Restraint Plus Water-immersion Stress (RWIS ...

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Restraint Plus Water-immersion Stress (RWIS)-induced ... Department ofAgeing Nursing, School ofNursing, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, ...
Pre-heat depress stomach ulcer by RWIS・R. Yamagata et al.

Original paper

Thermal Med, 25(3): 81-87, 2009.

Restraint Plus Water-immersion Stress (RWIS)-induced Stomach Ulcers in M ice are Depressed by a Conditioning Heat Treatment RIKIO YAMAGATA , AKIHISA TAKAHASHI , XIAOMING SU , TOMOKO MORIMOTO , TAKEO OHNISHI Occupational Therapy, Health Care Science. Himeji Dokkyo University, Kami-Ohno, Himeji, Hyogo 670-8524, Japan Department of Biology, School of Medicine, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho,Kashihara,Nara 634-8521, Japan Department of Ageing Nursing, School of Nursing, Nara Medical University, 840 Shijo-cho, Kashihara, Nara 634-8521, Japan

Abstract : A conditioning mild heat treatment can depress subsequent severe heat-induced biological damagebyinducing thermal tolerance. In thework described here,theeffect ofa conditioning mild heat exposure at 37℃ was examined on the formation of gastric mucosa damage induced by a restraint plus water-immersion stress (RWIS) treatment in mice. RWIS treatments induced stomach ulcers in about 42% of the control animals, but a mild conditioning heat treatment at 37℃ was found to depress the appearance of ulcers, and only about 9 % of the pre-exposed animals developed ulcers. In addition, RWIS treatment induced an apoptosis rate in the stomach of about 13%, but a conditioning mild heat treatment depressed the apoptotic rate to about 8%. Since the heat shock protein (HSP) inducer geranylgeranylacetone(GGA)also efficientlydepressed stomach ulcer incidence rates,it is suggested that gastricmucosa damagemaybedepressed byHSPsinduced bya mild conditioning heat treatment through the depression of apoptosis. Key Words : heat stress,restraint plus water-immersion stress(RWIS),stomach ulcer,apoptosis,adaptive response

Introduction Molecules, cells, organs, and entire living organisms can recognize and respond to various environmental stresses. Furthermore,organisms can attempt to adapt to changed environments . After being released from, or escaping from these altered or stress producing environments, organisms can reverse or abolish their stress induced responses and seek to return to their normal state, and to resume their normal level of homeostasis. Many kinds of stress proteins are induced after exposure to stresses Received 30 August, 2009, Accepted 9 September, 2009. Corresponding author; Tel, +81-744-22-3051 (ext 2264); Fax, +81-744-25-3345; e-mail, doi: 10.3191/thermalmed.25.81 2009 Japanese Society for Thermal Medicine

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and can act as protection against subsequent stresses. It is well established that a conditioning treatment with mild heat induces heat-tolerance in organisms ranging from bacteria to human. This phenomenon is caused byheat shock proteins(HSPs)induced in response to stress . In addition,inhibitors ofHSP induction depress thermotolerance

. Environmental changes or challenges can include radiation and

ultraviolet (UV) light such as genotoxic stresses. Previous exposure to heat as a priming treatment, or to low doses of UV and radiation as priming treatments can lead to resistance to these agents at subsequent higher challenging doses

. The mechanisms involved in adaptive responses to harmful

agents are very important from the viewpoint of radiation research,especially at the molecular level


On the other hand, non-genotoxic stresses such as physiological stresses like restraint plus water-immersion stress (RWIS) have been reported to induce HSPs which act to depress stress-induced biological damage

. However, when organisms must respond to excessive changes,adaptation may

not be successful for cells, organs or entire organisms. In such cases, if an organism cannot adapt, stressful environmental changes can become lethal. RWIS has frequently been used as a model for ulcer formation in the stomach wall in mice. The appearance of stomach ulcers was used as an indicator for the degree stress. RWIS produces a psychologically severe stress,and a mild heat treatment was used in these experiments as a conditioning pre-heat treatment to investigate the appearance of any adaptive response.

Materials and Methods Mice Male C57BL/6N mice 8 weeks old were used. Mice were maintained at 22.5℃ (room temperature,

Fig.1.Experimental schedules: a) Conditioning pre-heat and RWIS treatments; b) GGA and RWIS treatments.

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Pre-heat depress stomach ulcer by RWIS・R. Yamagata et al.

