Emergency care in general practice Nicotine patches - Europe PMC

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*Measurements in Brighton were taken in September 1986. tlncluding London, but excluding old mining areas. Source for dust and soil samples: ref 4. Dietary ...
Geometric mean lead content in house dust and soil samples in Britain in 1982* and estimated proportions of children aged under 6years with raised blood lead concentrations

Emergency care in general practice

Estimated % of children with blood lead

EDITOR,-Andrew Dicker's assertion that "there is an urgent need for a nationwide reactive and effective emergency service, staffed by properly Mean value in national surveyt 26-9 05 561 266 trained paramedics, to respond to medical emer5-36 900 13-14 100 Range 55-5 39 London 1010 654 gencies at home" encouraged us to collate and 5-36 900 60-13 700 Range analyse some relevant data that we have been 21-1 0-3 Birmingham 424 313 collecting.' We wrote to all chief ambulance officers 1870 97 5610 50-1 Derbyshire: old mining villages in the United Kingdom seeking their views on 606-7020 1180-22100 Range Brighton houses: tertiary education for paramedics. To date, 44 1874 81-1 14-5 Built 1870-1919 1014 (86%) of 51 have responded. Forty supported the 241 131 8-3 10 I g/dl

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