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Feb 15, 2014 - http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2010.029. Kerr, R. A. (1998). Sea-Floor Dust Shows Drought Felled Akkadian Empire. Science Magazine ...
Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 6, No. 3; 2014 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Hybrid of Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm for Prediction of Reference Evapotranspiration (ET₀) in Arid and Semiarid Regions Shafika Sultan Abdullah1,5, M. A. Malek2, A. Mustapha3 & Alihosein Aryanfar4 1

Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia


The Institute of Energy, Policy and Research (IEPRe), Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia


Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia


Islamic Azad University, Zahed Shahr Branch, Iran


Akre Technical Institute, Dohuk polytechnic, Dohuk, Iraq

Correspondence: Shafika Sultan Abdullah, Department of Civil Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia; Akre Technical Institute, Dohuk polytechnic, Dohuk, Iraq. Tel: 60-14-934-1736. E-mail: [email protected] Received: November 22, 2013 doi:10.5539/jas.v6n3p191

Accepted: December 20, 2013

Online Published: February 15, 2014

URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v6n3p191

Abstract Evapotranspiration is a principal requirement in designing any irrigation project, especially in arid and semiarid regions. Precise prediction of Evapotranspiration would reduce the squandering of huge quantities of water. Feedforward Backpropagation Neural Network (FFBPNN) model is employed in this study to evaluate the performance of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in comparison with Empirical FAO Penman-Monteith (P-M) Equation in predicting reference evapotranspiration (ET₀); later, a hybrid model of ANN-Genetic Algorithm (GA) is proposed for the same evaluation function. Daily averages of maximum air temperature (Tmax), minimum air temperature (Tmin), relative humidity (Rh), radiation hours (R), and wind speed (U2) from Mosul station (Nineveh, Iraq) are used as inputs to the ANN simulation model to predict ET₀ values obtained using P-M Equation. The main performance evaluation functions for both models are the Mean Square Errors (MSE) and the Correlation Coefficient (R2). Both models yield promising results, but the hybrid model shows a higher efficiency in prediction of Evapotranspiration and could be recommended for modeling ET₀ in arid and semiarid regions. Keywords: evapotranspiration, FAO Penman-Monteith Equation, artificial neural network, genetic algorithm 1. Introduction Increasing demand for water and scarcity of water supply are growing concerns in both arid and semiarid regions of the world. Iraq, which consists of both arid and semiarid climates, suffers from a low rainfall rate of about 160 mm per year and tremendous amount of water loss from evaporation and transpiration (Evapotranspiration). The condition is further aggravated by other climate events such as drought and salinity (Kerr, 1998). Native date palm, cotton, barley, and wheat are common products in Iraq that depend on irrigation because of scarcity of rain water. An understanding of the precise prediction of Evapotranspiration would allow for optimization of water use in irrigation projects. The specific concept of Evapotranspiration (ET) is influenced by alteration of weather parameters, crop types, stage of growth, and other environmental conditions. The precise determination of ET produced the need for another comprehensive concept, namely, Reference Evapotranspiration (ET₀), which can be defined as “the rate of Evapotranspiration from an extensive surface of 8 to 15 cm tall, green grass cover of uniform height, actively growing, completely shading the ground and not short of water” (Doorenbos & Pruitt, 1977). The extensive surface resembles the reference surface indicated by FAO experts as the “A hypothetical reference crop with an assumed crop height of 0.12 m, a fixed surface resistance of 70 s m-1 and an albedo of 0.23” (Allen et al., 1998). Methods for predicting evapotranspiration are either Direct or Indirect methods. Direct Methods, such as Lysimeters (Wright, 1988), or field experiments, are mostly for scientific researches. Indirect Methods are usually empirical and depend on weather parameters such as solar radiation; air temperature; air humidity; and wind speed, measured or estimated at meteorological stations. Many empirical methods have been studied, 191


