, Shanghai Fuel Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co.
Mohammad Anwar, General Motors Corporation; Monty Hayes, Delphi Electronics & Safety; Anthony Tata, Mehrdad Teimorzadeh, Thomas Achatz, General Motors Corporation
Advancement in NVH- and Fuel-Saving Transmission and Driveline Technologies
Development of Compact and HighPerformance Fuel Cell Stack
Juergen Greiner, Martin Grumbach, Albert Dick, Christoph Sasse, ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Norishige Konno, Seiji Mizuno, Hiroya Nakaji, Toyota Motor Corporation; Yuji Ishikawa, Nippon Soken Inc.
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Morning Technical and Business Sessions TIME
142 B
410 B
Transmission Systems/Drive Unit (PFL610)
Advanced Fuel Cell Vehicle Electric Motor & Power Applications (Part 1 of 2) (PFL720) Electronics (Part 2 of 2) (PFL740)
This session deals with the automotive transmissions of different types. It includes development of new transmission concepts, transmission enhancements and the advancement of the state of the art of transmission system design & integration with the objective of improving the transmission efficiency, NVH, durability and shift pleaseability.
This session covers fuel cell advances from vehicle manufacturers in the first stage of series production FCEVs. In addition, there are modeling studies and evaluation of components mainly in PEM fuel cell systems, hydrogen storage and hydrogen fueling. Directly following the technical paper session, there will be a panel of key industry members to discuss commercialization of fuel cell vehicles in PFL 799.
Power electronics and electric motors are essential for improving vehicle efficiency through drivetrain electrification. Technologies that support high efficiency, high power density, and low cost motors and power modules are required for the success of vehicle electrification.
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Organizers: Berthold Martin, FCA US LLC; Tejinder Singh, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Anita Chaudhari, Ford Motor Co.; Jesse Schneider, BMW
Organizers: John Czubay, General Motors Company; Sergey P. Gladyshev; Laura Marlino, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Constantine N. Raptis, GM Advanced Vehicle Engrg; Serdar Yonak, Ford Motor Co.
Chairpersons: Jesse Schneider, BMW 11:00 a.m.
Development of New CVT for Compact Car (2015-01-1091) Fumikazu Maruyama, Moichio Kojima, Tomoyuki Kanda, Honda R&D Co Ltd
11:30 a.m.
140 D
Technical Expert Panel Discussion: Commercialization of Fuel Cell Vehicles and Hydrogen Infrastructure (PFL799) Moderators: Jesse Schneider, BMW
General Motors Front Wheel Drive Seven Speed Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission (2015-01-1093) Kirby S. Clark, Tejinder Singh, Ronald P. Buffa, Jack M. Gayney, William L. Cousins, Zhe Xie, Steven P. Moorman, Alexandria Wilson, Michael P. Fannin, Mark L. Graham, Christopher B. Preston, Michael B. Solt, David J. Varda, Mark R. Gilmore, Martin G. Foulkes, Rebecca K. Risko, General Motors Co.
Panelists Robert Adler, Linde Byung Ki Ahn, Hyundai Motor Group Charles E. Freese, General Motors Co. Aaron Harris, Air Liquide America Corp. Justin Ward, Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg NA Inc. Takashi Moriya, Honda R&D
12:00 p.m. Hydro-Mechanical Transmission Implements Regenerative Braking for the Postal LLV Trucks and a Hydraulic Hybrid Passenger Vehicle at a Lower Cost than a Conventional Vehicle (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Research of Active Power Source Based on Electronic Hydraulic Braking System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Robert Lloyd, Lloydco LLC
Zhuoping Yu, Caitao Jian, Songyun Xu, Lu Xiong, Tongji Univ
Development of Dc Motor based E-Shift Mechanism for Manual Transmission (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1095) Makarand Kumbhar, Tata Motors Ltd Study of Optimum Gear Ratio Selection and Gear Shift Strategy for Automated Manual Transmission for Two Wheelers (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1089) Ajay Vasantrao Shinde, Prashant Jha, Anshuman Dev, Mahindra 2 Wheelers Limited Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLLTP-00499 and SUB-TP-00003, and also individually. To purchase visit collections. sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00508, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
252 B
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
410 B
413 B
414 A
Advanced Battery Technologies (Part 4 of 4) (PFL730)
Advanced Fuel Cell Vehicle Advanced Vehicle Technology Control System Design & Applications (Part 2 of 2) (PFL720) Competitions (Part 2 of 2) (PFL760) Calibration (Part 4 of 4) (PFL130)
The success of HEV’s, PHEV’s & EV’s is highly dependent on their batteries. This session focuses on advanced battery technologies, including, but not limited to: advanced materials and cell chemistries, battery management systems and controls, modeling, testing, diagnosis and health monitoring, safety, reliability, durability, battery charging, battery economics/cost reduction, and system integration/optimization. These topics can be addressed at the cell, module, pack or vehicle levels.
This session covers fuel cell advances from vehicle manufacturers in the first stage of series production FCEVs. In addition, there are modeling studies and evaluation of components mainly in PEM fuel cell systems, hydrogen storage and hydrogen fueling. Directly following the technical paper session, there will be a panel of key industry members to discuss commercialization of fuel cell vehicles in PFL 799.
The EcoCAR 3 student vehicle competition, sponsored by General Motors and the U.S. Department of Energy, tasks university teams with designing, implementing and refining advanced technology powertrains into a conventional Chevrolet Camaro. This session presents yearly results from teams in the competition, highlighting the entire EcoCAR vehicle development process and team accomplishments.
Separate sub-sessions cover powertrain control, calibration, and system-level optimization processes related to achieving stringent market fuel economy, emissions, performance, reliability, and quality demands. Topics include the control, calibration, and diagnostics of the engine, powertrain, and subsystems related to energy management in conventional and hybrid operation, considering the simultaneous optimization of hardware design parameters and control software calibration parameters.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Organizers: James Miller, Argonne National Laboratory; Wayne Cai, General Motors; Yi Ding; Alvaro Masias, Ford Motor Co.; Ramesh Rebba, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Anita Chaudhari, Ford Motor Co.; Jesse Schneider, BMW
Organizers: Jesse Alley, Argonne National Laboratory; Trevor Crain, University of Washington
Organizers: Kody G. Klindt, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.; Feilong Liu, Delphi Corp.; Xuefei Chen, FCA US LLC; Peter J. Maloney, MathWorks; Matti Vint, Valeo
Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cell with Indirect Liquid Cooling using Dual Cold Plates Approach (2015-01-1184) Satyam Panchal, Scott Mathewson, Roydon Fraser, Richard Culham, Michael Fowler, University of Waterloo
Development of Boost Converter for MIRAI
Plant Modeling and Software Verification for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle in the EcoCAR 2 Competition (2015-01-1229) Katherine Bovee, Amanda Hyde, Margaret Yatsko, Matthew Yard, Matthew Organiscak, Bharatkumar Hegde, Jason Ward, Andrew Garcia, Shawn Midlam-Mohler, Giorgio Rizzoni, Ohio State University
Automated Calibration for Transmission On Powertrain Dynamometer.
An Application of the Linear and TimeInvariant Method for the System-Level Thermal Simulation of an EV Battery (2015-01-1197) Chao Chen, Industrial Mathematics Competence Center; Franz Diwoky, Zoran Pavlovic, Johann Wurzenberger, AVL LIST GmbH
Development of High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage System for the Toyota Mirai
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Architecture Selection for EcoCAR 3 Competition
Automated Model-Based Calibration for Drivability Using a Virtual Engine Test Cell
(2015-01-1169) Akira Yamashita, Masaaki Kondo, Sogo Goto, Nobuyuki Ogami, Toyota Motor Corp.
(2015-01-1228) Zhuoran Zhang, Miriam Di Russo, Xianfeng Yan, Ahmed I. Uddin, Dhanya Sankaran, Jerry C. Ku, Wayne State Univ.
(2015-01-1628) Nilufar Damji, Daniel Dresser, Jerome Bellavoine, AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc.; Mohan Swaminathan, AVL List GmbH
Experimental Measurements of Thermal Characteristics of LiFePO4 Battery
Hydrogen Fueling Standardization: Enabling FCEVs to Safely Fast Fill with Hydrogen and High Resulting SOC/ Range (Oral Only) Jesse Schneider, BMW
Internal Resistance Optimization Utilizing “Just in Time” Control
Benefiting from Sobol Sequences Experiment Design Type for Model-based Calibration (2015-01-1640) Farraen Mohd Azmin; Richard Stobart, Loughborough Univ
Field Validation of the MC Default Fill Hydrogen Fueling Protocol
Design and Simulation of Lithium-Ion Battery Thermal Management System for Mild Hybrid Vehicle Application (2015-01-1230) Ahmed Imtiaz Uddin, Jerry Ku, Wayne State University
(2015-01-1189) Satyam Panchal, Scott Mathewson, Roydon Fraser, Richard Culham, Michael Fowler, University of Waterloo 2:30 p.m.
Chairpersons: Jesse Schneider, BMW
(2015-01-1170) Yoshinobu Hasuka, Hiroyuki Sekine, Koji Katano, Yasuhiro Nonobe, Toyota Motor Corporaiton
(2015-01-1177) Steven Mathison, Honda R&D Americas Inc.; Kiyoshi Handa, Honda R&D Co., Ltd.; Timothy McGuire, Tyler Brown, MercedesBenz RDNA, Inc.; Todd Goldstein, Michael Johnston, General Motors Powertrain
(2015-01-1234) Patrick Ellsworth, William Scott, Michael Fowler, Roydon Fraser, Ben Gaffney, Daniel VanLanen, University Of Waterloo
(2015-01-1625) Frederic Boissinot, Jerome Bellavoine, Andrew Shabashevich, AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc.; Siegfried Puster, AVL LIST GmbH
New Method for Refueling Hydrogen into High Pressure Tanks (Oral Only) Masanori Monde, Kyushu University
3:00 p.m.
An Illustrative Look at Energy Flow through Hybrid Powertrains for Design and Analysis (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1231) Eli H. White, Douglas J. Nelson, P. Christopher Manning, Virginia Tech
A New Approach in Measurement of Ignition Timing directly on a Two-Wheeler Using Embedded System (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1642) Shrey Aggarwal, Rama Subbu, Sanjay Gilotra, Hero MotoCorp Limited Black Box Dynamic Modelling of a Gasoline Engine forConstrained Model-Based Fuel Economy Optimization (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-1618) Ke Fang, AVL Powertrain UK, Ltd.; Zongyan Li, Univ of Loughborough; Andrew Shenton, Univ of Liverpool; David Fuente, Bo Gao, AVL Powertrain UK, Ltd.
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Hybrid and Electric Powertrains Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00465, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00475, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
313 B
412 A
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 6 of 6) (PFL320)
General Thermodynamics & Fundamentals (PFL116)
HCCI (Part 2 of 2): Experimental Studies (PFL230)
Launch Devices (PFL650)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of internal combustion engines with respect to: fundamentals of engine thermodynamics and heat transfer.
Classical HCCI combustion with temperature controlling combustion onset and only a modest effect of fuel injection. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and mode change are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL 110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This Session includes papers on torque converter, launch devices and modeling.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Kevin L. Hoag, Southwest Research Institute; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Organizers: Scott Goldsborough, Argonne National Laboratory; Darko Kozarac, Univ. of Zagreb; Samveg Saxena, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Technological Univ.
Organizers: Michael E. Fingerman, FCA US LLC
Chairpersons: Kevin L. Hoag, Southwest Research Institute; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino
Chairpersons: Michael E. Fingerman, Brandon Otulakowski, FCA US LLC
Chairpersons: Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University 1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Response Surface Analysis on Fuel Injection Quantity Fluctuation of Electronic In-Line Pump System for Diesel Engines
A Promising High Efficiency RM-HCCI Combustion Proposed By Detail Kinetics Analysis Of Exergy Losses
Effects of Gasoline Reactivity and Ethanol Content on Boosted, Premixed and Partially Stratified Low-Temperature Gasoline Combustion (LTGC)
Multi-objective Optimization Employing Genetic Algorithm for the Torque Converter with Dual-Blade Stator
Yun Bai, Liyun Fan, Xiuzhen Ma, Enzhe Song, Xin Yan, Harbin Engineering University
Feng Yan, Wanhua Su, Tianjin Univ
John E. Dec, Sandia National Laboratories; Yi Yang, Univ of Melbourne; Jeremie Dernotte, Chunsheng Ji, Sandia National Laboratories
Guangqiang Wu, Lijun Wang, Tongji University
An Experimental Study of Injection and Combustion with Dimethyl Ether
Assessment of Empirical Heat Transfer Models for a CFR Engine Operated in HCCI Mode
Energy Distribution Analysis in Boosted HCCI-like / LTGC Engines - Understanding the Trade-Offs to Maximize the Thermal Efficiency
Design of Clutch Pedal with Leaf Spring and Cam Mechanism to Reduce Clutch Pedal Effort
Satoru Sasaki, Masaaki Kato, Takamasa Yokota, DENSO Corp; Mitsuru Konno, Ibaraki University; Denis Gill, AVL LIST GmbH
Stijn Broekaert, Thomas De Cuyper, Ghent Jeremie Dernotte, John E. Dec, Chunsheng University; Kam Chana, University of Oxford; Ji, Sandia National Laboratories Michel De Paepe, Sebastian Verhelst, Ghent University
Siddhartha Singh; Sudha Ramaswamy
Measurements of Time-resolved Injection Rates for Two Different Types of GDI Injectors
Parametric 1-D Modeling of Study of a 5-Stroke Spark-Ignition Engine Concept for Increasing Engine Thermal Efficiency
Reaction Zone Propagation by Spark Discharge in Homogeneous Lean Charge after Low-Temperature Oxidation
Experimental Analysis and Model Validation of a Dual Mass Flywheel for Passenger Cars
Petter Dahlander, Chalmers Univ. of Technology; Daniele Iemmolo, Yifei Tong, Politecnico di Torino
Alex Melin, David Kittelson, William Northrop, Univ. of Minnesota
Kazunari Kuwahara, Osaka Institute of Technology; Masahiro Furutani, Yasuhiko Ohta, Nagoya Institute of Technology; Hiromitsu Ando, Imagineering, Inc.
Enrico Galvagno, Mauro Velardocchia, Alessandro Vigliani, Antonio Tota, Politecnico di Torino
Investigations of the Effect of Ambient Condition on SACI Combustion Range
Influence of Contamination between Clutch Release Bearing and Sliding Tube on the Clutch Pedal Hysteresis (SAE Brasil Best Paper # 2014-36-0153)
(Oral Only)
Brandon Mendrea, Robert Bosch LLC; Yan Chang, Univ of Michigan; Yusuf Zeynel Abidin Akkus, Jeff Sterniak, Robert Bosch LLC; Stanislav Bohac, Univ of Michigan
Levi Nascimento da Silva, Schaeffler Brasil Ltda
2:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Comparison of Performance, Efficiency and Emissions between Gasoline and E85 in a Two-Stroke Poppet Valve Engine with Lean Boost CAI Operation (2015-01-0827) Yan Zhang, Macklini Dalla Nora, Hua Zhao, Brunel University
3:30 p.m.
Experimental Investigation of the Impact of In-cylinder Pressure Oscillations on Piston Heat Transfer (Oral Only) Eric Gingrich, Daniel Janecek, Jaal Ghandhi, Univ of Wisconsin Madison
continued on next page
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
250 C
313 B
412 A
Fuel Injection and Sprays (Part 6 of 6) (PFL320)
General Thermodynamics & Fundamentals (PFL116)
HCCI (Part 2 of 2): Experimental Studies (PFL230)
Launch Devices (PFL650)
This session is devoted to experimental and computational work in the area of fuel injection systems and sprays. Topics include: spray characterization, cavitation, multi-phase jet modeling, CFD models for spray processes, wall films and impingement, hydraulic circuit analysis, and dissolved gas effects. Studies of both gasoline and diesel fuel sprays and fuel injection equipment are encouraged.
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of internal combustion engines with respect to: fundamentals of engine thermodynamics and heat transfer.
Classical HCCI combustion with temperature controlling combustion onset and only a modest effect of fuel injection. Papers describing experiments and test data, simulation results focused on applications, fuel/additive effects, combustion control, and mode change are invited and will be placed in appropriate sub-sessions. Papers with an emphasis on the modeling aspects of combustion are encouraged to be submitted into PFL 110 or PFL120 modeling sessions.
This Session includes papers on torque converter, launch devices and modeling.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Organizers: Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University; Michele Battistoni, Universita degli Studi di Perugia; Mebougna Drabo, Alabama A & M University; Essam ElHannouny, Argonne National Laboratory; Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University
Organizers: Kevin L. Hoag, Southwest Research Institute; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH
Organizers: Scott Goldsborough, Argonne National Laboratory; Darko Kozarac, Univ. of Zagreb; Samveg Saxena, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Technological Univ.
Organizers: Michael E. Fingerman, FCA US LLC
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Chairpersons: Kevin L. Hoag, Southwest Research Institute; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino
Chairpersons: Michael E. Fingerman, Brandon Otulakowski, FCA US LLC
Chairpersons: Gerald Micklow, Florida Institute of Technology; Tarek M. Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University Transient Spray Characteristics of Air Assisted Fuel Injection (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
Nanofluids and Thermal Management Strategy for Automotive Application (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation)
J. Sureshkumar, R Elayaraja, UCAL Fuel Systems, Ltd.; J M Mallikarjuna, Ganesan Venkitachalam, Indian Institute of Technology
Mario Vila Millan, Stephen Samuel, Oxford Brookes University
Experimental Investigation of the Primary Spray Development of GDI Injectors for Different Nozzle Geometries (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0911) Juliane Wetzel, Michael Henn, Mark Gotthardt, Volkswagen AG; Hermann Rottengruber, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg Injected Droplet Size Effects on Diesel Spray Results with RANS and LES Turbulence Models (Written Only -- No Oral Presentation) (2015-01-0925) Erik Elmtoft, A. S. (Ed) Cheng, San Francisco State University; Nick Killingsworth, Russell Whitesides, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Planned by Fuels and Lubricants / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00479, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
The papers in this session are available in SAE Technical Paper Collection, COLL-TP-00502, and also individually. To purchase visit collections.sae.org
SAE 2015 World Congress
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
251 A
1:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
142 B
412 A
Models for CI Combustion and Emissions (PFL113)
SI Combustion Ignition (PFL215)
Driveline NVH (PFL660)
This sub-session covers zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, and quasi-dimensional models for simulation of CI engines with respect to combustion and emissions.
This session focuses on the SI combustion ignition process and advanced ignition systems. Papers cover both 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines characterized by 1) ignition by an external energy source that serves to control combustion phasing, and 2) a combustion rate that is limited by flame propagation.
This session addresses transmission noise, vibration, rattle issues and design solutions.
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Jan Macek, Czech Technical Univ.; Federico Millo, Politecnico di Torino; Christof Schernus, Christof Schernus, FEV GmbH; Xiaofeng Yang, General Motors Co.
Organizers: William P. Attard, FCA US LLC; Thomas Edward Briggs, Southwest Research Institute; Richard S. Davis, General Motors Co.
Organizers: Fabio Da Silva Ferreira, Schaeffler Group USA Inc.; Michael E. Fingerman, FCA US LLC
Modified Heat Release Analysis for CNGAssisted Diesel Combustion
Reduction of Fuel Consumption and Engine-out NOx Emissions in a Lean Homogeneous GDI Combustion System, Utilizing Valve Timing and an Advanced Ignition System
Jonathan M. S. Mattson, Chenaniah Langness, Christopher Depcik, Univ. of Kansas
Gerben Doornbos, Stina Hemdal, Chalmers Univ. of Technology; Daniel Dahl, Volvo Cars Corporation
Towards Control-Oriented Modeling of Natural Gas-Diesel RCCI Combustion
Study of Ignition System for Demand Voltage Reduction
Cemil Bekdemir, Rik Baert, Frank Willems, TNO Automotive; Bart Somers, Eindhoven University of Technology
Yuya Abe, Akimitsu Sugiura, Kaori Doi, Masamichi Shibata, DENSO Corp.; Nozomi Yokoo, Koichi Nakata, Toyota Motor Corp.
Development and Validation of a New ZeroDimensional Semi-Physical NOx Emission Model for a D.I. Diesel Engine Using Simulated Combustion Process
Parametric Study and Secondary Circuit Model Calibration Using Spark Calorimeter Testing
Hassan Karaky, Gilles Mauviot, Renault; Xavier Tauzia, Alain Maiboom, Ecole Centrale De Nantes
Zainal Abidin, Christopher Chadwell, Southwest Research Institute
Sequential Model for Residual Affected HCCI with Variable Valve Timing
Combustion Visualization, Performance, and CFD Modeling of a Pre-Chamber Turbulent Jet Ignition System in a Rapid Compression Machine
Hrishikesh A. Saigaonkar, Mohammadreza Nazemi, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Technological Univ
Gerald Gentz, Bryce Thelen, Michigan State University; Paul Litke, USAF; John Hoke, Innovative Scientific Solutions Inc; Elisa Toulson, Michigan State University
3:00 p.m.
Design of a High Ignitability Spark Plug with a Flow Guide Plate
Transfer and Perception of Automotive Transmission Rattle
Noriaki Nishio, Takanobu Aochi, Nippon Gerrit Knabe, Markus Zahlten, Ferit Soken, Inc.; Nozomi Yokoo, Koichi Nakata, Kücükay, Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik Toyota Motor Corp; Yuya Abe, Ken Hanashi, DENSO Corp 3:30 p.m.
Low-Frequency Vibration Responses of a Single-Mode Power Split HEV Drive Train (2015-01-1123) Jiangwu Zhang, Donghao Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ; Haisheng Yu, Shanghai Maple Automobile Co. Ltd
4:00 p.m.
Adoption of Floating Seat in a Vehicle to Reduce Seat Vibration (2015-01-1122) Kengo Yabe, Toru Inagaki, Takashi Kondo, Honda
Planned by General Powertrain Development / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Planned by Engine Combustion / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
SAE 2015 World Congress
Planned by Transmission and Driveline Committee / Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Activity
Technical Sessions
Thursday, April 23 - Afternoon Technical and Business Sessions TIME
3:30 p.m.
331 A/B/C
331 A/B/C
331 A/B/C
Chat with the Experts: Model Based Controls & Diagnostics (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Combustion Efficiency & Knock Mitigation (CHAT)
Chat with the Experts: Tranmission Technology
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Model Based Controls & Diagnostics
Combustion Efficiency & Knock Mitigation
Transmisison Technology
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
(Oral Only)
Purvi Janani Limaye, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
Curtis Collie, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
Wayne Petzke, IAV Automotive Engineering Inc.
Propulsion/Powertrain notepads sponsored by:
Unwinding Electric Motors:
Strategic Perspectives and Insights for Automotive Powertrain Applications By Timothy G. Thoppil This book provides an in-depth assessment of the most important technology, manufacturing, and supply chain aspects of the fast-paced world of electric motors. A joint effort that brings together the technology and product strategy experience of the P3 Group and the focused reach of SAE International, this important new publication lends clarity combined with solid SAE Member Price: $160.00* data to those interested List Price: $200.00 in understanding the Product Code: JPF-P3-003 fundamental factors ISBN: 978-0-7680-8014-8 shaping this industry in Published: March 2014 the next five years. *Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
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SAE 2015 World Congress
As the recognized leader in the mobility industry, SAE powers the organizations and individuals who are moving the world forward. Stop by the SAE booth, located near the main entrance to Hall B, to make the connections and discover the products and services that are critical to your success: • Purchase technical papers and Special Publications from the SAE 2015 World Congress • Take an electronic product solutions demo and receive a free gift • Explore education and training opportunities • Browse the SAE Bookstore and check out SAE’s industry magazines • Preview Season 1 of SAE’s new Spotlight on Design Video Series • Learn about SAE membership, benefits and volunteer opportunities
SAE INTERNATIONAL BOOTH HOURS Tuesday 7:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. • Wednesday 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Participants Index a
Abas,Mohd...............................159 Abbasi,Zeynab.........................116 Abdel-Rehim,Ahmed A.........101 Abdel-Salam,Tarek M...152, 157, ....... 168, 170, 178, 180, 187, 194 Abdullah,Marwan................... 178 Abdullah,Oday Ibraheem.....144 Abdul-Manan,Amir Faizal Naidu...................................... 178 AbdulNour,Bashar....95, 96, 99 Abedini,Armin........................138 Abe,Hideaki............................ 104 Abe,Ryuichirou.........................78 Abe,Yuya..................................196 Abhishek,S.........................51, 190 Abidin,Nor Hairuddin Mohd Zainal......................................151 Abidin,Shaiful Fadzil Zainal..181 Abidin,Zainal............151, 181, 196 Abidin,Zulkhairi Zainol...........101 Abu-Farha,Fadi..... 133, 135, 136, ........................... 138, 140, 142 Achatz,Thomas........................191 Achtenova,Gabriela... 81, 153, 191 Ackerl,Martin........................... 175 Ackley,Robert....................69, 73 Adachi,Takayuki....................... 97 Adamey,Emrah......................... 91 Adam,Frank.............................105 Adam,Laurent.........................128 Adamski,Donald..................... 133 Adelman,Brad...99, 103, 105, 106 Adelman,Steven...................... 96 Adler,Angelo.............................53 Adler,Jonas..............................179 Afshari,Mehrdad.....................188 Agaram,Venkatesh.................120 Agarwal,Avinash Kumar..... 140, ...................................153, 157 Agarwal,Shikhar...................... 68 Agarwal,Vikas Kumar... 184, 186 Agelin-Chaab,Martin.............. 69 Agerup,Siril Hegén..................60 Aggarwal,Piyush................... 100 Aggarwal,Shrey......................193 Agsten,Michael........................ 79 Aguirre,Jorge..........................130 Ahari,Homayoun.......95, 96, 99 Ahmed,Meraj...................132, 133 Ahmed,Ryan.............................87 Ahn,Byung Ki...........................191 Ahn,Hojun................................. 62 Ahn,Jeong Uk......................... 140 Aiello,M. Anthony.................... 89 Airale,Andrea Giancarlo.........57 Ai,Xiaowei................................103 Akafuah,Nelson...................... 132 akamagi,Jun............................170 Akashi,Yohei............................. 79 Akehurst,S...............................168 Akehurst,Sam......... 118, 168, 175 Akemi,Yukiyasu....................... 79 Akhtar,Zubair........................... 79 Akita,Hironobu........................ 92 Akkus,Yusuf Zeynel Abidin..194 Alajbegovic,Ales....95, 97, 101, 107 Alasty,Aria................................ 76 Alcazar,Javier Adolfo............. 86 Alexander,Aaron.....................151 Alexander,Kim................... 78, 91 Alfaro,Ruben............................ 86 Alfè,Michela............................ 104 Alfieri,Vincenzo.......................164
Alger,Terrence.......155, 164, 173, ...................................181, 185 Alhajhouje,Abdullah.............. 178 Al-Hasan,Nisar........................169 Alhasia,Salah............................ 83 Alhassan,Yahaya..................... 97 Ali,Mahdi N................................87 Ali,Mohammed Yusuf....128, 138 Ali,Salah H. R...........................144 Aliukov,Sergei..................151, 175 Aliyev,Timur.............................164 Al-Janabi,A..............................107 Alkidas,Alexandros................170 Allard,Larry.............................. 99 Alleman,Teresa L....................165 Allen,Casey Maxwell..............183 Allen,J.......................................168 Allen,Mark............................... 104 Alley,Jesse.......................183, 193 Alleyne,Andrew.......................80 Allison,John E..........................113 Allocca,Luigi............................ 152 Allouache,Aimon..................... 97 Almaraz,Steven......................185 Almeida,Helder Alves de...... 155 Al-Sahb,Wassan Abd............144 Al-Shabibi,Abdullah..............144 Altenhof,William J....138, 143, 146 Álvarez,Anxo Sotelo..............159 Alyukov,Alexander................ 175 Alzubail,Abdullah................... 178 Alzueta,María Ujué................ 104 Ambekar,Yogesh....................108 Amiel,Ran................................ 152 Amodeo,Catherine M.... 137, 138 Amodeo,Joe............................. 95 Anandavally,Sreevidhya....... 135 Anand,Ravi................................ 81 Andersen,Sebastian..............130 Anderson,Brian....................... 79 Anderson,David W....138, 145, 146 Anderson,James E........ 103, 159 Anderson,Philip.......................161 Anderson,Robert.................... 67 Anderson,Robin.................... 140 Andersson,Arne.....................169 Andersson,Oivind........ 152, 166, ...................................173, 177 Ando,Hiromitsu......................194 Ando,Kenichi............................60 Ando,Taiki................................170 Andrea,Serra.............................57 Andrews,Gordon................... 109 Angell,Linda............................. 49 Angiolini,Emanuele................ 96 An,Hongmei............................. 99 An,Hyun Gyu............................114 An,Jungho................................115 Ankofski,Thomas....................136 Annabattula,Pallavi...............185 Annamalai,Ambalavanan.....108 Anthonysamy,Baskar..... 67, 146 Antonino,Pablo Oliveira... 89, 91 Antony,Shinto......................... 177 Antoun,Bonnie.........................118 Anwar,Mohammad.................191 Anwar,Saeed............................191 Aochi,Takanobu......................196 Aoki,Takashi..............................101 Aoki,Yuki................................... 99 Aoyagi,Tsuyoshi.......................191 Aoyagi,Yuzo.............................. 97 Apicella,Marco......................... 50 Arai,Masaaki..............................57 Araki,Takashi...........................168
Arao,Osamu.............................128 Arat,Mustafa...........................128 Arat,Mustafa Ali......................146 Arato,Keita...............................185 Arevalo,Andres.......................166 Arfaj,Abdullah Al.................... 178 Arienti,Roberto................. 71, 133 Arima,Toshiyuki............. 168, 170 Aritomi,Shunsuke....................161 Armand,Cedric.........................161 Armengaud,Eric............... 83, 89 Armstrong,Christopher D......51, .....................................55, 62 Arnal,Cristina......................... 104 Arnau,Francisco Jose............170 Arnault,Nicolas........................161 Arndt,Mark William.................60 Arnold,Bryan D.......................128 Arnold,Steven.........................180 Arora,Japveer.......................... 62 Arora,Kunal.............................185 Arsie,Ivan.................................166 Arslan,Selin.............................. 83 Aruga,Tomohisa.....................107 Asa-Awuku,Akua...................183 Asad,Usman............................187 Asanuma,Hiroyuki.................. 62 Asay,Alan F..... 51, 52, 55, 62, 72 Asfoor,M. Sh..................... 69, 176 Asghari,Tony A...............175, 185 Ashida,Koichi..........................168 Ashton,Neil, PHD...............53, 73 Aslam,Mohammed..................161 Assadian,Francis....................146 Assaker,Roger.........................128 Atas,Muesluem........................ 89 Athani,Gopal............................. 81 Atibeh,Payman Abbasi.........170 Atkinson,Christopher............163 Atkinson,Theresa.....................53 Atkinson,William.................... 157 Attard,William P.....................196 Attridge,Alex............................ 83 Atzler,Frank.............................165 Augsburg,Klaus......................143 Ault,Nicholas............................ 63 Ausserhofer,Norbert..............161 Austin,Timothy P..................... 68 Aust,Mikael Ljung....................60 Avadhanula,Vamshi................101 Avery,Katherine......................130 Axelson,Anders........................53 Aydin,Ceren....................... 95, 99 Ayeb,Mohamed....................... 85 Aylor,David................................72 Ayyakannu,Mani..............50, 133 Ayyappan,Ponnaiyan............103 Azevedo,Luis Silva.................. 79 Azmin,Farraen Mohd.............193 Azumagakito,Isao..................164 Azzam,Badr S. N....................144 Azzouz,Michael.......................129
Baar,Roland..............................161 Baba,Hiroyasu...........................87 Babiker,Hassan.......................164 Bachinger,Markus.................. 175 Badathala,Ravi......................... 96 Badgley,Jennifer M................. 50 Badinier,Guillaume................138 Badiru,Ibrahim A...............58, 73 Badra,Jihad.............................164 Badshah,Huzeifa.....................101
Bae,Choongsik.................151, 153 Baecker,Manfred........... 128, 146 Bae,Daesung............................117 Baehr,Steffen........................... 89 Bae,Jung C................................ 65 Baert,Rik..................................196 Baeta,Jose G. C.......................168 Baez,Misael Flores................. 135 Bagcivan,Dr. Nazlim..............143 Bahrami,Behnam...157, 159, 168 Baibikov,Vladimir................... 152 Bailey,Brett M........................... 96 Bai,Man............................ 105, 159 Bai,Minli....................................102 Bain,Jeremy..............................73 Bai,Sue................... 57, 76, 79, 86 Bai,Yan......................................147 Bai,Yun......................................194 Bai,Zhonghao........................... 56 Baker,Andrew.......................... 76 Baker,Chad................................ 97 Balaji,K V...........................98, 139 Balakrishnan,Praveen Balaj.. 99 Balashunmuganathan, Vasanth.................................. 99 Balasubramaniam, Viswanathan.........................60 Balasubramanian,Gana.......... 54 Balau,Andreea Elena..............115 Balduzzi,Francesco................189 Ballard,Steven.........................145 Ball,Douglas............99, 103, 109 Balling,Ole...............................130 Ballo,Federico.......................... 62 Bandhauer,Todd.....................179 Bandila,Kiran...........................165 Banerjee,Soham...................... 88 Bang,Jae Sung........................ 157 Bang,Seyoon........................... 133 Bansal,Abhijit............................ 81 Bansal,Sidharth......................184 Bao,Ran....................................164 Bao,WeiNing............................ 69 Bapp,Falco K............................ 89 Barakat,Brandon......................55 Baratta,Alfredo....................... 175 Barba,Daniel....................130, 177 Barbat,Saeed... 67, 118, 120, 138 Barber,Gary.............................144 Barber,Phil................................ 92 Bardasz,Ewa Alice...................151 Bare,Cleve.................................. 71 Bares,Jason..............................151 Bargende,Michael..........159, 175 Barker,Erin................................113 Barker,L....................................168 Barnes,Dan............................... 67 Barnes,Doug............................ 86 Barrett,Stephen........................ 81 Barrientos,Eduardo J.............103 Barr,Matthew..........................166 Barros,Jose Eduardo Mautone................................ 155 Barros,Sam.............................. 157 Barthelemy,Bruno...................115 Barths,Hardo......... 153, 159, 170, .................................. 178, 189 Bartlett,Samuel T....................64 Bartley,Gordon J....................103 Bartolucci,Lorenzo.................170 Basara,Branislav.............. 49, 178 Baseski,Igor.......................112, 113 Basha,J. Sadhik.......................179 Basha,Rizwan........................... 62 Baskaran,Anusha.....................87
SAE 2015 World Congress
Baskin,Donald.................124, 133 Basrur,Sampoornananda.....189 Bassett,Michael...................... 175 Basudhar,Anirban................... 49 Basu,Sumit............................. 100 Battista,Davide Di..................102 Battistoni,Michele.152, 157, 168, ............................178, 187, 194 Baudet,Adrien..........................161 Bauinger,Christoph................128 Baumann,Philipp....................105 Baumbarger,Michael A.........143 Baumgard,Kirby............105, 108 Baumgartner,Laura Sophie...176 Baustian,James...................... 178 Bazyn,M....................................168 Bazyn,Tim................................ 173 Beals,Randy............................129 Beatrice,Carlo.......................... 178 Beaudet,Brian........................... 71 Beaum,Benoît.........................120 Becker,Juergen........................ 89 Becker,Nicolas..........................161 Beer,Johannes........................169 Befrui,Bizhan...................153, 168 Begin,Louis.............................. 177 Behdinan,Kamran....................55 Behera,Reena Kumari......79, 87 Beigmoradi,Sajjad.................. 56 Bekdemir,Cemil......................196 Beland,Oliver............................ 50 Bellavoine,Jerome.................193 Bellis,Vincenzo De..........159, 188 Bell,John...................................115 Belmonte,Miguel Angel Reyes.......................................118 Belton,David............................186 Beltramelli,Fabrizio.............. 104 Belwadi,Aditya.......... 50, 53, 54 Belwafa,Jamel E...................... 67 Benajes,Jesus..........................161 Bencherif,Karim......................185 Bender,Sebastian...................146 Bengtsson,Per-Erik................ 173 Benmimoun,Mohamed...........55 Bennett,Ann............................134 Bennur,Mallikarjuna.. 49, 51, 55, ................................60, 67, 71 Benoit,Mathieu.......................185 Benz,Andreas..........................159 Berels,Dave............................... 49 Bergerson,Joshua...................116 Bergin,Michael........................180 Bermudez,Eric........................ 157 Bermudez,Vicente................... 96 Berndorfer,Axel...................... 153 Berni,Fabio..............................159 Berson,Arganthaël...................53 Bertoch,James..........................55 Bertolini,Henry....................... 132 Besch,Marc C................... 101, 158 Best,Scott................................. 69 Betrancourt,Stephane........... 132 Beul,Christian........................... 86 Beyerlein,Steven W........ 69, 176 Bhadani,Nikhil........................... 81 Bhambare,Kamalesh.............. 95 Bhambri,Mihir..........................131 Bhandarkar,Ram.................... 140 Bharath,Anand Nageswaran.........................189 Bhardwaj,Anil..........................151 Bhide,Sachin............................191 Bhirud,Pankaj........................... 51 Bhoopalam,Anudeep K......... 62
Participants Index Bhuyan,Deepak Ranjan........146 Bianchi,Gian Marco................170 Bian,Mingyuan......................... 49 Bidaine,Benoit................128, 132 Biddappa,Bopaiah Ittira......133, .................................. 143, 146 Bidolli,Peter............................... 71 Bielaczyc,Piotr........................105 Bieler,Thomas R.......................113 Bierdeman,Paul........................ 81 Biet,Clemens............................161 Bilbao,Rafael.......................... 104 Bilkhu,Sukhbir........................... 71 Billal,Mohammed K.........62, 130 Biller,Brandon D.....................159 Binner,Thomas..................52, 101 Bishop,Neil............................. 140 Bissell,Andrew......................... 54 Björklund,Magnus....................53 Black,Amalia............................118 Black,Benjamin.......................164 Black,Doug............................... 79 Bladh,Henrik........................... 173 Blankenhorn,Gunther............128 Blank,Reinhold..................79, 83 Blasio,Gabriele Di................... 178 Blaxill,Hugh.............................108 Blikeng,Lisa Schei...................60 Blohm,Trevor........................... 155 Blommer,Michael.....................55 Blum,Andrew...........................60 Blumrich,Reinhard.................. 50 Board,Derek............................ 135 Bobba,Somasekhar...... 143, 146 Bode,Mathis.................... 168, 170 Boehlert,Carl J.........................113 Boehman,André...................... 98 Boehman,Andre L..................103 Boehm,Benjamin.................... 177 Boger,Thorsten......103, 105, 108 Boggarapu,Naveen................. 83 Bohac,Stanislav......................194 Boh,Ann.................................... 63 Bohn,Sven................................. 79 Boileau,James......................... 133 Boileau,James M.................... 132 Boissinot,Frederic..................193 Bolarinwa,Emmanuel............128 Bolarinwa,Emmanuel O... 63, 128 Bolar,Nikhil.............................. 135 Bolon,Kevin.............................143 Bonatesta,Fabrizio..................101 Boningari,Thirupathi.............103 Bonitz,Sabine........................... 69 Bonkoski,Phillip......................159 Bonnen,John J.............. 126, 130, .................................. 135, 140 Bonugli,Enrique....................... 56 Booker,David...........................189 Boot,Michael................... 157, 183 Boran,Lisa................................. 76 Bordner,Jeffrey.........................57 Boretti,Alberto.......................154 Borman,Stephen.................... 175 Born,Marc.................................. 76 Borz,Meghan J........................ 157 Bosek,Jacek..............................118 Bosley,Alfred D.......................124 Bouchez,Maximilien................ 81 Boundy,Timothy.....................134 Bovee,Katherine.............183, 193 Boyer,Brad A........................... 175 Boyle,Kyle..................................53 Bozeman,Jeffrey... 95, 96, 99, 101
Bozza,Fabio.............159, 187, 188 Brabetz,Ludwig....................... 85 Brace,Chris.............. 168, 169, 175 Brace,C.J..................................168 Brach,Raymond M.............55, 62 Bradley,Thomas......................183 Braghin,Francesco.....63, 77, 80 Brahma,Indranil......................166 Braisher,Mike..................105, 108 Brakora,Jessica.......................168 Branagan,D.J...........................138 Brandl,Mark.............................. 96 Brands,Thorsten............ 140, 183 Brassart,Pascale.....................180 Bravo,Luis................................ 153 Bravo,Yolanda........................ 104 Bready,Jon E.............................52 Brear,Michael J....... 159, 161, 170 Breda,Sebastiano...................159 Bredda,Scott............................118 Breivik,Nicole...........................118 Brelin-Fornari,Janet................53 Breuze,Matthieu..................... 157 Brezny,Rasto....................99, 103 Briggs,Michael L.....................187 Briggs,Stuart............................151 Briggs,Thomas E.... 155, 180, 196 Brigham,David........................164 Brijesh,P.................................. 190 Brizi,Gabriele...........................105 Brods,Bruno............................ 175 Broekaert,Stijn................152, 194 Bromberg,Leslie...................... 96 Bronfenbrenner,David.. 99, 100 Broniewicz,Alexander......69, 73 Brooke,Lindsay.......................163 Brooker,Aaron......................... 152 Brooks,Christopher J.............183 Brooks,Mark............................. 79 Broomhead,Timothy...............161 Brown,Michael......................... 92 Brown,Stuart............................ 67 Brown,Tyler..............................193 Brown,Zach.............................129 Bruijn,Rob De..........................154 Brusiani,Federico...................170 Bruyneel,Michael.................... 132 Bryan,Lyle Stanley.......... 76, 78, .....................................85, 87 Bucher,Jake D.........................183 Buchler,Thomas...................... 135 Buckley,Stephen.......................87 Bucknell,John R..... 155, 164, 173 Bueker,Ulrich............................ 85 Buffa,Ronald P........................192 Buitoni,Giacomo.....................105 Buller,William............................87 Bullough,John D.......................55 Bunce,Michael......................... 178 Burgess,Stuart......................... 92 Burke,Richard...................97, 175 Burnett,Michael......................145 Burrows,Barry......................... 155 Burton,Evan.............................107 Burton,Jerry............................124 Busch,Stephen................166, 177 Bushi,Lindita........................... 135 Businaro,Andrea....................185 Butcher,Cliff.....................133, 138 Butler,Aron D..........................103 Butts,Christopher....................151 Bybee,Michael.........................159 Byrd,Kevin............................... 132