RT). They were kept in a clean conventional environment, and given nutritional chow and water ad libitum. The mice were maintained on a 7 AM-7 PM light-dark cycle and were acclimated to laboratory conditions for 2 weeks before use. This study was conducted according to the Guidelines for Animal Welfare and Experimentation issued by the Nara Medical University. Conditioning heat treatment and R WIS Conditioning heat treatments were performed on 5 mice at 37℃. The mice were maintained at 22.5℃ (AT-12R, Tomas Scientific, Swedesboro, NJ, U.S.A.). Control mice were always maintained at 22.5℃. The conditioning treatment was for 30 min at 12 h before RWIS treatment. For RWIS treatment,mice were kept in a 50 ml centrifuge tube(2345-050,Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd.,Funabashi,Japan) in a position in which their nose and mouth were kept above the water level. Theywere immersed into a water bath (Thermominder EX,TAITEC Co.,Ltd.,Saitama,Japan) at 37℃ for a maximum of 3 h at 12 h after a conditioning treatment in an incubator (Fig.1). Geranylgeranylacetone (GGA) treatment GGA was given to mice at a concentration of 200 mg/kg (as an emulsion with 5% gum arabic and 0.008% α-tocopherol) twiceper daydirectlythrough themouth with a pipettebeginning 1 week before stress treatments. Stomach ulcer analysis Immediately after a RWIS treatment, mice were sacrificed by dislocating neck vertebrae, and were then dissected. The inside surface ofthe stomach was photographed and threestages wereused to define normal (white and pink) and damaged (red and carmine) tissues which can be scored by their different colors. Gastric mucosa damage was judgment of use of each small size square (0.75 mm ). Histological studies of apoptosis For histological studies,samples were obtained from the stomach and fixed in a 10% neutralized formalin buffer solution. Apoptotic cells in the sections of mucosa were detected by staining with an ApopTag in situ Detection Kit (Millipore Co., Billerica, MA, USA), which modifies genomic DNA with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to detect positive cells using specificstaining. In all samples, over 500 cells were counted in three random fields. Scoring for apoptosis was done in a blind manner, and the persons who performed the counting were not aware of the source of the samples. Five mice were used for each point in this study. Statistical analysis Levels of significance were calculated using the unpaired Students t-test. P<0.05 was considered significant.

Results and discussion To establish conditioning heat treatment conditions,it was found that keeping theanimalsin a room at 45℃ or 50℃ for 30 min was lethal. On the other hand,the heat treatment of 40-30℃ for 30 min did not kill any mice (data not shown). Therefore, temperatures adopted at 37℃ as a conditioning heat treatment. Fig.1a shows the experimental schedules used for a conditioning heat treatment at 37℃ for 30 min. Twelve hours after the mild conditioning treatment at 37℃,the mice were subjected to a RWIS treatment for 3 h. The stomach was examined from all of the animals after dissection. The stomachs

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〔3〕:2 The r malMe d.25 0 0 9

Fi g . 2 .Ef f e c tofpr e he a tt r e a t me nt sons t oma c hul c e r si nduc e dbyRWI S:a)t y pi c a lphot og r a phs ofs t oma c ht i s s ue;b)s t a t i s t i c a la na l y s i s . RT i ndi c a t e s mi c e we r e ke pta tr oom ℃ i t e mpe r a t ur eunt i lRWI St r e a t me nt .3 7 ndi c a t e st ha tt hemi c ewe r ee x pos e dt oa c ondi t i oni nghe a tt r e a t me ntpr i ort ot heRWI St r e a t me nt .0ha nd3hi ndi c a t et hel e ng t h a t i ons .As t e r i s ks( ) oft heRWI St r e a t me ntt i me s .Thee r r orba r si ndi c a t es t a nda r dde v i i ndi c a t eahi g hl ys i g ni f i c a ntdi f f e r e nc e( P<0 . 0 0 1 )wi t ht heSt ude ntst t e s t .

Fi g . 3 .Ef f e c tofapr e he a tt r e a t me ntont hepe r c e ntofc e l l swhi c hs t a i n pos i t i v ei nt hes t oma c hf orRWI Si nduc e da popt os i s .RTi ndi c a t e s ℃ mi c ewe r eke pta tr oom t e mpe r a t ur eunt i lRWI St r e a t me nt .3 7 i ndi c a t e st ha tt he mi c e we r ee x pos e dt o ac ondi t i oni ng he a t ndi c a t et he t r e a t me ntpr i ort ot heRWI St r e a t me nt .0ha nd3hi St r e a t me nt s . As t e r i s ks( )i ndi c a t eahi g hl y l e ng t hoft heRWI s i g ni f i c a ntdi f f e r e nc e( P<0 . 0 1 )wi t ht heSt ude ntst t e s t .