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issued, and applied in the prediction of ET, but the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations assumes that the combination of energy balance/aerodynamic equations provides the most accurate results for prediction of ET₀, and it adopted the FAO Penman-Monteith (P-M) Equation as the only standard equation for estimation of ET₀ (Allen et al., 1998). Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications distinguished itself in many scientific fields during the last decades; however, researchers in hydrology, among many other fields, are still attracted to apply Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in modeling stream flow, rainfall, suspended sediment and ET. Kumar et al. (2002) found that application of Multiple Layers Perception (MLP) of ANN, with backpropagation algorithm; gives an accurate estimation of ET₀. In 2005, Trajkovic approved the possibility of achieving reliable results of ET₀ on the basis of temperature data only; FAO P-M Equation is used in comparison with another three temperature-based empirical equations and Radial-Based Function (RBF) Network. The RBF model better predicted FAO P-M ET₀ than the other calibrated empirical methods. Kisi (2006) investigated the possibility of modeling ET₀ using the technique of Generalized Regression Neural Network. The results of the intelligent model were successful. In 2007, Kisi and Öztürk investigated the accuracy of Adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System Models (ANFIS) in modeling ET₀. Values of ET₀ were obtained using FAO P-M Equation with four years records of daily climate parameters of Pomona Station and Santa Monika Station, operated by the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS), the results were compared with ANFIS and ANN, and also in comparison with Hargreaves and Ritchie empirical methods. The comparative results proved the superiority of ANFIS with inputs of T, U2, RH and R in modeling daily ET₀ over the ANN and empirical methods. Kisi (2008) examined the accuracy of three ANN techniques, namely, the Generalized Regression (GR), MLP and Radial Basis Neural Networks (RBNNs) in a model of P-M Evapotranspiration. Results proved that both MLP and RBNN techniques could be successfully used in modeling ET₀. Landeras et al. (2008) implemented Seven ANN techniques with different inputs and compared the results to ten empirical and semi-empirical ET₀ equations calibrated to FAO P-M equation using meteorological data as inputs. The comparisons criteria are the statistical error techniques; using PM56 daily ET₀ values as a reference. ANN techniques have obtained better results than the calibrated equations. El-Baroudy et al. (2010) compared the Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) to ANN and Genetic Programming (GP). The EPR model provided a performance comparable to that of GP and ANN models. Tabari and Talaee (2012) indicated that the main obstacle in application of FAO P-M Equation is the wide range of meteorological data essential as an input for calculation of ET₀, and because of the nonlinearity of ET phenomenon. They used a multi-layer neural network (MLNN) with variable inputs of data sets for modeling of ET₀ in the semiarid region in Hamedan, the model with all required climate parameters used as inputs performed best among other MLP models. Khoshhal and Mokarram (2012) evaluated different structures of MLP for estimation of ET₀, using meteorological data of Eghlid station in Iran for the period 2000-2010 as inputs and P-M ET₀, obtained using the same meteorological data, as output. The performance of 10 ANN models with different inputs were evaluated, the functions used for evaluation is root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and determination coefficient (R2). The model with Tmin, Tmax, Rh, R, U2 is more accurate in predicting ET₀ than other models. This study investigates the performance of ANN and a hybrid of Artificial Neural Network-Genetic Algorithm (ANN-GA) techniques in predicting ET₀ in comparison with values obtained using P-M Equation with historical data from Mosul meteorological stations in Iraq. Evaluation of the proposed Artificial Intelligence techniques will be carried out against estimations done using the empirical method. 2. Study Area The study area, named Mosul, is located at the center of Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq, between latitude 36° 22' 00" N, longitude 43° 07' 00" E, and altitude 222.6 m above sea level, with an overall area of 37,323 km2 (Figure 1) (Statistical report, 2009). The weather data used in this study are obtained from the main meteorological station in Mosul (Global Station Code 608), which includes the daily averages of: maximum air temperature (Tmax), minimum air temperature (Tmin), relative humidity (Rh), radiation hours (R), and wind speed (U2) from 1980–2005.