Caccese,Vincent....................... 68 Cades,David..............................55 Caffrey,Cheryl.........................143 Cai,Jing.....................................102 Cai,Wayne.......164, 173, 183, 193 Calabrese,Francesco..............146 Calderbank,John...................... 51 Çalkan,Kemal..........................126 Calmels,Sylvain...................... 132 Camacho,Javier Medrano......118 Camm,Joseph......................... 152 Campbell,Aindrea.................. 137 Campbell,Donald H................ 132 Campbell,Matthew................166 Canova,Marcello............ 99, 168, .................................. 169, 177 Cano,Zach................................128 Cantoni,Carlo............................ 71 Cantoni,Carlo Maria............... 133 Cantore,Giuseppe..................159 Cao,Dongpu................... 143, 146 Cao,Libo.............................56, 121 Cao,Liming............................... 174 Caplow-Munro,Devin SJ......... 51 Capobianco,Massimo....177, 188 Carder,Daniel.................. 101, 158 Carello,Massimiliana................57 Carhart,Michael........................72 Carneiro,Guilherme...............130 Carney,Kelly............................128 Carpenter,Neil.........................163 Carpenter,Robert M............... 132 Carreño,Ricardo.....................170 Carrera,Julio.............................116 Carreres,M...................... 178, 184 Carreres,Marcos...................... 178 Carr,Lee..................................... 67 Carsley,John...........133, 140, 142 Carter,Jarrod............... 66, 71, 72 Carter,Neal................................. 51 Cartwright,Justin...................185 Carvalho,Matheus Guilherme França.................................... 155 Cassatta,Stephen..................... 71 Catalini,David..........................138 Catapano,Francesco..............159 Catellani,Cristian....................170 Cattolica,Robert...................... 96 Cavanaugh,John...................... 50 Cavanaugh,Tim A..................... 81 Cavaretta,Michael.......... 118, 120 Cavataio,Giovanni...........96, 103 Cavina,Nicolo..........................185 Cawley,Megan.........................183 Cazzoli,Giulio...........................170 Cervo,Victor Gallas................... 71 Cesare,Matteo De...101, 166, 185 Chadwell,Christopher J... 185, 196 Chaithanya,Naga.................... 177 Chai,Zhigang...........................103 Cha,Jaehyuk...................189, 190 Cha,Jaekwang......................... 67 Chakmakov,Georgi..................116 Chamadiya,Bhavin.................. 85 Chamaillard,Yann...................187 Chambon,Paul........................182 Chana,Kam......................152, 194 Chandel,Ishan..........................60 Chandran,Harish......................117 Chandras,Pavan.....................159 Chan,Edward...........................170 Chaney,Larry..................... 96, 97
SAE 2015 World Congress
Chang,ChenFang......................78 Chang,Cheng............................. 91 Chang,Guofeng.........................87 Chang,Junseok....................... 178 Chang,Kuo-Ching.....................87 Chang,Shi-Ing.......................... 95 Chang,Wayne..........................189 Chang,Yan................................194 Chang,Yin-Ping.............. 126, 146 Chan,Ka Chung........................ 99 Chan,Steven............................145 Chan,Tak W..............................103 Chao,Christopher.................... 99 Chao,Xiuli..................................118 Chapin,Terry Lynn..................138 Chapman,Adam......................166 Chapman,Elana.......................187 Chapman,Richard.................. 152 Charintranond,Paul.............. 106 Charlet,Alain............................187 Charmley,William.................. 109 Cha,Seung Kwon...................... 71 Chatham,Chris......................... 97 Chator,Amir..............................115 Chatterjee,Mayurika............... 76 Chatterjee,Sougato.......... 95, 99 Chaudhari,Anita............. 191, 193 Chaudhari,Ashish J................187 Chaudhari,Sandip...................181 Chavannavar,Praveen......... 105, ..................................108, 163 Chedid,Riad........................ 51, 79 Cheli,Federico.......................... 63 Chellman,Mari.........................129 Chenadec,Vincent Le.............168 Chen,Bin....................................151 Chen,Bo.................... 50, 164, 183 Chen,Boxiao.............................118 Chen,Chao.................92, 183, 193 Chen,Chaoyang....................... 50 Chen,Chong.............................120 Chen,Daolun............................ 133 Cheng,Aiguo............................. 51 Chen,Gang............................... 157 Cheng,A. S. (Ed).....................195 Cheng,Bo.................................. 50 Cheng,Chao.............................183 Cheng,Hailong.........................161 Cheng,James........................... 135 Cheng,Ming.................... 164, 183 Cheng,S....................................138 Cheng,Shuai..............................73 Cheng,Siqi................................187 Chen,Guofei...126, 130, 135, 138, ........................... 140, 143, 146 Chen,Guoying.........................158 Cheng,Wai K.............................151 Cheng,Xiaobei................141, 190 Cheng,Yi-Pen..........................146 Chen,Hong.......................120, 157 Chen,Huiqin.............................. 56 Chen,Jiaquan................. 126, 146 Chen,Jiguang............................57 Chen,Jyh-Yuan.................96, 159 Chen,Kuo-Huey.................57, 96 Chen,Li...................................... 157 Chen,Long..........................49, 161 Chen,Patrick P........................ 160 Chen,Ping.................................. 63 Chen,Qiang................................57 Chen,Qingzhang...................... 65 Chen,Qiuren.............................126 Chen,Run..................................187 Chen,Shengzhao.....................131
Chen,Shih-Ken......................... 49 Chen,S Kevin............................ 83 Chen,Tao...................................102 Chen,Wei...................112, 118, 120 Chen,Xiang...................... 157, 162 Chen,Xiao.......................... 118, 131 Chen,Xiaoming.......132, 133, 138 Chen,Xin...................................144 Chen,Xu....................................136 Chen,Xuefei....166, 175, 185, 193 Chen,Xueqian...........................121 Chen,Yi-Hsin............................ 135 Chen,Yijung............................. 135 Chen,Yong................................ 157 Chen,Yong-Ching...................183 Chen,Yongfu............................162 Chen,Yuan..................85, 96, 159 Chen,Yulian..............................102 Chen,Zhenfu............................. 86 Chen,Zhongyuan....................159 Cherel,Jerome......................... 152 Cherry,Jeff...............................164 Chiang,Henrique....................166 Chiatti,Giancarlo..................... 178 Chiavola,Ornella..................... 178 Chien,Li-Chun.................. 83, 187 Chinnathambi,Prasanna....... 178 Chinta,Balakrishna..................118 Chiriac,Constantin..........133, 138 Chitragar,PR........................... 109 Cho,David................................. 157 Cho,Gyubaek..................105, 108 Choi,Byoung-Ho.....................146 Choi,Hoimyung...... 161, 189, 190 Choi,Kyoo Sil............................113 Choi,Seok-Ju............................ 63 Choi,Seungmok......................103 Choi,Sung Moon.................... 140 Choi,Yun Kyu............................113 Choo,Hyun Suk........................191 Chopra,Nitin.............................116 Cho,Seokwon..........................165 Chouak,Mohamed.................. 178 Chou,Clifford..............71, 72, 116, ..................................130, 146 Chou,Clifford C.......................... 71 Choudhary,Tushar...................191 Choudhury,Amit................76, 79 Chougule,N B...........................151 Chowdhury,Sourav................. 96 Cho,Young-Chang....................53 Cho,Younggeol.........................117 Christensen,Earl.....................165 Christlbauer,Herbert.............. 92 Chuang,Ching-Hung....... 115, 116 Chu,Chuanchuan.................... 153 Chu,Edmund W.......................142 Chu,Hongqing......................... 157 Chun,Dae Kuen........................191 Chung,Jongwon.....................165 Chupka,Gina M........................165 Chu,Sanghyun...............189, 190 Chu,Yuqiang............................. 86 Ciajolo,Anna........................... 104 Ciatti,Stephen..........................161 Cicalese,Giuseppe..................159 Cimarello,Alessandro.............101 Cimatti,Franco........................ 155 Cipollone,Roberto..................102 Clark,Aaron..............................166 Clark,Kirby S............................192 Clauser,Mark..............................72 Clauser,Mark D.......................... 71 Cleary,David J......................... 172
Cleary,Thomas.........................60 Clerc,James.............................105 Clerck,James De....49, 51, 55, 60 Close,Gael F...............................78 Coelingh,Erik............................60 Colborn,Jason................... 63, 65 Coleman,Clay.................... 63, 65 Collet,Olivier............................ 152 Collins,John C..........................151 Coma,Gilles..............................159 Complexity,Cost of.................134 Comte,Pierre............................101 Conklin,Jeff..............................129 Conklin,Jeff L..129, 132, 135, 136 Conlon,Brendan M................. 155 Connatser,Raynella................ 178 Conrad,Megan.........................112 Conrad,Veit................................ 71 Conte,Giuseppe......................164 Contreras,Diego.....................130 Conway,Raymond............ 95, 99 Cook,Adam G. M...................... 67 Copeland,C.D..........................168 Copeland,Colin........................168 Copeland,Colin D.....................118 Coravos,Cassandra.................. 71 Corcega,Jose............................ 67 Cordiner,Stefano....................170 Cordon,Dan.............................. 69 Corey,Neal J............................. 132 Corrigan,Eric............................. 96 Coryell,Jason...................133, 138 Costall,Aaron...........................168 Costa,Michela..................152, 159 Costinett,Daniel J....................191 Costin,Mark............................... 83 Courville,Grant.......................... 91 Cousins,William L...................192 Couturier,Thierry....................103 Covassin,Federico..................185 Cowart,Jim.............................. 157 Cox,Sophie............................... 133 Coyte,James............................130 Craggs,Dennis..........................118 Craig,Scott.............49, 78, 79, 91 Crain,John................................183 Crain,Trevor.....................183, 193 Cramer,Larry..................... 89, 92 Crandall,Jeff............................. 62 Crawford,Zachary...................112 Creehan,Kevin D......................118 Cremeens,Chris.......................103 Crimp,Martin A........................113 Critchley,David......................... 67 Crosby,Charles L...................... 62 Crosty,Nathan....................76, 79 Croteau,Jeffrey............62, 71, 72 Crowley,James A...................... 51 Cruff,Luke................................. 178 Crump,Caroline.........................55 Cryderman,Robert.................145 Cui,Haitao................................ 135 Cui,Jun.......................................151 Cui,Lei........................................60 Culbertson,David...................103 Culham,Richard......................193 Cung,Khanh............................. 155 Cunningham,Mary..................116 Curley,Alex................................73 Curran,Allen............................. 97 Curran,Scott..... 95, 97, 157, 170, ..................................180, 189 Curran,Scott J.........................105 Currier,David T......................... 65 Currier,Neal..................... 99, 100 Curry,Reates..............................55
Curtis,Eric W.............................151 Custer,Nicholas.......................105 Cuyper,Thomas De.........152, 194 Cwycyshyn,Walter.................. 58 Czarnecki,Krzysztof................ 79 Czerny,Barbara J.......76, 79, 83, ............................... 86, 89, 91 Czerwinski,Frank.................... 133 Czerwinski,Jan................. 99, 101 Czubay,John.....................177, 191
Dabhole,Dipak......................... 84 d’Adamo,Alessandro.............159 DAddetta,Gian Antonio........143 Dadoura,Hassan H.................144 Daehn,Glenn............................ 137 Dahlander,Petter............153, 194 Dahl,Daniel..............................196 Dahle,Eric.................................. 54 Dahl,Erik...................................180 Dahodwala,Mufaddel............180 Dai,Bing......................................57 Daido,Kazuhiro........................60 Dai,Edward.............................. 157 Dai,Haifeng..............165, 173, 183 Dailey,Michael.........................180 Daily,Jeremy............................. 67 Dai,Xianjun..............................167 Dai,Xiaoyan............................. 175 Dakroub,Husein........................87 Dalmases,Carlos Arregui.57, 62 Damaz,Sylvain........................185 D’Ambrosio,Joseph G.....83, 86, ..................................... 89, 91 Damji,Nilufar...........................193 Danawade,Bharatesh Adappa..................................147 Danielson,Kurt................128, 132 D’Anna,Gloria Danna............... 81 Dannebaum,Udo.............. 89, 92 Danymol,R................................ 76 Darmstadt,Patrick Robert.... 175 Daryan,Jafar Hashemi...........188 Das,B P..............................151, 158 Dascalescu,Diana...................163 Das,Himadri Bushan..............167 Das,Shuvra..............................144 Das,Sudhakar.......................... 153 Datar,Advaita............................ 81 Datta,Sandip...........................146 Davies,Richard........................138 Davis,Gary A..............................55 Davis,Richard S......153, 155, 161, .............. 164, 173, 185, 187, 196 Davoud,Sherwin......................151 Davy,Martin............................. 152 Daw,Charles.............................156 Daw,C Stuart............................105 Day,John.........76, 79, 81, 89, 92 Deb,Anindya..... 71, 72, 116, 130, ............................ 133, 146, 161 Debouk,Rami Ismail................ 83 Dec,John E...............................194 Decker,Leland........................... 71 Deda,Erin..................................113 Deep,Amar............................... 97 Dehoff,Eric................................ 59 Dekam,Jonathan.................... 137 Dekraker,Paul................. 130, 168 DeKraker,Paul................ 130, 168 Delahaye,Laurent................... 177 Delhom,Jeremy.............. 159, 161 Delpech,Vivien........................ 152 DelVescovo,Dan............. 180, 189
DeMass,Thomas...................... 132 Dempsey,Adam......................180 Dempsey,Adam B........108, 153, ...................................161, 170 Denbratt,Ingemar...................171 Dengbo,He................................ 65 Deng,Dingfeng....................... 177 Deng,Guoming....................... 140 Deng,Jun.................................. 155 Deng,Weiwen............ 73, 87, 115, .................................. 143, 144 Dennis,Peter A........................170 Denton,Bradley.......................185 Deopa,Shailendra................. 100 Depcik,Christopher....... 99, 103, ........................... 105, 186, 196 Deptula,Luke...........................143 Dernotte,Jeremie...................194 D’Errico,Gianluca............153, 178 Derybowski,Ed....................... 106 Desantes,JM............................184 Desbois-Renaudin,Matthieu...78 Desharnais,Sebastien........... 177 Deshpande,Ramya...................87 Despres,Joel............................. 99 Detwiler,Duane.........................55 Deussen,Joel............................ 96 Devabhaktuni,Vijay.................115 Dev,Anshuman.......................192 Devarakonda,Maruthi...........99, ..................................103, 105 Devaux,Jean-Francois.......... 157 Dev,Sathya...............................146 Dev,Shouvik..............................151 Dheenadhayalan, Padmanaban........................ 174 Dhinagar,Samraj Jabez.........167 D’Hooge,Andrew..................... 63 Diakhaby,Sarah.... 153, 159, 170, .................................. 178, 189 Dibb,Alan...................................72 Dibble,Robert........................... 96 Dibble,Robert W.....................159 Dick,Albert................................191 Dickerson,Terrence................ 157 Dickinson,Matthew W............. 51 Dimaratos,Athanasios........... 155 Ding,Carl-Philipp.................... 177 Ding,Jieyun...............................80 Ding,Nenggen......... 58, 143, 146 Ding,Peiran..............................145 Ding,Shun-Liang.................... 173 Ding,Wei...................................102 Ding,Yi.............164, 173, 183, 193 Dinnawi,Rafika......................... 79 Divekar,Prasad................157, 189 Diwoky,Franz..........................193 Di,Xiang..............................77, 185 Dixon,George..........................167 Dixon,Jon.................................166 Dizayi,Buland.......................... 157 Djomseu,Patricia..............71, 146 Djuric,Ana M.............................116 Dlugosz,Rafal...........................60 Dlugosz,Rafal Tomasz............ 79 D’Mello,Royan J...................... 132 Dobrenizki,Ladislaus.............143 Dobstetter,John.......................118 Dodd,Amanda..........................118 Dodson,Bryan.................. 113, 114 Doerfler,Nikolas..................... 140 Doerr,Heiko............................... 86 Doig,Dwight............................185 Doi,Isao....................................163 Doi,Kaori..................................196 Dokko,Yasuhiro........................ 67
Dominy,Robert..................53, 73 Donaldson,Andrew................. 92 Dongare,Kapil........................... 81 Dong,Lichun............................170 Dong,Lihui................................101 Dong,Mike................................ 135 Dong,Pingsha..................126, 135 Dong,Shijun............................ 190 Dongxu,Lei..............................102 Dong,Zhihong.................. 127, 131 Donkers,Tijs.............................164 D’Onofrio,Mario......................168 Doornbos,Gerben...................196 Doria,Vittorio...........................164 Dost,Tobias..............................154 Dou,Danan............... 99, 103, 105 Dourra,Hussein.......155, 157, 164 Dowling,Zachary.................... 133 Drabek,Christian...................... 86 Drabo,Mebougna..........152, 157, .............. 168, 178, 183, 187, 194 Dreizler,Andreas............. 101, 152 Drennan,Scott.........................105 Drennan,Scott Allen.....105, 108 Dresser,Daniel.........................193 Drotar,Timothy..........................53 Du,Aimin.................................. 153 Duan,Chengwu.......................166 Dubbs,Christopher.................. 95 Dubey,Anamika....................... 79 Dubey,Ashutosh......................116 Dubois,Jean-Luc.................... 157 DuBois,Paul.............................128 Du,Changqing........ 135, 136, 142 Duell,Edward............................ 63 Duell,Edward G................. 50, 53 Dufresne,Louis........................ 178 Du,Haiping...............................130 Duhon,Aimee N...................... 155 Du,Isaac.................................... 177 Duke,Daniel.............157, 168, 178 Dula,Matthew..........................128 Dumitrescu,Cosmin E............ 173 Duncan,Allen B..............105, 108 Duncan,Bradley.................53, 63 Duoba,Michael............... 155, 164 D’Urbano,Giovanni................. 99 Durbin,Thomas......102, 160, 183 Dutta,Utpal...............................116 Dux,Ernö..................................143 Du,Yongchang................ 136, 140 Duy,Viet Vu............................... 89 Dwyer-Joyce,Rob.................. 140
Eagle,Audrey............................ 54 Eagle,W. Ethan................. 69, 178 Ebert,Matthias......................... 85 Ebina,Tomohito........................ 89 Ebner,Wolfgang...................... 175 Ebrahimi,Khashayar..............187 Ebrahimi,Mehran......................55 Ebrahimi,Reza.........................188 Echempati,Raghu...............67, 71 Echeverry,Julian Mauricio....130 Economou,John....................... 79 Edelmann,Johannes............... 54 Edward,James Gunasekaran........................ 153 Ee,Chris A. Van.................. 50, 53 Efendic,Hajrudin.......................87 Efthymiou,Petros.................. 104 Egbers,Robert......................... 133 Eggenstein,Lars....................... 92 Eghfaier,Mohamed.................147
SAE 2015 World Congress
Ehrhard,Jan.............................169 Eich,Heather............................128 Eigenmann,Markus................187 Eilts,Peter................................. 177 Eisenlohr,Philip........................113 Ejakov,Mikhail A..............153, 161 Ekman,Petter.................... 50, 57 Ekoto,Isaac..............................187 Elango,Adarsh Viji................... 49 Elango,C..............................49, 72 Elayaraja,R.......................153, 195 Elbel,Stefan.............................. 95 El-Faramawy,Ibrahim............. 92 Elfstrom,Gary........................... 69 Elfstrom,Gary M....................... 62 El-Gindy,Moustafa.......... 67, 128 Elhajjar,Rani............................143 El-Hannouny,Essam.....152, 157, .....................168, 178, 187, 194 Elias,Gabriel.............................165 El-jawahri,Raed E..............67, 68 El-Jawahri,Raed E.............67, 68 Eller,Jan.....................................101 Ellsworth,Patrick....................193 ElMaraghy,Waguih..................116 Elmawazini,Mohamed............ 92 Elmore,Michael........................ 62 Elmtoft,Erik..............................195 Elsawaf,A.................................130 El-Sayed,Mohamed.......109, 118 El-Sharkawy,Alaa.....95, 97, 101, .............................104, 113, 116 Emery,Rod................................ 97 Endou,Isao................................ 68 End,Thomas.............................. 86 Engler-Pinto,Carlos........130, 135 Engler-Pinto,Carlos Carvalho.......126, 130, 135, 140 Enoki,Keiichi..............................57 Eriksson,Katja.........................143 Eriksson,Lars........................... 173 Ernst,Markus............................ 85 Ernstmeyer,Jim................99, 105 Esmaael,Rafaa........................126 Ess,Joel Van............................. 83 Est,Jeroen Van........................163 Eswaramoorthy,Prithiviraj... 176 Etheridge,Jonathan E............. 99 Ettireddy,Padmanabha Reddy.....................................103 Evangelou,Simos A........ 167, 175 Evans,Howard.................. 85, 124 Evans,J. Howard...................... 85 Every,Joshua L..........................57 Ewald,Jens.............................. 190 Ezzat,Hesham..........................113
Faath,Timo...............................139 Fabian,Jürgen......................... 175 Fabien,Brian............................183 Fabre,Clara............................... 152 Fabre,Jean-Charles................ 83 Facius,Thorsten.........................57 Fadler,Gregory.................. 50, 53 Faghani,Ehsan........................188 Fairchild,Joe...................... 89, 92 Fairchild,Joseph M.................. 86 Fairchilds,William...................136 Falb,Johannes.........................143 Falco,Stefano..........................166 Falfari,Stefania........................170 Falkenstein,Tobias......... 168, 170 Fallah,Yaser P........................... 86 Fallon,Lisa.................. 50, 53, 133
Participants Index Fang,Jian...................................115 Fang,Ke....................................193 Fang,Zhanpeng..................... 140 Fanick,E. Robert.....................105 Fan,Liyun.......................... 60, 194 Fannin,Michael P.....................192 Fan,Ying..................................... 84 Fan,Yu........................................ 65 Fard,Mohammad.................... 175 Farhad,Siamak........................183 Farnia,David............................164 Farrell,John...............................181 Faruque,Omar......................... 135 Fateh,Haiyan............................ 97 Fatemi,Ali.........................135, 136 Fathali,Anna............................. 99 Favaretto,Fabrizio.................. 155 Fedele,Francesco....................116 Fehr,Walton L.....................87, 92 Fejoz,Loïc.................................. 92 Felix,Rodrigo............................ 79 Fellhofer,Daniela..............51, 128 Fels,Carl Christian.................. 132 Feng,Chao................................. 88 Feng,Cuiping........................... 127 Feng,Lei........................... 164, 183 Feng,Qiang..............................130 Feng,Xingxing......... 115, 126, 143 Ferguson,James...................... 68 Fernandez,Vernon..................126 Ferrara,Giovanni.....................189 Ferraris,Alessandro.................57 Ferraris,Walter....................... 104 Ferreira,Fabio Da Silva..........196 Ferrer,Adria............................... 71 Feustel,Robert......................... 79 Fezzaa,Kamel.......................... 178 Fiaschi,Jacopo........................189 Fietzek,Rafael.........................143 Fievisohn,Elizabeth M............ 67 Filev,Dimitar....................... 88, 91 Filipi,Zoran....................... 107, 175 Filiposka,Monika......................116 Finch,David A........................... 65 Findley,Kip............................... 133 Finesso,Roberto.....................164 Fingerman,Michael E....194, 196 Finney,Ashley........................... 69 Finney,Charles........................105 Fiocco,Marco........................... 178 Fischer,Kurt...............................53 Fischer,Michael........................ 96 Fischer,Sebastian...................165 Fischer,Uta............................... 175 Fisher,Avery.............................. 71 Fisher,Jacob L.......................... 67 Fisher,W Keith..........................60 Fitz,Todd...................128, 132, 143 Flämig,Torsten......................... 89 Flanigan,Cynthia..................... 132 Flannagan,Michael J................55 Fleck,Christian........................187 Fleming,Matthew.......... 155, 164 Flores,Gerhard Konrad..........183 Foley,James........................ 49, 51 Folino,Paul...............................105 Fontanesi,Stefano.........153, 159, ............................170, 178, 189 Foong,Tien Mun......................159 Forbes,David............................ 69 Forkel,Eric.................................119 Forsmark,Joy Adair................113 Forsmark,Joy Hines............... 133 Forte,Claudio...........................170 Fortier,Ryan............................ 104
Fossaert,Gery.......................... 152 Foster,David E.........................187 Foster,Matthew........................161 Foulkes,Martin G....................192 Fouts,Lisa.................................165 Fowler,Michael................183, 193 Frahm,Michael.......................... 91 Fraile,Alberto...........................115 Frait,John A..............................151 Franke,Michael................ 96, 180 Fraser,Roydon.................183, 193 Frazier,Daniel..........................138 Freeland,Paul..........................168 Freeman,Claire..........................53 Freeman,Kevin........................168 Freeman,Paul (Tim)................. 91 Frerichs,Andrew.....................138 Fretz,Mark................................143 Freudenhammer,Daniel........ 177 Freund,Mark............................. 56 Frey,Jesse................................164 Frey,Michael............................. 69 Friedman,Jacob...................... 133 Friedrich,Wolfgang................ 152 Frisk,Erik....................................64 Fritcher,Jesse.......................... 132 Frobert,Arnaud.......................103 Fu,Changbo............................... 91 Fuchigami,Hirokuni...............146 Fuchs,Stefan............................. 92 Fu,Dingyuan............................ 173 Fuente,David...........................193 Fuerhapter,Richard................ 175 Fu,Hong..................................... 88 Fuhrman,Thomas..............79, 92 Fu,Jiang-hua.......................... 140 Fujita,Koichi.............................. 68 Fujita,Shigeo............................ 49 Fujiu,Hirofumi........................ 104 Fujiwara,Takahiko................... 99 Fukatsu,Shigemitsu.................78 Fukuda,Yukihide....................... 71 Fukunaga,Akira....................... 97 Fukushi,Naoko.................96, 103 Fulton,Brien.............................166 Funato,Hiroki............................ 76 Funkhouser,Dillon................... 86 Funk,James...............................72 Furbish,Christopher................ 67 Furton,Lisa...............................146 Furue,Sadanori......................... 71 Fu,Rui........................................147 Furuichi,Takamoto...................78 Furukawa,Tetsuji....................164 Furutani,Masahiro......... 188, 194 Fuso,Andrea.............................80 Fuxman,Adrian M....................101 Fu,Yan........................115, 118, 120 Fu,Yao....................................... 157
Gabler,H.................................... 67 Gabler,Hampton C..................60 Gabler,H. Clay.................... 55, 60 Gabriel,Dieter..........................183 Gaertner,Markus...................... 85 Gaffney,Ben.............................193 Galbally,Carlos........................146 Gallagher,Ralph....................... 62 Galle,Jonas..............................187 Gallo,Eric..................................183 Gallo,Yann................................ 173 Gallrein,Axel................... 128, 146 Galluzzi,Davide........................ 50
Galvagno,Enrico.....................194 Galvan,Edgar............................115 Ganaoui-Mourlan,Ouafaé El.151 Ganesan,Anand....................... 88 Ganesan,Subramaniam........ 78, ..................................... 81, 83 Ganesan,Velayudham.............55 Gangadharan,Jiji...............76, 79 Gangopadhyay,Arup.............143 Ganguly,Arnab........................186 Ganguly,Supriyo.....................128 Gangwar,Harish Kumar.......... 84 Gani,S M Osman....................... 86 Gao,Bingzhao.......................... 157 Gao,Bo......................................193 Gao,Da-Wei.............................. 59 Gao,Feng................................... 58 Gao,Hong................................. 173 Gao,Jianbing...........................120 Gao,Litang...............................120 Gao,Pu............................. 136, 140 Gao,Ran.....................................141 Gao,Tongyang.........................189 Gao,Yuanqi.......................102, 175 Gao,Zhiming............................105 Garcia,Andrew........................193 Garcia,Antonio........................170 Garcia-Oliver,Jose M.....166, 173 Garcia,Patrick...........................118 Garcia-Pozuelo,Daniel..........128 Gårdhagen,Roland........... 50, 57 Gargiulo,Valentina................ 104 Gargoloff,Joaquin................... 63 Garg,Shubhranshu................... 91 Garrott,W. Riley..........53, 57, 64 Gautam,Saumya...................... 68 Gauterin,Frank......................... 69 Gauthier,Catherine.................103 Gavarraju,Srinivasa Raju........ 81 Gaylard,Adrian...................69, 73 Gaylard,Adrian P........50, 53, 57, ............................... 62, 69, 73 Gayney,Jack M........................192 Gaynor,Paul.............................105 Gazzarri,Javier..........................87 Gehrke,Christopher................ 173 Gehrke,Christopher R............ 173 Geisler,Robert L......................145 Geller,Benjamin Michael.......183 Gennaro,Michele De..... 165, 190 Genovese,Antonino...............165 Gentz,Gerald.................. 170, 196 Genzale,Caroline L................. 173 Genzale,Caroline L.................168 George,Jubin............................114 Gerard,Dale A..........................113 Geringer,Bernhard........ 164, 178 Gerlach,Dieter..........................119 Germane,Geoff............51, 55, 62 Germann,David............... 101, 187 Geroulas,Vasileios...................112 Getzlaff,Jörn............................154 Ge,Xinyu...................................170 Ge,Yanwu...........................77, 185 Ge,Yongqiang.................. 102, 115 Ge,Yunshan..............................169 Ghaffari,Bita............................ 137 Ghandhi,Jaal..................108, 194 Ghare,Prafulla P.......................181 Gheorghiu,Victor....................168 Ghosh,Debashis....................... 96 Giaier,Kevin............................ 109 Gibson,Gabriel.........................191 Gibson,Kelsey......................... 133 Gideon,Thomas........................ 50
SAE 2015 World Congress
Gilbert,Brian............................. 63 Gill,Denis..................................194 Gillum,Christoph.................... 109 Gilmore,Mark R.......................192 Gilotra,Sanjay..........................193 Gimeno,Jaime......................... 178 Gindy,Sharif.............................. 83 Gingrich,Eric............................194 Gingrich,Jess...................155, 185 Gin,Ronald................................ 62 Giovannoni,Nicola..................159 Giralo,Vincent..........................166 Giusto,Paolo............................. 79 Gladyshev,Pavel...................... 83 Gladyshev,Sergey P.........81, 83, ................................... 177, 191 Gleason,Mark E................. 53, 69 Gobbi,Massimiliano........54, 62, .................................... 71, 133 Goberdhan,Dhanesh G. C..... 178 Goddard,Jeremy....................124 Godlewski,L.A.................. 113, 114 Godlewski,Larry.............130, 133 Goerke,Daniel......................... 175 Gohl,Marcus............................. 173 Gokhale,Apurva................49, 116 Gokhale,Nitin...........................181 Goldasteh,Iman................95, 101 Goldberg,Robert....................128 Golden,Steve............................ 99 Goldmints,Isabella..................151 Goldsborough,Scott......187, 194 Goldstein,Todd........................193 Golecha,Kailash.......................114 Golecki,Chris............................183 Golovashchenko,Sergey.......138 Golsch,Kevin..............................73 Golzke,Hendrik....................... 152 Gómez,Gaspar Gil.....................73 Gonder,Jeffrey................ 101, 152 Gondipalle,Sreekanth Reddy.115 Gong,Huiming.........................169 Gong,Jiapeng..........................144 Gong,Jinfeng............................ 76 Gong,Jing.................................188 Goodman,Jeffery...................189 Goodrich,Barbara..........152, 157, .................................. 168, 178 Gopalakrishnan,Bhaskaran... 97 Gopalakrishna,Shubha P........ 92 Gosman,Allen David.....153, 159, ............................170, 178, 189 Goswami,Ambarish................. 71 Goswami,Anshuman.............187 Goto,Sogo................................193 Goto,Taisuke.............................60 Gotta,Giancarlo..................... 104 Gotthardt,Mark.......................195 Govindarajalu,Murali.............. 99 Goyal,Ramesh................104, 107 Graening,Lars............................73 Graf,Andreas............................ 89 Graf,Armin................................ 92 Graham,Mark L.......................192 Grayson,Kevin R.......................78 Graziano,Barbara...................169 Greb,Karl................................... 83 Gregory,James........................ 69 Greimel,Robert........................ 67 Greiner,Juergen.......................191 Griffin,Greg............................. 106 Grimaldi,Carlo N......................101 Grimm,Michael........................107 Groendyk,Michael A..............183 Groppo,Riccardo..................... 76
Gross,Christopher..................170 Große,Christoph.....................146 Grove,Matthew....................... 175 Grover,Ronald.........................168 Grumbach,Martin....................191 Grundmann,Sven................... 177 Grunefeld,Gerd.............. 140, 183 Gruszczynski,Robert... 82, 83, 86 Grygier,Paul.................53, 57, 64 Guan,Li.....................................158 Gudlur,Anand Sai.....................53 Guehmann,Clemens............... 86 Guenther,Dennis A...................57 Guessous,Laila........................170 Gui,KokCheng.......................... 89 Guilbaud,Frederic..................103 Guillon,Damien....................... 132 Gui,Xinqun............................... 172 Gu,Jianmin...................... 143, 146 Gu,Jiaxin..................................180 Gukelberger,Raphael.....155, 185 Gullberg,Peter..................95, 180 Gunderson,Joel......................170 Gunti,Ranga Srinivas...... 116, 161 Guo,Dong.................................. 98 Guo,Fuxiang..............................55 Guo,Haiding............................126 Guo,Hejun................................184 Guo,Jianmei............................. 79 Guo,Konghui............................ 63 Guo,Lishu................................. 157 Guo,Mingchao...126, 130, 135, 140 Guo,Xuexun........69, 84, 86, 102 Guo,Yong...................................101 Guo,Zhijun................................131 Gupta,Aditya.......................... 140 Gupta,Bimal Kant.................... 84 Gupta,Deepak.......................... 97 Gupta,Dhruv............................108 Gupta,Jai Gopal...................... 157 Gupta,Rohit............................. 157 Gupta,Umashanker.................116 Gupte,Sudhir Kashinath.......... 91 Gu,Randy...49, 51, 59, 60, 64, 118 Gurwara,Sagar.........................101 Gur,Yuksel................................ 135 Gu,Taewan................................ 89 Gu,Xingjian..............................158 Guzman,Arturo..................53, 57 Gynn,Matt.................................115
Haaren,Robin Van..................183 Haase,Gundolf......................... 49 Habibi,Saeid..............................87 Habuchi,Ryoji..........................170 Hadavi,Seyed.......................... 157 Haddix,Kevin........................... 137 Hadler,Jens.............................. 173 Hafezipour,M............................115 Haga,Hisao.......................96, 103 Hagen,Chris............................. 175 Haines,Steven.........................182 Hainzlmaier,Christian............107 Haiyum,Abdul.......................... 62 Hajiaghamemar,Marzieh....... 68 Hajian,Mehdi...........................130 Halfpenny,Andrew........120, 140 Hall,Carrie................................ 155 Hall,Jody..................................138 Hall,Jody N......................133, 142 Hall,Jonathan.......................... 175 Hall,Matthew J..........97, 152, 177 Hamalian,Shant......................108
Hamann,Arne........................... 83 Hamilton,Len.................. 140, 157 Hamje,Heather........................187 Hamlin,Per.................................73 Hamouda,Ahmed A................101 Ham,Won Kyung....................... 81 Hanamura,Katsunori.............105 Hanashi,Ken............................196 Hance,Brandon M.......... 145, 146 Handa,Kiyoshi.........................193 Han,DongUk............................166 Han,Jiman................................144 Han,Liwei................................. 173 Hanna,Richard......................... 54 Hansen,Alan............................188 Hansen,John............................. 91 Han,Sonia.................................103 Hanson,Reed...........................170 Han,Sungsu............................. 175 Han,Taeyoung.......................... 69 Han,Xiao.....................................77 Han,Xiaoye...................... 151, 189 Hao,Donghao.......................... 175 Haorongbam,Bisheshwar....... 71 Hao,Wenquan.........................146 Hao,Yong..................................102 Haq,M Zahurul......................... 86 Harada,Hironori......................170 Haraguchi,Tomohide............ 104 Hardy,Gilles............................. 153 Hardy,Warren N....................... 67 Hargrave,Graham..........104, 105 Harinath,Arvind......................105 Harle,Virginie...................96, 152 Harnett,Kevin........................... 76 Harnisch,Jens........................... 92 Harold,Michael......................... 95 Harp,Spencer...................151, 157 Harpster,Michael.................... 155 Harrington,Joseph.................128 Harris,Mark.............................. 137 Harrison,Nia R.........................138 Harris,Thomas.........................163 Härtl,Martin............................. 174 Harun,Zambri...........................101 Hasedi,Elvir............................... 83 Hasegawa,Kiyoshi.................... 51 Hasegawa,Ryo........................185 Hashemi,Sam........................... 83 Hashimoto,Masanori.............. 99 Hashimoto,Munemasa........... 97 Hashimoto,Toshihiro................ 51 Hashizume,Takeshi................185 Hasuka,Yoshinobu..................193 Hatamura,Koichi..................... 174 Hata,Takahiro............................ 91 Hatfield,Justin.......................... 71 Hausberger,Stefan.................189 Haussmann,Peter...................183 Havard,Brian...........................136 Hawkins,David........................168 Haworth,Daniel C...................183 Hayes,Monty............................191 Headley,John.......................... 178 Hebbale,Kumaraswamy.......166 Heck,Ronald.....................99, 103 Hector,Louis....113, 133, 138, 140 Hedrick,Karl..............................80 Hefazi,Hamid............................115 He,Gang....................................138 Hegde,Bharatkumar..............193 Hege,Andreas.......................... 83 He,Guanzhang........................ 173 Heimberger,Julia.....................151 Heitz,Mark....................53, 57, 64
Held,Stefan..............................163 He,Lei.................................80, 158 Heller,Michelle..........................72 Hemdal,Stina...................153, 196 Henn,Michael..........................195 Henriksson,Lisa......................180 Henry,Cary................................ 96 Henry,Maxwell..........................73 Henry,Scott............................... 67 Henry,Stephen........................186 Henshall,Ed...............................113 Henshaw,John........................138 Henze,Roman..........................126 Heo,Hyeonu.............................. 63 Heo,Hye Seong........................113 Heo,Hyundong.........................64 Hepokoski,Mark....................... 97 He,Qinshu.................................121 Herbelin,Jean..........................138 Herbelin,Jean-Marc...............138 Herbst,Fabian.......................... 177 Herdt,Anatoli...........................163 Hermitte,Eric...........................163 Hernandez,Manuel.................170 Herrin,Ronald James............. 155 Herrmann,Guido...................... 92 Herve,Pascal............................. 85 Hespel,Camille........................ 157 Hessel,Randy..........................167 Hettich,Thomas......................183 Hettinger,Alexander..............159 Heuermann,Markus................ 85 Heufer,Karl Alexander...........169 Heurung,Thomas............... 81, 83 Heuser,Benedikt............. 157, 183 Hewitt,Martin............................ 71 Heydinger,Gary J........53, 57, 64 He,Yuping........................... 64, 73 Hield,Peter................................161 Higaki,Takahiro.......................134 Higashi,Hisashi......................... 91 Higuchi,Hitoshi........................ 50 Higuchi,Tatsuhiro...................108 Hijawi,Mohammad..................113 Hildebrand,Emily.....................55 Hillermeier,Roman................. 132 Hill,John...................................126 Hill,Leslie.........................105, 108 Hill,Philip.................................. 175 Hinch,John................................ 67 Hinterberger,Christof............103 Hiranabe,Kenji......................... 86 Hirano,Atsushi.........................64 Hiraoka,Ryoji...........................164 Hirao,Ryusuke.......................... 69 Hiratsuka,Koji............................57 Hiraya,Koji...............................168 Hirose,Kenichi...........................57 Hirose,Toshiya....................55, 57 Hirotsu,Teppei........................... 91 Hislop,Drummond...................118 Hoag,Kevin L...........................194 Hockemeyer,Matthew........... 132 Hocking,Ashlie B..................... 89 Hoda,Isao.................................. 76 Hodges,Steven........................60 Hoepping,Kristian..................143 Hofbauer,Peter........................161 Hoffarth,Canio........................128 Hoffman,George J..................103 Hoffmann,Guy......................... 153 Hofmann,Heath......................107 Hofmann,Peter.......................164 Hofstetter,Georg..................... 89 Hofstetter,Martin.................... 175
Hoke,John................................196 Hoke,Paul................................. 132 Holland,Billy G.........................171 Holland,Steven W..................... 81 Holler,Heiko............................. 152 Holmes,Alan............................ 155 Holt,Chris................................ 104 Holweg,Edward......................146 Holweger,Walter......................151 Homsi,Emile....................133, 138 Honda,Tomokazu.....................57 Hongfei,Zhang.........................141 Hong,Jeong Kyun...................126 Hong,Leon.................................87 Hong,Sanghyun........................ 91 Hong,Seung Hoon.................. 137 Hoole,S. Ratnajeevan H....... 140 Hopkins,George.......................118 Hoppenstedt,Bruce................ 96 Horani,Modar......................... 100 Hori,Toshio...............................186 Hosenfeldt,Dr. Tim.................143 Hoshino,Maki...........................168 Hoshi,Takashi...........................161 Hosseini,Seyed Alireza..........145 Hou,Hangsheng................54, 161 Hou,Jie......................................189 House,Christopher..................101 Howell,Jeff................................ 69 Howell,Thomas.......................154 Howland,David L...............57, 62 Howlett,Michael.......................161 Hoyer,Kevin..............................161 Hoyle,J.S..................................168 Hrnjak,Pega.............................. 95 Hrnjak,Predrag................95, 104 Hsiao,Chuck..............................115 Hsieh,Jerry C...........................185 Hsieh,Li....................................... 51 Hsu,Ping-Min.............................87 Hua,Hui..............................96, 147 Hua,Jianfeng............................ 88 Hua,Min............................ 102, 115 Huang,Daisy.............................101 Huang,Gang............................142 Huang,Hai................................130 Huang,Hua..............86, 158, 168, ..................................188, 189 Huang,Jian............................... 175 Huang,Jun................................131 Huang,Qiran............................166 Huang,Shiyao...........................141 Huang,Song............................. 127 Huang,Wei................................ 76 Huang,Wenhui......................... 96 Huang,Xianan.......................... 83 Huang,Xing-Xing..................... 59 Huang,Ying.............103, 157, 175, .................................. 185, 186 Huang,Yuexin...........................161 Huang,Zuohua...158, 168, 188, 189 Huber,Christoph.......................52 Huber,John.............................. 135 Hu,Bo............................... 168, 169 Hu,Boqin....................................77 Hu,Chengzhi............................102 Huczek,Jason P........................60 Huegel,Philipp........................185 Huelser,Thomas............. 140, 183 Hu,Erjiang....................... 168, 189 Huffaker,James......................... 81 Huff,Shean...............152, 159, 170 Hughes,Jason.........................143 Hui,Lu......................................... 65 Hu,Jia.................................. 54, 79
Hu,Jie........................ 116, 155, 185 Hu,Jingwen................................53 Hu,Jun.......64, 131, 133, 135, 136, ........138, 140, 151, 172, 174, 180 Hu,Liangjun.................... 172, 180 Hu,Meiqi...................................185 Hung,David..............................187 Hunt,Robin............................... 178 Huo,Ming...................................161 Huo,Shuhao.............................143 Hurtado,Miguel.........................55 Husher,Stein............................. 62 Hussaini,Yaser.........................108 Hussin,Mohd Asmu’i...............181 Husted,Harry............................161 Huster,Andrew........................183 Hu,Tingjun.........................151, 174 Hu,Xianrong............................. 58 Hu,Xingjun................................64 Huynh,Phan-Lam...................107 Hu,Yu-Kan................................138 Hu,Yumei..................................120 Hu,Zhiqiang......................96, 175 Hu,Zhiyuan............................. 109 Hu,Zongjie.......................155, 185 Hwang,Joonsik........................151 Hwang,Soon Hyun.................. 50 Hyde,Amanda.................183, 193 Hyldahl,Per..............................130
