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BAHASA INGGRIS (D4). SENIN, 5 MEI 2003. Pukul 10.00 – 12.00 ... DEPDIKNAS . 2. 02 01-30-D4-P9 03 ... DEPDIKNAS. 3. 02 01-30-D4-P9 03. Text 2 This text ...

Ujian Akhir Nasional


Tahun Pelajaran 2002/2003


Program Studi IPA/IPS

Paket Utama (P1)

BAHASA INGGRIS (D4) SENIN, 5 MEI 2003 Pukul 10.00 – 12.00




Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan – BALITBANG - DEPDIKNAS

2 02



PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan. 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri dari 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. 4. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang. 5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan. 6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. 7. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung lainnya.

Text 1 This text is for items number 1 – 2 Badminton is played anywhere in Indonesia: in good indoor courts, in the streets, even across fences in front yards. It is not only a game which Indonesians enjoy. It is a game they are good at. Indonesia has won fame in international matches like the Thomas Cup for men, the Uber Cup for women, and the All England Championships, for individuals as well as doubles. 1.

What is the best topic of the passage? a. Badminton championship. b. Badminton. c. The history of badminton. d. The Thomas Cup. e. Badminton, an indoor game.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about badminton? a. It is played anywhere in Indonesia. b. It is an outdoor game. c. It is also played in indoor courts. d. It is internationally competed. e. It is only played by men.


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


3 02



Text 2 This text is for items number 3 – 7 In order to request a telephone service in the United States, either call or visit your local telephone store. A sales representative will be glad to show you samples of the designs and colours available. Simply choose the design and colour that you prefer, and leave your name, address, and employer’s name with the sales representative. Students with scholarship should provide their sponsor’s name instead of an employer’s name. A fifty-dollars security deposit must be paid prior to telephone installation, and may be made by check, cash, mastercard, or visa. On the date that your telephone is to be installed, a responsible person, such as an apartment manager, must be at home to unlock the door for the serviceman. 3.

The sales representatives can give us information about .... a. the telephone service b. the employer’s name c. the price of installing telephone d. the time for installing the telephone e. the variety of telephone’s designs and colours


It may be concluded from the passage that the first step suggested by the writer to get a telephone service is by .... a. asking a sales representative to come to your house b. paying fifty dollars to a serviceman c. going to the apartment manager d. calling or visiting a telephone store e. leaving your name with the sales representative


The purpose of the passage is to give (an) ... to us. a. offer b. invitation c. information d. entertainment e. alternative


Who will install the telephone? a. An apartment manager. b. A sales representative. c. An employer. d. A serviceman. e. A manager.


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


4 02




“In order to request a telephone service in the United States__.” Another word which is often in place of request is .... a. buy b. require c. propose d. call on e. ask for

Text 3 This text is for items number 8 – 11 The world’s largest zone is the rim of the Pacific Ocean. It is here that 81 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes occur. The belt extends from Chile northward along the western coast of south America, Central America, Mexico, and the United – States and the southern part of Alaska then through the Alcution Islands to Japan, the Philippines Islands, New Guinea, the island groups of the southwest Pacific and to New Zealand. This area is ripe for earthquakes because of the elevation changes in the mountains, the highest part of the earth’s crust, and in the ocean trenches - the lowest part of the crust. The second zone is the Alpide. This belt extends from Java to Sumatra in Indonesia through the Himalayas on the Mediteranean and out into the Atlantic. This belt accounts for about 17 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes. The third belt follows the submerged mid – Atlantic ridge. The earth is not a static planet. The large slabs of the earth’s crust (tectonic plates) are in continual slow motion. An earthquake occurs when these plates move. The movement causes rock to be squeezed, bent, and stretched. This tremendous pressure eventually forces the rock to break, and the plates lurch into a new position. The underground place where the rock moves or breaks is called the focus. The epicenter is the area directly above the focus on the earth’s surface. These movements cause large fractures, or faults, in the earth’s crust, and along these fault lines most earthquakes occur. The adjustments that follow a major earthquake which often generate smaller quakes are called aftershocks. Aftershocks or tremors are usually much weaker than the main series of quakes and can follow for months while the area resettles. Earthquakes can strike anywhere in the world, but through the years they have principally occured in three large zones of the earth. 8.

