due to SarcQPhagzimelanura (Higlicophcrgella - J-Stage

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A case of myiasis due to SarcQPhagzimelanura. (Diptera:Sarcophagidae)in a patient suffering from pontine infarction. YuichiCHiGusAi),SatoruKAwAii),Masashi ...
The JapanSociety The Japan Society

of Medical Medical Entomology Entomology and and Zoology Zoology


Vol,48 (Med,Entomol.ZeoL



Research Note


due to SarcQPhagzi melanura Sarcophagidae)in a patient (Diptera: suffering from pontine infarction


of myiasis

Yuichi CHiGusAi),Satoru KAwAii),Masashi KiRiNoKii), Hajime MATsuDAi) and Kouichi MoRiTA2)・3) Departmentofnfedicat Zoology,Doleleyo[lhiversitySchootofMbdicine, vabu,Tochigi, 321-02 ]mpan 2) DopartmentofRespiraton, Mledicine,Dolekyo Lhiiversity, Koshigtiya Hbspital, Koshigaya,Saitama,343 fopan 3) Mbrita IVIziha Ctinic, Kcxsuleabe,Saitama,344 lttpan ']

26 February 1997;Accepted:28 March (Received: Key

words:SarcQphaga nosa,





infarction, tetraplegia, Rseudomonas


have already reported four occurred in March 1984. Thereafter,he cases of myiasis involving the families had suffered an attack of unstable angina Sarcophagidaeand Calliphoridae. These and cardiac infarction in April 1988. Newere due to SarcophagnPeregnna (Japa- crosis of the left lower leg, probably nese name: senchi-nikubae) and S. similis caused by arteriosclerosis obliterans name: nami-nikubae) et (Japanese had developed2 years prior to this (Chigusa (ASO), al., 1994), and Lucz'tiasericata (Japanese occurrence of myiasis. The bacteria name: hirozu-kinbae)and L. illustris (Japa- domonas aerttginosa and Pbeoteusmirabilis nese name: rnidori-kinbae) et al. were detected in the necrotic (Chigusa lesion.More 1996). than 10 milky white dipteranlarvae were This time, we encountered a case of found in the lesion on July7, 1996. The wound myiasis in which the host patient maggots, 5mm long, were initiallyidenhad been suffering from tetraplegiadue to tified as 2nd instarlarvae of the family Sarcophagidae from theirdistinctivepospontine infarctionfor 12 years. The causative maggot in this case was identified as teriorspiracle. Sarcophagzz melanura The larvae collected (Japanesename: were definitively shiriguro-nikubae), making this the third identifiedas 2nd instarlarvae of Sarcophunequivocal report of human myiasis in melanura) aga melanura (Higlicophcrgella the world and Koshimizu, 1955; Miya1826) (Ito based on the morpholog(Meigen, moto et al. 1996). icalcharacteristics of the cephalopharynsclerite 1A), geal (Fig. and anterior (Fig.1B) CASE PRESENTATION and posterior(Fig. IC) spiracles. The



The patient, a 66-year-oldman livingin Kasukabe City,Saitama Prefecture,had a 12-year history of tetraplegia, speech impediment and bilateralcentral facialparalwhich had ysis due to pontine infarction,

DIscussloN The bases of onset necrotic lesion such enocarcinoma


for as al.,




due to ad1981), squam-

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The JapanSoclety The Japan Society

of Medical Entomology andZoology and Zoology


Med. EntomoL ZooL


(Kouya and 1979) and buchi and

Ueno, 1977; Hasegawa et al. traurnaor surgical wound (KineIkemura, 1972;Khan and Khan,