Iadicola,Mark...........................142 Ibeling,Dan R...........................103 Ichijo,Shuji...............................170 Ichikawa,Kei............................136 Ichimaru,Nobuyuki................. 69 Ickes,Andrew.........155, 157, 170, ........................... 180, 187, 189 Ide,Daisuke...............................115 Iemmolo,Daniele....................194 Iezawa,Masahiro................ 57, 79 Iida,Takahiro.............................90 Ikeda,Rinsei............................. 137 Ikeya,Kenichiro.......................159 Ikram,Isaac............................... 67 Ilia,Edmond.............................183 Imai,Suguru...............................87 Imai,Takuo................................146 Imai,Yasuo............................... 174 Imamori,Satoshi......................151 Imaoka,Yoshihiro....................164 Imataka,Hideki........................146 Imbert,Mathieu.......................143 Imhoff,Benedikt von..............167 Imura,Kazuo..............................52 Inada,Ryoichi............................ 91 Inagaki,Toru.............................196 Inaguma,Yoshiharu..................74 Indinger,Thomas.......................53 Infantes,Eduard........................ 71 Ingesson,Gabriel........... 164, 173 Inoue,Satoru............................. 79 Inoue,Takao.............................164 Inoue,Takashi..........................185 Inoue,Toshio........................... 140 Inoue,Tsutomu.........................171 Iorio,Silvana Di........................ 157 Iqbal,Owais..............................185 Irimescu,Adrian............. 153, 164 Irwin,Christopher..................... 91 Ishigo,Osamu..........................146 Ishii,Mori................................... 178 Ishii,Shigeru..............................191 Ishikawa,Hirotoshi.................. 68
SAE 2015 World Congress
Ishikawa,Yuji.............................191 Ishiko,Kai...................................181 Ishi,Koki....................................187 Ishima,Tsuneaki...................... 152 Ishino,Toru............................... 176 Ishiyama,Shinobu..................185 Ismail,Muhammad Izzal........168 Isoda,Yukihiro........................ 104 Israel,Joshua...........................158 Isshiki,Takahiro........................ 62 Itoh,Shinichiro..........................60 Ito,Naoki...................................170 Ito,Takasuke.............................. 92 Ito,Yoshitaka.............................101 Ivanco,Andrej..........49, 107, 155, .................................. 164, 175 Ivanov,Valentin...............126, 143 Ivan,William.............................. 76 Ivey,Kimberly................. 143, 146 Ivone,Davide............................ 63 Iwai,Nobuyuki.........................164 Iwai,Yoji..................................... 86 Iwaki,Hidefumi........................163 Iwao,Shunsuke..........................55 Iwasa,Tatsuya............................ 51 Iwata,Hidemasa......................105 Iyer,Prakash............................. 132 Izumi,Takao..............................168 Izzard,Andrew J....................... 99
Jabr,Rabih........................... 51, 79 Jackey,Robyn............................87 Jackson,Chris........................... 99 Jacques,Jason.......................... 99 Jadhav,Narayan........................ 61 Jadhav,Sangram..................... 97 Jadhav,Sangram D.................108 Jadischke,Ron.......................... 63 Jahangirian,Saeed.................145 Jahirabadkar,Atul....................181 Jaikamal,Vivek.................. 83, 86 Jain,Atishay..............................60 Jakobsson,Lotta............... 53, 60 Jalaliyazdi,Milad...................... 49 Janecek,Daniel............... 170, 194 Jang,Chang Hee...................... 50 Janke,Chris.............................. 178 Jankovic,Mrdjan.......................101 Jansen,Wilko.............. 95, 97, 101 Jansons,Marcis........ 151, 169, 170 Jansson,Jonas.......................... 96 Jaramillo,D...............................184 Jaranson,John................132, 133 Jariri,Noor................................108 Jarvis,Simon............................165 Jasti,Kiran................................. 88 Jasurda,Donald........................ 67 Jaust,Alexander.................... 190 Jawad,Badih............................. 83 Jawahar,Nagarjun...........117, 145 Jayachander,Sreegururaj...... 56 Jayakumar,Paramsothy.......126, ............................130, 131, 140 Jayaprakash,Vijay Krishna.... 109 Jayaraman,Harinarayanan....60 Jazayeri,Seyed Ali..................188 Jean-Gilles,Guyrandy.............. 51 Jeffers,Matthew A................... 96 Jefti,Marko................................151 Jehan,Musarrat........................112 Jehlik,Forrest...........................101 Je,MyoungKwon...................... 67 Jenkins,Syndney....................107
Participants Index Jennings,Adrian.....................120 Jennings,Mark.........................164 Jensen,Michael........................113 Jeong,Chanho.......................... 50 Jeong,Jongryeol....................156 Jeong,Keum Cheol................. 175 Jeppesen,Jacob Benjamin... 157 Jersak,Marek............................ 92 Jesús,Yaritza M. López-De.... 99 Jeswani,Partab........................161 Jha,Kaushal Kumar................. 96 Jha,Prashant...........................192 Jhavar,Rahul............................108 Jia,Ming............. 60, 115, 143, 177 Jian,Caitao...............................192 Jiang,Chonghua......................126 Jiang,Ming................115, 143, 177 Jiang,Rongchao...56, 115, 117, 141 Jiang,Shugang........................130 Jiang,Yongfeng.............. 126, 146 Jiang,Yuyao...............................73 Jiao,Jianzhong..........................55 Jiao,Qi........................................101 Jia,Zhiqin...................................171 Ji,Chunsheng...........................194 Jie,Li...........................................131 Jilesen,Jonathan......................73 Jin,Ankang...............................130 Jin,Chi........................................ 49 Jing,Daliang............................169 Jin,Haiou.................................. 133 Jin,Lingge....................... 126, 146 Jin,Wensi............................ 83, 86 Jin,Xiaoping............................. 50 Jin,Yuki.....................................108 Jin,Zhihong..............................164 Joa,Eunhyek.............................64 Jochmann,Paul.......................159 Jocsak,Jeffrey..........................161 Johansson,Åsa......................... 96 Johansson,Bengt.......... 153, 161, ............................169, 173, 175 Johansson,Rolf.............. 164, 173 John,Ajay Paul........................184 John,Jacob.............................. 174 Johnson,Bradford..................138 Johnson,Daniel.......................166 Johnson,Jaclyn...............155, 187 Johnson,James........................ 67 Johnson,John H...............99, 103 Johnson,Kate..........................138 Johnson,Kent.................102, 160 Johnson,Timothy V....... 95, 108, .................................. 109, 172 Johnson,T.R.............................168 Johnston,Michael...................193 Johnston,Robert....................143 Jo,Hyunkwon...................115, 133 Jo,Kichun...................................87 Jones,Billy C.............................. 81 Jones,Don.................................116 Jones,James C. Peyton.........164 Jones,Peggy E.........................113 Joo,Baegsu............................... 89 Joo,Shinhyuk........................... 155 Jörg,Christian..........................165 Joseph,Joel John....................187 Josevski,Nikola.........................55 Joshi,Satyum..........................180 Joshi,Vikas................................. 71 Jothi,Miller...............................143 Jo,Yongwoo...............................87 Juan,Timothy.............................53 Juergens,Dominik............ 89, 92 Ju,Jaehyung................ 57, 62, 63
Jung,Dohoy.....................166, 175 Jung,Heejung..........................102 Jung,Tae-Hee.......................... 157 Jung,Wook...............................185 Jung,Yongjin.....................151, 157 Jupe,Jason.................................55 Jurkofsky,Drew A.....................55 Jurkovic,Sinisa........................ 177 Justet,Frederic........................159
Kabashima,Nobusuke............ 99 Kadry,Syed............................... 76 Kähkönen,Mikko Joonas.......138 Kaji,Shinichi.............................. 49 Kakade,Rupesh Sonu........... 100 Kak,Amaya..................... 108, 177 Kakema,Tomohito................... 99 Kaldas,Mina M.S............ 126, 130 Kaleto,Helen A.......................... 71 Kalghatgi,Gautam..................164 Kalyanasundaram,Pallavi...... 83 Kalyankar,Apoorv..................105 Kamal,MAS................................87 Kamasamudram,Krishna......99, ............................157, 159, 168 Kameyama,Shigetaka............ 49 Kamimoto,Takeyuki............... 173 Kamp,Carl.........................99, 105 Kamp,Carl Justin....................105 Kanai,Katsutomo..................... 49 Kanayama,Masao...................146 Kandadai,Venk.......................... 51 Kanda,Tomoyuki.....................192 Kanda,Yasunori....................... 153 Kaneko,Munetsugu..................57 Kane,Makarand....................... 177 Kang,Byunghyun...................146 Kangde,Suhas........................... 51 Kang,Hong Tae.......................126 Kang,Jidong....................133, 138 Kang,Ken......................... 143, 146 Kang,Myung Kweon................161 Kang,Seongwon............ 168, 170 Kanianthra,Joseph........... 55, 60 Kanoun,Karama....................... 83 Kansara,Saket.................. 116, 118 Kappanna,Hemanth..............158 Karaki,Sami H.................... 51, 79 Karaky,Hassan........................196 Karan,Farshad Salimi Naneh....................................188 Karavalakis,George................183 Kardassilaris,Chris................... 98 Kareti,Venkatesh...................... 91 Kargul,John.....................130, 177 Karim,Ahsanul................177, 180 Karlsson,Matts.................. 50, 57 Karlsson,Rolf B.......................180 Karnik,Amey.............................101 Karoshi,Paul............................ 175 Karra,Prashanth..................... 157 Karthik,G............88, 93, 98, 139, ........................... 140, 168, 176 Karthik,V. U............................. 140 KarvountzisKontakiotis,Apostolos........... 155 Kashiwa,Tatsuya.......................87 Kasprzak,Wojciech................. 133 Kassa,Mateos.......................... 155 Kass,Michael D................156, 178 Kastengren,Alan.....157, 168, 178 Kasuya,Kentaro....................... 69 Katano,Koji..............................193
Kato,Kyohei..............................101 Kato,Masaaki...........................194 Katori,Noriaki..........................145 Kato,Taiki.................................. 175 Katsuyama,Hideki................... 49 Kattouah,Philipp............101, 108 Katzourakis,Diomidis..............73 Kaul,Brian C.............................156 Kaul,Satya................................ 177 Kawabuchi,Takayuki............... 67 Kawachi,Hideomi.....................87 Kawai,Takashi...........................161 Kawakami,Mitsuyoshi............ 62 Kawamata,Hideyuki................57 Kawasaki,Koji............................87 Kawauchi,Atsushi..................... 71 Kazemi,Hadi............................. 86 Kazmi,Syed Arshad.......... 89, 92 Kearns,James.......................... 132 Kedzior,Kathleen E........... 83, 86 Kee,Robert...............................189 Kefauver,Kevin......................... 62 Keidel,Sean..............................159 Keiser,James........................... 178 Keller,Andrei....................151, 175 Keller,Jim.........................128, 132 Keller,Rachel..............................55 Keller,Uwe................................ 175 Kempton,Willett.......................78 Kent,Steven.............................. 67 Keribar,Rifat............................143 Kerler,Matthias..........................87 Kerner,Tobias........................... 85 Kerrigan,Jason..........................72 Kerrigan,Jason R......... 57, 62, 71 Kerr,Stuart C........................... 140 Kerstein,Alan...........................189 Khair,Magdi.............................103 Khair,Magdi K.......... 99, 103, 105 Khairnar,Girish........................108 Khajepour,Amir....................... 49 Khal,Abdelrahim....................138 Khalane,Hemant............. 181, 186 Khalek,Imad....................101, 103 Khalek,Imad A................101, 103 Khalfan,Ahmad...................... 109 Khalighi,Bahram.......................57 Khanger,Rakesh...................... 62 Khan,Jihas................................ 83 Khanse,Karan R......................130 Khan,Siddiq.............157, 159, 168 Kharat,Rohit............................ 177 Kharazi,Amir............................ 63 Kharazmi,Ali............................183 Khare,Saharash......................145 Kharraja,Bachir................99, 105 Khasow,Rocky......................... 69 Khobragade,Tushar................181 Khodaygan,S............................115 Khoo,Raymond.......................146 Khosrovaneh,Abolhassan...126, ........................... 130, 135, 140 Khouja,Farag...........................144 Kiedaisch,John.......................145 Kiep,Andreas............................. 91 Kihas,Dejan......................175, 185 Kihm,Frédéric.........................120 Kiliccote,Sila............................. 79 Killingsworth,Nick..................195 Kim,Agnes S............................. 68 Kim,Beomjun........................... 76 Kimbrell,Austin........................ 63 Kim,Daekwang....................... 173 Kim,Doohyun..........................169 Kim,Doo Man............................ 63
SAE 2015 World Congress
Kim,Doo-Man........................... 63 Kim,Duksang...........................185 Kim,Hongsuk...........................108 Kim,Hye Mi...............................120 Kim,Hyunggyung.................... 67 Kim,Il Yong................................55 Kim,Jeong................................103 Kim,Ji Wan................................ 99 Kim,Jong Gurl.........................120 Kim,Jungho.............................185 Kim,Junsoo................................87 Kim,Keun Young..................... 133 Kim,Kilsoo.................................64 Kim,Kwangwon....................... 63 Kim,Kwang-yeon................... 173 Kim,Namdoo...................155, 159 Kim,Namho..............................165 Kim,Namwook........................156 Kim,Sejun................................. 173 Kim,SeungBum.......................166 Kim,Sunwoong........................ 50 Kim,Taewung............................ 62 Kim,Wangoo.............................117 Kim,Yeongchu.........................185 Kim,Youngseung.............115, 133 King,David J..............................55 King,J.................................55, 168 Kinnaird,Clark........................... 81 Kirchen,Patrick.......................188 Kiridena,Vijitha....................... 132 Kirschning,Manfred Klaus....107 Kishigami,Ichirou...................170 Kish,Jonathan.........................166 Kish,Joseph R.........................128 Kish,Scott................................. 127 Kiss,Tibor.................................107 Kitabayashi,Dai.........................55 Kitagawa,Shinya...................... 71 Kitahara,Takaaki.....................146 Kitamura,Toru......................... 173 Kitchen,James........................130 Kittelson,David......102, 153, 194 Kiuchi,Toru................................ 68 Kivett,Dee........................... 56, 71 Klacza,Robert...........................87 Klaus,Ulrike...............................101 Klein,Christoph........................ 67 Klein,Daniel.............................183 Kleinert,Julie............................ 54 Klein,Thomas............................119 Klindt,Kody G....166, 175, 185, 193 Klinich,Kathleen DeSantis......53 Klipstein,Jeffrey L..................138 Klos,David................................170 Klyatis,Lev................................113 Knabe,Gerrit............................196 Knapp,Jamie...........................166 Kneveler,Matthieu.................. 132 Knight,John C.......................... 89 Knoerr,Lay...............................139 Knowles,Kevin......................... 79 Knox,Benjamin W.................. 173 Koark,Fabian Joerg Uwe........ 86 Kobayashi,Atsushi.................146 Kobayashi,Kazunobu............188 Kobayashi,Masayuki............... 97 Ko,Bongchul............................. 76 Kobylecky,Alexandra............128 Koch,Charles...........................187 Kochhar,Dev..............................55 Kochhar,Dev S...........................55 Kochhar,Nand.........................138 Koch,Lisa.................................... 71 Koch,Thomas...........................185 Koch,Tilo.................................... 69
Koch,Wolf................................. 178 Koci,Chad................................. 173 Kocsis,Michael Clifford.......... 155 Kodavasal,Janardhan.............161 Koduru,Ramakrishna............... 81 Koehler,Brian...........................151 Koehler,Erik..................... 96, 180 Koehne,Kai-Uwe......................53 Koerfer,Thomas....................... 96 Koga,Hideharu....................... 140 Koganti,Ramakrishna...... 67, 71, ...................................118, 120 Kogure,Ryosuke.....................143 Kogut,Krzysztof................ 60, 79 Ko,HangChul............................. 71 Kohli,Surbhi..............................114 Kohn,Andre.............................. 92 Kohneh,Mehrdad Mastali Majdabadi................................183 Koh,Youngil..............................64 Koike,Hiroyuki...........................87 Kojima,Hideyuki......................90 Kojima,Hiroyuki...............96, 103 Kojima,Moichio.......................192 Kokjohn,Sage....157, 170, 180, 189 Kolasa,Marta............................ 79 Koli,Anshul...................... 60, 169 Koli,Rohit.................................159 Kolmanovsky,Ilya V................ 157 Kolodge,Kristin.................. 49, 51 Kolodziej,Christopher.............161 Kolwich,Greg...........................143 Komarivelli,Rajmouli............... 71 Komar,John.............................. 69 Komatsu,Satoru........................87 Ko,Minsuk................................... 81 Kommareddy,Praveen............ 61 Komoda,Satoru........................87 Komori,Kentaro....................... 69 Komura,Kiminori.................... 173 Kondel,Theresa......................... 71 Kondo,Kazuhiro........................87 Kondo,Masaaki.......................193 Kondo,Takako.......................... 133 Kondo,Takashi.........................196 Kondo,Toshiyuki......................118 Konduru,Viswasai.................. 176 Kongs,Andrew......................... 67 Kong,Song-Charng....... 151, 155, ........................... 166, 173, 189 Konno,Mitsuru........................194 Konno,Norishige......................191 Konosu,Atsuhiro...................... 62 Kono,Tetsuya...........................170 Konstandopoulos Athanasios G.................99, 105 Kooijman,Dennis..............96, 115 Kook,Sanghoon......................166 Koopman,Philip....................... 83 Köpple,Fabian.........................159 Kopp,Thad.................................151 Kornberger,Bernhard.............. 51 Korsunsky,Evgeny.................. 175 Kortenaar,Luke ten................ 133 Koshizen,Takamasa..................87 Kosinski,Daniel B.....................116 Kotasthane,Nikhil...................128 Kotrba,Adam...........................103 Kottalgi,Santosh.....................186 Kotter,Matthias........................ 96 Ko,Un.......................................... 71 Kounenis,Charalampos...........53 Kowada,Mitsuru.....................164 Koya,Eitaro................................ 71 Koyama,Hiroshi.............. 99, 100
Koyama,Tatsuya.....................145 Ko,Young-Kwan...................... 157 Kozarac,Darko.........159, 187, 194 Kozdras,M.S............................. 133 Kral,Jiri....................................... 71 Krammer,Martin...................... 83 Kraus,Harald........................... 175 Kreidler,Eric.............................183 Kreiner,Christian............... 83, 89 Kremer,Florian................157, 169 Kremheller,Andreas................ 50 Kress,Tyler................................ 62 Kreutzer,Cory........................... 96 Krishnamurthy, Chandrasekar....................... 155 Krishnan,Sreedevi..................185 Krishnaswami,Ram..................72 Kristoffersson,Annika............ 99 Krithivasan,Gokul.................... 89 Krivitzky,Eric...................168, 177 Krol,Artur..................................118 Kroll,Svitlana...........................105 Krugh,Matthew...................... 140 Krumm,Kelly........................... 133 Krupitzer,Ronald.....................113 Kubach,Heiko..........................185 Kubinski,David......................... 96 Kubota,Hidenobu.....................55 Kubo,Tomoya......................... 104 Kuboyama,Tatsuya........ 173, 174 Kubsh,Joseph E...............99, 103 Kuchibhatla,Sreenivas.......... 133 Kücükay,Ferit..........................196 Küçükay,Ferit..........................126 Kudo,Masahito.........................161 Kufferath,Andreas.................159 Ku,Jerry............................183, 193 Ku,Jerry C................................193 Kuki,Tatsuyuki.........................108 Kulah,Serkan...........................164 Kulkarni,Makarand.................130 Kulkarni,Shashi......................... 81 Kulkarni,Swanand.................. 177 Kulkarni,Vinayak.....................187 Kumagai,Shunji..................... 104 Kumar,Akshay.........................108 Kumaran,Periannan................131 Kumar,Ashok............................ 99 Kumar,Gaurav.........................105 Kumar,GN................................ 109 Kumar,Kumar...........................60 Kumar,Naveen....97, 108, 177, 184 Kumar,Sathishkumar Sampath................................. 99 Kumar,Sudarshan....................114 Kumar,Vasu..............................108 Kumar,Vipul............................... 91 Kumar,Virendra........................ 85 Kumbhar,Makarand...............192 Kum,Dongsuk.........................166 Kumita,Kunihiko.......................78 Kunath,Florian........................103 Kuniyoshi,Hiroyasu.................161 Kunz,Timothy..........................154 Kupper,Frank............................ 96 Kuppusamy,Venkatesan.......179 Kurna,Srinivas.......................... 59 Kurt,Arda..................................60 Kurtz,Eric.........................153, 187 Kurz,Harald..............................105 Kurz,Thomas...........................138 Kusaka,Kaoru............................53 Kusano,Kristofer D........... 55, 60 Kushwah,Yogendra Singh....102 Kuthada,Timo.....................69, 73
Kutty,Krishnan.....76, 79, 80, 87 Kuwahara,Kazunari...... 188, 194 Ku,Yong-Yuan.........................145 Kwasniak,Andrew................... 62 Kwon,Misun.............................. 50 Kyes,John.................................. 62
Lacarriere,Antoine................. 152 Lack,Adam.............................. 106 Lackmann,Tim.........................189 Laconcha,Adolfo.....................118 Lagospiris,Athanassios.......... 92 Laituri,Tony R.....................67, 68 Lai,Wei-Jen......................130, 137 Lakhera,Vivek........................... 65 Lakshmipathy,Manas.............183 Lamb,David A..........................116 Lambert,Thomas....................154 Lambourn,Richard Frank...........................51, 55, 62 Lam,Nhut.................................169 Lampke,Steffen....................... 83 Landström,Christoffer.............73 Langari,Reza............................ 83 Lange,Paul.................................53 Lang,Henning........................... 62 Langness,Chenaniah.............196 Lannan,Ronald........................120 Lanni,Giorgio...........................183 Lansky,Lukas...................185, 187 Lan,Xiaojin (Shine)......... 120, 121 Lanzanova,Thompson...........183 Lanzerath,Horst......................147 Lappas,Petros......................... 157 Lappe,Marvin..........................107 Larimer,Andrew......................142 Larmi,Martti............................. 178 Larocque,Jim........................... 155 Larrodé,Emilio.........................115 Larrosa,Carmen..................... 104 Larsen,Kenneth Malmstroem.........................108 Larsen,Scott.............................64 Larson,Levon............................ 62 Larson,Robert........................... 71 Larsson,Lars............................. 69 Larsson,Mikael......................... 96 Lasecki,John V........................126 Lauer,Thomas..........................105 Launois,Maxime...................... 99 Laurell,Mats.............................. 99 Laurino,Adrien......................... 85 Lawler,Benjamin............157, 170, ..................................180, 189 Lawrence,Neal......................... 95 Laya,Jeffrey..............................115 Lazarz,Kimberly..................... 137 Lea-Langton,Amanda...101, 103 Leamy,Michael........................ 155 Lecompte,Matthieu................ 152 Lee,Chia-Fon..........168, 188, 189 Lee,Chih Feng.......... 64, 126, 159 lee,Chung An............................114 Lee,Chunhao...........157, 166, 175 Lee,Heeran............................... 50 Lee,Hoonbok............................ 50 Lee,Hoyeol...............................108 Lee,Hwawon.............................. 71 Lee,Hyunchul...................115, 133 Lee,Inha.....................................115 Lee,Jae-Cheon.........................161 Lee,Jae Hyuk............................191 Lee,Jeongwoo................189, 190
Lee,Jin Woo..............................115 Lee,Jong..........................105, 108 Lee,Jong Heon.......................... 71 Lee,Jongyoon.........................185 Lee,Junyong............................ 173 Lee,Junyung............................. 76 Leeman,Michel......................... 83 Lee,Michael...............................115 Lee,Peter....................................57 LEE,Sanghark........................... 50 Lee,Sangyul.............................185 Lee,Seong-Young...153, 155, 157 Lee,Seunghyun........................161 Lee,Seungpyo........... 114, 115, 117 Lee,SoDuk................................164 Lee,Sung Kuen.........................191 Lee,Sungmoon.........................161 Lee,Sunyoup............................108 Lee,Tae Hee.............................. 99 Lee,Taehoon............................. 50 Lee,Timothy H.........................188 Lee,Wang Yeol.........................114 Lee,YangGi................................. 71 Lee,Yoonwoo............................161 Lee,Younho............................... 89 Lee,Yung-Li..................... 120, 126 LeFevre,Joseph E.................... 68 Leggett,Smith.......................... 97 Lehman,Ashley........................116 Leick,Philippe.......................... 152 Lei,Fei.......................................144 Leighton,Daniel......................107 Lei,Yulong...................64, 77, 157 Le,Jerry....................................... 71 Lemaire,Jacques............. 99, 101 Lemazurier,Lori.......................159 Le,Minh Khoi............................166 Leng,Bo..................................... 49 Lenhart-Rydzek,Matthias...... 85 Lenkeit,John F................... 55, 60 Lenk,Erik..................................154 Lensch-Franzen,Christian..... 173 Lent,Mike..................................126 Leone,Thomas.........................159 Leonhard,Thomas...................60 Leo,Rocco Di............................166 Lepreux,Olivier.......................103 Lequien,Guillaume.................166 Le,Quochung...........................138 Leriche,Maryline...................... 99 Leroy,Alain............................... 132 LeSage,Jonathan......................87 Leto,Raymond....................65, 73 Leveson,Nancy........................ 86 Levillain,Anthony...................180 Lewander,Magnus..................108 Lewis,A.G.J..............................168 Lewis,Allan.........................86, 91 Lewis,Sam........................155, 178 Li,Allen...................................... 135 Liang,Jia Hui............................. 79 Liang,Jie................................... 133 Liang,Xincheng.......................126 Liang,Xingyu............................101 Liangyu,Wan............................115 Liao,Shengming.....................168 Liao,Yi......................................... 51 Liao,Zhi......................................191 Li,Bin................120, 128, 140, 175 Li,Chao........................................55 Li,Chenguang.......................... 135 Li,Daofei...................................166 Li,Dayong..................................141 Li,Donghai.................................101 Li,Dongxu.................157, 166, 177
Liebler,Christian........................ 91 Lien,Fue-Sang......................... 135 Lienkamp,Markus............ 87, 146 Lietz,Robert.............................. 62 Li,Fan................. 84, 102, 145, 175 Liftig,Whitney.................163, 182 Li,Gang.......................77, 185, 186 Ligier,Jean-louis.....................185 Ligterink,Norbert....................115 Li,Guangyao.............................. 51 Li,Guosong................................115 Li,Hai................................. 101, 145 Li,Haimiao................................ 155 Li,Hu................................. 109, 157 Li,Huan.....................................186 Li,Huize...................................... 95 Li,Jan-Mou........................ 87, 107 Li,Jia........................................... 76 Li,Jiafan.............................84, 102 Li,Jinning..........................126, 177 Li,Jun.......................... 49, 99, 104 Li,Juncheng.............................189 Li,Junrui.................................... 135 Li,Keqiang..........................49, 80 Li,Liang.....................................165 Li,Liguang................................ 155 Lilik,Gregory K........................ 173 Li,Lingzhi...................................161 Lilley,Rory......................... 69, 176 Li,M..................................... 113, 114 Lima,Daniela De......................161 Limaye,Purvi Janani..............197 Li,Mei................................. 113, 130 Li,Mengmeng................... 95, 153 Li,Ming Hung.............................87 Lim,Jaeyoung..........................146 Lim,Wontaek.............................87 Lim,YangNam........................... 89 Lin,Barry (Baizhong)............ 140 Lin,Chuen-Sen.........................101 Lin,Chunjing..............................87 Lindman,Magdalena...............60 Lind,Ted.................................... 173 Lin,Feng..................................... 95 Lin,Ge.................................64, 157 Lin,Ko Wei................................145 Lin,Miao......................................57 Lin,Pai-Chen............................ 137 Lin,Shengbin...........................120 Lin,Xiaobin.............................. 140 Lin,Yilu......................................188 Li,Shengbo................................80 Li,Shuai....................................... 91 Li,Sida............................... 120, 121 Li,Tianyun.................................187 Litke,Paul.................................196 Litkouhi,Bakhtiar...... 49, 73, 143 Liu,Bei...................................... 190 Liu,Bert..................................... 137 Liu,Bo.........................................113 Liu,Bohan................................. 133 Liu,Bolan..................................103 Liu,Changhong........................167 Liu,Changwen................105, 190 Liu,Charlee...................... 172, 180 Liu,Donghao................... 156, 196 Liu,Feilong.... 109, 166, 172, 175, ........................... 180, 185, 193 Liu,Fengyu............................... 157 Liu,Guangming........................ 88 Liu,Haifeng..............................156 Liu,Hao............. 112, 156, 161, 196 Liu,Hao-ye............................... 155 Liu,Haoye................................. 157 Liu,Hui............... 131, 146, 173, 175
SAE 2015 World Congress
Liu,Jiawei................................. 175 Liu,Jingping.............................189 Liu,Jun....................................... 49 Liu,Kai.........................................55 Liu,Ke........................................ 157 Liu,Kuang-Jen................ 135, 140 Liu,Lei........................................ 99 Liu,Li...........................................80 Liu,Lin...............................167, 169 Liu,Linlin...................................169 Liu,Meilan..................................131 Liu,Mei-zhi...............................146 Liu,Paul....................................... 81 Liu,Peng....................................60 Liu,Qianfei.................................80 Liu,Rongsheng......................... 63 Liu,Sheng................. 63, 135, 140 Liu,Sheng-Dong....138, 143, 146 Liu,Shenghua..........................184 Liu,Wei....................... 77, 102, 175 Liu,Wenbin............................... 175 Liu,Wenhui................................131 Liu,Xiang..................................130 Liu,Xiaoyang...........................130 Liu,Xuhui..........................146, 175 Liu,Yafei.....................................121 Liu,Yanfang................................77 Liu,Yang........................... 130, 158 Liu,Yaofeng.............................. 173 Liu,Yen-Chung........................170 Liu,Yi..........................................105 Liu,Yong....................................143 Liu,Yue......................................168 Liu,Yuxing................................169 Liu,Z. Gerald............96, 103, 105 Liu,Zhao....................................112 Liu,Zhengwei............................77 Liu,Zhengyu.............................191 Liu,Zifan................................... 175 Li,Wei....... 77, 102, 138, 143, 145, .................................. 146, 175 Li,Weihua.................................130 Li,Wenkai.................................. 135 Li,Wenli...................................... 98 Li,Xi............................................ 177 Li,Xiaona..........................135, 136 Li,Xiaotian................................189 Li,Xin..................................102, 117 Li,Xingzhong.............................77 Li,Yanfei............................157, 169 Li,Yang..................... 130, 132, 158 Li,Yibing............................. 62, 133 Li,Yinong..................................166 Li,Yongzhi.................................156 Li,Yuanping..............................168 Li,Yuqiang................................168 Li,Yutong..................................166 Li,Zhao.................................87, 112 Li,Zheming...............................166 Li,Zhen......................................126 Li,Zhi.102, 146, 156, 161, 175, 191 Li,Zhijun..................................... 99 Li,Zhilei...................................... 96 Li,Zongyan...............................193 Lizotte,Brian....................177, 180 Ljungberg,Marcus....................73 Lloyd,Robert...........................192 Lochmann,Roland..................145 Lockyer,Thomas......................105 Loeb,Helen................................. 51 Lofdahl,Lennart...62, 69, 95, 180 Löfroth,Claes............................ 50 Loganathan,Yaamini Devi...... 86 Logsdon,Jason........................ 132 Lohmann,Nils..........................183
Participants Index Lohse-Busch,Henning...........156 Lombard,Benoit.....................170 Lombardi,Anthony.................145 Londhe,Abhijit.......................... 51 Londhe,Rohit...........................108 Long,Kah Wah............... 135, 140 Long,Luohui................... 135, 140 Long,Richard Thomas............60 Long,Yan.................................. 173 Lopez,J. Javier........................159 Lopp,Sean........................ 101, 152 Lorenz,Thomas.......................169 Lou,Diming............................. 109 Lounsberry,Todd.............. 50, 53 Lou,Zheng David....................154 Lovuolo,Francesco..................101 Luan,Wenbo............................126 Lubinski,Paul...........................120 Lu,Bo.................... 88, 91, 113, 126 Lucachick,Glenn A.................. 153 Lucchini,Tommaso.........153, 178 Luckeneder,Gerald.................138 Luckey,S. George.......... 138, 142, .................................. 145, 146 Ludvigsen,Karl........................124 Ludwig,Lindsey......................103 Luecke,William....................... 140 Lugli,Mattia..............................159 Luisi,Sabino.............................164 Lu,Jianbo............................. 88, 91 Lukacs,Luciano.........................55 Lu,Languang............................ 88 Lu,Li........................................... 132 Lunati,Alain.............................163 Lundahl,Kristoffer...................64 Lundberg,Anton.......................73 Lundgren,Sarah M.................143 Lundgren,Staffan...................169 Luning-Prak,Dianne.............. 157 Luo,Alan................... 113, 133, 138 Luo,Fan.....................................126 Luo,Jinyong.............................. 99 Luo,K.H.................................... 190 Luo,Limin.................................120 Luo,Xi............................... 169, 170 Luo,Xuwei.........................151, 174 Luo,Yugong.............................. 49 Lu,Pengfei....................... 168, 169 Lupini,Christopher.................. 92 Luss,Dan.................................... 95 Lustbader,Jason.....................107 Lustbader,Jason A.................. 96 Lustbader,Jason Aaron.........95, .................................... 97, 101 Lu,Tianfeng............................. 190 Luttenberger,Peter................143 Lutz,Johannes..........................101 Lu,Y Charles.................... 143, 146 Lu,Zhen............................. 60, 190 Lv,Chen.....................................166 Lv,Jizu.......................................102 Lv,Xin.........................................121 Lv,Yingping..................... 136, 140 Lynch,Bradford L....................163 Lynch,Mac................................ 135
Maaita,Salamah................95, 101 Ma,Biao.....................................143 Mabley,Edward E....................120 MacDonald,Andrew................ 95 MacDonald,Jason.................... 79 Macek,Jan........................187, 196
Ma,Chaochen...................120, 176 Mache,Ashok........................... 133 Macher,Georg.................... 83, 89 Machida,Kentaro......................57 Machida,Koichi........................ 178 Machiele,Paul..........................103 Machin,Alan.............................145 Mackay,Robert........................145 Mader,Ralph............................. 92 Madin,Mark.............................. 132 Madsen,Justin.........................126 Maeda,Hirofumi......................168 Maeda,Kazuhiro....................... 62 Maeda,Kiyotaka......................164 Maeda,Susumu.......................146 Mae,Hiroyuki......................49, 52 Maev,Roman............................ 137 Maeyama,Hiroto.....................183 Ma,Fukang.......................162, 163 Magar,Max............................... 173 Maghbouli,Amin..................... 178 Magnotti,Gina M.....................168 Mahajan,Arun............................72 Mahala,Manoj..........................130 Mahendiran,Prasanna............ 67 Mahmood,Wan Mohd Faizal Wan..............................101 Maiaru,Marianna..................... 132 Maiboom,Alain.......................196 Maier,Axel.................................101 Maier,Thomas..........................105 Maire,Philippe.........................103 Majcher,Monica.................112, 113 Ma,Jianfeng.............................128 Makam,Sandeep...................... 95 Maki,Cliff................................... 132 Malagi,Ravindra Rachappa..............................147 Malak,Richard..........................115 Malalasekera,Anoma.............. 69 Malen,Donald E.......................143 Ma,Liangxu...............73, 146, 175 Malik,Laura................................53 Malkhede,Dileep Namdeorao...........................186 Mallick,Pankaj.........................146 Mallikarjuna,J M..............153, 195 Mallory,Michael Ryan............183 Maloney,Peter J............ 166, 175, .................................. 185, 193 Malvicino,Carloandrea......... 104 Ma,Mike........................... 126, 130 Mammetti,Marco..................... 83 Manalikandy,Mithun.............. 174 Manary,Miriam..........................53 Mancaruso,Ezio....................... 152 Mancini,Giorgio.......................185 Mandloi,Padmesh..................186 Manfredi,Urbano........... 165, 190 Mangold,Barrett..................... 155 Mangus,Michael......................186 Mani,Guru Prasad.................... 59 Mani,Neel K........................57, 62 Manin,Julien....................157, 166 Ma,Ninshu................................138 Mani,Shanmugaraj............76, 87 Manivannan,Madhavan.........128 Manna,Suvankar.....................102 Manning,P. Christopher........193 Mann,Ken................................. 175 Manoharan,Jeyabharath....... 62 Manoharan,Sangamitra.........117 Mansoori,Jahangir...................78 Mantha,Aparna......................... 71
Mantilla,Juan...........................187 Manzenreiter,Thomas............138 Manzie,Chris.................... 126, 161 Mao,Bin.....................................156 Mao,Jianghui...........................130 Mapkar,Javed..........................138 Marantis,Timothy A..........57, 62 Maranville,Clay......................... 97 Marbler-Gores,Harald............. 71 Marchi,Mariapia.......................115 Marchitto,Luca....... 153, 164, 179 Marco,James............................ 97 Marelli,Silvia....................177, 188 Maricq,Matti....................101, 103 Maricq,Matti M........................103 Marine,Micky............................ 62 Markatou,Penelope................ 99 Markiewicz,Pawe..................... 79 Markiewicz,Pawel....................60 Markle,Lee E............................168 Marks,Matthew........................ 67 Markusic,Craig A......................72 Marlino,Laura...................177, 191 Marmorato,Giulio................... 177 Marriott,Douglas....................145 Marseglia,Guido......................159 Marshall,D.J.............................168 Marti-Aldaravi,Pedro............. 178 Martin,Berthold.......................191 Martinez-Botas,Ricardo...159, 168 Martinez,Daniel........................ 54 Martin,Glen.............................. 173 Martin,Helmut.......................... 83 Martini,Giorgio............... 165, 190 Martin,J....................................168 Martin,Jaime...........................170 Martino,Paolo Di..................... 172 Martins,Mario..........................183 Martin,Thomas................166, 177 Martz,Jason.............................169 Maruno,Naoki............................87 Maruyama,Fumikazu.............192 Maruyama,Yutaka....................78 Marx,Denny....................... 89, 92 Mashiko,Kunihiro..................... 68 Masias,Alvaro....164, 173, 183, 193 Masimalai,Senthilkumar...157, 179 Masoudi,Mansour...157, 159, 168 Massari,Paolo......................... 190 Masser,David...........................189 Massey,Daniel.......................... 76 Mastinu,Giampiero..........54, 62, .................................... 71, 133 Mates,Steven.......................... 140 Mathai,Reji................................151 Mather,Daniel K.......................161 Mathewson,Scott...................193 Mathialakan,T......................... 140 Mathison,Steven.....................193 Mathur,Arpit............................. 59 Mathur,Gursaran...................... 95 Mathur,Gursaran D... 95, 97, 99, ........................... 100, 101, 104 Matlock,David.........................145 Matlock,David K...................... 133 Matsubara,Masahiro........89, 90 Matsubara,Wataru..................161 Matsuda,Hiroshi............ 104, 137 Matsudaira,Nobuaki............... 92 Matsuda,Tetsuyuki.................. 68 Matsui,Suguru.......................... 99 Matsui,Toshinori...................... 76 Matsui,Yasuhiro..................51, 57 Matsumoto,Kanji................... 104
SAE 2015 World Congress
Matsumoto,Kenji....140, 170, 171 Matsumoto,Manabu.............. 104 Matsumoto,Soju...................... 86 Matsumoto,Tasuku.................108 Matsumura,Hideki...................60 Matsuyama,Shohei.................. 51 Matsuzono,Yoshiaki...99, 100, 185 Mattarelli,Enrico..................... 177 Mattern,Heinz...........................55 Matton,Teron............................101 Mattson,Jonathan M. S.........196 Mauriello,Marco......................102 Maurizi,Marco..........................145 Mauss,Fabian..........................159 Mauviot,Gilles..........................196 Ma,Xiao..................................... 157 Ma,Xiping.................................. 83 Ma,Xiuzhen...................... 60, 194 Ma,Xiu-Zhen............................ 173 Mayakrishnan,Jaikumar........179 Mayer,Albrecht........................ 92 Mayer,Andreas................. 99, 101 Mayer,Christian.......................143 Mayer,Jeffrey S.......................183 Maynard,Robert Randolph.......................133, 138 Ma,Zeyu............................ 115, 130 Mazzola,Michael S..................166 McBroom,S..............................168 McCallum,James.................... 157 McCarthy,Joseph..................... 63 McConnell,Jason... 166, 175, 182 McCormick,Harold Edward..183 McCormick,Robert L..............165 McCoy,Robert W....................... 71 McCoy,Wiley R....... 155, 164, 182 McCutcheon,Steven...............136 McDaniel,Andrew................... 157 McDavid,Robert M..151, 155, 166, .................................. 173, 185 McDermid,Joseph..................128 McDonald,Catherine................ 51 McDonald,Joseph...................164 McDougall,Scott..................... 132 McGordon,Andrew.................. 97 McGuire,Timothy....................193 McIndoe,Gordon.....................170 McKeever,James C................... 81 McKeough,Bryan.................... 132 McKillen,James................. 53, 69 McKillen,James T..................... 69 McKinley,Thomas... 99, 103, 105 McKinley,Thomas L.................171 McLean,Lynn C....................... 109 McNamara,David... 76, 79, 85, 86 McNicholas,Daniel...................60 McNulty,William D..................183 McTaggart-Cowan,Gordon... 175 Meacham,Brian.......................138 Mechergui,Dave...............126, 131 Meddahi,Farouq.....................187 Medikeri,Madhura................... 83 Medonza,Dharshan................130 Meghani,A...............................168 Mehne,Fabian..........................165 Mehravaran,Meisam........51, 180 Meint,Tobias............................138 Meis,Claudia..............................87 Meisel,Jerome......................... 175 Melanz,Daniel..........................126 Melbert,Joachim....................183 Melin,Alex................................194 Melvin,John W......................... 50 Menard,Luc.............................. 155
