Your personal workbook - Intentionomics

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Your personal workbook. How to implement the Intentionomics Blueprint of. 9 Inescapable Truths For A Prosperous Life.
Your personal workbook How to implement the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths For A Prosperous Life.

A personal note from the Author of Intentionomics Welcome to the Inspiring Personal Prosperity program. This is your personal workbook on how to implement the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths for a Prosperous Life. You probably know by now that the genesis of Intentionomics was a letter that I had written for our two young adult sons on the occasion of their 21st and 18th birthdays that fell on the same weekend in May 2011. My intention was to share with them what I have learned, experienced, academically and personally researched about how to live a happy, flourishing and prosperous life. That original letter formed the basis of the book Intentionomics and has forged a wonderful life purpose for Liz and myself. Our intentional aspirational goal is to positively impact the lives of 1,000,000 people over the next decade with the Intentionomics philosophy because science validates that when people focus and take action on their character and intention, they flourish and prosper… and that’s worth pursuing. I’m thrilled that you’re one of those 1,000,000 people, and I ask that you too help us in our quest to help others by referring your friends, family and colleagues to As you apply the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths outlined in this workbook, you’re going to experience some wonderful self-discovery, re-discovery and I’m excited about the opportunities you will have to create an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous life for yourself and your loved ones. This workbook consists of a series of self-analysis checklists and questionnaires to help you start your Intentionomics journey and of course, there’s much more to discover by reading the book Intentionomics. An intentional life is one where you are taking mindful and intentional actions that are aligned with your personal values – a life that brings you happiness, and helps you to flourish and prosper. I welcome and invite your feedback on your experiences with this workbook at My best to you

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Let’s start with your learning goals… Take a moment now, before you do anything else and record in the space below what it is that you hope to gain from the program. What do you hope to learn? What do you hope to gain clarity on? How do you hope this program will make a difference in your life? What are you hoping to learn about your potential to live an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous life?

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DEFINE A PROSPEROUS LIFE! This is an inescapable truth because if you can’t see it clearly enough to be able to define it, then how could you possibly ever reach it? This applies whether you're defining a prosperous work life or personal life. Applying this inescapable truth starts with being thankful for what you already have (following the first self-assessment questionnaire is an Intentional Gratitude Worksheet for you to complete). It’s also about celebrating what you’ve already achieved and gaining clarity on who you need to be and what you need to do to create the right kind of environment and situation for you to be even more happy, flourishing and prosperous. This first worksheet will help you to define what a prosperous life means for you. Many people know what they don’t want in life, but they haven’t really defined what they do want in their life. This is not so much about goal setting, it’s more about your values – who you want to be and how you want to live your life. It’s about character. In essence this first worksheet gets you to rate how well you are currently ‘living your life’ in accordance with the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths for a Prosperous Life.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #1: Define A Prosperous Life! To define what it means for you to have a happy, flourishing and prosperous life consider the extent to which you agree with each of these statements and place a check mark in the appropriate box: Scale:


Sort of


I have defined what a happy, flourishing and prosperous life means for me......... I am proud of my personal character, and my truth about me in all aspects of my life………………………………………………………………………………………………… I am clear on my intentions for myself and for the people in each of my life roles.......................................................................................... I am aware of my inner voice and have consistent positive emotions................ My daily habits and routines are positive for me and for people in each of my life roles............................................................................................. I have documented my inspirational and aspirational goals............................... I have and continue to build intentional trust relationships................................ I feed my creative spirit, and am intentionally learning and growing................. I consistently make wise choices and take intentional actions resulting in me being proud of my past and present levels of achievement…… ….................. Where ever you have truthfully answered "Sort of" or "No" there is an opportunity for you to implement inescapable truth #9 (Make intentional choices and actions!) and to determine what intentional actions you need to implement to help you (and others in your life roles) to live an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous life.

Intentional Action I Will Work On!

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INTENTIONAL GRATITUDE IN ACTION WORKSHEET Practicing intentional gratitude can positively impact your sense of well-being and happiness. Rather than getting caught up just on ‘what you want’, invest time each week to stop, make note of and take intentional action on what you have already been blessed with. Use this worksheet as a guide to help you start your own gratitude journal. Simply select from any (or all) of these ‘hints’ and at the end (or start) of each week, reflect, smile and just write what comes to mind… enjoy intentional gratitude.

