Effects of boron, calcium and magnesium foliar ...

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Imre VÁGÓ – Andrea BALLA KOVÁCSPéter Tamás NAGY. University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, Hungary. Department of Agricultural ...
VI. Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop

Obervellach, Austria 2007.

EFFECTS OF BORON, CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM FOLIAR FERTILIZATION ON APPLE (MALUS DOMESTICA) YIELDS Imre VÁGÓ – Andrea BALLA KOVÁCS – Péter Tamás NAGY University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, Hungary Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science H-4015 Debrecen, P. O. Box 36. E-mail: [email protected] Introduction The potential yield of plants can only be achieved, if we ensure a proper mezo- and microelement supply in addition to the major nutrients (Kincses et al., 2002). Boron is one of the most important micronutrients for plants (Borchmann, 1975). Its peculiarity is that (differently from most of the microelements, but similarly to molybdenum) it can be found in the soil and in the plant as an anion (Bergmann and Neubert, 1976). Among the microelements, boron has the greatest effect on the yield quality and quantity of plants (Mengel, 1984). If it is not available in the necessary amount and form, then problems can be detected in flower formation and fertilization, furthermore, carbohydrate and lipid formation is also inhibited. As a secondary consequence, the strength of cell walls also decreases (Mirkó, 1978) which increases the susceptibility of the plant to diseases (mainly to those caused by microorganisms). Calcium has a significant influence on the characteristics of plasma colloids and their osmotic potential. It promotes longitudinal growth and cell division in meristematic tissues (Pepó and Gyıri, 2005). It has a specific effect on cell elongation and differentiation, it influences the structure and permeability of cell membranes (Pepó et al., 2005). Magnesium has an important role primarily as a constituent of chlorophyll, when it is deficient, photosynthetic activity is reduced. In addition, it has a significant effect on phosphorilation and carbon-dioxide assimilation as an enzyme activator, it participates in the processes of glycolysis, citric acid cycle and nitrogen metabolism (Loch and Nosticzius, 1992). Apple, similarly to other dicotyledonous horticultural and field crops, requires boron for normal development and fruit formation. It is especially valid for crops produced for sugar and starch content. In winter apple, calcium and magnesium supply is also important in addition to that of boron, since the deficiency or improper ratio of these elements can reduce yield and storability (Holb and Heijne, 2001). In Hungary, in the Nyírség region, apple is grown on a significant area in spite of the reducing trend of the last 15 years, mainly on acidic soils with low buffer capacity and poor or medium nutrient supply (Gonda, 2006). In these soils, calcium and magnesium supply should receive special attention in addition to boron supply. When selecting the method of fertilization, it should be considered that large applied amounts of lime might have a negative effect on yields (Holb et al, 2003). A further problem in the technology is that tree crops can uptake the mezo- and micronutrients applied to the soil only partially and after a relatively longer way (Gonda, 2003). A possible alternative is the application of water-soluble nutrients as a leaf fertilizer. The advantage of this method is, in addition to the practically immediate availability of nutrients, that the losses in the soil due to binding and leaching can be avoided. 1261

DOI: 10.1556/CRC.35.2007.2.274

Vol. 35, No. 2, 2007

Cereal Research Communications

Materials and methods The experiment was carried out in a six-year apple (Malus domestica) orchard with cv. ‘Golden Spur’ on humus sandy – sandy loam soil in Nagykálló in eastern Hungary, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The visible colour of the soil was heterogenous, therefore, the size of the control and treated plots was selected to be 250 m2 with 14 trees per plot. The ammonium lactate – acetic acid soluble (AL-soluble) nutrient content of the experimental soils are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Basic soil parameters No. of micro-









(mg kg )

(mg kg )

(mg kg )

(mg kg-1)





















The calcium and magnesium supply of the soil was poor to medium, the pH value was acidic. No liming has been performed for amelioration for a longer period due to financial reasons, however, in every second year 200 kg ha-1 residual lime from beet sugar production is applied. The long-term general fertilization practice is: 34 kg ha-1 N, 10 kg ha-1 P2O5 and 24.5 kg ha-1 K2O. The hot water soluble boron content of the soil is also heterogenous ranging between 0.39 µg ha-1 and 0.56 µg ha-1. 56 trees were included per treatment that is a total of 392 trees were sprayed. The total experimental area was 6930 m2 (approximately 0.7 ha). For enabling statistical evaluation, all treatments were performed in 4 replications. There was a row for isolation between the treated rows, so that the high-pressure spray application could not reach the trees of a different treatment. Treatments were applied three times with 400 l ha-1 spray volume (water was used in the control). Accordingly, the total amount of sprayed nutrients per ha was 2.4 kg boron, 3.6 kg calcium and 12 kg magnesium. In addition to the control, six treatments and treatment combinations were applied. Treatments were as listed in Table 2.


VI. Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop

Obervellach, Austria 2007.