Mendrea,Brandon..................194 Meng,Lei...................................188 Meng,Weijiang........................102 Meng,Xiangjie.......................... 50 Meng,Xin..................................189 Mensi,Amit Mohan..................161 Mentink,Paul............................ 96 Merola,Simona........................179 Merola,Simona Silvia.... 153, 164 Mer,Prashant.......................... 100 Meskine,Mohammed.............. 54 Metered,H................................130 Metka,Matthew........................ 69 Metz,L. Daniel........51, 53, 55, 62 Meyer,Nicholas........................136 Meyer,Norbert..........................161 Miao,Ruigang.......................... 174 Miazgowicz,Keith...177, 180, 185 Michelbach,Armin................... 50 Michelin,Joel...........................103 Micklow,Gerald.......115, 152, 157, .....................168, 178, 187, 194 Middendorff,Class................... 67 Middlemass,Chris...........163, 182 Midlam-Mohler,Shawn.. 183, 193 Miersch,Julia............................159 Miers,Scott...............................183 Migge,Jörn................................90 Mihara,Yuji.............................. 140 Mikami,Shohei.........................116 Mikawa,Kentaro......................163 Mikesell,David R.........53, 57, 64 Mikkelsen,Sebastian..............130 Milacek,Ondrej.........................191 Milacic,Dusan.......................... 132 Miles,Paul................................. 177 Miles,Paul C.....166, 177, 181, 185 Millan,Mario Vila.....................195 Millera,Ángela........................ 104 Miller,James....164, 173, 183, 193 Miller,Joseph D......................... 83 Miller,Michael..................175, 185 Miller, II, P................................... 71 Miller,Robert...................... 89, 92 Miller,Wayne............................102 Millo,Federico.........159, 161, 163, .................... 164, 187, 194, 196 Mills,Robin.............................. 140 Milovanovic,Nebojsa.............108 Milpied,Jean.....................78, 103 Minaker,Bruce................. 120, 121 Minami,Katsuya......................159 Minami,Yusuke........................164 Ming,Yang.................................141 Min,Junying............................ 140 Mink,Richard A........................ 62 Min,Kyoungdoug...........161, 165, ..................................189, 190 Minovski,Blago B..................... 95 Min,Seung Nam....................... 50 Mirzaeian,Mohsen..................164 Misener,James..........................57 Mishra,Durga Madhab............ 84 Mital,Rahul...... 99, 103, 105, 108 Mito,Takuya.......................96, 103 Mitra,Saurav............................ 177 Mittal,Anshul...........................146 Mittal,Neeraj............................158 Miucic,Radovan... 57, 63, 85, 86 Miura,Masahide....................... 99 Miyadera,Tsutomu..................128 Miyauchi,Atsuhiro..................185 Mizuno,Seiji..............................191 Mizutani,Yosuke.......................60
M,Krishna Raj Nair................... 56 Moawad,Ayman..............155, 159 Modares,Mehdi........................116 Mody,Sagar......................78, 166 Mohammadi,Jamshid.............116 Mohankumar,Prasanth..........128 Mohan,Sreeekanth..................60 Mohan,Sundaravadivelu........ 59 Mohareb,Omar Abu...............107 Mohite,Jaywant.......................151 Moilanen,Peter.........................151 Moiz,Ahmed Abdul........153, 157 Moizard,Julien...........................55 Mokkapati,Vamsi.....................101 Molina,Gustavo........................151 Monaco,Chris D.......................183 Monde,Masanori.....................193 Monforte,Roberto...................101 Montanaro,Alessandro......... 152 Montenegro,Gianluca............ 178 Montorfano,Andrea........171, 179 Moon,Sung Wook...................146 Moore,Charles........................... 91 Moore,Michael..........................60 Moor,Emmanuel De.......133, 138 Moore,Nicholas....................... 155 Moore,Wayne...........................161 Moorman,Steven P.................192 Moos,Ralf.................................. 96 Moradi-Pari,Ehsan.................. 86 Morcinkowski,Bastian.......... 190 Moreau,Jean-Benoit..............138 Moreno,Gabriel.......................185 Morgans,Shawn.......................115 Morikawa,Akira........................ 99 Morikawa,Koji................. 173, 174 Mori,Masayoshi...................... 104 Morita,Tomohiro.....................164 Morita,Tomoko........................103 Morita,Yasushi........................... 91 Mori,Tsunehiro........................ 153 Moriyoshi,Yasuo.............. 173, 174 Morra,Mark................................ 71 Morrison,Wayne..................... 173 Morsy,Mohamed El.......... 81, 153 Mortazavian,Seyyedvahid.... 135 Moser,Andreas......................... 62 Moser,Dominik..........................87 Moser,Jörg................................ 67 Moskalik,Andrew........... 130, 168 Moskwa,John J........................151 Moudgal,Vivek.......................... 81 Mou,Fuzhao.............................102 Moulai,Maryam.......................168 Moulinjeune,Olivier................128 Mounaïm-Rousselle, Christine................................ 157 Mourelatos,Zissimos...... 112, 113, ....................................115, 116 Mourelatos,Zissimos P............112 Mousseau,Alexandre............. 178 Mozumder,Chandan.........49, 51, .................................... 55, 60 Mudalagi,Avinash.....................55 Muehleisen,Ralph....................116 Mueller,Caroline...................... 133 Mueller,Charles J.................... 173 Mueller,Egon............................119 Mueller,Stefan...........................87 Muhanna,Rafi L........................116 Muinos,Martin..................151, 157 Muli,Mahendra.................. 83, 86 Mulla,Shadab........................... 95 Mullen,Robert L.......................116 Müller,Gunther........................ 173
Mulone,Vincenzo........... 99, 103, .................................. 105, 170 Mulqueen,Simon C................. 152 Muncrief,Rachel L... 157, 159, 168 Muneer,Mohammad................ 68 Munjurulimana,Dinesh........... 67 Munnannur,Achuth.99, 103, 105 Munshi,Sandeep..................... 175 Murakami,Mikako.....................57 Murakami,Mitsunori................. 71 Murakami,Shinichiro............... 86 Muramatsu,Tatsuya................191 Murashkin,Alexandr............... 79 Murasolimaran,R......................72 Murata,Osamu......................... 62 Murata,Yuichiro.......................103 Murog,Igor................................151 Murphey,Yi lu.............................55 Murphy,Mark B.........................151 Murphy,Quinn.......................... 63 Murray,Andrew...................... 109 Murray,Brian T...... 83, 86, 89, 91 Murthy,Paresh........................ 140 Murty,Pilaka.............................191 Musayev,Dr. Yashar................143 Musch,Thomas........................183 Musculus,Mark.......151, 155, 166, ..................... 167, 173, 178, 185 Muthiah,Saravanan.................60 Muthuvana,Diljith.................... 84 Muttart,Jeffrey.......................... 51 Myszka,David H..................... 109
Naber,Jeffrey.........157, 161, 180, ................................... 181, 187 Naddeo,Alessandro................ 50 Naddeo,Massimo...................169 Nagai,Takahiro....................... 104 Nagai,Tetsuya.........................164 Nagao,Takashige......................78 Nagarajan,Umashankar.......... 71 Nagaraju,Vinay........................ 96 Nagashima,Masaki.................. 83 Nagataki,Takahito................... 69 Nagata,Koji..............................185 Nagatsu,Yuichi........................108 Nagayama,Nobuyuki...............53 Nagwanshi,Dhanendra.......... 67 Naidu,Vyankatesh Govind......72 Naiknaware,Ajay.....................116 Naik,Sanjeev M.........................78 Nair,Anush............................... 174 Nair,Smita...........................79, 87 Naithani,Upendra................... 177 Naito,Tadashi...................128, 132 Najafabadi,Mohammad Izadi........................................ 178 Nakagaki,Nobuhiko................191 Nakagawa,Rina.........................57 Nakagawa,Shinji.....................186 Nakahara,Jun............................53 Nakai,Hiroyuki........................134 Nakaji,Hiroya............................191 Nakajima,Hiroshi.................... 178 Nakamura,Daisuke...................57 Nakamura,Kazuki...................105 Nakamura,Taro........................118 Nakashima,Kohei....................181 Nakata,Kazuyuki..................... 86 Nakata,Koichi................. 159, 196 Nanba,Nobuhiro......................118 Nanjundaswamy,Harsha....... 96 Nanjundaswamy,Harsha K.... 96
Nannapuraju,M........................114 Nappez,Philippe.....................103 Naraeva,Ruzaliia...................... 81 Narainen,Rodrigue................136 Narayanan,Sibi Visht Sankara.................................... 81 Narisawa,Fumio................89, 90 Narishige,Takeshi.................... 99 Naserian,Mohammad.....85, 86, ......................................87, 91 Naseri,Mojghan................. 95, 99 Nast,René................................168 Navale,Varun M........................ 92 Navarro,Alfredo.......................116 Navet,Nicolas....................90, 92 Nayeri,Christian....................... 62 Nayyar,Ashish.........................187 Nazarpoor,Zahra..................... 99 Nazemi,Mohammadreza......196 Neal,Gary.................................183 Neal,Michael W........................ 58 Neaves,Ben..............................165 Neff,Robert................................ 91 Neff,Robert L.................... 79, 124 Negrut,Dan..............................126 Nellenbach,Brian J................. 132 Nelson,Douglas J...................193 Nelson,Jody....................... 86, 89 Nerubenko,George................ 153 Nesarikar,Anilkumar............... 62 Netapalli,Sreekanth...............146 Neubauer,Jeremy S....95, 107, 173 Neumann,Daniel.....................165 Newberry,William....................72 Newbon,Joshua........................73 Newcomb,Timothy P...............151 Newman,Colin.......................... 96 Newman,Kevin........................ 177 Ng,Heong Wah.......................146 Ng,Michael...............................130 Nguyen,Ke...............................156 Nguyen,Truong........................115 Nicholls,Steve......................... 133 Nicolin,Per...............................103 Nielsen,Lars..............................64 Nielsen,Matthew...............78, 79 Niesluchowski,Matt...............138 Nieuwenhof,Rob van den...... 96 Nieuwstadt,Michiel Van........166 Niewoehner,Walter.................60 Nie,Xueyuan........................... 140 Nihashi,Hiroki........................... 99 Ni,HuaiSheng...........................191 Niimi,Yukihide.......................... 76 Ni,Jimin....................................168 Nikaido,Sho...............................57 Nikolaidis,Efstratios....... 112, 113, ....................................115, 116 Ning,Donghong......................130 Ning,Jinbiao............................105 Nishida,Keiya..........................187 Nishida,Kentaro......................185 Nishida,Yoshikazu....................87 Nishikawa,Ryoichi................... 86 Nishi,Kensuke........................... 96 Nishi,Masataka......................... 89 Nishimura,Naoki.....................170 Nishio,Noriaki..........................196 Nishiura,Hiroyuki....................159 Nithyanandan,Karthik...........168 Noah,Alaa................................143 Noda,Toru....................... 152, 164 Noguchi,Wataru.....................107 Noh,Yoo-Jeong........................161 Nolan,Joseph............................72
Nonobe,Yasuhiro....................193 Nora,Macklini Dalla................194 Norouzi,Mahdi..........................112 Northrop,William F... 97, 98, 153, ...........157, 170, 180, 187, 189, 194 Northwood,Derek O..............128 Notomi,Shinya..........................57 Novella,Ricardo.............. 159, 161 Ntziachristos,Leonidas.......... 155 Nukala,Ramakrishna.............. 99 Numata,Akihito......................186 Nuraini,Abdul Aziz................. 178 Nusholtz,Guy............................ 67 Nutwell,Emily............................55 Nybacka,Mikael........................73
Obasih,Kem.............................164 Öberg,Per................................159 Oberoi,Sonia............................151 Ocampo,Fabien....................... 96 O’Connor,Jacqueline....152, 157, .............. 167, 168, 178, 187, 194 Odate,Shotaro..........................60 Odom,Edwin............................. 69 Oery,Thomas............................ 62 Oetjens,Thomas..............133, 138 Oettle,Nicholas................. 53, 54 Oevermann,Michael...............189 Offner,Guenter......................... 49 Ofili,Odinmma.........................166 Ogaki,Kazunobu...................... 67 Ogami,Nobuyuki....................193 Ogasawara,Toyoki..................108 Ogata,Youichi..........................187 Ogawa,Atsushi.........................57 Ogawa,Hideyuki.............175, 187 Ogawa,Takashi........................185 Ogiso,Akihito..........................105 Ogunoiki,Adebola..................130 Ogyu,Kazutake..............105, 108 Ohara,Etsuji..............................101 Ohishi,Katsuhiko....................170 Ohmaru,Tatsuya......................60 Ohno,Hiroshi...........................103 Ohno,Kazushige............105, 108 Ohtake,Naotaka....................... 96 Ohtani,Makoto....................... 104 Ohta,Nobuyuki........................116 Ohta,Yasuhiko.........................194 Ohta,Yukinori..........................159 Ohtomo,Takeshi......................145 Ohtsuka,Shigeki...................... 92 Oh,Woo Jeong................132, 133 Ohya,Naoki.......................96, 103 OH,Younggeun......................... 50 Oijer,Fredrik.............................128 Oikawa,Shoko.....................51, 57 Oi,Kenji..................................... 137 Okabe,Tomosaburo................. 62 Okaji,Tomoya............................191 Okamoto,Shinya..................... 152 Okarmus,Marcin Marek.........143 Okayama,Tatsuya...................103 Okazumi,Ryoma.....................187 Okrainskaya,Irina.................... 83 Olatunbosun,Oluremi............63, .................................. 128, 130 Oliva,Alexander......................163 Olsen,John................................ 62 Omari,Ahmad.........................188 Onishi,Hirofumi....79, 85, 86, 87 Onishi,Yasuyuki.................53, 57 Onorati,Angelo....... 159, 171, 179
SAE 2015 World Congress
Onori,Simona............................87 Ono,Yuki.................................. 140 Ora,Lauri.................................... 91 Orbaiz,Pedro J........................170 Organiscak,Matthew Joseph..... ...........................................183, 193 Orient,George..........................118 Ori,Hirotaka.............................. 99 Orlowski,Mateusz.................... 79 Ortenzi,Fernando...................165 Orton,Tia Lange.................55, 62 Oryoji,Kazuhiro.......................170 Osbat,Giovanni........................101 Oshima,Munehiko....................57 Osman,Azmi.............................181 Osterhout,Aaron..................... 67 Otaki,Yusuke..............................53 Otani,Atsushi...........................60 Otsuka,Shinichiro........... 99, 100 Ottaviani,Eric..........................103 Otte,Dietmar.............................57 Ottenwaelder,Tamara........... 140 Ottinger,Nathan...................... 96 Otulakowski,Brandon............194 Ou,Jian......................................146 Ouyang,Minggao.... 88, 156, 162 OuYang,Zhigao........................ 56 Oyerokun,Folusho.................. 132 Ozaki,Yukikatsu......................180 Ozawa,Keiji.............................. 152 Ozbilgin,Guchan....................... 91 Özbilgin,Güchan......................60 Ozelo,Renan............................130 Ozevin,Didem...........................116 Özgüner,Ümit.....................60, 91
Pachner,Daniel................ 101, 187 Padmanaban,Jeya................... 91 Paepe,Michel De.............152, 194 Paffumi,Elena................. 165, 190 Page,Viv.................................. 104 Palakkal,Smitha Kizhakkae... 83 Palandri,Jacopo........................53 Palanimuthu,Lakshmanan...146 Palardy,Margaret.................... 155 Pala,Silviu................................. 49 Palaveev,Stefan...................... 173 Palazzoni,Matteo.................... 178 Pal,Chinmoy............................. 62 Pali,Harveer Singh.......... 97, 184 Palin,Robert............................. 63 Paliwal,Gaurav.........................116 Palmer,David.................... 115, 116 Palmieri,Fulvio........................ 178 Panchal,Parveen......................55 Panchal,Satyam......................193 Pande,Sachin..........................108 Pandey,Vijitashwa............112, 113 Pang,Se yoon.......................... 132 Pan,Hao............................ 118, 120 Panik,Ferdinand................ 51, 79 Panja,Biswajit.......................... 79 Pan,Jian.................................... 135 Pan,Jwo..........128, 130, 137, 138, .................................. 143, 146 Pannemann,Christoph...........113 Pannone,Gregory...........152, 159 Pan,Shiyi..................................188 Pant,Rajiv Hiralal......................72 Paramadhayalan, Thiyagarajan........................108 Parameswaraiah, Shivaswaroop....................... 56
Participants Index Parashar,Sumeet.49, 115, 116, 118 Parish,Richard........................ 160 Parker,David............................. 79 Parker,Donald........................... 71 Parker,Gordon.........................103 Park,Hee Sang.........................101 Park,Hyunbin........................... 67 Park,Hyunmin..................115, 133 Park,JiMyoung.......................... 81 Park,Jin Seo.........78, 89, 92, 175 Park,Sangchul........................... 81 Park,Sangdo............................. 50 Park,Se Jin................................ 50 Park,SeongMin.......................166 Park,Shinrak................... 159, 164 Parks,James E.........................103 Park,Soon................................ 132 Park,Soon Cheol.....................130 Park,Stephen Sungsan.......... 153 Park,SungJin........................... 173 Park,Wonah............................. 153 Park,Yong Sun..........................191 Parrish,Scott............................168 Pascarella,Robert.................... 65 Paschereit,Christian................ 62 Passmore,Martin..................... 69 Pasternak,Michal....................159 Patalak,John............................. 50 Patanwal,Pradeep..................158 Patel,Chetankumar................ 153 Patel,Nitin................................ 177 Patel,Prashant...................69, 73 Paterson,Michael A. J............. 99 Patil,Aniket............................... 96 Patil,Chetan.............................186 Patil,Manjushri Mahadev.......181 Patil,Prabhakar B.....................87 Patil,Sunil.................................. 62 Patki,Amrut A.................. 83, 175 Patri,Vasudha......... 159, 168, 178 Patte-Rouland,Béatrice........180 Patterson,Andrew....................87 Patterson,Elizabeth M............101 Patychuk,Bronson.................. 175 Paulic,Annette......................... 86 Paul,Richard T.........................107 Pauly,Thomas.................. 99, 108 Pavlovic,Zoran........................193 Pawargi,Darshan Subhash..... 71 Pawlowski,Alexander............159 Payri,Francisco........................170 Payri,Raul........151, 155, 166, 173, .................................. 178, 185 Paz,Concepcion.......................116 Peckham,Mark........................ 155 Pei,Xiaofei................................. 86 Pellegrini,Leonardo............... 178 Peltier,Edward........................186 Peng,Cheng.............................168 Peng,Huei................................166 Peng,Yinghong........................141 Peng,Yujun............................... 176 Pennati,Mario............................ 71 Pennycott,Andrew................. 175 Pentecost,David....................... 51 Perini,Federico........................ 177 Perovic,Miodrag.....................146 Perry,Anna-Kristina................ 69 Perumal,Maniraj.....................146 Perumal,Ramesh.................... 153 Pesaran,Ahmad....................... 95 Pesce,Francesco.....................166 Peters,Brett C............................73 Peters,Diane.............................. 81 Petersen,Benjamin........152, 177
Peterson,Brian................ 177, 187 Peterson,Daniel........................ 71 Peterson,Richard....................166 Petrovic,Simon.......................166 Pettersson,Henric...................115 Petty,Mikel...............................128 Pfeiffer,Jeffrey........................166 Phapale,Sandip........................ 61 Philipps,David.........................128 Phillips,Christina..................... 135 Phillips,Scott.............................87 Phlips,Patrick.......................... 152 Pianese,Cesare........................166 Picarelli,Alessandro...............165 Pickett,Lyle M..........157, 166, 173 Pidgeon,Philip................... 78, 91 Pierce,Eric................................130 Pietron,Gregory...................... 157 Pihl,Josh A...............................103 Pilgeram,Tyler.........................180 Pilla,Srikanth.... 133, 138, 143, 146 Pinati,Rubens...........................64 Pinheiro,Alvaro.......................187 Pintard,Ludovic....................... 83 Piock,Walter F......................... 153 Piper,Scott W............................87 Piqueras,Pedro........................ 96 Piscaglia,Federico...........171, 179 Pischinger,Stefan......... 140, 157, ........................... 169, 183, 190 Pise,Ashok................................181 Pisoni,William.........................183 Pisu,Pierluigi............................ 86 Pitrof,Stephen M.............133, 134 Pitsch,Heinz.................... 168, 170 Pitts,Matthew J........................ 83 Placke,Seth............................... 86 Plagens,Keith..........................163 Plamondon,Etienne............... 157 Plankensteiner,Markus..........83, ............................... 86, 89, 91 Plant,David............................... 67 Plant,David P............................ 68 Pless,Jason............................... 96 Ploechl,Manfred...................... 54 Plöger,Daniel Fritz.................. 177 Plourde,Larry..........................129 Poetsch,Christoph...................161 Poezart,Mathieu.......................78 Poggiani,Claudio.....................101 Pohjalainen,Tapio................... 178 Poitras,Marie-Josee...............189 Pok,Tandy..................................55 Poley,Joseph E.........................60 Police,Parvath........................... 71 Pompetzki,Mark A.................120 Pontoppidan,Michael............168 Poozesh,Sadegh..................... 132 Popejoy,David.................166, 177 Pope,Mark N.............................. 81 Popov,Alexei P........................ 153 Popplewell,A...........................168 Porteiro,Jacobo.......................116 Porter,Bernie.................... 81, 108 Post,Brian K..............................118 Post,James................................57 Postrioti,Lucio.........................105 Potdar,Milind............................ 85 Powell,Christopher................ 178 Powell,Christopher F.....157, 168 Powell,Robert.................. 54, 135 Prabu,E......................................114 Pradeepak,R.............................131 Pradhan,Saroj..........................101 Prasad,Ambekar..................... 84
Prasad,Pradeep....................... 96 prasad,Renuka......................... 84 Prasad,Shiv Shankar................78 Premchand,Kiran C................. 99 Prescenzi,Anthony D............. 133 Preston,Christopher B...........192 Previati,Giorgio... 54, 62, 71, 133 Price,James.................64, 89, 91 Price,Kenneth........................... 99 Price,Kenneth S....... 95, 96, 108 Prikhodko,Vitaly Y..................103 Pritchard,Ewan.......................183 Pritchard,Joseph.....................151 Pritchard,Larry A.....................151 Prokop,Günther........................57 Prucka,Michael....... 155, 164, 173 Prucka,Robert Gary......155, 159, ...........................................164, 173 Pryor,Joshua............................ 50 Przybyla,Jay..............................55 Puerschel,Marco....................... 91 Pueschl,Thorsten.....................161 Purushothaman,Dipu.............. 71 Purushothaman,Nammalwar.... .......................................... 135, 140 Purushotham,Deepak Kasaragod............................. 175 Puster,Siegfried......................193 Puzak,Kelly..............................145 Puza,Thomas...........................164
Qian,Jianhua...........................154 Qian,Peter.................................115 Qiao,Haibo............................... 173 Qiao,Ningsheng...................... 155 Qi,Bingnan...............................165 Qi,Hengmin.............................147 Qin,Min............................ 126, 146 Qin,Wenxin......................135, 146 Qi,Sun........................................115 Qiu,Liang................................. 190 Qiu,Zhongcai............................113 Qi,Yongli................... 151, 155, 170 Qi,Yunliang.............................. 173 Quan,Guangchun...................130 Quan,Shaoping.......................105 Quinn,James............................113 Qu,Xunzhi................................120 Qu,You.......................................115
Radle,Manoj.............................. 96 Raffius,Thomas...................... 140 Ragaller,Paul............................ 96 Raghavan,Krishnan................ 99 Ragone,Colter.........................186 Raguse,Karsten....................... 67 Rahman,Khwaja..................... 177 Rahman,Niat Mahmud............55 Rahman,Sadek S.....................116 Rahman,Shafeeq.....................131 Rahul,Bagul.............................. 98 Rainer,Matthias........................ 49 Rains,Mike................................. 50 Rajab,Samer............................. 86 Rajadurai,Sivanandi............... 59 Rajagopalan,Sai S V........ 76, 78, ......................................87, 91 Rajagopal,Subhashree.......... 177 Raja,Kavin................................. 59 Rajamanickam, Udayakumar.........................143
SAE 2015 World Congress
Rajan,Subramaniam..............128 Rajendran,R..............................141 Rajguru,Chaitanya............76, 92 Rajkumar,Immanuel..............120 Rajoo,Srithar...........................168 Rakowska,Joanna...................115 Ramachandran,Sankar.......... 96 Ramadan,Omar...................... 155 Ramadas,Shankar..................108 Ramaekers,Giel....................... 153 Ramakrishnan,Ganesh Kumar..................................... 88 Ramanjaneyulu,G....................141 Ramaswamy,Sudha...............194 Ramesh,S........ 79, 104, 107, 153, .....................164, 173, 183, 193 Ramroth,Laurie....................... 152 Ramsay,Thomas................53, 73 Ramsay,Thomas N...................53 Ranadive,Priti..................... 83, 91 Ranadive,Priti R....................... 92 Rana,Sandeep..........................118 Randles,Bryan......................... 67 Ranganathan,Raj........... 170, 180 Rani,V S..................................... 174 Ranjan,Abhishek...................... 51 Ranjan,Ravi............................... 56 Rao,Atchyuta........................... 76 Rao,Kanaparty.............78, 81, 83 Rao,Lei....................................... 79 Rao,Navaneetha......................60 Rao,Nitish................................... 81 Rao,Rakesh............................... 83 Rao,Sughosh J............53, 57, 64 Raptis,Constantine N... 155, 164, ................................... 177, 191 Rasmussen,Kirk....................... 85 Ratcliff,Matthew A.................165 Rathgeber,Christoph.............165 Rathinam,Balamurugan....... 177 Rauch,Dieter............................. 96 Rauch,Georg.............................101 Rau,Markus............................... 85 Rauschenberger,Robert.........55 Raux,Stephane....................... 152 Ravet,Frederic......................... 177 Ravindran,C. (Ravi)................145 Rawashdeh,Osamah............. 100 Rayess,Nassif E.............. 144, 147 Ra,Youngchul.......................... 153 Ray,Rohit..................................145 Razum,Joe................................118 Reader,Graham............... 151, 189 Reader,Simon.......................... 175 Rebba,Ramesh...164, 173, 183,193 Rebbeck,Luke.......................... 63 Reddy,Janampally Sandeep Kumar................................... 100 Reddy,Pawan........................... 89 Redmill,Keith A........................60 Redon,Fabien.......................... 178 Reese,Ronald..........................168 Reff,Bjoern.................................53 Reghu,Anurag......................... 174 Regueiro,Alejandro S............107 Reid,Adam C...........................128 Reid,Benjamin.........................105 Reif,Konrad............................... 89 Reijnders,Jos...........................183 Reilhac,Patrice M......................55 Reinhall,Per.............................183 Reinhardt,Dominik.................. 89 Reinhart,Thomas................... 109 Reister,Heinrich.........52, 99, 101 Reitz,Rolf..................................167
Reitz,Rolf D.....101, 153, 167, 170, ............................177, 180, 189 Re,Luigi del............... 87, 103, 175 Renevier,Nathalie..................... 51 Renganathan,Sindhuja.......... 88 Ren,Hongjuan........................ 109 Renke,Ronald J.......................126 Renneker,Craig....................... 157 Ren,Shouxian.......... 96, 172, 180 Rentschler,Robert G.............. 132 Ren,Xiao...................................147 Ren,Yilin.....................................57 Ren,Yue.....................................166 Ren,Zhuyin............................. 190 Resh,William............................ 95 Reuss,David.............................185 Reuss,Hans-Christian............107 Reußwig,Frank........................107 Revell, Alistair, PhD..................53 Reveillon,Damien................... 178 Revell,Alistair.....................53, 73 Reynolds,Robert.................... 135 Richardson,Dan......................183 Richardson,David................... 152 Richardson,Shane.............55, 62 Richards,Paul........ 152, 157, 168, .................................. 178, 183 Richenhagen,Johannes......... 83 Richman,Douglas...........133, 138 Richmond,Kelsie S.................186 Richmond,Russell..................186 Richter,Joerg Michael............. 99 Richter,Kai.......................... 89, 92 Richter,Mattias........................166 Rick,Anthony...........................164 Rickeard,David........................187 Rickert,Danielle......................145 Riedel,Chris............................... 83 Rieß,Michael............................159 Rinaldi,Andrea........................ 177 Rinaldini,Carlo Alberto.......... 177 Rinderknecht,Stephan....143, 177 Ringholz,Christopher............. 97 Rios-Torres,Jackeline............. 86 Risko,Rebecca K.....................192 Rizzo,Denise.............................131 Rizzoni,Giorgio................183, 193 Roasio,Roberto...................... 190 Robarge,Nan...........................187 Robert,Gilles............................128 Robinette,Darrell............ 166, 191 Robinson,Michael A...............103 Robinson,Simon...................... 97 Rocca,Antonino La..................101 Rocco,Vittorio..........................170 Roche,Marina........................... 83 Rodarte,Ignacio Vazquez......115 Rodiouchkina,Maria................115 Rodrigues,Erick.......................64 Rodriguez,Carlos Felipe Forigua..................................187 Rodriguez,Javier......................55 Rodriguez,J. Felipe.................151 Rodriguez,Julio.................. 78, 91 Roeckle,Felix...........................138 Roesch,Martin.......................... 99 Roessner,Wolfgang................ 99 Roettger,Daniel......................166 Róewicz,Maciej................. 60, 79 Rogak,Steven N......................188 Rogers,Jason...........................116 Rogers,Thomas....................... 157 Rogich,Ken................................78 Rogoski,Leigh.........................105 Rohani,Behzad........................ 153
Rohatgi,Aashish.....................138 Rohe,Renaud............................ 96 Rohrer,Stefan..........................165 Rohr,Stephan............................87 Rohs,Hans................................169 Roller,Michael..........................128 Romagnoli,Alessandro.........168 Romani,Luca...........................189 Romero,Vicente.......................118 Roosien,Yeliana....................... 95 Roscher,Thomas.......................57 Rose,Dominik..........................103 Rose,Nathan A.............51, 55, 62 Rosenbaum,Marc...................136 Rosenblatt,Deborah..............189 Roser,Holger............................126 Rosolia,Ugo..............................80 Rossenaar,Brenda..................143 Rossi,Roberto........................ 190 Rostagno,Matteo.....................101 Rostiti,Cristian......................... 99 Rothamer,David......................183 Roth,David B.......... 159, 168, 178 Rot,Ivan.................................... 177 Rottengruber,Hermann...101, 195 Rouhana,Stephen W............... 68 Rousseau,Aymeric........107, 155, .................................. 156, 159 Rowell,Jonathan Martin........124 Royce,Michael.... 50, 53, 69, 182 Roy,Matthieu............................ 83 Ruan,Jiageng..........................126 Rucoba,Robert......................... 67 Rudder,Korneel De.................. 96 Ruel,Fiona................................138 Rugh,John......................... 97, 107 Rugh,John P............................. 96 Rush,Thomas.............................55 Russell,Robert............... 102, 183 Russell,Robert L.................... 160 Russo,Miriam Di......................193 Rutland,Christopher....105, 180, .........................................189 Rutter,Brian..............................113 Ruzicka,Norbert..................... 175 Ryszka,Anna............................. 79 Ryu,Young Hyun.....................130 Rzemien,Kevin..........................87
Sabbioni,Edoardo............ 63, 80 Sabo,John................................ 132 Sacco,Vincenzo.........................78 Sachdev,Anil............................113 Sadano,Hakaru.........................78 Saedlou,Saghi.........................138 Saeid,Amin.......................99, 105 Safoutin,Michael.....................164 Sahoo,Niranjan.......................187 Sahu,Ashish Kumar................. 51 Saigaonkar,Hrishikesh A.......196 Saijo,Yasuhiko.........................128 Saito,Atsuji...............................161 Saito,Kozo................................ 132 Saito,Ryosuke..........................115 Saito,Ryuichi............................ 76 Sakagami,Kyohei............170, 177 Sakai,Yasuyuki........................188 Sakamoto,Hideyuki................ 76 Sakamoto,Hirofumi........101, 108 Sakamoto,Kosuke................. 140 Sakkinen,Daniel...................... 137 Sako,Takahiro..........................188 Salaani,M. Kamel........53, 57, 64
Salami,Negin...........................164 Salazar,Victor.......................... 175 Salecker,Elke............................ 83 Salehi,Rasoul............................ 76 Salisbury,Shawn D.................183 Salis,Francesco.........................77 Saltzberg,Eugene F.................. 91 Salvador,FJ..............................184 Samadani,Ehsan.....................183 Samaras,Zissis........................ 155 Samar,Deshpande..................139 Samie,Farzad................. 166, 170 Samuel,Kingsly.......................164 Samuel,Stephen.............165, 195 Sanchez,Alvaro........................116 Sander,Oliver............................ 89 Sandmann,Timo...................... 89 Sandvik,Andreas......................55 Sangeorzan,Brian..................170 Sanjay............................... 191, 193 Sanka,Manyam.......................185 Sankaran,Dhanya...................193 Sankey,Jeffery W..................... 71 Santacreu,Pierre-Olivier.......138 Santana,Claudio Marcio........ 155 Santella,Michael..................... 137 Santhanam,Shyam........ 99, 103, ..................................105, 106 Santora,Michael............... 69, 176 Santoso,Surya.......................... 79 Santra,Tanmay........................186 Santrock,Jeffrey......................60 Sanui,Ryoko............................105 Sappok,Alexander....96, 99, 105 Sarac,Ipek................................ 175 Saravanan,C G......................... 153 Sardou,Max.......................71, 146 Saric,Sanjin.............................. 178 Sari,Rafael...............................183 Sarkar,Subrata.........................114 Sarnia,Scott............................ 104 Sasaki,Satoru..........................194 Sasaki,Takeshi..........................60 Sasin,Dominik................... 60, 79 Saso,Yuta..................................161 Sasse,Christoph.......................191 Sassoon,Aaron......................... 69 Satake,Toshihide..................... 79 Sathe,Prakash T.......................118 Sathyanarayana,Amardeep... 91 Sato,Kazuma.............................78 Sato,Kentaro...........................138 Sattler,Benjamin J..................183 Satvanyi,Aline Cristina Dos Santos......................................... 91 Sauras-Perez,Pablo................ 86 Sauvaget,Jean Philippe........ 132 Savagian,Peter........................ 177 Savagian,Peter J..................... 155 Savic,Vesna... 49, 51, 55, 60, 67, ..................................... 71, 113 Savitski,Dzmitry.............126, 143 Sawyer-Beaulieu,Susan...95, 97 Saxena,Samveg.......79, 187, 194 Sayer,James............................. 86 Scarcelli,Riccardo...........168, 175 Schaffert,Michael.................... 92 Schenk,Charles.......................168 Schernus,Christof.......... 159, 161, .....................163, 187, 194, 196 Scheurich,Bastian................... 69 Schier,Michael..........................191 Schifko,Martin...................51, 128 Schiller,Steve............................ 96 Schirru,Michele Maria........... 140
Schliecker,Simon..................... 83 Schluder,Harald........................ 71 Schmidauer,Josef..................... 71 Schmidt,David........................168 Schmidt,Hans-Peter............... 92 Schmidt,Karsten............... 89, 92 Schmidt,Marcus....................... 99 Schmieder,Adrian...................118 Schmiedler,Stefan.................. 175 Schmied,Roman.......................87 Schneider,Jesse.............. 191, 193 Schneider,Rolf................... 89, 92 Schneidewind,Brian Carl...... 175 Schnepf,Bastian.......................53 Schnorbus,Thorsten..............165 Schnurr,Rainer........................ 175 Schock,Harold.........................183 Schoeffmann,Wolfgang Johann....................................161 Schoenauer,Ulrich.................. 152 Schoenhaber,Jan.............99, 105 Scholz,Oliver........................... 140 Schroeder,Carsten...................53 Schroeder,Heidi..............152, 159 Schroeder,Matthias................105 Schulz,Christian............. 140, 183 Schulz,Dr. Edgar.....................143 Schulze,Andreas...................... 89 Schulze,Thomas................. 57, 79 Schumann,ChristianAndreas..................................119 Schutte,Carol...........................129 Schütz,Thomas.........................53 Schwanke,Jason.....................159 Schwark,Jeremy.......................55 Schwarzl,Christian.................. 83 Schweiker,MarkusAlexander............................... 92 Schwenn,Tony.......................... 50 Schwinghammer,Harald.......138 Sciullo,Fausto Di.................... 104 Scott,William...........................193 Seacrist,Thomas....................... 51 Seaman,Sean............................ 51 Sebben,Simone....................... 62 Seccardini,Riccardo................101 Sediako,Dimitry......................145 Seers,Patrice................... 157, 178 Seguelong,Thierry................. 152 Sehgal,Ajay Kumar................158 Sehgal,A K................................151 Seidenspinner,Philipp........... 174 Seidi,Morteza........................... 68 Seifert,Lars............................. 140 Seiser,Reinhard........................ 96 Seki,Kazuhiro........................... 50 Seki,Maya.................................. 86 Sekine,Hiroyuki.......................193 Sekiya,Keisuke........................180 Selamet,Ahmet.......................185 Selke,Daniel J..................... 49, 51 Sellnau,Mark.............................161 Sellnau,Mark C........................185 Selvakumar,P............................72 Semanson,Chris........................ 91 Semel,Ronald..................101, 104 Semenov,Vladimir I.................141 Sementa,Paolo............... 157, 159 Senecal,P. K............................. 177 Sens,Marc.................................159 Senthamilarasu, Vinuchackravarthy........ 80, 87 Senthooran,Sivapalan..... 53, 54 Seo,Jinho.................................. 50 Seo,Jongsang....................76, 79
Seong,Heeje............................103 Seong,Sulki...............................117 Sequino,Luigi.......................... 152 Serban,Radu............................126 Sergueeva,A.V........................138 Serrano,Jose Ramon.............170 Serrano,José Ramón.............. 96 Serrati,Renato..........................64 Servant,Cedric........................ 177 Servati,Hamid..........................151 Sevel,Kris S.............................. 155 Sever,Cagri...............................128 Sevik,James M........................183 Sexton,Patrick.........................170 Seyler,Jan...........................90, 92 Seyler,Shane.............................60 Sgatti,Stefano.........................185 Sgueglia,John.......................... 86 Shabashevich,Andrew..........193 Shabbir,Wassif........................ 175 Shah,Ashish............................. 175 Shaha,Sugrib K....................... 133 Shahbakhti,Mahdi...187, 194, 196 Shah,Jitendra............................55 Shahverdi,Masood.................166 Shahwan,Khaled............128, 132 Shakya,Bijesh M...................... 99 Shams,Seyedmohammad....143 Shamun,Sam........................... 173 Shaner,Leonard......................138 Shang,Fang..................... 105, 159 Shang,Mingli........................... 176 Shankar,Davangere.................73 Shao,Jianwang...................... 140 Shapiro,Michael......................188 Sharma,Abhay....................... 100 Sharma,Ankur.......................... 84 Sharma,Arunandan............... 178 Sharma,Piyush Mani............... 67 Sharma,Rahul..........................189 Sharma,Sandeep..................... 59 Sharma,Sonakshi..................... 91 Sharma,Yogesh........................ 68 Sharpe,Sarah.............................72 Shastry,Anup..........................146 Shastry,Anup Mallikarjuna...143 Shaw,Michael L.............. 145, 146 Shaw,Timothy.........................143 Shayler,Paul..............................101 Sheets,Brent.............................101 Shelley,William.......................187 Shelly,Patrick.............................87 Shelton,Matthew.................... 157 Shen,Boxi.................................. 99 Sheng,Gang Sheng Chen................................153, 161 Sheng,ZiQiang....... 133, 138, 142 Shen,Hui.....................................57 Shen,JiaYi.................................138 Shen,Kai...................................147 Shenton,Andrew....................193 Shen,Xiaomeng......................102 Shen,Zhanpeng.......................121 Sherony,Rini............... 55, 60, 87 Sheshukov,Viktor..................... 81 Shibaike,Yushi.........................187 Shibata,Gen.....................175, 187 Shibata,Masamichi.................196 Shibata,Toshiaki......................105 Shibue,Hideaki......................... 69 Shi,Chaoliang.......................... 127 Shidore,Neeraj........ 155, 159, 161 Shi,Fanghui.............................. 177 Shi,Jianpeng............................ 127 Shi,Ming....................................138
SAE 2015 World Congress
Shi,Ming F.........................133, 142 Shimizu,Takayuki......................78 Shimizu,Yuichiro.....................146 Shimoda,Takehide...................101 Shimokawa,Kiyohiro............. 178 Shimonomoto,Ifushi............... 49 Shinada,Munenori................... 62 Shinagawa,Tomohiro..............161 Shinde,Ajay Vasantrao..........192 Shingavi,Shreyas...................... 51 Shin,Hwan Soo.........................191 Shin,Hyun Myung....................161 Shinoda,Narimasa..................108 Shinohara,Yoshikazu............ 104 Shin,Yong Nam........................161 Shin,Yu Kyung.......................... 50 Shinzaki,Satoru.........................78 Shioda,Naoki.......................... 104 Shiraishi,Shin’ichi.................... 89 Shirk,Matthew......................... 173 Shirota,Naoyuki.......................60 Shitole,Vishal............................. 51 Shivakumar,N............................72 Shivaprasad,KV..................... 109 Shi,Wenku.................................131 Shi,Xian..................................... 96 Shi,Xiao-Hui............................. 98 Shi,Xinfeng.............................. 135 Shi,Xiuyong.............................168 Shi,Yandong.............................141 Shi,Yibing.................................. 67 Shocket,Abraham........... 76, 78, .....................................85, 87 Shojaei,Sina.............................. 97 Shome,Biswadip...................... 96 Short,Daniel............................183 Shouji,Kiyotaka.......................164 Shrivas,Jagrit..........................108 Shrivastava,Sourabh.............186 Shuai,Shi-Jin....................153, 169 Shu,Ge-Qun..............................101 Shulke,Gerald A......................128 Shuvom,M Abu Anas.............. 86 Shu,Yajing................................120 Sia,Bernard.............................. 135 Sichuan,Xu................................191 Sickle,Roger A. Van......... 95, 96 Sickle,Roger Van..................... 96 Siddalingappa, Nagabhushana...............85, 90 Siebert,Thorsten..................... 135 Sika,Z........................................130 Sileghem,Louis.......................187 Silva,Levi Nascimento da......194 Silver,Ron........................... 95, 96 Simescu,Stefan.......................105 Sim,Minseob............................. 67 Simmonds,Helena.................. 133 Simon,Nakia............................107 Simonsson,Johan................... 173 Simpson,Alexander................ 62 Sims-Williams,David...53, 62, 73 Sinclair,Doug...........................183 Sindgikar,Pavan........................ 61 Singh,Akhilendra Pratap..... 140 Singhal,Anshul........................143 Singhal,Atul..............................114 Singh,Amandeep.............49, 112 Singh,Amardeep.....................161 Singh,Ashish........................... 175 Singh,Bharat............ 57, 108, 177 Singh,Harjinder.........................55 Singh,Jatinder.................133, 138 Singh,Kanwar Bharat..............57 Singh,Navtej...................106, 108