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Figure 1. Study area in Iraq 3. Techniq ques in Calculating Referen nce Evapotraanspiration (E ET₀) 3.1 Penmaan-Monteith Em mpirical Equation (P-M Equuation) The precisse determinatioon of ET₀ is a fundamental reequirement in planning and scheduling anyy irrigation pro oject. The empirrical method inn estimating ET T₀ is a practicaal application if used with thhe proper crop coefficient (K Kc) to find the crrop Evapotransspiration (Etc) (i.e., Etc = ET T₀ × Kc) (Yoder et al., 2005)). ET₀ is measured in millimeters per unnit time where the time could be extendedd from secondss to minutes, hours, h or even thhe overall grow wing season. A Allen et al. in 1998 issued F FAO paper 56 with the latesst form of the FAO P-M Equaation adopted by the organiization as the only present method for ccalculation of ET₀. The clim matic parameterss are the only factors affectiing ET₀, thus, ET₀ could bee computed usiing records off weather data for a specific loocation, at anyy time intervaals such as daaily, ten days, or monthly. T The equation formula show ws all weather daata that controll energy exchaange in the evaaporation and ttranspiration process. (1) ET₀ = Refference Evapottranspiration ((mm/day), Δ = slope of vapoor pressure currve (kPa °C-1), Rn = net radiation (MJ m-2daay-1), G = denssity of soil heaat flux (MJ m-2day-1), ϒ = ppsychometric cconstant (kPa °C-1), T = ave erage daily air teemperature (°C C), U2 = wind sspeed at height 2 m (m s-1), ((es-ea) = deficit in saturation vapor pressure. The equattion does not take into connsideration the crop characcteristics; Kc combines all the physical and physiologiical differences between cropps for calculatiion of ETc. The altitudde and latitudee data of studyy location shouuld be specifieed. These dataa are essential for computatio on of radiation, daylight hourss (N), or to addjust some weeather parameters for the loccal average vaalue of atmospheric pressure Standard w weather data, including i (Tmaax), (Tmin), (Rh), (R), and winnd speed (U2)), over a periodd of 26 years were collected aand organized in daily averagges of monthlyy intervals form m, then utilizeed in P-M equaation for estim mation of ET₀. 3.2 Feedfoorward Backprropagation Neuural Networkss ANN archhitecture is a simulation s of information pprocessing thatt occurs in thhe biological bbrain. It starts with receiving, learning, adappting, recognizzing the patternn, and then performing a dessired function (Target) by triial of different w weights of the information eelements in a ccomputation m model. A typicaal ANN modeel contains an input layer that receives the input data. Thhe hidden layyers, with num mber of nodes that would ssatisfy the problem requiremennts, would reccognize patternns and organizze these data through multipple trial proceesses to predic ct the output (Ell-Baroudy et al., a 2010). In tthis study, thee Supervised F Feedforward B Backpropagatioon Neural Network (FFBPNN N) is used for prediction p of E ET₀. In the FF FBPNN, neuroons are conneccted forward w where each lay yer of the neural network connnects to the neext layer. In oour work, the nnetwork modeel has an inputt layer, one hiidden 193


