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velocity profile in coronary artery patients in cardiac rehabilitation ..... Demographic, psychological and socioeconomic predictors of cardiac rehabilitation.

EuroPrevent Congress Abstracts May 2017

Exercise testing/training/Cardiac Rehabilitation 463 Effects of trimetazidine in therapy of microvascular angina

I A Leonova1, O Zaharova1, S Boldueva1, V Feoktistova1, M Kolesnichenko1, A Lipunova1, L Gaykovaya1, O Sirotkina1 1 North-Western Sate Medical University named I.I. Mechnikov, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation Topic: Cardiac rehabilitation In spite of the understanding of the pathogenesis of microvascular angina (MVA), the treatment continues to be insufficiently effective. The quality of life in these patients is low and physical activity is significantly limited. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of trimetazidine in management of patients with MVA according to the main pathogenesis mechanism of MA as endothelial dysfunction (ED) of coronary microvasculature. Materials and Methods: The study included 60 patients with MVA proved by symptoms, positive stress-test, normal coronary angiography, impaired reserve of endothelium - dependent vasodilation (cold pressor test) by positron - emission myocardial tomography (PET), the presence of ED be reactive hyperemia index (RHI) < 1.67 according to peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT). An additional test for the evaluation of ED was counting of circulating endothelial cells (CEC). All patients were randomized into 2 groups. Group 1 patients (control) (30 persons) get standard antianginal therapy. Group 2 (30 persons) also received basic antianginal therapy and trimetazidine 35 mg 2 times a day. After 3 months exercise test (treadmill), PAT and PET were performed again. Results: A positive exercise test after treatment was observed in 90% of patients in group 1. In group 2 among patients received trimetazidine, a positive exercise test was recorded in 53.3% (p