Participants Index Singh,Rakesh..........................105 Singh,Sauhard.........................151 Singh,Siddhartha...................194 Singh,Somendra.....................108 Singh,Tejinder................. 191, 192 Singh,Vikram...........................169 Sinnamon,James.....................161 Sinz,Wolfgang.......................... 67 Siokos,Konstantinos..............159 Siriyapuraju,Karthik Bhargav................................. 176 Sisk,Brian.................................164 Sithananthan,M......................158 Sivaramakrishnan,Srikanth....57 Sivaraman,Bathiry.................139 Sivertsson,Martin................... 173 Si,Zhanbo.................................188 Sjoberg,Magnus.....................185 Sjovall,Hanna........................... 96 Skeen,Scott.....................157, 166 Skiera,Jason.............................. 71 Skruch,Pawel..................... 60, 79 Skrypchuk,Lee......................... 83 Skszek,Timothy W.........128, 129, ..................... 132, 135, 136, 138 Slattengren,Jesper....... 126, 130 Sloss,Clayton.................. 130, 185 Smart,John................................78 Smedler,Gudmund.................. 96 Smirniotis,Panagiotis............103 Smith,Alastair......................... 152 Smith,David E..........................105 Smith,G. Michael.............. 115, 116 Smith,Henrik...........................105 Smith,John.......................... 56, 71 Smith,Kevin............................. 135 Smith,Michael........... 99, 115, 116 Smith,Nick...........................78, 85 Smith,Oliver............................ 140 Smith,Robert A...............128, 170 Smithson,Robert A................170 Sneddon,J..................................53 Snyder,Kevin L........................183 Sobiesiak,Andrzej..........116, 180 Sobotowski,Rafal A...............103 Söderblom,David.................... 50 Soliman,Aref M. A..................130 Soliman,Aref M.A...................126 Soloiu,Valentin.................151, 157 Solomon,Arun..........................181 Soltani,Amir............................146 Solt,Michael B.........................192 Somasundaram,Logesh Shankar.................................102 Somers,Bart................... 178, 196 Sommer,Andreas...................138 Som,Sibendu...........153, 161, 168 Songade,Ram............................72 Song,Bin......................64, 77, 157 Song,Dafeng........................... 176 Song,Dongxian.......................180 Song,Enzhe...................... 60, 194 Song,En-Zhe............................ 173 Song,Guangtian............. 135, 140 Song,Guangtian Gavin.......... 59, .................................. 135, 140 Song,Han Ho............................161 Song,Jared...........49, 51, 59, 60, ....................................64, 118 Song,Jian..........73, 146, 165, 175 Song,Jihun...............................185 Song,Minwoo...........................115 Song,Pan........................... 79, 158 Song,Suckin......................115, 133 Song,Tae Hoon.......................... 71
Song,Xinghua.........................128 Song,Xu................................... 104 Sorab,Jagadish.......................128 Sorge,Ugo........................152, 159 Sosnowski,David....................189 Souch,David.............................113 Soulliere,Katie.......................... 95 Southward,Barry W.L............. 96 Souza,Dustin........................... 132 Sovani,Sandeep........................73 Sovis,Nicolas........................... 157 Spannbauer,Shawn................170 Speer,John.......................138, 145 Speer,John G........................... 133 Spessa,Ezio..............................164 Spicher,Ulrich.......................... 173 Spiekermann,Peter................168 Spielman,Chris.......................... 91 Spiess,Stephanie..................... 99 Spiteri,Paul..............................130 Spivey,Heath............................ 67 Splitter,Derek....153, 155, 159, 161 Spooler,Jacob.........................103 Sporer,Harald........................... 83 Sprague,John T........................ 67 Spreitzer,Johann.................... 178 Spruss,Iwo.................................73 Sreedhara,S............................ 190 Sreelakshmi,C...........................87 Srinivasan,Krishnaswamy....166 Srinivasan,Kumar...... 95, 97, 101 Srinivasan,Pradeep Subramanian........................189 Srinivasan,Soundarya...........146 Sriniwas,Aravapalli................. 88 Sriraman,S...............................102 Srivastava,Ashutosh..............145 Srivastava,Devesh.................. 69 Srivastava,Sameer................... 71 Staaf,Hjalmar G......................... 81 Stadlbauer,Stephan.......103, 175 Stalnaker,David.........................57 Stancato,Cortney.................... 135 Stander,Nielen......................... 49 Stansfield,Phil.........................168 Stebbins,Patrick....................... 71 Steele,Jamie.............................115 Steffan,Hermann...................... 71 Steffan,Robert........................164 Steffen,Thomas........78, 166, 167 Steffka,Mark........................87, 91 Steinberg,Peter........................101 Steiner,Christina...................... 67 Steiner,Hans......................51, 128 Steiner,John C....................62, 67 Steinman,Adam....................... 50 Stephens,Elizabeth................138 Stephens,Gregory....................72 Stephenson,R. Rhoads...........60 Sterken,Lennert....................... 62 Sterniak,Jeff............................194 Stirgwolt,Philip........................ 83 Stobart,Richard..... 164, 167, 193 Stobart,Richard K.................... 69 Stockar,Stephanie................... 99 Stoilov,Vesselin............... 116, 128 Stolz,Michael........................... 175 Stone,Richard.......................... 152 Storey,John..............................170 Storey,John M....................97, 98 Storkman,Bill R........................171 Stoughton,Thomas.........136, 142 Stradling,Richard...................187 Strass,Achim............................113 Strehl,Udo................................105
Stroppiana,Andrea................164 Strumolo,Margaret..................118 Stryker,Peter...........................166 Strzelec,Andrea..............101, 103 Stuhldreher,Mark....................168 Stump,Ludwig.........................169 Sturgeon, II, Purser K............. 79 Stürmer,Ingo..................... 83, 86 Subbiah,Latha..................50, 133 Subbu,Rama......................67, 193 Subramanian,Arulselvan...... 157 Subramanian,Kannan............. 88 Subramanian,M.......54, 88, 157, .................................. 158, 189 Subramaniyam,Murali............ 50 Subramoniam,C......................189 Su,Changsheng.......................105 Su,Chuqi...................................102 Suehiro,Yukio.................. 99, 100 Suender,Robert........................57 Sugano,Asuka.......................... 68 Sugano,Kazumitsu.................185 Sugaya,Hisaki............................52 Sugiura,Akimitsu....................196 Sugiyama,Hiroyuki.................130 Suh,Ilhong................................ 175 Sukegawa,Yoshihiro...............170 Sukigara,Toru..........................183 Sukumaran,Sujith...................189 Sukumar,Balaji........ 99, 103, 105 Sukumar,Naveen.....................116 Sule,Jibrin................................128 Sullivan,Kaye............................ 67 Suma,Tatsuya........................... 63 Sumida,Soichiro.....................170 Sun,Chenle...............................189 Sun,Dana..................................138 Sundaramoorthy, Ashokkumar.........................146 Sundaram,Padma................... 86 Sundaram,Sudharsan............ 88 Sung,Dae-Un.................. 120, 130 Sung,KI Woo...........................120 Sung,Shin-Jang..............128, 138 Sun,Ming..................................154 Sun,Richard L...........................116 Sun,Ruonan.............................185 Sun,Tao......................................64 Sunwoo,Myoungho..................87 Sun,Xichen...................... 128, 144 Sun,Xin......................................113 Sun,Xingzhi...............................115 Sun,Yanzhe...............................60 Sun,Ying............................126, 131 Sun,Zechang...158, 165, 183, 191 Suo-Anttila,Jill.........................118 Suo,Dajiang.............................. 86 suppliers.......................... 134, 154 Surenahalli,Harsha Shankar...103 Suresh,Karthik Chinnivakkam....................... 93 Sureshkumar,J................153, 195 Suresh,R.... 93, 151, 153, 158, 195 Suseelan,Sunil Prasanth.......108 Sutton,Mike............................ 140 Su,Wanhua...............................194 Suway,Jeffrey Aaron............... 51 Su,Xuming...126, 130, 135, 137, 141 Su,Zheng-Ming....................... 137 Suzuki,Kunihiko....................... 83 Suzuki,Ryotaro........................ 79 Svensson,Kenth...................... 173 Swaminathan,Mohan.............193 Swaminathan, Radhakrishnan.......................55
SAE 2015 World Congress
Swanson,Jacob.......................102 Swantek,Andrew....157, 168, 178 Swaroop,Vishnu.......................90 Sweitzer,Karl A...................... 140 Syed,Mohammed............50, 133 Sykes-Green,Taylor............... 140 System,Dealership.................134 Szailer,Tamas............................ 96 Szczotka,Andrzej....................105 Szpara,David............................191 Szulc,Micha............................... 79 Szybist,James P..... 159, 168, 178
Tabares,Iago Gonzalez..........159 Tada,Hiroko............................. 135 Tada,Satoki............................. 104 Tagishi,Ryutaro.......................159 Taguchi,Kenji.............................87 Taheri,Saied.................... 130, 146 Tahmasbi-Sarvestani,Amin.. 86 Taiber,Joachim......................... 86 Taie,Mostafa Anwar..........82, 92 Tajima,Hirotsugu..................... 68 Tajima,Takamitsu....................107 Takada,Kenji............................138 Takada,Tadatsugu....................73 Takahashi,Atsushi...................171 Takahashi,Daishi.....................159 Takahashi,Masashi.................164 Takahashi,Masayoshi.............. 76 Takahashi,Masayuki................181 Takahashi,Yukou................62, 67 Takai,Shinichi.......................... 176 Takasaki,Asuka.......................185 Takashima,Teruyuki...............185 Takazawa,Masanobu.....159, 173 Takehara,Yoshiyasu.................57 Takiguchi,Takashi....................116 Takii,Yasuhiro...........................116 Takizawa,Satoshi..................... 67 Talamonti,Walter......................55 Talaska,Tomasz........................ 79 Taleb-Bendiab,Amine.............55 Talukdar,Saurav....................... 88 Tamilarasan,T R.......................141 Tamor,Michael..........................118 Tamura,Naoki..........................170 Tanabe,Toshitaka..................... 99 Tanaka,Daisuke....................... 152 Tanaka,Hideyuki.......................57 Tanaka,Hiroki..........................188 Tanaka,Hisashi..........................57 Tan,Bingqian..................105, 190 Tan,Bo........................................131 Tan,Chin-An.............................. 59 Tandale,Madhukar S..............108 Tandy,Donald........................... 63 Tandy,Donald F........................ 65 Tan,Gangfeng.......... 84, 96, 102, .................115, 116, 117, 158, 175 Tang,Chenglong.....................188 Tang,Choong Fong..................151 Tang,Gang................................126 Tang,Hui....................................64 Tang,Meng...............................187 Tang,Shuhan.............................77 Tang,Ta-Wei.............................145 Tang,Weiqin..............................141 Tang,Zhengfei.........................162 Tang,Zhongcai....................... 140 Taniguchi,Hiroyoshi...... 168, 170 Taniguchi,Keiichi......................57 Taniguchi,Koichi..................... 137
Tani,Michinori..........................185 Tan,Julian................103, 105, 108 Tanner,Cameron.................... 100 Tanner,Cameron W................. 99 Tan,Piqiang............................. 109 Tan,Qingyuan..........................162 Tan,Xi........................................120 Tan,Yongkui.............................180 Tan,Zhihui................................. 86 Tao,Can..................................... 153 Tao,Jian..........128, 132, 133, 138, .................................. 143, 146 Tao,Liu......................................126 Tao,Tinghong.................. 99, 100 Tao,Xin....................................... 50 Tao,Xinran................................107 Tap,Ferry.................................. 153 Taritas,Ivan..............................159 Tarnowsky,Steven.................. 155 Tarnowsky,Steven A.............. 155 Tartakovsky,Leonid........152, 188 Tasky,Thomas........................... 83 Tasky,Tom................................. 76 Tata,Anthony............................191 Taube,Arnold...................... 81, 86 Tauzia,Xavier...........................196 Tavakoli,Massoud.....................53 Tawara,Masahiro....................170 Taylor,Darryl............................130 Taylor,William.................... 86, 89 Taylor,Zachary........................187 Teener,Michael David Johas...87 Tehansky,Eugene....................191 Teibinger,Andreas............71, 143 Teimorzadeh,Mehrdad...........191 Tejima,Yoichiro........................128 Telikepalli,Kumar Prasad....... 88 Temerev,Artem.......................156 Temkin,Mike............................130 Teng,Ho.............................151, 174 Teng,Yu J....49, 51, 59, 60, 64, 118 Teodosio,Luigi.........................159 Tetrault,Pascal........................ 157 Thangapandian,Kasiraja.......120 Theis,Joseph R........................103 Theiss,Timothy........................ 178 Thelen,Bryce...........................196 Thelen,Bryce Charles.............170 Thiel,Wolfgang.......................105 Thier,Dominic...........................101 Thiruvengadam,Arvind...101, 158 Thiruvengadam,Pragalath....101 Thomas,Bonita J...................... 50 Thomas,Grant.........................138 Thomas,John............86, 152, 159 Thomas,John F........................103 Thomas,Scott D................ 50, 53 Thomas,Sonu...........................80 Thompson,Bradley................167 Thompson,Christopher........... 81 Thomson,Steve.......................163 Thyagarajan,Ravi.......... 133, 140 Tian,Miao..................................183 Tian,Xiaoqing.......................... 175 Tian,Zhanwei............................ 84 Tian,Zhewen............................. 84 Tijerina,Louis......................49, 55 Tillier,Jean-Yves.................... 104 Tilocco,Zak............................... 157 Ting,David................................ 157 Titov,Sergey............................ 137 Tiwari,Deepak.......................... 62 Tiwari,Nachiketa..................... 153 Tiwari,Santosh.........................116
Tjong,Jimi.........87, 140, 151, 157, .................................. 187, 189 Tokuo,Kenichirou....................161 Tolsma,John............................103 Tomazic,Dean.................. 96, 180 Tomic,Jasna............................ 160 Tomic,Rudolf...........................159 Tomioka,Kazuki........................73 Tomizuka,Masayoshi...... 79, 158 Tomlin,Alison.......................... 157 Tonda,Richard Dale....... 143, 146 Tone,Keitaro..............................57 Tong,Naiqiang.........................102 Tong,Sunyu.............................. 155 Tong,Yifei.................................194 Toomey,Daniel E.......................72 Toops,Todd..............................105 Toops,Todd J...........................103 Tootoonchi,Ehsan...................187 Topp, Andreas, PhD................ 98 Torikai,Kenshi........................... 50 Tornatore,Cinzia..... 153, 164, 179 Torne,Alberto...........................115 Torre,Augusto Della............... 178 Tosa,Yoshiyuki....................49, 52 Tota,Antonio...........................194 Toulson,Elisa..........170, 183, 196 Tovar,Andres.............................55 Toyooka,Yoichi.......................... 51 Tozzi,Federico.........................189 Trapp,Mario.............................. 89 Trassi,Paolo.............................189 Tree,Dale R.............151, 155, 166, .................................. 173, 185 Tribotte,Pascal.........................161 Trimboli,Brian A...................... 76 Trivedi,Zubin............................ 65 Trobaugh,Corey.............152, 157, .................................. 168, 178 Truffinet,Caroline....................161 Truskin,James........................... 71 Trythall,Steve........................... 83 Tseng,Finn................................ 88 Tso,Chi Yan................................ 99 Tsoi,Ada H................................. 67 Tsuchiya,Naoya........................ 76 Tsunoda,Daisuke.................... 173 Tu,Binglu..................................147 Tuerk,Markus...........................147 Tumelaire,Charles-Francois....108 Tu,Ming...................................... 97 Tuner,Martin............................169 Tunestal,Per.......... 161, 164, 169, ...................................173, 175 Tung,Simon C.................. 151, 189 Turan,Banu Sinanoglu............118 Turner,James W G.................. 153 Turner,J.W.G............................168 Turner,J.W.G............................168 Turriff,Dennis.............................55 Tuteja,Arjun D.................168, 177 Tutton,Kevin............................183 Twiggs,Kenneth.............. 99, 100 Tyagi,Nishant...........................151 Tyan,Tau.......... 137, 138, 143, 146 Tyson,John...............................142
Uchanski,Michael R................ 175 Uchida,Noboru........................ 97 Uchida,Ryo.............................. 152 Uchida,Toshiya......................... 99 Uddin,Ahmed I.......................193 Uddin,Ahmed Imtiaz.............193
Uddin,Md Salah....................... 63 Uddin,Mesbah....................62, 73 Uduma,Kalu............................... 71 Uehara,Hiroki...........................191 Uehara,Toshihiro....................170 Uehara,Toshiyuki..................... 99 Ueki,Mitsuhiko........................128 Uematsu,Satoki....................... 99 Ueno,Hiroaki...........................134 Uesaka,Takahiro...................... 63 Uesaka,Yosuke........................108 Ugale,Sunita.............................80 Umezawa,Takao.......................60 Ungaro,Carmine.....................105 Univ.,Birmingham..................169 Upadhyay,Devesh................... 96 Upadhyay,Piyush...................138 Uppuluri,Sudhi..........95, 97, 101, ................................... 107, 116 Ura,Yukitaka..............................57 Urista,R.....................................168 Urushiyama,Yuta............128, 132 Ushijima,Hirooki.....................187 Ushimura,Tomoya....................57 Usui,Satoshi..............................161 Usui,Tomohiko.........................191
Vaglieco,Bianca Maria..........152, ...................................157, 159 Vaidya,Vinay...79, 80, 87, 91, 92 Vala,Marilyn........................ 50, 71 Valentino,Gerardo.153, 164, 179 Valero-Marco,Jorge...............159 Val,Nicola De............................80 Vampola,T................................130 VanBelle,Nicole.......................128 Vandiver,Wesley...................... 67 VanLanen,Daniel....................193 Varda,David J..........................192 Vashist,Sagar..........................187 Vasquez,Virgilio......................130 Vassallo,Alberto.....................166 Veele,Rebecca.......................... 96 Veinblat,Mark.......................... 152 Velardocchia,Mauro...............194 Velji,Amin.................................185 Venegas,Julian.......................120 Venkatesh,G S......................... 133 Venkatesh,Gude S.................. 133 Venkateshwara,Rao................ 98 Venkitachalam,Ganesan.153, 195 Venugopal,Ashwin.................. 89 Venugopal,Rishikesh.............151, .................................. 155, 185 Vera-Tudela,Walter................ 173 Verhelst,Sebastian.152, 187, 194 Verma,Kevin............................128 Verma,Mukul K......................... 71 Verma,Rakesh.........................102 Vermillion,Sean.......................115 Vernacchia,Mark...................... 86 Verschaeren,Roel...................187 Verwys,Nichole....................... 132 Vestrelli,Francesco................ 104 Vianelli,Stefano......................165 Vichi,Giovanni.........................189 Vigliani,Alessandro................194 Vijayagopal,Ram....................107 Vilela,Daniel.............................64 Villaire,Mark.................... 120, 121 Vimalathithan,Kulothungan... 62 Vint,Matti........166, 175, 185, 193 Violi,Angela.............................169
Viollet,Yoann........................... 178 Virdung,Torbjörn......................57 Virupaksha,Vinay L................. 67 Vitek,Oldrich............................187 Vivek,Anupam........................ 137 Vogt,Claus.................................101 Vogt,Claus Dieter.......... 108, 163 Vossoughi,Gholam-Reza....... 76 Vssnt,Karthik............................ 88 Vu,Diep.....................................183 Vuilleumier,David...................187 Vuuren,Nic van.......................105
Waas,Anthony M.................... 132 Wachtmeister,Georg....163, 167, ...................................174, 176 Wada,Katsuji...........................103 Wada,Shota...............................57 Wade,Robert...........................185 Waeltermann,Peter................. 81 Wagner,Andreas.................... 175 Wagner,Armin........................105 Wagner,David..129, 132, 135, 136 Wagner,David A..................... 132 Wagner,John R....78, 91, 101, 107 Wagner,Robert M..........105, 109 Wakelam,Sam.......................... 95 Wakhure,Udaysingh...............181 Wako,Tohru.............................145 Waldman,John O... 164, 173, 187 Walker,Andrew Peter........... 109 Walker,Tim..........................62, 73 Wallace,Jeff.............129, 132, 135 Wallace,Rick S....................57, 62 Wallin,Fredrik........................... 99 Walli,Tom.................................. 62 Wallner,Thomas.... 155, 175, 183, 187 Walsh,Michael P......................189 Walter,Joel......................... 50, 53 Walworth,Van Thomas..........138 Wang,Alex.................................55 Wang,Bo................................... 50 Wang,Buyu.............................. 153 Wang,Can.......... 84, 116, 117, 158 Wang,Changxin.......................131 Wang,Chen..............................167 Wang,Dengfeng...56, 115, 117, 141 Wang,Dengqiang...................162 Wang,Ding.............................. 140 Wang,Fengshuang............... 109 Wang,Fred................................191 Wang,Guang.......................... 140 Wang,Guochun......................... 51 Wang,Guoling.......................... 69 Wang,Hang..............................180 Wang,Hao................................162 Wang,Hongfeng......................80 Wang,Hu....131, 155, 164, 180, 189 Wang,Jenny.............................. 71 Wang,Jian-Xin.153, 155, 157, 173 Wang,Jin................................... 54 Wang,Jinhua...........................188 Wang,Jinli........................156, 162 Wang,Kai.................................. 127 Wang,Ke....................................113 Wang,Liangmo....... 55, 130, 166 Wang,Lifu................ 126, 131, 147 Wang,Lijuan............................ 152 Wang,Lijun..............................194 Wang,Lin.......................... 99, 108 Wang,Meiping..........................151 Wang,Mianzhi.........................189
Wang,Mingjie..........................105 Wang,Mingxian.......................120 Wang,Mingyu........................... 96 Wang,Nan................................138 Wang,Ning................................121 Wang,Peng.......................55, 102 Wang,Qigui...............................113 Wang,Qiushi..............................73 Wang,Qiwei.............................168 Wang,Shanshan.......................73 Wang,Shige.............................. 92 Wang,Shihu..............................131 Wang,Shu....................... 155, 164 Wang,Tao...................................55 Wang,Tianwei (Thomas).......101 Wang,Tianyou..........................60 Wang,Tianyu.............................55 Wang,Wei........ 58, 126, 142, 168 Wang,Wenjun.......................... 50 Wang,Xiangxiang....................101 Wang,Xin.........131, 141, 153, 155, ..................... 157, 169, 173, 190 Wang,Xipeng............................55 Wang,Xu..............................55, 76 Wang,Xuanjun........................184 Wang,Yan..........................62, 102 Wang,Yanjing........................... 88 Wang,Ye....................................115 Wang,Ying................................115 Wang,YiRui..............102, 116, 158 Wang,Yu.............55, 96, 143, 153 Wang,Yuanlong........................55 Wang,Yucong.113, 140, 143, 144 Wang,Yuesen...........................101 Wang,Yue-Yun........................169 Wang,Yujian................... 136, 140 Wang,Yujun......................99, 105 Wang,Yuwei............................142 Wang,Yuyan............................102 Wang,Zhaohua........................117 Wang,Zhe................................189 Wang,Zhenshi......................... 173 Wang,Zhi........ 153, 155, 157, 169, .................................. 173, 189 Wang,Zihan.............................168 Wani,Satishchandra C.............77 Wani,Suyog.............................. 85 Ward,David.........................76, 79 Ward,Jacob............................. 152 Ward,Jason.....................183, 193 Warey,Alok.....159, 166, 168, 178 Warner,Mark H..........................52 Warner,Wyatt Y........................52 Wasacz,Bryon..........................161 Waschl,Harald.......... 87, 103, 175 Wasicek,Armin......................... 79 Wasil,Jeff.................................183 Watanabe,Fumio..................... 85 Watanabe,Hirokazu...............128 Watanabe,Satoru.................... 83 Watanabe,Shinichiro..............118 Watkins,Thomas...................... 99 Watling,Timothy C.................. 99 Watson,Channing...................151 Watson,Harry C......................170 Watta,Paul.................................55 Weber,David...................... 85, 86 Webster,Charlie...................... 155 Webster,Gary.......................... 155 Webster,Kenneth W................ 91 Weeks,Colin L..........................103 Weerappuli,Para V.................. 68 Wegerer,Michael....................165 Wehrwein,Daniel....................166 Weiand,Axel............................138
SAE 2015 World Congress
Wei,Anli.................................... 172 Weigand,Bernhard.......... 52, 99 Weimerskirch,Andre........ 79, 81 Wei,Na..................................... 140 Wei,Qingkai...............................77 Weiss,Gereon........................... 86 Wei,Terence...............................57 Wei,Xuezhe..............165, 173, 183 Wei,Zhigang..........120, 126, 130, .................................. 135, 140 Welcher,Judson........................ 51 Welge,H. Robert (Bob).........50, .....................................53, 65 Wendt,Bill................................ 133 Wen,Shao.................................154 Wen,Weidong......................... 135 Wen,Zhang...............................115 Wenzhu,Wang..........................131 Werner,Martin..........................101 Wesskamp,Patrick.................183 West,Brian.......................152, 159 West,Brian H...........................103 Westbrook, III, James............154 Wetzel,Juliane........................195 Wetzel,Philip...........................159 Wheater,Eric............................126 White,David..............................161 White,Eli H...............................193 Whitesides,Russell.................195 Whyte,William......................... 85 Wichser,Adrian........................101 Wickman,David......................180 Widdecke,Nils.................. 50, 101 Wiedemann,Jochen...50, 73, 101 Wienert,Michelle......................87 Wies,Burkhard, PHD....53, 57, 98 Wiese,Birgit...............................57 Wieser,Dirk............................... 62 Wijeyakulasuriya,Sameera....177 Wilbanks,Justin...................... 155 Wilcox,Aaron........................... 155 Wilcutts,Mark..........................187 Wilharm,Thomas.................... 174 Wilkinson,Craig....................... 67 Willems,Frank.........96, 164, 196 Willems,Werner...................... 153 Williams,Dan........................... 132 Williams,Daniel E.....................57 Williams,Geraint..................... 133 Williams,John.........................187 Williams,Kelly.........................138 Williams,Kyle........................... 92 Williams,Mark.......................... 83 Williams,Rick L....................... 132 Williams,Rod........................... 152 Williams,Sherry...................... 157 Willinger,Rémy.......................143 Willis,Brice................................. 71 Wilson,Alexandria.................192 Wilson,Brian..............................87 Wilson,Jonathan....................105 Wilson,Myles.............................72 Wilson,Ryan............................. 79 Winkel,Eric S.............................72 Winkler,Bernhard.................... 83 Winkler,Gerd............................ 92 Winkler,Mario........................... 76 Winston,Andrew...................... 51 Winston,Flaura......................... 51 Winter,Blake..............................55 Winterhalter,Michael.............. 67 Winterhalter,Tom..................... 81 Winter,Thomas.........................191 Wirth,Jeffrey............................ 56 Wishart,Jeffrey....................... 173
Participants Index Wismans,Jac...........................143 Wissel,Dirk von.......................185 Wissink,Martin............... 170, 189 Wittmeier,Felix................. 50, 69 Wohlgemuth,Sebastian........ 176 Wolfe,Edward.......................... 96 Wolf,Leslie............................... 178 Wolf,Marco.................................78 Wolf-Monheim,Friedrich........53 Wölken,Thies............................ 62 Wolleschensky,Lars................ 79 Wong,Victor W........ 99, 105, 189 Wood,Andrew.......................... 69 Woodburn,Joseph.................105 Wood,Daniel............................. 69 Wood,Donald L.................91, 124 Wood,Eric.... 95, 101, 107, 152, 173 Woodiga,Sudesh..................... 62 Wooldridge,Margaret S........ 175 Worswick,Michael..........133, 138 Wragge-Morley,Robert......... 92 Wright,Daniel G..............128, 132 Wright,John F.........151, 155, 166, .................................. 173, 185 Wu,Bin..............................166, 175 Wu,Guangqiang............ 126, 194 Wu,Han............................ 168, 188 Wu,Haotian............................... 83 Wu,Jian.............................. 87, 144 Wu,Jinglai.........................115, 143 Wu,Naiqiang...........................145 Wu,Ning................................... 175 Wunner,Felix M.......................146 Wurzenberger,Johann C............. ............................................161, 193 Wu,Shenchen............................57 Wu,Shengqi.............................187 Wu,Xian................................... 140 Wu,Xijia....................................130 Wu,Xinzhou...............................57 Wu,Yue...................................... 96
Xavier,Fabio.............................159 Xia,Cedric..........................113, 136 Xiaochuan,Wang.....................115 Xiao,Naijia.................................116 Xia,Yong...................................143 Xia,Z.......................................... 132 Xia,Z. Cedric.............................113 Xia,Zhenchun........................... 83 Xi,Daguang.....................105, 190 Xie,Chaoxing........................... 127 Xie,Hui...................................... 173 Xie,Ke-Jun..................................57 Xie,M..........................................113 Xie,Mingzhao........................... 173 Xie,Xiao Ping...........................144 Xie,Xin...............................135, 136 Xie,Yan......................................126 Xie,Zhaoyi................................ 153 Xie,Zhe......................................192 Xiong,Gao.................................131 Xiong,Lu............................49, 192 Xi,Yuanzhou.............................. 96 Xi,Zhimin.......................... 118, 120 Xuan,Wenwei...73, 143, 146, 175 Xu,De.........................................60 Xue,Jian....................................102 Xue,Shan................................... 88 Xue,Zhendan.................... 115, 118 Xu,Guangzhong......................126 Xu,Haobo...........96, 102, 115, 117 Xu,Hongming..................157, 169
Xu,Hongyi......................... 113, 116 Xu,Huaiping.............................154 Xu,Hui........................................ 96 Xu,Jun..............59, 126, 128, 130, .....................143, 146, 153, 162 Xu,Lin......................................... 69 Xu,Meng...................................102 Xu,Min.......................................187 Xu,Ming................... 140, 157, 169 Xu,Na........................................120 Xu,Nan....................................... 63 Xun,Qining...............................184 Xu,Peijun....... 126, 128, 130, 143, ........................... 146, 153, 162 Xu,Sichuan.................................87 Xu,Simon........................... 115, 116 Xu,Songyun.............................192 Xu,Xiaoqing............................. 133 Xu,Xudong............................... 173 xu,Zeren...................................138 Xu,Zhaoping............................162 Xu,Zhengxin............................189 Xu,Zhicheng.............................115
Yabe,Kengo.............................196 Yadav,Prasanna...................... 153 Yadav,Reecha...........................80 Yafei,Dong...............................163 Yagasaki,Tooru.......................170 Yamada,Akira...........................55 Yamada,Taketo.......................159 Yamada,Toshio................ 173, 174 Yamaguchi,Takuya.................. 97 Yamaguchi,Tohma..................90 Yamakawa,Kazuhiko...............87 Yamamoto,Osami...................103 Yamamoto,Yuya.....................108 Yamanaka,Atsushi.................163 Yamasaki,Masaru...................163 Yamashita,Akira.....................193 Yamashita,Hiroki....................130 Yamashita,Hiroyuki..........51, 134 Yamashita,Masataka.............108 Yamashita,Shuhei................... 86 Yamashita,Yoshiyuki...............191 Yamazaki,Koji............................53 Yam,Yat-Shing........................189 Yanai,Tadanori.........................151 Yanaoka,Toshiyuki.................. 67 Yan,Bowen...............................156 Yan,Feng.................193, 194, 196 Yan,Fengjun............................105 Yang,Bo....................116, 128, 158 Yang,E-chuan..........................146 Yang,Fulun...............................126 Yang,Fuyuan...................156, 162 Yang,Guobiao......................... 135 Yang,Guoyu............................. 127 Yang,James.....115, 126, 128, 130 Yang,Jing................................. 173 Yang,Junqi................113, 118, 120 Yang,Junwei................... 105, 159 Yang,Kyeongdeok...................117 Yang,Lianxiang............. 135, 136, ..................................140, 142 Yang,Li-Ping............................ 173 Yang,Liu................................... 176 Yang,Nannan........................... 176 Yang,Peng...............................143 Yang,Pengfei............................ 49 Yang,Qiang...............................80 Yang,Qingmin................ 140, 143 Yang,Qingminn.............. 140, 143
Yang,Ren-Jye...........112, 115, 116, ...................................118, 120 Yang,Rong.............................. 109 Yang,Seung Jun....................... 63 Yang,Xiangli............................130 Yang,Xiaobo............................128 Yang,Xiaofeng........................196 Yang,Xiaoguang.....................128 Yang,Xiaowu................... 120, 121 Yang,Yangdongfang..... 105, 189 Yang,Yanxiang...............105, 190 Yang,Yi......................157, 159, 194 Yang,Yimin................................161 Yang,Yixin................................164 Yang,Yong................................120 Yang,Yongguang....................186 Yang,Yu.............................. 127, 131 Yang,Yuliang.................... 127, 131 Yang,Zhaohui.......................... 155 Yang,Zhenyi............................ 157 Yang,Zhongjie.........................102 Yan,Hao....................................162 Yan,Lingbo................................121 Yan,Miin....................................179 Yano,Yusuke.............................116 Yan,Xianfeng...........................193 Yan,Xin............................164, 194 Yao,Jian.................................... 157 Yao,Mingfa...................... 156, 180 Yard,Matthew..................183, 193 Yassine,Mahmoud K.....105, 108 Yasuoka,Masayuki..................168 Yatsko,Margaret.............183, 193 Yazaki,Manabu........................ 177 Yeakel,Skip............................... 96 Yeakle,Kyle..............................187 Ye,Biyu...................................... 135 Yee,Eugene.............................. 135 Yen,Jung Hsien.........................55 Yerraguntla,Prasad Rao.......... 81 Ye,Yifan...................................... 96 Yezerets,Aleksey..............96, 99 Yi,Jianwen............................... 153 Yi,Kyongsu.................. 64, 76, 79 Yin,Chengliang....................... 157 Yin,Lianhao..................... 164, 173 Yin,Zhaolei...............................189 Yi,Peng...................................... 98 Ymlahi-Ouazzani,Abdelillah... 83 Yokoo,Nozomi.........................196 Yokota,Takamasa...................194 Yokoyama,Akihisa...................78 Yokoyama,Hiroshi...................60 Yokoyama,Kazuto............. 57, 79 Yokoyama,Takahiro..................57 Yokura,Hisanori........................78 Yonak,Serdar....................177, 191 Yoneya,Naoki..........................163 Yong,Jiawang........................... 58 Yoo,Dockoon...........................185 Yoo,Min-Ho................................ 81 Yoon,Hwan-Sik.......................167 Yoon,Jihyun.............................. 76 Yoo,Sairom............................... 63 Yoshida,Masaaki...................... 68 Yoshida,Masao.........................181 Yoshida,Naohito.......................74 Yoshihara,Yasushi..................159 Yoshimi,Yasuhiro....................159 Yoshino,Yukio........................... 86 Young,Douglas.........................55 Young,Richard................... 49, 51 Younkins,Matthew.........175, 187 Yuan,Charles.............................55 Yuan,Hao..................................159
SAE 2015 World Congress
Yuan,Junyi............................... 175 Yuan,Liukai..............................130 Yuan,Xiyue...............................167 Yuan,Ye.....................................166 Yue,Zongyu.............................167 Yu,Feng..................................... 56 Yu,Gang........................... 105, 159 Yu,Guang................................... 83 Yu,Haisheng................... 156, 196 Yu,HaiYan.................................138 Yu,Hanzhengnan.....................101 Yu,Hongtao.............................. 83 Yu,Liangyao......73, 143, 146, 175 Yu,Lijiao......................................74 Yun,Seongjun.......................... 173 Yuqiang,Li................................168 Yu,Shui.....................................162 Yuuki,Kazuya............................101 Yu,Wan......................................191 Yu,Xiaoyong............................. 99 Yu,Xin............................... 169, 170 Yuya,Masato............................146 Yu,Zhuoping.....................49, 192
Zachos,Mark............................. 92 Zagorski,Scott Bradley...........57 Zahlten,Markus.......................196 Zahradnik,Felix....................... 178 Zahwi,Sarwat Z. A..................144 Zak,Zdenek..............................187 Zalucha,Paul..................... 115, 116 Zaluzec,Matthew............129, 136 Zammit,Michael....................... 99 Zandbergen,Paul......................53 Zang,Chao Ping.......................121 Zare,Amey................................. 81 Zdrodowski,Rob.....................143 Zehme,John.............................. 96 Zellmer,Tyler.............................. 91 Zeman,Jonathan.....................131 Zemroch,Peter........................187 Zeng,Chao................................. 50 Zeng,Danielle..................132, 142 Zeng,Hua................................... 76 Zeng,Jian..................................131 Zeng,Wei..........................152, 185 Zeng,Yimin............................... 133 Zha,Kan....................166, 177, 187 Zhang,Bangji....................126, 131 Zhang,Chang........................... 176 Zhang,Chaofei.......................... 50 Zhang,Chen..............................113 Zhang,Dajun........................... 140 Zhang,Desheng...................... 173 Zhang,Dezhao..........................80 Zhang,Dongqing.....................131 Zhang,Fengbo......................... 54 Zhang,Fujun............................103 Zhang,Guanjun........................ 56 Zhang,Hongmin........................ 51 Zhang,Houshun...................... 172 Zhang,Ji.....................126, 131, 191 Zhang,Jiangwu.............. 156, 196 Zhang,Jianhua....................... 109 Zhang,Jianjun.........................180 Zhang,Jianlong....................... 157 Zhang,Jiaxiang.......................168 Zhang,Jibing............................ 69 Zhang,Jie.......... 86, 130, 131, 147 Zhang,Jin.................................146 Zhang,Jing........................ 49, 173 Zhang,Junzhi...........................166 Zhang,Kai..................................121
Zhang,Ling.............................. 140 Zhang,Lipeng..........................165 Zhang,Nan.......................136, 138 Zhang,Nong............ 126, 131, 147 Zhang,Ping.....................105, 190 Zhang,Qiao................................87 Zhang,Qing-lin........................146 Zhang,Qingning...................... 175 Zhang,Rong.............................144 Zhang,Sanhong......................103 Zhang,Shawn (Xianggang).140 Zhang,Shuang........................188 Zhang,Shuanlu................162, 163 Zhang,SongAn........................143 Zhang,Sumin..................... 73, 115 Zhang,Tong......................167, 189 Zhang,Weidong.............140, 146 Zhang,Weiguo......126, 130, 135, .................................. 140, 177 Zhang,Weimin..........................191 Zhang,Xin.................................128 Zhang,Xuefeng....................... 135 Zhang,Xunzhe.......................... 69 Zhang,Yan................................194 Zhang,Yi.............................51, 180 Zhang,Ying.............................. 135 Zhang,Yingchao......................102 Zhang,Yinhui...........................130 Zhang,Yong.............................146 Zhang,Yu........... 49, 126, 141, 153 Zhang,Yunqing......115, 126, 128, .............. 130, 143, 153, 162, 177 Zhang,Zhen............................. 175 Zhang,Zhenli...........................164 Zhang,Zhenyu......................... 153 Zhang,Zhi.................130, 161, 166 Zhang,Zhiqiang......................120 Zhang,Zhiwei..........................103 Zhang,Zhong...........................130 Zhang,Zhuoran.......................193 Zhang,Zihang..........................168 Zhang,Zunzhi..........................130 Zhan,Hefeng.............................117 Zhan,Jiaxing............................ 175 Zhan,Reggie............................180 Zhan,Tao......................95, 96, 99 Zhan,Zhenfei...........113, 118, 120, ..................................140, 166 Zhao,Changlu..........162, 163, 175 Zhao,Changpu................ 105, 159 Zhao,Fengjun...........................161 Zhao,Hailong...........................130 Zhao,Hua................ 109, 168, 194 Zhao,Huichao............................ 91 Zhao,Jian.........................144, 146 Zhao,Jingshan............... 126, 130 Zhao,Kaihua........................... 109 Zhao,Le (Emma)..................... 157 Zhao,Peilong........................... 175 Zhao,Qingrong................. 73, 143 Zhao,Ye.....................................130 Zhao,ZhenFeng..............153, 163 Zhao,Zhichao..........................189 Zhao,Zhiguo............................167 Zheng,Changsong..................143 Zheng,Guanyu....................... 109 Zheng,Hongyu..........................74 Zheng,Kai..................................116 Zheng,Li................................... 132 Zheng,Ling...............113, 118, 120, ..................................140, 166 Zheng,Ming.... 151, 155, 157, 162, .....................166, 173, 185, 189 Zheng,Qichao......49, 51, 59, 60, ....................................64, 118
Zheng,Song-Lin....................... 59 Zheng,Yang......................... 91, 95 Zheng,Yaqian..................135, 136 Zheng,Yinhua........................... 95 Zheng,Zheng Xiong............... 175 Zheng,Zunqing.......................156 Zhong,Lurun................... 164, 173 Zhou,Ben..................................144 Zhou,Biwen.............................120 Zhou,Chengpeng..................... 50 Zhou,Dajun.............................. 135 Zhou,Guan................................. 51 Zhou,Jiangqi............................118 Zhou,Jin.................................... 132 Zhou,Junqiang........................169 Zhou,Kan..................................107 Zhou,Lei...........................157, 190 Zhou,Leon................................ 155 Zhou,Li......................................158 Zhou,Min..................................147 Zhou,Qing................................143
Zhou,Quan........................69, 102 Zhou,Xuan................................60 Zhou,Yongjun..................135, 136 Zhuang,Weichao....................166 Zhu,Bing..................143, 144, 146 Zhu,Di.......................................183 Zhu,Guitao................................131 Zhu,Guoming..........................154 Zhu,Hao........................... 120, 166 Zhu,Hengjia.....................126, 153 Zhu,Jiangong..................165, 173 Zhu,Jing...................................144 Zhu,Letao.................................183 Zhuo,Guirong.............54, 57, 145 Zhu,Ping....................................112 Zhu,Qilun......................... 155, 164 Zhu,Shenjin...............................73 Zhu,Tao.............. 113, 131, 173, 183 Zhu,Xianmin..............................73 Zhu,York...................................168 Zhu,Zhentao.............................113
Zhu,Zhongpan........................ 153 Zhu,Zhongwen........................ 76 Ziegenbein,Dirk....................... 83 Zielinski,Kurt.......50, 53, 57, 62, .....................................69, 73 Zimmerli,Yan............................ 99 Zindel,Jacob....................130, 133 Zindel,J. W................................113 Zindel,J.W.................................114 Zinn,Gregory............................115 Ziolek,Scott Allen.................... 50 Zirngibl,Sebastian.................. 176 Zmolek,Peter...............57, 62, 98 Zöchbauer,Markus.................105 Zoldak,Philip.................. 180, 187 Zöller,Uwe............................... 140 Zolock,John.........................71, 72 Zong,Changfu...........79, 80, 158 Zou,Qian..................140, 143, 144 Zou,Roger................................. 62 Zou,Tong................................... 49
Zou,Xiaojun...............................55 Zou,Yang................................... 95 Zuber,Muhammad Ahmar.....101 Zuby,David.................................72 Zulkoski,Edward...................... 79 Zuo,Lei......................................143 Zürcher,Daniel.......................... 99 Zurk,Andreas...........................161 Zweck,Harald........................... 92 Zweck,Johannes.....................167 Zweng,Fred.....................135, 146
Leading Mobility Innovation
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SAE 2015 World Congress
Sae committee, task force & Board meetings Attend an SAE committee or task force meeting.