The area on the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the .... a. tremor b. epicenter c. aftershock d. quake e. tectonic plate


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


5 02




The main idea of paragraph 3 is: .... a. The earth is not a static planet b. Tectonic plates are in continual slow motions c. An earthquake occurs when the tectonic plates move d. The epicenter is the area on the earth’s surface e. Aftershocks are much weaker because of the new position of the plates


What is the main information of the text? a. Earthquakes occur anywhere in the world. b. Sumatra and Java islands are safe from earthquakes. c. Earthquakes have never occurred in the mid Atlantic – ridge. d. Japan and the Philippines are far from the earthquakes. e. There are three large zones in the world where earthquakes occur.


“These movements cause large fractures, or faults in the earth’s crust, and along these fault lines most earthquakes occur” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word means .... a. show b. stay c. appear d. perform e. happen


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


6 02



Text 4 This text is for items number 12 – 16 By means of the telephone, you can talk to a friend who may be living far from you. Your message travels along a wire called a telegraph wire. There are also thick bundles of wire, called cables, placed at the bottom of the sea. You can send messages through them to another country. Marconi, an Italian, was very interested in the telegraph when he was only a boy. One day, he had a brilliant idea. He thought that he could send messages from one place to another without using wires. And he succeeded! He invented the first wireless set in 1895. It is called ‘wireless’ because there is no wire joining the transmitter (the machine that sends the message) and the receiver (the machine that receives the message). The transmitter turns the sound of the speaker’s voice into waves and sends these out through the air. The wireless waves cannot be seen, but they are received by the wireless receiver. Wireless sets are most useful to ships and aeroplanes. The sets can send out and receive messages from land or from aeroplanes or other ships. Soldiers and policemen use very small wireless sets called ‘walkie-talkies’. When wireless waves hit something made of metal, they bounce back and are received by a special receiver. During a fog at sea, one ship cannot see another. However, wireless waves that bounce back show sailors that other ships are around and the ships will take care not to bump into each other. This special type of wireless is known as ‘radar’. It can ‘see’ in the fog and in the dark. 12.

Marconi succeeded in .... a. having a brilliant idea b. sending messages without using wires c. producing walkie - talkie d. developing the use of wireless sets e. detecting fog in the dark


The text mostly talks about .... a. receivers b. telephones c. transmitters d. wireless sets e. walkie-talkies


What is the main idea of the first paragraph? a. People can send messages to another country. b. You may talk to a friend who is far from you. c. The telephone cables are placed at the bottom of the sea. d. When you communicate, your message travels along a telegraph wire. e. You can communicate with other people in a distance through telephones.


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


7 02




“There are also thick bundles of wire, called cables, placed at the bottom of the sea.” (Paragraph 1). The word placed has a similar meaning to .... a. put b. done c. stated d. pressed e. hanged


Radar helps ships to avoid .... a. fog b. a crash c. darkness d. waves e. an attack

Text 5 This text is for items number 17 – 20 In their famous Indonesian – English dictionary, Prof. Woyowasito and the late Mr. Purwodarminto translated the word ‘arisan‘ as a saving club, while Prof. Dr. Bowman, a Dutch sociologist, defined it as “ROSCA”, the abbreviation of Rotating Saving Credit Association. Arisan plays an important role in Indonesian society. We can save our money and someday we can withdraw our saving. Or we can get a certain sum of money as a loan, and repay it in installments, without any interest. We may say that we can get credit without difficulty and formal procedures. The money intended for arisan is commonly regarded as a savings. The purpose of arisan is to strengthen the bonds among participants. It shows the spirit of mutual assistance. Every member has the same chance to win the lucky number. He or she then will subsequently be the host or hostess for the next meeting. Arisan is not only found among Indonesians. I believe that it is also popular in many other parts of the world. Of course it has different name. The number of arisan members is not limited. 17.

“Arisan” can be found .... a. all over the world b. only in Indonesia and Holland c. only in big cities in Indonesia d. in some parts of the world e. in Indonesia and many other parts of the world


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


8 02




The topic of the text is about .... a. arisan b. what “arisan” is c. the purpose of “arisan” d. countries that have “arisan” e. the benefit of “arisan”


The main idea of paragraph 1 is that: .... a. Arisan means a saving club or Rotating Saving Credit Association b. Prof. Woyowasito and the late Mr. Purwodarminto are persons who translate the word “Arisan” c. Prof. Dr. Bouwman defined the word “Arisan” d. A saving club is the same as Rosca e. Rosca is the abbreviation of Rotating Saving Credit Association


‘The purpose of arisan is to strengthen the bonds among participating members.” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word means .... a. lengthen b. fasten c. tighten d. thicken e. broaden


Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph! 1. For the time being, their science activities are experiment and research in physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. 2. One of the aims of the competition is to develop the students’ skills in science and technology. 3. The government organizes this competition. 4. In this event a student’s skill or knowledge is tested by the jury. 5. A scientific work competition for students is held every year. 7. He should be able to tell everything about the experiment. 8. The jury asks a number of questions and the student or experimenter answers and gives valuable information. a. 5–3–2–1–4–6–7 b. 3–6–5–4–1–7–2 c. 4–7–5–2–3–1–6 d. 2–4–3–1–7–6–5 e. 6–5–4–7–2–1–3


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


9 02





: Do you come to Jane’s party? : What? : I want to know if .... to Jane’s party a. you came b. you come c. you will come d. I come e. I came



: John, have you met, Bobi? : Yes, When I came to his house, he ... in front of his house. a. sweep b. is sweeping c. was sweeping d. will sweep e. has swept


Retno Hadi a. b. c. d. e.



: This telegram is for my husband. He’s out on duty. What do you recommend me to do? Putri : Why don’t you ring him and tell him that a telegram’s arrived? In the dialogue above, Mawar is asking for Putri’s .... a. advice b. curiousity c. agreement d. permission e. information


Son : Dad, have you seen my report card? Father : Sure. You are great, my son. I’m .... Son : Thank you, dad. a. very proud of you b. fed up with you c. happy to hear that d. ashamed of you e. very disappointed


: Why don’t you reply my letter? : Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I .... in Bali since last year. am living was living have to live will have lived have been living

 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


10 02




A porter Mr Andri a. b. c. d. e.

: Excuse me, ...? : Thanks a lot, I can manage it myself. would you like me to carry your suitcase would you mind bringing my suitcase would you like to bring his suitcase could you bring my suitcase may you bring my suitcase


X : Excuse me, sir. May I close the door? It’s windy outside. Y : Oh,sure. In the dialogue, X is asking for .... a. help b. opinion c. permission d. agreement e. information



: Do you know that the Sumatran tiger is perhaps the only survivor of the tiger family in Indonesia? Andri : Let’s hope that the Sumatran tigers are legally protected. The underlined sentence is used for expressing .... a. want b. expectation c. request d. complaint e. opinion


Andre :

You know I planned to go to Jakarta on my new car. But yesterday I found my driving license had run out and was too late to renew it. Roni : Oh, that’s awful. From the dialogue, we know that Roni wants to express his .... a. advice b. gratitude c. apology d. dislike e. sympathy



: How long have they been married? : By next year .... a. they have been married for 25 years b. they will have been married for 25 years c. they are married for 25 years d. they had already been married for 25 years e. they will be married for 25 years


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


11 02




Adit Rindu a. b. c. d. e.

: ... your heavy computer? : That’s very kind of you. Do you mind carrying Do you mind if you carry Would you like to carry Could you help me carry Do you want me to carry


Ahmad Jony a. b. c. d. e.

: Jon, what will you do after you finish the SMU? : I .... study abroad. want hope intend to think like


Guide Tourists Guide Tourists a. b. c. d. e.


Jenifer : Would you come to our workshop tomorrow? Alison : That would be great. In the dialogue Jenifer is giving Alison .... a. an order b. a comment c. an advice d. a suggestion e. an invitation


X : Hi, Rin. Would you accompany me to the book store? Y : Oh, that’s great. I’d love to. The underlined sentence is used to .... a. decline an invitation b. accept an invitation c. invite someone to go d. ask for permission e. ask for one’s agreement

: : : :


Where are you planning to go tomorrow? To the museum. Don’t you want to buy things for your family? .... I like to see historical things than buying things I like seeing historical things to buying things I prefer seeing historical things to buying things I prefer seeing historical things than buying things I’d like seeing historical things more than buying things

 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


12 02



Lidya Santy Lidya Santy a. b. c. d. e.



: Well, it’s a pity I cannot contact anybody. : What happened? : The pulses of my handphone have run out. I’d like to have another Mentari card voucher. Is it available around here? : Don’t worry, such a voucher ... everywhere in town. is selling is sold sells is being sold will be sold

Dian : Mira, is it possible for me to use your computer? Mira : Well, I have no objection, I am not using it now. The underlined words express .... permission. a. asking b. giving c. denying d. refusing e. rejecting

39. A

: Why don’t you try to find a job in a factory? With the money you earn, you can buy things you need. B : If I worked in a factory, I wouldn’t have much time to study. What does the underlined sentence mean? a. B works hard in a factory b. A allows B to work in a factory c. B didn’t work in a factory d. B worked in a factory e. B doesn’t work in a factory


Erlina Ferdi

: I heard that Irwan worked as a tour guide at Tribuana Tour and Travel. : Right, he can speak many languages like English, French, Dutch and even Japanese. Erlina : Wow, that’s great. The underlined words are expressing .... a. ability b. pleasure c. certainty d. agreement e. possibility


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


13 02





: What is your favorite game? : .... a. I really hate playing cards b. I’m very keen on chess c. I dislike chess d. I think softball is like baseball e. I can play with friends


Hanny Chandra a. b. c. d. e.