This week in my thoughts I’m grateful for… This week in my feelings I’m grateful for… This week in my physical well-being I’m grateful for… This week in my family relationships I’m grateful for… This week in my social relationships I’m grateful for… This week in my work role I’m grateful for… This week in my work relationships I’m grateful for… This week in my finances I’m grateful for… This week in what I already have acquired I’m grateful for… This week in what I’m taking action to acquire I’m grateful for… This week in my past I’m grateful for… This week in my present I’m grateful for… This week in my future I’m grateful for… This week in my world I’m grateful for… This week in my life in general I’m grateful for…

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TAKE STOCK OF YOUR TRUTH ABOUT YOU People get your truth! Over time, your intentions, promises, actions and results will either promote you or expose you. You can’t escape the need to be happy and proud of your own truth – with who you are as a person. And you can’t escape the need to work on being the person that you should be to live that prosperous work and personal life. This next worksheet allows you to take stock of your truth about you in a range of situations. Your truthful answers about your own truth may not always be easy or comfortable, while at other times they will fill you with pride and a sense of well-being in knowing you are living an intentional life.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #2: Take Stock Of Your Truth About You! Rating Scale: (circle your truth) 1 = Not true of me at all at this stage 2 = Only true of me on rare occasions 3 = True of me on some occasions 4 = True of me on most occasions 5 = True of me on all occasions 1.

To what degree are you clear about your intention for your roles in life (eg, work roles, husband, wife, parent, son, daughter, friend, community role etc.)..................


2. To what degree do you succeed in your roles in life?................................................


3. To what degree do you set and pursue aspirational personal goals?............................


4. To what degree do you invest in developing your personal strengths?.......................



To what degree do you model the behaviour you expect of others in your life?..........


6. To what degree are you flexible in your approach to life?...........................................



To what degree are you open to new ideas and opportunities?..................................


8. To what degree do you deliver the results you want in life?.......................................


9. To what degree do you deliver the results others expect of you?...............................


10. To what degree do you secretly think positively about yourself? ..............................


11. To what degree do you secretly think positively about others?................................


12. To what degree do you manage your priorities and time effectively?......................


13. To what degree do you apply an extra-mile philosophy in life?............................


14. To what degree do you do what you know you ought to be doing in life? ..............


15. To what degree do you positively manage your personal cash flow?........................


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Page -2Rating Scale: (circle your truth) 1 = Not true of me at all at this stage 2 = Only true of me on rare occasions 3 = True of me on some occasions 4 = True of me on most occasions 5 = True of me on all occasions

16. To what degree do you save and invest for a prosperous life (now and future)?.........


17. To what degree do you positively manage your nutrition (what you eat and drink)?..


18. To what degree do you positively manage your physical exercise?.............................


19. To what degree do you manage your overall health?...................................................


20. To what degree do you truly believe you are worthy of prosperity and success?........


21. To what degree are you proud of your personal relationships?...................................


22. To what degree are you proud of the balance you have with your work life and your personal life?.................................................................................................


Intentional Action I Will Work On!

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DEFINE YOUR INTENTION FOR EACH LIFE ROLE You might be a parent, partner, friend, community volunteer or sports coach along with the roles you undertake in your career – business owner, leader, team member, consultant, lifestyle or business adviser, customer service or sales professional or whatever your role. Why do you do what you do? This is really important to be able to answer and understand. It is your intention (your bigger WHY, your reason and your purpose for doing things) that causes you to feel pride… or not. Your intention will become clear over time to those with whom you come into contact. People get your truth! Therefore your intention is what connects or disengages you in the personal and business relationships you have. It is an inescapable truth that for a prosperous life you need to define your intention for each life role. This next worksheet helps you to define your intention for each life role. To help you define your intention for each life role, you might like to also think about what your wish, or hope, or vision is for each of the people you impact in your life roles – all of these will help you define your intention (your bigger WHY that will drive your actions in each life role).

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #3: Define Your Intention For Each Life Role! People Get Your Truth! Therefore, it's important that you're consciously clear on your truth and your intention for the people you will most often be around in your life roles. Use this worksheet to think about your intentions (your wish, your hope, your vision) for the categories of people you impact in your life roles. List the people in your significant life roles (partner, parent, sibling, children, relations, friends, work colleagues etc.,)

Now, for each person listed, complete the following statement.... "My intention for (person’s name) is......"

