Effect of Fermented Product trom Bacillus subtilis on

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buffalo. ABSTRACT : This study investigated the effects of fermented product from Bacillus subtilis (FPBS) on feed .... Values reported represent 15 chicks ISD. ?

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Effect of Fermented Product trom Bacillus subtilis on Feed Conversion Efficiency, Lipid Accumulation and Ammonia Production in Broiler Chicks






U. Santosor, K. Tanaka*. S. Ohtanir and trI. Snkaidal [-aboatoriur]r

cit."- in






NII I-N vali\.es,

of A:titnal


l'his sltrdl inreslilt!1"'d Ihe !'lJicts ol- llnncnr(l pr(xl,rcr lronr

of FPBS as lhc conlrol and

bul ilrlo.

o[ Biorcsourc.'s and Bioproducrion. Cradrnrc School Hokkaido Univcrsirv. Sapporo 060 0E09, Japan

NLrtrition, Division

2001. VoL 11, N'o.




othc'r' thrce

1l rcr11as

of Asricultruc

srrbri/ir fFPBS) ()n 1cc,:l convcrsion

lrouPs NerL' 1e(l conrnrL'rciitl rlicis r'nraining FPBS. eiiIcr 0.-5, L0 or





Reccntly, thcrc is grcutcr A$rArcness an,onl]!:i consumcrs conccnring dictarr fat anri its advcrsc cffccis on hunan hcalth. In ordci (o consLnrc nrcat with lorvcr fat contcnt, consulllcn tcnd lo consuntc nrcat of broilcrs slaughtcrccl lll loLrngcr agcs (28 dal,s of age). Horvcvcr-, ccononric rctunrs arc lorvcr as comparcd to convcnlienill slaLrghtcr 1t.12 dlvs oi agtr (Sanloso ct al , i998). Thcrcforc. an rr.nrpr shoLrlci ir.' nrade lo inrprovc ptocluction bl itnprovirtr lced convcrsion cliicicncy ancl bclclr rvcight r'ain at y,ourrgcr agcs ibcforc 42 da),s). Althorrgh rt an carly agc broilcr chicks raiscd ir a u,inclorvlcss l:ousc prorlucccl lcss aruronia gas lltan at latc: agc (Nishilurtra, 199-1), lhc conccD(mliol is still highcr thtn thc silic lcvcl. Wilaya (2000) statcd that anrnolrir al 20 ppnr rcduccd body wcight arld fccd convcrsion cfficicncy. Thcrcforc, a lower ammonia gas releasc is ngcdcd. Previous cxperimcnrs sho*,ed that thc inciusion of microorganisms in thc diets improved fecd convenion efficjency (Jirapochakul et al., 1990; Santoso et al., 1995) and reducod fat accumulation of broilcr chicks


Address reprint reqresl 1o K. Tanaka. Tel & Fax: +81l-70b-2470. L.-mail: [email protected] ac.jp. ' Depaflmenr oI Animal Science. Faculr) of Agricullure. I

Bengkulu UniveNity, Indonesia.

- Department of Animal Science and Technology, oI Agricukure. Cifu Univenity, Jepan.


' Japan Biotics Company. Received May 10, 2000; Accepred November 17, 2OO0

r1 .11 (la!s oI agc (Slnritso ct al., 1995; Tanlka c( lrl., l99t ) Sanlos.r cl al. (1999) sl,orvcci that fccding driccl

Batillus subtilis cullLue al 0-5% irclusioo lcvcl thc rclcasc of antmonia gas. Thc prcscnt stutlv, thcrcfbrc, invcstigalccl Ihc cflcct of comrncrcial li'rnrcrttcd prorluct fronr llatillus subtilis (FPBS) on


fccd convcrsion cflicicrrcv, l'at accurlulaiion anrnoria gau rclcasc al 18 Cal's of agc


MATERIALS AND METHODS Fcmalc broilcr chicks (strair Clrunky) Lrscrl in rhis a cornnrcrcial hatclrcry. At 7 da)s of agc, thcy \!,crc \!,cighcd indivi(lrrall\', and sixl] b:oilcr chicks rvcrc sclcctccl, u,int-blndcd, ranclon-,ly slLr(ly wcrc obtaincrl fronr

disrribulcd to lbrlr lrcatllcnl groups and raiscd in incliviclual cagcs. From I la 14 da_vs of agc, supplcrncntal bcat rvas providcd, and Ihcrcaflcr thc room lcmpcraturc was kcpl at 221 2t \r,ith (he lighl on from 08:00 to 20;00. Thc chicks were raiscd to 28 days of agc in individual cages. Onc group was fcd a commercial diet without supplementation of FPBS as the control, and thc othcr thrcc groups rvere fed contmercial dicts supplcmcntcd with eithcr 0.5, 1.0 or 1.0% oi' FPBS for' 2i ciays from 7 to 28 days of age. Commcrcial FPBS was produced by fermenting the media using Bacll/as sabtills, dricd, ground and pelleted. Water and. feed were fed ad. libitwn. Body weight was individually measured on a wcekly basis. The composition of diets is presented in table L



At the end of the experimertal period (28 day of of each group were killed, and livers and weighed. Five gram of liver was were removed placcd in icc-cold salinc to mcasure thc activitics of age), ten chicks

lipogenic enzymes, and the remainder of the liver was frozen arrd srored at -30C for thc analysis of various

lipid fractioi's. Bioc