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layer, and an output layyer, using onee hidden layer to represent tthe nonlinear relationship oof ET₀ is suffiicient (Kumar et al., 2002). Thhe number of aactual input varriables is sevenn (7), represennting weather pparameters, alttitude, and latitudde values. Thee weather paraameters used as inputs are the historical records obtainned from the main meteorologgical station in i Mosul for tthe period 19880–2005. The total availablle data is divided into two main categories; 80% of the data, d records oof 240 monthlyy averages of each of the weather parameeters, is for training the model;; the other 20% % of data recorrds, representinng 72 monthlyy averages of eeach of the weaather paramete ers, is used in tessting the perfoormance of thee model. In thee training periood, the input ddata are designned to be classsified again into three subclassses, training; ttesting; and vaaluating. The bbackpropagatioon algorithm iss then employed to activate thhe ten (10) neuurons in the hiddden layer, dettermined usingg trial-and-erroor methods wiith application of 5, 7, 9, 10 aand 15 neurons), for weighiing and traininng of informattion elements to achieve thhe desired targ get as shown in F Figure 2 (Baddde et al., 20133). Backpropaggation is a form m of superviseed training in A ANN, whereby the network haas to be providded with both ssample inputs and anticipateed outputs durinng training. In this work, all input and outputt variables werre normalized bbefore trainingg. The functionn Min and Maxx (premnmx, poostmnmx, tram mnmx) were usedd to standardizze the data witthin a range of [-1, 1] (Malek, 2008). The model was iimplemented using u MATLAB B. MinX) / (MaxX - MinX) * 2 – 1 XN = (X - M


Figure 2. Feedforward bbackpropagation neural netw work N model is im mplemented also to After trainning and testinng performancce of the simuulation model,, the FFBPNN prepare forr making prediiction, and thenn to predict ET T₀ for any timee interval depennding on new iinput data that have not been uused in the trainning or testingg periods. The same A ANN model was w tested also for inputs to innclude weatherr data only, excluding altitudde and latitude data; which are constant param meters for the identified studdy location. 3.3 Genetiic Algorithm Genetic Algorithm (GA)) is a method oof probabilisticc optimization based on evollution theory. E Evolution from m one generationn to another is composed c of thhree main stagges: Selection oof strings accorrding to their ffitness, crossov ver of strings, annd random muutation for selected strings tto compute neew generationn (Azzini, 2007). The record ds of weather daata used in FFB BPNN model are used in thiis study, in thee same pattern,, in a hybrid m model of Binary y GA with ANN N (GA-ANN). The T GA techniique is used in this model to improve the pperformance off ANN by chan nging the numbeer of hidden laayers to three (3) instead off only one (1) layer used in tthe ANN preddiction method. The standard pperformance fuunction is the Mean Squaree Errors (MSE E), which is uused to minim mize the connection weights deepending on coost of elementss and accuracyy. MSE E =

1 N


∑ ( ETTi


i =1

− ETTi





The seconnd function is the Correlatioon Coefficientt, which proportionally clarrifies the statiistical cost of each element. T The range of Correlation Coeefficient used iis from -1 to 1 (Adeloye et all., 2012). R=

N ∑ xx′ − ∑ x∑ x′


[ N ∑ x − (∑ x) ][ N ∑ x′2 − (∑ x′) ] 2





Journal of A Agricultural Sciience

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The mean Absolute Erroors is also takenn into considerration in the m model performaance evaluationn. The binaryy FFBP-GA model is capablee; even better tthen FFBPNN, of preparing iitself for prediiction dependin ng on the stored efficiencies of the training and testing peeriods, and maaking actual prrediction for anny location or time interval. 4. Results and Discussion The nonlinnear relationshhip between w weather param meters and the effect of the study area loccation accordin ng to latitude annd altitude, inn addition to other environnmental factorss, inspires thiis study to prroduce precise e and dependable ET₀ values with w time, effoort, and cost coonsuming. Thee average valuues of weatherr parameters fo or the period 19880–2005 were employed in thhe FAO P-M E Equation for thhe calculation oof average monnthly ET₀ as sh hown in Figure 33. It shows the inequality of tthe ET rates at different perioods along the yyear. The desiggn of the water--used system shoould accommoodate peak valuues, which aree in June, July,, and August, tto satisfy the m minimum supp ply of water accoording to its moonthly consum mptive use.