Intentional Action!

Reflect on what you've written. Read it out loud, share it with others and get comfortable and confident about being able to genuinely articulate your intention for the people you impact in your life roles.

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CONTROL YOUR INNER VOICE Your inner voice is, of course, what you silently say to yourself. When was the last time you really tuned into those quiet, personal words? Your inner voice will affect how you feel emotionally and physically. And, in turn, how you feel about things influences your decisions and actions. It is therefore an inescapable truth that you need to tune in and take control of being mindfully aware of what your inner voice is telling you, so that you can enjoy a more happy, flourishing and prosperous life. This isn’t to say that you will always be able to ‘control’ what you say or how you feel at any given moment – however, being mindfully aware of what you are saying or feeling allows you to take greater control over your intentional actions. Even if you have negative self-talk, or feel emotionally negative about a certain situation, you can still choose to take intentional actions – because thoughts are just thoughts and feelings are just feelings. This next worksheet provides you with some strategies to be more mindfully aware of what you’re saying to yourself in certain situations and how this can impact on the way you feel about those situations. The key is to always know that regardless of what you’re saying to yourself, or how you’re feeling, you can still take intentional action that is aligned with you living an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous life.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #4: Control Your Inner Voice! Think of a situation where you struggle or feel uncomfortable or don't particularly enjoy....

Make a note here of how you really feel about the situation....

Now try tuning into your inner voice - what are you really saying to yourself about this situation - what are you saying before, during and after that causes you to feel the way you do about it?

Inner Voice Alignment Process: Now to take control and practice inner voice alignment, truthfully answer the following: Is what you are saying to yourself going to support or hinder your prosperity?

 Support  Hinder

If you ticked 'Hinder' answer the following: 1. If you continue to choose to think this way, what is the likely outcome?

2. What alternative ways could you choose to think about this situation, and what might be the likely outcome if you choose to think differently?

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Inner Voice Alignment Process: (Cont)..... 3. If you were giving advice to someone else about what to say about this situation to support them in their prosperity and success, what would you recommend?

4. If it is inescapable that you have the choice, regardless of what you’re saying to yourself, or how you feel about a certain situation to take intentional action, what is really stopping you from choosing to take that intentional action?

5. If you could change for the better what you’re saying to yourself about this situation, what will you now choose to say instead of what you have been saying and what do you know will be the likely outcome?

Intentional Action! Write your new inner voice message on a small index card and carry it around

with you for the next 3 weeks. Remember, it’s just a thought… and you can take intentional action regardless of what you think or feel. Each day, even if the situation doesn't present itself, still read the affirmation out loud to yourself at least 3 times first thing in the morning, then silently to yourself 3 times mid-morning, 3 times at lunch and 3 times mid-afternoon ... and then finally 3 times out loud before you go to sleep each night....Repetition just keeps the affirmation at top of mind for you. Don’t worry if the ‘old’ thought creeps in again – remember it’s just a thought and you can still take intentional action. As the situation does arise, catch yourself living up to your new inner-voice message and when you do, at an appropriate time, stop and congratulate yourself.....pat yourself on the back....feel the positiveness of being in control of your inner voice and the positiveness of the outcomes you achieve.

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DEVELOP INTENTIONAL SUCCESS HABITS We are creatures of habit and often do things as though we are on autopilot. When was the last time you said, or heard someone else say “I can’t believe how fast this year is flying!” When we live our lives unintentionally, mindlessly, on autopilot, we miss many magic moments that help our lives to be more meaningful, happier, more flourishing and prosperous. It is our mindful and intentional actions that have a significant impact on our overall sense of well-being. When might you be just on autopilot? How might this be impacting on your success, relationships, conversations, endeavours or goals? This next worksheet I recommend you complete in two ways. The first is to reflect on a day and try to remember all that you did. The second is to complete the activity in ‘real time’ – every hour on the hour through a day in your life, make note of what you’re doing, and determine how often you’re on auto-pilot and how often you’re mindfully and intentionally taking action.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #5: Develop Intentional Success Habits! This exercise is a 'real play' process. Select a specific day over the last week and try to remember as much as you can about what you did during the day. The more specific you can be, the more value you will get from the exercise (include personal time [within reason]), personal distractions, work distractions, time spent on social media, coffee breaks, phone calls etc): 6:00am to 7:00am