Greenberg (1984), Chigusa and Sugiet aL (1994) have and Chigusa yama (1987) indicated that debilitatedpersons, persons cannot drive away fiiesby themwho selves, such as neonates and patientswho are mentally disturbed or in a comatose state are predisposed to fall victim to myihave asis. Moreover, Chigusa et al. (1996) out that not only elderly or debilpointed itatedpersons, but also those with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, should be protected from fiies, because of dirninishedsensitivitheir autism and/or ty, which may make it easy for fiiesto deposit eggs or larvae on the patients' body surface or orifices. The present patient had been suffering from tetraplegia, i.e.unable to change his posture by himself, since suffering a pontine infarctionin March 1984. Therefore, he was at risk of exposure to myiasis, a$ indicated above. Additional factorsfor predisposition to myiasis in the veterinary fieldhave been studied by several investigators {Wattset al. 1979; Gherardi et al. 1981; Gherardi et al. 1983). These are dermatophi!osis,an actinomycotic diseasecaused by DermatoPhiluscongolense, and bacterialfieecerot, a superficial dermatitisinduced by moisture and

bacterial proliferation on the skin, re-


Fig.1. The anterior

of ous





posterior spiracle

(A), (C)



(Hasegawaet al., 1979;


Shitara, 1989)



cell carcinoma







fleece(Gherardi et al. 1981). Fleece rot is by Rseudomonas caused predominantly aeruginosa (Wattset al., 1979). The present patient's necrotic lesionof the leg was contaminated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Roteus mirabilis. Gherardi et al. suggested that dermatophilosis and (1983) in atfleece rot interact synergistically tracting blowfiiesand their subsequent Therefore,itisassumed that oviposition. atwas the fly, SarcQPhaga melanura, through the tracted to the leg lesion synergistic effects of the presence of the and bacteria



their metabolites. emphasize



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The Japan The Japan Society Sooiety of Medioal Medical Entomology Entomology and and  Zoology Zoology  of

Vol.48   No .2  1997


 pay  special


patients  are  bacteria .






 to myiasis







Japan.ハ厘敏 ’α 福 2dL/1, 93:612−614 (inJapanese >.   ture, Ito,  S .  and  D ,  Koshimizu (1955) Acase  of  intestinal   J.   Tohyo  Wom   myiasis .

’ s Med


Coll. ,25: 133 − 136



in Japanese),  (



Kani ,  A .  O .  Nakamura ,  H .  Ono  K .  Nagase ,  T .  Totani , , T , Morishita           K . Kouya and S . Iwata , 1981)Acase   ( ,

   Sat− are  particularly grateful  to  Dr .


Medical ZQology Tokyo Medical and Dental Uni − versity  for his  valuable  guidance  with  fly identification  and  sincere  encouragement .   also   wish   to  thank  Ms ,   Yuko   Morita We                                    ジ Dokkyo   University   School  of   Medicine for her assistance  with  management  of  the oshi











patient .

 of     of  myiasis  for papillary adenocarcinoma parotid − .   Acta   De gland η natoL Kyoto 76 : 173 177 .   ( ) , Khan ,  M .  A .  J.  and  R .    Khan J. (1985 ) Phor7nia 7   勿 α

Meigen )(Diptera:Calliphoridae  a  causative  agent ,  ( )   of   urogenital   myiasis   of   an   infant  in  Karachi,  Sanit  ZooL, 36 : 271−274 .   Pakistan .ノPn, /. Kinebuchi,  S .  and  L Ikemura 1972 ) Myiasis.   fpn,  f, ( − in Japanese). ,26 331 339 (   Clin.1)ermatol . Kouya ,M ,And A .Ueno (1977 ) Acase of human of a patient suffering from basal cell carci −   myiasis Tokyo ),19 : 465 −468 (in   noma .   Rinsho Derma .( .   Japanese) Miyamoto ,  K .  S .  Shinonaga ,  M .  Iwasa ,  T .  Takahashi 、 and A .Nunomura (1996 ) Two cases of facultative   myiasis   due   to   Genus   Sarco Case   reports . ρhaga   − Med . Entomol .Zool.   ,47 :179 181, Shitara cell carcinoma ,A . (1989)Acase of squamous with myiasis . Rinsho Derma .(Tokyo ), 311842 −843   in Japanese) .  ( Watts,工 E . ,  M .  D ,  Murray  and  N .  P .  H .  Graham ( 1979 〕 ;































































  The  blowfly  strike  probiem  of  sheep

in New




,55 :325−334.  Wales .Aust.Vet. J.  