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tal . Pr e he a tde pr e s ss t omac hul c e rbyRWI S・R.Yamagat ae

Fi g . 4 .Ef f e c tofGGA t r e a t me ntbe f or ehe a te x pos ur eons t oma c hul c e r si nduc e dbyRWI S.The t i me s0 ,1 ,a nd3hi ndi c a t et hel e ng t hoft heRWI St r e a t me nt .a)t y pi c a lphot og r a phs; +a b)s t a t i s t i c a la na l y s i s . Thes y mbol s nd−i ndi c a t et hepr e s e nc eora bs e nc eofGGA t r e a t me nt .As t e r i s ks( a nd )i ndi c a t eahi g hl ys i g ni f i c a ntdi f f e r e nc e( P<0 . 0 5a nd0 . 0 1 , s t . r e s pe c t i v e l y )wi t ht heSt ude ntst t e

we r ec l as s i f i e di nt ooneoft hr e egr ade s:noe f f e c t s;mode r a t ee f f e c t s( r e d):a nds e v e r ee f f e c t s( c a r mi ne ) . ℃ Thec ol oroft hes t omac hsofmi c ee xpos e dt o3 7 a t0hwa sa l mos tt hes a mea si nc ont r olmi c e whi c hhadbe e ns ubj e c t e dt onot r e at me nt . Thec ont r olmi c ewe r ema i nt a i ne da tRT ( Fi g . 2a) .I n c ont r as t ,af t e rmi c ehadbe e ns ubj e c t e dt oRWI St r e a t me nt ,t hec ol or ss e e ni nt hes t oma c hsofmi c ewhi c h nt ai ne datRT( wi t hnopr e t r e a t me nt )c ha ng e dt oc ol or si ndi c a t i ngas t oma c hul c e r( Fi g . hadbe e nmai 2a) . Howe ve r ,whe nmi c ewe r ee xpos e dt oac ondi t i oni nghe a tt r e a t me nta t3 7℃ f or3 0mi n,a l mos tno ul c e r swe r ef ound( Fi g.2a) .I ti sc l e art ha tami l dhe a tpr e t r e a t me ntde pr e s s e ds t oma c hul c e rf or ma t i on St r e at me nt . Thes t omac hul c e r swe r ec l a s s i f i e di nt ot hr e eg r a de s:r e da ndc a r mi ne i nduc e dbyRWI 47±7. 34% wi t houtac ondi t i oni ngt r e a t me nt ,a ndi n8 . 5 9±3 . 4 0% oft hemi c ewi t h c ol or swe r es e e ni n42. ac ondi t i oni ngpr e he att r e at me nt( P<0. 00 1 )( Fi g . 2b) . Si nduc e dapopt os i sr at e swe r eana l y z e dwi t hi mmunohi s t oc he mi c a ls t a i ni ng( Fi g . 3 ) . Thoug h RWI ± % RWI St r e at me nti nduc e dapopt os i sr at e sof1 3 . 2 0 2 . 0 5 i nt hes t oma c h,ac ondi t i oni ngmi l dpr e he a t sc l i ni c a l l y t r e at me ntde pr e s s e dt hi st o 8. 20±1. 92%. Thoug hi tdoe snotunde r s t a nd whe t he rt he r ei S s i gni f i c antdi f f e r e nc e ,i tt husappe ar st hatami l dpr e he a tt r e a t me ntwa sa bl et ode pr e s st her a t eofRWI i nduc e dapopt os i si nt hes t omac h. Mi c ewe r epr e t r e at e dwi t hGGA 1we e kbe f or eaRWI St r e a t me nt ,a ndt hee f f e c tons t oma c hul c e r s i nduc e d by RWI St r e at me ntwasi nve s t i g a t e d( Fi g . 1b) . Whe n mi c ewe r ee x pos e dt o a 1h RWI S t r e a t me ntwa s1 2 . 5 5±0 . 2 5%. I n t r e at me nt ,t hedamage ds t omac h ar e ai nc ont r olmi c ewi t h no pr e-

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contrast, the affected stomach area was 1.18±2.04% in mice pre-treated with GGA. When mice were exposed to a 3 h RWIS treatment, the ulcer stomach areas were 43.37±3.08% in mice which were not exposed to GGA,and 16.51±3.93% in mice treated with GGA (Fig.4). Thus,pre-treatment with GGA apparently depressed the extent of the damaged area induced by RWIS treatment. Experiments using RWIS to provide a non-genotoxic stress have frequentlybeen utilized to provide a model which leads to gastric mucosa damage induced by acidic gastric secretions in mice exposed to stress. Even when animals were exposed to non-genotoxic stresses, Hirakawa et al (1996)


that these stresses activated HSF1 and induced Hsp70 within 60-90 min in the stressed rats. In addition, Roktan et al (2000)

reported that theinduction ofHsp70 induced byGGA efficientlydepressed gastric

mucosa damage in rats. It was assumed that the induction of HSPs by a conditioning heat treatment protected cells from cytotoxicity through chaperone-dependent activities as well as through chaperone-independent activities . The work presented here shows that a conditioning heat treatment can depress RWIS treatment induced gastric mucosa damage and apoptosis (Figs.2 and 3). Although further studies arestill required to definetheinduction ofHSPs in stomach,it appearspossiblethat much of this tissue damage is suppressed by HSPs which are induced by a conditioning pre-heat treatment.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministryof Education, Culture,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan. This work was also funded in part bya grant from the Central Research Institute of the Electric Power Industry in Japan.

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