Monday, April 20
Group Location
Staff Name
SAE Troy – Networking Cobo – 334 Marriott – Motor Lobby Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329 Cobo - 141 Marriott – Duluth A/B Cobo – 113 A/B
8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lorie Featherstone Ossi Kaario Kacy Weaver Christina Dietz Christina Dietz Linda Cavanaugh Diane O’Palka
SAE Troy - Networking
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Jana Wright
Cobo – 311 A Cobo – 337 Marriott – Mackinac East Marriott – Ambassador Ballroom – Salon 1 Marriott – Ambassador Ballroom – Salon 2-3 Marriott – Mackinac West
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Patti Kreh Nori Fought Linda Marquardt
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Nicole Iorfido
6:15 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Nicole Iorfido Kacy Weaver
Group Location
Staff Name
Hybrid & Electric Powertrain Committee MECA Breakfast Functional Safety Committee Thermal Management Activity Fuels & Lubricants Committee TARDEC Meetings Automotive Electronic Systems Reliability Standards Fuels & Lubricants TC1 Engine Lubrication Committee Committee on Automotive Rubber Specs Membership Board Meeting Fuels & Lubricants TC3 Driveline & Chassis Lubricants TQRT Committee Meeting Delegation Meeting (CATARC) General Powertrain Development ComVec 2.0 Meeting ABET Relations Committee Non-Hydraulic Hose Committee Battery Thermal Management Committee Battery Steering Committee Delegation Meeting (TBD) Journal Committee Meeting CATARC Delegation Cooling Systems Standards Committee Annual Business Meeting PF&L Executive Committee
Cobo – 336 Cobo – 113 A/B SAE Troy – Networking Cobo – 337 Cobo – 355 Cobo – 113 C
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Nori Fought Joe Kubish Lorie Featherstone Nori Fought Nori Fought Dave Porreca
SAE Troy – Standards
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lorie Featherstone
Cobo – 310 B SAE Troy – Classroom #3 Cobo – 355
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Beth Perry Jill Kqiraj Abby Hartman
Cobo – 310 B Cobo – 351 Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329 Cobo – 113 C Cobo – 113 A/B Cobo – 337 SAE Troy – Classroom #3 SAE Troy – Networking SAE Troy – Standards Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329 Cobo – 113 C Cobo – Motor City Room – 314 SAE Troy – Networking Cobo – Ballroom A Cobo – 337
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Beth Perry Melissa Jena Christina Dietz Nori Fought Melissa Jena Allison Hostetler Jill Kqiraj Pat Ebejer Pat Ebejer Christina Dietz Bridget Strubel Lori Patterson Pat Ebejer Christina Dietz Nori Fought
Vehicle EE System Diagnostic Standards Committee IEA Spray Workshop TEETOR Tour IRC Meeting FISITA Meeting Pre-College Education Committee SAE Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting Joint Vehicle Dynamics Committee and TC 22/SC 9 USTAG Subcommittee US DOT Training: Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Overview Land and Sea Group (LSG) Meeting TEETOR Meeting SAE Fellow Reception (Invitation Only) SAE Fellows Dinner (Invitation Only) TEETOR Award Reception (Invitation Only)
Tuesday, April 21
SAE 2015 World Congress
Sae committee, task force & Board meetings Road Vehicle Aerodynamics Forum Committee
Wednesday, April 22
Cobo – 321
Group Location
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Nikki Ameredes
Staff Name
Occupant Protection Committee Cobo – 141 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Automobile Electronics Activity Cobo – 113 A/B 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Engine Combustion Committee Cobo – 113 C 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. TARDEC Meetings Cobo – 351 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Publications Board Meeting Cobo – 355 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Fuels & Lubricants Council Cobo – 311 B 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. JSAE Delegation Meeting Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. SETC Committee Meeting Cobo – 113 C 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Battery Size Standardization Committee SAE Troy – Standards 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Faculty Advisor Committee Cobo – 113 C 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. KSAE Delegation Meeting Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. ENC Orientation Meeting Cobo – Motor City Room - 314 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Organizer Appreciation Luncheon Cobo – 260 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. NAIPC Leadership Team Cobo – 113 C 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Executive Nominating Committee Cobo – Motor City Room - 314 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sustainable Development Program Committee Cobo – 337 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Pedestrian Dummy Task Force Cobo – 313 A 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fuel Systems Standards Committee SAE Troy – Networking 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Education Board Meeting Cobo – 141 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Nori Fought Nori Fought Nori Fought Dave Porreca Cindy Kolch Beth Perry Christina Dietz Sherry McCaskey Pat Ebejer Allison Hostetler Martha Tress Christina Dietz Terri Anzaldi Nori Fought Colette Wright Terri Anzaldi Brandie Schandelmeier Nikki Ameredes Pat Ebejer Linda Marquardt
SAE India Delegation Meeting SAE VESSC Demo of Remote Firmware Update for Vehicle ECU with TPM Materials, Modeling & Testing Committee New Engines, Components, Actuators & Sensors Committee Integrated Design & Manufacturing Activity Engineering Meetings Board
Cobo – Boardroom Suite – 329
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Christina Dietz
Cobo – 260 Cobo – 355
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Patti Kreh Nori Fought
Cobo – 337 Cobo – 113 C Marriott – Cadillac A/B
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Nori Fought Nori Fought Chris Puchalski
Staff Name
Cobo – 337 Cobo – 141 Marriott – Suite 7010 Cobo – 355 Cobo – 311 B Cobo – Motor City Room – 314 SAE Troy – Standards SAE Troy – Networking
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Nori Fought Vanessa Reddick Christina Dietz Dave Porreca Jill Kqiraj Pamela Gerlowski Jana Wright Lorie Featherstone
Cobo – 310 B Marriott – Suite 7010 Cobo – 351
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Nikki Ameredes Christina Dietz Chris Puchalski
SAE Troy – Standards Cobo – 313 A Cobo – 314
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Jana Wright Lorie Featherstone Chris Puchalski
Thursday, April 23
Group Location Exhaust, Aftertreatment & Emissions Committee Austrian Business Breakfast SAE Brazil Delegation Meeting TARDEC Meetings Ground Vehicle Reliability Committee Exhibitor Focus Group Wheel Finishing Lab Testing Task Force EMC Committee Interior Climate Control Steering Committee and Committees Hong Kong Section Delegation Meeting Service Technology Program Comittee Wheel Standards Committee Motor Vehicle Council CTO Summit
SAE 2015 World Congress
Sae committee, task force & Board meetings Friday, April 24
Group Location Vehicle Architecture for Data Communication Committee Safety Test Instrumentation Standards Committee Human Biomechanics and Simulation Standards Committee
Staff Name
SAE Troy – Networking
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lorie Featherstone
SAE Troy – Education
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Nikki Ameredes
SAE Troy – Standards
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Nikki Ameredes
The year’s key innovative technologies and concept designs in one concise collector’s volume
This book is a must-read for any vehicle enthusiast or engineer. Compiled from articles from Automotive Engineering magazine, it details key design, engineering and technology advancements of the year.
The technical papers from the 2015 World Congress sessions are here. Check out your options and start downloading.
The editors explore where automotive engineering and styling is heading in years to come, and where it has come from in the past.
From the Editors and Contributors of Automotive Engineering magazine
Every year global automakers introduce new or significantly re-engineered passenger vehicles with increasingly advanced technology intended to exceed consumer expectations and satisfy increasingly stringent government regulations. Some of these technologies are firsts-of-their-kind and start trends that other automakers soon follow—with the innovations becoming adopted across the board. The supply community is also increasingly playing a more significant role in helping the original equipment manufacturers research, develop, and introduce the latest engineering innovations that help bring competitive advantage for their automaker partners. Each year, the editors of SAE’s Automotive Engineering magazine publish many articles focused on the technology and engineering innovations of new passenger and concept vehicles, and these articles have been collected into this volume. This 2015 Passenger Car and 2014 Concept Car Yearbook is the fourth in an ongoing series of books that provide yearly snapshots of the latest and greatest technologies introduced by the automotive industry. In this book, we explore from an OEM and supplier perspective the newest and most technically interesting production vehicles released for the 2015 model year. In addition, we also have included a technology-focused recap of the concept cars revealed during 2014. Readers will have, in one publication, a complete overview of the key advances that took place over the course of the year from around the world. Each new model is profiled in its own chapter with one or more articles by the award-winning editors and contributors of Automotive Engineering in this exclusive compilation of print and online content. The novel engineering aspects of each new vehicle are explored, with exclusive interviews of key engineers and product developers providing insights you can only get from Automotive Engineering.
This book is published for the most technically-minded enthusiasts who are interested in new car technologies, as well as practicing automotive engineers who are interested in new engineering trends. Engineering trends explored focus on what engineers are doing to meet the sometimes conflicting consumer and governmental demands for improved vehicle fuel efficiency, performance, safety and comfort. In short, this book: • Provides a single source for information on the key engineering trends of the year from both automaker and supplier perspectives. • Allows the reader to skip to chapters that cover specific car models that interest them, or read about all models from beginning to end. • Makes for dynamic book reading, with its large number of big, full-color images and easy-reading magazine format.
2015 Passenger Car and 2014 Concept Car Yearbook
The editors and contributors of Automotive Engineering have a reputation for non-biased journalistic coverage of automotive engineering trends. They combine their unique knowledge of technology with interviews of the industry’s top engineers and product developers to provide a unique editorial approach to new vehicle coverage from a global perspective. The articles within this book are based upon that approach, with many of the details and insights provided not found in any other publications.
ET-004 ISBN 978-0-7680-8158-9
9 780768
SAE Member Price: $31.96* List Price: $39.95 Product Code: ET-004 ISBN: 978-0-7680-8158-9 Published: November 2014
*Discount based on Elite Member level. For more information on member levels, visit www.sae.org/membership/benefits.
About the Editors
• SAE Congress Bookstore: On site download • Online: engineering.sae.org/2015CongressPapers • Contact Customer Service: (p) +1.877.606.7323 (e)
[email protected]
2015 Passenger Car and 2014 Concept Car Yearbook
2015 Passenger Car and 2014 Concept Car Yearbook
• Individual papers • Collection by Technology - online download only • TechSelect - a subscription package that helps you save money vs. individual paper price
From the Editors and Contributors of Automotive Engineering magazine
Order today! Visit books.sae.org/et-004 Email:
[email protected] Actual shipping charges will be applied P141712
SAE 2015 World Congress
SAe internAtionAL
Attention SAe MeMberS
don’t forget to stop by the exclusive MeMbership lounge* • Meet with the Membership Team and other special guests • Stop by for a refreshment during designated hours and network with fellow members • Enter contests to win prizes • Receive a free, personalized luggage tag • Learn more about SAE’s benefits and available volunteer opportunities • And more! *Membership Lounge sponsored by Liberty Mutual and Hartland Insurance.
YOU BELONG HERE. Review all of the member career tools and benefits available to you at www.sae.org/membership. Not a member? Join us today at www.sae.org/join.
SAE 2015 World Congress
AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS SAE Awards & Recognitions Recipients and Fellows Recognized at SAE 2015 World Congress
SAE Medal of Honor
Arch T. Colwell Merit Award
Ramesh K. Agarwal Washington University in St. Louis
Clay Coleman, Tandy Engineering and Associates Etsuo Katsuyama, Toyota Motor Corporation Dr. Rose M. Ray, Exponent, Inc. Donald F. Tandy, Jr., Tandy Engineering and Associates, Inc.
SAE Fellow Grade of Membership
Dr.-Ing. Michael Bargende, Universität Stuttgart Kyung K. Choi, University Of Iowa Frank Davis, Ford Motor Company Dr. Hussein Dourra, Chrysler Group LLC Achim Heibel, Corning Incorporated John Hoard, University Of Michigan Dr. Hao Huang, GE Aviation Norimasa Iida, Keio University Annette L. Irwin, General Motors Co. Alan A. Luo, The Ohio State University Jeffery Lee Marcoe, The Boeing Company Dr. L. Daniel Metz, Metz Engineering & Racing, LLC Yasuo Moriyoshi, Chiba University Gordon G. Parker, Michigan Technological University Dr. Kamran Rokhsaz, Wichita State University Professor Ir Dr. Mohd Sapuan Salit, Universiti Putra Malaysia Mark Sellnau, Delphi Automotive Systems C. Scott Sluder, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Donald Stanton, Cummins Inc. Richard Stobart, Loughborough University Bianca M. Vaglieco, Istituto Motori-CNR Peijun Xu, Ebco Inc. Houshun Zhang, Environmental Protection Agency
Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal Dr. Paramsothy Jayakumar, U.S. Army RDCOM TARDEC
Arnold W. Siegel International Transportation Safety Award
Dr. Harold J. Mertz, General Motors Co., Retired
Award for Research on Automotive Lubricants
Kosuke Fujimoto, Toyota Motor Corporation Satoshi Hirano, Toyota Motor Corporation Katsuyoshi Kato, Toyota Motor Corporation Minoru Yamashita, Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing (China) Co., Ltd.
Environmental Excellence in Transportation Award Rafael Barkas, HARMAN International
Excellence in Engineering Education Award
Barbara E. Mizdail, Pennsylvania State University
Forest R. McFarland Award
William Attard, FCA US LLC Wayne Cai, General Motors Company Gang Chen, FCA US LLC Guofei Chen, United States Steel Corporation Scott Curran, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Sujit Das, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Mikhail (Misha) Ejakov, Ford Motor Company Essam M. El-Hannouny, Argonne National Laboratory
SAE 2015 World Congress
Michael Fingerman, FCA US LLC Mingchao Guo, FCA US LLC Jidong Kang, Canmet Materials Technology Laboratory Y. Charles Lu, University of Kentucky Paul C. Miles, Sandia National Laboratories Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Donald D. Parker, Exponent Failure Analysis Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory John O. Waldman, General Motors Company
Franz F. Pischinger Powertrain Innovation Award
Thomas G. Stephens, General Motors Co.
Harry L. Horning Memorial Award James Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Brian H. West, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Henry Ford II Distinguished Award for Excellence in Automotive Engineering
Prasad S. Kadle, Delphi Automotive Systems Carrie Kowsky, Delphi Thermal Systems Scott B. Lipa, Delphi Thermal Systems Gary S. Vreeland, Delphi Thermal Systems Mingyu Wang, Delphi Thermal Systems Edward I. Wolfe IV, Delphi Thermal Systems
International Leadership Citation Simon C. Tung, Vanderbilt Chemicals
James M. Crawford Technical Standards Board Outstanding Achievement Award
Richard J. Boyer, Delphi Packard Electric James D. Green, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS Marion G. Pottinger, M’gineering, LLC Roger W. Reini, Ford Motor Company Jesse. Schneider, BMW AG Xiaobo Yang, Oshkosh Corporation
Rumbaugh Outstanding Student Leader Award
Lloyd L. Withrow Distinguished Speaker Award
Russell S. Springer Award
Mehdi Ahmadian, Virginia Tech Adrian Philip Gaylard, Jaguar Land Rover Harry L. Husted, Delphi Automotive Systems, LLC James P. Jones, Villanova University Kristofer D. Kusano, Virginia Tech Lyle M. Pickett, Sandia National Laboratories Charles E. Roberts, Jr., Southwest Research Institute C. Scott Sluder, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lloyd Reuss Award for Teaching Excellence
Stephanie L. Gendron, Detroit Country Day
Myers Award for Outstanding Student Paper
Derek Splitter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Dan DelVescovo, University Of Wisconsin-Madison Rolf D. Reitz, University Of WisconsinMadison Martin Wissink, University Of WisconsinMadison
Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
Caroline L. Genzale, Georgia Institute of Technology Kasi Kamalakkanna, Hindustan University Andrea Strzelec, Texas A&M University Lesley Wright, Baylor University
Rodica Baranescu Award for Technical & Leadership Excellence in Commercial Vehicle Engineering
Christine K. Lambert, Ford Motor Company
Grady Young, Southern Polytechnic State University
Pega Hrnjak, University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Huize Li, University Of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
SAE / AISI Sydney H. Melbourne Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Automotive Sheet Steel Dr. Daniel James Branagan, NanoSteel Company Sheng Cheng, NanoSteel Company Andrew E. Frerichs, NanoSteel Company Longzhou Ma, NanoSteel Company Brian E. Meacham, NanoSteel Company Alla V. Sergueeva, NanoSteel Company Igor Yakubtsov, Integrity Testing Laboratory Inc.
SAE Arnold W. Siegel Humanitarian Award
Dean Kamen, DEKA Research and Development Corp.
SAE Delco Electronics Intelligent Transportation Systems Award John Harding, USDOT/NHTSA Michael Lukuc, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
SAE emeritus recognition
Donald Ableson Thomas W. Asmus Bruce R. Aubin William T. Birge Robert G. Brown William Chamberlin Joseph M. Colucci Dr. Louis T. Dixon Martin G. Gabriel Nicholas E. Gallopoulos Karl Goering Daniel L. Hittler Ed Mabley Gordon H. Millar
Duane F. Miller James M. Novak Paul P. Pataky Bruce D. Peters Victor E. Saucedo Neil A. Schilke S.M. Shahed Jack E. Thompson William J. Wartinbee, Jr. Kenneth Wolfgram Dr. Ronald E. York
SAE John Johnson Award for Outstanding Research in Diesel Engines
Randy P. Hessel, University Of Wisconsin-Madison Daniel Flowers Mark P. B. Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories Jacqueline O’Connor, Pennsylvania State University Rolf D. Reitz, University Of WisconsinMadison
SAE Outstanding Faculty Advisors Program
Dr. Nicholas P. Cernansky, Drexel University Prof. Clifford M. Stover, P.E., California State Polytechnic University Dr. David Serrano, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Dr. James DeClerck, Michigan Technological University
SAE/Timken-Howard Simpson Automotive Transmission and Driveline Innovation Award Dr. Robert Fischer, AVL List GmbH
Vincent Bendix Automotive Electronics Engineering Award
Dr. Mohamed Ayeb, University Of Kassel Dr. Ludwig Brabetz, University Of Kassel Patrick Gräbel, Audi AG Dr. Giscard Jilwan, ZF Lenksysteme Gmbh Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Kerner, University Of Kassel Please visit http://awards.sae.org/ for award descriptions, nomination deadlines and past recipients. SAE 2015 World Congress
professional development Seminars held with the SAE 2015 World Congress Explore Professional Development seminar offerings at Cobo with Congress. To register for seminars onsite, visit the SAE Seminar Desk on Level 100, Near Room 110A at Cobo Center. April 20 New! Developing In-Vehicle User Interfaces: Design Principles and Techniques April 20 Introduction to Brake Noise, Vibration, and Harshness April 20 Success Strategies for Women in Industry and Business April 20 Safe Handling of High Voltage Battery Systems April 20-21 New! Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Systems April 20-21 A Familiarization of Drivetrain Components April 20-21 Advanced Diesel Particulate Filtration Systems April 20-21 Engineering Project Management April 20-21 Threaded Fasteners and the Bolted Joint April 20-21 Sheet Metal Stamping: Robust Formability April 20-22 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
April 20-22 Applying Automotive EDR Data to Traffic Crash Reconstruction
April 23-24 New! Engine Failure Investigation and Analysis
April 20-22 Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engines
April 23-24 Tolerance Stack-Up Analysis
April 21 New! Vehicle User Experience: Human Factors Principles and Techniques for Design, Research and Development
April 23-24 Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Battery Systems
April 21-22 Introduction to Brake Control Systems: ABS, TCS, and ESC April 21-22 Diesel Engine Technology April 22 Fundamentals of Automotive All-Wheel Drive Systems April 22-24 Managing Engineering & Technical Professionals April 22-24 Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis April 22-24 Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle Transmissions April 23 New! Reconstruction and Analysis of Motorcycle Crashes April 23-24 Acquiring and Analyzing Data from Sensors and In-Vehicle Networks April 23-24 Introduction to Failure Mode and Effects Analysis for Product and Process
April 24 Exhaust Flow Performance and Pressure Drop of Exhaust Components and Systems April 24 New! Reconstruction and Analysis of Rollover Crashes of Light Vehicles Professional Development seminar offerings held at the SAE International Troy Office in conjunction with World Congress. April 20-22 Principles of Cost and Finance for Engineers April 22-24 Chassis & Suspension Component Design for Passenger Cars & Light Trucks April 24 New! Effective Decision-Making: A Methodology Approach Stop by the seminar registration desk or visit sae.org/congress/pdseminars. htm for complete seminar descriptions, pricing, and to register for an offering.
Monday, April 20 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. • Room 311A US DOT Training: Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture Overview Led by Walton Fehr, Systems Engineering and Test Bed Manager, ITS Joint Program Office, U.S. Department of Transportation This half-day session will provide an overview of the U.S. Department of Transportation ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA). The architecture identifies the key interfaces of a connected vehicle environment that will enable the identification and prioritization of standards needed to support connected vehicle implementation. This session will also provide information on the JPO’s Connected Vehicle Test Bed (known as the Southeast Michigan Test Bed) in Oakland Country, Michigan. The Southeast Michigan Test Bed is a federally-funded resource available to developers to test how connected vehicle technologies will perform under real-world operating conditions. In recent years, the test bed has undergone numerous enhancements; including geographical expansion and technical and architectural updates, designed to support the connected vehicle industry’s evolving needs for a testing and development environment. 220
SAE 2015 World Congress
Mark Your Calendar… The OBD Event is Coming to the USA this Fall!
SAE 2015 ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTICS SYMPOSIUM September 15-17, 2015 • Indianapolis, Indiana, USA DEVELOP solutions & strategies needed to meet the latest ground vehicle OBD regulations. GAIN technical knowledge & insight. CONNECT with industry experts. ATTEND.
sae.org/obd P150205
NEW for 2016! Do you have an innovation, technology advancement, or disruptive idea you’d like to share with the automotive community? Challenge and inspire your mobility peers – submit an abstract for a Tech Hub TechTalk today! Please submit abstracts to
[email protected].
SAE 2015 World Congress
Executive Leader
SAE 2016 World Congress
Tier One Strategic Partner
April 12 - 14, 2016 • Detroit, Michigan USA
World Congress 2016 is looking to you. Become a bigger part of the technical community by contributing to the automotive industry’s body of technical knowledge. CALL FOR PAPERS
SAE International is looking for your experience and expertise in automotive Electronics, Safety, Powertrain, Materials, Emissions and Propulsion for the 2016 World Congress Technical Sessions. We are asking for you to share your time and talent to write a paper and / or give a presentation.
SAE International is also seeking help from experts willing to volunteer their time and technical acumen to review technical manuscripts for the Technical Sessions.
Benefits of Authorship* • Expand your professional experience and influence by demonstrating subject matter knowledge and expertise to mobility practitioners throughout the world. • Connect with subject matter experts in the automotive industry to expand business opportunities. • Be a conduit for discussion on further advancements in automotive Electronics, Safety, Powertrain, Materials, Emissions, Propulsion Manufacturing, Body, Chassis or Aftermarket solutions. • Discuss successes and problems encountered during research with your peers who may have similar experiences and lessons learned to share. • Your technical paper could be selected for SAE Journals—collecting our best technical papers in online and print issues throughout the year, increasing eligibility of inclusion into scientific indexes.
Benefits of Being a Manuscript Reviewer* • Expand your technical knowledge by reviewing manuscripts and achieving prior awareness of the latest technologies and practices coming to the automotive industry. • Demonstrate your subject matter expertise to the organizers developing technical sessions. • Become a bigger part of the technical community by contributing to the automotive industry’s body of technical knowledge. • Connect with other subject matter experts in the automotive industry to expand business opportunities. *SAE Members who author or review technical manuscripts can attend World Congress free of charge.
PROPULSION/POWERTRAIN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• Electrical & Electronic Systems • Electrical Systems Engineering • Digital Modeling • Design Tools • Electronics in Powertrain • Electronics in the Interior • Testing & Instrumentation • Electronics in Transportation • Lighting Technology • Advanced Electronics Functions • Cybersecurity
• Emissions • Thermal Systems • Sustainable Systems • Noise Reduction and Abatement • Alternative Fuels and Power Sources • Lightweighting and Energy Reduction
MATERIALS • • • • • • • • • •
Ferrous Non-Ferrous Materials Modeling & Testing Polymers & Coatings Bearings, Lubricant Systems & Tribology Biomaterials Interiors/Seating Automotive Composities Interiors Plastic Components, Process and Technologies
INTEGRATED DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Fuel Cells, Electric Vehicles and Hybrids Other Non-Traditional Powertrains Fuel & Additive Effects on Combustion Compression Ignition Engines Spark Ignition Engines High Efficiency and Reduced CO2/km Control and Optimization Engine Components and Subsystems Lubricants Transmissions & Drivelines Engine Flows and Combustion Diagnostics In-Cylinder Velocity Measurements Heat Transfer and Advances in Thermal & Fluid Sciences Multi-Dimensional Modeling Vehicle & Engine Systems Analysis & Modeling
CAD/CAM/CAE Virtual Engineering E-manufacturing Accelerated Testing and Vehicle Reliability OEM Global Supply Chain Reliability & Robust Design in Automotive Engineering Axiomatic Design Design for Manufacturing Six Sigma Reliability Testing and DOE Modeling & Validation Lean Manufacturing for the Mobility Industry Concurrent Engineering Body Design & Engineering Design Optimization: Methods & Applications Body Structures Rapid Prototyping
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
V2V/V2I Safety Active Safety Occupant Protection Fire Safety Body Design & Engineering Design Optimization: Methods & Applications Body Structures Corrosion Prevention Digital Human Modeling Glass Applications Human Factors Lighting Technology Aerodynamics Wiper Systems Steering, Chassis & Suspension Tires & Wheels Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation Motorsports Functional/ Passive Safety Electronics in Safety Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH)
Abstracts must be submitted online via www.sae.org/congress/ to only ONE session. Upon submission, you will receive an automatic reply with your paper offer number. If you do not receive a paper offer number at that point, please retry on-line submission or email
[email protected]. Offered papers shall not have been previously published; and if accepted, contributors will not release their paper for publication through other media. The following information will be required during the on-line submission process: 1. A summary that states the objective of the paper/presentation 2. Tentative title 3. Name of the author and co-authors and all contact information 4. Selection of the most appropriate technical session Paper acceptance will be based on organizer moderated peer review of a review ready manuscript. Refer to the author resources site at http://volunteers.sae.org/authors.htm for other useful information in preparing your paper.
Portal for submission of abstracts will be open on May 26, 2015 Deadline for submitting paper offers ............................................................................September 1, 2015 Review Ready Manuscripts due to session organizers.................................................. October 16, 2015 Final Manuscripts and copyright assignments due to SAE .......................................... February 2, 2016
Abstracts will be evaluated after September 1. (Paper offers on medium or heavy-duty vehicle should be submitted to SAE Commercial Vehicle Congress)
SAE 2015 World Congress
P150284 A
exhibitor directory 224 Floor Plan 226 Exhibitor Listing 229 Exhibitor Profiles
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Floor Plan CF18
exhibit hours Hall B/C Tuesday, April 21
10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 22
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 23
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
CF44 CF45
CF43 CF46
CF42 CF47
CF41 CF48
CF39 CF50
CF38 CF51
CF37 CF52
CF5 M4
Career Fair
University Displays
453 552
546 445 544
139 238
133 232
434 432
127 226
220 118
119 218
107 206
101 200
419 518
Magna International Vehicle Steps down to Mobility Atrium displays
Hall Entrance
Continental Vehicle
AVL Vehicle
SAE 2015 World Congress
Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix
508 407 506
Food Court
Young Professionals Lounge 565
SAE Tech Hub 553
Additive Mfg Competition 759
859 958
959 1058
853 952
953 1052
Tech Hub Display Area
941 1040
839 938
939 1038
835 934
935 1034
833 932
933 1032
929 1028
827 926
927 1026
819 918
915 1014
813 912
807 906
615 P 714 P 515 P 614 P
745 TH5
613 P 712 P
1015 1013
907 1006
903 1002
702 501
709 507
Ride and Drive
901 1000
SAE Hall Entrance Marketing Booth
SAE Registration SAE Membership Lounge SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor list Company
ACE-Durham Region............................................953 Advanced Cooling Technologies.......................719 Advanced Energy Sources...............................615P AdvanTech International.................................... 438 Air Temp de Mexico SA de CV..........................359 AluMag Automotive LLC.....................................763 Aluminio Extruido Extral SA de CV.................763 Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC)................207 ANSYS Inc................................................................327 Applus IDIADA.......................................................733 Aramco..................................................................... 801 ArcelorMittal.......................................................... 445 Argent International Inc.......................................812 Argonne National Laboratory...........................232 Asia Forging Supply Co Ltd............................... 819 Atotech Usa Inc.................................................... 506 AVL............................................................................ 619
BAND-IT...................................................................702 Beijing Aofu(Linyi) Fine Ceramics Co Ltd.......521 Bharat Forge Aluminiumtechnik.......................763 Blanking Without Dies......................................... 814 Bodycote.................................................................835 Bourns Inc...............................................................432 Bowon Light Metal Co Ltd................................1029 Bruker.................................................................... 1000 BuhlerPrince Inc....................................................452
CAElynx................................................................... 907 Cambustion............................................................. 519 CD-adapco.............................................................. 701 Ceska Zbrojovka as SBU Auto & Aero.......... 844 CHARGED EVs Magazine...................................1013 Chiastek.................................................................. 709 cmcl innovations.................................................. 712P Concepts NREC.................................................... 544 The Connected Vehicle ProfessionalTM Credentialing Program.....................................352 Consulate General Of Canada.......................... 954 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.............427 Controlled Power Technology Ltd....................739 Convergent Science Inc.......................................745 Cosworth..................................................................713 CTP........................................................................... 844 CW Bearing Usa Inc.............................................. 419 Czech Republic..................................................... 844
Daubert Chemical Co Inc.....................................813 Delphi Automotive................................................ 401 DeltaWing Technologies Group Inc................ 206 DIGA SA DE CV......................................................359 Dimensional Control Systems Inc.................... 903 Donaldson Company Inc......................................721 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd.........................906 Dow Corning Corporation................................. 507 Dreamtec Inc........................................................1039 dSPACE Inc............................................................. 501 Dynacast International.......................................406
EcoCAR 3.................................................................233 EDAG Inc................................................................. 455 EDP Technical Services........................................339 ElringKlinger AG................................................... 839 Eltek SpA................................................................ 908 Endurica LLC......................................................... 926 EngineLab...............................................................229 ESS Engineering Software Steyr..................... 907 ESW America Inc.................................................. 303 Evans Cooling Systems Inc................................. 601
FAB Vehicle Security Solutions........................ 844 FCA US LLC.............................................................245 FEV North America Inc....................................... 439 FISITA 2016 Automotive Congress.................1015 Ford Motor Company............................................219
GAIO TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd........................... 934 Gamma Technologies Inc....................................707
Gehring L.P............................................................714P Gersa Monterrey SA DE CV................................359 Global Flock De Mexico.......................................359 Global Lighting Technologies Inc..................... 818 Govt of Canada Natural Resources Canada..... 954 Granta Design Ltd................................................ 220 Greatenergy Inc.....................................................952 Grupo Davi SC........................................................359
Henkel Corporation...............................................313 Hitachi Metals America LLC...............................727 Honda.......................................................................527 Hong Kong Trade Development Council........833 Horiba Instruments Inc.........................................518 Hwajin-Seji............................................................. 302 Hwashin Co Ltd...................................................... 941 Hwashin Co Ltd......................................................935 Hyundai Motor Group......................................... 845 HZF / Zhejiang ZhaoFeng Mechanical & Electric.............................................................. 918
IAV Automotive Engineering.............................753 Igarashi Motor........................................................552 Indo-US MIM Tec Pvt Ltd..................................1026 Industrial Automotriz RC....................................359 Intertek.................................................................... 546 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc............................ 901 ISGO Manufactura.................................................359
JA-Gastechnology GmbH................................... 914 Jatco USA Inc........................................................ 407 Jeonwoo Precision Co Ltd............................... 1040 JG&A Metrology Center...................................... 214 Jing-Jin Electric Technologies.......................... 307
KCI.............................................................................853 KD Seal Tech Co Ltd............................................ 929 Kienle + Spiess GmbH..........................................763 Kinrom Industry...................................................1055 KIPP Car Comfort Systems.................................763 KNP........................................................................... 201 KOTRA & AIN Global..........................................1045
Quanergy Systems............................................... 620
R Techno Co Ltd...................................................1012 Rema Tip Top / North America Inc................. 240
Saati Americas Corp...........................................1047 SAE International................................ Hall B Lobby SAMJIN JEONGGONG CO.,LTD.......................1034 Sandvik......................................................................413 Sandvik Process Systems...................................928 Sekisui S-Lec..........................................................333 Shandong Laiyang Changyu Sealing Product...218 Shanghai Auto Parts T&C...................................238 Shell Oil Company................................................ 969 Shilla Industrial Co Ltd.......................................1038 Shimadzu Corp................................................... 1006 Shinhan Precision Ind Co Ltd...........................1033 Shinyang Precision Co Ltd................................1035 Siemens Industry Inc........................................... 426 Sindo High Tech Co Ltd......................................1041 Sinocat Environmental Protection Co Ltd......940 SmartUQ....................................................................515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd....................................400 Spirent........................................................................1002 SPAL USA............................................................... 807 SSAB.........................................................................932 Stratasys Inc.......................................................... 806 Sung Jin Fo-Ma Inc...............................................933 Synergeering Group LLC.....................................453
The Lee Company.................................................326 ThyssenKrupp........................................................239 Toyota Technical Center USA Inc...................... 919 Transportation Research Center Inc................827 Transtek Magnetics Inc....................................... 700 Trensor LLC............................................................ 244 Tru Vue.................................................................. 1008 Truwin...................................................................... 939 Twintec Baumot Group...................................... 434
Ubisense Inc..........................................................1052 USDOT.......................................................................912
LaVision Inc............................................................ 508 Lifebelt Pty Ltd..................................................... 306 Light Weighting - Emission Reduction...........763 Liquidmetal Technologies Inc........................... 402 LOGE - Lund Combustion Engineering AB......227 LUGO Development Inc......................................1014
Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority............................................................. 308 Magna Intl Inc..........................................................213 MediaZen...............................................................1032 Mentor Graphics................................................... 607 Metaio.......................................................................353 Mobility History Committee.............................. 965
Nachi America Inc................................................. 618 NAGASE..................................................................300 NanoFocus Inc......................................................606 Neuman Aluminium..............................................328 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.............................................................613P Ning Bo Qiao Shi Rubber & Plastics Co Ltd.......915 Nippon Gohsei USA............................................. 309
Omen Casting Group...........................................927 Origin Electric America Co Ltd....................... 1027
Phillips Screw Company.......................................341 Plasticos Automotrices de Sahagun................359 Plexim Inc............................................................... 454 Plotly Technologies Inc........................................938 PROMEXICO............................................................359 Proto Labs Inc........................................................838 Proto Manufacturing Inc..................................... 301
SAE 2015 World Congress
WARDSAUTO....................................................... 1001 Wind River...............................................................265 Wurth Elektronik IBE............................................359 WWJ Newsradio 950...........................................226
Yantai Shougang Magnetic Materials.............200 Young Hwa Tech Co Ltd....................................1028
ZEUS........................................................................ 820 ZKL Bearings CZ as............................................. 844
AVL Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Continental Automotive System, Inc. Vehma International of America
Continental Automotive System, Inc.............. TH2 Ford Motor Company..........................................TH4 Munro & Associates.............................................TH6 Nissan...................................................................... TH3 Ricardo........................................................ TH1 & TH7 TEDx Detroit.......................................................... TH5
Milwaukee School of Engineering......................113 Michigan Technological Univ...............................118 Univ of Maine.......................................................... 106 Univ of Michigan-Dearborn................................100 Univ of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.......................... 101 Univ of Wisconsin................................................. 107 Wayne State Univ....................................................112
Exhibitors by technology BODY/CHASSIS/Safety/STRUCTURE ACE-Durham Region................................953 ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Applus IDIADA...........................................733 Argent International Inc...........................812 Bruker........................................................ 1000 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 EDP Technical Services...........................339 Endurica LLC...............................................926 ESW...............................................................303
GAIO TECHNOLOGY Co., Lt..................934 Global Lighting Technologies Inc.........818 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Hong Kong Trade Development Council......................................................833 Intertek........................................................ 546 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JG&A Metrology Center...........................214 Jatco USA Inc............................................ 407
Jing-Jin Electric Technologies..............307 Lifebelt Pty Ltd......................................... 306 Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority.................................... 308 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Transportation Research Center Inc...827 Trensor LLC.................................................244
EngineLab....................................................229 Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Global Lighting Technologies Inc.........818 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Hong Kong Trade Development Council......................................................833 IAV Automotive Engineering................. 753 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JG&A Metrology Center...........................214 KCI..................................................................853
Neuman Aluminium..................................328 Origin Electric America Co Ltd........... 1027 Plexim Inc................................................... 454 PlotlyTechnologies Inc.............................938 Quanergy Systems................................... 620 Shanghai Auto Parts T&C.......................238 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Spirent........................................................1002 Trensor LLC.................................................244
Electronics Advanced Cooling Technologies..........719 ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Applus IDIADA...........................................733 Argent International Inc...........................812 Bourns Inc....................................................432 Cosworth.......................................................713 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Eltek SpA..................................................... 908
Emissions/Environment/Sustainability ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 ArcelorMittal.............................................. 445 Beijing Aofu(Linyi) Fine Ceramics Co Ltd.........................................................521 cmcl innovations...................................... 712P Convergent Science Inc.......................... 745 Delphi Automotive.................................... 401 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd............. 906 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Eltek SpA..................................................... 908 ElingerKlinger AG......................................839
Gehring L.P................................................714P Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727 Indo-US MIM Tec Pvt Ltd......................1026 Intrepid Control Systems, Inc................ 901 JA-Gastechnology GmbH........................914 Kinrom Industries.................................... 1055 LaVision Inc................................................ 508 Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority.................................... 308 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.................................................. 613P
Neuman Aluminium..................................328 PlotlyTechnologies Inc.............................938 Siemens Industry Inc...............................426 Sinocat Environmental Protection Co Ltd....................................................... 940 SmartUQ........................................................515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Trensor LLC.................................................244 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Twintec Baumot Group.......................... 434
Integrated Design & Manufacturing ANSYS Inc.................................................... 327 Asia Forging Supply Co Ltd....................819 BAND-IT.......................................................702 Caelynx: ALSIM/MERGE.........................907 Cambustion..................................................519 CD-adapco...................................................701 Chiastek........................................................709 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc...............................................................427 Convergent Science Inc.......................... 745 CTP............................................................... 844 Dimensional Control Systems Inc....... 903 Donaldson Company Inc..........................721
Dynacast International........................... 406 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Endurica LLC...............................................926 Gamma Technologies Inc.......................707 Greatenergy Inc.........................................952 HZF / Zhejiang ZhaoFeng Mechanical & Electric............................918 KCI..................................................................853 Nachi America Inc......................................618 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.......................... 613P Ning Bo Qiao Shi Rubber & Plastics Co Ltd.........................................................915
Phillips Screw Company...........................341 Plotly Technologies Inc...........................938 Rema Tip Top / North America Inc.... 240 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P Software Cradle Co., Ltd.......................400 Sekisui S-Lec...............................................333 Stratasys Inc.............................................. 806 Synergeering Group LLC........................453 The Lee Company.....................................326 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Ubisense..................................................... 1052
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitors by technology MANAGEMENT & MARKETPLACE AluMag Automotive LLC.........................763 KOTRA & AIN Global..............................1045
Materials AdvanTech International.........................438 Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC)...207 ArcelorMittal.............................................. 445 Argent International Inc...........................812 Blanking Without Dies..............................814 Caelynx: ALSIM/MERGE.........................907 Daubert Chemical Co Inc.........................813 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd............. 906 Dow Corning Corporation......................507 EDAG Inc......................................................455 Granta Design Ltd.....................................220 Hitachi Metals America LLC................... 727
Liquidmetal Technologies Inc.............. 402 Nachi America Inc......................................618 NanoFocus Inc.......................................... 606 Neuman Aluminium..................................328 New York State Vehicle Composites Program.................................................. 613P Nippon Gohsei USA................................. 309 Omen Casting Group...............................927 Saati Americas Corp .............................1047 Sandvik..........................................................413 Sandvik Process Systems.......................928 Sekisui S-Lec...............................................333
Shanghai Auto Parts T&C.......................238 SmartUQ.................................................... 515P SSAB..............................................................932 Stratasys Inc.............................................. 806 Synergeering Group LLC........................453 ThyssenKrupp............................................239 Transtek Magnetics Inc........................... 700 Ubisense..................................................... 1052 Yantal Shougang Magnetic Materials Inc........................................... 200 ZEUS............................................................. 820
EDP Technical Services............................. 339 ElingerKlinger AG........................................ 839 Eltek SpA........................................................908 Evans Cooling Systems Inc.......................601 Gamma Technologies Inc......................... 707 Hitachi Metals America LLC.....................727 HZF / Zhejiang ZhaoFeng Mechanical & Electric...................................................... 918 JA-Gastechnology GmbH.........................914 KCI..................................................................... 853 Kienle + Spiess GmbH............................... 763 LaVision Inc...................................................508 LUGO Development Inc........................... 1014 LOGE - Lund Combustion Engineering AB..........................................227 Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority.......................................308
Nachi America Inc........................................ 618 Neuman Aluminium.................................... 328 Omen Casting Group................................. 927 Origin Electric America Co Ltd..............1027 Plexim Inc.......................................................454 Plotly Technologies Inc............................. 938 Proto Manufacturing Inc............................301 Shandong Laiyang Changyu Sealing Product......................................................... 218 Shanghai Auto Parts T&C......................... 238 Shimadzu Corporation............................1006 SmartUQ........................................................515P SPAL USA....................................................... 807 The Lee Company....................................... 326 ThyssenKrupp............................................... 239
Powertrain/Propulsion Advanced Cooling Technologies............ 719 Advanced Energy Sources..................... 615P ANSYS Inc.......................................................327 Applus IDIADA..............................................733 AVL....................................................................619 Bourns Inc...................................................... 432 Cambustion.................................................... 519 cmcl innovations.........................................712P Concepts NREC............................................544 Convergent Science Inc.............................745 Cosworth......................................................... 713 DeltaWing Technologies Group Inc......206 Donaldson Company Inc........................... 721 Delphi Automotive.......................................401 Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd...............906 Dow Corning Corporation........................ 507 EDAG Inc......................................................... 455
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles
Exhibitor Directory text is published as submitted by exhibiting companies.
a ACE-Durham Region 2000 Simcoe St N Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K4 Canada www.ace.uoit.ca
Booth #953
ACE offers a full range of testing facilities, including one of the most sophisticated climatic wind tunnels in the world. Also included are climatic and anechoic chambers which allow for structural durability and life cycle testing. ACE also specializes in aerospace, UAV and human factor testing as well as film and television production. ACE is a truly independent facility that is commercially available for rent by the public. ACE is partnering with the Regional Municipality of Durham at the SAE Congress. ACE is located in Durham Region, which is one of Canada’s fasted growing economic and population communities. Durham is the largest geographic municipality in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Advanced Cooling Technologies 1046 New Holland Ave Lancaster, PA 17601 United States www.1-act.com
Booth #719
Car and Truck buyers continue to demand for lighter weight, higher power, greater fuel efficiency and more electronic gadgetry in their products. Automotive Design Engineers are seeking newer, better thermal management technologies to meet these increasingly challenging requirements. ACT has broad Thermal Management experience in both Passive and Active Cooling Technologies. This can be especially useful as Automotive Design Engineers deal with thermal challenges in areas such as: Battery Thermal Management – Hybrid and Plug-In Electric Power Electronics and Engine Control Thermal Management IGBT and MOSFET Thermal Management Waste Heat Recovery and Emissions Reduction Brake and Suspension Cooling Systems Seat Heating and Cooling.
Advanced Energy Sources 58-2 Asen Hristoforov St. Plovdiv, 4004 Bulgaria
Booth #615P
Couple of years ago a company, Advanced Energy Sources, was established in Europe. The goal of the company is to realize market products based on the innovative cam engine in the areas of automotive recreational and other industries. In 2012 the company applied for funding according to the European Union program for Competitiveness of Bulgarian companies. The company efforts were granted in 2013. We like to present our preliminary results related to the realization of the cam engine.
AdvanTech International 1600 Cottontail Ln Ste 3 Somerset, NJ 08873 United States www.advantechinternational.com
Air Temp de Mexico SA de CV
KM 10 Carretera Merida-Uman No 4193 Yucatan CP 97390 Mexico
PO Box 20 Santa Oliva L’Albornar Tarragona 43710 Spain www.idiada.com
Booth #359
Air Temp de México, S.A. de C.V. was established in 1982, From the beginning, the company’s main activity has been the design and manufacture of air conditioning modules and heater exchangers for the automotive industry, quickly becoming the first of its class within all of southeast Mexico. Our product range includes complete HVAC systems (original and after market), evaporators, condensers, radiators and spare parts of the highest quality in the automotive market.
AluMag Automotive LLC 20929 Sunnydale St Farmington Hills, MI 48336 United States www.alumag.cc AluMag® is a global market developing company offering the following services: 1.Market Research, 2.Roadshows & Tech-events, 3.Market Development, 4.Strategic Localization, AluMag® has extensive knowledge and worldwide contacts as well as excellent references within the automotive & aluminum-, magnesiumand composite industry. We access new markets and open doors for your business – regardless of application, material, process or product. For SAE 2015 we are supporting and introducing leading technology companies in the field of light weighting, emission reduction and car comfort.