Figure 3. 3 Average monthly P-M ET₀ at Mosul Staation for the peeriod 1980–2005


Test: R=0 0.99075 Output ~= 0.95*Target + 0.016

Output ~= 0.98*Target + -0.0028

g: R=0.99007 Training 1

Data Fit Y=T



--1 -1








Data Fit Y=T



-1 -1





Targe et

Output ~= 0.98*Target + 8.5e-05

R All: R=0.99004 1


Data Fit Y=T



--1 -1






Figure 4.. Relationship between targeeted FAO ET₀ and ANN preddicted ET₀ valuues for trainingg period at Mo osul station



Journal of A Agricultural Sciience

Vol. 6, No. 3; 2014

The resultss of ET obtainned from appliccation of FAO O P-M Equationn were employyed in the FFB BPNN model to o test the capability of the netw work system inn predicting ET T₀. The best reesults, obtainedd at 233 0f dessigned 1000 ep pochs, are shown in Figures 4 and a 5 were enccouraging. Eighhty percent of total observedd weather variaables, together with their relateed output dataa, were employyed in the systtem training, w whereas the otther 20% weree considered in the testing perriod. In the traaining period, the data will again be classified into traiining, testing, and evaluatio on, as shown in F Figure 4. The ANN model perform mance at both training and teesting periods was evaluatedd by functions of MSE, MAE E and R2 as preseented in Table 1, which indiccate the efficieency of the prooposed ANN m model in prediccting ET₀. Table 1. T The performancce functions foor training and testing periodds in ANN Moddel for years 1980–2005 D Set Data

MSE (m mm2/day2)

M MAE (mm/day))


(11) Training 80% %




(22) Testing 200%




T₀ using FAO P P-M Equation and ANN preddicted ET₀ is iillustrated in Figure The correllation between calculated ET 5, which reeveals a signifficant consistenncy between thhe values.

Figure 5. The correlatioon coefficient bbetween calcullated ET₀ using FAO P-M Eqquation and AN NN Predicted ET₀ at M Mosul Station

The ANN model was theen implementeed to investigatte the efficienccy of predictinng P-M ET₀; w when the inputt data are only thhe records of weather w parameeters employedd previously, aand to excludee the data of coommon latitude e and altitude paarameters.



Journal of A Agricultural Sciience

Vol. 6, No. 3; 2014

Figure 6. Relationshipp between targgeted FAO ET₀ and ANN preedicted ET₀ vaalues without llocation data fo or training perriod at Mosul sstation

was evaluatedd also by functiions of MSE, MAE mance at both training and teesting periods w M The ANN model perform and R2 as presented in Table 2, whicch indicate thee efficiency off the proposedd ANN modell in predicting ET₀ without location data. Table 2. T The performancce functions foor training andd testing periodds in ANN Moodel without aaltitude and lattitude data for yeears 1980–2005 D Set Data

MSE (m mm2/day2)

M MAE (mm/day)


( Training 800% (1)




( Testing 200% (2)




P-M Equation aand ANN preddicted ET₀, withh weather data a only, The correlation between calculated ET₀ using FAO P is illustrateed in Figure 7.. The results of implemennting ANN moodel with only 5 inputs (weaather data) andd P-M ET₀ as ooutput; show slight s effect on bboth training annd testing evalluation functioons. The same values of ET results obtainned by applicattion of FAO P P-M Equation were also useed against a hy ybrid model of FFBPNN withh a Binary GA A (ANN-GA). In this hybriid ANN-GA m model, the maaximum number of iteration, aafter which noo significant chhanges were nnoticed, is founnd to be one hhundred (100);; population siize is found to bbe twenty (200), and mutatioon rate is 0.15. The optimiization functioon used is thee cost function n; by minimizinng the MSE, Thhe best cost fuunction is 0.00667828 at generration numberr of 100. The hhybrid of ANN N-GA enhanced tthe model perfformance and minimized thee fitness functiion representedd by the Cost, which is the Mean M Squared E Error.