Table 2: Treatments of winter apple cv. ‘Golden spur’ in Nagykálló Treatment B Ca No. Applied compound 1

Control (water)





0.2 kg/100 l (0.2 %)








0.3 kg/100 l (0.3 % )






1.0 kg/100 l (1.0 %)



0.3 kg/100 l (0.3 %)




0.2 kg/100 l (0.2 %) 0.2 kg/100 l (0.2 %)




--0.3 kg/100 l (0.3 %)

1.0 kg/100 l (1.0 %) 1.0 kg/100 l (1.0 %)

Results and discussions At harvest, total yield and the diameter of apple fruits were measured. Results are presented in Table 3. Table 3. Apple yield (t ha-1) and fruit diameter (mm) Treatment Yield Fruit diameter (t ha-1) (mm) Control (water) 30.3 78.2 Solubor 32.9 83.7 Ca(NO3)2 31.7 76.7 MgSO4 34.7 77.5 Solubor+Ca(NO3)2 37.6 74 Solubor+MgSO4 32.4 76 Ca(NO3)2+MgSO4 33.6 74 Average 33.3 77.2 F value, significance 10.31*** 3.3+ SD 5% 1.9 4.1 *** significant at P = 0.1 % + significant at P = 10.0 % The highest yield was achieved by the combined application of boron and calcium. The obtained yield was 7.3 t ha-1 higher than that of the control. This can be explained by the synergistic effect of boron and calcium as also observed earlier (Vágó 2004). Most of the treatments reduced fruit size as compared to the control, although boron treatment alone increased fruit size. The observed phenomenon needs further investigation. Conclusions Summing up, it can be stated about foliar boron fertilization under field conditions, that the combined application of sodium-octaborate (borax) and calcium-nitrate increased the apple yield by the highest amount on humus sandy soil with low boron


DOI: 10.1556/CRC.35.2007.2.274

Vol. 35, No. 2, 2007

Cereal Research Communications

content. Our results reconfirm, that the best yields are obtained under harmonic nutrient supply. Acknowledgements Research was carried out from the financial support provided by the National Scientific Research Fund (OTKA T 043410). References Bergmann, W. – Neubert, P. (1976): Pflanzendiagnose und Pflanzenanalyse. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. Borchmann, W. (1975): Aufgaben und Ergebnisse der Mikronährstoff-Forschung im Wissenschaft-bereich Pflanzenernährung und Düngung. Teil I. Mikronährstoff Bor. Wiss. Zeitschrift der Universität, math.-naturwiss. Reihe. Rostock. 24. (7). 859-863. El Hallof, N. – Sárvári, M. (2005): Relationship between fertilization, leaf area index, photo-synthetic activity and yield of hybrids. Cereal Research Communications. 33.(1). 181-185. Gonda, I. (2003): Production technology and fruit tree nutrition. International Journal of Horticultural Science. 9. (2). 39-42. Gonda, I. (szerk.) (2006): Mi lesz veled magyar alma?! Interaktív Szaktanácsadási Nap kiadványa. Debreceni Egyetem, 114 p. Holb, I.J. – Heijne, B. (2001): Evaluating primary scab control in organic apple production. European Journal of Horticultural Science - Gartenbauwissenschaft 66 (5). 254-261. Holb, I.J. – Jong, de P.F. – Heijne, B. (2003): Efficacy and phytotoxicity of lime sulphur in organic apple production. Annals of Applied Biology 142 (2). 225-233. Kincses, S.-né – Filep, T. – Loch, J. (2002): Az NPK-trágyázás hatása a kukorica tápelem-felvételének dinamikájára, öntözött és nem öntözött viszonyok között. Agrártudományi Közlemények. 1. 23-28. Kincses, S.-né (2004): Az NPK-trágyázás hatása a búza és kukorica makro- és mikroelemfelvételére öntözött és nem öntözött viszonyok között. PhD Thesis. Debrecen. Loch, J. – Nosticzius, Á.: Agrokémia és növényvédelmi kémia. Mezıgazda Kiadó, Budapest. Mengel, K. (1984): Ernährung und Stoffwechsel der Pflanze. 6. Auflage. Verlag Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Mirkó, L. (1978): A mikroelem-tartalom, a talajtulajdonság és a növények mikroelemfelvételének néhány összefüggése. Kandidátusi értekezés, Debrecen. (in Hungarian) Nagy, P.T. – Racskó, J. – Vágó, I. – Holb, I.J. (2006): Effect of different groundcover matter on nitrogen and sulphur content of soil and leaf in an apple orchard in Eastern Hungary. Cereal Research Communications 34 (1). 585-588. Pepó, Péter – Gyıri, Z. (2005): A Study of the Yield Stability of Winter Wheat Varieties - Cereal Research Communications. 33. (4). 769 Pepó, Péter – Sipos, P. – Gyıri, Z. (2005): Effects of Fertilizer Application on the Baking Quality of Winter Wheat Varieties in a Long Term Experiment under Continental Climatic Conditions in Hungary - Cereal Research Communications. 33. (4) 825 Vágó I. (2004): Növények tápelem és toxikus elem felvételének tanulmányozása tenyész-edényben és szabadföldön. Habilitációs értekezés. Debrecen. 1264