Aluminio Extruido Extral SA de CV Espana No 409 Col San Nicolas Tolentino Extapalapa 09850 Mexico www.extral.com.mx
Booth #763
Extral is a fully Certified ISO 9001/ 14001 Mexican company dedicated to the extrusion of aluminum profiles, providing added value in all its products through high quality surface treatment processes and finishes, performed on our own anodization plant and/ or through powder-coating color lines, together with other special customer oriented services for the sole purpose of delivering the comprehensive solutions that our customers may need. Extral operates two production plants in Mexico City (1650 & 1450 t presses), and is close to start production in the city of Querataro (mid 2015)
Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) 1000 N Rand Rd Ste 214 Wauconda, IL 60084 United States www.aec.org The Aluminum Extruders Council is the trade association of the North American aluminum extrusion industry, representing over 70% of North American production. Technical experts from member extruders will be present at SAE, with examples of innovative automotive extrusion applications and reference materials such as the new Automotive Aluminum Joining Manual.
ANSYS Inc 2600 Ansys Dr Canonsburg, PA 15317 United States www.ansys.com
Aramco 9009 West Loop S Houston, TX 77096 United States www.Aramco.Jobs Aramco Services Company (ASC) is the U.S.-based subsidiary of Saudi Aramco, a fully integrated energy and chemicals enterprise. Among its activities, ASC manages a network of three U.S. research centers; identifies upstream and downstream technology; works with suppliers to provide Saudi Aramco with goods; and recruits professionals for careers with ASC and its parent company. ASC is headquartered in Houston. For more information, visit our website.
ArcelorMittal 18th Floor 1 S Dearborn St Chicago, IL 60603 United States usa.arcelormittal.com
Booth #445
ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel and mining company. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, we are the leading supplier of quality steel products in all major global steel markets, including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging.
Argent International Inc 41016 Concept Dr Plymouth, MI 48170 United States www.argent-international.com
Booth #812
Argent International specializes in designing, fabricating, and distributing a wide variety of custom adhesive and die-cut solutions. We utilize over 250 different raw materials used for attachment, buzz, squeak & rattle / NVH, fastening, gasketing & sealing, labeling, printing & identification, masking, safety, surface protection, wind noise / sound dampening, and much more!
Argonne National Laboratory
Booth #207
Advantech International established in 1951 as an international trading and development company, partners with world class manufacturers to deliver engineered components through our strategically located global sales, marketing and distribution offices. The Vehicle Components Group offers cutting edge component solutions with precision cold forming, light weight highpressure die casting, hot forging and angular position sensor technologies to automotive and motorcycle manufacturers.
Applus IDIADA, as a global partner to the automotive industry worldwide, supports clients in their product development activities by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services that fit their needs.
Booth #801
Booth #763
Booth #438
Booth #733
9700 S Cass Ave Argonne, IL 60439 United States www.anl.gov
Booth #232
Argonne National Laboratory’s transportation research program deploys experts from many disciplines to address the problems of foreign oil dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. Working with the U.S. transportation industry, Argonne researchers improve processes, create transferrable technologies, and provide cost-effective solutions in support of U.S. Department of Energy goals.
Booth #327
ANSYS, Inc. develops and globally markets engineering simulation software used by designers and engineers across a broad spectrum of industries. The company develops open and flexible simulation solutions that enable users to simulate design performance directly on the desktop, providing a common platform for fast, efficient and cost-effective product development.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Asia Forging Supply Co Ltd
Bharat Forge Aluminiumtechnik
BuhlerPrince Inc
B1 207 Sec 3 Beishin Road Shindian City Taipei 231 Taiwan www.asiaforging.com
Berthelsdorfer Str 8 Brand-Erbisdorf 09618 Germany www.bf-at.de
670 Windcrest Dr Holland, MI 49423 United States www.buhlerprince.com
AFS ( Asia Forging Supply ) is the most professional supplier in forging, casting, steel and forging equipment. AFS recurred around 50 manufacturing partners in North America and Asia, so that AFS is able to provide one stop shopping service for forging and casting to serve our OEM or Tier customers. All our manufacturing partners are TS certified. In summary, AFS is the total solution provider for forging.
With almost 20 years of experience, Bharat Forge Aluminiumtechnik (BFAT) has developed and patented aluminum forging components. BFAT belongs 100% to Bharat Forge Limited (BFL). BFL is one of the world’s largest forging companies across India and Europe. BFAT supplies control arms and knuckles to customers including VW group, Porsche, Daimler and Maserati.
Die Casting Machines and systems made by BuhlerPrince are ideal for the most varied processes. Whether we are talking about aluminum, magnesium, zinc, vacuum, structural or engine block processes – BuhlerPrince has the right solution. BuhlerPrince supports users throughout the life-cycle of their equipment with services including remanufacturing, retrofits and upgrades.
Blanking Without Dies
Booth #819
Booth #763
Atotech Usa Inc
Suite 701 30500 Van Dyke Ave. Warren, MI 48093 United States www.blankingwithoutdies.com
1750 Overview Dr Rock Hill, SC 29730 United States www.atotech.com
Booth #506
Atotech is one of the world’s leading suppliers of specialty chemicals, equipment, service and solutions for printed circuit board manufacturing and advanced packaging (Electronics), as well as decorative and functional surface finishing (General Metal Finishing). In addition to its core business units – Electronics and General Metal Finishing – other business units such as Semiconductor Technology and Electronics Materials play an increasingly important role in the future growth of Atotech and that of its customers. With locations in more than 40 countries in all important industrial regions of the world, Atotech is a truly international company providing best local service worldwide.
AVL 47603 Halyard Dr Plymouth, MI 48170 United States www.avl.com
Booth #814
Blanking Without Dies uses coil fed metal technology, high power fiber lasers, linear motor propulsion and a moving gantry assembly to produce laser cut blanks. This is the future of metal blanking which will eliminate costly mechanical dies, provide more design flexibility and deliver superior metal blanks.
Bodycote 1975 N Ruby St Melrose Park, IL 60160 United States www.bodycote.com
Booth #835 platinum sponsor
Booth #619
Specialty stainless steel processes (S3P) featuring Kolsterising® and Nivox®technology offer unique surface hardening solutions for austenitic stainless steel, nickel-based alloys and cobalt-chromium alloys producing increased mechanical and wear properties without adversely affecting corrosion resistance.
AVL is the world’s largest independent company for development, simulation and testing technology of powertrains (hybrid, combustion engines, transmission, electric drive, batteries and software) for passenger cars, trucks and large engines.
Bourns Inc
Booth #432
1660 N Opdyke Rd Ste 200 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.bourns.com The Bourns Automotive Division develops and designs an extensive range of customized position, speed and torque sensors. Bourns’ research and development efforts combined with close collaboration with customers helps ensure that products meet the highest standards set for the automotive industry (TS 16949 standard, ISO 26262 compliance).
BAND-IT 4799 Dahlia St Denver, CO 80216 United States www.band-it-idex.com.
Booth #702
Bowon Light Metal Co Ltd
BAND-IT IDEX, INC., The World’s Leader in Engineered Band Clamping Systems is able to supply your Automotive Banding & Clamping requirements for Side Curtain Airbags, Exhaust and Cable Shields, CV Boots and many other vehicle applications. Visit us at our website.
Booth #1029
Beijing Aofu(Linyi) Fine Ceramics Co Ltd Fumin Rd Economy Dev Area Dezhou 251500 China www.trendaofu.com
ECO Mg & ECO Al, Environment Friendly Material, Decrease in CO2 Emission, Improved Properties, NonHeat Treatment, Low Density, Weight & Cost Reduction, Flexible Part Design, Uni-Al for High Pressure Die Casting/ Low Pressure Die Casting/Extrusion/Rolling.
Booth #521
Beijing Aofu is professional production of catalyst substrate for automobile exhaust emission control system. The large-size substrate for heavy duty truck is very competitive. The biggest size is φ13”x8-300cpsi. The thinnest wall thickness is 5mil up to now.
524 Jiseokri Eungbongmyeon Yesangun Chungnam 340-831 South Korea
5465 E Cherry Place Madison, WI 53711 United States www.bruker.com
Booth #1000
Bruker is the worldwide leading supplier of advanced X-ray solutions. Continual innovation in X-ray sources, optics, detectors, software and sample handling ensures that Bruker is able to offer a solution for virtually any X-ray analytical task. Bruker is strongly committed to further fully meet its customers’ needs as well as to continue to develop state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions for today’s analytical questions.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Booth #452
Caelynx: ALSIM / MERGE 325 E Summit Ann Arbor, MI 48104 United States www.caelynx.com
Booth #907
ESS (Engineering Software Steyr) develops computer aided engineering (CAE) software and provides CAE services. ESS flagship products are ALSIM for paint dip simulation and MERGE for fully automatic meshing. Caelynx, a full service product development company, is the North American distributor of ALSIM and MERGE software and Dassault Systemes software.
Cambustion 347 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge CB1 8DH United Kingdom www.cambustion.com
Booth #519
Cambustion’s fast-response HC, NOx, CO/CO2 and particulate analyzers enable engineers worldwide to understand engine operation and meet emissions targets, as engines and control systems become more complex. Cambustion’s DPF Testing System has been embraced by DPF and vehicle manufacturers for DPF testing and development while the CPMA allows direct measurement of soot particle mass/shape.
CD-adapco 60 Broadhollow Rd Melville, NY 11747 United States www.cd-adapco.com
Booth #701
CD-adapco is the world’s largest independent CFDfocused provider of engineering simulation software, support and services. It has over 30 years of experience in delivering industrial strength engineering simulation to a wide range of industries and application.
Ceska Zbrojovka as SBU Auto & Aero Svatopluka Cecha 1283 Uhersky Brod 68827 Czech Republic www.cz-auto.com
Booth #844
Česká zbrojovka a.s. – SBU Auto&Aero specializes in machining of the parts and components designed mainly for air-conditioning systems of vehicles. The production capabilities consist of high-performance CNC machines with robotized units enabling both mass and medium-sized batches production. SBU Auto has been providing its customers with flexible solutions focused on precision, innovative approach, reliable delivery as well as competitive terms and conditions. QMS has been continuously maintained according to ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001.
CHARGED EVs Magazine
Consulate General of Canada in Detroit
CW Bearing Usa Inc
4121 52nd Ave S Saint Petersburg, FL 33711 United States www.chargedevs.com
600 Renaissance Ctr Ste 1100 Detroit, MI 48243 United States www.detroit.gc.ca
28550 Cabot Dr Ste 700 Novi, MI 48377 United States www.cwbearing.com
CHARGED Electric Vehicles is the acclaimed B2B EV Industry magazine, website and newsletter dedicated to bringing the EV industry to primetime. Charged subscribers are key decision makers throughout the electric vehicle industry: from small start-ups to the biggest automakers, design firms to Tier One suppliers, fleet managers, energy suppliers, policy makers, government officials, and academia. The Vehicles, The Tech, The Infrastructure. Visit our website for more information.
Whether your company wants to source Canadian products, services or technology or establish / expand operations in Canada, we can help. All services are free of charge. We can connect your organization with Canadian suppliers, technologies and researchers for all aspects of vehicle manufacturing and operations.
CW Bearing (USA) Inc. is one of the leading ball bearing manufacturers in China for automotive, electric motors, gearboxes, outdoor products, power tools, and home appliances. We are established as an industry leader in ball bearing production using state of the art assembly processes, and are ISO9001/TS16949 & ISO14001 certified.
Continental Automotive Systems, Inc
Czech Republic
1 Continental Dr tier One Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Strategic United States Partner www.continental-corporation.com
200 S Wacker Dr Chicago, IL 60606 United States www.czechtrade.cz
Continental develops intelligent technologies for transporting people and their goods. As a reliable partner, the international automotive supplier, tire manufacturer, and industrial partner provides sustainable, safe, comfortable, individual, and affordable solutions.
Czech Republic is representing by Czech Trade Agency Czech Invest Agency Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago
Controlled Power Technology Ltd
Booth #1013
ChiasTek 8770 W Bryn Mawr Ave Ste 1300 Chicago, IL 60631 United States www.chiastek.com
Booth #709
ChiasTek is a Software vendor addressing Model Based System Engineering. Chiastek’s flagship is a tool called CosiMate that is a platform for engineers performing modeling and simulation of an overall system made of hydraulics, mechanicals, electronics, or other different parts. CosiMate is largely used in Automotive and aerospace industry, worldwide.
cmcl innovations Sheraton House Castle Pk Cambridge UK CB3 0AX United States www.cmclinnovations.com
Booth #712P
We are a multi-award winning software developer and consultancy services provider for powertrain (automotive, heavy-duty and non-road) and fuels industries. Our innovative software toolkits, kinetics & srm engine suiteTM, and MoDSTM, enable our customers to combine physics-based and data-driven algorithms to efficiently optimise combustion, emissions and fuels in modern powertrains.
The Connected Vehicle Professional™ Credentialing Program
Booth #954
Booth #419
Booth #427
Unit 4 Westmayne Industrial Estate Bramston Way Laindon Essex SS15 6TP United Kingdom www.cpowert.com
Booth #739
Controlled Power Technologies presents a family of CO2 reduction powertrain products based on water cooled, dynamically optimised switched reluctance motor technology incorporating advanced control and power electronics. The technologies support micro, mild and full hybrid powertrain strategies and offer integration into existing mechanical and electrical architectures.
Convergent Science Inc 6400 Enterprise Lane Madison , WI 53719 United States www.convergecfd.com
Booth #745
Convergent Science, Inc., a world leader in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, was founded in 1997. In addition to worldwide distribution, Convergent Science headquarters are located in Madison, WI with additional locations in New Braunfels, TX and Linz, Austria.
The Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) is a non-profit business league established to facilitate the interaction, and advance the interests, of the entities involved in the vehicle communication environment. The Connected Vehicle Trade Association enables the collaboration of companies, organizations, and governmental bodies engaged in developing bidirectional vehicle communications. Membership is open to any corporation, public entities, standards and specification organizations, educational institutions and qualified individuals.
Cosworth 3031 Fujita St Torrance, CA 90505 United States www.cosworth.com
Booth #713
Concepts NREC
Booth #544
Concepts NREC is an independent, full-service turbomachinery design/development organization offering Engineering Services (complete solution development from concept through performance testing), the Agile Engineering Design System® (turbomachineryspecific CAE/CAM design and analysis software) and Manufacturing Services (in-house machining center/ mechanical assembly shop with 5-axis CNC mills) for turbochargers, fans, blowers, and pumps.
4700 S Central Ave Chicago, IL 60638 United States www.daubertchemical.com
Booth #813
Daubert Chemical Company has held a leadership role in providing Corrosion Preventive Coatings and Specialty Adhesives, since 1935. Serving the steel, automotive transportation and general manufacturing industries, Daubert has developed a reputation for quality products that can withstand the industry’s most demanding requirements.
5820 Delphi Dr Troy, MI 48098 United States www.delphi.com
Booth #401
Delphi Automotive is a leading global supplier of technologies for the automotive and commercial vehicle markets. Delphi delivers innovation for the real world with technologies that make cars and trucks safer as well as more powerful, efficient and connected.
DeltaWing Technologies Group Inc
Cosworth employs its motorsport-inspired engineering and manufacturing capabilities to improve vehicle and driver performance. The group supplies electronics and powertrain products and engineering services to high performance vehicle manufacturers, motorsport teams and performance enthusiasts around the world. With headquarters in Northampton, UK, the group has a globally-recognized brand and employs staff across Europe and the USA.
217 Billings Farm Rd White River Junction, VT 05001 United States www.conceptsnrec.com
Daubert Chemical Co Inc
Delphi Automotive
51037 Weston Dr Plymouth, MI 48170 United States www.connectedvehicle.org
Booth # 352
Booth #844
1394 Broadway Ave Braselton, GA 30517 United States www.deltawingtech.com
Booth #206
DeltaWing Technology Group, Inc. is a transportation technology solutions developer advancing the future of sustainable mobility. We are developers of the proprietary DeltaWing® vehicle architecture that hugely improves fuel economy and drastically lowers greenhouse gas emissions. DeltaWing Technology Group provides a wide range of design, engineering and manufacturing services.
CTPark Humpolec Humpolec 39601 Czech Republic www.ctp.eu
Booth #844
CTP - the fourth largest industrial developer in Europe - is a full-service commercial real estate developer and manager based in the Czech Republic, specializing in the delivery and management of custom-built, high-tech business parks for leading international companies making strategic investments in new or expanded operations in Central Europe
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles DIGA SA DE CV
Dreamtec Inc
EDP Technical Services
La Acocila No 9 Col Barilo de la Concepc Tultitlan Estado de 54900 Mexico
134-11 Namseong-ri Sinchang-myeon Asan-si Chungnam-do South Korea
36704 Commerce St Livonia, MI 48150 United States www.edpcompany.com
Partial application of adhesive to be use on the parts that will be trapped in the next station, it means that the adhesive of the part will be useless. Applying the adhesive on stripes we reduction the use of PSA from 50 to 60 grams per sq. mtr. to 15 to 20 grams per sq. mtr. Benefit: The cost of the adhesive may be reduce on more than 30%
Dreamtec., Inc. is the world first manufacturer and supplier of the one-piece universal joint for steering system by cold forged process. We’ve been supplying these items over 5 million pieces since 2008 instead of welded type universal joint and won additional new programs over 2 million pieces annually. We can cover tooling, cold forging, machining and assembling by ourselves at our site. For the stable production productivity, we’re sintering the raw material for tooling. One piece universal joint ensures the high production capacity, stable quality and cost effect. We’ve been supplying the automotive industry, steering, brake, engine and cable system. For the total solution for cold forged parts for automotive industry, Dreamtec is the most suitable answer.
Booth #359
Dimensional Control Systems Inc 580 Kirts Blvd Ste 309 Troy, MI 48084 United States www.3dcs.com
Booth #903
DCS software solutions support Quality Management initiatives in industries including automotive, aerospace, medical device, electronics and industrial machinery. DCS software solutions are leveraged daily by companies like Airbus, BMW, GM, LG, Nissan, Phillips, Sony, Textron Aviation, and VW who apply predictive variation analysis and responsive SPC to reduce scrap, rework and warranty costs.
Donaldson Company Inc Venting Solutions PO Box 1299 Minneapolis, MN 55440 United States www.donaldsonventing.com
Booth #721
Donaldson is a leading worldwide provider of filtration systems that improve people’s lives, enhance our Customers’ equipment performance, and protect our environment. We are a technology-driven Company committed to satisfying our Customers’ needs for filtration solutions through innovative research and development, application expertise, and global presence.
113 Defu Lane 10 Singapore 539227 www.douyeetech.com
BOOTH #906
DYT is regarded as the leading components and Powder Injection Moulding company in SEA and continues to uphold its reputation by manufacturing high-quality, zero-defect MIM/CIM components consistently and promptly. Our portfolio includes Seagate, Motorola and Johnson & Johnson. DYT is ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 certified.
PO Box 994 2200 Salzburg Rd Midland, MI 48686 United States dowcorning.com
dSPACE Inc 50131 Pontiac Trl Wixom, MI 48393 United States www.dspaceinc.com
Booth #501
dSPACE is the world’s leading provider of hardware and software tools for developing and testing sophisticated electronic control systems. For over 25 years, dSPACE’s high-quality, off-the-shelf software and hardware tools have empowered engineers to design and innovate, while dramatically reducing development times and cost. To learn more, visit our website. See our ad on page C2
Dynacast International 14045 Ballantyne Corporate Pl Ste 400 Charlotte, NC 28277 United States www.dynacast.com
Booth #406
Utilizing proprietary die cast and metal injection molding technologies, we help our customers bring their ideas to life. Dynacast operates 23 manufacturing facilities in 16 countries, and consistently delivers value through engineering expertise, efficient operations, and Advanced Quality Planning systems.
Dou Yee Technologies Pte Ltd
Dow Corning Corporation
Booth #1039
BRONZE sponsor
Booth #507
A transportation innovator for more than 65 years, Dow Corning’s experience and expertise help OEMs and suppliers meet demands for enhanced performance, safety and value. We develop technologies to meet today’s needs and tomorrow’s challenges, so our customers can continuously improve reliability, efficiency, comfort, aesthetics and environmental sustainability.
e EcoCAR 3 9700 S Cass Ave Bldg 362 Lemont, IL 60439 United States www.ecocar3.org
Booth #233
EcoCAR 3 is a four-year collegiate engineering program that builds on the successful 26-year history of the Department of Energy’s Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTC) by giving engineering students the chance to design and build advanced vehicles that demonstrate leading-edge, eco-friendly automotive technologies. General Motors provides each of the 16 competing North American teams with a Chevrolet Camaro to re-engineer to be more fuel efficient and create fewer emissions.
EDP Technical Services, a Livonia, Michigan testing resource, specializes in thermal & climatic testing of vehicles, engines, transmissions and other automotive components. EDP provides testing services such as full vehicle climate simulation including temperature, humidity, sun and wind control. EDP also provides thermal shock testing of engines, transmissions and components.
ElringKlinger AG Max-Eyth-Strasse 2 Dettingtne/EMS D-72581 Germany www.elringklinger.com
Booth #839
As a partner to the international automotive industry, our ability to drive innovation is acknowledged in the area of cylinder-head and specialty gaskets, lightweight plastic components and shielding systems for engine, transmission, exhaust tract, underbody and body applications. The portfolio is complemented by fuel cell and battery components for electric drive systems. ElringKlinger operates at 45 locations worldwide.
Eltek SPA Strada Valenza 5A Casale Monferrato Italy www.eltekgroup.it
BOOTH #908
Eltek means more than 30 years’ experience in research, design, development and production of advanced mechatronics solutions: sensing, fuel heating and solenoids applications. Eltek confirms its strategic worldwide presence with 4 R&D centers, 6 manufacturing facilities and 2 commercial offices. Main expertise are: from mold design and construction to electronics, and engineering of fully automated lines
Endurica LLC 1219 W Main Cross St Findlay, OH 45840 United States www.endurica.com
Booth #926
Endurica LLC developed the world’s most versatile and best-validated fatigue life simulation system for elastomers. It is a simulation software that empowers its users to analyze the fatigue performance of elastomers under real-world service conditions. Done at the design stage, Endurica brings fatigue life prediction capabilities to the rubber industry.
EngineLab 68-32 June St Forest Hills, NY 11375 United States www.enginelab.net
Booth #229
With a simple-to-use interface that allows the designer to create a behavioral model directly on the hardware, EngineLab’s solution reduces costs to market
ESS Engineering Software Steyr
Suite 200 1875 Research Drive Troy, MI 48083 United States www.edag.com
BOOTH #907
Booth #455
The EDAG Group, one of the world’s largest independent engineering service providers, develops productionready solutions to meet the total mobility needs of today and in the future. EDAG’s range of services covers the entire development process from early concept through production-optimized solutions ready for complete vehicles, modules and manufacturing plants.
Booth #339
SAE 2015 World Congress
Im Stadtgut Zone A1 Steyr 4407 Austria www.alsim-software.com ESS (Engineering Software Steyr) develops computer aided engineering (CAE) software and provides CAE services. ESS flagship products are ALSIM for paint dip simulation and MERGE for fully automatic meshing. Caelynx, a full service product development company, is the North American distributor of ALSIM and MERGE software and Dassault Systemes software.
ESW America Inc
Fisita 2016 Automotive Congress
Gersa Monterrey SA DE CV
200 Progress Dr Montgomeryville, PA 18936 United States www.eswamerica.com
4 F Sungji Bldg 192 Bangbae-ro Seoul 137-835 South Korea
Tegucigalpa No 107 Col Ximex Santa Catarina Nuevo Leon 66358 Mexico www.gersa.com.mx
BOOTH #1015
BOOTH #303
ESW America, Inc. is a ISO 9001:2008 accredited independent engine and vehicle emissions test facility that can perform R&D and certification (40 CFR 1065 and 86) test programs for heavy duty diesel engines up to 1,000 horsepower, NRSI/CI engines up to 200 horsepower, motorcycles/UTVs/ATVs, and passenger cars to Class 8 trucks.
Evans Cooling Systems Inc
The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers (KSAE) is proud to host the 36th FISITA World Automotive Congress in Busan, Korea from 26-30 September, 2016. At FISITA 2016, worldwide specialists in automotive industry will get together to share their creative thoughts and knowledge to bring our next generation a whole new era of transportation.
Ford Motor Company
2400 Village Rd Dearborn, MI 48124 United States www.ford.com
1 Mountain Rd Suffield, CT 06078 United States www.evanscooling.com Evans Cooling Systems, Inc. of Sharon, CT, has a patented technology for the only waterless engine coolant available, providing superior benefits not found with traditional water-based engine coolants. Reducing fuel consumption and emissions, decreasing maintenance costs, and contributing to a cleaner environment are all achievable with Evans waterless engine coolant.
Ford Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in Dearborn, Mich., manufactures or distributes automobiles across six continents. With about 180,000 employees and 65 plants worldwide, the company’s automotive brands include Ford and Lincoln. The company provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. For more information regarding Ford and its products worldwide, please visit our website.
FAB Vehicle Security Solutions
51132 Sunday Dr Northville, MI 48167 United States
Booth #844
ASSA ABLOY with its location in more than 70 countries is a global leader in door opening solutions and under the FAB brand offers a wide spectrum of the locking and access systems for the automotive industry. FAB products provide traditional as well as innovative solutions for maximizing vehicle access and security for both passenger vehicles and heavy trucks and ranges from mechanical access systems through RKE and Passive Entry Modules.
We started as an original cross compiler developer for embedded systems in 1980. At present we provide automotive software development and test tools based on our own microprocessor code analysis and simulation technologies. And our solutions have expanded to include engineering services such as model-based development and test process construction.
FCA US LLC is a North American automaker with a new name and a long history. Headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, FCA US is a member of the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (FCA) family of companies. FCA US designs, engineers, manufactures and sells vehicles under the Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram and FIAT brands as well as the SRT performance vehicle designation. The company also distributes the Alfa Romeo 4C model and Mopar products.
Booth #707
Booth #245
FEV North America Inc 4554 Glenmeade Ln Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.fev.com
platinum sponsor
Booth #439
The FEV Group offers a complete range of engineering services to customers across the globe. In the electronics/telematics space, FEV develops full-vehicle control systems and offers expertise in electronics, telematics and infotainment system engineering and testing. FEV employs over 3,200 people in technical centers on three continents, including 450 personnel in Auburn Hills, MI. See our ad on page C4
Booth #359
Global Flock provide smooth and uniform flocking of parts for the Automotive Industry. Flock is an excellent noise dampener and creates an esthetic and soft surface. It can be applied on almost every substrate, using a wide variety of fibers according to technical or esthetic requirements.
55 Andrews Circle Ste 1 Brecksville, OH 44141 United States www.glthome.com
Booth #818
Booth #934
Gamma Technologies Inc.
Eje Norte Mimiahuapan No 20 C1X1 Tetla Tlaxcala 90434 Mexico
Global Lighting Technologies Inc
2-2-4 Higashi-shinagawa Tennouzu First Tower 25F Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140-0002 Japan www.gaio.com
800 Chrysler Dr LEADER Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.chryslergroupllc.com/pages/home.aspx
Grupo Gersa Monterrey is a company that is transcending internationally due to capabilities and developed skills in more than 20 years of presence supplying services, products and solutions in automotive industries as maintenance, engineering, fabrication, installation, turn key projects and field services. We supply from a machining element to a manufacturing system with automation and robotic technology convenient and applicable to the environment.
Global Flock De Mexico
Booth #219
Booth #601
Booth #359
Global Lighting Technologies Inc. offers custom illumination solutions utilizing LED-based light guide technology. GLT’s edge-lighting technology focuses the light of LEDs placed along the edges of a thin light guide to deliver light precisely where needed, providing bright, uniform light in a thinner form factor with more efficient light extraction and fewer LEDs.
Govt of Canada - Natural Resources Canada 580 Booth St 15B6 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4 Canada www.nrcan.gc.ca
Booth #954
601 Oakmont Lane Suite 220 Westmont, IL 60559 United States www.gtisoft.com Gamma Technologies develops and commercially licenses GT-SUITE CAE simulation software. GT-SUITE includes a complete library of physics-based modeling templates, as well as higher level modeling templates specifically designed for the vehicle industry. GT-SUITE is the tool of choice of all major OEMs and suppliers worldwide. GT-SUITE applications include: engine, aftertreatment, acoustics, thermal management, HVAC, hydraulics, fuel systems, lubrication, bearings,vehicle, HEV, driveline, transmission, and mechanical systems.
Gehring L.P.
Government of Canada’s CanmetMATERIALS is the largest research centre in Canada dedicated to the fabrication, processing and evaluation of metals and materials. CanmetMATERIALS is well known for its pilotscale facilities for metallurgy, supporting innovation in steel, aluminum, magnesium and other metals, alloys and composite materials for use in the automotive and other sectors.
Granta Design Ltd 300 Rustat House 62 Clifton Rd Cambridge CB1 7EG United Kingdom www.grantadesign.com
Booth #220
24800 Drake Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48335 United States www.gehringlp.com
Booth #714P
The GEHRING Group offers systems for all honing requirements. The product range includes honing machines for the machining of bores with diameters ranging from 1 - 2000 mm and bore lengths of up to 24000 mm. The application of our honing technology helps our customers to lower their costs and improve their production quality of key components that effect emissions, performance and fuel consumption.
Granta Design are the materials information technology experts. Our materials information management solutions help automotive enterprises to: manage critical data to improve global standardization, efficiency, and quality; support lightweighting and emissions reduction initiatives ; minimize sectors.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Greatenergy Inc
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
Hwashin Co Ltd
5F No7 Ln 45 Boaxing Rd Xindian Dist New Taipel City 231 Taiwan www.g-energytech.com
333 N Michigan Ave Ste 2028 Chicago, IL 60601 United States www.hktdc.com
357-98 Heosan-Dong Dalseo-gu Daegu 704-230 South Korea
Greatenergy is a market leader in high performance EV charging components. We focus on innovating and advancing connectors and cable technology. We define, distinguish and pride ourselves in manufacturing state of the art products that surpass client expectations for their efficiency, convenience, reliability, and safety.
Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body dedicated to promoting Hong Kong trade. Its mission is to explore opportunities for Hong Kong companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and connect them with business partners around the world. Please visit our website for more information about the HKTDC.
Booth #952
Grupo Davi SC Carolina Villanueva Ste 201 Cd Ags CP 20290 Mexico
Horiba Instruments Inc
Booth #359
We use the leading brands of automation tecnology for industrial process automation under the automotive industry specifications, our products and services are recognized by several manufacturers. We are certified as systems integrators by brands like cognex, mitsubishi, fanuc cnc, fanuc robotics, rockwell automation among others.
h Henkel Corporation 32100 Stephenson Hwy Madison Heights, MI 48071 United States www.henkelna.com/automotive Henkel is the market leader in adhesives, sealants and surface technologies to the transportation industry. Backed by extensive design capabilities, a broad product range, specific application knowledge and technical expertise, the company delivers solutions to all segments of automotive development. Through powerful brands like LOCTITE®, BONDERITE® and TEROSON®, Henkel provides significant economic and environmental advantages for today’s vehicles. For more information, please visit our website.
Hitachi Metals is an integrated supplier of highly functional component materials that draw on its competitive core materials technologies. With leading global brands in magnets, alloys, castings and cables, Hitachi Metals provides the auto industry with optimal solutions for fuel economy and high performance for advanced ICE and HEV/EV technologies.
1000 Town Ctr Ste 2400 Southfield, MI 48075 United States www.honda.com
Executive LEADER
Booth #527
Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (Honda), is a leading mobility company and the world’s largest producer of engines that power a variety of automobile, motorcycle and power equipment products. Conducting its business through six regional operations around the world, including Japan, North America, South America, Europe, Asia & Oceania and China.
Booth #518
HORIBA, the long-standing global leader in motor exhaust gas analysis, is the first choice for engine and chassis testing. Powertrain and E-motor developers and manufacturers also depend on HORIBA for its experience, sound engineering, and comprehensive product portfolio. Partnering with HORIBA early in the development process ensures that your final system will provide years of dependable performance, meet current regulations, and be adaptable to future development needs. See our ad on page 15
39555 Orchard Hill Pl Novi, MI 48375 United States
Booth #302
Hwajin-Seji are world leaders in state-of-the-art hydrographic printing on steering wheels, panels and household appliances. Our products pass through strict quality control, fulfilling the company’s goal of excellence. The Company’s products include woodgrain parts, and Ion Plasma Evaporation treated plastic parts, owning numerous patents on hydrographic printing, Our flagship product, wood grain steering wheels, has a marketing advantage over existing technology and enhances automobile interiors with aesthetically diverse designs.
Hwashin Co Ltd 14 Eonhagongdan 1 gil Yeoncheon-si
Booth #727
5900 Hines Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48108 United States www.horiba.com
Booth #313
2 Manhattanville Rd Ste 301 Purchase, NY 10577 United States www.hitachimetals.com
Booth #935
Booth #833
Gyeongbuk 770-280 South Korea
Booth #941
Hwashin Co., Ltd, the parent company of Hwashin Group which has 4 subsidiaries in abroad, has played a significant role in the automobile parts business by leveraging advanced technology and an excellent workforce for almost 40 years. Hwashin produces a variety of chassis and body parts that are recognized for their durability, fuel efficiency and ability to improve the overall driving experience. With the best products and services and the development of new technologies through creative research, HWASHIN helps its global OEMs deliver environmentally friendly vehicles. Critical to its success, the company has been running its R&D center from 1987 continuously upgrading its expertise, best practices and capabilities which are essential for becoming a global automotive part supplier. Hwashin is expecting new subsidiaries out of Korea to break the number for group annual turnover which is around 1,800 billion Won in 2014.
SAE 2015 World Congress
HWASHIN CO., LTD. (Daegu, Korea) HWASHIN established the total quality control system, such as the standardization of working process and computerization of process control in the whole production line. HWASHIN is mainly producing FRONT AXLE ASSEMBLY which is an important auto-part that is being supplied to all of small-sized truck to heavy duty truck, buses and special purpose vehicle. We acquired a subsidiary company called DONG-A, which produces REAR AXLE HOUSING case to every model. We also produce CHASSIS, MISSION part, BODY part, CASE and BRAKE SYSTEM as well. The auto-parts are assembled and finished fully assembled axles in HWASHIN’s assembly plant. Since, our products are very closely related to driving and safety of the vehicles, we focus on the durability and quality of the products. To compete in a fast-changing environment, we will put every effort to lead this industry using our professional knowledge on production technology for axle of commercial vehicle.
Hyundai Motor Group 6800 Geddes Rd Superior Twp, MI 48198 United States www.hyundaimotorgroup.com
BOOTH #845
Established in 1967, Hyundai Motor Co. has grown into the Hyundai Motor Group, with more than two dozen auto-related subsidiaries and affiliates. Hyundai Motor Co. has seven manufacturing bases outside of South Korea including Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, India, Russia, Turkey and the U.S. Hyundai Motor Company offers a full line-up of products including small to large passenger vehicles, SUVs and commercial vehicles.
HZF / Zhejiang ZhaoFeng Mechanical & Electric 535 Brea Canyon Rd City Of Industry, CA 91789 United States www.hzfb.com/En/index.asp
Booth #918
HZF is one of the leading manufacturers specialize in the design, development and production of all generations of Wheel Hub Assemblies and a variety of precision bearings. Products are widely used in middle and senior class sedans, commercial vehicles, and trucks.
i IAV Automotive Engineering 15620 Technology Dr Northville, MI 48168 United States www.iav.com/us
platinum sponsor
Booth #753
As one of the leading development partners to the automotive industry, IAV offers over 30 years of experience with more than 6,000 engineers worldwide. IAV works with clients from initial ideas to mass production. Focusing on powertrain, electrification, alternative fuels, active and functional safety, infotainment, fleet development and more, IAV is the single source for OEM and supplier needs.
Igarashi Motor
ISGO Manufactura
Jing-Jin Electric Technologies
710 Colomba Ct Saint Charles, IL 60174 United States www.igusa.com
Niquel 9241 Parque Ind Mitras Garcia Neuvo Leon CP 6600 Mexico
Booth #359
Building 7 NO5 Jiangtai Rd Beijing 100015 China www.jjecn.com
Based on the Automotive accelerator pedal, a product that we currently produce and assemble, we are analyzing together with CIDAUT (testing laboratories located in Valladolid Spain), the Improvement in product design, materials and electronic components, Incorporating stronger and lighter materials using a reinforced material with Fiber with a better design and integrated electronics
Jing-Jin Electric (JJE) is the recognized technology leader in electric motors for automobile electrification, develops and manufactures electric motors for hybridelectric and electric vehicles, headquartered in Beijing with plants in Shanghai and technical &sales support in Detroit. The firm is now no.1 in traction motor production and sales in China.
Booth #552
Igarashi Motors, has over 60 years of experience in custom design of DC motor and gear motors, making it the leading global provider of customized motors specializing in “under the hood” applications. Igarashi’s expertise and innovation provides its customers a reliable high quality, customized product with global manufacturing, design, development, and sales facilities to support the global automotive industry.
Indo-US MIM Tec Pvt Ltd
214 Carnegie Ctr Ste 104 Princeton, NJ 08540 United States www.indo-mim.com
JA-Gastechnology GmbH
Indo-MIM is a leading & global leader in Metal Injection Molding (MIM) components manufacturer & value chain partner for automotive manufacturers around the world. Indo-MIM work closely with clients in component migration from Conventional manufacturing process to MIM. As a global market leader in MIM industry, company is aligned to key qualifiers that are critical to production support from global partners-high reliability , competitive pricing, just-in-time delivery & zero PPM quality performance. With several key benefits that include large material resources, in-house tool room & feedstock system, integrated & in-house secondary machining plus world’s largest installed capacity, Indo-MIM can leverage the shortest lead time & lowest product cost possible in automotive supply chain.
Booth #914
Booth #1026
Industrial Automotriz RC Canela 350 Granjas Mexico Iztacalco DF 08400 Mexico
Booth #359
Rubber injection with proprietary rubber formulations for NBR, HNBR, EPDM and NBR that resist high temperatures exposure of up to 600F and strict durability testing. IARC has design and validation capabilities through CAD and FEA analysis.
Intertek Suite 150 45000 Helm Street Plymouth, MI 48170 United States www.intertek.com/automotive
BRONZE sponsor
Booth #546
Intertek Transportation Technologies serves many consumer and commercial manufacturing industries, including: automotive, electric vehicles, aerospace, marine and more. We evaluate to industry standards and international regulations, and deliver top-tier testing for current and emerging markets such as interiors, electric/hybrid vehicles, charging components, automotive telematics, and aftermarket components.
Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. 31601 Research Park Dr Madison Heights, MI 48071 United States www.intrepidcs.com
Booth #901
Intrepid Control Systems creates tools for engineers in vehicle, test, and embedded engineering. Intrepid provides embedded communication interfaces for AUTOSAR, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, CAN FD, Automotive Ethernet, Keyword, UART, J1939, ISO14229 and GMLAN. Intrepid is part of the Automotive Engineering Tool Alliance (www.aeta-rice.com), a comprehensive tool chain for automotive electronics development.
Booth #307
Albrecht-Thaer-Ring 9 Burgwedel 30938 Germany www.ja-gastechnology.com
JA-Gastechnology GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of high end turnkey span gas supply systems for the international automotive business. Excellence in gas control, high quality products and outstanding services for our customers are our goal.
Booth #853
Jatco USA Inc
Suite 100 38700 Country Club Dr # 100 Farmington Hills, MI 48331 United States www.jatco-usa.com
6 Seongseo-ro 35 gil Dalseo-gu Daegu 704832 South Korea www.kc.co.kr KCI is a leading manufacturer of transmission parts, shifters, pedals and cables for the automotive vehicles. There are 6 manufacturing plants in Korea(4 plants) and China(2 plants) and 3 sales offices in the U.S.A. Based on 50 years’ experiences, KCI has improved perfection in products with efficient production systems by implementing POP, SAP and ERP systems and made efforts to respond to customers’ needs with 6 sigma activity, Quality management system, and Zero ppm activity.
KD Seal Tech Co Ltd
Booth #407
JATCO Ltd. is the world´s largest producer of Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVT), with Research and Development facilities in Japan , United States , France and Korea . Manufacturing plants are located in Japan, Mexico, China and Thailand producing over 6 million CVT and Conventional Automatic transmissions per year. JATCO USA focuses on Research and Development Engineering, in addition to Sales and Service.
Jeonwoo Precision Co Ltd 24 Gongdan 8 Ro Jillyang EupGyeongsan-Si Gyeongbuk 712-832 South Korea
Booth #1040
Since establishment in 1992, JeonWoo Precision Co., Ltd has specialized in stamping and deep drawing process at high quality/low cost, focusing on customer satisfaction and commitment to industrial development. -JW’s own Fine-Stamping process is invented, –Almost no Dieroll, -Zero-Burr punching process for Airbag housing, -TS16949/ISO14001 certified, -Specialized in Stamping process – Door strikers, Door hinge, Door latch, Door latch frame, Hood & T/G latch, Auto Mission part -Specialized in Deep-Drawing process – Airbag housing, Motor housing, Idle Pulley, Lens holder
Jillyan geup Gongdan 4 ro 5 gil Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-838 South Korea
Booth #929
KD Seal Tech is Machine Structural Carbon & Graphite Source of technology products and applications held company. Vacuum pumps used in automotive brake systems for carbon rotor / vane, mechanical seals for air conditioning compressors, EGR valve device for reducing soot carbon bush, automotive water pump mechanical seal for a company that manufactures. It manufactures only high-density and high quality Carbon & Graphite application products in Korea. With continuous research and development, it produces from high-density Carbon materials up to functional end products, as well as abrasion resistance. Sheet and highflexible Carbon products are being manufactured in bulk with the most advanced Injection method, Extrusion method, and Pressing method. The core parts such as Rubber bellows, Carbon seal ring which are composing Mechanical seal are being produced by itself for obtaining the best quality.
Kienle + Spiess GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 23 Sachsenheim 74343 Germany www.kienle-spiess.com
Booth #763
JG&A Metrology Center 628 Monmouth Roadd Unit #G7 Windsor, Ontario N8Y 3L1 Canada www.jgarantmc.com
Booth #214
JG&A Metrology Center is a specialized lab focused on providing 3D internal part inspection services using Industrial Computed Tomography Equipment.
Kienle + Spiess is an international innovation leader in the stamping and die-casting technology sector. We offer our customers a unique range of products, technical solutions and services for creating efficient and energy-saving electric motors and generators. The Kienle + Spiess portfolio is represented by a unique set of products – ranging from our innovative bonding technology glulock® and its further development glulock HT, the Kienle + Spiess series of permanent magnet synchronous motors (KSPM) to copper die-casted rotors in the most diverse of sizes.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Kinrom Industries
Lifebelt Pty Ltd
No 528 Yuanbaoshan Rd Beilun District Ningbo Zhejiang 315800 China www.kinrom.com
Unit 1 210 Grange Rd Flinders Park Adelaide, South Australia 5025 Australia www.lifebeltsafety.com.au
Kinrom Industries, started on 1983, is an engine tubes connection solution expert. Kinrom group includes Kinrom Industries (Beilun Plant), Kinrom Industries (Yuyao plant 1 and plant 2), Kinrom Industries Korea and Kinrom Fluid Technology Co., Ltd. Headquarter was registered in Hongkong.