: Ani told me that you want to quit your job because I’ve been a difficult boss to serve. Secretary : Oh, ... , sir. I never said such a thing to anybody. a. it’s not fun b. that’s not true c. it’s shameful d. that’s ridiculous e. it’s not fair


Hamdi : Do you agree with the system of direct presidential election ? Burhan : Members of the parliament object to the system, and I do, too. From the dialogue we can conclude that Burhan ... with the system. a. supports b. disagrees c. approves d. accepts e. denies


Ani : Look! Somebody has broken my calculator. Did you? Johan : .... Perhaps Jim did. a. Of course b. Yes, I did c. Forget it d. Certainly not e. If you don’t mind


: Do you think our team has the chance to win the Thomas Cup? : I think ... because they have enough practice. it is very doubtful it is really annoying it is realy challenging it is very possible it makes me mad

 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


14 02



Benny Nony a. b. c. d. e.


: What do you think about the Shakespeare’s play we’ve just seen, Nony? I like it very much. : Well, .... The actors used old English, so it’s hard for me to understand. I was not satisfied I couldn’t appreciate it I had no idea I was surprised I felt crazy


Ria Yanto Ria Yanto a. b. c. d. e.

: We’ll have to steam rice for dinner. : Why ? What’s happened with the rice cooker? : It is broken. : ... then We’ll get it repaired We’ll have repaired it We’ll get someone repair it We’ll have someone repaired it We’ll have it to repair


Pedro : Is the manager in today? I’ll tell something important to him. Hendi : I wish he were in now The underlined utterance means .… a. the manager is in now b. Hendi wants Pedro to be in now c. Hendi doesn’t want the manager to be in now d. the manager is out somewhere e. Pedro wants Hendi not to be in now


A : I was very disappointed that I didn’t apply for a job in a cruise liner. B : Your English is perfect. If you had applied for it, you would have been accepted. The underlined sentence indicates that ... a. A must have been accepted. b. B applied for the job and so did A. c. Both A and B are workers on a cruise ship. d. A’s English is so perfect that he applied for the job. e. A did not apply for the job.


Dian : You look terrible. What’s the matter? Rudy : Someone snatched my bag and I lost all my money. Dian : You ... it in a bank. a. could have deposited b. would have deposited c. might have deposited d. will have deposited e. should have deposited


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


15 02



Choose suitable words to complete the following paragraph. Basketball is played by two teams. There are five players on each team. Each team tries to (51) ... the ball into the other’s basket as often as possible, while (52) ... its own basket. A goal is scored when the ball is thrown so that it either (53) ... through the net or rebounds through the net after or without striking the board. The ball may be played only with the hands. It may be (54) ..., thrown, bounched or rolled in any direction, but only with the palm of the hand. No other part of the body can be (55) ... to pass the ball. 51.

a. b. c. d. e.

kick push shoot strike hold


a. b. c. d. e.

playing attacking attracting measuring defending


a. b. c. d. e.

reaches drops directs hangs appears


a. b. c. d. e.

kicked practised included tossed pulled


a. b. c. d. e.

used moved forced made touched


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG


16 02




Effective homemaking requires time, energy, knowledge and skill. The synonym of the underlined word is .... a. asks b. needs c. consumes d. neglects e. looses


Brushing the hair increases the supply of blood to the scalp. The opposite of the underlined word means .... a. shortens b. decreases c. lengthens d. expands e. widens


Physical exercise can reduce a person’s chances of dying of heart disease, cancer or other causes. Reduce can be best replaced by .... a. increase b. produce c. develop d. shorten e. lessen


It is easy to produce electricity from a wind generator. This is simply a windmill that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. The underlined word means .... a. develops b. adapts c. changes d. replaces e. produces


If the natural web of life is disturbed, the result may be disastrous. The underlined word has the similar meaning as .... a. catastrophic b. unsuitable c. harmless d. dangerous e. complicated


 Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan - BALITBANG