7:00am to 8:00am

8:00am to 9:00am

9:00am to 10:00am

10:00am to 11:00am

11:00am to 12:00noon

12:00noon to 1:00pm

1:00pm to 2:00pm

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Intentional Success Habits Exercise (Cont)..... 2:00pm to 3:00pm

3:00pm to 4:00pm

4:00pm to 5:00pm

5:00pm to 6:00pm

6:00pm to 7:00pm

After 7:00pm

Intentional Action! Now honestly looking back over this day, how many of your 'habits' are really goal obstructing exit ramps and how many are goal supporting pathways? Once you've identified any exit ramps, what will you do to help 'catch' yourself from taking the exit ramp(s) in the future? What new habits will you replace the old habit with? And how will you make sure to keep the goal supporting pathways open?

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SET INTENTIONAL ASPIRATIONAL GOALS Humans are aspirational goal-seeking beings. We have a tendency to want things that seem out of reach.

These can be personal or business, or material or non-material goals. However, because all humans have this innate drive to seek aspirational goals, if you are not directing your energy towards the pursuit of those goals which match your real intention (whether in your daily personal or business life), you will feel as though there is something missing. This will then make it difficult for you to live a happy, flourishing and prosperous life. Your goal might be to pursue personal growth so that you can be the best person you can possibly be in each life role. Or your goal could be even more diverse and challenging. However, it is an inescapable truth that you need to pursue ‘intentional aspirational goals’ in order to live a prosperous life.

Use this next worksheet to help you set intentional aspirational goals. Even if you’ve already got your goals written down, or even if you don’t think you need to write them down, I recommend (and so does almost all literature on managing goal achievement) that you do write them down and then use the BASICS of intentional aspirational goal achievement to help you pursue and achieve your goals.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #6: Pursue Intentional Aspirational Goals! The BASICS of Intentional Aspirational Goal Achievement Worksheet: 1.

Build intentional aspirational goals: "By/From

(date) I will (verb) (goal) !"


2. ffirm value: Why is this goal important to you? What's your intention for the people you will affect as you pursue and achieve this goal?


Set the plan: What are your specific strategies and actions you will implement to achieve this goal?

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The BASICS of Intentional Aspirational Goal Achievement Worksheet: (Cont)


4. nvest in your personal growth: What skills, knowledge or attributes will you need to develop to help you achieve this goal?

Intentional Action! Now that you've got clarity with this goal, step 5 is to Complete known

actions - get stuff done.....and to then implement step 6 which is to Study and evaluate your results and learning....apply this checklist to help you..... 

Where am I up to in progressing toward achieving this goal?

Is this goal still a high priority for me in?

Am I continually affirming value in this goal?

What am I not doing now, that if I did it, would help me to move closer to achieving this goal?

Am I feeling happy and positive about what I am doing?

Am I engaged and focused on what I am doing?

Is what I am doing helping me to forge stronger intentional trust relationships?

Am I finding a sense of meaning and purpose from what I am doing?

Am I experiencing a sense of achievement as I pursue this intentional aspirational goal?

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BUILD INTENTIONAL TRUST RELATIONSHIPS If you consider the times when you have felt the happiest in your life it will more than likely have been in the company of others. You don’t get trust, you earn it, and it is an inescapable truth for a prosperous life that you need to constantly do what needs to be done, living up to the promises you make to yourself and others, and to build intentional trust relationships in your personal and business life. This next worksheet will help you become more mindful of the impact of your intentions on building intentional trust relationships (with yourself and with others).

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #7: Build Intentional Trust Relationships! For this exercise, choose a person you impact through your life role(s). ________________________________________ What is your intention for this person?

What are the expectations and promises that you have with this person? (include what they promise and you expect from them as well as what you promise and they expect from you):

To what degree do you believe the current actions reflect the promises and expectations and your intention?  Low Moderate  High Why?

To what degree do you believe the current level of results reflect the promises and expectations and your intention?  Low Moderate  High Why?