LifeBelt Pty Ltd is a company set up by two Australian doctors to develop and promote a simple anti-submarining seat belt concept (LifeBelt) which they devised as a solution to the lower torso injuries.The Lifebelt working team consists of Lino Fusco (CEO & Director), Robert Judd (Director) & Tom Gibson (Director).
KIPP Car Comfort Systems
Light Weighting - Emission Reduction
Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse 19 Sulz Neckar 72172 Germany WWW.kipp.com
42056 Michigan Ave Canton, MI 48188 United States www.alumag.cc
For some years now, KIPP CAR COMFORT SYSTEMS has been on the road to success by focusing on comfort solutions for automobiles. Storage space and operating systems for car boots and components designed to enhance driving comfort in convertibles are among the best known developments accomplished by the motivated team based in Sulz am Neckar. KIPP is an innovative engineering partner for the automotive industry and transforms good ideas into smart, marketable product solutions.
This group represents several Light Weighting - Emission Reduction - Car Comfort Technology companies that are currently front runner in this technology segment. Organized by AluMag, this group will show, how these companies are working on edge technology, global platforms and looking for a North American project and business opportunity.
BOOTH #1055
Booth #306
Booth #763
Booth #763
KNP 39555 Orchard Hill Pl Novi, MI 48375 United States
Liquidmetal Technologies Inc 30452 Esperanza Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 United States www.liquidmetal.com
Booth #402
Booth #201
KN Platech America Corporation is a manufacturer of blow-molded components, FLP Boards, FLP Lite Boards and Energy Absorber Pads and Foam Ducts for the Automotive Industry. It was formed as a joint venture betweenJapanese-based Kyoraku Co. Ltd. and Nagase & Co. Ltd. It is located in Shelybville, Indiana. Was established in early 2010, the site manufactures plastic blowmolded components for Tesla, Honda, Nissan and Toyota vehicles in Japan and North America now.
KOTRA & AIN Global
Booth #1045
KOTRA serves as a vital bridge between Korea and its trading partners to promote mutual prosperity by facilitating international commerce and investment. AIN Global Foundation is a non-profit entity to assist Korean Automotive industries in their globalization. AIN Global organizes and supports international automotive exhibitions and business meetings.
Suite 100 211 W Michigan Ave Ypsilanti, MI 48197 United States www.lavision.com
The Macedonian Government’s Free Zones Authority provides the most efficient business climate in Southeastern Europe. It was awarded Best Zone for Large Tenants within Europe in fDi Magazine’s 2014 report. Choose us as many automotive companies already have: Johnson Controls, Visteon, Johnson Matthey, KSS, Amphenol, Kemet, Gentherm, and many others.
Magna Intl Inc 750 Tower Dr Troy, MI 48098 United States www.magna.com
silver sponsor
Booth #213
Magna is the most diversified global automotive supplier. Magna designs, develops and manufactures automotive systems, modules and components, and engineers and assembles complete vehicles. Our capabilities include the design, engineering, testing and manufacture of automotive interiors; seating; closures; body & chassis; vision systems; electronics; exteriors; powertrain; fuel & battery systems; roof systems as well as vehicle engineering and contract manufacturing.
Leading speech recognition integrator in the automotive market, MediaZen has played a vital role in enabling volume production of speech technologies for Hyundai/ Kia. With dozens of production models, MediaZen’s voice technology has been in installed in more than 5 million vehicles and it has proven very stable and cost-effective.
33365 Rustlers Rd Winchester, CA 92596 United States Lugo Development Inc. presents a radical new internal combustion engine concept, with a unique (true Atkinson) variable stroke mechanism that provides positive torque from 15° before TDC. This novel feature, has the potential to create the much needed breakthrough to make HCCI a commercial reality.
LOGE - Lund Combustion Engineering AB Scheelev 17 Lund SE 22370 Sweden www.loge.se
Humax Village 3rd Fl Hwangsaeul-ro 216 Bundang Gu Seongnam 463-875 South Korea www.mediazen.co.kr
Booth #1032
Mentor Graphics 8005 SW Boeckman Rd Wilsonville, OR 97070 United States www.mentor.com/automotive
Booth #607
Mentor Graphics automotive solutions apply deep expertise in systems engineering to help our customers solve the most complex design challenges facing the industry. This includes design tools, software, and solutions to tame exponential EE complexity. On display on booth 607 will be solutions for Electrical Distribution Systems Design & Engineering; Product Definition/Architecture; IVI; ADAS; Active Noise Control; Embedded Software; Network/AUTOSAR Design & Integration; Service and Documentation; PCB Systems Design; Mechanical Analysis; and Mechatronics Simulation. With these solutions Mentor is helping customers turn complexity into innovation and competitive advantage. More information, please visit our website.
Booth #508
LaVision provides integrated imaging systems to scientific, industrial and educational markets. LaVision has extensive experience in optical techniques such as 2-D, stereo, and tomographic particle image velocimetry, gaseous and liquid laser induced fluorescence, shadowgraphy for multi-phase flows, digital image correlation for deformation/strain, high-speed and ultra-high-speed imaging, and intensified camera systems.
Booth #308
LUGO Development Inc
LOGE AB, Lund Combustion Engineering, is a Swedish consultancy and software development company. Our main competence is the development of software tools used for simulating chemical processes, such as combustion, emission formation and after treatment. Our product LOGEsoft is specialized in analyzing and simulating complex chemistry processes for engineering applications.
LaVision Inc
Partizanski Odredi Blvd No 2 Skopje 1000 Macedonia www.fez.gov.mk
Booth #227
Macedonian Government - Free Zones Authority
Liquidmetal Technologies brings a new level of capabilities to complex metal parts production providing a unique injection molding process, achieving final part geometries and properties comparable to heat treated stainless and steel alloys in a single-step. The Liquidmetal team utilizes advanced technology, providing solutions for the toughest manufacturing roadblocks.
Booth #1014
101 W Big Beaver Rd Ste 545 Troy, MI 48084 United States english.kotra.or.kr
SAE 2015 World Congress
Hackerbracke 6 Munich 80335 Germany www.metaio.com
Booth #353
Metaio is the worldwide leader in Augmented Reality software, research and technology. With over 12 years of experience in Augmented Reality and Computer Vision, Metaio serves over 140,000 developers with over 50,000 published apps. In total, Metaio’s AR software reaches over 250 Million consumers around the world. Founded in 2003, Metaio began by offering AR to the industrial and automotive sectors for product design and factory planning. 12 years later, the company offers the most versatile and robust mobile development platform.
Mobility History Committee 755 W Big Beaver Rd Ste 1600 Troy, MI 48084 United States
Booth #965
The Mobility History Committee (MHC) is displaying vehicles referenced in the presentations made in Tuesday’s MHC Session; all three have significant historical interest both in the people involved and in the product. We are convinced that an understanding of the past clarifies the present and helps guide the future.
n Nachi America Inc 715 Pushville Rd Greenwood, IN 46143 United States www.nachiamerica.com
Booth #618
Nachi is a worldwide manufacturer of innovative products: bearings, precision cutting tools, hydraulic equipment, machine tools, robots and high speed steel. We are proud to deliver products manufactured to the highest possible standards and maintain an ongoing commitment to incredible quality.
NAGASE 39555 Orchard Hill Pl Novi, MI 48375 United States
Booth #300
A plastic molding specialist Company that has years of experience in mold design and fabrication, it is a onestop service Company that offers design, manufacturing, assembly and maintenance. Atecs has established a reputation for fast development and customer support for specialty designs. Atecs products are currently being used in many areas of Automotive, Industrial and Consumer products where insert molding is needed, for example, automotive and consumer module cases for EVs and HEVs.
NanoFocus Inc 1945 NE Baker St McMinnville, OR 97128 United States www.nanofocus.com
Booth #606
NanoFocus is a manufacturer of high-resolution 3D surface-metrology solutions for research, development and production. In addition to performing typical surface metrology tasks like roughness measurement, NanoFocus tools can be used for novel applications such as quantification of paint appearance and non-destructive measurement of motor-cylinders and liners.
Neuman Aluminium 1418 Genicom Dr Waynesboro, VA 22980 United States www.neuman..com
Booth #328
Neuman Aluminium is one of the world’s largest global manufacturers of aluminum impact-extruded and forged chassis automotive components. Impact extrusion offers lightweight solutions, homogeneous grain structures and high rates of production for any automotive application. Raufoss offers lightweight solutions for chassis control arms, suspension links and ball joints.
New York State Vehicle Composites Program
4 Watch Way Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743-9707 United States
Phillips Screw Company
New York State Vehicle Composites Program The New York State Vehicle Composites Program is producing multiple structural and nonstructural carbon fiber composites for vehicles using the facilities at the Composite Prototyping Center to assess time and energy use involved in manufacturing these components, including fast ambient temperature X-ray curing in inexpensive molds at IBA Industrial, Incorporated.
Ning Bo Qiao Shi Rubber & Plastics Co Ltd 6 Tongji Rd Yuyao Zhejiang 315470 China www.qsxs.com
1 Van De Graaff Dr Ste 404 Burlington, MA 01803 United States www.phillips-screw.com
Booth #341
LEADERSHIP IN INNOVATIVE FASTENING SYSTEMS The Phillips Screw Company has been the leader in developing the most innovative and cost effective fastening solutions. That commitment continues with the introduction of the MORTORQ® Super spiral drive system that reduces fastener weight while improving torque transmission and maintainability.
Plasticos Automotrices de Sahagun Corredor Ind s/n cd Sahagun Tepeapulco Hidalgo 43990 Mexico
Booth #915
Rubber Diaphragm Technology Innovation for Air Chamber (Patent of Two-time Sizing and One-time Vulcanization Progress)
Nippon Gohsei USA 3930 N Ventura Dr Ste 355 Arlington Heights, IL 60004 United States www.nichigo.co.jp
Booth #309
Nippon Gohsei is a Japanese chemical and resin manufacturer producing specialty materials for food, automotive, aerospace, electronics, and other industrial customers. Our sales and production capabilities in Asia, Europe and USA have provided timely services and products to these customers on a global basis.
Booth #359
Automotive Air Deflectors in Bi-material Injection Molding (One Hard and One Soft material) where the OEM’s requires an Encapsulation in the Radiator Area of the Automobiles though a usage a Structural Body and the edge of the panel a Soft material which makes the function of Sealing against Air Filtration from the exterior of the vehicle. Thermoplastic Materials with High Impact Resistance Automotive Components for Exterior and Under the Hood Applications. Reduce Thickness and low weight solutions. A thermo-set material for Low Volume production over a 1,000 units a Year and Class “A” and Paint finish requirements for Hoods, Fenders, and Exterior Panels.
Plexim Inc 5 Upland Rd #4 Cambridge, MA 02140 United States www.plexim.com
Booth #454
Omen Casting Group
Plexim’s PLECS® software helps design and implement complex power electronic systems. This includes power conversion topology selection, component sizing and thermal management, and sophisticated control algorithms. EV/HEV design and controls engineers use PLECS® to speed development and bring vehicles to market faster and at lower cost.
18400 W 12 Mile Rd Southfield, MI 48076 United States www.omendiecasting.com
Booth #927
Omen Casting Group is a leading manufacturer of high pressure die-castings, specializing in non-ferrous, Aluminum and Brass alloys. We produce a wide variety of parts including engine covers, gears, powertrain, steering columns, braking systems, oil pumps and brackets. Omen is a global manufacturer with facilities in Israel, Portugal and Russia.
Origin Electric America Co Ltd 3848 W Carson St Ste 216 Torrance, CA 90503 United States www.origin-usa.com/
Booth #1027
Origin Electric has been proudly serving Japanese automobile manufacturers and suppliers with our original capacitor discharge welding machine, “ring mash welding”, which brings welding of powertrain parts to a whole new level. Origin Electric is listed in Tokyo Stock Exchange 1st Section with annual sales of US$400 million.
Plotly Technologies Inc 5555 Ave De Gaspe Ste 201 Montreal QC H2T 2A3 Canada https://plot.ly
Booth #938
Plotly is a platform for making and sharing interactive scientific graphs, 3D graphs, and streaming graphs. You can use Plotly with MATLAB, Python, R, and Excel to collaboratively build graphs and analyze data. We provide a cloud collaboration and enterprise solution for engineering customers in aerospace, the automotive industry, and academia.
PROMEXICO Camino a Santa Teresa 1679 Mexico DF 01900 Mexico www.promexico.gob.mx
Booth #359
ProMéxico is a trust fund of the Mexican Government óa subdivision of the Ministry of Economyóthat promotes international trade and investment.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Proto Labs Inc
5540 Pioneer Creek Dr Maple Plain, MN 55359 United States www.protolabs.com
Saati Americas Corp
Booth #838
Proto Labs manufactures custom parts through its Fineline Additive Manufacturing, Firstcut CNC Machining and Protomold Injection Molding services for designers and engineers around the world. Its proprietary software and automated manufacturing processes allow for quick-turn prototyping and low- to mid-volume production of real plastic and metal parts within days.
Proto Manufacturing Inc 12350 Universal Dr Taylor, MI 48180 United States www.protxrd.com
BOOTH #1047
Saati produces precision woven fabrics and components in polyester, polyamide, and polypropylene for filters of every type and use. Products are for medical, pharmaceutical, diagnostics, automotive, appliances, and acoustics applications. With Class 10,000 cleanrooms in accordance with UNI ISO 9001 regulations and certified to USP Class VI, Saati creates innovative, customized solutions.
SAE International
Booth #301
PROTO is a leading provider of portable and laboratory based x-ray diffraction (XRD) systems. With over 30 years dedicated to technological advancements, PROTO is proud of its highly recognized product line for residual stress & retained austenite measurements
q Quanergy Systems
400 Commonwealth Dr Warrendale, PA 15096 United States www.sae.org
Hall B Entrance
SAE International is the ultimate knowledge source for mobility engineers. Stop by the SAE booth, located near the main entrance to Hall B, and make key industry connections and learn about the products and services that will help propel you into the future.
265 Sobrante Way Ste M Sunnyvale, CA 94086 United States www.quanergy.com
Booth #620
Quanergy is the leading manufacturer of 3D time-offlight LiDAR sensors designed to meet key commercialization criteria: Cost, Performance, Reliability, and Size. The Mark VIII mechanical sensor will be followed by future product generations based on groundbreaking
Dongnam-gu, 68 Daeheung1-gil, Seongnam-myeon Cheonan, Chungnam-Do 330-891 South Korea www.samjinnut.co.kr
Booth #1034
SAMJIN JEONGGONG CO., LTD., - Established Year: 1973 - Turnover in 2014: US$165Mil. - Main Products: Steel nuts and forged parts (Hot/Cold), - ISO/TS-16949, ISO-14001, OHSAS-18001 - Visit our website for more information.
Sandvik Conexus 2115 Sandviken 81181 Sweden www.smt.sandvik.com
R Techno Co Ltd 2-14-1 Fujimidai Kunitachi-shi Tokyo 186-0003 Japan www.revo-trading.com
Booth #413
Sandvik Process Systems
Booth #1012
Revo Trading Co, Ltd. Provides offshore development in India with R&D (research & development) divisions of the automobile manufacturing industry. Our customers realize overwhelming personnel cost cut by using Indian working force for R&D works (design using CAD or Analysis using CAE). We believe our business contribute to your further success!
Rema Tip Top/North America Inc 119 Rockland Ave Northvale, NJ 07647 United States www.rematiptopbelts.com
21 Campus Rd Totowa, NJ 07512 United States www.processsystems.sandvik.com
Booth #928
Providing advanced Industrial ContinuousProcess Solutions using steel belts, steel belt-based equipment, double belt presses using Teflon coated belts, precision scattering machines and equipment based on adjacent technology since 1901. Our value proposition focuses on staying with the customers and driving their productivity.
Sekisui S-Lec
BOOTH #240
REMA TIP TOP is the global market leader specializing in Automotive and Industrial product sectors and is the supplier and service provider of CONTI® Conveyor Belts for the Automotive Industry. Standing for top quality and outstanding service, REMA TIP TOP continually sets the benchmark for pioneering innovations and performance.
201 Fairview St Ext Fountain Inn, SC 29644 United States www.saati.com
1200 Rolling Hills Lane
Winchester, KY 40391 United States www.s-lec.us
Booth #333
Sekisui S-Lec™ Interlayer PVB Films lead the global laminated glass market for the automotive and architectural segments. The S-Lec™ films offer a variety of valuable performance benefits, including: sound control, solar control, and Heads Up Display (HUD) operation. Sekisui’s innovative technologies expand glass functionality, enhancing passenger comfort, security and safety.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Shandong Laiyang Changyu Sealing Product No 57 Longmen West Road Laiyang Shandong 265200 China www.lyry.com
Booth #218
Our company located in Laiyang and Qingdao city respectively ,with convenient transportation and developed communication .As a private-owned company ,we hold more than 500 staff and achieve 160M RMB turnover .Our products include rotating seal, reciprocating oil seal, valve stem oil seal, bearing oil seal, shock absorber oil seal and other rubber parts with good sale in domestic market for decades of years,as well as exported directly to areas and countries in Europe, America, south-east Asia. We have become one of OEM suppliers to FAW,GM,Yuchai diesel, Mitsubishi, Aisin Honda, Haima, JMC, Chery, Geely, BYD, Ningbo Shenglong, Sachs, Tenneco, FAWTOKICO,Schaeffler,Mahle Etc .more than 100Auto Motorcycle manufactures.
Shanghai Auto Parts T&C 1936 Star Batt Dr Rochester Hills, MI 48309 United States www.saptc.co
BOOTH #238
SAPTC matches entrepreneurs and companies from China to talent and opportunities to the States. We have the platform and support from Shanghai’s local government and economic development zones. We provide multiple services including helping companies establish in both countries, M&A, joint ventures, connecting suppliers to suppliers, import/export, and more.
Shell Oil Company 910 Louisiana Street Houston, TX. 77002 United States www.shell.com/semamericas
Booth #969
Shell Eco-marathon: Miss the 120 futuristic cars on the streets of Detroit last week – some getting thousands of miles per gallon? Then go to the Shell display to find out more about the global program challenging thousands of students who design, build and test ultra-energy efficient vehicles, or visit website.
Shilla Industrial Co Ltd 14 Jaingongolan 1-ro Jain Myeon Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-845 South Korea
Booth #1038
Shilla Industrial Co., Ltd is a specialized manufacturer for the coil assembly which is produced in-house by following processes: Cold forging, Precision machining, Winding, Soldering, Insert molding, Epoxy pouring, Laser welding, Roll forming in-house. We are doing all the process in-house that make us competitive supplier in automotive part industry. Shilla’s main product lines are as follow : Assembly line consist of Field Coil Assembly for Air compressor, Coil Assembly For 4WD Transfer case, Coil Assembly & Plunger Assembly For Differential case, Coil assembly for water pump, etc. Besides various kinds of automotive parts like EGR, CCP valve, Bellows, High Pressure Relief Valve, Flange for diesel high pressure pump and various sensors including harness such as ABS speed sensor, are currently under production.
Shimadzu Corporation 1-3 Kanda Nishiki-Cho Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-8448 Japan
BOOTH #1006
140 years since its founding, Shimadzu Corporation has been providing society with high technology and high value added products used for measuring instruments, medical systems, aircraft equipment and industrial machinery under the corporate philosophy of “Contributing to Society through Science and Technology”. Its optical device division manufactures optical probe for combustion measurement, other optical components with high quality and suitable performances in many applications.
Shinhan Precision Ind Co Ltd
Stratasys Inc
Booth #1033
1245 E Washington Ave Ste 210 Madison, WI 53703 United States www.smartuq.com
5 Fortune Dr Billerica, MA 01821 United States www.stratasys.com
SmartUQ softwate is uniquely designed to meet previously unanswerable uncertainty quantification (UQ) challenges in simulation. It is setting new benchmarks for the complexity and speed of UQ solutions it provides. With quantified uncertainty from parameters, models and operating environment of simulation models, SmartUQ brings more confidence in simulationbased decision-making.
From affordable, desktop 3D printers, to large, 3D production systems, Stratasys® systems produce concept models, prototypes and low-volume finished goods. Its specially engineered materials include hundreds of photopolymers and thermoplastics. Stratasys Direct Manufacturing offers digital part services with the widest variety of advance manufacturing technologies.
93 Seongseo-ro Daiseo gu Daegu 704-801 South Korea
Shinhan Precision is a global leader in fine-blanking press technology, worldwide offering high quality products to GM global plants and several Tier1 customers in the field of Auto Transmission, Dual Clutch Transmission, Transfer Case, Seat, and A/C compressor parts. Shinhan Precision continues to grow through sustainable investment on technology, and quality and to spread business fields in more various auto-parts. Clutch Piston, is recent developed, is made of normal steel sheets. Previously it was made of powder metal which is expensive and makes air pollution during production. But now because of our developed fine-blanking technology, Chrysler and Tier1 Magna Powertrain can be supplied them at 30% lower price and become to reduce the pollution. And GM would use our clutch piston soon.
Shinyang Precision Co Ltd
Booth #1035
Shinyang Precision manufacture car parts since 1978 as a specialized forging manufactures, produces the best parts of the best quality, competitiveness cost and satisfy customers. Moreover, Aluminum part that had been developed recently, replace existing steel parts to decrease the weight of vehicles to improve fuel efficiency.
5400 Triangle Pkwy Norcross, GA 30092 United States
Booth #806
Software Cradle Co., Ltd.
Booth #426
Siemens serves the entire product, system, and solution business for the power distribution infrastructure of residential, commercial, industrial and utility markets. We offer a wide-ranging portfolio of power distribution, circuit protection products, power monitoring, and electronic circuit protection. Additionally, we supply solutions for the integration of renewables and electric vehicles.
Sindo High Tech Co Ltd 35 Seongseogongdan ro 21 gil Daegu-si 704-900 South Korea
Booth #1041
SINDO HIGH TECH CO., LTD is cold forging parts manufacturer with 30 years history. Products are mostly for automobile. For example, Inner rod, Suspension shaft, Reaction shaft, Mounting pipe, Inner bush and etc with 80ton~900ton former and press. For our future automotive business, our R&D team is researching continuously for breaking common sense. They are handling the material, Steel, Aluminum and Copper as well as Titanium. Titanium parts development is for our future and creation of high value-added of 21st century. We are long time supplier of Hyundai-Kia, Renault Samsung and GM Daewoo and exporting to North America, Japan, Europe, China and Southeast Asia. We, Sindo High Tech Co., Ltd are trying to make technology that is in harmony with the environment and our future life.
Sinocat Environmental Protection Co Ltd No 88 Gunan Rd Chengdu Sichua 611731 China www.sinocat.com.cn
Sung Jin Fo-Ma Inc 357-72 Hosandong Dalseogu Daegu South Korea
70 Birch Alley, Suite 240 Dayton, OH 45440 United States www.cradle-cfd.com/
Booth #933
Booth #400
7 Seongseo ro 19 gil Dalseo gu Daegu 704-833 South Korea www.goodshinyang.com
Siemens Industry Inc
Software Cradle is a leading provider of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software including SC/Tetra (general purpose unstructured mesh), scSTREAM (general purpose Cartesian mesh), and HeatDesigner (Cartesian mesh for electronics). Since inception in 1984, Cradle has established itself as a major innovator for advancing the role of simulation in engineering design.
We are a competent and reliable partner for automotive industry with Cold-Forming. We have All-processes in House System that we equipped the processes from Cold-Forming, Heat-treatment, CNC, MCT, Autoinspection. Also we manage tooling shop (100% tooling design and fabrication) and Protoshop to provide customers with shorten delivery for new projects.
Synergeering Group LLC 25335 Interchange Ct Farmington Hills, MI 48335 United States www.RapidNylon.com
SPAL USA 1731 SE Oralabor Rd Ankeny, IA 50021 United States www.spalusa.com
Booth #453
Booth #807
A global OEM manufacturer of DC motor cooling fans and blowers for over 50 years, with a focus on Sealed Brushless Motor technology, SPAL provides the highest quality and value cooling fan/blowers for the Auto, Truck, Bus, Off-Highway, Power Sports, Refrigeration, Military and various other markets including the EV, Hybrid & Battery cooling markets.
Synergeering Group is a direct service provider for their exclusive RapidNylon™; large, fully-functional rapid prototype parts, delivered in just days. Using modified Laser Sintering technology & GF-Nylon material, parts have the highest level of accuracy & durability. Parts are air tight, insoluble to chemicals & heat tolerant up to 150°C.
t The Lee Company
Aspen Way Paignton, Devon TQ4 7QR England www.spirent.com
2 Pettipaug Rd Westbrook, CT 06498 United States www.leeimh.com
BOOTH #1002
Spirent is the partner of choice for testing the Connected Car. The World’s leading automotive brands rely upon Spirent to test satellite positioning systems and in-vehicle, vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication systems from initial design through to manufacturing.
Booth #326
The Lee Company designs and manufactures a complete range of miniature, precision fluid control products for use in automotive and off-highway vehicle hydraulic and fuel systems. Products on display include miniature check valves, pressure relief valves, shuttle valves, calibrated flow orifices, safety screens, flow controls and Betaplug® expansion plugs.
300 Corporate Center Dr Ste 010 Moon Township, PA 15108 United States www.ssab.com
SSAB is a world-leading producer of high strength steels. Docol™ branded steel is one of the strongest cold-rolled advanced high strength steels on the market ensuring not only strong components and structures for the automotive industry, but also contributing to lighter products and lower CO2 emissions. Key applications include seats, side impact beams, bumpers, structural components and chassis due to its excellent forming and welding properties.
Booth #239
Booth #932
111 N Jackson Blvd Ste 2400 Chicago, IL 60604 United States www.thyssenkrupp.com ThyssenKrupp is a diversified global industrial group with traditional strengths in materials and a growing share of capital goods and services businesses, headquartered in Essen, Germany. ThyssenKrupp is featuring its InCar®plus project at the SAE Congress, which offers over 40 innovative solutions focused on increasing the efficiency of cars.
Booth #940
Sinocat environmental protection Co.,Ltd is a National Torch Plan Key High-tech Enterprise specializing in development, manufacture and sales of catalyst. Sinocat sees catalytic technology as core, focus on the catalyst for gasoline fuel engine, diesel fuel engine and CNG/ LNG/LPG fuel engine and other alternative fuel engine. This environmental protection product, by our independence intellectual property right, governing the vehicle exhaust and industrial gas pollution, developed with the rare earth resources in China, can significantly reduce polluting gases emissions of CO, HC, NOx, and PM.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Toyota Technical Center USA Inc
Wind River
8777 Platt Rd Saline, MI 48176 United States www.toyota.com
1675-7 shinil-dong daeduk-gu Daejeon 306230 South Korea
500 Wind River Way Alameda, CA 94501 United States www.windriver.com
Booth #939
Booth #919
Toyota the world’s top automaker and creator of the Prius, is committed to building vehicles for the way people live through our Toyota, Lexus and Scion brands. Over the past 50 years, we’ve built more than 25 million cars and trucks in North America and directly employ more than 40,000 people (more than 32,000 in the U.S.).
Transportation Research Center Inc 10820 State Route 347 East Liberty, OH 43319 United States www.trcpg.com
Booth #827
Transportation Research Center is an independent automotive proving ground providing research and development, and compliance and certification testing for vehicles and components for crash testing, emissions testing, dynamic testing and durability testing.
Transtek Magnetics Inc 1900 W Grant Rd Tucson, AZ 85745 United States www.transtekmagnetics.com
Booth #700
Transtek Magnetics Inc. is a global supplier of magnetic components, headquartered in Tucson, Arizona (USA). Transtek Magnetics also maintains branch offices and representation in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. Transtek Magnetics’ products are designed to each customer’s specifications, and our manufacturing meets the most stringent industry standards for quality and production.
Trensor LLC
We specialize in Automotive Displacement Sensors and Actuators. We design, develop and manufacture contact/non contact-type displacement sensors for all automobile and truck applications. As a specialist in automotive sensors and actuators, we are dedicated to insure the latest Design Technology with the highest Quality, Competitive Pricing and maximum Customer Satisfaction. We are striving to be a complete global competitive Supplier. Currently, we deliver our Products to KOREA, CHINA, INDIA, CANADA, USA and BRAZIL.
Booth #265
Twintec Baumot Group
Calle Rio Duero #1122 Parque Guanajuato CP 36810 Mexico www.we-online.com
Eduard-Rhein-Strasse 21-23 Koenigswinter D53639 Germany www.twintec.de Twintec is a leading supplier of environmentally friendly products and technologies for reducing exhaust emissions. The company primarily provides its products to vehicle parts wholesalers, leading workshop subsidiaries and quick installation chains as well as towell-known automobile manufacturers and manufacturers of exhaust systems. Baumot is a global specialist in emissions technology and associated services. With its own sales and service branches in many countries in Europe and in the USA, Baumot offers efficient solutions for reducing exhaust emissions.
bronze sponsor
BOOTH #1052
27201 Puerta Real Mission Viejo, CA 92691 United States www.trensor.com
Booth #244
Trensor is a California based corporation, specializing in the design and manufacture of pressure sensors, or transducers. A technology innovator and solutions provider, Trensor has numerous proprietary designs and patents in core technologies such as MEMS, Thick Film, Thin Film and SOI Micro Melting, with products ranging from vacuum to super high pressure.
Tru Vue
Ubisense (AIM: UBI), a global leader in Enterprise Location Intelligence solutions, helps business unlock previously inaccessible intelligence to improve operational efficiency and boost profitability. Five of the top 10 global automobile manufacturers leverage Ubisense solutions to bring clarity to complexity and transform their business processes. For more information, please visit our website.
USDOT 1200 New Jersey Ave SE Washington, DC 20590 United States
Booth #912
2150 Airport Dr Faribault, MN 55021 United States www.tru-vue.com
BOOTH #1008
Tru Vue Engineered Optics specializes in manufacturing anti-reflective coatings for glass and plastic substrates used in display applications. The coating, called Vista AR, is engineered for demanding optical requirements, with leading durability and haptic properties. The coating is applied via magnetron sputtering and producible in large volume and size capabilities
The USDOT ITS Joint Program Office’s Connected Vehicle Test Bed (known as the Southeast Michigan Test Bed) in Oakland County, Michigan is a federally-funded resource available to developers to test how connected vehicle technologies perform under real-world operating conditions. This booth features a live demonstration of the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) Vehicleto-Infrastructure communications and knowledgeable staff materials related to connected vehicle technology.
w WARDSAUTO 3000 Town Ctr Ste 2750 Southfield, MI 48075 United States
Booth #1001
WardsAuto is a leading provider of insights and analysis on the automotive industry. Our data and information products help illustrate the opportunities and risks for your business. The WardsAuto Interiors Conference on May 13 in Detroit’s Cobo Center includes panel discussions, exhibits and vehicle displays highlighting the latest in interiors.
SAE 2015 World Congress
Wurth Elektronik iBE is a global leader in the design and manufacture of custom-specific rodcore chokes & a standardized portfolio of EMC components and power inductors for automotive applications.
WWJ Newsradio 950 26455 American Dr Southfield, MI 48034 United States www.cbsdetroit.com
Booth #226
WWJ Newsradio 950 is Detroit’s ONLY all-news radio station, with accurate and dependable traffic and weather updates on the 8s, 24 hours-a-day. See our ad on page 19
u 999 18th St Ste 901 Denver, CO 80203 United States www.ubisense.net
Wurth Elektronik IBE
Booth #359
Booth #434
Wind River® automotive solutions deliver deep industry expertise, proven software integration and lifecycle management services, and a comprehensive software portfolio. Wind River enables customers to tackle the toughest challenges in safety, security, and IVI to shorten time-to-revenue and harness the opportunities of connected cars and autonomous driving.
x XFlow CFD 40 Chellis St White River Junction, VT 05001-6054 United States
BOOTH #1053
XFlow CFD™, distributed in the USA and Canada by Extendsive, Inc., is a next-generation computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package for automotive, aerospace, marine, energy, and general industrial applications. XFlow provides meshless, highly accurate simulations of time-transient flows and is capable of modeling flows with multiple, complex moving parts very easily.
y Yantal Shougang Magnetic Materials Inc 4006 Ramsgate Ct Colleyville, TX 76034 United States
Booth #200
YSM is one the biggest and unique companies among magnetic material manufacturers in China which was established in 2000 and is a Sino-Japanese joint venture. YSM was approved by the China National Development and Reform Commission under the “National Hightech Industrialization Demonstration Project on High Performance NdFeB Permanent Magnets”.
Young Hwa Tech Co Ltd 132 Asan Valley Ro Dunpo Myeon Asan Chungnam 336-871 South Korea
Booth #1028
Young Hwa Tech is a company specialized in design, development and manufacturing automobile electronics parts, junction box and EV components. With the commitment to be the best or to be the leader in the industry by manufacturing top-class parts, we are researching and developing innovative technologies and products and will keep growing, making great progress with customers together and prioritizing customer satisfaction and impression. The main products are an automotive junction box and electric vehicle components like OBC, Converter, HV SSR, PDU, Bidirectional converter, IBS, etc.
Exhibitor Profiles z
i3 BMW TH6
Provided by: Murano and Associates The Life of BMW’s LifeDrive vehicle architecture for the i3 is its Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) passenger cell and incorporated safety features. BMW’s innovative solutions for integrating CFRP into full scale vehicle production will be explored in this session.
3737 Industrial Blvd Orangeburg, SC 29118 United States www.zeusinc.com
Booth #820
Zeus, a global leader in material science innovation and the extrusion of high-performance polymers, is ISO 9001:2008 certified with a diverse portfolio of extruded automotive manufacturing aids and components that are resilient against elevated temperatures, abrasion and chemicals while possessing high voltage dielectric strength.
Michigan Technological Univ
ZKL Bearings CZ as
Booth#118 Milwaukee School of Engineering
Lisenska 2828145 Brno 62800 Czech Republic www.zkl.eu
Booth #844
ZKL Group is a Czech producer of rolling bearings since 1947. The company includes research, development, manufacture and distribution of rolling bearings, special bearings and components for automotive industry. Quality management system matches the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. ZKL own a testing laboratory which verifies the quality parameters of bearings.
Tech Hub Displays Advanced Design, Materials and Connectivity for Vehicles TH1 & TH7
19902 Horatio St Houghton, MI 49931 United States
802 N Van Buren St Apt 16 Milwaukee, WI 53202 United States www.msoe.sae.org
University of Maine 5711 Boardman Hall # 219 Orono, ME 04469 United States
Booth #106
University of Michigan-Dearborn 29564 James St Garden City, MI 48135 United States
Combiner HUD TH2
5050 Anthony Wayne Dr Detroit, MI 48202 United States
Provided by: Nissan (Tech Hub Sponsor) The 2015 Nissan Murano cutaway is a display that highlights Nissan’s newly adopted 1180 Mpa Advanced High Strength Steel along with an increased usage of 980MPa that allowed Nissan to reduce panel thickness and reduce BIW mass by 6% from previous Murano.
Lightweight Aluminum Body / Ford F-150 TH4 Provided by: Ford Motor Company Ford will be displaying a Ford F-150 Crew Cab body, a front door and a pick-up box. Each will be on its own stand, clear coated bodies-in-white, with cutaway sections for viewing internal parts.
Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Cobo Lobby - Located near 2nd level Washington Blvd Entrance Don’t miss the Chevrolet Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix’ Concourse Display, featuring Honda and Chevrolet engines that power the Verizon IndyCar Series and test your driving skills in the racing simulator!
The prestige sedan has been reinvented. With the first ever CT6, Cadillac embarks on a bold journey that sets a higher standard for excellence. Innovatively engineered and exquisitely crafted, the CT6 combines advanced technology with breathtaking design. The available 3.0L Twin Turbo engine is matched with an entirely new, lightweight vehicle architecture for a superb driving experience that is agile, solid and secure. Visit the YP Lounge, Booth 565, to learn more about its notable features.
Magna Intl Cobo Lobby - Located at Hall C Entrance
Booth #100
University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
2015 Nissan Murano cutaway TH3
In 2015, Continental continues its long-running support of sports car racing through a multi-year deal with International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) as the Official Tire of IMSA. The Prototype, Prototype Challenge and GT Daytona classes in the TUDOR United SportsCar Championship will run exclusively on Continental’s ExtremeContact™ DR (Dry Race) tire which has been specifically developed for the series. Continental Tire will also continue as the title sponsor and official tire of the Continental Tire SportsCar Challenge.
General Motors – Cadillac CT6 YP Lounge, Booth 565
Booth #113
Provided by: Ricardo (Tech Hub Sponsor) and Qualcomm • Ricardo Software presents an innovative application using IGNITE (vehicle system modeling tool) and WAVERT (real-time engine modeling tool) – “Waste heat recovery system modeling for drive cycles using a realtime transient engine model. • Advanced 3D composite LEAPTM aircraft engine fan blade - proven Albany Engineered Composites technology partnered with Ricardo to develop automotive structural light-weight solutions that increase fuel economy while maintaining performance. • Qualcomm will exhibit a vehicle demonstrator for emerging wireless technology solutions.
Provided by: Continental Continental’s Combiner HUD provides a solution for cross vehicle platform integration including full color graphics, projection distances from 1 to 5 meters and an image size up to 12.0 x 3.0 deg.
Continental Cobo Lobby - Located near Atrium stairs/ escalators
PO Box 9045 Mayaguez, PR 00681 United States
Booth #101
Multi Material Lightweight Vehicle (MMLV) developed by Magna International and Ford Motor Company, a result of US Department of Energy project DE-EE0005574. The project demonstrates the lightweighting potential of a five passenger sedan, while maintaining vehicle performance and occupant safety.
Career Fair
University of Wisconsin 1550 Engineering Dr Madison, WI 53706 United States
Adecco Engineering & Technology 30700 Telegraph Rd Ste 1510 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 United States www.adeccousa.com
Booth #107
Wayne State University
Booth #CF7 Aerotek
Booth #112
VEHICLE Displays AVL Cobo Lobby - Located near Cobo Food Court area The AVL TGDI high-performance demonstrator vehicle is an Alfa Romeo Giulietta with a 1.75L turbo-charged, direct-injected Fam B reinforced engine that is capable of generating 350 HP/6500 RPM. A Valeo 12V, electric super-charger design was used to improve engine efficiency and reduce “turbo lag.”
901 Tower Dr Ste 200 Troy, MI 48098 United States www.aerotek.com
Booth #CF9
Aisin Technical Center of America 15300 Centennial Dr Northville, MI 48168 United States www.aisinworld.com
Booth #CF49 Atieva Inc.
125 Constitution Dr Menlo Park, CA 94025 United States www.atieva.com
Booth #CF28
TEDx Detroit TH5 SAE 2015 World Congress
Exhibitor Profiles Brightwing 431 Stephenson Hwy Troy, MI 48083 United States www.gobrightwing.com
Booth #CF2 Continental
2400 Executive Hills Dr Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.careers-continental.com
Booth #CF35
CTP Transportation Products LLC 520 Jd Yarnell Industrial Pkwy Clinton, TN 37716 United States www.carlisletire.com
Booth #CF1 Delphi
5725 Delphi Dr Troy, MI 48098 United States www.delphi.com
Booth #CF8
ESG Automotive 1391 Wheaton Ave Ste 700 Troy, MI 48083 United States www.esg-usa.com
Hyundai America Technical Center Inc. (HATCI)
Satyam Venture Engineering Services PVT, LTD
6800 Geddes Rd Superior Twp, MI 48198 United States www.hatchi.com
850 Stephenson Hwy Troy, MI 48083 United States www.satyamventure.com
KPIT Infosystems Inc
University of Michigan Division of Integrated Systems + Design, College of Engineering
Booth #CF6
28970 Cabot Dr Ste 100 Novi, MI 48377 United States http://dcrsjobs.azurewebsites.net/?ID=6083
Booth #CF51 KSPG
975 S Updyke Rd Ste 100 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.kspg.com
Booth #CF41
Lumenance LLC 4449 Easton Way Columbus, OH 43219 United States www.lumenance.com
Booth #CF3
Magna International Inc 750 Tower Dr Troy, MI 48098 United States www.magna.com/careers
Booth #CF34
800 Chrysler Drive Auburn Hills, MI 48326 United States www.chryslercareers.com
The Ohio State University College of Engineering
Booth #CF37
27300 W 11 Mile Rd Southfield, MI 48034 United States www.federalmogul.com/careers
Booth #CF30
Ford Motor Company 2400 Village Rd Ste 3200 Dearborn, MI 48124 United States www.careers.ford.com
Booth #CF3 Fujitsu Ten
30155 Hudson Dr Novi, MI 48377 United States www.fujitsu.com/us/
Booth #CF4
GTA-Professional Staffing 1 Parklane Blvd Ste 200E Dearborn, MI 48126 United States www.gta.jobs
Booth #CF5
2070 Neil Ave Columbus, OH 43210 United States www.mgel.osu.edu
Panasonic Automotive Systems of America 37101 Corporate Dr Farmington Hills, MI 48335 United States http://careers.panasonic-automotive.com/careers
Booth #CF50
Pure Michigan 300 N Washington Sq Lansing, MI 48913 United States www.mitalent.org
Booth #CF29
RCO Engineering Inc 29200 Calahan Rd Ste 250 Roseville, MI 48066 United States www.rcoeng.com
Booth #CF31
Robson Forensic Inc 354 N Prince St Lancaster, PA 17603 United States www.robsonforensic.com
Booth #CF39
SAE 2015 World Congress
Booth #CF36
2401 Plymouth Rd Ste Ab Ann Arbor, MI 48105 United States www.isd.engin.umich.edu
Booth #CF48
University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Engineering & Computer Science 4901 Evergreen Rd Dearborn, MI 48128 United States www.engin.umd.umich.edu
Booth #CF40
Valeo North America Inc 150 Stephenson Hwy Troy, MI 48083 United States www.valeo.com
Booth #CF10
Volkswagen Group of America Inc Chattanooga Operations, LLC 8001 Volkswagen Dr Chattanooga, TN 37416 United States www.vwjobschattanooga.com
Booth #CF52
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Visit volunteers.sae.org to join us.
SAE 2015 World Congress
A special thank you to the following companies who have generously chosen to support special programs and activities at this SAE International event. PLATINUM sponsor
platinum SPONSORs
2015 Tier One Strategic Partner
2015 Executive Leader
SAE 2015 World Congress
Gold Sponsors
silver Sponsors
SAE 2015 World Congress
Sponsors bronze Sponsors
friends of the industry
Ad Index Company Booth# Page Web Address AAM-American Axle & Manufacturing 41 www.aam.com BASF Corporation Sponsor Cover 3 www.automotive.basf.com DENSO Sponsor 11 www.densocareers.com dSPACE Inc, 501 Cover 2 www.dspace.com FEV North America Inc. 439 Cover 4 www.interregs.com Horiba Instruments Inc. 518 15 www.horiba.com TEDA 23 www.teda.gov.cn WWJ News Radio 95/CBS Radio 226 19 www.cbs.detroit.com 246
SAE 2015 World Congress
SAE 2015 World Congress
SAE TECHNICAL EVENTS - ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION, AND YOU. As the world’s leader in mobility engineering knowledge, the resources delivered by SAE are unmatched. With the common goal of moving industry forward, SAE develops technical events that assemble the best and brightest from across the globe. Get what you need to turn your challenges into solutions. Make plans to attend. Mark your calendar! Review the SAE 2015 event schedule now.
SAE 2015 World Congress
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new ideas. Speeding new technologies from simulation to design to
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hybrid-electric vehicles and connected vehicles, we develop custom
solutions for our clients. We engineer innovation.
Together, we're redefining what's “possible” every day.