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London: Henry Kimpton. 1959. ... several wise and practical dietary recommendations for those most likely ... Sir Henry Dale, O.M. (Pp. 292+xx; illustrated. 50s.).
1388 DEC. 19, 1959


trends being a common feature." Throughout the book there is an extreme lack of precision, and the reader will not learn much about the hallucinations in delirium tremens, for example, by being told only that they are "characteristic." In the third part of the book the authors give 27 case histories of various organic psychoses. These are interesting, but there is a paucity of the discussion which would compensate, in part at least, for the inadequacies of Part II. To justify its existence a monograph, even a small monograph such as this, has to be an improvement on the corresponding chapters in standard textbooks. Judged by this criterion this monograph falls short. Moreover, as with most books from North America, the price is unreasonable. For about the same price or less, standard textbooks of medicine or psychiatry can be obtained, and one of each would be at least as good a guide to the organic psychoses as this expensive monograph. A. W. BEARD.

MEDULLOBLASTOMA Af edulloblastoma. By Benjamin L. Crue, jun., L.C.D.R., M.C., U.S.N. (Pp. 206+x; illustrated. 43s.) Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific


has often provided dermatologists with a valuable record of unusual problems to which reference can be made. The tradition was maintained at the international congress held in Stockholm in the summer of 1957, and the volume under review is an admirable record presented with full histories and excellent black-andwhite illustrations. It has not been possible to include much of the valuable discussion that centred round many of the problems, but here and there opinions of interest have been included. To many who were not fortunate enough to attend the congress the volume will still contain much of interest, particularly on account of the fine illustrations. Affections more common in Scandinavia naturally figure prominently, and the illustrations of sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and Melkersson's syndrome are especially valuable. The editors are to be congratulated on their very fine work. J. T. INGRAM.

NUTRITION AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS Nutrition and Atherosclerosis. By Louis N. Katz, M.D., Jeremiah Stamler, M.D., and Ruth Pick, M.D. (Pp. 146; illustrated. 37s. 6d.) London: Henry Kimpton. 1959.

This monograph is based on a lecture given by Dr. Katz to the New England Cardiovascular Society. This Publications. 1958. lecture has been expanded into a review of much of Medulloblastomas form about 25% of all primary the recent work and current thought concerning the intracranial tumours in childhood, being the second aetiology, prophylaxis, and treatment of atheromatous most common in this group. With their known ready vascular disease. Many epidemiological studies are response to irradiation yet sinister ultimate prognosis, considered. The relationship between high serum-lipid they present to the neurosurgeon and the radiotherapist levels and coronary disease is discussed. The influence a challenge which can be met only with the help of a of various dietary fats and hormones on the serum detailed evaluation of the relevant data. These are lipids in the human and on experimental atherosclerosis clearly supplied in this well-balanced monograph, based in the cockerel is described. In addition there are on a personal re-examination of some 200 cases from several wise and practical dietary recommendations for various American clinics and supported by a diligent those most likely to develop ischaemic heart disease, survey of the literature. such as hypercholesterolaemic individuals with a bad The first part considers the pathology of these family history. Few will agree, however, that a low-fattumours, their genesis, growth, and spread, and their corn-oil diet should be advocated also for obese subjects relationship to other neuro-ectodermal neoplasms, or for patients with hypertension or diabetes. Nor is especially the oligodendrogliomas, and to the primary there yet adequate evidence to recommend such a diet meningeal sarcomas. The discussion on differential "for every person who has had one or more clinical diagnosis from intracranial neoplasms of the reticulo- episodes of atherosclerotic disease, such as angina endothelial system, in particular microgliomatosis, is, pectoris, myocardial infarction, cerebral and peripheral however, inadequate. In the second part the reader vascular disease." This little book can be recommended, will find useful data on sex and age incidence, and will interest all who are concerned with the disease supplemented with graphs and tables, and a detailed which is the chief cause of death in this country. account of the symptomatology, treatment, and M. F. OLIVER. prognosis. The author stresses the importance of early exploration for histological confirmation of the clinical THE AGE OF SUCCESS diagnosis before deep x-ray treatment is undertaken. Young Endeavour. Contributions to Science by Medical Though informed with pessimism, his assessment of the Students of the Past Four Centuries. By William Carleton therapeutic value of various methods of treatment is Gibson, D.Phil.(Oxon.), M.D., C.M. With a foreword by Sir Henry Dale, O.M. (Pp. 292+xx; illustrated. 50s.) judicious, and the reported cases with long survival are Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Oxford: Blackwell critically appraised. Scientific Publications. 1958. The bibliography contains some 400 references. Like This book is a collection of short biographies of medical all monographs in the American Lecture Series, it is men who while still made some attractively presented and printed. There are no noteworthy contribution undergraduates to science, and the hope is photomicrographs. L. J. RUBINSTEIN. expressed that the relation of these youthful successes "may be sufficiently interesting to stimulate young SKIN CASES minds to independent effort and hard thinking." There One Hundred Clinical Cases Presented at the Eleventh is little doubt that this hope will be fulfilled. International Congress of Dermatology, Stockholm, 1957. By When considering scientific achievement we are illustrated. 207; Anders Lodin and Herrman Gentele. (Pp. accustomed to regard a man as " too old at 40," but 40 Sw. kr.) Stockholm: Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 1958. An international congress of dermatology is always an there is no similar judgment as to the lower limit of occasion for the presentation of a series of rare and age for important discoveries. It is true that prodigies interesting clinical cases, including some on which of precocity occur in the world of music and even of no final diagnosis can be made. Their chronicling mathematics, but little important scientific work has