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C Correlation Coefficient 1.0


ANN Prediction Output Value (mm/day)








-0.8 data1 data2 -1.0 -1




-0.2 2 0 0.2 0.4 FAO Targ geted Output Value (mm/day)




Figure 7. The correlatioon coefficient bbetween calcullated ET₀ using FAO P-M Eqquation and AN NN Predicted ET₀ w with weather daata only at Mossul Station

Figure 8. T The relationshiip between tarrgeted FAO ET T₀ and Hybrid ANN-GA preddicted ET₀ values for the traiining period aat Mosul statioon 198


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Figure 8 shows that the Hybrid ANN-GA simulation has modify the result of the Correlation Coefficient (R2). It exhibited a higher consistency rather than using ANN by itself. The main obstacle in the application of P-M Equation is the comprehensive and rich weather data needed for specific location or project in the design and operation stages. Latitude and altitude are to be specified as well; however, as the location specifications have only slight effect on implementation of intelligent models; these models would allow using historical records of weather data available in any alternative location for training the system and using the limited records available of the exact location for testing the system and even predicting actual values of ET₀ for any period. 5. Conclusion ET₀ is the key parameter in designing any irrigation project. Building an intelligent model of ANN and Hybrid ANN-GA would provide an effective alternative to the empirical method used in the estimation of ET. The proposed Artificial Intelligence models have significant superiority as compared to the limitations embedded in the traditional empirical FAO P-M Equation method. This study shows that both ANN and Hybrid ANN-GA models can be used for prediction of ET₀ in Iraq, taking into consideration the unstable and sudden changes of weather conditions. The normalization of input and output parameters would give the researchers a chance to overcome the limitations of application of relevant data to a specific location. In P-M Equation, both latitude and altitude values are considered properties of the study location and have great effect on ET₀ values. Normalization of input and output parameters in the FFBPNN and FFBPNN-GA models will eliminate the effect of those two parameters as they are constants; shared in all time intervals; the AI model could be recommended to be used without restrictions of location specifications. References Adebayo, J., Adeloye, A. J., Rustum, R., & Kariyama, I. D. (2012). Neural computing modeling of the reference crop Evapotranspiration. Journal of Environmental Modelling & Software, 29, 61-73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.10.012 Allen, R. G., Pereira, L., Raes, S. D., & Smith, M. (1998). Crop Evapotranspiration, guidelines for computing crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56, Rome, Italy. Azzini, A. (2007). A New Genetic Approach for Neural Network Design and Optimization. Ph.D. thesis, Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, Italy. Retrieved from http://www.dti.unimi.it/azzini/wwwmat/TesiAzziniAntonia.pdf Badde, D. S., Gupta, A. K., & Patki, V. K. (2013). Cascade and Feedforward Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Models for Prediction of Compressive Strength of Ready Mix Concrete. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 01-06. Doorenbos, J., & Pruitt, W. O. (1977). Guidelines for predicting crop water requirements. FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 24 (revised), part I, 1. Rome, Italy. El-Baroudy, A. Elshorbagy, Carey, S. K., Giustolisi, O., & Savic, D. (2010). Comparison of Three Data—Driven Techniques in Modelling the Evapotranspiration Process. Journal of Hydro Informatics, 12(4), 365-379. http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2010.029 Kerr, R. A. (1998). Sea-Floor Dust Shows Drought Felled Akkadian Empire. Science Magazine, 279(5349), 325-326. Retrieved from http://www.sciencemag.org/content/279/5349/325 Khoshhal, J., & Mokarram, M. (2012). Model for Prediction of Evapotranspiration Using MLP Neural Nettwork. Internetional Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(3), 1000-1009. Kisi, Ö. (2006). Generalized regression neural networks for Evapotranspiration modeling. Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 51(6), 1092-1105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1623/hysj.51.6.1092 Kisi, Ö. (2008). The Potential of Different ANN Techniques in Evapotranspiration Modelling. Hydrology Process, 22, 2449-2460. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hyp.6837 Kisi, Ö., & Öztürk, Ö. (2007). Adaptive Neurofuzzy Computing Technique for Evapotranspiration Estimation. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 368-379. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2007)133:4(368)



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