脳 梗塞患 者 に 発生 した           に よ る ハ



  千 種 雄 一 〕 川 合   覚 ) 桐 木 雅 史 1) 1} 2 3       松 田   肇 守 田 浩 一 )・) 1




      獨 協 医 科 大 学 医 動 物学 教 室 (〒 321 −02 栃 木 県 下 都 賀 郡 壬 生 町北 小 林 880 ) 2     }獨 協 医科 大 学 越 谷 病 院 呼 吸 器 内 科      (〒 343 越 谷 市 南越 谷 2− 1−50 ) 3} 守 田 内科 医院 (〒 344 春 日 部 市 南 2 −6−27 )





 K .  G ,  John− ,




Gherardi,  S .  G .  N .  Monzu  S .  S .  Suther 【 , and son   and   G .   M .   Robertson  association 1981 The   ( ) of sheep  between body strike and dermatophilosis under   controlled   conditions . ノ lust .   Vet . . ,   ノ 57 ;268−   271 . Gherardi,  S.   G.  S ,  S ,  Sutherland  N ,  Monzu  and  K .  G . , , Johnson 1983 Field   observations   on     ( ) body strike   affected with dermatophilosis and 且eece −   in sheep − rot . Aust . レ et , L , 60 : 27 28 .   ノ Greenberg,B .(1984 ) Two cases of human myiasis − by Phaenicia s 万 ’ ( Diptera: Calliphor   caused idae in Chicago ) area hospitals.ノl Med , Entomol .   ,   21: 615 . Hasegawa ,H . H. Sekikawa , K. , Oka and M .Hosokawa 1979 }Acase  of  human  myiasis  in Niigata 一  Prefec  (  




due  to Lucilia sericata  and   Med .   Entomol , Diptera: Calliphoridae ,  五 .班 μ5 屠 8 ( )   Zool . ,47 : 73 − 76 ,   cases  of  wQund



Chigusa,  Y .  and  K .  Sugiyama 1987)Acase  report  of ( − due to Phaeniciasericata ( Diptera: Calli   myiasis .ノニAichi ノ吻 4,こfniv.Assoc.   phoridae ) ,15 655 −658 in Japanese with  English sunlmary ,  ( ) Chigusa,Y . ,K ,Tanaka ,H .Yokoi,H .Matsuda ,Y . Y. Ikadatsu and K . Baba (1994 ) Two cases   Sasaki, of   Qtomyiasis   caused   by   Sarcophaga  peregrina and   S . similis Diptera : Sarcophagidae .Jpn,∫ Sanit.   ( >   Zoot. ,45 153 − 157 . Chigusa,  Y .  M .   Kirinoki,  H .   Yokoi ,  H .   Matsuda ,  K , ,  A ,  Yanadori and  S .  Yamazaki 1996) Two   Okada , 〔  
















 埼 玉 県 春 日 部 市 在 住 の 66 歳 の 男 性患者 の 膚潰瘍 部 に 発 生

した シ リグロ

告 し た .同患 者 は 昭 和 59 年 に 麻 痺 の 状 態 で ,今 回 の

 mirabilis と Pleoteus


に よ るハ

8年 7 月7

症 は 平成


bi検 出 さ れ


症 を発生 させ 易 くした

症 を報

脳 梗 塞 に 罹 患 し以 来 四 肢

した.発生 部位の 細菌学 的検索 で は


左下 腿 の 皮

日に 発生



緑 膿菌感

可能性 が 示唆 され



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