Intentional Action! Reflect on what you've written. The level of trust you earn in your relationships is based on your intentions, your promises, expectations, actions and results. Make adjustments where necessary to help you to earn even higher levels of intentional trust in your relationships.....take stock of your truth!

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DEVELOP A THIRST FOR INTENTIONAL LEARNING If you are not learning, you are not growing and if you are not growing, you are stagnating . How could that make anyone happy? You’re never too young or too old to learn and a thirst for learning is an inescapable truth for a prosperous life. This next worksheet will help you discover opportunities to feed your personal creativity by getting you to think about your life roles and the skills, knowledge and attributes needed to be at your personal best.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #8: Develop A Thirst For Intentional Learning! This exercise is a combination of self-reflection and intentional planning. Select one of your life roles (for example it might be your work role, your role as a parent, a partner, a friend). If you were hiring someone to replace you in this role, what are the top 3 skills that this person would need to do an outstanding job? 1.









If you were hiring someone to replace you in this role, what are the top 3 things they would need to know (thought leadership) to do an outstanding job? 1.









If you were hiring someone to replace you in this role, what are the top 3 attributes they would need to possess (other than skills or knowledge) to do an outstanding job? 1.









Now, for each of these, being as honest as you will allow yourself to be, how would you rate your own level of 'mastery' (1=low 10=high)?

Intentional Action!

Reflect on what you've written. How are you currently taking the personal accountability to pursue intentional learning that will help you to increase your mastery in this role? What else could you do? Who else could help you in your pursuit of intentional learning?

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MAKE INTENTIONAL CHOICES AND ACTIONS You can choose to change your life in the blink of an eye.

Life is rich with examples of ordinary people who have made simple decisions to bring about change in their lives. They choose to stop smoking. They choose to become a better person. They boost their fitness and commit to a better diet through choice. And they get things done by choice. It is an inescapable truth that you will need to make intentional, wise decisions to live a happy, flourishing and prosperous life. This final worksheet in your personal workbook on applying the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths for a Prosperous Life will help you review how well you’re currently living an intentional life based on the 9 Inescapable Truths.

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Applying the Intentionomics® Blueprint Inescapable Truth #9: It's Your Intentional Choice! The questions on this worksheet provide you with the opportunity to clarify your understanding and to reflect on the level to which you believe you are implementing the Intentionomics Blueprint - 9 inescapable truths for a prosperous life. Scale: 1=low 10=high

Inescapable Truth #1: I have clearly defined what a prosperous life means for me and what it would be like?

Inescapable Truth #2: I am aware of my truth and have a clear

understanding of and currently working on developing specific areas to develop my personal character?

Inescapable Truth #3: I have thought about the people I directly and indirectly impact through my life roles and I can now clearly and confidently articulate my intention for them?

1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10


Inescapable Truth #4: I am consciously aware and in control of my inner voice and the impact that my inner voice is having on my feelings, actions, habits and success?

Inescapable Truth #5: I can clearly articulate the intentional success

habits I need to develop in my life roles and the habits that I need to replace?

Inescapable Truth #6: I have personally set intentional aspirational life goals to help me live a more happy, flourishing and prosperous life?

Inescapable Truth #7: I am consciously and intentionally taking

action to earn trust with the people I impact either directly or indirectly in my work role?

Inescapable Truth #8: I can demonstrate my thirst for intentional learning?

Inescapable Truth #9: I am confident that the choices and decisions I am currently making will help me create an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous work life?


1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10

1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10

Intentional Action! Draw a line vertically to connect your scores.

Wherever you scored less than ten, there is opportunity for you to create an even more happy, flourishing and prosperous life!

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Additional Notes:

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Congratulations on taking the intentional action of completing the exercises in this workbook. If don’t already have your own personal copy of the book Intentionomics I recommend you grab a copy now at or visit your favourite on-line book store. I trust you’ve gained value from this workbook on the Intentionomics Blueprint of 9 Inescapable Truths for a Prosperous Life, and if you have, please share our website with your on-line and off-line community (friends, family and colleagues). I hope to meet you soon, either on line or in person. My very best to you for now

David Penglase


2 9529 6201

Email: [email protected] INTENTIONOMICS PO Box 438 Sans Souci NSW 2219 AUSTRALIA

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